Index: Persons and places

London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1989.

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'Index: Persons and places', in London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London, ed. Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: Persons and places', in London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Edited by Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: Persons and places". London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Ed. Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


For a note on indexing procedure, see p. lxv.

Abbot, John, carpenter, 149

Abbot's (Abbottes, Abbotts) Inn (St. Clement Eastcheap), 98, 185

Abchurch Lane, 323

Abchurch parish see St. Mary Abchurch

A'Borowe, John, 211

Acon, College of see St. Thomas of Acre

-, Henry, clothworker, 398
-, Lady Katharine, 199
-, Richard, brewer, 120

Adlington (Alyngton), James, 275, 416

Adyngton, Thomas, skinner, 104

Aldermary parish see St. Mary Aldermary

Aldersgate, 251

Aldgate, 193

Aldgate ward, 39

Aleyn (Alen, Alleyn, Alleyne, Alyn)
-, George, skinner, 246, 249–50
-, John, armourer, 63
-, John, mayor, 67, 421
-, Richard, 140
-, Richard, haberdasher, 304
-, William, baker, 395
-, William, churchwarden of St. Leonard Eastcheap, 266

Alford, —, executor, 324

All Hallows Barking, parish of, 118, 158, 285, 293, 300, 342, 379

All Hallows Bread Street, parish of, 19, 74, 75, 162, 277; parson and church- wardens of, 34, 197

All Hallows Honey Lane, parish of, 9, 65, 172, 210, 331; parson, churchwardens and parishioners of, 331

All Hallows Lombard Street, parish of, 236

All Hallows Staining, parish of, 67, 141; parson of, 141

All Hallows the Great (the More beside Dowgate), parish of, 1, 165; parson and churchwardens of, 165

All Hallows the Less (the Little in Thames Street), parish of, 4, 133, 186, 298; parson of, 186

Alsoppe, Thomas, grocer, 370

Altam, Thomas, clothworker, 415

Andrewes, Roger, innholder, 237, 256

Antony, Antony, beerbrewer, 136, 153

A'Parke (Parke), John, mercer, 62; Margaret, widow of, 117, 208

Apsley, John, merchant taylor, 239–40

Archer, Sir Richard, clerk, parson of St. Margaret Bridge Street, 182

Armested, Master William, master of the Chancery, 373

Armestronge, Thomas, clothworker, 332

Armorer, William, gentleman, 342

Ascue (Askue), Christopher, alderman, 89, 418; mayor, 421

[?Asshe], George, 202

Assheler, William, 281

Asshelyn, Margaret, widow, 273

Asshton, John, gentleman, 158

Atkyns, Thomas, esquire, 280

Atkynson, John, 210; John, baker, 11

Attelegh, Thomas, stock fishmonger, and his widow Helen, deceased, 165

-, Richard, mercer, 109
-, Robert, grocer, 184
-, William, ?saddler, 368

Austin Friars, prior and convent of, 12, 27; late, 202, 211

Averay (Averell), William, innholder, 326, 407

Awdrye, John, weaver, 351

Ayer, Miles, vintner, 270

Babyngton, Thomas, esq., Warden of the Fleet Prison, 171

Bacon, Nicholas, mercer, 236, 256

-, Peter, scriver, 398
-, Thomas, 215

Bakewell Hall see Blackwell Hall

Baldry, Thomas, mayor, 59, 60, 62

Bales, Thomas, 281

Ball, the, tenement (St. Gabriel Fen- church), 289

Banaster, Thomas, 262

Banks, —, 60

Barbers' Company, 61

Barbican, 57, 387

-, Edward, scrivener, 276
-, John see Saloys, John de


Barge, the, house (St. Antholin), 327

-, Christopher, Richmond Herald, 84
-, Francis, merchant taylor, 400

Barnard, John, 384

Barnard's Inn, 29

-, Bartholomew, mercer, 146–7, 163
-, George, alderman, 314–15, 384
-, Richard, gentleman, 412
-, Richard, mercer see Berne, Richard
-, Thomas, currier, 360

Barney, Francis, 325

Barnwell Priory [Cambs], prior of, 43

Bartelett, Henry, of Windsor, draper, 374

Barward Lane see Berewards Lane

Basing Lane, 20, 101, 305

Baskerfeld (Berskerdfeld, Baskervile), Humfrey, 308

Basse, Christopher, grocer, 267

Basshe, Edward, 233

Bastley, William, esq., 350

Bates, Thomas, draper, 314–15

Bath, earl of, house of, 296

Baxter, Richard, clothworker, 127

Bayley (Bayly), William, mayor, 64

Bear, the, tenement (St. Olave South- wark), 292

Bear (Bere) Alley, Seacoal Lane, 304

Bearbinder (Berebynder) Lane, 53–4

Bel Savage, the, tenement (St. Bride), 138, 171

-, Alex, fishmonger, 109
-, John, goldsmith, 377

Bell, the, tenement or inn (Christ Church), 234; (St. Michael Bassishaw), 255; Bell Tavern, the (St. Magnus), 109

Bell Alley (St. Mary Abchurch), 247; (St. Botolph Bishopsgate), 297; (St. Leonard Foster Lane), 397

-, John, merchant taylor, 58
-, William, farmer of the prebend of the Moor, 112

Benglosse, John, clothworker, 121

Berchereslane see Birchin Lane

Berdon, John, poulterer, 387

Berewards (Barward, Berward) Lane, 87, 420

Bermondsey Street, 352

Berne, Richard, alias Barnes, mercer, 359

Berskerdfeld see Baskervile

Betenham, Thomas, gentleman, 312–13

Billingsgate ward, 346

Birche, William, gentleman, 67, 73

Birchin Lane (Berchereslane), 96, 204, 281, 314–15

Birnell, Thomas, mercer, 20

Bishopsgate, 87, 235, 421

Bishopsgate Street, 187

Bishopsgate ward, 87, 375–6

Black Bell, the, tenement (St. Margaret Bridge Street), 188

Black Bull, the, tenement (St. Saviour, Southwark), 309

Black Friars, precinct of, 373

Blackwell (Blakwell), William [common clerk], 150–2, 154–5, 158–60, 314–15

Blackwell Hall, 49

-, Thomas, haberdasher and executor, 226
-, William, tailor, 243

Blake, Thomas the elder, haberdasher, 356

Blanch Appleton (Blauncheappelton), 141

Blanerhasset, John, gentleman, 59

Blanke, Thomas, haberdasher, 346

Blunte, Thomas, mercer, 293

-, ——, haberdasher, 393
-, Cutbert, draper, 132

Bodley, Mistress Beatrice, 257

Boe (?Bow) Alley, Bishopsgate, 316

Bolt, Thomas, grocer, 184

Boner, Edward, 225

Bonner, William, carpenter, 357

Bordhaw Lane (Byrd Alley), Cheapside, 163

Borne, Richard, merchant taylor, 387

Boss Lane alias King's Lane, 157

Bothe, Seth, gentleman, 312–13

Botolph Lane, 151

Boughan (Bowghan), John, brewer, 120

Boughton, Edward, gentleman, 41

Bow Alley see Boe Alley

Bow Lane (also Hosier Lane), 1, 13, 56, 239–40, 384, 397

Bowland, Thomas, 137

Bowrne, Baptyst, merchant stranger of Milan, Elizabeth, widow of, 323

Bowyer, Thomas, alderman's deputy, 170

Bowyer Lane, 110

Boyne, John de, tiler, 55

Boyse, Edward, draper, 411

Bradbery, Richard, saddler, 234

Bragg, Edmund, haberdasher, 371

Bread Street, 74–5, 162, 264, 320, 355

Breteyn(e), John, merchant taylor, 20

Brewers' Company, 102, 222

Bridge House of London, 356; master(s) of, 35, 164, 324; house of, 35; tenement(s) of, 230, 355

Bridge Street, 164

Bridge (Within) ward, 88, 395

Bridges (Brydges)
-, Mr. ——, 325
-, Giles, esq, 399

Broad Street, 123

Broad Street ward, 58, 269

-, John, executor, 231, 324
-, Ralph, goldsmith, 387
-, Richard, salter, 161
-, William, salter, 310

Broken Wharf, 348

Bronnsop (Bronsoppe), William, son and heir of Agnes, widow, 109

Brothers, William, 196

Brown (Broun, Browne)
-, John, mercer, 14
-, John, of Writtle (Essex), gentleman, 151
-, Robert, goldsmith, 340
-, Thomas, cordwainer, 64
-, William, fishmonger, 274
-, William, waterbearer, 345

Bruges (Brugge, Brugges), John, knight and alderman, 68, 71

Brycket (Brykyt)
-, John, and his wife Katharine, 316
-, Robert, brewer, tenant and farmer, 23

Bucklersbury, 223, 327, 386

Budge Row, 327, 423

Bulkley, Charles, gentleman, 100

Bull, John, mercer, 322, 396

Bulstrode, Thomas, gentleman, 5

Bumsteade, Christopher, mercer, 413

Burgon, Sir——, 335

Burlace, Edward, mercer, 144–5

Burngyll, William, draper, 118

Burton upon Trent Abbey (Staffs.), 233

Busshe, John, goldsmith, 218

Butchers' Company, 224

Butchers of Eastcheap, the, 96

-, John, 172, 210
-, Thomas, haberdasher, 372, 397
-, (Sir) William, alderman and mayor, 33, 44

Bynynge, William, 227

Byrd Alley see Bordhaw Lane

Byre, Miles, 253

Bysborowe, George, 141

Cage, Thomas, salter, 279

Calard, Richard, painter stainer, 124

Caltrope, Martin, haberdasher, 317

Calverley, Brian, 215

Camewe, John, 215

Camewes, Mr., 215

Campyon, Christopher, 199, 419

Candlewick Street, 98, 177, 232, 273, 284

Candlewick Street ward, 395

Canterbury, Christ Church cathedral priory, prior of, 56

Carcidonii, Francis, merchant stranger, 353

Cardinal's Hat, the, tavern, Lombard Street, 83

Carmardon, Thomas, 202

Carpenters' Company, 73, 167

Carter, William, barbersurgeon, 213

Casie, John, saddler, 368

Castelen, Richard, skinner, 378

Castell, Richard, 384

Cat and the Fiddle, the, house (Watling Street), 277

Cateaton (Catlyng, Catte, Cat, Catton, Kettlengstrete) Street, 49, 208, 237, 256, 383

Cattelyn, Robert, serjeant at law, and his wife, 335

Catton Street see Cateaton Street

Cawood, Richard, 140

Chalenger, Mr., gentleman, 211

Challenor, Sir Thomas, knight, and his wife, 290

Chamber (Chambre)
-, John, vintner, 144
-, Richard, 105

Champneys, John, mayor, 421

Chapman, ——, 257

Charleton, Master, 15

Charterhouse, the (Priory of the Salutation, London), 45, 72, 82, 87, 91, 150

Chatterton, Adam, 265

Chawry, Master Richard, mayor and alder- man, 20

Cheap, highway of see Cheapside

Cheap ward, 47–8; inhabitants of, 384

Cheapside (Cheap, Chepesyde, West- cheap), 9, 24, 116, 163, 172, 384, 421

Cheke, William, grocer, 322

-, Robert, esq., 307
-, Sir Robert, knight, 375

Cheynes, William, gentleman, 76

Chichester, dean and chapter of, 94

-, George, waterbearer, 311
-, Sir Roger, knight, Lord Chief Justice of England, 324

Christ Church Newgate Street, parish of, 206, 226, 234, 244, 366–7, 411

Christ Church (within Aldgate), priory of see Holy Trinity Priory

Christopher, Robert, clerk of the Mayor's Court, 279

Church Lane, 253

Cirencester, abbot of, 130

Clamperd, John, haberdasher, 94

Clarves, Ralph, grocer, 248

Claymont, Oliver, shearman, 14

Clerk (Clerke)
-, Robert, baker, 78
-, William, carpenter, 36
-, William, mercer, 120

Clevedon, ——, gentleman of the County of Wiltshire, 120

Clive, Nicholas, 263

Clothworkers' Company, 90, 107, 249– 50

Cloxton, Edward, mercer, 242

Cobb (Cobbe)
-, Stephen, 227
-, Stephen, haberdasher, 261

Cock (Cokke), John, tenant of brewhouse, 85

Cock (Cok), the, brewhouse (St. Benet Fink), 12; (St. Olave Hart Street), 201

Cock upon the Hoop (Cok upon the Hope), the, brewhouse (St. Sepulchre), 70

Coldharbour, 186

Cole, Thomas, 238

Collet (Collett), Humphrey, bowyer, 302, 399, 405

Collins (Collyns, Colyns) , William, carpen- ter, 94, 99, 171, 180, 345

Colsell, George, 253

Compton, Thomas, gentleman, 99

Coneyhope Lane, 61, 184

-, Sir Anthony, knight, 292
-, Richard, draper, 273, 284

Copeland, John, gentleman, 8

Corag [? Corageouse], Elizabeth, widow, 110

Cordwainer Street, 20

Cordwainer Street ward, 121, 239–40; inhabitants and tenants of, 121, 384

Cordwainers' [Company], 229

Core, John, grocer, 188, 194

Cornhill, 15, 83, 135

Cornwales (Cornwalys)
-, ——, grounds of, 55
-, Edward, gentleman, and his wife Alice, 185

Cornysshe, Patrick, fruiterer, 207

Cosyn, Thomas, butcher, 138, 171

Covert, ——, gentleman, of Sussex, 123

Cowley, Anthony, grocer, 212; church- warden of St. Leonard Eastcheap, 266

Cowper, William, gentleman, 108

Craford, Guy, gentleman, 142

Cremor, Thomas, draper, 69

Cripplegate ward, 90

Crisp, Thomas, mercer, 10

Croke, John, gentleman, 191

Cross Keys, the, tenement (St. Botolph Aldgate), 139

Crown Key, the (St. Saviour, Southwark), 309

Cull, Richard, grocer, 192

Curriers' [Company], garden wall of, 220

Curtes (Curtys, Curtis), Master Thomas, pewterer, 236, 289; alderman, 353; mayor, 386–7, 390–4, 396–7

Cutberd, Thomas, barbersurgeon, 143

Cuttull, Thomas, tallowchandler, 221

Dacres, Henry, merchant taylor, 50

Dale, Thomas, mariner, 300

Damice, Lady, 106

Danbye, John, merchant taylor, 318

Darrell, Sir John, clerk, parson of Holy Trinity the Less, 306

Dauntsey (Dauntesy), William, alderman, 422–3

Davy, Hugh, currier, 242

Davyson, Robert, merchant taylor, 267

Dawes, John, grocer, 369

Daye, Richard, 233

Deane, Robert, grocer, 104

Decroft, Robert, grocer, 231

Defalles, John, merchant, 271

Dele, Roger, draper, 109

Dewexsell, Thomas, 230

Dewye, Thomas, goldsmith, 232

Dibbles Lane, 374

Dimkyn, Robert, merchant taylor, 135

Dobbes (Dobbys), Richard, 89, 418

Docwraye, Iwold, 214

Dodmer, Ralph, mayor, 87–8, 421

Doket, Robert, grocer, 148

Dolfyn, Henry, draper, 170

Dolphin, the, tenement (St. Dunstan in the West), 195

Donkyn, Dounkyn see Dunkyn

Donne (Don), Thomas, 155, 175

Dormer, [Michael], alderman, 120, 144–5

Dorset, [Henry Grey] Marquis of, 155, 175

Dowgate ward, 4; commonalty of, 4

Down, Thomas, blacksmith, Margaret, widow of, 16

-, Christopher, ironmonger, 217
-, William, gentleman, 312–13

Drapers' Company, 9, 21, 65, 98, 158–9, ?403; house of, 21, 262

Duckett, Robert, churchwarden of St. Margaret Pattens, 241

Duffe, Piers, sandman, 63

Duglas, Thomas, 106

Dummer, W[illiam], clerk [of the Mayor's Court], 419

Dunkyn (Donkyn, Dounkyn), Robert, (merchant) taylor, 245, 297, 316

Durham, bishop of [Cuthbert Tunstal], 186

Dyall, Ellys, tiler, 143

Dyers' Company, 4, 133, 157; hall of, 4

Dymok (Demmock), John, draper, 103, 170, 353

Dytcher, Richard, alias Richard Massie, lorimer, 351

Eastcheap, 38, 213, 272

Eden, Master Richard, clerk, 85

Edmay, John, serjeant at mace, 65

Edsall, John, waterman, 179

Edwards, William, cook, 329

Egleston, Gilbert, goldsmith, 17

Elderton, Antony, stockfishmonger, 115

Ellys, Thomas, merchant taylor, 288

Elsing Spital (Hospital of St. Mary within Cripplegate), 10, 47–8, 81, 116, 421

Ely, bishop of, 137

Ely (cathedral) Priory (Cambs.), 82

Ermystede, Mr. William, clerk, Master of the Temple, 129

Estrich, William, haberdasher, 103

Eton, Richard, 156

Eton, (King's) College of, 75, 318

Evesham Abbey (Worcs.), 39

Eyre, Thomas, 206

Farringdon Without ward, 171

Fayry, Master John, 172

Felde, Richard, draper, 164

-, Mistress, widow, 90
-, Robert, goldsmith, 3

Fetford, Richard, waterman, 179

Feylde, Humphrey, salter, 296

Finch (Fynke, Fynkes) Lane, 12, 106, 261

Fishmongers' Company, 73, 167, 218, 236, 309, 348

Fish Street, 109

Fissher, Thomas, churchwarden of St. Laurence Pountney, 340

Fitzherbert, Henry, 116, 421

Fleet Lane, 282, 345

Fleet prison, 171

Fleet Street, 40, 52, 130, 190–1, 195

Fletewood (Fletewode), Robert, gentle- man, 228

Flower, Richard, haberdasher, 394

Forde, William, fishmonger, 133

Forman, Thomas, 406

Frank, Thomas, gentleman, 386

fraternities and brotherhoods
-, Clerks see Parish Clerks
-, Holy Trinity in St. Botolph Aldersgate, 91, 213
-, Our Lady in St. Margaret Westminster, 13
-, Our (Blessed) Lady of Barking, 93
-, Our (Blessed) Lady and St. Dunstan in St. Dunstan in the West, 52, 79
-, Our Lady and St. Giles in St. Giles Crip- plegate, 26, 112, 192
-, Our Lady and St. John Baptist in St. Sepulchre, 2
-, Our Lady and St. Stephen in St. Sep- ulchre, 70, 301
-, Rood, the, in St. Lawrence Jewry, 114
-, St. Charity and St. John the Evangelist see Papey, Fraternity of
-, St. Dunstan in St. Dunstan in the West, 32
-, St. Giles (?in St. Giles Cripplegate), 93, 291

Frestone, William, grocer, 148

Friday Street, 279

Froke, William, haberdasher, 380

Fyloll, William the elder, gentleman, 111

Fynke (Fynkes) Lane see Finch Lane

Fyrmynger, John, 193

Game, William, draper, 83

Gardener, John, fishmonger, 181

Garlade, Richard, 141

Garlickhithe, 121

Garrard, Sir William, knight and alderman, 395; mayor, 362, 403

Garrett, John, salter, 344

Garter King of Arms see Wrythesley (Wrio- thesley), Thomas

Garwey, John, mercer, 172

-, John, clothworker, 235
-, William, and his wife Elizabeth, deceased, 289

Genkynson see Jenkynson

George Alley, Seacoal Lane, 246

George, the, tenement (St. Sepulchre), 180

Gilman, John, gentleman, 371

Giverson, William, bowyer, 406

Glascok, John, 185

Goldesburgh, Agnes, widow, 82

Goldsmiths' Company, 18, 22, 42–3, 166, 178, 226, 238

Goldsmyth, Francis, gentleman, 374

Goldyngton, John, saddler, warden of the Fraternity of Our Lady and St. John Baptist founded in St. Sepulchre, 2

Good, John, dyer, 157

Goodder, George, churchwarden of St. Mary Bothaw, 330

Goodman, Thomas, gentleman, 401

Goodolphyn, John, 215

Gracechurch Street (Graschurchestrete, Gracyoustrete) 82, 207, 422

Gracely, ——, haberdasher, 392

Gravely, ——, serjeant, 29

Green (Grene)
-, Peter, 260; yeoman, 282, 345
-, William, 5, 275, 416

Gregory, Richard, gardener, 87, 426

Grenell, John, waxchandler, 396

Gresham, Sir John, knight and alderman, 314–15

Grey, Thomas, 76; ironmonger, 80

Grocers' Company, 321

Grymes, John, 225

Gybbyns, Mr. Doctor, doctor of law, 333

-, Stephen, cooper, 301
-, William, tailor, 46

Gyttons, Davy, vintner, 305

Haberdashers' Company, 51, 178

Half Moon, the, tenement (St. Botolph Bishopsgate), 78

Haliwell (Halywell) Priory (Middx.), 23, 53–4, 73; see also 359

Hall, Edward, 168; fishmonger, 299, 389

Hamlyn, Jefferey, merchant taylor, 239–40

Hammond (Hamond)
-, John, [sheriffs clerk, clerk of Poultry Compter], 66, 72–3, 76–8, 80, 86, 184–5
-, Robert, woodmonger, 110, 150
-, William, 223

Harding, Richard, leatherseller, 372

Harman, Stephen, girdler, 358

Harper, William, merchant taylor, 291

Harrys, Robert, gentleman, 220

Harryson, George, clothworker, church- warden of Holy Trinity the Less, 306

Harvie, William (Somerset Herald), 251

Hasilparte, Edmund, churchwarden of St. Lawrence Pountney, 340

Hastynges, Richard, waxchandler, 319

Hasyllwood (Hasylwoode), William, 206

Hawt (Hawte)
-, Alan, gentleman, 142
-, Jane, gentlewoman and widow, 209

Hayes, [Thomas, clerk of the Mayor's Court], 37, 41, 88

Haynes, John, 214

Hayward (Haward, Heyward)
-, Henry, chantry priest in St. Mary Abchurch, 127
-, Randall, 285
-, William [clerk of the Mayor's Court], 153
-, William, warden of the Fraternity of Our Lady and St. John Baptist in St. Sep- ulchre, 2

Heath, Thomas, baker, 412

Hedge, John, brewer, 85

Hedgson, Thomas, 252

Helmer, Henry, draper, 294

Helmet, the, house (Cornhill), 422

Henry VIII, land purchased from, 185, 189–90, 233, 239–40, 245, 261, 279, 288, 291, 316, 324, 369; as lessor, 156; as plaintiff, 76

Herenden, Edward, mercer, 338

Hertfordshire, abbot and convent of un- identified house in (?St. Albans), 108

Hichecok, Henry, baker, 3

Hicks, Robert, ironmonger, 361

Hill (Hyll)
-, Anthony, mercer, 357
-, John, 161
-, John, ironmonger, 366–7
-, Richard, tiler, 290
-, Sir Rowland, knight and alderman, 314– 15; late mayor, 345

Hilton (Hylton)
-, John, 244
-, Thomas, merchant taylor, 282, 345

Hobard, Aleyne, merchant taylor, 19

Hocke, Henri see Leke, Henri

Holborn Bridge, 180

Holborn Cross, 180

Holiland, James, 230

-, George, tenant, 268
-, Thomas, haberdasher, churchwarden of St. Vedast, Foster Lane, 232

Hollingworth, William, fishmonger, tenant, 160; alias William Snowden, 288

Holmes, John, weaver, 304

Holy Trinity the Less, in Bread Street ward, parish, ?198, 306, 408; parson and churchwardens of, ?198, 306

Holy Trinity Priory (Christ Church), Aldgate, 39, 51, 53

Hoop, Cuthbert, yeoman of the Queen's larder, and his wife Margaret, 364

Hornebye, John, 195

Horsehead Alley, St. Michael Bassishaw, 225

Hosier Lane see Bow Lane

Howe (How)
-, John, gentleman, 386
-, Nicholas, 168
-, Thomas, merchant taylor, 149

Howlat(t), John, salter, 379

Hudson, Alex, brewer, attorney, 130

Humfrey, Richard, 265

Hun, Richard, merchant taylor, attorney and deputy, 25

Hunt, Richard, gentleman, 137

Hurlok, Edmund, currier, 125

Husting, Court of, 29, 165

Hyde, John, 271

Hygent, John, butcher, 35

Innholders' Company, 1

Ironmonger Lane, 421

Isotson, George, butcher, 173

Ivatt, Richard, grocer, 207

Ivy, Robert, tiler, 131

Jackson (Jakson)
-, Benett, butcher, 272
-, Christopher, glazier, 276, 301

Jakes, John, merchant taylor, 123, 262

James (Jamys), William, 190

Jaye, Gregory, 325

Jekyll, Mistress, widow, 242

Jenkynson (Genkynson), John, 156; haberdasher, 14

Jennynges, Julyan see Knight, Julian

Jewett, Jane, widow, 226

Johnsby, ——, haberdasher, 363

Johnson, Margaret, widow, 354

Joiner, Dame Katharine, widow, 107

Jones, Humphrey, goldsmith, 377

Josken (Joskyn)
-, James, gentleman, 209
-, John, gentleman, 17

Judd (Judde), Andrew, alderman, executor, 172; knight and alderman, 422

Kendall, Thomas, 212

Kery, Thomas, salter, 278

Kettlengstrete see Cateaton Street

Kidderminster (Kedyrmyster, Kydermys- ter), John, draper, 136, 153

[?Kidson], Sir John, parson of St. Margaret Pattens, 241

Kightley, ——, widow, 252

King Alley (St. Giles Cripplegate), 93

King's Head, the, tenement (St. Mary le Bow), 56; (St. Gregory), 267; inn (St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street), 287

King's Lane see Boss Lane

Knesworth, Thomas, late mayor, executors of, 28

Knight, Julian, alias Julian Jennynges, 285

Knightrider (Knyght Ryder) Street, 160, 198, 267, 288, 306

Kydman, Roger, 155

Kyllingworth, Clement, pewterer, 348

Kyne, Thomas, blacksmith spurrier, 383

Kyng (e)
-, Robert, fishmonger, 198, 408
-, William, butcher, 212

Kynnersley, John, squire, 49

Kyrke, Robert, saddler, 303

Kytchyn, Robert, dyer, 179

Kytson, Sir Thomas, knight, 104

Lacy, William, 154

Lamb, the, house (St. Sepulchre), 301

Lambarde (Lambart, Lambert)
-, Nicholas, mayor, 421
-, Thomas, mercer, 423

Lambe, William, joiner, 343

Lambkyn, William, 260

-, Thomas, waxchandler, 176
-, William, grocer, 270

Langbourne ward, 73, 409

Langley, George, brewer, 16

Lasye, Nicholas, 197

Latymer, Master William, clerk, parson of All Hallows the Less, 186

Launce, Thomas, cutler, and his wife Dorothy, 400

Laverok, Robert, warden of the Fraternity of Our Lady and St. John Baptist, St. Sepulchre, 2

Lawrence, Thomas, 262

Leathersellers' Company, 303, 375

-, Sir Anthony, knight, 152
-, Edward, 384
-, Henry, 190
-, Roger, gentleman, 4

Leeke, John, of Edmonton, esq., 360

Leicester Abbey, 23

Leigh (Leie), Sir Thomas, mayor, 395

Leke, Henri, alias Henri Hocke, 365

Leonard, James, fruiterer, 320

Leverat, Alien, haberdasher, 394

Lewe, Roger, skinner, 288

-, Ellice (Ellys), widow, 376, 382
-, Robert, son of Ellice, joiner, 376, 382

Locke, Mr. William, alderman, 223

Lombard (Lumber, Lumbert) Street, 83, 295, 312–13

London, Bishop of, 254, 372; Edmund [Bonner], 397

London, City of
-, Chamber of (properties of), 39, 42, 141, 198, 251, 326, 407
-, Chamberlain of, 4, 39, 42, 141, 144–5, 157, 267, 348, 407
-, common ground of, 71, 157, 267, 348 constitutions of, 2
-, customs of, 81, 84, 154, 226, 236–8, 249– 50, 253, 255, 262, 270, 272, 282–5, 298– 9, 307, 317, 319–20, 322–3, 326, 334–6, 345–6, 352–5, 357, 360–2, 364, 379–80, 383, 396, 399, 402–3, 406–8, 415

London Bridge (Bridge foot), 292

London Wall, 358

Lonergue, Sir Nicholas de see Loveigne

Long John [sic], 141

Long Lane, 91

Lonsdale, Elizabeth, widow, 278

Lorymer, ——, 31

Losse, Hugh, squire, 244

Lothebery, Arnold, 141

Loveigne (Lonergue), Sir Nicholas de, knight, 165

Lovell, Lord, 84

Lowen (Lowyn), John, draper, 245, 297

Lucar, Emmanuel, merchant taylor, 318

Lucas, Thomas, fishmonger, 217

Ludgate, 140

Lumber, Lumbert, Street see Lombard Street

Lute, John, clothworker, 390

Lye, Master, of Stockwell, gentleman, 86

Lytton, Thomas, salter, 320

Mabot, Master Richard, parson of St. Mary Axe, 66

Machon, Robert, merchant taylor, 114

Malborne, William, 384

Malyn, John, grocer, 114

Marchaunt, John, merchant taylor, 111

Margetson, John, 193

Mark (Mart) Lane, 14, 156, 158

Marowe, Thomas, gentleman, 115, 128

Marowe's Key, 115

Marshe, Walter, 117

Mart Lane see Mark Lane

Martin (Marten, Martyn)
-, John, baker, 255
-, John, haberdasher, 366–7

Mas, Giles, 141

Maskall, Roger, brewer, 347

Mason, Stephen, vintner, 200

Massie, Richard see Dytcher, Richard

Mastall, John, ?brewer, 362

Mathison, Henry, poulterer, 82

Mattok, Master Nicholas, chamberlain of the City of London, 4

Maw——, John, 205

Maxwell, Lawrence, tiler, 143

Maydenhead, the, inn (St. Lawrence Jewry), 237, 256

Maye, William, 121

Mayne, Richard, draper, 297

Maynford, John, butcher, 309

Medley, Mr. George, Chamberlain of London, 144–5, 157, 419

Mellyshe (Melysshe)
-, Henry, merchant taylor, 408
-, Robert, merchant taylor, 277

Mercers' Company, 47–8, 87, 113, 116–17, 134, 158, 221, 331, 355, 420–3

Merchant Taylors' Company, 12, 74–5, 97, 144–5, 154, 264, 308

Meriote, Richard, clothworker, 365

Merton (Marten) Priory (Surrey), 95

Meryfeld, ——, 321

Meryk, Robert, fishmonger, 274

Metcalfe, Thomas, goldsmith, 279

Middleton (Medilton, Myddilton)
-, Master ——, draper, 292
-, Richard, churchwarden of St. Margaret Bridge Street, 182
-, Thomas, skinner, 327

Milborne (Milburn), John, mayor, 51; knight and alderman, 98

Milk Street, 117

Minoresses (Convent of St. Clare without Aldgate), 55, 58, 60, 416

Minories, the, 416

Mirfyn (Murfyn, Myrfyn)
-, John, cook, 291
-, Thomas, mayor, 41

Mitre, the [tavern] (St. Mary Colechurch), 116, 421

-, Henry, mercer, 225
-, John, grocer, 372

Moldyng, Robert, brewer, and his wife Mary, 70

Monkwell (Mugwell) Street, 173

-, Master ——, executor, 324
-, George, alderman and mayor, 29–30, 231, 324

Moor Ditch, 34, 87

Moor Lane, 112, 134, 197

Moor, prebend of the, 112

Moorfields (Moor Field), 93, 134

More, Master Thomas, sometime dean of St. Paul's, 43

Morgan, Lady Dame Mary, widow, 395

Mortymer, William, carpenter, 362

Moryell, Oliver, crossbowmaker, 34

-, Andrew, grocer, 169
-, Richard, 70

Mountpierson, Thomas, gentleman, of Wiltshire, 120

Mugwell Street see Monkwell Street

Mundes, Edward, 347

Myldenale, John, grocer, 42

Myles, William, 169; grocer, 139

Myller, John, 196

Mylnes, John, brewer, 298

Mynge, Henry, grocer, 386, 391

Mynors, John, draper, 247, 284

Nayler, Robert, gentleman, 7

Negro, John Antony de, merchant of Venice, 103

Nevyll, John, 126

New Abbey at Tower Hill see St. Mary Graces

New Hospital of St. Mary (Our Lady) without Bishopsgate see St. Mary Spital

Newes, Peter, 238

Newgate, 70

New(e) Steyre, the (St. Andrew by the Wardrobe), 45, 150

-, Agnes, gentlewoman, widow, 286
-, John, poulterer, 78

Nicholas (Nicollas)
-, Gregory, 349
-, Master Richard, clerk and parson, 27

Nicolson (Nycolson)
-, Christopher, merchant taylor, 37, 258–9
-, William, serjeant, 30

Nodale, Peter, merchant of Venice, 103

Norres (Norys)
-, Mr., gentleman usher, 206
-, ——, woodmonger, 28

Northumberland, earl of, ground of, 257

Notley Abbey (Bucks), 90

Nott, Stephen, fishmonger, 179

Offley (Ofley), Thomas, merchant taylor, 125; mayor, 373, 376

Old Bailey, 345

Old Fish Street, 299, 389

Old Jewry, 219

Olyff, John, barbersurgeon, 166

Ormeston, Thomas, 264

Osney Abbey (Oxon), 100

Overton, ——, 239–40

Owtynge, John, carpenter, 332

Oxford, John (de Vere) earl of, 122, 319

Paddy, Robert, gentleman, and his wife Margery, 380

Palley, Walter, stockfishmonger, 69

-, John, tailor, 31
-, Simon, warden of Goldsmiths' Com- pany, 226

Pannell, Thomas, parson of All Hallows Honey Lane, 331

Pap(p)ey, Fraternity or Brotherhood of Priests, 45, 119

Pardon Churchyard (St. Paul's), Thomas More's chantry in, 43

Pargeter (Pergettor), [Thomas], mayor, 90– 2, 98, 421

[Parish] Clerks of London, Brotherhood or Company of, 63, 194; late hall of, 375

Parke, Margaret see A Parke, Margaret

Parker, William, 187, 384

-, Agnes, widow, 177
-, Miles, gentleman, 200

Pasmar, John, merchant taylor, 29

Patenson, Faith, widow, 255

Paternoster Row, 84, 119

Paul's Wharf, 179

Paver, [William, common clerk], 60, 67, 78, 81, 85, 92, 96, 98

Payne, John, 141

Peacock Alley, St. Sepulchre, 249–50

Pecocke (Pecok)
-, Lady, 246, 249–50
-, Stephen, mayor, 421

Peert, ——, gentleman, 336

Peksall, ——, gentleman, 130

Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 188

Pemerton, Henry, churchwarden of St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street, 160; barbersurgeon, 287

Pen——, Thomas, 406

Pery (Perye)
-, Edward, draper, 261
-, William, 219; Martin, son of, 219

Peterson, Agnes, widow, 328

Petit (Pettytt, Pettyt)
-, John, draper, 368, 385
-, Thomas, 333

Petre, Sir William, knight, secretary to the king, 335

Pettingar, John, clothworker, 378

Petty Canons of Paul's see St. Paul's Cathedral

Pever, Richard, 406

Philpot Lane, 390

Pillesworth, Roger, cook, 374

Polsted, Henry, merchant taylor, 37

Polyver, Giles, gentleman, 33

-, Francis, 231
-, Hugh, haberdasher, 267
-, Thomas, gentleman, 122

Popinjay Alley (St. Bride), 130; (St. Gabriel Fenchurch), 189

Popkirtle (Pupkyrtell, Tupkyrtell) Lane, 146, 163

Pople, William, gentleman, attorney, 130

Postelatte, George, Agnes widow of, 311

Poultry, 196, 223, 339

Powle, John, joiner, 131

Powy, William, embroiderer, 354

Pratt, John, 156

'Priests Commons of St. James' (Garlick- hithe), house called, 175

Prior, William, lattener, 381

Pryce, William, draper, 349

Pursell, John, skinner, 341

Purseys, Arthur, waterman, 179

Pyke (Pyk), Thomas, 201; skinner, 285, 379

Pykering, W[illiam], clerk [of the Mayor's Court], 419

Pylkyngton, ——, 213

Pynchester, Roger, draper, —— widow of, 312–13

Pynner, [?John], tallowchandler, 30

Pynson, William, 406

Ramsey (Rammesey)
-, Richard, cobbler, 383
-, William, fishmonger, 18

Rauf, John, 257

Raynwyk, Christopher, draper, 55

Reading Abbey (Berks), 45

Red Cross Street, 344

-, Richard, salter, 208
-, Sir Robert, knight, late Chief Justice of the Common Bench, 72
-, Thomas, goldsmith, churchwarden of St. Vedast Foster Lane, 232

Rest Lane, 150

Reve, John, scrivener, 90

-, Robert, owner of brewhouse, 85
-, William, carpenter, 179

Rewe, Edward, churchwarden of St. Margaret Pattens, 241

Rewley Abbey (Oxon), 104

Reynold, Thomas, draper, 388

Richardson, Rowland, carpenter, 390

Richeman, Leonard, armourer, 248

Richmond Herald see Barker, Christopher

Riole (Ryall), la, 121, 149

Roberts, Richard, plumber, 343

Robinson (Robynson)
-, Johanna, widow, 358
-, Ralph, draper, 177

Roche, William, draper, 28

Rochester Cathedral Priory (Kent), 138

Rookes, Awdry, gentleman, 139

Roper, John, merchant taylor, 372

Rose, the, brewhouse (St. Alphage), 26; (St. Mary Colechurch), 219

Rowesley (Rowseley)
-, Edward, 139
-, John, 268

Rowlett, Sir Ralph, knight, 220

Rud, Master, clerk, chantry priest of All Hallows Barking, 118

Rudstone (Rudston), John, mayor, 80–1, 86, 421

-, John, tailor, 121
-, Maude, widow, 77

Rydgeway (Rygeway)
-, John, goldsmith, 344
-, Thomas, and his wife Alice, 289

Rygby, Mistress, 9

Ryley, Thomas, 358

-, John, 216
-, Robert, brewer, 316

Ryse, Alan, 100

Ryshton, [Thomas, common clerk], 141

Sabbe, John, orphans or heirs of, 68, 71

Sabbe's Wharf, 68, 71

Sackfeld, Sir Richard, knight, 356

Saddlers' Company, 36, 124

St. Albans Abbey (Herts), 91; see also 108

St. Alban Wood Street, parish of, 62, 90; parson and churchwardens of, 81, 180

St. Alphage (Alphaes) Cripplegate (London Wall), parish of, 26, 220

St. Andrew nigh Baynard's Castle, in the ward of Castle Baynard see St. Andrew by the Wardrobe

St. Andrew Holborn, parish of, 29, 137, 238, 394

St. Andrew beside Paul's Wharf see St. Andrew by the Wardrobe

St. Andrew Undershaft, parish of, 3, 167

St. Andrew by the Wardrobe (Baynard's Castle), parish of, 45, 150, 388; parson and churchwardens of, 150

St. Antholin (Anthelaine, Antonine, Antony), parish of, 327, 422–3

St. Anthony of Vienne, hospital of, church of, 317

St. Audoen (Ewyins) within Newgate, late church of, 234

St. Augustine Watling Street, by St. Paul's Gate, parish of, 37, 258–9

St. Austen's Gate, 283

St. Bartholomew (the Little) by the Exchange, parish of, 58

St. Bartholomew the Less, parish of, ?264, 393; tenement of, 233

St. Bartholomew's of London, parish of, 332

St. Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smith- field, 46, 56, 173, 298, 393, 414

St. Bartholomew's Priory, West Smithfield, 30–1, 76, 84, 94, 100, 105, 179

St. Benet Fink, parish of, 12, 106, 317

St. Benet Gracechurch, parish of, 207, 248

St. Benet Paul's Wharf, parish of, 46, 108, 329, 357; parson and churchwardens of, 46, 108

St. Benet Sherehog, parish of, 391

St. Botolph Aldersgate (Aldrichgate), parish of, 59, 91, 213, 251, 335, 364

St. Botolph (Bottalles) Aldgate, parish of, 35, 55, 136, 139, 153, 169, 193, 275, 416

St. Botolph Billingsgate (in Thames Street), parish of, 22, 42, 96, 151, 168; parson, churchwardens and parishioners of, 22; parson and churchwardens of, 151

St. Botolph without Bishopsgate, parish of, 78, 187, 199, 235, 245, 268, 297, 316, 420

St. Bride (Brigit) Fleet Street, parish of, 40, 102, 130, 138, 238, 341, 358, 371, 400

St. Christopher le Stocks (Cornhill), parish of, 123, 262; parson and churchwardens of, 146–7, 163, 191

St. Clare without Aldgate, convent of see Minoresses

St. Clement Eastcheap (Candlewick Street), parish of, 38, 98, 272; parson and churchwardens of, 38, 106

St. Clement's Lane, 98, 185, 399

St. Dionis Backchurch, parish of, 41, 103, 170, 390

St. Dunstan in the East, parish of, 28, 68, 71, 107, 128, 221; parson and church- wardens of, 31, 88, 128

St. Dunstan in the West, parish of, 32, 50, 52, 79, 129, 190, 191, 195, 228, 243; tenement of, 72

St. Elen(e) of London see St. Helen Bishopsgate

St. Ethelburga (within Bishopsgate), parish of, 307, 375–6, 382

St. Ewyins see St. Audoen within Newgate

St. Faith under St. Paul's (in St. Paul's Churchyard, in Warwick Lane), parish of, 8, 84, 200, 230, 254, 333, 347, 355

St. Foster see St. Vedast Foster Lane

St. Gabriel Fenchurch, parish of, 73, 189, 214, 289, 353; churchyard of, 73

St. George Botolph Lane (Pudding Lane), parish of, 113

St. George Southwark, parish of, 302, 350

St. Giles without Cripplegate, parish of, 34, 43, 57, 63, 93, 112, 131, 134, 192, 194, 197, 291, 344, 349, 387; tenement of, 192

St. Gregory by St. Paul's (at Paul's Chain), parish of, 267, 355

St. Helen (Elen, Elene, Elyn) Bishopsgate, parish of, 142, 209, 303

St. Helen's Priory, within Bishopsgate, 15, 46, 66

St. James Garlickhithe, parish of, 75, 253; parson and churchwardens of, 52, 80, 175, 181; tenement of, 80, 190; 'Priests Commons of, 175

St. John the Baptist, Walbrook, parish of, 177

'St. John', late monastery of, 359

St. John the Evangelist, parish of, 89

St. John of Jerusalem, priory of (Clerkenwell), 50; see also 359

St. John Zachary, parish of, 6, 178, 183; parson, churchwardens and par- ishioners of, 6; parson and church- wardens of, 183

St. John's Alley, St. Martin le Grand, 328

St. Katharine Coleman, parish of, 218, 257, 271, 412

St. Katharine Cree (Christchurch, Creechurch), parish of, 11, 51, 143; tenement of, 11

St. Lawrence Pountney (Pulteney), parish of, 340; churchwardens of, 340

St. Lawrence (in the Old) Jewry, parish of, 10, 49, 114, 117, 120, 208, 236, 256, 383; vicar and churchwardens of, 49; tenement of, 49

St. Leonard Eastcheap, parish of, 31, 85, 88, 212, 266; parson, churchwardens and parishioners of, 22; churchwardens of, 266; tenement of, 42

St. Leonard Foster (Faster) Lane (in St. Martin's Lane le Grand), parish of, 7, 105, 328, 372, 397

St. Magnus the Martyr (Bridge Street, London Bridge), parish of, 18, 96, 109, 148, 164, 324, 395; parson and church- wardens of, 96; churchyard of, 109

St. Margaret Bridge Street (Fish Street Hill, Pudding Lane), parish of, 25, 182, 188, 380; parson of, 25, 182; churchwardens and parishioners of, 25, 182

St. Margaret Moses, Friday Street, parish of, 132, 229, 296; parson and church- wardens of, 132

St. Margaret Pattens, parish of, 92, 97, 241; parson, churchwardens of, 92, 241

St. Margaret Pattens Lane, 189

St. Margaret in Pudding Lane see St. Margaret Bridge Street

St. Martin in Bowyers Row see St. Martin Ludgate

St. Martin Ironmonger Lane see St. Martin Pomary

St. Martin le Grand, precincts of, 397

St. Martin Ludgate (Bowyer Row), parish of, 24, 140, 361–2, 373, ?392; parson and churchwardens of, 140

St. Martin Orgar, parish of, 127, 181, 274

St. Martin Outwich, parish of, 216, 269, 415

St. Martin Pomary (Ironmonger Lane), parish of, 10

St. Martin in the Vintry, parish of, 144–5, 154, 174, 205

St. Mary Abchurch, parish of, 127, 231, 247, 273, 284; churchwardens of, 127

St. Mary Aldermanbury, parish of, 81, 222, 280

St. Mary Aldermary, parish of, 13, 20, 159, 239–40, 378; parson and church- wardens of, 13, 159

St. Mary Axe, parish, parson, and par- sonage of, 66

St. Mary of Bethlehem, Hospital of, 87

St. Mary Bothaw (Buttolphe), parish of, 177, 330; parson and churchwardens of, 330

St. Mary le Bow, parish of, 56, 163, 398; parson and churchwardens of, 56, 163

St. Mary Colechurch, parish of, 47–8, 116, 163, 219, 223, 421

St. Mary within Cripplegate, Hospital of see Elsing Spital

St. Mary Graces Abbey, 1, 40, 96, 359

St. Mary at Hill, parish of, 77, 115, 217, 346; parson and churchwardens of, 7, 346

St. Mary Overy Priory (Southwark), 83, ?402

St. Mary Somerset, parish of, 348

St. Mary Spital (New Hospital of St. Mary without Bishopsgate), 57, 78, 87, 137, 140, 268, 316, 419–20

St. Mary Woolchurch, parish of, 21, 53–4, 227, 263, 270, 312–13; parson and churchwardens of, 53–4, 83

St. Mary Woolnoth, parish of, 311; parson and churchwardens of, 83; tenement of, 83

St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street, parson and churchwardens of, 65

St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street, parish of, 46, 160, 287–8; parson and church- wardens of, 46, 160

St. Matthew Friday Street, parish of, 166, 279

St. Michael Bassishaw, parish of, 225, 255, 383

St. Michael Cornhill, parish of, 15, 83, 135, 204, 215, 261, 281, 314–15, 321, 422; parson, churchwardens and parishioners of, 15, parson and church- wardens of, 77–8; late tenement of, 316; wall of, 12

St. Michael Crooked Lane, parish of, 69, 395; parson and churchwardens of, 165

St. Michael in Huggin Lane, parish of (probably St. Michael Wood Street), 17

St. Michael Paternoster Royal, parish of, 1, 110, 155

St. Michael Queenhithe, parish of, 76, 80, 161, 278, 359, 374

St. Michael le Querne, parish of, 44, 119; parson and churchwardens of, 119

St. Michael in the Ryall see St. Michael Paternoster Royal

St. Michael Wood Street, parish of, 17, 60, 368, 381, 385; parson and church- wardens of, 60

St. Mildred Bread Street, parish of, 64, 101, 162, 265, 305; parson and church- wardens of, 64

St. Mildred Poultry, parish of, 61, 184, 196

St. Nicholas Acon, parish of, 323

St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, parish of, 299, 389; parson and churchwardens of, 389

St. Nicholas Olave, parish of, 320

St. Nicholas Shambles (Chomells), parish of, 224, 411; churchyard of, 224

St. Olave (St. Toulles) Hart Street (Mark Lane), parish of, 14, 156, 201, 286, 325, 334

St. Olave Silver Street, parish of, 173

St. Olave in Southwark, parish of, 292, 310, 343, 352, 363, 365, 369

St. Pancras Soper Lane, parish of, 95, 126, 146–7, 163, 322, 396

St. Paul's Cathedral
-, dean and chapter of, 8, 41, 123, 162, 177, 179, 200, 222, 280, 373; see also More, Thomas
-, former chantry in, 245
-, Petty Canons of, 37, 254
-, St. Peter's College of chantry priests in, 24

St. Paul's Churchyard, 230, 254; see also Pardon Churchyard

St. Peter Cornhill, parish of, 422

St. Peter Paul's Wharf, parish of, 152, 157, 356; parson and churchwardens of, 131

St. Peter le Poor (Broad Street, by Austin Friars), parish of, 27, 202, 211, 354; parson of, 27

St. Peter Westminster see Westminster Abbey

St. Peter Wood Street (Westcheap), parish of, 377

St. Pulcres without Newgate see St. Sepulchre

St. Saviour, Southwark, parish of, 252, 294, 309, 405–6

St. Sepulchre without Newgate (Holborn, in the Ward of Farringdon Without), parish of, 2, 16, 23, 30, 33, 70, 72, 94. 99, 100, 176, 180, 246, 249–50, 260, 276, 282, 290, 301, 304, 318, 326, 345, 351, 407, 414; parson and church- wardens of, 100, 176

St. Stephen Coleman Street, parish of, 104, 111, 125, 242, 308, 360; tenements of, 111

St. Stephen Walbrook, parish of, 21, 263, 370, 386, 391; parson, churchwardens and parishioners of, 21; parson and churchwardens of, 95, ?263; church- yard of, 21

St. Stephen Westminster, (Free) Chapel of, 32, 79, 102

St. Swithin London Stone, parish of, 122, 295, 319

St. Swithin's Lane, 295, 319

St. Thomas of Acre (Acon), House or Hospital of, 24, 86, 95, 101, 116, 121, 125–6, 369–70, 421

St. Thomas the Apostle, parish of, 86, 121, 149, 423

St. Thomas the Martyr, Hospital of, South- wark, 92, 97

St. Thomas' Alley, Birchin Lane, 314–15

St. Toulles see St. Olave

St. Vedast (St. Foster) Foster Lane, parish of, 36, 124, 232; parson and church- wardens of, 36

Salisbury (Sare), bishop of, 40

Saloys, John de, alias John Barbour, mer- chant stranger, 412

Salters' Company, 19–20, 74–5, 101, 113, 162, 178, 277

Saracen's Head, the, tenement (St. Lawrence Jewry), 49, 237; (St. Sep- ulchre), 23

Saunders (Sanders), Robert, carpenter, 321

Savoy Hospital, 345

Scallande, Richard, grocer, 359

Scot, John, salter, 296

Seacoal (Cecole) Lane, 72, 246, 304

Seeman, William, 295

Seething (Sydon) Lane, 201

Seintpier, William, merchant taylor, 44

Sell, William, 269

Sentalbye, Thomas, 215

Serjeants' Inn, 190

Serle, Thomas, butcher, 113

Settill, John, haberdasher, 361

Seven Fans, the, brewhouse (St. Lawrence Jewry), 120

Seymour (Seymer), Thomas, mayor, 72–3

Sha (a), Sir John, mayor, 420

Shakylton (Shakilton), William, grocer, 363, 369

Shearmen's Company, 62

Shepperd, Evered, 214

Sherborne Lane, 311

Short, Piers, 16

Shorton, John, skinner, 226

Shurlock (Shurlok), Robert, woodmonger, 329, 388

Skenington, Christopher, gentleman, 374

Skinner (Skynner)
-, Anthony, gentleman, 341
-, Miles, cordwainer, 189

Skinners' Company, 9, 20, 61, 268

Skomer (Scomer), the, brewhouse (St. Michael Cornhill), 204, 281

Smarte, Eleanor, widow, 156

Smith (Smyth, Smythe)
-, Edmund, 201
-, George, butcher, 272
-, Randall, yeoman, 292
-, Sir Richard, Petty Canon of St. Paul's, 254
-, Richard, mercer, 293
-, Robert, brewer, 43
-, Thomas, 175
-, William, currier, 350

Smithfield see West Smithfield

Smyte, the, brewhouse or tenement (St. Leonard Eastcheap), 85, 212

Snowden, William see Hollingworth, William

Somerland, William, grocer, 189

Somerset Herald see Harvie, William

Soper Lane, 126

Southwood, William, warden of the Goldsmiths' Company, 226

Southwyk, Robert, 266

-, Hugh, vintner, 292
-, [James], mayor, 76–7, 79
-, Robert, clothworker, 415

Spenfold, Ru——, 78

Standfeld, Richard, skinner, 364

Staper, Rowland, 269

Staples, Richard, draper, 330

Starky, John, King's fletcher, 248

Stephenson, Thomas, tenant, 88

Sterne, John, currier, 26

Stiverton, Richard, gentleman, late porter to Henry VIII, 394

Stokkett, Lewes, 222

Stratford Langthorne Abbey (Essex), 185

Strilley, John, vintner, 235

Stryngfelowe, John, 187

Stuard, Robert, saddler, 372

Sturgyon (Sturgion), John, Chamberlain of London, 348, 407

Stywards Inn, Aldgate ward, ?5, 39

Sun, the, tenement (St. Alphage Cripple- gate), 26

Suterhill Street, 260

Swan Alley, 242

Swayne, Robert, cooper, 174

Swygo, John, merchant of Milan, 323

Swyng——, John, ?scrivener, 402

Sydley, ——, gentleman, 342

Sydney, Sir William, knight, 317

Sydon Lane see Seething Lane

Sympson, Thomas, Elizabeth (Turpyn) widow and executrix of, 185

Tabard, the, tenement or inn (Gracechurch Street), 207

Tabbes, Henry, 230

Tadlowe, George, haberdasher, 234

Tailor (Taylor)
-, Henry, 195
-, William, clerk, parson of St Mary Bothaw, 330

Talbot, Sir Gilbert, knight, 152

Tallowchandlers' Company, 307

Tamworth, Thomas, gentleman, 59

-, Richard, esq., 204
-, Robert, alderman, 1, 4

Tedders, Lewis, merchant taylor, 361

Temple, master of the, 129

Temple Bar, 195

Thame Abbey (Oxon), 72, 99

Thames (river), 4, 28, 68, 71, 76, 96, 115, 145, 150, 157, 174, 179, 348, 374, 388

Thames Street, 1, 4, 42, 45, 69, 80, 96, 109, 186, 221, 274

Thatcher, John, 258–9; merchant taylor, 229

-, John, 26
-, Walter, 112

Thompson (Thomson), George, 151; car- penter, 302

Thorpe, Johanna, widow, 129

Three Nuns, the, inn (St. Botolph Aldgate), 193

Timberhithe Street, 359

Tirry, Roger, alias Trerice, cooper, 154

Tocke, John, skinner, 295

Tonnes in the Riole (Ryall), the, 121

Tow, William, mariner, 352

Tower in the Riole (Ryall), the, 149

Tower of London, 285

Tower Street, 342

Town Ditch, 233

Toye, Robert, 254

Trappes (Traps), Robert, goldsmith, 123; warden of the Goldsmiths' Company, 226

Traves, Richard, merchant taylor, 135

Trerice, Roger see Tirry

Tull, William, tiler, 39

Tunstal, Cuthbert, bishop of Durham, 186

Tupkyrtell Lane see Popkirtle Lane

Turbervyle, Thomas, gentleman, 39

Turnbase (Turnbaston) Lane, 121, 423

Turnbull, Thomas, fishmonger, 109

Turner, William, gentleman, 281

Turpyn, John, carpenter, and his wife Elizabeth, widow and executrix of Thomas Sympson, 185

Twyford, John, vintner, 173

Tyller, John, 197

Tynny, John, salter, 33

Typlady, Thomas, embroiderer, 124

Vandernott, John, physician, 206, 244

van Wylder, Philip, gentleman, 286

Vaughan, Richard, executor, 324

Veer, Rt. Hon. Sir John see Oxford, earl of Vintners' Company, 1, 11, 40

Vintry, the, 1, 174; inhabitants of the ward of, 121, 144–5; high street of, 144–5

Vyvald, Antony, merchant, 104

Wade, Roger, yeoman, 326

Wakefeld (Wakefield), William, waxchan- dler, 126

Walbrook, 270

Walden, John, gentleman, 2

Walker, Henry, churchwarden of St. Mary Bothaw, 330

-, Simon, cordwainer, churchwarden of Holy Trinity the Less, 306
-, William, clothworker, 311

-, Edmund, gentleman, 228
-, Robert, 189

Wanell, John, prior of Elsing Spital, 47

Warren (Waren)
-, George, goldsmith, 373
-, Lady Dame Johanna, 370, 391
-, John, barbersurgeon, 373
-, Master Ralph, alderman, 93; knight and alderman, 327

Warter, Gervys, cooper, 306

Warwick, earl of, 70

Waserer, Francis, 138

Watling (Watlynge) Street, 19, 277

Waxchandlers' Company, 6, 183

Welhouse, the (St. Botolph Aldgate), 55

Welles, Roger, churchwarden of St. Margaret Bridge Street, 182

West, Harry, dyer, 29

Westcheap see Cheapside

Westminster Abbey (St. Peter Westmins- ter), 39, 117, 131, 372, 397; John [Feck- enham], abbot of, 397

Weston, John, mercer, 49

Westram, Richard, brewer, 310, 352

West Smithfield, 233, 276, 326

Wever, William, mercer, 189

Whaplode, Roger, draper, 67

Whaplyngton, Margaret, widow, 63

Wheler, Richard, tailor, 243

Whetnoll, George, and his wife Alice, 227

White (Whyte)
-, Henry, gentleman, 81
-, Nicholas, skinner, 50
-, Thomas, merchant taylor, 130; knight and alderman, 398
-, Thomas, gentleman, 99

White Hart, the, tenement (St.Botolph Bishopsgate), 235

White Horsehead, the, tenement (Christ Church Newgate), 226

Whitefriars, former church of, 190

Whittington College, tenement of, 110

Whytelocke, Thomas, merchant taylor, 351

Wilkinson (Wylkynson)
-, David, 196
-, John, merchant [?taylor], 355

Willett, Ralph, deceased, 292

Williams, Walter, draper, 247

-, Garret, 328
-, Thomas, carpenter, Margaret widow of, 189

Willoughby, Lord, ground of, 57

Windsor, College of, [St. George's Chapel], 37

Wodcok, Andrew, grocer, 106

Wolfe, Thomas, fishmonger, 299

Wolley, Ambrose, grocer, 128

Woolsack, the, tenement (St. Botolph Aldersgate), 213; (Watling Street), 277

[Wolsey, Thomas], late cardinal and Lord Chancellor, 231

Wolstone, Richard, butcher, 38

Wood Street, 385

Worseley, Mr., gentleman, 334

Wren, Master Geoffrey, parson of St. Margaret Bridge Street, 25

Wright, Robert, poulterer, 82

Writtle (Wretyll) (Essex), 151

Wrythesley (Wriothesley), Thomas, Garter King of Arms, 57

Wy——, John, 283

Wyat(t), William, grocer, 184, 219

Wygett (Wygat), Thomas, vintner, 376, 382

Wylford (Wilford), James, merchant taylor, 58

Wylkockes, John, mariner, 300

Wylson, Ralph, blacksmith, 20

Wynchecomer, Simon, deceased, 127

Wyndham, ——, esq., 138

Wyseman, John, esq., 334

Wyther, Richard, salter, 305

-, Fabyon, warden of the Goldsmiths' Com- pany, 226
-, Nicholas, 421

-, Launcellot, clothworker, 381
-, Richard Harry, coiner, 26
-, Walter, merchant taylor, 134

York, archbishop of, 276

York, William, embroiderer, 36