The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1795.
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Daniel Lysons, 'Isleworth', in The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex(London, 1795), British History Online [accessed 15 March 2025].
Daniel Lysons, 'Isleworth', in The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex(London, 1795), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025,
Daniel Lysons. "Isleworth". The Environs of London: Volume 3, County of Middlesex. (London, 1795), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025.
Name and etymology.
In the survey of Doomsday, this place is called Gistelworde, in subsequent ancient records for some centuries, uniformly Istelworth; and afterwards occasionally Istleworth. About Queen Elizabeth's time, it was commonly in conversation, and sometimes in records, called Thistleworth, which name was much in use in the early part of the present century, and is now not wholly disused. In parochial and other writings, however, it has been uniformly spelt Isleworth for more than a century; the pronunciation is very various. Skinner's derivation of Islington, from Gisel a hostage, and tun a town, might more justly, with the alteration of tun for worth a village, be applied to this place; for it does not appear that Islington in any ancient record is called Giselton, or Gistelton, but Isendune. As to the real fact in either place, there is nothing recorded in history to justify the conjecture. The most general idea of its derivation has been suggested by the modern name Isle-worth, but I think that the constant usage of Istelworth for so many centuries leads one to seek for some other etymology, though perhaps it might be difficult to find one which would be entirely satisfactory.
Situation, boundaries, extent, &c.
Fruit gardens.
The village of Isleworth is situated in the banks of the Thames, at the distance of eight miles and a half from Hyde-Park-corner. It lies within the hundred, to which it gives name. The parish is bounded on the south by the river Thames; on the east, north, and west, principally by Brentford, Heston (fn. 1), Twickenham, and Feltham. It touches also in some parts (upon Hounslow-heath) Bedfont, and Hanworth. It is about four miles and one-half in length, two onehalf in breadth, fifteen in circumference, and contains, according to Glover's survey taken in 1635, 2377 acres of land; of which, in his time, 910 were arable, 930 pasture, 43 wood, and 494 (of which 437 were part of Hounslow-heath) waste. There are now 14 acres occupied by nurserymen, and about 430 by market gardeners. The latter cultivate their ground mostly for fruit. Some of the gardeners raise great quantities of raspberries, which are sold principally to the distillers, and conveyed to town in swing carts, but fruit for the table is carried in head-loads by women, who come principally from Shropshire, and the neighbourhood of Kingsdown in Wiltshire. The fruit is gathered very early in the morning, 12 women being employed to gather a load, which is 12 gallons, (of three pints each,) the pay for gathering is a penny halfpenny per gallon. One of the gatherers carries the load to Covent Garden market (a distance of about 10 miles), for which she has 3s. 6d. It is needless to say that they perform but one journey in the day, the Hammersmith women perform three, and receive 8d. for each journey, over and above their day's work. At Kensington they are paid sixpence, and frequently go four times in the day. These women usually go at the rate of about five miles an hour.
Soil, and land-tax.
The soil at Isleworth is various, sand, gravel, and a rich loam. The parish pays the sum of 880l. 7s. 10½d. to the land-tax, which in 1794 was at the rate of 1s. 4d. in the pound.
River Crane.
The small river Crane, which rises in the neighbourhood of Harrow, falls into the Thames at this place, having been augmented by an artificial cut from the Colne, made formerly by the abbess and convent of Sion, for the convenience of their water-mills.
The Barons army at Isleworth.
In the year 1263, Simon de Montfort and the Barons pitched their tents in Isleworth park (fn. 2). The year following, the palace of the King of the Romans was burnt by the citizens of London (fn. 3).
Fairsax's army.
General Fairfax's head-quarters were at Isleworth, on the 3d and 4th of August 1647 (fn. 4). On the 4th he received there the parliamentary commissioners, to whom "his excellency and the council of war propounded a way that the parliament might be secure from force and violence; and fears and jealousies be removed between the city and the army (fn. 5)."
Monastery of Sion first founded in the parish of Twickenham.
King Henry the Fifth, in the year 1414, founded, within his manor of Isleworth, a convent of Bridgetines, giving it the name of Sion (fn. 6). The original site was in the parish of Twickenham, most probably in the meadows belonging to Lord Frederick Cavendish, formerly called Istleworth, or Twickenham park. The dimensions of the premises on which the convent stood, are thus stated in an ancient record (fn. 7) : The length, towards the river, 2820 feet; towards Twickenham field, 1938 feet; the breadth on one side was 980, on the other 960 feet. Some alien monks are said to have been settled on the same spot (fn. 8), but there does not seem good ground for such a supposition. If it had been so, no doubt it would have been mentioned in the charter. On the contrary, in the record just quoted, the convent is spoken of as newly built by the King's command, and the value of the land appropriated out of the royal demesnes, for the site, is there valued at 33s. 4d. per annum.
Removed to Isleworth.
In the year 1432, being 18 years after the foundation of the monastery, Henry VI. granted permission to the abbess and convent of Sion to remove to a more spacious edifice which they had built upon their demesnes within the parish of Isleworth (fn. 9). The convent of Sion was dedicated to our Saviour, the Virgin Mary, and St. Bridget, and consisted, according to the rules of that saint, of 60 nuns, including the abbess, 13 priests, four deacons, and eight lay brethren, making in the whole the number of the apostles, and 72 disciples of Christ. It is to be observed, that it was only in convents of Bridgetines that monks and nuns were permitted to live under the same roof. The nuns' cloister was separated, however, from that in which the monks resided. It is probable, nevertheless, that they had readier means of communication than those subterraneous passages, which by absurd traditions are supposed to have connected neighbouring and sometimes distant monasteries; for the report of Lord Cromwell's agents on the eve of the Reformation, was particularly unfavourable to the chastity of the nuns of Sion (fn. 10). The first abbess of Sion was Matilda Newton; the first confessor, being one of the 13 priests, William Alnewick. King Henry's charter incorporates the monastery by the name of the Abbess and Convent of St. Saviour and St. Bridget, of the order of St. Augustine, whose rules St. Bridget observed, with the addition of some of her own institution.
Its endowment.
King Henry granted the convent an annuity of 1000 marks out of the Exchequer, till such time as they should be provided with other revenues. In the last year of his reign he procured an act of parliament, by which he was enabled to separate the manor of Isleworth from the Duchy of Cornwall (fn. 11), and give it to this monastery. The endowments bestowed upon it by his successors were very ample. A reference to the various grants is given in the note (fn. 12). The reve nues of the convent, according to Dugdale, amounted at the time of its dissolution to 1731l. 8s. 4¾d. per annum (fn. 13).
Richard Whitford.
Richard Whitford, a monk of Sion, was author of various devotional works, among which were "the Martiloge, as read in Sion, 1526; a Daily Exercise and Experience of Death, by the old Wretch of Sion. R. W. 1532; a Dialogue between the Curate and Parishioner, for a due preparation unto the Howselynge, 1537; a Treatise of Patience, 1541, &c (fn. 14)."
Suppression of the monastery.
Katherine Howard, a prisoner at Sion.
Funeral of Henry VIII.
Grants of Sion to the Duke of Somerset, &c.
Restoration of the monastery by Queen Mary.
Second suppression.
Sir Francis Knolles, keeper.
Court of Exchequer held at Sion.
Thomas Stanley, the second Earl of Derby, was buried in the monastery of Sion, anno 1521 (fn. 15), a few years before its dissolution, which happened in 1532, it being one of the first of the larger monasteries that was suppressed, the convent having been accused of harbouring the King's enemies, and being accomplices with the maid of Kent (fn. 16). John Gates, Esq. was appointed keeper of the conventual house (fn. 17), which continued in the King's hands during the remainder of his reign. In the year 1541 it was made a prison for the unfortunate Katherine Howard, who was confined there from the 14th of November till the 10th of February following, being three days before her execution. She was kept very strict, but served as Queen (fn. 18). The corpse of King Henry VIII., whose funeral procession is said to have exceeded in magnificence any ever seen in England before or since, was rested a night at Sion on its way to Windsor (fn. 19). King Edward VI. in the first year of his reign, granted the monastery of Sion, with all its appurtenances, to Edward Duke of Somerset, the Lord Protector (fn. 20), who had before rented some premises at Isleworth under the convent (fn. 21). The Duke built on or near the site a noble mansion, the shell of which, though it has undergone various alterations, still remains. He had a botanical garden there, which is spoken of by Dr. Turner (fn. 22), (author of the Herbal,) who was his physician. After the Duke's attainder, Sionhouse reverted to the crown, and Sir Thomas Worth was made the keeper (fn. 23). In 1553, the King granted it to John Duke of Northumberland (fn. 24), who was beheaded in the first year of Queen Mary, and his estates became forfeited to the crown. The Queen made Sir Henry Sidney keeper of the park and woods (fn. 25). The house she kept in her own hands till 1557, when she restored the convent of Sion, endowing it with the manor and demesnes of Isleworth (fn. 26). Fuller, speaking of this monastery, says, "this with the former (Sheen) cut two great collops out of the crown lands, though far short this second endowment of what formerly they possessed. It was some difficulty to stock it with such who had been veil'd before, it being now thirty years since the dissolution, in which time most of the elder nuns were in their graves, and the younger in the arms of their husbands, as afterwards embracing a married life. However, with much adoe (joining some new ones with the old), they made up "a competent number (fn. 27)." The new monastery was soon afterwards dissolved by Queen Elizabeth. Clementia Thresham, the abbess, died at Royston in Northamptonshire (fn. 28). Margaret Dely, one of the nuns, was buried at Isleworth in 1561, but the greater part of the convent emigrated to the continent, with such of their treasure as was portable; and after wandering about a considerable time without any permanent abode, established themselves at Lisbon; where, in Fuller's time, the convent existed, and had acquired such endowments, that they were said to lay up yearly 600l. (fn. 29) Queen Elizabeth, in the year 1560, made Sir Francis Knolles keeper of Sion-house for life (fn. 30), the reversion of which place she afterwards granted to his son Robert (fn. 31). In 1563 the sickness then raging, the Marquis of Winchester (Lord Treasurer) went to survey Sion-house, it being intended that the court of Exchequer should be held there. In a letter to Sir William Cecil, (secretary of state,) dated Sept. 23, he reports, that there was room for the whole court with all their attendants. The Lord Treasurer, the under treasurer, and chancellor, were to have two chambers and a gallery between them to consult in; the chamber of presence for their dining, and the great chamber for their servants (fn. 32).
Grant to the Earl of Northumberland.
Imprisonment of the Earl.
His improvements at Sion.
Repairs and alterations in 1659.
Children of Charles I. at Sion.
In the year 1604, Sion-house and the manor of Isleworth were granted to Henry Earl of Northumberland (fn. 33), in whom were already vested the various leases made by Queen Elizabeth of the demesne lands (fn. 34). This Earl was treated with uncommon rigour by the court of Star-chamber, for what at most amounted but to a presumption of his being privy to the gunpowder plot. He endured, nevertheless, a tedious confinement of fifteen years in the Tower, and was obliged to pay a fine of 30,000l. In a letter which he wrote to James I. from the Tower, dated April 14, 1613, after representing the difficulties under which he laboured as to the payment of his fine, he offers the King Sion-house, with the manor of Isleworth, as the only property which he could alienate, his other estates being entailed. In estimating the value of Sion, he states, that he had laid out 9000l. upon the house and gardens; "the house it"self," says he, "if it were to be pulled down and sold by view of workmen, would come to 8000l. If any man, the best husband in building, should raise such another in the same place, 20,000l. would not do it (fn. 35)." His Majesty, it seems, did not accept the offer, nor was the Earl released till 1621 (fn. 36). Notwithstanding the sums of money expended by him on Sion-house, it appears to have undergone a thorough repair, and to have been considerably altered by his successor (under the direction, as it is said, of Inigo Jones) in 1659, which date is on all the leaden pipes. On the 27th of August 1646, the House of Commons agreed that the Earl of Northumberland, (Algernon,) to whose care the King's children had been entrusted, might remove them to Sion-house, on account of the infection then spreading (fn. 37). They were removed there on the same account the following year, and remained at Sion whilst the King was at Hampton Court (fn. 38). At this time the Earl of Northumberland, with a feeling that does him honour, obtained permission from the parliament to indulge his Majesty with the company of his children as often as he (the Earl) thought proper; in consequence of which permission, they were sometimes sent for to Hampton-court, and at other times the King visited them at Sion (fn. 39). The Duke of York was then about 14 years of age, the Princess Elizabeth 12, and the Duke of Gloucester seven.
In the parish books at Isleworth, I find the two following entries in the church-wardens' accounts for 1649–51.
"Paid to the late King's servants, | 0 | 1 | 0 |
"Recd of the Earl of Mulgrave when he lay at Sion "house." | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Queen Anne at Sion.
Charles Duke of Somerset, who had Sion-house in right of his wife Elizabeth, sole heir of Joceline Earl of Northumberland, lent it at her Highness's desire to Queen Anne, (then Princess of Denmark,) who resided there some time (fn. 40). Sion-house is now the seat of his Grace Hugh Duke of Northumberland, great grandson of Charles Duke of Somerset and Lady Elizabeth Percy.
Description of Sionhouse, and the improvements by the late Duke.
This noble mansion, which occupies a large quadrangle, was altered and fitted up at a great expence by the late Duke. The great hall, paved with black and white marble, is 66 feet by 31, and 34 in height. It contains some antique statues, and a cast of the dying gladiator, by Valadier. Adjoining to the hall is a most magnificent vestibule, furnished with 12 columns of the Ionic order, and 16 pilasters of verd antique, purchased at an immense expence, being a greater quantity of that valuable species of marble, than is now to be found perhaps in any building in Europe. The mosaic work, of which the tables in the drawing-room are composed, was found in Titus's Baths, and purchased for the Duke out of the Abbe Furietti's collection at Rome. The library, which extends through the east side of the quadrangle, is 130½ feet by 14. The whole house is fitted up in a style in every respect suitable to the rank and opulence of the noble owner. The elegant façade near the high road, and the improvements of the house, were designed by Adam. The gardens, which are very beautiful, and stored with a great many curious exotics, were laid out principally by Brown.

Sion House
Chapel and guild of All Angels at Brentfordend.
John Somerset, Chancellor of the Exchequer to Henry VI. founded a chapel at Brentford-end, in the parish of Isleworth, in honour of the nine orders of holy angels. The King laid the first stone of the building, and granted the ground on which it stood. The preamble of the charter states, that no chapel had ever before been founded in honour of all the holy angels; that John Somerset had lately built such a chapel on a piece of ground belonging to the King, 220 feet in length, and 40 in breadth, lying in the old highway, at the east end of a wooden bridge, called New Brentford-bridge (fn. 41), being bounded on the north by the highway near the new stone bridge leading to Hounslow, and on the south by a parcel of land belonging to the said John Somerset. On a spot contiguous to the chapel, being the founder's own land, (held under the crown,) he built a hospital for nine poor men, who formed a guild incorporated by King Henry VI. with licence to possess land in mortmain, use a common seal, &c. (fn. 42) Hugh Denys, citizen of London, by his will bearing date 1508, left his estates to the prior and convent of Sheen, charged with certain payments for the purpose of augmenting this institution, by the addition of seven poor men, and to found a chantry in the chapel for two priests. The prior and convent of Sheen, by their indenture (fn. 43), bearing date 1530, made over these estates to the abbess and convent of Sion. It appears by this deed, that the priests were obliged to reside upon the spot, and not allowed to hold any other be nefice; their salary was nine marks per annum each, and fuel; the poor men had 7½d. a week, fuel, and a gown, price 4s. The chaplains were to pray for the souls of Henry VIII. Hugh Denys, and John Somerset the original founder of the chapel.
Various possessors of the site.
Edward VI. in the year 1547, granted the site of All Angels chapel, with its appurtenances (fn. 44), to Edward Duke of Somerset (fn. 45), on whose attainder it reverted to the crown. Queen Mary granted the said site (with the bedehouses (fn. 46) adjoining) to the newly-restored convent of Sion (fn. 47). Queen Elizabeth, in whom it became vested, by the second dissolution of that monastery, leased it to Richard Burton (fn. 48). In 1610, the same premises were granted to George and Thomas Whitmore (fn. 49), who sold them the next year to Henry Prince of Wales (fn. 50). In 1638, they were granted by Charles the First to Edward Ditchfield and others, trustees for the city of London (fn. 51), who in 1639 aliened them to Sir Richard Wynne (fn. 52). From him they descended to the Ancaster family, and were sold in the early part of this century to various persons. The immediate site of the chapel, as is supposed, and some adjoining houses, came to one Philip Godard, who dying in 1762, bequeathed them to his nephew Thomas Huggins, and Elizabeth his wife, for the term of their lives, afterwards to remain to the use of the charity-school of this parish for ever. Elizabeth Huggins, the survivor, died in the course of this year (1794), but the bequest being contrary to the statute of mortmain, it becomes null and void.
Sir William Noy.
Lord Savage.
Sir Richard Wynne, &c.
There were no vestiges of All Angels-chapel remaining when Moses Glover made his survey in 1635. A mansion, on or very near the site, was the residence of Sir William Noy, King Charles's attorney-general, who lies buried at Brentford. The same house had been the residence of Thomas Viscount Savage (fn. 53), and is called "the Sprotts," in ancient records. Sir Richard Wynne (fn. 54) resided in a house near the façade, which leads to Sion, now the property and residence of Sir Nathaniel Duckenfield, Bart. (fn. 55) Sir Francis Darcy (Sir Richard Wynne's father-in-law) lived in an adjoining house (fn. 56).
Manor of Isleworth.
The manor of Gistelworde (Isleworth) was held at the time of the Conqueror's survey by Walter de St. Waleric. It is taxed, says that record, at 70 hides. The land is 55 carucates; six hides and a half are in demesne, on which are fix ploughs. Among the freemen and villans are 28 ploughs, and eleven more might be employed. The priest has three virgates of land, 51 villans a virgate each, 24 villans half a virgate each, 18 others the same quantity, and there are fix cottars. A foreigner and a certain Englishman have four hides of land, and they are approved knights. Under them are 12 villans and bordars, and there are six villans who hold two hides and half a virgate under the lord. There are two mills of 6s. rent, meadow equal to 20 plough-lands; pasture for the cattle of the town; one stream and a moiety of another, yielding 12s. 8d.; pannage for 500 hogs; herbage 12d.: in the whole valued at 72l. in King Edward's time at 80l. This manor, adds the record, was the property of Earl Algar.
Manor-place of the King of the Romans burnt by the citizens of London.
Fee-farm rent.
Hundred and manor co-extensive.
Custom of the Dyseyne.
In the reign of Henry the Third, the manor of Isleworth being vested in the crown (fn. 57), was granted to the King's brother, Richard Earl of Cornwall, and King of the Romans. In the year 1264, Sir Hugh Spencer, with a great multitude of the citizens of London, went to Isleworth, where "they spoiled the manor place (fn. 58) of the King of the Romans, "and destroyed his water-mylnes, and other commodities that he there had (fn. 59)." For this outrage, when King Henry had suppressed the rebellion of his Barons, they were obliged to pay the sum of 1000 marks, as a reparation. After the death of Edmund Earl of Cornwall, son of the King of Romans, this manor became vested in King Edward I. as his next heir, and was assigned anno 1301 to Margaret Countess of Cornwall, as a part of her dower. It was settled by Edward III. on his Queen Philippa, and after her death was annexed to the Duchy of Cornwall (fn. 60). Richard the Second gave it for life to his consort Anne (fn. 61). Henry the Fifth being desirous of fettling it on his newly-founded convent of Sion, procured an act of parliament, by which he was enabled to separate it from the Duchy of Cornwall, to which other manors were assigned in exchange (fn. 62). It remained in the crown after the suppression of monasteries, till it was granted by King James, in 1604, to Henry Earl of Northumberland (fn. 63), from whom it descended to the present Duke. King James's grant was subject to a fee-farm rent of 99l. 2s. per annum, which was purchased of the crown by Charles Duke of Somerset (fn. 64), and given by him to the Earl of Egremont. This rent is now the property of Theodore Broadhead, Esq. It must be observed, that the description of this manor in Doomsday includes Heston and Twickenham, which accounts for its large extent, 70 hides, nearly corresponding with Glover's survey which makes the three parishes contain about 6880 acres, from which deducting 1874 acres of waste, there will remain 5006 acres of cultivated land, not very widely differing from the 55 carucates in Doomsday. Heston and Twickenham are mentioned in the inquisition taken after the Earl of Cornwall's death, as hamlets within the manor of Isleworth. Hamlet here means the same, I suppose, as Berewicus in ancient records, a subordinate manor held under the lord paramount, for it is certain that both Heston and Twickenham had parish churches at that period. It was reported by the jurors at an inquisition taken in 1390, that the manor and hundred of Isleworth had always been esteemed of the same extent (fn. 65). Edmund Earl of Cornwall granted to the Knights Templars a right of common pasture in this hundred from Cranford to Twickenham. This grant was confirmed by Edward I. (fn. 66) In the year 1293, the same Earl claimed assize of bread and beer, gallows, and freewarren in his manor of Isleworth; the prior of St. Waleric claimed the assize of bread and beer for his tenants in Isleworth, and the master of the hospital of St. Giles the same privilege for his tenants in Isleworth and Heston, as belonging to his church of Isleworth (fn. 67). An ancient custom prevailed in this manor, that the tenants should pay to the lord a certain sum of money, amounting to eight marks, called the Dyseyne, over and above the customary rents. This sum was raised by a tax levied in an equal proportion upon all the male inhabitants of 15 years of age and upwards (fn. 68). In the parish chest at Twickenham is a small illuminated deed of the abbess and convent of Sion, (with their seal annexed,) bearing date 22 Henry VI., whereby they discharge their tenants in the manor of Isleworth, of a certain annual tribute or payment of 20l. In the year 1656 certain articles relating to the customs and privileges of the manor of Isleworth were agreed on between Algernon Earl of Northumberland and the principal copyholders. They were printed the ensuing year in the form of a pamphlet, entitled, "Isleworth-Sion's Peace." Lands in this manor descend according to the strict custom of Borough-English.
Manor of Worton, or Eyston's.
In the year 1375, William Eyston of Isleworth granted to the King a messuage called Worton, and 93 acres of land thereunto belonging (fn. 69). This estate, being called the Manor of Worton, was granted for life by Edward III. to Alice the widow of Edmund Fauconer, and by Henry IV. to William Loveney for his life. Henry VI. gave it to the monastery of Sion (fn. 70). In some records it is called also the Manor of Eystons. It is now the property of the Duke of Northumberland.
Manor of Wyke.
In the year 1508, Hugh Denys, citizen of London, bequeathed the manor of Wyke (fn. 71), which he had purchased of Robert Cheese man, to the Carthusian priory of Sheen, charged with certain payments to the chapel of All Angels, founded by John Somerset in the reign of Henry VI. (fn. 72) The prior and convent of Sheen, by their indenture, bearing date 1530, conveyed it to the abbess and convent of Sion (fn. 73), whose property it was at the dissolution of monasteries, when Henry VIII. granted it to the Marquis of Exeter (fn. 74), on whose attainder it reverted to the crown, and was given by Edward VI. to the Duke of Somerset (fn. 75). After the Duke's attainder it remained in the crown till 1557, when it was granted by Queen Mary to Augustine Thaier and Alexander Chesenall, and the heirs of the former, to be held in fealty by free soccage, discharged of all corrodies, pensions, and payments whatsoever, except a rent of 15l. 10s. 8d. reserved, by that grant, to the crown (fn. 76). It afterwards came by purchase, as I suppose, to Sir Thomas Gresham, who died seised of it anno 1580 (fn. 77). After his death it passed in the same manner as Heston and Osterley (fn. 78), to the coheirs of Sir Michael Stanhope, of whom it was purchased in 1638 by Sir William Washington (fn. 79), who mortgaged it in 1640 to Sir Edward Spencer and Sir Richard Wynne. It remained in the possession of Sir Richard Wynne, who had before purchased the site of All Angels chapel, of Edward Ditchfield and others. Sir Richard Wynne died in 1649; his widow in 1669. Maurice Wynne, Esq. his brother, by his will, bearing date 1670, bequeaths the manor of Wyke to his brother Henry, and to Dame Grace Wynne, relict of Sir Owen Wynne (his brother also) and their heirs. Mary, daughter of Lady Wynne, was married in 1678 to Robert Lord Willoughby de Eresby, afterwards Duke of Ancaster, whose son Peregrine, the succeeding Duke, sold this manor in 1724 to Joshua Fletcher. In 1731 it came to John Jacob, and was fold by the trustees under his will, anno 1755, to Peter Storer, Esq. whose daughter Martha married William Baker, Esq. In 1778 it was purchased of their son Peter William Baker, Esq. by John Robinson, Esq. M. P. the present proprietor, who resides upon the estate in a handsome villa, modernised and improved since his purchase of the manor. The ancient manor-house stood, it is most probable, within the moated site adjoining to Mr. Robinson's farm.
Duke of Marlborough's, at Sionhill.
Sion-hill, a seat of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, was built by the late Earl of Holdernesse. The Duke, who has cultivated with much success the science of astronomy, has a small observatory at this place, which he is about to enlarge and improve for the reception of an altitude and azimuth instrument, to be constructed by Ramsden.
Calvert Lord Baltimore.
The Duke of Shrewsbury.
Earl of Bath.
George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, secretary of state to James the First, and a noble author (fn. 80), had a country-seat at Isleworth. Lord Strafford, writing to him on the 12th of October 1624, says, he takes it for granted that he has quitted Isleworth at that season of the year, and is gone to town (fn. 81). Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, a conspicuous character during the reigns of King William and Queen Anne, had a house at Isleworth, which had formerly been the residence of Sir Thomas Ingram, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The Duke was at one time Lord Chamberlain of the household, Lord High Treasurer of England, and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, three great offices never before united in the same person. He died at Isleworth in 1718. His house there, so finely furnished, says Collins, he left to his heirs (fn. 82). It is the property of the present Earl of Shrewsbury, and is occupied as a boys' school for children of the Roman Catholic persuasion. The Earl of Bath, a distinguished political character in the last reign, resided at Isleworth, in a house on the north side of the road, leading from Twickenham to London. It is called Gumley-house, having been built by John Gumley, Esq. the Countess of Bath's father. It was lately the property of General Lake, and now belongs to Mr. Angell. On the same side of the road stood Kendall-house, so called from the Duchess of Kendall, mistress to George I., who resided there. After her death, it was opened as a public breakfasting-house, and was frequently advertised as such in the years 1750 and 1751 (fn. 83). Kendallhouse stood where are now the stables of David Godfrey, Esq. who has a handsome villa fronting the Hounslow road, built at a great expence by Mr. Lewis Chauvett. The house, called Silver-hall, (now a school,) on the south side of the Twickenham road, was built by John Smith, Esq. who was created a Baronet in 1694. His arms are over the piers of the gate (fn. 84). After Sir John Smith's death, it was in the occupation of Lady Harcourt, widow of the chancellor. It was afterwards the property of Mrs. Oliver, (whose maiden name was Silver,) mother of Silver Oliver, Esq. This circumstance, it seems, gave the house its present name; had I not been informed of it, I might have ascribed it perhaps to a different cause; for on or near the same spot is described in Glover's old map a house, where resides (says he in a note) "Mr. John Broad the famous metallist." The house by the waterside, which is now the property of the Hon. Mrs. Keppel, and in the occupation of the Earl of Warwick, was built by James Lacey, Esq. patentee of Drury Lane theatre.
Samuel Clark. F. Willis. Mrs. Middleton.
Among the eminent inhabitants of Isleworth may be enumerated Samuel Clark, a biographer of the last century, who died at this place in 1682 (fn. 85); Francis Willis, a grammarian and author of a Dictionary (fn. 86), and Mrs. Middleton, frequently mentioned in the Memoirs de Grammont.
The Church.
The church, which stands near the waterside, is dedicated to All Saints, and consists of a nave, chancel, and two aisles. At the west end is an ancient stone tower of Gothic architecture, which is overgrown with ivy on the north, west, and south sides. The rest of the structure is of brick, and was rebuilt in the years 1705 and 1706 (fn. 87).
Monument of Mrs. Tolson.
On the south side of the chancel is a very handsome marble monument (by Halfpenny) to the memory of Mrs. Anne Dash, better known by the name of Tolson, a great benefactress to the parish. Her history, as recorded in her epitaph, is very singular. She was daughter of George Newton, Esq. of Duffield, in the county of Derby; and having been twice married, first to Henry Sisson, afterwards to John Tolson, was in her second widowhood reduced to narrow circumstances, and obliged to set up a boarding-school, as a means of procuring a livelihood; but blindness having rendered her unfit for that employment, she became an object of charity. In the mean time Dr. Caleb Cotesworth, a physician, who had married a relation of Mrs. Tolson, died, (anno 1741,) having amassed, in the course of his practice, 150,000 l. the greater part of which, being upwards of 120,000 l. he left to his wife, who surviving him only a few hours, died intestate, and her large fortune was divided between Mrs. Tolson and two others, as the nearest of kin. With a due sense of this signal deliverance, and unexpected change from a state of want to riches and affluence, she appropriated by a deed of gift the sum of 5000 l., to be expended after her decease in building and endowing an alms-house at Isleworth for six poor men and six women. This lady died in the year 1750, aged 89, having married, subsequent to this deed of gift, a third husband, Mr. Joseph Dash, merchant. The monument was erected pursuant to her own desire, by Gilbert Joddrell, Esq. at the expence of 500 l. It is ornamented with a bust in white marble of Mrs. Tolson, and medallions of Dr. and Mrs. Cotesworth.
Various monuments.
Over Mrs. Tolson's monument is that of Sir Orlando Gee (fn. 88), steward to Algernon and Joceline, Earls of Northumberland, and register of the court of Admiralty, who died anno 1705, aged 86. The monument is ornamented with an half length effigies of the deceased in white marble. He is represented with a large cravat, flowing peruke, &c. Against a pillar at the south-west corner of the chancel is the monument of Margaret, wife of Henry Scardevile, Dean of Cloyne, and daughter of Robert Culliford of Encomb, Dor setshire, 1698. On flat stones are memorials of Katheriné, wife of Richard Cox, merchant, 1598; Lettice, wife of Sir Henry Willoughby, Knt. (daughter of Sir Francis Darcy), 1655; Margaret, wife of William Blucke, Esq. (and daughter of Sir William Wilde, Knt. and Bart. judge of the King's Bench), 1674; Margaret, relict of Roger Earl of Orrery, and daughter of Theophilus Earl of Sussolk, 1689; Anne, wife of Sir Orlando Gee, 1703; Susan, wife of Nicholas Laws, Esq. (daughter of Thomas Temple, Esq. of Warwickshire, and relict of Samuel Barnard, Esq.), 1707; Robert Millington, Esq. 1714; his son-in-law Brudenel Rooke, Esq. aged 85, 1776; William Hoskins, Esq. 1752; Thomas Ashby, Esq. 1771; Margaret, wife of Dr. Joseph Taylour, 1777; Joseph Taylour, LL.D. aged 93, 1790; and Thadeus O'Flaherty, Esq. aged 93, 1790.
North aisle.
In the north aisle, on the east wall, is a tablet to the memory of Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Wilkinson, Esq. 1779. On the north wall, over the gallery, is the monument of Catherine, daughter of Sir Edward Leigh of Staffordshire, and wife of Sir Francis Darcy, Knt. (fn. 89), by whom she had three daughters; one died in her infancy; Anne married Sir Richard Wynne, Bart.; Lettice, Sir Henry Willoughby, Bart. The monument is supported by Corinthian columns, between which are the effigies of Sir Francis Darcy and his lady. He is represented in armour. Lady Darcy was buried May 29, 1625; Sir Francis (who was seventh son of Sir Arthur Darcy, and brother of Thomas Darcy, ancestor to the Earls of Holdernesse), Nov. 29, 1641. There is no date on the monument. On the same wall, under the gallery, is a monument to the memory of Richard Downton, Esq. 1672, and Sir Richard Downton (fn. 90), 1711. On the floor of this aisle are the tombs of William Chase, Esq. "serjeant to King Henry "VIII., and of his honourable houshold of the hall and woodyerd," (a brass plate with a figure of the deceased in armour), 1544; Philip Champion, Gent. of the Inner Temple, 1674; Mr Henry Newman, 1693; James Goodinge, Gent. 1712; Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Whetland, citizen of London, 1735; and William Allanson, Esq. 1745.
South aisle.
In the south aisle, over the gallery, are the monuments of Richard Wiatt, Esq. (fn. 91), 1619; Sir Theodore Devaux, Knt. (fn. 92), F. R. S. physician to Charles II. and Katherine the Queen Dowager, 1694; John Land, Gent. (fn. 93), 1697; and Thomas Musgrave, Esq. (fn. 94) (son of Sir Christopher Musgrave, Bart.), 1756. On the last mentioned monument are memorials also of Mr. Musgrave's three sisters; Dorothy, wife of James Hawley, Esq. 1729; Mary and Barbara, who died unmarried, in 1746 and 1755. Under the gallery are the monuments of Edward Baron, Esq. (fn. 95), 1640, and Mr. William Daw (who married his daughter Barbara), 1674; Simon Basill, clerk of the works to Charles I. for Greenwich and Eltham, and to Charles II. for Hampton Court, 1663; Dame Grace Danvers, daughter of Thomas Hewes of Kemmerton in Glocestershire, and third wife and relict of Sir John Danvers, of Chelsea, 1678; John Bedingfield, Esq. (fn. 96), 1692, (he married Martha Porter, daughter of Sir Francis Williamson, by whom he had a daughter Penelope, married to the Rev. Lewis Atterbury, LL.D. She died in 1723, her son Bedingfield Atterbury in 1718); Joseph Taylour (fn. 97), Esq. barrister at law, 1714; George Pigot, M. D. 1722, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of William Berblock, Esq. of Thorpe in Surrey, 1707. In the southeast corner is a monument (with Corinthian columns, and the effigies of the deceased) to the memory of three children of Sir Thomas, afterwards Viscount Savage. It has no name or date, but the arms (fn. 98) and entries in the parish register (fn. 99), sufficiently point out for whom it was intended. On the floor of this aisle are the tombs of "Margaret Dely, a syster professed yn Syon, who decessed the 7 of October anno 1561," (a brass plate with a small figure of the deceased); Thomas Hawkes, vicar, 1614; Frances, daughter of Jeremiah Goughe, 1668; Thomas Hoste of Hatton, Esq. 1674; Dame Anne, relict of Sir Edward Bromefield, Bart. 1688; her son John Bromefield, Esq. (who married Eleanor, daughter of Robert Child, Esq. of Hayes Park), 1683; Eleanor Looker, relict of John Bromefield, 1731; Rev. Francis Inman, rector of Rippingale in Lincolnshire, 1738; Sarah his wife, daughter of Peter Mason; Mary Wilmot spinster, daughter of Nicholas Wilmot, Esq. 1777; Mrs. Mary Swann, 1777; Mrs. Martha Swann, 1786; and Mrs. Elizabeth Swann, 1788.
In the nave are the tombs of John Richards, Gent. 1670; Major George Hume, 1715; Mrs. Martha Greenly, 1721; Walter Wright, brewer to Queen Anne, 1721; John West, Gent. 1738; William West his brother, 1758; Lambert Degrave, Esq. page of the bedchamber to George I. 1740; Dorothy his wife, 1741; the Rev. Robert Donne, rector of Sculthorpe and Tickwell in Norfolk, 1765; and Charles Pymbert, Esq. 1788.
Tombs, mentioned by Weever, now decayed or removed.
Weever records the tombs of John Payne, vicar, 1470; Henry Archer, 1480; Clement Colyns, vicar, 1498; Audrey, wife of Gideon Aundesham, 1502; John Holt, 1520; and his wife Elizabeth, 1500; John Sampol, yeoman usher of the King's chamber, 1535; and Anthony Sutton, B. D. 1543.
In the church-yard are the tombs of John Underwood, Gent. of Hertford, 1699; Theophilus Blyke, Esq. deputy secretary at war, 1718; Richard Blyke, Esq. (fn. 100), auditor of the imprests, 1775; Samuel Hemming, M. A. rector of Kilmington, Som. 1732; Mary, widow of Robert Gray, Esq. 1735; Samuel Rush, Esq. 1739; George Holgate, Gent. 1752; Silas Palmer, of London, merchant, 1753; Thomas Greening, Esq. 1757; Richard Robinson, Esq. of Worton, 1763; Mr. John Devall, 1774; William Wright, Esq. 1776; John Simson, Esq. of Grenada, 1777; Mary, wife of John Ibbetson, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, 1780; John Somner Sedley, Esq. 1782; Sarah, wife of John Hayne, Esq. 1785; Nathaniel Simon, Esq. 1787; James Duberley, Esq. 1791; and Jane, daughter of Edward Neave, Esq. and widow of Lilly Butler, rector of Witham in Essex, 1793. On the south wall of the church, on the outside, is a tablet to the memory of Thomas Carter, curate and lecturer, 1791; on the north wall the monuments of Robert Brightman, 1715; Henry Jordan, 1722; John Angell, Gent. 1748; Mr. Edward Ivory, 1763, and others of the family; Mrs. Martha Greene, 1780; Flower, wife of John Angell, 1788; and Langley Hill, Esq. 1793. Against the stone house adjoining to the church-yard is a monument without either name, date, or arms (fn. 101), which has the following inscription: "Si Christicola es, siste viator et æternos annos me"ditare."
The church of Isleworth was appropriated at an early period to the abbey of St. Waleric in Picardy, to which monastery it was confirmed, together with their other possessions, by Henry II. (fn. 102) The prior of Takely, whose house was a cell to that convent, presented to the vicarage as their procurator (fn. 103). In the year 1391, the abbot and convent of St. Waleric granted this church to William of Wickham's college at Winchester (fn. 104). In the year 1544, the warden and scholars of Winchester gave the church of Isleworth, with some other churches in Middlesex (fn. 105), to Henry VIII. in exchange for the manor of Harmondsworth (fn. 106). Edward VI. in the first year of his reign, granted the rectory and advowson of Isleworth to the Duke of Somerset (fn. 107); in the same year there was a grant of the great tithes to the dean and chapter of Windsor (fn. 108), who soon afterwards became possessed of the advowson (fn. 109). The rectory was taxed at 24 marks in 1371 (fn. 110); in Henry VIII's time it was valued at 35l. (fn. 111), in 1650, at 135l. 5s. (fn. 112) In the year 1635, Gideon Aunsham, Esq. was lessee of the rectory, then called the Warden Hold (fn. 113); in 1650, Henry Mildmay, Esq.; the present lessee under the church of Windfor is Mr. James Orton. Among the records in the Augmentationoffice there is an agreement between the abbess and convent of Sion, the college at Winchester, and the vicar of Isleworth, relating to the tithes of the conventual demesnes. The warden and scholars of Winchester were to receive in lieu of their right a pension of 20s. per annum. The vicar and his servant were to have free ingress into the hall or refectory of the convent, where the vicar was to sit down with the upper servants, and without let or molestation, to partake of their usual fare; his servant to have the same privilege with the inferior servants or grooms (fn. 114). The vicar was to have also a piece of cloth for a gown, and an annual stipend of 33s. 4d. as long as he should continue to pray for the good estate of the convent in his masses; which if at any time he omitted, the stipend for that year was to be forfeited. By some future agreement the diet was commuted for money; and the sum of 11 l. 7s. 4d. (including the 33s. 4d.) was allotted to the vicar out of the demesne lands, which is still received. In the king's books it is valued at 18 l. per annum. The vicar receives 20 l. per annum out of the great tithes.
Vicars. John Hall.
John Hall, instituted to this vicarage in 1521, was executed at Tyburn in 1535, for refusing to acknowledge the king's supremacy (fn. 115).
Nicholas Bysield.
Nicholas Byfield, who became vicar in 1615, was an eminent divine of the Calvinist persuasion. He published commentaries on St. Paul's epistle to the Colossians, and the general epistle of St. Peter, and several other theological works (fn. 116). His son Adoniram was a man of considerable note during the civil war, and was secretary to the assembly of divines (fn. 117). His son Richard was a member also of that assembly, and an author (fn. 118). The vicar of Isleworth died in 1622. A print of him was published by Richardson in 1790; with an ac count of a stone of a very large size, weighing 33 ounces avoirdupois weight, taken out of his bladder the day after his decease by Mullins the surgeon.
William Grant, who was sequestered by the Puritans (fn. 119), was reinstated at the Restoration. Newcourt mentions no successor till 1678. Samuel Rowles supplied the cure during Grant's sequestration (fn. 120).
Dr. Cave.
Dr. Cave, an eminent and learned divine, resigned the living of Islington for this vicarage; which he held till his death, anno 1713. He was buried at Islington: in the account of which place farther mention will be made of him.
Richard Coleire.
Richard Coleire, vicar of Isleworth, published a sermon, occasioned by the rape and murder of Anne Bristow on Smallbury-green, anno 1723.
The present vicar is William Drake, M.A. who succeeded John Fulham in 1777.
Parish register.
The earliest date of the parish register is 1566: it appears to have been very accurately kept.
Average of Baptisms. | Average of Burials. | |
1580–1589 | 26 3/10 | 22½ |
1630–1639 | 53 9/10 | 521/5 |
1680–1689 | 614/5 | 78½ |
1730–1739 | 613/5 | 71 7/10 |
1780–1784 | 1233/5 | 1223/5 |
1784–1789 | 1254/5 | 1101/5 |
1790–1793 | 137¼ | 121 |
Depopulation at Isleworth in the 14th century.
A remarkable depopulation of this place, or rather of the manor of Isleworth, happened in the fourteenth century, which is thus recorded: There was an ancient custom in the manor that the tenants should pay a certain sum of money called the Diseyne, (amounting to eight marks,) to the lord, besides the customary rents. This sum was levied, in an equal proportion, upon all males of 15 years of age and upwards. In the year 1386 the tenants prayed for relief, stating that formerly the payment of this sum had been no great burden, the number of inhabitants being such that it amounted only to one penny each person; but that the place was then so depopulated that it was six times as much, which occasioned many, as soon as they became liable to pay the tax, to leave the place; by which means the burden grew still heavier. In consequence of this petition the payment of the diseyne was wholly remitted for four years (fn. 121).
Comparative state of population.
The population of this parish appears to have increased in a proportion of more than five to one during the two last centuries. It was doubled between the periods of 1580 and 1630; and between 1730 and 1780. In the period of 1730–9, 74 children belonging to this parish were baptized in Hounslow chapel, which will increase the average to 69. In the period of 1780–9 about 50 were baptized there; which will increase the averages of 1780–4 and 1780–9 about 2½ each. The following satisfactory account of the present state (fn. 122) of population was procured for me by Sir Joseph Banks: The whole number of houses is 712; of these 43 are gentlemen's houses, 6 farm-houses, 26 public-houses, the remainder shops, cottages, &c. The houses in the village of Isleworth are 318 in number; in that part of Hounslow which is in this parish, 134; in Worton, 45; Rails-head, 53; Brentford-end, 105; Whittondean, 11; Smallbury-green, 10; Sion-hill, 10; Wyke-green, 6; and Brazil Mill-lane, 20. The total number of inhabitants is 4190: of these 171 are lodgers; of the stationary inhabitants 2223 are grown persons (982 males and 1241 females), and 1796 children (956 males and 840 females).
Plague years.
In the year 1603 there were 75 burials, being more than double the average of that period. In 1625, 126 persons were interred, of whom 38 are said to have died of the plague; in 1665, 195 persons, of whom 149 died of the plague.
Extracts from the Register.
Fenton, Knt.
"William, son of Sr Jeffery Fenton, Knt. baptized June 24, 1590; John, his son, buried Ap. 5, 1591."
Arundel, Knt.
"Sr John Arundel, Knt. died Jan. 17, 1591, and was buried at St Collone in Cornwall." This Sir John Arundel married Anne, daughter of Edward Earl of Derby (fn. 123), who had a seat at Isleworth (fn. 124). He was ancestor of the Arundels of Lanterne in Cornwall, and of Chidioke in Dorsetshire, one of whose coheirs was mother of the present Lord Arundel of Wardour.
Hungerford, Knt.
"Mary, the daughter of Sr John Hungerford, Knt. baptized June 21, 1601." Sir John Hungerford was of Down Amney in Gloucestershire; his daughter Mary married William Platt, Esq. of Highgate, who died in 1637, and afterwards Edward Tucker, Esq. (fn. 125)
Sir William Glover, Knt.
"Sr William Glover, Knt. buried Dec. 17, 1603."
Savage Earl Rivers.
"Henry, the son of Sr Thomas Savage, Knt. baptized Mar. 7, 1606; Jane, May 26, 1607; Francis, June 5, 1608; James, Aug. 13, 1609; another Henry, Feb. 26, 1609; a third Henry, Jan. 16, 1611 (buried Jan. 29); Elizabeth, baptized July 27, 1612 (buried Aug. 7, 1613); Dorothy, baptized Nov. 3, 1614." Sir Thomas Savage was created Viscount Savage in 1626; he afterwards succeeded to the title of Earl Rivers on the death of Thomas Darcy, whose daughter he married, the said Thomas having been created Earl Rivers in 1626, with remainder on failure of male issue to Sir Thomas Savage and his heirs. The title became extinct in 1728.
Lower, Knt.
"Dorothy, the daughter of Sr William Lower, Knt. buried Oct. 16, 1606."
Sir Ralph Winwood.
Henry, son of Sr Ralph Winwood, Knt. baptized Aug. 13, 1614." Sir Ralph was ambassador to the States of Holland, and secretary of state in the reign of James I. He died in 1617 (fn. 126).
Families of Hobby, Vere, and Tracey.
"Philip Hobby, the son-in-law of Sr Rasba (Sr Horatio) Vere, buried Jan. 13, 1616." Mary, daughter of Sir William Tracey, married to her first husband, Mr. William Hobby, and secondly, Horatio Lord Vere. Philip Hobby died unmarried.
"Harry Trace, the Ld Vere's kinsman, buried Mar. 25, 1617." Son of Sir William Tracey, and brother of Lady Vere. "Horace, the son of Sir Robert Trace, Knt. and Bridget, baptized June 28, 1618, buried May 20, 1619." Sir Robert was nephew of Lady Vere, and was afterwards the second Viscount Tracey. He married Bridget, daughter of John Lyttleton, Esq.
"Henry Leegh, Esq. and Lady Scudamore, married July 2, 1616."
Birth of Waller's Sacharissa.
"Sr Robert Sidney and the Lady Dorothy his wife had their daughter Dorothy baptized Oct. 5, 1617." Sir Robert Sidney, afterwards the second Earl of Leicester of that name, married Dorothy, daughter of Henry Earl of Northumberland. Their daughter Dorothy, whose baptism is here recorded, was the celebrated Sacharissa, rendered immortal by Waller. Fenton in his notes upon that poet says, that he had in vain endeavoured to discover the time or place of her birth, and that he searched the registers at Penshurst for that purpose. It appears by this entry that she was born at Sionhouse, whilst her grandfather was a prisoner in the Tower. The following extract from the parish accounts proves that she resided at Isleworth in her widowhood, 1655 :—"Received of the Countess of Sunderland, for her rate for the poor for half a year, 15s."
Countess of Northumberland.
"Dorothy, the Lady and Countess of Northumberland, buried Aug. 14, 1619." Sacharissa's grandmother, wife of Henry Earl of Northumberland, and daughter of Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex. The time of her death is not mentioned in the peerages. It appears by this date of her burial, that she did not live to see her husband released from his confinement.
Dutton, Knt.
"Sr Thomas Dutton, Knt. and the Lady Anne had their daughter baptized Feb. 23, 1622; Elizabeth their daughter, buried Aug. 15, 1623; Lucy, baptized Nov. 21, 1623; Sr Thomas Dutton, Knt. buried May 19, 1634." He was descended from the family of that name in Cheshire. His wife's name was Garraway (fn. 127).
"Sir John Waters, Knt. and the Lady Anne Biggs, married July 18, 1622."
Harvie, Knt.
"Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Simon Harvie, Knt. (fn. 128) buried May 6, 1626; Simon Harvie, Knt. buried Dec. 4, 1628; Simon, son of Lady Harvie, buried April 6, 1632."
Overbury, Knt.
"Giles, son of Sr Giles Overbury and Anne his wife, baptized Aug. 8, 1627; John, Ap. 24, 1630 (buried Ap. 9, 1632); Anne, baptized Oct. 11, 1631; Edward, Feb. 4, 1633; Richard, Oct. "24, 1634; Mary, Sep. 11, 1637."
Three children at a birth.
"Jane Carter had three children (whereof two were still-born), buried Feb. 23, 1627."
Lord Gray of Warke.
"The Rt Hon. the Ld Graye and the Lady Priscilla his wife, had their daughter Catherine baptized Oct. 29, 1629; Ralph and Elizabeth, son and daughter of Ld Gray and Priscilla, Oct. 27, 1630; Talbot their son, Feb. 14. 1632; (buried June 9, 1635); Edward, "baptized Feb. 7, 1633." William Grey was created Lord Grey of Warke in 1624. His son Ralph succeeded to the title, and left an only son, Ford (created Earl of Tankerville), in whom it became extinct. The Earldom of Tankerville was revived in the person of Charles Lord Ossulston, who married Lady Mary Grey his only daughter. Catherine, daughter of William Lord Grey, whose baptism is here recorded, married Sir Edward Mosely, Bart. and secondly, Charles Lord North. Lord Grey of Warke had the King's licence, anno 1631, to inclose a part of the high road leading from Brentford to Twickenham, adjoining to his house (fn. 129).
Aunsham, Knt.
"Sr Gideon Aunsham, Knt. buried Ap. 23, 1631."
Salterston, Knt.
"John and Ann, son and daughter of Sr Richard Salterston and Elizabeth his wife, baptized Jan. 22, 1632. Sir Richard Salterston's daughter, buried May 13, 1632."
A dwarf.
"John Queat, a dwarf, buried July 9, 1632."
Bennet, Knt.
"Robert, son of Sir John Bennet and Anne his wife, buried Oct. 18, 1634." Sir John Bennet, ancestor of the Earl of Tankerville, had by his wife Dorothy (daughter of Sir James Crofts), a son Robert, who died unmarried about that period (fn. 130).
Sir Theodore Mayerne.
"Abiena, the daughter of Sr Theodore Mayerne, baptized May 1, 1637." Sir Theodore Mayerne was a physician of great eminence in the reign of Charles I. I suppose his daughter Abiena to be the same person (called in the parish register at Chelsea, Adriana de Miherne) who was married to the Marquis de Montpolion in 1659. Sir Theodore lived many years at Chelsea (fn. 131).
Murray, Knt.
"Sir Richard Murray, buried June 29, 1637."
"Richard, the son of Sr William Thalkeston, baptized Aug. 1638 (fn. 132)."
Denny, Bart.
"Theodore, son of Sr William Denny, buried July 16, 1640." Sir William Denny was created a Baronet in 1642. The title is extinct.
Williamson, Knt.
"Arabella, daughter of Sr Francis Williamson, baptized May 30, 1647."
"The Lady Bruker's (fn. 133) child, buried Sep. 14, 1647."
Earl of Warwick.
"The Ld Waurewick had his daughter Frances buried May 4, 1648." Robert Earl of Warwick was Lord Admiral to the Parliament.
"Mr. Francis Brudenell, buried June 23, 1654." Son, it is probable, of Francis Lord Brudenell, by Anne, daughter of Thomas Viscount Savage (fn. 134), who was an inhabitant of Isleworth.
Wolsely, Bart.
"Sr Charles Wolsely, Knt. and his wife, had their daughter Bridget born Mar. 10, 1657." Sir Charles was the second baronet of that name, and one of Cromwell's peers. He represented the county of Stafford in parliament in the reigns of Charles I. and II. His wife was Anne, daughter of William Viscount Say and Sele; by whom he had six sons and ten daughters. Bridget was the fifth (fn. 135).
Nott, Knt.
"Sr Thomas Nott's child, buried April 17, 1659; his daughter Susan born Ap. 23, 1659." Sir Thomas Nott was gentleman usher of the privy chamber to Charles II.
Talbot, Knt.
"Frances, daughter of Sr John Talbot, buried June 13, 1662; Thomas, his son (by his wife Barbara), baptized July 28, 1665."
Hudson, Bart.
"Mrs. Margaret Hudson, daughter of Sr Henry Hudson of Melton Mowbray, buried Sep. 29, 1665." She died of the plague. Sir Henry Hudson, who was created a baronet in 1660, married Mary, daughter of Sir Edward Bromfield, Baronet, some time Lord Mayor of London (fn. 136). This daughter of Sir Henry is not mentioned by Kimber.
Crow, Bart.
"Jane, daughter of Sr Sackville Crow, buried Jan. 1, 1666." Sir Sackville Crow (father, it is probable, of Sir Sackville here mentioned) was created a baronet in 1627. The title is extinct.
Anthony Collins.
"Anthony, the son of Mr. Henry Collins, baptized June 22, 1676." The celebrated deistical writer. He is said to have been born at Heston (fn. 137), but as others of Henry Collins's children were baptized at Isleworth about this period, and none appear in the register at Heston till 1691, it is probable that he had a house at this place at the time of his son Anthony's birth, and removed some years afterwards to Heston.
"The Lady Anne Brumfield, buried July 7, 1681."
"Mr. Francis Lumley, buried June 18, 1688."
"Margaret Countess of Orrery, buried Aug. 24, 1689 (fn. 138).
Yelverton Lord Longueville.
"Susan, the daughter of the Rt Hon. Henry Ld Longueville and the Lady Barbara his wife, baptized Oct. 2, 1692; Henry, Aug. 30, 1695." Henry Lord Grey of Ruthin, created Viscount Longueville in 1690, was father of Talbot Yelverton, the first Earl of Sussex of that family. Lord Longueville married Barbara, daughter of Sir John Talbot of Laycock in Wiltshire (fn. 139).
Marriages of the Percy family.
"The Rt Hon. Henry Percy, formerly called Cavendish, Earl of Ogle, son and heir-apparent to his Grace Henry Duke of Newcastle, was married the 27 day of March 1679, to the Rt Hon. the Lady Elizabeth Percy, daughter and sole heiress to Joceline, late Earl of Northumberland." Lord Ogle died on the first of November the year following, and his widow was soon afterwards married to Thomas Thynne, Esq. of Longleat, who was murdered by the contrivance of his rival Count Conningsmark, on the 12th of September 1682. On the 30th of May following, Lady Ogle married Charles Seymour the sixth Duke of Somerset (fn. 140).
"Sr William Windam and Lady Catherine, daughter of his Grace the Duke of Somerset, married July 15, 1708." Sir William Wyndham, Bart. was father of the first Earl of Egremont, which title was granted in 1749 to Algernon Duke of Somerset, with remainder to his nephew Sir Charles Wyndham and his heirs (fn. 141).
"Ld Tumont and the Lady Elizabeth, daughter of his Grace the "Duke of Somerset, married June 14, 1707." Henry Earl of Thomond in Ireland, and Viscount Tadcaster in England, the husband of Lady Elizabeth, died without issue in 1734 (fn. 142).
"The Rt Hon. Algernon Percy, commonly called Ld Algernon Percy, second son of the Duke of Northumberland, of this parish, and Isabella Susanna Burrell, of the parish of Beckenham, in the county of Kent, were married by special licence in Sion-house, June 8, 1775, by Thomas Percy, D. D (fn. 143)." The present Earl and Countess of Beverley. Lady Beverley is sister of Sir Peter Burrell, Bart. deputy great chamberlain of England, and niece of Sir William Burrell, Bart.
Napier and Alington.
"Nathaniel Napier, Esq. of Middlemarsh-hall in Dorsetshire, and the Hon. Mrs Catherine Alington of Hammersmith, married Aug. 28, 1694."
Humble, Bart.
"Sr William Humble, Bart. of the parish of Twickenham, and Mrs Mary Fisher of this parish, married Feb. 14, 1695."
Carteret, Bart.
"James, son of Sr Charles Carteret and the Lady Mary his wife, baptized June 15, 1694." Sir Charles Carteret, Bart. was gentleman of the privy chamber to Queen Anne, and it is probable was at this time in attendance upon her (as Princess of Denmark) at Sionhouse (fn. 144). Sir Charles left no issue at his death, when the title became extinct. He was collaterally related to George Lord Carteret, father of John Earl of Granville. Sir George Carteret married Mary, daughter of Amias de Carteret, Esq. (fn. 145)
"Dame Elizabeth Cartwright, buried Dec. 19, 1669."
"Mr Savage Mostine, buried Aug. 22, 1700." A son, it is probable, of Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart. by Bridget his wife, only daughter and heir of Darcy Savage, descended from Thomas Viscount Savage and Earl Rivers (fn. 146).
"Anne Dechamp, aged 92, buried Dec. 12, 1712."
Wittewronge, Bart.
"The Lady Whitwrong, buried May 15, 1716." Sir John Wittewronge, Bart. married Mary, daughter of Mr. Samuel White. Their daughter Martha was wife of John Gumley, Esq. of Isleworth (fn. 147).
Paget Earl of Uxbridge.
"Henry, son of the Rt Hon. Henry Ld Paget and Elizabeth his wife, baptized Jan. 22, 1719." The late Earl of Uxbridge, who died in 1769, when the title became extinct, but was revived in the person of the present Earl, who inherited the Barony of Paget, as maternally descended from William, the fifth Lord Paget (fn. 148).
Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury.
"George, son of George and Mary Talbot, born Dec. 11, 1719; Barbara Maria, Feb. 12, 1720; Charles, son of the Hon. George Talbot and Mary, born Ap. 12, 1722; Maria, Aug. 18, 1723; John Edward, Oct. 13, 1724; James Robert, June 28, 1726; Thomas Joseph, Ap. 17, 1727; Francis Jerome, Sep. 30, 1728; Lucy, Dec. 14, 1732." George Talbot, the birth of whose children is here recorded, became afterwards (in 1743) the 14th Earl of Shrewsbury. He married Mary, daughter of Thomas Viscount Fitzwilliam of Ireland. George, their eldest son, was the late Earl of Shrewsbury. Charles was father of the present Earl. John Edward died unmarried in 1751. James Robert was in holy orders; and became the catholic bishop of Birtha, and vicar apostolic of the diocese of London. He died in 1790, and was buried at Hammersmith (fn. 149). I suppose that Thomas Joseph and Francis Jerome died in their infancy, they are not mentioned by Collins. Barbara married James Lord Aston of Forfar; Maria married Charles Dormer, Esq.; Lucy took the veil.
Finch Earl of Aylesford.
"Heneage Finch, son of the Rt Hon. Ld and Lady Guernsey, baptized July 12, 1751." The present Earl of Aylesford, born, as I suppose, at Sion-house. His mother was daughter of Charles Duke of Somerset.
Elwes, Bart.
"Sr William Elwes, Bart. buried Nov. 26, 1778." The title of Baronet, which was conferred on Sir Gervase Elwes in 1660, is supposed to be extinct by the death of this Sir William, who resided at Isleworth upon a very slender income.
Nevill Earl of Abergavenny.
"The Hon. Henry Nevill of St George, Hanover-square, and Mary Robinson (daughter of John Robinson, Esq. M. P.) of this parish, were married by special licence, Oct. 3, 1781. Mary Catherine, daughter of the Hon. Henry Nevill, son and heir of George Baron of Abergavenny and Mary his wife, baptized Mar. 24, 1783; Henry George, son of the Rt Hon. Henry Visct Nevill and Mary, June 20, 1785; Ralph, son of the Rt Hon. Henry Earl of Abergavenny, &c. Jan. 22, 1787; Henrietta, Aug. 14, 1788; John, Feb. 27, 1790; William, Aug. 5, 1792."
Dalrymple, Bart.
"Lady Martha Dalrymple, buried Sep. 18, 1782." Wife of Sir Hew Dalrymple.
Greville Earl of Brooke and Warwick.
"Louisa Caroline Anne, daughter of George Greville, Earl Brooke and Earl of Warwick, and Harriot his wife, born the 9th of Feb. 1794, & baptized the 9 of March 1794, by the Revd Frederick Hamilton. Sponsors, Lady Caroline Peachy, Lady Anne Fitzpatrick, the Duke of Bedford."
Licences to eat slesh.
Among the minutes of the vestry is entered a licence, (bearing date April 28, 1661,) given by William Grant, vicar of Isleworth, to Richard Downton, Esq. and Thomasin his wife, to eat flesh in Lent, for the recovery of their health, they being enforced by age, notorious sickness, and weakness, to abstain from fish." These licences were by no means uncommon at an earlier period. After the Restoration, the keeping of Lent, which had been neglected by the Puritans, who entirely exploded the observing of seasons, was enforced by a proclamation from the King, and an office for granting licences to eat flesh in any part of England, was set up in St. Paul's church-yard, and advertised in the public papers, anno 1663. The strictness of abstaining from flesh diet seems, however, to have been much relaxed at this period, if we may judge from a curious licence (fn. 150) under Archbishop Juxon's hand and seal, dated 1663; by which he grants permission to Sir Nathaniel Powell, Bart. his sons and daughters, and six guests, whom he shall at any time invite to his table, to eat flesh in Lent, provided that they eat soberly and frugally, with due grace said, and privately to avoid scandal; the said Sir Nathaniel giving the sum of 13s. 4d. to the poor of the parish.
Sir Thomas Ingram's alms-house.
Sir Thomas Ingram, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, founded an alms-house at Isleworth for 6 poor women (housekeepers) in the year 1664, as appears by an inscription which is placed over the door with his arms (fn. 151). The endowment consists of lands in Yorkshire, given by the founder, now let at 42l. 15s. 10d. per annum; 9l. per annum interest of money given by Lady Kinsale, anno 1720; 6l. per annum interest of money given by John Derbyshire Birkhead, Esq. anno 1743; and a rent-charge of 21l. (on lands in Isleworth), given by Cary Elwes, Esq. in 1768; in the whole, 78l. 15s. 10d. per annum.
Mrs. Tolson's alms-house.
Mrs. Anne Tolson's benefaction of 5000l. for building and endowing an alms-house has been mentioned before (fn. 152). Its income is 165l. per annum, being the interest of money remaining after the expences of building were paid (fn. 153).
Mrs. Bell's aims-house.
Mrs. Mary Bell, anno 1738, built an alms-house for six poor women, to whom, by her deed bearing date 1764, she gave an annuity of 5l. 4s. chargeable on lands, the residue of the rents, if there should be any overplus, to be distributed at the discretion of the trustees. The said Mary Bell, by her last will 1767, left a house and ten acres of land to be sold, and the money applied to the maintenanee of the alms-women. This bequest became void by the statute of mortmain, but was confirmed by Mrs. Bell's executors. The money for which the house was sold produces an interest of 6l. 3s. 8d.; the land remains unsold, and is let at 8l. 10s. per annum.
Dame Elizabeth Hill, in the year 1630, gave a house, called the Townhouse, for a school, and lands at Langley, Bucks, now let at 42l. per annum, for the educating of "young maids or girls, not vagrants or bastards, but fatherless, and without friends to help "them" (to be taught to read, and work with the needle, and to do all houshold work). This seems to have been the first foundation of the charity-school at Isleworth, in which 32 boys and 20 girls are now clothed and educated. Since its first endowment, it has had the following ample benefactions: Lands at Orpington in Kent, given by Mrs. Anne Oliver (fn. 154) in 1672, now let at 35l. per annum; an annuity of 5l. 5s. given by Richard Robinson, Esq. in 1764; 580l. Old South Sea annuities, the donations of various persons, previously to 1781, viz. 100l. given by Dr. Cave, in 1712; and 100l. by Sir John Cheshire, in 1719; 200l. by Lady Kinsale, in 1725; and 75l. by Mr. Appleby in 1742; 775l. 3 per cent. purchased with 500l. given by Cary Elwes, Esq. in 1783; 21 l. by Mr. Matthew Dick, in 1787; 200l. 3 per cent. by Mrs. Martha and Mrs. Elizabeth Swann, who died in 1786 and 1788; 200l. 3 per cent. by Mr. James Parker in 1793, and the sum of 500l. by Dr. Joseph Taylour in 1793: 10l. per annum also is appropriated to this school, out of the estates left by Mr. John Newman of Stoke Newington, (by his will bearing date 1727,) for the maintenance of charity schools in and near London, at the discretion of his executors. Philip Godard's intended benefaction has been mentioned before (fn. 155). The school was settled upon its present establishment on the 1st of May 1715.
Apprenticing children.
Mr. William Chilcot, anno 1658, left the sum of 21l. per annum, being a rent-charge in lands in Oxfordshire, for the purpose of apprenticing poor boys.
Benesactions for bread.
Mrs. Catherine Baron gave 13 penny loaves to be distributed every Sunday, being 2l. 16s. 4d. per ann. Mrs. Rice gave 1l. 6s. per ann. for bread. Mrs. Mary Child gave a rent-charge of 1l. 6s. for the same purpose. Mrs. Tolson gave the sum of 500l. now producing 21l. per annum, for bread; Richard Robinson, Esq. in 1764, 5l. 5s. per annum; Dr. Taylour in 1793, the sum of 500l.
Other benefactions.
The following benefactions, given to the poor of this place, are distributed at the discretion of the church-wardens, no specific use having been mentioned by the donors:—Barrett gave 1l. 13s. 4d. per annum, to be paid by the Haberdashers Company. Thomas Stainford, in 1574, gave the alms-houses (fn. 156) at Brentford-end, and lands and tenements in Ealing and Isleworth, now let at 79l. 6s. per annum, to the poor of this parish. Mrs. Margaret Kemp gave some cottages, late the alms-houses at Hounflow, now let at 1l. 10s. per annum. Mr. Richard Wyat, in 1612, gave the stone-house in the church-yard, and some lands in Isleworth, producing now 31l. 6s. per annum. Margaret Wyat, in 1619, gave the moiety of a house and land at Laleham, 1l. 15s. per ann. Mrs. Mary Kent, in 1636, gave to the poor and needy, a cottage and garden at Brentford, and now let at 2l. 12s. 6d. and a rent-charge (on lands in Isleworth) of 40s. per annum. Sir John Fenner, 1636, gave some land in Heston, now 8l. 8s. per annum. Cuthbert Hackett, anno 1640, gave two cottages in Isleworth, now 8l. 8s. per annum. Anne Lady Wynne, anno 1669, gave lands in Isleworth, now 7l. per annum. Mrs. Mary Child, in 1722, a rent-charge of 1l. 4s. John Anthony Dyckhoff, in 1747, gave 50l. Old South Sea annuities, and Richard Robinson, Esq. in 1764, an annuity of 4l. 5s. He gave also to the vicar of Isleworth two guineas to preach an anniversary sermon on the day of his interment, one guinea to the reader, one guinea to the clerk and sexton to keep his tomb in repair, and a guinea to the church-wardens for the same purpose. Mrs. Bell, anno 1764, gave the residue of the profits of certain lands, charged by herself and Mrs. Child with specific payments already mentioned, to be disposed of to the poor at the discretion of the church-wardens. The lands are now let at 10l. per ann.; the rent-charges amount to 7l. 14s. John Robinson, Esq. gave 1l. per annum to the parish, as a compensation for inclosing a piece of waste.
Manufactures, copper-mills, &c.
Norden mentions copper and brass mills at Isleworth. He says that the ore was brought from Mendip Hills; and that "manie artificial devises were to be noted in the performance of the worke (fn. 157)." These copper-mills still exist, being situated at Baberbridge. They belong to the Duke of Northumberland; and are rented by the incorporated Society of the Mines Royal. There is a china manufacture at Isleworth, belonging to Messrs. Shore and Co. Mr. Philpot's calico grounds, and two great flour mills, one of which was destroyed by fire in the month of September last, and is now rebuilding.