
London Bridge: Selected Accounts and Rentals, 1381-1538. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1995.

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'Index', in London Bridge: Selected Accounts and Rentals, 1381-1538, ed. Vanessa Harding, Laura Wright (London, 1995), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Index', in London Bridge: Selected Accounts and Rentals, 1381-1538. Edited by Vanessa Harding, Laura Wright (London, 1995), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Index". London Bridge: Selected Accounts and Rentals, 1381-1538. Ed. Vanessa Harding, Laura Wright (London, 1995), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

Variant spellings of one surname have been gathered under a single, modern, headform, as have surnames based on place-names with a modern form. References are to numbered paragraphs, not pages.


, Henry, renter of granary in Golders yard, 500

, Mr, clerk of king's ships, 454

[illegible], Guy, 136

[illegible], John, 152


Abbot (Abbotte), John, 411

Aberford, Richard, 404

Abingdon, Stephen, 303

Abraham, Richard, 133

Absolon, William, carpenters' labourer, 347

accountant, 286

accounts, passim; books, 253, 330, 381, 473, 488; keeping and making, 294, 351, 382, 397; writing, 396, 488

actions against tenants, 294

Acton, Mazera, 110

Adam, Geoffrey, 126

Adams, Robert, 413

Adcok, Robert, 141

adzes, 105, 378, 470, 534, 544; wateradzes, 251, 264; steeling, 534, 544

Aes, Ralph, churchwarden of St Mary le Bow, 250, 278

Affen (A Fen), John, labourer working with the masons by the tide, 533–5

Albery, John, clothworker, 514

-, Philip, 132
-, William, 132

Albon, Richard, 2

albs, 267, 294, 337, 385

alder poles, 257–9

Alderbury, Edward, 122

Aldfold, Peter, Warden, 296, 301

Aldgate, brick-kilns outside, 339

ale, 243–4, 246–8, 254, 256, 259–63, 269–71, 275–7, 278–9, 282, 285–6, 288–9, 291; given at weekly account, 243–94, 331; given for unusual work, 257, 259–64, 277, 282, 284–6, 290; given to carpenters, 244, 246–8, 254, 259–60, 262, 264, 269–71, 274–9, 286–7, 289, 294; given to masons, 248, 254, 256, 274, 276, 286, 292, 386; ale (or drinking allowance) given to tidemen, 265–7, 269–75, 277, 279, 280, 287–93

Alenson, John, 407

Alexander, painter of Wood Street, 474, 506

Aley, John, clerk of chamber of Guildhall, 334

Alford, Thomas, 339

All Hallows Barking, 114, 149, 307, 317, 423

All Hallows Gracechurch, 154, 303

All Hallows Honey Lane, 119, 316

All Hallows on the Wall, 117, 418

All Hallows the Great, 453, 534; churchwardens of, 454, 542–3; work to church, 534

All Hallows the Less, 162, 304, 308

Allarye, John, clothworker, 453

Allen (Alen, Aleyn)
-, John, mercer, 535
-, Roger, stainer, 262
-, Thomas, 453, 467, 473, 495, 496, 518, 525, 527–8, 531–2
-, Thomas, labourer, 480, 495–506, 508–28, 530–7; working with the carpenters, 515; working with the bricklayer, 538; working with the masons by the tide, 534, 536; bestowing chalk in the starling by the tide, 533
-, Thomas, mercer, 473
-, Thomas, shoutman of the Bridge House, 467, 480, 487, 495–546, 551
-, Walter, carpenter, 479, 498–504, 506, 508–19, 521–3

Alley, Richard, citizen and skinner, 317

allowance of rent, 371, 463

Allut', Theobald, and wife, 160

Almonte, William, shipwright, 484, 526

alms, 199, 204, 229, 232, 241

-, Elena, 142
-, William, 142

Alwyn, [Nicholas], alderman, 367

Ambrose (Amberous, Amborous), Master Richard, master or chief carpenter of the Bridge House. 467, 479, 505, 521, 531, 539–40, 543–4, 546

Amedwyfe, 402

Amesbye, John, 408

anchor, 248

Angel, the, in Bishopsgate Street, St Ethelburga, 460, 539–42

Angell, John, 411

Annes, Patrick, 382

Anneslowe, Thomas, 406

annuity, 369, 461

anthwart kyrffes (crosswise cuts), 485, 526

Anys, John, 123

ap Ryce, David, 410

apparelling stone, 386, 478, 495–9, 502–6, 509, 51–12, 516–27, 529–30, 540, 543, 546

appeal for funds, 333

Appleton (Appulton), Richard, 135

arch of the bridge, 340, 389, 453, 478, 495–7, 514, 520–2, 532, 535–8, 540–1

Archer, John, labourer, 388

argent, 506, 511, 516–17, 523

Armourer, Giles, 122

Armstrong, Thomas, 408

-, —, mason, 474, 478, 495–506, 509–22, 525–30, 532–45
-, John, carpenter, 387
-, John, porter of the Bridge House gate, 395
-, Julian, 347

Arowley, John, 408

arrears, 352, 356, 366, 442

Arundel, earl of, 248

ash trees, 325, 339

Ash, John, 311; mayor's serjeant, 351

Ashford, Richard, 113

Ashwell (Asshewell)
-, John, 129
-, Nicholas, carpenters' labourer, 347

Asketyn, Alice, 113

Asshefeld, —, stainer, 262

-, Richard, 375
-, Robert, 375

assignment of tenancy, 455, 499

Aston, Simon, 132

Atkin, William, mason's labourer, 347

Atkins, Edward, 415

Atkinson, Thomas, 403

Atlyffe, James, 439

audit, 292; costs, 397; repast at audit day, 331, 382, 397, 474, 489, 547

auditors of Bridge accounts, 331, 352, 397, 487, 493, 547; summons of, 351, 395; costs of, 489

augers, 98, 289, 470; great, 378; spiking, 378; water-augers, 251, 264, 267; steeling, 544

Aunger, William, rent-collector, 189–241, 251, 294

Austen (Auston, Austyn)
-, John, 127
-, John, 480
-, Robert, 402

Austin Friars, clerk of, 333

Awen, Laurence, clerk of the Bridge House, 452, 474, 487–8, 509, 520, 526, 535, 538, 546

axes, 57, 89, 105, 268, 378; tide-axes, 332, 470, 534; water-axes, 267, 289

axle-trees, 72, 246, 287, 294

Ayleworth, Walter, 381

Aylwarde, John, 415

Ayston, William, 136


Babyngton, Agnes, ?linendraper, 131

Backer, John, of London, fishmonger, 517

Badby, Thomas, labourer, 388

bakehouse, 161, 324, 340, 455

Baker (Bakere)
-, Gy, 120
-, Gybon, cutler, 138
-, Mr, 453; king's attorney, 502
-, Robert, joiner, and wife Joan, 251, 269, 278

baker of Southwark, a, 453, 516

Bakewell, John, knight, 318

Baldewyn, —, 333

-, John, haberdasher, 455, 506
-, Thomas, 136

Ball, the, in St Nicholas Shambles, 125, 350

Balsham, Matilda de, 2

-, Hugh, 162
-, Margaret, 150, 168, 307–8

Banastre, John, 134

Bande, John, mason, 386

bands, iron, 264, 329

Banest', Thomas, chantry priest of St Paul's, 520

Bangor, Philip, and son, 160

Banks, William, 380

Bankyn, Thomas, 428, 439

banners, 260, 267

Barber (Barbour)
-, John, 123, 132, 148
-, Reginald, 126
-, William, of co. York, 274, 276

Barde, John, labourer, 388

Barfoote, Robert, mercer, 453, 523

barge hired, 265

-, —, wife of, 412
-, John, fuller, 137
-, Nicholas, 410; armourer, 453, 470, 535
-, Thomas, 375
-, William, 358

Barking (Berkyng), William de, 175

Barking, co. Essex, bailiff of, 331

Barley, John, 122

-, John, 412
-, William, 116

Barowes, John de, 421

barrel-hoops, 284

barrels, 56, 264; mending, 83

-, Stephen, 257, 260
-, William, carpenter, 341

-, John, 325, 331
-, William, 131, 135

Basing (Basyngge)
-, Walter, 309
-, William de, 2, 180

Basinghall Street, 308

Basingstoke, John de, 174, 308

baskets, 4–5, 8, 24–6, 513

Basse, William, carpenter, 387

-, John, 138
-, John, carpenter, 243–94

Bastewyk, Robert, 124

Bate, Mistress, 374

-, Richard, 219; tilemaker, 244, 250, 254, 258, 264, 278, 280, 283, 286
-, Robert, carpenters' labourer, 347

Batte, Thomas, of Lewisham, 339

-, John, 129
-, Thomas, chantry priest of [blank], 509

-, Thomas, grocer, 454, 540
-, William, 422

-, John, 414
-, John, grocer, 548

bead-hooks [bedehokes, bydehook] 277, 330

beadle of the Bridge, 456, 545

Beale, John, 412

beans (for horse-fodder), 338

Beatley, William, 466

-, Gilbert, fishmonger 29
-, Isabel, 278
-, John, plumber, Joan wife of, 282

Beaumond, John chandler, 146

Becket (Beket, Bekket)
-, John, mason, 340
-, Robert, 116
-, Harry, 408

Beckingham, Robert, grocer, 371

Beddington, co. Surrey, 325, 331, 339, 341, 347

Bedyk, Alexander, 147

Beek, Richard, master mason of the Bridge, wages, 243–94; other references, 249, 264, 266, 269, 271, 273, 277, 282, 285, 293–4

beer, 264, 277

beer-brewers, 310

beetle, five-man, 480, 496, 501–2, 543–4

beetle, three-man, 497–9, 503

beketts for loads mouths, 537

Belamy, Richard, 325; sawyer, 342

Bell, John, 118

Beller, John, clerk serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

bellows, for organ, 477, 536

bells, 337, 543

Belton, —, of Maidstone, 536

Belymaker, Thomas, 127

benefactors of chapel, 477

Bengeo, John, 148

Bennet (Benet, Benett, Beneyt, Bennett)
-, —, mason, 478, 495–506, 508–30, 532–46
-, George, 154
-, John [?boatbuilder's labourer], 346
-, John, 123
-, John, 134
-, Katherine, 412

-, Robert, of Maidstone, 541
-, William, of Maidstone, co. Kent, 530

Bergavenny, Lord, 367, 458, 563

Beckingham, Robert, grocer, 371

Bermondsey, 197, 210, 220, 232, 238; parish of St Mary Magdalen, 282

Bermondsey Street, 368, 434, 460, 519

Bermondsey, St Saviour's Abbey, 152, 248, 268, 282, 303, 460, 556; abbot of, 368; bailiff of, 330; commendatory of, 519

Bermyngham, John, 285

-, —, stainer, 262
-, John, 322
-, Thomas, smith, 329

Bernardescastell, John de, rent-collector of St James' Hospital, 249

Bernes, John, 122

Bertelot, Stephen, 135

-, Mistress, widow, 456, 522
-, Richard, carter, 466, 516, 526
-, Robert, 515
-, William, carter, of Reigate, 520–1

Betcok, Stephen, carpenter, 341

Beuers, John, 136

Beverley, John, 308

Bevis Marks, 347, 350

Bewe, Walter, and wife, 148

bill of complaint, 474, 532

billets, 467, 549

Billingsgate, 302

Billiter Lane/street [Belyetterlane], 155, 303

Billyng, William, 333

Billyngford, James, 151

Bilsthorp (Bilesthorp, Byllesthorp)
-, Thomas, 123
-, William, 123

Bilton (Bylton), Peter, 123

binders, 390

binding tie, iron, 79

Birch (Byrche), Nicholas, carpenter, 387

Birchin Lane, 304

Bird (Byrd, Byrde)
-, Henry (Harry), of London bridge, grocer, 453, 521
-, Hugh, ironmonger, 376
-, John, 519

Bishop (Bisshop, Bysshop)
-, Clement, 134
-, John, 136

bishop of London's palace, 184, 304

Bishopsgate Street, 542

Bishopsgate, 312, 539–41

Bisset (Bysset), John, 378, 382

Bitmanson, William, 425

Blackheath, co. Kent, 333

blacksmith of Lambeth, 545

blacksmiths, 470, 496, 506, 517, 521, 523, 532, 536, 545, 552

-, Alice, late wife of Richard Tabelmaker, 130
-, Peter, 130

Blake, Richard, 122

Blakelowe, Ralph, 134

Blakeman, William, 330

Blakewelle, Isabell, 122

Blakgreve, Richard, sawyer, 390

-, Master, 473
-, John, 403
-, William, 411

Blanford, Richard, mason, 340

Blank, William, 407

blanket, 264

Blaunche, John, 312

Blawe, Walter, 129

Bletchingley (Blacchingleghe, Blecchyngle), William de, 2, 181

Bletchingley (Blecchyngle), co. Surrey, 181

Blome, John, apprentice to the chief carpenter, 341

Blount, Joan, 134

Blythe, John de, 171

board/s, 260, 363, 375, 383–4, 390, 453, 467, 476, 480, 485, 511, 521–23, 526, 528, 530, 544–5, 551; Eastland boards [Estrichbord'], 257, 260

boards, drawing of, 503, 509, 513

boatman or shoutman, 243–94, 388, 497–8, 534, 536, 543; keeper of boats of the Bridge, 330, 346, 395, 487

boats and shouts, 246, 277, 280, 286–7, 290–1, 294, 346, 469, 480, 499–502, 528, 531, 533–4, 538, 541, 543, 559; belonging to the Bridge, 10, 63, 99, 484, 473, 480, 484, 487; called 'Thomas', 243; cokke, 346; carpenters' boat, 381; cement boat, 473, 532, 535; chalkboat, 326, 346; boat purchased, 252, 381; boat hired out, 312; boat hired, 254, 265, 375; boatbuilding, 74–9, 346, 381; equipment, 529, and see oars etc.; repairing, 382; caulking and pitching, 484

Bokenell, John, 129

Bokenham, John, 160

bollyng, bollyng tylt, 473, 532

Bolour, John, 331; carpenter, 341

bolsters, brass, 276

Bolton, Robert, 114

bolts, 378; iron, 247, 253, 264, 329

Boltyng, Robert, paviour, 345

Boltys, Henry, 411

Bomsted (Bumstede)
-, Henry, 382, 398
-, William, bowyer, 453, 523

Bonaunter, John, 116

-, Peter, 135
-, William, 476

book, 286

Boone, John, 516

Boor, John, 126

Boot's (Bott's, Boote's) mill, Stratford, 516, 534; mill-dam of, 513

Boote, Robert, 437

boots, 93, 330–2, 381–2, 473, 530; called Tidebotes, 330

bordcloths, 257

Bordvyle, Henry, 408

Bosse, —, wife of, 405

-, John, 406
-, William, 374

Botery, William, chaplain, 316

Botle, Richard, 126

Bouchier, William, clerk of the works of the bridge, 311, 331, 349, 351

boughs, 381; to decorate the Bridge gate at Midsummer, 474, 536

Boughton quarry, 466

Bound (Bownde)
-, Bartholomew, purser, and wife Margaret, 131
-, William, 525

Boundy, William, wheeler, 338

-, Agnes, 135
-, John, 135

Bow Bridge, 339, 383

Boweland, Thomas, 123

Bowes, Master [Martin], alderman, 452, 500

bowl, 74

-, John, butcher, 300
-, William, carpenters' labourer, 347

Bowman, Nicholas, 406

boxes, 363; to store evidences, 381

boy, 245

Boyll, John, mason, 340

Boys, John, 123

Bracy, William, 414

Bradbury, Richard, saddler, 455, 546

Bradmer, Walter, 269, 278; purser, 251

Bradyngley, —, constable of Southwark, 333

Brampson (Brampson, Brampstone, Bramson), Hugh, 506; brickmaker/ burner, 468, 506, 519, 522, 565

Brampstede, John, 376

Branche, John, 405

Brangthwayte, John, 319, 336

brass metal, 381

brasses, 536; casting of, 474; for mills, 330, 381

Brat, Thomas, 377

Brauncestre, John, 127

Braundeston, Nicholas, 54

-, Alice, 136
-, Matilda, 1, 2
-, Robert, 136

Brayles, Richard, chaplain serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

Brayne, Henry (Harry), 403–4

Braynford, John, 116

Brayton, Thomas, 155, 303

bread and wine for chapel services, 56–107, 254, 267, 280, 294, 337, 385

bread, 261–2, 286; given at weekly account, 331; given to masons, 386

Breght, — clerk in the chapel on bridge, 477

Bremer, Peter, 402

Breton (Bretoun), Robert, bowyer, 131, 211; and wife Felice, 131

Brett, Alan, and wife, 148

Brettynghurste, Surrey, manor of, 316

-, John le, 145
-, Walter, 116

brewhouses, 303, 308, 332, 460

Brian (Bryan, Bryane, Bryons)
-, Francis, 439
-, Henry, dauber, 482, 519–23
-, Thomas, Common Serjeant of London, 305; Warden, 331, 333
-, William, 426

Brice (Bris, Brys)
-, John, 123, 137
-, John, carpenter, 243–94
-, William, clerk in the chapel on the bridge, 547

brick-kilns outside Aldgate, 339

bricklayers, 392, 481, 495–6, 501–6, 508–46; labourers, 481, 495–6, 501–6, 508–46

brickmaker/burner, 468, 522, 565. See also Brampson, Hugh; Sundergilts, Henry

brickmaking at Deptford, 294

bricks, 190–2, 194, 197–8, 205, 218, 237, 240, 327, 339, 376, 452–3, 468, 481, 500, 503, 506, 519, 522, 548, 565; brick-tiles, 200, 203, 211, 215, 239, 290–1, 294; waltyele, 34. See also tiles

Bridde, Henry, 330

Bridge House, Southwark, 78, 107, 200, 247, 276, 286, 288–91, 294, 316, 322–3, 325, 327, 329, 339, 347–9, 367, 374–7, 384, 396, 458, 466–7, 473, 476, 480, 485, 497–9, 501, 503–6, 511, 513, 515–16, 519, 521–3, 529, 531–3, 541, 543, 545, 547; chamber in, 332, 336; grindstone in, 329; plumbery house at, 471, 517; well at, 276–7; yard, 480, 502

Bridge House, evidences belonging to, 381

Bridge House garden, 85, 244, 254, 256, 258, 270–1, 347, 382, 474, 506, 509, 519–20, 523, 529, 532, 534, 546; vine in, 347, 382

Bridge House mark, 472

Bridge House store/stock, 311, 321, 328, 330, 332, 363, 379, 536; viewed, 294; storehouses, 371, 480, in city and Lewisham, 376, in city, Stratford, and Deptford, 377

Bridge House Wharf, 326, 384, 454, 497, 541

Bridge House, manor or estate in Lewisham called, 318, 368, 428, 458, 564

Bridge Street, 145, 302; shop in, 29

bridge, London, 340, 364, 476, 486, 513, 526, 527–8, 531, 533–4, 541, 543, 545, 565; arch of, 340, 389, 453, 478, 495–7, 514, 520–2, 532, 535–8, 540–1
-, Bridge gate, 381, 386
-, closable gate on, 321
-, drawbridge tower, 359
-, houses, shops or tenements on, 2, 54, 130–6, 211, 212, 217–18, 257, 302, 312, 319, 321, 328–30, 332, 336, 380, 401–8, 478–9, 481, 509, 512, 522, 546
-, images on, 261, 264, 290
-, mansion by stone gate, 2
-, pageant on, 257–66, 278, 280, 287, 294, 382, 399
-, pavement on, 394
-, standings on, 365, 456, 545
-, stone gate on, 83, 134, 212, 257
-, tower of, 340
-, weighhouse and tollhouse on, 2
-, work on, passim

bridge, beadle of the, 456, 545

bridge, gatekeeper of, 321

Bridges (Bridgys, Brigges, Brydgs, Brygges, Bygges)
-, —, wharfinger, 475
-, George, 403
-, John, 126
-, John, wharfinger to Master Forman, 531, 537, 539
-, Thomas, chaplain serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

bridges broken, 333

Bridgewright (Briggewright, Bruggewright), John, 182, 309

Bright, Richard, 404

Brimsgrove (Brymmesgrove), Alan, and wife Alice, 136

bristles [brusteles], 258

Bristow, John, 274, 276

Britene, John, smith, 378

Briteyn, Thomas, 330

Broad Seld, in St Pancras Soper Lane, 170, 304

Brode, John, 136, 137

Brodegate, Surrey, 334

Bromley, Thomas, 130

Bron, J., stainer, 258

Brook (Brok, Broke, Brooke)
-, Agnes, 122
-, John, taverner, 124
-, Robert, carpenter, 498–9
-, Thomas, 123
-, Thomas, carpenter, 479, 495–6, 500–6, 508–19, 521–3
-, Wat', carpenter, 505

brooms, 68, 95, 102, 243–4, 286, 291, 294, 330, 337, 381

Brown (Broun, Browne)
-, —, senior, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–46
-, Adam, 110
-, Agnes, 127
-, Joan, 324
-, John, 123, 132
-, John, 483
-, John, 541
-, John, carpenter, 529, 544, 546
-, John, junior, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–16, 518–30, 533–43, 545
-, Margaret, widow, 123
-, Thomas, 120
-, Thomas, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–9, 511–19, 521–30, 532–46

brownbaker, house of, 528

-, Henry, 118
-, John, 118
-, John, 303

Bruse, Thomas, 407

brushes, 386

Brydbrook, Richard, 130

Bryel, Thomas, carpenter (millwright), 107

Bryn', Richard, 566

Bucfelde, Henry, 403

-, William, of Deptford, 473
-, Richard, of Deptford, 532, 546

buckets, 277, 285, 381, 473, 531, 546

Buckmaister, Master, parson of Woolchurch, 506

Buckmaster, William, merchant of the Steelyard, 452. See also Bullmaister

buckram, 266, 273

-, Walter, 187, 309
-, William, 405–6

Buke, John, tailor, 154

Bulbek, Robert, 428

Bulbroke, Thomas, of Lynn, 473, 531

-, Thomas, 381
-, William, 129
-, William, 412

Bullmaister of the Steelyard, 499, See also Buckmaster

Bullok, Davy [? boatbuilder's labourer], 346

Bully, Thomas, 432

-, Henry, of Islington, 378
-, Peter, mason, 340

-, John, mason, 386
-, Robert, labourer, 388

Burford, John, chaplain in the bridge chapel, 254, 267, 280, 294

-, John, 383
-, Richard, 130

Burnham, co. Bucks?. vicar of, 382

Burnham, John, 141

-, Agnes, 135
-, John, 334
-, Peter, bricklayer, 392
-, Peter, labourer, 388
-, William, 119, 121, 135

-, John, 131
-, John, carver, 341
-, Margaret de, 122
-, Nicholas, 137
-, Walter, 132

bushel, wicker, 330

Buston, Thomas, monk, chamberlain of Westminster Abbey, 317

butchers at the Stocks, 188–207, 215–41, 300, 349, 358, 395, 447, 487, 519–46

Butchers' Company, 300

Butler (Boteler, Botiller, Butteler, Buttelere, Butteller, Buttler)
-, John, 117
-, John, churchwarden of St Mary le Bow, 316
-, John, fishmonger, — wife of, 313
-, Margery, 122
-, Robert, 497– 505; carter, 467, 476, 506, 509–10, 515–16, 525, 529, 532–4, 550
-, Robert, of Craneley [? Cranleigh, Surrey], 375
-, William, 428

Buxton, William, 122

Bygrave, —, wife of, 408

Bylby, John, tiler, 376, 381, 391

Byle, John, 136

-, Thomas, 141
-, Thomas, 199; dauber, 244–5, 253–4, 273, 277–9
-, William, 78


Cable, 248, 277, 330

cable-yarn, 277

Calais, soldiers transported to, 334

Calcot, Piers, 398

Caldecote, Peter, Warden, 296, 301, 311

calf-skins, 258

Callere, John, 114

Camberwell, co. Surrey, 1–2, 140, 316, 460

candles, 244, 246, 259–62, 268, 279–80, 282, 284, 294, 330, 338, 385; ceres, 331; cerges, 294; cotton candles, 473, 477, 520; cotton, for carpenters, 518; green, 330; holycandles, 246; paschal candles, 246, 294, 477, 535; paschal cere, 337; tallow, 337, 385; tapers, 337; wax, 294, 337

candlesticks, 330, 337

Candlewick Street, 307

Canon, Adam, 148, 303

Canterbury, archbishop of, 246, 316, 367, 375, 382, 458, 528, 557

Canterbury, Christ Church cathedral priory, 152, 169, 303, 307–8

canvas, 280, 287, 294

Canyng, John, carpenters' labourer, 347

Canyngs, John, ?thatcher, 347

Cappe, John, 127

Capper, John, 142

Cappes, Thomas, 325

Cardemaker, Thomas, 135

Carew, Nicholas, 331

Carleton, Richard, paviour, 261, 265, 268, 280

Carnaby, Thomas, 428

-, Henry, of Dorking, 325–6
-, John, of St Katherine's, 453, 518
-, Peter, of Southwark, 470, 520; blacksmith, 517
-, Robert [boatbuilder], 346
-, Robert, 116

Carpenters' Haw, at the Lock, close called, 141, 335, 367, 432, 458

carpenters, passim; chief or master or warden carpenter of the Bridge, 342, 347, 479, 521. See also Forster, John; Gold, Robert; Maunsy, Thomas

carriage, 107, 246–8, 250, 255, 257, 262, 267, 269, 278–80, 282, 288–91, 312, 322, 328, 331, 339, 344, 347, 383–4, 466–7, 471, 474–6, 480, 497–506, 509–11, 513–16, 518–23, 525–7, 529, 531–5, 537–8, 541–2, 545, 548–50; by water, 78, 286, 290–1, 294, 466–7, 526, 530, 536–7, 541

Carshalton, co. Surrey, 31, 338–9, 341, 347

cart-clouts, 473, 530; iron, 102

cart-saddle, 338

Carter Lane, 321

-, John, 381
-, John, of Colchester, carpenter, 467, 520, 538, 547
-, William, 335
-, William, 411, 475, 534
-, William, of Croydon, 325

carter, 338, 504, 506, 509–10, 515–16, 522, 529, 531, 534

carter, of Bridge House, 56–107, 243–94, 338; reward for, 294; late carter, 33. See also Sharp, William; Sewet, Thomas,

carthorses see horses

carts belonging to Bridge House, and others, 72, 79, 246, 260–1, 268, 273, 285, 287–8, 294, 311–12, 448, 473, 476, 530; bought, 338, and components listed (wheels, axle-tree, cartbody, clouts, pins, linchpins, strakes); hired, 312, 339; cart of Jeffrey Haryson, 533; masons' cart, 329, and wheels, bands and linchpins for; carts sold, 311, 333

Carver, John, of Candlewick Street, 471

carvers, 257–62, 341

casements, 336

Castilion (Castylyon, Cestylyon), Mr. 453, 501

casting, 474, 536

Castle, the, in Wood Street, 324–9, 332, 339–41, 351, 474, 476, 515–17, 520, 522, 524

casual receipts, 456

catches, 248, 378, 470, 516; 329

Catchmaid (Cachemayd, Cathmayde), John, 403–4, 444; merchant tailor, 522

-, John, junior, mason, 243–76, 280, 282–94
-, John, senior, mason, 243–55, 257–94

Caterham (Katerham), Thomas, 135

Caudwell, Mr, 561

cauldron, brass, for heating cement, 332

Caundon, John, 327, 339

Causton (Cawstone)
-, John de, 152, 303
-, Thomas, 381

Caverley, Antony, 403

Cawde, John, shipwright, 484

Cawode, Robert, 311

cement, 330, 332; heating, 480, 495–8, 532–4, 536

cemetery, new, at East Smithfield, 2, 180

chain, 246, 253

chalk wharf in Deptford, 429

chalk, 56, 58, 60–1, 63, 79, 83, 86–7, 92, 94, 97, 103–4, 107, 249, 266–7, 269, 271, 273, 277, 282, 285, 291, 293, 323, 330–1, 344, 346–7, 377, 388, 453, 469, 480, 497–502, 513, 527, 531, 533, 535, 538, 541, 543, 559; sold, 527

chalkboat, the, 326, 346

chalkline, 330

Chamber (Chambre, Chaumbr')
-, Henry, and wife, 146
-, John, 131
-, John, carpenter, 341
-, John, haberdasher, 135

Chamberlain (Chaumberleyn)
-, Edmund, 136
-, Richard, 134

chamberlain of the city of London, 367, 398, 458, 557

Chambley, Henry, 408

Chandler (Chaundeller), Richard, 116

chantries and chantry priests, 304, 308, 316–17, 349, 367, 371, 458, 460, 506, 509, 520, 525, 534, 548

chapel of St Thomas on the bridge, 56–107, 229, 248, 253–4, 267, 269, 271, 280, 283, 294–5, 314, 337, 362, 385–6, 451, 477, 517, 532, 535
-, bread and wine for, 56–107
-, chantry of John Hatfield in, 349
-, chaplains /priests in, 56–107, 254, 267, 280, 294, 337, 385, 477, 506, 519–547
-, children singing in, 477, 544
-, clerks of, 56–107, 337, 385, 477, 496, 506, 519–46
-, cruets, 254
-, goods and ornaments, 294, 385, 477
-, keeper, 477
-, lights, 477, 498, and see candles
-, organs in, 385, 525
-, pyx, 283
-, sepulchre in, 337
-, vestry door, 248
-, See also vestments etc.

Chapeleyn, —, 262

chaplain, a certain, 220

chaplains in chapel on the bridge, 56–107, 254, 267, 280, 294, 337, 385, 477, 496, 506, 519–547

-, John, haberdasher, and wife Agnes, 130
-, Ralph, cook, 265

charcoal, 258, 386

-, Thomas, and wife, 123
-, Thomas, knight, 257, 272, 288, 316

Charlton, co. Kent, limekiln at, 323, 330

Charryng, John, 131

Charterhouse priory, 303; prior of, 184

charters of quit-rents, 97

Chawrton, Robert, carpenter, 387

Chawry, Mr. alderman [not in Beaven], ?auditor, 382

Cheapside (Cheap, West Cheap), 122, 316, 328, 365, 367, 371, 416, 439, 456, 470, 472–4, 476, 479, 481, 486, 497–501, 503–4, 511, 513, 516, 519–23, 525–6, 529, 531, 533, 545; new house in (at the Standard), work on, 497, 503, 505–6, 509, 511–29, 531, 545

Checheley, Dunstan, 408

Checker on the hoop, the, in St Margaret Moses, 120

Checker, the, in St Leonard Eastcheap, 152, 307

Chelnetham, Esmon, 113

Chelsham, 325, 339

Cherlton, Richard, bricklayer, 481

Chertsey Abbey, 78

-, John, 225
-, John, esquire, 555
-, Thomas, 251
-, Thomas, 333

Chesham, Andrew, 414

Cheshunt, prioress of house of nuns at, 460

Cheshire (Chesshyre), Alice, 409

chest in countinghouse, 329

chest, making, 453, 527

Chesterton, Robert, 121

Cheverell, Thomas, 403

Cheyne, William, chaplain serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

Child (Chyld, Chylde)
-, John, barber, 136
-, John, junior, and wife Alice, 136
-, John, senior, and wife Matilda, 136
-, William, 143

chimneys, 340, 347, 386, 392, 466, 481, 511–17

Chokke, Richard, 333

-, —, 546
-, —, bricklayer, 495–9, 501–6, 508–37, 540, 542–5
-, —, dauber's labourer, 532
-, —, tiler, 500

Christopher, Reignold, 137

Christopher, the, at Deptford, 335, 382, 429

Church (Chirche), Robert (or John), labourer, 285–93

Church Field, Deptford, 430

Church Marsh, Deptford, 430

Churchman (Chircheman, Churcheman)
-, John, 151
-, John, 307

-, St Ethelburga, 548
-, St Leonard Eastcheap, 111
-, St Magnus, 145, 312
-, St Mary le Bow, 250, 269, 278, 290, 316, 367
-, St Michael Paternoster, 185
-, St Nicholas Shambles, 515, 528, 540, 554
-, St Olave Southwark, 453, 506, 525, 533, 557
-, St Swithin Candlewick Street, 165

Chymbeham, John, 130

cisterns, 328; lead, 379, 471

Clacye (Clayce), Edward, surgeon, 414, 464

Clambert, John, smith, 293

Clampart, — 137

clamps, 276, 378

Clare, —, stainer, 262

Clarell, Thomas, 312

clasps, iron, 329

clay, 61, 72, 383

Cleef, Ralph, 130

Clement Lane, 276

-, John, boatbuilder, 346
-, William, 375

Clerk (Clarke, Clerke)
-, Henry, 412
-, John, 424, 432
-, John, chaplain, 135
-, John, of Southwark, carter, 476, 501–4, 511, 522
-, John, pewterer, 537
-, Richard, 135
-, Richard, 364
-, Robert, 127, 137
-, Robert, 409
-, Thomas, 137
-, William, 114, 131, 132, 137
-, William, master carpenter of the Bridge: wages, 243–94; other references, 244, 267, 269, 281–2, 289, 292, 294

clerk of (draw)bridge, 56–107

clerk of the king's ships, 454, 544

clerk of the works of the Bridge, 311, 331, 349, 351, 395–6, 487–8, 520

Clerk's close, 540

clerks in chapel on the bridge, 56–107, 254, 267, 280, 295, 337, 385, 477, 496, 506, 519–46

Cliff (Clyf), Richard, 130

Clifford (Clyfford, Clyfforde)
-, John, 136, 197, 210, 220, 232, 238, 282
-, John, obit of, in St Olave's, 382, 474, 544

Clifton (Clyfton), Thomas, 135

cloth, blue linen, 95

cloths, 294

Clovyle, Roger, 302

Cloworth (Cleworth, Clouworth, Clowerth), John, labourer, 480, 528–31, 533–46; carrying timber by boat, 545; working by the tide, 541; working with the carpenters by the tide, 530; working with the masons by the tide, 535

coals, 386

-, John, labourer, 388
-, Stephen, 404

Cock (Cocke, Cok)
-, —, smith, 280
-, John, 433
-, William, 429–30

Cock, the, in St Dunstan in the East, 148, 307

Cocks (Cockes)
-, —, 536
-, —, carpenter, 532–4, 536, 538, 542–3
-, John, 453
-, John, 532
-, Simon, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–18, 520–44, 546
-, William, 499, 505, 512, 515, 527
-, William, the elder, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–546
-, William, the younger, chief or warden carpenter of the land works of the Bridge, 453–4, 473–4, 479, 485, 495–506, 508–21, 523–31, 535, 537, 539–41, 544–6

Codyngton, Ralph, 149

Coffrer, John, 262

Cokedonhalle, tenement called, in St Dunstan in the East, 148, 306

Cokefeld, Henry, woolpacker, 114

Cokerham, John, 350

Cokermouth, John, rent-collector of hospital of St Thomas of Acre, London, 251

Colchester, co. Essex, 536, 538

Colchester, William, 116

Coldham, John, 330

Coldwell, Ralph, legal counsel, 487

cole, coole [size], 344, 381

Coleyne, John, 150, 307

collars, of leather, 244

collection on Good Friday on the Bridge, 29

Colmakere, John, 123

Colour, John, 122

colours, 265; grinding, 258; moty, 344; ochre, 381; russet colour, 262; red lead, 265; stone colour, 381; vermilion, 265; white lead, 265

Colston, William, plumber, 246, 282, 293–4

Colt, Robert, of Billingsgate, London, 469, 497

Colyn, William, carpenter, 341

-, Thomas, farrier [ferrour], 338
-, William, clerk serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

-, Joan, 136
-, John, 131

Combe, Richard, mason, 340

Combes, William, alderman, Katherine widow of, 313

Conne, Roger, labourer with the bricklayers, 503

Conscience, John, 137

Cony, Robert, joiner, 259

Conyhope Lane, 162

Conywall, Deptford, 430

Cook (Cok, Coke, Cooke)
-, Andrew, 492
-, Edmund, 123
-, Geoffrey, 142
-, Henry, 406
-, John, of Stratford, 293
-, John, paviour, 261
-, John, servant to chaplains in chapel on the bridge, 337
-, Nicholas, 257
-, Ralph, 131
-, Richard, of Addington, Kent, 468
-, Thomas, of Addington, Kent, 546
-, Thomas, Warden, 297, 300, 352
-, William, of West Ham, 330

cook of Bridge House, 56–107, 243–94

cook to the Bridge chaplains, 254, 267, 280, 294

Cooper (Couper, Coupere)
-, [? the cooper], Laurence, 473, 531
-, Geoffrey, 134, 137
-, William, 142

cooperage, 473, 531

coopers, 332, 381

Coost, Godfrey, 154

Cope (?Cup), the, near the Shambles, 379

Copped Hall, 381; in Bermondsey Street, 434

Copuldyke, Agnes, 118

Copursmyth, Nicholas, 123

Copyn, John, founder, 311, 330, 332

corbell' [baskets], 4, 5, 8, 24–6

corbels [masonry], 240

Corbet, William, 330; commoner [common councilman], auditor of Bridge House accounts, 331, 353

cord, 94, 107, 259, 262, 264, 278, 294

cordwainer, 473, 530

Corne, Robert, blacksmith, 496

Cornwall (Cornwaille, Corwallys)
-, John, knight, 460
-, Roger, 123

Cornhill, Agnes, 167

Corun, William, 349

Cosyne, Nicholas, 404

Coterell, Henry, carpenter, 387

-, John, 132
-, Roger, 132

counsel, 333

counters for auditing and casting up the account, 294, 397, 489

countingboard, 95

countinghouse, the, 329, 330, 332

Coventry, Richard, 126

Covyngton (Covyng'), William, tiler, 245–7, 265–6, 269–74

Cowe, John, shipwright, 526

Cowrton, Robert, carpenter, 387

Coy, John, 91

Coyford, Richard, stainer, 258

Crammond, William, janitor and gatekeeper of the Bridge House, 349

cramp irons, 496

crampons, 378

cramps, 248, 378; crampets, lead, 328; iron, 329

Crane, Walter, 136

craning, cranage, 502, 540

Crechard, John, smith, 329

Creek, John, 164

Cressye, Ralph, 416

Crokker, William, 142

crombes for the pump, 329

Crompe, Hugh, 381

-, John, 308
-, William, 335

Crooked Lane, 151, 307

crop and lop of elms sold, 311

Crosse, John, 330; rent-collector of the Bridge, 331, 349, 351

Crouche, Roger, and wife Katharine, 110

crowbars, 277

Crowcheman, John, 382; labourer, 388

Crown, brewhouse called the, in Southwark, 137

Crown, the, by the Bridge House gate in Southwark, 311, 324–7, 329, 332, 339–41, 345, 473–4, 531, 536, 538, 540

Croydon, co. Surrey, 247, 255, 267, 269, 281–2, 288–92, 312, 325, 331, 338–9, 453–4, 467, 474, 497, 499, 501, 503–6, 509–10, 515–16, 523, 525, 529, 532–3, 534, 536, 544, 550–1

-, Robert, 134, 137
-, Robert, 218; bowyer, and wife Agnes, 217
-, Thomas, 506
-, Thomas, Warden, 441, 522, 535

Cudde, Thomas, chaplain in the Bridge chapel, 254, 267, 280

Culthorpe, John, 411

Culworth (Colworth)
-, Henry, 122
-, Thomas, 117

Cup, the, in St Nicholas Shambles, 486, 504, 524; see also Cope, the cupboards at the Stocks, 1–2

Curlow, John, 381

curry comb, 256

curtain rings, 332

-, John, 153
-, Thomas, auditor, 493

Cutler (Coteler, Cotiller)
-, Agnes, 122
-, Peter, 127
-, Richard le, 160

cutting knives, 470, 520

Cysyll, John, 412


Dalle, John, chaplain, 317

Dallington (Daylyngton), —, 453, 515

damask, 273

dams (dammellis) of the bridge, 388

Dandy (Dendye)
-, John, 375
-, Richard, 375
-, Simon, carpenter, 387
-, Thomas, of Surrey, 467, 503, 513
-, Thomas, of Sussex, boardman, 530

Daniel (Daniell, Danyel)
-, John, 455
-, Thomas, 136
-, Thomas, apprentice to chief mason, 340
-, Thomas, commoner [common councilman], auditor of Bridge accounts, 353

Danyson, —, wife of, 405

Darcok, Robert, armourer, and wife Geliana 130

Dartford, co. Kent, 467, 480, 537, 544, 551

daub, 75, 344; digging, 344

daubers, 243–5, 248, 253–4, 259, 264, 267, 273, 277–9, 344, 393, 482, 495–546; daubing, 326

Daunt, Thomas, painter, 264

-, Richard, 135
-, Richard, of New Hythe by Maidstone, co. Kent, 518
-, Thomas, 412
-, Thomas, draper, 156, 307
-, Thomas, Warden, 297, 300, 352
-, William, 426

Dawys, William, carpenters' labourer, 347

Daye, Simon, 426

Deacon (Dekene), John, 132, 134, 137

debts owing, 490, 492

debts, old, 500

decrease of rents, 1–2, 113–187 passim, 319, 372, 464

Degraven, John, 402

Delley, John, 134

Dencourt, John, 330

Dene, John A, carpenter, 387; mason, 386

Denge, John, 125

Denlond, Thomas, 123

Denver, John, 86, 148

Depham, Roger, 163, 304

Deptford, co. Kent, 233, 250–1, 271, 283, 287, 299, 327–8, 332, 334–5, 339, 344, 368, 381, 467, 474, 476, 479–81, 533–4, 536, 545–6, 549–50
-, bailiff of, 549
-, brickmaking at, 294
-, chalk wharf in, 429
-, Church Marsh in, 430
-, Deptford fields, 430
-, Deptford marsh, 459, 549
-, Deptford Strand, 339, 430, 464
-, Deptford town, 429, 459
-, house at, 499
-, roundhouse at, 464

deputy steward of Greenwich, Deptford, Lewisham, Lee and Stratford, 534

Derby, earl of, 367, 458, 563

Derneford, John, 135

desperate debts, 398

Devell, Thomas, 540

Devyt, Robert, 137

Deye, Nicholas, 135

Dicson, Thomas, 412

Digby (Dicbye, Dygbye)
-, Edward, plumber, 536
-, Richard, plumber, 454

ditches, 335; amercement for, 334; 335

Dockes, William, mercer, 453

Dockett (Dogett, Dogkett, Doucat, Duckett)
-, —, dauber, 482
-, John, dauber, 523–30
-, William, 152, 307

Dogge, John, 414

dogs (hounds) of the Bridge House, 56–107, 243–94, 349, 395, 487

dogs of iron, 378

dogstones for fulling-mill, 329

Doke?, John, 133

Dolsely, Simon, 178, 308

Dome, Roger, labourer with bricklayers, 481

Domynyk, Robert, 145, 307

Doncastre, John, 134

donjon [le dongeon], on the bridge, 260

Donne, William, labourer, 388

Doon, Geoffrey, wife of, 131

doors and windows sold, 311

Dorset, marquis, 368

Double, Ralph, 2, 187

-, Mr. 453, 474, 501; his house at Bridge end, 495
-, Thomas, 409; fishmonger, 453, 514

Doune, John, 132

-, John, 137
-, John, labourer, 268–76, 278–92

Dowell, Thomas, dyker, 474

Downe, Thomas, 385

Downynge, William, 402

Dragon, Robert, 402

Draper (Drapar, Drappar)
-, Henry, 329
-, Master Robert, warden of the bridge, 441, 494, 531, 535
-, William, of Bromley, deputy steward of Greenwich, Deptford, Lewisham, Lee and Stratford, 474, 534

drawbridge, the, 448; Trappe on the, 290

-, Robert, 155
-, William, of Tottenham, 325, 331

drills, 331–2

drinkings, at rent-collection, 351

-, Richard, limeburner, 469, 506, 523
-, Thomas, carpenter, 387

Drope, Walter, 125

Drury (Drewry)
-, John, and wife Katherine, 131
-, Thomas, 116

Dufle?, John, 122

Duke, Robert, 437

Dune, Roger, 123

dung, 339, 474; for garden, 520

Dungeon, Ralph, chantry of, in St Paul's, 316, 367, 371, 458

Dunmow (Donmowe)
-, John, 165, 304
-, Thomas, 381; keeper of the boats and shouts of the Bridge works, 395

Dunston, Thomas, 122

Durem, John de, 145

Durham, William, 123

Dutchman, a, 453, 526

Dykeman, William, 159, 304

Dyker, John, 335

dyker, 474

Dykes, John, chaplain, 197

Dylewysh, John, late Bridge House carter, 33

Dyngewyk, William, 131


Eaglesfield (Eglesfyld, Eglysfylde, Eglyshfelde), George, 418, 453, 527

Earl's sluice, 452, 496

East Smithfield, 180; cemetery at, 2, 180

Eastcheap, 329, 332, 344, 368, 459, 533

eaves-laths, 326

Ebden, Thomas, 414

Ebmede, Thomas, keeper of passage-tolls, 321, 349

Ebrave, William, 403

eddering, 335

Eddon, Thomas, 502

Edesale, Thomas, 375

Edmere?, Thomas, 131

Edmund, Henry, 381

Edwards (Edwardes)
-, Harry, 439
-, Henry, 426
-, Richard, 152
-, Robert, 152
-, Roland, clothworker, 456, 545
-, Thomas, 132
-, William, 127

Edward VI, birth of, 477, 496

Edyngton, Thomas, 307

Eggelof, Walter, 137; and wife, 131

Eidard, Thomas, 122

Einergeger (Einerygor), William, chaplain in the chapel on the bridge, 477, 547

-, Christopher, Warden, 355, 371, 376, 398–9
-, William, of Lambeth, 381
-, William, shipwright, 381–2

Ellys, William, of Maistham, 375

elm timber, 192, 375, 384, 452–3, 467, 479–80, 485, 496, 499–501, 505, 514–15, 528, 537, 540, 544, 546, 550–1
-, boards, 257, 262, 287, 375, 452, 454, 523, 546
-, planks, 453, 480, 502, 508, 528
-, quarters, 363
-, stops, 453, 528

elm trees, 78, 89, 107, 274, 279, 286, 311, 325, 331, 339, 341, 382, 467, 518

Elmham, John, 123

Eltham, co. Kent, 331

Elyne, ?John, 122

Elynour, Robert, 381

embankment [walla], 143

Englesse (Eglesse), William, shipwright, 484, 526

Englyshe, Mr, 422

Erith, —, Warden, 494

Erlam, John, and wife, 138

Erle, William, 135

Esgaston (Ergaston, Esgascon, Estgarston), John, 133, 248, 276, 329

Essex, man called, 29, 46

Essex, Richard de, 145, 302

-, —, wife of, 137
-, Laurence, 129
-, Nicholas, 123
-, William, and wife Alice, 134
-, William, chantry of, in St Olave, 317

Estrichbord, 257, 260

Estwyk, William, 135

Eve, Thomas, 414

Everyngham, John, 116

Ewell, co. Surrey, 361

Ewhurst, John, 122

Exmouth (Exmew, Exmuthe), the, in St George Southwark, 2, 304

Eynesham, Thomas, 123

Eyre, Simon, executors of, 312


Fadir, William, carpenter, 341

faggots, 295, 550

fair, Southwark, 545; standings at, 456

Fairford, Robert, 134

famulus, a very small, 244

Farnham, John, glover, 136

farrier, 338

farriery and shoeing the Bridge horses, 69, 83, 94, 107, 254, 267, 280, 287, 294, 338

Fastolf, Hugh, widow of, 166; Margaret, 178, 308

Fauconer, John, 129

Fawcon, William, 116

featherboard, 453, 518

fees of officers, 505–6, 509, 512, 519, 521–2, 526, 531–2, 535, 546

fees, 395, 487, 561

Fekenham, John, obit in St Clement Eastcheap, 331, 382

felling elms, 107

Felya, John, 116

Fen (Affen), John A, labourer, 533–5

fence, 335; fencing, 335, 381

Fenchurch Street, 479, 481; new houses/ shops in, 60–1, 63, 65, 107

Fenchurch, 2, 116

Fendon, Patrick, 377

Fenkenham, Anne, obit of, 474

Fenkill (Finckell), Edward, 371, 398–9

Fenne, Alan, shipwright, 346

Fennell, John, 402

Fenrother, Robert, 375

-, Richard, 113
-, Thomas, 130
-, Thomas, 332

Ferres, John, 498, 506, 519, 546

Ferrour (Farrour)
-, Richard, 415
-, Robert, 413

Ferrys, John, keeper of the chapel on the bridge, 477

Fiddler (Fyddeler, Fydler), John, shipwright, 484, 526

Field (Fyld, Fylde), Thomas, mason, 474, 478, 495–506, 509–16, 519–23, 525–30, 532–45

Fifhede (Fifede), William, 122

file, 330; sharpening, 332; file for sharpening tide sawes, 330

fillets, lead, 379, 471

Finch (Fynch, Fynche)
-, John, carpenters' labourer, 347
-, Robert, butcher, 125

Finchingfield, Geoffrey, 316

finials, gilded, 474, 506

fir pole, 496

Fish (Fissh, Fysshe)
-, John, 168, 308
-, Thomas, 123

fishery under the bridge, 1, 312

fishmongers at the Stocks, 188–241, 349, 358, 395, 447, 487, 519–46

Fithian, John, mason, 340

FitzMichael (fiz Michel, fiz Michell), Richard, 2, 179, 309

fitz Nichol, Thomas, 153

FitzWilliam, William, common councilman, auditor, 400

Fleet Street, 339

Flemish boatman, 10

Flemish tiles, 25

Flemyng, Richard, 330

Fletcher (Fleccher, Flecher)
-, John, 137
-, Richard, carpenter, 341

-, Thomas, 135
-, William, 148

Flint (Flynte), John, 402, 527; sawyer, 453, 485, 495–506, 508–46

floating timber, 544

flowers to decorate the bridge gate at Midsummer, 474, 536

food given, 261–2, 286; at obit, 331

-, Richard, shipwright, 484, 526
-, Robert, clerk serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

Fordham, John, 330

foreign rents, 1, 204, 210, 212–13, 218, 225, 232, 238–9, 241, 297, 299, 320, 349, 351, 357, 428–38, 446

forge [a type of stone], 514

forge, 303–4; at Bridge House, 329

-, Mr, 404, 531, 539; wharf of, 475, 531
-, Richard, 467
-, William, mayor, auditor, 493

Forster, John, chief carpenter of Bridge, 331, 341

Forthe, William, 279

fosses, 335

Fostall, Thomas, of Peckham, 334

-, Alice, 422
-, James, 402, 529; wife of, 469, 513, 531
-, Joan, 133
-, Mistress, widow, 476, 519, 521, 523, 526, 541, 545

Fott, William, 185

Fouche, William, 130

Foule, Thomas, spurrier, 130

Fouler, Henry, 125

Foulhardy, Matilda, 131

foundation of a new breast, 532

founder, 332

Four Crofts close, Peckham, 335, 430

-, John, 122
-, John, mason, 340, 347
-, Nicholas, 417

Frampton, Joan, 127

Frankyngham [?location], 247

fraternity of Salve in St Magnus church, 145, 302

fraternity of St John the Baptist of the Tailors of London, 157, 303–4

-, Adam, 162, 304
-, John, 152, 307

Frecock, John, 329, 332; clerk serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

Frecomber, Richard, 375

-, J., 262–3
-, John, 372
-, William, 138

freight, 322, 384, 495, 518; by water, 502, 505

Fremot, Richard, butcher, 300

French (Frenssh)
-, Cicely, 422
-, John, 129, 132
-, John, 402
-, Peter, 130, 132

Frenchwoman, a, 138

Frenyngham, William, 165

-, Everard, citizen and armourer, 351
-, William, 412

Fresh Wharf, 502

Friars Minor see Greyfriars

Friday Street, 105, 107, 368, 417, 479, 481, 486, 544

fringe, 267, 273

Frowe, Cristiana, 122

Fryer, —, of Billingsgate, 497

Fryse, John de, 402

fuel, 247, 250, 258, 264, 278, 280, 294

Fulborn, Peter, 123

Fuleslove, Juliana, 138

-, Laurence, 143; and associate, 190, 219, 226
-, William, 137

fullers, 312

fulling-mill at Stratford (Bow), 143, 251, 284–5, 293, 311–12, 331, 352; brasses for, 330; dogstones for, 329; gudgeons for poles for, 329; hurceis for, 329. See also mills; Spilman's mill; Stratford, mills at

Fulmer, John, 402

fur, 267

furnaces, 466

Furthere, Richard, of Deptford, Katherine widow of, 250

Fylingham, John, obit of, 501


Gadde, Richard, 381

Gadson, Walter, 439

Galles, William, Warden, 398

Galon, Alice, 338

Gameleston, Robert, 95

Garard, John, scrivener, servant of, 382

garden see Bridge House garden; weeding, 474, 506, 519, 532, 546

gardener, 474, 509, 520, 523, 529, 532, 534; gardener's servant or man, 474, 520

-, Richard, 118
-, Thomas, mason, 340

Garland (Garlond, Gerland)
-, John, carpenter, 387
-, Thomas, carpenter, 259–93
-, William, 339

garnets, 244, 276; cross, 378; side, 378

-, John, 405
-, William, 404

Gascon (Gascoyne), William, of Lambeth, baker, 456, 516

-, John, labourer bestowing chalk in the starlings by the tide, 533
-, William, of Lambeth, 569

-, John atte, 137
-, John, 466
-, John, mariner, 502
-, John, of Maidstone, 495, 526
-, Robert, 402

gatekeeper of the Bridge House, 349, 381, 395, 487

gates, timber, 233

-, John, 134
-, Thomas, and wife, 130

Gawtron, Walter, 167; draper, 156

Gaynesford, Master, 497; Sir John, knight, 467, 506, 535

Geffrey, William, apprentice mason, 386

gemolles for a boat 346

Gerard, Henry, 114, 116

Gerars, Matilda, 130

gibbet gin see gin/s, gibbet

Gibbons (Gybbyns), Joan, 378

Gibson (Gybson)
-, Edward, carpenter, 387
-, Thomas, 453, 509

gifts, 313

Gilbert the smith, of Rotherhithe [Radlyffe, Radryff], 470, 511

-, Clement, mason, 340
-, John, of Lee, co. Kent, 28

gilding, 261

Giles (Gyles)
-, John, 414
-, Richard, 137
-, William, 126

Gillow (Gyllowe), William, 126

Gilmyn, William, 131

Gilot, John, 130

gin/s, 264, 389, 467, 483, 541, 543, 549; at the ram, 330; carpentry, 312; rising, 381; Robynett, 454; St Magnus' gin, 389

gin/s, gibbet, 483, 495–6, 534–40, 542–6; ram for the, 330; gibbet ram, 348; gibbet gin of brass, 389

gins, grease for, 330; horsehides for, 330; winding-hook for, 329; wooden poles for, 330

Glade, Thomas, 123

Glasier, Adrian, 336

glass, 336, 380, 472; making, 523; red (blod), 336; white, 336; with date and Bridge House mark, 472

glaziers, 336, 380, 472, 506, 519, 523, 531, 537, 555

glazing, 336, 380, 472

-, Henry, 178
-, John, king's bailiff in Southwark, 333

Glover, William, 126

glovers' shreds, 258

gloves, 473–4, 498, 532

glue, 243, 265, 267, 473, 495, 520

Glym, Thomas, 123

Goddyshalfe, John, 422

Godewyn, Roger, 281, 285

-, Henry, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–20, 522–46
-, John, 369

Golay, Thomas, of co. Kent, 322

gold paper/leaf, 263, 265

Gold, Robert, 495–6, 501, 505, 512–13, 516, 523, 527–8, 530, 534–40, 542–6; warden carpenter of the waterworks of the Bridge, 453, 470, 473–4, 479, 485; carpenter, 495–506, 508–31, 533–6

gold, fine, 263

gold-finer, 471, 513

Golders yard, 452, 456, 500, 516, 569; tithe of, 530

-, J., 212
-, John, 115
-, John, 132

Goldsburgh (Goldesborow, Goldesburgh)
-, John, 130, 141; and wife Joan, 136
-, John, of Shingleford, 327
-, Thomas, 136

Goldsmith, Emma, 122

Gonstone, Master, 430

Goodchep, John, 141

Goodhewe, John, 129

Gooding, John, 116

Goodman, John, plasterer, 258–9

Goodrich, William, 174

-, John, 473, 545
-, William, carver, 257–62

Gough, Richard, fishmonger, commoner [common councilman], auditor, 382, 400

Gracechurch Street, 324, 328–9, 336, 340, 394, 410, 455; bakehouse in, 324, 340

Gracechurch, 476, 529, 531

grain, 338

granaries, 452, 456, 492, 500, 516, 569

-, John, 428
-, William, 323

-, Richard, 381
-, William, 311, 333, 339

grass, 215, 281, 284, 338

grates, lead, 379, 471

gravel, 324, 339, 344, 377, 469, 533, 548

Gravesend, John, 162, 172, 304

grease, 330, 473, 536

green cloth, 330

Green (Grene)
-, Edward, Warden, 356, 371, 398
-, James, 130
-, John, 131
-, Richard, cutler, 131; and wife, 218
-, Thomas, 425
-, Thomas, bricklayer's/tiler's labourer, 481, 495–506, 508–37, 539–46
-, William, 119
-, William, 333

Greentree (Grenetre), Richard, of Waltham, 375

Greenwich, co. Kent, 474, 534. See also West Greenwich

Greston, John, 412

Grevy, William, rent-collector of the Bridge, 329–30, 336, 339, 349, 351

Grey (Gray)
-, Richard, and daughter Alice, 135
-, Robert, 412
-, Robert, waxchandler, 477, 535
-, Thomas, 316

Greyfriars (Friars Minor) within Newgate, 261, 322, 394; cabins by wall of, 1–2; gate of, 126, 129; infirmary garden of, 460

Grimsby (Grymesby), Richard, 149, 307

grindstone, 329

Grocers' Company, 303

-, John, 377
-, Richard, 152
-, Roger, 381

Grovehurst (Grofhurst), Master Henry de, 146, 154, 303, 307

Grover, Richard, 152

gudgeons for folding gate, 329; for poles for fulling-mill, 329

Guildhall of London, 148; chamber of, 162, 163, 303–4, 308, 317, 334, 396; chamberlain of, 250; court of, 349

gulleys [goleys] of the bridge, 323, 381, 388–9

Gunne, Thomas, mason, 340

gunpowder maker (powderer), 453, 471, 528

Gurr, Thomas, 412

gutters, 328; lead, 379, 471

Guy, John, 307; and wife, 148

Gylmyn, William, 136

Gylot, Roger, and wife Avice, 130

Gyt, Thomas, cordwainer, 381


-, Joan, 127
-, Thomas, 126

-, John, of London, fishmonger, 477
-, Nicholas, 477, 546

Hacket, Thomas, 132

Hackney (Hakeney), Nigel de, 148

hair [here], 381; for plaster, 473, 529, 531

-, John, 132
-, John, 256
-, John, fletcher, and wife Anne, 136
-, Thomas, mason, 340

Haliwell, prioress of, 310

Hallary, John, 131

-, John, 122
-, Richard, 122

Halmer, John, 381

Hamersham, John, 116

-, —, 325
-, Thomas, cutler, 130

Hampton, John, commoner [common councilman], auditor, 331

handles, 378

hangings, 332

-, John, labourer, 388
-, Thomas, 116

hardhewer, 386

Harding, John, carpenter, 387

Hardys, Robert, 403

Hare, Thomas, citizen and hatter, 312

Hargyll, John, 384

Harle, John, 122

Harlow (Herlawe), William, joiner, 260, 262–3

Harman, Cornelyus, 402

Harpeny, John, 403

Harris (Harrys), Simon, 398

Harrison (Harryson, Haryson, Herryson)
-, Alexander, mason's labourer, 347
-, Jeffrey, 469, 520, 533, 548; carter, 476; sandman, 506
-, John, 430

Hasardesmersh, 339

Haselwoode, William, carpenters' labourer, 347

hasps, iron, 329

-, John, 137
-, John, farmer of passage-tolls, 359

Hatch, John, of Harefield, 292

Hatcham, co. Kent, 1–2, 140, 141

Hatcher, Henry, of Croydon, 506

Hatfield (Hattefeld), John, 349

Hauteley, John, 436

Hawarde, Lord, 423

Hawes, [John], alderman, 371

Hawker, Henry, of Croydon, 467

-, J., ducheman, 271
-, Thomas, 116

Hawkins, —, draper, commoner, ?auditor, 382

Hawlsey, Richard, of Houndsditch, 536

hawsers, 277, 330

hay, 215, 247–8, 276, 285–8, 311, 338; used to stop gulleys, 381

haymaking, 99, 247–8, 281, 283–8

Haynes, —, mason, 478

Haywarde, Thomas, 402

Hazelden (Asilden, Hasilden, Hasulden)
-, —, stainer, 260, 262
-, William, and wife, 131

heartlaths, 326, 467, 503

hearts (iron), 470, 516

Heed, J., stainer, 262

Heere, John, waterman, 535

Hemnarshe, Thomas, 408

Hende, John, 148

Henley, Sir William, 2

Henry —, renter of garner in Golders yard, 500

Herberger, John, 122

Herford, John, 308

Heriott (Heryot), Ralph, 134, 137; stringer, 131

Herman, Nicholas, of Crawley, 326

Herne, Robert, 425

Heron, —, mason, 530, 532–35, 538–9, 543, 546

Hert, John, 131, 136

Hertford, 137

Hervy, Wat', 122

Hethe, John, 134

Hethingham, John, clerk of the Bridge, 254, 267, 280, 292, 294

Hewe, John, 122

Hewgynes, William, stainer, 262

Heynes (Heynds, Heyneys)
-, John, 350
-, Nicholas, carpenter, 498
-, Thomas, carpenter, 503–4
-, Thomas, mason, 495–506, 509, 511–23, 525–9, 536–37, 540–2, 544–5

Heyre, Thomas, 413

-, John, 134
-, Matilda, 134

hides, 267; see also horsehides

Higgins, John, butcher, 460

Hill (Hille, Hyll, Hylle)
-, Alice, 132
-, Henry, 408
-, John, 429
-, John, girdler/hoser, and wife Alice, 135
-, John, merchant haberdasher, 371
-, Ralph, 127
-, Thomas, 132

Hillary (Hyllary)
-, John, 134
-, Roger, 134

Hilliard (Hylyarde), William, 415

Hills (Hylles, Hyllys)
-, Mistress, 456, 537
-, Richard, 408
-, William, 406

Hind (Hynd, Hynde)
-, Elizabeth, 455
-, Elizabeth, widow, 499
-, Robert, 404

hinges, 65, 248, 329; potent', 276

Hinton (Hynton), —, wife of, 136

Hoddesdon, John, 137

Hodgett (Hoget, Hogett), Thomas, labourer with the bricklayers/tilers, 481, 495–506, 508–35, 537, 540, 542

Hoggan, Simon, commoner [common councilman], auditor, 400

hogsheads, 531

-, Nicholas, 134, 136
-, Nicholas, clerk in the bridge chapel, tollkeeper, 254, 267, 280, 294
-, William, clerk serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

Holland, Walter, 127

Holloway, Nicholas, carpenter, 479, 495–7, 499–502, 505–6, 508–9, 511–19; death of, 519

-, John, carpenter, 341
-, Walter, and wife Isabella, 130

-, James, labourer, 495
-, Leonard, 546; carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–15, 517–28, 530–46

-, Richard, tallowchandler, 337
-, William, 426
-, William, Warden, 356, 371, 398

Holwode, William, 116

Holy Trinity Aldgate priory, 307; prior of, 147

Holydaye, Thomas, serjeant of the chamber of London, 487

holywaterstoup, 337

Honey Lane, 250, 257, 269, 272, 278, 288, 290

Hoo, John, 1

Hood (Hode)
-, John, and wife, 129
-, Roger, labourer, 480, 495, 498; working with the masons by the tide, 528

Hook (Hoke, Hooke)
-, Henry, 138, 141
-, Henry, 452

hooks, 336; iron, 65, 67, 275, 329; wooden, 330

hoop, iron, 329

hoops and staves, 383

Hooteman, Richard, 402

Hope, James, 283

Horden, Robert, 425, 439

Hore (Hoore)
-, John, waterman, 473
-, Richard, 408
-, William, 138; horner, 135

Horford, John de, 164

Horn on the Hoop, the, in St Benet Gracechurch, 112

-, Geoffrey, 2
-, Henry, 415
-, James, 116
-, John, 101
-, William, 305

Horn, the, in Gracechurch Street, 336

Horneby, Walter, draper, and wife Agnes, 135

Horntoft, Henry, 126

Horrell, John, carpenter, 387

horse found, 333

horse-bread, 262, 291, 294, 338

horse-comb, 256, 338

-, cart-saddle, 338
-, horse-collars, 98, 254, 290, 338
-, halters of Hungary leather, 254
-, hames, 288, 290, 294
-, back-ropes, belly-ropes [womberoppes], pipe-ropes [pyperop'], 244
-, traces, 338
-, horse-harness sold, 311

horse-shoes, 287, 294, 338

Horsehead, brewhouse called the, St Alban Wood Street, 308

Horsehead, the, in St Dunstan in the East, 148, 303

horsehides, 276; bought for the gins, 330; curried, for blade of ram, 85, 87

Horsely, Robert, 414

Horselydown, co. Surrey, 368, 433; garden in, 460

horses belonging to or used by the Bridge House, 56, 58–9, 63, 75, 244, 267–8, 271, 281–2, 287, 289, 292, 294, 311, 331, 333, 338, 384, 487, 566
-, allowance for wardens', 382, 487, 566
-, farriery, 69, 83, 94, 107, 254, 267, 280, 287, 294, 338
-, fodder, 243–94 and 262, 276, 281, 284, 294, 338
-, horses bought, 63, 338
-, medicine for, 338
-, sale of Bridge horses and carts, 311, 333

Horseshoe, the, Gracechurch Street, 455, 528–9

Horsham, co. Norfolk, priory of St Faith, 368, 459, 553

Horton, by Ewell, co. Surrey, 181, 309, 361, 450

Horton, Henry, sawyer, 485, 533–7, 540–3, 545–6

Horwode, Robert (or William), labourer, 243–55

Hotot, Nicholas, 148, 307

Houghe (Hughweth), John, organmaker, 477, 525, 536

house-signs, 329, 332

house-tiles see tiles

Houswif, John, mason, 243–85, 288–92, 294

Howe (Houe, Howhe)
-, John, 129
-, John, tallowchandler, 461

Howsynge, Richard, of Houndsditch, 474

Hucden, Richard, 419

Hucke, Thomas, 453

Hudson (Huddeson)
-, Edward, labourer, 388
-, Robert, turner, 381

Hughe, John, and wife Agnes, 130

Hughet (Hewghett, Hughwet, Huwet etc.)
-, Robert, 129
-, William, of Lewisham, 376; millwright, of Lewisham, 383
-, William, porter of the Bridge House, 470, 473–4, 487, 495–546 and 518, 520, 536, 541; wife of, 474, 506, 519, 532, 546

Hughweth, John, organmaker, see Hough

Hukvale, James, waxchandler, 123

Humfrey, John, bowyer, 312

Hun, John, 123

-, Andrew, girdler, and wife Denise, 136
-, Andrew, joiner, 260, 262
-, John, 381
-, John, 439
-, John, and wife Denise, 136

hurdles, 91, 107, 330, 381

Hurst (Herst, Hyrst)
-, John, 306; skinner, 308
-, Richard, 402

Hurteman, William, churchwarden of St Nicholas Shambles, 515

Husband (Husbond), Robert, chantry of, in St Nicholas Shambles, 367, 458

Huske, Thomas, barber, of Southwark, 510

Huskyns, John, 403

Huxster, Is., 127

Hyde, John, 130

Hyeline, Thomas, 123


-, Richard, 123
-, Roger, 123

ice and frost endangering bridge, 332

Ilford, co. Essex, 331

images, 336; at stone gate on Bridge, 261, 264; of St Thomas on the bridge, 290; in Bridge chapel, 283; of St Petronilla, 280

in bowing, 503, 504, 506, 509, 510

incense, 60, 68–9, 82, 91, 105

incomes and fines, 455, 546

increase of rents, 360, 449

indentures of lease, 332

indentures, 334

Ingledew (Inglydw, Inglydw, Inglydwe), —, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–27, 529–46

Ingleton, Henry, seneschal of Marshalsea, 333

ink, 330

iron, 293, 312; black, 263; worked, 98, 107, 247, 252, 258, 267–8, 280, 285, 311, 329

ironwork, 254, 264, 329, 378, 470, 506, 516, 521, 552; black, 470; tinned, 378; white, 470. See also bolts, garnets, hinges, hooks, hoops, latches, locks and keys

Isaac, John, carpenter's labourer, 331, 347

Islington, Philip, 428

Ivy Lane, 316, 474


Jackson (Jacson)
-, James, bricklayer's labourer, 536, 538–9, 541, 543–6
-, John, of Oxgate, 376
-, William, labourer with the bricklayers/ tilers, 481, 495–500
-, William, Queen's bailiff of Southwark, 452, 498

Jacob, Simon, labourer, 332, 347

Jaket, —, stainer, 262

jambs, stone, 240

James, William, 402

janitor of the Bridge House, 349

Jenkin, Richard, 414

Jennyn, William, 415

Jesson, Richard, 425

Joce, John, 402

John, Thomas, 523

Johnson's house on the bridge, 522, 546; work on, 511

-, —, bailiff of Deptford, 549
-, Johan, 380
-, John, 136
-, John, 430, 464
-, John, labourer, 524
-, Ralph, 411
-, Thomas, 408
-, Thomas, butcher, 325
-, Thomas, labourer, 480
-, William, 403, 422, 456, 503
-, William, apprentice mason, 386

Joiner (Joynour)
-, John, 381
-, [? the joiner] Laurence, 259–62
-, Robert, 251 [possibly Robert Baker, joiner]
-, William, 336
-, William, ducheman, 122

joiners, 259–63

joints, 378

joists, 247, 390

Jolyf, Thomas, 130

journal of weekly payments, 478, 480, 482

Joy, the, brewhouse, in St Benet Gracechurch, 153

Joye, John, 134

-, Henry, fishmonger, 303
-, Roger, 335
-, Thomas, chief mason of the Bridge, 340

justices of wallas and fossat', 331, 333


Katherine Wheel, the, in St Benet Gracechurch, 153

keeper of boats and shouts belonging to the Bridge, 330, 346, 395, 487; see Donmowe, Thomas

keeper of the chapel on the bridge, 477

Kele, Patrick, 339; dauber, 344

-, John, 415, 455
-, William, of London Bridge, merchant tailor, 404, 453, 514; wife of, 514; work on his house, 511, 513–14

Kellett's tenement in Newgate market, 546

Kelsey, Thomas, ironmonger/smith, 254, 267, 280

Kelynge, William, 404

Kendall, John, wife of, 376

Kent Street, Southwark, 305

-, Richard de, 102
-, Richard, 372

keys, 243–4, 248, 256–7, 267, 294, 378, 470

Kidder (Kydder), —, wife of, 405

King (Kyng)
-, John, 181
-, John, 309, 325
-, John, woolpacker, 114
-, Richard, 113
-, Richard, of Grene, co. Sussex, 375
-, Thomas, 130

king, the, 458–60, 553, 555–6, 558; his attorney, 453, 502; his fletcher, 537; his harness, 474, 499

Kingsmill (Kyngesmylle), Thomas, subs' [? subseneschal] of Marshalsea, 333

Kingston (Kyngston), Robert, grocer, 119

Kingston, co. Surrey, 267, 279, 286, 331

Kinton (Kynton), William, 130

Kirkby (Kyrkeby)
-, Marion, 129
-, Peter, 129

Kirketon, John, 122

Kirkstead Abbey, Lincs., 367; abbot of, 248

Knife (Knyf), John, 132

Knight (Knyght)
-, Alice, 303
-, Henry, 381
-, Henry, of Kings or Knights hill, 468, 552
-, Thomas, 372

Knights Key, 471

Knowe, John, 439


Laborer, John, 118

labourers working at Bridge House Wharf, 388; at Lewisham mill, 383; at the staddles, 346; at the gibbet gin, 389, 483; at the ram, 348, 389

labourers, 79, 243–94, 347, 480
-, working with carpenters, 243, 245, 248–55, 257–8, 264, 266–9, 272, 279–80, 282, 290, 347, 387, 480
-, working with masons, 243–4, 246–8, 250, 253, 259, 271, 276, 282, 347, 48
-, working with carpenters and masons, 388
-, assisting with boats, 346, 347, 480
-, digging loam, 246
-, driving piles, 480
-, gardening, 244, 254, 256, 258, 270–1, 347, 382
-, loading, 246–7, 273, 276–7, 282, 285, 290
-, loading and unloading boats, 286, 347, 388, 480
-, loading and unloading carts, 245, 273, 275, 277, 282, 286–8, 290–2, 294, 338, 347
-, making a sail, 280
-, moving materials, 290–1, 347, 471, 480
-, watching ordure voiding, 474
-, other tasks, 245, 248, 253, 257, 261–2, 266, 273, 280, 283, 293–4
-, See also bricklayers, plasterers, daubers, paviour, plumbers, thatchers, tilers

Lacke, William, 378

Ladde, Robert, 122

ladder, 237

ladles, iron, 100, 378

Lake, Thomas, 141

Lamb, the, at Billingsgate/St Mary at Hill, 147, 307

Lambale, Richard, 325

Lambard, Richard, 132

Lambart, Richard, 405

Lambekyn, —, 189

Lambeth, co. Surrey, 140, 141, 199, 246, 248, 282, 268, 288; manor, 316

Lambeth, the smith of, 470, 545

Lambeth, John, 116

lamps, 283, 385

lands and tenements viewed, 474

-, John, ?mercer, 237
-, Laurence, smith, 329, 336, 338
-, Robert, 364

Langford, Richard, butcher, 141, 200

Langley (Langele)
-, John, 123
-, William, 210, 232

Langrich, Matthew, 89

Langwith, John, tailor, 308, 333

Larayner, Roger, 239

Large, Richard, 403

latches, 60, 248, 276, 329, 378, 470

lathe, 264

laths, 78–9, 86, 107, 215, 217, 467, 480; heartlaths, 326, 375, 467, 503; sortelathe, 375

Lathum, Ralph A, commoner [common councilman], auditor, 382, 400

latrines, 96, 340, 347; emptying and cleaning, 332, 382; common latrine on/by bridge, 302

Latther, Reginald, mason, 330, 340

lattice, 473

Launce, John, of Lewisham, 376

-, —, tailor, 264
-, John, 402, 418
-, John, cooper, 381
-, Thomas, labourer with bricklayers, 481
-, Walter, 130
-, William, stock/fishmonger, 301, 332

Lawe, Simon, see Lewes

Lawson, Henry, 374

Lawys, William, 415

Layne, John, 403

lead, 107, 246, 276, 282, 294, 328, 339, 379, 471; Peak lead, 471; lead ashes, 471; lead cuttings, 474; lead skimmings, 454

lead-nails, 379

leather, 262, 336

Leche, John, 136

Ledbury, John, chaplain serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

Lee, co. Kent, 268, 271, 474

-, John, 122
-, Richard, mayor and alderman, 369, 461

legacies, 24, 29, 33, 46, 218, 241, 331

legal activity, 294, 349, 382, 474, 487; expenses, 333, 349

-, John, and wife Joan, 130, 135
-, Thomas, 136

Leger, Hubert, 122

Leicester (Leycestre, Leycetre)
-, Thomas, 129
-, Thomas, 326

Leigh (Leyghe)
-, Dr, 453
-, William, gold-finer, 471

Lekenore, Thomas, mason, 386

Leman, Thomas, 325, 331

Lene, Denis, mason, 340

Lenten allowance, offering, 262

Lenton, Davy, carpenter, 453

Lesse, John, 184

Lesson (Leson), Edmund, 421

Lettres, William, renter of chamber of Guildhall, 317

Levendale, Thomas, of Lee, 312, 335

Leveryngton, John, 54

Levyng, John, 303; fishmonger, 306

Lewes (Lawe, Lawes, Lowys), Simon, 403, 479, 481, 483

-, John, carpenter, 341
-, John, shipwright, 484

Lewisham, co. Kent, 1–2, 140, 192, 218–19, 269, 272, 299, 306, 309, 318, 325, 331, 335, 339, 347, 368, 428, 439, 458, 474, 476, 479, 481
-, manor of, 141, 189, 243, 247, 318; (manor) court in, 382; view of frankpledge at, 334
-, mill at, 141, ? 189, 243, 318, 325, 339, 381, 383, 428; John Maidcalf, miller of, 383; equipment of, 381, 383
-, tilekiln at, 247, 250, 258, 264, 278; tilemaking at, 244, 248, 254, 258, 264, 280, 283, 286
-, Westwood in, 325, 339

Lewyn, John, 322

Leyk, Robert, chaplain in the chapel on the bridge, 254, 267, 280, 294

Leyre, William de, 162

Lidiard (Lydeyard), Thomas, cook, 133

Lidsey (Lydesey), Henry, 135

lightermen, 364

lights of tenements, 369; covenant to protect, 461

lights, in the chapel, 477, 498; paschal light, 385; sepulchre light, 385 See also candles

Lilly, John, mason, 340

lime, 58, 61, 65–7, 69, 73, 76, 79, 81, 85, 92, 94, 101, 107, 253, 311, 323, 346–7, 377, 469, 473; cart for carrying, 338

Limeburner (Lymbrenner), Richard, 253

limeburner, 311, 469; limeburning, 323, 330

limekiln, 338; at Blackheath, co. Kent, 333; at Charlton, co. Kent, 323, 330

Limner (Lymynour), John, 123

linch-pins [lynces] for the cart, 93, 260, 329

Lincoln (Lyncoln), John, 129

Lindsey (Lyndesey), John, 129, 367

line, 294, 330, 346

linen cloth, 273, 332; for chapel use, 337; for altar frontal, 269; for surplices, 249; for windows, 336; brown westvale, 266

Linger (Lynger), William, of Surrey, 468

Link (Lynke), John, 330

Lion, the, tavern, 302–3

Lister (Lyster), William, 409

Litchfield (Lytchfylde), Thomas, 414

Litley, John, 307

Litster (Lytster), Joan, 122

-, John, 307–8
-, Robert, 2
-, Robert, 169

Livers (Lyuers), William, 404

livery, 254; Wardens', 278, 349, 487

loam, 66, 246, 250, 377, 383, 469; digging, 246, 254, 258

Lock, the, in Southwark, 140, 141, 201, 246, 281, 284, 367, 432, 458
-, house at, 63
-, meadow at, 278
-, Longe lond meadow at, 432

locks, 83, 251, 264, 271; clicket locks, 276; plate-locks, 378, 470; spring locks, 378; stock-locks, 378; locks and keys, 85, 243, 257, 267, 294, 329, 378, 470

Lockyer (Lokyer)
-, John, 137
-, Lambel, 137
-, Robert, smith, 264, 267–8

Loder, William, 126

lodging, 294

Logan, Richard, dyker, 335

London Wall, 308

London, John de, 176

Londones, John, painter, 253, 261

Long (Longe)
-, Edmund, labourer, 388
-, James, plumber, 379
-, John, butcher, 44
-, Richard, 311, 331, 338
-, Sampson, 132

Longe lond meadow, the Lock, 432

Longevile, John, and wife Isabella, 135

-, Henry, 138
-, Walter, 115

Lovekyn, John, 2, 145, 147, 161, 307–8

Loveliche, John, tiler, 244

Lowde, Roger, 331, 338; labourer, 347

Loy, Walter, shoutman: salary, 243–94; other references, 258, 290

Lucas, Agnes, 161, 306

Luke, William, 328

Lumbard, Hamo, 2, 168, 308

Lye, William, carpenter, 341

-, Margery, 130
-, Richard, 148

Lyon, Richard, 325–6, 329


Madcocke, Thomas, tailor, 455

Madye, William, king's footman, 452

Maidcalf, John, miller of Lewisham mill, 383

Maidenhead bridge, Berks., 384

Maidstone, co. Kent, 322, 374, 466

Maister, John, 125

Maistham [Merstham] quarry, 322

-, Christian, obit in St Mary Woolchurch, 331, 382, 474
-, Robert (or William), labourer, 278–84

Malts wharf, 312

-, Robert, 132
-, William, labourer, 269–79

Mapulton, John, 122

Mareys, William, 141

Mariner, William, warden, 355, 376, 399

Marion, John, stainer, 264

marking iron to mark timber, 330

Marleburgh, Thomas, 123

Marlow (Merlawe), Richard, 171

Marr, co. York, 276

Marsh (Mersch, Merssh)
-, J., 125
-, Walter, auditor, 493

Marshall (Marchale, Marchall)
-, John, 134
-, John, 415
-, Nicholas, commoner [common councilman], auditor of Bridge House accounts, 331
-, Richard, 257, 288
-, Robert, 129
-, William, 382

Marshalsea, proceedings in court of, 333

-, Isabella, 152
-, John, paviour, 345
-, William, knight, alderman, ?auditor, 382

Marys, William, 335

-, Stephen, 411
-, Thomas, 122
-, Thomas, 476; ordure voider, 474

mason, chief or master mason of the Bridge, 386. See also Jurdan, Thomas; Orgar (Orger), John; Wade, Thomas

masons' tools, 67, 82, 107, 378

masons, 56–107, 243–294, 328, 330, 332, 340, 382, 386, 473–4, 478, 480, 495–546

masters, 474

Mathew, William, chaplain serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

mats for the chapel, 67

maundy, 267

Maunsell, Richard, receiver of Bridge rents, 487

-, James, carpenter, 387
-, Robert, 363, 381; warden of the carpentry of the Bridge House, 387
-, Roger, carpenter, 387
-, Thomas, carpenter, 387; master carpenter of the Bridge works, 387, 390

Maxton, Roger, carpenter, 479

Maxwell, George, carpenter, 387

Maye, Robert, 407

Maylasshe, John, 375

Maynard, —, wife of, 402

mayor of London, 2, 261; mayor and aldermen, 166, 294, 334, 351–2, 399, 474, 477; mayor, aldermen and common council, 332

mayor's court, 334

mayor's serjeant, 333, 334, 351

meadow, 215, 278, 432

measuring timber, 474

Mede, Thomas, carpenter, 341

-, —, 416
-, Mr George, chamberlain of London, 464

Melbourne, William, chamberlain of the city of London, 398

Melchebourne, Gilbert, man of law, 86, 95

Mere, John atte, 137

Meridale, Thomas, 332

Meriot, Gilbert, chantry of, 460

Merstham, Kent, 332

Merston, John, 135

Merton, prior of, 274, 279

metal, old, sold, 311

Middlemas, John, 122

-, John, alderman, 326
-, William, 248

Midsummer celebrations, 474, 536

Miles (Myles)
-, John, labourer, 388
-, Robert, spurrier, and wife Agnes, 135
-, Thomas, 116

Milgate, Nicholas, 411

mill spindle, 329, 332, 383

Miller (Myller)
-, Henry, 412
-, Philip, of Lewisham, 469, 476

millponds, 107

Mills (Millys, Mylles)
-, Henry, gardener, 474
-, Robert, 421

mills, 1, 107, 140, 383, 475, See also Boot's mill; Lewisham; Saynes mill; Spilman's mill; Stratford; Thomson's mill; West Ham

millstones, 381, 473, 475

millwheels, 325, 329, 453

Millyng, Richard, and wife Anne, 132

Milman, George, 407

Mincing Lane (Monchonlane), 148, 307

Minoresses of Tower Hill, 459–60, 473; abbess of, 368

Minories, the, 436

Mitchell (Michell)
-, John, churchwarden of St Mary le Bow, 250, 278
-, John, dauber, 393

Mitchelson, —, clerk in the chapel on bridge, 477

Modle, William, of Reigate, 466

Modye [? Madye], —, 453

-, Katherine, 131
-, Thomas, 130
-, William, 131, 218

Molton, Thomas, 122

Monk (Moncke), John, waxchandler, 385

Monkest (Monkeste, Mounkest)
-, Thomas, 473; dauber, 482, 495–6, 498, 500–6, 508–35, 537–46; plasterer, 473
-, Thomas, labourer with the daubers, 500, 502, 505, 523
-, William, labourer with daubers, 482, 495–6, 501, 503–4

Monkeys, John, 421

Monkwell Street [Mugwellstret], 177

Monoux, Mr George, alderman, 460

-, Agnes, 132
-, Michael, 130
-, Simon de, 2, 158, 308

More (Moore)
-, Mr —, 454
-, Edmund, 425, 439
-, Hugh, 134
-, John, 127
-, John, man of law, 395
-, Richard atte, of Stratford, 107
-, Richard, 123
-, Thomas, attorney of Wardens, 349
-, Thomas, Warden, 331

Morgan, John, 327

Morion, John, 128

Morley, John, 327, 332

Mormore, John, 125

-, John, carpenters' labourer, 347
-, William, labourer, 388

Morres, Andrew, 475

mortar, 324, 339, 347, 453; mortar trays, 381

Mote, tenement called the, in Southwark, 2, 187; garden, 305

moty, 344

Mount, Thomas, 135

Mowere, Peter, 284

mowing, 281, 284–5

Mowsy, John, 340; tailor, 322

-, John, 473
-, Walter, 316

Mucking (Mokkyng)
-, Alice, 121
-, John, 132
-, William, 134

mullions [maynells], timber, 390

-, Mr William, gentleman, 460
-, Thomas, 368

Mylne, Robert atte, 142


Nails, 61, 65, 78, 97–8, 244, 248, 258, 267, 276–7, 291, 311, 329, 335–6, 378, 383, 470
-, blanknaill, 265
-, clench nails, 79, 329, 378
-, clout nails, 93
-, fivepenny nails, 329, 378
-, fourpenny nails, 329, 378, 470
-, halfpenny nails, 263
-, lattice nails, 263
-, lead nails, 329
-, patynailles, 263, 265
-, pile-shoe nails, 269, 286, 329
-, roof nails, 276, 329, 378
-, rove nails [rof], for boats, 329
-, scaffold nails, 329
-, seam nails [semnaill'], 276
-, sixpenny nails, 329, 378, 470
-, spike nails [spiknaill, spikyng], 79, 248, 276, 329, 378
-, sprig nails, 67, 276, 329, 378
-, stubnails, 338
-, tacks [taknaill], 258
-, tenpenny nails, 329, 378, 470
-, threepenny nails, 329, 378, 470
-, transom nails, 65, 248
-, twopenny nails, 329
-, wooden pegs [trasshnaill], 265

Namby, Thomas, and wife Alice, 134

napkins, for chapel, 337

Naunby, Thomas, 130

Neale, John, 422

necessary expenses, 331, 382, 474

necessary purchases, 330, 381, 473

Nedeler, Henry, 122

Nedewey, William, 376

needles, 294

-, William, and son, 187
-, Henry, plumber, 379

Neffold, Nicholas, 134, 217

Nelson, Robert, 414; glazier, 472

Nelthorpe, John, 411

Neve, Nicholas le, 160

-, —, labourer with bricklayers, 481
-, Edward, knight, 316
-, Henry, 330
-, Salamon, of Broomfield, 293

Newby, George, labourer, 388

Newgate market, 455, 476

-, Edmund, stock/fishmonger, 301, 332
-, John, 137
-, John, carpenter: wages, 243–66; other references, 254, 264
-, John, hardhewer, 386
-, John, mason, 340

Newnton, Robert, carpenter, 341

Newys, Thomas, 416, 439

Nicholl, John, 122

Nidygate, —, king's servant, 453

night work, 262, 279–80, 282, 290, 333, 346, 382, 388, 474, 480, 515–17, 544–5, 551

Noble, John, 220

Norbury, co. Surrey, 331, 339, 341, 347

Norfolk, duke of, 316, 458

Norman, John, 322

Normavile, John, clerk of the works of the Bridge, 395

Northburgh (Northborow), Michael, bishop of London 1354–61, 304

Northfleet, co. Kent, 331

-, J., 262
-, Thomas, joiner, 260, 263
-, William, 170, 176
-, William, 304; draper, 306

Norys, Robert, 383

Nynes, Mr [Nicholas], commoner, ?auditor, 382


Oak timber, 282, 285, 312, 325, 331, 375, 452–4, 467, 480, 485, 496, 502, 506, 509–12, 520, 523, 527–8, 530, 532, 534–5, 538–40, 542–4, 547, 549; sold, 312, 527–8, 530, 532, 534, 542, 544
-, board, 453, 527
-, curved, 325
-, ends, 528
-, planks, 375, 452–3, 496, 502, 509
-, quarters, 453, 502–3
-, shells, 452, 454, 498, 516, 523, 535

oak trees, 347

oakum, 346, 473, 525

oars, 287, 381, 473–4, 535, 541, 553

oats, 338

obits, 331, 337, 382, 474, 501, 544, 546

oblations, 314, 362, 451, 525, 535

Odierne, John, 152, 303

offerings (to employees) at Christmas, 67; at Easter, 82

Offold, Walter, 326

oil (lamp-oil), 294, 337, 385, 477, 546

oil and rosin for boat, 79

oil and varnish, 60

oil for chapel, 107

Old Change, 2, 96, 107, 122, 268, 312, 372, 411, 455, 478, 486, 506, 532–3

Old Fishmarket, the, 121

-, J., 263
-, Robert, mason, 386
-, William, 153, 303

-, Richard, carter, 531, 537; of Deptford, 549
-, Richard, of Dartford, 467

ordure, 332; voider, voiding, 382, 474, 515–17

Orgall, Thomas, 412

organmaker, 477, 525, 536

organs in chapel, 477, 525

Orgar (Orger)
-, Jeffrey, mason, 478, 495–506, 509–23, 525–30, 532–46
-, John, 505, 512, 518; chief or master mason of the Bridge works, 466, 478, 519, 527, 532, 546
-, John, mason, 386

orphreys, 273

Osbarn, Nicholas, 125

Osemond, Thomas, carpenter, 341

Osgood, Richard, 130

osier-grounds, Stratford, 437

Otley (Oteleye, Otteley), Robert, 130, 287

Oulegrove, Thomas, alderman, 311; auditor of Bridge House accounts, 331, 353

Oune, John, 330

ovens, 312, 329, 383, 392, 466, 513–14, 521

Owenby, John, carpenter, 387

Oxneye, Salamon, 123

oyster-shells, 330

Oystergate, 303


Packthread, 258, 265, 330

Paddesle, John, 136

Page, John, and wife, 131

pageant on London Bridge, 382, 399

pails, 330, 337, 473, 530, 531–2

Painter (Peyntour, Peynter)
-, Bartholomew, 116
-, Richard [? the painter], 261–2
-, Robert, 381
-, William, 308

painters, 259–64, 267, 283, 332, 474, 506

paling, 381

-, John, and wife Joan, 130
-, John, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–40, 542–6
-, Thomas, of Deptford, 383

Panell (Paynell), Anne, widow, 407, 444, 522

Panter, John, 116

paper, 262, 293, 381, 473, 503

parchment maker, 473

parchment, 60, 65, 82, 96, 100, 244, 293, 330, 381

parells for chimneys, 511

Pargeter (Pargit', Pargyter), Lady, 471, 502

pargetting, 324

Paris (Parys)
-, John, carpenter, 243–4, 259–94
-, Robert, 171
-, William, 332

-, Christine, 122
-, John, 171
-, Richard, 410
-, Stephen, 138
-, William, wheelwright, 452, 499

paroffs, 337

Parrot (Parat, Parett)
-, Nicholas, 422
-, Stephen, of Deptford, 469, 501, 35, 559

Parson, Thomas, 425, 439

parsonage in St Dunstan in the East, 306

paschal candle, 477, 535

-, John, carpenter, 479, 495–506, 508–19, 521–30, 533–46
-, Robert, carpenter, 387
-, Robert, carpenter, 479, 495–502, 504–506, 509–30, 532–46

-, from carts, 1, 3–54, 188–92, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202–3, 205–6, 212, 214, 216–18, 221, 223–241, 569
-, from ships, 1, 3–54, 188, 199, 200, 202, 206, 225–6, 229, 241
-, from either or both, 254, 267, 280, 294, 310, 321, 349, 359, 448, 519–46

Paternoster Row, 123, 184, 328, 371, 412, 460, 463, 476, 478–9, 481, 497, 499, 503–4, 506, 513, 519, 533

Pathe, Thomas, 142

Patwey, Richard, 402

Patwyn (Petwyn, Pytwyne), Richard, glover, 473–4, 498; widow of, 532

pavement, mending, 332

paving, 256, 261, 265, 268, 280, 324, 386, 394, 478, 504, 511, 513, 522, 532–3, 544

paving, lead, 471

paving-stone, see stone, paving

paving-tiles, 256

paviours, 256, 265, 268, 280, 345, 394, 486, 504, 506, 522, 533; labourers, 486

Paxon, Thomas, grocer, 130

payment by bill, 495, 498, 518–19, 521, 527, 536–8, 541, 543, 545–6, 552–3, 555, 560, 566; by bill and tale, 506, 523

payments made after the year of account, 547–68

-, Christopher, 452, 496
-, Henry, 416, 439
-, Roger, carpenter, 341

Paynell, Richard, 363, 380; receiver of the Bridge, 395

Payse, Mabel, 142

Peacock (Pecok, Peakocke, Peycocke)
-, John, 167, 306, 308
-, John, 411, 452, 500

Peale, Peter, 414

Peart (Pert, Piert)
-, Thomas, carpenter, 330, 369
-, Thomas, carpenter, 461

Peckham, co. Kent, 316, 368, 431; fields of, 190; Pipers hope in, 430; Wardells meadow in, 283, 430

Pegrom (Pygrom)
-, John, wife of, 137
-, Walter, 137

pegs, wooden [trasshnaill], 265

Pelham, Walter, 131

Pellican, Robert, fishmonger, 304

Pellyng, John, 165

Penbrooke, John, chaplain, 316

-, Leticia, 136
-, Thomas, 136

pendants of the arches of the bridge, 520–1

pendants, 526–7

Penhertgart, Henry, 329

Penythorn, Richard, carpenter, 387

Percell (Porcell), Philip, 129

Percival (Percyvale), Robert, 131, 135

-, John, 303
-, Robert, 155

Perpelett, Robert, 404

Perpoynte, John, attorney in Comon Pleas, 382

Pery, Richard, chaplain, 173

-, Gilbert, 130
-, Richard, 132, 133
-, Walter, 130

Peryn, Thomas, 430

Pesecod, Alice, 127

Pesemede, William, 333

Peter (Petir), William, carpenter, 341

Peter and Paul, the, in Paternoster Row, 460

petermen, 364

Petersham, co. Surrey, 75, 78

Petham Court, co. Kent, 467, 474, 485, 526, 531, 535, 537, 549, 551

-, John, blacksmith, 470
-, Thomas, blacksmith, 532, 546

pewter vessels, 294

pewterer, 537

Peytevyn, Sir Thomas, 2

-, Richard, grocer, 132, 212
-, Thomas, carpenter, 387

Phillips, Gilbert, 402

Philpott, John, 403

Picard, Henry, 147, 307

pick [pycoys], 329

Pickenham, Henry, 364

Piere, Roger, 158

Pierson, John, labourer, 388

Pilchard (Pylchard), Thomas, mason, 386

pile-shoes, 269, 277, 286, 329, 378, 470, 501; pile-shoe nails, 269, 286, 329

piles, 79, 348, 389; pile-driving, 348, 389, 479–80, 483, 495–6, 534–40, 542–6

Pilkyngton (Pylkyngton), John, 422

Pinchester (Pynchester)
-, Roger, auditor, 493
-, Thomas, 406

Pinder (Pynder)
-, Laurence, 414
-, Thomas, 368
-, Thomas, 436

Pinner (Pynner), Laurence, 127

pins, 378; thorn pins, 262, 294

Pipers hope in Peckham, 430

pipes, lead, 328, 379, 471

pitch, 78, 102, 330, 381, 473, 532, 535, 553

placebo and dirige, 477, 506, 519, 532, 546

Plackeney (Plackey, Plackyng, Playnkeney, Pluckney), Patrick, alias Patrick Plasterer, labourer with the dauber, 482, 506, 508–31

planks and plankboard, 215, 260, 267, 282, 288, 311, 326, 335, 342, 347, 375, 383, 390, 452–3, 467, 482, 485, 500, 502, 513, 526, 530, 543–4, 530, 568
-, elm, 480
-, oak, 375, 452–3, 496, 502, 509
-, planks of kerffe and halfe kerffe, 526

plaster, 469, 497; plaster of Paris, 332, 377

Plasterer, Patrick, see Plackeney, Patrick

plasterers, 258–9, 473, 482, 504. See also daubers

plates, 378; iron, 277

Playffoote, Thomas, churchwarden of St Nicholas Shambles, 515

Playworth, —, labourer working with the masons by the tide, 534

plea for recovery of rent, 86

Plomer, Simon le, 308

plompe [? for pump], 381

plumbers, 246, 282, 293–4, 328, 379, 470–1, 502, 506, 520, 536, 552–3, 560; labourers, 379

plumbery house at the Bridge House, 471

poles, 381; alder, for pageants, 257–9; ash, for bead-hooks, 330; fir, 473; for the garden, 474; wooden, for the gins, 330

Polstede, —, attorney of Bridge wardens, 334

-, John atte, 148
-, Stephen atte, 115

poor, bequest to, 331

-, John, 115, 119
-, John, of Colchester, 91
-, Thomas, bowyer, 364
-, Thomas, cooper, 332

portage, 253, 276, 471, 475, 502, 540

portcullis, 83

-, John, 382
-, John, 410
-, William, knight, 257, 272, 288
-, William, of Weybridge, 467, 568

porter/janitor of Bridge House gate, 349, 381, 395, 487

porters (? hurdles), 381

posts, 452, 500

pots, earthen, 381

-, Joan, 422
-, Roger atte, 303

Pountfret, Henry, 148

Powder (Poudere), John, 136

Poynarde, Thomas, 412

-, Emote, 135
-, Henry, 135
-, John, 122

Prentoft, Simon, 123

-, Hugh, 318, 368, 458
-, Thomas, — widow of, 327
-, Thomas, 383

Prick (Pryk), John, 122

priests' hall, 257

Prior (Pryour)
-, Alexander, 134
-, Richard, 123

prisoners, bequest to, 331

privies, flues of, 511; cleansing, 474, 495, 515–17

Profet (Proffot)
-, Robert, 252
-, William, 138

Propter, John, 404

-, Hugh, 429
-, John, carpenter, 474, 467, 479, 495–506, 508–9, 511–30, 532–46

Prudant, Thomas, and wife, 135

pulley [shyver], 381; latten, 83

pump, 381; [pompe iron] for raising water, 329

puncheons, 233, 265

Purchace, Alice, widow, 330

Puttenham, Robert, 409

Pycas, William, 420

Pye, brewhouse called the, in St Benet Gracechurch, 303

Pyherst, J., 282

Pykto, Thomas, citizen and hatter, 312

Pynchyn, Nicholas, 414

Pynd' [prob error for Heynes] Thomas, mason, 510

Pyrton (Pyryton), John, and wife, 148

pyx for chapel, 283


Quarry prices, 466, 518

quarry, 466, 527; Boughton, nr. Maidstone, 466; Maistham [Merstham], 322; Reigate, 512, 521

quarryman, 521

quarterage to masters and employees, 67, 82, 93, 107

quarterboard, 326, 363, 375, 467, 513, 522, 530, 568

quarterly liveries and rewards, 254

quarters (timber), 390, 467, 513, 530

quit-rents, 1–2, 86, 97, 142, 144, 189, 225, 243, 246, 248–51, 257, 266, 268–9, 272, 278, 282, 288–90, 295, 302–3, 305–7, 309, 316–18, 333, 349, 361, 367–8, 428, 450, 458–60, 474, 509, 516, 519, 525, 528, 547–50, 553, 555–6, 558, 567; decay of, 370, 462


Radewell, Richard, 161

rafters, 247

rag see stone

Ragenell, Robert (or William), 243–6, 249, 252–65.

rails, 335, 381

Railton, Robert, 411

Ram, the, 57, 80, 87, 98, 102, 329–30; gibbet ram or gin, 330, 483; great iron ram, 348, 389; lesser ram, 348; Wilkyn ram, 348. See also gin/s; work at, see labourers, tidemen

Ramsey, James, fishmonger, 2, 29

Randall, William, 422

Randolf, John, citizen and mercer, 316

Raven, John, 422

Raven, tavern called the, in St Michael le Quern, 124

-, John, 414
-, William, 467

rebels, 351

receipts outside the year of account, 569

receiver of Bridge rents, 395, 487

Red Cross Street, 2, 179

Red Lion, the, 380

Redeknappe, William, commoner [common councilman], auditor of Bridge House accounts, 353

Redeman, German, thatcher, 347

Redman, John, 406, 412

Reed (Rede)
-, Andrew, 131; draper, 135
-, Emota, 122
-, John, 123
-, Richard, auditor, 493
-, William, 125, 129

reeds, 107, 330, 347

Reek, Richard, 137

Reigate, co. Surrey, 466, 526–7; quarry, 512, 521

Reilly, John, 134

Rene, Andrew, 414

rent rebated, 545

rent-collector of the Bridge, 349, 351

Renter, 2, 519–46

rents, proper and foreign, passim; decreased, 319, 372

repasts and entertainments, 261, 267, 292, 294, 474; repasts for audit, 331, 382, 397, 474, 489, 547

reson pieces, 390

Rewe, Thomas, 117

Rewley, —, smith, 501

Reynes, John, 125

-, John, 130
-, Peter, carpenter, 284
-, Ralph, painter, 332
-, Roger, 138
-, T., wife of, 136
-, William, 340; clerk serving in chapel on the bridge, 337; waxchandler, 337
-, William, 407

ribbons, 273

-, Thomas, labourer, 388
-, William, clerk serving in chapel on the bridge, 337

-, Reynolde, 466, 505
-, Simon, 415

Rickmansworth (Rikmeresworth), William, 274

Rider (Ryder)
-, John, 145
-, John, 307
-, Peter, 267

Rigby, Thomas, under-sheriff, 305

Rillesthorp, William, 123

rings, 248, 260, 378; iron, 60, 470, 516

roadway repairs, 486, 506

Robekyn, William, 62

Robelard, Thomas, 130, 136

-, John, 123
-, William, 330

Roberts, Richard, plumber, 471, 502, 506, 552–3, 560

Robertson, Richard, 426

-, —, 336
-, William, 422
-, William, mill-picker, 453, 502

Robson, Stephen, clerk in the chapel on bridge, 477, 547

Robyns (Robynson), Roger, 519–46; clerk in the chapel on the bridge, 477, 547, 477

Robyns, Robert, 422

-, John, labourer working with the masons by the tide, 528
-, Mr, 412

roda [?roadstead, landing-place], 143

Rodbourne, Agnes, 122

Rodley, William, of Deptford, 382

Rogerson, Roger, 412

-, John, 352
-, John, chaplain, 297

Roland, Thomas, 343

Rolf, William, 381

Romsen, —, 439

Romsey, John, widow of, 225

Rood Lane, 533

Roofe, John, 409

rope, 250, 265, 277, 294, 330, 381, 473, 531–3, 546; harness [bakroppes, womberoppes, pyperop'], 244

Ropkyn, John, 322

Rose, Robert, 145

rosemary, 474, 523

rosin, 79, 265, 330, 381, 473, 497, 553

Rothyng, Isabel, 148, 307

Rotour, William, and wife Christine, 130

Roue, Robert, 122

-, Peter, 312
-, Simon, 126
-, Thomas, carpenters' labourer, 347

Roulys, John, 408

Round House in Deptford, 430

-, Robert, 175, 308
-, Thomas, and wife, 135

Rowe, John, 122

Rower, John, 129

Rowland (Roulande, Roulond)
-, Henry, 132
-, John, 123
-, John, 407
-, labourer, 388

-, —, blacksmith, 470
-, John, 378

Roy, Bernard, 124

royal entries
-, Henry V and Queen Katherine, 1421: 257–66, 278, 280, 287, 294; angels' wings for, 278; donjon for, 260; giants for, 257, 262–3, 265; hoops, pysens and garments for, 265; lion for, 262; vanes for, 267; virgins hired for, 267, painted linen garments for, 264
-, Katherine of Aragon, 1501: 365, 382, 399

rubbish removed or carried, 102, 105, 107, 339, 384, 388, 476, 501, 506, 524–5, 531, 533, 538, 541–2, 545, 548

Ruddyng (Roddyng, Rodyng, Rooding, Rudyng), Richard, paviour, 486, 504, 506, 522, 532–3, 544

Rudmarige, Robert, clerk in chapel on the bridge, 385

Rush Hope, meadow called, in Stratford, 2, 309

rushes, 332, 381

-, Thomas, 137
-, William, 121

Ruston, John, 134

rynde for mill at Lewisham, 383

Rynde, James, bricklayer, 392


Sackcloth, 330

sacks, 311; for lime, 330

saddle (cart), 79

Sadler (Saddeler, Sadeler, Sadiller)
-, John, 161, 382
-, William le, 162, 304

Saers Court, 368

sail, 280

St Alban Wood Street, 2, 174

St Andrew Hubbard (Eastcheap), 150, 307

St Audoen see St Ewen

St Augustine Papey, 2, 118

St Augustine's gate, Old Change, 122

St Bartholomew the Little, 169, 308

St Bartholomew's priory, Smithfield, 368, 459; prior of, 317, 525

St Benet Gracechurch, 112, 153, 303

St Botolph Billingsgate, 146, 307

St Botolph without Aldgate, 309, 324

St Bride Fleet Street, 173, 304

St Clement Eastcheap/Candlewick Street, 160, 306; obit of John Fekenham in, 331; obit of John Fylingham in, 501

St Dionis Backchurch (Fenchurch), 1–2, 116, 317, 321, 371, 422, 459, 463, 479. See also Fenchurch

St Dionis West' [sic], latrine in tenement in, 332

St Dunstan in the East (by the Tower), 115, 148, 303, 306–7, 419; rector of, 148; parsonage house of, 148; churchyard of, 307

St Edmund Lombard Street, 159, 304

St Ethelburga (Alborowe, Albrighte) within Bishopsgate, 420; chantry of Gilbert Meriot in, 460; churchwardens of, 548

St Ewen (Audoen), 126, 127, 129, 415

St Faith (Seyntfeyth), Abraham, wife of, 130

St Faith's priory, Horsham, co. Norfolk, 459, 553

St George Southwark, 187, 304, 309

St George's bar, Southwark, 316, 368, 460

St George's field, Southwark, 435, 460, 556

St George's time, oblations in, 525

St Giles Cripplegate, 309, 424

St Helen Bishopsgate, priory of, 152, 303, 317, 368, 459, 548

St James's Hospital, 249

St John (SaynJone, Seyntjohn)
-, John, knight, 368
-, John, clerk in the Bridge chapel, 254, 267, 280, 294

St Katherine Cree (de Crychirche), 155, 303

St Laurence Pountney (iuxta Candelwykstrete), 163, 304; college of, 162, 308

St Leonard Eastcheap, 111, 152, 303, 307, 317, 368, 459; churchwardens of, 111

St Magnus the Martyr, 110, 145, 307, 368, 409, 459, 464; church, 534; fraternity in, 145, 302; churchwardens of, 145, 312; chantry in, 145; tenements of, 307

St Margaret Bridge Street, 2, 151, 307

St Margaret Moses, 120, 368, 459

St Margaret Patten Lane, 479

St Margaret Pattens, 372, 421, 479, 481

St Margaret Southwark, 186, 308

St Martin Ludgate, 172, 304

St Martin Outwich, 157, 304

St Mary Abchurch, 164, 308, 333

St Mary Aldermanbury, 175, 308

St Mary at Hill, 113, 147, 307, 322, 324

St Mary Axe (atte Nax), 156, 307

St Mary Bothaw, 166, 308

St Mary Graces by the Tower, abbey of, 305, 309; abbot of, 317, 367, 474, 532, 562

St Mary le Bow, churchwardens of, 250, 269, 278, 290, 316, 367

St Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street/ in the Old Fishmarket, 121, 249, 266, 317–18, 368, 459

St Mary Overey priory, Southwark, 2, 303–4, 312, 317, 333, 459; prior of, 145, 187, 368, 567

St Mary Overey's wall, 480

St Mary Spital, Bishopsgate, New Hospital of, 177, 307–8; preaching at, 333

St Mary Woolchurch, parson of, 368, 459, 506, 524, 533, 547; obit of Christian Mallyng in, 331, 546; sepulchre of Jesus Christ in, 331

St Mary Woolnoth, 168, 308

St Michael Bassishaw, 176, 306, 308; tenements of, 308

St Michael Cornhill, 158, 308; chantry in, 308

St Michael Crooked Lane, 2, 161, 306, 308; church of, 158

St Michael le Quern (ad bladum, atte Corn), 124, 312, 317, 368, 459

St Michael Paternoster (Paternosterchirche), chantry in, 185; churchwardens of, 185; tenements of, 304

St Michael Queenhithe, 171, 305

St Nicholas Shambles (apud macellas, ad macell'), 100, 125, 126, 127, 129, 266, 269, 289, 317, 340, 350, 367, 372, 394, 414, 439, 458, 464, 478–9, 481, 486, 504, 522–4; chantry in, 367; chantry of Robert Husband in, 458; chantry of the Holy Trinity in, 316; churchwardens of, 515, 528, 540, 554

St Olave Silver Street, on the Wall (ad murum), 2, 177, 308

St Olave Southwark, 185, 304, 308, 316; parson of, 460, 530; chantry priest of, 525; priest in church of, 459; chantry in, 368; chantry of William Est in, 317; churchwardens of, 453, 506, 525, 533, 557

St Pancras Soper Lane, 170, 304

St Paul's Cathedral, 173, 304; dean and chapter of, 317–18, 368–9, 459, 567; chantry priest in, 520, 534, 548; chantry in, 316; chantry of Ralph Dungeon in, 367, 371, 458

St Petronilla, image of, 280

St Sepulchre, 413

St Stephen Coleman Street, 178, 308

St Stephen Walbrook, 167, 306, 308

St Stephen's lane, 312, 368, 459

St Swithin Candlewick Street, 165, 304; vestry, 304; rector of, 165; churchwardens of, 165

St Thomas of Acre, hospital of, 143, 251; master and brethren of, 317, 368, 459, 548

St Thomas Watering, 141, 190, 215, 284

St Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, 185–6, 308

St Thomas, image of, on the bridge, 290

Salford, John, 137

Salisbury, bailiff of countess of, 333

Salisbury, earl of, 251

Salisbury, Thomas de, knight, 166, 308

Salman, Thomas, 132

Saltford, Robert, 116

Sam, Robert, labourer, 388

Sampson, Thomas, 307; butcher, 152

Sampton, Stephen, and wife Joan, 131

-, John, 80, 86, 91, 102
-, Richard, 138
-, William, 137

sand, 59, 66, 68, 72, 74, 247, 262, 268, 278, 294, 324, 339, 343–4, 377, 383, 469, 520, 533, 548

Sandebrake, David, 414

-, John, spurrier, and wife Agnes, 135
-, Stephen, 132

Saracen or Saracen's Head, the, in Eastcheap, 329, 332, 344, 368, 459

Saunder, John, labourer, 388

Savage, Arnold, knight, 137

Saward, Henry, carpenter, 387

Sawbridgeworth (Sabrichesworth), co. Essex (sic), 183, 309

Sawbridgeworth (Sabrichesworth, Sabrictesworthe)
-, Adam de, 183, 309
-, William de, 2

Sawer, Roger, 118

sawpits, 331, 485, 526

saws, 330, 332; for stones, 329; filing, 332

-, Oliver, 137
-, Thomas, 136

sawyers' works, measuring, 474

sawyers, 56–108, 243–85, 288–94, 331, 342, 390, 474, 485, 526, 551

-, Thomas, coroner of the Marshalsea, 333
-, Thomas, serjeant of the chamber of London, 395

Saynes mill, Stratford (Bow), 143, 368, 437, 459, See also Stratford, mills

scaffolds, 91, 94, 330, 511; for the gin, 483, 541

scappling, 514, 516, 521, 527, 537

schoolmaster at the Stocks, 128

Sclater, —, of Mile End, 470, 534

scoops, 330, 382; for boats, 529

scoppets [spades], 381–2, 473

Scot (Skot, Skotte)
-, John, 135
-, William, 132
-, William, 335

Scrayngham, Robert, commoner [common councilman], auditor of Bridge House accounts, 331, 353

scrivening, 334

sculls, 243, 252, 381

scutcheons, 260

Sedere, Stephen, 136

seeds, garden, 474, 520

Sele, Richard, rent-collector of Bermondsey Abbey, 248, 288

Selowe, Thomas, 146, 307

-, John, skinner, 317
-, Laurence, 125, 135

Seman, Simon, 146

-, —, wife of, 407
-, James, 122
-, John, 136
-, Simon, 137

serjeant of the chamber of London, 395, 487

Serle, Ralph, rent-collector of dean and chapter of St Paul's, 266

Serteyn (Sertyn)
-, Richard, 135
-, William, 132

services for benefactors of Bridge, 385

Seton, Robert, mason, 386

Sevenok, William, Warden, 109, 144

sewer, 474, 540

Sewet, Thomas, Bridge carter, 338

Seyntwyn, William, churchwarden of St Mary le Bow, 316

Shaa, John, knight, 367; alderman, auditor, 400

Shadwell, John, 132

Shambles, the, in St Nicholas Shambles, 125–6, 250, 316–17, 324–5, 328, 334, 339, 367, 378–9; latrine in tenement at, 332

Sharp, William, carter: salary, 243–94; other references, 254, 266, 289, 294

Sharparrow (Charpeharowe, Sharpharewe, Sharparowe, Sharpeharow), William, 402; blacksmith, 470, 506, 521, 536, 552

shavehooks, 246

-, Edmund, 411
-, William, 290; of Lingfield/Croydon, 246–7, 267

shed, building, 283

Sheen, Carthusian priory of Jesus of Bethlehem, 318, 368, 382

-, William, and wife Alice, 134
-, William, botelmaker, 132

Sheffeld [?Sheffield, Berks.], parson of, 375

shells, 452, 516; oak, 453, 523, 537

Shepherd (Sheparde, Sheperd, Shypard)
-, Robert, 460
-, Thomas, labourer, 480, 495, 534; working with the masons by the tide, 528

Shepherd, the, on the bridge, 504, 505, 511

Shepperton, William, 322

Shepster, Isabel, 122

Shept', Joan, 121

Sherborne Lane, 308

Shereman, William, 406

sheriff's tourn of Surrey, 334

sheriffs' court, London, 334

sheriffs, 261

-, —, labourer, 480, 495–502, 506, 508, 509–15, 519–21, 525–33, 535–46
-, labourer with bricklayers, 481, 503–5, 516–18, 522–4, 532, 534
-, John, 134
-, John, labourer working with the masons by the tide, 534–6

Shersby, —, 262

Sherston, John, 122

Sherwode, John, 122

shevers (pulleys), 330

shingles, 311, 347

ship-freight of stone, 374

ships, 454, 541

shipwrights, 74–9, 346, 453, 484, 526, 530

Shoppe, John, butcher, 125

Shorbard, Umfr, 137

Shoreditch, John, 130

-, John, 141
-, John, junior, 141

Shottesbrook (Sodesbrook), Berks., college of, 159, 304

shout house, 473

shoutmen, 290, 497–8, 534, 536, 543

shovel trays, 330

shovels, 72, 105, 330, 381, 473, 529; garden, 381; iron, 266

sieves, 65, 473, 504

Silkeston, John, 116, 190, 192, 194, 197, 217, 220, 226, 242–95 passim

silver paper/leaf, 263, 265

Simms (Symmes), John, 134

Simond, —, stainer, 262

Simpson (Symson, Sympson)
-, John, 125
-, John, 403
-, Mr, 453, 456; haberdasher, 453
-, Mr, 503, 536

singing bread, 477, 506, 546

Sippenham, 331

Sir John, chaplain, 238

size, 344, 381

Skelton, Thomas, man of law, 86

Skereueyn, Herman, 123

Skete, William, 122

Skimmer, the, in St Edmund Lombard Street, 159, 304

Skinner, Humphrey, 439

Skulton, Nicholas, 122

Skyllere, John, 134

Slapar, John, 412

Slegh, Simon, of Maidstone, 262

Sleve, Nicholas, 304

Slouthe, John, 436

-, le bragyn, 532
-, le braunte, 474
-, Earl's sluice, 452, 496

sluices, cleansing, 532

Smith (Smyth, Smythe)
-, —, turner, 529; of Eastcheap, 473
-, Clement, 117
-, Doctor, 454, 544
-, Henry, stock/fishmonger, 301, 332
-, James, mason, 386
-, John, 143
-, John, 453, 473, 503, 530, 532; labourer, 474, 480, 495–506, 508–46; watching with ordure voider, 495
-, John, of Lewisham, 383
-, John, turner, 473, 495
-, Peter, of Westminster, 378
-, Thomas, turner, 473, 535
-, Walter, clerk of the works of the Bridge, 395
-, William, 122
-, William, 425, 439
-, William, labourer, 388

smith, Gilbert the, of Rotherhithe [Radlyffe, Radryff], 470, 511

smith/blacksmith of Lambeth, the, 470, 545

Smiths key, 502

smiths, 264, 267, 280, 293, 329, 365, 453, 470, 501, 511–12, 525. See also blacksmiths

Snell, Robert, labourer, 388

Snow, James, 160

-, —, wife of, 403
-, William, 382

Snye, Oswald, 426

sockets, iron, 277; lead, 379, 471

solder, 293–4, 328, 379, 471

soldering irons, 470, 517, 520

soldiers transported to Calais, 334

Soler, John, and wife Agnes, 130

Somer, Henry, 114

Somerset, Thomas, 167

Somerton, Robert, 126

Southgate, John, 532; labourer working by the tide, 543

Southwark, 1–2, 137–8, 299, 311, 324, 328, 332–3, 339–41, 345, 367, 402, 452, 458, 460, 476, 497, 499, 509, 528–9, 531, 536, 538, 565; (manor) court in, 382; baker of, 516; constable of, 333
-, bars, 140; St George's bar, 316, 368, 460
-, fairs, 312, 365
-, parish of St George, 187, 304, 309
-, parish of St Margaret, 186, 308
-, parish of St Olave, 185, 304, 308, 316; parson of, 460, 530; chantry priest of, 525; priest in church of, 459; chantries in, 317, 368; churchwardens of, 453, 506, 525, 533, 557
-, St George's field, 435, 460, 556

spades [scoppets], 381–2, 473

Spain, Robert, 116

-, Elyne, 122
-, Thomas, labourer, 264–7

Spaniard, a, 452, 500

Spene, John, brochemaker, 131

Spenser, John, 127

Spilmans mill, Stratford/West Ham, 107, 143, 437, 459, See also fulling-mill; Stratford, mills

Spink (Spynke), William, bricklayer, 392

Spore, Richard, 141, 200

Sprot, Nicholas, 123

Spurrier (Sporiour, Sporyer)
-, Ralph, and wife, 131
-, William, labourer, 388

spyntr' [thorn pins], 294

Squire (Squyr), Thomas, heir of, 243

Stacy (Stacye)
-, —, 509
-, Alexander, 116
-, John, bellwright, 453, 502, 534

staddles of the bridge, 312, 323, 348, 386–8, 479

-, Joan, 136
-, John, 136
-, Mr, of the Tower, 378

Stainer (Steynour)
-, Adam, 262
-, Edmund, 262
-, Michael, 262
-, Morice, 123
-, Robert, 262

stainers, 258–64

stair to Thames, 312

stair, collapse of, 332

stakes, 335, 381

stallage, 312

stalls, 364; making, 456, 537

Stamer, John, 352

stampnes, 75

Standard in Cheap, 316, 365, 367, 371, 476, 479, 506

standings on the bridge, 545

Standon, Robert, 141

Stane,—, draper, 160

Stanes, John, 116

Stanley, William (boatbuilder), 346

Stannard, John, 328

Staples [Stapulas, Stulpas: bollards] on the Bridge, 67, 130, 133, 145, 247, 249, 260, 276, 279, 302, 304, 308, 329, 378

staples, iron, 67, 247

Starkey, John, of Lewisham, 383

starlings, 85, 95, 102, 265, 271, 479–80, 483, 495–6, 531, 534–40, 542–6; starling by St Magnus' church, 534

Staundon, Robert, 215; Katherine widow of, 190

staves, 267

Stede, Mr, 380

steeling tools, 267, 282, 289, 378, 331–2, 474

Steente, William, 141

Stekeney, William, 134

stems [stampnes], 75

Stephens (Stephenes, Stephyns, Steven, Stevens, Stevyn)
-, J. 250
-, John, 122
-, John, salter, 330
-, William, 553
-, William, of London, 473

Stephens lane (St Stephen's lane), 312, 368, 459

steps, 390

Sterte (Stuerte), le, 141, 284

Stichemersh, William, 129

Stiff,—, stainer, 262

-, R., 273
-, Richard, Warden, 188
-, Thomas, 333

Stilgo, Robert, 339

Stockfishmonger Row, 308

Stocks (market), 1, 3–54, 128, 188–241, 256, 300–1, 331–2, 349, 358, 368, 395, 425–6, 439, 447, 459, 486–7, 532, 548; aumbries or cupboards at, 2; chamber at, 372; door of, 378; drapers at, 1; tithe of, 506, 524, 533, 547

stocks, iron, 378

Stoddarde, John, 407

Stodey, William, 145, 307

Stok, J., rent-collector of archbishop of Canterbury, 246

Stoke, Ralph, 194

Stokker, John, alderman, auditor of Bridge House accounts, 353

-, Edward, 398

-, J., 260

stone, 30, 42, 322, 374, 384, 388, 453, 466, 476, 480, 497, 501, 523, 526, 531
-, border or edging, 322, 374, 512, 514, 519, 527, 537; for chimneys, 514, 516, 521; for ovens, 521
-, Bridge ashlar, 374, 386, 466, 495, 502, 505, 518, 526
-, Caen, 311–12
-, Chapman ware paving, 466, 505, 518, 526
-, end stones, 502
-, forge, 514
-, freestone, 62, 67, 90, 107
-, great stones called springers, 466, 495, 518
-, gutter stone, 466, 526
-, hassock, 322
-, Kent (hard) stone, 74–5, 478, 495–8, 505, 536; called Bridge ashlar, 466; called ogee and voussoir [ugye and vawser], 466
-, Maidstone rag, 262
-, Marr (Yorkshire), 276
-, middle ashlar, 466, 505
-, Northern stone, 95, 274
-, ogee [ooge, ogys, ugye], 466, 541; for arches, 518
-, parells for chimneys, 514
-, paving, 74, 81, 322, 340, 374, 502, 513–14, 530; apparelled paving, 466, 505, 514, 526; paving for chimneys, 514
-, Portland, 95
-, ragstone, 56–7, 67, 70, 72–3, 91, 93, 103, 105–7, 262, 264, 322, 374, 453–4, 469, 498, 502, 513, 527–8, 533
-, Reigate, 267, 322, 374, 512–13, 515–16, 520–1, 526–7, 537, 540; squared, 466, 516, 527
-, squared, 466, 512, 514, 516, 527
-, tile [tygul], 545

Stonehouse, the, in St Andrew Hubbard, 150, 307

stones, 339; clearing, 106

stonework of the bridge, 328, 330

Stoor, John, 117

storehouses of the Bridge, 422, 460, 463, 468–9, 506, 535, 543; on the bridge, 520; in Old Change, 122, 412; in Paternoster Row, 463; in St Dionis. 422, 463; in St Olave Southwark, 460; tenements now used as, 371

Story, Robert, knight, 243

Stotteford, Richard de, 176

Stout (Stoute, Stowt), William, 116

-, Nicholas, 148
-, Richard, 148

-, John, 116
-, Sir Thomas, 293

Stratford, Mdx./Essex, 1, 140, 143, 182, 284–5, 287, 293, 299, 309, 331, 325, 339, 437, 470, 474, 476, 479, 509, 534
-, meadow called Rush Hope at, 2, 309
-, mills at, 107, 191, 213, 239, 288–9, 368, 317–18, 325, 329, 381, 384, 437, 459, 475, 546; millstones for, 383; milldam, 469; fulling-mill, 143, 190, 219, 226, 251, 284–5, 293, 311–12, 329–31, 352; grain mill, 143, 332, 339–40, 348; chimney in, 340; mill spindle for, 332. See also, Boot's mill; fullingmill; Saynes mill; Spilman's mill; Thomson's mill; West Ham
-, weir at, 293

Stratford Langthorn, 331; abbey of, 306, 318, 333, 558; abbot, 160, 368, 459

Stratton, William (Gilott) de, 172, 304

straw, 59, 67, 70–1, 78, 339; for daubing, 344; for stable, 338

Street, John, 122

Stret bridge, Peckham, 430

-, Henry, and wife Joan, 132
-, Ralph, 134

strips [stripes], 383

Stubbs, William, 422

stubnails, 338

-, John, 131
-, Saunder, mason, 386
-, Thomas, carpenter, 341

Styver, John, carpenter, 341

Suer (Swer), William, 526–7

Suffolk, duke of, 316, 443, 490

Summoner (Sompnour)
-, Gregory, 123
-, Thomas, 125

Sundergiltes, Henry, brickman, 279, 294

Sunneman (Soneman, Sonneman), John, 117

surplices, 65–6, 81, 92, 249, 254, 267, 294, 337, 385

Surrey, sheriff's tourn, 334

Surrey, shire court of, 334

Sutteley, William, merchant tailor, 546

-, John, keeper of the Bridge boats, 346
-, Lewis, 412

Swafham, John, 122

Swan, John, 136

Swayne, John, 409

Swenson (Swynson), William, bricklayer, 481, 495–9, 501–6, 508–46, 565; tiler, 500

Swete, John, labourer, 388

Sweteman (Swetman)
-, John, 138
-, John, carpenter, 243–94

Swettecok, John, 131

Swettynge, John, 412

Sybbell, Thomas of Eynesford, co. Kent, esquire, 467, 515, 518; Elizabeth his daughter, 518


Tabelmaker, Richard, and wife Alice Blak, 130

tablecloths, for chapel, 337

tacks, 258; tacking, 262

Tadlowe, George, 406

Tailor (Taillour)
-, Andrew, 137
-, Davy, 324
-, Geoffrey, 118
-, Henry, 116
-, Philip, 372
-, Robert, 122
-, Thomas, wife of, 127

William, alderman, 328, auditor of Bridge House accounts, 331

Tailors of London, fraternity of, 157, 303–4

Takeneswell, Walter, 131

-, John, waxchandler, 337
-, William, carpenter, 341

tallow, 57, 80, 98, 102, 256, 266, 268, 276, 278, 280–1, 289, 330, 473, 536

tallwood, 467, 549–50

Tamson, John, labourer, 504

-, —, 532; labourer, 480, 495–506, 508–18, 522–46; labourer with bricklayers, 481, 519–21; with the carpenters, 515, by the tide, 530; carrying timber by boat, 545
-, John, barber, and wife Katherine, 135
-, Roger, butcher, 141
-, William, labourer working by the tide, 528, 534–5, 541, 543; —, wife of, 477, 506, 519, 532, 546

Tanworth, Walter, 375

Tapelegh, John, 119

tapers, 477, 535

tapes [lyre], 332

Tapster, Katherine, 122

tar, 78, 381, 473, 525

tartarin, 266

Te Deum, 477, 496

-, Mr, king's fletcher, 454, 537
-, William, 405

Tenacre, farm called, 200

tenants, fugitive, 350

Terne, Robert, blacksmith, 470, 506, 523

-, John, 347
-, Simon, 325

Tewe, Robert, chaplain in the Bridge chapel, 254, 267, 280, 294

Thames Street [street leading to Billingsgate], 302

Thames, river, 305, 312, 338, 340

thatcher, 347

Theklocke, Richard, 404

Theyn, John, 323; limeburner, 311

-, John, 408
-, John, labourer, 388
-, Sir —, chaplain, 116

Thomson (Tomson)
-, —, mason, 478, 478, 495–506, 509–30, 532–45
-, Henry, labourer, 388
-, John, 437
-, John, labourer, 480
-, William, 426

Thomson's (Tomson's) mill at Stratford, 513, 537, 539

Thoresby, J., stainer or painter, 258, 260–2

Thorneley, Thomas, bricklayer's labourer, 481, 521

thorns, 335, 381; thorn pins, 262, 294

thread, 294; packthread, 258, 265, 330

Thrower, Thomas, 460

thrums, 473, 525

tide-axes, 332, 470, 534

tidemen and tide-labour, 56–67, 84–107, 243, 245–9, 257, 261, 264–7, 269–75, 277, 279–81, 284–5, 287–93, 330, 332, 340–1, 346, 348, 386–8, 389, 478–80, 483, 495–9, 501–3, 528, 530, 534–40, 542–6

tile stone, 545

tilekiln, at Deptford, 250; at Lewisham, 247, 250, 258, 264, 278

tilemaking, 244, 247–8, 250, 254, 258, 264, 278, 280–1, 283, 286, 294

tilepins, 59, 61, 63–4, 66–8, 75–6, 83, 86, 94, 103, 330, 381

Tiler (Tyler), William, janitor of St Mary Overy priory, Southwark, 333

tilers, 57, 59, 61, 63–8, 73–89, 94–6, 99–100, 103, 106–7, 243–50, 253–4, 256, 258, 263, 265–74, 276–84, 286, 292–4, 343, 383, 391, 481, 494–569 passim; labourers, 343, 383, 391

tiles, 59, 91, 103, 107, 248, 278, 286, 327, 376, 452, 468, 481, 500, 503, 533, 552
-, bricktiles [briktill'], 290–1, 294
-, corner, 376, 468, 546
-, crests or ridge-tiles, 60, 271, 276
-, flat [playne] tiles, 327, 376
-, Flemish or Flanders, 25, 74
-, fyneux, 190
-, hollow, 59, 66, 68
-, housetiles [houstyll, houstill, tegul' pro dom', tegulis domorum] 191, 198, 200, 211, 215, 217–20, 226, 231, 244, 280, 283
-, paving, 256, 468, 499
-, roof tiles, 64, 89, 102, 218, 327, 376
-, waltyele [bricks], 34

tiling, 326

timber, 8, 30, 42, 65, 80, 86, 91, 96, 101–2, 107, 200, 234, 240, 246–7, 255, 265, 267, 269, 273, 282, 284–5, 288–91, 294, 311, 325, 331, 338–9, 342, 347, 354, 375, 383–4, 390, 454, 467, 476, 497, 499, 501, 504–6, 515–16, 519, 521–3, 525–6, 529, 531, 533–4, 536–7, 541, 545, 550, 569; floated by river, 480, 537; hewing and squaring, 515, 520; marking, 331; measuring, 467, 474, 526; viewing, 526
-, ceiling, 523
-, curved, 331, 339
-, framed, 476, 497–504, 506
-, maynells (mullions), 390
-, old, 311, 454, 511–12, 537
-, principal pieces of oak timber, 325
-, pynne tymber, 381
-, shells, 537
-, ship planks [shipborde], 325, 326
-, sumeres, 90
-, wainscot, 78, 326
-, See also boards; elm; oak; planks and plankboard; quarterboard; quarters

Timpson (Tympson), John, 405

tin-foil, 261

tines, 102, 268

Tippyng, Robert, citizen, 447

tithe, 278, 368, 506, 524, 530, 533, 547

-, John, ? and wife, 138
-, William, 137
-, William, smith, 247, 252; and wife, 258

Todwell, John, labourer, 388

Tofte, Stephen, 436

-, John, carpenter, 341
-, Richard, 145

Tollow, John, 452

Tonge, Avice, 160

Tonnell, Richard, 407

tontight, 95, 262, 264, 274, 276, 322

tools, 470; battering, 282, 378, 470; filing, 332; mending, 268, 289, 331–2; sharpening, 329–30, 332, 378; steeling, 267, 282, 289, 378, 331–2, 474; stone for sharpening, 330

torches, 246, 294

Torold, William, 126

Tot, Robert, 136

Totfort, Robert, 142

Tottenham, co. Mdx., 331

Tottenham, John de, 157

tow, 381

Towe, John, 499

Towell, William, 402

towels (for chapel), 66, 337, 385

Tower Hill, 339, 460

Tower Hill, abbey of, see St Mary Graces

Tower Street, 2

Trayerswharf, St Mary at Hill, 147, 307

trays, 65, 473, 495, 535; mortar, 381

Tredgold, William, mason's labourer, 347

tree felling, 274, 331, 347, 382, 467

trenails, 79

Trice, John, 404

trindles, for mill, 383

Trippyng, Christine, 135

-, John, 148
-, Robert, 116

Trot (Trotte)
-, John, 130
-, Robert, 338
-, Thomas, 141
-, Thomas, 189, 247
-, William, 137

Trummy, Edward, labourer, 388

Trumpeton, John de, 156, 307

tubs, 94, 245, 473

Tuck, John, 122

Tuckye, Henry, 419

tun, 381, 473, 531

Turk (Turcke), John, 409, 412; fishmonger, 464

Turnell, William, and wife, 148

Turner (Torner, Tornour, Tournour, Turnour)
-, Arnold, 407
-, John, 134, 135
-, John, 412
-, Richard, 90
-, Richard, 453
-, Richard, searcher, 505
-, Thomas, glazier, 380
-, William, 330

turner, 473

Tursett (Terset, Turfyt, Turfyld, Tursyt, etc.), John, dauber's labourer, 482, 518–30, 533–5, 537–46

tusserds, 330

Tydwey, John, carpenter, 387


Ulfe, wife of, 312

Underwood, William, smith, 329, 378

Uphewe, Edward, 134

Urmounde, William, 414


Vacancies of tenements, 320, 332, 365, 373, 439–40, 465

Vale, John, 129

Valiaunte (Valyaunte), William, 426, 439

Vampage, William, knight, 367

van Newtrik, Simon, 422

vanes, gilded, 474, 506

varnish, 60

vats, 381

vellum, 473

Verne, John, 131

vessels [vas'] of Bridge, 332

vestments etc. for chapel, 92, 254, 267, 273, 280, 294, 385, 477; washing, 66, 81, 294, 337, 385, 477, 506, 519, 532, 546
-, albs, 267, 294, 337, 385
-, altar frontal, 269
-, altarcloths, 337, 385
-, chasuble, 273
-, surplices, 65–6, 81, 92, 249, 254, 267, 294, 337, 385
-, tablecloths, for chapel, 337
-, towels, 66, 337, 385

Veyse, John, 375

view of tenements, 533

Vigerous, John, 148

Vincent (Vyncent), —, clerk in the chapel on the bridge, 547

Vine (Vyne), William atte, 148

Vivian (Vyvyan), John, 404

Volantyn, John, 134

Vylere, John, 130


-, John, 147, 148
-, John, 307
-, Thomas, 116
-, Thomas, 433
-, Thomas, chief mason of the Bridge, 374, 386
-, William, 127

wadmal, 98

wages, 56–107, 243–95, 312, 340–9, 379, 385–95, 478–87, 495–546

wains, 235, 448

wainscot, 78, 326

Wakeryng, Robert, 382; labourer, 388

Walcote, John, 167

Walden, John, 415

Waldern, William, 153

Wales (Waleys)
-, Anne, 372
-, Thomas, and wife, 131

Walker, John, carpenter, 387

wall-making, 383

Walle, way called, in West Ham, 317

Walshe, Henry, 324

Walter, Nicholas, tawyer, 331–2

Waltham, co. Essex, 107

Waltham, John, stainer, 262–3

Walton, Henry, 421

Walworth, William, 307

Wandsworth, William, 422

Wanham, Roger, paviour, 394

Wanstall, Thomas, 137

Warbulton, Richard, 277

-, Henry, and wife Joan, 135
-, John, 137
-, William, mason, 243–94

Wardells meadow in Peckham, 283, 430

Wardens, 2, 131, 271, 284, 289, 294, 300, 349–50, 352, 367, 371, 382–3, 395, 474, 487, 532, 566; clothing or livery, 395, 278, 349, 487; rewards and wages, 331, 350, 396, 488, 566

wardmote inquest of Bridge ward, 509

wardmote inquest of the bridge, 474

warelynes, 289

Warenne, earl, 316

Warey, Ralph, auditor, 493

-, Simon, 130
-, Thomas, 145, 303

-, John le, 154
-, Master, 376
-, Richard, 412
-, William, 383; of Stratford Bow, 376
-, William, of Burges Mill, 376

-, —, stainer, 262
-, W., fletcher, 132

Waryn, William, 130

Washer, Richard, 402

washing chapel clothes, 66, 81, 294, 337, 385, 477, 506, 519, 532, 546

Water Lane, St Dunstan in the East, 115

Water Okyng, 539–40

water vault of the bridge, 498

water-adzes, 251, 264

water-augers, 251, 264, 267

water-axes, 267, 289

water draught, 330

watergate, the, 530

waterworks of the Bridge, 382, 470, 478–9, 485, 499, 519–22, 525–7, 529–30, 532–3, 535–41, 543, 546

Watson, Robert, rent-collector, 297

Watts, Hugh, leatherseller, 470, 514

Wawe, John, 129

wax, 107, 265, 337, 477, 535; Polish, 477, 517

waxchandler, 477, 535

Waylot, William, carpenter, 387

-, John, 122, 130
-, Ralph, 426

-, Walter, 130
-, William, 130

Weddington (Wydyngton), Robert, 146, 307

weeding, 474, 506, 519, 532, 546

Wegge, John, 151

weigh-house, 276

weirs [? in Thames], 107, 294

Welbeck, Master, commoner [common councilman], ?auditor, 382

Welbourne, Thomas, 134

Welche, John, 377–8, 381

Wells (Wellys, Welys)
-, John, 138
-, John, barber, 132
-, John, cutler, 131; and wife Joan, 130

wells, 100, 276–7, 279; well-bucket, 330

Wellyng, John, 116

Wemme, Thomas, 122

Weselhede, John, labourer and boatkeeper, 347

-, John, mayor's serjeant, 333–4
-, Richard, 304

West Greenwich, co. Kent, 316; meadow at, 225

West Ham, co. Essex, 309, 333, 368, 459; manor of, 333; mill in, 317–18; vicar of, 143

Westende, Thomas, carpenter, 387

Westminster Abbey, 317; chamberlain of, 269, 289, 458, 548, 367

Weston, William, Warden, 188

Westowe, John, 130

Westphalian linen [Westvale], 266

Westwood, in Lewisham, 325, 339

Wetenhale, William, 304

Wether, Maurice, 123

Wever, John, 383

Whaddon, Nicholas, 172

-, Hugh, 112
-, Katherine, 122
-, Robert, 112

wharfage, 347, 375, 467, 471, 473, 475, 502, 540, 550, 553

wharfinger, 467, 539, 550

Whatele, John, Warden, 109, 144

wheat, 443, 490

-, Benedict, 332
-, John, 404
-, Philip, 125, 129

wheels, 60, 66, 81, 87, 104, 261, 294; mending, 540; for millstones, 475

wheelwright, 540

Whelpele, William, 126

Whetear, Joan, 135

whetstone, 330

whipcord, 338

Whitbred, John, 117

White (Whyte)
-, James, 412
-, John, 123; fletcher, 137
-, John, carpenters' labourer, 347
-, John, rent-collector of duke of Suffolk, 316
-, Philip, 377
-, Robert, 131
-, Thomas, of Stratford, 475; master wheelwright, 540
-, William, labourer, 388

White Cock, the, 380

White Lion, the, in All Hallows Gracechurch, 303

Whitehead (Whytehed, Whythed), Roger, labourer, 480, 495–506, 508–46; working by the tide, 541, 543; working with the carpenters by the tide, 530; working with the masons by the tide, 534–5

Whitman, William, 412

Whittington, Richard, 131

Whitway, Robert, 131

Wight, Nicholas, 125

-, [James], alderman, ?auditor, 382
-, John, 403
-, Richard, 371

Wilkes, John, mason, 386

Wilkyn, ram called, 348

Wilkyns, William, 333

William, servant of Ambrose Wolley, grocer, 497

Willinghurst, John, 325

Willott, Ralph, 546

willow rods, 347

Willowes, Roger, 403

Wilmott, Ralph, 477

-, Robert, 435
-, Sir Thomas, parson of Sheffeld [? Sheffield, Berks.] 375
-, William, 418, 426

Wiltshire, William, carpenter, 283

windows, making and repairing, 336; ironwork for, 329

wine, 261, 333; for the chapel services, 56–107, 254, 267, 279, 294, 337, 477, 546

Winkfield (Wynkefeld), the lady de, 218

-, —, labourer, 480, 495–500, 545
-, John, 307
-, Richard, 145
-, William, carpenter, 479, 501–6, 508–9, 511–36, 538–46

wire, 474, 523

Wisbech, John, 137

Wissingflete, John, 151

withies, 92, 94

Witte, John, painter, 260, 283

wiveling, 75

Wixton, William, 129

Wodale, John, mason, 386

Wolberd (Wulberde), Thomas, of Deptford, 474, 499

Wolfe, Jeffrey, 402

Wolley (Wolles, Wolleys, Wolloys), Ambrose, 473; grocer, 497, 525, 532; William his servant, 497

Wolman, Charles, 404

Womewell, Thomas, of Northfleet, co. Kent, 323

Wood (Wode, Woode)
-, Alexander atte, bowyer, and wife Joan, 132
-, Alexander, 132
-, Edmund atte, tapicer, 116
-, John A, farmer of passage tolls, 407, 569
-, John atte, 134
-, John, 448
-, Thomas atte, 123
-, Thomas, 116
-, Thomas, 416, 516
-, Thomas, alderman, auditor, 371, 400

Wood Street, 324, 328–9, 332, 339–41, 351, 369, 416, 461, 464, 474, 476, 515–17, 520, 522, 524, 538

wood wharf in Deptford, 429

wood, 531; making, 520

Woodcock (Wodcok, Wodecok)
-, John, 164, 308
-, Roger, 123

Woodhawe, William, 414

Woodhouse (Wodehows)
-, Richard, 404
-, William, barber, 123

Woodland (Wodelond), John, 131

Woods (Woddes), Humfrey, labourer, 388

woods, viewing, 520

Woodsdale (Wodesdale), Robert, carpenter, 387

woodyard, parish of St Swithin, 304

Woolwich (Wolwych), Thomas, 122

Wortyng, John, 113

-, Peter, 127
-, William, 127

wranges for boats, 325

Wrestlyngton, Richard, 116

-, Thomas, 480
-, Thomas, 531; labourer, working by the tide, 533; working with the masons by the tide, 528, 534
-, Thomas, bricklayer, 392
-, William, labourer, 388

Wroth, John, 146, 307

Wyche, Hugh, mayor of London, 306

Wyfold, Nicholas, mayor of London, 300

Wykes, John, carpenter, 341

Wymmerse?, Roger, and wife Katherine, 131

Wymond, Henry, 303

Wymondham, John, 307

Wyndam, Master, parson of St Olave's, 530


Yard (Yerde), John, 131

-, Henry, 1, 42
-, Katherine, 145

Yon, Roger, 332

Young (Yonge)
-, Henry, 132
-, Hugh, shipwright, 484, 526
-, John, and wife, 123
-, Roger, 239; miller, 143, 191, 213
-, Simon, 375, 381

Yoxley, William, 405