The Church Records of St Andrew Hubbard, Eastcheap, c1450-c1570. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1999.
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'Index', in The Church Records of St Andrew Hubbard, Eastcheap, c1450-c1570, ed. Clive Burgess (London, 1999), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].
'Index', in The Church Records of St Andrew Hubbard, Eastcheap, c1450-c1570. Edited by Clive Burgess (London, 1999), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,
"Index". The Church Records of St Andrew Hubbard, Eastcheap, c1450-c1570. Ed. Clive Burgess (London, 1999), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.
Abraham, John, 238
accountants, churchwardens as, 78
Achelay, William, 203, 205, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 220, 221, 227, 230; for paper book, 192, 195; gives new book, 220
Adam, —, Master, maid's burial, 208, 210
Adams (Adames)
-, Joan, 254
-, Richard, 169, 175, 178, 184, 190, 195,
198, 230, 203, 205, 207, 213, 216, 217,
221, 224, 227, 248, 249, 254; latten sold
to, 191
-, Thomas, knell, 228
-, William, 254
Adowne, John, 128, 140
Adryanson (Adrianson, Andryanson)
-, Henry, 295
-, Hew, 84
-, Jannyken, 295
-, Jile, 295
-, wife's burial, 228
Agerton, Agnes, widow, 329
Airdeley, William, 24
-, John, 233
-, Reynold, 233
alderman, writing bill, 124
Alderslay, John, 329
Aldham, Henry, 44, 47, 49, 51
Alen, —, a doctor for, 104
Alhed, see Halhead
Allen, Robert, 300
almain rivet (armoury), 190
Alss, —, 134
Alston, Edmund, 303, 304, 309, 313
-, Agnes, 330
-, Alice, 330
-, Elizabeth, 330
-, John, 330
-, Mary, 330
-, Robert, 330
-, Thomas, 330
Andlyn (Andyn)
-, Elizabeth, 282
-, Robert, 282
-, Thomas, 282
Andrew, Walter, 298
anniversaries, see London, parish church of St Andrew Hubbard, anniversaries
Annsham, Richard, 233
Anthony, Harry, 328
ap Rhys, Agnes, 256
Archelay, see Achelay
Arden, Warwks, 272
Argoll, —, Master, clerks to, 209
Armourer, Elen, 6
Arnold the Gascon, burial, 17
Arnold (Arnolde)
-, Agnes alias Tynnes, 313
-, Jasper, 106, 125, 127, 158, 159, 161, 164,
165, 242, 313;
-, burial of, 176
-, Jeffrey, 140
-, Katherine, 313
-, Mary, 316
Arnott, Jasper, 129
arquebuses (armoury), 190
arrows, sheaf of (armoury), 190
Artche, —, servant of Master Maryon, action upon, 127
Artrygh, John, 289
Aschely, William, 189
Ashcombe (Asshcombe)
-, Alice, 263
-, Amice, 263
-, John, 263
-, William, 263
-, William, junior, 263
-, wife of, 1
-, John, 87
-, William, 112
Asylworth, see Hasley
Atkinson (Atkynson)
-, Harry, 81
-, John, 74
-, Margery (Margyt) 115, 315
Atowaile, Clement, mother of, 32
Aurnbye, George, 314
Austen, Bryce, undertaking to mend clock, 187
Aveyye, Jasper, 140
Awdelee, —, goodman, 129; father of 131
Awstedd, Richard, 292
Aylwood, —, 69
Babcom, —, Master, 213, 223
Babham, see Babcom
Bacon, William, 232
-, Ellen, 269
-, Richard, burial, 17, 18; 269.
Baggat (Baggatt, Baggott, Bagot)
-, Magdalene, 308
-, Richard, 111, 155, 175, 176, 178, 183,
201, 205, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 216,
220, 300, 302, 308; wife's burial, 161
-, John, 17, 32, 35, 37
-, Marion, 282
-, Robert, 28, 31
-, Thomas, of Mile End, 312
-, Thomas, 273
-, William, 233
Balloke, 100
Banbery, Andrew, 207, 213, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 230, 316, 316; daughter's burial, 208
Barbour, Robert, 6
Baret (Barett)
-, John, 300
-, John, of St Tolos, Norf., 277
Barker, Robert, 272
Barmell, Henry, 33
Barnes (Barnys)
-, Humphrey, 124
-, John, 297
Barnworth, William, 236
Barran (Baronne)
-, John, 301
-, Margaret, 301
-, Richard, 301
-, Thomas, 297
-, William, 301
Barres, Christopher, 239
-, John, gentleman, 262
-, John, 6
basketmaker, 89
-, Jasper, king's servant, 295
-, Cornelius, see Johnson, Cornelius
Bate, Marion, 288
Bateman (Batman)
-, Elizabeth, 179, 249
-, Henry, 177, 178, 179, 249; burial, 179;
grave, 182
-, Henry, junior, 249
Baxter, Richard, 203
Bayly, Richard, 302
beadle of ward, 315
Beaton, —, Master, for a sermon, 197
Bekett, Thomas, 235
-, Geoffrey, 240
-, James, 240
-, Joffray, burial, 123, 124
-, Thomas, 240
Bellamy, Isabell, 8
Bellman, Rowland, 305
Benbow (Benbowe, Bendbowe)
-, —, Master, lawyer, 201
-, —, Mistress, burial, 219, 220; grave, 220
-, Gabriel, burial, 208
-, John, 170, 172, 316
Benche, —, Master, 209
-, Joan, 281
-, John, 281
Berker, see Baker, Robert
Bermondsey, in Surrey, 236; church of St Mary Magdalene, 236
Berye, Harry, marriage of, 173
Beverley, Peter, 315
Beynson, Emmote, 233
-, Mary, 243
-, Ralph, 243
-, —, 34
-, John, 89, 91
Bishop of London, see London, Bishop of
Black House, tenement in parish of St Andrew, 250, 252
Blacksmith, James the, 118
Blackwell, —, Master, bishop's registrar, 205
Blackwood, —, Master, for counsel, 156
Blake, James, 140, 289
Blowke, Reynold, 301
Blunie, John, burial, 87
boat hire from Westmister, 209; to Westminster, 210
Bodfelde, —, mistress, 131
Bolley, —, goodman, 220
Bolton, Richard, 250
Bontley, John, 207
Boole, Roger, 257
Boornell, Thomas, 195
Borell, John, burial, 63; wife's burial, 61
Bornelay, Thomas, 207, 217, 221
Borson, see Burton
Botlay (Botlaye, Botley, Botteley)
-, Dorothy, 327
-, Joan, 327
-, Richard, 195, 217, 320, 327
-, William, 327
Bottle, —, Mistress, husband's burial, 228
Bound, Edmund, 189
Bournlay, Thomas, 227
Bournley, —, 210
Bourton, John, 96, 97, 100
Boutley, —, 210
Bowers, Ellen, 246
Bowland, William, 294
Bowrton, Thomas, 200; knell, 201
Bows, Martin, 182
Bradford (Bradforthe)
-, Thomas, 250
Brady, Robert, 193
Braynewood (Braynewoode)
-, Edward, of court letters, 308
-, William, of court of London, 197, 201,
Brefeld, —, Master, 200
Brelewe, William, 291
Breuster, see Brewster
Brewster, John, 237; burial, 53
Bridges (Brydgys)
-, Lawrence, 111, 139, 143, 146, 150, 154,
155, 158, 159, 161; grave, 163; 294
Brigges, John, 21, 22; burial, 24, 25; year's mind, 24, 26
Bromley, —, Master, our counsellor, 201, 209, 210; clerk of, 209
Brone, —, of the counter, 209
Brook, John, 253
Broughton, Rowland, 233
-, John, 74, 77; burial, 74, 75; wife, 74, 77
-, William. 198
Browning, Denys, 25; wife of, 23
-, Elizabeth, 233
-, John, 233
-, John, junior, 233
-, Thomas, 233
Bryge, —, 30
Buff, —, Lady, 326
Bugby, in Northamptonshire, parish church of, 261
Bukby, John, 255, 256
Burcher, John, 289
Burd, John, 256
Burgers, Edmund, 251
Burton, wife of, 104
-, Dennis, 34, 42, 64, 66, 68, 276
-, Elizabeth, 287
-, Gerard (Jaret), 157, 164, 168, 191, 195,
196, 197, 200, 202, 205, 207, 213, 217,
221, 224, 287, 327
-, John, 100, 276, 287
-, Robert, 287
-, Simon, 287
Buxstone, Henry, 325
Byllyngsby, William, 163, 164, 169, 170, 175, 312; benevolence, 164; servant. 176
Byode, John, 88
Byrch, William, 99
Bysbe, James, 132
Campion, Robert, 112
Candell, Roland, 111
Cannon, William, 318
Cappastre, Thomas, 84
Carlton, —, goodman, 167
Carmynall (Carmynell)
-, Eliza, 252
-, Ellys, 129
Caro, John, 330
Caron, —, goodman, 171; knell, 172
Carpenter, John, 7; grave, 29
carraway, a box, 209
-, Agnes, 303
-, John, 260
-, Robert, 177, 248, 317, 324
-, Thomas, 13, 24, 27, 232; burial, 32, 34
-, wife of, for washing, 192, 226
Casson (Cassen)
-, Joan, 280
-, John, 280
-, Peter, 280
-, William, 13, 36, 39, 41, 42, 276, 280, 303;
burial, 61, 62
-, John, 169, 171
-, Thomas, 111, 158, 159
Castle (Castyll), —, Master, 164, 316
caterpillars, 40
Cavannell (Carwenill), John, dean of Warwick, 236, 238, 242
Cersteym, Thomas, 140
-, Thomas, 257
-, see Reynwell, Christine
Chamber, John, 297
Chamberlain of London, see London government
Chamberlain (Chamberlyn)
-, Geoffrey, 317
-, Helen, 317
-, John, 317
-, Nicholas, 136
Chambers, John, of St Katherine Coleman, 315
-, Roger, 7
-, Thomas, 21, 26, 30, 33
-, mending his parchment, 135
-, for the counsel of, 156
Chantries, see London, parish of St Andrew Hubbard, chantries
Chapman, John, of the Bridge, 311
-, John, 294
-, Richard, 166, 170
Charlton, Kent, 234
Charnold, John, 282
Chatfelde (Chatfyld)
-, Nicholas, 191, 320; and wife, burial, 208,
-, Thomas, 284
-, —, Mistress, burial of maid, 99
-, Jarard, 77, 89, 109, 119, 121, 155; knell,
Chaundeler, Thomas, 324
Chele, John, 189
Cheppe, John, 260
Chester, William, 129; wife of, 135
Chevell, John, 261
-, William, 262
-, John, yeoman of Langford, 262
Childe, Thomas the, 10
Childerley (Chelderley)
-, —, Master, 164; for wife's burial, 161
-, —, Mistress, daughter's child, 155
-, Ellis, 230
-, Henry, 111
-, John, 132, 135, 136, 139, 143, 140, 146,
150, 151, 155, 158, 159, 169, 175, 178,
183, 184, 195, 239, 288, 309; burial,
200, 201
-, Marion, 113, 239, 288; Lawrens, her
executor, 123; burial, 121, 122
-, Peter, 239
-, William, 81, 87, 89, 91, 99, 105, 107, 109,
110, 112, 239, 284, 286, 289
Chippe, John, servant, 259
Chow (Chowle, Chowy) John, 109, 128, 140, 142, 143, 144, 147, 148, 150, 154
Chume, —, knell, 88
Clarke (Clark)
-, wife of, 209
-, —, goodman, his burial, 123
-, —, goodwife, mending surplices, 134
-, Joan, of Hepworth, Lincs., 325
-, John, 164, 167, 172, 181, 201, 209, 210,
246, 325; repairs to house, 168
-, Robert, burial, 208, 210
-, Robert, girdler, 321
-, Thomas, 87, 88, 89, 91, 111, 119, 129,
139, 140, 143, 146, 150, 154, 155, 158,
159, 161, 166, 170, 240, 242, 246, 329
-, Thomas, of Whitechapel, 14
-, William, 321
Clerk (Clerke)
-, Avice, 276
-, Frances, 246
-, Henry, 246
-, Joan, 246
-, Joan, junior, 246
-, John, 6
-, Ralph, 44, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61,
64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 77, 237, 276; wife
of, 235
-, William, 246
Clerk[s'] Hall, 302
clockmaker, 48
Clone, —, Master, 209
Clyff, Richard, parson of St George's Botolph lane, 276
Clyfford, John, 182
Cocred, Robert, 99
-, Thomas, 312
-, Thomas, servant, 256
-, Thomas, of Shaftisbroke, 252
Cokke, —, Mistress, bequest of, 79
Cokkys, Jankyn, 272
Colbyllar, Merell, 140
Colcell in Arden, in Warwickshire, 272
Colefoxe, wife of, 293
collector, 81
Collyns (Collynes, Colleying, Collinge,
Coolyng, Kolens)
-, John, 327
-, Peter, 184, 189, 195, 207, 215, 217, 221
-, Richard, 252
Colscombe, Hugh, 233
Colton, Pirthe, 307
Combe, —, Lady, 6
Compson, —, Mistress, 219; burial, 220
Compton, William, 203
Conke, the carpenter, 210
Conse, —, Master, 209
-, Katherine, 272
-, Watkin, craftsman, 34; arrest of, 37
-, Walter, 272
Cook (Cooke)
-, —, Mistress, knell of, 228
-, John, 167
-, Richard, 301
-, William, doctor of law, 242
Copyn, —, 89
Cornel, —, knell, 95, 97; bequest of, 97
Cornelay, Thomas, 213
Cornelys, —, burial, 208
corslets and headpieces (armoury), 190
Coste, Gilbert, 248
Coster, Henry, 315
-, Charlay, 329
-, Thomas, 272
-, Joan, god-daughter and servant, 234, 235
-, Margaret, 235
Crakenthorpe, Thomas, 13; wife pays for marble stone, 28; knell, 28, 29
Cranehouse, John, helping in choir, 132
Crayford, Richard, 236; wife of, 115
Cristyn, Thomas, 109
Croke, Margaret, 273
Crompe, John, 315
-, James, 213
-, William, 205, 207, 215, 217, 219, 224,
227, 228, 229, 230
Crooke, —, Master, 201
Cropp, John, 72, 73
Cros, John, 67; mending a pew, 69
Cross, Marion, 235
Crowcheley, James, 321
Crowcher, Thomas, 14, 15, 16, 18
Crystiane (Crystyn), Thomas, 112, 129
Cumberland, county of, 250
Daddy, Richard, parson of Stewton, 241
daggers and knives (armoury), 190
Dale, Thomas, vicar of Langham, in Norfolk, 302
Danyell, Augustine, 279
David, —, knell of, 45
Davy, wife's knell, 43
Davys, George, 140
-, John, 293
-, Robert, 293
-, —, Master, 326
-, George, 312
-, John, 49, 237
Debyte, —, Master, 210
Dede, Thomas, burial, 200, 201; covering grave, 201
Denam, —, Mistress, 109
Denys, Thomas, 166
Derrant, —, Master, 209
Develyn, Walter, 78; wife's knell, 78, 79
Devenysch, Aurthur, 246
-, Alice, 302
-, Thomas, 302
Dille, Richard a, 209
Dobrel, —, Master, 177
-, John, of Patterdale, 250
-, Katherine, 250
-, William, 250
Doctor, for bread and wine to, 92; at Bow church, 102
Dodd, Thomas, 306
Dogan (Dogen)
-, John, 301, 307
-, Martin, 301
Dogkyn, John, 301
Dorant, Martyn, 242
Down, John, 37
-, —, Master, 111, 208; burial of, 201
-, —, Mistress, 161; sight of her will, 220
-, Elyn, 200
-, Helen, widow, 317
-, Robert, 146, 150, 151, 155, 158, 159
Dre, Roger, 273
Droitwich, in Worcestershire, 251
Dronry, —, goodman, 210
Drowry, Richard, 321
Dryfeld, William, 79
Dungaster, Thomas, 250
Dustary (Dustarie), Peter, 36, 38
dutchmen, burial of, 105
Duwerye, John, 304
Dygby, Katherine, 329
Dyrkson, Daniel, knell, 99; bequest, 99
Dyxson, —, joiner, 165
Ede, Thomas, 195
Edwards, John, 99
Edwyn, John, action against, 137
Effamat, Everard, 239
Egerton (Egyton)
-, —, ringing knell, 84; wife's knell, 83
-, —, Mistress, 134, 151; burial, 152
-, Agnes, 105
-, Thomas, 72, 73, 78; bequest towards
steeple, 84, 89
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, Te Deum at Proclamation, 188; solicitor to, 209
Elles, Robert, 214, 219, 222, 225
Eluyth, John, 100
Emperor, Holy Roman, dominions of, 295; knell for wife of, 145
Englond, John, poor man, 256
Epe, William, 268
Epping, in Essex, 246
Erlington, 216
Essamatt, Everard, 291
Essex, county of, 246, 247, 261, 294, 311
Estoff, Edward, 99, 102
Eston, Thomas, 273
Evare, Ralph, 317
Everard, Michael, from Flanders, 95, 96, 99, 279, 285
Eward, John, burial, 171, 172
-, Agnes, 256
-, Isabel, 256
-, John, 255
-, John, junior, 256
-, Juliana, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 52, 54, 75,
81, 85, 255, 256; from Master Plomer
for her obit, 121, 122; testament of, 16,
27, 31, 33; copy of will, 165
-, Margaret, 255
-, William, 14, 43, 45, 48, 50, 56, 58, 60, 62,
65, 67, 87, 255, 256
Fane (Fame, Fan, Fayne, Fann, Fanne)
-, —, goodman, 164, 171, 172, 176, 200
-, —, goodwife, 208
-, Annys (Agnes), 134, 135, 138, 141, 191;
for washing, 152, 153, 156; for burial of
maid, 156; for shed, 155; rent from,
161, 163; widow, 219, 225
-, Richard, 130, 302, 315; for washing
cloths, 157
Fanser (Fanscher), Richard, clockmaker, 149, 152, 153, 192, 193, 220; for iron work, 182
Fanshaw, —, Master, 209
Farie, Clement, 195, 224, 226, 227, 228
Farsett, —, Master, for counsel, 188
Faser, —, goodman, 201
Fassy, —, 210
Feary, Henry, 249
Fedell, Michael, 262
-, Alice, 307
-, Nicholas, 307
Ferrer, Dorothy, 242
first fruits of Langham, Norf., rights over, 302
Flaarse, 305
Flanders, 285, 305
Flicke, Edmund, of Ipswich, 252
Flude, John, 206
Fly, John, knell, 79, 80
Folyatt, John, 140
Foret, bell of, 118
Forman, —, Lady, 317
Fowler, —, burial, 144
Foxby, William, 312
Foxke[?], William, 140
France, King of, dirige and mass for, 162
Fraunce, Joan, 308
French man, 49, 57; burial, 70; knell for, 70; burial, 136; paving grave, 138; of Whitechapel, clock mender, 137
French priest, 48
-, Christine, 257
-, Thomas, alias Wyseman, 257
Friars, see London, clergy
Frysynfyld, George, 200
Fuller, —, knell, 146
Fynchingfield, Agnes, 259
Fynne, Richard, 297
Fyssher, Henry, merchant of the Staple, 244
Galyen, William, 99
Gansson, see Johnson
Garet (Garret, Garrett, Garre, Garyn,
-, Agnes, 292
-, Eleanor, 292
-, Elizabeth, the elder, 292
-, Elizabeth, the younger, 292
-, Maryon (Maryn), 78, 83, 85, 87, 99, 102,
105, 109, 113, 118, 119, 126, 136, 140,
236, 242, 286, 288, 292; arrest of
-, servant, 127
-, Peter, poor child, 292
-, Richard, 109, 110, 129
Garland, the, 13, 87; death at, 70
Garnett, Richard, 288
Garoll, Richard, 189
Garthow, John, 293
Gascon (Gascoyn)
-, Arnold the, 17; burial, 18
-, Jenot the, 17
Geave, Henry, 311
Gebson, —, 123
-, Anne, 312
-, Hugh, 312
-, John, 312
-, Joyce, 312
-, William, 312
Gemem, William, 247
Genote, Ambrose, 305
George, —, 89
Gester, —, goodman, wife's burial, 129
Gesyngham, Henry, 278
-, John, 261
-, Robert, 261
Gherritt, Richard, 127
—, 89
-, Isabel, 240
-, Thomas, 240
-, William, 99
Gille, Nicholas, 256
Glacyer, Peter, 9
Glover, Thomas, 272
Godarne, Thomas, 318
-, —, Master, at Paul's Chain, 98, 102
-, William, 15
Gonby, George, 247
-, Jane, 303
-, Thomas, 303
Goodryche (Goodryke, Gudrych)
-, —, 242
-, Helen, 271
-, Margery, 271
-, Thomas, 140
Goodwyn, Edmund, 303
Goolde, George, of Kingston, 325
Gornyannt [?], Eleys, 140
Goule, Thomas, priest, 245
Goyar [?], Ralph, 140
Grace, James, 255, 256
Grange, Elizabeth, 325
-, John, 228; widow of, 228
-, Richard, 207, 217, 221, 325
-, William, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23, 34,
262; wife's burial, 14; father's burial, 22
-, Mary, 283
-, Roger, 72, 73, 79, 280, 283
-, Thomas, 283
Green, —, goodman, wife's burial, 161
Greenaway, —, 210
Green (Grene)
-, —, for debt, 200
-, Cecily, 245
-, Emma, widow, 239
-, John, 178, 183, 185, 189, 194, 206, 224,
227, 230, 245, 315
-, Robert, 245
-, Thomas, 175, 176
-, William, 302
Greenwich, 241; Greenwich, East, 234; for burying child of, 115
Gregby, Richard, 242
Gremsfred, William, 249
Grenehouse, William, 250
Grenewaye, —, labourer, 193
Gresshop (Gressop), Andrew, 34, 276
-, John, 189
-, Thomas, his man, 7
Grigle, Agnes, 320
Gryffes, Lancelot, 214
Gryffeths, —, Master, lawyer, for a writ, 201; for sub poena, 201
Gryffyns, —, Master, of Chancery, 209
Grygby (Grygsby, Grigbe)
-, —, goodman, 164; pit of, 167; knell, 165
-, Alice, 302
-, Anne, 214
-, Elizabeth, 302
-, John, of Houghton cum Witton, Hunts.,
-, John, 302
-, Margaret, 302
-, Richard, 156, 290, 291, 300, 302
-, Thomas, 302
-, William, 302
Grygreve, Nane, 210
Gyles (Gylls, Geylls)
-, Arnold, 140, 178, 179, 328
-, Garred, 330
-, Isabella, 258
-, John, 258
-, Katherine, 258
-, Nicholas, 258
-, Thomas, 258
-, William, 258
Gynes, Richard, 153
Gynke, Christine, 271
Gysborow, Thomas, 64.
Gysors (Gysar, Guyser)
-, Alice, 237
-, Anne, 236
-, John, 87, 88, 236, 237, 238, 242
Gyver, —, Mistress, 105
Haddon (Handon), Thomas, 205, 212, 223, 253, 325
Hadlow, Thomas, 231
Hadnell, Robert, 288
Haggerde, Miles, 317
Halhead (Halhed, Halhede)
-, —, Mistress, 17
-, John, 268
-, Margaret, 268
-, Robert, 268
-, Thomas, 268
-, William, 4, 7, 8, 17, 259, 261, 268
-, John, 14, 19; wife's knell, 19; bequest, 83
-, Matthew, 240
Hally, wife of, 21
Halyday, John, 142
Ham, Essex, 261, 294
Hamande (Harmande)
-, John, 306
-, Thomas, 306
-, William, 306
Hamlyn (Hamelyn, Hamlen)
-, —, knell of, 95, 97
-, Alice, 274
-, Joan, 274
-, John, 263
-, Margaret, 274
-, Thomas, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 61; burial, 61,
62; wife, 33
-, Thomas, junior, 274, 277
Hamplyn, Margaret, 288
Hanbery, William, 252
Hancock (Hancok, Hangcok)
-, Agnes, 265
-, Richard, 265; wife of, 6
-, Thomas, 183
Hansumme, Maud, 17
Hapham, John, 232
Harbard, William, 112, 147
-, Edward, 291
-, Isabel, 291
-, Jane, 291
-, William, 291
Harding, —, brother of, 147; brother's knell, 148
Hardyng, Richard, 140
Hare, —, clerk to Master Bromley, 201
Harman, John, 306
Harmon, William, 315
Harpham (Harpam)
-, John, 24, 46, 277; wife's knell, 24, 26
-, Margaret, 277
-, Robert, 277
Harris, Michael, 4, 6
Harrison (Harreyson, Harryson, Heryson,
-, —, bequest of, 96
-, —, Master, 111; burial, 164, 165, 167
-, —, Mistress, 155; knell, 157
-, Lucas, 316
-, John, 147, 151
-, Peter, 140
-, —, 318
-, Walter, 259
Harrys, Michael, 268
Harte (Hartt)
-, John, 214
-, Roland, 140
Harteley, Roger, 36
Hasley (Hasseley, Asylworth)
-, —, Mistress, burial, 136; knell, 138
-, Edward, 139, 140, 143, 145, 296
-, Joan, 296
-, Ellen, 283
-, Joan, 283
-, John, 256
Haumfrey, Gerard, 83
Hawkyn, William, 255, 256
Hawle, John, 306
Hayly, John, 259
Hays, Robert, 249
Haysley, see Hasley
Heartane, Adrian (brother of Henry Myles), 248
Hekyll, 114; wife of, 113
Hemynge (Hemmyngs, Heminge, Hemunge)
-, —, burial, 228; bequest of, 228
-, Agnes, 200; knell, 201
-, Dorothy, 251
-, Edward, 251
-, Emma, of Droitwich, 251
-, George, 251
-, Isabel, 251
-, John, 251
-, Anne, 285
-, Jacobus, from Rotterdam, 285
Henry VIII, King of England, accession, 86; dirige and mass for, 162
Hepworth, Lincs., 325
Herald, Chester, 19, 21, 23; meeting at Westminster, 23
Herbard, William, 140
Herding, Richard, 293
Herlaken, —, Mistress, 317
Herne (Hearne), Richard, 249, 326
Hertford, Herts., 317
Hertfordshire, 262, 316, 317
Hetell, Thomas, 109, 112
-, Edward, of Ware, Herts., 317
-, John, of Hoddesdon, Herts., 317
-, Richard, 317
-, Robert, of Rushgreen, 317
-, Thomas, 317
-, William, of Hertford, 317
Hewet, Alice, 260
Hill, Dionisia, 260
Hinton, Richard, 267
hobbyhorse, 10
Hobsonne's, in the Poultry, 302
Hockyns, Thomas, 129
Hoddesdon, Herts., 317
Hodgeskynnes, John, 315
Hodson, William, 155
-, John, 240
-, Ralph, 293
-, Thomas, 293
-, William, 293
Holland, 285
Holland, John, 307
Hollman, John, bequest and for knell, 83
Hollway, Clemence, 235
-, Agnes, 312
-, Christopher, 253
-, Joan, 312
Holwey, John, the younger, 275
Holy Cross, next the Tower, see London, clergy of, Friars, Crutched
Hone, John, 238
Honey (Hony)
-, Elizabeth, 259
-, Joan, 259, 260
-, Nicholas, 259; wife of, 4; sister of, 2, 4
Hope, William, 109, 112; wife of, 140
Hoppe, —, Mistress, 133
Horner (Hornar)
-, Joan, 320
-, John, 178, 189, 195, 205, 206, 207, 217,
224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 302, 308, 320;
servant's burial, 219; Gryby's burial,
-, Nell, 320
-, Thomas, sergeant, 208, 209
-, William, 105, 109, 112
Hornyng, —, wife's grave, 210
Horspole, —, 149
Hosskyn, Arthur, knell, 155
Houghton cum Witton, Hunts., 302
Houser, Rowland, 128
Howe (Hoo)
-, Henry, 301
-, John, see London, parish of St Andrew
Hubbard, music, Howe, Father
Howett, Richard, knell, 99
Howke, see Leake
Hugh, —, breaking grave, 89
Hughes, Geoffrey, 239
Hunt (Hunte)
-, —, goodwife, 161
-, —, Mother, embroideress, 33
-, Ellen, 300
-, William, 111, 143, 146, 150, 154, 158,
159, 300; burial, 161
Hunter, Rowland, arrest of, 132
Huntingdonshire, county of, 302
-, Joan, 233
-, Joan, junior, 233
-, John, 233
-, Margery, 233
-, William, 233
Hunton (Unton), Thomas, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14
Hurtley, John, 13
Hutte, William, 329
Huxley, William, sergeant at arms, 292
Hyde, George, porter of the Steelyard, 329
Hylle, William, 209
Hynton, Kent, parish church of, 267
Hyppyngham, Alice, 297
-, Ellen, 241
-, Matthew, 241; wife's grave, 121
-, Richard, 121, 241
Ipswich, in Suffolk, 252
Ive, Richard, 260
-, John, treasurer of Christ's Hospital, 202,
-, Robert, 325
-, Thomas, treasurer of Christ's Hospital,
215, 218
-, William, 294
Jakelyn, John, 238
Jakeman, John, 238
-, Alison, 8
-, Christian, wife of, 311
-, Katherine, 255, 256
-, Salomon, 4, 8, 9
Jasper, —, Master, 165, 167; wife's knell, 156
Jauncy, see Chaunsey
Jeffreyson (Jeffrayson), Thomas, 140, 298
Jefurs, —, for a funeral, 83; wife's knell, 84
-, —, 194
-, Alice, 294
-, Richard, 140, 156
Jenkyns (Jenkyn, Jynkyn)
-, —, Master, for timber, 185
-, Elizabeth, 239
-, Richard, for ringing, 130, 131, 132
-, William, 177, 183, 189, 195, 199, 200,
201, 204, 205, 208; wife's funeral, 182
Jenkynson, Elizabeth, 288
Jenyn, —, executors of, delivering bequest, 51
Jermayne, Frances, 252
-, —, glasier, 34
-, Cornelius, from Zealand, 285
Johns, see Jones
-, —, Master, 210
-, Agnes, 324
-, Christoper, 324
-, Cornelius, 112, 140, 210, 313, 324, 330
-, John, 328
-, Thomas, 99
Johnson, William, 105
Joliff, Robert, 302
Jones (Johns)
-, John, 276
-, Richard, 1, 13, 24, 27, 36, 37, 38; wife's
burial, 14; daughter's burial, 28
-, John, of Wormley, Herts., 316
-, Nicholas, 316
Jourdayne, Henry, 316
Jowler, Tyse, 4
Joyse, William, 235
Jynkyn, see Jenkyns
Kateryne, Margery, 272
Kechen, —, Master, 209; clerk of, 210
Kelly, Elizabeth, see Mawer, Elizabeth
Kempe, 131, helping in choir, 132; payment for writing a bill for alderman, 124
Kendal (Kendall, Kendawell)
-, Richard, 315
-, Roland, 166, 167, 307
-, Thomas, 241, 294
-, John, 23, 26, 30, 33
-, Margaret (Margery), 4, 6, 13, 15, 17, 19,
22, 24
Kent, county of, 267, 294
Kerby, —, the plumber, 7
Kerbye, Robert, 310
Keyschell, Harry, 329
King, see Kyng
Kingston, in Surrey, 325
Kirkeby, —, vinter, 34
Knat, John, 260
-, Alice, 317
-, Margaret, 317
-, Thomas, 317
Kolens, see Collyns
Korner, Peter, 214
-, Helen, 252
-, John, 252
Kylleby, —, 210
Kyng (King)
-, Henry, 194, 206, 214, 308
-, Joan, 270
-, John, 8
-, Richard, 16, 21, 270; burial, 22, 23
Kypper, Thomas, 283
Ladde, —, widow, 214
Lambard, Richard, 91
Lambert, Macione, 260
Lancaster, Thomas, 250
Langford, Beds., 262
Langham, Norf., 302
-, Walter, 233
-, William, 233
Lanskar, —, Master, and wife, burials, 208, 210
Lark, John, 288
Laurens, —, 89
Lawles (Lawless, Lawly, Lavllos)
-, John, 105, 109, 119, 140, 144, 154, 158,
159, 161, 164, 165, 288, 294, 329
-, Simon, 193
-, Thomas, 104, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112;
wife of, 137
-, Charles, 323
-, Margaret, 323
Leake, alias Howke, Henry, 206; bequest of, 228
-, Denys, 305
-, Garratt, 305
-, John, 305
-, Martysy, in Flanders, 305
-, Mary, 305
-, Newell, 305
-, Elizabeth, 278
-, Peter, 278
-, Thomas, 51, 278
Ledoves, Master Pero, 305
Lee, Joan, 239
Lege, —, ironmonger, 10
Leveret, —, Master, 201
Levet, Agnes, 259
Lewis, John, 271
Lewyn, Harman, 99
Ley, William, 99
Lincoln, cathedral, 241
Lincolnshire, county of, 325
-, Margery, 315
-, Peter, 315
Lockton, John, 233
Lombard, —, 103
-, Government of, Mayor's Court, 72; Baptist
Savoy before, 163. Mayor's clerk, 16.
Guildhall, 209; Court of Guildhall 209,
268; Court of London, 197, 201, 317;
Court holding surety, 247; chamberlain
of London, 177; quit-rent to chamber
of, 182; to chamber, for shed, 184.
Chamberlain, Master: 157, 163, 165,
177; Chamberlain and mayor's clerk
enrolling Fairhead's testament, 16; rent
for the shed, 192, 201. Constable, 30;
constableship, 219.
-, Proclamations, 141, 172, 177
-, Companies and crafts, Bowyers, 272;
butchers, in Eastchepe, 254; butchers'
barrow house, 254; carters, warden of
the, 110; cutlers, 292; minstrels,
company of, 288; parish clerks, 302;
pewterers, 246; stationers, 209; turners,
239; woodmongers, 283
-, Clergy of, Bishop of London, 54, 223; his
court, 34; seal on door, 34; visitation,
168, 174, 205; Master Blackwell,
bishop's registrar, 205. Archdeacon,
177, 223, receiving bill of information,
193; archdeacon on visitation, 205,
226. Commissary, Wylde, William, 272.
Commissary, sitting in parish, 34; pike
to feed same, 34; to have parishioner's
May money, 34. Registrar, Master
Ratlyffe (Ratclif, Ranleffe), 212, 223
-, Spiritual Court, examination in, 209.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury, wills
obtained from, 203, 216
-, Commissioners, 156, 182; book for, 163.
Summoner, 165, 172, 177, 197, 201,
205, 210, 212, 223, 226, 229
-, Cardinal, at St Paul's, 177
-, Friars, 40, 54, 60, 62, 92, 137; Augustinian,
255, 276; House of Whitefriars
(Carmelite), 273; Crutched (Crossed),
239, 255, 285; Fairley, Peter, Confessor,
of the order of the Holy Cross, 285;
Dominican, 255, prior and convent,
234, 235, chantry in and vestments to,
234; trental at Greyfriars, 276
-, London churches, Cathedral of St Paul's,
177, 181, 223, 256, 260; charges for
burial at, 111; burial in churchyard,
156; visitation to, 162; contribution to
rebuilding, 205; Queen, King and
Cardinal to, 177
-, London, Parish churches, All Hallows' the
Less, 234
-, St Andrew Hubbard:
-, Altars, high altar, 23, 26, 33, 34, 48, 56, 58,
67; paving the high altar, 181; table at
high altar, 26; red cloth before high
altar, 58; St John's, 29; St Katherine's,
29, 48, 259, 260, 263, 265; Our Lady's,
33, 34, 37, 48, 54; Trinity altar, 132;
taking down the altar, 165;
Constantyne, making, 37; mending, 48,
69, 70, 71; brickwork for altar, 177;
pulling down the altar, 192. Altar
cloths on High altar and Lady's altar,
48; painted cloths for high altar, 21;
frontal for high altar, 56; freshening
altar cloths in Lady chapel, 46; altar
cloth with image of St Andrew, 50;
hallowing altar cloths, 50; making new
altar cloths, 46; darning altar cloths,
46; mending best altar cloth, 54; three
altar cloths, 60; mending green altar
cloths, 60; mending lenten altar cloth,
54; altar cloths, 12
-, Anniversaries, 240; perpetual, 242, 256;
temporary, 262. Fairheads', 3, 5, 7, 9,
12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 37,
41, 43, 45, 48, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 65,
67, 69, 70, 72, 76, 80, 82, 85, 88, 90, 92,
98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 108, 110, 124,
125, 130, 131, 134, 137, 145, 148, 149,
152, 156, 162, 163; singing for 52;
evidences, 16; schedule of costs, 94.
Robarde's obit (Robert Salow?), 75.
Salow's, 78, 80, 82, 84, 88, 90, 92, 98,
101, 102
-, Books, buying, 3, 10, 56, 177, 229; buying
from Master Achelay, 220; selling, 4,
24, 32, 164, 191; repair, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10,
12, 14, 23, 52, 54, 56, 110, 131, 134,
156, 185, 229; glue for, 25; appraisal of,
26; inventories, 14, 23, 48; antiphoner,
10, 23, 56; collect book, 92; legendary,
56, 152, 177; Bible, 24; lock and key for
Bible, 172; fastening for Bible and
paraphrase, 193; half-Bible, 145; Old
Testament, 24; exposition of Gospel
and Epistles, 172; processionals, 23, 56,
118, 156, 188; Mass books, 23, 152,
177, 185; Mass of Visitation of Our
Lady, 40; grail, 177; gradual, 110;
psalters, 165, 192, 210, 181; decrees, 24;
service of Jesus, 83; Floren Bartholme,
32; sermon matters, 32; service books,
165, 173, 192, 229; Book of Common
Prayer, 172, 210; English matins book,
163; communion Books, 172; homilies,
165; paraphrases, 193, 209; Erasmus's
Paraphrases, 163; book of articles, 177;
interrogatories, 192; king's injunctions,
162; queen's injunctions, 192; bill of
articles, 188; purchase of four papers
of psalms to be sung before sermon,
192; for book of thanksgiving from
summoner, 212
-, Building, battlements, 132, 239; belfry, 33,
48; belfry door, 172; belfry stairs, 108,
152, 192; bell tower, 262; bell frame,
107; chancel, 48; charnel house, 7, 62;
choir, 54, 65, 131; choir door, 201;
parclose between choir and chapel,
110; whiting choir and chapel, 209;
wainscot in choir, 164; clerk's chamber,
45, 34, 95; clock house, 86; counting
house, 16; inner church door, 172;
grave sunken at church door, 156; font,
37; steps about font, 104; Lady chapel,
25, 29, 34, 37, 67; repairing laystall,
172; parsonage, 33, 34, 205, 210, 212,
229; hole in church wall for parson's
door, 95; pavement, 29, 34, 37, 40, 50,
52, 62, 72, 131, 172, 181; paving graves,
118, 122, 124, 125, 138, 145, 156, 157;
paving church wall, 152; pentice, 14,
18, 29, 157, 172; pent house over wires
from steeple, 132; porch, 56, 136, 137;
mending church porch leads, 192; lead
for church roof, 148; scaffold within
and outside church, 137; steeple, 6, 7,
45, 46, 52, 58, 63, 64, 65, 79, 83, 84,
104, 106; removal of doves' dug from
steeple, 83; store house, 15, 67. Vestry,
14, 17, 18, 21, 37, 39, 45, 65, 82, 102,
108, 125, 127, 146, 162, 165, 248; upper
vestry, 33. Windows, 48, 69, 82, 88,
116, 127, 136, 137, 146, 157, 201, 210;
glass windows over church door, 114;
plastering three old windows, 172;
window in Our Lady chapel, 34.
Whiting the church, 162. Churchdoor,
shop at, 4, 6. Church shed, 179, 184
-, Chantries, perpetual, 234, 242; temporary,
233, 235, 238, 255, 256, 260, 262, 263,
268, 272, 276, 277
-, Clergy, parish, Named rectors of St
Andrew: William Povey, 256, 298;
Thomas Grene, 243, 244, 245, 291, 293,
330; William Comyn, 269; Swift,
William, parson, 197, 226, 248, 249,
310, 314, 315; at Beverley, 220. Named
parsons of St Andrew: Richard
Bromley, 246; John Buffin, 253; John
Chorley, 280; James Taylor, 327.
Master Parson, 113, 166, 173, 176, 181,
193, 204, 205, 223; benevolence of
Master Parson, 164; Master Parson
gives from tithes to church building,
103; knell for, 68, 69; parson residual
legatee, 248. Named chaplains: Richard
Rogge, 271; John Sawter, 257; John
Thirkeston, 259. Named parish priests:
Sir Thomas, 104; John Baker, 275; John
Voye, 82. Named curates of St Andrew:
John Bust, 242, 290; Sir Edmund, 163;
Henry Hunt, 237; John Jackson, 298,
300; Thomas Kent, 239, 286, 287, 288;
Marten T., 197; Geoffrey Peper, 236;
Thomas Ryley (Reyley), 197, 205;
William Thorne, 205, 212, 226, 317,
318, 319, 320, 321, 323, 324, 326,
Master Wartur, 205. Curates, 174, 201,
205. Named priests: William Barton,
priest, 241; Thomas More, burial, 225,
226; William Pen, arrest of, 128;
William Seston, 17. Hiring priests, 37,
56, 58, 60, 67, 76, 80; on dedication
day, 54, 58, 60, 62; on relic Sunday, 58,
69; at other times, 92, 95, 98, 101, 102,
130, 131. Named conducts: John
Burbig, 110; Cator the conduct, 108;
Stephen Cherry, conduct, 72, 75, 76,
80, 82, 86; Cyprian the conduct, 90;
Hugh the conduct, 118; James the
conduct, 118; Smith the conduct, 118;
Symond the conduct, 90; William the
conduct, 90. Conducts: 75, 76, 88, 114,
118. Morrow mass priests, 12, 43, 80,
81, 146, 148, 149. Parish clerks; named:
William Aldrich, 238; Richard Basse,
108; Robert Carter (Curtare), 195, 210,
229, 315, 317; Robert Colyns (Kolens),
82, 88, 90, 92; Richard Doush, 32; John
Dyer, 78; John Foster, 78, 82, 137;
Richard Foster, 80; Grysby, Richard,
137; William Poredge, 252; John Ryan,
238; William Ryland, 246; John Wade,
78; John Williamson, 108, 110.
Part-names: Danyell the clerk, 25;
Jasper the clerk, 164, 177; John the
clerk, 14, 116; Rafe the clerk, 15;
Ralph, 75; Smith the clerk, 118;
Thomas the clerk, 75, 104; William the
clerk, 100. Rolf, child of, substitute for
clerk, 30. Saunder, substitute for clerk,
30. Clerk's board: 33, 34, 37, 56; and
dinner to, 54. Clerks' wives: 16, 30, 33,
40, 78 etc.; wife of John Foster,
laundress, 82, 137; wife of Robert
Carter, for washing, 229, and washing
surplices, 210; wife working on altar
cloths, 134. Clerks' conditions: 26;
obligations, 33; fined, 32; to provide
bell ropes, 159; assessing clerk's wages,
137. Mending vestments, 26, 40, 127.
Sexton, 162, 163
-, Equipment, Candlesticks, latten, 3;
candlesticks in rood loft, 14; a
candlestick to the resurrection, 18; two
silver candlesticks for high altar, 34;
collections for silver candlesticks, 34;
black candlestick, 52; silver
candlestick, 63; four candlesticks, 71;
candlestick for organs, 71; candlestick
that belongs to choir, 132; new foot for
candlestick, 148; candlestick for
paschal taper, 177; eight candlesticks,
177; six wooden candlesticks, and
painting them, 185. Censers, 9, 26, 46,
56, 63, 67, 69, 72, 122, 125, 130, 132,
153, 177. Chalice and paten, and
hallowing the same, 25; loss of paten,
25; mending a chalice, 26; chalices and
patens, 189; exchange of chalices for
communion cup, 192; communion cup,
189; paten for the communion cup,
220; making (holder for) sacrament,
177; box that sacrament hangs in, 29.
Chrismatory, 5, 30, 54, 131, 149, 157;
purchase of cross, pyx and
chrismatory, 177; cloth for chrismatory,
58; chrisms, 167, 173; cruets, 9.
Purchase of silver cross, 156; sale of
silver cross, 164; new cross of copper
and gilt, 23; a staff to the cross, 18;
cross of iron, 21; a basket for the cross,
58. Painting old cross staff, 48. painted
lenten cross, 50. New ship for incense,
157. Jewel basket, 9; weighing jewels,
26; jewels, 30; mending St Andrew's
jewel, 48; mending a jewel containing a
relic, 70; jewel house, 48. Monstrance,
15; pax, 3, 95; laver of latten, 117; new
basins, 157; holy water bucket, 177;
sconces, 9; sconces for choir, 70. Mats
to kneel on at Communion, 210. Veil,
37, 185. Rood cloth, 69; staining the
rood cloth, 131. Hearse cloth, 184; hire
of hearse cloth, 191. Cushions, 69.
-, Church box, 37, 52; long chest in choir, 25;
chests in vestry, 65, 82; chest for the
church, 86; box at church door, 113;
coffer for altar cloths, 50; chest to lay
vestments in 46; chest for the torches,
95. Brotherhood box, 109; almsbox,
162; table over almsbox, 162; poor box,
192, 165, 246, 303, 304, 320; poor box
key, 177; chest to lay writings in, 226.
Desks, 37, 69, 70; desk at choir door,
172; desk for the Bible, 146. Lectern,
50; mending lectern, 67. Bench at
church door, 46; form in choir, 25.
Gilding and staining the canopy staves,
131; passion banners, 56, 122; bells for
the banners, 46. Communion table,
177; new wainscot table for
communion, 172. Commandments by
communion table, 201. Setting up
sepulchre, 181; painting the sepulchre,
182; sepulchre light, 177. Tabernacle,
36, 268; painting tabernacle, 37;
tabernacle cloth of buckram, 34;
tabernacle before St Andrew, resting on
board, 34. Font cover, 177; font cloth,
52. Table for offering days, 95. Bowls
for torches for Corpus Christi day, 125.
Harness of silver, sale of, 8. Angel, 145.
Marble items, 29. Dungboat, 37, 131,
172. Wheel barrow, 100. Weather vane,
7. Lamp for churchdoor, 85; foot paces
in choir, 131. Purse, 15. Armour, 190
-, Fittings, making a clock, 12; payment for
clock, 20; payment to clock maker, 48;
fetching clock, 20; mending clock, 18,
21, 23, 25, 37, 40, 54, 62, 63, 70, 72, 80,
134; a smith mending clock, 77;
gathering to mend clock, 121; Fanser
clock-mender's fee, 121, 145, 146, 148,
149, 157, 162, 165, 172, 229; the great
peise, 18; rope for peise to, 20; making
peise, 20; horse hair for clock, 33; wire
and hook for clock, 70; fine oil for
clock, 69; repair of the house about the
clock, 18. Font: making font, 18;
mending font, 56, 88; hallowing font,
50, 56, 92; font staff, 50; cover for font,
9, 177; paving about font, 3, 37; step
under font, 33, 104; water to font, 21,
23, 149, 52, 153, 165, 181; watching
font, 56, 58, 72, 75; tapers for font, 7,
12, 26, 29, 30, 33, 37, 40, 43, 46, 48, 50,
52, 54, 56, 58, 65, 67, 71, 72, 90, 101,
11418, 56, 88, 149; lock to font, 118,
177, 186; font cloth, 52. Holy water
stock, 82. Pulpit: making pulpit, 185,
220; mending 95, 172; painting pulpit,
33; painting iron of pulpit, 220; pulpit
door, 67; pulpit at church door, 162;
stage of the pulpit, 220; desk for pulpit,
172; iron bar for, 165; tyned stey for
pulpit, 118. Making pews, 62, 79, 116,
124, 134, 162, 177, 185, 220;
workmanship on the long pew, 30, 33;
churching pew, 12; shriving pew, 72;
pews in Our Lady chapel, 29, 37; five
pews in chapel, 110; pew in choir, 88;
pew in loft for maidens, 72; pews in
rood loft, 92; making a little pew, 62;
pew repair, 23, 25, 37, 43, 45, 65, 70,
72, 88, 116, 130, 145, 153, 156, 163,
172, 201; moving pew for, 62; trimming
the pews, 165; turning the pews, 177;
wainscotting a pew, 157; pews under
belfry, 114; straw in pews, 25; pew
doors, 50; mending pew door against
parsonage, 54; breaking up pews, 62.
Churchbench, 67, 92. Bench in choir,
70. Rood, 90, 182; a cloth before the
rood, 40, 48, 67, 69, 131. Rood loft, 15,
48, 52, 62, 65, 67, 70, 72, 84, 107, 114,
162; repairs in the rood loft, 50;
candlesticks in the rood loft, 14, 15,
tapers for roodloft, 54, 56, 76; forms in
the rood loft, 26; cloth for the rood
loft, 2, 3, 33, 60; beam in the rood loft,
3; pews in rood loft, 92; assessment for
rood loft, 179; James Nedham
carpenter for rood loft, 110; defacing
the rood loft, 192
-, Fraternities, fraternity of holy Trinity, 235,
287, 291, 292, 297; Trinity
brotherhood, 162; wardens of the
Trinity, 147, wardens of Trinity
brotherhood, 135; churchwardens to
pay wardens of Trinity, 160; fraternity
of Holy Trinity, Our Lady and St
Katherine, 278, 282, 283; fraternity of
Holy Trinity and St Katherine, 288;
fraternity of St Katherine, 256, 263,
286; fraternity of Blessed Mary and St
Katherine, 279
-, Government, Assessors, 88; with auditors,
119. Auditors, 88, 175, 178, 183, 189,
203, 205, 213, 216, 224, 227, 230;
auditors and assessors, 119. Choosing
auditors, 159. Decisions to be taken at
a vestry, 248. Losses at fall of money,
172. Indentures, 14, 15; between parish
and king, 177. Injunctions, 197. King's
money, paying the, 153, 162.
Supplication, paid for writing a, 127
-, House, 'church house', separate accounts for,
27, 31, 35, 38, 41; repairs, 3, 5, 7, 10,
18, 20, 21, 23, 27, 46, 58, 63, 86, 102,
147, 156; receipts, 21, 22, 24, 28, 44, 53,
55, 57, 59, 61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 77, 83, 87,
89, 91, 95, 103; quit-rent from, 21, 23,
48, 50, 56, 69, 71, 78, 79, 90, 92, 102,
104, 146, 149, 156; payment to king,
76; indenture and obligations for, 45;
counsel concerning church house, and
writing before King's commissioners,
156; half making safe the church
house, 111; gatherings in street, 70;
cleaning, 80; work on cellar, 46; red
ochre for, 14. Thomas Clerk, tenant of
church house, 90, 91; Michael Everard,
45; Chester Herald (Manes), 22, 31;
Thomas Hunton (Unton), 8, 9, 10, 11;
John Okeley, 16, 17, 18, 19; William
Perkynton, tenant, 78; Petre, tenant,
38, 41; Thomas Smith, tenant, 80, 82;
Squyer tenant, 35, 38; allowance to
Squyer for repairs, 35; Walker, tenant,
3, 5, 7, 8, 10
-, Images, Christ, resurrection, 34, 37; new
foot for resurrection, 37, painted cloth
before, 37; rood, Mary, John and St
Andrew, 182; Holy Trinity, 262; irons
over St Spirit and St Andrew, 102; St
Andrew, 30, 182, 269; mending St
Andrew's jewel, 48; branch before, 30;
tabernacle before, 34; stock to set the
image of St Andrew on, 185; irons over
St Spirit and St Andrew, 102; St Anne
in Our Lady's chapel, 34; St
Christopher, 9; St George, 9; frame for
St George, 52; mending hole where St
George stood, 162; St James, 72, 79;
branch before St James, 72, 80; St
James and St John, 33; painting
around, 33; St John and rood, 182; St
Katherine, hook to hold, 37; St Mary
and rood, 182; Our Lady set in her
tabernacle, 67; Our Lady's branch, 65;
Our Lady of Pity, 26; Our Lady made
at London Wall, 33; image of Our
Lady in St Katherine window, 67; hoop
for riddel of our Lady, 67; ?St
Nicholas, 45; setting up image in
chapel, 37
-, Lights, Light of St Katherine, 268; of St
Katherine at high altar, 262; light of
Holy Trinity, 268
-, Music, Purchase and fitting of organs, 9;
new pair of organs, 100; small
organs, 67; gathering for organs, 66;
towards purchase of organs, 99.
Organ-maker, 96, 135, 145; organ
maker's fee, 134, 137, 145, 146, 148,
149, 152, 165, 172. Father Howe, 148,
156, 157, 172, 187, 188, 192, 201, 210,
220, 226, 229; to Howe for removing
organs, 192; Father Howe's
undertaking to tune organs, 187.
Organ-keeper, 220. Father Howe, late
payment of dues, 164. Organ mending:
67, 75, 95, 102, 110, 118, 132, 152, 156,
157, 162, 188. Parts for organs:
mending bellows of organs, 72; bellows
for organs, 145; cord for organs from
tallowchandler, 138; rope for the
organs, 162; wheels for the organs, 131.
candlestick for organs, 70. Organ sales:
for our old organ pipes, 129. Named
organ players: Wodehousson, organ
player, 9; Thomas the childe, organist,
10; Harry Nevyllman, organ player, 16;
Danyell, organist [also called clerk], 25,
26; John Clerk the organ player;
performing noble, 26. John Smith
organ player, 82; to John Smith, organ
player for lent quarter, 82; to Mede for
playing, 98; Nicholas the organ player,
110; James, organ player, Master
Maryn's servant, 116; William the
organ player, 118; James Short the
organ player, 122; and reward, 82.
Unnnamed organ players: 9, 12, 18, 21,
60, 62, 100, 104, 110, 114, 118; organ
player who would be clerk, 76; new
organ player, 116; for organ player for
1 day, 63; organ player on church holy
day, 127; organ player on holy days,
102; hire of organist at Christmas, 14,
18, 25, 37, 62, 107; to a young man that
kept the organs at Christmas, 14; organ
player at Candlemas, 30, 100; organist
performing up the nobil at Candlemas,
26; organist between Easter and
Midsummer, 37; paid at Easter to
organ player, 60; organist on
translation of St Andrew, 15; organist
on St Andrews eve and day, 30; organ
player at Whitsuntide, 63; organist on
Ascension day, 30; organ player on
Corpus Christi day, 30, 60; organ
player at All Hallowtide, 100; organist
and singers on dedication day, 30;
organist at Lady day Nativity, 25;
organist at Nativity of Our Lady, 40.
Top-up money to organist, 29, 30
-, Singers: Conducts: John Burbig, conduct,
110; Cator the conduct, 108; Stephen
Cherry, 72, 75, 76, 80, 82, 86; Cyprian
the conduct, 90; Hugh the conduct,
118, James the conduct, 118; Smith the
conduct, 118; Symond the conduct, 90;
William, one of the conducts, 90;
conducts, 104, 116, 125, 130, 145, 146,
165, 172; conduct singing at holy days,
124. Named singers: Sir Harry, 7, 10;
Sir John Patye, 9; John Clarke, 182;
Porter [?porter] that sings in the choir,
127, 130. Kempe and Cranehouse in
the choir, 132. Unnamed singers:
provisions for singers at Christmas, 67,
72; singers on Christmas day, 69; wine
for singers on Christmas day, 56;
refreshments for choir helpers at
Christmas, 132; church singers on Palm
Sunday, 82; provisions for singers on
Palm Sunday, 72; singing men at
Easter, 165; singing in Easter week, 9;
for regals and singing men on St
Andrew's day, 185; singing men of
Queen's chapel on St Andrew's day,
192; singers and organist on St
Andrew's day, 29; singers on St
Andrew's eve and day, 30; singing men
on St Andrew's day, 130, 188; singing
on St Andrew's day, 7, 14; help in choir
on St Andrew's day, 132; singer on 9
May, 108, 110; singers at Corpus
Christi, 56, 58, 75; torchbearers singing
at Corpus Christi, 56; singers on
dedication day, 30; singers given bread
and wine on dedication day, 34;
provisions to singers on dedication day,
78; drink for singers on dedication day,
100; Singers, 122, 165; two singers, 60;
singing man, 122; priest singing in
church at divers times, 78; a man to
sing in choir, 60; singers on holy days,
23; ale and wine to singers, 45; wine for
choir, 165; malmsey for choir, 172; wine
for singers on church holy day, 65;
bread and ale to singers, 26; food and
drink for singers in choir, 37. Singing
bread, 75, 76, 82. Children that sang,
-, Music: Mass of Visitation of Our Lady, 40;
(the) Noble [Nobil], 26
-, Practice, Agreement on interment at St
Paul's, 111; decision on burial fees, 93,
159, 229; decision on sexton's pay, 160;
sermons, 168, 174, 197, 205, 223, 226;
sermons, in return for bequest, 252;
reckoning day, bread and ale at, 58;
account dinner, 165, 172, 177, 181, 185,
192, 199, 201, 209, 220, 226, 229;
money to masters of parish for dinner,
251; farming the parsonage, agreement
[1558–9], 197; 79, 163, 167, 173, 196,
204, 211, 212, 222; parson's duty, 81,
163, 174, 17, 225; churchwardens as
residual legatees, 248; churchwardens
as administrators of bequest to poor,
318. Benevolences to parish, 164;
donation to, 249; donation of
vestment, 84, 259. Chamberers, Easter
payments, 79, 81, 83, 87. Gatherings:
gathered at Translation of St Andrew
(May money), 4, 17, 22; gathered on
church holy day, 55, 57, 64, 66;
gathered in street on holy day, 53, 74,
79, 83; gathered in the street, 81;
gathered on dedication day, 59, 61;
gathered at Palm Sunday, 2; gathered
from frenchman and strangers at
Easter, 49; gathered on 7 July, 103;
gathered on 20 November, 103;
gathered from parishioners, 109;
gathered for clerk's wages (itemised),
77; gathered for work on steeple, 6;
gathered for a surplice, 13; gathered for
black cope, 52; gathered for organs, 66;
towards cost of new cross on steeple,
78; alms money among frenchmen, 57;
alms in the street, 47. Coat and
petticoat for poor boy, 156. Church
ales, received of ales for the clerk's
wages, 97; drinking, for churchwarden,
201; for Master Benbow, 201; for
Master Bromley, 201. Quarter book,
128. Bills, writing our, 37; week bill,
103; bill of our tithes, 125. Hock
Monday, 105, 123; Morrow Mass, 80;
five wounds, devotion of the, 291; relic
Sunday, 58, 69; relics, 70; St Andrews
finger, 63; burying the charnel bones,
210; church holy days, 52, 56, 70, 72,
74, 79, 104, 110; dedication day, kept 3
October, 110; dedication day, 14, 30,
34, 40, 43, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67, 69,
76, 100, 104, 108; for priest to be
deacon on dedication day, 54; St
Andrews, shooting feast, 254;
distribution of torches, 235, 265, 276.
Ladder to porch on Palm Sunday, 56;
St Andrew's day celebrations, 33; wine
to clerks on St Andrew's day, 37;
festivity on feast day, 30; gathering by
parish wives on holy day, 89; St
Andrew's day, 125; candles for St
Andrew's eve, 177; St Francis' eve, 122;
fire on Candlemas day, 60; candles for
tenebrae night, 50; hire of angel on
Palm Sunday, 118; hire of clothes at
Tower on Palm S, 118; provisions of
May Day, 70; seeing jewels on high
days, 30; bearing a torch with the
housel, 30; holy loaf, 167; shriving pew,
72; pew in loft for maidens, 72; children
on procession, 156; child that played
messenger, 137; dancing with hobby
horse, 10; received in the church of the
players, 144. Provisions when church
should be robbed, 45; thieves, 46;
enquiries at Westminster after theives,
46. Blotting out Scripture, 177.
Hallowing font, 50, 56, 58; hallowing a
chalice, 58
-, Sales, old lead, 19; old iron and pewter, 39;
latten, 171; old brass and latten, 39;
pipes, 22; old timber and boards, 164;
old timber from steeple, 83; church
linen, 177; old torches, 164; old canopy,
59; altar stone, 171; chalices to Tyse,
24; books to Pye, 24; old books, 164;
old glass in vestry, 39; sale of, 100
-, Yard, churchyard: mending, 40; digging in,
180; carrying earth from, 172, 181;
carrying earth into, 210; paid for
levelling, 145; gravel for, 56, 58, 62, 69,
70; sand for, 67; repair of wall, 43; sale
of stones in churchyard, 42; sale of
ragstone in churchyard, 39; moving a
stone into, 85; cleaning, 16, 34, 43, 45,
163; cleaning for Palm Sunday, 33;
rubbish from church wall, 52; repair of
wall, 43; mending locks in, 48; little
door in 43; new door in, 45; lock for
churchyard door, 67, 72; grill in
churchyard, 163; plank of oak for
corner of, 50; timber for churchyard
corner, 69; box trees, 50; tree in, 7, 61;
cutting vine in, 21; cutting tree in, 21;
lopping tree, 34; felling and hewing tree
in, 50, 62; received for tree, 66; lopping
tree for caterpillars, 40; crop from tree
in, 49; received for tree, 64; cross in, 52
-, Vestments, copes, 3, 4, 5, 10, 26, 29, 33, 37,
46, 71, 88, 92, 122, 124, 137, 152, 162,
233, 235; Nicholas's cope, 45; making
black cope, 52; red velvet cope with
green buckram lining and latten
spangles, 71; making 2 choir copes, 71;
cope of red sarsnet, 71; bequest of
white or blue silk cope, 84; recovering
of cope, 177; making child's cope, 48;
drying the copes, 33. Making blue
stole, 67; another stole, 67. Mending
the black vestment, 46. Chasuble, 277.
New mitre, 48. Corporas case, 29, 181;
corporas cloths, 7, 50, 78, 131. Tucking
girdles for priests, 14. Payments for a
surplice, 34; new surplice for Master
Parson, 118; surplice, 9, 14, 25, 29, 30,
33, 34, 37, 43, 45, 56, 58, 67, 70, 76, 77,
90, 92, 137, 152, 182; surplice collars,
18, 20, 76, 86, 88, 90, 92. Rochets, 7,
14, 29, 34, 37, 43, 45, 52, 58, 71, 77.
Amices, 3, 46, 50, 75. Albs, 18, 23, 33,
46, 67, 71; albs and amice for children,
50; purchase of vestment and alb, 177;
paid at London Bridge for oferans, 70;
setting on of orphreys, 46. Sale of
vestment by Henry Bateman, 177; the
vestment maker, 72; repairs by
Goodwife Whyt, 201; for repair of suit
of vestments, 92; a chest to lay
vestments in, 46; writing a bill of, 127;
embroiderer for appraising vestry stuff,
165. Vestment repair, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 23,
26, 90, 104, 122, 132, 137, 138. Hire of
vestments, 32
-, London, Parish churches (cont), St Botolph
Aldgate, 259; St Botolph without
Bishopsgate, 235; St Bride's Fleet
Street, fraternity of Our Lady, 278; St
Clement's without Temple Bar, 282; St
Dunstan in the East, 177, 250, 252,
282; St George Botolph Lane, 276, 283,
317; White, goodman, clerk of St
George's, 317; St Katherine Coleman,
315; St Leonard Eastchepe, 263,
chantry reversion to, 256, and
fraternity of St Mary in 256; St
Leonard Shoreditch, 235; St Magnus,
163, 168, 197, 205, 212, 223, 271, and
fraternity of St Mary in, 271; St
Margaret Bridgestreet, 256; St
Margaret Pattens, 236, 238, 259, 323;
Thomas Dawes, curate of St Margaret
Pattens, 323; St Mary at hill, 237; St
Mary le Bow (Bow Church), 102; St
Mary Matfelon without Aldgate, 259;
St Mary Woolnoth, 250; St Peter
Cornhill, 216, 302.
-, Scala Coeli, Masses at, 283
-, London hospitals, St Bartholomew's, 255,
256; St Bartholomew's, tenements in St
Leonard Eastcheap, 263; Christ's
Hospital, 202, 215, 218, 231, 249, 252;
hospital of Christ Church, 312; (St
Mary) Bethlehem without Bishopsgate,
259; St Mary Rouncival, 259; Saint
Mary Spital, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 27,
31, 35, 40, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 65,
67, 68, 82, 86; receiver, 138
-, London monasteries, St Augustine Pappey,
259; Charterhouse, 259
-, London prisons, Counters, the two, 307;
counter in Poultry, 250; King's Bench,
307; Ludgate, 307; Marshalsea, 259,
307; Newgate, 307; the four prison
houses, 313. Ludgate, Newgate, Fleet,
King's Bench, 259
-, London and suburbs, streets and areas,
Barking, high altar of parish church in,
293; Barking, bequest to poor in, 293;
Botolph Lane, 250, 326; Candlewick
street, 250; Champins alley, 89, 91;
Dowgate, 110; East Smithfield, a
garden in, 324; Lombard Street, 250;
London Bridge, 70, 311; Mile End,
312; Philpot Lane, 237, 308; Poultry,
counter in, 250; Pratts alley, 91;
Pudding Lane, 237; Romelane, 149; St
Swithin's Lane, 250; Southwark, 240,
295; Southwark, parish church of St
Barbara, 295; Southwark, parish
church of St Olave's, 228; Southwark,
Bishop of Winchester's prison, 259;
Thames Street, 234, 250; Westminster,
23, 46, 187, 209, 210, 315; parish of St
Margaret's Westminster, 187;
Whitechapel (Blanchechapel), 14, 137
Longe, Robert, 240
Louth, church of, 241
Love, John, 312
Lovsskyn, Arthur, grave, 156; knell, 157
Lucas, Robert, 246
Luter, Richard, wife of, 18
Lydstare, Thomas, 249
Lyndewyck, Richard, 259, 260
Lynnett, John, 132
Lynsey (Lynzey)
-, —, 156
-, Robert, 160
Lyons, John, 195, 199, 200, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 218
Lysby, John, 328
Lysol, —, the sergeant, 209
Lyster, Thomas, 194, 198, 206, 208, 214
Lytton, —, Mistress, 234
Mache, William, 99; wife's burial, 117, 118
Maire, John, 33
Manaryng, —, Master, knell, 79, 80
Mance, John, 22, 27
Mandytt, Umfray, mother's knell, 64
Manes, —, burial, 28, 29; pew, 25, 29; widow's bequest, 28, 30, 31; son of, 30
Manewe, John, 1
Manson, Oliver, wife of, 105, 109
Mansworth, John, 326
Manwood, —, Master, for counsel, 188
Marble, Richard, 236
marbler, 29
Marchant, see Merchant
Marche, Hugh, 79
Mareburn, Joan, 241
marmalade, 209
Marrow, Thomas, 308
Marschburgh, Thomas, 272
-, Agnes, 252
-, William, 252
Martin (Martyn)
-, John, 8, 267
-, Richard, 252
-, William, 259
Marwood, —, Master, of the Exchequer, 209
Mary I, Queen of England, at St Paul's, 177
Maryan, —, Mistress, 144; knell, 145
Maryn (Maryon), Master, see Garet, Maryon
Maryner, William, 234
Mason (Masonne)
-, Alice, 255, 256
-, Robert, 231
Massam, —, waxchandler, 33
Mathew (Mathewe, Matthew)
-, —, burial, 133, 134
-, —, Father, bequest of, 64
-, Angel, 219, 225, 228, 328; daughter's
burial, 228
-, Anne, 290
-, Geoffrey (Jeffreye), 248, 315
-, Joan, 276
-, John, 184, 290, 313, 316
-, Katherine, 316, 328
-, Thomas, 290; Thomas, junior, 290
Matres, Edmund, 132
-, Joan, 272
-, John, 272
-, John, junior, 272
-, Katherine alias Constantyne, 272
-, Thomas, 272
-, William, 272
Mawde, —, Mistress, son's burial, 42
Mawdytt (Mawdytte)
-, —, mother's knell, 65
-, Humfrey, 72, 73, 79
Mawer (Mawor, Mowyer, Moyyer)
-, Elizabeth, 242; as Mawer's wife, 209; will
of, 209
-, Nicholas, 242
-, Richard, 85
-, Thomas, 113, 209, 236, 238, 242; burial,
133, 134; copy of will, 181; writing will
and deed of, 188
Maweyt, Humfray, see Mawdytte
May, John, 239
Mayer (Meyer)
-, —, candlemaker, 30
-, —, child of, 10
-, John, 26; wife of, 73
Maynard, Nicholas, 34, 271; fails to supply clerk with food, 34
Mayor, see London, Government
Mayre, John, 37, 44, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55
Medcauffe, —, Master, 209, 210
Mede, —, 101
Medylton, John, knell, 157
Meede, John, 128
Merchant, Ellis, 179, 191, 195, 196, 197, 200, 207, 213, 217; new pew, 185, 192; wife's burial, 179; burial, 208
Mersch, Hugh, burial, 89
Mertin, month mind of, 32
Merys, John, 276
Metcaffe, Roger, 242
Mettell, John, knell, 124
Michat, Elys, 177
Miche, Hugh, 77
Middleton (Middletoune, Modilton)
-, —, Master, of the arches, 95, 101
-, Joan, 308
-, John, 155, 299
-, Magdalene, 299
Mitchell, William, 310, 323
Modilton, see Middleton
Mon, see Mur
-, Agnes, 235
-, Christine, 235
-, John, 234, 235
-, William, 235
Montgomery, James, bequest, 79
Mony, —, Master, 56; child of, 64, 70; burial of child, 64, 70
More (Moore)
-, —, Master, in Botolph Lane, 326
-, Alice, 326
-, John, for a burial, 228; 315; of Epping,
-, Thomas, 1, 14, 18
-, —, workman, 146
-, Robert, 307
Morys (Moreys)
-, Joan, 232
-, Gerard (Gerald), 19, 232; burial, 19, 20;
wife of, 19
-, Richard, 232
Mot, plumber, 34, 35
Motte, John, 14, 18
Mouners, John, 207
Mowyer, Moyyer, see Mawer
Much Horsey, in Essex, 247
Mudley, —, 34, 37, 46, 37; man of, 37
Mundus, —, tallowchandler, 18, 21
Mundy, —, 17
Mur, John, 217, 221, 224, 230
Murton, Thomas, 319
Mychyll, John, 123
Myles (Mylles)
-, Beatrice, 248
-, Elizabeth, 216, 217, 221, 24
-, Henry, 248
-, Joan, 248
-, Michael, 175, 176, 178, 248; copy of will,
203; purchase by parish of annuities
from widow, 210, 216, 217, 221;
writings concerning, 224
-, Richard, 238
Mylmes, —, Master, clerk of, 209
Neale, Julyan, 311
Nedham, James, 107, 108, 110
Nettells, Joan, 246
New, John, 140
Newarke, William, 235
Newcome, —, basketmaker, 140
Newman, Gabriel, 250, 252
Neyll, Bartholomew, 189
Neyson, William, 140
Nicholl, Joan, 263
Nicolson, Henry, 315
-, Margaret, 250, 252
-, Richard, 250
-, Thomas, 252
-, William, 250, 252
-, William, junior, 252
Nonde, Robert, 15
Nonire, Edward, 253
Norfocke, John, 320
Norfolk, county of, 245, 277, 302
Northamptonshire, county of, 261
Nowell, —, Master, of Grey's Inn, 209
-, —, Master, 151; burial, 153
-, —, Mistress, 151; burial, 153
-, John, 297
-, Thomas, 297
Okerford, Nicholas, 18, 19, 21, 22, 269, 270; wife's burial, 19, 21
Okley, John, 15, 17, 19; house and repairs, 16, 18
Oldham, Harry, 61; wife of, 66
Olyfer (Olyffer, Olyver)
-, —, Mistress, 133, knell and grave for, 135
-, Andrew, 39, 41, 42
-, Matthew, 140
-, Robert, 319
-, William, 319
Ornry, —, 210
-, —, wife of, 104
-, William, 315
Osery, Ralph, 234
Ovarte, Simon, 305
Owen, Matthew, 318
Paget, Nicholas, 304
Pallarde, John, 318
-, —, wife's burial, 39
-, Andrew, 252
Paper, Thomas, of Hull, 109
Paris, William, 37
Parkens, see Parkyns
Parkinson, Charles, wife of, 315
Parkyns (Parkens)
-, —, Master, 207
-, —, Mistress, benevolence of, 164
-, Amos, widow of, 217
-, Henry, 111
-, John, 111, 112, 119, 123, 125, 128, 139,
143, 147, 151, 158, 159, 245; wife
mending vestments, 104; pit and no
knell, 164; grave, 165
Parratt, Bartholomew, 247
Partriche, tenant of church house, 43
Patrik, —, wife of, 89
Patterdale, in Cumberland, 250
Payne, Robert, 311
Pealle (Peele), —, Master, 218, 231
Peckyn, William, 277
Pecock (Pecok, Pekoc)
-, Stephen, 250, 252
-, Thomas, 73, 79, 81, 85, 87, 96, 97, 100,
Pect, —, Master, 13
Pede, Alice, 4
Peersey, see Percy
Peet, Robert, burial, 15
Peke, Joan, 308
Pekeman, Henry, 260
Pekton, —, 155
Pennyngton, Eleanor, 252
Penyfeather, —, Mistress, 113
Pepper, Christopher, 250
Percy, —, Master, collector of subsidy, 197, 205, 212
Percyson, William, 111
Perkyn (Perkyns)
-, —, Mistress, 113
-, William, 88, 96, 97, 111, 112, 114
Perkynton, William, tenant of church house, 78
Perry (Perrey)
-, Alice, 243
-, Thomas, 140, 243
Pers, —, burial of, 39
Person, —, wife of, 34
Pery, Thomas, 151
Peterborow, Thomas, 110
Peterson, Jasper, 316
Petre, —, Master, tenant of church house, 38, 41
Petwell, Jane, 288
Peysser, Thomas, burying a child, 83
Phelip, Margery, 276
Phewater, —, Lord, 87
Phillippes, David, 327
Phipps, Symond, 28, 31; wife's burial, 42, 43; burial of father's child, 42
pikes (armoury), 190
Pile, Agnes, 260
Plate, Roger, burial, 184, 188, 192
Platt, —, Master, arrest of, 192
Plawden, —, Mistress, 57, husband's knell, 42, 43
Plommer, —, Master, 117, 121, 129, 133, 135; mending grave, 141; knell, 144, 146
Plumstead, Kent, 233
Polles, Cornelius, 99
Pooke, Thomas, 72
Poringland, Norf., 245
Porter, John, 111
Pressure, Thomas le, 99
Prest, John, 238
Pricklove, Nicholas, 328
-, Thomas, 88
-, William, 88
Provestes, —, Master, 313
Purser, Isabel the, 4
Pycott, Paul, 189
Pye, —, a stationer, 24
Pynchester, Roger, 238
Pyrwych, John, 70
Quylter, —, my Lady, 118
Raff, Henry, 303
Rainham, Essex, 311; parish church of St John, 311
Raker, Geoffrey the, 18
Ramsey, Richard, 267
rats' bait (ratsbane), 5, 86
Rawban, Robert, 112
Rawse, —, Mother, knell, 95, 96
-, Stephen, 289
-, William, of St Katherine Coleman, 315
Redeknap, John, 275
Redman, William, 254
-, Adam, 254
-, James, the elder, 254
-, William, 254
Rev, Stephen, 140
Reyffe, —, wife of, 209
Reygate, —, wife of, 18
Reynes, —, Doctor, 104
-, —, wife of, 1
-, John, 261; his brother John, 261
-, Joan, 261, 262
Reynwell, Christine, alias Chacombe, 257
-, —, constable, 219
-, —, pit of, 18
-, Richard, 113
-, —, goodwife, 210
-, George, 171, 175, 176, 178, 183, 249;
burial, 191, 192
-, John, 251
Richardson, John, 315
Richmond, John, 14; wife of, 14
Ridby, Simon, 264
Ride, Margaret, 12
Ringsbed, Christopher, 252
robbery, 45 (see also thieves)
Roberts, Edward, 315
Robinson (Robynson), John, 250, 284
Rogers (Roger)
-, —, Master, knell, 62; stone, 146
-, —, Mistress, knell, 125
-, Agnes, 294
-, Hames, bequeathes cope to parish, 84
-, Joan, 234, 235, 294
-, John, 194, 294
-, Thomas, 234, 294; knell, 46; wife's knell,
-, Thomas, junior, 294
-, William, 88, 99, 102, 107, 109, 112, 119,
126, 135, 136, 139, 140, 143, 144, 236,
286, 288, 292, 294; wife's burial, 126;
wife of, 148
-, Humphrey, skinner in Southwark, 240
-, Robert, 109
Rolf (Rolfe)
-, —, burying a carpenter, 28; burial of
wife, 36; child of, substitute for clerk,
30; burial and knell, 51
-, —, the clerk, wife of, laundress, 78
-, —, the smith, 17, 21, 23, 25
-, Richard, 18, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38
rolls, searching the, 201
Roo, Morgan, 140
-, Agnes, 250
-, Joan, 250, 252
-, Robert, 250
-, William, 250
Roper, —, Master, testament of, 83
Rotterdam, in Holland, 285
Round House, tenement in parish of St Andrew Hubbard, 250, 252
Rowet, Henry, 240
Rowken, Joan, see Rookyn
Rowse, Jasper, 189; for writing account, 172
Rowse, M —, 140
Rudd, Richard, 251
Rushgreen, 317
Rychemond, —, 17
Rygbull, William, 297
Ryse, —, burial, 24; knell, 26; wife of, 26
Saint Tolos, Norf., 277
Sanitene, Gillian, pit for, 228
Sans, John, 328
Sansarr, Richard, 140
Saunder, —, substitute for clerk, 30
-, Baptieste, 298
-, Francis, 298
-, Jasper, 298
Savonell, Jasper, 109
-, Baptist, 166; action against, 163
-, Jasper, 155; knell, 157; wife, 113
Sawbone, Robert, 128
Sawndre, John, bell ringing, 26
Sawnssycc, Richard, 138
Sawyer, John, 230
Saye, Henry, 242
Schornold, John, 72, 73
Schort, 100
Schosse, Richard, 140
Schurlye, Richard, 242
Secondary, —, Master, 209
Segur, William, 175
Seland, Thomas, 249
Semer (Somers), Richard, 70, 72, 73, 79, 83; knell, 86; wife's knell, 65
Semper, Richard, 170
Senne, Richard, 111
Serle, —, goodman, 103
Sewell, John, 262
Sewster, see Shrewster
Sharnoll, John, 83
Sheffeld, John, 278, 282
Sheppard, Margaret, 254
Sherde, Richard, 259
Sherman, Thomas, 104, 107
Sherpyn, John, 303
Shill, John, 241
-, Elizabeth, 286
-, Robert, knell, 99; 286
Shraves, —, Master, 326
Shrewster, Jerome, 219; knell, 220
Silver, Harry, 13, 14
Skynnar, —, the beadle, 315
Smith, —, Master, burial, 151
Smith, Barnard the, 7, 12
Smith, John, wife of, 140
Smithson, see Smythson
-, Symond, 26, 29
-, Thomas, 270
-, William, 270
-, —, Master, paving grave, 152
-, John, 112, 115, 117, 119, 123, 124, 137,
139, 140, 143, 167, 242; wife's knell, 124
-, Robert, 99
-, Thomas, 12, 86, 135, 136, 139
-, William, burial, 117; wife's burial, 117
Smytherson, William, collector for Christ's Hospital, 202
-, —, Master, 225, 226
-, —, joiner, 209
-, Agnes, 318
-, John, 208, 322, 323; knell, 210
-, Margaret, 322, 323
-, Mary, 322, 323
-, William, 195, 318, 319, 322, 323, 325,
328; burial, 208, 210
-, William, tailor, 214, 219
Somers, see Semer
Sorbott, see Surbut
Southelle, John, 312
Southwark, see London and suburbs
Spaniard, burial, 53; covering his grave, 54
splints (armoury), 190
Squirell, Henry, burial, 79, 80; breakfast for executors, 80
Squirer (Sqyuer)
-, Robert, burial, 32, 34
-, Thomas, debts of, 40, 41; repayments, 44,
Stacy, James, 328
-, George, 314
-, Joan, 314
-, Thomas, 314
Stapleton, Thomas, 317
Staynes, Richard, 315
Stessonson, Thomas, 140
Stevenson (Stevinson, Styphyson)
-, Alice, 310, 311
-, Margaret, 271
-, Philip, 271
-, Thomas, 111, 155, 310, 311
-, Thomas, junior, 310
Stevyns, William, 327
Steynor, Simon, 261
Stidall, Thomas, mother-in-law's funeral, 80
Stonehouse, wife of, 4, 6, 7; knell for, 52
Stovve, Robert, 235
Stowe, John, 259, 260, 263
strange woman, burial, 136
stranger, knell for, 172
Strong, Thomas, 288
Sulley, Laurence, 288
Sumpter, Robert, 232
Surbut (Surbot, Suirbut)
-, goodwife, knell and grave, 145
-, Thomas, 99, 103, 105, 109, 112, 113, 115,
132, 135, 136, 139, 140, 143, 144, 150
Surrey, county of, 325
Surwell, Holy Rood of, 241
Swayn, Juliana, 255
swords (armoury), 190
Symond, Lawrence, 105
-, Christopher, 239; wife of, 104
-, Margaret, 239
Talbot, William, vicar at Rainham, Essex, 311
Tanskar, Harry, bequest to parish poor, 208
Tapycer (Tapicer, Tapicere, Tapeser)
-, Anne, 273
-, Elizabeth, 260
-, Joan, 282; wife of Thomas, 273; wife of
Simon junior, 273
-, Margaret, 273
-, Nicholas, 37, 273, 275
-, Simkin, burial and knell, 64, 65; treading
grave, 65
-, Simon, 4, 5, 7, 8, 19; burial, 24; wife's
knell, 25
-, Simon, junior, 260, 263, 268, 273, 277
-, Thomas, 273
-, —, 219
-, Edward, 318
-, Henry, 318; bequest of, 214
-, Joan, 318
-, Richard, 318
-, Rose, 318
-, William, 318
Taylor (Tayler)
-, Christopher, 128, 288
-, Joan, 271
-, John, 271
Teder, Richard, 140
Tellman, Gowfor, 140
Testor, William, 140
Tewkesbury, John, 257
-, —, Sir, 103
-, —, stationer, 40
Thorne, —, Master, 223
Thornton, Joan, 282
Thresher, Thomas, 326
Tiler, see Tyler
Todhunter, Christopher, 323
-, —, wife's burial, 117; her knell, 118
-, —, Mistress, pew of, 201
-, Carter, 259
-, Nicholas, 259
Townsen, James, 311
Triplowe, Robert, 311, wife of, 311
Tryp, —, wife of, 70
-, Elizabeth, 279
-, John, 279
Turner (Turnour)
-, Simon (Symond), 18, 24, 26, 262
-, Walter, of Barnet, Herts., 262
Turpyne, John, 149
Tursope, John, 37
Tursott, —, knell for, 53, 54
Tygo, —, Mistress, 329
-, Christopher, 85
-, Simond, 57, 59, 61, 72, 73, 74, 77, 79, 81,
85; burial, 110
-, Thomas, 109
Tyll, Robert, 267
Tynnes, see Arnolde, Agnes
-, Arnolde, 313
-, Lawrence, 313
-, Richard, 313
Tyse, —, 24, 25
Tytleye, Agnes, 315
Umfrey, —, Mistress, 105
Underwood (Underwode)
-, Agnes, 12
-, Thomas, 11, 14; wife of, 18
Unton, see Hunton
Urtley, William, 112
Vale, Matthew, servant, 313
Violet (Vyolett)
-, —, tallowchandler, 30
-, —, Mistress, 118
-, John, knell, 118
Vyllars, —, Master, 209
Waddell, John, 214
Waddy (Wady)
-, Joan, 239
-, Thomas, 112, 140, 154, 239, 288
Waferer, —, 30; torches at burial, 28; wife's knell, 19, 20
Walkelyn, Alice, 260
-, John, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 267
-, Richard, 112
Walleye, William, 316
Walshale, Peter, gentleman, 280
Wanton, —, 89
Ward, John, 216, 219, 225, 228
Warde, Robert, 288
Ware, Herts., 317
Warwickshire, county of, 272
Wate, —, wife of, 228
Waterhouse, —, Master, 194, 198
Watson, Bartholomew, 117, 119, 242
Wattys, Thomas, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18
Waveryn, Elizabeth, 264
Waydye, Thomas, 111
Weaver, Thomas, 227, 230, 325
Weddell, John, 219, 220, 311, 319; wife of, 318
Wedderall, Henry, 214
Welkens, see Wylkyns
-, John, 256, 265
-, Henry, 190, 216, 218, 219, 225, 228, 230
Wenden, John, 238
Wentford (Wenforde)
-, —, Master, 161, 165, 171, 225, 226;
burial, 172
-, Elizabeth, 247
-, John, 247, 302
-, Thomas, 247
West, Ellen, 321
-, David, 276; burial, 44; wife's burial, 42
-, Margaret, 276
Westelwode (Wystwode)
-, John, 275
-, Katherine, 275
-, Robert, 275
-, Thomas, 275
Westwood, Robert, 34
-, —, burial, 6
-, Joan, 262
Wever, —, Mistress, burial, 219, 220
Whaplode, Simon, 257, 262
Wharde, John, 111
Wheeler, Thomas, for shed, 210, 220, 229
Wheler, —, Master, 110
Whillow, —, Master, rent-gatherer, 226
White (Whyt, Whyte, Whitte)
-, —, 192; for burial of maid, 156
-, —, goodwife, 201
-, Agnes, 267, 306
-, John, 255, 256
-, Robert, 302
-, Richard, 242
-, Thomas, 111, 243
Whytehede, John, 267
Wickerson, Garrad, 279
Wilcox, —, Master, 254
Wilken, Nicholas, knell, 219, 220
Wilkins, see Wylkyns
Wilkinson, John, 302
William, —, the grocer, 116
-, —, Master, 229
-, John, 34
-, Katherine, 253
Williamson, John, 239
Wilson (Wylson)
-, Adam, 253
-, Isabel, 253
-, John, 178, 205, 207, 213, 216, 217, 219,
220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 230,
249, 253
-, Thomas, 306
Wood (Woode)
-, —, goodman, tallowchandler, 141
-, John, 169, 194
-, Mary, 304
-, Robert, 136, 140, 143, 146, 171, 175, 250,
252, 302, 304; kinswoman's knell, 138
-, Thomas, 304
Woodcock, James, 254
Woodehouse, John, 198
Woodford, William, 118
Woodhill, John, 310
Worcestershire, county of, 251
Wormley, Herts., 316
Wright, John, 236
-, Maud, 282
-, Robert, 282
Wyatt, Nicholas, 254
Wycam, John, 8
-, Alice, 266
-, John, 266
-, John, junior, 266
-, William, 266
-, John, 272
-, Reynold, 272
Wykeham, John, 267
Wylforde, Nicholas, 250
Wylkok, Thomas, 273
Wylkyns (Wilkyns)
-, —, 207
-, —, Master, burial, 171, 172; burial of his
man, 184; wife's knell, 147
-, Agnes, burial, 176
-, Ellen, 308
-, John, 195, 301
-, Robert, 99, 103, 104, 106, 105, 108, 111,
112, 119, 121, 123, 124, 126, 139, 140,
143, 144, 147, 148, 150, 151, 154, 164,
169, 240, 288, 292, 299, 308
-, Robert, junior, 308
-, Thomas, 111, 140, 151, 154, 155, 158,
159, 163, 164, 169, 175, 178, 181, 183,
189, 205, 207, 213, 216, 217, 224, 227,
228, 229, 230, 294, 300, 308, 327, 329
Wylson, see Wilson
Wymerk, Thomas, 260
Wyn, —, Mistress, 147
Wyne, Wolston, 110, 147, 149
Wynford, John, 292
Wyny, Wastnest, mother of, 8
Wystwode, see Westelwode
Wytherley, John, 257
Ynglysch, see Inglisshe
Young (Yonge)
-, —, Master, for a sermon,
-, Edward, 296
-, Robert, 315
-, Agnes, 309
-, Alice, 309
-, John, 309
-, Margaret, 309
Ysotson, —, the carpenter, 107
Zealand, 285