Crown Pleas: 10 Henry III - 12 Henry III (nos 37 - 52)

The London Eyre of 1244. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1970.

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'Crown Pleas: 10 Henry III - 12 Henry III (nos 37 - 52)', in The London Eyre of 1244, ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 12 January 2025].

'Crown Pleas: 10 Henry III - 12 Henry III (nos 37 - 52)', in The London Eyre of 1244. Edited by Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed January 12, 2025,

"Crown Pleas: 10 Henry III - 12 Henry III (nos 37 - 52)". The London Eyre of 1244. Ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 12 January 2025.

10 Henry III - 12 Henry III (nos 37–52)

37. Anno regni regis Henrici filii regis Johannis decimo terminata fuerunt placita circiter festum Sancti Georgii et post terminum ilium fuerunt vicecomites Martinus filius Willelmi et Rogerus le Duc per dimidium annum. (fn. 1) Et ante terminum ilium fuerunt vicecomites per annum et dimidium de quo tempore responderunt coram justiciariis et modo venit Willelmus filius Rogeri et Johannes Viel junior et respondent pro eis qui obierunt, et Johannes la Persone respondit pro Thoma de Blumville qui tunc fuit camerarius et obiit, et dicunt quod anno decimo die medie quadragesime quidam infans inventus fuit submersus in quodam puteo. Nullus inde malecreditur. Judicium infortunium. Et Stephanus le Cohere pater predicti infantis et Elena mater eius fuerunt attachiati pro morte illa et Stephanus mortuus est et ideo nichil de eo. Elena non venit et fuit attachiata per Thomam de Cornhulle (fn. 2) monetarium, Walterum de Ballivo monetarium, Stephanum Ruffum monetarium, Henricum de Cant' monetarium, Alanum . . . le Fundour, Walterum Heved, Willelmum de [? Kyngham] parmentarium, Ricardum Blundumtanur, Thomam . . . ter colier. Ideo omnes in misericordia. Et vicini attachiati pro morte illa mortui sunt et eorum plegii similiter. Ideo nichil de eis. Et maior (fn. 2) et barones dicunt quod nullum debent presentare inventorem. Et quia predictus camerarius et ipsi qui respondent pro vicecomitibus nesciuntutrum (fn. 2) predictus infans fuit masculus vel feminaculus, ideo in misericordia. (fn. 3)

Respice in tergo.

In 10 Henry III the pleading ended about the feast of St. George [23 April 1226], and after that date Martin fitz William and Roger le Duc were sheriffs for half a year, and before it they were sheriffs for a year and a half, for which term they answered before the justices. And now come William son of Roger and John Viel, junior, and answer for those who have died, and John la Persone answers for Thomas de Blumville, who was then chamberlain, and has died; and they say that in the tenth year at mid-Lent [21 March 1227] an infant was found drowned in a pit. No one is suspected of the death. Judgment: misadventure. Stephen le Cohere, father of the child, and Ellen its mother, were attached for the death. Stephen has died, therefore nothing from him. Ellen does not come, and she was attached by Thomas of Cornhill, moneyer, Walter of the Bailey, moneyer, Stephen Ruffus, moneyer, Henry de Cant', moneyer, Alan . . . le Fundour, Walter Heved, William of Kingham, parmenter, Richard Blund, tanner, Thomas . . . ter, collier. Therefore they are all in mercy. And the neighbours attached for the death have died, and their pledges likewise. Therefore nothing from them. And the mayor and barons say that they are not bound to produce the finder. And because the aforesaid chamberlain and those who answer for the sheriffs do not know whether the child was male or female, they are in mercy.

The remainder on the dorse.

38. [m. 1d] [Eodem anno eisdem camer]ario (fn. 4) et vicecomitibus existentibus quidam Johannes [? Noke] de Grenewiz . . . batello . . . [nullus] male creditur; iudicium infortunium, et Johannes filius Gunnilde de Grenewiz et Alanus filius Edmundi . . . fuerunt . . . [ceci]dit de batello sicut postea convicti fuerunt et non fuerunt attachiati quia non fuerunt inventi infra Civitatem. [Et dictum est vicecomiti K]ancie in cuius potestate sunt, quod eos attachiet. Vicini qui fuerunt attachiati pro morte illa obierunt. Ideo [nichil de eis et dictu]m est vicecomiti Kancie quod venire faciat predictum Johannem filium Gunnilde et Alanum et ipsam Gunnildam ad respondendum . . . de batello etc. Postea venit vicecomes Kancie, et xij homines legales jurati et dicunt quod neminem male credunt, et quod batellus valuit ij s. de quibus vicecomites respondebunt.

In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, one John [? Noke] of Greenwich . . . boat . . . [no one] is suspected; judgment: misadventure. And John son of Gunnilda of Greenwich and Alan son of Edmund . . . were . . . [fell] from the boat as was afterwards proved, and they were not attached because they could not be found in the City.

And the sheriff of Kent, in whose dominion they are, is ordered to attach them. The neighbours who were attached for the death are dead. Therefore [nothing from them], and the sheriff of Kent is ordered to cause the said John, son of Gunnilda, and Alan and Gunnilda herself to answer . . . concerning the boat. Afterwards the sheriff of Kent came, and twelve lawful men being sworn, said that no one is suspected, and that the boat is worth 2s., for which the sheriffs will answer.

39. Anno eodem eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus quidam homo nomine Turroke inventus fuit mortuus in domo Henrici Bissop. Et quia nescitur nec inquiri potest per aliquam inquisicionem factam per camerarium et vicecomites utrum obierit per infortunium vel per feloniam, Henricus Byssope et Rogerus de Aungre vicini attachiati pro morte illa, veniunt et justiciarii volunt eos secrete examinare de predicta morte. Et maior et barones dicunt quod ad eos nulla pertinet examinacio de morte hominis set solummodo ad camerarium et vicecomites, nec permittent quod aliqua fiat examinacio. Ideo loquendum. Et Paganus le Dubbur unus vicinomm attachiatus pro morte illa, non venit et fuit attachiatus per Henricum le Paumer et Ricardum de Coudres. Ideo in misericordia. Postea venit Paganus et postea veniunt maior et cives Londoniarum et bene concedunt quod justiciarii de cetero inquirant pro voluntate sua non obstante aliqua inquisicione facta per camerarium et vicecomites. Et examinati sunt, et non male creduntur in aliquo nec aliquis alius. Judicium infortunium. Et quia per examinacionem eroum convictum est quod tres homines iacuerunt in lecto suo quando obiit, et camerarius et vicecomites non attachiaverunt eos, ideo in misericordia. (fn. 5)

In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, a certain man named Turroke was found dead in the house of Henry Bishop. And because it is not known and cannot be discovered by any inquest held by the chamberlain and sheriffs whether his death was due to misadventure or felony, Henry Bishop and Roger of Ongar, neighbours attached for the death, come, and the justices wish to examine them privately concerning the aforesaid death. And the mayor and barons say that the right to hold an enquiry concerning the death of a man does not belong to them, but solely to the chamberlain and sheriffs, and they will not allow that any examination be made. Therefore the matter is to be discussed. And Payn le Dubbur, one of the neighbours attached for the death, does not come, and he was attached by Henry le Paumer and Richard de Coudres. Therefore they are in mercy. Afterwards Payn came, and the mayor and citizens of London came and freely conceded that the justices might in future hold enquiry at will, notwithstanding any inquest held by the chamberlain and sheriffs. And they [Henry and Roger] were examined, and were not suspected of anything, nor was anyone else. Judgment: misadventure. And because by their examination it was found that three men were lying in the deceased's bed when he died, and the chamberlain and sheriffs did not attach them, they are in mercy.

40. Eodem anno eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus in festo Translacionis Sancti Thome Martiris accidit in vico qui vocatur Bredstrete quod quidam Elias le Pourtour qui portavit quoddam pondus casei cecidit mortuus in predicto vico. Adam de [? Fulham] et David Sutor iverunt cum eo et David et Adam et Willelmus de Ware attachiati pro morte illa veniunt. Et quia justiciarii habuerunt suspicionem de predicta morte et inquisicio facta de predicta morte per camerarium et vicecomites minus sufficienter facta fuit, ut eis videtur, quam fieri debuit, volunt secreto justiciarii predicti examinare de morte illa. Et maior et cives dicunt quod ad justiciarios nulla pertinet examinacio vel inquisicio de morte hominis post examinacionem et inquisicionem camerarii et vicecomitum, nec permittent (fn. 6) quod inde aliqua fiat examinacio vel inquisicio. Et ideo loquendum est cum domino rege ut prius. Et quia predicti camerarius et vicecomites non responderunt sufficienter de tempore suo nec racionabiles ac sufficientes fecerunt inquisiciones sicut ad eos pertinebat, ideo in misericordia. Postea veniunt predicti Willelmus et Adam et sunt secrete examinati nec [malecreduntur] (fn. 7) de morte illa nec aliquis ah'us. ludicium infortunium. Vicini attachiati pro morte illa veniunt et examinantur et non [malecreduntur]. (fn. 7) Ideo inde quieti.

In the same year the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, it happened on the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr [7 July 1227] that a certain Elias le Pourtour, who was carrying a load of cheese, fell dead in Bread Street. Adam of [? Fulham] and David Sutor went with him. David and Adam and William of Ware, attached for the death, come. And because the justices are suspicious concerning the death aforesaid, and the inquest held by the chamberlain and sheriffs was much less thorough than it should have been, as it seems to them, they wish to examine [the persons attached] privately. The mayor and citizens say that it is not for the justices to hold an examination or enquiry concerning the death of a man, after examination and inquest held by the chamberlain and sheriffs, nor will they permit that any such examination or enquiry be held. Therefore the matter is to be referred to the king, as before. And because the chamberlain and sheriffs did not answer satisfactorily for their time nor held reasonable and adequate inquests, as was their duty, they are in mercy.

Afterwards the above-named William and Adam come and are privately examined. They are not suspected of the death, nor is anyone else. Judgment: misadventure. The neighbours attached for the death come and are examined and are not suspected. Therefore they are quit thereof.

41. Eodem anno accidit quod per clamorem vicinorum inventum fuit quoddam doleum vini in celario Simonis Neveratham ubi multa dolea vinorum vendebantur contra assisam et per clamorem illum camerarius et vicecomites ceperunt doleum illud in manu domini regis et illud vendiderunt ad opus suum pro xl s. unde vicecomites respondent. (fn. 8)

In the same year it happened that by complaint of the neighbours there was found a tun of wine in the cellar of Simon Neveratham, where many tuns were sold contrary to the assize; and as a result of that complaint the chamberlain and sheriffs took the tun into the king's hand and sold it to his use for 40s., for which the sheriffs answer.

Adhuc de residuo decimi anni.

42. Sciendum est quod in crastino Translacionis Beati Thome Martiris quando Thomas de Blunville fuit camerarius et Martinus films Willelmi et Radulfus le Duc vicecomites dimiserunt ballivam suam, Henricus films Aucheri factus fuit camerarius, qui obiit et pro quo Ricardus filius eius respondet, et Stephanus Bukerel factus fuit vicecomes qui venit et Henricus de Cotham similiter vicecomes qui non venit et vivit nec aliquis pro eo respondet lit patet superius. Et Ricardus et Stephanus sic respondent de tempore suo. (fn. 9)

Here follows the remainder of the tenth year [Mich. 1226-Mich. 1227].

Be it known that on the morrow of the feast of the Translation of Blessed Thomas the Martyr [8 July 1227], Thomas de Blunville being chamberlain and Martin fitz William and Ralph le Duc sheriffs, they surrendered their bailiwicks, Henry fitz Aucher being made chamberlain. He has died, and his son Richard answers for him. Stephen Bukerel was made sheriff, and comes. Henry of Cotham, who was likewise made sheriff does not come, although he is still living, and no one answers for him, as appears above. Richard and Stephen answer thus for their time.

43. Dicunt quod in festo Sancte Ethelburge Emma filia Walteri de Coggeshale appellavit Gregorium filium magistri Gregorii Phisici, quod earn vi rapuit et defloravit. Et similiter appellavit Ricardum filium Thome Ymaginarii de consensu et auxilio. Et Gregorius et Ricardus veniunt et Emma non venit. Et invenit plegios de appello suo prosequendo scilicet Ricardum Pistorem et Johannem de Kenigtone pistorem. Ideo ipsi in misericordia et Emma capiatur. (fn. 10) Postea quesitum fuit a maiore et civibus si intelligunt quod pax facta fuit inter eos. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum et in fide qua tenentur domino regi, (fn. 11) quod concordati sunt. Requisiti etiam si intelligunt quod Gregorius sit culpabilis de facto illo, dicunt quod non est culpabilis. Dicunt etiam quod ille qui appellatus est de consensu et auxilio non fecit pacem nec culpabilis est. Ideo quietus. Et Gregorius custodiatur; finem fecit per dimidium marce, (fn. 12) quia pauper, per plegium Simonis filii Marie et Johannis de Coudres.

They say that on the feast of St. Ethelburga [11 Oct. 1226] Emma, daughter of Walter of Coggeshall appealed Gregory, son of master Gregory the Physician, of violently raping and deflowering her, and Richard, son of Thomas the Imagemaker of aiding and abetting him. Gregory and Richard come, but Emma does not, and she found pledges to prosecute her appeal, viz. Richard the Baker and John of Kennington, baker. Therefore they are in mercy and Emma is to be taken into custody. Afterwards the mayor and citizens were asked whether they were of opinion that peace had been made between the parties, and they said upon their oath and in the faith in which they are bound to the king that they had agreed together. Asked further if they believe that Gregory is guilty of the deed, they say that he is not guilty. They say also that he who was appealed for aiding and abetting has not made peace and is not guilty. Therefore he is quit. And Gregory is to be taken into custody. He made fine in half a mark, because he is poor, with Simon fitz Mary and John de Coudres as bis sureties.

44. Abbas Westmonasterii ponit loco suo fratrem Ricardum vel fratrem

Johannem monachos suos ad respondendum pro eo de libertatibus suis infra Civitatem.

The abbot of Westminster appoints as his attorneys to answer for him for his liberties within the City, brother Richard or brother John.

Adhuc de residuo dicti anni decimi.

45. Eodem anno eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus in crastino Sancti Luce Ewangeliste accidit quod Amisius diaconus ecclesie Sancti Petri de Cornhulle inventus fuit occisus in hostio Martini presbyteri in soka de Cornhulle. Walkelinus vicarius Sancti Pauli Londoniarum eum occidit cum quodam anelacio et fugit et Martinus, Johannes et Willelmus capellani ecclesie Sancti Petri et Robertus clericus eiusdem ecclesie qui fuerunt in domo ante cuius hostium inventus fuit occisus, capti fuerunt pro suspicione illius mortis, et liberati fuerunt magistro Johanni de Ponte, officiali archidiaconi Londoniensis per predictos camerarium, vicecomites et Jacobum Blundum, Johannem de Solio, Bartholomeum de Cornhulle et Walterum de Insula tunc aldermannos (fn. 13) sine waranto. Ideo ad iudicium (fn. 14) de eis. Et alii attachiati pro morte illa non veniunt quia obierunt. Ideo nichil. Quid autem faciendum sit de predicto Walkeh'no et utrum predicti capellani et clericus quieti sint necne de morte illa; dicunt maior et tota civitas quod neminem malecredunt de morte illa neque de facto neque de consensu nisi predictum Walkelinum. Ideo consideratum est (fn. 15) quod omnes alii sint quieti de predicta morte, et quid sit faciendum de predicto Walkelino secundum consuetudinem et legem Civitatis, dicent. Et quia camerarius et vicecomites non fecerunt sufficientem inquisicionem de morte illa nec de catallis predicti Walkelini, ideo ad iudicium de eis. Postea veniunt maior et cives et dicunt quod [debet] (fn. 16) exigi ad tres hustengos et postea per preceptum domini regis debet utlagari ad folkemotum apud Sanctum Paulum. Et quia hustengus tenetur de quindena ad quindenam et tempus exigendi et utlagandi brevissimum est (fn. 17) ut videtur justiciariis, ideo loquendum qualiter possit hoc emendari. (fn. 18) Nulla habuit catalla. Judicium: exigatur et utlagetur secundum formam quam justiciarii providebunt. (fn. 19)

There follows the rest of the tenth year [Mich. 1226–Mich. 1227].

In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, it happened on the morrow of the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist [19 Oct. 1226] that Amyas, deacon of the church of St. Peter Cornhill was found dead in the doorway of Martin the priest in the soke of Cornhill. Walkelin, a vicar of St. Paul's, London, killed him with an anlace and fled, and Martin, John and William, chaplains of the church of St. Peter and Robert, clerk of the same church, who were in the house before the door of which he was found dead, were arrested on suspicion of the death, and delivered, without warrant, to master John of the Bridge, official of the archdeacon of London, by the aforesaid chamberlain and sheriffs and James Blund, John de Solio, Bartholomew of Cornhill, and Walter de Lisle, then aldermen. Therefore to judgment with them. And the others attached for the death do not come, because they have died. Therefore nothing. What then is to be done with the aforesaid Walkelin, and ought the chaplains and clerk to be quit of the death or not ? The mayor and the whole City say that they do not suspect anyone of the death nor of the deed nor of consenting thereto save the aforesaid Walkelin. Therefore it is adjudged that all are to be quit, and they are to say what is to be done with Walkelin according to the custom and law of the City. And because the chamberlain and sheriffs did not make a sufficient enquiry into the death or into the chattels of the aforesaid Walkelin to judgment with them. Afterwards the mayor and citizens come and say that he ought to be put in exigent at three hustings, and then outlawed by precept of the king at the folkmoot at St. Paul's. And because the husting is held from fortnight to fortnight, and the time for exigent and outlawry seems to the justices to be very short, let there be a discussion, so that this may be amended. He (Walkelin) had no chattels. Judgment: let him be put in exigent and outlawed according to the form the justices shall provide.

De anno undecimo.

46. Anno undecimo (fn. 20) eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus accidit die Sancti Johannis Apostoli quod Hugo de Essexia le burler occidit se ipsum quodam cultello. Judicium felonia de se ipso. Nullus malecreditur de morte illa. Camerarius et vicecomites non fecerunt inquisicionem de catallis ipsius Hugonis. Ideo fuerunt in misericordia. Et vicini attachiati pro morte illa, omnes obierunt. Ideo nichil. Postea testatum est per maiorem et cives quod nulla habuit catalla. Ideo nichil.

Of the eleventh year [Mich. 1227–Mich. 1228].

In the eleventh year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, on the feast of St. John the Apostle [27 Dec. 1227], Hugh of Essex, bureller, killed himself with a knife. Judgment: suicide. No one is suspected of the death. The chamberlain and sheriffs did not hold any enquiry concerning the said Hugh's chattels. Therefore they were in mercy. And the neighbours attached for the death have all died. Therefore nothing. Afterwards it was testified by the mayor and citizens that he had no chattels. Therefore nothing.

47. Eodem anno eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus accidit die Sabbati proxima post Exaltacionem Sancte Crucis quod quidam Nicholaus de Bedeford inventus fuit submersus in quodam puteo extra Bysshoppesgate. Nullus inde malecreditur. ludicium infortunium; et vicini attachiati pro morte illa omnes obierunt. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, on Saturday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross [16 Sept. 1228], a certain Nicholas of Bedford was found drowned in a pit outside Bishopsgate. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. And the neighbours attached for the death have all died. Therefore nothing.

48. Eodem anno eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus accidit in crastino Sancti Mathei Apostoli quod quidam Willelmus Gambun in ascendendo de quodam batello in alium batellum cecidit in ripam Tamisie et submersus est. Nullus malecreditur. ludicium infortunium. Precium batelli j marca, (fn. 21) unde Stephanus Bukerel respondeat. Et omnes qui fuerunt in batello [et] attachiati fuerunt pro morte illa, mortui sunt. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, on the morrow of St. Matthew the Apostle [22 Sept. 1228], one William Gambun, in climbing from one boat into another fell into the Thames and was drowned. No one is suspected. Judgment: misadventure. Value of the boat 1 mark, for which Stephen Bukerel is to answer. All who were in the boat and were attached for the death have died. Therefore nothing.

De anno duodecimo.

49. Eodem anno Gervasio le Cordwaner tunc existente camerario et predictis vicecomitibus existentibus accidit quod quidam Henricus de Buk' (fn. 22) die Lune proxima post festum Sancte Ethelburge occidit quemdam le Ireys le Tywelur quodam knipulo in vico de Fletebregge et fugit ad ecclesiam Sancte Marie de Suthwerk et cognovit factum et in presentia predictorum camerarii et vicecomitum abiuravit regnum. Nulla habuit catalla. Et maior et tota Civitas dicunt quod nullus alius culpabilis est de morte illa nec aliquem alium inde male credunt. Et quia predicti camerarius et vicecomites fecerunt predictum Henricum abiurare regnum in comitatu Surreie extra libertatem suam (fn. 23) contra coronam et dignitatem domini regis et preterea nullum fecerunt attachiamentum pro morte illa, ideo sint in misericordia. Et sciendum quod predictus Henricus ignotus fuit et non fuit in franco plegio. Ideo nichil. (fn. 24)

Of the twelfth year [Mich. 1228–Mich. 1229].

In that year, Gervase le Cordwaner being the chamberlain, and the same sheriffs being still in office, on Monday after the feast of St. Ethelburga [16 Oct. 1228], Henry de Buk' killed a certain Irishman, a tiler, with a knife in Fleet Bridge Street, and fled to the church of St. Mary Southwark. He acknowledged the deed, and in the presence of the chamberlain and sheriffs, abjured the realm. He had no chattels. The mayor and the whole City say that no one else is guilty of the death, nor is anyone suspected: and because the chamberlain and sheriffs caused the said Henry to abjure the realm in the county of Surrey outside their liberty, contrary to the crown and dignity of the king, and, furthermore, made no attachment for the death they are in mercy. And be it known that the aforesaid Henry was unknown, and not in frankpledge. Therefore nothing.

50. Eodem anno eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus accidit die Dominica proxima post festum Sancti Bartholomei quod tres homines ignoti venerunt de domo Mabilie de Eboraco apud Douegate ad domum Walteri de Angulo aurifabri et ibi vulneraverunt ipsum Walterum qui postea obiit per longum tempus, set non de plaga illa, ut maior et barones testantur, et similiter vulneraverunt ibi quemdam Rogerum de Buckingges qui in crastino ex illa plaga obiit, et fugierunt. (fn. 25) Et super hoc nulla facta fuit inquisicio de predictis malefactoribus nec inquisitum fuit a predicta Mabilla de cuius domo exierunt, qui essent et unde venissent, set tamen ipsam attachiaverunt quod hic esset. Que non venit et omnes plegii mortui sunt. Et vicini attachiati similiter omnes obierunt. Ideo nichil de plegiis. Et quia ita processum est in isto negocio, quod justiciarii non viderent quis condempnandus sit pro morte illa, vel quis absolvendus, maior et Civitas bene calumpnientur in iudicio isto faciendo cum nichil in casu isto actum sit unde iudicium oriri possit. Post veniunt maior et tota Civitas et dicunt super sacramentum suum quod fecerunt domino regi et in fide qua ei tenentur, quod predicti fuerunt ignoti et quod non male credunt predictam Mabiliam, nec aliquem alium de morte illa. Ideo ipsa Mabilia sit inde quieta. Et quia predicti camerarius et vicecomites nullam fecerunt inquisicionem de morte illa, ideo sint in misericordia. Postea convictum est quod fuerunt malefactores ignoti. Ideo nichil.

In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, three unknown men came from the house of Mabel of York at Dowgate, on Sunday after the feast of St. Bartholomew [26 Aug. 1229] to the house of Walter atte Corner, goldsmith, and there wounded him. He died a long while after, but not of that wound, as the mayor and barons testify; but they also wounded there one Roger de Buckingges, who died next day of the wound, and they fled. No inquest was held concerning the malefactors, nor was Mabel asked from whose house they came, who they were, or whence they came; but they attached her to appear here. She does not come, and all her pledges have died. The neighbours attached have likewise all died. Therefore nothing from the pledges. And because the method of procedure in this business was such that the justices cannot tell who is to be condemned for the death and who absolved, the mayor and City are rightly to be censured in giving this judgment, since nothing was done in this case upon which a judgment could be based. Thereafter the mayor and the whole City come and say upon the oath which they took to the king and the faith in which they are bound to him, that the men aforesaid were unknown, and that they do not suspect Mabel or anyone else of the death. Therefore Mabel is quit. And because the chamberlain and sheriffs held no inquest concerning the death, they are in mercy. Afterwards it was proved that the malefactors were unknown. Therefore nothing.

51. Eodem anno eisdem camerario et vicecomitibus existentibus accidit quod Dionisia uxor Walteri de Bureford inventa fuit viva et gemens in domo sua a vicinis, et coram eis subito obiit, et visa fuit per camerarium et vicecomites et nichil fuit inventum in corpore suo per quod mori debuisset, nisi infortunium. Et maior et cives dicunt quod nullus male creditur de illa morte. ludicium infortunium. Omnes vicini attachiati pro morte illa obierunt. Ideo nichil. (fn. 26)

In the same year, the same being chamberlain and sheriffs, Denise, wife of Walter of Burford was found alive and groaning in her house by the neighbours, and died suddenly in their presence. She was viewed by the chamberlain and sheriffs, and nothing was found on her body which could have caused death, save only misadventure. The mayor and citizens say that no one is suspected of the death. Judgment: misadventure. All the neighbours attached for the death have died. Therefore nothing.

52. Jordanus le Cotiller appellavit Radulfum le Cotiller et Hugonem nepotem ipsius Radulfi de morte Willelmi cognati sui. Et Radulfus et Hugo obierunt. Ideo nichil. Et Radulfus, antequam obiit, pro timore predicti appelli posuit catalla sua in ecclesia Beate Marie de Colchirche, que appreciata fuerunt ad duas marcas et que liberata fuerunt magistro Johanni de Ponte tunc officiali ut ea coram justiciariis hic haberet. Et ideo dictum est vicecomitibus quod habeant predictas duas marcas ad ponendum pro anima ipsius Radulfi, quia non pertinent ad dominum regem desicut convictus non fuit. Super hoc dicunt maior et cives quod catalla felonum et huiusmodi deberent liberari vicecomitibus tantum ut respondeant. Ideo vicecomites in misericordia quia liberantur magistro Johanni etc. Et Johannes in misericordia quia non habuit predictas duas marcas etc. (fn. 27)

Jordan le Cotiller appealed Ralph le Cotiller and Hugh his nephew of the death of William his kinsman. Ralph and Hugh have died. Therefore nothing. Ralph, before he died, for fear of the appeal, deposited his chattels in St. Mary Colechurch. They were valued at 2 marks, and were delivered to Master John of the Bridge, then official [of the archdeacon of London], so that he might have them here before the justices. The sheriffs are told that they may have the 2 marks to expend for Ralph's soul, since they do not belong to the king because he was not convicted. Thereupon the mayor and citizens say that the chattels of felons and such like ought to be handed over to the sheriffs so that they may answer for them. Therefore the sheriffs are in mercy, because they handed over [the money] to Master John; and he is in mercy because he has not produced the said 2 marks etc.


  • 1. Liber Ordinationum, f. 207d contains a condensed version of the report from which emendations of the text have been supplied. The Pipe Rolls show that Martin fitz William and Roger le Duc served as sheriffs for half a year before the eyre of 1226 and for one and a half years thereafter. The confusion reappears in Liber Albus, i, 82 and may be due to the replacement of sheriffs in July 1227 (42).
  • 2. Supplied from Liber Ordinationum, as the foot of m.l of the roll is much damaged and defaced.
  • 3. Liber Ordinationum adds non scribatur and the marginal gloss: Hic fuerunt camerarius et vicecomites amerciati quia nesciebant utrum infans mortuus fuit masculus vel feminaculus.
  • 4. Since the writing on the dorse begins from the back of the foot of m. 1, its damaged condition makes it difficult to establish a complete text where there is no copy in either Liber Ordinationum or Liber Albus. The italicized words in square brackets are conjectural.
  • 5. Liber Ordinationum, f. 207d has a long nota with the warning non scribatur. Nevertheless, the nota reappears as a marginal gloss to Liber Albus (printed as a caption in Liber Albus, i, 82 Cap. viii).
  • 6. Suggested by 39, pertinent in original.
  • 7. malecreditur in original.
  • 8. Copied in Liber Ordinationum, f. 207d and Liber Albus, i, 83, both of which contain marginal notes.
  • 9. Margin: Nota de appello de raptu. Liber Albus, i, 84 prints the note as the heading of Cap. x (43).
  • 10. Margin: nunc capiatur.
  • 11. Margin: [? nota] quod maior et cives respondent in fide qua tenentur domino regi.
  • 12. Margin: dimidium marce.
  • 13. Beaven, i, 371 assigns James Blund to Broad Street Ward and Walter de Lisle to Bishopsgate Ward and lists John de Solio without a ward; Bartholomew of Cornhill is not mentioned.
  • 14. Two marginal notes: ad iudicium /quidam liberati fuerunt officiali sine waranto.
  • 15. Supplied from Liber Aldus, i, 85.
  • 16. debent in original. Cf. Liber Albus, i, 86 n. 1.
  • 17. Margin: Nota—de brevitate temporis pro exigendis faciendis et qualiter homines exigentur, also in Liber Ordinationum and Liber Albus (printed as the heading of Cap. xi, Liber Albus, i, 85). However, the table of contents reads: De quodam occiso invento in ostio cuiusdam presbyteri in soca de Cornhulle.
  • 18. Margin: Loquendum exig' et utlag'.
  • 19. The entry is shorter in Liber Ordinationum and shows two small errors, but reports the appointment of Henry fitz Aucher as chamberlain (4).
  • 20. Margin: De anno xj°/felonia/misericordia.
  • 21. Margin: i marca deodanda.
  • 22. Riley suggests Bukenham or Bukent, Liber Albus, i, 86 n. 2.
  • 23. See Cat. of Coroners' Rolls, ed. R. R. Sharpe (1913), p. xiv, n. 1.
  • 24. Margin: Nota de quodam fugiente ad ecclesiam de Suthwerke et ibidem abiurante regnum coram camerario et vicecomitibus Londoniarum per quod camerarius et vicecomites Londoniarum fuerunt amerciati, which is longer than the heading of Cap. xii in Liber Albus, i, 72 and 86. The text in Liber Albus shows only inconsequential variations but the text and marginal note in Liber Ordinationum, f. 208 are noticeably abbreviated.
  • 25. Margin: Nota quod de feloniis factis per ignotos qui recenter diffugerent et de eis nulla possit haberi iusticia, nullus erit condempnandus, which is more explicit than the heading of Cap. xiii, Liber Albus, i, 72 and 87.
  • 26. Margin: Infortunium.
  • 27. Margin: Nota de catallis felonum liberandis vicecomitibus et non alibi, abbreviated in Liber Albus, i, 72 and 88, Cap. xiv.