The London Eyre of 1276. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1976.
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'Index: L - Z', in The London Eyre of 1276, ed. Martin Weinbaum (London, 1976), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index: L - Z', in The London Eyre of 1276. Edited by Martin Weinbaum (London, 1976), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Index: L - Z". The London Eyre of 1276. Ed. Martin Weinbaum (London, 1976), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Ladder, 8, 64, 101
Lade, John de la, 159, 631
Lafford, see Ford
Lambourn (Lamburn), 22
-, Adam de, 91
Lamenes (Laminess, Laymenes), Richard de, sheriff's bailiff, 256, 289, 589
Lance head, iron, 508
Land, pleas of, 470, 472, 485, 514, 523; by writ of right patent, 485, 514, 523; custom concerning, 514, 523
Landa (Lande), Jake(s) de, 294, 664
Lanes: grants to enclose, 342–4; obstructed, 409, 443; see also Paths
Langbourn ward, 29, 117, 197, 256
Langford, William de, 66, 592
-, Alexander de, 276
-, Alice widow of Robert de, 72
-, Richard de, 257
Lannes, Walter de, 725
Larceny, see Theft
Large, Ralph le, 83, 108, 610
Lastebyr', Robert de, 152
Laster, Thomas le, 21
Latimer, William le, 146, 278
Latten, rings of, 491
Laufare (Lauvare)
-, Eustace de, 232
-, Reginald de, 292, 527
-, William de (I), 116; (II), 377, 744; (III),
Lavenham, Robert de, 218, 544
Law: great, 209; twelve-handed, 488
Laymenes, see Lamenes
Lead, 221; load of, 270; see also Vessels
Leather, 496; white, 508; see also Hides
Leden, Adam de, & Simon his servant, 142
Leges, Robert de, 506
Leicester, Agnes de, 38
Lemynstre, see Lyminster
Len, see Lynn
Leodegar, Master, 382
Lerenz, see Lorenz
Letherharde, Bette, 127
Letter, written in defendant's name, 278
Leuesham, see Lewisham
Leuis (Leuys), see Lewis
-, Geoffrey de, justice in eyre, 1
-, Roger de, 388, 750
Leuman, Simon, 15
Lewes, Sussex, battle of, 296
Lewis (Leuis, Leuys)
-, Henry de, 145
-, Richard, 245, 564
-, William de, 294, 663
Lewisham (Leuesham, Louesham)
-, Alexander de, 129
-, William de, 32, 532
Liberty of the City, 279–80
Lichfield (Lichefeld), Alice de, 33
Lilystone (Lilleston), 127
Limeburner (Lymberne), Peter le, 392
Lincoln: bishop of, 18, 39, 316
-,, clerk, 671
-, John de, & Christine his daughter, 85
-, Matthew de, 274, 581
Lincolnshire, 52
Linde, see Lynde
Linton (Lynton)
-, Master Adam de, Maud his wife, &
Agnes her maid, 75, 596
-, Robert de, sheriff, 4, 50–62, 209, 294,
316, 370, 468, 481, 537–8, 591, 657,
663, 739
Lo, John de, & Peter his brother, 664–5
Loberg(e), Nicholas de, 294, 664
Lock, John, 236
Locks, on gate, 344
Loger (Logger), Hugh, 294, 664
Lokier (Lokyere), Maud, wife of Henry le, 163, 632
London: bishop of, 39, 55, 116, 187, 479, 527, 552, 564, 663; his proctor, see Harrow, Richard de (I)
London, Christine de, 247
London Bridge, 15, 45, 99, 107; Paul, warden of, 95
London Wall, 322, 345
Longe (Longman, Longus, le Lung)
-, Geoffrey, 83
-, Ives le, draper, 287
-, John le, 159, 228
-, Ralph le, 60, 539
-, Robert le, 468
-, William (I), 60, 539; (II), son of Ralph
le, 245
Loquendum concerning: deodands, 130; enrolment of appeals, 137; escapes from churches, 20, 48; gaol delivery, 230; hue & cry, 24; inquests, 22; watch & ward, 20
Lorenz (Lerenz), John, 279, 300
Lorimer, 101, 272
-, Nicholas le, 25
-, Roger le, 209
-, Terry le, 101
Lorraine (Lorianico), 231
Lou, Hugh le, 450, 780; see also Wolf
Louel, Emma, 256
Louesham, see Lewisham
Louman, Mabel, & Philippa her maid servant, 187
Louvain (Lovayne), Lyhussenere de, 665
Lovecote, Denise de, 234, 284, 584
Loveday, Roger, 340
Lucas, John, 249
Lucca, Italy
-, Luke de, & his associates, 521, 666
-, Theobald de, & his associates, 666
Ludgate, 137
-, Simon de, 513
Lunatic, 253
Lung, le, see Longe
Lure, Ranulf, 288
Lyminster (Lemynstre), Simon de, 53
Lynde (Linde)
-, Clarice, widow of John de, 484
-, John de la, bailiff of the City & constable
of the Tower, 3, 345, 508
Lyne, Ranulf, 99, 605
Lynn (Len)
-, Emma de, 212
-, Nicholas de, 22
see also Lyons
Lynnhull, see Hauvil, Henry de
Lyon, John de, 665
Lyons (Lynne), Bernard de, 294, 664
Lythfot, Roger, 316
Mace, Hugh, Florentine merchant, 219
Maiden Lane (Distaflane), 505
Mail, iron, 508
Mainpast, 7, 102, 131, 156, 190, 200–1, 208, 225–6, 244, 260; see also Household
Mainprise, see Bail
Makeheyte, Gilbert & Maud his widow, 181, 640
Makerel, John & Felice his wife, 21
Malefactors, unknown, 24, 26, 56, 86–7, 104, 126, 137–8, 146, 166–7, 177
Malemeyns, Thomas, 126
Malkse, Henry de, 665
Mailing (Moiling, etc.)
-, Adam, 133, 410, 762
-, Robert de, 237, 559
Malmesbury, John de, 236
Malon (Malur), Simon, & Geoffrey his servant, 257
Maneli, Laurence de, 387
Manhale (Mannahale), William de, 228, 288, 691
Mannec', William le, 93
Manors, see Southall; Thrafferton
Mansel (Maunsel), John, treasurer of York, 78, 521
-, Henry de, 145
-, William de, 145
Marbrer, John le, 222, 548
Marchaunt, Robert le (I), 31; (II), 245, 564
Marche, John de la, 249
Marcheys, Thomas le, 196
Mare (Mara)
-, Matthew de (la), 80, 598
-, William de, glover, 253, 569
Mareworth, Roger de, 183, 642
Margaret, queen of Scotland, 72
Mariner, 12, 80
-, Ellisle, 420, 766
Markets & fairs, see Cheapside; Smithfield; Winchester
Marlborough (Marlebergh), Walter de, 102
Marmion, Philip, 340
Mars, Robert de, 473
Marshal (Marishall, etc.): 205; Earl, 456;
king's, 501
-, Alice, widow of Michael le, 245
-, Geoffrey le (I), 180; (II), 231, 554; (III),
-, Gilbert le, 105, 609
-, Robert le (I), & Ismania his wife, 260,
573; (II) of St. Bartholomew's hospital, 685
-, Roger le (I), 71, 181, 229, 503; (II), 228
-, Thomas le (I), 228; (II), 464, 785
-, Walter the (le), 51, 75
-, William le (I), 455; (II), 704
Martilane, Henry de, 22
Martin's Lane (St. Martin Orgar Lane), 409
Mash, hot, 14, 95
Mason (Mazon), 91, 121
-, Alan le, 268
-, Master Andrew the, 91
-, Emma widow of John le, 81, 84
-, Ralph le, 406, 760
-, Master Robert the, 121
Maunsel, see Mansel
Mauntel, Brouning, Laurence & Richard, 245, 564
-, John, 214, 222, 662
-, Nicholas, 222, 548
-, Thomas, 121
Mayhem, 265
Mayor & aldermen (or barons or citizens), 18–517 passim
Mayors, list of, 3
Mayor's court, 491
Mazon, see Mason
Measurer, Nigel the, 69
Measures, 468
-, Humphrey le, 105, 609
-, William le, 15, 105, 609
Melbourn (Meldeb(o)urne), Robert de, sheriff, 4, 170, 243–5, 722; ward of, see Coleman Street ward
Melker, Gilbert le, 99
Melkestrete, see Milk Street
Melton, Theobald de, 34
Mercer, 13, 50, 228, 272, 316, 468
-, Anketin le, see Auvergne
-, Edward, 222, 548
-, Laurence le, 213
-, Ralph le, & Alice his wife, 16
-, Richard le, 153, 625
-, William le, 89
Merchants, foreign, 119; Flemish, 663–5, 667; Italian, 74, 219, 521, 666
Merdene (Berden), Walter de, 449, 779
Merk(e), Adinett, 245, 564
Merston, Henry de, chancery clerk, & Robert de Kingston his servant, 39
-, Roger de, & Beatrice his maid servant,
-, Walter de, chancellor, 236
-, William de, 195
Mesendene, see Missenden
Mesme, John de, 665
Messager (Messeger)
-, Robert le, 258
-, Thomas le, 354, 730
-, William le, 231
Messeday, Peter, 197
Messendene, see Missenden
Messer, John le, 200
Meystre, William le, 237
Micham (Michem), see Mitcham
Middlesex: county, 285, 527, 552, 559, 595; sheriff of, 28, 127, 180, 245, 280, 522; eyre in, 279–80, 564
Middleton (Middelton)
-, John de, 91
-, William de, 451
Midi, Baudede, 294, 664
Miles, Peter, 473
Milk Street (Melk(e)strete, etc.), 14, 72
-, Christopher de, & Clement his brother,
-, Henry de, 201
-, Thomas de, 294, 663
Mill-stones, 130
Milnward (Milneward)
-, Adam le, 169
-, John (le), 37, 533
Mimms (Mimmis, Mymmes)
-, John de, 222, 548
-, Richard de, 468
-, Thomas de, 468
Minors, 502, 511, 517, 519; not in frankpledge, 158
Mint, king's, 311; engraving die for, 300
Minur (Munur)
-, Hankinle, 127
-, John le, sheriff, 4, 18, 63–72, 592, 594;
ward of, see Aldersgate ward
-, William le, 22
see also Moneyer
Missenden (Mes(s)endene), William de, 386
Mitcham (Micham, Micheham, Michem)
-, Peter de, 70, 209, 673
-, Thomas de, 8
Modingham, see Nottingham
Moler, Guillot le, 254, 570
Moiling, see Mailing
Molsham, Walter de, 668
Money, 509, 511; forgery of, 11; theft of, 289; see also Mint
Moneyer (Moneor), Hamo (Henry), 174, 637; see also Minur
Monpelers, see Montpellier
Monquey, Geoffrey, 159, 209
Monsorel son of Robert, 241
Montauban (de Montibus), James de, 511–12, 519, 714, 718
Montfort (de Monteforti)
-, John de, 230
-, Simon de, son of Simon de, earl of
Leicester, 521
Montpellier (Monpelers, de Monte Pessulano, Mumpelers)
-, Ralph de, 72
-, Robert de (I), sheriff, 4, 116, 129–41,
147, 521; (II), 72
Mora, Ponce de, 258
More, Robert de la, 272, 579
Morket, Walter, & Alice his wife, 98
Mort d'ancestor, pleas of, 494, 502
Morton (Mutton), Thomas, 45, 536
Mote, Peter de la, 223, 549
-, Walter le, 183
-, William le, 56
Mumpelers, see Montpellier
-, John de, 341
-, Stephen de, 475
Muniments, royal, 521
Munur, see Minur
Murage, 322
Mus, Thomas son of William, 284
Musard, Walter, 294, 664
Mutton, see Morton
Nas, Henry le, 245, 564
Nasegor, William, 97
Nasinger, Roger de, 498
Nastok, John de, 226
Naun, Robert de, 106
Neighbours, attachment of: custom concerning, 87; irregular, 47, 53, 60, 80, 87–8, 101, 111, 134, 154, 159, 161–2, 165, 206; rule concerning, 26
Neuman (Norman)
-, John, 294, 663
-, Reginald le, 245, 564
Neverathom (Neverhethome)
-, Adam, 292, 527
-, Katherine de, 527
Nevil, Hawys (Helewys) de, wife of John de Gaddesden, 495, 501
New Hospital, see St. Mary Spital
New Temple, see Temple
Newark (Newerk, de Novo Loco)
-, Alice daughter of Ralph de, 268
-, Richard de, 292, 527
Newcastle, Robert de, 170
Newchurch (Neuchirch), Philip de, 96
Newenham, Devon, abbot of, 340, 526
Newgate prison, 6, 37, 41, 49, 55, 60, 62, 70, 74–5, 78, 94, 108, 113, 128, 152, 154, 163, 176, 183, 193, 197, 202–3, 208, 214, 219, 228, 234–6, 243, 246, 249, 256–7, 263, 269, 316, 496; keeper of, 219; William, keeper of, 491
Newport (Neuport)
-, John de, 161
-, Nicholas de, 678
-, Ralph de, 101
-, William de, 35
Nichol (Nicol, etc.)
-, John de, 294, 663
-, Robert (I), 99, 606; (II), 245, 564
-, Stephen son of, 109
-, William, 12
Nogeriis, see Novarra
Noreis (Noreys), William le, 245
Norfolk, 100, 238
-, Maud de, 119
-, William de (I), 40; (II), 277
-, John, mayor, 3, 56; ward of, see
Cordwainer ward
-, Roger, 209
-, William, & Richard his son, 18
Normande, Alice le, 74
Normanton, Walter son of Henry de, 52
Northall (Northale), 276
Northampton (Northamton, etc.)
-, Godfrey de, 459
-, Hugh de, 185
-, Isabel de, 284
-, John de (I), sheriff, 4, 36–50, 108–18,
153, 219, 316, 460, 533–1, 591, 614,
783; (II), & Edith his wife, 197, 648
-, Philip de, 405, 759
-, Simon de, 37, 183, 642
-, Thomas de, 101, 606
Northamptonshire, 238, 284, 477
Northawe, William de, 294, 663
Northbrook (Northbrok)
-, Gilbert de, 213
-, Richard de, 213
Northumberland, 263, 490, 492, 497, 575
Northwood (Northwode), John de, 292, 527
Norwich (Norwyco, etc.)
-, Robert de, 287, 587
-, Thomas de, 113, 249
Nothlethe, Philip de, 152
Nottingham (Notingham, Modingham,
-, Gervasede, 109, 611
-, Robert de, 7
-, William de, 75
Nottinghamshire, 642
Novarra (Nogeriis), Reymund de, papal chaplain, 244
Novel disseisin, 321; see also Intrusion
Nuele, John de, a Fleming, 665
Oakley (Okele), William de, 12
Oath-swearing, 514
Oddington (Otington), Henry de, 341
Odekin (Odeken), Geoffrey son of, 294, 664
Odyn (Hodyn), Walter, 196, 647
Ogele, see Ugley
Okele, see Oakley
Old Fish Street, 443
Old Jewry, see Jewry
Opton, see Upton
Orbatour (Orlatour), 209
-, Alexander le, 109
-, Philip le, 230
Orfevre, see Goldsmith
Orwell (Orewell), William de, 60
Osbern, Richard, 245, 564
Oskin, Robert son of, 243
Ossulstone (Osolvestane), Middx., hundred, 245
Ostre, Robert del, & Rose his wife, 495
Otes, Robert, 145, 468, 473
Otington, see Oddington
Outlawry, 7–284 passim; articles concerning, 312, 316; in Essex, 48, 97; in Hampshire, 87; in Kent, 97; in Middlesex, 127, 245; in Staffordshire, 39; see also Waivery
Overseas, flight of felons, 75, 226
Oxen, 79, 92
Oxford (Oxonia), 38, 66
-, Gilbert de, & Alice his wife, 478
-, John de, 271, 578
-, Nicholas de, 244, 563
-, Roger de, 273, 580
-, Walter de, 12, 21
Oynter, Michael le, 143, 288
Oysel, Audrey, 26
Oystergate (Oistergate)
-, Stephen de, sheriff, 4, 56–62, 539–40
-, Thomas de, 48
Oysterhull, Miles de, 279, 583
Oystermonger, 95
Pacbyndere, William le, 178
Packman, 231
-, Nicholas, 257
-, Richard, 141
-, William, 24, 174, 414, 754
Painasset, John, 566
Painmoyle, Sewall, 294, 664
Palfrayour, Alan & William le, of St. Bartholomew's priory, 141
Palisades, 353
Pantry, 501
Papal documents, 521
Papers, private, 521
Papworth (Pampesworth), Adam de, son of Roger de, 163, 632
Pardons: of homicide, 6, 72, 75, 78, 150, 170, 176, 189, 207–9, 218–19, 231; of trespasses, 265, 293, 476, 493; of usury, 306; offered, 521
Paris (Parys)
-, Guylotde, 468
-, John de, 272, 579
-, Peter de, 192
-, Richard de, sheriff, 4, 198, 228–31, 554–5
-, Robert de, 264, 444
-, William de, 468
Parker, Simon le, 152
Parks, 315
Parliament, 468
Parmenter (le Parchemener, Parchenarius,
etc.), 67, 468
-, Ambrose le, 67
-, Godfrey le, 294, 664
-, John le, 294, 664
-, Kyng le, 67
-, Luke le, 67
-, Manasser le, 67
-, Ralph le, 37, 533
-, Richard le, 75
Parson (Person, Persone, etc.)
-, John la, & Katherine (alias Katherine la
Norreys) his sister, & Dulcia her maid,
-, Richard la, 504
-, Richard son of the, 15
-, William la, 135
Party-wall, 121
-, Robert, 273, 580
-, Simon, 91
Paternoster (Paternostrer), 7
-, Guilot le, & Lucy his wife, 215, 342
-, John, 194, 646
-, Nicholas, 194
-, Ralph, 33
-, Richard le, & Isabel his daughter, 212,
-, Thomas le, 41, 468, 534, 724
-, William le, 468, 724
Paths, obstructed, 345, 442, 459; see also Lanes
-, Richard, 245, 564
-, Robert, 174
Pauchy, Gilbert, 71
Pauely, Andrew de, 237
-, Gerard le, 70
-, John le, 165, 223, 236, 363, 633
-, Ralph le, 222, 548
-, Richard le, 232, 272, 468, 579
Pauncefot, Grimbald, 521
Pavement, 24
Payn, Thomas, 214, 655
Pears, 32; see also Trees
Pecche (Peche), Robert, 272, 579
Pecok, Edmund, 284, 584
Pe Dargent (Pe de Argent, Pedeargent)
-, Belin, 294
-, Walter, & Walter his son, 294, 664
Pede, see Pode
Peisorer, Fulk, 300
Peitel, Peter, 59
Pek, Richard de, 238
Pel (Pele), Richard a), 228; (II), alias James Bole, 292, 527
Peleter, 209
-, John le, 177, 639
-, Robert le, 152
-, Thomas le, 215
see also Poleter
-, Alan de, 25
-, Gervase de, 75
-, Gilbert de, 273, 580
-, John de, 75
-, Ralph de, parson of St. Michael
Bassishaw, 502
Pembroke, earl of, see Valence, William de
Pender(e), Walter le, 246, 565
Penkerk, Clementine wife of Robert de, 221
Penshurst (Pencestre), Stephen de (I), 145; (II), constable of Dover castle, 203
Pentecost, Edmund, 421
Pentecost Lane, 291
Pentices, 348–465 passim
Pepys (Pepes), William, 196, 647
Perdriz, Robert, 96
Perer, John del, 7
Perone, Peter de, 253
-, Gerard, servant of James de Portu, 203
-, Ralph, 521
Person(e), la Persone, see Parson
Pessoner, German le, 383, 746
Pestour, see Baker
Petche, Richard, 212
-, Arnold son of, 316, 591
-, Dunnyng, 223
Peterer [i.e. fisherman], 209
Peticors, Henry, 119
Petit (Petite)
-, Henry le, & Margery his wife, 214
-, Robert le, 312
-, Roger le, sheriff's bailiff, 249, 566
Pevelesdon (Pevesdon), see Puleston
Peverer (Peuerer), 294
-, Adam le, 131, 174
-, James le, 116, 613
Phalizatus , 203
Physician (Fisicien, Fisicion), 257
-, Robert le, le Petit, & Robert his son,
273, 580
Piacenza (Plesenf), Petrucche de, & his associates, 666
Picard (Pikard, Pykard)
-, Adam, 132, 203, 657
-, Ellis, 244, 563
-, Hubert son of Richard, 108
Picard, continued
-, Richard, sheriff, 4, 36–49, 108–18, 316,
533–4, 614
-, William, 46
Picot, Isabel widow of John, 271
Pictor, John, 192
Pig (Pighe, Pye, Pyg)
-, Richard (I), 267; (II), 245, 564
-, William, 245, 564
Piggesfles(h), Roger, 292, 294, 527, 663
Pigo (Pygon), Jordan, 418, 766
Pigs, 44, 155
-, Ralph, & Robert his servant, 140
-, Stephen, 279
-, William, 48
Piket (Pikette)
-, Thomas, 294, 664
-, Wambert (Waubert), 294, 664
Pil (Pyl), John le, 245, 564
Pilate (Pylat), Bernard, 294, 664
Pills, as medication, 257
Pipe Rolls, App. E
Pistoia, 219, 545
Pistor, see Baker
Pit, 18
Plank of wood, 22
-, John de, 294, 664
-, Wis (Wys) de, 294, 664
-, Simon le, 217, 543
-, William le, 217, 543
Plesent', see Piacenza
Plomer (Ploumer, Plumer)
-, Hugh le, 212
-, John le, alias Robert le, 273, 580
Plumstead (Plumstede)
-, Henry de, 49
-, Walter de, 91
Pode (Pede), John, 245, 564
Poel (Porcher), Hugh le, 227, 552
Pointel (Portel, Poyntel)
-, Nicholas, 168, 635
-, Reginald, 288
-, Robert, 125, 290, 590
Poisoning, 209
Poleter (Poloter, Poluter, Puleter), 32, 67,
-, Amisiusle, 180
-, Bartholomew le, 180
-, John le, 221
-, Osbert le, 185, 209, 288, 643
-, Walter le, 284, 584
see also Peleter
Poleyn, Baldwyn, & Jakem his son, 665
Ponte, de, see Bridge
Pontefract (de Pontefracto)
-, Matthew de, 116, 613
-, Robert de, 51, 538
Pope, Walter, 685
Porcher, see Poel
Porches, 352, 395
Porer, Thomas le, 494
Porteioye (Porteroye), John, 230, 555
Portel, see Pointel
Porteous (Purteus), Jo(ke)mes, 294, 664
Porter (Portur), 191
-, John le, see Potter, John le
-, Ralph le, 26
Porteroye, see Porteioye
Ports, assigned to abjurors, 115
Portsmouth (Portemuth), 115
-, William de, 292, 527
Portsoken ward, 43, 111, 156, 163, 199, 300, 394
Portu, James de, & William de, 203
Portugal, 78
Portur, see Porter
Postel, John, 98
Pot, brass, 209, 496
Potente, Lambert de la, & Alexander his son, 294, 664
Poterel, Richard, 402, 758
Poteys, Geoffrey, 37
Potter (Poter), 222
-, John le, alias Porter, 395, 754
-, Laurence le, alias Gilbert le, 379, 745
-, Michael, 419, 766
-, Richard le, 209, 692
-, Simon le, 135
-, Walter le, sheriff, 4, 112, 185, 220, 232–
42, 250, 495, 546; ward of, see
Cornhill ward
Pourt (Purte, Purtre), Thomas le, 102, 232, 556, 607
Powerstock (Porstok, Purstok), William de, chamberlain, 132–48
Poygnant, Robert, 142, 149
Poytevin, John, 139
Prato, Robert de, 223
Premeditation, alleged, 147
Presbyter, Osbert, 447
-, Thomas, 37
-, William, 29
-, Alice widow of Gilbert de, 477
-, Laurence de, 477
Pretewse, Robert, see Prituse
Priories in the king's gift, 298
Prises, 319–20
Prisons: death in, 113, 193, 205; see also Aldgate; Custody; Fleet prison; Imprisonment; Newgate
Prituse (Pretewse), Robert, 245, 564
Privies, 428, 456
Privileges, see Custom of the City
Prostitutes, 119, 134, 137, 181
Proudman, William, 114
Prudford, John, 550
Prus, William de, 665
Prute, Alan le, 154
Psalter, 521
Puleston (Pevelesdon, Pevesdon, Pyvelesdon), Thomas de, 129, 293, 296, 476; ward of, 129
Purgation, 187
Purprestures, in 1251, 295; in 1276, 342– 467
Purstok, see Powerstock
Purte (Purtre), see Pourt
Purteus, see Porteous
Purveyor, king's, 239, 292, 474; see also Acatour, Joce le
Putney (Puttenheth), 98
Puys, Terry de, 665
Pye, see Pig
Pygon, see Pigo
Pyning, Nicholas, 16
Pynnot, Thomas, 43
Pyriton, Margery de, 119
Pystewell, Robert son of Hamo de, 214
Pysyng, John de, & Roger his servant, 177
Pyvelesdon, see Puleston
Quart measures, 468
Quays, see Wharfs
Queenhithe, 214; ward, 30, 33, 37, 49, 102, 223, 459, 506, 519
Queyfer, Lucy la, see Wysdarius
-, Walter le, 109
-, William le, 126
Raban, Bartholomew de, 257
Racolf, John, 294, 663
Ramsey (Ramesey)
-, Adam de, 255
-, John de, 299
Randal, Thomas, 32
Randolf (Randulf)
-, John, 32
-, Robert, 245, 564
Rape, 74, 85, 519
Ravenescote, John de, 665
Reading (Reding(ges)), Robert de, 292, 527
Receiving stolen goods, 278
Recognizances of debt, 475, 486, 490, 497– 8; justice in eyre party to, 490
Regalia, king's, 300
Reigate (Reygate), William de, 504, 711
Reliquary, 73
Rents, 483, 495, 499, 501–2, 517; arrears of, 489; clove-, 183, 291; held by serjeanty, 300; of assize, 138; quit-, 291; sold without warrant, 138
Respites: for default of jurors, 493; for foreign warranty, 477–8, 482, 484–5, 494, 502, 513–15
Retoundor, see Tundur
Retherhethe, see Rotherhithe
Return: permission to, 122, 139, 154, 181; without warrant, 312
Reus, see Rose
Reve (Rime), William, 183, 642
Reyley, John de, 273
Reyner, Christine, 292, 527
Reynham, Robert (alias Thomas) de, 294, 663
-, John son of, 69
-, William son of, 183
Richmond (Richemund)
-, John, 468
-, Peter de, 41
Richolda, prostitute, 230
Rime, see Reve
Ringerer, Robert le, 491
Rings: gold, 511; latten, 491
Robbery, 52, 145, 278, 287–8
Roberd, Richard, 197
Rochester (de Roff), Henry de, 260, 573
Rockingham (Rokyngham), Hugh de, 212
Rods, serjeants', 2
Roger, Robert son of (I), 248; (II), of Hackney, 245, 564
Rokesle (Roqesley, Rotheley, etc.)
-, Ellisde, 237, 559
-, Gregory de, mayor, chamberlain &
sheriff, 3, 4, 75, 142–54, 167, 221–7,
246, 270, 283, 291, 481, 522, 549, 623;
ward of, see Dowgate ward
-, Robert de, 473, 518, 717, 771
-, William de, 481
Roman (Romayn, Romeyn)
-, Besance, 104
-, Frederico & Gentilio, Roman merchants, 74
see also Garsie; Good Neighbour; Portu
Romney (Romoney), William de, 91
Rope, 130, 155, 162, 191, 206, 259
Roqesley, see Rokesle
Ros, Thomasina de, & Beatrice her servant, 182
Rose (Reus, Rous, Rus(s)e)
-, Emma la, 454
-, Gylotle, 222, 548
-, Henry le, 288
-, Hugh le, 108
-, Isabel la, 119
-, Maud la, 274
-, Nicholas le, of Gaunt, 665
-, Peter le, 108
-, Richard le (I), 48; (II), 267, 577; (III),
-, Robert le, 245, 564
-, Roger le, 228
-, Simon le, 26
-, William le, 394, 695, 753
Rotheley, see Rokesle
Rotherhill (Rotherhull), Robert de, 71
Rotherhithe (Retherhethe), 275
-, Geoffrey de, 236, 487
-, Robert de (I), 156, 627; (II), 246, 565
Rothing (Rothings, etc.)
-, Geoffrey de, 209, 487, 657
-, Henry de, 225
-, Reginald de, 494
-, Richard de, 243
Rous, see Rose
Roynges, Geoffrey de, 152
Rubies, 487
Rumford (Ryngefeld)
-, Ralph de, 254, 570
-, Richard de, 16
Rumpyng, Roger, 157
Rus (Russe), see Rose
Russel (Russell)
-, Adam, 179
-, Alexander, 239
-, Henry, 159, 631
-, John, 218, 544
-, Nicholas, 99
-, Richard, 219
-, Robert (I), 12; (II), 292, 527; (III), 680
-, William (I), 49; (II), 199; (III), 292, 527
Rye, Aaron de la, a Jew, 436, 775
Rylehale, see Wilehale
Ryngefeld, see Rumford
-, Geoffrey le, & Isabel his wife, 250
-, Robert le, 34
Sadde, see Shadde
Saer (Saher, Seyre)
-, John, 430, 473
-, John son of John, 292, 527; Joan his
widow, 482, 513, 515
Saffron Walden, Essex, abbey of, 225
Sage, Lambert le, 665
Saham, Richard de, 480
Saher, see Saer
St. Alban Wood Street, parish, 504
St. Albans, Herts.: abbot of, 431, 448, 504;
Reginald, his custos domorum, 88
-, John de, 266, 576
-, Michael de, 499
-, Thomas de, 96
St. Alphege London Wall, church, 299
St. Amand, William de, 294, 664
St. Andrew Holborn, parish, 502
St. Andrew Hubbard, church, 299
St. Audoen, church, 299
St. Augustine Papey (upon London Wall), church, 299
St. Augustine Watling Street, church, 299, 489
St. Bartholomew, Henry de, 685
St. Bartholomew the Less, church, 23, 52
St. Bartholomew's hospital, 363, 685, 737
St. Bartholomew's priory, 32, 141, 201, 298
St. Benet, parish, 121
St. Botolph, Richard de, 241, 292, 527, 561
St. Botolph Aldersgate, church, 42, 262; parish, 269
St. Brides, Robert de, 168, 635
St. Christopher le Stocks, church, William, rector of, 187
St. Clement's Lane, 312
St. Dionis Backchurch, William de, 508, 713
St. Dunstan in the West, churchyard, 39
St. Edmunds (de Sancto Edmundo)
-, Fulkde.183, 209, 657
-, Michael de, 352
-, Robert de, boatman, 139
-, Robert de, cordwainer, 114
-, Thomas de, 73, 88
St. Ermin, William de, 300
St. Gabriel (All Hallows) Fenchurch, church, 117, 299
St. Giles, Robert de, 155, 626
St. Giles without Cripplegate, church, 234, 262
St. Helen Bishopsgate, prioress & nuns of, 343, 390
St. Helens
-, John de, agent of Gilbert de Clare, 493
-, Robert de, 116
St. James Garlickhithe (Graschirche), church & Geoffrey, a clerk of, 264
St. Katherine by the Tower (without London): church, 28; hospital, 156, 627
St. Lawrence Jewry, church, 20, 65, 82
St. Lawrence Pountney, church, 79, 183
St. Magnus Martyr, church, 61, 299
St. Martin le Grand: dean & chapter of, 75, 295, 299, 340, 348, 526; special sessions at, 495, 520
St. Martin Orgar Lane, see Martin's Lane
St. Martin Pomeroy, church, 81, 84
St. Martin Vintry, church, 108
St. Mary Abchurch, church, 100; parish, 264
St. Mary Aldermary, church, 316
St. Mary at Hill, church, 48, 97
St. Mary Bothaw, parish, 481
St. Mary Colechurch, church & William, a clerk of, 192
St. Mary Conyhop, chapel & church, 57–8, 115, 193
St. Mary in Jewry, chapel, 299
St. Mary le Bow, church, 38, 221, 241
St. Mary Magdalen [? Old Fish Street], church, 194
St. Mary Spital, prior of the hospital, 386, 748
St. Mary Woolchurch, church, 83, 92, 112, 123, 138, 149
St. Matthew Fridaystreet, church, 66
St. Michael Bassishaw, church, 262; parish, 265, 490; parson of, 502
St. Michael Cornhill, parish, 501
St. Michael Huggin Lane, church, 90
St. Michael le Querne, church, 41, 299
St. Michael Paternoster, church, 110; Bartholomew, parson of, 503; parish, 503
St. Michael Queenhithe, church, 457
St. Mildred (? Bread Street), church, 208
St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, parish, 505
St. Nicholas Lane, 291
St. Nicholas Shambles, church, 172; parish, 291
St. Osith, Henry de, 292, 527
St. Pancras Soper Lane, church, 508
St. Pauls
-, Jordan de, 33
-, Simon de, 56
St. Paul's cathedral: 11, 260, 282, 299; dean & chapter, 162; canons, 30, 255, 344; chaplain, 72; churchyard, 104, 146, 177, 209, 255; minor canon, see Harrow, Richard de; precentor, see Barton, Robert de
St. Peter (Sancto Petro), Peter de, 666
St. Peter in the Bailey, church, 299
St. Peter Paul's Wharf, church, 299
St. Peter Westcheap (of Woodstreet), church, 242
St. Saviour (de Sancto Salvatore)
-, Geoffrey de, 236
-, John de, 149
-, Walter de, 75
St. Thomas Acon: church, 58; hospital, master & brethren of, 484, 720
St. Thomas London Bridge, chapel, 9, 73, 283
St. Victor, James de, clerk of Ralph de Hengham, 340, 526
Sakewell, see Shakewell
Sale, Thomas de la, 22
Salisbury (Sar'): bishop of, & his London
house, 18, 161
-, Philip de, 110
Salle, John de, 228
Salter (Saltere, Sautur)
-, Geoffrey le, 136, 216, 621
-, Stephen le, & Felice his wife, 216, 478
Samuel, William, 70, 365
Sanctuary: custom concerning, 20, 48; escapes from, 48, 61, 83, 108, 117, 149, 183, 194, 223, 234, 260, 316;taken by a clerk, 264; see also Abjuration
Sandwich (Sandwys, de Sandwyco)
-, Henry de, 133
-, Maurice de, 235, 558
Sanzdamage, Thomas de, 42
Sanztere, Walter, 61
Sapcote (Sapecote), Leics., 148
Sapphires, 491
Sarazin, Andrew le, 257
Saule, Walter, 267
Saumford, Nicholas de, 509
Sauncelina, a maid, 253, 569
Saunford, Walter de, sheriff of Middx., 280, 588
Sautur, see Salter
Sawyer, Henry le, & Amice his wife, 494
-, Adam de, 275
-, William de, & Stacy his servant, 145
Scalding, death by, 13–14, 21, 43, 69, 95, 142, 174, 210, 212
Scarborough (Scardeborgh), Henry de, 229
Scaylon, Nicholas de, 294, 664
Schapman, see Chapman
Schoueler, see Scoueler
Scobir (Shobyr, Sobyre), Henry de, & Alice his wife, 480, 483, 489
Scot (le Escot, Skot, etc.)
-, Adam, 37, 276, 284
-, Alan le, 170
-, David, 257, 571
-, Henry, 185, 643
-, Hugh, 158
-, John, 134
-, Richard, 263, 575
-, Robert le (I), 228, 237, 559; (II), 270;
(III), 292, 527; (IV), 703
Scotewy, see Sotewy
Scoueler (Schoueler), Henry le, 245, 564
Scrul, Isabel daughter of William, 217
Sealing: of a chirograph, 501; of measures, 468
Sealmaker (Factor sigillorum), Adam, 33
Seint Liz, see Senlis
Selds, 178, 241
Seler, 222, 272
-, Richard le, 185, 643
-, Roger le, 246, 565
Self-defence: slaying in, 269; wounding in, 147
Selketop, see Silketop
Sely, Nicholas, 16
Sempringham (Simplingham), Lines., prior of, 340, 526
Sender, see Sondere
Senlis (Sancto Lycio, Seint Liz), Simon de, 292, 527
Serjeant (Seriaunt, Serviens)
-, John le, 284, 584
-, Ralph the, 488
Serjeanties, 300
Serjeants: in eyre, 2; sheriffs', 256, 289
Services, see Customs & services
Sevenhaunt, see Sovenaunt
Sevenhode (Sevehod)
-, Edward, 468
-, Robert (I), 374, 742; (II), & Emma his
wife, 468; (III) the younger, 468
-, Walter, 468
Seyre, see Saer
Seyton, Master Roger de, justice in eyre, 1, 75, 108, 146, 470, 489, 490, 525
Shadde (Sadde), Ellis, 253, 569
Shakewell (Sakewell), Robert de, 245, 564
Shank, Walter, 236
Shankerton, Master Geoffrey de, clerk, 240
Shap, Thomas, 284
Sharp (Charp, Scharp), Richard, 76, 99, 423, 767
Shaylard, Roger, 236
Sheep, 9, 100, 123, 275
Shelf hanger (Shelf hangre), Walter, sheriif of Suffolk, 507, 712
Shepesheved, William, 256
Shepperton (Sheperton), Middx., 240
Sheriffs, see Bedfordshire; Dorset; Essex; Kent; Middlesex; Norfolk & Suffolk; Staffordshire; Surrey; Warwickshire; Worcestershire; Yorkshire
Sheriffs of London: account at exchequer, App. E, 525–786 passim; articles concerning, 324, 326; in crown pleas, 6–286 passim; list of, 4
Ships, 80, 130, 139, 240, 246, 248, 259, 493; see also Boats
Shobyr, see Scobir
Shops, 72, 241, 375, 464
Shoreditch, Middx., 45, 245, 564
-, Alan de, keeper of Newgate, 316
-, John de (I), 152; (II), 239; (III), 257
Showell, [a well near Shoe Lane], 342
Shrewsbury (Salopia), abbot of, 340, 387, 749
Silk, 75, 487, 511
Silketop (Selketop)
-, John, 245, 564
-, Warin. 245, 564
Silver, 509; see also Cups; Dishes; Flagons; Goblet; Spoons
Silves, Portugal, bishop of, 78
Simplingham, see Sempringham
Sipring, William, 259
Sire, Ralph, 16
Skanke, Henry, 667
Skete, Walter, 26
Skileman (Skyl(l)man)
-, John (I), 102;(II), 154
-, William, 412, 764
Skinner, 37, 209
-, Richard le, 237
-, William, 246
Skip (Skyp), John, 209, 292, 527
Slich (Slych), William (I), 284, 584; (II), 685
Slipertop, Lorekin, 16
Smalehunte, Ralph, 27
Smith (Faber, Feroun), 279
-, Alexander le, 174
-, Henry, 60, 539
-, John, 114, 154
-, Richard the, 174
-, Thomas son of William, 20
see also Fevere
Smithfield (West Smethefeld, etc.), 166,
206, 533; market & fair of, 471, 488
-, John de, 584
-, Stephen de, 91, 602
Snod, John, 235
Sobyre, see Sobir
Sodington, Master Thomas de, justice in eyre, 1
Sokes, 489; see also Fleet; Portsoken; Tovy, Roger de
Solars, 53, 72, 352–454 passim; above a gate, 116; fall of a, 54; overhanging, 349–50
Solio, Gailard de, & Gailard & John his servants, 108
Someter (Somoter)
-, Alan le, 208
-, John le, 179
Sondere (Sender), John le, 245, 564
Sone, Reginald, & Edith his wife, 504
-, Thomas le, 91, 602
-, Walter le, & Alditha his wife, & Amice
their daughter, 44
Soper's Lane (Soperlane), 147
Sorel, William, & Alice his wife, 222
Sotewy (Scotewy), Richard, 244, 563
Soutere, Laurence, 99
Southall (Suthale, etc.): manor of, Essex,
-, Hamo de, servant of Nicholas Bat, 10
Southampton (Sutht')
-, John de, 159, 631
-, Walter de, 159, 631
see also Hampshire
Southwark (Suthwerk, Sutwerk), Surrey,
276, 527, 576
-, Andrew de, 221
-, John de (I), 77; (II), 162
-, Thomas de, 153
Sovenaunt (Seven(h)aunt), Baude de, 294, 664
Sow, see Pigs
Spain, Michael de, 78
Sparling (Sperling, etc.)
-, Gilbert, 417
-, John (I), 34, 48; (II), 299; (III) & John
his son, 367, 738
-, Ralph, 26, 48, 97, 366; ward of, see
Billingsgate ward
Spedel, Adam, 236
Speleman (Spileman), William, 227, 552
Spendelove (Spendeluve, Spendellum)
-, Adam, 246, 565
-, John, 227, 552
Spereon, Andrew, 85
Spigornel, le, see Esprigonel
Spinelli (Ispinelli), Symonet (Simon), & Agnes his mistress, 219
Spirhard, Henry, 236
Spoons, silver, 511
Sporon, see Esperon
Sports & pastimes, see Archery; Chess; Wrestling
Springham, Robert de, 203, 651
Stables, 231, 473, 501
Stacey (Stacy), John, 157, 292, 527, 630
Staff, 24, 37, 53, 55, 80, 83, 140, 215
Staffordshire, & sheriff of, 39, 284
Staines (Stanes)
-, Maud de, 265
-, Muriel wife of William de, 196
-, Peter de, 72
-, Richard de, 502
Staleward, Gerard, & Thomas his brother, 294, 664
Stanford (Staunford), 65
-, Hugh de, 153, 625
-, Isabel de, prostitute, 134
-, John de, 292, 527
-, Nicholas de, 289, 589
-, Richard de, 289
-, William de, the younger, 294, 663
Stanhard, Simon, 130
Stanstrate, John de, 665
Staples, 347
Starvation, death by, 25, 136, 165
Staumpeur, John le, 288
Staunford, see Stanford
Staunton (Staundon), Henry de, 67, 593
Stedeman, Roger le, 119
Steel, 508
Stench, 356
Stephen, William son of, 201
Stepney (Stebenhuth(e), Stypenhethe),
Middx., 227, 245, 564
-, John de, 43, 461, 535, 784
-, Richard de (I), 144; (II), son of Peter de,
245, 564
-, Robert son of Peter de, 227, 552
Steps, 40, 68, 164, 175, 254, 347, 359, 393, 430, 435–6, 462, 466; before a tavern, 461; of a cellar, 356; on the king's highway, 446; to a solar, 358
Stilter, John le, 136
Stiwr, Roger le, 75
Stoil, William, 171
Stoke, James de, 282
Stonehall (Stonhale, Stonhall)
-, John, Peter's brother, 239, 560
-, Peter son of John de, 239
Stones, precious, 487, 491
Stoning, death by, 116
Stoppes, Roger de, 228
-, John le(de), 245, 564
-, Robert le, 287
Stortford (Storteford)
-, Robert de, 368, 739
-, William de, 279, 583
Strangers, extortion of, 301, 309
Strangulation, 231
Strata, Richard de, 272, 579
Stratford, abbot of, 340
-, Ralph de, 159
-, Thomas de, 159
Stratton (Stratone)
-, Adam de, chamberlain of the exchequer,
& John his clerk, 299, 468
-, Ranulf de, 171
Strip, John, 227, 552
Stroby, Robert de, see Derby, Robert de
Strocton, Thomas de, 181, 640
Sture, see Esture
Sub muro, see Under Wall
Suche, see Zouche
Suer (Suur)
-, John le, 155, 626
-, Robert le, 165, 276
-, Simon le, 128
Suet de prison , ?257, 496
Suffocation, death by, 258
Suffolk, 115, 507, 712
-, Alan de, 292, 527
-, Edmund de, 246, 565
-, Henry de (I), 223, 549; (II), 254
-, Nicholas de, 169
-, Osbert de, sheriff, 4, 129–1, 147, 292, 527
-, Ralph de, 292, 527
-, Reginald de, chamberlain, 149–92, 292,
481, 527, 624, 757
-, Robert de, 292, 527
-, Roger de, 401
-, Stephen de, 240, 562
-, Thomas de, 209
-, William de a), 47; (II), 244, 563
Suicide, 206, 213
Suliz, John, 666
Summons, refusal to permit serving of, 337
Sunk, Richard, 191
Surcoats, 65, 486; of burel, 284; of russet, 20
Surgien (Surisien, etc.)
-, Alfred le, 16
-, Master Thomas le, 260, 573
Surrey, 485, 668, 698; sheriff of, 98, 489
Sussex, Notekin de, 255
Suthhale, see Southall
Sutht', see Southampton
-, Henry, 121
-, William, 174
Sutwerk, see Southwark
Suur, see Suer
Suzche, see Zouche
Swain (Swayn)
-, Richard, 564
-, Robert, 245, 564
Swath', Christine wife of William de, 113
Swetyng (Swthingg), Ralph, 227, 552
Swineford (Swyneford), John de, chamberlain, 125–31
Swomld, Geoffrey, 279
Swords, 41, 75, 151, 159, 214, 225; of Cologne, 147
Swynhog, William, 182
Syhen, John de, 665
Synod (Sinod, Synot)
-, Nicholas, 30
-, Ralph, & Maud his widow, 131
-, William, 30
Syppond, Hugh, 159
Tadworth (Taddesworthe), Richard de, 224
Taillehaste, Richard, 261
Tailor (Cissor, Tayllur, etc.), 13–14, 21, 35,
154, 209, 228, 264
-, Adinett, the king's tailor, 170
-, Arnulf le, 184
-, Austin le, 259, 574
-, Bartholomew le, 53
-, Ellis le, 493
-, Geoffrey le, 294, 663
-, Gilbert le, 53
-, Godman the, 53
-, Henry le (I), 53; (II), & Sarah his wife, 63
-, Holdin le, 286, 586
-, Hubert, 240, 244, 562
-, Hugh le, of Lincoln, 294
-, Humphrey le, 250, 567
-, Jakett le, 189, 645
-, John le, 244, 257, 292, 462, 527, 563, 571,
-, Martin le, 83
-, Maunsel the, 89
-, Michael le, 252, 259–60, 568, 573–4
-, Philip le (I), sheriff, 4, 116, 119–28, 134,
220, 291, 343, 481, 617; ward of, see
Bishopsgate ward; (II), 278
-, Ralph le, 53, 145
-, Richard le, 24, 53, 445
-, Robert le (I), 259, 574; (II), 380, 746
-, Roger le, 379, 745
-, Stephen le (I), 189, 645; (II), 679
-, Thomas le, 177, 257, 639
-, William le, 53, 101, 606
Takepeny, John, 95
Tallage, 323
Tallies, 474, 526–784 passim
Tame, Robert de, 243
Tanner (Tanur), 284
-, Nicholas, 156
-, Stephen, 156
Tateregge (Taterig), John de, & Maud his wife, & Richard his brother, 6
Taverner (Tavernarius), 166, 228, 279, 292
-, Edmund le, 237
-, Eustace le, 292, 527
-, Faukes le (Fulk), 209, 292, 527
-, Geoffrey le, 256
-, Henry le, 271
-, Hugh le, 506
-, James the, 292
-, John le, 256, 500
-, Nicholas le, 232, 556
-, Ralph le, 236
-, Walter le, 256
Taverns, 83, 192, 236, 258, 461
Tawyer, 120, 216, 273
-, John le, 49
-, Philip the, 266
see also Megucer
Taxstede, see Thaxted
Teler (Tele)
-, William son of Roger le, of Warwick, 65
-, William le, brewer, 237, 559
Temple (Novum Templum), 39, 244;
master of the, in England, 75, 184,
340, 526, 596
-, Lambert de Templo, 665
Terring' (Therring'), Peter de, 273, 580
Ters, John, 36
Test, Nicholas, 666
Testard, Ralph, 284
Teyere, Richard le, 521
Teyford, Robert de, 238
Teynturer, Gilbert le, 113
Thames, 10–259 passim; bathing or washing in, 93, 124, 132; tides of, 86; water drawn from, 217; watering a horse in, 10, 144, 161; see also Drowning
Thames Street, 300
Thaxted (Taxstede), Ralph de, 125
Thedald (Thedap, etc.), Rusticald (Rustikell), 292, 294, 527, 663
Thefford, see Thetford
Theft, 74, 77, 87, 275–6, 282, 284, 287–9; confession of, 277; see also Abjuration
Thele, Roger de, canon of Holy Trinity, 55
Theoland, John, 29
Therring', see Terring'
Thetford (Thefford), Norfolk, prior of, 340, 526
Thirsk (Tresk), Yorks., 9
Tholosan, see Tolosan
Thorp, Paulin, 37
Thrafferton (Thrafferston), Northumberland, manor of, 492
Thurrok (Torrok, Turrok, etc.)
-, Simon, 703
-, Thomas de, 183
Tiler (Tegulator, Tuler, etc.)
-, Daniel le, 245, 564
-, Godfrey le, 245, 564
-, Hamund the, 392
-, Henry le, 45, 536
-, Richard le, 45, 536
-, Roger le (I), 134, 620; (II), 156; (III), &
Alice his wife, 176, 638
-, Serle le, 67
-, William le, 245, 564
Tilly, Philip, 221
Timber, 64, 221, 296, 522; yard, 195
Tirrel (Tyrel), Geoffrey, 159
Tolosan (Tholosan)
-, Ellis, 486
-, John de, mayor, 3
Tor, Gilbert le, 273, 580
Tornur, see Turner
Torp, Robert, 236
Torrington (Torington), William de, 98
Tottenham (Totenhale), Middx., 82, 280
-, Robert de, 273, 580
Tottenham Court Road (Totenhalestrete), 127
Tour, de la, see Towers
Tovy (Thovy, Touvy, Tovi)
-, Michael the elder, sheriff, 4, 16, 489
-, Michael the younger, 146, 296
-, Ralph de, 468
-, Roger de, 480, 483, 489; soke of, 489
-, Walter, 116
Tower of London, 1, 2, 190, 551, 672, 729, 775, 777; gate, 98, 112; barricades near, 296; constable of, 52, 98, 112, 508
Tower ward, 22, 40, 220, 459
Towers (de la Tour, de Turribus), John of the, 93, 604
Traiere (Traour), see Treyer
Travers, Thomas de, 96
Treasure-trove, 304
Trees, 394; pear, 32, 232
Trentemars, John, 85
Tresk, see Thirsk
Trespass, pleas of: for abduction, 511; asportation of chattels, 487, 491, 493,
508–9; battery & mayhem, 265;
breaking & entering, 519; wounding,
471, 500, 508; wrongful imprisonment,
-, adjournments in, 493, 511
-, damages, see Damages
-, dates alleged: after the summons of the
eyre, 471, 500; before, 265, 487, 493,
508, 511, 519
-, defendant: acquitted, 265, 487, 491, 500,
506, 508–9; defaults, 520; gaoled, 519;
makes fine, 471
-, juries: (mayor &) aldermen, 265, 487,
491, 509; foreign, 493, 511; of one
ward, 500, 508; of two wards, 496,
506, 519; unspecified, 471
-, licence to agree, 518
-, plaintiffs fail to prosecute, 512
Tressere, Philip son of Richard le, 65
Treyer (Traiere, etc.)
-, Abraham le, 249; & Brumania his wife,
-, John le, 95
-, Philip le, 292, 527
-, Robert le, 292, 527
Treys, James de (le), 292, 527
Trille, Gilbert, 260
Tronour, Auncelin le, 209
Tropinel, Reginald, 228
Trossin (Trossyn, Troye), Copyn de, 294, 447, 663, 778
-, Dulcia, 119
-, Geoffrey de, 501
Tub, 224
Tuddehors (Tut dehors), William, 294, 664
Tuk, William le, & Constance his wife, 235, 558
Tuler, see Tiler
Tundur (Retoundor), William le, 294, 663
Turberville (Turbervile), Hugh de, 205, 653
Turgis, William, 245, 564
Turner (Tornur, Turnur)
-, Albrhid (Aylbred) le, 397, 755
-, Lovekyn le, 398, 755
Turribus, de, see Towers
Turrok, see Thurrok
Tut dehors, see Tuddehors
Twickenham (Tykenham), William de, 243
Tyeler (Tyveler, Tyweler), see Tiler
Tymbermonger, Baldwin le, 37
Ugley (Ogele, Uggle), William de, 183 (bis)
Under Wall (sub muro), Master Walter, 96
Upholder (Huppehaldestere), Margery la, 233
Upton (Opton), Wibert de, & William de, 91
Ushers in eyre, 2
Usurers, 306
Utrum, assize, 503
Vagabonds, 20, 23, 28, 38, 61, 83, 106, 245
Vair, see Veer
-, John de, 207
-, William de, earl of Pembroke, 340
Valet, Richard, 134
Vat, 247
Vaus (de Vallibus)
-, John de, 75, 340
-, Walter de, 53
Veer (Vair, Ver, Veyre)
-, John le, 245, 564
-, Richard le (I), of Hackney, 245, 564; (II),
-, William le, 245, 564
Vennair, Henry, 31
Versifier, Henry the, 39
Vessels, 142, 174; leaden, 13–14, 21, 43, 212
Veyre, see Veer
Viel (Vyel)
-, Floria, widow of William, 361, 734
-, John, 260
-, Richard, 260
-, Thomas, 147, 622
-, William, 24; ward of, see Bread Street
Vile, Gerardin (Gerandin) de la, 294, 664
Vilein (Vileyn)
-, Denise la, 505
-, Gamelin le, 294, 664
-, Richard le, 288
Vine, 437
Vinere, John le, 244
Vintner (Vineter), 228, 246, 464
-, Peter le, 109, 611
-, Richard le, 285
Vintry, 237; ward, 54, 108, 130, 159, 181, 237, 249, 258, 508, 519
Vivien, Robert, 15
-, Master Geoffrey de la, 299
-, John, 292, 468, 527
-, William, 21
Waivery, 16, 84, 119, 134, 215, 250, 601; misdescribed, 117, 163
Wake, John, 209
Walbrook (Walebrok), stream, 521; as
division of the City, 209; ward, 92
-, Richard de, sheriff, 4, 119–28
-, Geoffrey de, 46
-, John de, 45, 536
-, Robert de, 288
Walden (Waldene)
-, Martin de, 24
-, Reginald de, 183
-, Richard de, 228, 553
see also Saffron Walden
Walebrok, see Walbrook
Walehop, William de, 102
Walemund, Henry de, sheriff, 4, 56–62, 204, 316, 539–40, 652
Walemyn (Wylemyn), John, 391, 751
Walerand (Walerant), see Walraund
Wales, 493
Waleton, see Walton
Waleys (Galeys)
-, Henry le (I), mayor & sheriff, 3, 4, 35,
47, 64, 131, 164, 221–7, 238, 468, 481–
2, 493, 499, 513, 515, 517, 522, 549;
Geoffrey, his agent, 493
-, Henry le (II), son of Henry le (I), 499,
-, Lettice la, 30
-, Robert le, 216
-, Simon le, 244
-, Thomas le, 67, 593
-, Walter le, 731
-, William le (I), 142, 216, 502; (II), 75
Walls, 195, 346, 366–7; party-, 121; stone, 89; see also London Wall
Walraund (Walerand, Wal(e)rant)
-, John, warden of the City, 3, 345
-, Robert, 214, 541; Maud his widow, 340,
526, 541
-, William de, 564
Walsingham (Walsyngham), Adam de (I), 116; (II), 253, 569
Waltham (Wautham)
-, Geoffrey de, 69
-, John de (I), 153; (II), 294, 663; (III),
master of St. Bartholomew's hospital,
-, Miles de, 685
-, Morris de, 141, 209
-, Ranulf de, & Roger his servant, 235
-, Reginald de, 46, 235
-, Richard de, 243
-, Robert de, 424, 768
-, William de (I), 118, 616; (II), 217; (III),
284, 584; (IV), 543
Walton (Waleton), Henry de, 48
Wan, Walter, 184
Wandsworth (Wendlesworth), Surrey, 184
Wapping (Warpenbur'), Thomas de, 482, 513, 515
Warage (Warrache), William, 292, 527
Warden of the City, 3, 345
Wardrobe, king's: muniments of, 521; rolls of, 474; value of chattels to be paid into, 309; wheat rendered to, 474
Wards, unidentified, 16, 129
Wardship, 297, 511, 519
Ware, Herts.: prior of, 340, 526
-, Adam de, 228
-, Henry de, 246, 565
-, Ralph de, 190
-, Richard de, (I), 228, 246, 565; (II), 296
-, Robert de, 246, 565
-, William de, 53, 239
Warenne, John de, earl of Surrey, 225
Warin (Guarinus)
-, a man named, 93
-, Michael son of, 210
-, William, 245, 564
Warpenbur', see Wapping
Warrache, see Warage
Warranty: foreign, see Foreign warranty; in a plea of dower, 515
Warwick, 65
-, Robert de, 91
Warwickshire, 23, 482; sheriff of, 515
Wasem, William, 236
Wastmel, John de, 227
Watch (& ward), 146; according to custom, 20, 138, 159
Watelyn, Jakes, 667
Waterbolkere, John, 665
Watford (Wateford)
-, Richard de, 372, 741
-, Rose, widow of William de, 495, 501,
Wautham, see Waltham
Waylaund, John, 705
Waymue, see Weymouth
Weapons, see Anlace; Axes; Arrows; Knives; Staff; Swords
Weder, 264
-, Robert le, 264
Weights & measures, 468
Welles, Walter de, 250, 567
Wells, 191, 438; see also Showell
Welnouth, Godfrey de, & Gerard, 665
Wenden (Wendene), William de, 48
Wendlesworth, see Wandsworth
Weng, 96
Wengham, see Wingham
Wenham, Nicholas de, 239
Wenlock (Wenlocke), Salop, prior of, 454, 781
Werblynton, Master William de, & Margery his wife, 498
Weringe, Geoffrey le, 246
Werkeman, William le, 94
Werry (Werte), Richard, 245, 564
West Ham (Westhamme), Henry de, 24
West Smethefeld, see Smithfield
Westchepe, see Cheapside
Westden, William de, 501
Westle, John de, 272, 579
Westminster, 139, 184; abbot of, 299, 340
-, Katherinede, 213
-, Ralph de, & Cecily his sister, 137
Weston (Westone), Nicholas de, 292, 527
Weymouth (Waymue), Dorset, 493
Wharves, pons, 196; see Bat, Nicholas; Gisors, John de (I); Hardel, Laurence
Wheat, 276, 474
Whitby (Witeby, Wyteby)
-, Adam de, 7
-, Alecot de, 41, 534
-, Ralph de, 31
White (Whyte, Wyt(e))
-, Maud la, of Basingstoke, 230, 555
-, Robert le, 468
-, William le (I), 292, 527; (II), 236
Whiting, Geoffrey, & Alice his wife, 256, 267, 572, 577
Whitsone (Wytsone), John, 227, 552
Wife, renunciation by, 489
Wilde, John, 15
Wildelyf, Richard, 15
Wilehale (Rylehale, Wylehale)
-, Agnes de, 292, 527
-, John de, 294, 663
-, Richard de, 294, 481, 663
Wilekin, Roger, 413
Wilinghale, see Willingale
Willame (Guilame, Gwilam)
-, Peter, 267, 577
-, Theodore (Deodatus, etc.), Florentine
merchant, 292, 294–5, 487, 527, 663,
Willesden (Wyllesende), John de la, 473
William, Thomas son of, & Agnes daughter of Thomas son of, 492, 497
Willingale (Wilinghale), Richard de, 67
Wills: annulled, 502, 517; custom concerning, 517; inspected in court, 499; production of, by clerks, 488
Wimbledon (Wilmbeldon, etc.)
-, Gilbert de, 32
-, Henry de, 32, 532
Wimborne (Wymbourn, etc.)
-, Michael son of Thomas, 14
-, Thomas de, sheriff, 4, 14–6, 18–35, 116,
145, 531
Wimpler (Wympler), Henry le, 241, 468, 561, 721
Wimpole (Wynepol), Adam de, 154
Winchelsea (Wynchelesee)
-, Oliver de, 80, 598
-, Theywyn de, 468
Winchester (Winton', Wynton'), 263, 575;
fair of, 180
-, Adam de, 243
-, Beatrice de, prostitute, 134
-, Hubert de, 145
-, John de, 191
-, Juliana de, 230, 555
-, Nicholas de, sheriff, 4, 29, 117, 234, 246–
53, 256, 481, 512, 565; ward of, see
Langbourn ward
-, Peter de, 468
-, Philip de, 25, 70
-, Robert de, 166
-, William de, 294, 663
Windows, 253, 398–9; of a cellar, 458
Windsor (Wyndeso(u)res)
-, Geoffrey de, 12
-, Hugh de, 209, 433, 773
-, John de, 359
Wine: cargo of, 80; loading of, 246; putrid, 303; see also Assize of wine
Wingham (Wengham)
-, Henry de, dean of St. Martin le Grand
& king's chancellor, 75
-, Margaret de, 262
Winter, Walter, 268
Winton', see Winchester
Witham (Wytham), John de, 145
Witnesses, custom concerning, 488
Woburn (Wouborn, Wouburne), William de, 294, 663
Wodecote, see Attewodecote
Wodeford, see Woodford
-, John de, 292, 527
-, Walter de, 243
Wodeman, John, 83, 599
Wodemanger (Wodemongere), Robert le, 439, 776
-, Richard le (I), 245, 564; (II), 512, 714
-, Walter le, 683
Wodestrate, see Wood Street
Wodeward, Walter le, 245, 564
Wokenden (Wokyndon), Henry de, 92, 603
Woking, Robert de, 689
Wolf (Lou)
-, Hugh le, 209
-, Roger le, 32
Wollemanger, Richard le, 16
Wolmarchirch, see St. Mary Woolchurch
Women, quarrelsome, 39, 119, 138, 230; see also Abjuration; Appeals; Prostitutes; Waivery; Wife
Wood, load of, 12; see also Faggots; Plank; Timber
Wood Street (Wodestrate), 72, 89, 261
Woodford (Wodeford)
-, Isabel de, 385
-, John de, 243
Wool Lane [in Billingsgate ward], 26
Wool-merchant, 76
Worcester, Nicholas de, 119, 618
Worcestershire, 172
Worsted (Worstede, Worthstede), Ralph de, 41, 534
Wouborn (Wouburne), see Woburn
Wounding, 166, 473; self-inflicted, 22, 133; see also Appeals; Trespass
Wovere (Wowere), Henry le, bereman, 246, 565
Wranghorn, William, 245, 564
Wrestling, 116
Writs, 80, 108, 221, 309, 345, 470, 483–4; exchequer summons, 525, 786; of mainprise, 37, 219, 246; of right patent, 37, 219, 246
Wrotham, Austin de, 26
Wybert (Wyberd), Robert, 203, 651
Wycombe (Wicombe, Wycumbe)
-, Aubrey de, 173
-, Richard de (1), 69; (II), 241
-, William de, 274, 581
Wylemyn, see Walemyn
Wylton, Nicholas de, 687
Wymondham (Wymundeham), Norfolk, 90
Wynepol, see Wimpole
Wynteringt(h)on, William de, 209, 657
Wyrenale (Wylernale), Nicholas de, 294, 664
Wysdarius [woadmonger], Lucy widow of Adam de, alias Lucy la Queyfer, 218
Wysman, Walter, 272, 579
Wyt (Wyte), see White
Wyteby, see Whitby
-, Colin, 149
-, John, 271, 578
Wytside, Reginald, 26
Wytsone, see Whitsone
Wyttefiz, John, 384
Yeregasse, William, 444
York (Ebor'), William of (I), justice in eyre, 1244, 18, 52; (II), 699
Yorkshire: 42; sheriff of, 9, 490
Ypre, Lambert de, 663
Ysemangere, see Ironmonger
Zouche (Suche, Suzche, Zuche)
-, Alan la, warden of the City, 3, & his
household, 235
-, Eudo la, 340
-, Ivor la, 15
-, William la, 15