The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-58. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1984.
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'Index: Subjects', in The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-58, ed. G F Steckley (London, 1984), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].
'Index: Subjects', in The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-58. Edited by G F Steckley (London, 1984), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,
"Index: Subjects". The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-58. Ed. G F Steckley (London, 1984), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.
Admiralty, High Court of, xii, xvi, xxxiv, xxxvii, xxxix, 15 n., 19a, 27a n., 30b, 46–47b, 50, 74, 81b, 85, 96a, 107, 110a, 111b, 114; charter–party in, xxiii; favourable towards seamen, 78b; freight in, xxiv, xxxi, 63a, 64a, 77a, 78b, 81b, 96a, 110a, 114; insurance in, xxx, 64a, 75, 78a; Judge Advocate of, 19a; seamen's wages in, xxiv, xxxi, 63a, 77a, 78b
American goods, ix, xii, xv–xix, xxv; direct from America, xviii–xix, xxxiii–xxxiv; prices in Spain, xviii
andirons, 70
apprentices, x, 17, 47d–48, 52b, 60d, 62, 121–2; indenture of, 62
arbitration, of account, xxxiv, 30b, 59a; of freight contract, xxx, 67b, 78b, 111b, 118
Argier duty, 125a
asentistas, 63c
Asian goods, ix, xvii
Bank of England, xxxviii
bays, 40a, 47d, 107; from Colchester, xxi, 46, 47d
beads, xxiii
beaver skins, 72
beef, 60d
beeswax, xxiv, 47b, 61e, 63a, 129
bills of exchange, xxvi, xxxiv, 12b–13a; from Tenerife, xxvi–xxvii; on Amsterdam, 121–2, 125b–126; on London, xxvi–xxvii, 11b, 20, 22b, 26b, 30a, 42, 44–5, 47d–48, 52c, 56b, 59a, 60a–b, 64a–b, 66a–b, 71b, 73b, 76a, 77c, 81c, 82, 83b, 84c, 89d–e, 91a, 93b, 103, 106a, 108b, 114, 125b; on Madrid, 31b, 40a; on Seville, 60c; on Spain, xxvii, 6, 8, 75, 83b; protested, 52c, 59a, 100a
bills of lading, 7a, 22a, 31a, 40b, 47b, d, 63d, 71c–72, 84c, 89a, 113–28 passim; false, xxi
bills of rates (*coranto), xviii, 1–2, 5b–6, 9, 89a; from Rouen, 7b, 61e, 77c, 84b, 90, 92, 96d, 111b; 'toned', xviii
bottomry ('bomaria'), bills on, 7a, 26b
brandy, French, 87
Brazilwood, xvi
butter, 60d; from Suffolk, 22d
calicoes, xx–xxi, 107
camels, 25b
*Campeachy wood, xvi, xviii, 49–50, 52a, 53c, 55a, 56a, 59b, 79, 82, 84b, 112, 122, 125b, 127a; at Lisbon, 34; custom on, xviii, 26b, 49; price at London, xviii, 1–2, 5b, 13b–14, 17, 22d, 25a, 26b–125a passim; price at Nantes, 56a, 61b; price at Rouen, 79–80, 81c; price in Spain, 91a; price at Tenerife, 125a; re–export of, xviii
*campechena, xvi–xvii, 22a, 31b, 48, 52a, 56a, 59b, 82, 84b, 89a 90–91a, 92–93a, 99b, 108b, 125b, 127a; at Rouen, 89a, 90–91a, 92–93a, 96c, 106a, 117; price at London, 2, 5b, 22d, 25a, 26a–b, 31b, 39a–125a passim; price at Rouen, 79–80, 99b
Canary Company, xiv n., xxvii, xxxi, xxxviii candles, 60d, 64c, 70, 73a
Canterbury, Prerogative Court of, 68a–b carpet, Turkey, xix, 64c, 66a, 70
Chancery, High Court of, 65, 100a; Masters' exhibits, ix, xxxviii; proceedings in, xxxv; statute of limitations, xxxv
chariot, xxxviii
Church of England, xxxv
cider, 87
cloth, English, export of, ix, xx, xxxiv; prices at the Canaries, xxv; prices at London, xxi; see also bays, calicoes, kersies, Welsh cottons, Welsh plains, woollen goods
coach, xix–xx, 60d, 64c, 66a, 73a, b
cob irons, 70
*cochineal, xv–xvii, xxvi, 40b, 52a, 89a, 126–127a; price at London, xvii, 1–2, 5b, 13b, 17, 22a, d, 25a, 26b, 31b, 51b–125a passim; price in Spain, 91a; price in Tenerife, 125a
Commissioners of Prize Office, 85
commissions to take French ships, 25b
Committee of Trade(1652), 51b
contraband, at the Canaries, xxi, xxii–xxiii, 9, 15, 19a, 25b, 55b; certificate to clear goods from seizure as, 84c; Spanish proclamation concerning, 19a, 20
Contraband, French goods in England, 9–10
copper, xxiii, 61e
*coranto, see bills of rates
couch, Russia leather, xix, 74
Council of State, xvii, xxviii, xxxi, 15 n., 19a, 43, 49, 51a, 53b, 76b, 78c, 85, 112 n.
Council of Trade (1668–72), xxxviii
credit, commercial, xviii, xxv, 48, 55a; for wines, xviii, 11b, 27b, 30a, 37, 39a, 44–5, 47d, 60a, 68a, 77c, 78a, 81c, 92, 106a, 127a
damaselas, xxi
dates, 129
Delegates, High Court of, 77a
drink, distilled, xxiii
dripping pans, 70
druggets, silk, xxi
dyestuffs, xvii–xviii
East India Company, Dutch, xxxvii
East India Company, English, ix, xxxvi–xxxviii; ginger of, 26a; indigo of, xvii
Eikon Basiliké, 5b
elephant hides, xxiv
embargoes, 71c, 73c, 94b; at France, 7a; see also Persons and Places, Canary Islands, Spain
exchange, Canarian reales for Castilian reales, 11a; premium in terms of, 126; for English pounds, 39b
English pounds for French livres, 89b; for Portuguese reis, 78a; for Spanish reales, 81c; at Genoa, 67a
Flemish pounds for English pounds, 39b–40a
factors, 7b, 89b; commissions of, xi, 31c
fish, ix, xii, xix–xx; cod, xix; herring, xix–xx
-, New England, 11b, 13a, 15; contracts for,
11b; sales of, 11b
-, Newfoundland, xix–xx, 11a, 12b, 14, 19b,
23b, 26b, 37–8, 41, 93a, 95, 96d, 97–8,
106a, 112; codfish, 27b, 93a, 111b–112;
contracts for, xix, 11a–b, 13a, 18–19a,
37, 93a, 95, 99a, 103–106a, 108a; price
of, 18, 19a, 23b, 99a, 100b, 103–5, 107–108a, 110a, 114; price in Spain, 106b,
110a; to Bilbao, xxxi, 19b, 21, 23b, 26b;
to Lisbon, 23b; to Oporto, 23b; to
Portugal, 41; to Spain, 23b; to Tenerife, xxxi–xxxii, 49, 111a, 116–17
-, pilchards, xix–xx, 81d, 125b, 127a; Galician, 13b–15, 19b, 21, 23a, 61b, 128;
West Country, xix, 1, 9, 11a, 13a–b,
16–17, 19a, 80, 81d, 83a, 84a–b, 106b;
price, 9, 13a, 81d, 106b; San Sebastian,
fishermen, Basque, 107
flax, 89d
*flota, Nueva Espana, 100b, 123; arrival in Spain, 30b, 31b, 52b; burned at Tenerife, xxxii, 125a–b
fruit, Spanish, 92
fustians, xxi, 55a
*galleons, Spanish, 8, 20, 30b, 31b, 52b, 58a, 59b, 85, 94b, 96c, 100b–101, 106b, 110b, 117, 123–4; arrival in Spain, xviii, 10, 30b, 89a
ginger, xvii, 70, 88, 91b, 120; at Genoa, xviii, 82; from Barbados, xvii, 63b, 91b; price at Lisbon, 82, 84a; price at London, 2,5b, 13b, 22d, 25a, 26b, 31b, 34, 39a, 49–105 passim
gloves, 31c
goatskins, 129
gold, xxiv, 63a, 74
*grana (grana mesteque), see cochineal
Guinea Company, xxii–xxiii, xxxvii, 47a; ships of, 48
guns, xx, 30b, 40b, 47c, 129; powder for, 40b, 47c
hens, 129
herring, see under fish
hides, ix, xvi–xviii, xxxiv; Caracas, xviii, 6,
58a, 61e, 73c, 77b, 80, 84b, 112; price at
Rouen, 79–80, 81c
-, Havana, xviii, 61e, 73c, 84b, 112; price at
Rouen, 79–80, 81c
-, Santo Domingo, xviii, 61e, 73c; price at
Rouen, 79–80, 81c; price in Spain, 91a
-, West Indian, xviii, 47c, 61e, 64a, 73c,
82–84b, 87, 89a, c, d, 91b–92, 110b,
120, 124; at Nantes, 7b, 16, 30b, 56a,
61d; at Rouen, 112, 117
-, demand for, xviii, 40a, 46, 57, 81c, 84a,
110b, 111b
-, price, in France, 5b; in Holland, 5b; at
Lisbon, 34, 38, 39b; in London, xviii,
1–2, 5b–6, 13b, 17, 22d, 25a–b, 31b,
39a, 46, 49, 51b, 53c, 56a–125a passim;
at Nantes, 56a; in Portugal, 31b, 34,
84a; at Rouen, 6, 7b, 77b, 79–80, 81c,
111b; at Tenerife, 125a
-, profits from, 2
-, to Bilbao, 33; to Portugal, 53c, 56a, 61a,
hounscots, 35
indigo, xvi, xvii–xviii, xxxiv, 22a, 31b, 40a–b, 48, 52a, 60d, 89e, 124; customs on, 125a; from the East Indies, xvii, 101; price at Lisbon, 48; price in London, 5b, 17, 22a, d, 25a, 26a–b, 31b, 33, 39a, 48–50, 53c–125a passim; price at San Lucar, 59b; price in Spain, 91a
Inquisition, Canarian, xi, xxxv
insurance, xvii, xxiv, xxvi, xxxv n. 1–2, 4, 7a, 8, 10, 12a, 14, 18, 22b, 23a, 25a, 26b–27a, 30b, 31c, 32–117 passim; *average, 50, 52a, 55a, 63a, 78a; effect of Dutch War on, xxix–xxx; high rates of, xxx, 63b, 66b–c; underwriters suffer losses, 23b, 63a
Insurance Court, 55a, 78a
Insurance Office, xii, 26b, 66b
interest, xxvi; rate of, 11b
iron, 61e, 129; from Spain, xx; from Sweden, xxiii
ivory, xxiv, 47b, 61e, 63a
Jews, xxxiii, 129
kersies, Hampshire, xxi, 94a–95, 96b, 99a, 107
Knives, Sheffield, xxiii
lace, 96b
*lena noel (*lignum rhodium), 22a, 25a, 26a, 31b, 33, 40a–b, 48–9, 55a, 61b; for Bordeaux, 61b; for Nantes, 61d; price at London, 33, 40a, 60a; price at Rouen, 40a
Lepanto, battle of, 68b
letter of attorney, 52c, 59a, 60b, 74, 76a, 77a
letters, delivery of, 84b; interception of, xiv, 5a, 10, 126
letters of credit, 22d, 23a, 39b, 42, 44, 66b, 96d, 97–99a, 100b–101, 104–5
letters of marque, 44, 46, 51a, 53b, 56b, 85, 95
linen, xii, xx–xxii, xxxiv, 3–4, 20, 91a
-, French, xxi, 7a, 9, 16, 25b, 32, 34, 40b,
89d, 90, 93a; American demand for,
xxii; at Tenerife, xxi–xxii, xxxiii, 9, 15,
58a, 126; creas, xxii; dowlas, xxii;
permission to import at Tenerife, xxii,
89e, 91a, 126; price of, xxii, 89d;
re–export from Canaries to America,
xxii; roans, xxii, 40b, 93a; tregars, xxii
-, German and Polish, xx, xxiii
-, Spanish proclamation concerning, 52b,
*logwood, see Campeachy wood
measurements; bushel, English, 7b; *fanega, Canarian, 7b; *quintal, Canarian, 89b; ton, French, 7b, 23a; ton, Spanish, 89b
medicine, 64c, 66a, 73a
medusas, xxi
men–of–war, see ships
-, Dutch, xxxiv, 40b
-, English, trading to Portugal, 58a; trading
to Spain, 6, 112, 126; trading to the
Straits, 51b, 53b; see also Persons and
Places: Canary Islands
mohairs, xxi
molasses, 5a
Moors, 129
Navy, Commissioners of the, xxxii
neats's tongues, 22d, 89e
notary public, 108b, 117
olive oil, 51b, 61d
*orchil, xv, 26b, 31b
oysters, 67b, 89e
ozenbrigs, 35, 67b, 84c, 94a, 107
pack goods, 34, 96d, 109, 127
paragons, 96b
parliament, 15, 19a, 43 n., 76a; dissolution of, 1653, xxxvii, 76a–b; fleet of, 19b, 42, 67a, 68b, 71a, 73c, 106b, 110b, 111b, 117, 123; nominated, 1653, 76b; raise duties on Varinas tobacco, 12a; regulate prices of wines, xxxiii, 61c
parliament, acts and bills: continuing the excise (1650), 22b; continuing tonnage and poundage (1657), 125a; declaring French goods contraband (1649), 9–10; declaring war on Portugal (1650), 27b; improving the receipts of the excise and the new impost (1657), xxxiii, 125a; limiting and settling the prices of wines (1657), xxxiii, 125a; naval convoy (1650), 27a; navigation (1651), x, xxvii-xxix, 49, 51a, 53b, 54, 58a, 61c; prohibiting trade with rebels in the West Indies (1650), 27b; raising customs on Spanish wine (1657), 125a
passport, 111a
pepper, xxxvi
pilchards, see fish
pipestaves, xx, xxxi, 3–4, 11a, 13a, 32, 89d, 93a–b, 96d, 100a, 107, 113; export from France prohibited, 89d; price in France, 89d, 90; price at London, 93b, 100a; profits from, 4
pirates, 15
post, Amsterdam, 8; Bilbao, 29; Dover, 8, 43, 105; Downs, 16; Madrid, 31b; plymouth, 26a, 35, 84b
post, express ships, 97, 124
pratique, 106b, 108a, 110, 129
profits and losses, commercial, 13b, 19b, 23a, 39a–b, 49, 52c, 53c, 79, 83b, 86–7, 89e, 91b–92, 106b, 108a, 110a, 112, 117, 125b
Protestants in trade with Spain, xxxii
riding jackets, 96b n.
Roman Catholicism, xxxii, xxxv
rosewood, xvi
rye, from Plymouth, xxix, 66a; price in France, 63b
salt, 52b, 53c
sarsaparilla, xvi, xxxiv, 103–106a, 117
says, 40a
seamen, Dutch, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxvi, 111b
seamen, English, families of, xxiv; hiring of, xxiii, 47a; in State's service, 71c, 73c; rights to lade freight, 61e, 72, 111a; shortage of, 68a, 71a, c, 73c, 81d, 84a; wages of, xxix, 30a, 61a, 63a, 67a, 74, 77a, 78b, 83b, 93b–94a, 114
ships, armament, 4, 7b, 94a; Biscayner, 79;
Canary Vintage Fleet, see wine; collier, 128; convoy of, 27a, 66b, 123;
damage to, xiii, 50, 59b, 78c; demurrage of, xxix n., 84a; disguise of, xxxi,
xxxiv, 111a–b
-, Dutch (Fleming), 8, 13a, 14, 19a, 22a, 25,
29, 39b, 43, 49, 51a, 53b, 56b, 58a, 61b,
d, 68b, 76b, 89c, 99b, 110a, 119, 128;
take English ships prize, xxix, 87–8;
taken as prize, xxix, 63c
-, freighting of, xiii, xxvi, xxix; contracts
for, xiii, xxiii–xxiv, 7a, 23a, 30a-b, 32,
37, 39a, 40c, 42–114 passim; per
month, xxiv, xxix, 1, 7a, 11a, 16, 34–5,
40a, c, 43–108b passim; per ton, xxix,
23a, 37, 43, 63d, 71c, 77c, 83a, 110a; 84a,
89b, 90, 99b, 107; rate, 83a, 110a; see
also Admiralty, arbitration
-, men-of-war, Dutch (Fleming), xiii, xxix,
xxxvii, 51a, 64c, 66b, 67b, 68b, 72 n.,
73a-b, 74–5, 76b, 77b–c, 78c, 87;
English, xxxiv, 61c, 63b, 66b, 76b,
77c, 78c, 80, 110b, 111b, 117, 123–4;
French, xxviii, 21, 23b, 25b, 27a-b,
52b, 63b, 73b, 96c, 111b, 129; Irish,
xxviii, 1, 2; Jersey, xxviii, 26b, 32;
Ostend, 23b, 108a, 112; Turkish,
xxviii, 81b, 88, 89c
-, ownership of, xxvi, xxix, xxxvi–xxxvii,
18, 19b–20, 22c, 25b, 27b, 52b, 61e,
71b, 76b, 80, 81d, 89c, e, 94a, 95, 106b;
pinnace, xxiii; prize ships, purchase of,
89c; prohibition against export of, 73a;
provisions and tackle for, xx, 13b, 19b,
40a, 46, 47d, 67a, 71a; repairs to, 67a,
71b; * sack, 13a; shortage of, 81d–83a,
84a, c, 94a; in State's service, 61e,
68b n., 77c
ships (specific): Agreement, xvi, xxi, xxix–xxx, 63d, 64c, 66a, 70, 72–4, 80, 81a, d, 82–83a, 84a-85, 87–8, 89e, 91b, 102–3, 106b-107, 125b; Blessing, xvi, xix, xxi, xxix, 1–4, 6–7a, 8–12a, 15, 19b-21, 23a, 25a, 26b, 27a-b, 29–30a, 31a, 37–8, 39b, 40b, 43–5, 47d, 49, 52b, 53a, c, 56a, 58b, 59b, 61a-b, d, 63b, d, 64b-67a, 68a-b, 71b, 76b, 81b, d; Catherine, 123 n.; Champion, 31a; Charles, 77c; Civil Society, 52b; Constant John, xvi, xxi, 13b, 22a-b, d, 25, 31c, 34–5, 38–39b, 40b, 43, 47d-48, 64c-65, 81d, 89e, 93a; Elizabeth, xvi, xx, 23a-b, 25a-27a, 29–30b, 31a; Eli zabeth and John, xxi, xxix-xxx, 64c, 66b, 67b, 72, 74–76a, 77a, 78a, 81b; Elizabeth Ann, 1; Endeavour, 111b, 115 n.; Giant, 91a; Golden Cock, xxxvi, 82; Golden Star, xxix, 66a, 72–73a; Hope, xxxiv, xxxvii; Industry, 89e, 91a, 93b; Irish Merchant, 113, 116; Island Merchant, 17, 27a, 30a, 32, 61a; Jonathon, xxxvii; Judeth, 60d, 61d, 63b, 64c; Katherine, xxxvi-xxxvii, 25b, 40c, 45–6, 47a, c, d, 48–9, 52b, 61e, 68b n., 77c, 80, 83a, 106b-107; Love, 12b, 14; Mary, xvi, xx, xxix, xxxi-xxxii, 8–9, 12a, 32, 43, 60d, 67a, 68a–70, 71a, c, 72–73a, 76a, 78c, 81d, 83a, 84b, 89e, 90–91a, 93b–94a, 95d, 96a, b, d, 97–99a, 100a–108a, 109–12, 114–18, under alias, St Peter of Monnikendam, 111a; Matthew, xvi, xx-xxi, 11a-b, 13a-19a, 21, 22c, 23b, 25a, 26b-27b, 30a-31a, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39a–40a, 41, 46, 50, 53a, 74, 83a, 84c, 89c, 96a; Medea, 35, 40a, 42, 44; Morocco Merchant, 67b-68a, 71b, 89d; Peter, 80; Peter and Anne, xvi, 83a-b, 84a, c, 85–8, 89a-c, e, f, 90; Peter and John, 55b, 61b; Peter Bonadventure, 48; Plough, xvi; Post-horse, 120; Prosperity, 39a, 40a; Prosperous, xxx-xxxi, 107–108b, 110b, 113–14; Recovery, 68a, 72; Robert and John, 22c, 26b; Rosario, 125a; Royal Sovereign, alias Commonweal of England, 58a; Sampson, 68b; Samuel, xvi, 2, 5a; Sarah, 79; Susan, xiii, xvi, 31c–33, 40a–b, 47c, d, 48–50, 52a–b, 55a, 60a, d, 70, 72; Swan, xvi, xxiii-xxiv, xxviii, 20, 22a-b, d, 31a, 40b, 42, 44–6, 47a–b, d, 48–51b, 52b–c, 53c–55b, 56a, 57, d, 48–51b, 52b-c, 53c-55b, 56a, 57, 58b–59b, 61b–c, e, 63a, 64a, 65, 67b–68a, 73b-c, 74, 77a, 78b, 81b, 84b; Tenerife Merchant, 15–16, 22d; Turned-out, xvi, 44–47b, 50, 53c, 61b, 63a, 65–66a, 67b, 73b, 76a, 77a; William and Henry, 27a n.
silver, xvi, 103 n., 118
slaves, xxii-xxiv, xxxvii, 52b; Canary merchants trading in, xxii; from Barbados, 25b, 28, 31a; from Guinea, xxii, 25b n., 40c, 47b, 54, 61e, 63a, 64a, 74, 86; licence to import into Tenerife, xxiii, 25b n., 42, 43 n., 46, 47b, 48, 51b, 55b, 61b; price at Tenerife, xxxv; voyage to Guinea for, xxii-xxv
spirits, 77c
stockings, 96b
strong waters, 40a, 60a
sturgeon, 22d, 89e
sugar, ix, 22a, 59b, 77b, 93b, 96d, 103, 105,
120; at Nantes, 61d; excise on, 106a;
from Brazil, xv-xvi, 78a; from Terceira, 76a, 89e
-, muscovado, 103, 106a; price at London,
56a, 61e, 64b, 73c
-, Palma xv, 51b; price at London, 5b, 17,
39a, 53c, 56a, 61e, 64b
-, West Indian, xv; at Amsterdam, xv, 44;
from Barbados, xv, xxi; price at London, 106a; from Havana, 61e, 64b, 72,
73c, 99b; price at London, 1–2, 5b, 56a,
61e, 64b, 72, 73c, 93b, 99b, 101, 106a
supercargoes, xi, xxiii, 23b, 30b, 40c; instructions to, 129
sweetmeats, 89e
*Sylvester, xvi-xvii, 26b, 31b, 52a, 56a, 59b, 82, 84b, 89a, 90–91a, 93a, 96c, 99b; at Rouen, 92–93a, 106a, 108b; price at London, 2, 5b, 49, 51b, 53c, 56a, 61e, 64b, 73c, 83b, 84b, 85, 87, 92, 93b, 96d, 99b, 101, 105, 110b; price at Rouen, 96c
tax collectors, xxvii
three-crane law, 11b
-, Caracas, 112
-, Varinas, xviii, 12a, 22b, 57, 60c, 64a, 73c,
90, 91b, 99b, 124–125b, 127; customs
and excise on, 12a, 22b; in Spain, xviii,
87, 91b; price at London, xviii, 1–2,
5b-6, 10, 12a, 13b, 17, 26b, 31b,
33–125a a passim; price in Spain, 31b,
-, Virginian, 72
*vellon, 58a n.
Welsh cottons, xxi, 107
Welsh plains, xxi, 96b, 107
West India goods, xvi-xix, xxxiii-xxxiv, 1, 8–9, 12a, 14, 48–9, 52a-b, 53c, 56a, 58b, 59b, 61a, 77b, 81c, 87, 89c–e, 91b, 94b-95, 112, 117, 120, 124–125a, 126; at Nantes, 9, 34; at Rouen, 83b-84a; demand in France, 81c; demand in Holland, 26b, 40b; demand at London, 20, 25a, 30b, 34, 39a, 40a, 52c; false packing of, 52a; licences to export from the Canaries, xvi; prices at the Canaries, xxxii
wheat, xii, xx, 37, 39b, 51a, 71c
from the Azores, xxi, 64c, 67b, 74–5, 78a;
Barbary, 23a-b, 25b, 27a, 30b-31a, 32,
35, 129; Cadiz, 43; Danzig, xx; England, xx-xxi, 44, 46, 63d, 64c-65, 67a,
68a, 69–70, 71c-73a, 93a, 94a, 96b,
99a; France, xxi, 31a, 61a, 61a, d, 127a;
Holland, xx, 23a, 31a, 37–8, 41, 44–5,
47d-48, 127a; Italy, 66b
-, measurement in England, 7b; France, 7b,
23a; Tenerife, 7b
-, price in Danzig, 30b; Eastland, 30b;
-, England, 30b, 64c; France, 23a, 30b,
61a, 63b; Holland, 30b, 39b, 45, 47d;
Tenerife, xx, 74
-, prohibition of export from England, xxi,
63d, 65; France, xxi
-, shortage in Tenerife, xxi
wills, execution of, 68a
winds, 17–18, 22c, 39b, 51a, 59b, 106a
wine, 5a, 25a, 61c, 87
-, Canary, ix–xxxviii passim, 58b, 61c; and
wheat shortages, xxi, n.; at London,
xii-xv; contracts for, 31c; customs at
London, xiii, 11b, 27a; demand at
London, xii–xiv, 8, 11a, 13a–14, 19b,
23a, 30a, 31b, 37–117 passim; demand
at Tenerife, 73a, 76b; effect of First
Dutch War on price, xiv; in Barbados,
xiv, 89d; inferior, xiv, 50–51a, 52a, 53a,
55a, 104–5; in inland trade, xv; in
Ireland, xiv–xv, 30b, 89d; in Santa
Cruz, Tenerife, 89d; in West Country,
xiv–xv, 89d; leakage in transit, 47c,
67b, 74; *malvasĩa, xii, xxv, 9, 30a,
63b, 95, 125a; mending with Malaga
wine, xii, 50; price at Barbados, 89d;
price at London, xii, xiv, xxviii–xxix,
xxxi, 1, 5a, 11a, 13a, 22d, 27a, 29, 30a,
37–117 passim; price at Newfoundland,
23b; price at Tenerife, xii, xx, xxv,
xxvii, xxxi, 5a, 8, 17, 22d, 47c, 117,
125a, 126; price regulation of, xiii,
xxviii, xxxi, xxxiii, 112, 125a; profits
from, xiii, xxviii, 12b, 14, 39a, 52c, 53c,
83b, 89e; red, 12b, 14; spoilage of, xii,
11b, 66c, 71b; *vidueño, xiv–xv, 9, 30b,
47c, 71b, 74, 93b, 96c; vintage fleet,
xii-xiv, xxviii, 21, 26a, 30a, 31a, 39a-b,
41–128 passim
-, French: importation into England prohibited, 11a, 19b, 40b; price regulated,
110b, 111b; taken as prize, 75
-, Madeira, xii, xiv; to Newfoundland, 13a
-, Malaga, xii, 5a, 10, 12b, 30a, 37, 50, 53a,
61c, 63d, 77b; price at London, 27a;
price at Malaga, 27a, 92
-, regulation of prices at London, 110b, 112,
-, sherry (from Jerez de la Frontera), 5a, 8,
10, 12b, 25a, 27a, 30a–b, 37, 53a, 61c,
63d, 77b
-, Spanish, xxxvi, 75, 126; customs and
excise on, 125a; prices of 75; regulation
of prices at London, 61c, 110b, 111b–112, 114–15, 117, 125a, 126
wool, 63c
woollen goods, xx, 64c; exported to the Canary Islands, xxi; prices at London, xxi