The Register: Accounts and memoranda, 1443-56 (40-61)

Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian (Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate). Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1982.

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'The Register: Accounts and memoranda, 1443-56 (40-61)', in Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian (Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate), ed. Patricia Basing (London, 1982), British History Online [accessed 23 February 2025].

'The Register: Accounts and memoranda, 1443-56 (40-61)', in Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian (Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate). Edited by Patricia Basing (London, 1982), British History Online, accessed February 23, 2025,

"The Register: Accounts and memoranda, 1443-56 (40-61)". Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian (Parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate). Ed. Patricia Basing (London, 1982), British History Online. Web. 23 February 2025.

Accounts and Memoranda, 1443–56 (40–61)

40. (fn. 1) [f. 24] These ben þe resseites and þe exspences of þe breþerhode of Trinite in þe chirche of Seint Botulph with oute Alderichegate of London' as for þe full of twoo ȝere by Geffrey Sprottysburgh' and Richard Elmyslee þat ys to say froo the fest of Seint John Baptyste þat ys to seye þe Natiuite in þe xxjti ȝere of Kyng Harry þe vjte unto þe same fest of Mydsomer in þe xxiijto ȝere of oure saied Kyng [24 June 1443–24 June 1445] for ye full receites of twoo ȝere.

Resseytes of þe rent

Fyrst for þe rent of ij ȝere of Wylliam Wylkyns for þe Sarresyn Head payng by ye ȝere liij s. iiij d. v li. vj s. viij d.
Summa v li. vj s. viij d.
Costes of þe plee of þe Sarrysyn Hed querofe þay pray allowance
Fyrst (fn. 2) payed to Burgoyne to be of oure counceyle and to Wangford' þe xxviij daye of Jannuary þe xxiijti ȝer of Kyng Harry þe vjto [28 Jan. 1445] by þe byddyng of my master Cawode and of Thomas Smyth' and of many oþer of þe same bretherhed xiij s. iiij d.
Item payed to Robert Valence clerk for þe copye of a wrytte viij d.
Item spent vppon þe quest after þe verdite was ȝeue in Bredstrete and in Goter lane v d. ob.
Item ȝeuen to Wangford' by counceyle of Thomas Smyth' on Seint Mathie euen whan þe verdite was retorned in to Cheker vj s. viij d.
Item for to recorde attornee in Chekyr viij d.
Item for þe copye of a wrytte in þe Chekyr viij d.
Item to Thomas Thorpp' for to entree þe plee a record in þe Chekyr iij s. iiij d.
Item to Burgoyne for þe making of þe plee by þe byddyng of Thomas Smyth' vj s. viij d.
Item for þe copye of a patent vj d.
Item for þe copye of þe office viij d.
Item for anoþer copye of a offyce for to take Vampage viij d.
Item payed to Wangford' on Holy Rode daye by T. Smyth' counceyle vj s. viij d.
Item payed to Burgoyne þe Friday after Seint Botulphe day in þe presence of Mordon' vj s. viij d.
Item for a copye of þe plee to Thomas Thorpp' clerk ij s.
Item payed to þe Dene, Clerk of Seint Martyns, for a copye of þe procreacion ij s.
Item payed to Burgoyne clerk for iij bylles iij s.
Item payed to Wangford' in Westmysterhall' on Seint Talbon' day afforne Myddsomer by þe byddyng of Thomas Smythe vj s. viij d.
Item payed to Thorpp' clerkes for þe entree of þe plee xx d.
Item payed to Moile þe kyngis sergaunt by Wangford' counceile iij s. iiij d.
[f. 24b] Item to Vampage þe kyngis attorne by þe assent of our counceyle in þe presence of John Leycester vj s. viij d.
Item ȝeuen to Thomas Thorpp' by þe handes of William Saundris on Seint Thomas day þe Marter vj s. viij d.
Item spent in bote hire for my master Thorpp' iij d.
Item spent on our counceyle in dyuerse tymes at þe taverne xxvij d.
Item vppon bote hir for þe kyngis attornee at ij tymes iiij d.
Item vppon bote hir at iiij sondrye tymes for our counceyle ix d.
Item spent for a copye of ij chartris for Master Richarde Barnet viij d.
Item payed to Marchalles of þe Chekyr for her fees viij d.
Item payed to Thorpp' for a copye of þe record and j wrytte of delyueraunce iij s. x d.
Item payed to Thorpp' clerkke for þe wryting xij d.
Item payed to Wylliam Saundris oure attorne in þe Cherkir for iij termes iiij s. iiij d.
Summa iiij li. xiij s. viij d. ob.
41. Item (fn. 3) resseyuid of Mathew Feld' and of John Gambon' for ij ȝere for ye rent off ye hous agaynes ye chirch of Seint Botulph' paying by ȝere xxx s. iij li.
Summa iij li.
Costes of Mathew Feld' houce þat is to say ye hous byforesaide paide for rent and reparacion for ij ȝere aforesaide
Fyrst to Powles for quyte rent xxxvj s.
Item for viij bordes of waynescote iij s. iiij d.
Item for þe sawyng of þe same bordes viij d.
Item for caryage and waruage of þe same borde iiij d. ob.
Item for a barre and for legges xxij d.
Item for nayles for þe wyndowes xx d.
Item to William Moore for þe yrin werk and for lokkis and for keyes v s.
Item for a lode of sande vj d.
Item for CCCC and a half of tyle ij s. ix d. ob.
Item for iij rooffes tyles and for tyle pynnes iiij d.
Item for roffes nayle and oþer nayle iiij d. ob.
[f. 25] Item to James Tyler for viij dayes and half v s. viij d.
Item to a laborer vj dayes ij s. ix d.
Item to Thomas Walker for v dayes iij s. ix d.
Summa iij li. v s. ob.
Item (fn. 4) resseyuid of Jelyan Sampson' for þe houce þat sche duellyþ in for þe terme of ij ȝere afore saide xl s.
Summa xl s.
Reparacions don on þe same houce in ye same ij ȝere
Fyrst for legges for wyndowes and tymber for a steyre vij d.
Item for all maner nayle to þe wyndowis and steyre vj d.
Item to a carpenter for a daye hir viij d. ob.
Item to a tyler for certayne stuffe and for a day hir for his man takyng by ye day his man xij d.
Item for pauyng aȝen þe same houce and for a lode stone with þe caryage iij s.
Item for ij lode gravell for þe same ix d.
Item for vj teys pauyng iiij s. j d.
Item for half hundred and ix fote of pentyse bord and for a quarter to make crepullis of iij s.
Item for nayle for þe same pentyce v d.
Item to a carpenter for o daye viij d. ob.
Summa xiiij s. ix d.
42. Resseites of Richard Frye houce in þe Barbycan of ij ȝere aforesaidetr
Of þe fyrst ȝere ressuyuid
xx s.
Item resseyuid for þe seconde ȝer videlicet de incremento iij s. iij d. (fn. 5) hoc anno xxiij s. iiij d.
Summa xliij s. iiij d.
Costes of reparaciones for þe same houce in þe same ij ȝere
Fyrst payed to John White tymber monger for xxxij fote of tymber euery fote ij d. ob.
Summa vj s. viij d.
Item payed to þe same White for evese bord xij d.
[f. 25b] Item payed to White for viijc of hort lathe v s. iiij d.
Item for C of beche lathe vj d.
Item for iijM (fn. 5) and a half of roffes nayle ij s. xj d.
Item for x peny nayle vj peny nayle v peny naile and iiij peny nayle xiiij d.
Item for M (fn. 5) M (fn. 5) and j half of sprigg xx d.
Item for a busschell and j pecke of tyle pynnes vij d. ob.
Item for ij lode sande xij d.
Item for v lode lyme v s. x d.
Item for a lode lome iiij d.
Item for M (fn. 5) of Newnton' tyle vj s. iiij d.
Item for M (fn. 5) and a half and C of donwyche tyle vj s. viij d. ob.
Item for xj roff tyles xj d.
Item payed to Broke tyler for x dayes and a half vj s. viij d. ob.
Item payed to ij laborers for x dayes and her minenyens iiij s. vij d.
Item payed to Thomas Walter carpenter for iij dayes ij s. j d. ob.
Item payed to John Marcus tyler for xij dayes vj s. vj d.
Item payed to a laborer ij dayes vij d. ob.
Item payed to a noþer laborer with John Tyler iij dayes xvj d. ob.
Item payede to William Moore for xxjlb of yryn werk iij s. v d.
Item to a plommer for lb. and j half of soudir and werkmanschipp ix d.
Item for a new corve for þe well and þe makyng viij d.
Summa iij li. vij s. x d. (fn. 6)
43. Resseytes of þe Fawcon'
Resseyuid of þe Fawcon' for þe same ij ȝer yt is to saye payng by ye ȝere iij li.
vj li.
Summa vj li.
Reparaciones of þe Fawcon' in ye saide ij ȝere
Fyrst for a hose for þe massche fatte xij d.
Item for a wortte colonder and ale colender xviij d.
Item payed to Parker for werkmanschipp for tyle lyme and sande ij s. vj d.
Item to þe same Parker for werkmanschypp of a towell of a prevy half hundir tyle sande and lyme xj d. ob.
[f. 26] Item for caryage in and oute of þe tappe trowe to þe plomer houce vj d.
Item for gystes for þe tappe trowe v d.
Item for vj peny nayle and lede nayle j d. ob.
Item payed to Thomas Walter for settyng of þe tappe trowe iiij d.
Item for þe castyng of CCC and j quartron of olde lede and C and xiiij lb. of new lede for þe same tappe trowe xvj s. viij d.
Item for bordes for þe maunger v d.
Item for iij bordes moo for þe maunger and oþer places of þe houce vj d.
Item for þe formyng of þe prevy xvij s. viij d.
Item for quartron of borde for þe same preuy and xiij fote xj d.
Item for a carpenter for þe makyng of þe same viij d. ob.
Item for nayle for þe same preuy iiij d.
Item for CCCC tyle ij s. iiij d.
Item for half a lode sande iij d.
Item for a lode of lyme saffes a sacke xij d.
Item for roff nayle and iiij peny nayle ij d.
Item for pavyng tyle ij d.
Item for a tyler iiij dayes ij s. ij d.
Item for a laborer iiij dayes xxij d.
Item for a tonne to make of water fattes and for þe caryage of þe same ij s. xj d.
Item for a newe myll stone warvage and caryage iiij s. ix d. ob.
Item for lengthyng of þe myll spyndyll vj d.
Item to John þe myll pecker for dressyng and hewyng of þe same stone ij s. ij d.
Item for a stresse take by þe wardmote quest iiij d.
Item payed to Thomas Ayle for ij schopes and j massche schouyll and for nayle and mendyng of þe wyndowe xvj d.
Item payed by þe handes of Thomas Ayle for a plate for þe myll x d.
Item for a rothir for þe same houce xx d.
Item (fn. 7) payd to Thomas Smythe for costes done aboute feffement of þe same houce xl d.
Item for brede and ale spent at þe feffement iiij d.
Summa iij li. x s. viij d. ob. (fn. 8)
44. [f. 26b] Resseytes of casueltees for ij ȝer yat is to say ye saide ij ȝere
Fyrst resseyuid for þe fyrst ȝer for sepulcre lyȝth
xxij s. iiij d.
Item receptus for þe seconde ȝer for þe sepulcre lyȝth xxiij s. v d.
Item resseyuid of John Joye xliij s. iiij d.
Item resseyuid of Thomas Smyth' xxxiij s. iiij d.
Item resseyuid of John Gorney (xviij s.) xx s.
Item receptus of Johannes by quest vj s. viij d.
Item resseyuid in all for wast of torchys of dyuerse pepyll xxvj s. (vj d.)
Item (fn. 9) forgeven by þe dene of Powles in quyte rent of Mathew Feld' houce xviij s.
Item of ye clothe bought for ye hodes of ye brotherhed yt is to say xl ȝerdes precij virge iiij s. ij d. whereof inencresce to ye brotherhede was xx s.
Item of ye gift off Richarde Elmesley xx s.
Summa xj li. xiij s. jd.
45. Obites for bothe ye forsaide ȝeris and payementez to þe prest
Fyrst payed to þe prest for his salerue for a ȝer and j half with his hode to Sir Harry Whetenale
x li. v s. vj d.
Item for þe obites of John a Bathe for ij ȝer euery ȝere ij s. ix d. summa v s. vj d.
Item for þe obites of John Mason' for ij ȝer euery ȝer xlj d. summa vj s. x d.
Item for þe obites of John Bradmore for ij ȝere euery ij s. ix d. summa v s. vj d.
Item payed for þe wast and þe makyng of þe sepulcre lyȝth bothe ȝeres xix s. viij d.
Item for þe makyng of þe braunche byforne þe Trinite and þe wast of vj lb. in ij ȝere iij s. vj d.
Item for þe makyng of þe twoo tapris xij lb. xij tymes made in twoo ȝer þe wast comythe to viij lb. summa iiij s. iiij d.
Item for iiij torches of iijxx lb. and iij lb. þe lb. vj d. summa xxxj s. vj d.
Item for þe fyrst ȝer v lb. of talowe candyll vij d. ob.
Item for þe seconde ȝer v lb. of talow candyll vj d. qa
[f. 27] Item for þe mendyng of ij vestmentez and þe wasschyng of ij aubes vj d.
Item for þe makyng clene of þe candelstyckes j d. ob.
Item for þe copying of Thomas Smyth acounptes xij d.
Item payed to John Bysschoppe clerk for þe kepyng of þe sepulcre lyȝth twoo ȝer xij d.
Item for wryting and garnysschyng of þe table of þe bretherhed viij d.
Item for þe mendyng of þe baner clothes iij d.
Item to Mathew Feld' for areward xvj d.
Item payed to Powles for quyte rent for þe half ȝer of Thomas Smyth' ix s.
Summa xiiij li. xvij s. v. d. qa (fn. 10)
quarterage of bothe ȝeres
R . . . et vxor eius
ij s. (fn. 11)

46. Quarterage receyued of bothe ȝeris byforsaide comynge in bye ye forsaide Geffray and Richard that ys to wete from the fest of Trynyte Sonday in the xxj ȝer vnto the fest of Trynyte Sonday in the xxiij ȝer [23 June 1443–23 May 1445].

The dene of Seint Martyns xij d.
Sir William Valence iiij d.
Roberte Cauwode and his wyf ij s.
The prior of Seint Bartolmewis xij d.
Sir Thomas Levesam ij s.
Sir Nichollas Kylles xij d.
Sir Harry Markam ij s.
Sir William Luton' xij d.
Sir Richard Tanner ij s.
Sir Harry Whetenale ij s.
Sir Elis of Seint Bartylmewes ij s.
Sir Thomas Banbery of þe same x d.
Sir Thomas Felmesham xvj d.
William Flete gentylman xij d.
Sir John Byron' knygth ij s.
Gylbert Parre squier ij s.
Thomas West squier ij s.
William Calowe ij s.
John Trouȝthbek squyer iij s. iiij d.
John Gorney squier
Thomas Broket ij s.
Thomas Palmer ij s.
Isabell Yoo þe wyff of Nycholas Yoo xij d.
John Gloucester ij s.
John Santton' ij s.
Thomas Ryngston' xxj d.
John Leycester xxxij d.
John Byrnum xl d.
John Byrnum aȝen xij d.
Item John Byrnum aȝen xx d.
William Sawndris ij s.
Richarde Forde xviij d.
Bartylmew Wyllesdon' ij s.
John Besyngby ij s.
John Wyllysdon' ij s.
Thomas Torolde ij s.
Willyam Multon' xx d.
William Multon' xij d.
John Murdon' ij s.
John Salter ij s.
Thomas Smythe
John Joye ij s.
[f. 27b] John Browne couper ij s.
Harry Sowthwell' ij s.
Thomas London' ij s.
John Wheler ij s.
Thomas Bere ij s.
William Moore ij s.
John at Wode ij s.
William Nasyng for j ȝer xij d.
John Olyff' xxj d.
William Wylkyns xxj d.
Sellam malteman ij s.
Richard Preston' maltman ij s.
John Walpole xxj d.
John Cocke drouer ij s.
William Emerye mason ij s.
Harry Daukyn ij s.
Richard Foke maltman ij s.
Sthephen Richard' xvj d.
Richard Soyle xvj d.
Richard Carewareyne vj d.
Johannes de Tela xx d.
Sthephanne Honore xx d.
Emound Hogon' maltman ij s. viij d.
Harry Fraunklean' ij s.
Nicholas Walton' xvj d.
John Lucas xij d.
Thomas Wacke ij s.
John Boston' ij s.
Thomas Deyne ij s.
John Lyncoll' ij s.
Richard Frye ij s.
Wylliam Foster xij d.
John Ederyche xviij d.
William Person' xviij d.
Thomas Ayle xij d.
Mychaell Carpenter ij s.
Robert Elys ij s.
Mathew Felde xxj d.
Phylypp Nele ij s.
Hugh Riche ij s.
John Elys sadiller ij s.
Richard Rydam ij s.
Robert Whyte ij s.
John Whyte ij s.
Reynold Nycholas ij s.
Andrew Sutton' clerke xij d.
Wylliam Spencer ij s.
Patrycke White iiij d.
Jonet Wyllysdon' ij s.
Pernell Barnabe ij s.
Barow ys wyff xx d.
Agneys Stryplonde ij s.
Manut Ewen iij d.
Roger Gerard' xvj d.
Wyllyam Nuttkyn xij d.
Richard Dokett ij s.
John Wyram ij s.
Thomas Newport xv d.
William Cocke at þe Belle xij d.
Thomas Hopkyn xij d.
Of Comfortes wyff xij d.
Of Lawdor xij d.
Thomas Mylle xij d.
Summa totalis viij li. xviij s. ix d. (fn. 12)

47. [f. 28] This is the acount as for the thred yere thatt ys to sey from Mydsomer in the xxiij yere off Kyng Harry the vjto vnto Mydsomer in the xxiiij yere off owr seyd Kyng [24 June 1445–24 June 1446] of the for seid Jefferay Sprottesburgh' and Recherd Elmyssle of the seid brederhed off the Trinyte in the parysse off Seint Botulfe witt vtt Aldrysgatt. The receytes off ye same ȝere receyued by ye saide Geffrey and Richard.

Fryst resseuyd of William Wilkyng' for a yere rent liij s. iiij d.
Item resseuyd off the Fawcon' off the hoppe for a yere rent iij li.
Item resseuyd off the hows thatt Mathow Feld' is in for a yere rent xxx s.
Item fore the hows thatt Jelyon Sanson' dwelt in for a yere rent xx s.
Item for the hows thatt Rechertt Fry dwelt in for a yere rent xxiij s. iiij d.
Item resseuyd off the fest off Ester for the lyght of the sepulkyre in the sam yere xxiij s.
Summa totalis x li. ix s. viij d.

48. The paymentz made by ye saide Geffrey and Richard in ye same ȝere

Item payd for his salery in the sam yere to Sir Harry the brederys pryste x marcas
Item payd for the obbytt off John o Bayth in the sam yere ij s. vij d.
Item payd for the obbitt off John Mason' iij s. v d.
Item for the obbit of John Bradmor' ij s. ix d.
Item for whyt rent to Pollis for a holl yere xviij s.
Item payd for vj lb. wax to maintayning the ij tapers for the awter of the brederhod iij s. vj d.
Item for the makyng iijxx lb. and xviij to sepulkyr lyght vj s.
Item for the wast ther off thatt ys to sey the pris off the lb. vij d. iij s. vj d.
Item for v lb. candyll to the morn masse vj d. qa
Item payd to John Wyrom and to his vnder clerk for kepyn off the sepulkir lyght v d. ob.
Item for makyng off the branche o the Trinyte
Item for ij lb. and dj. newe wax pris the lb. vij d. the som of all ys—the branch makyng and all xxj d.
Item for wassyng off a nawbe j d.
Item for a per candyllstikes scovrynges j d.
Item for a clansyng syve to the Fawcon' vj s. viij d.
Item payd for dyuers reparacions of John Parkers hows att the Fawcon' xij d.
Summa totalis ix li. iij s. vij d. ob. qa

49. [f. 28b] Quarteragh of the thred ȝere receyued by ye saide Geffrey and Richarde from the fest of Trynyte Sonday in the xxiije ȝere vnto the fest of Trynyte Sonday in the xxiiij ȝere [23 May 1445–12 June 1446].

Sir Richertt Caudr' dene of Seynt Martins xij d.
Sir Nicoles Gilles
Sir Thomas Leuysham xij d.
Sir Richerd Tanner' xij d.
Sir Hery Marcam xij d.
Sir Hery Wetnall' xij d.
Sir Thomas Felmesham xij d.
Sir John Biron' knyght xij d.
Gilbertus Par' xij d.
Thomas West sweer xij d.
John Turbek sweer xij d.
John Gurney sweer xij d.
Item William Tendall' harowd (fn. 13) xij d.
Miles Par' xx d.
Robertus Cawod'
John Santon'
John Glouceter'
William Saunder'
Richerd Foord'
Thomas Ryngston'
Bertholemew Willysdon'
John Besenby
Thomas Tirold'
John Leyceter
John Moordon'
John Salter'
Herry Sutweell'
John Brown'
John Byrum
William Multon'
John Joye
Thomas Ber'
John Benete
John Wheler'
Thomas London'
John Walpowle
Thomas Wake
William Moor'
John Boston'
Thomas Deyne
Michell Carpenter
John Lyncole
Robertt Elys
Robertt Whitt
Hewe Riche
William Selam
Richerd Hertilpowll'
Stewyn Richerd'
Nicoles Walton'
Harry Frankeleyn'
Phelippe Neell'
William Emery
Richertt Soylle'
John Willysdon'
William Wilkyn'
William Heysteed'
xij d. (fn. 14)
[£2. 16s. 8d.]

50. [f. 29] This is the a counte of Richard Elmysley and Geffrey Sprottisburgh' fro the fest of the Nat[ivity] of Seynt John Baptist the xxj ȝere of reyng of Kyng Harry the vjte [24 June 1443] vnto the fest of Seynt Michell the Archangel the xxvti ȝere of the reyng of the seyd Kyng [29 Sept. 1446] be the whiche said acounte the said Richard and Geffrey be in a rereage (fn. 15) of x li. alle thynge to be accompted accompted and allowable allowed.

This a counte is made the xxj day of Januar[y] the xxv ȝere of the reyng of Kyng Harri a boue said [21 Jan. 1447] be for Thomas Smyth maister of the bretherehede of the Trinte Richard Elmysley and John Walpole beyng wardens of the said bretherede. Also Thomas London John Benet that tyme beyng wardens of the chirche of Seynt Botolf with owt Aldrichgate of London' and byfore John Joy, John Byrom' and other of ye saide bretherhede.

Summa (fn. 16) off all maner of resseytes by Richard Emmesley and Geffrey Sprottesbroke resseyued from the fest off the Natyuyte of Seint John Baptist in the xxj ȝere of the regne of Kyng Harry the vjte [24 June 1443] vnto the the [sic] fest of Seynt Michell in the xxvti ȝere of the said Kyng [29 Sept. 1446], amounte therto the some of lviij li. vj s. vij d. ob. in the space of iij ȝere and a quarter. Wher off ys paid by the said Richard and Geffrey for prestis hir, for reparacions, for costis on the Trynyte Sonday and on the eun . . . in the foresaid iij ȝere and a quarter, for mete and drynk and stately clothes, mynstrelles, syngers, diuers reparacions of housyng and for other diuers costes nedfull for the said bretherhod and for ple of the place called the Sarrasynes Hed Summa xlviij li. iiij s. vij d. ob. wher off they aske alowaunce and ben alowed. So that ther remaynes in their handes x li. ij s. off the which the said Richard and Geffrey ben chargede by this accompt made the xxj day Janyu' in the xxv ȝere off the regne of Kyng Harry the vjte [21 Jan. 1447] in presence of William Southecote, John Byrom', John Santon', John Joye, John Willesdon', Thomas Smyth', John Salter' and othere diuers persones of the said bretherhod.

51. [f. 29b] Elecciones faccas die Jouys xvjto die Nouembris anno regno Regis Henrici vjti xxvjto [16 Nov. 1447] per et in presencia et cetera

Johannis Mordon
Johannis Willesdon'
Johannis Joye
Johannis Broune cowper
Thome London'
Thome Ayley
Galffridi Sprottesborow
Roberti Elyce
Henrici Southewell'
Ricardi Carwaryn'
Thome Beer'
Thome Wak'
domini Henrici Marcam' clerici
Johannis atte Wod'
Ricardi Straunge
Willelmi Moor
Johannis Lyncoln'
Thome Deyne

Quo die Johannes Joye eleccus est magister et Ricardus Emmesley et Johannes Walpole custodes fraternitatis sancte Trinitatis in ecclesia Sancti Botulphi extra Aldrichegate suburbijs London'.

52. Be hit remembred that Richard Emmesley and John Walpole wardeyns of the bretherhode of the Trynyte and of Seintes Fabyan and Sebastian, foundyd in the parishe chirche of Seint Botulph with owten Aldrichegate of London', haue trewly made their accompt the ije day of Janyu' in the ȝere of Our Lord Jhesu Crist M (fn. 17) iiijc xlviijti [2 Jan. 1449] and in the ȝere of the regne of Kyng Harry the vjte aftir the conquest the xxvijti ȝere off all maner off resseytes and expences had and done from the fest of Seint Michell the Arcaungell in the ȝere of Our Lord abouen said M (fn. 17) iiijc xlvjti [29 Sept. 1446] in the ȝere of the regne of the Kyng abouensaid the xxvti ȝere vnto the fest of Seint Michell aforesaid in the ȝere of Our Lord before saud M (fn. 17) iiijc xlviij [29 Sept. 1448] and in the ȝere of the regne of the Kyng beforesaid the xxvijti by the space off full ij ȝere in presence of John Byrom [f. 30] maystere of the said bretherhod, Thomas Wak and Stephan Richard' wardeyns atte the same day chosen, Thomas Smyth', John Joye, John Leycestre, John Benet, John Broun' cowper, William Moor, Harry Daukyn', Thomas Theyne, William Wylkyn, John atte Wod', Thomas Ayle and Sir Harry Markham prest baryng wytnesse of this accompt. So that ther ys due owyng to the said Richard Emmesley and John Walpole

xlv li. xij s. x d. ob.

Off (fn. 17) the which was paid as hit appereth that ys for to say rebated in their owne hondes in the arrerages of their accompt as for the tyme that they stoden rentgaderers of certein lyuelode longyng to the said bretherhod as hit apperith vnderneth in this same leeff by their accompt Summa vj li. xvij s. vj d. qa

Item in money to theym paid by the honde of Thomas Smyth' v li.
Item in money to theym paid by John Leycestre xx li. (fn. 18)
Item for a chest bought of Thomas Wak and Stephan Richard' v s.
Summa. So dew to the said Richard xiij li. x s. iiij d. qa

53. Be hit remembred that Thomas Wak' and Stephen Richard' wardeyns of the bretherhode of the Trynyte Seintes Fabyan and Sebastian founded in parisshe of Seint Botulph with owten Alrichegate of London' haue trewly made theyr accompt the ij day of Janyu' in the xxviijti ȝere of Kyng Harry the vjte [2 Jan. 1450] of all maner of resseytes and expences had and don from the fest of Seint Michell the Arcaungell in the xxvijti ȝere of the said Kyng [29 Sept. 1448] vnto the fest of Seint Michell in the xxviijti ȝere of the Kyng [29 Sept. 1449] by the full space of a hooll ȝere in. By the whiche rekenyng and accompt ther ys founden dewe to the said Thomas and Stephan Summa 1 s. xj d.

In presence of Thomas Smyth', John Leycestre, Thomas London', John Broun' cowper, Richard May, Robert Elyce, William Wylkyn', Richard Emmesley, John atte Wod', Thomas Ayle and John Baudewyn'.

Be hit remembred that the day and ȝere beforesaid in the same presence Richard Emmesley and John Walpole rentgaderers of the bretherhode of the Holy Trynyte beforesaid hauen trewly made their accompt as for all maner of resseytes and payementes by theym resseyued and paid in all the tyme of the accompt beforesaid. So that the said Richard and John Walpole ben founden in arrerages by the said accompt in the somme of vj li. xvij s. vj d. ob. (fn. 19)

54. [f. 30b] Be hyt remembred the iiij day of Janyu' in the xxixti ȝere of Kyng Harry the vjte [4 Jan. 1451] Thomas Wak' and Stephen Richard' wardeyns of the bretherhode of the Holy Trynyte Seyntes Fabyan and Sebastyan founded in the parrissh chirche of Seynt Botulph with owten Aldrichegate of London' hauen trewly made their accompt from the fest of Seint Michell the Arcaungell in the xxviijti ȝere of our Kyng [29 Sept. 1449] beforesaid vnto the said fest of Seynt Michell the Arcaungell in the xxixti ȝere of the said kyng [29 Sept. 1450] by the space of a holl ȝere of all maner of resseytes and payementes by theym resseyued and payd so that by the sayd accompt the sayd Thomas and Stephan ben founden in arerages vnto the said bretherhode of the somme of xxxvij s. ix d. qa. In presence of Thomas Smyth', John Joye, John Leycestre, Thomas London', Thomas Theyne, Laurence Beek', Richard May, Robert Elyce, John Cook', Richard Emmesley, John Broun' cowper, and John Baudewyn' tyler.

55. [f. 31] Anno xxixmo Henrici vjti [1 Sept. 1450–31 Aug. 1451].

Be hit remembred that the v day of Janyu' in the xxxti ȝere of Kyng Harry the vjte [5 Jan. 1452] Thomas Wak and Stephen Richard' wardeyns of the bretherhod of the Holy Trynyte Seyntes Fabyan and Sebastyan founded in the paryssh chirche of Seynt Botulph with owten Aldrichegate of London' hauen trewly made theyr accompt from the fest of Seynt Michell the Arcaungell in the xxixti ȝere of Kyng Harry the vjte [29 Sept. 1450] vnto the said fest of Seint Michell the Arcaungell in the xxxti ȝere of the said Kyng [29 Sept. 1451] by the space of a hooll ȝere of all maner of resseytes and payementis by theym so resseyued and paid. So that by the said accompt ther ys founden dewe vnto the said Thomas Wak' and Stephen Richard the somme of vj li. xv s. x d. owyng to the sayd Thomas and Stephen. In the presence of Thomas Smyth', John Leycestre, John Joye, Richard Emmesley, Sir Harry Markham, Robert Elyce, William Wylkyn', Richard May, Roger Wellys, Thomas Ayley, John Broun' cowper, John Cook' tailour, Thomas Theyne and Laurence Beek' carpenter.

Be hit had in mynd that in the ȝere of Our Lord Jhesu Crist M (fn. 20) CCCC ljti and in the ȝere of the regne of Kyng Harry the vjte the [sic] aftir the conquest the xxxti ȝere accomptes was made the vte day of Janyu' in the ȝere beforesaid [5 Jan. 1452]. The which accompt was trewly fynysshed and fully engrossed by John Joye mayster, Thomas Wak and Stephen Richard' that tyme wardeyns accomptauntes in the presence Thomas Smyth', John Leycestre, Richard Emmesley, Sir Harry Markham prest, Robert Elyce, William Wylkyn', Richard May, Roger Wellys, Thomas Ayle, John Broun' cowper, John Cook' taylour, Thomas Theyne and Lawrence Beek' carpenters, [f. 31b] for all maner of resseytes don and had and expences vnto the fest of Seynt Michell the Arcaungell last passed before the day and ȝere beforesayd [29 Sept. 1451]. And than hit ys accorded by the avyce and presence beforesaid that Thomas Wak' before wretyn and Richard Emmesley shullen ocupie as wardeyns as for the ȝere folowyng, from the fest of Seynt Mychell beforesayd vnto the said fest of Seynt Michell in the xxxjti ȝere of the said kyng [29 Sept. 1452] and the saide Thomas and Richard Emmesley shullen resseyue all the rentes comyng vnto the said bretherhode from the fest of Seynt Michell before this accompt made and had vnto the fest of Seint Michell than next comyng with all maner of other profites to the said bretherhode comyng or belongyng in eny wise and ther of for to make and ȝeld due accomptes euery ȝere from this tyme foreward [unto] the day of accompt by the ordynaunce purveyed and ordeyned. So that the said wardeyns and their successours wardeyns shullen euermore from this tyme foreward accompt for the terme of the latter Mighelmesse of the ij Mighelmesses in theyr accompt named and specefied and nat for the first Mighelmesse ner for non of the profites ner reuenues ther of comyng, but only of the arrerages before theyr accompts don and had.

56. [f. 32] Anno xxxmo Regis Henrici sexti [1451–2].

Johannes Joye, magister
Thomas Wak' custodes
Ricardus Emmesley

Be hit remembred that the v day of Janyu' in the xxxjti ȝere of Kyng Harry the vjte [5 Jan. 1453] Thomas Wak' and Richard Emmesley wardeynes of the bretherhod of the Holy Trynyte Seyntes Fabyan and Sebastian founded in the parisshe chirche of Seynt Botulph with owten Aldrichegate of London' hauen trewly made their accompt as well of all maner of resseytes of rentes quarterages and casueltes to the same bretherhode belongyng as of all maner of reparacions costis and payementes by theym don and made from the fest of Seint Michell the Arcangell in the xxxti ȝere of Kyng Harry the vjte [29 Sept. 1451] vnto the said fest of Seynt the Arcangell in the xxxjti ȝere of the said Kyng [29 Sept. 1452] by the space of a hooll ȝere. So that by the said accompt ther ys founden dew to the said Thomas Wake the (fn. 20) summa of xxxiij li. viij s. iiij d. In the presence of John Joye that tyme mayster of the sayd bretherhode, Thomas Smyth', John Lecetyr', John Byrom, John Broun' cowper, Roger Welles, Stephen Rychard', Richard May, Thomas Hert, William Wylkyn', John Cook', Laurence Beek', Thomas Theyne and John Bawdewyne. In the whiche presence the sayd Thomas Wak' and Roger Welles ben wardens newe chosen for to ocupie for the next ȝere folowyng. And also ther was presented and shewed vnto the same presentes atte the sametyme by the said Thomas Wak' and Margarete his wyfe certeyne necessaries longyng to the bretherhode lyke as hit apperyth her folowyng.

Fyrst a bordclothe of werk of vij ellis and a quarter of length Item (fn. 21) an old bordclothe of werk resseyuyd of John Wrytte of . . . (fn. 22) elles Item ij playn bordclothes eythir of theym of vj ellis of length Item a short bord clothe plain of off iij ellis of iij elles [sic] of length Item an old bordclothe of werk resseyued of Richard Emmesley Item ij plain tewayles newe eyther of theym of vij elles of length Item xij pewter pottes of a sute and ij potell pottes of another sort The whyche necessaries atte tyme weren put again in the kepyng of the said Thomas Wak and Margarete his wyfe.

57. [f. 32b] Anno xxxj Henrici vjti [1452–3] (fn. 23)

John Berom' mayster Thomas Wak and Roger Welles wardens Be it rememerd the ij day of Janyu' anno regni Regis Henrici vjti xxxijo [2 Jan. 1454] that Thomas Wak and Roger Welles has made ther a compts of all that thei haue reyesyfed and peyed

Furst reyseyued off arrerag summa lviij s. x d.
Item of rent xxiiij li. vij s.
Item of casweltes and of gyftes iij li. ix s. viij d.
Item of gaderyng for þe sepulcre lytt xxvij s. v d.
Item of quarterag xlij s. iij d.
Item of mone lent be John Leysetour iij li. vj s. viij d.
Summa totalis of the reyseyfte is xxxvij li. xj s. x d. in anno xxxjo
Item (fn. 24) of the peymenttes fyrste to Sir Nicholas vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
Item peyd to John Lane for olde dett viij li.
Quite rent and anuates (fn. 25) iij li. xviij s. iiij d.
Item obyttes xxix s.
Item wax bowth and for makyng lviij s.
Item dyuers expens
Item on Trinite Sonday xiij s. iiij d.
Item in potacions iij s.
Item for gaderyng of þe rent and wrytyng and makyng of þe accompt xx s.
Item of all other expens as it a perys be the accompts made peyd for pleyes in the courte and wryttes and other dyuers expens and peymentes xxxvj s. iiij d.
Item in reparacion v li. xviij s. ij d.
Item vacacions (fn. 26) vj li. iij s. ij d.
Item of the arrerag ix s. vj d.
Summa totalis of all the peymenttes and dyscharg is xxxix li. ij s. vj d. ob (fn. 27)

And so ther is dew to Thomas Wak and Roger Welles xxx s. iiij d. (fn. 28)

And so the seyd Roger and Thomas be chosyn wardens for þe next yere be Robert Cawod', John Berom' mayster, John Leysetour, John Joye, John Brown', Richard May, Robert Elys, Thomas Hart, John Coke, Thomas Bernerd', Thomas Teyn', Lavrans Beke, William Wylkyn', John Bawdwyn', Petrus Kyng'.

58. [f. 33] Anno xxxijo Henrici vjti [1453–4].

Johannes Berom' magister

Thomas Wak' custodes
Rogerus Wellys

Be it rememerd the ijo daye of Janyu' anno regni Regis Henrici vjti xxxiij [2 Jan. 1455] that Roger Welles and Thomas Wake has made ther a compts of all thei haue reyseyfed and peyed furst

Reyseyued of arrerag vj s. ij d.
Item of rent as it aperis be a rentall summa xxiiij li. vij s.
Item of casweltes and gyftes of Jone Matene and other as it a peis be the roll of a compts summa vij li. vij s. vj d. ob.
Item for the sepulcrelyte summa xxvj s. x d.
Item quarterage as it a peris be the roll summa xxxj s.
Summa totalis [£34 18s. 6½d.]
Dyscharge and peymentes
Furst peyed to sir Nicholas morne mesprest for a yere vij li.
Item quite rentes and anuates (fn. 29) summa as it aperis be þe roll of acompt iij li. xviij s. iiij d.
Item for obyttes xxix s.
Item for makyng of wax iiij s. vj d.
Item in mone peyd to Richard Emnesley vj li. xiij s. iiij d.
Item to Thomas Wake vj li. xv s. viij d.
Item in expenc of pleyes and potacions and Trinite Sundaye xl s. iiij d.
Item in reparacions as it a peris be the roll of acompts xviij s. xj d.
Item in vacacions summa xlvij s. iiij d.
Item to the clerke to gader the rent, ouerse þe reparacions, wryte þe parcels, make þe compts, kepe þe pleyis at Westmynster and all other placis, for gaderyng of quarterage and count roll, þe wax for his labor for þe yere xx s.
Item cotyn candel for morne messe x d.
Item in pauper iij d.
Item in arrerag nihil
Item to Peris Kyng to goo owre arndes v d.
Summa totalis [£32 8s. 11d.]

And so this compt was made and hard the ij daye of Janeuer' anno supra dicto in the Fawkyn' in the presens of Robert Cawod, John Byrom' that tyme mays[ter], John Leysetour, John Joye, John Brown', John Coke, Richard Maye, Thomas Teyne, William Wylkyn', John Boston', Peris Kyng et alijs.

And so Roger Welles and Thomas Wake were chosyn wardens for the next yere foloyng be all the persons a fore seyd that were present at that a compts made and harde et cetera.

59. [f. 33b] Anno xxxiijo Henrici vjti [1454–5].

Be it rememerd the ijo daye of Janeu' anno xxxiiijo Henrici vjti [2 Jan. 1456] that Roger Welles and Thomas Wake has made ther a compts of all that thei haue reyseyved and peyed to the be hooffe of the bredren of þe Hole Trinite

Furst of arrerag nihil
Item of rent as it a peris be the rentall summa xxiiij li. vij s.
Item of quarterage summa xxvij s.
Item for the sepulcre lytte xxv s. v d. ob.
Item for caswelltes and gyftes summa xxx s. x d.
Summa totalis [£28 10s. 3½d.]
Furst peyd to Sir Nicholas morne messeprest summa vij li.
Item quyte rentes xxv s.
Item annuate to John a Wode per annum (fn. 30) liij s. iiij d.
Item obyttys xxix s.
Item in wax makyng iiij s. v d.
Item in byyng of xij li. wax precii iiij s. vj d.
Item peyd to Thomas Wake summa v li. ij s. v d.
Item on Trinite Sondaye xiij s. iiij d.
Item in potacions iij s. iiij d.
Item in clerkyswage xx s.
Item a chest bowth pris vj s. vj d.
Item other dyuers thengys peyd as it a peris be the roll of a compts iiij s. vij d.
Item in pleye versus William Holman' prest to men of law and wrytyng of copes of pleyis summa xxxiiij s. iiij d.
Item in reparacions as it a peris be compts summa xxxviij s. x d.
Item vacacions l s. v d.
Item arrerag ij s. vj d.
Item to Petrus Kyng v s.
Item to Roger Welles for þe expens that he peyd more than resseyved in as it a peris be þe compts a fore this (fn. 31) vij s. vj d.
And soo is dew to Roger Welles j d. ob.
Summa totalis [£27 5s.]

Sso this compts was made and harde in Arthyris Hall (fn. 32) þe ij daye of Janever anno xxxiiijo Henrici vjti [2 Jan. 1456] in presens of Robert Cawod', John Byrom' mayster, John Joye, John Brown, Richard Emmesley, Bartholomeus Wyllisdon', John Cooke, Thomas Deyn', John Broke, William Wylkyn', Robert More, Nicholas Power, John at Wode, Laurens Beke, Petrus Kyng' et alijs. And soo John Cooke and Thomas Deyne be chosyn wardens for the next yere folowyng be all þe persowns a fore seid and rehersyd at that a compts made and hard the same tyme.

60. [f. 34] Memorandum 6 die Januarij anno xxxjo Henrici vjti [6 Jan. 1453] that tyme was Roger Welles made warden of the bredern of the Hole Trinite and that tyme the bredern were in dett as it a peris here aftyr in writyng.

Furst to Thomas Smyth as it a peris be acompt and be a byll indentyd summa xiij li. xviij s. ij d. ob.
Item (fn. 33) to Richard Emmesley as it a peris be a compt in anno xxvijo Henrici vjti [1448–9] and be a byll indentyd summa xiij li. x s. iiij d. qa
Item to the same Richard as it a peris be a indentour made be twene hym and Thomas Wake for costes don on the breder of the Hole Trinite summa xlv s. x d. ob.
Item to John Lane yermonger summa viij li.
Item to John Leyset' (fn. 34) summa xiij li. vj s. viij d.
Item to Thomas Wake (fn. 35) summa xxxiij li. viij s. iiij d.
Item to Sir Henri Wetenale prest xxxiij s. iiij d.
Summa totalis iiijxx vj li. ij s. viij d. (fn. 36)
And so the seid Roger peyd and content with in the yere that he was wardeyn summa xlij li. viij s. vj d.

And so ther was nomore howyng wen the seid Roger made his last a compts ijo die Januar' anno xxxiiijo Henrici vjti [2 Jan. 1456] but as it a peris here aftyr word in wrytyn.

Furst to Thomas Smyth summa xiij li.
Item to Richard Emmesley ix li. ij s. x d. ob.
Item to John Leyset' xiij li. vj s. viij d.
Item to Thomas Wake viij li. v s. vj d.
Summa xliij li. xv s. ob.
Item the seid Roger bowth in wax as it a peris in his acompts that was evere yere a vayle to the breder xvj s. viij d.
Summa be thre yere that he was warden l s.
Item the seid Roger bout a chest to leye in the vestementes of the bredern þat standes in the vestre pris vj s. vj d.

Item he made a halmere in þe Trinite chapel to ley in wax bokes and rollys of a compts. Item a gret chest þat standes in the rode lofftte that i gate of John Joye and garde bynd it to ley in the charter and all other jvels. Memorandum that reparacions and pleyes com to xiij li. vij s. that was don in the tyme of þe seid Roger be syde all other gret charges and dettes as it a peris be þe a compt of the seid Roger.

61. [f. 35] Anno xxxiiijto Henrici vjti [1455–6].

This ys the accompt of John Cook and Thomas Theyne wardeyns of the bretherhode of the Holy Trynyte founded in þe chirch of Seynt Botulph with owtyn Aldrychegate of London' from þe fest of Seynt Mychell the Arcaungell in the xxxiiijti ȝere off Kyng Herry þe vjti [29 Sept. 1455] vnto þe sayd fest of Seynt Mychell the Arcaungell in þe xxxvt yere of þe sayd Kyng [29 Sept. 1456] by þe space of a hole yere.

Also they be charged with þe rent as yt apperys be a rentall summa xx(i)iij li. (v)ij s. viij d. (fn. 37)
Item quarterage xvj s.
Item resseyued of Thomas Phylip for hys entre iij s. iiij d.
Item þe sepulcre lyght xxvj s. ij d.
Item casueltees as yt apperys by þe roll of acompt summa xiiij s. iij d.
Summa of all þe holl charge [£26 12s. 5d.] (fn. 38)
First payd to Sir Nycholas vij li.
Item quyte rentys and annuete as yt apperys be þe roll of accompt summa xxiiij s.
Item obytes xxix s.
Item for makyng of wex as yt apperys be þe compt v s. v d. ob.
Item diuers expence as yt apperys be þe compt summa xxxviij s. iij d. ob.
Item in pleys and fees v s. iiij d.
Item in reparacions as yt apperys be þe roll a compt summa vij li. xj s. x d.
Item in vacacions as yt apperys be þe roll summa lxv s. x d.
Item þe arrerage as yt apperys be þe roll of a compt iij li. xvj d.
Item Nycholas Thursby of arrerag v s. þe seyd Nycholas ys ded and past to God.
Summa of all þe holl dyscharge xxvj li. xiij d. (fn. 39)
Item (fn. 40) of arrerag that lefte in þe hondes of John Bekkingham in anno xxxj Henrici vjti [1452–3] for iij quarters of a yer paiying a yer xlvj s. viij d. Summa xxxv s.
Wherof receyued of Dame Merget Arndell ij s. vac[acions] j septimana et dj xiij d. ob.
And so rem[ains] dew to þe brethern xxxj s. x d. ob.


  • 1. 40–9 have been cancelled in the text and frequent alterations in a different hand from the main account suggest the work of an auditor.
  • 2. Margin: Custus placitorum.
  • 3. Margin: Bradmores Rent.
  • 4. Margin: Bradmores Rent.
  • 5. Recte iij s. iiij d.
  • 6. Verified total: £3.7s.9d.
  • 7. Margin: Memorandum.
  • 8. Verified total: £3.10s.8d.
  • 9. The sum ix li. xj s. vij d. is noted in the margin here. This would have been the total if the two deletions, xviij s. and vj d. had been allowed to stand and if the last two items had not been added.
  • 10. Verified total: £14 17s. 4¼d.
  • 11. Entry partly erased but appears under ultra-violet lamp to be that for Robert Cawode and his wife given in 46 below.
  • 12. Verified total: £8 14s. 9d.
  • 13. Chester Herald 1443 (Sir A. Wagner, The College of Arms (1963), 105).
  • 14. Every payment following this item is xij d. and has been omitted from the transcript.
  • 15. Arrearage here means a balance or surplus.
  • 16. When added the total of receipts given in the text in 40–49 comes to £52 8s. 2d. and the disbursements come to £39 13s. 1½d. Verification of totals revealed only small discrepancies.
  • 17. This para, appears to have been added later. The total, with a minor difference, is presumably the sum referred to in 53.
  • 18. Possibly a loan, see 123.
  • 19. See 52, n. 1.
  • 20. Margin: Memorandum. There are a number of alterations to this total, the sum here transcribed being the latest.
  • 21. Entry added at foot of page and arrowed to second place.
  • 22. Blank in MS.
  • 23. The accounts in 57–61 are arranged in a continuous narrative in the text but have been tabulated in the transcript for convenience.
  • 24. Margin: Prest hyre.
  • 25. See 59, n. 1.
  • 26. i.e. the amount allowable while tenements stood empty.
  • 27. Verified total £39 2s. 2d.
  • 28. This sum is produced if the total of receipts is subtracted from the verified total of disbursements given in n. 5 above.
  • 29. See 59, n. 1.
  • 30. See 111, 112.
  • 31. See 57.
  • 32. In Long Lane (see 104).
  • 33. See 52.
  • 34. See 52.
  • 35. See 56.
  • 36. Verified total £86 2s. 9¼d.
  • 37. The sum originally stated, xxiiij li. vij s., was the normal rent.
  • 38. Total not given.
  • 39. Correct total if the 5s. to Nicholas Thursby is not included.
  • 40. This final paragraph is in a different hand from the rest of the page. See 57 for main account.