The London Eyre of 1244. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1970.
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'Opening of sessions: Mayors, chamberlains and sheriffs since last eyre', in The London Eyre of 1244, ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 12 January 2025].
'Opening of sessions: Mayors, chamberlains and sheriffs since last eyre', in The London Eyre of 1244. Edited by Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed January 12, 2025,
"Opening of sessions: Mayors, chamberlains and sheriffs since last eyre". The London Eyre of 1244. Ed. Helena M Chew, Martin Weinbaum(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 12 January 2025.
In this section
(Misc Roll AA)
1. [m. 1] Placita Civitatis Londoniarum apud Turrim Londoniarum a die Pasche in quindecim dies, anno regni regis Henrici filii regis Johannis vicesimo octavo. (fn. 1) Coram Willelmo de Eboraco preposito Beverlaci, Jeremia de Caxtone, et Henrico de Bathonia. Et sciendum est (fn. 2) quod decem et octo annis elapsis non fuerunt placita Civitatis Londoniarum placitata.
Pleas of the City of London held at the Tower of London a fortnight after Easter Day, 28 Henry III [17 April 1244] before William of York, provost of Beverley, Jeremy of Caxton and Henry of Bath; and be it known that no pleas of the City of London had been pleaded for eighteen years past.
2. Sciendum est etiam quod essonie de morte hominis, que solebant capi per tres dies, antequam justiciarii placitare deberent, ad presens non fuerunt admisse, et hoc fuit in voluntate justiciariorum. Et sciendum est quod concessum est baronibus Londoniarum quod quam cito debeant incipere placitare quod habeant extra januam Turris Londoniarum janitorem suum et janitor domini regis sit infra januas et similiter quod habeant hostiarium suum extra hostium aule ubi placitare debent ad introducendum barones et alios de Civitate qui placitare debent et de quibus habet noticiam et hostiarius domini regis sit infra et quod habeant servientes suos cum virgis et quod nullus serviens ex parte domini regis in aliquo se intromittat coram justiciariis quod ad officium servientis pertineat. (fn. 3)
Be it known, further, that essoins for the death of a man, which used to be accepted for three days before the justices began to plead, were not on the present occasion admitted; and such was the will of the justices. Be it known also that it was allowed that the barons of London might begin to plead as soon as they had their door-keeper outside the gate of the Tower of London, and the king's door-keeper was inside the gates; and likewise that they might have their usher outside the door of the hall where the pleas are to be heard, to introduce the barons and others of the City who have to plead, and of whom he has notice; and the king's usher is to be inside; and that they are to have their serjeants with rods, and no serjeant is to meddle on the king's behalf before the justices in any matter touching the office of serjeant.
3. Nomina maiorum post ultima placita.
Ricardus Renger fuit maior per tres annos et obiit. Johannes filius eius respondeat pro eo.
Rogerus le Duc fuit maior post ilium per quatuor annos et obiit.
Andreas Bokerel fuit maior post ilium per quinque annos et obiit.
Ricardus Renger iterum fuit maior post ilium per unum annum et predictus Johannes respondeat.
Willelmus Joynier fuit maior post ilium per unum annum et vivit, veniat et respondeat.
Gerardus Bat fuit maior post ilium per unum annum et obiit.
Reginaldus de Bungeye fuit maior post ilium per unum annum et vivit et respondeat de tempore suo.
Radulfus Asshwy fuit maior post ilium per duos annos et amplius et adhuc est. Venit et respondit de tempore suo.
The names of mayors since the last pleas [1226].
Richard Renger was mayor for three years, and is dead. His son John is to answer for him.
Roger le Duc was mayor after him for four years, and is dead.
Andrew Bokerel was mayor after him for five years, and is dead.
Richard Renger was again mayor after him for a year, and the aforesaid John is to answer.
William Joynier was mayor after him for a year, and is still living. He is to come and answer.
Gerard Bat was mayor after him for a year, and is dead.
Reginald of Bungay was mayor after him for a year. He is still living, and is to answer for his time.
Ralph Asshwy succeeded him and has been in office for two years and more, and still is. He comes and answers for his time.
4. Nomina camerariorum qui fuerunt post predictum terminum.
Thomas de Blunnville fuit primus camerarius per unum annum et unum quarterium et obiit et Johannes la Persone [qui] (fn. 4) fuit loco suo venit et respondit pro eo et liberavit rotulos suos de placito corone.
Henricus filius Aucheri fuit post ilium per duos annos et amplius et obiit et Ricardus filius eius respondeat pro eo etc.
Petrus de Rivalle fuit post ilium per unum annum.
Gervasius le Cordwaner fuit post ipsum per quatuor annos qui venit et liberavit rotulos suos de corona.
Johannes de Colemere fuit post ipsum per [blank]. (fn. 5)
Radulfus Asshwy et Johannes Gysorz (fn. 6) fuerunt simul post ipsum per tres menses, venerunt et liberaverunt rotulos etc.
Willelmus de Haverhulle (fn. 7) fuit post ipsos per septem annos et adhuc est.
Venit et liberavit rotulos suos.
The names of chamberlains who have held office since the aforesaid term.
Thomas de Blunnville was the first chamberlain, and held office for a year and a quarter. He is dead, and John la Persone, who took his place, comes and answers for him, and delivered up his rolls of pleas of the crown.
Henry fitz Aucher held office after him for two years and more. He is dead, and his son Richard is to answer for him etc.
Peter de Rivalle held office after him for a year.
Gervase le Cordwaner held office after him for four years. He comes and delivers up his rolls of [pleas of] the crown.
John of Colemere held office after him for [blank].
Ralph Asshwy and John Gysorz both held office for three months after him. They came and delivered up their rolls etc.
William of Haverhill succeeded them and has been in office for seven years, and still is. He came and delivered up his rolls.
5. Nomina vicecomitum qui fuerunt post predictum tempus. Martinus filius Willelmi et Rogerus le Duk fuerunt primi vicecomites per duos annos et obierunt et Willelmus filius Rogeri venit et respondit pro Martino et Johannes Viel iunior respondit pro Rogero le Duk.
Stephanus Bukerel et Henricus de Cotham fuerunt post ipsos per duos annos et vivunt et Stephanus venit et respondit etc. et Henricus non venit nec aliquis pro eo. Ideo ad iudicium de eo. (fn. 8)
Robertus filius Johannis et Walterus de Wintonia fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum et veniunt etc.
Johannes de Woburne et Ricardus filius Waiteri fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum et Johannes obiit et Nicholaus filius eius venit et respondit pro eo, et Ricardus venit et respondit etc.
Walterus le Bufle et Michael de Sancta Elena fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum et Walterus venit et respondit etc. et Michael obiit.
Henricus de Edelmetone et Gerardus Bate fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum et obierunt.
Rogerus le Blund et Simon filius Marie fuerunt per unum annum et Rogerus obiit et Johannes filius eius venit etc. Simon vivit et venit etc.
Radulfus Ayswy et Johannes Norman fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum qui veniunt etc.
Gerardus Batte et Robertus Hardel fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum et Robertus venit etc. et Gerardus obiit etc.
Henricus de Cotham et Jordanus de Coventria fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum. Jordanus venit etc. et Henricus non venit; ideo ad iudicium de eo. (fn. 8)
Johannes Tulesan et Gervasius le Cordwaner fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum qui veniunt etc.
Johannes de Coudres et Johannes de Wylehale fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum qui veniunt etc.
Radulfus Axewy et Reginaldus de Bungeye fuerunt post per unum annum qui veniunt etc.
Michael Tovi et Johannes Gysorz fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum qui veniunt etc.
Thomas de Dunelma et Johannes Viel iunior fuerunt post ipsos per unum annum qui veniunt etc. (fn. 9)
Hugo Blundus et Adam de Basingge fuerunt post ipsos et adhuc sunt; veniunt etc.
The names of the sheriffs who have held office since the aforesaid time. Martin fitz William and Roger le Duk were the first sheriffs. They held office for two years. Both are dead. William son of Roger comes and answers for Martin, and John Viel, junior, answers for Roger le Duk.
Stephen Bukerel and Henry of Cotham held office after them for two years. They are still living, and Stephen comes and answers. Henry does not come or send anyone to represent him. Therefore to judgment with him.
Robert fitz John and Walter of Winchester held office after them for a year and come.
John of Woburn and Richard fitz Walter held office after them for a year. John is dead and his son Nicholas comes and answers for him. Richard comes and answers.
Walter le Bufle and Michael of St. Helens held office after them for a year.
Walter comes and answers. Michael is dead.
Henry of Edmonton and Gerard Bate held office after them for a year.
They are dead.
Roger le Blund and Simon fitz Mary held office after them for a year.
Roger is dead, and his son John comes. Simon is still living and comes.
Ralph Ayswy and John Norman held office after them for a year and come.
Gerard Batte and Robert Hardel held office after them for a year. Robert comes. Gerard is dead.
Henry of Cotham and Jordan of Coventry held office after them for a year.
Jordan comes. Henry does not come, therefore to judgment with him.
John Tulesan and Gervase le Cordwaner held office after them for a year.
They come.
John de Coudres and John de Wylehale held office after them for a year.
They come.
Ralph Axewy and Reginald of Bungay held office after them for a year.
They come.
Michael Tovi and John Gysorz held office after them for a year. They come.
Thomas of Durham and John Viel, junior, held office after them for a year.
They come.
Hugh Blund and Adam of Basing succeeded them and are still in office. They come.