English Calvinistic Methodist Association: Minutes 1745-7

Two Calvinistic Methodist Chapels, 1743-1811: The London Tabernacle and Spa Fields Chapel. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1975.

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'English Calvinistic Methodist Association: Minutes 1745-7', in Two Calvinistic Methodist Chapels, 1743-1811: The London Tabernacle and Spa Fields Chapel, ed. Edwin Welch (London, 1975), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol11/pp19-35 [accessed 10 March 2025].

'English Calvinistic Methodist Association: Minutes 1745-7', in Two Calvinistic Methodist Chapels, 1743-1811: The London Tabernacle and Spa Fields Chapel. Edited by Edwin Welch (London, 1975), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol11/pp19-35.

"English Calvinistic Methodist Association: Minutes 1745-7". Two Calvinistic Methodist Chapels, 1743-1811: The London Tabernacle and Spa Fields Chapel. Ed. Edwin Welch (London, 1975), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol11/pp19-35.


(Trevecka MS. 2946)

51. [flyleaves] The Tabernacle society was gathered thro' means of Mr Whitefield's ministry in the year 1741, when he separated from Mr Wesley on their difference about election, sinless perfection, perseverance and universal redemption. Then the Tabernacle was built and Brother Cennick came first to preach, while Mr Whitefield went to Scotland in 1741 and left the souls to be examined and settled by Brother Harris, who stayed here 4 months then and was succeeded by Brother Cennick and was joyned by Brother Adams, and then Brother Jenkins came up, being settled to assist Brother Harris in England 4 weeks. And then matters went on in convercion, and after several hundreds were awakened they were settled in order in general, put in a society, and then some were settled in bands by Mr Whitefield himself, and love feasts, letter days, and were settled with a school for poor children, instituted and carryed on for a considerable time till after Mr Whitefield went a second time to Georgia in August 1744.

52. [p.1] 1744. In August Mr Whitefield embarked for Georgia from Plymouth, having committed the care of the Tabernacle and all the other places under his care to Brother Cennick before he left London in May or beginning of June 1744. And soon after some bad expressions began to be dropped in the pulpit, some error began to be introduced and a misunderstanding grew up high among the preachers. And several young men were received in to preach and after spending much time every association (which were kept regularly att London, Bristol, and Wiltshire and Gloucester alternately; Brother Cennick keeping the minutes of them) in reasoning and disputing in the latter end of the year 1744 and 1745. So at length Brother Cennick and the brethren were persuaded in their minds to separate as follows.

53. [p.2] An association (the first after Mr Whitefield's departure) was kept at Bristol September 4th 1744, another the beginning of November att London, another March 20, and June 1745 London. (fn. 1) 3 days were spent in disputing about the weak in us, etc., but these minutes were kept by Brother Cennick and are lost. Only the heads of the controversie handled on that 3 days in London, which Mr Harris has, and the minutes att Bristol, March 20 1744/5 as follows.

54. [p.3] At an association held at Bristol, March 20 1744/5

Present:Brother Harris
            Brother Cennick
            Brother Pugh
            Brother Price of Wales
            Brother Godwin
            Brother Hamond
            Brother Cottle
Brother Adams
Brother Jenkins
Brother Beaumont
Brother Cross
Brother Ingram
Brother Chidworth
Brother Humphreys
Brother Lewis
Brother Edwards
Brother Vines
Brother Hogg
Brother Thorn
Brother Scott

Agreed that infant baptism was truly scriptural and that none should minister in the sacraments but such as are ordained. The former Brother Beswick thought it merely humane invention and that he judged it right to give the sacraments though not ordained. For which reason the brethren did not admit him into the association as a fellow labourer, but were free that he should meet with us either in private societies or in our association whenever he pleased.

55. That Brother Edwards remain on trial as an exhorter.

That Brother Vines be received into our association as an exhorter, and Brother Hogg the same.

That Brother Cennick enquire at Studley, Caln, etc., if Brother Scott has been blest to the souls there, and if he finds he has, he (vizt. Brother Scott) is to visit them [p.4] as before at his leasure only. He is to stay in his place, if his mistress will consent he shall and will give all Sunday to himself and other times when she can spare him on the week days, and that Brother Cennick should speak to her of all this proposal.

Also if Brother Scot be invited into new places, he shall forbear till the next association unless any thing extraordinary may happen, etc., and then he is to consult the minister then residing in Wiltshire and the stewards, etc.

That Brother Cross insert a paragraph in the Gloucester Journal, wherein he shall declare that the scriptures are the written word of God and that what is written was wrote by holy men of God as they was moved by the holy ghost.

That Brother Thorn be received as an exhorter on trial under the inspection of Brothers Cennick and Adams.

That tho' some of the brethren are not free to go to law, yet as the brethren at Leominster have commenced a lawsuit they agree to help them. (fn. 2)

56. Agreed that there is but one justifying faith, yet some are weak and some are strong in faith, and that we may grow in and ought to pray—Lord increase our faith.

[p.5] That there is no true faith where there is not some degree of perswasion, confidence or appearance that our sins are forgiven us and that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us, and that we are heirs of the kingdom of God.

That the first moment one believes, or looks to Christ, or hears his voice and opens to him, or comes to him, receives Jesus Christ in his heart and becomes one with him. Also that the union between Christ and that soul is never dissolved afterwards, world without end.

That we do not approve of the words, faith in exercise and faith out of exercise, etc., because it savours so much of philosophy and are not scripture words, and have also been abused by many professors, but we choose rather to express our meaning in scripture words such as these—

We stand by faith, that we have communion with God by faith, etc., and that when we disbelieve or backslide in heart, we grieve the spirit of God and bring ourselves into bondage and darkness, nor can we be happy, comfortable in our own souls but by believing.

Yet it was agreed some that would might use the said terms, but not out of a spirit of opposition, and also to illuminate them by the scriptures allways. On opening our hearts we found what the one meant by faith in exercise, the other meant the same thing by believing, and what the other meant by faith out of exercise, the other meant the same by the words disbelieving and [p.6] that true faith allways produces good works, words and thoughts in the soul. And that works shall be rewarded in the last day openly before men and angels! Yet are they in no wise any part of our salvation, neither are we beloved the more for them by the Lord, but we are loved freely, justifyed freely, without respect to any work done by us or in us or by any other save Jesus Christ.

57. That when one is awakened to see his miserable estate by nature, namely that he is lost without Jesus Christ, nor can be saved but by his righteousness and blood and death, and hungers and thirsts to know him, but is in doubt and fear and under much inward struggling, etc., we believe the Lord hath begun his work in that soul, yet we dare not say he is born of God or justifyed 'till he believes and having the spirit bearing witness with his spirit that he is a child of God.

That all expressions which give offence or are found to convey bad meanings and are not scriptural shall be given up and not used.

58. That such as look to their sweet frames, gifts or graces or fruits of the spirit in 'em and think, now I am strong, now I will conquer the devil, now I can do this or that or the other thing, etc., then they abuse their gifts and frames and grieve the Lord, because they [p.7] trusts in them and not in him. Again when they are in sweet frames or find in themselves the gifts of the spirit such as humility, meekness, love, etc. and think because of these things, God loves me, then he rejects Jesus Christ and grieves him, because thus they set 'em in the room of his righteousness. Again when they look at them, as the children of Israel (in Ezekiel xvi [33]) who with their gifts made 'em a God, and for which cause he took away their gifts, (fn. 3) and will do the same in all his children when they look from him to their gifts, etc. Yet we believe every sweet frame, gift, grace, virtue, etc. are precious things and thank our saviour for 'em all ways, because by these we are made comfortable in our walk and adorn the gospel of God and glorify Jesus Christ in the church and before all the world.

59. That Christ alone is our compleat righteousness, holiness and sanctification, and that the very first moment we believe we stand compleatly holy and pure before the throne of God in him. Yet that we grow in the knowledge of him, in the fruits of faith or of the spirit, and are renewed in Christ and washed and cleansed day by day in his blood. So also we believe that if we turn from the Lord all the strength and evil of sin will again rise in our hearts till we return to him, when we will find our sin is crusifyed and mortifyed and the world, our evil nature and the devil overcome, nor can any of them get the victory or have dominion over us, but when we leave the Lord, [p.8] and that believers as the elect of God, holy and beloved should be exhorted to mortify their evil affections and to put on bowels of compassion, mercy, kindness, meekness, charity, etc., and having many precious promises that they cleanse themselves from all filthiness both of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord.

That if one brother hear another use an expression which offends him he shall mention it to no one save the brother that used the expression, and then if he is content to give it up, it shall be a fault ever to mention it again, but if he will not give it up, but insists on using it, shall be brought before the next association. (fn. 4)

60. [p.9] Att an association held att the Tabernacle house on Wednesday December 4 1745

Present: Brother John Cennick
             Brother William Adams
             Brother Thomas Adams (fn. 5)
             Brother Howell Harris
             Brother Francis Pugh
             Brother Edward Godwin
Brother Heatley
Brother Horn
Brother Sams
Brother Salmon

Brother Cennick opened his mind about his convictions that our saviour called him to joyn the Moravian Brethren, and delivered up the care of the Tabernacle to Brother Harris and parted very lovingly. (fn. 6)

That the society in Wiltshire that chose Brother Cennick should be given up to him and the brethren should not [illegible] among them without first acquainting him and conferring by letter or otherwise about it.

Brother Hammond opened his mind about his convictions that he is called to leave the Tabernacle, and to speak of the same to the Moravian Brethren.

61. [p.10] The association continued to Thursday December 5th 1745

Present: Brother Cennick
             Brother Harris
             Brother Adams
             Brother Jenkins
             Brother Hammond
             Brother Godwin
             Brother Pugh
Brother Sleep—a Baptist minister that
had been with us till now and proposed
joyning now when the brethren went
off, but afterward withdrew
Brother Thorn
Brother Heatley
Brother Salmon
Brother Sam
Brother Scot

Brother Sleep offered to joyn Brother Harris to assist all [illegible] and agreed to joyn the meeting house he had taken in the city to the Tabernacle and to be under the same care, he defraying the expenses.

Brother Adams opened his mind about his convictions that 'tis our savour's will he should joyn with Brother Harris in the care of the Tabernacle, etc.

62. [p.11] The association continued to Friday December 7 [sic] 1745

Present: Brother Cennick
             Brother Harris
             Brother Pugh
             Brother Adams
             Brother Hamond
             Brother Godwin
             Brother Jenkins
Brother Thorn
Brother Heatley
Brother Scot

Brother Jenkins opened his mind about his convictions that 'tis our saviour's will he should labour with Brother Adams and Brother Harris.

Brother Godwin opened his mind that it was our saviour's will he should leave the Tabernacle and go to Wiltshire for some time to wait till our saviour should make his way plain to him to joyn.

Brother Thorn had the same conviction.

Brother Heatley opened his mind that he saw way clear to joyn the Moravian Brethren.

Brother Pugh not being clear in his convictions how to act we agreed that he should wait on our saviour, and meet again on Sunday evening after society. [p.12.]

Brother Salmon opened his mind that his way is clear to joyn the Moravian Brethren.

63. Agreed that Brother Scott should go on as before on tryal till Brother Adams, Harris and Jenkins should enquire to his character and preaching —till next association.

That we should all meet again on Sunday night and in the mean time to lay it before our saviour how to settle the societies in the country every where.

Bristol, Gloucester and Gloucestershire, Plymouth and Chinner the brethren (fn. 7) resigned.

Brother Hammond said he found Oulney, etc. laid on his heart, and he thought the Lord called him to take care of them.

As to Exeter it could not be determined till Brother Cennick had spoken to the Moravian Brethren.

But as we could not meet according to appointment we did not absolutely determine anything—only that we talked about the places, and that in Wiltshire, etc. we should not so dispute or divide the souls and preach to the places where they now meet, but that the brethren in other places where they saw their call clear were att their liberty.

64. [p.13] We met again on Wednesday night December 11 1745

Present: Brother Adams
             Brother Harris
             Brother Jenkin
             Brother Pugh
             Brother Edward
Absent: Brother Beaumont
             Brother Hog
             Brother Vine
             Brother G. Harris
             Brother Scot
             Brother J. Ingram
             Brother William Humphreys

Brethren that joyn us to go on as before in connexion with Brother Whitefield

And after much talk with Brother Pugh, we agreed he should go on tryal till our next association to Essex, Oulney and the west—but being not persuaded fully of his being united to us and of his call to labour with us, and as many are prejudiced against him, and as we have seen the effects of a jan[gling] in our message too much, we could not receive him absolutely, especially as Brother Jenkin and him can't bear one another.

Brother Edward had freedom to joyn with us and according to his present light thinks the Lord calls him to labour with us, but waits for a stronger light.

Brother Adams to stay now over Christmas and then be released, Brother Jenkin (whom Brother Harris received to assist after speaking home to him on the mystery and godhead and death of our saviour) till beginning of February and Brother Harris to come up and stay till the next association att Bristol in March 7th 1745/6.

It was settled that Brother Adams stay here after Brother Harris goes down now, and then Brother Jenkin do come here and stay till Brother Harris come again in February, and he to stay till March and then go to Bristol to the next association [deleted].

65. [p.14] There was another association held at Bristol on March 7th 1745/6 where all the brethren that remained were present and Brother James Relly was there and received into connexion—and we had much burthens from the stewards there. A letter was wrote to the Moravian Brethren about several places we were called to in Wiltshire and was sent by Brother Edwards. There was much confusion by Brother Jenkins not joyning heartily with the brethren against the stewards there, videlicet Mr Labee, Sam, etc.

66. Brother Adams, Jenkins and Relly came up to London, and Brother Harris came after them in May and stayed till the association which was kept in London as follows: (fn. 8)

June 18 1746 (fn. 9)

Present [at] Bristol Association: Brother Harris, Brother Adams, Brother Relly, Brother Jenkins, Brother Ingram, Brother Edwards, Brother Vines, Brother G. Harris, Brother Hog, Brother Humphreys, Brother Scot.

Here Brother Pugh went off to the Moravians.

One from Pembrokeshire here received. Nothing particular was settled but each took his rounds. Brother Adams to London till April, and then Brother Jenkins till May to come from the west, and then Brother Harris in May to release him and stay there till the association in June 1746.

67. [p.15] Att an association held att London, June 18 1746 (fn. 10)

Present: Brother Adams, Brother Harris, Brother Beaumont, Brother Humphreys, Brother Ingram, Brother Edwards, Brother Vines, Brother Jenkins, James Relly from Wales.

Absent: Brother Scot, Brother Hog, Brother Harris.

Brothers Satchell and Myddleton to be examined for labourers.

After the prayers we consulted together about taking the playhouse that we have a call to take in the Hay Market, Westminster, and the brethren declared they had liberty in their souls. (fn. 11)

Agreed that we should keep the room att Lambeth as before.

Agreed that henceforth the tickets shall be delivered to every band and class by the hands of their several visitors, and that to prevent imposition a motto or some distinguishing mark be added to the stamp—and agreed that every visitor after consulting the minister should carry the money from the cash keeper to the sick and poor.

That Brother Blake keep the book and cash of the poor as Mr Hodgson does not come up.

[p.16] Agreed that Brother Starkey Myddleton should be admitted among us as a labourer on tryal to discourse for the present att Lambeth and Deptford occasionally, or such other places as the brethren shall direct.

Agreed that Brother Satchel (after long discours with him) should go on as before expounding at Mr Russels till thrust out, and visit his class and discourse on tryal at Debtford and Lambeth till next association under the inspection of the brethren.

68. That Brother Adams stay in London for about 6 weeks and be att Bristol August 1st, and so thence to the west till the association.

That Brother Ingram assist Brother Adams att London a fortnight or more if Brother Edwards can't be free from his place to assist him, and that both alternately if possible visit Oulney and Essex.

That Brother Relly goes to Portsmouth and the west and comes to Bristol by the 1st August, and stay there and visit Wiltsshire and Gloucestershire.

That Brother Jenkins, when he has recovered his [illegible] which he [illegible] had by a sale, should go to Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Bristol till August 1, and then come up by Portsmouth to London (fn. 12) till Brother Harris comes, and he to stay there till association, September 15.

[p.17] That Brother Humphreys goes through Hampton to Bristol and stay there, (fn. 13) and at Gloucestershire till July 16 and then come up to London.

That Brother Ingram, if he can be spared, should go and visit Chinnor, Tewksbury, Hereford, Ludlow, Shrewsbury and Wales.

That Brother Harris go down to Wales and come to London against August 21, and stay there till the association—September 15 in Gloucestershire att Morton Hill Farm.

69. September 18 1746, Mortonhill Farm (fn. 14)

Present: Brother Harris
             Brother Adams
             Brother Relly
             Brother Jenkins
             Brother Ingram
             Brother Edwards
                         Godwin on tryal
Absent: Brother Beaumont
             Starkey Middleton
             Obadiah Satchel
             Gabriel Harris

             —one of Brother Wesley's assistants admitted in

1. Brother Jenkins agreed, after much consultation, to go on in connexion with the brethren as before and not propose to be ordained or act by himself, at least till Mr Whitefield comes to England.

2. As Brother Godwin proposed joining us and confessed his errors and temptations in proposing to join the Moravians and Brother Wesleys [p.18] and was sorry for the several wrong expressions he had used, and as the brethren were tender of him and yet fearful to receive him least he might be unsettled—it was agreed he should go to Bristol with Brother Relly for about 9 days, and then with Brother Jenkins for some time, and then go with Brother Harris to Trevecka against October 9 and stay with him for some time. Then with Brother Adams till the association. To be with each on trial, to be set to pray or exhort at such times and places as the brethren shall judge proper.

70. That Brother Harris go to Wales till the association.

Agreed that Brother Adams go directly to London and stay there till November 10th and then to Gloucestershire, and if free then to Hereford, Leominster, Ludlow, Salop, Birmingham, etc. till the association.

That Brother Relly go directly to Bristol and stay there till Monday 29th instant, and then to Exeter, Plymouth and stay there a month or so, by Portsmouth to London against November the 9th to release Brother Adams, and stay till the association.

That Brother Jenkins go directly to Kingswood and return to Hampton by Monday evening, and go [to] Gloucester on Tuesday and thence to Apperley and Tewksbury, and so return to Gloucester and to Stroud against Saturday 27, and so the following week to Wiltshire till Monday October 6, and then to Portsmouth till the 15, and then to Bristol the 19 and stay there 3 weeks, and then be [p.19] released by Brother Vines and Humphreys, and thence go to the west till the next association.

That Brothers Humphreys, Vines, Scot and Hogg should meet Brother Jenkins at Hampton the 12 instant to settle their rounds in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire till Brother Adams comes down that thus the plan of Wiltshire and Gloucestershire be duly supplyed.

71. That Brother Jenkins and Relly pay Mr Labee the £50 (fn. 15) and take the note, and take the hall from him on his giving a covenanted note or security from 3 years to 3 years for our quiet possession of it to our use wholly, and to let there be no steward at all but a person chosen by the minister from time to time to receive the money collected and lay it up in sufficient hands.

That the next association be held at Bristol on January 21st.

Brother Pugh declared his conviction about leaving us and joyning the Moravians [deleted].

72. [p.20] Bristol, January 22d 1746/7 (fn. 16)

Present: John Westley
             Howell Harris
             Edward Godwin on tryal
             John Smith on tryal—received in new
             William Hogg
             William Humphries
             William Vines
             T. Scott
             T. Adams
             John Stevens on tryal—received in new
             James Ingram
             James Relly
             H. Jenkins
             Thomas Hardwick The 4 are Mr Wesley's assistants
             Thomas Westlake
             J. Trimbath
             John Haughton (fn. 17)
Absent: Brother Beaumont
             Starkey Middleton
             J. Edwards
             Obadiah Satchel
             Robert Harris

After prayer it was enquired:

1. How we may remove any hinderances of brotherly love which have been. [p.21]

2. How we may prevent any from arising for the time to come.

And it was agreed, to goe as far on each of these heads as every person can doe with a cleare conscience:

1. Thomas Prosser (fn. 18) —let Brother Haughton desire him to explain his principles and ask him will he be in subordition to Mr Westley and us.

2. Henry Floyd (fn. 19) —let him meet at the Glamorganshire association in April. (fn. 20) Let him take no step in Breconshire but with the joint agreement of Mr Phillips and Thomas James.

73.3. Wales in general. It was feared that the consequence of Mr Westley's preaching at Neath would be a separation in the society.

Mr Westley answered, I don't design to erect (fn. 21) at Neath or in any town in Wales where there is a society already, but to doe all that in me [p.22] lies to prevent any such separation, and we all agree wheresoever we occasionally preach to strenth, not to weaken, each others hands, in particular by labouring to prevent any separation in the several societies.

4. Plymouth. (fn. 22) Whereas a separation has been made in the west, agreed that a brother from John Westley should now go to the west with Brother Harris to endeavour to heal the breach there, and to insist on a spirit of love and its fruits among the people.

5. Agreed that on each side we should be careful to deffend each other characters.

[p.23] Agreed that when any of the contrary judgement is called to any society he should first before he goes consult with the brethren on the other side.

74. 3 of the clock

After Brother Westley and his helpmeets went away the association continued. (fn. 23)

After reading a letter from Brother Middleton, agreed that Brother Middleton be received into full connection with the brethren.

After reading a letter from John Lewis about printing the weekly papers, it was agreed that it should be proposed among all the societies to subscribe for them to take them monthly, 1 sheet a month, if Mr Lewis on speaking to him agrees to print them so, on the encouragement that shall be given as one penny a sheet—on the same paper and letter as Brother Edward's sermon.

[p.24] That Brother Godwin should goe on further tryal with Brother Adams and under his direction till the association, as the brethren are not satisfyed about his being sufficiently broken at our saviour's feet.

75. As to Kingswood school we agree to write a letter to Brother Cennick to tell him that we don't justify the manner of our brethrens' taking the school, and that likewise we think him blamable in ordering the stewards not to lend us the house (to preach in once a week) out of love. And with regard to the title Brother Whitefield has in it, seeing we are willing the Moravian Brethren should preach there, and as we have not money to pay him £120, and we are now obliged to pay £4 arrears chief rent to the lord of the mannor at £1 a year, that he lend it to us to preach in till Brother Whitefield come as he has no use for it, and [p.25] to have matters settled.

That a letter be writ to Brother Howlier to pay the printer for the printing of the answer to the bishops (fn. 24) out of the money he has received, and what is difficient to supply it out of the collection money that is in his hands, and to take the Orphan House account and Mr Whitefield's life (fn. 25) now printed out of the printer's hands and answer him for the payment as soon as the money comes, and see 250 of each sent to Hampton, and that the advertisement be printed as soon as he receives a letter from Brother Adams.

76. Settled that Brother Harris goe to the west and return to Bristol against February 21, and then through Wales to London (fn. 26) and stay till the association, April 15 in Gloucestershire.

Brother Adams go to Hampton, etc. and to return to Bristol on 31 instant and stay there a fortnight, then to Wiltshire, Hampton, etc., and to meet Brother Harris at Bristol February 21, then to Gloucester and Tewksbury, etc.

Brother Jenkins go to London and then to Portsmouth, etc. till association. (fn. 27)

[p.26] Brother Smith and Brother Stephens are proposed as preachers on tryal, the latter goe to setle his affairs at Plimouth, and if no door be opened for his going beyond sea for Mr Whitefield as was proposed, that he should return and assist to preach in some country places on tryal.

77. Bristol

Setled the preaching at Smiths Hall—Sunday morning at 6 a clock, Sunday evening at five. Monday evening half hour after six, and meet the brethren single and married. Tuesday half hour after six, and meet the sisters single and married, done by 9 a clock. Wednesday morning 6 a clock, Wednesday evening half hour after 6, and meet the society, none admited but members. Thursday at 2 at Kingswood, at Bristol half after 6. Friday evening at Tockington. [p.27] Saturday morning, Ebberton and come to Bristol that night. Every other Friday at Bath.

That Brothers Bassit and Comfort receive the colection money and see to the outward things and keep the book of accompts.

That a copy of the rules be delivered by Brother Bassit to the minister, that the sisters all meet on [blank] night, and the brothers on [blank] night, and Brothers Bassit and Comfort meet them.

The room to be given up at the quarter's end, the minister to lye at Brother Bassits.

The woman that opens the door to be spoke to about giving up her place.

And look out for one to doe it, in faith, and look after the horses.

Brother Smith to assist at Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and Bristol till the association. [p.28 blank.]

78. [p.29] Morton Hill, Gloucestershire, April 15 1747 (fn. 28)

[Present:] Mr H. Harris
             Thomas Adams
             Herbert Jenkins
             Joseph Smith on tryal
             Edward Godwin—now received as a fellow labourer
             William Vines
             William Hogg
             Gabriel Harris
             Thomas Scott
Absent: John Beaumont
             Brother Humphreys
             1. James Ingram
             2. Starky Middleton
             3. John Stephens
             4. Obadiah Satchel
             6. J. Edwards

1. Agreed that the letters for the weekly history be brought to the association and setled what shall be printed till the next association.

2. Agreed Mr Harris goe directly to Wales and return to London by the latter end of May and stay there till the association.

3. Agreed Mr Adams goe directly for London and stay till relieved by Brother Harris, then goe through Portsmouth to the west. [p.30]

4. Agreed Mr Jenkins to goe to the west and stay there till Brother Humphries returns to Bristol and act afterwards according to the light he has conserning the rest of his round about going to Scotland.

5. Agreed Brother Godwin goe to Wiltshire for a fortnight, and then stay a fortnight at Portsmouth and so goe to London to see his father.

6. Agreed Brother Smith goe with Brother Adams to London and be directed there by Brother Adams.

7. Agreed Brother Vines to be in Bristol against the 4th of May to stay there a fortnight, and goe to Wiltshire a fortnight and so return to Glosestershire

79. [p.31] July 1st 1747 at an association held at London (fn. 29)

Present: the Revd Mr Bateman
                  rector of St Bartholomew
                  the great who
                  joyned us (fn. 30)
             Mr Howell Harris
             Thomas Adams
             John Edwards
             Edward Godwin
             James Ingram
             John Stephens, on tryal both now received
             Joseph Smith, on tryal
             Calingford Ward candidates
             Robert Robinson
Absent: Brother James Beaumont
             Brother Herbert Jenkins,                  
                      gone to Scotland
             James Relly to Wales, etc.
             William Humphries
             William Vines
             William Hogg

Starkey Middleton

Obadiah Satchel on tryal

[1.] Agreed Brother Robinson having had an abiding impulce and propos himself for labouring with us that he may be admitted to connection to exercise his gifts in prayer and exhortation among the bands after preaching under the [p.32] inspection of a minister till next association.

[2.] Talked on most doctrines of Christianity and had a happy agreement.

[3.] That Brother Calingford Ward be received to connection to labour with us in this reformation as a member of the established church.

[4.] Agreed that Brother Smith be now received in the same manner. That Brother Stephens be received in the same manner. That Brother Satchel remain on tryal as before.

80. 5. To begin at the Tabernacle exact a quarter before six, and to omitt preaching on Thursday nights and' Friday mornings—to try for a time. [p.33] 6. That a due account be taken in the Tabernacle book of all setled societies in connection with us and fixed places of preaching and the names of the stewards and persons who read.

7. That some brother be appointed to pay John Lewis one guinea a month on our account for 250 of the Christian History, and he to be repayed by us quarterly, and that all of us are careful to bring in this money from the respective societies we visit.

8. Read the letters. 1st from Brother Relley who though there had been rumours about his separating so declared his hearty union with us as was quite satisfactory to the brethren. 2nd from Brother Bassit.

9. That one brother be always in the west—one in Bristol—one in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire—one in Staffordshire and Salop—and 3 between [p.34] London, Portsmouth, Oulney, Chatham, Essex, Chinner, etc.

81. 10. Agreed that Brother Smith set out to morrow and goe through Bristol for the west, and carry a letter to Mr Relly to hasten him to London —and to stay in the west till Brother Adams comes and then to return to Bristol by the 1st of August and stay there till 17th, then goe to Wiltshire and Gloustershire, then to meet Brother Adams.

11. That Brother Adams set out to morrow for Gloscester, and setle the societies in Wiltshire and be at Bristol by the 24th, to stay there a week and so be at Exeter by August the first, be at Bristol by August the 28th, and thence return to London to relieve Brother Relly by September the 1st. [p.35] 12. That Brother Godwin goe to Bristol next Monday, and stay till Brother Adams come and return to Glouscester and Wiltshire to stay there till August 14th, then through Gloscester, Tewksbury, Birmingham, Wednesbury, Salop, Ludlow, Hereford by September 10—and thence through Herefordshire, Gloustershire and Wiltshire till the association, October 7th. 13. That Brother Humphries goe to Wiltshire for a week and then on for Portsmouth to be there by the 14 of July, and stay there till July 23rd, and return to Wiltshire against the 26th so as to reach there that Sunday, and goe from thence to Glouscester, Tewksbury, Birmingham, Salop and then to Bristol. [p.36] 14. That Brother Ingram go to Oulney by Sunday and return by Wednesday next, and then either he or Brother Edwards (as shall be Setled) stay here at London and the places adjacent with Brother Relly, and Brother Stevens or Brother Ingram goe with Brother Harris to Wednesbury. 15. That Brother Harris goe by Birmingham and to Wales, and come to meet Brother Adams at Bristol against August 28th, and that our next association be held at Bristol on Wednesday the 28th of August 1747.

82. [p.37] Att an association held att Bristol, August 28 1747

Present: Brother Smith
             Brother Edwards
             Brother Ingram
             Brother Adams
             Brother Harris
             John Relley, who we received in
Absent: Brother Beaumont
             Brother Jenkins
             James Relley
             G. Harris

After discourse and agreeing on several heads of divinity, vizt. of man's salvation being all of God and his damnation all of him self, etc., we setled rounds till next association.

Agreed that Brother Adams go to Gloucestershire and through Wiltshire to Portsmouth, and to London against the latter end of September and stay till the association.

That Brother John Relly stay at Bristol a fortnight, then go to Exeter against Tuesday September 15th, and after to Plymouth, and return to Bristol in a month against Sunday October 14th and stay there till association.

That Brother Smith go to Exeter to morrow and stay there over Sunday fortnight, and return to Bristol against Tuesday September 15th and stay there a fortnight, and then go through Gloucestershire to Birmingham, Wednesbury, Shrewsbury and till association.

[p.38] That Brother Humphrys go to Wiltshire next Sunday and go to Exeter against Sunday September 6th and stay there till September the 20th, and return to Exeter through Kingsbridge and return to Bristol against September 30th, and stay at Bristol till October 14th and then go to Gloucestershire and Wiltshire till the association.

83. That Brother Jenkins be wrote to to stay in London till Brother Adams comes to supply his place, and then to go to Portsmouth and so to Exeter and the west against October 11th and stay there till the association.

That Brother James Relly be wrote to if he is able to visit Essex, Oulney, Chatham, Oxfordshire till Brother Adams comes up and then go to Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Portsmouth till the association.

That Brother Godwin go to Gloucestershire against next Sunday, and go thence by Tewksbury, Birmingham, Wednesbury, etc. to Shrewsbury, Ludlow and meet Brother Harris at Builth September 12th, then as directed to Radnorshire, Leominster and there abouts a fortnight, and be at Gloucester against September 26, and then stay a fortnight in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire till October 10th, and after to Brother Adams at London.

[p.39] Brother Edwards and Brother Ingram go to Wales and thence be setled about their rounds till the association.

Brother Stephens be called now to Wiltshire by Brother Adams and stay there [till] Brother Godwin comes there, and then go after to London and be farther setled by Brother Adams till the association.

Brother Harris go to Wales again till the association.

That our next association be at Gloucester on November 11th 1747.

That next Michaelmas day be kept as a day of fasting and prayer among all the societies.

84. [p.40] Att an association held at Gloucester, November 11th 1747 (fn. 31)

Present: Mr Howel Harris, moderator
             Gabriel Harris
             James Relly
             Herbert Jenkins
             William Humphrys
             Joseph Smith
             Thomas Persall, candidate
             Richard Wilkin, candidate
             James Beaumont
             William Vines
             Henry Baldwin, candidate
             James Ingram
             Thomas Adams
             Edward Godwin
Absent: Brother Edwards
             Starky Midleton
             Brother Satchell
             Brother Wear
             Thomas Scott
             Brother Ward

Agreed that Brother Vines bring the money to every association from the beginning for 50 weekly hystorys that are to be sent monthly down directed to Alderman Harris and sent to Awstins by Newgate.

That the brother that goes to the west bring the whole of the money for the weekly hystorys from Exeter for 150 and from Plymouth for 60 from Brother Kinsmans.

[p.41] That 50 be sent monthly to Birmingham directed to Brother Pearsal, wiredrawyer at the Welch Cross—to be sent to the Saracens Head on Snow Hill, London, to be sent there from the beginning.

85. Agreed that Brother Harris go directly to London and stay there till December 20th, and then go by Wales to Bristol against January 3d, and go thence to the west till the association.

That Brother Jenkins go now to the west, and come to London to release Brother Harris and stay there till the association.

That Brother Beaumont go now to assist Brother Harris at London and the places adjacent.

That Brother Adams go now and visit and examine and setle the societies in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, and be at Bristol on November 29 and stay for a fortnight to December 13th, and then go to Wiltshire till December 23 and then meet the brethren at Gloucester, and then go through Herefordshire, Radnorshire, Shropshire to Wednesbury, Birmingham and to examine and setle the societies till the association.

That Brother James Relly go now through Herefordshire, Radnorshire, Shropshire to Wednesbury, Birmingham, and to Gloucester against December 23rd, and then go through Gloucestershire, Wiltshire to Portsmouth and Bristol till the association.

[p.42] That Brother Stephens go now to Bristol and Bath for 9 days and come to Gloucestershire against November 27th for 9 days, and against December 6th to Wiltshire and for 9 days go to Portsmouth, and against December 20th return to Wiltshire and meet the brethren at Gloucester December 23rd, and then go to Wednesbury, Birmingham, Salop, Ludlow, Herefordshire, etc. till the association.

That Brother Godwin go to Portsmouth for a fortnight and then come att November 30 to London and go to Oulney, Chinner, Oxford, etc., and then meet the brethren at Gloucester December 23rd and be there setled till association.

That Brother Smith go to London and assist Brother Harris there and go to all the places about there till December 23rd, and meet the brethren then at Gloucester and be setled till the association.

86. That Brother Ingram go to Radnorshire, Herefordshire, Salop, Wednesbury, Birmingham and all the places adjacent till December 23rd, and then meet the brethren at Gloucester and go to assist Brother Jenkins at London till association.

That Brother Humphrys go to the west with Brother Jenkins and come by Bristol to Gloucester against December 23rd and be then setled till association.

[p.43] That Brother John Relly stay a week in Gloucestershire against November 22d and go to Wiltshire against December 1st, and come thence to Wiltshire and go to Bristol against December 13th and stay there till December 21st, and then meet the brethren at Gloucester December 23rd and be setled till association.

That a day of fasting and prayer be observed by all the brethren and societies every where on account of our own sins and the sins of all the churches and nation, etc. next Fryday sevenight 20th instant.

That next association be at Bristol on January 27th Wednesday 10 o clock morning.

That Brother Richard Wilkins (who proposed him self as a preacher) be admitted to exercise his gifts privately where he used before under the brethrens' inspection till next association.

That Brother Pearsal should go on to preach on tryall till next association, and Brother Baldwin likewise.

That 50 weekly hystorys be sent to Brother Pearsal's and be taken 24 to the rest by Brother Ingram to Shrewsbury, Ludlow, Leominster, etc., and to bring the mony to the association.

87. [p.44] Att a meeting at Gloucester, December 23 1747

Present: Brother Harris, Adams, James Relly, Beaumont, Godwin, Ingram, Smith.

Agreed that Brother Harris should speak to Mr Kennydy if he is free that we should preach as usual at his house without interfering in the affairs of the society, etc. We are free to preach there and to keep the society in another place.

That Brother Adams go after next Monday to Birmingham, Salop, Ludlow, etc. till the next association.

That Brother Beaumont go to Wales till the association.

That Brother Stephens go to Oulney and then by London to Portsmouth and stay there 9 days [p.45], and come to Bristol against the association.

That Brother Ingram go now to London and thence to Chatham, and be at Maidstone by Sunday January 3d and come by London to Essex and so thence by London to Bristol till association.

That Brother James Relly go to Bristol till association.

That Brother Godwin go to Tewksbury, Gloucester, etc. to be [at] Bristol against January 4, and go thence with Brother Harris to the west.

That Brother Smith go to Essex direct by Chinner and London and stay there 9 days, and come thence to Oulney after Brother Stevens and stay there 9 days, and so by Chinner to Bristol till the association.


  • 1. Howell Harris was unable to attend the Association at Bristol because he was busy in Wales, but he did attend an association meeting in London in Dec. 1744 (Trevecka Letters, 1742-7, 156; Visits to London, 62-5).
  • 2. See Trevecka Letters, 1742-7, 203.
  • 3. 'made them a God' repeated here by mistake.
  • 4. For the association meeting in Wiltshire in June 1745 see Visits to London, 72.
  • 5. 'Brother Herbert Jenkins' deleted.
  • 6. Howell Harris was approached about taking charge of the Tabernacle in Nov. 1745 (Trevecka Letters, 1747-94, 24, where it is misdated 1748). See also Visits to London, 79.
  • 7. Presumably the Moravian Brethren.
  • 8. 'Here Brother Stephens. Here were received on tryal.' deleted.
  • 9. The following attendance list and minutes relate to the Bristol meeting of 7 March 1745/6, and not to the London meeting of 18 June 1746 (see 67).
  • 10. Howell Harris's account of this quarterly association is printed in Visits to London, 103-4.
  • 11. On 13 June Howell Harris 'went to see a Playhouse for preaching in.' (Visits to London, 101).
  • 12. 'for about a fortnight to 21' interlined.
  • 13. 'att Wiltshire' interlined.
  • 14. Howell Harris's account of this association held at 'Mr Fowler's on the Hill' is printed in Visits to London, 115.
  • 15. 'which Brother Harris pays, and Brothers Cennick, Adams and Jenkins to pay him £12 10s. each' interlined. Mr Labee had demanded this money for the hall at Bristol from John Cennick in July 1745. It was paid in Jan. 1746/7 (Trevecka Letters, 1742-7, 171, 218).
  • 16. Howell Harris's account of this association is printed in Visits to London, 118-19.
  • 17. For John Haughton see T. Jackson, Lives of the Early Methodist Preachers (1866), 213-14. He afterwards became an Anglican minister. For John Trembath see Letters of John Wesley, ed. J. Telford, iii (1931), 141. He also left Wesley and became a farmer.
  • 18. 'an exhorter in Wales in connexion with Mr Wesley, suspected of error' interlined.
  • 19. 'another exhorter in Wales that went among our societies with controversy about us' interlined.
  • 20. i.e. the meeting of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodists.
  • 21. 'any society' interlined.
  • 22. For Plymouth see E. Welch, 'Andrew Kinsman's Churches at Plymouth' in Trans. Devons. Assoc., xcvii (1965), 212-36.
  • 23. John Wesley left the meeting about 12.30 and had an accident on the way out of Bristol according to his Journal for this date. He does not mention this meeting there.
  • 24. Probably Letter to the Bishop of London and other Bishops... by George Whitefield (1744).
  • 25. A Further Account of God's Dealings with Rev. George Whitefield (1747).
  • 26. 'against March 8 or 15' interlined.
  • 27. This sentence was added later at the bottom of the page.
  • 28. Howell Harris's account of this association at Morton Hill Farm is printed in Visits to London, 138-9.
  • 29. Howell Harris's account of this association is printed in Visits to London, 152-3.
  • 30. Rev. Richard Thomas Bateman was a native of Haverfordwest and a friend of the Methodists (Trevecka Letters, 1747-94, 6).
  • 31. Howell Harris's account of this association is printed in Visits to London, 160.