File of Viewers' Reports 1509-46 [B]: 1509-20 (nos 6-46)

London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1989.

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'File of Viewers' Reports 1509-46 [B]: 1509-20 (nos 6-46)', in London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London, ed. Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'File of Viewers' Reports 1509-46 [B]: 1509-20 (nos 6-46)', in London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Edited by Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"File of Viewers' Reports 1509-46 [B]: 1509-20 (nos 6-46)". London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Ed. Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


6. [B.1] Between 22 April 1509 and 21 April 1510. To the fulle honourable lord the Mayre and his bretheren the Aldermen of the Citie

Shewen unto your good lordship and maistershippes Thomas Wade, Thomas Smart, John Hylmer and Philip Cosyn, the iiii maisters of Fremasons and Carpenters sworne to the said Cytie [that whereas] they were late charged by your honourable commaundement to oversee a certeyn voide grounde and housyng sett and beyng in the parissh of Seynt John Zakerys of London [now being in variance] betwene the parson churchwardeyns and parisshioners of the same parissh, playntiff, on the oon partie, and the maister, wardeyns and felaship of the Craft of Waxchaundlers [of London, defendants of the other] partie. Which voide grounde and housyng the said iiii maisters have seen serened and ripely examyned by all theire discretions. And thereupon they say that they fynde there a certeyn [void ground] conteynyng in length xvii fote and viii ynches of assise and in brede vii fote and iii ynches of assise, Which hath been of old tyme out of mynde reserved unbilded for the light of both the forsaid parties, the playntif and defendaunt, and so they say by all ther discrecions hit shall so contynew withoute there can be shewed any evidence or specialtie to the contrary. Also they say that they fynde ther two Jeties oon over another of the housyng perteynyng to the said partie playntif which two Jeties they say that they owe to be occupied . . . of the said . . . alle the length as they appier ther with alle the lightes belongyng to the said housyng as it is now divided and occupied, withoute ther can be shewed any evidence [to the contrary] . . . Also they [say that] they fynd ther a litle house withoute the forsaid Jeties in brede north and south Fyve fote and an half of assise and in lengeth est and west vii fote and an half of assise belonging to the [party plaintiff]. Also they say that they fynde there a litle voide grounde in the south part of the forsaid voide grounde bitwene the litle house and a gardyn grounde ther belongyng to the partie playntiff. Which [void] grounde in the south part is In length Est and West ix fote of assise and in brede v fote and an half of assise north and south. Which belongeth to the said partie defendaunt [without there] be shewed any evidence to the contrary. Also they say that they fynde there a stone walle perteynyng to the said partie playntiff on the Est side of the grounde of the said partie [defendant, which] wall is in lengith from the Southest post of the new housyng belongyng to the said partie defendaunt stetchyng Southwarde xxxvi fote of assise. Which wall [they say oweth to go] lyne righte and plome all the said lengith at the costes and charge of the said partie playntiff and at the ende of the said Walle the same partie playntiff shall make a defence betwene . . . ther said houses ther, lyne right and plome. Also they say ther aswele the said partie playntiff and the same partie defendaunt shall kepe of the water indifferently. Without shewing evidence or specialty to the contrary.

Endorsed: . . . importatfur] ista billa in Curfiam] r[egni] r[egis] Henrici VIII primo

See also 183 below.

7. [B.2] 22 November 1509.

Parish of St. Leonards in Foster Lane. Variance between the parson and churchwardens of the parish church of St. Mary at Hill and Robert Nayler, gentleman, concerning a stone wall with a house thereto pertaining to the parish church of St. Mary at Hill. The view is by common assent of both parties. The viewers find that the wall pertains to both parties, stretching from the SW post of the house belonging to St. Mary at Hill 21 ft. 9 in. eastward to the SE post of the said house. The said SE post ought to be moved 22½ in. northward from the S side of the wall pertaining to Nayler to the SW post of the house of St. Mary at Hill, line right and plumb. Without etc.

Endorsed: . . . xxii die Nov[embris] anno 1 Henrici VIII

8. [B.3] 28 January 1510.

Parish of St. Faith under St. Paul's. Variance between John Copeland, gentleman, pl., and the dean and chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, defs., concerning a lead gutter set over a tenement pertaining to defs. The viewers find that the gutter contains 22 ft. 1 in. in length from S to N, all of which length from a NW corner post of a tenement of pl. northward defs. ought to make and repair as their own land, without etc. They find by all their discretions that defs. ought at their costs and charges to make and repair again all such tiling and hurt they have done to the tenement of pl. by changing the current of the gutter.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista billa per Johann[em] Helmer unum superinscript[i] oper[?arii] infra Civitate xxviii die Januarii a[nno] p[rimo] H[enrici] VIII

9. [B.4] (fn. 1) 24 February 1510

Parish of All Hallows in Honey Lane. Variance between the [master, wardens and] fellowship of the Drapers in London and the master, wardens and fellowship of the Skinners in London, concerning a void ground now unbuilt in Westcheap. The view is by assent of both parties. The viewers say that the said void ground pertains to the Drapers and their successors. It is in breadth by the king's highway . . . to Mistress Rygby on the E and the tenement of the Skinners on the W 20 ft. 5 in. [and the ground is] in length from the S on the W side stretching northward to a principal post of the Skinners 15 ft. and at the said . . . is in breadth from W to E 18 ft. 10 in. It is 13 ft. 2 in. in length from the said post stretching [further] northward to the cont. . . . of the void ground to a post pertaining to the Drapers. At the end of the length, the ground is 18 ft. 3 in. in length on the E side from the N to the [?S at the king's] highway; it ought to be line right and plumb at the ground. All the measure on the W part of the ground lies line right and plumb from principal to principal. Without etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista billa in curiam Maioris xxiiii die Febr[uarii] a[nno] Regis Henr[ici] VIII primo

10. [B.5] 27 February [1510].

Parish of St. Lawrence in the Old Jewry. Variance between Thomas Crisp, mercer, pl., and the prior and convent of the house of Our Lady of Elsing within Cripplegate of London, defs., concerning a nuisance of two chimneys in housing pertaining to defs. The viewers find that one chimney is on the ground of pl. in the parish of St. Martin in Ironmonger Lane; it is 6 ft. 9 in. in breadth from N to S. On the N side it is 2 ft. [?1] in. in depth and on the S side it is 2 ft. 2 in. in depth. They find there another chimney in a chamber pertaining to a tenement of defs. which chimney is thrust over the ground of pl. It is 3 ft. 3 in. in breadth and 1 ft. 11 in. in depth. The two chimneys ought of right to be taken away and withdrawn from the ground of pl.

Without etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista billa in Cur[iam] Maioris xxvii die Febr[uarii] anno r[egni] r[egis] H[enrici] VIII primo

11. [B.6] (fn. 2) 12 March [?1510].

Parish of St. Katharine Creechurch within Aldgate. Variance between John Atkynson, baker, and the master, wardens and fellowship of the Vintners in the City of London, concerning a certain ground pertaining to Atkynson. The view is by assent and consent of both parties. [The viewers find that] the ground is in breadth by the king's highway in the N between the tenement of . . . fellowship upon the E part of the ground and the tenement pertaining to the prior and convent of [Creechurch] on the W17 ft. I½ in. . . . the W . . . to a principal post belonging to the prior and convent 17 ft. [4] in. . . . and from the said post to another principal post of the prior and convent the ground stretching southward in length . . . breadth from E to W at the said length 16 ft. Also the ground is in length from the highway stretching southward upon the . . . and from the said angle stretching more southward to a corner post belonging to the Vintners 20 ft. . . . Also the ground is in length more southward to the end of the said ground, to a brick wall belonging to William . . . E and W15 ft. 9 in. All the said ground measured from place to place . . . Without etc. Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista billa in Cur[iam] [?Maioris] xii die Marcii a[nno] R[egis] Henrfici] VIII . . .

12. [B.7] 7 October 1510.

Parish of St. Benet Fink. Variance between the prior and convent of the house of Austin Friars in London, pls. and the master, warden and fellowship of the Merchant Taylors, defs., concerning a nuisance in a stone wall behind a brewhouse called 'the Cok' in Fynke Lane. The viewers say that there is a stone wall belonging to defs.; it is 71 ft. 9 in. in length from a brick wall pertaining to the parish church of St. Michael in Cornhill stretching northward. In the wall they find a truss of stone 10 ft. in length, set to bear a chimney. It ought to be withdrawn and taken away at the costs and charges of defs., line right and plumb the whole length. Defs. ought to bear their own water all the length. Without etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista bill[a] in Cur[iam] Maioris etc. per infranominat[em] Thomam Wade, vii die Oct[obris] anno r[egni] r[egis] Henr[ici] VIII secundo

13. [B.9] 11 November 1510.

Parish of Our Lady Aldermary in the lane called Hosier Lane. Variance between the wardens of the brotherhood of Our Lady founded in the parish of St. Margaret at Westminster, pls., and the parson and churchwardens of St. Mary Aldermary, defs., concerning a wall of timber. The viewers say that the wall pertains to def. and contains 36 ft. 1½ in. in length from E to W. Pls. have set up two principal posts from the S side of the said principal posts [sic]. Defs. ought to withdraw all the length of the timber wall at their charge so pls. may build their house line right and plumb. Without etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista bill[a] usque in Cur[iam] M[aioris] xi die Nov[embris] anno R[egni] R[egis] Henr[ici] VIII s[e]c[un]do

14.[B.8] 14 March 1511.

Parish of St. Olave beside the street called Mark Lane. Variance between John Brown, citizen and mercer, pl., and Oliver Claymont, citizen and shearman, def., concerning a nuisance of certain walls and a chimney in a tenement of def. next adjoining the N side of a void ground pertaining to pl. The viewers find a wall of timber and loam belonging to def. stretching eastward 15 ft. 9 in. There stands a principal post of def. which must be withdrawn and set plumb upright. [In the wall] there is an angle stretching northward 3 ft. 8 in. and from the angle eastward 22 ft. 8 in. line right and plumb. And stretching eastward 30 ft. 3 in. line right and plumb to a corner post in the SE of def.'s tenement, there must be a stanchion set. Pl.'s void ground is 32 ft. 6½ in. in breadth by Mark Lane between the tenement of def. on the N and the tenement of John Genkynson, citizen and haberdasher, on the S. Eastward along Genkynson's house 15 ft. 9 in. from Mark Lane, the void ground must be 31 ft. 7½ in. in breadth between the tenements of def. and Genkynson. So they say the housing and wall of Genkynson must be withdrawn all the length line right and plumb. Without etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista billa per lez vewers Civit[atis] London xiiii die Marcii anno regni Regis Henrici VIII s[e]c[un]do

15. [B. 10] 30 May 1511.

Parish of St. Michael in Cornhill. Variance between the prioress and convent of the monastery of St. Helen within Bishopsgate, pls., and the parson, churchwardens and parishioners of the parish church of St. Michael in Cornhill, defs., concerning a nuisance of a stone wall and timber [sic]. The viewers find that the wall is 30 ft. 7½ in. in length from a corner post of defs. standing by the king's highway and stretching northward to defs.' principal post on the E side of the ground of pls. It ought to be withdrawn line right and plumb all its length. They also say that the ground there pertaining to pls. is 39 ft. 2 in. in breadth by the king's highway named Cornhill, between the tenement pertaining to defs. on the E and the tenement of late pertaining to Master Charleton on the W. It is 38 ft. in breadth E and W on the N side of the tenements rehearsed.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista billa usque in Cur[iam] Maioris die Veneris penult[imo] die Maii anno r[egni] r[egis] Henr[ici] VIII tercio

16. [B. 11] 5 December 1511.

Parish of St. Sepulchre without Newgate of London. Variance between Margaret Down, widow of Thomas Down, blacksmith, pl., and George Langley, brewer, def., concerning a nuisance of a ground and cellar. The viewers find that the ground and cellar adjoin the N and W side of the tenement of def. They contain [?on the S] side thereof 9 ft. 8 in. from E to W. On the N side they contain 8 ft. 10 in. in length from E to W and . . . on the E side they contain 5 ft. 9 in. in breadth from N to S. On the W side the ground and cellar contain 7 ft. 5 in. from N to S. [The ground] and cellar and all the remnant of the tenement with appurtenances held by pl., and the tenement with appurtenances held by def., were lately owned by one Piers Short, who divided and reserved ground for a common siege for the easement of both parties. So it has been continued and used for a long time, as it appears. The ground and cellar ought to be built, covered and continued as a siege for easement of both parties. Def. at his costs and charges ought to make a brick or stone wall 9 ft. 8 in. in length on the S side of the cellar, up to the rasen of his house. On the N side outside the wall he ought to bring up a brick pipe for a siege. Either party at equal costs ought to make a stool, with sufficient partition between them, and so to be continued forever. Repair and cleansing of the ground and cellar over the siege and cleansing it and taking away ordure as often and when need shall require are to be done at equal cost of the parties. There is a gutter on the N side of def. and the S side of pl. which was made by the late owner of the whole ground for the common ease of the tenements. Therefore the gutter ought to be made and maintained by both parties at their common cost indifferently and at their like cost covered over sufficiently with planks. Def. ought to make a grate at his kitchen at the E end of the gutter so that nothing passes through but such matter as is lawful to pass through. 'The which view the said iiii maisters thynk by theyr alther discretions to be good and trew in all degrees as they have made it. And so oweth to be taken by the said parties. Of lesse thanne ther can be shewed any evidence or specialtie unto the contrary.'

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista bill[a] in Cur[iam] Maioris quinto die Decembris anno r[egni] r[egis] Henr[ici] VIII iii

17. [B.12] 5 December 1511.

Parish of St. Michael in Huggin Lane [Wood Street]. Variance between Gilbert Egleston, goldsmith, pl., and John Joskyn, gentleman, def., concerning a nuisance of a wall of timber and loam. The viewers find a NE corner post pertaining to def. which ought to be set upright and plumb. From the post stretching W 18 ft. 8 in. there is another principal post of def. which must be withdrawn 9 in. at its foot. From that post stretching westward 21 ft. 10 in. there is another NW corner post of def. which ought to be set upright and plumb. All the wall between the said three posts ought to be line right and plumb. Without etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista bill[a] in Cur[iam] Maioris quinto die Decembris anno R[egni] R[egis] Henrici VIII tercio

18. [B.13] 15 June 1512.

Parish of St. Magnus in Bridge Street. Variance between William Ramsey, citizen and fishmonger, pl., and the master, wardens and post in fellowship of the Goldsmiths in the City of London, defs., concerning a nuisance of the side of a house pertaining to defs. The viewers find that the side of the house overhangs the ground of pl. 4½ in. at the NW corner post in the upper story; stretching eastward to the NE corner post, that post overhangs 2½ in. The house side ought to be withdrawn line right and plumb all its length at costs and charges of defs. 'On less thann the said partie defendant can shew any other evydence or specialtie to the contrary.'

Endorsed: xv die Junii anno r[egni] r[egis] Henr[ici] VIII iiiiito ista bill[a] importat[ur]

19. [B.14] 19 June 1512.

Parish of All Hallows [Bread Street]. Variance between Aleyne Hobard, citizen and merchant taylor, pl., and the master, wardens and fellowship of the Salters in the City of London, defs., concerning a nuisance of the S end of a new house of defs. in Watling Street. The viewers find the SE end of the new house of defs. at the rasen is plumb down with the plate of the old corner house of pl. stretching N and S, overhanging the old corner house 12 in. The SE end of the new house ought to be withdrawn 12 in. line right and plumb at costs and charges of defs. Unless than etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista bill[a] hue in Cur[iam] Maioris xix die Junii a[nno] iiiito Henr[ici] VIII

20. [B.15] [?25] October 1512.

Parish of Our Lady called Aldermary Church in Watling Street. Variance between the master, wardens and fellowship of the Skinners of London, pls., and Ralph (Rauf) Wylson, citizen and blacksmith, def., concerning the measurement of certain ground in Basing Lane. The viewers find that the ground pertaining to pls. is 95 ft. in length from the king's street called Cordwainer Street on the E stretching westward along Basing Lane to the tenement of def. The ground pertaining to pls. is 47 ft. 11 in. on the E part from Basing Lane northward along Cordwainer Street, adjoining the tenement in the tenure of John Breteyn, merchant taylor, pertaining to Thomas Birnell, mercer, late [of] Master Richard Chawry, sometime mayor and alderman of London. The N part of the ground of pls. stretches 76 ft. westward along by a tenement in the tenure of Breteyne [sic]. There the ground is 49 ft. 9 in. in breadth from Basing Lane northward. The ground stretches from the tenement of Breteyne westward along the tenement belonging to the Sailers 14 ft. 6 in. to a corner post belonging to the tenement of def. and there it is 52 ft. in breadth. The ground of pls. is 4 ft. 7 in. from the corner post of def. stretching westward to an angle. From Basing Lane northward by the tenement of def. to the said angle, the ground of pls. is 43 ft. 8 in. All the ground pertaining to pls. within these bounds ought to be line right and plumb from place to place. Without etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista bill[a] in Cur[iam] hic [?25] die Oct[obris] anno r[egni] r[egis] Henr[ici] VIII iiiito

21. [B.16] 30 December 1512.

Parishes of St. Stephen in Walbrook and St. Mary Woolchurch of London. Variance between the master, wardens and fellowship of the Drapers, pls., and the parson, churchwardens and parishioners of St. Stephen, defs., concerning a stone wall set in both parishes. The viewers say that the wall is partible between the parties. It stands upon the N side of St. Stephen's churchyard and is 39 ft. 6 in. in length from a SW corner post of a house pertaining to pls. stretching westward. The viewers by their discretions say that pls. ought to have 6 in. of the wall from the N side southward all its length of 39 ft. 6 in., to be allowed at the ground, line right and plumb. Without etc.

Endorsed: Istud Record[um] intrat[ur] penultim[o] die mensis Decembris anno R[egni] R[egis] Henrici Octavi quarto

22. [B.17] 4 January 1513.

Parish of St. Botolph in Thames Street. Variance between the parson, churchwardens and parishioners of St. Leonard in Eastcheap, pls., and the parson, churchwardens and parishioners of St. Botolph, defs., concerning a stone wall. The viewers understand that the wall is partible. They find that pls. ought of right to have ground 20 ft. 5 in. in breadth by the king's highway between the tenement pertaining to the Goldsmiths on the E stretching westward to the tenement pertaining to defs.; stretching northward 20 ft. from the king's highway, there the ground is 19 ft. 9 in. in breadth. Also stretching [further] northward from the king's highway 40 ft. the said ground is 19 ft. 7 in. in breadth. All the ground there of pls. is 91 ft. in length and 15 ft. 7 in. in breadth, from place to place line right and plumb. Without etc.

Endorsed: Istud Recordu[m] intrat[ur] iiiito Die Januarii anno regno Regis Henrici Octavi quarto

23. [B.20]10 May l513.

Parish of St. Sepulchre without Newgate. Variance between the prioress and convent of the house of Holywell beside London, pls., and the abbot and convent of Leicester and Robert Brykyt of London, brewer, their tenant and fermor, defs., concerning certain ground where a new pale is to be made between the ground of pls. and ground pertaining to the tenement 'Sarsyn's Hede' belonging to the abbot and convent, of which Brykyt is charged with repairs. The viewers find that Brykyt ought at his costs and charges to make a new pale on the ground pertaining to the abbot and convent, stretching southward 30 ft. line right and plumb from the corner of a stone wall of the abbot. The corner post at the end of the pale ought to be 25 ft. 10 in. from the SE post of the corner of a little house there pertaining to pls. Unless etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista bill[a] in ista Cur[iam] x die Mai[i] a[nno] vto h[enrici] VIII

24. [B. 19] 5 November 1513.

Parish of St. Martin within Ludgate. Variance between the chantry priests of St. Peter's College belonging to the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in London, pls., and the lord master and his brethren of the hospital of St. Thomas of Acon, otherwise called St. Thomas of Acres, in Cheapside beside the great conduit (condith), defs., concerning a stone wall and a timber wall. The viewers say that the stone wall is partible 7½ ft. in length; 7 in. in the thickness all the said length pertains to defs. The remnant pertains to pls. They find a new house built by defs. and set on the stone wall, 10 ft. in length, which overhangs towards pls. 3 in. at the SE corner and 4 in. at the NE corner. At the NE corner stands a corner post pertaining to defs. adjoining the house, which overhangs pls. 10 in. From the post [the ground] stretching northward 19 ft. 7 in. to a jetty (gety) belongs to pls.; the timber wall there ought to be set line right and plumb all its length by defs. Without etc.

Endorsed: Importat[ur] ista bill[a] in Cur[iam] v die Nov[embris] a[nno] quinto h[enrici] VIII

25. [B.21] 31 March 1514.

Parish of St. Margaret in Bridge Street. Variance between Master Geoffrey Wren, parson of the church, and his deputy and attorney, Richard Hun, merchant taylor, (fn. 3) pls., and the churchwardens and parishioners of the said parish church, defs., concerning the church stone wall on the S side of the parish church. The viewers say that the wall contains 47 ft. in length from a quoin at the SW corner of the church stretching eastward to a [buttery corner]. It is 22 ft. in height from the ground to the upper side of the rasen and it is 2 ft. 2 in. in thickness. It overhangs into the churchyard W and E 3 in. at both ends and 4 in. in the middle. Also they say the wall 'is rent and crakkyd in dy verse places of the same and old and febyll.

26. [B.18] March [no day given] 1514.

Thomas Smart, John Hylmer, Philip Cosyn and Thomas Newell, freemasons and carpenters, viewers.

Parish of St. Alphage within Cripplegate. No variance stated. The viewers have been charged to measure a ground and brewhouse thereon named 'the Rose' pertaining to Richard Harry Yonge, coiner. They say that the ground and tenement is 30 ft. in breadth by the king's highway on the N between the tenement named 'the Son' pertaining to the fraternity of Our Lady and St. Giles in the church of St. Giles without Cripplegate on the W and the tenement pertaining to John Sterne, currier, on the E. On its E side, the ground and brewhouse extend 72 ft. 8 in. in length from the king's highway [on the N] to the tenement of John Thomas on the S. On the W side of the tenement, it is 13 ft. 7 in. in length from the king's highway stretching southward to an angle. The ground and tenement is 37 ft. in breadth between 'the Son' on the W and the tenement of Sterne on the E. Stretching southward from the angle to the tenement of Thomas and to the S end of the same brewhouse the ground is 23 ft. in breadth. The viewers also find a gutter between 'the Rose' and 'the Son' which they say is a partible gutter and ought to be repaired at the indifferent charges and costs of Yonge and the brotherhood of Our Lady and St. Giles. All the ground ought to remain line right and plumb to Yonge 'if ther can be noone other evydence or specialtie shewed to the contrary.' Endorsed: [?1559]

Subscribed: Importat[a] f[uit] ista bill[a] in [?mensem] Marche a[nno] vto h[enrici] VIII

27. [B.22] 31 May 1514.

Parish of St. Peter in Broad Street of London. Variance between the prior and convent of the house of Austin Friars (Freer Austyns) in London, pls., and Master Richard Nicollas, clerk and parson of St. Peter's, def., concerning certain ground. The viewers find that the ground is 77 ft. in length between the tenement pertaining to pls. on the S and stretching northward to a brick wall also of pls. Pls. may build housing 14 in. from the post of a shed of the parson into their own ground. They may also build housing at the N end of the ground 14 in. from a quoin of a brick wall belonging to them there. 'Alle which ground and beeldyngs have been assented and fully agreed betwene bothe the forsaid parties in manner and forme above rehersed to be made lyne right and plom, alle the length afore shewed as it is measured by the forsaid vewers. If there can be noone other evidence or specialtie shewed to the contrary.'

Endorsed: Import[ata] f[uit] ista bill[a] per lez vewers xv die Junii a[nno] vto Henr[ici] VIII

28. [B.23] (fn. 4) 28 March 1515.

Parish of St. Dunstan in the East. Variance between the executors of the Right Worshipful Thomas Knesworth, deceased, late mayor of London, pls., and William Roche, citizen and draper, def., concerning certain grounds, lands, tenements and edifications which [blank] Norys, woodmonger, holds and occupies. The viewers find that def. has encroached and built 2½ in. upon ground pertaining to pls. all the length of his [def's.] new house. They find that at the NW corner post of the house of pl., 41 ft. 10 in. from the king's highway southward [pertains to pls.] Pls. ought to have a space 4 ft. 9¾ in. without the said corner post westward and stretching southward 76 ft. 7 in. to the SW corner of pls.' house there. Pls. ought to have a space of 3 ft. 'withoute the coyne of the foundation of the said corner westward, and so from the said corner down unto the campshide ende of the same William Roche as it is now kytt. And so from the king's highway afore rehersed down southward to the water of Theamese from place to place as it is aforespecified, lyne right and plome'. Without etc.

Endorsed: . . . this bill . . . the iiiito day of April which is Tenebre Wednesday a[nno] vito h[enrici] VIIIto

29. [B.24] 11 June 1515.

Parish of St. Andrew in Holborn. Variance between Harry West, dyer, pl., and John Pasmar, merchant taylor, def., concerning certain ground, lands, tenements and rents of pl. next adjoining the great tenement called 'Barnardes Inne' on the E and the tenement pertaining to def. on the W. The viewers find sufficient evidence and writing enrolled in the Hustings in London to appear that pl. ought to have ground 4 yds. in breadth by the king's highway and 5 yds. in breadth in the middle of the edifications. He ought to have 'v yards a quarter and one half of assise' in breadth at the inner part of the housing and tenements. Also the ground pertaining to pl. there should be 10 yds. in breadth at the middle part, as the aforesaid writing shows. At the inner part, the grounds should be 12½ yds. in breadth. The ground, lands and tenements pertaining to pl. have been diminished and withdrawn in part by def., contrary to the writing and evidence of pl. Def. ought of right to restore all such parcel of the ground withdrawn by him to pl. and his assigns. Without etc.

Endorsed: Monoux maior per Gravely servien[tem]

30. [B.25] 20 July 1515.

Parish of St. Pulcres without Newgate. Variance between the prior of the monastery of St. Bartholomew in West Smithfield and the convent of the same, pls., and [?John] Pynner, tallowchandler, def., concerning a certain ground. The viewers say that it is 45 ft. 6 in. in length from a NW corner post of a house of pls. stretching [?northward] line right to a mark made by the viewers upon an old plate there on the N part of the said ground. The parties ought of right to make and be charged to make the defence indifferently between them for the defence of the said ground. Without etc.

Endorsed: . . . xxiii die Juliii a[nno] vii h[enrici] VIII tempore Monoux M[aioris] per William Nicolson servien[tem]

31. [B.27] 12 December 1515.

Parish of St. Leonard beside Eastcheap. Variance between the parson and churchwardens of St. Dunstan in the East, pls., and the prior and convent of St. Bartholomew in Smithfield, defs., concerning a certain void ground, which ground of old time was built for a pastry house pertaining to pls. The viewers find that the ground contains 18 ft. in length from a SE corner post of a shed belonging to pls. and from a mark of a cross with a nail driven into a wall of the tenement that John Palmer, tailor, now dwells in, stretching eastward to ground pertaining to defs. The ground is 8 ft. in breadth between the tenement that Palmer dwells in and the middle of a stone wall on the N part of the ground. The stone wall is partible. The void ground in the aforesaid length and breadth pertains to pls. Unless than etc.

Endorsed: . . . ista bill[a] insert[atur] per Lorymer ix die Decembr[is] . . .

32. [B.28] 3 July l516.

Parish of St. Dunstan in the West. Variance between the master and wardens of the fraternity and brotherhood of St. Dunstan's, pls., and the dean and his brethren of the Free Chapel of St. Stephen's at Westminster, defs., concerning a certain ground with edification upon the same. The viewers find the ground with edification thereupon by the king's street is 2 ft. 10 in. in breadth, and from the street northward underneath a stair there of the pls. it is 22 ft. in length. The ground and edification ought of right to belong to the said fraternity of St. Dunstan, line right and plumb all the said measure. Without etc.

Endorsed: . . . Julii [anno octavo regni] r[egis] h[enrici] 8 . . .

Subscribed: . . . x die Julii a[nno] [octavo] R[egni] R[egis] H[enrici] 8 import[atur] ista bill[a] etc. . . .

33. [B.26] 8 July 1516.

Parish of St. Pulcres without Newgate. Variance between John [Tynny], salter, pl., and Giles Polyver, gentleman, def., concerning a nuisance of a channel (cannell) for the conveyance of water. The viewers find a well which is partible between the parties. The well water and the water from def.'s house and kitchen now have a course through the grounds of pl. Def. ought of right to withdraw the watercourse or else come to an agreement about it with pl. There is a shed over the well which stands and overhangs upon the grounds of pl. from the middle of the well southward; def. ought to withdraw it. Without etc.

Endorsed: Tynny and Polyver. viii die Julii anno r[egni] r[egis] [Henrici] octavi viii certificat[ur] et importat[ur] cor[am] Will[elm]o Butler Maire . . . etc.

Subscribed: [?viii] die Julii A[nn]o viii R[egni] R[egis] Henr[ici] VIII . . . certificat[ur] et importat[ur] coram Will[elm]o Butler milite et Maior[e] etc.

34. [B.29] (fn. 5) 13 March 1517.

Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate. Variance between Oliver Moryell, crossbowmaker, pl., and the parson and churchwardens of the parish church of All Hallows Bread Street, defs., concerning a certain ground for a defence to be made and set between two gardens and for a nuisance of a side of a house. The viewers find that pl. ought to make the defence from a SE corner post of his house stretching eastward to the common Moor ditch by the S side of five marstones there set in the ground by the viewers, line right by all the length of the ground. They find the N side of a house 50 ft. in length belonging to defs. whose water falls on the ground of pl. Defs. should of right bear the water on their own grounds. 'All whiche premyses and noysaunces aforsaid owen to be reformed and amended in manner and forme as afore is rehersed.' Without etc.

35. [B.30] 27 April 1517.

Parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate. Variance between the masters of the Bridgehouse of London and John Hygent, butcher, concerning a certain nuisance of and for the building and setting up of a new house and parcel [sic] of an old house belonging to the Bridgehouse of the City. The view is by common assent of both parties. The viewers say that the NW corner post of the new house by the king's highway ought to be withdrawn southward 4 in. from the house of Hygent. From the same corner post the new house stretches eastward 19 ft. 2 in. to its NE corner post, which post ought likewise to be withdrawn 2 in. From post to post the new house should be line right and plumb. Also a gable end of an old house stretches eastward 14 ft. 1 in. from the said NE corner post to an old corner post pertaining to the Bridgehouse. The gable end is partible and ought to be repaired and supported at the parties' equal charges. From the old post stretching eastward 9 ft. 1 in. to the S side of a principal post of Hygent there is a daubed wall, which wall line right and plumb belongs to the Bridgehouse. Hygent ought to bear all his own water all the length of his house. All which premises and nuisances etc. Without etc.

Endorsed: Betwene the Master of the Brigehouse and John Higent . . . 29 die Aprilis

36. [B.31] 13 June 1517.

Parish of St. Vedast. Variance between the parson and churchwardens of the parish, pls., and the master, wardens and fellowship of the Saddlers, defs., concerning a nuisance. The viewers have been commanded first to oversee a stone wall belonging to defs. on the S side of the church, which wall they find is 14 ft. 4 in. in length from the W side of another stone wall of defs. against the E end of the church stretching westward to a brick or angle on the wall. The length ought to be line right and plumb from the first stone of the jamb of a door there as is marked on the timber work by the viewers and from the foresaid brick or angle stretching westward 28 ft. by the N side of the wall to the NW side of a corner post of defs., line right and plumb as the wall appears and as the viewers have marked on the end of a stone wall there of pls. A timber wall and a brick wall on the N side of the church, in the tenure of William York, embroiderer (browtherer), stretches westward 17 ft. 8 in. from the stone wall of defs. [at the E end of the church], where there is an angle. From the angle it stretches westward 13 ft. 1 in. to a stanchion of the brick wall there in the tenure of William Clerke, carpenter. At the stanchion, the brick wall and the house built on it overhang the ground of pls. 4½ in. The SW corner of the jetty of the same house overhangs the ground 8 in. From the stanchion stretching westward 11 ft. the brick wall, the timber wall, and the stone wall ought to go line right and plumb from place to place and be reformed, without etc.

Furthermore, whereas the viewers were desired by pls. to view the building of the church from its choir (quyre) door eastward [to say] whether it is of one building or has been lengthened or added to, the viewers say that all is one building, built at one season.

Endorsed: A view concerning Seynt Fosters

37. [B.32] 1 October 1517.

Parish of St. Augustine beside Paul's Gate. Variance between Henry Polsted, merchant taylor, pl., and Christopher Nicolson, merchant taylor, def., concerning a certain void ground. The viewers find that the ground is 40 ft. 5 in. from the E side of the N post of the frame of a partible wall stretching northward to the E side of a SE corner post of a shed. From the same E side of the two posts westward to a tenement of the Petty Canons of [St.] Paul's and a tenement pertaining to the College of Windsor, line right and plumb, the void ground belongs to pl. Further, pl. ought to make a sufficient defence between his ground and def.'s. All which premises etc. Without etc.

Endorsed: . . . H 8

Subscribed: . . . per Hayes Certificatur ad Cur[iam] . . . sexto die [N]ovembris a[nno] ix° r[egni] r[egis] H[enrici] VIII

38. [B.33] 26 January 1518.

To the right honorable lord and worshipfull Soveraignes the Mayre and Aldermen of the Citee of London

Shewen unto your good lordship and discrete wisedoms the xxvi daye of January in the ixth yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the VIIIth Thomas Smart, John Hylmar, Philip Cosyn and Thomas Newell, the iiii maisters of Fremasons and Carpenters, viewers indifferent sworne to the said Citte, that where as they were late charged by your honorable commaundement to oversee a certayn Ten[emen]t wherin Richard Wolstone, Bocher, now dwelleth, sette and beyng in Estchepe in the paryssh of Saint Clement beside Candilewykestrete of london, now beyng in variance betwene the said Richard of that one partie and the parson and wardeyns of the parisshe Churche of Saint Clement aforesaid of that other partie. Forasmoche as the said Richard holdeth the said Ten[emen]t of the forsaid parson and wardeyns by leas indented for terme of yeres in whiche leas amonges other things it ys conteyned thus, Provyded alwey that yf at any tyme within the said terme it fortune the said Ten[emen]t with thappurtenances to be of newe bylded, Than the said parson and wardeyns for theym & their Successours wole & graunte by these presents that the said Richard Wolstone, his excecutors & assignes, shall have and hold the said Ten[emen]t to thende of the said xxi yeres for suche yerely Rent as shalbe then rated & assessed by the iiii comen viewers of london for the tyme beyng without fraude or malengyne As in the said leas indented playnly it doth appere. The whiche Ten[emen]t with all the rowmes, necessaryes and easements of the same now beyng newe bylded the said iiii viewers by all their discrecions have serched seen and rypely understond And therupon they sey adiuge & deme the said Ten[emen]t to be better & more worth by xiii s. iiii d. by yere then it was before the newe bylding therof and that the said Richard ought so to pay for the same Ten[emen]t. Without ther can be any other evidence or specialtie shewed to the contrary.

Endorsed: A[nno] ix° H 8

39. [B.34] 14 May 1518.

Ward of Aldgate. Variance between the Chamberlain of the City of London and Thomas Turbervyle, gentleman, concerning a defence to be made and renewed where an old timber wall now stands between the garden of the tenement called the 'Stywards Inne', belonging to the Chamber of London and now in tenure of William Tull, tiler, on the E, and the garden belonging to the abbot of Evesham, now in tenure of Thomas Turbervyle, on the W. The viewers find that the old wall contains 60 ft. 4 in. in length from the S end of a brick wall belonging to the prior of Christ Church in London to the N end of another brick wall belonging to the abbot of Westminster. The defence or wall ought to be made, supported and kept at the costs and charges of the abbot of Evesham or his assignees. Without etc.

Endorsed: . . . x° H 8

Subscribed: Infer[tur] ad Cur[iam] tent[am] xx die Maii a[nno] xto r[egis] h[enrici] 8

40. [B.35] 26 June 1518.

Parish of St. Brigit in Fleet Street. Variance between the wardens and fellowship of the Vintners, pls., and the abbot of the New Abbey at Tower Hill, def., concerning a nuisance of and for the building and setting up of a new house for pls. The viewers find that the ground belonging to pls. northward on the king's highway of Fleet Street contains 19 ft. 8½ in. in breadth between a tenement of def. on the E and a tenement of the Bishop of Sare [Salisbury] on the W. The NW corner post of the tenement of def. and the rasen upon the same post overhang the ground of pls. by 1 in. The same ground from the king's highway of Fleet Street stretching eastward to a SE corner post of the house of def. contains 26 ft. 3½ in. in length and there the rasen of the house overhangs the ground of pl. by 2 in. It ought of right to be withdrawn and set up right by def. or else pls. to have liberty to enter their frame into the timber of def.'s house where need requires, line right and plumb between the said two posts. Pls. have made their frame 1 in. too large by the street side from the height of the first story there upward, which ought to be withdrawn by them. All of which premises and nuisances etc. Without etc.

41. [B.36] 17 March 1519.

Parish of St. Dionis Backchurch. Variance between Edward Boughton, gentleman, pl., and the dean and chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, defs., concerning a certain old house end. The viewers by all their discretions have viewed, seen and searched by good advisement and ripe deliberation. They find that the old house end adjoining the E end of a new house lately built there contains 12 ft. 5 in. in wideness from N to S and 11 ft. 2 in. from E to W. The W part of the old house, which lately stood where the new house now is set, being then one house and one frame, was cut away from the said E end of the same old house. As far as the viewers can perceive and find, the old house end now there stands on the ground and within the bounds of pl. Without etc.

Endorsed: A viewe brought yn to this Court the xix day of March a[nno] xmo h[enrici] VIII

Subscribed: [M]yrfyn mayor. Certificatur ad Cur[iam] Dom[ini] Regis tent[am] xix die Marcii anno xmo Henr[ici] VIII Coram Maiore et Ald[e]r[man]is.

Sol[utum] feod[um] ii s. per Hayes

42. [B.37] 1 February 1520.

Parish of St. Botolph in the Ward of Billingsgate. There is a void ground belonging to the Goldsmiths, 'somewhat in variance' between the Right Worshipful the Chamberlain of the City of London and the master and wardens of the Goldsmiths. The view is with the assent, will and agreement of both parties. The viewers find that the void ground contains 20 ft. 2½ in. in breadth by the king's highway of Thames Street, from a tenement belonging to the Chamber of London on the E to a tenement belonging to the parson and churchwardens of the parish church of St. Leonard in Eastcheap on the W. Stretching northward 31 ft. 2 in. from Thames Street on the E side of the ground, the ground is 20 ft. 7 in. in breadth from E to W. Stretching further northward 16 ft. 8 in. on the E side, which is at the end of the stone wall of a vault belonging to the Chamber, the void ground is 20 ft. 4 in. in breadth. There is another stone wall stretching northward from the stone wall of the vault 16 ft. 3 in. in length. It stands against the gable end of a house belonging to John Myldenale, grocer; it is 22 in. in thickness at its S end and 2 ft. 4 in. in thickness at its N end and it belongs to the Goldsmiths in its entirety. From the NW end of that wall stretching 19 ft. 10 in. northward to a NW corner post of a gable end of another house of Myldenale, the void ground is 17 ft. in breadth. At the same corner post is an angle 2 ft. deep eastward and from that corner post stretching 7 ft. northward to the N side of another stone wall belonging to the Goldsmiths, the void ground is 19 ft. in breadth from E to W. There also ends the length of the void ground from N to S. The ground ought of right to have its course line right and plumb from place to place as is afore limited and expressed. All which premises etc. Without etc.

43. [B.38] 5 March 1520.

Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate. Variance between the master and wardens of the Goldsmiths, pls., and the prior of Barnwell in the county of Cambridge, def., concerning a certain garden belonging to pls. and a defence to be made to the same ground. The viewers find that from the NW corner of a post of a wall of timber and loam belonging to pls. stretching southward 59 ft. 6 in. on the W side of the ground to the S side of a stake set in the ground by the viewers, and from there further southward 40 ft. 8 in. to the N side of a pale [?stretching westward], where the viewers have set another stake, the ground, line right and plumb from mark to mark to the W side of the said 2 stakes, is the ground of pls. The pale stands between ground of Robert Smyth, brewer, and a garden of a chantry founded in Pardon Churchyard by Master Thomas More, sometime dean of [St.] Paul's. At the pale and stake there is an angle 3 ft. deep eastward to the NE corner of a pale post and from there the ground of pls. stretches further southward 30 ft. 9 in. line right and plumb to the W end of a wall adjoining a house belonging to the chantry. And the viewers say that pls. ought to make the defence to their ground from the NW corner of the ground to the pale, following the marks and bounds aforelimited and set out by the viewers. All which premises etc. Without etc.

44. [B.39] 12 June 1520.

Parish of St. Michael at Querne. Variance between the Right Worshipful Sir William Butler, knight, Alderman of the City of London, pl., and William Seintpier of London, merchant taylor, def., concerning a nuisance. The viewers find a vault (vawt) in the parish which contains 59 ft. 2 in. in length and 21 ft. 8 in. in breadth from the outside of the walls of the vault. They also find a stone door 4 ft. wide and 7 ft. high on the E side of the vault adjoining a little cellar of def., which was mured up with stone and mortar and lately broken open by def. The vault belongs wholly to pl., as does the door 'as far as the said vewers can perceyve and have any understonding or knolage in that behalve.' Without etc.

Endorsed: Infertur xxii die Junii anno r[egni] r[egis] hen[rici] VIII xii°

45. [B.40] 19 September 1520.

Parish of St. Andrew beside Paul's Wharf [by the Wardrobe]. Measurement, by commandment of the Mayor and Aldermen, of the length and breadth of a tenement or house belonging to the brotherhood of Priests of Papey in London. The viewers have meten and measured the house. They say that it contains 24 ft. 6 in. in length on the N side from a tenement on the E belonging to the abbot of Reading to the NW corner post. It contains 19 ft. 6 in. in breadth in the W end from the NW corner post to the SW corner post, which abuts on a tenement belonging to the Charterhouse. On the S, the house contains in length 22 ft. between the tenement of the abbot of Reading on the E and the common lane called the Newsteyre on the W. It contains 22 ft. 6 in. in breadth on the E between the tenement belonging to the Charterhouse on the S and the king's highway of Thames Street on the N. The viewers say that of time past, the ground of the Brotherhood extended further N 11 ft., a little more or less, where Thames Street now lies. The priests have as much ground for it [now] to the S, on land which had been common ground and on which the S side of their house now stands. The viewers have also measured a little yard of the Brotherhood containing 36 ft. 10 in. in length on the E and W from N to S and 19 ft. 5 in. in breadth in the N from E to W by the Charterhouse ground and 17 ft. 10 in. in breadth in the S abutting the common ground.

46. [B.41] 11 December 1520.

Parishes of St. Benedict beside Paul's Wharf and St. Mary Magdalen in Old Fish Street. Variance between the parson and wardens of the church of St. Benedict, pls., and the master of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in West Smithfield, def., concerning a stone wall in both parishes. The viewers find that the wall is 24 ft. 6 in. in length from a tenement at the E end belonging to the House of Saint Eleyn in London stretching westward. There is a break in the wall and it then stretches further westward 31 ft. 4 in. to the E end of a house belonging to def., in which house William Gybson, tailor, dwells. The stone wall ought to be partible; either party ought to have like much in the thickness of the wall all its length. The defence that shall be made there between the houses of the parties ought to be made at the equal charges of the parties. Without etc.


  • 1. The certificate is in very bad condition, with the right third of it illegible.
  • 2. The certificate is in very bad condition, with the right third illegible.
  • 3. Possibly this is the famous Richard Hunne, merchant taylor of this parish, who refused to pay a mortuary for the burial of his infant child, was accused of heresy, and died mysteriously in the bishop of London's prison on 14 December, 1514, only nine months after this view. If so, the fact that Hun/Hunne is here acting for his parish priest may have some bearing on the dispute over whether he had been considered suspect before the quarrel about the payment.
  • 4. This certificate is copied in Journal 11, f. 222.
  • 5. The certificate is in a hand different from that of preceding certificates.