Appendix 2

London Consistory Court Depositions, 1586-1611: List and Indexes. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1995.

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'Appendix 2', in London Consistory Court Depositions, 1586-1611: List and Indexes, ed. Loreen L Giese (London, 1995), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Appendix 2', in London Consistory Court Depositions, 1586-1611: List and Indexes. Edited by Loreen L Giese (London, 1995), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Appendix 2". London Consistory Court Depositions, 1586-1611: List and Indexes. Ed. Loreen L Giese (London, 1995), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


Guildhall Library MS 25, 188 (formerly St. Paul's Cathedral) is a table of fees in the London Consistory Court for 1598. It measures 46 ½" long by 10 7/8" wide (118.11 cm x 27.62 cm). For the table of ecclesiastical fees compiled by Archbishop Whitgift in 1597, see John Strype, The Life and Acts of John Whitgift (Oxford, 1822), vol. II, pp. 377-81. The table is reprinted in John Ayliffe, Parergon juris canonicici anglicani (London, 1726). William Warlowe's 1610 deposition (item 1595) serves as an informative gloss for the Consistory Court Table of Fees since it provides the daily wages of a labourer: 'he worketh as a labourer in any kind of worke sometime for xiid a day and sometime for 8d a day and meate and drinke'.

The Table of ffees and dutyes belongeinge to the Lord Bishop of London his Chauncellor Register Generall Apparitor and other officers of hi{s} Consistory Courte of London made in the yeare of our Lord god 1598

Bishopp: Chauncellor: Register Appar:
Inprimis for the Bishopp of Londons Commission graunted to his Chauncellor to proceed in the ellection of the deane of the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul xiiis iiiid xiiis iiiid xiiis iiiid 0
Item to the gent of the Bishopps Chamber vis viiid
Item for the fee of the Sentence made in confirmacion of his election iili iili xxvis viiid xs
Item for the Mandate to Install the said Deane xiiis iiiid xiiis iiiid xs 0
Item for the Registringe of all the proceedeings touchinge the said election vizt for the Certificate thereof the Citacion against the Canons and Prebends of St. Pauls with a Intimacion the Certificate thereof the schedule of preclusion the schedule of election and other instruments apperteyninge thereto nil nil iili 0
Item for letters testimoniall thereuppon nil xiiis iiiid xs 0
Item for every Citacion in a matter of instance betweene party and party if it issue out of the Registry and Seale thereof nil iiiid viiid 0
Item for every Citacion with an Inhibicion and Seale issueing out of the Registry nil xxiid xxiid 0
Item for every Citacion with an Intimacion in a busines of deprivacion of a minister from his function and Seale nil xiid iis iiiid 0
Item for every suspencion and excomunicacion in a Matter of Office nil ixd ixd vid
Item for every absolucion under Seale nil ixd ixd nil
Item for the examinacion of every first witnes upon any matter in Court nil xiid vid iiiid
Item for examinacion of all other witnesses nil vid iiid iid
Item for examinacion of every witnesse uppon Interrogatories nil xiid vid nil
Item for examinacion of every party principall nil xiid vid iiiid
Item for Chirurgions licence to practize Chirurgery within the dioces nil vis viiid vis viiid nil
Item for the coppy of the deposicion of every witnes nil nil viiid nil
Item for the Coppies of the answers of every partie principall nil nil is nil
Item for the fee of any Commission issueing out of the Registry to examine Witnesses in the Country or take the answers of any party uppon any matter nil vis viiid vs nil
Item for the Seale of every proces that is transmitted unto a higher Court nil vis viiid 0 nil
Item the taxacion of every such proces is left to discretion of the Judge to whome the cause is appealed soe that here the fee is uncertayne usually taxed by him after the rate of iiiid the lease nil nil 0
Item for the makinge of every procurator nil nil iiiid 0
Item for every diffinitive and interloqutorie Sentence nil vis viiid iiis iiiid is
Item for the Sequestracion of the fruites of every liveinge the Judge is to have vis viiid and the Register iiis iiiid constantly but the Apparitor if the liveinge lye within the Citty of London is to have is if it be in the Countrey he is to have after the rate of iid for every mile as it is distant from the Citty nil vis viiid iiis iiiid
Item for the Collacion of any Benefice xiiis iiiid vis viiid vis viiid is
Item to the Secretary and other of the Bishopps servaunts xis viiid
Item for Confirmacion of every reall Composicion donne by the Bishopp the Register is to be allowed for the Registringe thereof accordinge to the length but to the Bishopp is payed xiiis iiiid —nil— nil
Item to the servaunts of the Lord Bishopp for every such reall composicion confirmed by the Bishopp as afforesaid nil nil
Item for every Certificate into the ffirst ffruites office made att the instance of any partye nil vis viiid vis viiid 0
Item for every licence to preach nil nil vis viiid 0
Item for letters of orders graunted to every minister nil nil vs 0
Item for letters testimoniall made uppon the admission of a Midwife nil vis viiid vis viiid 0
Item for a licence to officiate a Cure within the dioces of London nil iiis iiiid iiis iiiid 0
Item for retocacion of a Sequestracion nil vis viiid iiis iiiid 0
Item for all acts spedd in open Courte att the instance of any party nil nil iiiid 0
Item for every act spedd out of Courte nil nil viiid 0
Item for the Coppy of every act of Court if the party desire it to be subscribed by the Register nil nil is 0 to pro beneficia
Item for the exhibiteinge and Registringe of every Institucion in the time of the Bishopps visicacion nil nil is is
Item for exhibiteinge and Registringe of every dispensacion and qualificacion for houldeinge twoe benefices nil xxd xxd nil
Item for admission Registringe and exhibiteinge of every proxey in the time of the Bishopps visitacion nil xiid xiid nil
Item for exhibiteinge of the letters of orders of every Parson and Curate in the tyme of the visitacion of the Bishopp nil nil iiiid iiiid
Item for the Citacion and appearance of every party called in a busines of correction nil vid vid iiiid
Item for the purgacion of every party for himselfe nil ixd ixd iiiid
Item for every one of the compurgators nil vid vid iid
Item for the Intimacion made to those whoe will object against every such purgacion nil xiid xiid vid
Item for the dismission of every party after such theire purgacion nil vid vid iiiid
Item for the Institucion of every Clarke into any Beneficie and the mandate directed to the Archdeacon for his induction into his liveinge vis iiiid iiis viiid vs xiid
Item for letters testimoniall uppon the subscription of every minister to the articles made in the convocacion held by the Clergy in Anno domini 1562 nil iiis iiiid iis iiiid nil
Item for a licence to teach schoole within the dioces nil iiis iiiid iiis iiiid nil
Item for licence for eateinge flesh in the tyme of lentt nil iiis iiiid iiis iiiid nil
Item for an Induction to a liveinge beinge within the peculiar Jurisdiction of the Bishopp of London vis viiid iiis iiiid iiis iiid 0
Item for a licence to marry nil vis iiis iiiid 0
Item for consigneinge every decree goeinge out of the Registry nil nil iiiid 0
Item for all letters testimoniall nil vis viiid vis viiid nil
Item for the search of all acts and instruments donne within the space of fifty yeares nil nil is 0
Item for the search of every Composicion nil nil iiis iiiid iiiid
Item for every bond taken for the Bishops indempnity nil nil is 0
Item for letters dimissory nil iiis iiiid iiis iiiid 0
Item for every Significavit into the Chauncery for the delivery of any person out of prizon taken by vertue of a writt de excomunicato capiend nil vis viiid xxd nil
Item for every significavit into the Chauncery pro corporis captione et incarceracion nil vis viiid xxd 0
1: Item for the admission of every Resignacion of any benefice nil xxd xxd 0
2: Item for letters testimoniall thereuppon under Seale nil iis vid iis vid nil
Item for openinge of every Writt of Prohibicion out of the Courts of Kings Bench and Common pleas nil xvd xvd nil
3: Item for any Intimacion made to a patron uppon the resignacion of any liveing or deprivacion of any Clarke of his benefice nil iiis iiiid iiis iiiid is
Item for a licence to deliberate and determine any annuall pension nil vis viiid vis viiid 0
Item for the act of exhibicion of every Inventory nil nil is 0
Item for every allegacion libel or matter annexed to any Commission uppon which any witnes or party is to be examined nil nil iis 0
Item for every Caveat in matters that concerne benefices nil nil iiis iiiid 0
Episcopo Chauncellor Register Appar
Item for every ordinary Caucion nil nil xiid 0
Item for every act of Institucion or collacion nil nil xiid 0
4: Item for every act of admession of a resignacion nil nil xiid 0
Item for every presentacion made by the Bishopp of any liveinge within his guift xiiis iiiid nil vis viiid 0
Item to the Bishopps gent of his Chamber vis viiid
Item to the rest of the Bishopps servaunts iiiis
Item for the Registringe of the Church wardens names of every parish within the dioces of London in the time of the visitacion nil nil iiiid nil
Item for the probate of every will where the goodes extend but to vli nil vid vid nil
Item for the probate of every will where the goodes exceed vli and not xlli nil iis vid xiid xiid
Item for the probate of every will where the goods exceed xlli of what valew soever nil iis vid iis vid xiid
Item for the exhibicion of every bill of presentment nil nil iiiid nil
Item for every Administracion where the goodes exceed vli and not extend unto xlli nil iis vid iis vid xiid
Item for every administracion where the goodes exceed xlli of what valew soever it be nil vis viiid iis viiid xiid
Item for writeinge of every Inventory accordinge to the length thereof vizt for every presse of Parchment beinge the whole length of the skin nil nil iis 0
Item for the delivery of any bond out of the Registry nil nil iis 0
Item for every tolleracion under Seale nil vis viiid iiis iiiid 0
Item for the dispensacion of any partie for not bringeinge in an Inventory nil vis viiid vis viiid 0
Item for letters of request nil iiis iiiid iiis iiiid 0
Item for letters nil vis viiid vis viiid 0
Item for a Commission toapprize the goodes of any deceased nil vis viiid vis viiid 0
Item for the Coppye of every libell or matter out of the Registry nil nil iiis iiiid 0
Item for the Coppy of every allegacion nil nil iis 0
Item for every Quietus est uppon an Accompt not exceeding vli nil vis viiid iiis iiiid is
Item for the Quietus est uppon every Accompt where the goodes exceed xlli and not above lxvili xiiis iiiid nil xs iiis iiiid is
Item where the goodes exceed lxvili xiiis iiiid and not a Cli nil xiiis iiiid iiis iiiid is
Item every Quietus est in any estate exceeding Cli of what valew soever nil xxs iiis iiiid is
Item for ingrosseinge every Accompt for every presse beinge the length of a skin of parchment nil nil iiis iiiid 0
Item for the decree of the Judge uppon a distribucion and allocacion of any goodes uppon an accompte nil vis viiid vis viiid 0
Item for the decree of the Judge uppon any Accompte wherein the Administrator dureinge the minority of an Executor is dismissed from further Accompte nil vis viiid vs iiiid 0
Item for the wax of every Seale to the Judges man iiiid
Item for writeinge of every Instrument the Clarke is to have iiiid
Item for every oath out of Court to the Judges man iiiid

This Coppie agrees with the originall Table of fees made by the right reverend father in God Richard Lord BP of London and others in the yeare of our lord god 1598 and is faithfully examined by me.

Tho: Punt Register