Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 2007.
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'Letters, nos 101-200', in Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827, ed. Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Letters, nos 101-200', in Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Edited by Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Letters, nos 101-200". Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Ed. Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
Letters, nos 101-200
101. [F25/1/213] John Smith, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 11 February 1813
Gentlemen, I now assume the liberty of addressing you with this Letter on the subject of my wretched and most melancholy condition, which liberty I trust the goodness of your hearts will forgive;
It is now upwards of Six Months since I most unfortunately offended the Laws of my Country, and was justly Sentenced to fourteen years transportation for the same;
The variety of miseries demanding and pressing upon me are more than I can describe, my pen is unequal to the task of representing the true Character of this horrible place;
In short my Life is truly wretched and would be insupportable, but that a Gleam of hope from your benevolent interference bears me up;
When I consider the goodness and generosity of your hearts (Susceptible of the feelings of humanity) I cannot but hope you will forgive this intrusion and interfere for me in any way your wisdom may deem meet, Should you condescend, and make application on my behalf with the Governor, and the Court of Directors of the Bank of England towards relieving my poor distressed Wife and Three Children who are at this time, labouring under the most poignant feelings of poverty and distress, being without protection, without Support, wounds me to the heart, but my sorrow can avail none,
You Gentlemen are aware of the unfortunate circumstance that led me here, therefore I need not trouble you with a detail of the event,
That I now presume to do is, to lay my Sufferings before you, humbly Supplicating your Kind Aid and Assistance towards releiving my distress, Should you Gentlemen intercede for me, and procure me a little Money from the Bank, towards assisting my poor distressed Wife and Children, whom I am afraid I shall never see more, when Drafted for New South Wales, which I daily expect, I most humbly beg leave to say that I shall bear the same in my memory to the latest moment of my Life and ever acknowledge the same with utmost gratitude
I therefore humbly hope you will condescend and give me a Line And have the honor to be Gentlemen Your most obedt & hble Servt John Smith
References Messr Glover & Lee [Bank investigators], Bank, whom I have no doubt will satisfy you respecting me
Annotated: 13 Feb 1813, Rejected.
102. [F25/1/214] William Middleton, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 10 February 1813
Gentlemen I trouble you with another Letter and doubt not but you will allow my very wretched and distressed case to be sufficient apology more especially when I inform you that my poor unhappy Wife is hourly expecting to be put to Bed – her case as well as mine I assure you to be the most miserable, its not in the power of my pen to describe it, nor can the heart of man conceive it, – those dire circumstances have given me the assurance of writing to you, humbly Supplicating your Sympathy
I have Gentlemen in my former Letter acknowledged with sorrow the enormity of my Crime which I shall repent to the last hour of my Life – I have followed that imprudent step but only in the event for which I am Suffering, and what little I had saved from my honest industry is now brought to nothing – In this very wretched state I almost daily expect to be removed to a Ship Bound for New South Wales, and leave my Dear Wife without the necessaries of Life, not even the smallest comfort or Support, in her present dangerous state
May I therefore Gentlemen beseech you to lend your merciful ear to my prayer and extend to me and my Dear Wife a little relief which Heaven certainly will repay you
It is unnecessary for me to trespass longer on you, therefore I beg leave to subscribe myself with all possible Submission and respect (holding most gratefully in remembrance your kind condescension in this particular) Gentlemen, Your most humble and devoted Servt Wm Middleton
PS. My poor wife is now a Burthen on the parish of Limehouse as also are my three Dear Children
Annotated: Rejected.
103. [F25/1/215] John George Hearson, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, January 1813
Sir, When I consider how universal your goodness and Phylanthropy is known I cannot but hope you will forgive the liberty I have presumed to take –
My Case Sir I trust have not been aggravated by anything perverse in me, I was Conscious of my guilt, and not willing to put you to the expence and trouble of prosecution, but pleaded guilty, and trust that you will thereby shew me a little lenity and mercy – I have prepared a petition addressed to the Right Honble Lord Viscount, Sidmouth setting forth my Case, praying clemency may be extended to me, which Petition I humbly beg to send you herewith for the favor of your Signature and Support – In the event of my being sent to New South Wales – I shall leave an only Child 12 Years of age without a friend – the very idea of which has induced me to become thus troublesome, trusting no other apology is necessary – You Sir, as an Husband – Parent – and friend, can have some idea of the state of my unhappy mind, therefore I hope you will not withold your kindness from me but in mercy to my Dear Child condescend to promote the prayer of my petition to the utmost of your power, which I should ever hold gratefully in remembrance and acknowledge with thanks – I am with every Sentiment of respect and obedience Sir, Your most humble & highly obliged Servant John George Hearson
PS I had forgotten to refer you Sir to John Lees Esqr one of the investigators at the Bank – that Gentlemen has known me and my Conduct some time and I have no doubt his testimony will be what you wish To William Manning Esqr [Bank director]
Annotated: Rejected.
104. [F25/1/216–17] John George Hearson and Hannah Hearson, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 16 January 1813, formal petition
That your Lordships petitioners were indicted at the last October Sessions held at the Old Bailey for having in their possession, Forged Bank Notes, purporting to be the property of the Governor and company of the Bank of England
To which indictment they pleaded guilty and were sentenced to be transported during fourteen years, by Sir John Sylvester Kt
That your Lordships petitioners are most unfortunately fallen into the most miserable and Wretched of all conditions, whom with great humility begs leave to bring the particulars of their case to your Lordships view – That they were Indicted and Arraign'd for having in their possession the said Fabricated Notes – That no other Bill could be found – and that they were induced to plead guilty to avoid the trouble and expence of a prosecution, trusting in your Lordships humanity and goodness for Mitigation of punishment – Those items they pray may come under your Lordships consideration, and render your petitioners worthy of your Lordships Sympathy
Further your Lordships petitioners begs leave to observe, that should their case be thought improper to be relieved by an extension of the Royal Mercy towards them, they pray your Lordship to send them together in the first Ship for New South Wales, and that their Daughter, 12 years of Age, their only surviving offspring may be allowed to go with them, whom from your petitioners Conviction is without every means of maintainance – Support – and protection – A Child, an Orphan without a parent, – a friend, property and Education, must be wholly dependant on the bounty of a generous public – What reflections for a parent doom'd to perpetual Banishment? Horror not to be described, nor scarcely endured when considered how very narrow is the thorny path of Virtue and Morality. It would be too presuming in your petitioners to expatiate on this most unhappy business, therefore they with all possible Reverance – Loyalty and Obedience prostrate themselves at your Lordships feet, praying most humbly Your Lordship to commisserate their case.
May it therefore please your Lordship to take this their humble Petition into your humane consideration, and in your goodness and mercy grant them such relief, as in your Lordships wisdom may be deem'd meet and your Lordships Petitioners will most humbly as in duty bound ever pray &c &c John George Hearson Hannah Hearson
Attached: further copy of petition.
[BECLS: 20 Jan. 1813, petition read and rejected.]
105. [F25/1/217] Formal petition from Hannah Hearson, Newgate, 24 February 1813
It is possible that she did not know of petition 104 constructed by her husband, or may have believed, after a month, that she might be more effective in petitioning. She reiterates the earlier petition, but asks, through distress and several months imprisonment, for 'temporary relief' to maintain herself and here daughter.
Annotated: 7/6 per week
106. [F25/1/218–9] Richard Andrews, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 4 November 1812, awaiting transportation for non-Bank offence, seeks favours from Bank by offering information about places in Birmingham and London where notes were forged and prices at which they, and counterfeit shillings, were sold. Best notes 12s. per £1 note, others 8s. or 6s.
107. [F25/1/220–1] William Simpson Henningham, Newgate, 12 February 1812
Sir, if the Gentlemen of the Bank thinks they can make any use of the information I can give of the House of call for People that passes notes and Dollars &c with the name of the Person who sells them, also His hours of attendance at the said House I can also mention another Person who I Believe to be of Richmonds Party I know the street he lives but not the House or number Sir I hope if the Gentlemen of the Bank thinks the aforesaid will be of service that they will offer some conditions of pardon to me I should not wish any Person to be sent to me as there is a dout that I have informed already therefore my life would be in danger I should wish to write in Preference, I am Sir with Humble respect Yr Very Humble St W. S. Henningham
Attached: copy reply from Bank solicitors, 12 Feb. 1812; they would receive his communication but no promise can be made to you as the inducement for you to give the information
[BECLS: 19 Feb. 1812, his wife to be paid £5, and Henningham 7s. a week while in Newgate].
108. [F25/1/222] Note, 19 February 1812, of names and descriptions of persons involved with dealers in forged notes, a record of information of Michael Lamb, prisoner in New Prison Clerkenwell, on charge of handling 'Fleet notes'. Lamb states that, if set free, he could deal with all those mentioned.
109. [F25/1/223] Note, 19 February 1812, in same hand as 108, records that George Payce, prisoner in Coldbath Fields prison, if set free, could deal with Burgin, a gingerbread baker of Old Street, London, and others, who deal in forged notes.
110. [F25/2/1–2] William Chrisford, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 28 June 1813
Sir, In the latter end of last week I saw Mr Charles Friend, he informed me that he had used his utmost endeavours to accomplish the business I promised should be done with Taverner, and has had several meetings with him on the subject, and I am sorry to say has never been able to do any thing with him, indeed I fear he has been put up to it and seems to fight Very shy – had I have been at my liberty he would not have been so cautious, and I am sure I could have accomplished it – However as the prospect of even accomplishing it appears very doubtful, and as there is a ship in all probability will be in readiness for the Bay in three or four weeks at most, and if there can nothing be done for me so as I may obtain my liberty, I would by all means wish to go to the Bay in the first Ship, and not remain any longer in this situation, I believe the most abominable place on Earth – I have also to pray of you as a particular favor, that Interest might be made with Lord Sidmouth, to permit Mrs Chrisford to go to the Bay also, as we have no child or any other incumbrance, and I am informed that His Worship is Rather favorable for Women's going with their Husbands than otherwise – My friend is to see Taverner in two or three Weeks again on the subject, but I fear it will be to no effect, however what can be done in the business, will be done – and remaining longer in suspense waiting for another ship is certainly what I do not wish and as I have used all the evidence as I can, or was in my power to accomplish the object of your wish I hope you will do me the Justice to believe it was not my fault that it failed – and that you will use your good Offices in procuring Mrs Chrisford to go with me in the same Ship, or by the first that goes after. I will thank you for a reply – I am Sir, Yo: Obt Servt Wm. Chrisford
Attached: Bank solicitors' copy reply, 30 June 1813: We received your Letter & we believe Mr Friend has used his utmost endeavour to detect the Person you mention but he informs us he suspects him. I will not deal with him at present – An application should be made by your Wife to the Secretary of State for leave to go with you & we are informed a Ship with female Convicts will sail in about a week
111. [F25/2/3] George Barnes, William Chrisford, James Williams, Robert Johnson, George Russell, General Hewett transport ship, off Northfleet, 6 August 1813
Gentlemen, We have been led to believe that the Bank in their Bounty and goodness has been so kind to Afford some little allowance of Money to those who have been so very unfortunate as to be Transported at their instance If this is the Case we whose names are to this letter signed are now on Board to make a long disheartning Voyage without a penny it would be most thankfully received if sent to us on Board the ship – We are Gentlemen your obedient humble Servants
112. [F25/2/4] 'RW', Newgate, 24 May 1813
Sir, I have Just been informd of a man that Deals Largly in Forgd Bank Notes – his Name is truman he Lives at Birmm in a Street Near the horse fair but the Name of it I Could not Learn the person that told me is a prisoner here I am Sir Your Most Obedient Humle Sernt R.W.
[R. W. likely to be Richard Walker, 119–30, 190.]
113. [F25/2/5] James Williams, Retribution hulk, Woolwich 16 July 1813
Sir, You may recollect that I was tried at Reading in Berkshire at the Suit of the Bank of England for having forged Notes found upon me, to which I pleaded guilty and Received Sentence of transportation for fourteen years – and am at present detained on Board this Hulk – The purport of this letter is to pray that you would have the goodness to endeavour to have me sent to the Bay in the Ship that is now in readiness for sailing which will take in the Convicts in the course of Eight days, and going in her would be of the greatest importance to me in my present unhappy situation, being here without One Single Shilling, and no hopes of any assistence whatever – and application from you would be immediately attended to. –
I humbly beg your forgiveness for this liberty I am Sir, your Obt Servant James Williams is the name Indicted in or now John King
PS: your answer will be thankfully received.
114. [F25/2/6–11] Thomas White, Savage hospital ship, Woolwich, to Lord Sidmouth, 30 July 1813
White, home office official working on the ship, asks Lord Sidmouth to pass information (received from prisoner, James Bartram, on Savage for 2 years with badly ulcerated leg) to Bank about major note dealers in Birmingham. Attached: Bartram's statement; letter from Joseph Beckett, home office, forwarding White's letter to Bank solicitors; copy letter, 4 Aug. 1813, from Bank solicitors returning White's letter to Beckett, as they already know about Bartram's information; letter to Beckett from Bank solicitors, 21 Aug. 1813, saying they have sent investigator to Savage but expect to gain nothing. [Bartram sentenced to fourteen yrs trspn, Leics. summer ass. 1811.]
115. [F25/2/12] Henrietta Gregory, Newgate, 26 September 1813
Honrd Sir I hope you will pardon my troubling you with this a Liberty I truly hope will be overlookd in My Unfortunate Situation (and in My truly Distressd case for which I Sincerely Repent for having Committed an Error I am now Suffering for with my Poor Dear Six helpless Children who is all Unable to do any thing towards a Liveing and My Husband of a Bad State of health. I humbly Solicits your kind Benevolence and hope that My long Confindment of 14 Years Imprisonment will be taken into consideration and that During My Confindment in this Dismale Asylum you will be so Kind as to Contribute a Some thing towards Sirport of my family as My Presant Imbarestmint and Desparing is very Great. I do Earnestly hope in a little time I May be able to be of some Service to the Company – if Possiable I can with a Just foundation I will I Acknowledge the Unjustness of My crime and hope I Shall obtain Pardon from you and the Almighty I hope will Pardon me also having offended against the Laws of My country. Bleive me I never was Before ever Arraingd at the Bar of Justice and never did an Action to Disgrace My self or family But so Much to the Contrary my Greatest Ambission was to gain a Livelyhood for self and family By Honest Industry till this unforseen trouble Befell me – I thus State to you my Great Distress and hope you will not forget me in My Wretched and Unhappy confindment it will not be till after Christmass that the Ship will go to the Bay. If I am to partake of your kind Benevolence to Sirport My Dear Children I shall be ever Bound to pray And am Honrd Sir with Dew contrision Yr Unfortunate Prisoner Henrietta Gregory
116. [F25/2/13] Henrietta Gregory, Newgate, 8 October 1813
Honble Gentlemen You will Both I hope pardon me troubling you with this – having wrote to Mr Manning the Governor Stating to the Gentleman my distress Situation, with my family of Children having Six of them to sirport in my trouble Not having received any Answer to my Application I would Esteem it a very Particular favour if you will Be so Kind as to remind Mr Manning as possiable The Multiplicity of Business May have occurd to prevent the favour of an Answer which I truly hope will prove a favourable one in Consideration of My Great distress. I have related in My letter the Particulars of my Situation. Gentlemen I Beg leave to Apologise troubling You knowing that you are the Gentlemen who pays the Money which I sinserly hope my case will be duly considered that before I was in trouble and Sentenced for 14 Years was very Great – But being Deprived of Liberty I am no Able to Announce my trouble in Addishon to the former. When Mr Manning will do me the favour of an Answer which I hope will be a favourable in Complyance to My Humble and Submissive Regrets I shall ever be in duty bound to pray for the party conserned
I am Gentlemen With the Greatest Respect Yr truly Unhappy Prisoner Henrietta Gregory
117. [F25/2/14] Henrietta Gregory, Newgate, 22 December 1813
Honrd Gentlemen Your goodness will I hope pardon My Informing you that we have Yesterday had the overhall for the Ship and do expect to leave heer within to morrow or on Friday Morning and we are all Disire By Mr Newman that what Applications we have to Make to loose no time therefor hope Gentlemen that in consideration of My Large and truly Unfortunate family that you will consider My Distressd Situation Before I go away as I have many little Articles in Pledge at the Pawn Brokers which I should Be Glad to Embrace the opportunity of getting them to Day or to Morrow Christmas Day no Business will Be Done. I am Permitted to take 5 Children with me out of 6 Children which I have. I am Gentlemen with the Most gratefull thanks to you for all Past favours – and Sinserly wish you will not forget me in my Situation
I am Hond Gentlemen with every dew respect Yrs Grateull & Obt Humle Sert Henrietta Gregory
Annotated: 23 Decr Five Pounds G. D.
118. [F25/2/15–16] Henrietta Gregory, Broxbournbury transport ship, Deptford, 5 January 1814
Most Hond Gentlemen I Most Humbly beg your pardon troubling you with my Distress being truly thankfull for the favours already conferred on me I senserly hope I am not tho intruding on Your Indulgence By asking the favour if you will Be so Kind as to Contribute to the Distressd family some thing More what you may think proper to Enable me to a few Necessery Articles for My five Small Children I am so Unfortunately as to be Oblige to take with me however My Unpleasant Situation is take them so Many thousand Miles and they are already very Sickly which require many little things not allowed By the Ship I hope I May be pardoned stating My case to You and hope You gentlemen will duly consider My Situation at the same time I hope not to offend
I remain most Hond Gentlemen with Dew Respect Yrs very Oblige Humle Sert Henrietta Gregory
Annotated: Mr Dorrien, Mr Smith 7th Jany 1814 Ordered £5 more to be given her.
Attached: copy memo from BECLS secretary: Mr Smith begs leave to acquaint Mr Kaye that he has shewn Henrietta Gregory's letter to Mr Dorrien and Mr Smith and they have agreed to give her Five Pounds in addition to the like sum ordered by the Comee for Law Suits on the 29th Ultimo – making it up Ten Pounds – Bank: 7th Jany 1814
119. [F25/2/27] Mary Walker, wife of prisoner in Newgate, Richard Walker, unknown address, 8 May 1813
Sir I intreat your pardon for the great liberty I take in addressing you, and troubling you with the present state of my Familys situation. My own, your goodness has placed within reach of every necessary, yet how can I benefit by such indulgence, accompanied as it is by the recollection of my Childrens wants for these last two days Bread has been their sole support and that they are now without your unmerited kindness emboldens me to solicit your attention to them and supplicate your assistance and believe me yet, nothing short of actual necessity would compel me thus to intrude. With the most profound gratitude and respect I remain Sir, Your Much Oblided Obedient Servant Mary Walker
120. [F25/2/17–18] Richard Walker, Newgate, 20 September 1813
Sir I intreat my wretched situation may plead in extenuation of the liberty I take in addressing you to humbly solicit your opinion whether the Bank will approve any application made to the Secretary of State [Lord Sidmouth] for a mitigation of punishment my reason for this intrusion is that a friend imagines he possesses some interest which might serve me, but I declining his profer'd assistance until assured I was not acting with any disrespect towards the Bank, whose humanity to my Wife claims my gratitude and whose mercy would if extended towards me prove my salvation. Believe me Sir if the most sincere contrition merits pardon I am bold to say I might expect it, and suffer me to add the assurance previously made of necessity being the cause of my entering into such a traffic. My Family will I humbly hope be a powerful consideration in your determination I claim your pity and beg leave to assure my future life shall evince the just sence of the mercy shewn to Sir Your most Obedt Humble Servant Richard Walker [in same hand as 119].
Attached: note of thanks to friend, J. Carless, warehouseman, who sent him £5 on day he was committed to Newgate (June 1813) with request for another £1 to pay his 'fees' [although he was on 'Felons' Side' of prison]
121. [F25/2/19] Richard Walker, Newgate, 25 October 1813
Hon Sir I humbly intreat your pardon for continuing to trouble you but hope my unfortunate situation will in a small degree plead my excuse, it is rumour'd some convicts are to go tomorrow, and if your goodness would extend so far as to prevent my being one of the number my obligations will be greatly increased.
If you could really be convinced of the treatment I have received, I flatter myself it would be considered some small extenuation of my offence – an offence nothing short of absolute necessity could have compell'd be to be guilty of – relying on your humanity only
I remain Hond Sir Your most Obt Hble Sert R Walker
122. [F25/2/20] Mary Walker, wife of Richard Walker, 17 November 1813
Hond Sir With feelings the most painful I presume to address you, and entreat your belief that nothing short of illness and poverty could induce me to take this liberty, but circumstanced as I am, am wholly unable to do the least thing towards my familys support, and among strangers who are pressing for their rent. With the most profound gratitude for your former benevolence, I remain with respect Hon'd Sir Your Much Obliged Humble Servant Mary Walker [her son's writing; see 126]
123. [F25/2/21] Mary Walker, wife of Richard Walker, 20 November, 1813
Hond Sir I had hoped my continued illness would have not caused me to continue to address you, but truly unfortunate, have in addition to deplore that of three of my Children's illness with heartfelt gratitude for past favors, humbly entreat your relief this is the last time I dare presume to address you which nothing short of necessity could compel me now to do With great respect I remain Hond Sir Your Much Obliged Grateful Servant Mary Walker [same hand as 121].
124. [F25/2/22] Mary Walker, wife of Richard Walker, 30 November 1813
Hond Sir I have taken the liberty to acquaint you that Mrs Dale's name stands upon the List at Hick's Hall [Mdx Quarter Sessions] I understand she means to take her trial and am certain no pains will be spared to mortify and insult me. as I have acted according to your direction throughout the business, I beg leave to request your further instructions, being myself wholly unacquainted with proceedings of this nature and wholly unprovided should any expence attend it. If it goes to trial I imagine it will be necessary to request the attendance of Mr Abrahams who promised to come forward & state the assault as he witness'd it. From Mrs Dales known Character I am convinced should I be deficient, she will heartily exult waiting respectfully your commands Remain Hond Sir Your Much Obliged Sert M Walker [same hand as 123].
125. [F25/2/23] Richard Walker, Newgate, 20 December 1813
Honord Sir Fully sensible of the great liberty I take in addressing you I trust the unfortunate cause will plead my pardon, I am concerned to inform you my Wife has been confined to her Bed these ten days with Rheumatic Gout which has deprived her of the use of all her limbs and now lies in the greatest state of wretchedness and unable to procure the necessaries her state requires, under these afflictions humbly intreat your benevolent representation of her case hoping (tho without claim) that charity will prompt so opulent a Body to relieve the afflictions herein mentioned, with the most profound gratitude for favors already received I remain Honord Sir Your most Obedient Humble & Unfortunate Servant Richard Walker
126. [F25/2/24] Mary Walker, wife of Richard Walker, 23 December 1813
Hond Sir I am informed that it is your desire I should write a letter before I received the 5 pounds which the generosity and humanity of the governors and directors of the Bank have bestowed upon me I beg leave to state through the medium of my sons pen the unfortunate impossibility of my acceding to your desire as I am incapable of making the smallest use of either of my hands and that I am totally deprived of the use of all my limbs my son would have brought this himself but having an uncertain situation in the docks I am fearful if he Omits one days attendance he might be discharged the next with great respect and gratitude I remain Hond Sir your Obedient Humble Servant, Mary Walker [son's writing].
127. [F25/2/25] Richard Walker, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 27 January 1814
Sir, With the greatest reluctance I communicate to you my wretched situation and what renders it still more cutting. Mrs W. has not the powers to assist me in the least way having been confined to her Bed these last eight Weeks and upwards with the Rheumatic Gout under such melancholy suffering, I trust your goodness will pardon the liberty I have taken and allow me a trifle to procure a few necessaries this place and the severe season of the Year requires. I am now in possession of such circumstances that would render the Bk. the greatest service and had I my liberty could I am sure be acted on immediately relying on your generous Ansr. I remain Sir with the greatest Gratitude Your most ob't and very Hble Sert. Richard Walker
128. [F25/2/26] Mary Walker, wife of Richard Walker, undated
Hond Sir I hope you will Pardon the liberty I take in acquainting you that I have just received a letter from my unfortunate husband on board the hulk written in the most afflicting terms and earnestly requesting me to cause another petion to be presented in his behalf for which reason I take the liberty of troubling you for your Opinion on its utility with Gratitude and Respect I Remain Hond Sir your Obedient Humble Servant M. Walker [son's writing].
129. [F25/2/28] Mary Walker, wife of Richard Walker, 10 March 1814
Hond Sir Some weeks past you were kind enough to say you would present any Petition in my Husbands behalf which should come to your hands, but the doubts you express'd concerning its success and my severe illness prevented my taking advantage of your extreme goodness, but I cannot acquit myself of negligence without enclosing a part of a letter which he desired you might be made acquainted with. After thirteen weeks confinement, deprived of administering the smallest relief to his necessities, I have just heard he is going on Board the Somersetshire, for New South Wales, without a Shilling in his pocket, or Cloaths beyond those worn in the Hulks. You Sir will I certain commisserate my feelings and if I cannot procure the means of going to Gravesend to take perhaps an everlasting farewell I shall be the most wretched of beings. Pain & Want I have patiently endured but Shrink from the thought of never seeing him again. What I dare not solicit your humanity will I humbly hope suggest, and the obligations will be doubled Hond Sir Your Obliged and Obedient Servant M. Walker [in hand used in Richard Walker's letters].
Attached: two pages of letter in same hand, from Richard Walker to his wife, first page entirely crossed out, second partly crossed out.
First page: I will not distress you. Remember Mary, God is above all the world and knows all things, you must know. Spontaneously alias C. C--r [Charles Cooper, 145–6] is dead, he departed this life poor Soul, on Saturday last in our Hospital Ship which lays close along side of our Ship he certainly was greatly indepted to me but he very cruelly and very ungratefully repaid me. I truly forgive him. I hope God will also forgive him there is one of my great enemies gone before me he has been at the Hospital Ship some time before I came down here. It is rather singular my other great enemy, Henry Dale although you know I never gave reason for him so to be went over to the Hospital Ship the day the other died with the Itch and being other a ways III. Therefore you see they were prevented doing me further mischief together being well matched for such wicked purposes. I Sincerely thank God for all his mercies, although ill I make no ...
Second page: following request and informations I flatter my self be equally attended to as I have not the least doubt if so they will accomplish the design wished for. Viz. I am on the Word of a man and by all thats good and sacred in possessions of three Persons who was I at liberty tomorrow I could act on the next day. One has been selling for many years and is worth some thousands a man I can deal with at any time. The others also. I repeat to you again what I now write is no subterfuge but real facts surely my Dr Mary, Mr W--d [Westwood, Bank solicitors' clerk] should be seen properly and informed of it, he can do all if he thinks fit and observe the remainder of my life should be to their interest and my own imploy. Let me hear from you the moment you receive this but be careful how you write, its impossible for me to send my old things ...
130. [F25/2/29] Mary Walker, wife of Richard Walker, 5 White Cross Street, 5 September 1814
Hond Sir, The condescending attention I have so repeatedly experienced induces me to hope you will pardon the further liberty I take of soliciting your interest. Having obtain'd permission for myself and Family to follow their Father to New South Wales, in a Ship expected shortly to sail, I presume through your means to solicit the Humane, and generous consideration of the Gentlemen of the Bank, without whose assistance I shall be unable to avail myself of the privilege extended towards me, my Family being destitute of common necessaries. I intreat your belief, Sir, that necessity alone could compel me to intrude after the obligations conferr'd, and for which my lasting gratitude is due, and with Humility beg your consideration of the Family for whom I plead, and that this last entreaty will fix their Fate, and I presume to hope satisfactorily to the feelings of those Gentlemen whose benevolence shall rescue them from Poverty, and restore them to a Parent. I beg leave to assure you Sir that the remembrance of your kindness can never be obliterated.
and remain with great respect Hond Sir, Your Obliged Humble Servant Mary Walker
[BECLS: 8 Sept. 1814, Bank to pay £10 if her story true.]
131. [F25/2/30] Thomas Foss, Newgate, 21 September 1813
Mr Harper, Sir, In my present unhappy situation I make bold humbly to request the favour of your kind interference in my behalf to the Governor and Directors of the Bank of England who I formaly had the honour to serve and shall be happy to give up the Engraver and every information that lay's in my power in mitigation of my punishment and what light I may be enabled to throw respecting bad Notes I hope will be satisfactory to the Governors & Directors of the Bank. It is also my I intention to apply by my Solicitor to the Court of Directors, but It is my opinion that your kind interference would greatly benefit my situation Sir with every relyance on your goodness that you will lay this before the Honble Court of Directors I remain Mr Harper an Unhappy Prisoner T Foss
[BECLS: 29 Sept. 1813, rejected].
132. [F25/2/31–7] Thomas Foss, Newgate, 25 September 1813
Mr Harper, Sir In my present situation it cannot be supposed that my recollection can be so clear as it otherwise would be I have humbly to request the favour of your laying this before the Governors and Directors of the Bank stating that if I give up the Engraver 3 or 4 Principles and 14 others which will lead to a discovery of the principal Makers in England also coiners. If the Governors and Directors would kindly extend mercy towards me so far as to mitigate my sentence to Transportation for Life would be all I should require of their Goodness. I have not the least doubt but I can give the Governors & Directors such information as I hope will surpass their expectations. Mr Harper Sir A Miserable prisoner Thomas Foss
[BECLS: 29 Sept. 1813, rejected.]
Attached: Foss's petition forwarded to Bank solicitors by Mr Price, 28, St John Square, 13 Oct. 1813; it asserts Bank's refusal to allow him to plead to lesser offence, his innocence of forgery though admitting possession, his betrayal by accomplice, who misled jury, and offers whatever information Bank requires about forgers and mentions another petition sent to Prince Regent for mitigation of death sentence to trspn for life. [Petition read at BECLS, 20 Oct. 1813, and rejected]; letter from John Matt of Chelmsford complaining that Bank had not paid him expenses for being witness in case against Foss, requesting compensation for time lost and for his inability to take his horse to be sold on day of hearing in London; copy letter from Bank solicitors acknowledging receipt of Matt's letter, enclosing £2 for loss of time, adding: You cannot expect the Bank to compensate you for the loss you may have sustained in not selling your Horse
133. [F25/2/35] Thomas Foss, Newgate, 5 October 1813
Mr Westwood, Sir, I am very much surprised to hear that you never saw the papers the morning last. Before my trial I requested Mr Price to solicit the Bank Directors to let me plead guilty which Mr Price informed me the Directors refused. The first week I was in the Cells I made the papers out with the intention of having them laid before the Directors in hopes of mitigation of punishment. I am sorry to hear was totally neglected, Sir be assured though I purchased the Press it was not for myself the plate was Engraved for the same party that the press was bought for. I was only employed to print out at [two illegible words]. Sir, I think the crime I have been guilty off my papers will atone for the capital tomorrow is Court day with the Directors if you will have the goodness to lay this before the Court I will esteem it as a favour Sir Your Unhappy Prisoner Thos Foss
134. [F25/2/36] Thomas Foss, Newgate, 5 November 1813
T. Foss's respects to Mr Kay and requests the favour to know that if information is given to the Bank for the benefit of the company and society in general I shall be happy to know if the Directors of the Bank will give a free pardon to two witnesses absolutely necessary for the conviction of others implicated in the Note trade be so obliging as to favour me with an answer in writing by bearer. If the above pardon is granted I will engage that every communication is made Sir Your Very Humble Servant, Thos Foss
135. [F25/2/38] Elizabeth Jones, Newgate, 20 April 1813
Gentlemen, Elizabeth Jones unfortunately convicted during the present Old Bailey Sessions, a poor widow, with three Children dependent on her for their daily support and having disposed of every thing she possessed to discharge the various expence of her confinement, destitute of every hope of pardon & of any means to procure further support for herself & her unhappy Offspring – it is her most ardent wish to be sent out of the Country as soon as possible. In the meantime she most humbly implores your humane attention for some pecuniary aid which may enable her to satisfy the wants of nature till that period of her departure shall arrive – for such a favor your humble petitioner will ever bear the most lively sense of gratitude for so distinguishing a favor while she begs permission to remain With every degree of respect most gratefully Gentlemen Yr Obedt Servt E Jones
136. [F25/2/40–1] Elizabeth Jones, Newgate, undated early May 1813
Gentlemen Nothing but the greatest Distress would have urg'd me to write to you, but at the same time Knowing of your Kindness to others who have been unfortunately plac'd in my situation, and at the same time having three Fatherless Children to Look to without any means of Support I am induced to write to you in this way – for the purpose of beseeching you to grant me some assistance During the Short time I may remain here
Your Kindness in So Doing will never be Effaced from the Mind of Yr.
Hmble Sert. E Jones [own signature]
Attached: copy note from Bank solicitors, 8 May 1813, stating her letter laid before governors and directors of Bank who decline to make allowance.
137. [F25/2/43–4] Elizabeth Jones, Newgate, 10 May 1813
Sirs Your very indulgent favour in laying before the Governors and Directors of the Bank of England my application for their usual bounty is felt by me with the utmost sentiment of respect; and in humbly transmitting to your Disposal the respectful statement of my unhappy condition you will please kindly to make every allowance for the necessary importunities of a miserable sufferer. I am, Sirs, Your most humble and anxious petitioner Eliza Jones [own signature].
Attached: petition reiterating her distress; states she was unfortunate enough to have accompanied another woman [Jane Smith, her servant, 139] who passed the note; she was not in the habit of doing so.
138. [F25/2/42] Elizabeth Jones, Newgate, 15 June 1813
Hond Gentlemen I most humbly request your indulgence of this fresh prayer of your kind favor in my behalf, on the expected departure of a ship for New South Wales with those women sentenced to transportation; unaided by friends and sinking with the miseries threatening my three helpless infants, I implore the bounty of the worthy Directors of the Bank for some little assistance towards my unhappy outfit; and, though my added error has hitherto excluded me from their usual charity, perhaps your tenderness may induce you, in consideration of my distress and that from better circumstances I did not on the former occasion make any solicitation, to afford me an allowance at this melancholy crisis
I am, Sirs, Your most respectful and very Humble Servant, Elizabeth Jones [own signature].
139. [F25/2/39] Jane Smith, Newgate, 20 April, 1813
Honrd Sir You will I hope pardon the Liberty I take in writing to you But having the Sentenced for 14 years I am truly very Much Distress and would Be Very Much Oblige to you if you will take it into Consideration to Assist me – as I have no friends, or Relations only a Mother and not in her power to render me the least Assistance whatever as the Clothes I had when taken I have Been oblige to part with and as the Ship is Expected to go very Shortly it will Be Very Exceptable whatever you will please Remitt to me I am with Duty Honrd Sir Yr Very Obt Humle Sert Jane Smith
140. [F25/2/45] Jane Smith, Newgate, 25 June 1813
Honble Gentlemen Jane Smith presents her duty and hopes that the Honble Gentlemen will take it into consideration and Make an advance to Assist me to get a few things about me. Being so Much distress and finding that Mrs Elizabeth Jones [135–8] has received Money Yesterday from you I think it Extremely hard as I was lately led away and was Inosent in the Business. I only lived Servant one Month with her and to be drawn in and now be under the Necessity to be oblige to leave my Country for 14 Years is very distressing and to leave it in such a very distress manner I shall be oblige to do [illegible word] I have a little of your kind Assistance as Mrs Jones has not given me one halfpenny, I am convicted for the same Offence and I suffer the same as she does. A hard case its therefore my trouble is not to be describe having had no Assistance from any one But my poor old Mother that gets her bread By very hard Laibour – we go away on Monday and truly hope my Application will be look into with an Eye of pitty and compassion as my distress is beyond Discription that every one knows in the Prison I am Honble Gentlemen with every due respect Your Very Obt Humle Servt
141. [F25/2/46] Hannah Hearson, Newgate, 14 April 1813
Gentlemen You persume I have taken the Liberty to send to you for the Money I've received so far fm. the Hands of the Bearer if agreable to you will thank You to send to Day for the Bearer or in what Manner you think Proper I am Gentlemen Yrs Very Obt Humle Servt Hannah Hearson
Annotated: Paid 15/
142. [F25/2/47] Cathrine Watson, Newgate 14 April 1813
Gentlemen I have taken the Liberty to send to you for the Money that is dew and ask you Please to Remitt the Same to the Bearer will be thankfully Receivd from Your Most Obt Humle Sert Cathrine Wattson Annotated: Paid 15/-
143. [F25/2/48] Hannah Hearson, Newgate, 24 June 1813
Honble Gentlemen This is no doubt the last Application I shall be under the Nessescity to write to you having this Afternoon got some final orders from Mr Newman to prepare for the Ship on Monday Therefore hope Gentlemen you will dewly consider our Situation of Being Banished from our Native land for 14 Years. I Senserly Return You Thanks for all favours I have Recd att your hands and that you will contribute some thing to Make me & My Child Comfortable This is my last application and hope not trouble you any more I am Honble Gentlemen with evry dew Respect Hannah Hearson
144. [F25/2/48] Cathrine Watson, Newgate, 24 June 1813
Honble Gentlemen With Humble Submission I return you my senscere Thanks for all favours you have conferr'd on me and my Children. Mr Newman has this Afternoon Been round to inform us to prepare for the Ship on Monday therefore hope Gentlemen hope you will condescend to contribute some More to get a few things for My Children and self as The Voige will be some Months That will be Requisite and Nessesary and May every Blessing Attend you
This being the last Application I shall trouble you for hope you will comply with My Request
Honle Gentlemen Yr Very Obt Humle Sert Cathrine Watson [same hand and on same piece of paper as 143].
145. [F25/2/49] Charles James Cooper, Newgate, 9 June 1813
Sir, Having no Friend but two sisters at a great distance in penurious Sircumstances and to stand as a mediator for me in my behalf – have most humbly to pray you will of your goodness & humanity be pleased Recommend the petition which the Bearer hereof will shew you & you by so doing will add one more great favour to him who is in deep distress having nothing but the [gaol] alowance to subsist on & is with the greatest respect Your Humble Pettitioner Chas Jas Cooper
146. [F25/2/50] Charles James Cooper, Newgate, 5 July 1813, formal petition
That he is now with the utmost contrition Justly suffering the sentence of the Law, being truly sensible of the inormity of his Offence, that he is in his sixty third year of his Age, and hath a Wife and two infant Children in the greatest distress, the oldest not more than Five years of Age, notwithstanding the Justice of his sentance, he cannot Divest himself of the Feelings of a Husband, and a Father, That the distress of my Wife and Children are more painful to him then his own suffering, they being inocent, and he Guilty, – that before his unfortunate confinement he used to pay, Eight shillings per week for his Eldest Childs support, that he has nothing but the Gaol Allowance, that his Wife cannot at presant get Bread for herself and Two small Children, he therefore most humbly prays and emplores you will of your Goodness and bounty heumanity be pleased to Assist her to Enable her to subsist until she can be relieved by the Parrish, praying humbly that you will of your liberality and Charity consider the Deep distress of his Wife and Family, and he and Family will as in duty Bound ever pray &c &c Chas. Jas. Cooper
Your Petitioners Wife will wait on you for An Answer she resides at No 1 Smiths Court Opposite St Andrews Church Holborn
[BECLS: petition rejected, 7 July 1813.]
147. [F25/2/51] Edward Abell, Newgate, 4 May 1813
Gentlemen I hope you will pardon the liberty taken in addressing you. I am sorry to say that my wife and 4 Children are in great distress, even want the Necessarys of Life – I need not Inform you that I was convicted last Sessions at the Suit of the Crown – and sentenced to 14 years Transportation – I have been Informd that some allowance has been made to the wife and family of Persons in my Situation – I therefore most humbly Implore your Interference in my behalf of my wife and Infant Children who are really distressed, your Kind Compliance – will very much Obge Gentn your distressed & truly Unfortunate Hb St Edward J. Abell
148. [F25/2/52] W. E. Hardy, Newgate official, June 1813
Informs Bank solicitors that order received by Mr Newman (keeper of Newgate) for removal to transport ships of convicts Elizabeth Jones and Mary Roberts.
149. [F25/2/53] Davenport Sedley, gaol servant, Newgate, 13 September 1813
Reminds Bank solicitors that he had given information about George Barnes [111] and Richard Walker [119–130] which led to their apprehension, trial and sentencing. He complains that Walker is still in Newgate and that Bank is maintaining him and his 'mistress' Mary Glover since they are providing useful information, yet he, Sedley, did not receive any money for his services. Offers further service in relation to Thomas Foss, bank printer [131–4] now in Newgate; he can find out from him more details of his network provided Bank delay prosecution; a further complaint is made that when Bank investigator, Lee, came to see him to obtain information, keeper of gaol was present: private information should be privately received; otherwise, my life would be in danger in this place
150. [F25/2/54] James Charlesworth, Horsemonger Lane gaol, 14 April 1814
Fined and sentenced Oct. 1813 to twelve months in gaol for uttering counterfeit coins at Camberwell Fair, reminds Bank he gave them information on note forgers and complains he received no reward; he has new information from Mr Pritchard, overlooker of printing business, 31, Essex Street, Strand, who brought him lists of the Ladys with Indecent cuts in them and knows identity of printer.
151. [F25/2/55–60] Set of papers from and about Edward Millson, various (non-prison) addresses in London, 6 June 1812 to May 1813
Millson, apprehended June 1812 on suspicion of uttering a forged £5, claims against Bank for four days wrongful imprisonment before they decided not to indict him, for reimbursement of amounts he paid for keep in prison and to his solicitor (totalling £8 7s. 6d.), and compensation for insults received in the street since imprisonment, loss of job as book keeper to city firm, and conditions suffered on remand in New prison Clerkenwell. Papers comprise memorials and affidavits dated 8 July 1812, 10 Dec. 1812, and 9 Apr. 1813, and covering letter from lawyer, John Pownall of Staple Inn, emphasising Millson's current hardship. Also included is copy of Bank solicitors' response, 6 May 1813, that Millson not entitled to compensation as there was sufficiently good reason for arresting him.
152. [F25/2/61] Henry Dale, Coldbath Fields prison, 12 May 1813
Sir In conformity with your request I resume my pen for the purpose of communicating to you my Knowledge relative to Forgerys on the Bank, which I can be the means of detecting by going to Birmingham (Viz) the Engraver, Printer, Paper Manufacturer. If the Bank therefore with this assurance realized, I prescribe the following plan to go to Birmingm accompanied by Joseph Becket head turnkey to Mr Adkins in my own way of business, to apply to the partys alluded to who will readily serve me with what the Bank wishes me to purchase, for the said Joseph Becket to be in waiting at the time I pay for the Goods Ordered & at that time to make his seizure of the persons concerned. This I consent to do on the broad scale of humanity being most decidedly of opinion its the only branch of Forgery on the Bank of England in Birmingm. (the detection of which is not at all improbable from the Amt. of Notes dayly executing) that it might save hundreds from falling Victims to the Gallows activated with a desire to serve community as well as restore myself to the sweets of liberty I am ready and willing to fall into the measures here laid down, conditionally that I am not again taken to any public Office for farther examination as it would defeat my plans in Birmingm. moreover that on the partys in Birmingm. alluded to having taken their respective Tryals, that I shall be at liberty to transport myself to any part of the World – Engld – Ireland Scotld & Wales excepted – for the term to be hereafter agreed upon & for the Bank of England to Furnish me with the means so to do allowing me 1 Mo. to arrange my Affairs in prior to my leaveing England – your Kind consideration as soon as convenient to lay before the Committee or whom you please will greatly – Oblige Your Obdt Hble St H. Dale
P.S. My motive for wishing Joseph Beckett to accompany me is I am acquainted with him & Mr Adkins has every confidence in his discharging faithfully any power the Bk. may invest him with
153. [F25/2/62] Ann Dale, wife of prisoner, Henry Dale, 23, Tower Street, Westminster Road, 17 April 1814
Most Honle Gent Pardon the intrusion of an unfortunate and unhappy Woman, who with Two uneducated Children have been reduced by one fatal Act of a Wretched Husband and Father, to the deepest distress, permit me most humbly to Inform you, I am the Wife of Henry Dale now a convict on board the Somersetshire, waiting a conveyance to New South Wales.
A humble Conviction of your humanity so often extended to others placed in distressed Situations equal to my own, induced by a wish to support and Educate my now Fatherless Children, emboldens me to hope you will consider me as deserving your distinguished Consideration, and humanely induce you to afford me pecuniary Aid, to assist me in the purchase of a Mangle, or to place me in some way whereby I may be enabled to support myself and Children – Permit me Most Honble Gent to inform you, that the little I once possessed have long since been sacrificed in contributing to the support of my unhappy Husband and Children – or I should not have presumed to make this appeal to your humanity. Praying your early answer, permit me to subscribe myself Most Honble Gent with the highest sence of gratitude Your most Obedt Humbl Servant Ann Dale
Annotated: £5 [BECLS: 20 Apr. 1814, confirms payment as not involved in crime].
154. [F25/2/63] John Vesey Low, unspecified prison, about 10 May 1813
Hond Sir Tis with all that Diffidence which a Man in my situation must feel at Writing to the very Body that i have Injured, for his favour in this my fallen Condition, But it is the Boast of an Englishman, Tho a Criminal that in the humane Administration of the Laws of this my native Country, he the fallen Victim Draws upon his head the just sentence of the Law for the Crime he has committed is still Allowed the indulgence of Appealing to the feeling Breast of his Countrymen for that Mercy he in some Measure may Consider himself entitled to –
And so a Being truly Unfortunate I Beg with all humility, Not Wishing in the smallest Manner to be, by you Considered less Criminal nor for any Commutation in my just sentence for i was sensible i was Doing Wrong, many of the Wisest & Best of Men has been tempted to Commit wrong Which at Other times they would feel themselves Incapable of–
But Sir, I fear i am trespassing upon your time, have Duly Weighd in my Mind my situation and that of my unprotected family. It is the humble Prayer of my Wife and Self on the Behalf of my Children that they may be Allowd to Accompany me over to the place of my Destination for we each have but a miserable existence at present i hope to go the earliest Moment and if to go in the same Ship with them i should feel undescribable happiness, which i am informed is not Unusual by your humane Interference and shoud my Conduct in future when transplanted upon a foreign Earth intitle me to favour or Indulgence from the Governor or Superior placed over me Myself and Family for such Mercifull Grant will ever in Gratitude feel ourselves Bound to pray for such a Mark of your Goodness I further Beg to Subscribe myself Hond Sir, you very Humble Servt John Vesey Lowe
155. [F25/2/64] Petition on behalf of Sarah Fell by her parents, Charles and Anne Fell, countersigned by Charlotte Clarke of Islington who had Sarah's sister in her service. Fell held in Clerkenwell New prison on suspicion of uttering a forged note in City Road. They claim her innocence. Petition rejected by Bank. Acquitted at trial, OB, June 1813. [BECLS: 21 & 28 Apr., 9 June 1813; HO 26/19 records her as a 'bad character'.]
156. [F25/2/65–6] John Hopgood, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 26 November 1813
Sir The Convinceing proofs I have had of your Humanity and philanthropy, to alleviate the misfortunes of the oppressed, had induced Me now to take the liberty of addressing you upon the present unhappy and melancholy event as you are in possession of the Circumstances relative to m/y apprehension and Conviction I shall not enter into a long and labored defence, but can assure you I have been the Dupe of others who now laugh at my Credulity it is the most earnest wish of my unfortunate Wife as Well as Myself that She should accompany Me to New South Wales. I am Good Sir Destitute both of money and Friends, permit Me most earnestly to solicit your favour and Goodness to use your interference with the Govrs and C° of the Bank of England and thereby obtain permission for My Wife to accompany Me, and afford Me some small Pecuniary aid which will greatly oblige Yours respectfully, John Hopgood.
Attached: petition from his wife Mary, 1 Jan. 1814, permitted to sail with him, asking relief since she was taking their child with her and had sold all her 'things' to support herself and husband while he was in prison. Mary given £5 on sailing.
157. [F25/2/67–8] Henry Russell, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 23 November 1813
Gentlemen Pardon the liberty I take in addressing you upon the present unhappy and melancholy events as you are in possion of the peculiar nature of the Case and likewise the Defence I made on the Day of my Trial when Baron Graham prisided at the Court I shall not presume to enter into the merits or demerits of the Case, but bow with due submission to the Sentence which has been passed upon me most solemnly do declare that I was grosely deceived and imposed upon with regard to the Notes, which has brought down such disgrace upon my Family, and misery upon my unoffending head I Received the notes in question from one Thomas Langley for a Debt due to me at that period conceiveing that the Notes were Lawful Money of Great Britan thus innocently did I become the Dupe of the above named Thomas Langley who has since been Executed for Forgery. It is the proudest moment of my Life amidst the difficulties which sourround me to make known to you Gentlemen that the Earl of Abingdon Lord Spencer Fenn Esqr Member of Parliament (fn. 1) and some of the finest Nobility in the Kingdom have kindly interested themselves in my behalf Permit me at the same time to represent that I have already endured nearly Five years solentary Imprisonment dureing which Period my sufferings have been Grate both in mind and Body, and my health is in consequence much impaired for these reasons as well as in Consideration of my Genearal Good Character and for the sake of my Afflicted Wife and Family most earnestly do I implore Gentlemen that you will extend unto Me your favour and Goodness and thereby obtain His Majestys Most gracious Pardon, or such mitigation of Sentance as in your Profound Wisdom you may deem meet – and should it not be in your power to Comply with this my most earnest request and Intreaty permit Me to solicit the favour that you gentlemen with your known humanity will render Me some small assistance previous to my leaving Endland and as in duty Bound I shall ever pray
I have the Honour to be Gentlemen Your most Obdt Humble Servt Henry Russell
Attached: copy letter from Bank solicitors, 25 Nov. 1813, stating governors & directors decline to interfere any further than they have already done.
158. [F25/2/69] Charles Games, Retribution hulk, Woolwich, 23 November 1813
Sir Your goodness will I trust pardon the liberty I take in addressing you, but the unhappy situation I am placed in, and the deep distress my Family and Respective Relatives are involved in will I trust plead an excuse for my so doing. Permission has been granted by My Lord Sidmouth for My Wife and Son to accompany Me to New South Wales since my Conviction my sufferings have been great, and are likely to be rendered stil greater, unless releaved in some measure by the humane interference of the Governors, and Company of the Bank of England; I cannot finish this Sir written under the pressure of many and harassing Concerns without begging You will accept my best Thanks and gratitude for saveing my Life which it was in Your power to deprive Me of and most earnestly do I implore that You will with Your known humanity recommend Me as disserving some small pecuniary assistance from the Govrs and C° of the Bank of England previous to my leaving my native Country as I am destitute both of Money and Friends, and as in duty Bound I shall ever Pray – &tr
I am Sir With the profoundest Respect Your Most Obdt Humble Servt Charles Games
Annotated: Mr. Kaye be authorized to advce him £ [illegible amount]
[BECLS to investigate his request, 1 Dec. 1813, and if true give wife £5 on sailing.]
159. [F25/2/70] John Pearson, Retribution hulk, Sheerness, 10 July 1814
Hond Sir, I beg the liberty of this letter Imploring your Humane attention in A Case so truly lamantable, As I am labouring under the most excruciating agony of Mind, attended with the several Necessities Occationed by my late Conviction and Sentence, Induces me to Solicit your Assistance in Causing to be Returned the Money that was taken from me and Elizh Pearson on the evening of our Apprehension, I Beg Pardon for attempting to Recover the Money which was taken from Elizh Pearson alias Wright as it is far from my Intention. But as we are as One, you will excuse me – And as we must enevatibly leave this Country very shortly, A little Money will be of an Infinite Service to One or both of us, therefore I beg you will be Pleased to Remitt to me on Bord this Hulk or to Elizh Pearson at Newgate, that Part of the Money which was taken from us, and not returned – Therefore I will give an Account of the Money that was taken from us and what we Received, which is as follows, Viz. from Elizh Pearson £3 3s- and from myself £1 14s 9½d, with 3s/6d from our lodgings which Amounts to £5 1s 3½d, and all we Received was £1 12s 6d therfore £3 8s 9½d remains. Wherfore should you be pleased to Cause the Above to be Returned as I have Above Directed, you will Hond Sir for ever Oblige Your Most Obedient Servant John Pearson
160. [F25/2/71] T. Birch, New Prison Clerkenwell, 2 September 1813 to landlord of Admiral Benbow public house. Golden Lane. Awaiting hearing before magistrate at Worship Street for uttering counterfeit Bank tokens, he requests landlord to put in a good word for him.
161. [F25/2/72] William Holland, Marshalsea prison, 25 October 1813 Held for having half a forged £50 note in his possession, he explains his distress and asks Bank to get him out.
162. [F25/2/73] J. Atkinson, prison employee, Newgate, December 1813 Offers Bank useful information if they will call on him.
163. [F25/2/74] Mary England, Newgate, 29 April 1814
Honred Sir I hope you Will Excuse the Liberty I take in troubling you With this I have Been so Unfortunate as to be in Newgate on the Account of the Bank Business Honred Sir I have Four Small Children and no one to Maintain them But my Selfe as my Husband has Left me and is Gown to Sea I Was tryed in February Sessions and I have been Obliged to Part With all my Cloathes and Every thing that I had to Support my Selfe and Children But I hope that God Will Punnesh the Wicked man that Braught me in to it and I Shall be Ever Greatfull if you Should be so kind to think of me in My distress and My Children if it is Ever so Small a trifle I Shall Be very thankfull I hope you Will Excuse the Liberty that I have taken in troubling you With this and if you should think of me I should be in duty Bound to Pray for you from your Humble Petitioner Mary England
Annotated: 10/6d Pr. Week to be allowed
164. [F25/2/75] Mary Beavitt, Newgate, 17 May 1814
Honred Sir I hope you Will Excuse the Liberty I take in troubling you With this But it is through trew Necesity that I do it I have five Children and my husband has only thirty shillings pr Week and it is out of my Power to Maintain More than two if it Lays in your Power to do any thing for me I Should Be thankfull to you as his money is Not Sufficent to Maintain me in a Prison and two Children as the Place is very Expenceive to Live in if it Lays in your Power to do this I shall Be Ever greatfull to you from your very Humble Petitioner and humble Servent Mary Beavitt
I should be very Much Obliged to Mr Foy [Marlborough Street police officer] if he Will Lett me have the Pocket Book he took from me
165. [F25/2/76] Elizabeth Pearson/Wright, Newgate, 17 May 1814
Honred Sir I hope you Will Excuse the Liberty I take in troubling you With this But my Husband is Left this Place to go Abroad [left Newgate for Retribution hulk prior to sailing in Aug.] and now he has Left this Place I have Nothing to depend on But the Goal Allowance wich is very Little as When his friends Came to him I shared What he had But Now he is Left I have Nothing to depend if it Lays in your Power to assist me I Shall Be Ever thankfull if it Lays in your [illegible word] to do this a favourable Answer Would Much oblige your Very Humble Servent Elizabeth Wright
166. [F25/2/77] Thomas Porter, Newgate, 12 June 1819 [sic]
Note about people he believes to be utterers of forged notes, transcribed from oral evidence by Thomas Glover, Bank investigator.
167. [F25/2/78–80], John Schrouder, spunging house, 12 Fleet Lane, 26 October 1813
Had given information about forgers to Bank investigator, Glover, received no answer and writes again to advise Bank.
168. [F25/2/81–84] Jorgen Jorgensen, Fleet prison, October-November 1813
Debtor writes three letters giving information to Bank about prisoner about to be discharged from Fleet, planning to deal in forged notes.
169. [F25/2/85–6] Ann Anntwissell, Broxbournbury transport ship, Deptford, 10 January 1814
Most Hond Sir I rely on your genuine goodness of heart to pardon the great liberty I take in addressing you which nothing but my present melancholy situation should induce me to I beg leave to say that we are almost in hourly expectation of sailing and being in the greatest distress having no one capable of giving me the smallest trifle I do therefore most humbly intreat of you Sir to bring my melancholy case before the Honble Gentlemen of the Bank in humble hope they will be pleased to afford me some assistance for which favor I shall ever be truly Gratefull Your kind compliance will much oblige most Hond Sir Your Obedt Humble Servant Ann Anntwissell
Attached: deposition of Thomas Barrett, deputy constable, Little Bolton, describing her arrest, escape from his house, pursuit and recapture.
170. [F25/2/87–9] Ann Anntwissell, Broxbournbury transport ship, Northfleet, 9 February 1814
Most Hond Sir I most Humbly intreat you will pardon my taking the Liberty of troubling you to present the enclosed for me to the Gentlemen of the Bank I beg leave to return my most sincere thanks for the trouble you have before taken for me and with every sentiment of Respect and gratitude subscribe myself Your Obedt Servant Ann Anntwissell
Attached: two petitions re-stating 169 in more formal terms. Second petition annotated with numbers of £1 notes, dated 8 Dec. 1813, totalling £5.
171. [F25/2/90] Catherine Kain, Broxbournbury transport ship, Deptford, 1 January 1814
Most Hond Sir,I take the liberty of informing you I was sent on board the Convict Ship which is to convey me from my native Country I do therefore beg of you Sir to be good enough to name my distressing case before the Honourable Gentlemen of the Bank in hopes they will be good enough to afford me some relief not having the means of providing for myself with common necessaries for so long a voyage I beg leave to say we expect to sail the first wind intreat of you Sir to comply with my request and with the highest Sense of gratitude for the trouble you have already taken I respectfully beg leave to remain Your Obedt Hbl Servant Catherine Kain
At top of page: Catharine Kane her mark
172. [F25/3/1–3] Joseph Russell, Giltspur Street compter, 27 July & 18 August 1815
Defaulter on Bank bills of exchange asks Bank to assist his release.
173. [F25/3/4] Thomas Sharp, King's Bench prison, 22 May 1815 Debtor imprisoned at suit of Bank asks to be discharged.
174. [F25/3/5–7] J. A. H. Burden, King's Bench prison, 19 & 26 November 1814
Debtor to Bank offers disclosures about utterers of forged notes in prison with him.
175. [F25/3/8–20] Martha Bramwell, Newgate, various dates in 1814
Set of letters from Bramwell, aged twenty-four, with four small children, convicted OB, Jan. 1814, for stealing from dwelling house; awaiting seven yrs trspn. In daily contact with female 'Bank prisoners' in Newgate. Her letters disclose to Bank their continued trading in forged notes; she requests relief and favours in exchange for information. She tells Bank, 4 Oct. 1814: You are much deceived in the objects of your Charity as there are some in Newgate that receive a weekly allowance at the same time they are living extravagantly by defrauding the Bank. Between Oct. and Dec. 1814, she informs on forgery and selling networks in London and activities of female prisoners; also of some men. She thanks Bank for favours and pecuniary relief and asks more. She is to be held back from group of women about to sail, for her protection. Her little boy has just died of smallpox in prison, another of her children with smallpox is not expected to live; several other children in prison have died; she herself is unwell. Able to write herself she writes letters for some women she informs on, sending copies to Bank; she says she reads letters received by other women, making copies of those for Bank; she also writes letters for some women to Bank.
176. [F25/3/21] Amelia Hatfield, Newgate, 3 December 1814
Sir, as you was so good to intimate you would do something for me I return you my thanks for your goodness and should be for ever gratefull for whatever you please to bestowe as I have so small a family it will be highly acceptable and Received with Gratitude by Sir your very humble Sert Amelia Hatfield. [in Martha Bramwell's hand.]
177. [F25/3/22–3] Ann Bailey, Newgate, 3 December 1814
Sir, I humbly beg pardon for intruding on you beg leave to inform you I am much distressd having lost my little girl and have another child at this time very ill I hope you will not be offended if I soliset a little assistance I am humbly gratefull for what I have already received from the Generosity of the Gentlemen of the Bank and should be very thankfull for whatever you may be pleased to bestow on Sir your very humble Sert Ann Bailey [in Martha Bramwell's hand].
Attached: earlier copy note, 24 Nov. 1814, from Bank solicitors to J. H. Capper, home office: Messrs KF & K present their Complts to Mr Capper and take the liberty of reminding him that Amelia Hatfield & Ann Bailey may be sent in the Ship now about to sail to Botany Bay, the Husbands of these two Convicts are now in Custody for uttering forged Bank Notes & the Husband of Hatfield has been committed to Newgate for Trial & if these Convicts are suffered to remain in Newgate it will be impracticable to prevent their Selling forged Bank Notes there
178. [F25/3/24] Sarah Watson, Newgate, 11 October 1814
Sir I beg pardon for taken the liberty of trouble you with Letter but I understand from Mr Hardy [official, Newgate] that I ham put down on the list for the ship Sir I wish much to be kep Back from this ship as my poor girl [Mary Watson] is still in confindment and I find that we shall go before the time of her coming out that esteem sir you will do me that k[i]ndness to write for me to the setentary stats office to stop me from this ship as my daughter is all I wish to see before I go as she as no one to look to her I find by Mr Hardy that it his in your power to do me this kindnys I trust sir you wil do me this favor sir for my poor girl sake and I return you the utmost thanks from your obednt and humble servt, Sarah Whatson
179. [F25/3/25] Edward Harland, Newgate, 11 April 1815
Sir Permit an unfortunate man to address you begging your intercession on his behalf, and intreating your favour by the presenting of the inclosed petition to the Governors & Directors of the Bank of England – I have stated, my request in a few words and leave the merit with them, may that mercy Implore, be bestowed, and may you Sir, in thus acceeding to my request Receive, tenfold for the trouble you take in thus complying, with the request from Sir Your Afflicted Devoted Hum. Se. Edw Harland
[petition no longer attached].
180. [F25/3/26–7] Levi Andrews, Coldbath Fields prison, 22 May 1815
Nearing end of twelve month prison sentence for counterfeiting Bank tokens, finding he cannot be discharged as Bank ready to prosecute him for another similar offence, he requests their clemency as he is young, with a wife and four children; signs in Hebrew. He appears to obtain bail.
181. [F25/3/28–9] John Borrows, Coldbath Fields prison, 8 October 1814
Hond Sirs, I avail this oppertunity of inclosing a letter I received from my family and to shew the distressed case the are in and myself confined here without a penny to help and as to anything else I cant say a sillable to your Honors respecting the forgery I am confined for. I hope your Honors will take my case into consideration and allow a small Support for my family which are in the greatest distress and before I left London for Liverpool I went to Mr Harriot of the Thames police and told him all concerning it and he desired me to go to the Bank and give my information there and they would well reward me for my information, and I was told there that they could do nothing before the note came into the Bank when I left the date and number and provided it came in, the Bank would apply to Mr Harriot, of the Thames police and I hope your Honors will take my case into consideration and admit me as an Evidence against [Jacob] Isaacs [sentenced to fourteen yrs trspn, Nov. 1814] as to what I have said is the truth and that I mean to stand to I remain Hond Sirs your most obedt. and Hble Sert John Borrows
Attached: letter, 2 Oct. 1814 addressed to Mr John Borows, Lambath Street Office London – if not there to be forwarded to him, from Ann, his wife, [with surname Emery overwritten Borrows] in Liverpool, expressing extreme distress at his absence, claiming ignorance of where he is or what he may have done.
182. [F25/3/30–40] James Lloyd, Horsemonger Lane gaol, 13 February – 15 March 1815 & 12 December 1818 – 2 December 1819
Lloyd, awaiting prosecution by Bank, writes three letters in 1815 offering information. No trace of trial; his offer was probably accepted as he writes five letters (1818–19), showing him active on Bank's behalf in entrapment of utterers and sellers in London and Surrey. [See also Bank archive F34A/7.]
183. [F25/3/45] Elizabeth Pearson/Wright, Newgate, 19 October 1814
Sir I hope you will pardon the liberty I take in addressing you nothing but the Great distress of my preasant situation could induce me to trouble you I beg leave to inform you I have no friend to assist me with the least trifle and am reduced to great distress in Consequence of not Had the Allowance the Gentleman were so good as to remit to me I understand the female Convict Ship is ready for our reception next week I have been obliged to Part with my Cloaths for Support having nothing but the gail allowance to live on and should be humbly thankfull if you would assist me with a trifle to releace them and your humble Petitioner will in duty Bound ever Pray &c &c Elizabeth Wright [in Martha Bramwell's hand].
184. [F25/3/41] Elizabeth Pearson/Wright, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 22 November 1814
Sir Beg pardon for taking the Lirbairity of Addressying you but have bin infrormed that thare is a trifull of money alowed when whe Leave ingland wich whe shall be verry thankfull for as whe are very much in Distress your Humble pitionors Elizebeth Wright [additional names Mary Hingland, Sarah Watson crossed through. Letter headed as coming from the Northampton 'Convent' ship]
Annotated: E. Wright a Pearson, No. 19705 22 Oct 1814 £5. £5 to be sent to her by Mr Kaye and The Mark of E Wright a Pearson 23 Nov 1814
185. [F25/3/42] Susanna Blake, Northampton transport ship Deptford, 25 November 1814
Sir I hope you will excuse the liberty for applying to you the Women on board that confest themselves Guilty have been allowed five pounds each. I was convicted and Andover – I am sent on board with one child I hope you will allow me the same as the women in the ship it will be of much [illegible word] as I am without any Mony I am Sir Your most Obdt Servt Susana Blake
Annotated: £5 Winchester, with numbers and dates of issue of 5 £1 notes: total £5 Paid 6 Dec T. Glover' and signature: Susanna Blake
186. F25/3/43] Susanna Blake, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 3 December 1814
Sir I hope you will excuse the liberty I take of informing you I was sent from Andover, for passng a bank of England Note being forged. I acknold my guilt every woman in the Ship has received a sum of monny I am here with one Child veary much distressed I hope sir you will interfere in My behalfe I shall ever pray Your humble Servt Susann Blake Dear Sir I understand the ship will leave here on Tuesday
187. [F25/3/44] Elizabeth Pearson/Wright, Northampton transport ship, 21 November 1814
Sir I take the Liberty of informing you I have rote twice and have not got any answer the Gentlemen were on board from the Bank of England this Morning to pay some Women, they did not send for me – I hope you have not forgot me I am desperate you will not think me troublesome but necessity only causes me to make this application Your Most Obdt Humble Servt Eliz. Wright
188. [F25/3/46] Ann Downs and Ann Paul, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 17 November 1814
Mr Westwood Sir Whe take the Liberty of trobiling you as wee are In the Greatest Destress In this world Being Confined this 9 Months In the Castell of Lancaster and having No friends to help Us to aney think whe are almost Lost for Cloathing And Being Confined for the bank Business whe hope that your Hounour Sir will Consither Our Destress Situation and please to Relieve Us as whe are Now going On Bord of the Northamton Going to the Bay and in the Utrmos of Destress and Likewise I Ann Downs Leaving 4 Desolate Children Behind Mee Whe Remaine your Umbel Servant Ann Downs and Ann Pall
Annotated: Paul under Pall, £5 each; number and date of notes to be paid and Sunday 20 Nov 1814, under which is Downs' signature and mark of Paul and Mr Kaye to pay them £5 each
189. [F25/3/47] Mary England, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 16 November 1814
Honored Sir I hope you will pardon the Lirbreity i take in writing to you but it is nothyng but the gratest distress that Obliges me to tack so grate a Lirbirty having three [four written over] Children to maintian uppon what your goodness has pleased to alow me wich i trust your goodness Wil be grate anouf to Alow me a smal trifull as i ham agoin to Leave My Cuntrey with four Children and have not seen my husband since i have bein in Confinedmint win I ham intirley trusting in your Mersey and goodness your humble pertitoner Mary Ingland
Annotated: Mary England is now on board the Convict ship at Deptford. £10; Mr Kaye to pay her £10, with numbers of notes to be paid and date of payment Sunday 20 Nov 1814 with Mary England's own signature.
190. [F25/3/48] Mary Walker, wife of Richard Walker, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 1 December 1814
Hond Sir, I feel the most painful sensation in addressing you after the repeated favors experienced, and other assurances given of no farther application but am so situated as to have no other hope of accomplishing the necessary end I have in view in this appeal than through your kind interest in my behalf with the Gentlemen of the Bank. The Captain of the Northampton has kindly permitted my Son to help to work the Ship but am wholly unable to procure him the necessary Cloathing and assure you no other circumstance of whatever necessity would have induced me intrude after the favors confer'd and for which my gratitude is unceasing. The Ship is daily expected to sail and should not have troubled you with a letter had not the illness of my Children prevented my personal attendance. With great respect
I remain Hond Sir, Your much Obliged Humble Servant Mary Walker
Annotated with calculations, identification of £1 notes totalling £5.
191. [F25/3/49] Mary Barnard, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 20 November 1814
Honnored Sir I take this Liberty of Riting to you to Enform you of My Destressed Situation at present being Confined this 15 Months In Heartford Gail for the Bank Business and quite at this present time destitude of friends hopes that your honour Sir will have Compashon On Mee and Let mee have Some Relief as I am Now On bord of the Northamton Going to the Bay In the Greates Destres In this World I have Applyed to you before and there Is Some Unfortuneate Whomen as Receved Great favour from you and I hope to find the Same Sir for I am in very Great Destress Sir I have Not One Shiling to by mee A Littel tea for my Sea Store and I the prisoner Marey Bernerd Shall be Ever In Dutey Bound to pray for you Sir
Annotated: £5 to be given to her, numbers and dates of notes to be paid, Mrs Barnard and her mark on 23 November 1814
192. [F25/3/50] Ann Noble, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 20 November 1814
The humble petition of Ann Noble
This is to inform you that I have been confined in Exeter Goal for 15 Months on account of uttering a forged note upon the Bank of England and your petitioner being in great distress and no friends to releive her humbly solicits your benevolence in her behalf and your petitioner will in Duty bound to pray Ann Nobel
Annotated: £5 to be given to her, Ann Noble's own signature and identification of notes given.
193. [F25/3/51] Charlotte Dixon, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, undated, probably November 1814
Charlotte Dixon, not prosecuted by Bank, permitted to sail to NSW with her two infant children, to join husband, Thomas, [fourteen yrs trspn], May 1811. In great distress and hearing that Bank give money to women on the ship, she requests some. No reply recorded.
194. [F25/3/52] Sarah Watson, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 21 November 1814
Sir Pardon the Liberty I take In writing to you. But seeing Mr Glover [Bank investigator] on Board yesterday making different presents to the Women from the Bank of England and my Name not being Calld I Beg you will think of me & take it into Consideration being quite at a loss for a few Necessarys From your Humble Petitioner Sarah Watson
Annotated: £5 to be given to her, with identification and dates of notes, together with her mark on 23 Nov. 1814.
195. [F25/3/53] Rachel Sladen, Northampton transport ship, Deptford, 17 November 1814
Honnored Sir I take the Liberty of Riting to you too Enform you of My Destressed Situation being Confined this 7 Months In the Castell of Lancaster and Leaving 4 poor Desolate Children Behind mee and taking One with Mee boath mee and It Is In the Utmost of Destress having No One to Send to Mee Either money Or cloathes Mee and My Child Is In Great Destress and Being Confined for the Bank Business I hope that your Honnour Sir will Consither My destressed Situation And Send me Some Relief as I am Lying On bord of the Northamton Going to the Bay I Remaine your Umbel Servant Rechal Sladen
Annotated: Rachael Sladen, Mr Kaye to pay her £5, with identification and dates of notes to be paid, and her mark on Sunday 26 Nov. 1814.
196. [F25/3/54] William Webb, Justitia hulk, Woolwich, 12 December 1814
Gentlemen, As an unhappy Man who has incurred the displeasure of the Law, and who most sincerely regrets having done so; I have taken the liberty of intruding on you this supplicatory address; in the fervent hope that my Contrite and decorous behaviour since Conviction as well as the Candid manner in which I acted with Mr Westwood [Freshfields' clerk] the Solicitor at Gloucester will awaken your sympathy and prompt you not only to lend a favorable Ear to my unutterable feelings, at the Idea of being exiled from my Native Country and from all that I hold dear, for the long term of 14 Years, but plead an excuse for my present presumption – You will be pleased to recollect that I was Tried at the Assizes held at Gloucester in the Month of April last for having passed a Five Pound Note purporting to be one of the Bank of England Notes but which ultimately turned to be a Forged one – My Friends advised me to take the benefit of your humane offer to plead Guilty which I acceded to – Believe me Honorable gentlemen that no one can more sincerely feel the injustice of the transaction than I do, and I am most anxious to expiate my offence by demonstrating the Sincerity of my penitence – I humbly hope therefore that you will be pleased, in your great benevolence, to look upon me as a distressed object, on the Eve of leaving this Country to undertake a voyage of 18,000 Miles, without the means of procuring one single Article necessary for such an unhappy undertaking and in your humanity deign to Condescend to render me a small pecuniary assistance to enable me to undergo, the better, those sufferings which are the Consequent attendant on a Voyage of this description, and Condescend to make known to me your Generous intentions, thro' the medium of your Solicitor and be assured of the sincere penitence and fervent prayers for every earthly happiness to attend each and every of you – Honble Gentlemen Yr. mo hble. mo obt. & very devoted Servt. William Webb
197. [F25/1/55–6] William Wilkins, Justitia hulk, Woolwich, 11 July 1815
Gentn I some time past supplicated Mr Kay to deliver a Petition (which I enclosed) to the Bank of England Directors.
I intimated my unfortunate Case therein – and implored pecuniary relief – I also had the hope Mr Spurrier [lawyer acting for Bank] would recommend me as a fit object of their Charity – You will in your humanity please to consider – that I was involved in this business without benefit to myself– to the disgrace of my character, and loss of liberty – After being as I am – It is my earnest wish to go to the Bay the next Draft – and endeavour to wipe away the impression of my disgrace – I therefore solicit your compassion to promote the prayer of my Petition – for assistance as it is expected the Ship will go in a few days. I am Gentn. Yr. Most Obt very Hble Sert Willm Wilkins
Attached: copy note stating We submitted your Petition to the Govrs & Directors of the Bank, who declined complying therewith. We are K. F. & K. London 11 July 1815.
198. [F25/3/57–9] Joseph Scott, Justitia hulk, Woolwich, 30 May 1815
Sir, I intreat you to pardon the liberty I take in supplicating your humanity by the intrusion of this and the enclosed Petition which I implore you to use your interest in supporting.
I before wrote a Petition but sent it erroniously to Mr Hase [Bank chief cashier] instead of directing it to you – I therein expressed my unfortunate state as I now do – and which will I hope be compassionated by you and the Governors of the Bank for independent of the misfortune of the allotted punishment of the crime I have been convicted of – I am friendless – and those I most depended upon has in my misery rob'd me of my Cloths and all I had, so that I enter my Captivity in an unknown Country pennyless, friendless – unknown and not knowing any one – This I hope will create your sympathy in my favour – And I shall ever be Sir Yr most grateful Obt. Hble Sevt Joseph Scott
Attached: petition repeating what is said in letter with additional information that he is twenty-four, a shoemaker, and copy note from Bank solicitors: I have laid your Petition before the Governors & Directors of the Bank, who decline complying with your request. I am, Yrs &c JK, NBB 2d June 1815
199. [F25/3/60–1] Eleazer Lazarus, Justitia hulk, Woolwich, 26 May 1815
Gentlemen I have no doubt but My unfortunate Situation will plead in my behalf in fact I am not only pleading for My Self but for Seven Motherless Children and in this my Situation I may Truly Observe they are Fatherless as I am Transported for the Term of Fourteen Years. No doubt you recollect my Case at last Darby Assizes – Gentlemen – I am Informed that the Governor and Company of the Bank of England frequently in Cases of real distress Extend Assistance by acts of Donation – and believe Me – I consider myself as likewise. My dear and Innocent Children fully comes within the Meaning of such acts of Charity. I therefore Implore you to be kind to represent me to the Hon. Gentlemen and for anything they may be Mercifully Inclined to bestow will be sincerely and thankfully recd and for ever remembered
Gentn I am Your unfortunate Humble Srt Eleazer Lazarus
P.S. Sir, I consider it my duty to observe that the Man who Impeachd against me has gone beyond the Truth in his statements to you and should you doubt it If You will honour Me with an Interview I will prove it to your satisfaction as I consider it of consequence
Attached: copy note from Bank solicitors: I have submitted your Letter to the Govrs & Directors of the Bank, who decline complying with your application. I am Yrs &c JK, NBB 2d June 1815
200. [F25/3/62–3] Edward Tayler, Justitia hulk, Woolwich, 17 May 1815, formal petition
That your unfortunate Petitioner has been unfortunately drawn into bad Company, by whom he has been miserably involv'd in a labyrinth of trouble; out of which he has not been able to extricate himself, and a Sentence inflicted on him has been to be transported for fourteen years, to which your Petitioner pleaded guilty at Kingston Assizes. That your Petitioner most humbly implores your kind and merciful Assistance to procure him his Freedom when he arrives at Botany Bay, being the Place he is so unhappy as to be Transported to. This being his very penitent and most humble request he begs Your merciful and kind Aid to enable him to procure his Freedom when he arrives at the Place he is Transported to, and in Consideration of the heavy affliction of his poor unhappy Wife who has lately been put to Bed, he most fervently begs that she may be permitted to go with him, which she is very desirous of, as it has pleased the Almighty to grant her recovery from her late Affliction. He humbly hopes thro' your kind Interest and favours to be enabled to go to the Place he is transported to in the first Ship that is to Sail there, and as in duty bound he shall ever pray Edward Tayler
In different hand, in pencil, at end of letter: Thomas Tayler 7 Somerset Street Aldgate Schoolmaster. Petition annotated: Rejected.
Attached: copy note from Bank solicitors: Your Petition has been considered by the Governors & Directors of the Bank who decline to comply with your request. K F & K New Bank Bgs London, 30 May 1815