Index of person: A - K

Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London, 1541 and 1582. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1993.

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'Index of person: A - K', in Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London, 1541 and 1582, ed. R G Lang (London, 1993), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].

'Index of person: A - K', in Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London, 1541 and 1582. Edited by R G Lang (London, 1993), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,

"Index of person: A - K". Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London, 1541 and 1582. Ed. R G Lang (London, 1993), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.


Roman figures refer to page numbers in the introduction, arabic figures to the numbers of sections in the text. All names are indexed, but obvious variants of a single surname are collected under the standard or most common form. Given the variability of sixteenth-century spelling, it may be necessary when searching for an individual to look under more than one possible variant forms of his or her name.

-, Agnes, 208
-, Tobye, 208

Abbes, John, 12

Abbot, Abbott:
-, Anthony, 372
-, Galfrid, 392
-, Johanne, widow, 392
-, John, 161, 392
-, Richard, 338
-, Thomas, 203, 227
-, Williams, 51, 73

Abdye, Roger, 272

-, Andrew, 204
-, Henry, 103
-, John, 204
-, Margaret, 204

Aborrowe, Stephen, 380

Abraham, Abram:
-, John, 176
-, Nycholas, 273
-, Thomas, 66(2), 444
-, William, 167, 346

Abyrford, Richard, 42

-, John, 207
-, William, 205

Acon, Thomas, 120, 568

Acott, John, 55

-, —, servant, 34
-, Markes, 141, 144

Adams, Adames, Addams, Addames:
-, Lady —, 34
-, Edmund, 115
-, Francis, 336
-, John, 266
-, Lawence, 205
-, Richard, 303
-, Robert, 307
-, Theophylye, 276
-, Thomas, 296, 592
-, William, 75, 163, 229

-, Richard, 308
-, Thomas, 348, 349

Adde, Ade, see Ady

Adeson, John, 317

Adline, John, 210

Adlington, Ralph, 289

Adrat, Horwart, 135

-, Arnold, 26
-, Harman, 142

-, —, 26
-, Andrew, 205
-, Cornells, 143

Ady, Ade, Adde:
-, John, 54, 75
-, William, 33

Adyngton, Thomas, 75

Affeld, Gilis. 39

Affoo, John, 150

Agapito, John, 375

-, Arthur, clerk of the exchequer, 334
-, Nicholas, 374
-, Richard, 351
-, Thomas, 390

Agat, John, 54

Ailesworth, Assheton, 342

Alard, —, servant, 142

Albanye, William, 222

Albarte, Hobbart, 260

Albert, William, 353

Albertson, John, 9

Alberye, Agnes, 385

Alborough, John, 145

Albright, John, 9

Alcocke, Allcok:
-, John, 52
-, Nicholas, 129
-, William, 223

-, Helgar, 370
-, John, 207

Aldersey, Alderseye:
-, Henry, 323
-, Thomas, 277
-, William, 169

Aldersley, James, 100

Alderson, John, 346

Alderton, Richard, 242

Alderworth, Richard, 343

Aldorigus, Albert, 83

Aldred, Robert, 337

Aldren, Hugh, 125

Aldriche, Alderidge:
-, Richard, 345
-, Roger, 318

Ales, Aleley, Aley, Aleygh, Alygh:
-, Christopher, 115
-, John, liv, 51
-, Raulf, 439
-, Robert, 340
-, Thomas, 21, 145

Alencort, Austin, 131

Alestree, Richard, 337; see also Olestre

Alexander, Alexsaunder:
-, Edmund, 158
-, John, 84
-, Thomas, 86

Alford, Alforde, Alfford, Allford:
-, Elizabeth, widow, 316
-, Francis, 315
-, Richard, 311
-, Robert, 162, 425, 464

Algood, Richard, 183

Alistoine, Robert, 186

Aliston, Richard, 190

Alistone, Robert, 190

Alkins, Alkines:
-, Edmund, 344
-, James, 235

Allabaster, Thomas, 267

Allday, William, 75

-, Nicholas, 600
-, Thomas, 600

Alien, Alen, Aleyn, Alleyn, Alline, Allyn, Alon:
-, —, widow, 34, 245
-, Sir Christopher, 321
-, Elizabeth, 585
-, Francis, 301
-, George, 119, 256, 317, 373
-, Henry, 187
-, Humfrey, 120
-, John, 41, 55, 353, 369
-, Sir John, xxviii n, 156
-, Martyn, 338
-, Ralph, alderman, xxviii n, 36
-, Richard, 109, 113, 119, 124, 187, 194
-, Robert, 14, 183, 583, 585
-, Rowland, 326
-, Thomas, 166, 185, 237, 273, 315, 327
-, William, 47, 65, 303, 316, 332, 333
-, Sir William, 373

Allenson, Allinson, Allynson:
-, —, 183
-, Ralph, 316
-, Roger, 324

Allett, see Allott

Allington, Alington, Allyngeton, Alyngton:
-, —, widow, 327(2)
-, Sir Giles, 304
-, Henry, 167, 184, 395
-, John, 267

-, Edward, 452
-, Margery, 452

Allott, Allett:
-, John, alderman, 224
-, Thomas, 231
-, William, 323

Allwayn, Allwyn, Alwyn:
-, Nicholas, 98, 100, 437, 508

Allyson, Alyson:
-, John, 179
-, Ralph, 119
-, Robert, 288

-, Henry, 313
-, Hericke, 312

Almayns, Helynger, 143

Aimer, John, 56

Alnick, Lewis, 356

Alsop, Alsope, Alsopp, Alsoppe:
-, Master —, 163
-, John, 257
-, Tristram, 344
-, William, 353

Alston, James, 246

Altam, Altham:
-, Edward, 31
-, John, 277
-, Thomas, 237

Altrope, Nicholas, 22

Alvas, Francis, 387

Alworth, Thomas, 390

Alyen, Robert, 162

Alygh, see Alee

Aman, Thomas, 193

Ambrose, Richard, 149

Amcotes, Harno'd, 448

Amerie, James, 224

Amerye, Ralph, 224

Amore, James, 161

Amyas, Richard, 303

Amyes, Thomas, 394

Andelby, Richard, 72

Anderson, Andersonn:
-, Sir Edmund, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, xxiv n, 178
-, George, 187
-, Henry, 265
-, Jerard, 301
-, Thomas, 49, 95
-, William, 113

Andrean, Peter, 152

Andrew, Andrewe, Androwe:
-, Mr —, 13
-, Herrye, 87
-, Johan, widow, 108
-, William, 151

Andrewes, Andrews, Androse, Androwes:
-, Daniel, 275
-, Edmund, 231
-, Henry, 334
-, John, 369
-, Robert, 84, 193
-, Roger, 130
-, Thomas, 124, 325, 380
-, William, 244

Andnanson, see Cobler

Androse, Androwes, see Andrewes

Andsworth, Henry, 293

Andwarp, Arthur, 90

Andwarpe, Hans, 153

Andwerep, John Vandergow alias van, 129

Angell, John, 13, 121

Angelotta, John, 204

Angence, Henry, 169

Angine, Lewys, 297

Anies, Dustane, 193

Annarson, Henry, 151

Annes, Elizabeth, 129

Anokes, John, 335

Ansam, Peter, 13

-, Edmund, 207
-, John, 117, 364

Anselow, Thomas, 42

Anstede, William, 151

Anthonison, Anthony, xlix n, 374, 384

Anthony, Anthonye, Anthonie, Antony:
-, Doctor —, 135
-, Angell, 142
-, Antony, 139, 143
-, Gosen, 8
-, Henry, 260
-, John, 140, 142, 291
-, Mark, 17
-, Peter, 48
-, William, 295

-, —, widow, 170
-, James, 170

Antrobus, Thomas, 327

Antus, Peter, 291

Anwick, Anwicke:
-, Gillam, 314
-, John, 212

Apott, James, 61, 64

Apparree, Apparrey, Hugh, 124, 394

Apple, Peter, 385

Applebye, Robert, 249

Applegate, Aplegate:
-, Humphrey, 319
-, Robert, 358

Appowell, Apoell, Appoell:
-, David, 68
-, Hugh, 78
-, James, 179
-, John, 160
-, Robert, 222

Apprice, Aprice, Apryce:
-, Arnold, 180, 332
-, John, 368
-, Morrice, 181

Apreste, Peter, 13

Apseley, John, 76

Aragon, Robert, 123, 244

Aranda, Phillip de, 48

Archan, Francis, 116

Archdale, Archedale:
-, Martin, 265, 373
-, Thomas, 267

Archer, Archar:
-, Edward, 226
-, John, 202
-, Margaret, 146
-, Thomas, 74
-, William, 33

Ardyngton, James, 34

-, Laurence, 330
-, Thomas, 107

Armatredinge, Thomas, 229

Armes, Deonize, 317

Armesford, Nicholas, 176

Armeston, Armestonn, Thomas, 41, 50

Armestrong, Armestronge:
-, John, 47, 54, 548
-, Thomas, 216

Armiccun, Charles, 50

-, Humphrey, 326
-, Roger, 249

Armorer, Armerar, Armerer:
-, James, 337
-, John, 287, 293
-, Thomas, 37
-, William, 154

Armose, Reke, 297

Armyne, John, 112

Arnall, Peter, 173

Arnold, Arnolde:
-, —, 123
-, Henry, 296
-, Jasper, 26
-, John, 158, 206
-, Pylgrym, 9
-, Richard, 166, 200, 315, 327
-, Thomas, 33, 244

Arnoldson, Arnolde, 243; see also Harnoldson

Aron, Richard, 419

Arondell, Thomas, 380

Arryan, Lawrence, 391

Arsnell, Avery, 367

Art, Arte:
-, —, wife of Michael, 171
-, Michael, 169
-, Thomas, 223

Artham, Adrean, 65

-, Margaret, 208
-, Walter, xlix n, 207, 208

Ascue, see Askew

Ashby, Asheby:
-, Edward, 394
-, Richard, 246

Ashe, Asshe, Ayshe:
-, Antony, 6
-, Elleme, 71
-, George, 51

Ashehurst, Robert, 100, 564

Ashelen, Walter, 61

Ashelve, Mary, 219

Ashley, Asheley, Ashelye, Assheley:
-, Jone, 107
-, Piere, 219
-, Thomas, 175
-, William, 73, 80

Ashmore, Ashemore:
-, John, 289
-, Thomas, 380

Ashton, Asheton:
-, Master —, 149
-, Adam, 64
-, Robert, 311
-, William, 88

-, John, 174
-, Robert, 300

Askew, Ascue, Askewe, Asque:
-, Anne, Lady, 36
-, Edmund, 36, 542, 552
-, John, 36, 70, 443, 546, 547
-, Richard, 72, 546, 547
-, William, 226

Aspelyn, John, 86

Asse, Hierom van, 347

Assefat, Bernard, 129

Asselden, Richard, 61

Assher, Thomas, 344

Asson, John, 320

Asteldelo, Alvero de, 49

Astelyn, Walter, 539

Atkins, Atkines, Atkyns, Attkyns:
-, Henry, 48
-, Nicholas, 378
-, Richard, 502
-, Thomas, 83, 225
-, William, 70, 185

Atkinson, Atkinsone, Atkynson, Attkinson:
-, —, uxor, 346
-, Albert, 380
-, Christopher, 197
-, Davie, 379
-, Gyles, 112
-, Randall, 80
-, Richard, 167, 200, 227(2), 308, 322
-, Robert, 315
-, Roland, 126
-, Thomas, 119, 127, 169, 279, 332
-, William, 234

Atrice, John, 360

Atslowe, Ateslowe, Doctor —, xxxix n, 284

Atwayte, Michell, 49

Atwood, Atwodde:
-, James, 21
-, John, 80

Audley, Audeley, Awdeley, Awdley:
-, John, 227
-, Thomas, 87, 227, 302
-, Thomas, Lord Chancellor, 1, 19
-, William, 23

Augustina, Sebastiana, 123

Augustine, Augustyne:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 133
-, Jasper, 383

Auncell, Aunsell:
-, Anne, 59
-, Edmund, 273
-, William, 264

Austell, Thomas, 199

Austen, Austine, Austyn, Austyne, Awsten, Awstyn:
-, Edmund, 323
-, Henry, 24, 536, 543
-, John, 22, 139, 216
-, Matthew, 337
-, Peter, 192
-, Robert, 69, 269, 364
-, Thomas, 192
-, William, 80

Avale, Jacob, 387

Avasene, John, 333

Avenon, Alexander, 222

-, Batholomew, 162
-, Herry, 100
-, John, 100

Averey, Averie:
-, Mistress —, widow, 331
-, William, 99

-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 252
-, Morgan, 241

Awder, William, 301

Awdry, John, 388

Awgar, Robert, 377

Awken, Garret van, 357

Axe, William, 263

Axshawe, Humphrey, 252

Axton, John, 339

Ayland, John, 115, 119

Aylesbury, George, 123

Ayleward, Henry, 275

Aylewaye, George, 286

Aylife, Mistress —, 193

Aylmer, John, bp. of London, xxiv n

Ayloffe, Ralph, 167, 184; see also Ilove

Ayner, Robert, 193

Babham, William, 304

Babington, Babyngton:
-, Edwin, 267
-, Lavyn, 249

Machelor, Dennys, 389

Baches, Garet, 6

-, Mistress —, widow, 280
-, Samuel, 197

-, Edward, 191
-, John, 279
-, Nicholas, 68, 589
-, Richard, 303
-, Thomas, 151

Badcoke, Thomas, 343

Badelye, uxor, 24

Badger, Nicholas, 258

Baglaghe, William, 341

-, Edward, 256
-, Thomas, 229

-, Edward, 245
-, Thomas, 229

Baheire, Robert, 312

Baker, Bakar:
-, Dereke, 56
-, Edmund, 73, 241, 526
-, George, 396
-, Henry, 232
-, Humphrey, 190, 280, 379
-, John, 48, 95, 111, 246, 261, 283, 307, 365, 389
-, Sir John, xxiii
-, Peter, 270
-, Richard, 183, 209, 295
-, Sir Richard, 396
-, Thomas, 81, 251, 284, 307, 329, 365
-, William, 35, 158, 383

Balden, John, 95

Balderston, John, 365

Baldok, George, 72, 581

Baldroe, Edmund, 202

Baldry, Baldery, Baldrey:
-, Lady —, 132
-, Elys, 124
-, William, 301

Baldwine, Bawdwyn:
-, John, 133
-, Thomas, 343

-, James, 7
-, John, 7

Bales, Bayles:
-, —, widow, 274
-, Thomas, 79

Ball, Balle:
-, John, 207, 372
-, Ralph, 323
-, William, 316

Ballard, Richard, 229

Ballenger, Balangier:
-, —, uxor, 346
-, Mary, 363

Ballet, Ballett, Baylett:
-, Guylham, 136
-, John, 166, 299, 300
-, Peter, and wife, 367

Ballyn, John, 298

Balney. James, 496

Baltroppe, Robert, 331

Bambridge, John, 287

Ban, Lucas, 343

Banbery, Banbury:
-, Andrew, 205
-, John, 216
-, Phelypp, 57

Bancke, Thomas, 302

Bande, Thomas, 84

Banen, John, 68

Bankes, Banckes, Banxe, Baynckes:
-, Mistress —, widow, 77
-, Alexander, 42
-, Edward, 66, 190
-, James, 76, 299
-, John, 75(2), 85
-, Reyneborne, 76
-, Thomas, 277, 345
-, William, 271

Banninge, Bannynge: Paul, 166, 373(2)

Bannister, Banester, Bannaster, Bannester, Bannyster:
-, —, 123
-, Edward, 348(2)
-, Henry, 224
-, James, 44
-, Richard, 281
-, Robert, 107
-, Thomas, 245

Baptist, Baptest, Baptiste, Baptyst:
-, Jane, 266
-, John, 129, 136, 137, 154, 266, 312, 313, 383

Barber, Barbor, Barboure:
-, —, widow, 211
-, Mistress —, Gomblet alias Barbor, 185
-, Anthony, 117
-, Edward, 127, 273
-, John, 187
-, Nicholas, 13
-, Randall, 161
-, Thomas, 19, 147, 202
-, William, 215

Bard, William, 146

Bardfield, Philipp, 294

Bardolf, John, 127

-, Anne, 217
-, Martine, 217

Barefelde, Richard, 181

Barenbargh, Marten van, and wife, 366

Barex, Giles, 383

Barfoote, Barfot, Barefote:
-, Robert, 132, 412
-, Thomas, 241

Barfort, Robert, 132

Bargayn, Bargayne: John, 7, 108

Bargett, Gillam, 326

Barham, William, 231

Barkeman, George, 118

Barker, Barkar:
-, Ambrose, 69, 418, 425, 515
-, Christopher, 107, 177
-, Edward, 248
-, George, 177
-, John, xlviii, 60, 373
-, Leonard, 69
-, Nicholas, 44, 516
-, Regnald, 223
-, Richard, 181, 345
-, Robert, 104
-, Samuel, 291
-, William, 289, 374, 378

Barkers, Johane, widow, 68

-, Alice, 591
-, Thomas, 506
-, Walter, 591

Barlo, Barlow, Barlowe:
-, Alice, widow, 20
-, John, 397
-, Joyce, widow, 288
-, Richard, 287
-, Thomas, 252
-, William, 29

Barnard, Barnarde, Barnerd, Bernard:
-, Andrew, 114
-, Francis, 347
-, George, 134
-, John, 138, 167, 318, 364, 365
-, Lybias, 211
-, Ralph, 129
-, Robert, 309
-, William, 167, 241, 242

-, Alexander, 284
-, John, 190

Barnes, Barne (see also Barons):
-, Bartholomew, 394
-, Francis, 229
-, George, 67, 432
-, George, alderman, 350
-, Gilbert, 224
-, Henrt, 71
-, John, 270, 278, 283
-, Richard, 254
-, Therick, 172
-, Thomas, 37, 198, 262
-, William, 92, 216
-, Mr [William], auditor, 72

Barnesdale, Doctor —, xxxix n, 331

Barnesley, Nicholas, 233

Burnett, John, 94

-, Mistress —, widow, 350
-, Benedick, 350
-, Francis, 351

-, Bartholomew, 37
-, George, 66
-, Humphrey, 47

Barras, Mr —, 18

Barre, Barr:
-, Giles de, 118
-, Henry, 281
-, John de la, 357
-, Strawen de, 195
-, Vincent le, 355

Barrell, Sara, 361

Barret, Barrett:
-, Edward, 191
-, Mary, 347
-, Michael, 347
-, Richard, 380
-, Roger, 338

Barro, Fernando de, 49

Barrowe, Henry, 302

Barrowes, John, 134

Barroy, John, 140

Barry, see Berry

Bars, Nicholas de, 314

Barte, Nicholas la, 232

Bartell, Jacques, 204

Bartholl, James, and wife, 353

Bartholmewe, Bartholomue, Bartilmeue, Bartilmew, Bartilmewe, Bartolmewe, Bartylmewe, Bertholmewe:
-, Barnard, 117
-, Benedict, 230
-, Dionys, 353
-, Edward, 164
-, John, 125, 140, 143
-, Thomas, 66, 343

Bartlet, Bartelett, Barthelett, Bartlett:
-, —, 113
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 124, 248
-, Anthony, 342
-, Edward, 342
-, Thomas, 115

Bartley, Edward, 232

-, Alexander, 269
-, Edmund, 81
-, John, 115, 210, 458
-, Peter, 188
-, Robert, 423
-, Stephen, 288

Bartram, Tennet, widow, 183

Bartridge, Thomas, 295

Bartye, Francis, 169

Barwick, George, 311

Barwys, John, 250

Basden, Richard, 56

Basford, Basforde:
-, Mr —, 382
-, John, 211
-, Thomas, 161

Baske, Stephen, 10

Bassanie, Bassany, Bassanye, Bassaynie:
-, Andrew, 375
-, Arthur, 375
-, Augustine, 193
-, Edward, 375
-, Hierome, 375
-, Mark Anthony, 375

Bassat, George, 186

Basse, Christopher, 60

Basshe, Edward, 331

-, John, 199
-, Walter, 200

Basson, Guylham, 133

Basurto, Alanso de, 360

-, Anthony, 300
-, Oswall, 365
-, Richard, 379
-, Robert, 242, 282, 350

Batelya, Nicholas, 62

Bateman, Batman:
-, Ralph, 187
-, Thomas, 20
-, William, 187

-, John, 310
-, Randall, 217

Batherst, Lawncelot, 397

Batman, see Bateman

Batson, James, 370

Batt, John, 138

Battes, James, 257

Battill, Henry, 370

Batty, James, 354

Bavington, John, 319

Bavyn, Thomas, 437

Bawde, Peter, 134, 140

Bawdwyn, see Baldwine

Bawly, Henry, 402

Baxter, Baxster:
-, John, 49
-, Robert, 100
-, William, 288, 397

Bayarde, Thomas, 277

Baye, William, 258

Bayforth, John, 360

Baylett, see Ballet

Bayley, Bayly, Baylye:
-, —, widow, 43
-, Alice, widow, 103
-, George, 46
-, James, 310
-, Peter, and wife, 239
-, Ralph, 351
-, Richard, 351
-, Thomas, 96, 545
-, William, 183

Baynam, William, 234, 321

Baynard, Baynarde:
-, Edward, 19
-, William, 92

Baynbridge, William, 130

Baynes, Banes:
-, Henry, 350
-, Richard, 363

-, John, 104, 409
-, Nicholas, 67

Bayworth, John, 358

Beale, Bele:
-, Alexander, 43
-, Jerome, 378
-, Robert, 50, 191
-, William, 44, 174, 455, 483

Beame, Haunce, 62

Beamer, John, 174

-, —, widow, 192
-, Robert, 376

-, Anthony, 218
-, Christopher, 217
-, Joyce, 218
-, Nicholas, 381
-, Thomas, 364

Beard, Bearde, Berde:
-, Arnold, 239
-, John, 117, 490
-, Robert, 33

Bearden, John, 210

Beare, Bere, Beere:
-, Anthony, 1 n, 335
-, William, 79, 270

Beaste, John, 224

Beaulyen, Augustine de, 206(2)

Beaumonti, Beaumount:
-, Hipolito, 355, 356
-, Scipio, 356

Beaver, John, 398

Becham, William, 38

Beche, see Beech

-, Henry, 162, 233
-, William, 255

-, Margaret, 196
-, Mark, 196

Beck, Peter, 387(2)

Becken, Becon, Mr. Doctor —, xxxix n, 245

Becket, Bechet, Beckett:
-, Aunsell, 264
-, James, 152
-, Richard, 247

Beckewyth, Ambrose, 122

Beckman, Peter, 395

Beckylles, Thomas, 231

Becon, see Becken

Bedall, Beddall, Beddyll, Bedill, Bedle, Beydell:
-, Giles, 206
-, Henry, 391
-, James, 293
-, John, 115
-, Richard, 38
-, Simon, 279
-, William, 344

Beddingfeld, Edmond, 327
-, Bedford:
-, George, 280
-, Luke, 275

Bedo, Richard, 195

Bedwolfe, Thomas, 388

Bee, Robert, 174

Beech, Beche:
-, Henry, 183
-, Humphrey, 36, 477

Beede, William, 79

Bere, see Beare

Bees, John, 353

Beffyn, Richard, 96

Begman, Arnold, 260

Behante, Fraunceis de, 136

Behendelen, Pole, 17

-, Betor, 219
-, Jane, 219

Bekingham, John, 45, 449

Belhowse, —, widow, 289

Bell, Belle:
-, —, widow, 134
-, Agnes, 59
-, Anthony, 364
-, Bartholomew, 16
-, Christopher, 175
-, George, 205
-, John, 30, 340
-, Nicholas, 92
-, Robert, 182
-, Roger, 247
-, Thomas, 368

Bellamye, Bellomye:
-, Christopher, 84
-, Robert, 287
-, William, 124

Bellewe, John, 296

Bellingame, Robert, 76

Bellonne, Robert, 287

Bellyng, Francis, 98

Belmer, Rowland, 10

-, John, 95
-, Thomas, 126

Bemishe, Julinus, 212

Ben, Benn, Benne:
-, John, 262
-, Robert, 225, 301

-, Francis, 386
-, Jerome, 375, 386

Bence, Thomas, 200

Bendishe, Henry, 193

Bendles, John, xxxiv, 161

Bendlowes, Edward, 365

Benedick, William, 169

Beneles, John, 78

Beningefilde, Edmund, 327

-, Francis, 106
-, Jerome, 106

Bennett, Benet, Benett, Bennet:
-, Alexander, 368
-, Erasmus, 192
-, Henry, 138, 216, 393
-, John, 138(2), 207, 232, 382
-, Melchisadecke, 211
-, Peter, 370
-, Philip, 132
-, Richard, 249
-, Thomas, 226, 230, 235
-, William, 34, 76

-, John, 4
-, Richard, 285
-, Thomas, 288
-, William, 307

Bentley, Bently:
-, John, 210
-, Mawdline, 188
-, Simon, 335
-, Thomas, 390

Benyfold, William, 130

Benynge, Thomas, 360

Benyon, Richard, 272

Berde, see Beard

Bereblock, William, 299

Bereman, John, 46

Berman, John, 148

Barnard, see Barnard

Berry, Barry, Berrye:
-, Christopher, 382
-, James, 316
-, John, 250
-, Myles, 325
-, Nicholas, 294, 387
-, Richard, 246
-, Thomas, 251, 296
-, William, 149

Bersham, Michael, 326n

Besard, John, 24

Beske, Katherine, 208

Besse, William, 259

Best, Beste:
-, —, widow, 252
-, Agnes, 430
-, Alexander, 163
-, Guillyaume de, 243
-, Joan, widow, 310
-, John, 233, 339
-, John de, 190
-, Robert, 202
-, Thomas, 430

Bestbrowne, George. 187

Bestney, Robert, 216

-, —, widow, 261
-, Thomas, 40

-, Barnaby, 205
-, Otwell, 350
-, Roger, 392

Beswell, John, 253

Beswick, Beswyke:
-, Simon, 252
-, William, 59, 295

Betensonn, George, 50

Beton, William, 116

Bettes, Beattes, Beettes:
-, —, widow, 337
-, Christopher, 334
-, Henry, 22
-, Ralph, 262
-, Richard, 182
-, Roger, 70
-, Thomas, 289

Beverley, Henry, 318

Bevis, Isak, 2

Bevoys, Glode, 312, 314

Beward, Richard, 98

-, John de, 218
-, Loricke, 218

Bewe, Richard, 76

-, Elizabeth, 5
-, John, 133

Bewett, Nicholas, 192

Bewford, Henry, 76

Bewgram, Bewgrom, John, 355, 357

Bewlewe, Augustine, 206

Bewry, John, 10

Bewyk, John, 135

-, Alkin, 391
-, Henrick, 391

Bigeby, John, 186

Bigges, Bygges:
-, Edward, 307
-, John, 334
-, Thomas, 343

Biggleskert, William, 345

Bigneill, William, 66

Bikner, William, 413

Bilbo, John, 290

Bilbroughe, Robert, 227

Billet, James, 172

Billing, John, 296

Billingesley, Henry, 189

-, Anne, 196
-, John, 196

Billingham, Henry, 216

Bilton, William, 383

Bing, Isack, 310

Bingeley, Jasper, 196n

Bingham, Byngam, Byngham:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 305
-, Anthony, 303
-, John, 379
-, Nicholas, 82
-, Richard, 245

Binigeley, Jasper, 196n

Birchet, Joseph, 211

Bircrofte, Andreas, xlix n, 284

Bishopp, Byshopp, Bysshopp, Bysshoppe:
-, Anne, 257
-, Edward, 308
-, Francis, xlix n, 257(2)
-, George, 305
-, Henry, 258
-, John, 257
-, Lewis, 260, 271
-, Nathaniel, 258
-, Phillip, 257
-, Robert, 347
-, Thomas, 361, 471

Biskopp, Lewis, 271

-, Thomas, 187
-, William, 292

Blackamore, Fardinando a, 360

Blacklocke, Blaklok:
-, Elizabeth, 52
-, John, 570

-, Bnce, 247
-, John, 175

-, Margaret, widow, 247
-, William, 145, 147

Blackwaye, Thomas, 224

Blackwell, Blackewell:
-, Thomas, 121
-, William, 174, 304

Bladewell, Robert, 236

Bladon, John, 328

Blagg, Blagge:
-, John, 69
-, Thomas, 109

Blagne, Richard, 278

-, Michael, 227
-, Peter, 142
-, Richard, 138

Blakell, Anthony, and wife, 239

Blakesley, John, 70

Blakgrave, Richard, 407

Blanbargen, —, uxor, van, 352

-, George, 77, 149
-, Stephen, 128

Blancher, James, 227

Blancquet, Jesper, 194

Bland, Blande:
-, Adam, 248
-, John, 238, 325, 342
-, Peter, 80
-, Thomas, 269, 318, 390

Blandsy, Abraham, and wife, 171

Blanke, Blanck:
-, Denys, and wife, 240
-, Michell, 312
-, Peter, 63
-, Thomas, 25, 47, 199, 527
-, William, 41

Blasedon, Nicholas, 323

Bleamore, Robert, 247

Blemor, John, 306

Blenkester, James, 176

Blewe, William, 251

Blithe, Francis, 309

Blitheman, William, 4

Block, Richard, 303

Bloet, Jacob, 267

Blondell, Margery, 164

Bloome, Nicholas, and wife, 172

Blount, Humphrey, 174

Blouth, Richard, 380

-, Henry, 225
-, Thomas, 149, 152
-, William, 382, 387

Bloys, —, widow, xxxiv n, 192

Blund [illeg.], William, 399

-, John, 528, 603
-, Peter, 393
-, Thomas, 309

Blunden, John, 89

Blunt, Blunte, Bluntt:
-, Mr —, 324
-, Anthony, 253
-, John, 271
-, Morrys, 253
-, Thomas, 75
-, William, 197

Blyghman, William, 59

Blynckerne, Roger, 246

-, Mr —, gentleman, 14
-, John, 58

Boder, Peter, 4

Bodleigh, Bodley, Bodyley:
-, John, 233, 393
-, Richard, 393
-, William, 120

Bodman, John, 71

Bodnam, John, 256

Bodwyn, Barnard, 313

Body, Boddye, Bodye:
-, Edward, 251
-, William, 76, 358

Bodyan, William, 122

Bogard, Rowland, 140

Boge, Thomas, 89

Boger, Haunse, 297

Bohere, see Bowyer

Bolmer, Robert, 121

Bolt, Bolte:
-, Mathewe, 266
-, Thomas, 59

Bolter, John, 99

Bolton, Boulton:
-, Christopher, 92
-, John, 249, 341, 392
-, Mathewe, 175
-, Richard, 248
-, Walter, 347
-, William, 123, 376

Bomer, Cornelis, 71

Bomersey, Nicholas, 171

Bond, Bonde:
-, Mistress —, widow, 154
-, Charles, 237
-, Daniel, 213
-, George, alderman, 396
-, John, 57, 179
-, Margaret, 213
-, Michael, 134
-, Phillipp, 232
-, Richard, 363
-, William, 396

Bonden, Anthony, 288

Bonemay, Dyryke, 125

Bonnetto, Rocko, 306

Bonevall, Peter, 313

Bonevant, James, 242

Bonfoy, Sebastian, 312, 313

Bonham, Bonam:
-, James, 46
-, William, 107, 509

-, Mistress —, widow, 253
-, Edmund, bishop of London, xxiii, 1
-, John, 394
-, Thomas, 253
-, William, 253

Bons, John de, 136

Bonsmeth, John, 60

Bonsfell, Henry, 107

Bonthe, Cuthbert, 233

Bontinge, John, 257

Bonvyce, Anthony, 31, 32

-, Bastian, post master, 136
-, Bastyanus, 28
-, Sebastian, xxxiv

Boone, John, 206

Boorce, Jeames, 285

Bootes, Henrick, 391

Booth, John, 180

Boothbye, William, and brother, 255

Borall, George, 149

Borden, Richard, 16

Boremaster, Harman, 313

Boren, John, 222

Borlace, see Burlace

Bornam, Borname:
-, Robert, 269
-, William, 254

Bornforde, Henry, 181

Borono, John Baptyst, 136

Boroughe, William, 83

Borradale, William, 236

Borsham, Michael, 326

Borton, James, 260

Boshall, Henry, 127

Boshe, John, 15(2)

-, Jane de, 363
-, Peter de, 363

Bosse, Thomas, 386

-, Ralph, 198
-, Thomas, 180
-, William, 198

Bosum, Antony, 67

Bosworth, Thomas, 226

Boteman, Harman, 143

Botham, Daniel, 316

Botman, Corren, 154

Botson, William, 20

Bottole, Richard, 456

Bottom, William, 263

Boues, see Bowes

Boughton, Thomas, 127, 128

Bouldrye, Christopher, 294

Boules, see Bowlles

Boulstred, John, 179

-, Peter, 215
-, Sara, 215
-, Sykin, 215(2)

Boune, Thomas, 82

Bounyers, Anne, 357

Bourne, Born, Borne, Bowrne:
-, —, widow, 261
-, Cornelis, 35
-, Henry, 269, 379
-, John, 278, 397
-, Patrick, 227
-, Rixhes, 105, 294
-, Thomas, 131
-, William, 159, 258, 333

Bovee, William, 319

Bovenge, Adam, 266

Bover, Edward, 103

Bovers, Anne, 357

Bowby, Edmund, 294

Bowckas, Robert, 77

Bowdeler, Henry, 358

Bowden, Boden:
-, Henry, 309
-, John, 56
-, Matheus, 204

Bowdett, Jacques, 383

Bowdler, Bowlder, Richard, 166, 233(2)

-, Anne de, 214
-, Hubberd de, 214
-, James de, 214
-, Katherine de, 214
-, Mary de, 214
-, Matthew, xlv

Bowen, Bowhen:
-, Christine, 171
-, John, 540
-, Peter, 183

Bower, Bowar, Bowre:
-, Andrew, 304
-, Thomas, 130(2), 541
-, William, 166, 222(2)

-, John, 257
-, Simon, 212

Bowers, Bowres:
-, Guy, 378
-, Henry, 244
-, Richard, 379

Bowes, Boues:
-, Frances, widow, 288
-, George, 278
-, Joyce, 207, 208
-, Margaret, 208
-, Martin, alderman, 127

Bowland, Bowlande:
-, Edward, 78
-, John, 333
-, Richard, 374

Bowle, Bolle:
-, Augustine, xlix n, 374
-, Richard, 92, 544

Bowlinge, Thomas, 247

Bowlles, Boules, Bowelles:
-, Francis, xlix n, 185
-, George, 397
-, Richard, 214

Bowlters, Peter, 213

Bowltinge, John, 273

Bowman, Boweman:
-, James, 176
-, John, 176
-, William, 60

Bowntenacle, Giles, xlix n, 245

-, John, 170
-, Peter, 170

Bowryn, Raulf, 431

Bowser, Richard, 315

Bowtell, Peter, xlix n, 398

-, John, 233, 392
-, Michael, 199

Bowthet, John, 76

Bowyer, Bohere, Boweyer, Bowyar:
-, —, widow, 275
-, Christopher, 169
-, Elizabeth, 233
-, John, 344
-, Thomas, 127, 128, 405, 560

Boxe, Thomas, 223

Boy, Boye:
-, Giles de, 196
-, Pinkine de, 196
-, William, 38

-, Robert, 258
-, Thomas, 283
-, William, 138

-, Hugh, 257
-, Michael, 277

Boys, Boyce, Boyes, Boyse:
-, Garrett, 337
-, John, 293
-, Peter, 314
-, Phylyp, 20
-, William, 96

Boystell, Ellys, 336

Boytell, Janes, 334

-, Adrian, 141
-, Mathew, 141

Boze, Joyce van lan, 206

Brabam, Samuel, 229

Braban, William, 109

Brabon, Richard, 231

Brackley, Richard, 227

Bracy, Bracye, Brasy:
-, Christopher, 351
-, Edmund, 389
-, Hamlet, 42
-, Henry, 181
-, Robert, 119
-, Thomas, 105

Bradborne, Fraunces, 394

Bradbridge, Henry, 362

Bradburye, Bradborrye:
-, John, 64
-, Richard, 106

Bradforde, Richard, 22

Bradfot, William, 72

Bradgat, Richard, 257

Bradishe, John, 299

-, Edward, 82
-, John, 209
-, Thomas, 82, 341

-, Francis, 186
-, Grace, 377
-, Henry, 192, 194, 335
-, James, 236
-, Lawrence, 400
-, Ralph, 236
-, Richard, 270, 303, 332
-, Thomas, 286, 289
-, William, 290, 377

Bragge, Edmund, 321

Brain, Brane, Brayne:
-, Adam, 370
-, Garret, 8
-, Henry, 43, 400, 410, 529

Brakenbery, Stephen, 54

Bramfeld, Richard, 109

-, Gillian, 221
-, Marie, 221

-, Hugh, 309
-, Thomas, 240

Brampston, Thomas, 16

Brampton, Francis, 268

Branche, Braunche:
-, Mistress —, widow, 254
-, John, 61(2), 388
-, Sir John, xlviii, 241
-, Margaret, 135
-, Richard, 42

Brand, Brande:
-, Cuthbert, 271
-, Edward, 345
-, Jasper, 6
-, John, 169, 172, 289
-, Thomas, 246
-, William, 330

Branden, Edward, 328

Brandon, Robert, 300

Brankle, Richard, 340

Branthwaite, Richard, 331

-, John, 34
-, Peter, 190

Brasselles, Henry van, 192

Brasy, see Bracy

Brawne, Hugh, 323

Bray, Braye:
-, John, 380
-, William, 170

Brayfeild, Brayfelde:
-, Thomas, 310
-, William, 22

Braynkyn, John, 155

Brayredge, Nicholas, 161

Breame, Breme:
-, Arthur, 265
-, John, 10
-, Richard, 156

Breamer, Nicholas, 270

Brearde, Mane, 194

Brende, Thomas, 198

-, Arthur, 349
-, Sara, 349

Brereton, Richard, 283

Bressie, Bressy:
-, Edmund, 362
-, Ralph, 258
-, Thomas, 354

Brett, Robert, 224

Brewe, Patrick, 346

Brewen, Brewyn:
-, Ellis, 326
-, Jane, 386
-, Nicholas, 314
-, Thomas, 380, 386

Brewer, Brewar:
-, John, 80, 395
-, Peter de, 243
-, Roger, 396
-, Simon, 313
-, Stephen, 313
-, Thomas, 173

Brewkhewson, Jasper, 154

Brewreley, Nicholas, 45

Brewse, Antony, 31

-, Richard, 318
-, Thomas, 521

Briatt, Robert, 193

Brickman, Arnold, 305

Bridges, Bridgys, Briges:
-, George, 42
-, Giles, 63
-, Isack de, 190
-, John, 37

Brigg, William, 279

Brigges, Brygges:
-, Edmund, 116, 371
-, Francis, 369
-, George, 79(2)
-, John, 353
-, Richard, 263, 279
-, Robert, 27, 247

Brigham, Anthony, 95

Bright, Brighte, Bryght:
-, Edward, 47
-, Henry, 29
-, John, 228
-, Mabel, 235
-, Salomon, 211
-, Thomas, 121
-, William, 125

-, Arnold, 108
-, John, 108

Bringborne, Robert, 355

Briskett, Sebastian, 390

Brisselley, Edward, 14

Bristowe, Brystow, Brystowe:
-, Cornelys, 140
-, John, 10
-, Nicholas, 161
-, Peter, 78

Britten, Nicholas, 159

Brock, Richard, 198

Brockbanck, Brockbancke (see also Brokebanke):
-, Edmund, 256
-, William, 256

Brockett, Edward, 306

Broddowe, Mr Doctor —, xxxix n, 13

Brog [illeg.], Richard, 480

Brogden, Dionys, 209

-, Johan, 70
-, John, 138, 342
-, Robert, 31

Broke (see also Brook):
-, Antonina, 123
-, Edward, 302
-, Ellis, 32
-, John, 69, 462
-, John de, 15
-, Martin, 386
-, Richard, 145
-, Robert, 46, 59
-, Thomas, 11, 111, 334, 500
-, William, 22, 65

Brokebanke, Brokebancke (see also Brockbanck):
-, John, 274
-, William, 396

Brokenbery, Thomas, 340

Broker, Baltezar, 150

Brokman, Richard, 330

-, Jeffry, 385
-, John, 24

-, Andrew, 382
-, Isae, 386
-, Nicholas, 316
-, Roger, 245
-, William, 303

-, Nicholas, 87
-, Thomas, 52

Bromelles, —, widow, 75

Bromesnerthe, Nicholas, 385

Bromewelle, —, widow, 161

Bromley, Bromlye:
-, Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor, xxiv n, 327
-, William, 71, 211

Bromsted, Robert, 466

Bronkere, Adrian de, 243

Broadbank, William, 396n

Broodes, George, 115

Brook, Brooke (see also Broke):
-, Henry, 189
-, Humphrey, 241
-, John, 232
-, Nicholas, 202
-, Ralph, 1 n, 250
-, Richard, 280 283, 292, 346
-, Robert, 395
-, Rowland, 367
-, William, 234, 249

Brookesby, Brokesby:
-, Bartholomew, 112
-, George, 252

Brothers, William, 70
-, Broughe, Browe:
-, Edith, 386
-, Robert, 328
-, William, 15

-, Richard, 307
-, Rowland, 346

Browderer, Gyllam, 148

Browell, Pasquell, 366

Browker, —, widow, 169

Brown, Broun, Browne:
-, Mistress —, widow, 261
-, Benedict, 237
-, Charles, 279
-, Edward, 493
-, Elizabeth, 85, 433
-, George, 146
-, Harman, 143
-, Henry, 149, 247, 365, 372
-, Humphrey, 374
-, Sir Humphrey, 63
-, James, 89, 333
-, Jerome, 154
-, John, 29, 34, 86, 145, 237, 251, 288, 293, 294, 302
-, Margaret, 320, 493
-, Mary, 183
-, Nicholas, 288
-, Richard, 281, 311
-, Robert, 37, 46, 111
-, Thomas, 45, 101, 224, 270, 288, 334, 371, 433, 488
-, Sir Thomas, 311
-, Walter, 281, 303
-, William, 138, 179, 205, 237, 262, 275

-, Anne, 208
-, Quintyne, 208
-, William, 207, 208

Brownrick, Thomas, 370

Brownsman, Jeffrey, 375

Brownsmythe, Brownesmythe:
-, John, 296
-, William, 163

Brownsword, Leonerd, 370

-, Jane, 214
-, Job, 214

Bruce: Christopher, 245
-, Thomas, 275

-, Robert, 264n
-, Thomas, 264

Brue, John, 159

Bruerton, John, 233

-, John, 352(2)
-, Laurence, 25
-, Symon de, 117

Brugg, Brugge:
-, George, 129(2)
-, Giles, 510

Brumall, Walter, 318

Brunckey, Katherine, 188

Brushe, Peter, 17

Brusket, Antony, 134

-, Clement, 251
-, Herry, 90
-, John, 247

Bryart, Peter, 131

Brycker, Elizabeth, 120

Brydde, John, 22

Bryet, Mary, 206(2)

Bryklyng, Edmund, 135

Brykshawe, John, 154

Brynckeley, Henry, 68

Bryscoe, Guylliam, 368

Bryseworth, Michael, 112

Brysley, John, 30

Buck, Bucke:
-, Balteser, 329
-, Clement, 228
-, Mathewe, 213
-, Nicholas, 185
-, Robert, 111

-, Jacomyn, 344
-, James, 90
-, John, 344
-, Robert, 115

Buckfeld, William, 70

Buckfold, Henry, 42

Buckhold, Harmon, 313

Buckland, Bucklond, Richard, 37, 103

Buckle, Cutbert, 199

-, Edward, 256
-, William, 376

Buckstone, Margaret, 30

Buerdsell, William, 333

Buff, Reynold, 312, 314

Buffo, Richard, 312

Buggard, Alexander, 296, 297

Bugham, John, 49

Bughe, Thomas, 106

Bukere, James, 118

Buknenan, William, 130

Bukney, John, 46

Bukstede, William, 42

Bull, Bulle:
-, Edmund, 287
-, George, 317
-, John, 103, 273
-, Larence, 89
-, Nicholas, 100, 424
-, Robert, 107
-, William, 107, 121

Bullenger, Giles, 314

Bullington, Henry, 376

Bullock, Bullocke, Bullok, Bulloke:
-, Andrew, 5
-, Hugh, 210
-, John, 14, 40, 86
-, Thomas, 212, 228, 343
-, Walter, 306

Bully, Bulley:
-, John, 80
-, Mary, 379
-, William, 150

-, Peter, 150
-, Thomas, 227

Bultiell, Giles, xlix n, 383

-, Jasper, 196
-, Katherine, 196
-, Mallakin, 196n
-, Nellykine, 196

Burbage, Anthony, 315

Burbridge, Robert, 288

Burbusshe, Deryk, 95

Burcher, William, 329

Burd, Burde:
-, —, uxor, 353
-, John, 397
-, William, 213

Burden, John, 320

Burdett, Thomas, 273

Burdock, Burdok:
-, John, 65
-, Thomas, 137

Burford, William, 225

Burgan, Richard, 61

-, Robert, 124
-, Thomas, 124

Burgen, Burgon:
-, Lawrence, 131
-, Thomas, 331

Burges, Burgesse:
-, Edward, 225
-, John, 87
-, Thomas, 242

Burghley, William, lord, xxiv n

Burgoigne, George, 307

Burgrave, John, 293, 298

Burlace, Borlace, Burlas, Buries:
-, Clement, 393
-, Edmund, 265
-, Edward, 75, 158, 413, 496, 505
-, John, 305

Burley, Burly:
-, Beter, 215
-, Jane, 215
-, William, 338

-, Jane, 387
-, Peter, 387

Burnam, John, 531

Burlyns, Laurence, xlv

Burneck, Reynold, 147

-, Mistress —, widow, 278
-, John, 149, 398
-, Thomas, 149, 421

Burnet, John, 35

Burnley, Thomas, 205

Burnynghill, William, 22

Burrall, Burrell:
-, Martin, 290
-, Richard, 230

Burrett, John, 114

Burrey, William, 588; see also Bury

Burridge, Thomas, 338

-, John, 216, 252
-, Ralph, 392

Burshe, Thomas, 339

Burson, Thomas, 227

Burte, Thomas, 295

-, Benet, 119
-, Dyanys, 242
-, Humphrey, 242
-, Jerome, 205
-, John, 238
-, Lawnclott, 258
-, Nicholas, 324
-, Percyvall, 274
-, Peter, 249
-, Robert, 5, 214
-, Stephen, 234
-, Symon, 14, 191

Burwell, John, 30

Bury, Guillam, 366; see also Burrey

Busby, Busbye:
-, Ralph, 170
-, Thomas, 241

Buse, Deryk, 8

Bushe, Busshe:
-, Barnard, 63, 110
-, Giles, 63
-, Henry, 39
-, John, 61
-, Richard, 67, 225
-, Roger, 279

Busher, Bussher:
-, Andrew, 196
-, Christopher, 43
-, Dominico, 189
-, Hannikine, 195
-, Lynckine, 196
-, Peter, 195

Bushert, Giles, and wife, 341

Buskell, Peter, 363

-, Daniel van, 204
-, Katherine van, 204

Bust, Guido, 359

Bustard, Francis, 79

Busye, Cornellius de, 243

-, John, 215
-, Thomas, 350

Butler, Butlar:
-, Christopher, 288
-, Henry, 395
-, John, 5, 7
-, Richard, 242
-, Robert, 278
-, Thomas, 95, 103, 122, 290
-, William, 70, 179

Butssey, John, 12

Butt, John, 173

Buttell, Buttle, Richard, 86, 415

Butter, John de, 58

Butterick, John, 181

Buttemore, William, 190

-, Mr —, 316
-, James, 90

Buttessey, Barnardyne, 14

Buttseller, Hans van, 134

Bybson, Francis, 335

Bybye, John, 231

Byck, Ingle van le, 147

Byckenton, Elizabeth, 329

Bycroft, Thomas, 351

Bye, Robert, 222

Byet, Nicholas, 150

Bygmor, Bygmore:
-, Alyn, 21
-, William, 278

Bylbey, John, 350
-, Byledge, Thomas, 293
-, Bylersbye, John, 56
-, Byll, Bylle:
-, John, 368
-, Doctor [Thomas], xxxix n, 124

Byllings, —, widow, 256

Byllington, Lawrence, 179

Byllyng, Edward, 68

Bylman, Henry, 150

Bynckes, Binckes, Bynkes:
-, James, 338
-, John, 24
-, Ralph, 274
-, Thomas, 174

Bynd, Bynde, Thomas, 241, 269

Byndynge, Richard, 95

Bynnell, Thomas, 232

Bynneon, George, 252

Bynnyman, Henry, 246

Byrcham, Byrkham, Robert, xxxiv, 5, 88

-, Elizabeth, 20
-, Nicholas, 43
-, William, 135

Byrd, Birde, Byrde:
-, Francis, 302
-, Henry, 116
-, Joanne, 44
-, John, 174, 182, 495
-, Marcye, widow, 388
-, Mark, 247
-, Richard, 158
-, Robert, 15
-, Thomas, 305

Byrkham, see Byrcham

Byrtroft, Andreas, 284

Bysmer, Bysmor:
-, George, 20
-, Massy, 134

Byssey, Bysseye:
-, Elizabeth, 266
-, Peter, 266
-, Thomas, 320

Byston, John, 100

Byttenson, John, 282

Bywhot, Nicholas, 150

Cabell, George, 280

Cachemayd, Cachemayde:
-, Agnes, 529
-, John, 529

Cadalor, John, 129

-, Margaret, 287
-, Richard, 109
-, Walter, 242

Cadler, Richard, 240

-, John, 230
-, Nicholas, 175

Caesar, Dr. Julius, xxxix n; see also Cesar

Caffes, Mary, 266

-, Anthony, 254
-, Edward, 394
-, John, 258
-, Thomas, 254

-, Charles du, 217
-, Marret du, 217

Calcott, John, 265

Caldron, Aron, 298

Caldwall, Caldwell, Cawdewell, Cawdwell, Cawldwell, Coldwell:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 246
-, Gabriell, 73
-, Florence, 327
-, Herry, 99
-, Lawrence, 274
-, Nicholas, 347
-, Ralph, 4
-, Stephen, 159

Caldycot, William, 256

Calen, George a, 7

Calis, John of, alias John Rogers, 135

-, Barbara, 389
-, John, 389

Callard, Richard, 100

-, Thomas, 223
-, William, 97

Callowaye, Henry, 333; see also Caylewaye

Calthorpe, Calthorpp, Calthrop, Calthrope, Calthropp:
-, Anthony, 197
-, Clement, 198
-, Edmund, 392
-, Henry, 234
-, Martin, junior, 237
-, Martin, alderman, 237
-, Robert, 249

-, Thomas, 100, 424
-, William, 98

Calvacant, Thomas, 62

Calveta, John, 385

Calwood, John, 108

Cambe, see Camby

-, Robert, 358
-, Thomas, 265

Camber, Marten de, and wife and brother, 367

Camble, Walter, 89

Camby, Cambe:
-, George, 370
-, Randolph, 224

Camden, —, widow, 341

Camincle, Gennynges, 18

Camiora, Vincent, 229

Campane, Campayngne, Bartholomew, and wife, 50, 156

-, Denyse, 117
-, William, 319

Campener, Mark de, 172

Campion, Campyon, Campyone:
-, Mr —, 298
-, Abraham, 292
-, Christopher, 77, 477
-, Edmund, 107
-, Henry, 292
-, John, 158
-, Sensa [?], 561
-, William, 76, 216

Campton, Antony van, 10

Candeler, Candler:
-, Leonard, 32
-, Richard, 240

Candora, Cornelis, 240

Candy, William, 122

Candyshe, William, 5

Cane (see also Keyne):
-, Bartholomew, 113
-, Edmund, 29
-, John, 170

Canenocle, Godfrey, 213

Canion, Cannion:
-, Daniel, 215
-, Godfrey, alias Anthony Jorrey, 213
-, Margaret, alias Margaret Iverye, 215
-, Mary, 215

Canker, Edward, 51

Canne, Elizabeth, 234

Cannon, Cannan, Cannone, Canon, Kanowne:
-, —, widow, 75
-, James, 274
-, John, 36, 456
-, Joseph, 297
-, Melchiar, wife of Peter, 198
-, Peter, 198
-, Symon, 318

Cantilion, Cantillion:
-, Guilliaune, Guilliam, 392, 393
-, Mary, 393

Cantwell, Agnes, 145

Canyell, Benedick, 32

Caper, Thomas, 319

-, Lewis vander, 196
-, Margaret vander, 196

Capon, —, widow, 156

Carcano, Christofer de, 129

-, Mr —, 333
-, William, 30

Care, John, 64

Careles, Robert, 397

Carelyle, Carlehill:
-, Richard, 276
-, Roger, 116

Carewe, Carow, Carowe:
-, [illeg.], clothworker, 499
-, [illeg.], widow, 499
-, Charles, 384
-, Edward, 178
-, Sir Francis, 185
-, Sir George, 311
-, John, 363
-, Lawrence, 507
-, William, 241

Carie, Carrey, Cary, Carye:
-, Mr Doctor —, xxxix n, 319
-, George, 327
-, Lewys, 10
-, Peron, 221

Carington, Richard, 354

Carkeke, William, 66

Carket, William, 455

Carkett, Ralph, 253

Carle, Jasper, 9

Carlehill, see Carelyle

Carleton, Christopher, 365

Carman, Byrde, 17

Carmarden, Thomas, 48, 51

Carnabie, Nicholas, 377

Caron, see Carrane

Carowe, see Carewe

Carpenter, Carpinter:
-, Barbara, 218
-, Gregory, 2
-, Henry, 317
-, Jacob, 218
-, Jane, 356
-, Robert, 199

-, Francis, 215
-, Hance, 215

Carr, Carre:
-, Andrew, 120
-, Richard, 135
-, Robert, 360
-, Rubyn, 345
-, Thomas, 67

Carrane, Caron, Carren:
-, Jane, 214
-, John, 141
-, Melcher, 214
-, Roger, 335
-, Simon, 214

Carrell, Richard, 51

Carren, see Carrane

Carrey, see Carie

Carryll, John, 373

Carryman, Balthaser, and wife, 239

Carter, Cartar, Cartor:
-, Christopher, 289
-, Edward, 249
-, George, 319
-, James, 202, 380
-, John, 43, 64, 281, 288, 371
-, Richard, 115
-, Thomas, 43, 81, 381, 390
-, Walter, 41
-, William, 277

Cartwright, Cartwrighte:
-, Humphrey, 293
-, Laurence, 357
-, Peter, 397
-, Thomas, 316(2)

Carvelo, George, 238

Carway, John, 512

Carwell, John, 236

Carwyn, John, 141

Cary, Carye, see Carie

Case, John, 57

Casett, Elizabeth, 266

-, Richard, 364
-, William, 354

Cason, Mr —, 337

Cassadonny, Cassadony:
-, Antony, 153
-, Fraunceis, 153

Cassellere, Dominico, 194

Cassyon, Morrys, 61

-, Fraunces, 217
-, James, 217
-, Mirchet, 217

Castell, Castyll:
-, —, 138
-, Andrew, 105
-, Edward, 104
-, Elyn, 105
-, Henry, 245
-, Richard, 76
-, Thomas, 139

Castelyn, Castlyn:
-, John, 260
-, Thomas, 393
-, William, 71, 426

Castleton, Baldwyn, 257

Cat, Catte:
-, Jasper de, 232
-, John de, 220
-, Sara de, 220

-, Anthony, 216
-, Edward, 268
-, John, 237
-, Richard, 316
-, Thomas, 237, 316

-, Jane le, 218
-, Peter, le, 218

Cater, —, widow, 227

Caters, Cornelis, 335

Cathorne, Thomas, 351

Catline, Catlyn:
-, Lady —, 330
-, Henry, 216

Catte, see Cat

Cattell, Richard, 247

Caulton, Henry, 300

Caunerley, Robert, 125

Cavalliero, Romano, 188

-, Anthony, 59, 132, 180
-, Peter, 468, 474, 607

Caveles, Janikin, 359

Caverley, Cavylley:
-, Anthony, 42
-, Bryan, 273
-, Francis, 340
-, Guilham, 136

Cawdewell, Cawdwell, Cawldwell, see Caldwall

Cawdwyn, William, 22

Cawnte, Edward, 211

-, Gabriel, 305
-, Richard, 119

Cawse, Thomas, 139

Cawsey, Robert, 223

Caylewaye, William, 509; see also Callowaye

Cayne, James, 272

Ceeres, William, 250; see also Seres, Sares

Celleoll, Vincent, 194

Celosse, see Selois

Cely, William, 560; see also Seelye

Cenarde, Robert, 150

Centman, Richard, 226

Cerrey, Thomas, 145

Cesar, Doctor —, 304

Chadock, John, 259

Chafer, Bryan, 132

Chaire, Thomas, 305

Chalderbye, John, 25

Chalinor, Challoner, Chaloner, Chalyoner:
-, John, 229, 230
-, Roger, 22, 450

Challecome, James, 169

Chamber, Chambre:
-, —, 264
-, Antonet, 219
-, Christopher, 139
-, Enoveck, 338
-, Geffrey, 121, 451
-, Luke, 219
-, Robert, 105
-, William, 90, 131

Chamberlayne, Chamberlen, Chamberleyn, Chamberlin, Chamberline:
-, —, widow, 192
-, Henry, 140
-, John, 14
-, Margaret, 265
-, Mathew, 278, 302
-, Robert, 265
-, Thomas, 474
-, William, 122, 163

-, John, 370
-, Richard, 175
-, Robert, 370
-, Thomas, 259
-, Willim, 79, 229

Chamley (see also Cholmely):
-, Dorothy, 60
-, Henry, 41
-, Sir Roger, 1

Chamorlen, Richard, 73

Champenhant, John van, 320

Champion, Championn, Champyon:
-, Mistress —, 77
-, Peter, 48(2)
-, Richard, 63

Champnes, Sir John, 156

Champney, Thomas, 64, 228

Chandler, Chaundelor, Chaundler:
-, John, 87, 100, 224, 429, 549, 583
-, Robert, 185

Chapell, Thomas, 81

Chapman, Chappman:
-, —, widow, 226
-, Mistress —, widow, 258
-, Alexander, 5
-, Edmund, 390
-, Edward, 292
-, Helen, 377
-, John, 36, 120, 203
-, Nicholas, 258
-, Robert, 80, 466, 599
-, Thomas, 81, 159, 260
-, William, 225, 273

Charleton, Roger, 332

Charlett, Gregory, 261

Charlewood, John, 287

Charley, see Cherley

Chaser, Robert, 241

-, —, widow, 211
-, Adam, 223

Chaunterell, Chauntrell:
-, John, 103, 538
-, Robert, 256

Chawner, Robert, 376

Chayrde, William, 96

Chazley, Barnard, 175

Cheball, William, 135

Check, Philip, 13

Chedelton, James, 311

Cheifedostell, Nicholas, 230

Cheke, Cheyke:
-, John, 258
-, Ralph, 395
-, William, 163

Chelsham, Chelsam, William, 69, 373

Cherley, Charley, John, 27, 450, 543

Cherrye, Mary, 220

Chersey, Robert, 89

Chertsey, William, 109

Cheryott, Richard, 346

Cherytree, Peter, 326

Cheshire, Humphrey, 473

Chester, Chestre:
-, John, 144
-, Mawdlin, Lady, 373
-, Nicholas, 292
-, Richard, 369
-, William, 127, 130, 191

Cheston, Mathew, 187

Cheswick, John, 332

Chevall, Henry, 269

Cheven, William, 2, 138

Cheyke, see Cheke

Cheyny, Thomas, 146, 506

Childersley, Elize, 205

Cholmely, Chlmdley, Cholmeley (see also Chamley):
-, Jasper, 327
-, Sir Roger, xxiii, 119
-, William, 113

Chowe, John, 25

Chowne, Nicholas, 77

Chrystofer, Robert, 261

-, Hugh, 29
-, William, 159

Churchill, John, 197

Churchman, Churcheman:
-, John, 224
-, Richard, 60

Chybborne, Christopher, 48

Chydeley, Robert, 123

Chylderhouse, Walter, 115

Claiton, see Clayton

Clampert, John, 107

Clapham, Nicholas, 344

Clapton, Edward, 74

Clardos, Rossell, 155

Clark, Clarck, Clarcke, Clarke, Clerck, Clercke, Clerk, Clerke:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 246(2)
-, Agnes, Lady, 104
-, Albone, 329
-, Alen, 2
-, Anthony, 369
-, Drewe, 263
-, Edward, 261, 398
-, Francis, 252, 310, 369, 378
-, Garrett, 104
-, George, 365
-, Henry, 140, 155, 199
-, John, 100, 163, 174, 180, 299, 318, 344, 376, 381
-, Leven, 194
-, Nicholas, 35, 372
-, Peter, 291
-, Rice, 174
-, Richard, 186, 207, 214
-, Robert, 120(2), 122, 130, 379, 541
-, Roger, 224
-, Sir Rowland, 315
-, Symon, 195
-, Thomas, 25, 43, 300, 346, 378
-, William, 80, 147, 379, 398, 414, 492, 574, 595, 596

Clarnes, Ralph, 44

Clarvaux, Edward, 393

Clary, Nicholas, 10

Clatterbock, Clutterbooke:
-, Fernando, 212
-, Thomas, 339

Claxon, Ralph, 200

Clay, Richard, 24

Clayse, Clayes:
-, Godfrey, 9
-, John, 6
-, Nicholas, 85

Clayton, Claiton, Cleyton:
-, John, 336
-, Richard, 255
-, Thomas, 22, 108, 111
-, William, 226, 228

Clea, Thomas, 284

Cleare, William, 65

-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 71
-, Peter, 207(2)
-, Richard, 101

-, Mary, 356
-, William, 568

Clerck, Clercke, Clerk, Clerke, see Clark

Clerkson, William, 60

Cletheroll, Cletherowe, Clytherowe:
-, Harry, 81
-, Henry, 374
-, Thomas, 193

Cleveing, Cleving:
-, Bartholomew, 99
-, Paul, 136

Cleybrooke, William, 328

Cleyffton, see Clyfton

Clifford, Clyfforde:
-, Mistress —, widow, 73
-, John, 289

Clikerd, John, 239(2)

Clock, Maria de, 195

Clokar, Cloker:
-, Henry, 42
-, John, 65

-, Mistress —, widow, 74
-, Davy, 60

-, Giles, 18, 148
-, Martin, 194
-, Nicholas, 162

Closse, Clossey:
-, Elizabeth, 220
-, John, 297

Clothe, Vyncent, 129

-, Leonard, 340
-, William, 20

Clouney, John, 307

Clowcarte, Mathias, 204

Clowes, William, 358

Clowte, Richard, 98

Clune, Owyn, 24

Clutt, William, 8

Clutterbooke, see Clatterbock

Clyff, Clyffe:
-, Edmund, 202
-, Garret, 34
-, John, 209
-, Thomas, 116, 242, 376

Clyfton, Cleyffton:
-, Richard, 75
-, William, 165

-, Thomas, 378
-, William, 75

Clynt, Symon, 302

Clytherowe, see Cletheroll

Cneil, Henry, 210(2)

Coale, see Cole

Cobb. Cobbe:
-, Michael, 263
-, Peter, 285
-, Robert, 167, 267, 270
-, Stephen, 70
-, William, 198

Cobham, John, 246

-, James, 58
-, Peter, alias Andrianson, 13

Coche, William, 364

-, Gillam, 344
-, Mary, 344

Cock, Cocke:
-, David, 222
-, Garrett, 102
-, John, 48
-, Stephen, 116

Cockerell, Cokkerell:
-, Edmund, xlv n, 160, 484
-, Timothy, 396

Cockes, Cokkes, Cokxe, Cox, Coxe
-, —, 233
-, Alexander, 343
-, Edward, 362
-, Henry, 126
-, Jane, 196
-, Jeane, 287
-, John, 108(2), 147(2), 293, 300, 317, 369, 445(2)
-, Leonerde, 353
-, Richard, 87, 234
-, Robert, 35, 36, 363, 373
-, Thomas, 238
-, William, 36, 381

Cockine, William, 237

Cocknedge, William, 346

Cocksetter, Thomas, 372

Cockshed, Morris, 344

Cocley, John, 392

Cocourte, Hance, 291

Codnam, Agnes, 109

Codner, —, widow, 259

Coe, Thomas, 228

-, John, 240
-, Robert, 302

Coise, Mistress —, widow, 278

Coke, see Cook

Cokes (see also Cockes):
-, John, 35, 145
-, Thomas, 225

Colburne, George, 316

Colbye, John, 397

Coldock, Francis, 305

Coldwell, see Caldwall

Cole, Coale (see also Coole):
-, —, widow, 251
-, Anthony, 51, 602
-, Edward, 69
-, Elizabeth, 356
-, Emmanuell, 346
-, Garrett, 123
-, Humphrey, 305
-, James, 9, 180, 355, 356(2)
-, John, 33
-, Nicholas, 13, 339
-, Thomas, 67
-, William, 264, 268

Colecloth, Mathew, 379

Colen, John a, 9

Coles, Colles:
-, George, 301
-, Richard, 125
-, William, 237

Coley, Colley, Colly, Cowley, Cowly (see also Coole and Culley):
-, —, widow, 232
-, Allayn, 197
-, Antony, 46
-, George, 138
-, Henry, 281
-, John, 175
-, Richard, 272
-, Rowland, 200
-, Thomas, 78

Colfe, Thomas, 274

Collard, John, 65

Collens, see Collins

Coller, Collere:
-, John, 319
-, Robert, 179

Colles, see Coles

Collet, Collett, Collette:
-, Arnold, 158
-, John, 373
-, Michael, 174
-, Peter, 207, 216
-, Robert, 329

Colley, see Coley

Collier, Collyer:
-, John, 209
-, Nicholas, 354
-, Zacharye, 336

Collins, Collens, Collyns, Colyns:
-, Edward, 396
-, James, 91, 254
-, John, 15, 67, 88, 113, 174
-, Richard, 20, 305
-, William, 122

Collson, Rowland, 328

Colly, see Coley

Collymore, see Cullymore

Collyn, John, 144

Collynge, —, 24

Colman, Collman:
-, Christopher, 288
-, Henry, 38
-, Peter, 39
-, Robert, 225

Colmer, Colmere:
-, John, 257
-, Richard, 255
-, William, 95

Colnes, Thomas, 367

Colsell, Collsell:
-, Thomas, 213
-, William, 330, 587, 588, 589

Colstone, Gabriel, 224

Colt, Colte:
-, John, 118
-, Robert, 163
-, Thomas, 70

Coltes, Mathewe, auditor in the Court of Augmentations, 54

Colthurst, Henry, 212

Coltman, Margaret, 16

Colway, Robert, 38

Colyn, Hale a, widow, 173

Colyns, see Collins

Comaunder, William, 557

Comber, Comer:
-, Hans, 128
-, Innocent, 193
-, William, 396

Combergher, Charles, 128

Comer, see Comber

Comes, Ellin, widow, 343

Comforthe, Herry, 98

Commyn, Thomas, 285

Cone, Alexander de, 229

-, Garret de, 215
-, Margaret de, 215

Coney, Connye, Cony:
-, Margaret, 44
-, Thomas, 175
-, Walter, 104

Conington, Paul, 319

Connam, Mr —, 173

Connyngham, John, 116

Conradus, William, 236

-, Sir Marmaduke, 5
-, Thomas, 151

Constantine, Constantyne:
-, Evangelista, 387
-, Richard, 269
-, Thomas, 228

Convarse, Henry, 290

Conway, Conwaye, Conwey:
-, Elizabeth, 120
-, Fowke, 45
-, Henry, 364
-, Pierse, 365
-, William, 337

Cony, see Coney

-, George, 70
-, Gregory, 109
-, John, 178
-, Robert, 198
-, William, 224

Conygrave, Reynold, 111

Cook, Coke, Cooke:
-, Arnold, 290
-, Edward, 606
-, George, 210
-, Gtorge, 367
-, Henry, 160
-, Herman, 7
-, Humphrey, 207
-, James, and wife, 240
-, John, 20, 21, 59, 100, 115, 293, 301, 365, 392, 602
-, John, Lancaster Herald, 1 n, 246
-, Laurence, 296
-, Nicholas, 120, 392
-, Peter, 142, 228
-, Richard, 61, 241
-, Robert, Clarenceux King of Arms, 1 n, 278
-, Thomas, 24, 299, 306, 340
-, Wiliam, 45, 169, 237, 318, 339
-, Doctor William, xxxix n, 106

Coole (see also Coley):
-, Anthony, xxxiv, 64
-, Peter, 285
-, Thomas, 289

Coomes, Robert, 226

Cooper, Coper, Couper, Cowper:
-, —, widow, 334
-, Adam, 279
-, Edward, 306
-, George, 358
-, Harman, 141
-, Henry, 141
-, John, xxxiv n, lviii, 43, 213, 225, 274, 287, 294, 342
-, Martin, 142
-, Mondye, 94
-, Nicholas, 393
-, Richard, 294, 354
-, Robert, 96, 224, 301
-, Roger, 241
-, Simon, 152
-, Walter, 86
-, William, 54, 166, 248, 253(2)

Coorte, see Court

Copcot, Kopcot:
-, Reynold, 121
-, Thomas, 182
-, William, 344

-, Barnard, 102
-, Roger, 179
-, William, 256

Coper, see Cooper

Copin, Coppen:
-, —, 13
-, Farnando, 192

Coping, John, 478

-, James, 191
-, John, 362

-, Garret, 2
-, Harman, 314

Coplestone, John, 216

Coplow, Quyntence, 169

Coppen, see Copin

Coppynger, Walter, 261

Coram, Roger, 237

Corbet, Corbett:
-, Humphrey, 267
-, Launcelott, 302
-, Thomas, 346
-, William 251

Corbyn, John, 288

Corde, Alyce, 136

Cordell, Cordall, Cordelle:
-, Lady —, 284
-, Mr —, 262
-, Edward, 180, 315
-, Thomas, 282

Core, John, 46

Corey, Christopher, 301

Corket, John, 306

Cornall, see Cornelle

Corne, Cornellys, 273

Cornelis, Cornelish, Cornelius, Cornellis, Cornelys:
-, Adrian, 28, 356
-, Anthony, 215
-, Elis, 26
-, Frederick, 28
-, Garret, 9
-, Giles, 196
-, Helyn, 363
-, Hugh, 173
-, James, 173
-, John, 28, 171
-, Mary, 206
-, Peter, 133

Cornelle, Cornall, Cornylle:
-, Clement, 73
-, Guillam, 206
-, John, 340

Cornelo, George, 238

Comely, Marie, 238

Cornelynson, Raynold, 93

Corner, John, 291

Cornew, Robynet, 15

Cornewallis, Cornewallys, Corwalis:
-, Edward, 12
-, Guilham, 136
-, William, 311

Cornewell, Richard, 303

Corney, John, 221

Cornylle, see Cornelle

Cornyp, Guylham, 134

-, —, widow, 259
-, Paterik, 44
-, Raphaell, 2

Corrant, Corraunt:
-, John, 141
-, Lewys, 29

Corsellis, Corsellys:
-, Michael, 297
-, Michael Gryffin, alias, 296
-, Segar, 297

Corsini, see Cursynye

Cortoyd, Peter, 171

Cortys, see Curtys

Corwalis, see Cornewallis

-, Arthur, 320
-, Vittor, 48

Cosen, Cosyne, Cousyn, Cowsyn, Cozen, Cusson:
-, Guylbert, 133
-, John, 132, 144, 288
-, Nicholas, 41, 42, 436, 487, 536
-, Philip, 132
-, Robert, 54
-, Thomas, 116, 212, 447

-, Agnes, 219
-, Mary, 219
-, Michael, 219

Coste, Edward, 152

-, Anne de, 352
-, Peter de, xlix n, 352

Costerd, Deryk, 10

Coston, Symond, 107

Cosyne, see Cosen

Cote, Mr —, 311

Coter, William, 67

Cotes, Cottes:
-, Christopher, 42
-, John, alderman, 163
-, Roger, 60

Cotesford, John, 197

Cotgrave, Hugh, alias Ritchemond, 1 n, 301

Cotier, Hector, 190

Cotman, Richard, 186

Cotson, Nicholas, 197

Cott, Goodluck, 354

-, Anthony, 69
-, Thomas, 151

Cottes, see Cotes

Cottingham, William, 109

Cottington, Thomas, 86

-, —, widow, 357
-, John, 251, 320
-, Lawrence, 324
-, Richard, 166, 277, 279
-, Thomas, 288
-, William, 245, 343

Coune, Peter, 298

Countt, Gillam, 326

Court, Coorte:
-, Henry, 124
-, James, 305

Courteyn, Curtaine, Curtein, Curteine:
-, Guilliam, 201
-, Jackline, 220
-, Joane, 201
-, John, 117
-, Lewis, 220
-, Margaret, 201(2)

Courtman, William, 414

Cousyn, see Cosen

-, Balthazar, 218
-, Tonnet, 218

Covell, Thomas, 299

Coverdall, William, 340

Cowborne, Michael, 339

Cowbrydge, Wiliam, 9

Cowdrye, William, 322

Cowell, John, 342

Cowlas, James, 266

Cowly, see Coley

Cowper, see Cooper

Cowrtney, William, 379

Cowseworth, John, 49

Cowssell, Gyllam, 55

Cowsyn, see Cosen

Cowyk, Cowyke, William, 54, 59

Cox, see Cockes

-, Elizabeth, 376
-, John, 77
-, Vincent, 77

Craddock, John, 191

Crafford, Craiford, see Crayford

Crakyngthorpe, Thomas, 76

Crane, Crenne:
-, Garratt, 297
-, John, 302
-, Laurence, 159
-, Nicholas, 174
-, William, 32

Cranesfeild, Thomas, 197

Cranewaye, William, 101

Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, 1

Crant, John, 211

Crathorne, see Craythorne

Craven, William, 222

Crayford, Crafford, Craiford, Crayforde:
-, Edward, 215
-, Guy, 11, 32
-, Joan, 215
-, John, 234
-, Richard, 226

Craythorne, Crathorne:
-, John, 115
-, Margaret, 321

Creade, see Crede

Creake, Doctor —, xxxix n, 248

Crecher, Nicholas, 71

Credar, John, 32

Crede, Creade:
-, Anthony, 96
-, Henry, 28

Creeckeplace, Cutbeart, 274

Creke, John, 88

Cremer, Crymer:
-, Herman, 8
-, Hames, 8
-, John, 141, 158, 173
-, Michael, 26
-, Peter, 10
-, Poulse, 292

Crenne, see Crane

-, Thomas, 63
-, William, 93

-, John, 292
-, Ralph, 103

Creswayt, Richard, 162

-, Aleyn, 27
-, Robert, 311

-, Magdalen de, 363
-, Sara de, 363
-, Troiolus de, 363

Cretsa, Domyng, 153

Crewe, Ralph, 198

Crewood, Humphrey, 172

-, Garret, 212
-, John, 45
-, Wassell, 45

Crewsman, George, 386

Crikwell, John, 13

Croftes, Sir James, xxiv n

Croftes, Thomas, 235

Crofton, William, 80

Croke, see Crooke

Crokes, see Crookes

Cromer, Doctor —, xxxix n, 86

Crompe, Thomas, 262

Crompton, Crumpton:
-, Thomas, 331
-, William, 35, 483

Crooke, Croke, John, 111, 315

Crookes, Crokes:
-, John, 288
-, William, 37

Crosbye, Thomas, 160

Crose, Crosse:
-, Anthony, 129, 137
-, Ralph, 234
-, Richard, 37
-, Robert, 167, 197(2)
-, Stephen, 255

Crosseley, William, 350

Crosshawe, Edward, 346

Crosswell, Nicholas, 48

Croupton, Richard, 439

Crow, Crowe
-, goodwife —, 208
-, Ralph, 317
-, Robert de, 130
-, William, 236, 341

Crowche, Crouche:
-, George, 79, 482, 573
-, Giles, 273
-, John, 43, 255
-, Michael, 274, 282
-, Richard, 321
-, William, 316

Crowchley, see Crucheley

Crowcock, John, 91

Crowder, William, 308

Crowell, Crowle, Crulle:
-, Cornelys, 154
-, Garret, 7
-, Robert, 131

Crowon, see Croyen

-, Balthezar, 128
-, John, 342

Crowther, George, 307

Croyen, Crowon:
-, Anthony, 129
-, John, 128
-, Nowell, 135

Cruce, Mane. 196

Crucheley, Crowchley:
-, James, 275
-, Robert, 245
-, Thomas, 364

Crulle, see Crowell

Crumbrogram, Joyce, 356

Crumwell, Sir Richard, alias Williams, 31

Cruxton, Symon, 270

Cryan, 145

Cryandes, goodwife —, 148

Crymer, see Cremer

Crymes, John, 68

Cryppes, Robert, 183

Cryspe, Thomas, 457

Cryspyn, Nicholas, 122

Crystyen, Nicholas, 81

Cudnar, James, 376

Cuffe, Hugh, 181

Culle, Richard, 88

Cullen, Ralph, 580

Culley, Margaret, 580

Cullom, Nicholas, 224

Cullymore, Collymore;
-, George, 167, 267, 270
-, James, 254

Cultrye, John, and wife, 172

-, Anthony, 390
-, Elizabeth, 388
-, John, 389
-, Richard, 388

Cunynge, John de, 352

Cupp, Peter, 266

Cupper, Richard, 19

Curdo, Charles, 126

Cure, Richard, 249; see also Kewr

-, —, widow, 42
-, John, 176

Cursen, Curson:
-, Robert, 605
-, Valentine, 291
-, William, 110

Cursynye (? Corsini):
-, Bartholomewe, 230
-, Phillip, 230

Curtaine, Curtein, Curteine, see Courteyn

Curtys, Cortys, Curtes, Curtesse:
-, Gabriel, 274
-, John, 103, 182, 591
-, Oliver, 232
-, Phillypp, 350
-, Thomas, 127, 130, 404
-, William, 199, 354

Curwyn, John, 302

Curyant, Peter, 28

Cusson, see Cosen

Custer, Marten de, 366(2)

-, Andrew, 135
-, Arthur, 280
-, Thomas, 216, 271

Cutt, Robert, 258

Cuttes, Mr Richard, 189

Cutton, Henry, 9

Cyoll, Jarman, 215

Cypryan, Izacke, 266

Dabbys, Herry, 107

Daelle, see Dale

Daffye, John, 372

Dager, James, 285

Dakers, Alice, 111

-, Robert, 207
-, William, 230

Dalby, Dalbye:
-, Edward, 345
-, William, 286

Dale, Daelle:
-, George, 275
-, Henry, 210
-, John, liv, 119
-, Mathewe, 82, 237, 571
-, Ralph, 394
-, Thomas, 249
-, [Valentine], Doctor, xxxix n, 248
-, William, 211, 283

Dallemond, Stephen, 244

Dalleye, Humphrey, 319

Dalte, James, 13

-, Dorothy, 316
-, George, 35
-, James, 278
-, Jerome, 241
-, John, 138, 318
-, Nicholas, 162, 244
-, Thomas, 126, 181

Dalyson, William, 104

Damaney, Robert, 117

Damerall, William, 12

Damport, Damporte:
-, Henry, 388
-, John, 228
-, Ralph, 226
-, Robert, 170

Damsell, Sir William, lviii, 278

Damyan, Damyon:
-, Peter, 26, 87
-, Tryson, 62

Danby, William, 56

-, John, 90
-, William, 338

Danffyll, John, 144

Daniell, Danyell:
-, Doctor —, 201
-, James, 21
-, John, 374
-, Peter, 16
-, Robert, 84
-, Thomas, 362
-, William, 261

Danker, Robert, 90

Dankes, William, 68

Danlyns, John, 126

Danna, William, 117

Dansier, Thomas, 233; see also Daunser

Danson, Dantson, Richard, 113, 245

Darcey, Darcie, Darcy:
-, Sir Arthur, 139
-, Edward, 185
-, Sir Henry, 185

-, John, 388
-, Richard 389

Darke, John, 390

Darland, Thomas, 134, 135

Darnall, John, 87

-, Edward, 242
-, Robert, 16

Dasone, Thomas, 214

Daunse, Dauntesey:
-, William, alderman, 75
-, William, 427

Daunser, William, 265; see also Dansier

Daunsy, Sir John, 5

Dauntesey, see Daunse

Davelew, Adrian, 240

-, Alice, 586
-, John, 586

Davenaunte, John, 390

Davenet, Davenett:
-, John, 272
-, Ralph, 75, 78

Daves, see Davis

Davey, Davie, Davy, Davye:
-, Evan ap, 216
-, John, 164, 454
-, John Raulf, alias, 131
-, Lewes, 134
-, Morrys, 74
-, Ralph, 145
-, Richard, 31
-, Rise, 23
-, Thomas, 164
-, William, 12

David, Rice, 22, 23

Davie, see Davey

Daviga, Ares, 387

Davis, Daves, Davies, Davyes, Davys:
-, Adam, 295
-, Hugh, 190
-, John, 343, 387
-, Robert, 278, 293
-, Thomas, 364, 395
-, William, 198, 199

Davison, John, 378

Davyds, Prudence, 117

Davylon, John, 10

-, George, 116
-, Robert, 59

Dawbeney, Dawbney:
-, Mistress —, widow, 268
-, Arthur, 392
-, Oliver, 145(2), 559, 598
-, Robert, 77

Dawe, Edward, 203

-, Edward, 258
-, William, 244

Dawse, —, widow, 293

-, Edward, 235
-, John, 92
-, Lyskyne, 257
-, Robert, 76
-, Thomas, 317, 388

Day, Daye:
-, John, 22, 151, 175
-, Phylyp, 125
-, Thomas, 179

Dayes, Dayse:
-, —, wife of John, 239
-, John, 151, 239

Dayesman, Peter, 92

Dayle, Thomas, 14

Dayssey, John, 369

Deacon, Deakyn, Decon:
-, Catheren, 290
-, Henry, 281
-, John, 150
-, Roger, 226

Deade, William, 262

Dean, Deane:
-, Edward, 71
-, James, 167, 185, 189
-, John, 116
-, John A, 113
-, Robert, 530
-, Thomas, 101

-, Elling, 370
-, John, 370
-, Susan, 370

Debear, Stephen, 290

Debins, John, 370

Debocke, Florence, 326

Debois, John, 285

Deburgrave, Charles, 243

Decon, see Deacon

-, Elizabeth, 201(2)
-, Francis, 201

Decrowe, John, 351

-, Edward, 162
-, Rowland, 150

Delacar, Thomas, 394

Delamore, John, 158

Delamus, Maryan, 329

Delanoy, Nicholas, xlix n, 355, 356; see also Lanoye

Delawoode, John, 252

Delbocall, Francis, 183

Deleane, Walter, 51

Delf, Wynkyn the, 6

Dellamere, Guillame, 192

Delonge, James, 326

Delworthe, Richard, 339

Demaster, Dennis, 290

Demetre, Demitter:
-, Haunce, 204
-, John, 152

Demetris, Emanuell, xlix n, 355, 357

Demorye, Richard, 290

Demote, Laurence, 173

-, Denys, 204
-, Tanykyn, 204

Denbold, Richard, 145, 147

Denby, Thomas, 179

Denchar, Arthur, 73

Dendyshe, John, 24

-, Isabell, 183
-, James, 183(2)
-, Johan, 183
-, Susan, 183

Denham, Dennam:
-, Henry, 303
-, Martin, 75
-, Robert, 381
-, William, 300
-, Sir William, 156

Denison, Alexander, 176

-, Richard, 227
-, Thomas, 264

Dennett, Jacques, and wife, 367

Dennys, Denys:
-, Aron, 234
-, Barnard, 387
-, Blanca, 51
-, James, 141
-, Nicholas, 543
-, Philip, 155
-, William, 257

-, Mr —, 33
-, —, 148
-, Edward, 344
-, Jane, 195
-, John, 195, 233
-, Reanald, 287
-, Rowland, 33
-, William, 371

Denton, Thomas, 16

Deny, Francis, 148

Denyngton, John, 36

-, Arnold, 291
-, Jacklini, 291
-, Perden, 291

Deport, Nicholas, 176

Depuse, Christian, 169

Depynge, George, 121

Derdrewe, John, 106

Dereham, Baldwin, 277

Derickson, Derykson, Dyrryckson, Dyrrykson:
-, Cornelys, 93
-, Derick, Dirrycke, 39, 252
-, Francis, and wife, 172, 176
-, Godfrey, 93
-, Jacob, 133
-, John, 173
-, Seger, 26

Derik, Derrock, Derrycke, Deryche, Deryk, Dirrick, Dyrryk:
-, Albert, 131
-, Christopher, 169, 271
-, John, 7, 34, 105
-, Marytt, 257
-, Nicholas, 104
-, Raynold, 131
-, Robert, 161
-, William, 156

Dermer, William, 306

Dernelley, —, widow, 228

Deron, John, 171

Derover, Peter, 62

Derub, John, 169

-, Anthony, 238
-, Jane, 238

Desyll, John, 163

-, Crepyn, 8
-, John, 8

Detewe, James, and wife, 172

Dethick, Dethicke:
-, Sir Gilbert, 1 n 246
-, William, 1 n 211

Detter, Marten, 56

Deux, Adryan, 21

Devale, Johan, 192

Devell, William, 151

Devenet, Ralph, 515

Devenis, Antony, 152

Deveret, Dymon, 9

Devyck, Clement, 292

Devysser, Martin, and wife, 173

Dewaye, John, 265, 266

-, Master —, 332
-, John, 200

Dewell, John, 344

Dewens, Simon, 390

Dewent, John, 290

Dewes, Dewise, Dewys:
-, Garret, 305
-, Henry, 255
-, Nicholas, 7
-, Peter, 346
-, William, 308

Dewit, Nicholas, 312, 313

Dewkin, John, 293

-, Anthony, 176
-, Harman, 176
-, John, and wife, 176

Dewsberie, William, 284

Dewy, Thomas, 10

Dewys, see Dewes

Deye, Robert, 158

Dickenson, Dickinson, Dyckynson, Dyconson, Dykynson:
-, Christopher, 241, 246
-, Richard, 145, 396
-, Robert, 95, 267
-, William, 380

Dicons, John, 303

Didainer, Richard, 386

Diett, William, 377

Digbye, Dygby, Dygbye:
-, Augustine, 260
-, Kathryn, 138
-, Simon, 114

-, John, 392
-, Thomas, 331

Dighton, Robert, 299

Dilson, John, 206

Dimmocke, Dymmocke, Dymmok:
-, Edmund, 216
-, John, 133, 264

Dinghens, Dingins:
-, Francis, xlix n, 233
-, John, xlix n, 233, 240

Dinglye, Marke, 258

Dirrick, see Denk

Dister, Mistress —, widow, 315

Ditton, Dytton:
-, —, 301
-, George, 369

Dixe [Dixie], Wolstane, alderman, 233

Dixon, Dixson, Dykson, Dyxson:
-, James, 231
-, John, 211, 322
-, Nicholas, 99
-, Richard, 76, 350
-, William, 300

-, John, 353
-, Richard, 36

-, Anthony, 220
-, Mane, 220

-, Edward, 259
-, Thomas, 255
-, William, 150

Docheman, see Ducheman

Dockett, see Ducket

Dockrey, Thomas, 107

Doctor, Fewtor, 459

Docwra, Oswald, 134

Dodd, Dodde:
-, Bartholomew, 255
-, Elizabeth, 235
-, Francis, 278
-, George, 185
-, Richard, 275
-, Robert, 185
-, William, 250

Doddesworthe, William, 393

Dodding, Doddinge:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 317
-, Myles, 315

Doddington, Dodyngton:
-, John, 124
-, William, 1 n, 178

Dodegay, James, 291

Dodes, George, 46

Dodges, John, 105

Dodgeson, John, 322

Dodmer, Ralph, Kt., alderman, 483, 484, 485, 491, 497, 536

-, Christopher, 377
-, George, 378
-, James, 238
-, John, 279

Dofe, Doffe:
-, Lamyan, 152
-, Robert, 76
-, Thomas, 152

Doffelde, see Duffield

Dogan, John, 26

Dole, Samuel, 310

Dolling, John, 311

-, Jane, 217
-, Peter, 217

Dolman, Mathew, 167, 362(2)

Dolphin, Dolphyn:
-, Cesar, 193
-, Henry, 132
-, William, 138

Dome, Fydt, 370

Domer, William, 20

Domvell, Thomas, 217

Domyas, Peter, 58

Donaire, Nicholas, 137

Doncaster, Thomas, 278

Dondino, Laurence, 276

Donkerley, Robert, 363

Donkyns, Robert, 79

Donoroyne, Antony, 150

Doo, Richard, 99

Dood, Peter, 215

Doone, Jane, 341

-, John, 222
-, Leonard, 277

Doreo, Jerram de, 136

Dormer, Dormere:
-, —, widow, 296, 297
-, John, 99
-, Michael, alderman, 89
-, William, 70

Dornelles, Mary, 128

Dorner, William, 365

Dorough, Laurence, 357

Dorram, Robert, 268

Dorret, Edward, 179

Dosheant, William, 18

Dossett, William, 227

Doubty, Doughtie, Doughty, Dowtye, Thomas, 41, 43, 123, 226, 436

-, Fraunce le, 21
-, Garrat le, 21
-, Pero le, 21

Douryge, Anthony, 155

-, George, 362
-, Robert, 397
-, William, 264, 348

-, Francis, 153
-, George, 153

Dowe, Robert, 350

Dowfet, John, 8

Dowgle, William, 253

-, Christopher, 315
-, Humphrey, 267
-, John, 50

-, Allyn, 280
-, Henry, 280
-, Thomas, 336

-, —, widow, 337
-, Richard, 81
-, Robert, 70
-, William, 335

Downynge, John, 121

Dowse, John, 42

Dowsett, Peter, 326

Dowsing, Thomas, 1 n, 364

Dowsse, George, 292

Dowtna, Francis, 152

Doxye, Hugh, 230

Dowy, Thomas, 7

Dowyk, Nicholas, 2

Dragon, Nicholas, Padye, alias, 372

Drake, Richard, 179

Drakes, John, 159

-, Mistress —, 320
-, Christopher, 151, 555
-, James, 33
-, John, 200, 351
-, Margaret, 315
-, Robert, 25, 227
-, William, 119, 147

Drassinge, James, 326

-, Michael, 94, 143
-, William, 93, 94

Dregg, Cornelis, 241, 305

-, Barbara, 220
-, George, 229
-, Mentenet, 220
-, Richard, 370

Drewet, Druet, Martin, and wife, 169, 173

Drey, Christopher, 116

Drinkill, Mathew, 379

Driskye, Peter, 297

Drodger, Cornellys, 241, 305

-, Katheryn de, 176
-, Peter de, 176

Drought, William, 230

Druet, see Drewet

Drumes, Pierre, xlix n, 383

Drurye, Druery:
-, Sir Drewe, 179
-, William, Doctor, xxxix n, 251

Dryson, Hubett, 297

Drywood, William, 351

Du Came, see Caine

Ducheman, Docheman:
-, Deryk, 8
-, Egbert, 8
-, Francis, 8
-, Garrard, 131
-, Henry, 7(2)
-, Jakes, 8
-, Jeryck, 102
-, John, 93, 160
-, Ranulphe, 108
-, Selis, 7

Duchey de la Villa, Oliver, 337

Duckanoye, Peter, 336

Ducke, Thomas, 81

Ducket, Dockett, Dokket, Ducatt, Duckett:
-, Geoffrey, 263
-, John, 79
-, Lionell, Lyonell, xxiv n, li, 68, 166, 168, 283
-, William, 180, 436

Duckynton, Richard, 226

Dudley, Dudlye:
-, John, 79, 244
-, Sir John, 154
-, Thomas, 80

Duffield, Doffelde, Duffeilde, Duffeld:
-, Anthony, 364
-, John, 121, 140
-, Thomas, 271

Duke, Richard, 12, 124

Duland, Robert, 195

Dulce, Leonard, 17

Dumbleton, Richard, 179

Dummer, William, 197

Dunbery, Jarvys, 337

Dunce, Harry, 35

Duncombe, Dunscomb, Dunscombe:
-, Christopher, 272
-, Edward, 240
-, George, 222
-, Giles, 262
-, John, 222

Dunkin, Dunkyn:
-, Arnold, 296
-, Christopher, 309
-, Humphrey, 225
-, Robert, 311

Dunkyns, William, 123

Dunne, Dune:
-, John, 58, 117
-, William, 103

Dunscomb, see Duncombe

Dunston, Henry, 198

Dupper, William, 292

-, Jacob, 217
-, Jeane, 217

Durant, Durraunt:
-, —, widow, 171
-, Emery, 290
-, John, 83, 214
-, Katheryne, 330
-, Peter, 265
-, Robert, 300
-, Stephen, 224

Durham, Cuthbert Tunstall, bp. of, xxiii

Durison, Simon, 195

Durrine, Vintrie, 194

Dutchefeld, see Dytchefeld

-, Clode, 196
-, Jane, 196

-, George, 34
-, Jane, 363
-, John, 217
-, Thomas, 231

Dtaker, John, 55

Dyall, Elys, 3

Dyamond, William, 238

Dyaper, Peter, 182

Dyas, John, 151

Dybdale, Guy, 314

Dychar, Edward, 374

Dychman, John, 65

Dye, Phillip, 392

-, George, 320
-, Ralph, 28
-, Richard, 290

Dykson, see Dixon

Dylleter, John, 58

Dylperye, John, 104

Dymarse, Daniel, 377

Dymmocke, Dymmok, see Dimmocke

Dyner, Henry, 315

Dynne, Mistress —, 12

Dyrryckson, Dyrrykson, see Derickson

Dyrryke, see Derik

Dyshane, Thomas, and wife, 329

Dysney, Richard, 250

Dytchefeld, Dutchefeld, Thomas, 35(2)

Dytton, see Ditton

Dyviner, Atkyn, 313

Eagles, Robert, 217

Eales, Richard, 300

Eardelye, William, 328

Earlye, see Erley

Earsley, —, widow, 246

-, John, 295
-, Robert, 369
-, Thomas, 246

Easton, Roger, 381

Eaton, Eton, Etton:
-, —, widow, 383
-, —, 34
-, Anthony, 367
-, George, 132
-, John, 324
-, Paul, 191
-, Richard, 5, 149
-, Thomas, 343, 358, 381

Eayre, see Eyre

Ebbes, William, 164

Ebden, Ebeden:
-, —, widow, 309
-, Thomas, 105

Echarde, Eloy, 353

Eckles, John, 287

-, Martin, 105
-, Richard, 39

Ederiche, see Edridge

Edgar, Thomas, 4, 11

Edgecombe, Dame [Katherine], xlv, 114

Edgrave, —, 34

Edlyn, John, 120

Edmondes, Edmundes:
-, John, 232
-, Simon, 299
-, Thomas, 9, 66
-, William, 180

Edon, Edone, Edyn:
-, Cuthbert, 323
-, Harman, 171
-, Thomas, 14

Edridge, Ederiche:
-, John, 246
-, Robert, 52

Edson, see Edyson

-, Francis, 219
-, Robert, 256
-, Thomas, 200

-, Francis, 67
-, Garrett, 391
-, James, 334
-, John, 13, 15, 66, 72, 167, 210(2), 270, 302, 312, 341, 374, 594
-, Katherine, 385
-, Margaret, 182
-, Richard, 247
-, Rowland, 470
-, William, 203, 241

Edwyn, Toby, 200

Edyn, see Edon

Edyson, Edson:
-, George, 80
-, Oliver, 30

Egar, Peter, 192(2)

Egbertson, Segar, 7

Egborne, John, 6

-, Hugh, 4
-, Richard, 394
-, Thomas, xxiv n, 277

Egglebye, Hugh, 106

Eggyns, Johane, 64

Egleby, Hugh, 11

-, Hughe, 453
-, Thomas, 453

Egleston, Eglyston:
-, John, 67, 289, 458
-, William, 104

Eke, John, 236

Ekeholte, Mawrice, 280

Elam, see Ellam

Elcocke, Nicholas, 270

-, Robert, 299
-, William, 2

-, Anthony, 556
-, Edward, 138

Eldrick, John, 295

-, [Dorothy], Mistress, widow, 189
-, Rowland, 235

Eldrom, Lambert, 8

Eldrydge, John, 275

Elesworth, Richard, 327

Eliott, Elliott, Ellyatt, Ellyott, Elyat, Elyet, Elyot, Elyott, Elyotte:
-, —, widow, 293
-, Anne, 198
-, Anthony, 82, 599
-, Christopher, 15
-, George, 77
-, Henry, 4
-, John, 60, 77, 117
-, Laurence, 119
-, Robert, 202
-, Thomas, 101, 256, 277

Elizabeth, Queen, 166, 168

Elkington, Robert, 244

Elkyn, Elken:
-, —, widow, 227
-, George, 365
-, William, 197

Ellam, Elam:
-, Bryan, 280
-, William, 186

Ellancke, —, widow, 13

Ellecar, William, 261

Ellegde, John, 249

Ellis, Elles, Ellies, Ellys, Elyce, Elys:
-, Christopher, 20
-, Edmund, 186
-, Henry, 309
-, John, 12, 119, 328, 398
-, Thomas, 59, 120

Ellsinge, Mistress —, widow, 317

Ellyfe, Elyff:
-, Richard, 292
-, William, 123

Ellyottes, John, 257

-, Edward, 255
-, John, 71
-, Richard, 225

Elmesmore, Daniel, 268

Elsom, James, 298

Elson, Jacob, 297

Elston, Abraham, 175

Elton, John, 142

Elwayes, Gefferye, 394

Elwyck, James, 197

Elye, James, 244

Emerey, Emery, Emerye:
-, Mistress —, widow, 81
-, John, 247
-, Katherine, 204
-, William, 305

Emerick, Anthony, and wife, 49, 173

Emes, William, 318

Emmerton, William, 222

Emnes, John, 231

Emons, Godfrey, 125

Enderby, John, 46

English, Inglyshe:
-, Anne, 537
-, John, 188
-, Michael, 537

Eno, Bonaventure, 311

Erethe, John, 289

Erley, Earlye:
-, John, 109
-, Richard, 92, 382

-, Joyce van, xlix n, 201
-, Helen van, 201

Eskirke, Oliver, 325

Essen, Cornellys van, 366(2)

-, Edmund, 179
-, John, 46

Essynton, Robert, 67

Estcroft, Henry, 183

Esterbe, Thomas, 256

Esterne, Anthony, 38

Estoffe, Simon, 111

Estott, John, 85

Estwood, Richard, 17

-, Anthony, 296
-, George, 329
-, John, 340

Etiler, Daniel, 257

Eton, see Eaton

Etter, John, 27

Etthell, Richard, 353

Etton, see Eaton

Eture, Richard, 393

Etys, William, 99

Evans, Evens:
-, —, widow, 241
-, David, 276
-, Gryffin, 296
-, Henry, 234, 288
-, Hugh, 338
-, Humphrey, 348
-, John, 61, 241, 244, 289, 351
-, Mary, 266
-, Peter, 351
-, Richard, 297
-, Thomas, 273
-, William, 167, 241, 242

Evdinge, Margaret, 176

-, Henry, 113
-, John, 315
-, Richard, 559
-, Thomas, 183, 199

Eveason, John, 341

Evelande, Alexander, 98

Eveley, Thomas, 351

Evell, Hans, 102

Evenet, Evenett: Giles, 101, 102

Evenngham, Mistress —, 154

Eventt, John, 281

Evers, Peter, 13

Eversham, Henry, 186

Eversley, Richard, 193

Everye, Alexander, 222

Everyngham, John, 92

Everyse, Balthazer, 32

Evington, Francis, 390

Ewarton, Henry, 217

Ewas, Selven, 8

Ewen, Ewyn:
-, Giles, 267
-, John, 139
-, Robert, 139, 148

Excellent, Robert, 341

Exendall, Henry, 195

-, John, 267
-, Nicholas, 267

Eyre, Eayre:
-, Henry, 299
-, John, 19
-, Roger, 259
-, Thomas, 268
-, William, 177

Eyton, Edmund, 95

Fabott, Richard, 264

Fabyan, Anthony, 61, 510

Face, Faysse:
-, Boniface, 361
-, Thomas, 370

Fagot, Augustine, 7

Fairecloughe, Hugh, 302

Fairfax, see Fearefax

Faldoe, David, 180

Falia, Martin de la, xlix n, 243

Falkener, Fawkener, Fawlkener:
-, Edward, 240
-, George, 365
-, Katheryn, 363

Fallowe, James, 206

Fallyng, John, 148

Familfow, John, 383

Fan, Mr —, 173

Fander, Barnard, and wife, 239

-, Godfrey, 308
-, Thomas, 307

Fantroy, Garrett, 194

Farbar, Thomas, 293

Farbarne, Haunce, 247

Fardell, Thomas, 170

Farlakenden, Thomas, 12

-, Jane, 201(2)
-, Mary, 201

-, Jane, 219
-, Phillip, 219

Farmer, Farmor, Fermer, Fermor:
-, —, widow, 339
-, John, 200, 372
-, Robert, 52, 147
-, Thomas, 31
-, Timothy, 280
-, William, 100

Farnaby, Thomas, 198

Farnand, Manewell, 13

Farnandes, Andreas, 349

Farnell, Simon, 280

Farnone, Joyce, and wife, 239

Farr [illeg.], Richard, draper, 574

Farrand, Doctor —, xxxix n, 248

Farrant, Lawrence, 383

Farrell, James, 389

Farrer, Nicholas, 358

Farrinewe, Allard, 385

Farringre, Garret, 212

Farrington, Faringdon, Farington:
-, James, 250
-, Richard, 268, 345
-, Robert, 301
-, Thomas, 377

Farrowe, Francis, 324

Farthing, John, 47, 584

Fartlow, Fartlowe:
-, Edward, 372
-, Thomas, 323

Father, Michell van, 188

Faulegarret, —, 69

Faulke, Fawke:
-, Deryk, 8
-, Henry, 397

Faune, William, 170

Faunoures, Michael, 118

Faunte, Arthur, 326

Faux, Fawx (see also Fox and Faulke):
-, Henry, 167, 394

Favell, Peter, 218

Favor, John, 287

Fawcet, —, widow, 284

Fawcumbrige, Bastarde, 52(2)

Fawke, see Faulke

Fawkener, Fawlkener, see Falkener

Fayrmaners, Esdras, 368

-, —, 72
-, —, widow, 72
-, John, 512

Faysse, see Face

Fayth, Feyth:
-, Bowen, 9
-, Cornelius, 114

Feake, William, 350

Fearfax, Edward, 289

Feast, Jerome, 187

Feelde, Feild, Felde, see Field

Felips, see Philippes

-, James, 199
-, William, 200

Felsted, Felstede:
-, Humphrey, 368
-, Thomas, 92

Fenn, Fene:
-, George, 396
-, John, 70, 369

Fenner, Edward, 369

Fermer, Fermor, see Farmer

Fernando, Fenendoo:
-, Anthony, 83
-, Symond, 83

-, James, 347
-, John, 347

Fernham, John, 321

Fernley, William, 21

Ferre, John, 69

Ferror, Richard, 106, 447

Ferrymont, Alice, 186

Ferrys, Mr —, 320

Fesaunt, see Phesaunt

Festone, —, 84

Fetherstone, Cuthbert, 252

Fetheryke, —, 38

-, Cycely, 178
-, Thomas, 230

Fetzharry, William, 79

Feuer, Antony, 123

Fever, Fevar:
-, Daniel, 347
-, Jane, 217, 218
-, John le, 218
-, Joyffe, 217
-, Nicholas, 389

Feyth, see Fayth

Fiche, Fytche:
-, Ralph, 307
-, Steven, 369
-, Thomas, 362

Fick, Francis, 385

Fido, Robert, 222

Field, Feelde, Feild, Felde, Fielde, Filde, Fylde:
-, David, 4
-, Henry, 254
-, Humphrey, 39, 225
-, John, 302, 339
-, Richard, 44, 597
-, Thomas, 232, 324, 370

Finche, Fynche:
-, Henry, 286, 330
-, John, 210, 229
-, Moile, 191
-, Robert, 288
-, Thomas, 249

Fishe, Fyshe, Fysshe:
-, Cornelis, 234
-, Henry, 148
-, Walter, 267

Fisher, Fissher, Fysher, Fysshar, Fyssher:
-, Anne, 383
-, Christopher, 75
-, Dennis, 226
-, Edward, 255, 321, 391
-, Elizabeth, 210
-, Habrick, 195
-, Henry, 29, 182, 567, 589
-, John, 69, 107, 109, 112, 180, 380
-, Robert, 392
-, Thomas, 517
-, William, 44, 180

Fitzharry, see Fetzharry

Fitz Richardes, see Richardes

Fitzwan, —, 147

Fitzwater, Richard, 311

Fitzwilliams, Fitzewilliams, Fitzwillams:
-, John, 203
-, William, 193, 331
-, Sir William, 185

Flanninge, William, 238

Flaskett, Thomas, 328

Flaxton, Alice, 111

Flecknall, Richard, 295

Flecton, William, 38

Fleer, Mathewe, 362

Fleet, Flete:
-, Edward, 303
-, Thomas, 354

Fleetwood, Fletewood:
-, John, 19
-, Robert, 112
-, William, xxiv n, 166, 168, 177

Flemin, Fleminge, Flemmyng, Flemyn, Flemyng, Flemynge:
-, Baldwin, 291
-, Cathery, 361
-, Giles, 374
-, John, 295
-, Michael, 307
-, Peter, 361
-, Thomkyng, 60

-, —, widow, 309
-, Edward, 333
-, John, 68, 372
-, Richard, 434
-, Thomas, 268, 392
-, William, 39

Fleton, Robert, 240

Flewett, William, 273

Flicke, Henry, 285

Flinte, Flynt:
-, George, 234
-, Roger, 174

Flood, Flod, Flodd, Flode, Floodd, Floode, Floudd, Fludd, Fludde:
-, David, 372
-, Davye, 263
-, Evan, 92, 94
-, Evans, 382
-, Giles, 292
-, Hugh, 393
-, John, 135
-, Morgan, 175
-, Roger, 374
-, Thomas, 286

Florence, Floraunce:
-, Garrett, 196
-, John, 6, 368
-, Richard, 246

Florrye, Edward, 255

-, Francis, 343
-, John, 263
-, Richard, 42
-, William, 380
-, William, Norroy King of Arms, 1 n, 246

Flowerdewe, William, 203

-, Gryffen, 170
-, Richard, 159
-, Simon, 170

Fludd, Fludde, see Flood

Foberye, Roger, 33

Focall, Peter, 171

Foke, Fowke:
-, Henry, 385
-, John, 150
-, William, 313

Fokeman, Thomas de, 9

Follio, Jacob, 366

Folyett, Edward, 79

Fongle, Lovies, 212

Fonsaunt, Arnold, 21

Foo, see Fowe

Foote, Fote:
-, Robert, 230
-, William, 353

-, Henry, 207
-, Katherine, 207

Ford, Foord, Foorde, Forde:
-, George, 188
-, Gillam, 14
-, John, 248, 255, 319
-, Mary, 219
-, Michael, 320
-, Paul, 219
-, Richard, 5, 153
-, Robert, 16, 153, 216

Fore, Katherine de, 385

Forest, Forrest:
-, George, 258
-, Henry, 3
-, John, 84, 343
-, Thomas, 249
-, William, 316

Forge, Iwan de, 194

-, George, 79
-, Peter, 384
-, Thomas, 273
-, Sir William, xxviii n, 27

Formarke, William, 13

Forrand, Richard, 81

Forrme, Camella, 194(2)

-, John, 20(2)
-, Robert, 381

Forten, Fortene:
-, Bartholomew, 44
-, Thomas, 383

Fortescue, John, 247

Forth, Forthe:
-, Henry, 28
-, [Robert], Doctor, xxxix n, 248

Forthorgile, George, 50

Fortrye, Fortre, Fortree:
-, —, widow, xlix n, 374, 384
-, John, xlix n, 383
-, Margaret, 384(2)
-, Samuel, 384

Fortune, Peter

Forture, Richard, 125

Foster, Fostar:
-, —, widow, 212
-, Bartholomew, 68
-, George, 87
-, Henry, 161, 303
-, John, 325, 601
-, Randall, 277
-, Richard, 271
-, Thomas, 68, 109, 286
-, William, 57, 115

Fote, see Foote

Foulkes, Fowlkes (see also Fulkes):
-, Richard, 318
-, Thomas, 323

Founder, Bastian, 14

Fountaine, Fountayne, Founteyne, Fownteyne:
-, Mr —, 314
-, Arthur, 384
-, Clement, 220
-, Erasmus della, xlix n, 192
-, Margaret, 215
-, Mary, 220
-, Nicholas, xlix n, 191
-, Robert, 172, 277, 305
-, Thomas, 119, 295

Fotheringill, John, 343

Fowe, Foo:
-, John, 9
-, Stephen, 6

Fowke, see Foke

Fowle, Thomas, 127

Fowler, Fowlar, Fowllare:
-, Andrew, 77
-, Edward, 73
-, Thomas, 169, 178
-, William, 362

Fowlewater, Henry, 312, 314

Fowlkes, see Foulkes

Fox, Foxe:
-, Albert, 247
-, Anne, 88
-, Barnard, 113
-, Gossyn, 154
-, James, 108, 363
-, John, 244, 282
-, Michael, 39
-, Peter, 201
-, Richard, 90, 212, 279, 300, 324
-, Robert, 343
-, Silkin, 201
-, Thomas, 275, 310

Foxall, Humphrey, 336

Foxeley, Foxley, Ralph, 47, 51, 420, 469, 584, 602

Foyden, Foidone:
-, Robert, 209
-, William, 211

Foye, Peter, 239(2)

-, —, widow, 370
-, George, 409, 570

Frampton, Framton, Thomas, 254, 289, 377

Franchampyon, Hugh, 104

Francisco, George, 137

Francklande, Marmaduke, 175; see also Frank

Francklin, Franckline, Francklyn:
-, Emanuel, xxxiv n, 192
-, Hubert, 293
-, John, 250
-, Joyce, widow, 278
-, Phillipp, 223
-, Thomas, 346
-, William, 231

Frank, Franck, Francke, Franke:
-, Cornelis, 229
-, Dennis, 143
-, George, 136, 196
-, John, 132, 139, 144
-, Marmadule, 167, 168, 184; see also Francklande
-, Peter, 93
-, Robert, 397
-, Susanna, 196
-, Thomas, 63, 340
-, William, 346, 347

Franker, Nicholas, 118

Fransato, Horatio, 356

Fraunceis, Fraunces:
-, Andrew, 109
-, Anne, 284
-, Christopher, 76
-, Geoffrey, 22
-, Guylham, 9
-, Hercules, 236
-, James, 326
-, Jane, 219n
-, John, 190, 326
-, Phillip, 219n

Frear, John, 163

Frebard, Peter, 156

Frebrige, John, 65

Frederick, Frederik, Frederyke, Frederycke:
-, —, 152
-, Christopher, 265
-, Francis, 152
-, Jasper, 171

Frederigo, Fredrick, 347

Freeman, Freman:
-, —, son of William, 336
-, Richard, 270, 323
-, William, 164, 181, 333, 336

Freemounte, John, 395

Frelyng, Paul, 135

Fremand, Agnes, 194

-, Mary, 321
-, Peter, 322
-, Richard, 379
-, Thomas, 344
-, Vincent, 10

-, —, 135
-, Denmark, 7
-, Robert, 132
-, Thomas, 151

Frend, Frende:
-, Adryan, 266(2)
-, Elizabeth, 357
-, John, 88
-, Nicholas, 266
-, Thomas, 244

Frese, Robert, 123

Freshingfilde, Fresingefeild:
-, George, 205
-, William, 186

Freston, Frestone:
-, John, 279
-, Michael, 237
-, William, 43

Frethern, Frethren:
-, Giles, 376
-, Thomas, 237

-, John, 218
-, Susan, 218

Frevell, Richard, 379

Freyse, Roger, 105

Frognoll, William, 252

Frost, Froste:
-, Edmund, 182
-, William, 255

Frostone, John, 212

Frowme, John, 252

Frybryte, —, 141

Fryer, Frier:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 178
-, Edward, 251
-, Leonard, 365
-, Thomas, 235

Fryndge, Jonas, 257

Fryrie, Dionise, 385

Frysket, William, 6

-, Richard, 328
-, William, 328

Fuellen, Lewis. 180

Fugelder, Hannet, 114

Fulgem, Godfrey, 342

Fulkerston, Thomas, 90

Fulkes (see also Foulkes):
-, Augustine, 265
-, Christopher, 284
-, Thomas, 385

Fuller, Fullar:
-, Hugh, 5
-, John, 122, 286
-, Michael, and wife, 173
-, Nicholas, 67, 273, 470
-, Robert, 269
-, Thomas, 89, 338, 470
-, William, 179

-, John, 7
-, Margaret, 392

Fulwell, Stephen, 302

-, John, 36, 382
-, William, 332

Fundant, Alexander, 110

Furnariis, Nicholas de, 134

Furner, Simon, 197

-, Robert, 57, 324
-, Thomas, 116

Furstlande, Andrew, 382

Furtho, William, 300

Fust, Robert, 102

Futerer, Lodowick, 172

Fygges, Thomas, 273

Fylde, see Field

Fyliok, Hugh, 411

Fyllene, Arnold, 135

Fyrmort, Hans, 154

Fyrmyn, William, 24

Fyrmynger, John, 139

Fyngartret, Simon, 123

Fytche, see Fiche

Fytchett, Walter, 323

Fyttys, John, 116

Fyxer, Robert, 316

Gabbett, Robert, 397

Gabito, Nicholas, 387

-, Mr —, 13
-, Fraunces, 385
-, Jaques, 385
-, John, 385
-, Susan, 385

Gaby, John, and wife and child, 239

Gadbury, Gadburye:
-, Richard, 178
-, Thomas, 429

Gaffen, Jasper de, 189n

-, Mr —, 238
-, Jeames de, 291n
-, Robert, 90
-, William, 237

Gagney, Peter, 341

Gains, Gaynes:
-, Andrew, 9
-, Thomas, 116

-, Elizabeth, 27
-, William, 175

Galiardeto, Marck Anthonie, 366

Galle, Thomas, 211

Galles, Gallys:
-, Simon, 200
-, William, 232

Gallo, Garret van, 194

Gallowaye, Galowaie, Galwaye:
-, Dionise, 379
-, Florence, 220
-, Joyce, 220
-, Molher, 336

Gaily, Galye, John, 7, 266

Gallyk, John van, 154

-, Barbara, 201
-, Jerman, 201

Galthorpe, Peter, 258

Gamadge, Gamage:
-, Mistress —, 226
-, Roger, 267
-, William, 271

Gamon, Hanibal, 299

Ganer, James, 115

-, Jaques, xlix n, 375
-, John, xlix n, 375

-, Fraunceis de, 10
-, Tamet, 239

Gardes, Arnold, 89

Gardiner, Gardener, Gardinar, Gardner, Gardyner:
-, Adam, 85
-, Alien, 224
-, Arthur, 287
-, Bettrice, 280
-, George, 301
-, Henry, 45
-, James, 231, 247
-, John, 37, 45, 99, 262
-, Simon, 216, 231
-, Stephen, bp. of Winchester, xxiii
-, Thomas, 102, 190, 276, 287
-, William, 331, 342, 390

Garfeild, Ralph, 389

Garland, Garlond:
-, Austyn, 232
-, Godfrey, 6
-, Phillip, 288
-, Ralph, 131
-, Richard, 18

Garlike, —, widow, 317

Garnet, Garnett:
-, Henry, 315
-, Walter, 310

Garnons, Nicholas, 237

Garrard, Garad, Garard, Gerard, Gerrard, Jerrard (see also Garrett):
-, —, widow, 141
-, Anthony, 233
-, John, 114, 138(2), 242, 344
-, Nicholas, 17
-, Stephen, 10
-, William, 42, 112

Garrardes, John, 427

Garrardson, John, 7

Garraway, Garrawaye, Garwawghe, Garway, Garwaye:
-, Mistress —, widow, 237
-, John, 72(2), 291
-, Thomas, 258
-, William, 237

-, Harmon, 310
-, Henry, 8
-, John, 361

Garrett, Garet, Garrat, Garratt, Garret (see also Garrard):
-, —, 357
-, —, widow, 176, 293
-, Alice, 355
-, Andryan, 13
-, Anthony, 314
-, David, 145
-, Francis, 13
-, Gilbert, 196
-, Sir Gilbert, xxiv n, 315
-, Goson, 125
-, Henry, 120, 150
-, Huble, 313
-, Jacob, 290
-, Jaques, xlix n, 375
-, John, 39, 88, 158, 535
-, Katherine, 196
-, Martin, 312, 313, 318
-, Mathew, 312, 314
-, Richard, 124
-, Thomas, 180, 230, 332
-, Ursula, 330
-, William, 126, 268

Garrettes, William, 10

Garryson, Cornelys, 383

Garsney, John, 172

Garter, William, 5

-, Edward, 114
-, Richard, 231, 315
-, Thomas, 264

Garton, Giles, 231

Garvey, Bryan, 333

Garway, Garwaye, see Garraway

Gascoyne, Nicholas, 84

Gasker, Gaskarre:
-, John, 313
-, Percival, 187

Gaskyn, John, 332

Gasset, Henry, 272

Gast, Gaste:
-, Godfrey, 386
-, Gord, 387
-, Haunce, 207, 208, 359
-, Katherine, 208

Gatchett, George, 299

Gater, John, 338

Gates, Richard, 550

-, John, 380
-, Roger, 245

Gaton, Roger, 112

Gatson, Richard, 90

Gattes, John, 34

Gaudy, Humphrey, 108

Gawde, Barbara, 196

Gawyn, Thomas, 207

Gaye, Thomas, 376

Geare, William, 344

Gebon, Fraunceis, 129

Gedney, Thomas, 14

-, Richard, 175
-, Thomas, 306

Geffrey, Thomas, 51, 116

Gelder, John, 16

Geldner, Oliver, 235

Gelkyn, Nicholas, 7

Gelles, Angell, 200

Genney, Robert, 268

Genno, John, 191

Gennynges, Genyns, Jenninges, Jennynges, Jennyns, Jenynges, Jenyns:
-, —, 55
-, Mistress —, widow, 265
-, Barnard, 75
-, Edward, 256
-, James, 101
-, John, 47, 281
-, John, alias Usheer, 6
-, Myles, 305
-, Nicholas, alderman, 549, 555, 556
-, Robert, 79
-, Thomas, 56, 66
-, William, 148

Genyse, John, 88

-, Arnold, 33
-, David, 358
-, Hugh, 371
-, Michael, 110
-, Thomas, 30, 368

Gerard, Gerrard, see Garrard

Germyn, John, 98; see also Jarman, Jermayne

Gero, Anthony, 314

Gervis, see Jarvys

Geryn, Jeryne (see also Jeringe):
-, Barnard, 230
-, Jerome, 230
-, Michael, 10

Gesens, Peroune, 384

Gest, Gilbert, 345

Ghedat, Andrew, 152

Gibbins, Gybyns:
-, John, 199
-, Thomas, 138

Gibbes, Gybbes:
-, John, 159
-, Robert, 76

Gibson, Guybson, Gybson:
-, —, widow, 155, 156
-, Mistress —, widow, 325
-, George, 174
-, Henry, 175
-, John, 235, 247
-, Nicholas, 113
-, Richard, 174, 605
-, Roger, 216
-, Thomas, 63, 96

Gifforde, Gyfforde:
-, —, widow of Richard, 28
-, Mr —, 339
-, John, 213
-, Richard, 28

Gilbersson, John, 18

Gilbert, Gilberte, Gilbertt, Guilbert, Guylbert, Gylbart, Gylbert, Gylbet, Jylbert:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 251
-, Anthony, 117
-, David, 347
-, Denys, 58
-, Edward, 99
-, Henry, 300
-, Sir Humphrey, 287
-, John, 545
-, Marthelington, 172
-, Mathias, 172
-, Thomas, 293
-, William, 328

Gilborne, Gylborne:
-, John, 394
-, Thomas, 296
-, William, 185

Giles, Gilles, Gyles (see also Gylis):
-, —, widow, 221
-, Baptist, 343
-, John, 105, 379
-, Peter, 159
-, Peter de, 313
-, Richard, 205, 206
-, Robert, 238
-, Thomas, 166, 253, 254, 294

Gill, Gyll, Gylle:
-, Francis, 170
-, George, 124
-, John, 155
-, Richard, 371

Gilles, see Giles

Gillett, Gillatt, Gyllett:
-, Ambrose, 223
-, Phelyp, 58
-, Thomas, 390

Gillibrande, Gillabran:
-, Thomas, 191
-, William, 141

Gillman, Guylmyn, Gylmyn:
-, George, 296
-, Henry, 362
-, John, 115

Gilner, Oliver, 397

Gilpine, John, 284

Gilson, Gylson:
-, James, 141, 143
-, William, 182

Ginere, Thomas, 164

Gippes, George, 231

Gittinges, John, 371

Gladbeck, Sympson, 94

Glamore, Peter, 326

Glascock, Glascocke:
-, John, 286, 306
-, Richard, 213

Glase, Glasse:
-, Charles de, 314
-, Nicasius de, 374
-, Nicholas, de, 384

Glassopp, Silvester, 186

Glassor, Esia, 176

Glassy, Garret, 10

Gloceter, Richard, 260

-, Edward, 281
-, Henry, 296
-, Herry, 101
-, Richard, 305
-, William, 225, 294

Goble, William, 180

God, Godd:
-, Francis, 394
-, John, 37(2), 304, 514
-, Richard, 240

Godbye, see Goodbye

Goddard, John, 247

Goddes, Anne, 349

Godfray, Godfrey, Goddefreye, Godfreye, Goodfrey:
-, uxor, 23
-, Edward, 354
-, Gilbert, 274
-, Guinkin, 387
-, Miles, 281
-, Oliver, 278
-, Peter, 89
-, Thomas, 488
-, William, 241

Godman, see Goodman

Godsalve, John, 56

Godscall, Goddescall:
-, Elizabeth, 204
-, James, 347(2)
-, John, 349
-, Peter, 203, 204

Gogebushe, John, 51

Goinge, Leonard, 172

Golde, Goulde:
-, Hugh, 211
-, Thomas, 125, 180, 304
-, William, 325

Golderidge, William, 377, 397

-, Arthur, 238
-, Elizabeth, Lady, 321
-, George, 261

Goldringe, William, 377, 397

Goldsmyth, Goldsmythe:
-, Adrian, 137
-, James, 40, 74
-, Simon, 122

-, Mr —, 339
-, Alice, 377

Golencheis, Antony, 8

Golito, Panpilio, 359

Golson, John, 365

Golwier, William, 377

Gomblet, Mistress —, alias Barbor, 185

Gomersall, William, 331

Gomes, Anthony, 386

Gomort, Anne, 359

Gondola, Benedyk, 129

-, Edward, 138
-, John, 230
-, Thomas, 12
-, William, 39, 389

-, James, 333
-, Thomas, 82

Gonport, Nicholas, 93

Gonson, William, xxviii

Gonston, Mistress —, widow, 373

Gonter, see Gunter

Good, Goodd, Goode:
-, John, 146
-, Nevell, 191
-, Robert, 107

Goodbye, Godbye:
-, Robert, 88
-, Thomas, 258

Goodenere, Anthony, 339

Goodgame, Arthur, 295

Goodhew, William, 73, 526

Goodinge, Richard, 258

Goodlad, Goodladde, John. 111. 120

Goodman, Godman:
-, Edward, 379
-, Incent, 234
-, Phillipp, 365
-, Thomas, 48(2), 328, 338, 364

Goodneston. Thomas, 22

Goodrich, Goodridge:
-, John, 169
-, William, 181

-, Jerome, 204
-, Savery, 123

Goodwin, Goodwine, Goodwyn, Goodwyne:
-, Edmund, 88
-, Edward, 260
-, John, 350
-, Robert, 282, 350, 376
-, William, 69

Goody, Johanne, widow, 388

Goodyeare, Andrew, 175

Goodyson, Thomas, 308

Goffe, William, 255; see also Gough

Googe, John, 74

-, John, 15, 123
-, Martin, 101

Gootes, Goottes, Gottes. Gottze:
-, John, 259
-, Merine de, 387
-, Nicholas de, 375. 387

Goram, Robert, 290

Gore, Goor, Goore:
-, Christopher, 318
-, Gerrard, 277
-, John, 494
-, Lawrence, 57
-, Margaret, 494
-, Nicholas, 119
-, Richard, 269
-, Thomas, 396
-, Walter, 318

-, Nicholas, 213
-, Thomas, 315

Gorgrave, Jane, 297

Gorner. Thomas, 186

Gorryxson, Nowell, 128

Goseling, Goslyne, Goslynge:
-, Robert, 59
-, Richard, 269
-, Thomas, 43

Gosinges, Leonard, 172

Gosnall, William, 316, 320

Gosnold, William, xxx, 316, 320

Gosse, William, 255

Gossen, Martin, 357

Gossence, Ellyn, 173

Gostwyk, Edward, 5

Gote, Richard, 199

Gother, Anthony, 222

Gotheryk, William, 85

Gottes, Gottze, see Gootes

Gough, Lawrence, 362; see also Gooffe

Goulde, see Golde

Gounner, John, 366

Gourdenye, Myghell, 138

Gover, John. 144

Govert, Peter, 10

Gower, Robert, 109

Gowith, Richard, 7

Gowrde, Richard, 232

Gowtey, Elizabeth, 266

-, Nicholas, 231
-, Richard, 100
-, Robert, 16
-, Stephen, 17
-, Stephen de, 386

Grade, Steven the, 62

Graffigna, Grafingna, Ausustine, 375, 387

Grafford, Nicholas, 194

-, James, 378
-, Thomas, 130, 541

Grainger, see Granger

Gralyng, Francis, 26

Granawaye, see Greneway

Grange, Graunge, John, 288, 327

Granger, Grainger, Graungyer:
-, John, 60, 289
-, Richard, 253

Grantam, Thomas, 371

Graphine, Jasper, 189

Grasso, Ambrosse, 375

Graundlemare, John, 7

Graunt, Graunte:
-, Harbar, 298
-, Ralph, 205
-, Robert, 123
-, Rowland, 7
-, William, 10, 223

-, George, 240
-, Henry, 562
-, Hugh, 234
-, John, 387
-, John de, and wife, 367
-, Peter, 329

Gravelyn, Thomas, 289

Gravener, Gravenor:
-, John, 335
-, Mathue, 295

Graves, Edward, 181

Gray, Graye, Grey, Greye:
-, Anne, Lady, 110
-, John, 51, 68, 117, 120, 214, 255, 580
-, Lambard, 215
-, Richard, 56
-, Robert, 286
-, Samuel, 255
-, Thomas, 108, 168, 346, 354(2)
-, William, 308, 364

Grayne, Peter, 7

Greanebancke, William, 395

Greene, Grene:
-, Edward, 20
-, Francis, 307
-, Hamond, 228
-, John, 64, 175, 205(2), 216, 295, 343
-, Lawrence, 229
-, Mathew, 247
-, Ralph, 200, 256
-, Richard, 225, 317
-, Robert, 175
-, Roger, 381
-, Thomas, 205, 227, 249, 360
-, William, 47, 121, 139(2)

Greenfield, Gentill, 320

Greenwell, William, 358

Greenwood, Grenewood:
-, Launcellott, 382
-, Robert, 174

Great, Edmund, 347

Gregges, see Grigges

Grego, Symond, 151

Gregorie, Gregorye:
-, Cornelys, 90, 104
-, Edward, 88
-, Richard, 289

Greke, Peter, 110

Gremsdiche, Lawrence, 255

Grenald, Thomas, 88

-, Francis, 280
-, Jerome, 338

Grenekyn, John, 7

Greneway, Granawaye:
-, Hugh, 247
-, William, 48

Greney, Lewis, 389

Gresham, Gressam, Gressham:
-, Dame Anne, lviii, 213
-, Beatrix, widow, 278
-, Sir John, xxviii n, 83(4)
-, Sir Richard, xxviii n, 89
-, William, 77, 190, 286, 439, 443

Grevans, Arnold, 194

Grey, Greye, see Gray

Griffin, Griffine, Griffinn, Gryffen, Gryffin, Gryffyn:
-, —, 180
-, Edward, 339, 347
-, Evan, 272
-, Evans, 244, 371
-, Francis, 340
-, Giles, 216
-, Jefferie, 286
-, John, 12, 42, 186, 247, 274, 334
-, Michael, alias Corsellis, 296
-, Ralph, 180
-, Richard, 27, 182
-, Robert, 126, 249, 372
-, Ryce, 295
-, Thomas, 209, 284, 320
-, William, 225, 267

Griffith, Gryffithe, Gryffythe:
-, Davie, 322
-, Edward, 320, 328
-, John, 15
-, William, 95

Grigges, Gregges:
-, Francis, 257
-, Robert, 160
-, William, 193

Grisell, Angell, 194

Gromekin, James, 18

Grote, Nicholas, 125

-, John, 18
-, Richard, 71
-, Thomas, 138
-, William, 398

Grover, Henry, 162

Growme, John, 292

Growte, John, 110

Grube, Robert, 300

-, Robynet, 15
-, Venissynt, 325

Grygge, Richard, 48

Grymbery, John, 150(2)

-, George, 325
-, Mark, 217
-, Richard, 68, 289, 462
-, Thomas, 255, 264

Grymkyn, Henry, 143

Grymshawe, Grymeshaue:
-, Humphrey, 360
-, John, 120

Gryne, Richard, 259

Gryslyng, William, 151

Gryswytte, Roger, 122

Guado, Marco, 194

Gubert, Charles, 190

Gueson, Margaret, widow, 208

Guest, John, 207, 359

Gunbye, George, 276

Gundolo, Benedyk, 129

-, Robert, 276
-, William, 156

Gunter, Gonter:
-, Francis, 233
-, James, 39
-, Philip, 81, 273
-, Walter, 323
-, William, 320

Gurley, Gurlye:
-, Geoffrey, 248
-, John, 245
-, Wiliam, 30

Gurnard, Gurnarde:
-, Robert, 182
-, William, 130

Gurney, Richard, 231

Gurry, Elizabeth, 46

-, John, 96
-, Raynold, 267
-, Richard, 326

Guyle, John, 198

Guylham, Gyllam:
-, Edmund, 7
-, Edward, 20
-, Giles, 252
-, John, 141
-, William, 7

Guylmyn, see Gillman

Gwyn, Gwyne, Gwynne:
-, Edward, 256
-, Richard, 348
-, Thomas, 84

Gybkyn, John, 108

Gybland, Lambert, 143

Gybotte, Guyllam, 126

Gydfeld, John, 58

Gygges, Thomas, 155

Gyles, see Giles

Gylis, Arnold, 26

Gyllam, see Guylham

Gylmore, Richard, 275

Gylmyn, see Gillman

Gylson, see Gilson

Gymber, William, 392

-, John, 269
-, Richard, 37

Gynes, Arthur, 16

Gynne, Gyn, George, 152, 350

Gysbreth, John, 143

Gysnam, William, 57

Gyson, Fren, 125

Gythens, Gyttons, Gyttens, Gyttons, Gyttyns:
-, David, 38, 177, 223
-, Robert, 259
-, Roger, 9
-, Thomas, 54, 158(2), 170, 538

H[illeg.]yng, Roger, fishmonger, 519

Ha[illeg.]ngton, mercer, 379

Habardson, Cornelys, 141

Hackelett, Richard, 37

Hackell, William, 380

-, —, widow, 202
-, John, 202
-, Thomas, 202

-, Elizabeth, 390
-, Thomas, 13, 193, 386

Hadder, Christopher, 23

Haddocke, Haddok:
-, Nicholas, 241
-, William, 140

Haddon, Richard, 146

Hadley, Richard, 229; see also Hedley

Hadlowe, Richard, 362

Hadwell, Joseph, 244

Hadwine, Matthew, 190

Hagar, Edith, widow, 215; see also Heager

Hagon, William, 182

Haisfield, Christopher, 331

Haines, see Haynes

Hale, Haille (see also Hall):
-, John, 22
-, Richard, 259
-, Thomas, 56

Hales, Halles, Haylis:
-, Barbara van, 192
-, John, Mr., 34
-, John van, 192
-, Robert, 10

Halfacer, Edward, 250

Hall, Halle (see also Hale):
-, Mistress —, 78
-, Anthony, 216
-, Arthur, 251
-, Ceceley, widow, 36
-, Edward, 24, 40, 202
-, George, 274, 343
-, Gosen, 183
-, Henry, 8
-, James, 162
-, John, 88, 92, 132, 216, 281, 292, 340, 348, 554
-, Leonard, 8
-, Richard, 47, 159, 593
-, Robert, 210, 227
-, Thomas, 113
-, Thomas, Doctor, xxxix n, 331
-, William, 96, 181

Hallatt, William, 393

Halley, Hallye:
-, John, 245
-, Richard, 151

Hallywaye, Isack, 272; see also Hollowaye

Halowen, Peter, 133

Halse, John, 590

Halsey, Richard, 302

Halywell, John, 80

Hambach, Harman van, 357

Hambythe, Adryan, 32

-, Agnes, 43
-, Hamond, 63

Hamett, Mane, 192

Hammersley, Hamersley:
-, Ralph, 79, 80, 440
-, William, 292

-, Ralph, 250
-, Robert, 57

Hamond, Hamonde:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 286
-, Edward, 216
-, George, 202
-, Henry, 106
-, John, 31, 57
-, Robert, 430, 605
-, William, 232, 273

-, Ralph, 348
-, Roger, 348

Hampson, Robert, 394. see also Hamsonn

-, Mr —, 311
-, Thomas, 338

Hamsonn, Thomas, 48

Hamys, Antony de, 8

Hanburie, see Handbury

Hanbye, William, 321

Hancok, Handcocke:
-, Richard, 296
-, Thomas, 127

Hancotes, Henry, alderman, 45

Handbury, Handburye, Hanburie:
-, Richard, 281
-, Thomas, 286
-, William, 362

-, Christopher, 141
-, Cornelys, 360

Handmore, Richard, 295

Handslippe, William, 340

Hanfford, Hanforde:
-, Johanne, widow, 163
-, Robert, 163
-, Thomas, 247

Hanger, George, 374

Hankes, William, 29

Hankye, Randall, 227

Hankyn, John, 7

Hankynson, John, 305

Hanley, Thomas, 251

Hans, Antony, 154

Hansard, Robert, 408

Hanscombe, Hanscome, James, 377, 385

Hanson, William, 77

Hanyell, John, 58

Hanyett, John, 92

Hanysworth, Richard, 119

Harbert, Herbertt:
-, Sir Edward, 301
-, Richard, 301
-, Martin, 354
-, Thomas, 253
-, Walter, 370
-, William, 304

Harberye, William, 96, 97

Harblock, Harblocke:
-, Giles, 234(2)
-, Joan, 234
-, Katherine, 234

Harbottel, Christopher, 11
-, Harbye, Harbie:
-, Erasmus, 377, 384
-, John, 273

Harcot, Harcott:
-, Michael, 321
-, William, 299

Hardcastell, Peter, 317

Harderetes, Martin, 305

Hardewood, William, 121

Harding, Hardinge:
-, James, 364
-, Robert, 45
-, Thomas, 202
-, William, 82, 521

Hardlowe, Peter, 275

Hardware, John, 376

Hardwyck, Hardwycke:
-, Stephen, 369
-, Thomas, 79

Hardy, Hardie, Hardye:
-, Mistress, —, widow, 255
-, Richard, 103
-, Robert, 80

-, Albert the, 250
-, John, 66, 311, 479, 528
-, Nicholas, 311

Harford, John, 6

Hargatson, John, 402

Hargrave, Thomas, 100

Harkar, Thomas, 223

Harlakington, Martin, 286

Harlowe, John, 198

Harman, Harmand, Herman:
-, Arnold, 196
-, Deryk, 10
-, Harry, 108(2)
-, Henry, 7
-, James, 197
-, John, 135, 391
-, Leonard, 10

-, Derick, 169
-, Henry, 141
-, William, 85

Harnok, Asten, 87

Harnoldson, Martin, 142

Harpenny, Thomas, 553

-, Anne, 553
-, Edward, 335
-, Letyce, 57
-, Richard, 224
-, William, 35, 434, 459

Harreat, Harryat:
-, John, 334
-, William, 267

-, John, 248
-, Robert, 279

Harris, Harrys:
-, Adam, 575
-, Charles, 217
-, Ellis, 195, 322
-, Gabriel, 171
-, Joanne, 575
-, John, 47, 145, 154
-, Nicholas, 55, 146, 199
-, Richard, 151, 174, 371, 538, 539
-, Robert, 130, 193
-, Thomas, 319
-, Tonet, 217
-, William, 377

Harrison, Harison, Harryson, Haryson, Herryson:
-, —, widow, 174
-, Adryan, 9
-, Arnold, 155
-, Bartholomew, 383
-, Edmund, 324
-, Edward, 38
-, Ellis, 195, 322
-, Francis, 8, 247
-, Garret, 23
-, George, 140, 143, 342
-, Giles, 139, 143
-, Godfry, 143
-, Herman, 8, 141, 142
-, James, 9, 90, 151
-, John, 25, 65, 100, 104, 141, 161, 199, 224, 261, 288, 303, 310
-, Lawrence, 233
-, Matthew, xxxiv n, 213
-, Nicholas, 173, 245
-, Philip, 344
-, Raynold, 150
-, Richard, 123, 186
-, Robert, 167, 234, 368, 371
-, Thomas, 112, 174, 290, 310, 358, 369
-, Walter, 9
-, William, 190

Harrof, John, 387

-, Cornelis, 23
-, Robert, 40

Harryat, see Harreat

Harsey, Prudence, 271

Hart, Harte, Hert:
-, Adryan, 10
-, Sir George, 373
-, Hector, 386
-, Henry, 126
-, John, 175
-, John, alderman, 394
-, Richard, 162, 163, 448
-, Robert, 143

Hartall, Thomas, 137

Hartford, John, 306

Harton, Hartone:
-, Roland, 118
-, Thomas, 264

Hartop, Hartopp:
-, Robert, 100
-, Thomas, 300

Hartridge, William, 362

Harvey, Harveye, Harvy, Harvye:
-, —, widow, 341
-, Edmund, 231
-, Sir James, lord mayor, xxiv n, 166, 168, 354
-, John, 161, 364
-, Peter, 312
-, William, 46, 162, 175, 281, 324

Harward, James, 113

-, John, 251
-, William, 241

Hasell, see Hassell

Haselldone, John, 259

Haselop, Thomas, 5

Haselwood, Hasellwood, Hasilwood, Hasylwood:
-, Edmund, 328
-, Edward, 115
-, James, 308
-, John, 30, 254
-, Robert, 252
-, Thomas, 307, 341
-, William, 122

Hasile, see Hassell

Hasillfote, Hasylfote, Hasyllfote, John, 472, 523, 524, 525

Haskynson, Richard, 351

Haslowe, Thomas, 191

-, Agnes, 133
-, Robert, 133

Hassell, Hasell, Hasile, Hassall, Hasyle, Hasyll:
-, Baptist, 353
-, Gyses, 313
-, John, 301
-, Ralph, 395
-, Thomas, 242
-, William, 23, 121

Hassold, Percival, 211

Hasyle, Hasyll, see Hassell

Hasylwall, Thomas, 126

Hatche, Christopher, 109

Hatcheman, Richard, 328

Hatcombe, Edmund, 564

Hatfeild, Hatfeld:
-, Christopher, 333
-, Reynold, 36
-, Thomas, 337

Hathorne, William, 369

Hatont, Nicholas, 314

Hatter, John, 310

-, Agnes, 489
-, Sir Christopher, xxiv n, xxxv, 342
-, Hughe, 492
-, William, 489

Haughton, Hawghton:
-, Henry, 210
-, Peter, 362

Haunce, John van Holst, alias, 370

Haunsman, Nicholas, xlix, n, 383

Haute, Alen, xlv, 32

Haveley, James, 61

Havers, Charles, 226

Havy, Nowell, 117

Haward, Hawarde:
-, John, 249
-, Michael, 24
-, Myles, 329

Hawes, Hawse, Hawys:
-, George, 259
-, James, 63
-, John, 36, 242
-, Lawrence, 302
-, Richard, 316
-, Robert, 268
-, Thomas, 4, 272

-, John, 332
-, Nicholas, 322

Hawkes, William, 92

Hawkeswell, John, 332

Hawkins, Hawkyns:
-, Mrs —, 63
-, John, 334, 346, 373
-, Owen, 77
-, Robert, 180
-, Stephen, 127

Hawle, James, 48

-, —, 74
-, Hierome, 329
-, Jerome, 312
-, Richard, 302

Hawood, John, 119; see also Heywood

Hayden, Haydon, Heydon:
-, James, 132
-, Jane, 208
-, John, 393
-, Katherine, 208
-, Richard, 412
-, Thomas, 205

Haye, Hey:
-, Agnes del, 206
-, John, 225
-, Paul de la, 207, 208

Hayes, Hays, Heys:
-, Cornellys, 93, 94
-, Denys, de, 9
-, George, 7, 148, 320
-, John, 23, 46, 248, 250, 269
-, Robert, 178
-, Thomas, 37

Haylis, see Hales

Haynes, Haines, Haynys, Heynes:
-, Alexander, 149
-, Benedict, 382
-, George, 353
-, John, 22, 225, 367, 371
-, John van, and wife, 366
-, Nicholas, 187
-, Richard, 289
-, Thomas, 202
-, William, 41, 225, 373

Haysley, Edward, 26

Hayward, Haywarde, Heyward:
-, Edward, 27
-, John, 115, 199
-, Ralph, 309
-, Richard, 277
-, Sir Rowland, alderman, xxiv, lviii, 166, 168, 284
-, William, 72, 352

Hazelwood, see Haselwood

Hasilfyld, —, 132

Heager, George, 246; see also Hagar

Heandley, see Hendley

Heard, Herde:
-, John, 80
-, William, 64, 185

Hearne, Herne:
-, Edward, 282
-, John, 396
-, Robert, 268
-, Thomas, 236n, 381

Hearon, Heronn:
-, Robert, 50
-, Thomas, 236

Heath, Heathe, Hethe:
-, Foulke, 211
-, Garret, 169
-, Gregory, 323
-, John, liv, 30, 34, 132, 240
-, Thomas, 263
-, William, 104

Heaton, Heton:
-, Francis, 281
-, George, 524
-, Thomas, 256

Heawith, James, 356

Heblethwayte, William, 95; see also Hubblethwayte

Hece, Florence de, 326n

Heckeks, Godfrey, 260

Hector, Mr. Doctor —, 387

-, John, 316
-, Lewes, 134

Hedgedinghewe, John, 212n

Hedley, Thomas, 438; see also Hadley

Heges, John, 372

Helmer, Cope, 7

-, Jackmine, 221
-, Simon, 221

Hemynge, Henry, 229; see also Himyng

Hemyngway, John, 440

Hendley, Heandley, Hugh, 166, 222(2)

Heneage, see Hinage

Henman, Richard, 86

-, Grassinge, 173
-, John, 312, 313

Henrickes, Margaret, 352

Henry, John, 329, 501

Henshawe, Thomas, 277

Henson, Edward, 340; see also Hinson

Henwyer, Francis, 143

Herall, Robert, 8

Herbertt, see Harbert

Hercules, Henry, 123

Herde, see Heard

Herdes, Robert, 50, 435

-, Edward, 185
-, John, 373
-, Henry, 24
-, Thomas, li, 373

Hericke, Nicholas, 300

Herman, see Harman

Herne, see Hearne

Herninge, William, 356

Heronn, see Hearon

Herringe, Herrynge, Heryng:
-, Anthony, 325
-, John, 107
-, William, 331

Hert, see Hart

Hertford, Edward earl of, 1

Heskett, William, 232

Heskinges, Arthur, 295

Hester, Leonard, 94

Hevans, John, 66

-, Lewen de, 221
-, Tonnet de, 221

Hew, Hewe:
-, John, 8
-, Peter de, 10

Heward, —, widow, 256

Hewberd, see Hubberd

Hewberrie, Tonnet, 220

Hewchyn, Richard, 72

Hewes, see Hughes

Hewetson, William, 37, 441

Hewett, Hewet:
-, —, widow, 397
-, Andrew, 377
-, Arthur, 272
-, Elizabeth, 244
-, Henry, 242
-, Lawrence, 258
-, Nicholas, 187
-, Thomas, 63
-, William, 61, 63, 242, 260

Hewson, Huson:
-, Christopher, 322
-, John, 309
-, Richard, 374
-, Thomas, 341
-, William, 154

Hey, see Haye

Heyborne, Heybourne:
-, James, 288
-, William, 138

Heydoc, Lawrence, 54

Heydon, see Hayden

Heyford, —, widow, 78

Heylye, Roger, 254

Heyner, Peter, 297

Heyshe, Thomas, 71

Heyton, Henry, 226

Heywood, Richard, 116; see also Hawood

Hicfeilde, Giles, 211

Hickes, Hixe, Hyxe:
-, Alexander, 394
-, Baptist, 224, 251
-, Rice, 310
-, Robert, 71

Hickeson, Hicson, Hyxson:
-, John, 158
-, George, 396
-, William, 231

Hickeye, Mary, 219

Hickman, Hikman, Hykman:
-, —, 3
-, Richard, 277
-, Thomas, 228
-, Walter, 132

Hide, see Hyde

Hidonce, Johan, 236

Higbed, Thomas, 353

Higges, William, 197

Higginson, John, 328

Higgyns, Hyggens, Hyggyns:
-, Anthony, 248
-, John, 350
-, Thomas, 345, 360

Higham, Hyam, Hygham:
-, Francis, 267
-, John, 124
-, Roger, 139

Highlord, Highlorde, Hyghlord, John, 166, 373(2)

Hiliard, Hilliard, Hyllyard:
-, John, 232, 286
-, Nicholas, 301
-, William, 106

Hill, Hille, Hyll, Hylle:
-, Agnes, 467
-, Anthony, 116
-, Edmund, 247, 351
-, George, 56
-, James, 370
-, Jelbert, 246
-, John, 145, 316, 322, 324, 394, 395, 467, 600
-, Lawrence, 322
-, Letyce, widow, 54
-, Otewell, 75
-, Ralph, 85
-, Richard, 175, 265
-, Rowland, 163
-, Thomas, 324, 343, 351, 394, 395
-, Walter, 353
-, William, 222, 358

Hillary, Sebastian, 164

Hilles, Hyles, Hylles:
-, —, widow, 276
-, Barnabas, 280
-, John, 169, 280
-, Nicholas, 118
-, Richard, 42, 388

Hilliard, see Hiliard

Hilson, Robert, 231

Hilton, Hillton, Hylton:
-, Alexander, 420
-, Jervys, 37
-, Richard, 102
-, Robert, 122, 158
-, Thomas, 37, 74

Himyng, Roger, 501; see also Hemynge

-, Michael, 189
-, Sir Thomas, 191

Hinchepoole, Leonard, 240

Hinde, Hynd, Hynde:
-, Austen, 90
-, Elizabeth, 487
-, Sir Francis, 185
-, George, 79
-, Gilbert, 177
-, Robert, 487
-, Rowland, 331

Hinson, John, 317; see also Henson

Hipworthe, John, 338

Hitchcock, Hichecock, Hitchecocke, Huchecok, Hyckhcok, Hytchcock (see also Hychecockes):
-, Charles, 181
-, Francis, 285
-, Humphrey, 78
-, John, 49
-, Richard, 42
-, William, 199

Hobbes, Amy or Ann, widow, 197

Hobbey Robert, 69

Hoberthorne, Henry, 35

Hobloyn, Nicholas, 363

Hobson, Hobsonn:
-, —, widow, 259
-, Bartholomew, 259
-, Charles, 255
-, John, 259, 337
-, William, 70, 169, 259, 292, 485, 569

Hoche, Henry, 245

Hochens, Agnes, 89

-, Arthur, 516
-, Joanne, 516

Hoddesdone, Christopher, 212

Hoddye, Robert, 263

Hode, Herry, 97; see also Hood

Hodge, Richard, 276

Hodgekinson, John, 289

Hodgekyn, John, 42

-, Thomas, 120, 121
-, William, 293

Hodgeson, Hodgson:
-, —, widow, 318
-, Mistress —, widow, 282
-, Giles, 287
-, John, 341
-, Thomas, 120

Hodland, John, 380

Hodsale, Julian, 70

Hogane, Hogen:
-, Edmund, 282
-, John, 112

Hogle, James, 54

Hoke, John, 533

Holbecke, Thomas, 112

Holbene, Hauns, 14

Holbroke, John, 376

Holdam, John, 67

Holdborowe, Robert, 378

Holdebeme, John, 70

Holden, Holdon, Hollden:
-, Buttolphe, 373n
-, Giles, 255
-, John, 349
-, Lawrence, 318
-, Richard, 284

-, Buttolphe, 373
-, Nicholas, 254

Holdernes, Richard, 318

Holdsworthe, Henry, 211

Hole, Roger, 369; see also Hoole and Howell

Holford, Henry, 197

Holland, Holand, Hollande, Hollaund:
-, Adam, 254
-, Gennynges, widow, 18
-, George, 123, 163
-, Henry, 150, 153
-, John, 39, 123
-, Richard, 119, 174
-, Roger, 193
-, Thomas, 101
-, William, 120

Holies, Sir William, 31

Hollet, Russell John, 155

Holliband, Claudius, 305

-, John, 206
-, Lambert, 206

Hollicott, Nicholas, 194

Holliland, see Holylond

-, John, 306
-, Thomas, 331

Hollonder, John, 143

Hollowaye (see also Hallywaye):
-, Thomas, 316
-, William, 320

Hollydaye, Hollidaie:
-, Leonard, 277
-, William, 191

Hollygrave, Holligrave:
-, Margaret, 269
-, William, 369

Holman, George, 235

Holme, Hughe, 260; see also Hulme

Holmeade, Anthony, 390

Holmeleye, James, 213

Holmes, Homes:
-, Arthur, 161
-, Bryan, 323
-, Clement, 370
-, Edward, 308
-, Hugh, 119
-, John, 343
-, Ralph, 256
-, Thomas, 274

Holsome, Robert, 36

Holst, John van, alias Haunce, 370

-, John, 371
-, William, 199

Holt, Holte:
-, Edmund, 379
-, Garret, 8
-, James van, 190
-, John, 106
-, Margery, widow, 376
-, Ralph, 397
-, Richard, 37, 415, 422
-, Robert, 368
-, William, 102

Holton, William, 205, 206

Holylond, Holliland:
-, David, 235
-, William, 68

Holyngbery, Stephen, 70

Homden, Edward, 233

Homerton, William, 203

Homy, Nicholas de, 169

-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 304
-, Mistress —, widow, 329
-, Richard, 126

Honnyng, Margaret, 40

-, George, 248
-, Nicholas, 391

Honsher, William, 117

Honys, William, 311

Hood, —, widow, 176; see also Hode

Hooke, George van, 230

Hoole, Deryk, 7; see also Hole and Howell

Hopkins, Hopkyns:
-, John, 45, 381, 386
-, Martin, 381
-, Robert, 226
-, William, 374

Hoppar, Richard, 113

-, Robert, 382
-, Thomas, 379
-, William, 181

Hornblow, Horneblowe: William, 248, 322

-, Henry, 106
-, Roger, 19, 88
-, William, 210, 267

Horneby, John, 113

-, John, 317
-, Michael, 205
-, Richard, 245
-, Thomas, 38, 227

Horray, William, 155

Horsall, Roger, 338

Horse, John de, 312, 314

Horsekeper, John, 2

Horsepole, Horsepoole:
-, John, 79
-, Simon, 210

Horsey, Horssey:
-, George, 261
-, John, 331

Horsley, John, 335

Horsneale, Richard, 222

Horson, Peter, 326

-, Richard, 24, 395
-, Roger, 37, 446
-, Stephen, 334
-, Thomas, 391

Horwood, Horwodde:
-, Edward, 347
-, William, xxiii, 1

Hosier, Jeffery, 268

-, Charles, 270
-, John, 269

-, Margaret, 357
-, Thomas, 138

Hostat, Haunce, 208

Hottoffe, Richard, 235

Houghe, see Howe

Houghman, John, 172

Hounyng, William, 146

Household, James, 10

Housey, Howsey, John de, 366, 367

Hoverling, Francis, 133

-, Hawnce van, 218
-, Marie van, 218

Howe, Houghe:
-, —, widow, 203
-, John, 163, 308, 380
-, Nicholas, 25
-, Richard, 300
-, Robert, 207
-, Thomas, 24, 459
-, William, 284, 318, 409

Howell, Howle (see also Hole and Hoole):
-, John, 34, 316
-, Robert, 194

Howet, William, 563

Howland, Howlande:
-, Giles, 166, 233(2)
-, John, 225
-, William, 270

Howlard, John, 150

Howle, see Howell

Howlet or Howley, Clement, 231

Howlla, Robert la, 312, 313

Howsbroke, Stephen, 18

-, John, 369
-, Robert, 222

Howsey, see Housey

-, George, 222
-, Lawrence, 338
-, William, 321

Hubberd, Hewberd, Hubart, Hubbert, Hubert:
-, —, widow, 220
-, Cornelis, 9
-, Garrett, 125
-, Myles, 254
-, Nicholas, 118
-, Peter, 118
-, Richard, 264
-, Robert, 215

Hubberdson, Cornelis, 142

Hubblethwayte, Hublethwaite (see also Heblethwayte):
-, Henry, 241
-, Thomas, 224

Hubert, see Hubberd

Hubline, Peter, xlix n, 192

Hublone, John, xlix n, 191

Huckle, Israel, 375

Hudd, John, 298

Huddenshewe, John, 212

-, Mistress —, widow, 285
-, Alexander, 116
-, John, 259
-, Richard, 121, 269
-, Robert, 183
-, Simon, 169
-, William, 281, 294, 391(2)

Hufswayte, William, 38

Huggans, Thomas, 65

Hughes, Hewes, Huis:
-, George, 253
-, John, 107, 255, 338
-, Meredith, 274
-, Peter, 187
-, Richard, 317, 348
-, Robert, 311

Hugoberte, Jacob, 375

Hugyn, Thomas, 149

Huishe, James, 260

-, Edmund, 175
-, Richard, 237

Hulme, Thomas, 262; see also Holme

Hulmes, Thomas, 279

-, Mistress —, widow, 222
-, John, 115, 222
-, Ralph, 151

-, Christopher, 240
-, Edward, 186
-, John, 88, 197
-, Thomas, 112

Hun, John, 8

-, Henry, 253
-, Robert, 233, 262

Huningborne, Hunyngborne, Peter, 80, 193

Hunlocke, Henry, 224

Hunnynge, John, 333

Hunsdon, Peter, 263

Hunt, Hunte, Huntt:
-, Christopher, 317
-, Edward, 395
-, George, 282
-, Humphrey, 328
-, John, 5, 263, 277
-, Richard, 126, 130, 345, 395
-, Robert, 34, 92
-, Thomas, 150, 186, 373
-, Walter, 264
-, William, 25, 192, 233

-, Harry, 367
-, John, 64, 308

Huntingdon, Henry earl of, xxiv n

Huntington, Andrew, 180

Huntley, Humphrey, 167, 368, 369

Huntlowe, Thomas, 164

Hunton, Robert, 126

Huntstribe, Roger, 107

Huntwade, Thomas, 85

Hurdis, Nicholas, 280

Husbie, Agnes, 220

Husbond, Richard, 35

Husburd, Bartholomew, 70; see also Isbart

Hussey, Hussye:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, 306
-, Anthony, 107
-, Nicholas, 348
-, Thomas, 241(2)

Hutchen, Hytchen:
-, John, 181
-, Robert, 301

Hutchinson, Hytchenson:
-, John, 175
-, Peter, 389
-, Robert, 379

-, Robert, 86
-, Thomas, 234

Huyc, Robert, 116

Hyam, see Higham

Hybby, John, 391

Hychecockes, Ralph, 103; see also Hitchcock

Hyde, Hide:
-, Edward, 241
-, George, 92
-, Humphrey, 272
-, John, 16, 255, 321, 373

Hylbourn, Jasper, 56

Hyles, see Hilles

Hyllman, William, 263

Hyllyard, see Hiliard

Hynche, John, 344

Hynkstell, Christopher, 99

Hynshall, James, 550

Hynton, William, 80

Hynyon, William, 115

Hytchen, see Hutchen

Hytchenson, see Hutchinson

Hyxson, see Hickeson

Ibatson, Ibotson:
-, Richard, 210
-, Robert, 328

-, Robert, 59
-, William, 54

Ick, Richard, 228

Icoppe, Thomas, 382

Idell, Idle:
-, George, 293
-, Thomas, 334

-, Richard, 259
-, Thomas, 259

Ilard, John, 82

Ilcockes, John, 104

Ilove, Thomas, 289; see also Ayloffe

Ince, John, 198

Incent, John, 307

Indee, William, 347

Ingleberd, Melcher, 101

Inglyshe, see English

Ingram, Inggram, Ingrame, Ingrome, Yngeram:
-, Elizabeth, widow, 186
-, Hugh, 281
-, William, 12(2), 245

Ingrave, Saunder, 366

Inman, John, 211

Iper, Peter, 23

Ireland, Irelande:
-, Edward, 294
-, Hugh, 378
-, John, 223, 247
-, Richard, 238
-, Thomas, 272
-, William, 332

Irfote, William, 72

-, George, 345
-, James, 230

Isackson, Richard, 190

Isard, John, 397

Isbart, Isberd, Isbert, Isburde (see also Husburde):
-, Bartholomew, 175
-, Godfrey, 258
-, Mathew, 10
-, William, 258

Isham, Ysham:
-, Christopher, 216
-, Edward, 216
-, Henry, 216, 265

Isling, Daniel, 298

Isonsa, Dyego de, 128

Isotson, Robert, 132

Isott, Ralph, 343

Ivans, Marian, 141

-, Nicholas, 151
-, Richard, 150

-, Margaret, alias Cannion, 215
-, Marie, 215

Iveson, William, 192

Ivet, Richard, 44

Ja[illeg.]on, Laurence, fishmonger, 551

Jacket, Jeckett:
-, Stocker, 83
-, Thomas, 60

Jackson, Jackeson, Jaxson, Jockson:
-, Bennett, 64
-, Christopher, 120
-, Edward, 370
-, George, 378
-, James, 245
-, John, 12, 186, 223, 307
-, Lawrence, 57
-, Philip, 85
-, Ralph, 308, 317
-, Robert, 253, 353
-, Thomas, 116, 296, 308
-, William, 238, 397

Jacob, Jacobbe, Jacobe:
-, Mistress —, 258
-, Cornelius, 203
-, James, 102
-, Mathew, 26
-, Peter, 214
-, Richard, 173
-, William, 314

Jacobes, James, 266

-, Cornelis, 204
-, Jane, 204
-, Roger, 23

Jakes, see Jaques

James, Jamys:
-, Anthony, xlv, 49
-, Dyrick, 296, 297
-, Elizabeth, 171
-, Henry, 73
-, Jane, 171
-, Joanne, 390
-, John, liv, 23(2), 110, 111, 169, 171
-, Joseph, 248
-, Roger, 375, 387
-, Thomas, 228
-, Walter, 327
-, William, 104, 111

-, Jane, 196
-, Katherine, 196
-, Margaret, 196

-, Christopher, 56
-, George, 370
-, John, 186

Janney, John Maria, 131

Janson, Jenson:
-, Andrew, 114
-, James, 249
-, Richard, 244
-, Vincent, 117
-, Walter, 352
-, William, 118, 121

Jaques, Jakes:
-, John, 79, 80, 275, 408
-, Richard, 364

Jarbranch, Dyonyse, 356

Jard[illeg.], David, cooper, 500

Jarden, see Jorden

Jarman (see also Germyn, Jermayne):
-, Elias, 180
-, Roger, 179

Jarvys, Gervis, Jerves, Jervis, Jervys:
-, Edmund, 275
-, Edward, 175
-, Richard, 77, 403, 446, 457
-, Wynkyn, 38

Jaskyn, James, 32

Jaslyn, Henry, 179

Jaye, Henry, 267

Jeckett, see Jacket

Jefford, John, 185

Jeffrey, Jefferye (see also Geffrey):
-, —, widow, 382
-, John, 216
-, Stephen, 293

Jeffreys, Nicholas, 245

Jelowse, Nicholas, 93

Jenettes, Thomas, 4

Jenian, Jacob, 243

Jenkinson, Jenkynson:
-, Richard, 73
-, Robert, 324

-, —, 142
-, John, 78

Jenkyns, Jenkinges:
-, John, 607
-, William, 160, 368

Jennings, Jennyns, see Gennynges

Jenson, see Janson

Jenx, Thomas, 396

Jenynges, Jenyns, see Gennynges

Jeparte, Noy, 290

-, Francis, 117
-, John, 121

Jeringe, James, 357; see also Geryn

Jermayne, Richard, 76; see also Germyn, Jarman

Jernegan, Henry, 302

Jerrard, see Garrard

Jerrat, —, 357

Jerves, Jervis, Jervys, see Jarvys

Jeryne, see Geryn

Jesson, Thomas, 381

Jeston, William, 200

Jetar, —, widow, 74

Jewet, Robert, 108

Jobson, Walter, 151, 563

Jockson, see Jackson

John, Jon:
-, Mr —, 102
-, Barnard, 94
-, Domynyk, 152
-, Edward Ap, 198
-, Gilbert, 17
-, Lancelot, 377
-, Long, 18
-, Peter, 17
-, Ralph, 333
-, Stephen, 385

Johns, see Jones

Johnson, Johnsan, Joneson, Jonson:
-, —, 159
-, Mr Doctor —, xxix n, 316
-, Adam, 296
-, Adryan, 9
-, Agnes, widow, 216
-, Andrew, 141
-, Anthony, 9, 140, 143, 194
-, Arres, 9
-, Arthur, 173
-, Austen, 89
-, Bartholomew, 9, 26
-, Cecily, 183
-, Christopher, 200
-, Clara, 196
-, Cornells, Cornelius, 17, 26, 94, 140, 152, 188, 363
-, Derek, 89, 141, 159
-, Dymmok, 133
-, Edmund, 49
-, Edward, 228
-, Evangelist, 234
-, Francis, 302
-, Funger, 192
-, Garret, 9, 156, 313, 340
-, Gilbert, 301
-, Giles, 140
-, Harman, Herman, 8, 9, 93, 170, 389
-, Henry, 9, 140, 141, 154(2), 171, 363
-, Humphrey, 345
-, Jacob, xlix n, 185, 196, 387
-, James, 13, 23, 26, 314, 347, 387
-, Jocas, 171
-, John, xxxviii, 4, 6, 10, 24, 28, 33, 85, 142, 147, 150, 154, 156, 175, 181, 205, 206, 224, 332, 386, 447
-, Katherine, 133, 196
-, Lambert, 85
-, Lawrence, 129
-, Leonard, 45, 217, 337, 449, 460, 556
-, Margaret, 196
-, Marie, 196
-, Martin, 141
-, Mason, 326
-, Mathew, 329
-, Michael, 140, 144
-, Miles, 18
-, Milker, 298
-, Nicholas, 15, 100, 193, 297
-, Paul, 144
-, Peter, 141
-, Ralph, 56, 129
-, Rankyn, 141
-, Reke, 2
-, Reynold, 143
-, Richard, 15, 99, 123, 185, 202, 226
-, Robert, 84, 107, 181, 320, 324
-, Rombold, 162
-, Rowland, 9
-, Shawe, 156(2)
-, Simon, 242
-, Thomas, 6, 103, 294, 316, 338
-, Tice, Tyse, 154, 196
-, Walter, 8, 16, 18, 140, 142
-, William, 9, 29, 42, 46, 154, 262, 337
-, Wynne, 183

Jolles, John, 350

Jon, see John

Jonar, Humphrey, 47

Jones, Joanes, Joans, Johnes, Johns, Jonys:
-, Doctor —, xxxix n, l–li, 246
-, David, 69, 268, 432, 606
-, Davye, 337
-, Edward, 170, 371
-, Ellis, 337
-, Enego, 175
-, Gryffyn, 396
-, Henry, 315, 321
-, Hugh, 225, 270
-, Humphrey, 82
-, John, 274, 364, 367
-, Marie, 215
-, Michael, 135
-, Morgan, 369
-, Nicholas, 243
-, Owen, 294
-, Philip, 276
-, Richard, 54, 101, 107, 335
-, Robert, 182
-, Roger, 330, 390
-, Thomas, 360, 361, 382, 393
-, William, 113, 270, 398

Jorden, Jarden, Jordeyn, Jurden:
-, Rouland, 58
-, Thomas, 120
-, William, 336, 364

Jorrey, Anthony, alias Godfrey Canion, 213

Joson, Jusson:
-, John, 15
-, Robert, 72

Josue, Johan, 385

Joye, Lambert, 363

Joyner, Joynour, Yoinour:
-, Andrew, 373
-, John, 115
-, Margaret, widow, 122
-, Stafe, Stayfe, 141, 142
-, William, 311

-, Cornelis, 13
-, Garrett, 243

Jozeph, Andrew, 219

Judde, Jude:
-, Andrew, 138, 567, 587
-, Herry, 138

Judick, —, uxor, 357

Judson, John, 308

Jugg, —, widow, 309

Jugges, Thomas, 182

Jurden, see Jorden

Jusson, see Joson

Justin, Roger, 250

Justinene, Anthony, 339

Justinian, Justynian:
-, Paul, 387
-, Ranken, 158

Justiniano, Paul, 375

Juxson, John, 35, 504

Jylbert, see Gilbert

K[illeg.], Peter, 323

Kacke, Henry, 18

Kanowne, see Cannon

Keale, Hugh, 346, 347

Keare, see Kerre

Keble, Kebull:
-, Deryk, 9
-, John, 81
-, William, 244

Kedermyster, John, 51

Keelings, Keling:
-, Thomas, 174
-, William, 294

Kelbeck, John, 174

Kelke, Clement, 213

Kellett, Kellytt:
-, Christopher, 336
-, Richard, 339

Kelly, Keley, Kelley:
-, James, 371
-, John, 336
-, Robert, 248
-, William, 22

Kelse, Thomas, 59

Kelsick, Kelsycke, William, 167, 246, 252

Keltrydge, William, 274

-, Anthony, 170, 311
-, Dyonys, 246
-, Edmund, 21
-, Francis, 319
-, George, 321

-, Edward, 224
-, Henry, 241
-, John, 236
-, William, alderman, 226

Kenall, Stephyn, 22

Kendall, Kendalle:
-, Rowland, 26
-, William, 56, 96, 170

Kendon, Thomas, 278

Kenedeye, John, 88

Kenestone, Thomas, 211

Kennett, Elizabeth, 317

Kennex, Henry, 341

Kennyngham, Robert, 395

Kenrey, Harry, 39

-, Gryffyn, 397
-, Hugh, 215

Kent, Kente, John, 256, 371

Kenter, John, 10

Kentysh, Robert, 178

Kenvyne, James, 321

Kenyam, John, 120

-, Gilbert, 377
-, Robert, 377

Kerre, Keare, Kere:
-, James, 119
-, Robert, 308
-, Thomas, 391

Kerst, Albert, 8

Kerver, Christian, 6

Kerwine, Kerwyn, Kirwyn:
-, George, 388
-, William, 167, 210, 213

Kettelborowe, Ellyn, widow, 329

Kettle, Kettyll:
-, —, 5
-, John, 180
-, Thomas, 181

Kettlewood, Kettlewoode: John, 346, 395

Kevell, Kevall, George, 88, 273

Kewr, Philip, 72; see also Cure

-, Anthony, 281
-, Edmund, 92

Keyne, Mathew, 353; see also Cane

Keyser, Nicholas, 28

Kidd, Kydd:
-, Francis, 346
-, John, 107
-, Justinian, 304
-, Mark, 351

Kiddyare, John, 292

-, John, 306
-, Thomas, 292

-, Henry, 392
-, William, 240

Killingworth, Killingworthe, Kyllyngworth:
-, Clement, 38
-, George, 202
-, William, 340

Kilmere, George, 214

King, Kinge, Kyng, Kynge:
-, —, 77
-, Allen, 160
-, Edward, 256, 284
-, George, 85
-, Henry, 338
-, Humphrey, 340
-, James, 238
-, John, 36, 205, 244, 285, 312
-, Leonard, 338
-, Leven, 298
-, Martin, 21
-, Mathew, 298
-, Nicholas, 82, 396, 297, 324
-, Peter, 186, 302
-, Ralph, 245, 395
-, Richard, 49, 210, 264, 340, 398
-, Robert, 56, 129
-, Sarah, 297
-, Thomas, 103, 310
-, Vincent, 169
-, Warner, 251
-, William, 69, 325

Kingeffeld, Kingffeild:
-, Edmund, 338
-, Thomas, 333

Kingman, Thomas, 350

Kingseleye, Kyngslaye:
-, Thomas, 368
-, William, 318

Kingston, Robert, 363; see also Kyngslonde

Kinton, Inglebarr, 395

Kirk, see Kyrk

Kirkby, Kyrkby, Kyrkeby:
-, Edward, 190
-, Margaret, 111
-, William, 73

Kirkham, Kerkeham, Kyrkham:
-, George, 364
-, John van, 98
-, Robert, 245
-, William, 99

Kirliche, Thomas, 190

Kirrye, John, 371

Kirton, Kyrton:
-, Richard, 32
-, Stephen, 465

Kirwyn, see Kerwine

Kitchen, see Kytchen

Kitson, Kytson:
-, Abraham, 305
-, Austyn, 103
-, Margaret, Lady, 82
-, Sir Thomas, lviii, 237, 469, 599, 603

Knevet, Knevett:
-, Anthony, 342
-, Sir Anthony, 156

Knife, Bartholomew, 17

Knight, Knyght:
-, Andrew, 217
-, Edmund, Chester Herald, 1 n, 175, 246
-, Humphrey, 22, 24
-, John, 355
-, Lucy, widow, 59
-, Richard, 20, 59
-, Walter, 49
-, William, 24, 82, 329, 345

Knighton, Ralph, 216

Knodder, Abraham, 393

Knolles, see Knowles

Knott (see also Nott):
-, Hugh, 310
-, Thomas, 48

Knowles, Knolles:
-, Sir Francis, xxiv n
-, Henry, 317
-, John, 182
-, Roger, 322
-, Samuel, 393
-, Thomas, 393

Knyghtbrydge, Henry, 159

Koe, Peter, 323

Kopcot, see Copcot

Kowdale, Thomas, 225

Kybblewhyte, John, 269

Kyes, William, 203

Kylbye, John, 335

Kyldermas, Jacomy, 133

Kyllygrave, Mr —, 110

-, John, 382
-, William, 382

Kyndersley, Robert, 163

Kyndon, John, 302

-, Bernard, 131(2)
-, Mary, Lady, 110

Kyngslonde, Robert, 363; see also Kingston

Kyngton, John, 105

Kynnersley, Henry, 304

Kynwallmerse, Richard, 3

Kyrk, Kyrke:
-, Mathew, 381
-, Robert, 31

Kyrkby, Kyrkeby, see Kirkby

Kyrvin, Stephen, 138

Kyster, Ambrose, 246

Kytchen, Kichyn, Kycheyn, Kytchin:
-, Alexander, 334
-, Nicholas, 170
-, Robert, 33, 336, 582

Kyteley, Kytley:
-, Eustace, 112
-, Thomas, 68

Kytson, see Kitson