London and Middlesex Chantry Certificate,1548. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1980.
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'Index of person and places', in London and Middlesex Chantry Certificate,1548, ed. C J Kitching (London, 1980), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index of person and places', in London and Middlesex Chantry Certificate,1548. Edited by C J Kitching (London, 1980), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index of person and places". London and Middlesex Chantry Certificate,1548. Ed. C J Kitching (London, 1980), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
References in Roman numerals are to pages in the Introduction; those in Arabic numerals are to serial numbers in the calendar. Names of tenements appear under 'tenements, named' in the Subject Index.
-, John, 194
-, Nicholas, conduct, 16
-, Richard, priest, 37n
-, Thomas, priest, 111
Abchurch Lane, 50
Abell, John, 35
Abingworth, James, 112
Abraham, John, priest, 53
Acra, Godfrey de, 109
Acrigg, Thomas, priest, 111
Acton (Midd.), 161, 189
Adam, Simon, 193
Adams, William, 29
Ade, Henry, 212
Admershe, Gilbert, 54
Adock, John, priest, 97
Agernehill, Agnes, 162
Aking, Thomas, priest, 162
Albrighton, Roger, clerk, 111
Aldenham (Midd.), 142
Aldern, see Ardern
Aldersgate Street, 48 bis
Alee, William, priest, 99
-, Richard, 103
-, Robert, 199
Allen (Alen)
-, John, 194, 222
-, John, priest, 47
Alleyn, John, kt., 81
All Hallows Barking, 46, 192, 217; St Mary's chapel, 47; fraternity of Our Lady, 47, 96
All Hallows Bread Street, xvii, 90, 191 bis, 211, 222
All Hallows Honey Lane, 52, 224
All Hallows Lombard Street, 23b, 207
All Hallows London Wall, 67, 198
All Hallows Staining, xii, 82
All Hallows the Great, 27, 35, 216 bis; parish of, 22, 26
All Hallows the Less, 73
Alnwick (Northd), abbot of, 20
Alred, Henry, conduct, 43n
-, Edmund, priest, 9
-, William, 78
Alyard, Katherine, xxii
Amyson, John, conduct, 71n
Anderton, John, priest, 74
-, James, 63
-, John, 63
-, William, 15
-, John, 57
-, John, priest, 111n
-, William, conduct, 21n
Anne of Cleves, 2
Annsam, Mr, 156
Appleby (Aplebie, Apulbie)
-, Abred, 13
-, John, 31b
Archebolt, Nicholas, 6
Archer (Archar)
-, John, priest, 163; cf. Arker
-, Richard, priest, 38
Ardern (Aldern), William, 68 bis
Argall, Thomas, xii
Arker, John, priest, 49; cf. Archer
Arley, John, priest, 47
Armourers' Company, xii (n), xxi, xxii, 60n, 215
Arnold, Adrian, priest, 28
Artes (Artys), Thomas, priest, 37n, 212
Artwick, Edward, priest, 155
Arundel, earl of, 190 (iii)
Ash (Asche, Asshe)
-, John, 74 bis
-, Roger, priest, 92n
Ashby, Matthew, 17
Ashford (Kent), 190 (iii)
Ashford (Midd.), 138
Ashton (Asshton, Assheton)
-, Thomas, conduct, 33n
-, William, priest, 62
Ashurst, Thomas, 2
Ashway (Asshewey), Thomas, chancellor of St Paul's, 112
-, Edmund, 145
-, Richard, 173
Assell, William, 59
Assh-, see Ash-
-, Laurence, 201
-, Robert, 201
Asteway, Robert, 132
Aston, John, 209, 213
-, Henry, priest, 212
-, James, 159
-, Thomas, 25
At Lee, John, 35
Atwell, Simon, 5
Aubury, Thomas, 6
Audley, Nicholas, priest, 36
Auncell, Richard, priest, 23a
Aungell, John, conduct, 1n
Aungree, William de, 70
Austen, John, 14, 24
Austin friars, church of, 224 bis
Austley, William, 12
Awdon, Thomas, 32
Awood, John, 209
Axe, Katherine, 151
-, Richard, 156
-, Thomas, 185
Ayssh-, see Ash-
Babe, William, 18
-, Nicholas, x
-, Thomas, 21
Bacter, John, priest, 115n
Badby, Thomas, 38
Badcock, Jeffrey, 38
Badye, John, priest, 42
Bager, John, 200
Bailey (Baillie, Baylie)
-, Alice, 94
-, William, priest, 224
-, Alice, 139
-, Richard, priest, 194n
-, Thomas, 11
-, Thomas, priest, 11
-, William, priest, 116
Balam, Thomas, priest, 102
Balden, Richard, 131
Baldock (Herts.), 204
Baldock, Ralph, bishop, 108
Baldry, Thomas, 77
Baldwin (Baldewyn), Walter, 185
Bale, Philip, priest, 31a
-, Joan, 76
-, John, 155
Ballard, John, 20
Ballinger, John, 18
Bane, Henry, 45
Banester, Thomas, priest, 110n
Baranger, Simon, 179
Barbers' Company, 207
Barbican, 14, 63
-, Ambrose, 56
-, Henry, conduct, 36n
-, William, priest, 24n
Barlow, Roger, 36
-, Thomas, 19, 44
-, Thomas, priest, 108
-, William, xxii bis, 60; chaplain of, 215
-, Humphrey, 210
-, John, 28n
-, John, priest, 18, 95
-, Richard, 1
Barnston, Thomas, priest, 6
Barr, John, 192
Barrentine, Hugh, 222
-, John, 105n
-, John, priest, 16n
-, Robert, priest, 27n
-, William, 21
Barry, Edward, priest, 24
Barsore, Thomas, priest, 114
Bartholomew, Thomas, priest, 119
Bartlet, Simon, 43 bis
-, Lady, 112
-, Christopher, 190n
-, Henry, 37
Bas, Gilbert de la, 37
Base, Richard, priest, 49; cf. Basse
Basingstoke, William de, 45
Basse, John, priest, 108, 110n; cf. Base
Bassell, Master, 134
-, Fulk, bishop, xxx, 110, 112
-, Philip, xxx, 110 and n
Bate, Isabel, daughter of Garell, 65
Bateman, Thomas, priest, 109; cf. Batman
Bathe, John, 48
Batman, John, 46; cf. Bateman
Baugh, Dr, 156
Baylie, see Bailey
Bayn, Thomas, 193
Beal, William, 55
Beamound, Thomas, 191 bis
Beast, Robert, priest, 134
Beauchamp (Beauchampe, Bechampe)
-, John, 138 bis
-, John, kt., 111
Beckingham, William and Alice his wife, 152
Becon, Thomas, priest, 29
Bedfont (Midd.), 120
Bedford, John, 48
Bedman, John, 9
Bee, Richard, priest, 38, 105n
Belemains, John, priest, 112n
Bell, William, priest, 6n, 68
Bell Alley, 23b
Bellamy, Mr, 33
Belson, Roger, 131
Benblott, Nicholas, 107
Benfleet, South (Essex), 185
Bennet, Joan, 185
Bennington (Benyngton), Simon, 43
-, William, dean of Westminster, 48
-, William, priest, 19
Bentley, Ralph, priest, 63
Bere, Laurence, 29
Bergh, William de, 76
Berkeley, Lord, 190(i)
Bermondsey (Surrey), abbey, 9
Berye, Matthew, priest, 9; cf. Bury
Betson, John, 41
Bever, John, 24
Biddenham (Beds.), 212
Bigg, William, priest, 31a
Biggen (Biging), Robert, priest, 103n, 194
Billesdon, John, xvi, 212
"Billesworthe Place", 157 bis
Billingsgate ward, xi
Bincombe (Dors.), 190(ii)
Bird (Bridde)
-, Henry, chorister, 96n
-, John, 33
-, Robert, 20, 117, 163
-, Thomas, 117
-, Thomas, conduct, 6n
-, William, 19
-, John, 117
-, William, priest, 35
Bishop (Bushope, Busshop)
-, John, priest, 181
-, Stephen, conduct, 68n
Bishopsgate, 12
Bisley (Surrey), 107
Bisseter, Stephen, priest, 31b n
Blackden, Thomas, 71n
Blacket, John, conduct, 71n
Blackfriars (Friars Preachers), 193
Bledlow (Bucks.), 190(i); "Hitchecockes lands", 190(i)
Blockley, Walter, chaplain, 111
Blode, Thomas, 19
Blomer, John, priest, 55n
Bloss, Richard, priest, 108 and n
Blower, Thomas, 21
Bodyn, Margery, 31b
Bole, Nicholas, 26
Bonamitie, Thomas, 114
Bond, Thomas, 104 bis
"Bondes" (Midd.), lordship of, 181
Bone, William, 163
Booth, cf. Bowthe
Bordell, John, priest, 102
Boreham (Boran, Borham)
-, Baptist, 50 bis
-, Harvey de, 112
Bosco, William de, DD, 162
Bottesham, John, xix, 21
Bowes, Martin, kt., x, 40
Bowle, Roger, priest, 152
Bowman, Thomas, 117 bis
Bowthe, William, priest, 37n
Bowyer, John, priest, 64n
Boyes, John, esq., 111
Boylstone (Derb.), 213
Brabourne (Kent), manor of, 190(iii)
Bradbury, Dame Joan, 194
Bradford, Thomas, 21
Bradock, Richard, 222
Bradshaw, Anthony, priest, 194n
Brady, William, priest, 88
Braknock, Thomas, 163
Brampton, William, 18, 24, 95
Brandon, Reginald, priest, 110
Bray, Nicholas, 30
Braynbroke, Gerrard, kt., 111
Braynford, John de, 110, 112
-, Alan and Joan his wife, 140
-, John, 140
-, Richard, 140
Braysebroke, Gerrard, 211
Bredhurst (Kent), 190(iii)
Bredstreate, John de, 91
Brentford, West (Midd.), xxxi bis, xxxii bis, 118
Brett, Thomas, 169
Brewers' Company, 217
Brewster, William, priest, 112
Brian, see Bryan
Brice, Dame Elizabeth, 40
Brickelles, John, 27
Brickenden, John, 115
Brickes, William, priest, 12
Brickett, Christopher, priest, 110n
Brickhurst alias Bromesbury, Robert, 31b
Bridde, see Bird
Bride Lane, 107
Bridge (Brige)
-, Hugh, kt., 40
-, John, kt., 50
Bridgehouse, 25, 36, 110; masters, 9, 33, 59
Bridgeman, John, priest, 185
Bridges (Briges)
-, Edmund, 107
-, Giles, 63 bis
Bridge Street, 24 bis, 31b
Bright, Robert, 45
Brightwise, John, priest, 30
Brinklow, Henry, xxv
Britton, John, 211
Brocke, see Brook
Brocket (Brocked)
-, Alice, 223
-, Robert, xxiv, 35, 56, 223
-, Roger, 195
Broke, see Brook
Brokefelde, see Brookfield
Broken Wharf, 102
Bromeholme, Maud, 114
-, John, 31b bis
-, Robert, see Brickhurst
Bromewell, William, 95
Bromley (Midd.), 122
Bromley, Richard, priest, 104
Brondesbury (Brandes), (Midd.), lordship of, 181
Brook (Brocke, Broke)
-, Robert, x
-, Robert, priest, 190n
-, Thomas, 25
-, William, 107
Brookfield (Brokefelde), Margaret, 107
Brothers, William, 100, 224 bis
Brown (Browne)
-, Hugh, 31b
-, John, 194
-, Richard, priest, 40
-, Sir Stephen, 212n
-, Thomas, 191
-, William, 194 bis
-, William, priest, 1
Bruera, Gilbert de, dean of St Paul's, 108
-, John, 85
-, John, priest, 79
-, Reynold, priest, 79
-, William, priest, 44
-, John, 23b bis
-, William, priest, 111
Buckell, Henry, priest, 109
Buckinghamshire, archdeacon of, 190(i)
Bucklersbury, 29
Bucklerst, Richard, priest, 151
-, Dame Alice, 33
-, William, priest, 210
Budge Row, 44
Bugbord, Thomas, 162
Bugg, Stephen, 68
-, Alexander, 4
-, John, 41
-, Stephen, 190(iii)
-, William, 126
Bullingham, Walter, 11
Bullock, Thomas, priest, 43
Bulmer, John, 112
Bundell, Henry, 144
Bunting, William, priest, 25
-, Master, 128
-, Thomas, 119
Burell, see Burrell
Burgo, William de, 35
Burgoyne, Thomas, 43
-, Christopher, priest, 9
-, Robert, 28
Burnham, Alard de, dean of St Paul's, 112
Burrell (Burell)
-, Elizabeth, 212
-, Lancelot, priest, 108
Burton (Dors.), 190(ii)
Burton (Burten)
-, Henry, 139, 192
-, John, 1
-, Nicholas, priest, 75
Burton Lazars (Leics.), abbey of, 1, 19, 69, 99; master, 111
-, [Adam de], alderman, 39
-, Edward, conduct, 25n
-, cf. Berye
Bushop, Busshop, see Bishop
Bustred, Elizabeth, 32
But, see Butt
Butcher Lane, 32
Butler (Buttler)
-, James le, 32
-, John, 215
-, Robert, 99n
-, William, kt., 212
Butt (But)
-, John, 126
-, Roger, priest, 41
Butterfield (Buterfelde), William, 53
Button, William, 222
Buttrell, Geoffrey, 50
Byrehall, Richard, 105n
"Byrton" (Yorks.), 190n
Cade, Gilbert or James, priest, 90n, 191
Caldwell, William, 213
Calf, John, 19n
Cambridge, Magdalene college, 61; St Catherine's hall, 91
Cambridge, William, 9
Campion, John, priest, 11
Cancer, Richard, 37
Candysshe, see Cavendish
Canner, Thomas, priest, 190n
Canon (Cannon) Row, Westminster, 190(v)
Canterbury (Kent), archdeacon, 190 (iii); cathedral (college), 23b, 99; dean and chapter, 190 (iii); Prerogative Court, xii
Capell, William, kt., 66
Carbonell, John, 222
Cardmaker, see Taylor
Carew, Wymond, kt., x bis, 116a, 190a, 190b, 224a; cf. Carowe
Carler, John, 222
Carlton, Thomas, 211
Carowe, Adrian, priest, 150; cf. Carew
-, John, 53
-, John and Katherine his wife, 96
-, Katherine, 91
Carpenters' Company, 205
Carr, John, priest, 34
Carrell, John, x, 116a, 190a, 190b, 224a
Carrington (Caryngton), Richard, merchant taylor, 98
Carsey, Richard, priest, 33
Carter (Cartar, Cartor)
-, Henry, 146
-, John, 107
-, Martin, priest, 33n
-, Richard, 1
-, Thomas, 224 bis
Cartneney, John, 97
Cass, Thomas, 155
Cateaton Street, 43
Caterick, William, priest, 57
Causton (Cawston)
-, John, 9, 28 and n
-, Simon, 28
-, William, 28n
Cave, Edmund, 23b
Cavendish (Suff.), 66
Cavendish (Candysshe), Hugh, 211
Cawley, William, 224 bis; cf. Cowley
Cawood, Anne, 36 bis
Cawston, see Causton
Cayser, John, 163
Chalton, see Chulton
Chamber, John, dean of St Stephen Westminster, 190 (iv), 190 (v)
Chamberlain, John, 73
Champneys (Champenes, Champnenys)
-, Sir John, 88
-, Thomas, 31b
-, William, 95
Chaplain (Chapelyn, Chapleyne)
-, Sir Gilbert, 50
-, see also Roger the Chaplain
Chapman, William, 20 bis
Charing Cross, 48
-, George, priest, 109
-, Margaret, 190(v)
Charsey, Robert, 43
Chatcher, Thomas, 151
Chaterton, Richard, priest, 41
Chateshunt (Shalteshunte), William, priest, 111
Chatteryse, John, priest, 31b n
Chawry (Chaurye), Richard, 17, 95, 191
Cheap, see East Cheap; West Cheap
Checheley, Robert, 16
Chelsea (Midd.), 170
Cheltham, John, 20
Cheney, Thomas, priest, 118, 158
Chepstede, Gilbert, 50
Chertsey (Surrey), abbey, 184
Cheseman, Robert, 146
Chichester (Sussex), bishop, 20 ter
Chigham (Chickham), John, 43; Joan, widow of, 43
Chilham (Kent), 216
Chipping, Thomas, priest, 53
Chirt, Robert, 144
Chiswick (Midd.), xxxii, 143, 190b
Chittock, Geoffrey, 41
Cholmeley (Chulmley)
-, Henry, chorister, 96n
-, Roger, kt., x bis, 116a, 190a, 190b, 224a
Christchurch college, see Holy Trinity Aldgate
Chulton (Chalton), Thomas, xix, 57
Church, Geoffrey, 13
-, John, 211
-, Reginald, conduct, 99n
Cinthius the Roman (Cincius Romanus), 112
Clarke (Clercke, Clerke)
-, John, 31a, 142, 190(iii)
-, Richard, 163
-, Richard, conduct, 38n
-, Robert, 12
-, Thomas, 48
-, Thomas, chorister, 190n
-, William, 191
-, William, chorister, 190n
Clavell, heirs of, 156
Clayton, William, priest, 35
Clerkenwell (Midd.), xxxii
Cliff (Clyff), John, 68, 192
-, Lady, 190(v)
-, Thomas, 151
Clipisham, Martin, priest, 53
Cloplonde, William, priest, 13
Clopton (Cambs.), rector, 224
-, John, esq., 66
-, Robert, 224
Closse, Richard, 104
Clothworkers' Company, 27, 216
Clovyle, William, 54
Clowdesley, Richard, 121
Clutton, John, 53
Clyff, see Cliff
Clynebeckke, Robert, priest, 63
Clyve, James, 164
Cobartes, Roger, priest, 17
Cobwell, Alice, 48
Cockes, see Cox
Cockham (Cockeham)
-, heirs of, 100
-, Simonde de, 30
Coggeshall (Cogshale)
-, John, 38
-, William, 19
-, Humphrey, 134
-, John, 149
-, Simon, 156
Colbrekes, Robert, 21
Coldam, Robert, 53
Coldwell, Henry, priest, 69
-, Henry, 187
-, Walter, 187
Coleman Street, 32
Colfox, Richard, 163
Colles, James, priest, 194
Collet, John and Katherine his wife, 6
Colley, Robert, 179; cf. Colloy
Collier, Ralph, priest, 34 and n
Collingham Hall [in Cavendish] (Suff.), 66
Colloy, John, 51; cf. Colley
Collyn, Henry, 179
Colwell, Thomas, priest, 66
Combe, John, 94
Comberton (Combton, Comerton), William, 11, 44
Combes, Master, 104
Come, Thomas, 163
Comerton, see Comberton
Conigrave, Richard, priest, 75n
Constable, Sir John, 190(i)
Cooden (Sussex), manor, 190(iii) and n
Cook, Alan, priest, 190n
Cooks' Company, 206
Coopers' Company, xxxiii, 200
Copeman, Albert, priest, 5
Copinger, William, 209; cf. Coppinge
Coplyn, Anthony, priest, 8
Coppinge, Richard, 18; cf. Copinger
Cordall, William, 163
Cordwainers' Company, 202
Cordwainer Street, 65
Cornhill, 48
Cornhill, Henry de, dean of St Paul's, 112
Cornish (Cornysshe), John, priest, 90n, 191
-, Bennet, 36
-, Margaret, 36
Cornwalles, John, 54
Cosen (Cosyn)
-, Mr, 34
-, John, 82
-, Robert, priest, 43
-, Thomas, 85
Cosin Lane, 22, 27
Coston, Simon, 108
Cote, Mr, xxv(n), 5
Cotes, John, kt., 191
-, John, conduct and organ player, 20n
-, Thomas, priest, 174
Counters, the, 95
Courtman (Cowrteman), William, 163
Courts (Cowrtes), Sir Thomas, 156
Coventry (Warw.), St Michael, 221
Cowley (Midd.), 150; Cowley Hall, 119
Cowley, Martin and his wife, 155; cf. Cawley
-, Alice, 178
-, Edward, 4
Cowrteman see Courtman
Cowrtes, see Courts
Cox (Cockes)
-, Henry, priest, 29, 36, 212
-, John, conduct, 74
-, Richard, 6
-, Richard, priest, 190n
-, Thomas, 181
Coyny, Walter, 121
Cranford (Midd.), 149, 190b
Cremor, John, priest, 27n
Cresmore, William, conduct, 46n, 47n
Cressey, Joan, 107
Cresswick (Cressewycke, Creswike)
-, Alice, xvi(n), 61
-, Robert, 65
-, William, 13, 34, 65
Cripplegate, 65
Crofton, Nicholas, 66
Croke, John, 46
Cromar, William, 34
-, Edward, priest, 37
-, Robert, priest, 65
Cromer (Norf.), 222
Crooked Lane, 38
Crose, William, priest, 190n
Crowell, Joan, wife of Robert, 115
Crull, Thomas, 212
Crutched Friars, 35
Cufflay, Anne, 117
Culpeper, Edward, 36
Curriers' Company, xi(n), 103, 199
Curround, John, 45
Cutlers' Company, 204
Daglas, Thomas, 97
Dale, Thomas, priest, 16n
-, John, priest, 60
-, William, 192
Dalve, Robert, 207
Danby, Alice, widow, 187
Daniel (Dannyel), Gerrard, 30
-, John, alderman, 114
-, William, 37
Daubenye, Oliver, 31a
Daulton, heirs of, 32
Davies, Henry, 118
-, Jeffrey, priest, 54
-, Oliver, 222
Davyers, Richard, priest, 47
Dawson, Richard, 20
Day (Daie, Dey)
-, John, 137
-, John, priest, 59
-, Philip, priest, 107
-, Thomas, priest, 190n
Deakon, Peter, priest, 13n
-, John, 20
-, Richard, priest, 95
-, William, priest, 69
Debnam, Robert, priest, 23a n
-, , 2
-, Robert, grocer, 185
Delamore, Walter, 64
Dell, Edward, 117
Denman, John, priest, 86
Dent, Henry, priest, 90n
Depham, Roger, 41
Derby, earl of, 119 bis; cf. Darby
Derker, Robert, 190(v) bis
Deselinus, Alfonsus, priest, 172
Dewsbury (Yorks.), 190n
Dey, see Day
Digby, William, priest, 194
Dingley, William, priest, 194n
Distaff Lane, 19, 30, 35
Dixover, , widow, 25
Docking, Giles, 18
Dodington, Thomas, 57
Doggett, John, 31b, 137
Dolittle Lane, xix, 8
-, Gabriel, priest, 169
-, John, 77 bis
-, John, priest, 190n
Dorchester, Thomas, 210
Dorell, John, priest, 85
Dorman, Richard, 163
Dorset, rents etc., in, 190(ii)
Doungeon, see Dungeon
Dove, Robert, 37
Dover (Kent), 190n bis
Dowes, William, priest, 46
Dowman, Dr John, xxix(n), 109, 220
Down, John, 52
Dowty, Richard, priest, 71n
-, John, 192
-, William, priest, 24n
Drapers' Company, 11, 36n, 76, 224
Draycot, Robert, 39
Drayton, West (Midd.), 182
Dronfield (Derb.), 78
Drope, Robert, 11
Duffield, William, 63
Duly, Philip, priest, 35n
Dungeon (Doungeon), Ralph, priest, 112
Dunston, Nicholas, priest, 37n, 192
Durham, Peter de, 112
Dursley, Thomas, 38
Dwight, William, 218
Dyar, John, priest, 183
Dyers' Company, 221
Dyxover, see Dixover
Ealing (Midd.), 156; "Braynforde" field, 156; "Cockes Hawe", 156
Ealing, West (Midd.), 156
East Cheap, 41; Little, 96
Eastfield (Estfelde), Sir William, 39n, 194
Eburton, Henry, 224
Edelmenton, see Edmonton
Edgware (Midd.), 171
-, Richard, 156
-, Robert, 162
Edmonton (Midd.), xxxi, 173
Edmonton (Edelmenton, Edelmeton), Henry, 52, 65
Edmunds, John, 222
Edrige, John, 163
Edward III, 102, 133
Edward IV, 47, 66, 103
-, John, 178
-, William, 53
-, Humfrey, priest, 194n
-, John, 178
Edwin, Hugh, 143
Edyman, Amy, 75
Egleston, Robert, butcher, 151
Eldrington, John, kt., 126; cf. Elrington
Eleanor, former prioress of Winchester, 77
Elham (Kent), manor, 190(iii)
Elizabeth [of York], wife of Henry VII, 112
Elliotson (Elliottesson), John, priest, 31b n
Ellis (Elles, Ellys)
-, Edmund, priest, 20
-, John, conduct, 139n
-, Martin, 112
Elrington, Edward, 33; cf. Eldrington
Elsing Spittal, 18, 77, 95; poor sisters of, 212
Ely (Cambs.), priory, 109
-, Edmund, priest, 217
-, Richard de, archdeacon, 112
Emringale, William, priest, 52
Enfield (Midd.), xxxii, 185
England, John, 121
Erington, Clement, priest, 79
Essex, rents etc. in, 190(iii); sheriff, 190(iii)
Essex, see Stock
Estfelde, see Eastfield
Eton (Berks.), college, 13, 139; master, 135; provost, 190(i)
Eton, Geoffrey, priest, 111
Evans, Robert, priest, 93
Eve, Henry, 20
Eveley, Henry, 24, 63
Ever, Thomas, dean of St Paul's, 109
Everdon, William, priest, 110, 112
Evisham, William, 107
Ewer, Richard, priest, 129
Exeter (Devon), bishop, 117
Exmeux (Exmewe)
-, Thomas, 220, 222
-, Thomas, kt., 212
Exton (Externe), Thomas, 65
Eydon, Thomas, 13
Eyre, Thomas, 31a
Fabell, John, 111
-, Patrick, priest, 42
-, Ralph, 8
Fairfax (Farrefax), Master, 90
Fairhead, Julian, widow, 87
Farbras, Robert, 67
Farrefax, see Fairfax
Farrendon, Nicholas de, xvi, 99 and n
Farthingho (Northants.), xxvii, 194
Fauconberg (Faconberge), Eustace, bishop, 110
Faux, Thomas, 81
Fawconer, Richard, priest, 96n
Feltham (Midd.), 174
Fenchurch Street, 48
-, Agnes, 93
-, John, 30
Fennimore, John, priest, 44
Fenrother, Robert, 222
Fen Stanton (Hunts.), 190(i)
Fereby, Thomas, 222
Ferres, Lady, 114
Field, John, 58, 216
Fildust, Thomas, priest, 64
-, , 206
-, James, 216
-, John, 162
Finch Lane, 44
Finchley (Midd.), xxxi, xxxii(n), 157; "Poyntelles", 157
Finkell, Henry, priest, 88
Finsbury (Midd.), manor, 37
Fisher (Fyssher)
-, John, 202
-, John, priest, 40n, 63n, 211
-, Thomas, 18
Fishmongers' Company, xxvi, 209
FitzJames, Richard, bishop, xxix(n), 108
FitzNeal, Richard (Ricardus Tertius), bishop, 112
FitzRobert, Robert, 37
FitzWalter, Robert, 112
FitzWilliam, Henry, priest, 29n
Fleet jakes, 107
Fleet prison, 95, 110; warden, 107 bis, 190(ii); poor prisoners, 108
Fleet Street, xii, 65
Fletchers' Company, 208
Fludd, John, 26
Flude, see Lloyd
Folliott, Richard, archdeacon, 112
Foothead, John, conduct, 47
-, Hugh, 185
-, John, 185
-, Walter, 185
-, Lady, 35
-, William, 75
Fostall, Hugh, 32
Foster (Forster)
-, John, xvi, 192
-, John, priest, 190n
-, Robert, 185
Founders' Company, 203
-, John, priest, 190n
-, Stephen, priest, 82n
Fowler, Thomas, gent., 121
Foxe, Robert, priest, 92n, 105n, 192
Frampton (Dors.), 190(i); manor, 190(ii); chapel of St Lawrence, 190(i)
Francis (Fraunces, Frauncis)
-, Joan, widow, 102
-, John, 117, 222
Frankling, John, conduct, 35n
Frary, John, 68
Frayes chantry, 66
Freby Street, Limehouse (Midd.), 169
Frere, Everard, xxii bis
Fresh, John, 8
Frevell, Edmund, priest, 76n
Friars Minor, see Greyfriars
Friars Preachers, see Blackfriars
Friday Street, 30 bis
Friern Barnet (Midd.), 137, 190b
Frisell, James, 109
Frodsham (Froddeshame), Thomas, 78
-, Master, 156
-, Henry, 77
Frynde, John, 18
Fulbrook (Oxon.), 1
Fulham (Midd.), 168
Fuller, John, 190(iv)
Fyan, Thomas, conduct, 21n
Gab ..., Mother, 20
Gale, Thomas, 220
Gallesburgh, Thomas, priest, 31b n
Gambon, John and Helen his wife, 98
Game, Hugh, poulter, 100
-, Richard, 216
-, Roger, 185
-, William, 216
Garnet, Thomas, priest, 37n, 192
Garret, Robert, priest, 111
Gasconne, Anne, 95
Gate, Geoffrey, 5
-, George, 144
-, John, kt., 84
-, Richard, priest, 111
Gawlty, Reynold, priest, 97
Gay, George, 107
Gayles (in Teddington, Midd.), 144 bis
Gayton (Norf.), 190(i)
Gefford, John, 196; cf. Gifford
George, Henry, priest, 16n, 217
Gesseling, Richard, 9
-, George, 94
-, Henry, 209
-, cf. Gefford
-, Thomas, chorister, 190n
-, Thomas, priest, 31a
Gilby, Wyberd, priest, 209
Giles, Edmund, priest, 194
Glasier, Hugh, priest, 176
Glasto, , 155
Glemsford (Suff.), 66
Gloucestor, John, 209
Glynde (Sussex), 212
Goche, see Gough
Godsalve, John, kt., x, 116a, 190a, 190b
Godyng (Godyne), John, 151, 220
Goldar, Robert, minister, 107n
Golden (Golding) Lane, 37
Goldsburgh, John, 102
Goldsmith, Maurice, 50
Goldsmiths' Company, xxvii, 23a, 63n, 90n, 99n, 107, 222; wardens, 51
Gonne, William, 30
Goodrick, Richard, x, 116a, 190a, 190b, 224a
Goodwin, John, 58
Gooseman, Edward, priest, 185n
Gose, William, 144
Gosling, Robert, 1
Gotesham, John, 201
Gotham, John, 220
Gotham's priest, 192
Gough (Goche, Gowche)
-, William, chorister, 96n
-, William, priest, 3
Gowse, Martin, scrivener, 95
Grace, John, 84
Gracechurch Street, 12, 23b bis
Grant (Graunt), John, 83
Grantham (Grauntham), John, 26 bis, 110, 192n
Graveney, High (Surrey), 190(v)
-, Richard de, bishop, 112
-, Stephen de, bishop, 112
Gray (Grey)
-, Hugh, 218
-, John, 107
-, John, priest, 70
-, Ralph de, 24
-, Richard, 31a
-, Thomas, priest, 78n
Gray's Inn Field, 75
Gray's Inn Lane, 75
Green (Grene)
-, Edward, priest, 116
-, Robert, 145
-, William, priest, 84
Greenford, Great (Midd.), 179
Greenford, Little (Midd.), xxxii
Greenwich Lane, 51
Greenwood, Matthew, conduct, 32n
-, Edward, priest, 111
-, Robert, priest, 48n
-, William, 26, 51, 192
Gresham, Richard, kt., x
Greveson, William, priest, 136
Grey, see Gray
Greyfriars (Friars Minor), 191, 192
Grey Tawyers' Company, 198
-, John, priest, 30
-, Roger, priest, 138
Griffith (Gruffes)
-, Ellen, 107
-, Maurice (ap), priest, 24, 50, 111
Grocers' Company, xiii(n), xvi, xxxii, 26n, 29n, 212
-, John, conduct, 16
-, Thomas, 207
-, William, 18
Grove Barns (in Staines, Midd.), 125
Grovehurst, Thomas, 190(iii)
Grub Street, 17, 43, 65
Grundisburgh (Suff.), 6
Guildhall, xi bis, xii; chapel, 192, 209, 218; college, xxv, 92
Gulford, Henry, 111
Gurley, William, 12
Gutter Lane, 63
Guyns, Sir Stephen, 96
Gwynnyth, John, priest, 99
Gyva, Elizabeth, 210
Haberdashers' Company, 58, 220; hall, xi and n, xiii
Hacket, Edmund, priest, 26
Hackney (Midd.), St Austin, xxxi, xxxii(n), 151, 209; marsh, 151 bis; "Pawrnehill", 151; South mill field, 151; Well field, 151
Haddon, Richard, kt., 194
Haddow, Robert, priest, 68n
Hadleigh (Essex), 185
Hadley, see Monken Hadley
Hadley, John, 211
Hagete, Adam, 78
-, Henry, 25
-, Roger, fishmonger, and Joan his wife,
-, William, priest, 35
Hales, Stephen, 27
Haliday, Robert, 97
Haliwell (Midd.), 108; chapel, xxxii, 126n, 190b, 212
-, Richard, priest, 139
-, Thomas, 123
Hall Place (Surrey), manor, 190(v)
Halstow (Kent), 190(iii)
Hamman, Edmund, priest, 23b n; cf. Hamyn
Hamond (Hamound)
-, John, 163
-, Maud, 185
-, William, conduct, 9 and n
Hampden, Edmund, 111
Hampshire, rents etc. in, 190(ii)
Hampstead (Midd.), 135
Hampton Court (Midd.), honour, 131
Hampton-on-Thames (Midd.), xxxii, 131, 190b
Hamyn, Edmund, priest, 23a; cf. Hamman
Hanby, John, priest, 53
Hanwell (Midd.), 158
Hanworth (Midd.), xxxii and n, 167
Harbart (Harbert, Harberd)
-, John, priest, 190n
-, Richard, priest, 40n
-, William, 163
-, William, priest, 167
Harding, Agas, 222
Hardon, John, 117
-, Nicholas, kt., x, 116a, 190a, 190b, 224a
-, Thomas, 19
Harefield (Midd.), 130
Harford, John, priest, 21
-, Alice, 224
-, Benedict, 76
Harlington (Midd.), 176; "Chylde lande", "Pluckyngtons lande", "St Nicholas half acre" and "Taylors lande", 176
Harmondsworth (Midd.), 147
-, Thomas, priest, 35
-, William, 90
Harres, Richard, conduct, 48n
Harrow-on-the-Hill (Midd.), xxxi bis, xxxii, 142, 162, 190b; "Danyelles" and "Hamoundes", 162
Harryot, William, 21 and n
Harsham, William, 13
-, Isabel, 217
-, Richard, 124
-, Thomas, priest, 194n
-, William, 186
-, John, 117
-, Thomas, 117 bis
Hartop, Mr, 5
Harvy, William, 16
Harwood (Herwode)
-, Henry, 146
-, William, 94
Haselwood, Mr, 27
Hatfield, Thomas, 45
Hatton, Roger, priest, 33
-, Giles, priest, 33
-, Richard, 42
Haverhull, William, priest, 110
Hawes, Sir Thomas, 224
Hawkshead, Richard, 107
Hay (Hey)
-, Lawrence, priest, 36
-, Robert, 20
Haydeck, Gilbert, priest, 96
Hayes (Midd.), 165
Hayes, Robert, priest, 110n
Hayly, Robert, 117
Haymond, Robert and Margery his wife, 9
-, Henry, priest, 90
-, Simon, STP, 168
Haytor, John, priest, 109n
Hayward, William, priest, 156
Hay Wharf, 27
Hay Wharf Lane, 27 bis
Hayworth, Robert, 18
Hedley, Katherine, 20
Henbury, John, 159
Hendon (Midd.), 140
Hene, George, 188
Henry II, 112
Henry IV, xvi, 102
Henry VI, 152
Henry VII, 112
Henry VIII, obit for, 190(i)
Herford, see Harford
Herne, William, 179
Heron, John, 209
Hertfordshire, rents etc. in, 190(iii)
Herwode, see Harwood
Heston (Midd.), 187; parishioners of, 153; "Godfrey Acre", "Grove Place", and "North Hyde", 187
Hewlet, Philip, 132
Hey-, see Hay-
Hickley, John, priest, 139
Hickmans, Thurstan, priest, 109
Hilday (Hylday), John, poulter, 100
-, John, 107
-, John, priest, 108
-, Peers, 202
-, Thomas, 179
Hillard, Helen, 133
Hilliat, Edith, 211
Hillingdon (Midd.), xxxi bis, 128
Hills, John, 222
Hiltoft, John, 108
Hilton, Joan, 211
Hinde, see Hynde
Hoddam, Thomas, 211
Hodson, Thomas, 114; cf. Hudson
Hogget, William, priest, 32
Holland (Hollonde)
-, Edward, priest, 23b
-, Henry, 21
-, John, priest, 60
-, Ralph, 88, 211
Holleghe, John de, 77
Holmes, Mother, 20
Holmes college, see St Paul's
Holy Trinity Aldgate, priory ('college' of Christchurch), 19
Holy Trinity the Less, xxvi, 85
Home, Roger, chancellor of St Paul's, 108
Honnesdon, William, 185
Honylande, William, priest, 53
-, John, priest, 15n
-, Robert, 2
-, William, 63
Hopkins, , 158
Hopper, Alice, 20
Hopton, John, priest, 51
Horde, Thomas, priest, 32n
Horlyn, Roger, 75
Hornchurch (Essex), 196
Horner, Thomas, conduct, 31a
Hornsey (Midd.), xxxi, 129; manor, 129
Horpe, Richard, chorister, 190n
Horsey, John, 119
Horsham, Thomas, 20
Hough, William, priest, 109
Hounslow (Midd.), xxxii bis, 145, 153
Hubthorne, Henry, kt., 90
Hude, Joan, 151
-, John, 114
-, John, priest, 41
-, Richard, priest, 41
cf. Hodson
Hungerford, Alice, 224
-, Andrew, 24, 25
-, Richard, 117
Huntley, Thomas and Katherine his wife, 32
Hurar, Isabel, 46
-, James, priest, 212
-, John, priest, 182
Husband, Nicholas, 112
Hyat, Alice, 146
Hynde (Hinde)
-, Austin, 77, 105
-, George, 12
Ibrye, William, priest, 190n
Ickenham (Midd.), 183
Idesworth, Henry, archdeacon, 111
Iford, John, 42
Ilford (Essex), 209
Illingworth, Richard, kt., xix, 57
Inglesby, Richard, priest, 116
-, Richard, 156
-, William, 156
Innholders' Company, 196
Ipport, John, 37
Ireland, Thomas, 11
Ironmonger (Iremonger) Lane, 56
Ironmongers' Company, 210
Isleworth (Midd.), 145; parishioners, 153
Islington (Midd.), 121
Ivorne, William, 97
Ivory, William, 31b
Iwade (Kent), Binwall Marsh in, 190(iii)
Jackelyng (Jacklyn, Jackeson), Robert, priest, 57 and n
Jackson (Jackeson, Jackesonn)
-, Nicholas, priest, 33n, 212
-, Peter, priest, xxvii, 10
-, William, priest, 89
Jakes, Margaret, 107
James, Bartholomew, kt., 151
-, Bartholomew, kt., 21
-, Richard, 23a
Je-, see also Ge-
Jecket, Bartholomew, 17
Jeffray, , 185
Jeffreyson, Robert, 163
-, Richard, priest, 85n
-, Thomas, of Norwich, 82 bis
Jennings (Jennens, Jennyns)
-, Bernard, 73
-, Nicholas, 192
-, Richard, 112
-, Thomas, priest, 45
-, William, priest, 23b
Jenour, John, 14
Johns, Angel, 126
Johnson (Jonson)
-, Alan, 48
-, Edmund, 55
-, Hugh, 97
-, John, 66, 207
-, John, priest, 81
-, Katherine, 20
-, Leonard, 34
-, Ralph, priest, 19
-, Richard, priest, 18
-, Robert, priest, 30
-, Thomas, 60
-, William, 117
Joiners' Company, 197
-, Edward, 217
-, Griffith, priest, 36
-, Hugh, conduct, xxvii, 40n
-, John, 163
Jordan (Jurden)
-, Henry, 209
-, William, 35
Joseph, John, priest, 77
Joy, Denise, 21
-, Andrew, alderman, 192 and n
-, Thomas, 12
Julian, John, 42
Jurden, see Jordan
Justice, Thomas, 220
Kebell, Henry, 212
-, Giles, 114
-, Robert, 116
-, Thomas, 116
-, George, 135
-, Margaret, 135
-, Thomas, bishop, 111, 112
Kendall, William, 53
Kenns, William, 14
Kensington (Midd.), xxxii, 154
Kent, rents etc. in, 190(iii); sheriff, 190(iii)
-, Margaret, countess of, 216
-, Nicholas, 193
-, Thomas, 16
-, Walter, xxii bis, 60
Kethers, , 25
Kettell, Richard, priest, 103
Kidderminster (Kyddermester)
-, John, junior, 91
-, John, senior, 91
Kilburn (Midd.), chapel, xxxii
Kilburn Croft (in St Pancras, Midd.), 136
Kilgo, Richard, priest, 139
-, Edmund, 143
-, William, cooper, 103
King's Bench prison, 95
Kingsbury (Midd.), xxxii and n, 178, 190b; Hill field, 178
Kingsland (Midd.), chapel, xxxii
Kingston, William, 33, 104 ter
Kinton, William, priest, 50n
Kirfoot, William, 46
-, John, 211
-, John, priest, 43n
-, Margery, 20
Kite, Richard, priest, 147
Kithe, John, 190(v)
Knapp, John, 20, 217
Knesworth, Thomas, 209
-, Richard, 209
-, Richard, conduct, 96n
-, Robert, priest, 209
Knyf, John, 15
Knyghtoote, Sir William, 128
Ladd, Thomas, priest, 27n
Lad Lane, 43
Lagage, John, 28
Lakin, Richard, 194
Laleham (Midd.), 177; manor, 184
Lamb, Roger, priest, 37
Lamberd, Sir Nicholas, 212
Lancaster, Duchy of, 159
-, Blanche, countess of, 112
-, John of Gaunt, duke of, 109, 112
Lancaster college, see St Paul's
Lancton, John, 179
-, John, 43
-, John, chorister, 190n
-, Thomas, priest, 6n
Langborn, William, priest, 139, 190n
Langhorn, John, 11
Langwich, Ellen, 211
Lark, William, 18
Latham, Robert, goldsmith, 151
Latimer, William, priest, 71, 73
Laurence (Lawrence)
-, Edmund, priest, 37
-, Robert, 81, 151
-, John, 100
-, Solomon, 100 bis
Lawney, Robert, 190(iv)
Lawson, Richard, priest, 32n
Lay (Leigh), Roger de la, dean of St Paul's, 111
Le..., John, 119
Leadenhall, 94
Leak, William, priest, 76n
Leathersellers' Company, 219
-, John, xix(n), 2
-, Lettice, 29
-, Robert, priest, 103
-, cf. At Lee, Lay, Leigh
Leekes, Sir William, 12
Legget, Helmyng, esq., 98 bis
Leigh (Leyghe)
-, Lady, 100
-, Sir Richard, 77
-, cf. Lay, Lee
-, Arthur, priest, 162
-, William, 162
Lentall, Philip, surveyor, 190(v)
Lesney, Bastian, 190n
Leverseydge, William, 31b
Leving, John, 217
Levon, Nicholas, 27
Lewes (Lewys)
-, John, priest, 97n
-, Thomas, 193
-, Thomas, priest, 9
Li-, see also Ly-
Lichfield, William (de), 27, 112
Lightwood, William, 32
Lile, see Lisle
Lillingston, Thomas, 48
Limehouse (Midd.), Freby Street, 169
Lime Street Ward, xi
Linche, Gervase (Jervys), priest, 34n
Lincoln, bishop of, 190(i)
Lincoln, Thomas, 16 bis
Ling, Stephen, 18
Lingard, Oliver, priest, 48n
Linton, Master, 135
Lion, Richard, 16
Lisieux (Lysars), Thomas, dean of St Paul's, 112
Lisle (Lile), Dame Ursula, 11
List, Richard, priest, 20
Lister, widow, 157
Litington, John, 53
Little, Anthony, priest, 19
Little . . . (Suff.), 103
Littlebaker, Stephen, 214
Littleton (Midd.), xxxi bis, 184
Littleton, John, 49
Lloyd (Flude), John, priest, 21
Lombard Street, 12, 40
London, archdeacon, 126; bishop, x, 133,
151 ter, 156 ter, 157 bis
-, city lands, 33; Chamber, 33, 94, 108,
173; chamberlain, 6, 31a, 58, 92, 108,
111; clerk of the Chamber, 92;
Husting, xxiii, 95; lord mayor, xiii,
xviii, xxiii, 27, 41, 92, 108; recorder,
xii, xxiii; sheriffs, xviii, 27, 31a
London, John and Joan his wife, 132
London Bridge, 91
London Wall, 67
-, Lady, 103
-, John, 35
-, William, 137
Longdendale (Ches.), 222
Longlow, Thomas, priest, 16
Losse, Hugh, x, xi, xii, 7, 12, 14, 116a, 190a, 190b, 224, 224a
Love Lane, 12
-, Fulk, archdeacon, 110
-, John, 108, 112
-, John, priest, 84
-, Thomas, kt., xvi
Lowe, John, priest, 15
Lowthe, William, 151
Lres, Agnes, 107
Lucar, William, priest, 7
Lucy, Geoffrey, dean of St Paul's, 111
Ludford, Nicholas, 190n
Ludgate prison, 25
Lullingstone (Bullington), (Kent), 212n
Lund, Robert, 221
Lupsett, Alice (Ales), 222
Lutwick, Edward, conduct, 99n
Ly-, see also Li-
Lydyat, John, 94
Lymard, Phelipe, priest, 184
Lymrelmershe, , 194
Lymsay, Mistress, 151
Lynn (Norf.), 29
Lynn, Alice, 21
Lysars, see Lisieux
Major, Walter, 3
Maken, Joan, 21
Making, Thomas, 24
Maldon, John, 23b, 212
Malt, John, 1 bis
Manning, Hugh, 144
Mapperley, William, priest, 24
Marchant (Marchaunt, Markaunt)
-, widow, 25
-, John, priest, 190n
-, cf. Merchant
Mariff (Maryf), Richard, priest, 126n, 212
Markaunt, see Marchant
Markham (Markeham, Merkhame)
-, John, priest, 5
-, Ralph, 73
-, Thomas, 205
-, Roger, 13
-, Roger, conduct, 78n
Marlere, William, 194
Marlow, Joan, 107
Marowe, Thomas, 64
Marriner, William, 18
Marsh, Richard, priest, 28
-, John, 43
-, William, 20
Marshalsea prison, 95
Martin (Martyn)
-, John, 69
-, Thomas, 9n
-, cf. Merten
Martindale, Richard, priest, 109n
Martison's wife, 25
Mason, Anthony, priest, 108
Massy, John, 190(v)
-, John, priest, 107
-, Dame Margaret, 34
-, Philip, priest, 21
-, Richard, priest, 190n
-, Thomas, 117
-, William, 20n
Maulen, Christian, 36
Maxfield, Joan, 151
Maxwell, Harry, 107
May, Agnes, 139
Mayfield, , 20
Maynard, Thomas, priest, 108n
Mede, John, priest, 39n
Meere, John, priest, 190n; cf. Meres
Meger, Emma, 40
Melford (Milford, Milworthe, Mylforth), William de, archdeacon, 108 and n, 112
Mercers' Company, xxvii, 28 and n, 74 and n, 90n, 93, 96, 116n, 139, 194
Merchant (Merchaunt), Richard, conduct, 76n; cf. Marchant
Merchant Taylors' Company, xi(n), xii, xiii and n, xxxiii, 40n, 91n, 111, 211
Mere (in Rainham, Kent), 190(iii)
Meres, John, priest, 40; cf. Meere
Meriell (Meryall), John, priest, 102
Merten, John, conduct, 13n; cf. Martin
Merton (Surrey), abbey, 108
Mery, Richard, priest, 99n
Messenger, Richard, 43
Metcalfe, Nicholas, priest, 114
Mewtes, Sir Peter, 133
Michell, Thomas, 210
Mildmay, Thomas, x
Mildreth, William, 43
Miles (Myles)
-, John, 119
-, Thomas, 163 bis
Milford, see Melford
Milk Street, 43
-, , of Lynn (Norf.), 29
-, William, 185
-, William, priest, 23a
Milles, John, 179
Millest, John, priest, 177
Millet, John, clerk of the Signet, 96
Milward, Hugh, 117
Milworth, see Melford
Mimmes, John, 100
Minors (Mynoures), Peter, 23b
Mocking, Robert a, 38
Moggin, William, 137
Moises, William, minister, 71n
Mole (Move), John, priest, 100 and n
Mompleres, Robert, 77
Monday, William, conduct, 78n
Monford, James, 104
Monk (Moncke)
-, John, 204
-, John, senior, 157
Monken Hadley (Midd.), 123, 190b
Moor Lane, 65
-, John, 105n
-, John, priest, 39
Mordonne, Simon, 11
-, Henry, priest, 169
-, John, organist and conduct, 44n
-, Ralph, priest, 11
-, Thomas, dean of St Paul's, 111
-, Thomas, priest, 54n, 193
-, John, 143
-, Robert, priest, 11
Moresland, John, priest, 65
Moreton, , priest, 151
Morewell, Walter, priest, 69
-, , 3
-, Richard, 33
Mornell, Robert, priest, 24
Morrant, John, 136
Morrell, , 23b
Morris (Morres)
-, Thomas, priest, 2 bis
-, William, 163
Morrison, Richard, x, 116a, 190a, 190b, 224a
Moryng, Robert, 132
Moss, Hugh, 37
Mougesham, John, 209
Moundevill, Edmund, 91
Move, see Mole
Mudde, Henry, priest, 24
Munden, Robert, 108
Mundy, Thomas, 9n
Murfell, William, priest, 119
Mursen, Thomas, 192
Musted, Thomas, 79
My-, see Mi-
Mylforth, see Melford
Nasing, John, 9
Nax, Simon at, 107
Naylet, John, priest, 173n
-, John, priest, 100
-, Robert, priest, 21
-, Walter and Alice his wife, 112
-, William, priest, 20
Nedlar, , 156
-, William, junior, 156
-, William, senior, 156
-, Christopher, priest, 96n
-, Nicholas, 190(v)
-, Richard, priest, 64n, 110n, 214
Nerford, see Norford
Neseham, John, priest, 35
-, George, priest, 66
-, Thomas, heirs of, 108
New, William, 41
Newburgh, Thomas, 152
Newbury, John, 44 and n
Newcastle, William, 13
Newcombe, Robert, 94
Newell, Simon, 78
Newgate, 95; prisoners, 108, 191, 192, 219
Newington, Simon, 204
-, John, 131
-, Richard, priest, 131
-, William, 142
-, Andrew, 48
-, Peter, dean of St Paul's, 112
-, Richard, bishop, 112
-, William, xxiii, 4
Newton, Brian, priest, 212
Nicholas, Sir Roger, 190(iii)
Nicholas Lane, 65
-, John, 193
-, Robert, 117
-, William, 117
-, John, 165
-, Richard, priest, 151n
Nixson, Thomas, 59 bis
Nocket, Thomas, 40
Nonne, John, 151
Norborowghe, see Northburgh
Nordon, Richard, 20
Norfolk, rents etc. in, 190(ii), 190(v)
Norford, Margaret de (Lady Nerforde), 76
-, John, 77, 224
-, Richard, 224
Norris (Norres, Norrice)
-, Christian, 134
-, James, priest, 33
North, Edward, kt., 162, 165
Northall (Midd.), 186
Northall, Roger of, 65
Northburgh (Norborowghe), Michael, bishop, 111
North Court (in Eastling, Kent), 190(iii)
Northfleet, Thomas, priest, 112
Norton, John, 190(iii) bis
Norwich, St Giles college, master and fellows, 188
Norwood (Midd.), 146, 187; Hill house, 146
Nottingham, Thomas earl of, 190(i)
Oakley (Okeley), William, 32 bis
Offam, John, 116
Ogle, , widow, 173
Okeley, see Oakley
Old Bailey, 78
Oldcastle, Richard, 42
Old Change, 53
-, John, 163
-, Peter, 163
Old Fish Street, 19
Old Royal, see Royal Street
Oldwark, William, 27
Oo, Thomas, 29
Osborne, Richard, 74
Osmond, Thomas, priest, 98
Ospringe (Kent), see Queen Court and Painters
Owston, Thomas, 193
Oxford university, exhibitioner, 20; Corpus Christi college, 190(v); New college, 62
-, Lady, 139
-, Lord, 190
Oxley, George, priest, 212n
Oxney, Solomon, 50
Oxonford, John, 16
Oyster Hill, 91
P ..., Robert, 44
Packington (Pakyngton)
-, John, 90
-, William, 163
Paddington (Midd.), 175
Paddington, Thomas, 19
-, John, priest, 11
-, Robert, 38
-, Henry, priest, 171
-, Jeffrey, priest, 116
Painters (in Ospringe, Kent), 190(iii)
Palady, Edward, conduct, 21n
-, Agnes, xxvi, 209
-, John, 211
-, John, priest, 40n, 211
-, Richard, priest, 91n
-, William, 68, 82
Palsgrave (Pallesgrave), John, priest, 21
Pampion, William, 190(iv)
Pannell, Thomas, priest, 52
Papey, brotherhood, 67, 105
Paret, Leonard, conduct, 16n
Pargetor, Lady, 90
Parish Clerks' Company, xxxiii, 95, 218
-, John, 31a
-, John, priest, 104, 108n
-, Richard and Agnes his wife, 63
-, Thomas, 13
-, Thomas, priest, 24, 162
Parkinson (Parkenson), Richard, priest, 61n
Parnell, John, 25
Parrant (Parraunt), John, xix, 2
Parres, Robert, 31a; cf. Parys
-, Henry, 162 bis
-, John, 162
-, Richard, 117
-, Robert, 44
-, William, 20
-, cf. Person
Parys, Simon, 99; cf. Parres
Pastley, William, 42
Pate, Christopher, 151
Paternoster, Robert, priest, 99n
Patesley, John, 222
Patteshall, Martin, dean of St Paul's, 110
Patteson (Pateson)
-, John, priest, 154
-, Richard, priest, 61
Payle, William, 163
-, Henry, 57
-, James, priest, xxii bis, 60, 215
-, Roger, 78
Peacock (Pecocke), Stephen, 220
Pearson (Pierson, Pyerson)
-, Edmund, priest, 184
-, John, priest, 173n
-, cf. Person
Pechye, John, 212
Pecket, John, 13
Pecocke, see Peacock
Pele, Robert, 216
Pemerton, Matthew, 211
Penbroke, John, 112
Penmentory, Richard, priest, 174
-, Robert, 44
-, William, priest, 11
Penniston (Yorks.), 190n
Pennyson, Richard, 184
-, John, 211
-, Dame Thomasine, 211
Percy, Alan, 9
Perivale (Midd.), xxxii
Perkins, Humphrey, priest, 125
Person, John, priest, 23a; cf. Parson, Pearson
Peryman, William, conduct, 5n
Peryn (Pyrryn)
-, Alexander, priest, 190n
-, William, priest, 110n
Pestyll, Lewis, priest, 83n
-, John, 163
-, Thomas, 163
Peter, John, 157
Peter college, see St Paul's
Peter the Treasurer, 112
Pettyt, , 117
Pewterers' Company, xi(n), 201
Phellipes, John, 169
Phesaunt, Master, 163
Phillip Lane, 37
Phyn, Philip at, 48
Picard, P . . . or William, 34 and n
-, John, 6
-, Robert, 104
Pike, Thomas, 81
Pilkes, Thomas, 46
Pillin, John, minister, 151n
Pinchbeck, William, 100n
Pinner (Midd.), 142
Pinner, John, 156 bis
Pitt, Richard, priest, 96n
Plesses, Richard, 108 and n
Plonkett, John, 76
Plough, John, priest, 71n
Poetowe, Thomas, 94
Pokesson, John, priest, 94
Polle, Thomas, xvi, 222
-, John, 181
-, Sir Thomas, 181
Ponder, Roger, priest, 33n
Ponnet, John, priest, 35
-, Christopher, 119
-, Sir Thomas, 105, 108
Postling (Kent), manor, 190(iii)
Potman, John, 25
Potter, Thomas, priest, xxii, 60
Potyn, Alice, xix, 21
Poulteney (Powlteney), John, xxx, 108 and n
Poulters' Company, xi(n)
Powe, William, 78
Powes, Andrew, priest, 173
Pratt, John, 137
-, Walter, priest, 108
-, William, 27
Prideoux, Nicholas, priest, 30
-, Gilbert, 18
-, Richard, conduct, 27n
Proud (Prowde), William, 224
Puddell, John, 2
Pulford, John, priest, 190n
Purleigh, William de, priest, 112
Pyrryn, see Peryn
Queen, Richard, priest, 56
Queen Court (in Ospringe, Kent), 190(iii)
R . . ., Richard, 224
Rabbes chantry, 128
Rabone, James, priest, 190n
Ramsey, Robert, 24
Rasamond, Robert, 10
Ravensdale, Edward, priest, 85n
Rawlin, William, 14
Rawlins, Henry, priest, 108n
Rawson, , 91
Raynwell (Renewell)
-, , 27
-, John, 6
-, John, kt., 58
Reade (Rede)
-, Bartholomew, 222
-, Henry, 1, 23b
-, William, priest, 42
Reading (Berks.), 220; mayor and burgesses, 220; abbey, 21n
Reading (Redyng)
-, Dame Agnes, 63
-, Richard, 162 bis
Redde, John, priest, 38
Redknapp, Edward, 51
Redman, Joan, xxxi, 118 bis
Redyng, see Reading
Remes, John, priest, 39
Remington, William, 209
Renewell, see Raynwell
Reper, Master, 190(v)
-, Nicholas, 7
-, Philip, priest, 18
Reyley, Thomas, priest, 43
Reynold (Reynoldes)
-, Christopher, priest, 99n, 209
-, Margaret, 28, 194
Ri-, see also Ry-
-, Simon, 28
-, William, priest, 9
Rich, George, 119
Richard II, 100
-, Anthony, 8
-, John, priest, 92n, 108 and n
-, Robert, 170
Ridge, Richard, 5; cf. Rige
Ridley, Thomas, 1
Rige, Simon and Lettice his wife, 28; cf. Ridge
Riland, William, priest, 104
Rimyger, John, master of singing children, xxvii, 21n
Rippyn, Richard, 151
Risby, Robert, clerk, 74n
Rissing, William de, precentor of St Paul's, 112
Rivers, John, 1
Rixman, John, priest, 152
Roberts (Robardes)
-, John, 151
-, John, priest, 67
Robertson, Thomas, priest, 190n
-, James, priest, 121
-, Roland, priest, 43
Robson, Thomas, priest, 101n
Rochester (Kent), abbey, 104
Rock, Thomas, priest, 21
Roddes, Nicholas, chorister, 190n
Roding, John, 16
Roger (Rogers)
-, John, priest, 190n
-, Robert, priest, 92n
-, Thomas, priest, xxiv(n), 193
Roger Niger, bishop, progenitors of, 112
Roger the Chaplain, 112
Rolf, Jasper, conduct, 77n
Rolls, Master of the, 108, 190(ii)
-, John, archbishop of York, 109, 112
-, Thomas, 37
-, Dame Joan, 115
-, Nicholas, priest, 76n
-, Beatrice de, 109
-, Gilbert, 137
Rothe, Henry att, 56
-, , 185
-, John, 77
Rothing, John, 35
Rothinges, William, 24
-, John, 38
-, Thomas le, 30
-, cf. Rus
Rowche, Christopher, priest, 71n
-, James, priest, 78n
-, Robert, 151
Rowell, John, 75
Rowlandson, William, priest, 148
Rowseley, Master, 118
Royal Street [now College Hill], 37
Royston, John, 1
-, John, chorister, 190n
-, John, priest, 46, 190n
Ruddeston, John, kt., 224
Ruislip (Midd.), 180
Rus (Rusche, Russe)
-, , 61
-, William, 11
-, cf. Rous
Russell, John, 5, 192 bis
Rutter, Thomas, rent collector, 84n
Ry-, see also Ri-
Ryebread, Hugh, 38
Rysley, John, kt., 47
S . . ., John, 206
S . . ., Richard, 211
Saddlers' Company, 213; hall, xi and n
-, John, of London, merchant, 173 bis
-, Ralph, kt., 61, 77, 133
St Alban Wood Street, xix, 57
St Alphege, 83, 199, 222
St Andrew by the Wardrobe, xix and n, 2
St Andrew Holborn, 75, 110; parish, 20
St Andrew Hubbard, xii, 87
St Andrew Undershaft, 58, 205, 220
St Anne and St Agnes Aldersgate, 51
St Antholin Budge Row, 26, 192 ter, 211, 212, 216
St Anthony's school, xxvii, 55
St Augustine by Paul's Gate, 1
St Bartholomew (unspec.), 91
St Bartholomew [Exchange], 66, 216; parish, 47
St Bartholomew's hospital, 12, 25, 33; master and brethren, 95
St Bartholomew the Great, xi(n)
St Bartholomew the Less, xv
St Benet Fink, xxvii, 55; parishioners, 102
St Benet Grasschurch, 115, 195, 210
St Benet Paul's Wharf, 3
St Benet Sherehog, 8
St Botolph Aldersgate, xxvii, 14, 65, 108n, 204; parish, 48
St Botolph Aldgate, xii, xxvii, 84, 108, 209
St Botolph Billingsgate, 6, 7, 37, 192, 193, 209, 212; parish, 31b
St Botolph Bishopsgate, 64, 214; brotherhood of St George, 64n; parish, 12
St Bride, xxvii, 78, 107, 222; parish, 20
St Christopher le Stocks, 76, 224; parish, 47
St Clement Candlewick Street, 97; parish, 34, 78
St Clement Danes (Midd.), xxxi, xxxii and n, 152
St Dionis Backchurch, 30, 114, 205
St Dunstan (unspec.), brotherhood, 23a
St Dunstan in the East, xxv, xxvii bis, 21, 22, 207, 212; parish, xix, 102
St Dunstan in the West, xii, xxiv, xxvii. 20, 202, 206, 217
St Edmund Lombard Street, 23a, 108, 222, 224
Sainte-Mre Eglise
-, Peter de, treasurer of St Paul's, 112n
-, William de, bishop, 111n
St Ethelburga Bishopsgate, 59; parish, 33
St Faith, 86
St Foster, see St Vedast
St Gabriel Fenchurch, 98
St George Botolph Lane, 104, 220
St Giles Cripplegate, xxvii, xxviii, 17, 18, 91, 218; brotherhood, 18, 95; parish, 37, 43n
St Giles in the Fields (Midd.), xxxi, 107 passim, 148; hospital, 20; master, 108, 111
St Gregory, xxvii, 10
St Helen Bishopsgate, xv, 101, 108
St James Garlickhithe, xix, xxiv, xxv, 16, 18, 193, 197, 217
St John, Lord (Lord Great Master), 66
St John Clerkenwell, hospital of, 63
St John's Street, 13
St John the Evangelist Watling Street, xxvi(n), 70, 108
St John Walbrook, 44, 54, 192; rector, 74
St John Zachary, 63, 222 bis
St Katharine by the Tower, xv bis, xxxii, 218
St Katherine (unspec.), 21
St Katherine Coleman, xv
St Katherine Cree, xvi(n), 61, 220
St Lawrence, John de, priest, 112
St Lawrence Jewry, 43; parish, 45; vicar, 92; wardens, 194
St Lawrence Lane, 31a, 43 bis
St Lawrence Pountney college, xxv, 71; master and chaplains of Corpus Christi, 108
St Leonard (unspec.), 107, 209
St Leonard East Cheap, 31b, 35, 210 bis, 211; parish, 38, 96 bis
St Leonard Foster Lane, xxvi, 18, 65, 222
St Magnus, xlv, 24, 25, 193, 209; wardens, 9
St Margaret (unspec.), 214
St Margaret Bridge Street, 38, 209 bis; parish, 24, 31b
St Margaret Lothbury, 42, 78
St Margaret Moses, 30, 209
St Margaret Pattens, xi(n), 88
St Margaret Westminster, see Westminster
St Martin (unspec.), parish, 33
St Martin in the Fields (Midd.), xxxi, 134
St Martin le Grand, xv, 194; collectors, 110
St Martin Ludgate, 42, 78, 107, 111, 222
St Martin Orgar, 34; parish, 32, 192
St Martin Outwich, xxv, 91, 211 passim, 216
St Martin Pomery, xxiv, 56, 223
St Martin Vintry, 54, 193 passim, 207; parish, 26, 27
St Mary Abchurch, 49, 201, 211 passim, 224
St Mary Aldermanbury, 39, 194 bis
St Mary Aldermary, 27, 37, 192 ter, 211 bis, 212, 216, 217; parish, 32, 37, 39, 53
St Mary at Hill, xii, xxvii, 9, 12, 192, 209 ter, 210; parish, 21
St Mary Axe, 80
St Mary Bothaw, 32
St Mary Colechurch, 93, 192, 210, 211
St Mary Graces, abbey (Graces nigh the Tower), 30
St Marylebone (Midd.), 160
St Mary le Bow, 77, 209
St Mary le Strand, see Strand
St Mary Magdalene (unspec.), 191
St Mary Magdalene Milk Street, 116, 194, 212; parish, 1
St Mary Magdalene Old Fish Street, 53; parish, xix, 8
St Mary Matfelon (Midd.), xxxi, 155, 217
St Mary Mounthaw, xi(n), xv, 209
St Mary's hospital, 16, 64, 99, 104; preachers, 66, 111
St Mary Somerset, 102, 209 bis; parish, 43; priest, 55
St Mary Staining, 89, 220
St Mary Woolchurch, xxvi, 36, 212
St Mary Woolnoth, xxvii, 36, 40, 211 bis
St Matthew Friday Street, xxvi(n), 69, 109, 191, 222 bis
St Michael Bassishaw, xv(n), xvii, xxvi(n), 74, 200; parish, 116; rector, 92
St Michael Cornhill, xii, 11, 12, 36, 211, 224; wardens, 61
St Michael Crooked Lane, 35, 209 bis, 222; parish, 66
St Michael le Quern, 33, 37n, 78, 94
St Michael Paternoster Royal, parish, 37 and n; Whittington college, xxv, 54, 96, 197, 216 bis
St Michael Queenhithe, 31a, 195, 202, 203; parish, 4, 43 and n, 46
St Michael Wood Street (Hogen Lane), 45, 108, 220
St Mildred (unspec.), 209 bis; parish, 30
St Mildred Bread Street, 68
St Mildred Poultry, 100; parish, 28
St Neots (Hunts.), priory, 3
St Nicholas Acon, 50
St Nicholas Cole Abbey, 19, 209 bis
St Nicholas Olave, xxiii, 4, 31a, 210
St Nicholas Shambles, 151
St Olave (unspec.), 34
St Olave Hart Street (Tower Street), 81, 194
St Olave Jewry, 79, 103n, 210n
St Olave Silver Street, 62
St Osyth (Essex), abbot and convent, 155
St Pancras (Midd.), 136
St Pancras West Cheap, 16, 24, 28, 194, 211; parish, 26, 29; wardens, 94
St Paul's cathedral, xiv, xxviii, 31b, 34, 68, 92, 110, 220, 221; almoner, 108; altar of St Martha, 220; chamberlain, 111; chantries, 19, 71, 108111, 212, 222; charnel chapel, 113, 192 bis; choristers, 108 ter, 109, 111; dean and chapter, xii, 2, 23a, 33, 108111, 133, 136, 141, 143 bis, 163, 173, 178, 181, 213, 220; fraternity of Jesus, 106; Holmes college, xxv, xxx, 108n, 113; Lady light, keeper, 222; Lancaster college, xxv, xxx, 113; Long chapel, 213; ministers, 110; obits, 112; Pardon Churchyard, Mores chapel in, xxx, 190b; Peter college, xxv, xxx, 113; petty canons, 201 bis; prebends: Chiswick, 112n; Holborn, 110; Portpool, 110; Rugmere, 112n; precinct, 113; priest, 211; priests' chambers, 111; priests' house proctors, 111; Sherington chapel, 113; torches, 209
St Peter Cornhill, 33, 192, 207, 211 bis, 212
St Peter Paul's Wharf (St Peter the Less), xii(n), xxi-xxii, xxvii, 60, 215n
St Peter the Poor, 60, 65, 215, 221
St Peter West Cheap, xvii, xxvi, 99, 209, 222 ter
St Sepulchre without Newgate, xviii, xxvii bis, 1315, 202, 209, 215; parish, xx
St Stephen Coleman Street, 103, 194, 199
St Stephen Walbrook, 29, 191, 192, 212, 212n bis
St Stephen Westminster, see Westminster
St Swithin London Stone, 41, 206; parish, 34
St Thomas of Acon, hospital (college) of, 95, 194 ter, 194n
St Thomas the Apostle, 18, 95, 191; parish, 29
St Vedast (St Foster) Foster Lane, xxv(n), 5, 213 bis, 222 passim; rector, 222
Salisbury (Wilts.), bishop, 78, 107 passim
Salisbury (Salesbury), John, 32
Salters' Company, 29n, 90n, 95, 191
Sampson, Thomas, 31b
Samy, Thomas, 157
Sandal (Yorks.), 190n
Sandeford, Barnard, priest, 78
Sandes, Miles, priest, 52n
Sandlond, Thomas, priest, 43
Sandwell, Robert, 188
-, Henry of (de Sandewyco), bishop, 112
-, Robert, priest, 93, 210
Saunderash, John, 19
-, Edward, 54
-, William, 29
-, , 119
-, Henry, priest, 108
-, William and Jane his wife, 6
Sauter (Sawter), Thomas, priest, 50 bis
Savage, John, priest, 58
Savoy hospital (Midd.), xv; master, 26
Sawbridgeworth (Herts.), 201
Sawmon, Agnes (Annes), 197
Say (Sey)
-, Robert, 26
-, Robert, priest, 24
-, William, dean of St Paul's, 109
Scot, James, 207
Scotus, Adam, 112
Scrages, John, 219
Secheford, Andrew, 5
Seething (Sidon) Lane, 46
-, James, priest, 222
-, Richard, 18
-, Thomas, priest, 8
Setchey (in South Lynn, Norf.), 190(v)
Sevenock, William, 78
Sewcaunt, John, priest, 114
Sewter, Robert, priest, 110n
Sey, see Say
Seyman, Bartholomew, 63 bis
Shadworth, John, 57, 68
Shalteshunte, see Chateshunt
Shapir, Thomas, priest, 68n
Sharpe, George, priest, 91n, 211
Sharpulles, James, conduct, 34n
-, Edmund, 94
-, John, 190(v)
-, Robert, priest, 90
-, William, priest, 29
Sheffield, Humphrey, priest, 79n
Shepard (Sheppard)
-, John, 216
-, Ralph, priest, 44n, 192
-, William, 186
Shepperton (Midd.), 124
Shepperton (Sheperton), John, 184
Shepye, Hugh, priest, 190n
Sherborne Lane, 40
Shere, John, 117
-, Richard, 76
-, Walter, priest, 109, 113
Sherpin, John, priest, 9
-, John, 40
-, Robert, 211
Shipsid, Thomas, priest, 137
Shoe Lane, 107
Shoreditch (Midd.), St Leonard, xxxi, 126; parish, xxxii
Shuldeham, Guy, 193
Sibson, Robert, 14
Sidon Lane, see Seething Lane
Skelton, Robert, priest, 190n
Skinners' Company, 37 and n, 100, 192
Skipton, William, priest, 31b n
Skyres, Robert, priest, 190n
Slaning, , 135
Slatter, John, 157
Smalwood, Roger, 6
Smith (Smyth, Smythe)
-, Alexander, priest, 110n
-, Andrew, 11
-, Gilbert, priest, 24
-, Henry, 12n, 115
-, Henry, priest, 44
-, John, priest, 69, 191
-, John, STB, 168
-, Lawrence, 16
-, Lettice, 209
-, Randall, priest, 20
-, Reginald, conduct, 16n
-, Richard, priest, 74, 96, 109
-, Robert, 107, 210
-, Robert, priest, 26, 47n
-, Stephen, 220
-, Thomas, priest, 109
-, William, conduct, 47n
-, William, priest, 32n
Smithfield, 13, 68 bis; Smithfield Bars, 13
Sok . . ., Mother, 20
Sole, Robert, 30
Soles, John, 162
Somerset House, 159n
Somerton, Thomas, priest, 40n, 211
Somner, Henry, 220
Soper Lane, 21, 43
Sopland, William, priest, 90
Soudley, Thomas, priest, 19
South Mimms (Midd.), xxxii bis. 117, 190b
Southwark (Surr.), xii(n); St Mary Magdalene, 219; St Thomas's hospital, 21, 31a
Spackman, Nicholas, 2; cf. Sparkman
Spanyshebue, John, 107
Sparkman, Tristram, priest, 110n; cf. Spackman
Speight, Thomas, 211
Spence, John, conduct, 47n
Spendlow, John, priest, 151, 157
Spenser, William, priest, 117
-, Stephen, 31a
-, Master Thomas, 156, 190(i)
Sprat (Sprot), Alexander, 52, 84
Sprint, Thomas, priest, 26n
Sprotborough, Robert, 35
Squire (Squyer), William, conduct, 77n
Stafford, William, 193
Stagg, Mrs, 21
Staines (Midd.), 125, 190(v)
Stamelden, William, 222
Stamford, William, x
Standish (Standysche)
-, John, priest, 58
-, Ralph, priest, 186
Standolf, John, 222
Stanmore, Great (Midd.), 172
Stanmore, Little (Midd.), 127
Stanney, Robert, priest, 76
Stanwell (Midd.), 132; parish, 138; "Londons Hanysshe", 132
Staple, Merchants of, 139
Stapleford, William, priest, 194
Star, see Sterre
Staundon, William, xxiii
Staunton, John, 13
Stepneth, Joseph, priest, 24
Stepney (Midd.), xxxi, 133, 169; churchwardens, 133; parish, xxxii
Stern, Thomas, 199
Sterre, Roger, 35
Stevens, William, conduct, 16
Steward, Edward, 214
Stile (Style)
-, John, priest, 127
-, William, 127
Stock (Stoke), William at, alias Essex, xxii passim, 215
Stockden, Roger, 11
Stocker, Walter, 18
Stockport (Ches.), grammar school, xxvii, 222
-, George, 119
-, Robert, priest, 211
-, cf. Stokes
Stockton (Stocton, Stowghton)
-, James (Thomas), priest, 126
-, Richard, priest, 66n
Stoke, see Stock
Stoke Newington (Midd.), 164
-, , 90
-, Robert, priest, 33n
-, Thomas, 58
-, cf. Stocks
Stonard, Thomas, priest, 188
Story, Edward, priest, 139
Stote, John, priest, 90n
Stowe, Thomas, dean of St Paul's, 108
Stowghton, see Stockton
Strand (Midd.), St Mary, xxxi, 159
Stratford, Richard de, 112
Stratford at Bow (Midd.), xxxii, 133
Straunge (Stringe), Richard, priest, 111, 192n
Street (Streat)
-, Simon, 212
-, William, 142
Strickett, William, priest, 108n
-, Robert, 185
-, Robert, priest, 185
Strowgar (Strowger), George, priest, 16n, 105n
Suffolk, Thomas, 44
Sunbury (Midd.), 141; Halford field, 141
Surrey, rents etc. in, 190(ii), 190(v)
Sussex, rents etc. in, 190(iii)
Sutton, Lewis and Agnes his wife, 51
-, , widow, 25
-, William, priest, 25
Swayne, William, 36
Sweper, James, 12
Swift, William, priest, 87
Sworder, John, 17
Syll, Richard, priest, 109
Sylvester (Sylvestre)
-, John de, 112
-, Thomas, priest, 43
Syward, John, 19, 102
-, Hugh, 211
-, Sir Humphrey, 2
Tallow Chandlers' Company, 214
Tanner, Robert, conduct, 9 and n
-, John, 221
-, Robert, 47
Tattorn, William, 62
Tavy, John, 75
-, Dr, 216
-, George, 50
-, John, 184
-, John, priest, 70
-, Dr John, dean of Lincoln, 33
-, Lawrence, priest, 97
-, Richard, priest, 96
-, Thomas, priest, 35n
Taylor alias Cardmaker, John, priest, 107
Teddington (Midd.), 144
Tempest, Walter, conduct, 77n
Temple, Alice, 107
Tenterden, John, 93
Thacker, Roger, priest, 26n
Thames Street, 6, 9, 21, 24
Thingdon (Northants.), 78
Thole, William, priest, 97
-, John, priest, 12
-, William, 146
Thompson (Thomson, Tompson)
-, Christopher, priest, 127
-, Edward, priest, 152n
-, John, 195
-, John, priest, 109
-, Richard, 163
-, Robert and his wife, 20
-, William, 142
Thornton, Henry, priest, 179
Thorpe, Walter, priest, 110
Thorpe Salvin (Yorks.), 212
Thundersley (Essex), 185
-, Dame Elizabeth, 5
-, John, 111, 222
Tickle (Tickell, Tyckle), Thomas, priest, 81n, 194
Tilney, John, 103
Tinner, Robert, conduct, 21n
Tippe, Peter, conduct, 37n
Tockington (in Harrow, Midd.), xxxi, 162
-, Richard, priest, 66
-, William, priest, 63n
Tole, John, draper, 224
Toller, Peter, priest, 80
Tolwyn, William, priest, 26
Tomlyns, Richard, 139
Tooting Bec (Surrey), 47
Torky, Anthony, priest, 159
Tottenham (Midd.), xxxii, 108n, 163, 190b
Tower, parson of, 41
Tower Street, 21
Towers (Towres), Dennis, 39
Trayforth, Henry, 193
Tri-, see also Try-
Trinder, Mother, 20
Tripley, John, 19
Tristram, John, 212
Trompington, Thomas, 52
Trygges, John, xxii bis
Tryston, John, 41
Trystor, William, 5, 23b
Tudball, Thomas, priest, 96n
Turbervyle, Davy, 88
Turgold, John, 19
-, Master, 24
-, Walter, 19 bis and n
Turkington, William, 190(v)
Turnbull (Twrnebull), Hugh, priest, 161
Turnell, William, 211
Turner (Tornour, Turnor, Twrnor)
-, Edward, priest, 111n
-, John, 123
-, John, priest, 31b, 91n, 211
-, Richard, priest, 119
-, William, 88, 146
-, William, priest, 156
Tutt, Hans, 27
Twickenham (Midd.), 188; "Heygate", 188; "Stakton", 188
Twyford (Midd.), chapel, xxxii
Twyford, John, 14
Ty-, see also Ti-
Tyffeng, Robert, priest, 21
Tyrrey (Tyrry)
-, Christopher, 5
-, Thomas, 137
Ugley, John, 107
Ulcombe (Kent), xx(n)
Ulstrope, John, 107 bis
Underwood, William, priest, 152n
Ungle, Richard, priest, 39n
Unwin, Henry, priest, 74
Uphavering, John, 192
Uxbridge (Midd.), xxxi bis, xxxii bis, 119; "Wakefeldes", 119
Vaughan, John, priest, 190n
Vengham, see Wengham
Vere, Roger de la, 104
Verney, Richard, 94
Vestibulo, Thomas, 112
Vincent, William, priest, 75n
Vine (Vyne)
-, Andrew at, 88
-, Maud at, 36n, 224
-, Roger at, 95 bis
Vintners' Company, xiii, xxiv(n), 193
Vintry, 96
Virley, John, priest, 190n
Vugham, Christian, widow, 76
Vyall, Richard, conduct, 152
Wage, John, 25
Wakefield (Yorks.), 190n
Wakefield, Ralph, priest, 146
Wakeling, John, 10
Walbrook, 44
Walden, Roger de, bishop, 108n
Waldesheff, Walter, 213
Wale, John, priest, 27
-, Isabel, 188
-, John, conduct, 77n
-, Robert, conduct, 77n
-, Robert, priest, 107
-, Thomas, 6
-, Thomas, priest, 108
Wallyes, Thomas, 190(iv)
Walpole (Wawpole)
-, George, priest, 95
-, John, 222
-, Peter, 69n
-, Thomas, priest, 95n, 191
-, Alexander, 218
-, John, 45n
Walter, Robert, 121
Waltham, Roger, priest, xxx, 108 and n, 110 and n
-, Richard, priest, 109
-, William, 222
Walworth, William, 35 passim
Warden, Henry, priest, 77n
Warmington (Waryngton), Thomas, 108
Warren (Warryn)
-, John, 151
-, Robert, 157
Waterall, Robert, priest, 211n
Waterhouse, Robert, priest, 211n
Waters, Edward, 21
Wates, Master, 126
Watkinson, Arthur, 107
Watles, John, 76
Watling Street, 91, 117
Watson, Thomas, priest, 49
-, Agnes, 139
-, Robert, 139
Wawpole, see Walpole
Waxchandlers' Company, 195
Wayland, John, 158
Wedger, Thomas, priest, 179
Welber, Francis, chorister, 96n
Wele, Walter, 23b
Well (Welles)
-, Thomas, 192
-, Thomas, priest, 36n, 224
Welwick (Welwike), Robert, 33
Wendover, Richard, 108
Wengham (Wenham, Vengham)
-, , 33
-, Henry de, bishop, 112
-, John de, precentor of St Paul's, 112
Wenlock, Walter, 36
Wentford, John, 87
Wentors, William, priest, 40
Wentworth, Charles, priest, 74
Werke, John, 51
Wesby, Edward, 135
-, John, 27
-, Michael, priest, 66
-, Nicholas, 6, 212
-, Robert, priest, 37n
-, William, 38
West Cheap, 77, 116
Westhaw, Thomas, 27
Westminster, 31b, 95; abbey (cathedral),
xv, xxvi, 11, 85; bishop, x, 128, 135,
140, 158; dean and chapter, 5, 31b,
107, 139 bis; chamber, 33
-, St Margaret, xxxi, xxxii bis, 139
-, St Stephen, college of, xxv, xxvi, xxviii,
xxxii, 68, 69, 75, 190, 190b bis
-, Hugh, priest, 64
-, John, 9, 34
-, Richard, 53
-, Thomas, 84
Westwood, John, 20
Wetherby, Hugh, 222
Wethers, Thomas, priest, 34
Wever, Nicholas, priest, 128
Whaplode, Robert, 38
Wharton, William, priest, 143
Wheler, Robert, 190(v)
Wheteley, William, priest, 96n
White (Whyte)
-, John, sexton, 84n
-, Thomas, 192
-, Thomas, priest, 94n
-, William, 224
White Bakers' Company, 56, 223
Whitebury, James, priest, 103n
Whithorn, George, priest, 180
Whitmore, Thomas, priest, 94
Whitney, Fulk, priest, 108 and n
-, John, 157
-, Thomas, 188
-, Thomas, priest, 187
Whittington college, see St Michael Paternoster Royal
Whitton, Thomas, 13
Whorleston, Thomas, priest, 43
Wi-, see also Wy-
Widensor, William, priest, 224
Wigan, John, 107
Wiggenhall (Norf.), 190(v)
Wilford (Willford)
-, Elizabeth, 102, 209
-, James, 66 bis
-, Thomas, 102
Wilkenson, John, priest, 91n, 211
Willampton, Robert, priest, 111n
Willes, Nicholas, priest, 66; cf. Willis
Willesden (Midd.), 181; "Champnes", 181; Long Mead, 181
Willet, James, 21n
William, John, priest, 84n, 209
-, Griffith, priest, 126
-, John, priest, 41n
-, Richard (Rice), schoolmaster, xxvii, 9n
-, George, conduct, 23a n
-, John, priest, 91n
Willis, Thomas and his wife, 23a; cf. Willes
Willoughby, John, 11n
Wilmslow (Ches.), 193
Wilschere, William, 78
-, Nicholas, priest, 91
-, Richard, priest, 29n
-, Robert, 20n
-, William, 185, 194
Winchcombe, Simon de, 49
Winchester (Hants.), bishop, 31b; college, 224; mayor and bailiffs, 224; prioress, 77
Winchfield (Hants.), manor, 190(ii)
Windeston, John, 19
Windsor (Berks.), college, 111, 180; dean and chapter, 55
-, Lord, 149
-, William de, 65
Wingate, Michael, priest, 14n
Winstanley (Wynston), Thomas, priest, 76n, 101n
Winter, Richard, 24
Winterborne Cane (Dors.), 190(ii)
Witchling (Kent), manor, 190(iii)
Wocetor, see Worcester
Wochan (Vochan), Dame Blanche, 184 bis
Wodcoke, see Woodcock
Wokes, John, of Aldenham, 142
Wokyndon, Nicholas, 110
Wolley, Richard, priest, 44
Wolsey, Thomas, Lord Chancellor, 222
Wood (Wodde)
-, John, 16
-, John, priest, 16n
-, Robert, 12
Woodcock (Wodcoke), John, xix, 57
Woodham, John, 185
-, Father, 25
-, Henry, priest, 78n
Wood Street, 45 ter
Worcester, bishop, 128; dean, 107
Worcester (Wocetor, de Wygornia)
-, Roger, priest, 112
-, William, 144
Worde, Wynkyn de, 107
Wordon, Walter, 35
Worham, Dr, 146
Worsley, John, esq., 53
Worsted, Simon, 28 and n
Wotton, John, priest, 100
Wright, Richard, 218
Writell, Rose, 9
Wroith, Sir Thomas, 185
Wrotham, John, 114
Wulton, John, priest, 100n
Wy-, see also Wi-
Wyborn, Margaret de, 68
Wye (Kent), 190n
Wyken, William, 36, 192
Wylde, Maud, 224
Wylehale, William, 56
Wylmy, John, priest, 109
Wymounde, Thomas and Elizabeth his wife, 40
Wynston, see Winstanley
Wysdale, John, priest, 47
Wyther (Wythers), John, priest, xxx, 109 144
Wytton, Thomas, 43
Yarford (Yardeford), James, kt., and Lady, xvii, 74
Yeoveney (in Staines, Midd.), 125
York, sheriffs, 190(ii); gild of St John Baptist, 58
Yorkshire, farm in, 190(ii)
Young, Thomas, 131