Faber, Feber, Richard |
deaths 1455, 43
Face, Rose |
LW |
adm 1466, 108
Fairfax, Feyrfox, Henry |
CL |
adm 1502, 402 deaths 1508, 477
Feyrfax, Robert |
CL |
adm 1502, 402
Fayrefox, Thomas |
CL |
adm 1488, 289 deaths 1491, 314
Fairford, Fayrford, Agnes |
LW |
deaths 1492, 322
Fayrforth, Alice |
adm before 1449, 5
Farfurthe, John |
P |
adm 1515, 551
Fairhair, Fayrhere, Katherine |
adm before 1449, 20
Falconer, Fauconere, Elinor |
adm 1457, 52
Fawkener, Fawconer, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1463, 82 deaths 1464, 95
Fawkener, Faukener, Joan |
LW |
adm 1503, 418 deaths 1516, 569
Fauconere, Fawekener, John |
adm before 1449, 16 deaths 1462, 75
Fawkener, Richard |
LM |
deaths 1463, 83
Fawconnar, Richard |
CL |
adm 1521, 613
Fallowfield, Fallowffelde, John |
LM |
adm 1503, 417
Fanwarden, Gerard |
LM |
adm 1520, 606
Farley, John |
adm before 1449, 16
John |
CL |
Master(1) 1458, 54
Margaret |
LW |
adm 1457, 52
Farleyby, Farleby, Joan |
adm 1479, 206
William |
CL |
add adm 1462 & (?)1463, 85 Master(1) 1481, 224
Farmer, Anne |
LW |
adm 1519, 596
Richard |
LM |
adm 1519, 595
Farnaby, Joan |
LW |
deaths 1518, 589
Farthing, Ferdyng, William |
CL |
adm 1506, 448
Fasset, George |
M |
deaths 1501, 393
Fascet, John |
M |
adm 1488, 288
Faucett, Fausyd, Fausett, Anthony |
P |
adm 1460, 62 deaths 1473, 155
Faunt, Fawnte, Fawnt, Henry |
LM |
adm 1480, 217 deaths 1498, 368
Fawnte, Joan |
LW |
adm 1480, 218 deaths 1500, 387
Nicholas |
P |
adm 1507, 459
Faux see Fawkes
Fawamar, Richard |
LM |
adm 1517, 573
Fawconar see Falconer
Fawdington, see Fordington
Fawkes, Faux, Fawxe, Isobel |
LW |
adm 1499, 374 deaths 1506, 455
Faux, Fax, John |
LM |
adm 1499, 372 deaths 1508, 480
Faukys, Faux, Thomas |
P |
adm 1456, 45 deaths 1459, 60
Fawne, John |
LM |
adm 1478, 200
Margaret |
LW |
adm 1478, 201
Fawnt see Faunt
Fayer, Alice |
adm before 1449, 5
Fayre, Robert, alias Procelis |
LM |
adm 1519, 595
Fayrest, William |
LM |
deaths before 1448, 22
Fearbarde, William |
LM |
deaths 1517, 577
Fedryngam see Fotheringham
Feerne, John |
CL |
adm 1465, 98
Feli, Agnes |
adm 1492, 319
Fels, Feles, Agnes |
LW |
deaths 1497, 361
Robenet |
deaths 1449, 28
Fenn, John |
CL |
adm 1494, 334
Fenrother, Julian |
adm 1511, 514
Fenruter, Robert |
adm 1506, 450 and 1511, 513
Fenys, Fenis, Robert |
LM |
adm 1484, 252
Ferdyng see Farthing
Fermore, Thomas |
LM |
deaths 1471, 138
Fermory, William |
deaths before 1448, 23
Ferrant, Geoffrey |
LM |
deaths 1486, 275
Ferrer, Ferroure, Agnes |
adm before 1449, 5 deaths 1464, 95
Ferrowre, Denise, see Hancock
Ferror, Thomas |
CL |
adm 1480, 215
Ferrour, William |
deaths before 1448, 25
Ferris, Ferysse, Ferreys, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1467, 114 deaths 1472, 148
Ferrys, Garard |
LM |
adm 1520, 606
Ferrys, John |
LM |
adm 1515, 554
Ferys, Katherine |
LW |
adm 1466, 108
Ferys, Katherine |
LW |
adm 1471, 134
Feris, William |
LM |
adm 1466, 107
Fesaunt, Fesaunde, Stephen |
LM |
adm 1503, 417
Fevery, Feveray, John |
CL |
adm 1491, 313 and 1492, 318
Field, Felde, Colet |
LW |
adm 1466, 108
Feld, John |
LM |
adm 1489, 297
Fylde, John |
CL |
adm 1510, 499
Felde, Margaret |
adm 1454, 36 deaths 1459, 60
Feld, Rose |
LW |
adm 1489, 298
Feeld, Felde, William |
LM |
add adm 1462 & (?)1463, 86 deaths 1488, 293
Filbert, Fylberde, George |
CL |
adm 1500, 381
Phylberde, Joan |
adm 1510, 500
Thomas |
LM |
adm 1466, 107
Finch, Fynche, John |
C |
deaths 1501, 393
Fynche, Richard |
P |
adm 1516, 561
Fynche, Robert |
deaths before 1448, 24
Fynche, William |
C |
adm 1514, 541
Fincham, Fynchham, Robert |
LM |
adm 1495, 343
Findlay, Fyndley, Stephen |
LM |
adm 1514, 544
Finer, Fyner, William |
LM |
adm 1469, 121
Fingham, Fyngham, Robert |
LM |
deaths 1510, 507
Fink, Fynke, Henry |
CL |
adm 1514, 542
Fynke, Joan |
adm 1518, 582
Finkell, Fenkell, Agnes |
LW |
adm 1488, 292 deaths 1501, 397
Fynkell, Edward |
LM |
adm 1488, 290
Fynkell, Fynkelle, John |
adm 1488, 290 deaths 1500, 386
Fynkyll, Katherine |
adm 1488, 292 deaths 1497, 361
Firth, Frith, Cecily |
adm 1477, 191
Fryth, Humphrey |
LM |
adm 1516, 563
Fyrthe, Fryth, Nicholas |
CL |
adm 1467, 111 deaths 1482, 237
Fish, Fysche, John |
P |
adm 1498, 363 deaths 1501, 393
Fyssh, John |
LM |
adm 1474, 162
Fisher, Fyssher, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1511, 514
Fyssher, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1511, 514
Fissher, Fyscher, John |
adm 1477, 192 deaths 1486, 275
Fyscher, John |
CL |
adm 1496, 350
Fyssher, Fysshar, John |
LM |
adm 1511, 513 deaths 1513, 539
Fissher, Margaret |
adm 1477, 193
Fissher, Martina |
LW |
adm 1507, 463
Fyschere, Richard |
LM |
adm 1511, 513
Fyssher, Richard |
LM |
adm 1516, 563
Fyssher, Thomas |
P |
adm 1474, 159
Fischer, Thomas |
CL |
adm 1490, 304
Fyschere, William |
LM |
adm 1511, 513
Fishide, Nicholas |
deaths 1448, 26
Fitch, Fytch, Nicholas |
adm before 1449, 2
Fitzherbert, Feharbard, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1520, 607
Feherbard, Jane |
LW |
adm 1506, 451
Fitzherberde, William |
LM |
adm 1512, 523
Fitzhugh, Fizchew, John |
P |
adm 1489, 295
Fitzjohn, Feyohn, Elizabeth |
adm 1488, 291
Fythiohn, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1507, 463
Fythiohn, John |
LM |
adm 1507, 462
Fittziohn, Margaret |
LW |
deaths 1488, 293
Fiztjohn, Margery |
adm 1479, 206
Patrick |
P |
adm 1482, 231
Fytz John, Fitzion, Thomas |
CL |
Master(2) 1479, 204 deaths 1501, 394
Fyiohn, Thomas |
CL |
adm 1515, 552
Fitzwater, Fytzwater, Margaret |
LW |
adm 1517, 574
Fitzwilliam, Fitzwyllyam, Julian |
LW |
deaths 1502, 411
Flaxton, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1520, 607
Robert |
LM |
adm 1520, 606
Fleet, Flete, Agnes |
LW |
adm 1474, 163
Flete, Joan |
LW |
deaths 1479, 212
Flete, John |
M |
adm 1456, 45 deaths 1465, 102
Flete, John |
LM |
adm 1470, 128
Fleming, Flemmyng, Flemyng, Anne |
LW |
adm 1481, 227 deaths 1489, 302
Flemmynge, Elinor |
adm shortly after 1449, 9 deaths 1464, 95
Flemmyng, Joan |
LW |
adm 1519, 596
Flemyng, Richard |
B |
deaths before 1448, 21
Flemyng, Robert |
LM |
adm 1477, 192
Flexmer, Joan |
deaths before 1448, 25
Flixton, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1519, 596
Flyxton, William |
LM |
adm 1519, 595
Flower, Flowr [no first name given] |
LW |
deaths 1518, 589
Flowre, Alice |
LW |
deaths 1502, 411
Flour, Flowre, Bernard |
LM |
adm 1503, 417 deaths 1518, 588
Edmund |
LM |
adm 1502, 405
Flowr, Flowre, Katherine |
LW |
adm 1503, 418 deaths 1513, 540
Floure, Simon |
deaths before 1448, 23
Focher see Foucher
Fogg, Alice |
adm 1462, 69
John |
KT |
adm 1462, 69
Folsham see Fulsham
Folyet, Henry |
LM |
adm 1467, 113
Joan |
LW |
adm 1467, 114
Ford, Foorte, Anne |
LW |
adm 1508, 475
Forde, John |
LM |
adm 1514, 544
Forde, John |
LM |
adm 1516, 563
Forde, Margaret |
LW |
adm 1513, 536
Forde, Margery |
LW |
adm 1514, 545
Forde, Richard |
LM |
deaths 1450, 29
Foorde, Robert |
CL |
deaths 1471, 137
Forde, William |
LM |
adm 1513, 535
Fordell, Fordel, Richard |
LM |
add deaths 1462 & (?)1463, 89
Thomas |
LM |
adm 1462, 73
Fordington, Fawdyngton, Anne |
LW |
deaths 1519, 601
Fawdyngton, John |
LM |
adm 1519, 595
Forman, John |
P |
adm 1492, 315 deaths 1512, 525
Margaret |
LW |
adm 1492, 321
Forner, Forneyre, John |
A |
adm 1490, 303 deaths 1498, 368
Forster see Foster
Forth, Forthe, Agnes |
adm before 1449, 5
Forthe, John |
adm before 1449, 16 deaths 1455, 43
Forthe, William |
LM |
adm 1460, 65
Fortyger, Alice |
LW |
adm 1474, 163
Foster, Agnes |
LW |
adm 1513, 536
Agnes |
LW |
adm 1516, 564
Alice |
adm 1502, 404
Alice |
LW |
adm 1511, 514
Forster, Anne |
LW |
adm 1481, 227
Emma |
adm 1496, 351
Emma |
LW |
adm 1514, 545
Hugh |
CL |
adm 1494, 334
Forster, Hugh |
LM |
adm 1496, 352
Forster, James |
deaths 1458, 54
Joan |
LW |
adm 1496, 353
Joan |
LW |
adm 1511, 514
Fostere, John |
LM |
adm 1454, 35 deaths 1476, 187
Forster, John |
P |
deaths 1457, 53
Froster, John |
CL |
adm 1480, 215
John |
CL |
adm 1493, 326
John |
CL |
deaths 1501, 394
John |
LM |
adm 1502, 405
John |
CL |
deaths 1507, 465
John |
LM |
adm 1511, 513
John |
LM |
deaths 1511, 518
John |
LM |
deaths 1519, 600
Lawrence |
LM |
adm 1513, 535 deaths 1514, 549
Margaret |
LW |
adm 1518, 584
Mary |
LW |
adm 1502, 406 deaths 1505, 443
Ralph |
LM |
adm 1516, 563
Richard |
LM |
adm 1502, 405 deaths 1508, 480
Richard |
P |
adm 1517, 570
Forster, Stephen |
deaths 1458, 54
Thomas |
LM |
adm 1514, 544
Thomas |
LM |
adm 1518, 583
Forster, William |
deaths 1452, 32
Forster, William |
CL |
adm 1475, 173
William |
CL |
adm 1493, 326
Fotheringham, Fedryngam, Robert |
LM |
adm 1467, 113
Fotheringhay, Fodrynggay, Fodryngey, John |
LM |
adm 1496, 352 deaths 1512, 528
Foucher, Focher, Richard |
P |
adm 1469, 117 deaths 1489, 299
Fowle see Lynsted
Fowler, Fowlar, Edward |
LM |
adm 1516, 563
Geoffrey |
adm before 1449, 11
Fouler, Joan |
LW |
adm 1469, 122
Fox, Joan |
LW |
adm 1466, 108 deaths 1473, 158
Foxe, Thomas |
LM |
adm 1466, 107 deaths 1475, 177
William |
CL |
adm 1500, 381 deaths 1518, 587
Foxsale, Richard |
deaths before 1448, 24
Foxton, Roger |
CL |
deaths before 1454, 34
William |
deaths before 1448, 22
Frampton, Framton, Alice |
LW |
adm 1462, 74 deaths 1474, 170
Framton, Katherine |
adm 1490, 306
Maud |
deaths before 1448, 23
Richard |
deaths 1462, 75
Framton, Thomas |
CL |
adm 1487, 278 deaths 1496, 354
France, Frawnce, Nicholas |
P |
adm 1495, 339
Franche see French
Francis, Frauncys, [no first name given] |
LW |
adm 1506, 451
Frawnces, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1483, 242
Frauncys, Joan |
adm 1506, 449
Fraunces, John |
deaths 1449, 28
Frawncys, Fraunceys, John |
CL |
adm 1495, 341 deaths 1509, 492
Frauncis, John |
LM |
adm 1514, 544
Fraunces, Thomas |
P |
adm before 1449, 3
Frauncis, Thomas |
CL |
adm 1466, 105
Frawnces, Thomas |
P |
deaths 1483, 245
Frauncys, Thomas |
LM |
adm 1495, 343
Frank, Franke, Cecily |
LW |
adm 1467, 114
Franke, Henry |
LM |
adm 1467, 113
Franklin, Frankleyn, Agnes |
LW |
adm 1465, 101
Frankelyn, Frankelayn, Edward |
LM |
adm 1455, 40 deaths 1456, 48
Frankeleyn, Elinor |
LW |
adm 1514, 545
Franklene, Isobel |
adm before 1449, 19
Frankeleyn, Joan |
LW |
adm 1456, 47
Fraunkleyne, John |
LM |
adm 1464, 92
Frankeleyn, Thomas |
LM |
adm 1514, 544 deaths 1519, 600
Frankton, Maud |
deaths 1451, 30
Fransham, Thomas |
P |
adm 1475, 172
Frary, Thomas |
LM |
adm 1457, 51 deaths 1469, 123
Fray, Agnes |
adm 1462, 69
Alice [recte Agnes], see also Say
adm 1462, 69
John |
KT |
deaths 1462, 76
Katherine |
adm 1462, 69
Frecock, Frecokk, Alice |
adm shortly after 1449, 5 deaths 1472, 148
Frecok, Isobel |
LW |
adm 1457, 52
Frecok, John |
LM |
adm 1457, 51 deaths 1473, 157
Frecok, Frecoke, Richard |
LM |
adm 1457, 51 deaths 1469, 123
Freeman, Freman, Alice |
LW |
adm 1462, 74 deaths 1471, 139
Freman, John |
LM |
adm 1462, 73 deaths 1467, 115
John |
P |
add adm 1462 & (?)1463, 84
Freman, Richard |
LM |
adm 1488, 290 deaths 1496, 354
Freman, Richard |
P |
deaths 1508, 476
Freman, Robert |
LM |
deaths 1459, 60
Freman, Stephen |
LM |
adm 1480, 217
Freistorpe, Margaret |
deaths before 1448, 23
Frekyngton, Agnes |
LW |
adm 1460, 66
Philip |
LM |
adm 1460, 65
French, Frenche, Agnes |
LW |
adm 1511, 514 deaths 1514, 550
Frensche, Franche, John |
adm before 1449, 14 deaths 1466, 109
Frenshe, John |
LM |
adm 1469, 121
Frende, Alice |
LW |
adm 1519, 596
John |
adm before 1449, 15
Frend, John |
LM |
adm 1489, 297 deaths 1502, 410
John |
LM |
adm 1519, 595
Sybil |
LW |
deaths 1497, 361
Thomas |
LM |
adm 1510, 501
Frere, Alice |
LW |
adm 1460, 66 deaths 1494, 338
Fryer, Joan |
LW |
adm 1518, 584
John |
LM |
adm 1478, 200
Margaret |
LW |
adm 1459, 59
Frier, Margery |
LW |
deaths 1479, 212
Frear, Richard |
LM |
adm 1515, 554
Friere, Thomas |
LM |
adm 1460, 65 deaths 1476, 187
William |
LM |
adm 1459, 57
Freston, William |
adm before 1449, 3
William |
deaths before 1448, 25
William |
P |
adm 1484, 249
Friday, Fryday, Elizabeth |
LW |
adm 1495, 344
Fryday, Margaret |
LW |
deaths 1470, 130
Fryday, Thomas |
LM |
adm 1495, 343 deaths 1501, 396
Frith see Firth
Frodesham, Edward |
LM |
adm 1477, 192
Front, Frontt, Agnes |
LW |
deaths 1488, 293
Fronte, Henry |
LM |
adm 1487, 280 deaths 1511, 518
Frost, Agnes |
LW |
adm 1460, 66
Froste, John |
LM |
adm 1459, 57 deaths 1474, 169
Frosten, Robert |
adm 1454, 35
Frowyk, Frowyck, Frowyke, Elizabeth |
adm 1501, 392 deaths 1516, 569
Henry |
LM |
adm 1505, 436
Frowyke, Joan |
adm 1496, 353 deaths 1500, 387
Frowyke, Thomas |
KT |
adm 1501, 389 deaths 1507, 467
Fry, Walter |
CL |
adm 1455, 38
Fryng, Nicholas |
P |
adm 1469, 117
Fulborne, Fulborn, Elizabeth |
LW |
deaths 1492, 322
Fulburne, Maud |
deaths 1456, 48
Thomas |
LM |
adm 1480, 217
Fullen, John |
P |
adm 1512, 520
Fuller, Alice |
adm shortly after 1449, 5 deaths 1464, 95
Fullar, Andrew |
LM |
adm 1519, 595
Fullar, Barbara |
LW |
adm 1519, 596
Beatrice |
LW |
adm before 1449, 6 deaths 1484, 257
Fullar, Joan |
LW |
adm 1518, 584
John |
C |
adm before 1449, 1
John |
LM |
adm shortly after 1449, 15
John |
LM |
adm 1455, 40
John |
P |
deaths 1459, 60
John |
LM |
deaths 1462, 75
Fullar, Nicholas |
CL |
adm 1521, 613
Fullar, Robert |
LM |
adm 1518, 583
Fullere, Warren |
LM |
deaths 1471, 138
Fullwood, Fullwode, Cecily |
LW |
adm 1517, 574
Fullwode, John |
LM |
adm 1517, 573
Fulsham, Folsham, Joan |
adm 1480, 216
Robert |
CL |
adm 1475, 173 deaths 1480, 220
Furnew, Agnes |
adm 1476, 183
Furnewe, William |
CL |
adm 1472, 142 deaths 1502, 408
Furton, John |
CL |
adm 1508, 472
Fyce, William |
CL |
adm 1510, 499
Fylberde see Filbert
Fylkoke see Philcock
Fyllow, Fylowe, Richard |
LM |
adm 1503, 417 deaths 1519, 600
Fylpott see Philpott
Fypps see Phipps
Fyschen, John |
LM |
deaths 1488, 293