The Environs of London: Volume 2, County of Middlesex. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1795.
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Daniel Lysons, 'Index of arms', in The Environs of London: Volume 2, County of Middlesex(London, 1795), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
Daniel Lysons, 'Index of arms', in The Environs of London: Volume 2, County of Middlesex(London, 1795), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
Daniel Lysons. "Index of arms". The Environs of London: Volume 2, County of Middlesex. (London, 1795), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
N.B. Where the letter Q follows a figure, the quarterings of the family there mentioned are described.
Abbot, Page 348.
Albini, 307.
Allanson, 584.
Allen, 338.
Allot, 201.
Amy, 64.
Arderne, 573.
Aston, 367.
Aubery, 584.
Austin, 63.
Ayksith, 461.
Aylmer, 347. 349.
Baber, 520.
Badlesmere, 307, 467.
Baguley, 367.
Balderston, 367.
Barden, 461.
Bardville, 339.
Barker, 47. 201. (Q).
Barkley, 369.
Barnevelt, 202.
Barrett, 230.
Barrow, 371.
Basket, 347.
Beauchamp, 467.
Beaumont, 467.
Beauvoir, 469.
Belismo, 592.
Bellers, 263. (Q). 305.
Bennett, 464.
Benson, 63.
Berkley, 46. (Q). 367. 467. 521.
Billesby, 370. (Q).
Biscoe, 110.
Blencowe, 595. (Q).
Blunt, 200.
Bolney, 105.
Bolton, 585.
Bond, 372. (Q).
Bonner, 348.
Booth, 539.
Botetourt, 98.
Bragge, 520.
Brandon, 103.
Briginshaw, 594.
Bromley, 593.
Brotherton, 304.
Browne, bis, 440.
Bruse, 304.
Bruyn, 103.
Brydges, 338. 367. (Q).
Bryn, 367. 572. (Q).
Buck, 107.
Bukby, 98.
Bulbeck, 467.
Bulstrode, 469.
Bury, 64.
Button, 276.
Byrkhed, 571.
Cailridge, 371.
Cantelupe, 100.
Carew, 519.
Carlos, 369.
Carr, 440.
Carter, 573.
Casamajor, 202. (Q).
Castell, 440.
Cave, 411. (Q).
Cavell, 9.
Chaloner, 200. (Q).
Chamberlayne, Oxf. 109.
Chamberlayne, Gloc. 109. (Q).
Chandos, 367.
Charlton, 264.
Charlton, Ld Powis, 307.
Cheney, 263. (Q).
Chesham, 263.
Chester, 469.
Child, 374. 595.
Cibber, 427.
Clarke, 371. 584.
Cleeve, 24.
Clerke, 447.
Clifford, 109.
Clitherow, 47.
Clobbs, 371.
Clowes, 61.
Collett, 427.
Colley, 427.
Collins, 427.
Colmore, 338.
Colt, 85.
Colvill, 106. (Q). 573.
Compton, 348.
Conway, 5.
Cooke, 593.
Coriton, 372.
Cornish, 370.
Corona, 367.
Coryton, 9.
Coston, 440.
Cosyn, 373.
Cotton, 202.
Coulrich, 371.
Coventry, 304.
Crayle, 9.
Crispe, 408.
Croft, 367.
Crowcher, 426.
Culliford, 108.
Cullum, 48.
Dacre, 104. (Q).
Daniers, 367.
Davies, 519.
Delbosch, 203.
Delcrowe, 308.
Dent, 263.
Dericote, 465.
Dewell, 8.
Digges, 462.
Dod, 469.
Done, 371.
Dormer, 371. (Q).
Draper, 263.
Drapers Company, 63.
Duncombe, 446.
Edmondson, 68.
Edwards, 230. 465.
Eglesclive, 461.
Englowese, 103.
Espec, 307.
Evington, 306.
Fenner, 593. (Q).
Ferrers, 64.
Fiennes Lord Dacre, 104. (Q).
Fisher, 595.
Fitzalan, 46.
Fitzhugh, 105. 276.
Fitzjames, 348. (Q).
Fitzjohn, 98.
Fleetwood, 200.
Fletcher, 348.
Foliot, 461.
Francis, 264, 265.
Franklin, 441.
Furneaux, 105. 467.
Furnival, 592.
Gale, 47. (Q). 520.
Gardiner, 440.
Garrard, 306.
Garth, 571.
Gates, 447.
Gerard, 367. (Q).
Gernegan, 105.
Gervoise, 107.
Gibbon, 106.
Gibson, 348.
Gloucester Deanery, 348.
Godolphin, 338.
Goldsmiths Company, 106.
Goldwell, 464.
Gorges, 103. (Q).
Gorham, 427.
Graham, 574. (Q).
Grant, 276.
Green, 308.
Grelle, 100.
Grene, 594.
Gresham, 371. (Q).
Grey, 105.
Grindall, 348.
Guildford, 100. (Q).
Gurnell, 447.
Hadley, 277.
Halden, 100.
Halliday, 64.
Hamey, 99.
Hampson, 338.
Hant, 464.
Harland, 595.
Harris, 8.
Harrison, 277. 447.
Hart, 370.
Hawley, 47.
Hawtrey, 584.
Haydock, 367.
Hayes, 408.
Hayter, 349.
Hechstetter, 276.
Henchman, 347.
Henslow, 9.
Heron, 461.
Highgate, 594.
Hilliard, 371.
Hitch, 522.
Hogarth, 204.
Holland, 307. 464.
Horspoole, 338.
Hothersall, 584.
Howard, 304. (Q).
Howard, Katherine, 348.
Howby, 263. 305.
Hueriblock, 5.
Hungerford, 98. (Q).
Hutchinson, 411. 584.
Huxley, 262.
Jacob, 61. 64. (Q).
Jennings, 593.
Jenyns, 593.
Jeve, 24.
Impey, 411.
Ince, 367.
Johnson, 521.
Jolles, 68.
Jones, 539.
Jones, Earl of Ranelagh, 174.
Irwin, 408.
Isle of Man, 103.
Ithell, 200.
Juxon, 349.
Kay, 201.
Kemp, 348.
Kendall, 459.
Kevremond, 370.
Kighley, 464.
King, 338.
Kinsey, 370.
Kirkby, 305.
Kirton, 262. (Q).
Knight, 47.
Lane, 446.
Langley, 110.
Langton, 374.
Lannoy, 410.
Lateward, 447.
Lathom, 103.
Laud, 348.
La War, 100.
Lawrence, 106. 367.
Lee, 247. 263.
Legh, 367. (Q). 573.
Lightbourn, 585.
Limpany, 370.
Lisle, 467.
Litchfield, 467.
Lock, 573.
London, Bishopric, 348.
Lovel, 337.
Lovell, 306. (Q).
Loving, 230.
Lowfield, 105.
Lowth, 349.
Malmaynes, 464.
Manners, Earl of Rutland, 307. (Q).
Marmion, 105.
Marsh, 532.
Maule, 262.
Maynard, 372.
Megges, 368.
Mercers' Company, 464.
Merchant Adventurers Company, 106.
Merchant Taylors Company, 464.
Methuen, 110.
Michelsen, 427.
Middelton, 308.
Middlemore, 309.
Midleton, 47.
Millet, 447.
Milman, 103.
Monhault, 103.
Monoux, 263.
Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough, 370.
More, 85. (Q).
Mortimer, 100.
Morville, 105.
Moulton, 104. 307.
Mountaigne, 348.
Mowbray, 46. 304.
Moyne, 103.
Munden, 64.
Muswell, 307.
Napper, 306.
Nevill, 411. 467. (Q). 592.
Nicoll, 246.
Norris, 462.
Noseworthy, 230.
Nourse, 367.
Nowell, 263.
Oldhall, 103.
Onyon, 339.
Osbaldeston, 349.
Page, 573.
Pakeman, 305.
Palmer, 99. (Q). 306. 462. (Q).
Paston, 307.
Paule, 47.
Payne, 370. (Q).
Pearce, 230.
Pecok, 338.
Pennant, 110, 520.
Perris, 594. (Q).
Peryn, 8.
Peverell, 98.
Philipps, 47.
Pinchbeck, 106.
Place, 467.
Plantaganet, Earl of Cornwall, 98.
Plessington, 367.
Pluckley, 464.
Plukenett, 202.
Porteous, 348.
Powell, 99. (Q). 370.
Prescot, 411.
Pujolas, 338.
Radcliffe, 367. 573. (Q).
Rawlinson, 230.
Raynton, 307.
Rhodes, 65.
Riou, 309.
Roberts, 64. (Q).
Robinson, 262. 349.
Rochdale, 263.
Rogers, 8. 64. 107. 262.
Rokeley, 103.
Rolte, 64.
Roos, 307. (Q).
Rous, 6.
Rowe, 464. (Q).
Rumbold, 368.
Ruskan, 263.
Russel, 103.
Russel, Duke of Bed ford, 408.
Russell, 64.
Russian Company, 459.
Sackville, 105.
Saint John's College, Ox. ford, 349.
Saint Quintin, 105.
Sam ford, 467.
Saris, 368.
Saunders, 201.
Savage, 347.
Scales, 467.
Searle, 338.
Septvan, 369.
Sergeaux, or Serjeaux, 304. 467.
Serjeant, 459.
Sheffield, 440.
Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, 408.
Sherlock, 349. 584.
Shuckburgh, 574.
Sibthorpe, 8.
Skippon, 9. (Q).
Skudemore, 337.
Sloane, III.
Smith, 105. 367. 411.
Somerset, 592.
Sotheby, 462. (Q).
Spateman, 202.
Stafford, 467.
Stanley, 103. (Q).
Stavely, 105.
Staverton, 464.
Stewart, 99. 574.
Steynes, 370.
Stock, 465.
Stoughton, 201.
Strange, 103. 592.
Stratford, 5.
Strathern, 574.
Stringer, 309.
Summer, 573.
Surenden, 464.
Svanders, 369.
Syliard, 64.
Talbot, 592. (Q).
Tatem, 263.
Tayler, 203.
Terrick, 348.
Thoresby, 461. (Q).
Thornhill, 204.
Tindall, 427.
Tipping, 373.
Tiptost, Earl of Worcesster, 307. (Q).
Todeni, 307.
Topsfield, 63.
Trotman, 9. (Q).
Trussell, 411.
Tunstall, 347.
Tyes, 467.
Urswick, 461.
Vaughan, 103.
Vaux, 105. 307.
Venables, 304.
Verdon, 592.
Vere, 467.
Vernatty, 465.
Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, 304, 305.
Vyner, 460.
Waad, 533.
Wait, 9.
Walbancke, 263.
Waldo, 574.
Walker, 201. (Q).
Walliston, 595.
Warner, 203.
Warren, 46. 103. 304.
Waryn—Fitzgerard, 467.
Washington, 367.
Waterhouse, 440.
Wegersloff, 427.
Weld, 276. (Q).
West, Lord La War, 100. (Q).
Wheeler, 374.
White, 277. 338.
Wightman, 571.
Wilbraham, 519, 520.
Wilmer, 64.
Windle, 367.
Winter, 372.
Wolff, 427.
Wolley, 411.
Woodville, 103.
Worthington, 465.
Wrightington, 367.
Wybarnd, 105.
Wynne, 203. 522.
Wyrley, 440.
Younge, 592.
Zouch, 411.