Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1991.
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'The Justicing notebook of Henry Norris: 1734-5 (nos 95-165)', in Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book, ed. Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp22-32 [accessed 6 March 2025].
'The Justicing notebook of Henry Norris: 1734-5 (nos 95-165)', in Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Edited by Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp22-32.
"The Justicing notebook of Henry Norris: 1734-5 (nos 95-165)". Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Ed. Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp22-32.
95. Saturday, 26 January 1734 Thomas Hide complains agt: John Maslin for assaulting & Striking him today in breach &c. On oath made granted a Warrt: for him. On Hearing ye cause Tho: Hide, Jno Preston [and] Geo: Huggins, Sworn. Tho: Hide Says yt Jno: Maslin 1st assaulted him. Jno Preston confirms Maslin 1st laying hold of his Collar. Geo: Huggins does not very certainly know wch began ye assault but by his testimony it Seemed to be Maslin. On hearing ye matter was agreed.
96. Friday, 1 February 1734 Hen: Batt complains agt: Robt Wright of Well Street Smith for being drunk & assaulting him in his own house wch being drunk he acknowledged & was convicted.
Thursday, 7 February 1734 Issued a Warrt: to Levy 5s on him or in default thereof to Set him in ye Stocks for 6 hours.
97. Monday, 11 February 1734 Matth: Walter complains yt his garden has been robbed Severall times of Glasses & plants & yt last night there was a person took out of his garden a glass light & yt he being upon the watch fired at him & he [dropt deleted] left ye glass behind & ran away between 12 & 1. Math: Walter made oath to ye above. James Woolcot made oath yt last night near 1 a person run by him being in Mare Street watch ho: & told him he had been Shot at by rogues, & yt being asked his name said his name was Bladwell or Brattell & lived in Dolston & Math: Walter Suspects from this & other circumstances yt ye person he Shot at was Jno Brattle of Dorleston. Granted a Search Warrt. [See 100].
98. Monday, 11 February 1734 Joshua Bridgman [deletion] lives in Hummerton in Adam and Eve yard complains [agt: yt deleted] & Ursula Bridgman his wife Sworn. Ye latter says yt about 3 wks or 4/wks Since She was forced &c by Rob: Flemming in his own house but yt on ye relation did not appear to be a force. Joshua Briddgman Sworn complains yt on 23 Jan: last Tho: Woodward, Mr of the Adm & Eve wth 2 others on his going into ye house blacked him in ye face yt after Rob: Fleming Shot twice wth a powder at him & wounded him wth powder in ye face & yt afterwds Rob: Fleming in compa: wth another Since absconded broke open the door of Sd Josh: Bridgman in breach of the Peace wch last article was Sworn to by his wife. Made out a warrt: for Rob: Fleming & Tho: Woodward to answer the complaint & on hearing it bound ym over to ye next Genll Sessions wth Suretys ym Selves in £20: each, [blank] in 10: for each. (fn. 1)
99. Monday, 11 February 1734 George Taylor complains yt [last night deleted] this morning his house in Well Street was broke open. Geo: Taylor, Ruth Taylor [and] Thomas Prior Sworn. Ruth Taylor found her house entred in her absence & found Severall things packt up to be carryed off Viz a linnen Apron a Silver Spoon a pr: Silver buckles & Some other things. Geo: Taylor confirms ye same. Tho: Prior says yt coming in ye time he found Elisa: Robinson in G: Taylors garden hidden & believed She was ye person yt had been in ye house. Made out a Warrt: to take up Elisa: Robinson.
100. Monday, 11 February 1734 Matthew Walter maketh Oath that this day he charged William Griffith one of the Headboroughs of the Parish of St. John at Hackney [to take deleted] with one John Brattle whom he suspected to have robbed him and that he [deletion] Wilfully suffered him to make his Escape [signed] Matt: Walter. Sworn before me the day and year above written [signed] Henry Norris. (fn. 2)
Tuesday, 12 February 1734 Made out a Warrt: agt: him. Wm Griffith bound in £40 Gardner, Morgan Bynon 20 Brewer & Victualler [and] Thomas Marsling 20 Barber & Perrukema: [both] of Hackney.
Same day Taken the above recognisance for Griffiths appearance at Genll Sessions. Richd Brattle.
Saturday, 16 February 1734 Math: Walter claims 3 Glasses, Richd Atkins 2 Lights, Tho: Clark 3 Do, Geo: Robinson 4 Seed Cabages, Jno: Wright 3 Lights. All Sworn claim ye goods above mentioned found in R Brattles ground & Stolen from ym Suppose by his Son & ordered them to be dd to ym respectively. (fn. 3) [See 97].
101. Tuesday, 19 March 1734 Granted a warrt: to Mary Cornish agt Mary Dudley for assaulting her and forcibly taking away a Milk yoke.
102. Saturday, 18 May 1734 John Hague complains agt: Henry Vaughan for assaulting him & farther threatning him ye 15th inst: in ye house of Luke Townsend. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for him. [See 113].
103. Monday, 3 June 1734 Jane Chambers complains agt: Jacob Crew for assaulting & kicking her yesterday at her own house. On oath made granted her a Warrt.
Tuesday, 4 June 1734 On hearing ye cause got ye partyes to agree & he made her Satisfaction.
104. Saturday, 15 June 1734 Stephen Patmore brot: by James Martin on Warrt: of R Newton for assaulting his wife Lydia. Lydia Sworn proves ye assault wth out just cause. Geo: Offer Sworn in behalf of ye Deft but was agreed between ye partyes.
105. Tuesday, 18 June 1734 Wm Burrell of the parish of Hackney Breeches maker bound in the sum of forty pounds. John Starps of the same Butcher bound in the sum of forty pounds. Upon Condition that the sd Wm Burrell personally appeareth at the next General Sessions or Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Middx at Hicks Hall in St John Street after Eliza Robinson Singlewoman shall be delivered of the Base Child or Children wth. which she is now pregnant then and there to abide the Order shall be made for the Indemnification of the sd parish touching the sd Base Child or Children of which she upon oath hath charged him to be the father and not depart the Court without License. (fn. 4) [See 728, 757, 786].
106. Monday, 24 June 1734 Sarah Eades of Cambridge Heath complains agt: John Goodman for assaulting Frances Eades her child a girl of 3 or 4 years old yesterday. On oath of ye Mother made out a Warrt:
107. Tuesday, 25 June 1734 Joseph Scooling complains agt: Tho: Baxter & Rob: Crew for assaulting him & beating him [also beating deleted] his wife Anne Scooling last night at Cambridge heath. On Oath made by each of them granted a Warrt: for Baxter & Crew.
108. Friday, 28 June 1734 Anne Booth of Cambridge Heath complains agt: Joseph Hall for assaulting her ye 24th June in ye Street near her house throwing her down & kicking her. On Oath made granted a Warrt: On their appearance ye affair was made up.
109. Friday, 12 July 1734 Granted a warrt: to Jno Wix agt: Tho: Smith for an assault on Oath made by him.
110. Friday, 19 July 1734 Thomas Scott complains agt: Natha: Jones for assaulting him & Striking him Severall blows in ye face. NB warrt: not pd.
Saturday, 20 July 1734 On appearance of Natha: Jones heard ye Cause & bound over Natha: Jones of Middle Temple Esqr £40, Math: Hall of Furnevalls Inn Gent 20 [and] Antho: Peck of St: Micha: Crooked lane 20 for appeara: of Natha: Jones Esqr at next Genll: Sessions of ye Peace to answer ye complt: of Tho: Scott. (fn. 5)
111. Thursday, 5 September 1734 Samuell Holdsworth of the George at Clapton charges John Seagrave wth Stealing a pewter pot from him this day pperty of Sam: Holdsworth. Thomas Folliott also charges J: Seagrave on Suspicion for Stealing another pewter pot ye pperty of Anne Philips. Joseph Hall & Tho: Folliott Say they took ye 2 Pots out of J Seagraves breeches. Sam: Holdsworth bound in £20 to psecute of Hack. Victualler, Tho: Folliott 10 of Beth. green Weaver [and] Jos: Hall 10 of Do Brasier, as Witnesses. Wm Catton Butcher Marestreet officer placed both ye Potts in his hands. NB to bind over ye officer to appear & Anne Philips to psecute. (fn. 6)
112. Monday, 23 September 1734 James Edward Bettell made Oath that Thomas Graves of Hackney Gardener hath used such threatening Words to him that he apprehends he will do or cause to be done unto him some bodily [deletion] harm and therefore desired a Warrant for the Peace (fn. 7) wch was granted but afterwards ye difference was agreed between themselves at their appearance & T Graves was discharged.
113. Sunday, 15 October 1734 Luke Townsend complains agt: Henry Vaughan for assaulting his wife Sarah Townsend this evening. On Oath made granted a Warrt: [See 102].
114. [no date Middlesex. The Information of Elisabeth Thorn Single Woman taken upon Oath before me and the Said Deponent voluntarily maketh Oath that about the beginning of Aprill last She being then a Servant to William Underhill a Writing Master in Church Street in Hackney, the said William Underhill entry incomplete and deleted].
115. Monday, 16 December 1734 Mary Kingsland complains agt: Robert Crew for assaulting her. On Oath made granted a Warrt. On Hearing the Cause ye pson brot: in Custo: of Wm Strutton, Mary Kingsland Swore to his assaulting her & yt he assaulted his own wife beat & kickt her. Eliza: Fisher Swore to his assaulting his wife. The matter was made up & the pty discharged.
116. Friday, 20 December 1734 Tho: Cook complains agt: Hen: Vaughan for assaulting him last night in Homerton at the Coach & Horses. On Oath made granted a Warrt.
117. Saturday, 28 December 1734 John Hall complains agt: John Gifford & Jno: Hale for assaulting him last Thursday. On oath made granted a Warrt: for ym.
118. Saturday, 15 February 1735 Middlesex. Robert Hatley Servt to Stephen Ram Esqr of the parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex maketh Oath that on Monday the tenth day of this Instant February William Gibbons and Thomas Fletcher Gardeners were Drunk in the parish aforesaid. Robert Hatley [mark]. Sworn before me the 15th day of February in the year of our Lord 1735, [signed] Henry Norris. (fn. 8) Signed a Warrt: to Levy ye Penalty on each & put it in Mr Sadlers hands to be given to ye Parish Officers.
119. Saturday, 15 February 1735 Thomasin Wheeler complains on Oath agt: her husband John Wheeler for assaulting & beating her. Granted a Warrt: for him. [See 9, 48, 89, 129, 553, 560, 581, 582, 680].
120. Monday, 24 March 1735 Complt: made by Pet. Crop of Old Ford yt were taken out of an outho: belonging to his dwelling Ho: 1 duck, 1 drake, 1 Cock, 6 hens. On oath made grantd: a Warrt: to Search ho: of Edwd: Hudgin Tho: Marshall [and] Edwd Cullimer in pish of St: M: Strat: Bow.
121. Tuesday, 1 April 1735 Complaint made by Mary Kingsland agt Tho: Follard Anne Follard & Jno: Goodman & Eliza: Goodman for assaulting her last Thursday morn: & kicking her. On Oath made granted a Warrt: [See 193, 194].
122. Friday, 4 April 1735 Complaint made by Mary Stretton yt Tho: Cook assaulted her child Wm Stretton by throwing dirt on him & Sworn to by Sam: Hunter. Granted a Warrt: for him. On hearing ye matter it was made up.
123. Monday, 14 April 1735 Henry Vaughan upon his oath says that in the Evening of the day above written as he was comeing to Hackney near the Red Lyon ale House in Mare Street one John Williams Rode up against him and Struck the Boy who was behind him on Horse back and then Struck him on the side of his head with the handle of his Horse Whip which very much broke his head without his assaulting him. Thomas Warren upon his Oath says that what the said Vaughan has said is true. John Williams of the parish of St. Ann in the County of Middx Literman £40, Richard Hare of the same Brewer £20, Griffith Carr of the same Distiller £20, For the appearance of John Williams at the next General Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County of Middx at Hicks hall to answer Henry Vaughan for assaulting Beateing & bruising him in breach of his Majesties Peace & not to Depart the Court without License. (fn. 9)
124. Wednesday, 30 April 1735 Wm Robinson complains agt: Francis Francis for an assault & throwing upon him a pot full of Urine upon him, on Oath made granted a Warrt: for him. Afterwds: was made up.
125. Monday, 5 May 1735 Sarah Gifford complains agt: Wm French for assaulting her & cutting her wth a knife of wch She made Oath & made out a warrt: for him.
126. Monday, 5 May [altered from April] 1735 Elisabeth Dunn complains agt Mary Griffith & Jno: Griffith for assaulting her to day in Mrs Strettons house. On her Oath granted a Warrt.
127. Saturday, 10 May 1735 Helen Nutbrown complains agt: Miles Nutbrown her husband for assaulting her & Stamping upon her & abusing her in a most excessive manner. On Oath made granted a warrt: for him. [See 343, 996].
128. Saturday, 10 May 1735 Henry Bridge complains agt: Mrs Whiffin wife of Jos: Whiffin for assaulting him & cutting his head wth a pewter pot - on Oath. Granted a warrt: for her.
129. Tuesday, 13 May 1735 Thomasin Wheeler complains on Oath agt: her husband John Wheeler for beating her very barbarously. Granted a Warrt.
Saturday, 17 May 1735 On hearing ye cause committed him to Clerkenwell Bridewell for Custody in want of Sureties.
Tuesday, 8 July 1735 Ordered his Discharge at his wifes desire. [See 9, 48, 89, 119, 553, 560, 581, 582, 680].
130. Thursday, 15 May 1735 Wm Cullimore brot: in Custody of Hen: Batt charged by [ye deleted] Richd. Ross Servt: of Tho: Rudge for being found in his Masters Stable pilfering Chainharness & Severall Implements for thievery found in his pocket. Sworn by him & confirmed by Adam Bennett. Committed W Cullimore to Bridewell for Labour. Sunday, 15 June 1735 Ordered him to be discharged.
131. Tuesday, 20 May 1735 Sam: Keep complains on Oath yt Severall pewter dishes plates linnen & other goods were Stollen last night out of his dwelling house. Granted a Search warrt.
132. Tuesday, 27 May 1735 Isaac Belcher compln: agt: Luke Townsend for an Asst: Sworn. Made a warrt: for him.
133. Wednesday, 28 May 1735 Lambert Lance of Shacklewell complains agt John Lee Glasier at Mile end [and] Richd Griffith of Mile end Carpenter brot: in Custody of [blank] Fussel Headbo: both for carrying Guns viz: Fowling pcs: & Jno: Lee for threatning to Shoot ye sd Lambert Lance & Richd Griffith for assaulting & Striking Andrew Ellis. Jno: Lee acknowledged ye carrying a Gun & Shooting a Rook wth it - also that he had threatned Lance. Upon R Griffiths Submission discharged him.
134. Wednesday, 28 May 1735 Benja: Fowles complains agt Thomas Blemmenee for assaulting & beating him this evening in his own house. On Oath made granted a Warrt:
Friday, 30 May 1735 He acknowledged himself Satisfyed & ye matter made up So discharged ye Warrt:
135. Friday, 30 May 1735 Francis Adams brot: by Jno: Saunders Headbo: chgd wth running away wth a dung fork & Spade ye goods of Wm Hazard but ye matter not appearing to be a felony discharged him.
136. Thursday, 26 June 1735 Wm Burrell complains agt Cath. Frost for assaulting & Striking him in her house to day. On oath made a warrt: for her.
137. Tuesday, 1 July 1735 Wm Smith complains agt: Elisa: Middleton for assaulting & Striking him divers times in his own house at Oldford. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for her.
Wednesday, 2 July 1735 Upon hearing ye cause ye 2 July Sent ye deft: to new Prison for want of Sureties upon ye Plaintifs oath to ye Assault. (fn. 10)
138. Monday, 7 July 1735 Sarah Wheeler makes Oath agt: Mary Kingsland for [breaking her windows & deleted] threatning her life & fully beleives She broke her windows. Made a Warrt: for her.
139. [no date Middlesex. Fisher Jackson Esqr of the Parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex maketh Oath that John Flaxmore of the said Parish entry incomplete and deleted.]
140. Monday, 14 July 1735 Mary Woodward complains agt: Elisa: Bare for assaulting her in her Fathers house (being the Servt: to her father) & tearing her headdress & bruising her. Granted a warrt: for her. [See 141].
141. Monday, 14 July 1735 Eliza: Bare complains agt: Mary Woodwd for an assault on her. On hearing the cause reccommended them to agree their difference wch. was done. [See 140].
142. Monday, 28 July 1735 Richard Savage of Bow in Middlesex Farmer complained against Elizabeth Bull of the same Parish Wido: for unlawfully taking out of his yard adjoyg to his dwelling house there a parcell of Faggot Wood which complaint was confirmed by the Oath of Eliza. Clarke his servant. Granted a Warrant to apprehend her. (fn. 11)
143. Monday, 4 August 1735 Isaac Dennis brot: before me by Charles Blackmore Headbo: at the Bear in Hare Street & charged wth robbing of Eliza: Gibbons last Thursday on ye Kings highway between Bishops hall & Shore house of 6½D & likewise wth robbing of Judith Smith - of 1s 1 & three half pence in ye field between Bishops hall & Grove Street. The matter of J Smith was by her Sworn but ye other was doubtfull. On exa: Is: Dennis confessed he did ye robbery on Judith Smith but Said yt Richd Noble of Old bedlam & Rob: Glynn in Kate Street were concerned wth him. NB he Says this was ye1st robbery he ever committed. Sent him to Newgate. Eliza: Gibbons Sworn & said She was robbed last Thursday but was so frighted She did not know ye person at all. Judith Smith bound in £40 to psecute. Cha: Blackmore of Hare street Carpenter, Francis Pittway of Garden Court Pett: lane brickla, Wm Wilcock Irish Court WttChappell Labourer, Hen: Northop Betts Strt: RatClif highway Lab, Wm Garland at Mr Rogers brickla: blk: horse yard near Aldgate [all] in £20 to give evidence. James Barnes Shoreditch Scrivener, Thomas Cordell Tubman & Porter St: Jno Street Bednall green Hamlet Labourer [both] in £20 for Do The 7 latter bound to appear at &c & give evidence. (fn. 12)
144. Tuesday, 5 August 1735 Anne Follet complains agt: Martha Disney for an assault & Spitting in her face. On oath made granted a warrt:
145. Wednesday, 13 August 1735 Dorothy Clavey, firk wom: (fn. 13) agt: Mr Loyds brewho: Beaucock James her Servt: agt: Walkington Kilbington in St: Geo: in ye East in Ratclif highway Butcher wholesale. Chgd him wth an assault but on hearing it discharged all ptyes.
146. Monday, 18 August 1735 Geo: Roswell complains agt: Sam. Keep for beating & misusing him dragging him by ye Hair & beating his head agt: ye wall. Granted a warrt: on Oath made.
147. Tuesday, 19 August 1735 Geo: Gravett complains agt: Jno: Curtis for an assault on him in Jos: Whiffins grounds & on oath made granted a warrt:
148. Friday, 29 August 1735 Mary Cornish complains agt: Henry Bedford for assaulting & throwing her down & bruising her very much at ye door of Tho: Pawlet on Cambridge heath. On oath made granted a warrt: for him. NB was not pd for. Upon hearing ye Cause it was agreed & ye ptyes discharged. [Thomas Follet of Bednall green hamlet Weaver, Jno: Bowler of Do at Nags head Victualler, Henry Bedford of Bednall green deleted]
149. Friday, 19 September 1735 Margaret Jones complains agt: Mary Kingsland for assaulting her yesterday & Striking her Severall blows in ye house of Ann Philips. On her oath of it made granted a warrt: for Kingsland.
150. Friday, 19 September 1735 Middlesex. William Platt of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney maketh Oath that James Boughton [?recte Bolton] did yesterday in the hearing of the Said Deponent & at the house in the Marsh of John Townsend in the aforesaid Parish profanely Swear two Severall times saying By God each time. [signed] Wm: Platt. Sworn before me the 19 September 1735 Henry Norris, & Granted a Warrant of this date to demand ye Penalty being 2s for use of ye Poor of this Parish & in case of refusall to Levy ye Same by distress or if no distress can be had then to Set him in ye Stocks for 2 hours & dd ye Warrt: to [blank]. [See 163].
151. Wednesday, 24 September 1735 Elisa: Stewart complains agt: Hannah Yean for assaulting her last Monday. On oath made granted a warrt: for her.
152. Wednesday, 1 October 1735 Edward Bullock complains agt: Mary Blith. On his Oath granted a Warrt: for her &c. On hearing ye Cause was made up between ym.
153. Saturday, 11 October 1735 James Free complains agt: his Mr. Philip Hickman of Shackelwell for assaulting him & Striking him 2 blows wth a long horsewhip wth out any provocation yesterday of wch he made Oath & made out a Warrt. but ordered J Free to attend me at ye Mermaid next Monday at 11 & Sent Mr Hickman word to be there too. (fn. 14)
154. Monday, 13 October 1735 Tho: Hunt brot: by my Warrt: of this date charged by his wife Sibilla Hunt for threatning her & yt She goes in danger of her life &c from him. Gave him time to find Sureties till next day.
Tuesday, 14 October 1735 Edward Poole of Hummerton Victualler in £20, James Bolton of Do Cordwainer 20, Tho: Hunt of Do Gardner 40, bound for appearance of Tho: Hunt at the next Genll Sessions of ye Peace at Hicks hall &c & in meantime to keep ye peace towards all men & especially towds: Sibilla Hunt his wife. (fn. 15) [See 833].
155. Wednesday, 15 October 1735 [Antonia Rock deleted] Sarah Nash complains agt: Thomas Enkell for an assault on her & threatning her & her husband & very reproachfull words. On Oath made granted a warrt for him.
156. Monday, 3 November 1735 Jonathan Grainge at ye blue Anchor Bethnall green informs agt: Thomas Curtis Barber in Grocers Alley in the Poultry London for unlawfully killing a Hare wth his Gun this day in or near ye lane from Grovestreet common to Mrs. Johnsons house. (fn. 16)
157. Friday, 14 November 1735 Henry Hollis complains agt: Tho: Smith for Stealing a brass candlestick Vallue 1s from him yesterday in his dwelling house. On Oath made granted a warrt.
A list of names and dates (relating to burials in woollen) which appeared at this point in the manuscript, has been removed to the end, entry 356.
158. Monday, 17 November 1735 Sarah [deletion] Hatfield & Elisa: North complain agt: Anne Soden for threatning Sarah Hatfields life & to Set on fire their houses. Sworn to by ym & Anne Hall & made a Warrt for her. On hearing it they agreed & dismist her.
159. Thursday, 20 November 1735 Randall Dobie complains agt: Rob: Powell for assaulting him knocking him down & Striking him Severall blows last night in ye field beyond ye Nags head. On Oath made granted a Warrt: for her.
Saturday, 21 November 1735 Was agreed & pty dischgd at desire of Plaintiff.
160. Saturday, 22 November 1735 Wm Cooke complains agt: Tho: Dent for an assault & beating him, on Oath made granted a Warrt: for him.
161. Tuesday, 2 December 1735 Richd Spurling chgd by Wm Hen: Halford for assaulting him & striking him yesterday in Church Street on Oath. Made a warrt: for him.
162. Wednesday, 3 December 1735 Jno: Ball complains agt: Joseph Cock for an assault & beating him yesterday in Kingsland. On oath made granted a warrt:
163. Wednesday, 19 November 1735 Middlesex. James Bolton of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney Constable maketh Oath that William Platt of the same Parish Cooper did last Saterday the fifteenth day of this instant November in the hearing of this Deponent and in the house of Edward Poole in Homerton profanely Swear three Severall times Saying each time by God and farther that the said William Platt did at the Same time and place profanely curse three Severall times Saying to Mr Edward Poole God Damn your blood. [signed] James Bolton. Sworn before me the 19 November 1735, Henry Norris. [See 150].
164. Monday, 15 December 1735 Middlesex. Information of Francis Francis & Dissen Green who on their Oaths do Severally voluntarily Say that John Jones late of Homerton is publickly reputed to have been an accomplice in Several notorious late Robberies in this and other Counties & that they do believe the Same to be true. [signed] Francis Francis [and] Dison Green. Sworn before me this 15th day of December 1735 Henry Norris. Made a Warrt: agt: him.
Same day On his being apprehended & brot: before me Franc: Francis & Dison Green made Oath again to their Information but Jones denyed his having been concerned in any ill deed & alledged yt he readily & freely wthout resistance Surrendred to ye officer on demand wch appeared to be true however on considering all Circumstances I Sent him to Newgate on Suspicion of felony & bound over ye 2 Informers to psecute &c each in £40 penalty. (fn. 17)
165. Thursday, 25 December 1735 Middlesex Information of William Carter & William Jagger both of Oldford in the Parish of Saint Mary Stratford Bow who do Severally depose as followeth that is to Say the Said William Carter deposeth that last night near 12 a clock [five fowls deleted] four hens [& a cock deleted] of Dunghill Poultry his property were feloniously taken out an outhouse in his yard at his Dwelling house at Oldford and William Jagger deposeth that at the Same time & place he took Edward [recte George] Fairclough in the fact of committing the Said felony. [signed] Wm Carter [and] William Jagger. Sworn before me this 25 December 1735 Henry Norris. Wm Carter & Wm Jagger bound in £20 each ye former to appear at next Genll: Quarter Sessions to psecute & ye other to give evidence on an Indictmt & Sent Edward Fairclough to Newgate. (fn. 18)