The Environs of London: Volume 4, Counties of Herts, Essex and Kent. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1796.
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Daniel Lysons, 'Index of arms', in The Environs of London: Volume 4, Counties of Herts, Essex and Kent(London, 1796), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
Daniel Lysons, 'Index of arms', in The Environs of London: Volume 4, Counties of Herts, Essex and Kent(London, 1796), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
Daniel Lysons. "Index of arms". The Environs of London: Volume 4, Counties of Herts, Essex and Kent. (London, 1796), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
N. B. Where the letter (Q.) follows a figure, the quarterings of the family there mentioned are described.
ACLAND, 296.
Adams, 312.
Aguillon, 168.
Albany, 194.
Alford, 562.
Alington, 144. (Q.)
Annesley, 503.
Arnewick, 194.
Ashe, 314.
Ashton, 331.
Atwood, 26.
Bacon, 194. (Q.)
Bagshaw, 312.
Bagulegh, 134. (Q.)
Bam, 351.
Bamber, 92.
Barrell, 194.
Barton, 331. 548.
Bataile, 134.
Battesford, 119.
Bauldrey, 296.
Bayly, 276.
Beachcroft, 166.
Beake, 26.
Beale, ibid.
Beauchamp, 213. 628.
Becke, 350.
Beckwith. 192. (Q.)
Belknap, 193.
Bellomont, 194.
Belton, 404.
Bendish, 144.
Bennet, 89. 91.
Berkeley, 110. 213. 628.
Bernake, 194.
Bernard, 89. 237.
Bertie, 89. 350. (Q.)
Bertram, 193.
Betenson, 349.
Bickworth, 551.
Blount, 331. (Q.)
Blundell, 350.
Blundevile, 194.
Boligh, ibid.
Bonnell, 212.
Bonville, 194.
Boone, 512.
Boothby, 134.
Bofanquet, 169. 277.
Boteler, 193. 628.
Boulter, 366.
Boyle, 365.
Boys, 351.
Brabant, 213.
Bradfield, 533.
Braint, 215.
Brand, 338.
Branthwaite, 134.
Breame, 143, 144. (Q.)
Bredinghurst, 259.
Brewer, 512.
Brickhill, 3.
Bridges, 215,
Briscoe, 153.
Brook, 257.
Brotherton, 486.
Browne, 367. (Q.)
Brudenell, 506.
Bryan, 213.
Buck, 26.
Buckeridge, 260. (Q.)
Bulbeck, 350.
Bulleyne, 551. 628. (Q.)
Burdett, 296.
Burgefs, 144.
Burrell, 298.
Bulby, 312.
Butcher, 239.
Byrde, 551.
Cage, 276.
Camoys, 167.
Capron, 122.
Carew, 193.
Carey, 628. (Q.)
Carminow, 194.
Caftell, 367.
Caunton, 194.
Champion, 506.
Charon, 213.
Chase, 314.
Chaftlin, 134.
Chenew, 192.
Chestell, 507.
Cheyne, 120.
Child, 237.
Cholmeley, 192.
Chowne, 331.
Church, 216
Clarke, 215. 506.
Clavering, 142.
Cleaver, 496. (Q.)
Clinton, 193.
Cobham, 552.
Coke, 93.
Colchester, 261.
Colefhill, 119. (Q.)
Colfe, 533.
Colfton, 165. (Q.)
Coningfby, 166.
Conyers, 214. (Q.)
Cooke, 193. (Q.) 216.
Cookes, 238.
Copely, 3.
Corbet, 110.
Cornwall, 331.
Cotton, 521.
Covert, 167.
Cox, 405.
Cradock, ibid.
Craggs, 331.
Crayford, 119. (Q.)
Creed, 466.
Cromwell, 194.
Crow, 276.
Crutchley, 504.
Cunningham, 215.
Dacre, 507.
Dautrey, 167.
Delatour, 194.
Denham, 542. (Q.)
Denis, 110. (Q.)
Derwentwater, 193.
Dingley, 332.
Drury, 192.
Dryby, 194.
Drylond, 351.
Ducie, 327.
Duck, 214.
Dunster, 169. (Q.)
Dyke, 167.
Echingham, 276.
Edifbury, 365.
Edwards, 144.
Ellis, 214.
Elrington, 276. (Q.)
Elwes, 276. (Q.)
Elwill, 297.
Eudo, Earl of Britanny, 142.
Evelyn, 367.
Everard, 168.
Faldo, 257.
Fanshaw, 93. 350.
Farrington, 349.
Fawcit, 257.
Fenton, 365.
Finch, 213.
Fisher, 168.
Fitzalan, 110.
Fitzgerald, 213.
Fitzhugh, 192. 194.
Fitzives, 194.
Fitzpain, 213.
Fitzrichard, 120.
Fitzwilliam, 193. (Q.)
Fleming, 90.
Fleetwood, 496.
Fletcher, 584.
Fludyer, 506.
Foot, 256, 257. (Q.)
Forfter, 542.
Frauncis, 143.
Frifell, 192.
Froxmare, 194.
Fuller, 88. (Q.)
Gabot, 276.
Gardener, 144.
Garway, 332.
Gafcoyne, 649.
Gerard, 214.
Gifors, 404.
Glanville, 142.
Glover, 404. (Q.)
Glynne, 237.
Gonfon, 365.
Goodwin, 214.
Gorges, 110.
Goring, Earl of Norwich, 167. (Q.)
Grey, 142. 194. (Q.)
Grindall, 259.
Guldeford, 351.
Gunman, 368.
Gunter, 351.
Haberdafhers' Company, 276.
Halden, 351.
Hales, 368.
Hankey, 466.
Hankford, 628.
Harbottle, 213.
Harding, 367.
Hardy, 327.
Harman, 26. (Q.)
Harrington, 194.
Harvey, 144.
Harward, 259.
Hafte, 332.
Hastings, 194.
Hawes, 168.
Hawkins, 216.
Heigham, 143. (Q.)
Heringham, 194.
Heriott, 122.
Herlackenden, 404.
Hervey, 192. (Q.)
Heydon, 551. (Q.)
Hickes, 165.
Higginfon, 144.
Hillerfdon, 216.
Hobart, 89. (Q.)
Hobbes, 553.
Hodges, 405.
Holland, 3. 142. 296.
Holmden, 367, 368.
Hoo, 551. 628.
Hopkins, 168.
Hovell, 297.
Howard, 486. (Q.)
Hughes, 389.
Humfreys, 93.
Huffey, 168, 551. (Q.)
Hyde, 134.
Jackson, 504.
Jeffreys, 296.
Innes, 520.
Johnson, 405.
Josselin, 134. (Q.)
Keble, 659.
Kenrick, 365. (Q.)
Kentebury, 194.
Killegrew, 194. (Q.)
Lacy, 193.
Lambert, 153.
Lancafhire, 93.
Langhorne, 332.
Langley, 331.
Leake, 562.
Leathersellers' Company, 533.
Leche, 134.
Lee, 214. (Q.) 276.
Legard, 259.
Legh, 134. (Q.)
Leigh, 404.
Leman, 168.
Lennard, 507. 551. (Q.)
Levensholme, 134.
Lever, 331.
Lethieullier, 168.
Lidgbird, 543.
Lisle, 213.
Lizures, 193.
Loader, 369.
Long, 237. (Q.)
Lowther, 217.
Lucy, 213.
Lupus, 194.
Luther, 121.
Lyndon, 314.
Macauley, 520.
Malcher, 277.
Malmains, 628.
Malpas, 193.
Marmion, or Marmyon, 194. 351.
Maunsell, 313.
Maynard, 216.
Meadows, 90.
Merrik, 298.
Merry, 214. (Q.)
Middleham, 142.
Moffat, 333.
Molins, 486.
Monbocher, 213.
Montfort, 193.
Morden, 338.
Mores, 215.
Morgan, 628.
Mott, 256, 257. (Q.)
Mowbray, 110. 486.
Muschamp, 194, 259.
Nernuit, 192.
Nevil, 142. (Q.) 214. 552.
Newburgh, 628.
Newnam, 583. 662.
Newte, 92.
Newton, 330, 331.
Nicoll, 26.
Norman, 192.
Nortofte, 351.
Nutt, 216.
Oliver, 119.
Olmius, 277.
Osbaston, 153.
Osborne, 352. 405.
Owen, 404.
Owsley, 166.
Pawlet, 215.
Pearce, 312.
Peck, 153.
Pecke, 3.
Penarth, 119.
Penington, 193.
Penn, 217.
Percy, 213. (Q.)
Peryn, 296.
Petit, 194.
Pett, 366.
Petty, 238. (Q.)
Petrie, 519.
Peyto, 331. (Q.)
Philipott, 404. (Q.)
Pigot, 120.
Pipe, 327.
Powell, 3.
Powle, 89. (Q.)
Poynings, 213.
Prinne, 328.
Puckering, 331. (Q.)
Pybus, 583.
Pyot, 327.
Quaplod, 194.
Quincy, 194.
Ramsey, 351.
Ravenscroft, 3. (Q.)
Raymond, 298.
Robinson, 466.
Rochester, See of, 330.
Roiton, 351.
Rooke, 258.
Rookes, ibid.
Roper, 507.
Rowe, 215.
Rush, 215.
Russel, 110. 194. (Q.)
Russell, 520.
Saint Leger, 628.
Saint Omer, 628.
Sanderson, 466.
Sandford, 89.
Sapcotts, 194.
Saxham, 192.
Sayer, 389.
Sclater, 134.
Scot, 313.
Scott, 120. (Q.) 259. 405.
Seamarke, 194.
Seymour, 328.
Sharp, 216.
Sharpe, 26.
Sheffield, 327.
Shelvocke, 365.
Shipwrights' Company, 366.
Shirley, 259.
Skevington, 3.
Slanye, 552.
Small, 583.
Smith, 3. 349. 562.
Smyth, 259. (Q.)
Somerset, 213. 628.
South, 367.
Spearman, 261.
Spencer, 213.
Stafford, 486.
Stanhope, 521.
Stapleton, 628.
Starkey, 134.
Stavely, 259.
Stephens, 94.
Stoddey, 404.
Stone, 165.
Stonely, 143.
Stourton, 215. (Q.)
Strange, 168.
Strong, ibid.
Style, 297, 313. (Q.)
Sudely, 193.
Sumester, 119.
Swettenham, 3.
Swinbourn, 120.
Tate, 89.
Tatshall, 194.
Tench, 168.
Teyas, 628.
Thompson, 332.
Tilney, 486.
Toppesfield, 259. (Q.)
Torrell, 134.
Townshend, 352.
Trafford, 217.
Travell, 312.
Trenchfield, 404.
Trevor, 507.
Trinity-house, 380.
Tryon, 348.
Tylney, 237.
Ufford, 350.
Upton, 119.
Utworth, 351.
Valence, 194.
Vere, 350.
Walcot, 142.
Walden, 367.
Walker, 217.
Wall, 368.
Walsingham, 351. (Q.)
Walsham, 548.
Warner, 330. 405.
Warren, 110. 193. 486.
Warwick, 350.
Waterson, 212.
Wayte, 276.
Welbeck, 259.
Welwick, 213.
West, 119.
White, 333.
Whitmore, 89.
Wichingham, 628.
Widville, 194.
Wilkinson, 331, 365.
Williamson, 238.
Willoughby, 350.
Willyams, 542.
Wiltshire, 192.
Winter, 551.
Wintle, 520.
Wife, 194.
Wiseman, 562.
Wivell, 368.
Wolston, 313.
Woodstock, 142.
Wray, 466.
Writtle, 351.
Wrottesley, 144.
Wynch, 276.
Wynne, 350.
Yarford, 313.
Young, 110. 312.