London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1989.
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'Journals, repertories, letter books: (nos 417-19)', in London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London, ed. Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Journals, repertories, letter books: (nos 417-19)', in London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Edited by Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Journals, repertories, letter books: (nos 417-19)". London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558: Certificates of the Sworn Viewers of the City of London. Ed. Janet Senderowitz Loengard (London, 1989), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
A small number of surviving certificates (28, 64, 119, 151) were also copied into the City's Journals and Letter Books. One certificate and two memoranda of views or awards for the period covered in this volume, copied into the Journals and Letter Books, are not otherwise known (below). A document similar to a certificate, dated 17 July 1590, is copied into Repertory 22, f. 230v. (fn. 1) Both the Journals and the Letter Books also contain copies of certificates for the period before 1508, as do the Plea and Memoranda Rolls and several of the Miscellaneous Rolls in the Corporation's archive.
(nos 417-19)
417. [Journal 11, f. 215v, and Letter Book M, f. 238v; ?April 1514.] (fn. 1)
Memorandum that of late a variance was had between the Custos and the Brethren of the Guildhall Chapel and the Goldsmiths about a partible brick wall lately made by the Goldsmiths between their tenement in the parish of St. Vedast where one William Lowth dwells and the tenement called 'the Sarrasynes Hed' belonging to the Custos and Brethren wherein Richard Kene, goldsmith, now dwells. For the appeasing of the variance, Nicholas Mattock, chamberlain, John West, and Mighell Englysshe, mercers, and William Calley, draper, were appointed by the Mayor and Aldermen to view and see the wall. 'Whereuppon the said persons named and appoynted, callyng to theym oon [blank] Waterhouse, carpenter, and oon [blank: ?John] Elmer, fremason, went to the said tenements and with good deliberacion & diligence enviewed the same and theruppon make Reporte to the said Mair and Aldermen in manner and form as hereafter followeth.' They say that the Goldsmiths have encroached between 2½ and 4 in. and that 'the Sarysens Hed' bears the water of the Goldsmiths' new building on the W. The Goldsmiths and their successors shall allow the Custos and his successors and their tenants to have all such lights as they have or have had without interruption or stopping by the Goldsmiths or their successors forever and the Goldsmiths are to pay the Custos and Brethren and their successors yearly for the ground they have encroached and for a lead gutter they have made and laid on 'the Sarasynes Hede' until such time as the Custos edifies or builds on 'the Sarysens Hed'; then they are to lay their plates upon half the wall and hold it forever as their own grounds. (fn. 1)
418. [Letter Book O, f. 202] 27 October 1530.
Theffect and tenure of thawarde of us, Thomas [sic] Hylmer, fremason, Phillip Cosyn, carpenter, Thomas Newell, fremason, and Stephyn Poncheon, carpenter, co[mm]en viewers of the Citie of London & arbitrators indifferently electe and chosen betwene M[aster] Richard Pace, Deane of the Cathedral Churche of Seint Paule of London on the oon partie and Maister Christofer Ascue, Alderman of the said Citie, on the other partie by us made, yeven, and awarded for the fynall determynation and pacyfieng of certeyn varyances dependyng betwene the said perties concernyng the buyldyng of a tenement of late newelye made by the saide M[aster] Askue in the parish of Seint John the Evangelist in Watlyngstret in London.
First where as we have right good knowlege and profe that hertofore ther hath bene a cestern for withdraughts the whiche dyd serve aswell to the house of the said Deane and Chapitre now in the tenure of Ric Dobbes, Skynner, in the said parishe of Seinte John the Evangelist As also to the house whiche the saide Maister Askue holdeth there of the same Deane and Chapitre, the whiche Cesterne and withdraught the said M[aster] Askue by reason of his buyldyng ther hath dampned up and also hath taken downe the waies to the same out of the house of the said Dobbys. And other Rowmes of Easment of the same house. Wherefore we awarde ordeyne and deme by these presents that the said Maister Askue at his propre Costes and charges shall in as short tyme as convenyently may bee done, cause to be made in this his newe house ther now in buylding a newe Cesterne with a vawte of Bryke or Stone in depeness viii foote of assise and in wydness from the North to the South vi foote of assise and in length from the Easte to the Weste x foote of assise or more, Soo that ther maye & shalbe two towells of Breke aryse from the same vawte where the plate of the saide newe frame now lieth to serve to the house of the saide Dobbys. And also that ther shalbe a Bryck walle made there arysing from the said vawte with the said Towells up to the friste [sic] flowre of the said newe house. The whiche walle the said Master Askue shall suffre to be made a breek of length within the Easte syde of the plate of the saide newe house. And the same Breyke wall and Towells shalbe made at the equalle charges of bothe the saide parties to the lenght of the said first flowre. And from thens upwardes the saide Towells to be made at the Charges of the said Deane and Chapitre. And that the saide M[aster] Askue shall also permytte and suffer asmoche tymber of the saide new frame to be cutt as shalbe nedefull and Requysite for the Roomes & goyng upp of the said Towells. Also we awarde and Iudge that the saide Cesterne and vawte shalbe clensed alwaies when nede shalbe through the said howse of Dobbys. Also we awarde Iuge & ordeyn that the saide Master Askue shall Reyse sett upp and fynyshe his saide newe house after such proporcion in length bredeth and height as it is nowe redy framed withoute any lett interupcion or contradicion of the saide Dean and Chapitre or of theyr Successoures or assignes at eny tyme. Also we awarde ordeyne & deme that the said Master Ascue shall Reserve & make an entre at the West syde of his said newe house upon the iide floore of the same house when yt is horded & shall make a particion and walk from the same floore up to his garet flore in theste syde of the same entre the whiche entre shalbe in wydnes within the said newe frame fowre foote of assise and in lenght from the South end thereof stretching northward xxti foote of assise, the which entre soo to be made shalbe appraprysed [sic] & appurtenant to the said house of Dobbys alwaies hereafter as parcell of the same house. Also we awarde adiuge and ordeyne that the said parties shall paye and bere equally betwexte theym all the charges concernyng the makyng devysynge and writtyng up of this our present awarde. In witness whereof we the saide Arbitratours to either syde of this our awarde Indented have putt our Seales. Yeven the xxvii day of October the xxiith yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the viiith.
419. [Journal 14, f. 200] 22 April 1540. (fn. 1)
To the Right honorable lorde the Mayer of the Cytie of london and to his worshipfull brethern the Aldermen of the same
Shewen unto your good Lordeship & discrete wysdomes the xxiith daye of Aprill in the xxxith yere of the Reign of our soveraign lorde Kyng Henry the eight John Hylmer, William Walker, John Kyng, and Henry Pesemede, the iiii maisters of fremasons & Carpenters, viewers indifferent sworne to the said Cytie, That where as they were late charged by your honorable commaundement to viewe and oversee a new foundacion of brykwork late bygon and made by one Cristofer Campyon, mercer, on the Est syde of the high waye nygh unto Seynt Mary Spyttell without Bisshoppesgate of London, The whiche foundacion the said iiii viewers by all their discrecyons have viewed and seen. And therupon they say that the said foundacion is encroched and sett into the comon grounde of the said high way withoute the olde stone wall that closed in the grounde there belongyng to the said Spyttell at the south ende of the said brykwork xvii fote of assise and at the North ende of the same xvi foote et di. of assise. And the said brykwork is in lenght all redy at this present daye North and south xxxv foote of assise. And it is purposed to be buylded and made of more lenght than it is yet. The whiche foundacion & brykwork by all the lenght and bredeth therof aforsaid the said iiii viewers saye that it standeth upon the common grounde of the kynges hygh wey and oweth not of right to be suffered without ther can be any other evydence showed to the contrarye.
Margin: 26 July a[nn]° 32 Henr[ici] 8 billa original' inde deliberat[a] fuit Georgio Medley Camerari[o] civit[atis] London in plena Cur[ia] in presenc[ia] W Pykering et W Dummer, clericorum et alii.