The Environs of London: Volume 1, County of Surrey. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1792.
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Daniel Lysons, 'General index', in The Environs of London: Volume 1, County of Surrey(London, 1792), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
Daniel Lysons, 'General index', in The Environs of London: Volume 1, County of Surrey(London, 1792), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
Daniel Lysons. "General index". The Environs of London: Volume 1, County of Surrey. (London, 1792), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
ABBOT , Archbishop, account of his funeral, 196.
Addington, account of the parish of, 1. Name, boundaries, and soil, ibid. The manors, 2, 3. Singular tenure, 5. The church, 6. The rectory and vicarage, 9. State of population, 10. Benefactions, ibid.
, Edward, anecdotes of, 87–96. His epitaph, 96.
-, Extracts from his diary, 113–117.
Allen , William, account of his death and tomb, 393.
Allfarthing , manor of, 505.
Andrews , Launcelot, Bishop of Chichester, Rector of Cheam, 147.
Archers , privileges granted to them by Henry VIII. 389. note.
Arms of the family of Ackland described, 17. Alleyn, 97. Apsley, 33. Atkins, 164. Beauchamp, 32. Blount, 33. Bohun, 176. Bond, 74. Bottreux, 32. Bourchier, 368. Broughton, 530. Bryan, 60. Bunckley, 164. Burgh, 141. Burley, 127. Byde, 164. Carew, 8. Carleon, 530. Cawtrey, 141. Cecil, 530. Chichele, 179. Clerke, 164. Conyers, 141. Cooke, 222. Danvers, 530. D'Arcy, 141. Doctor Dee, 385. Delabere, 32. Delamar, 58. Drury, 532. Eckington, 480. Ewyas, 32. Fitzalan, 141. Gaynesford, 129. Gospatrick, Earl of Northumberland, 141. Grandison, 32. Grey, 412. Harman, 74. Harrington, 141. Harvey, 7. Haselrigge, 164. Hatteclyff, 8. Hewer, 165. Hewit, 480. Hoare, 17. Holland, 141. Hoo, 60. Howe, 34. Howland, 480. Hungerford, 32. Iwarby, 32. Knightley, 141. Leigh, 7. Leighton, 33. Lister, 165. Lumley, 141. Maltravers, 144. Merton, 335. Mohun, 60. More, 60. Morewyke, 141. Mortimer, 141. Morton 164. Muschamp, 74. Mynors, 335. Nevil, 141. Noel, 532. Odron, 60. Oliph, 8. Osborne, 530. Oxenbridge, 60. Patishall, 32. Pleydell, 33. Povey, 74. Poynz, 144. Ravis, 335. Redham, 141. Rich, 45. Rivers, 412. Sarnesfield, 127. Scroop, 141. St. John, 32. Earl of Somerset, 127. Stafford, 176. Sydney, 129. Thornton, 141. Tooke, 164. Tregoz, 32. Tully, 17. Villiers, 33. Umsreville, 32. Walcote, 530. Walmsley, ibid. Warham, 184. Welbeck, 74. Welles, 60. Whorwood, 412. Willington, 141. Lord Willoughby of Parham, 532. Winston, 530. Woodvile, 144. Wright, 164. Wynter, 34.
Arthor , John, Rector of Clapham, 167.
Ashmole , Elias, account of, 330. His epitaph, 287.
Asparagus , cultivation of, at Mortlake, 365.
Astrologers resident at Lambeth, 302, 303.
Atkins , Henry, physician to James I. 161.
Atkins , Sir Richard, account of his tomb and family, 163.
Balham , manor of, 481.
Bancroft , Archbishop, his epitaph, 282.
Bandon , manor of, 53.
Barber , John, anecdotes of, 372.
Barklay , Alexander, account of, 193.
Barnard , Sir John, account of, 374. His residence at Clapham, 167.
Barnelms , manor-house, 14.
Barnes, account of the parish of, 11. Boundaries, extent, &c. ibid. Manor, ibid. Records relating thereto, 14. note. The church, 15. Monuments, 16. 542. The rectory, 18. Rectors, 19. 543. State of population, 21.
Basynges , manor of, 119.
Bate , Doctor George, account of, 246.
Battersea, account of the parish of, 26. Etymology, 26. Boundaries, &c. 27. Market-gardeners, 27. Descent of the manor, 28. Custom of the manor, 30. The church, 31. Vicarage and rectory, 35. The vicars, 36. The parish register, 39. State of population, ibid. The St. John family settled there, 40. Remarkable entries from the register, 47. Benesactions, 48. Tombs in Battersea church, 544.
Battersea Rise , 27.
Battie , Doctor William, account of, 253.
Baynard , Ann, her character and epitaph, 24.
Beale , Robert, anecdotes of, 22, 23.
Bear baiting , a fashionable amusement in Queen Elizabeth's time, 90. How late the practice of it continued, ibid. note.
Bear garden , on the Bank-side, 90. Advertisements from it, 91.
Bears , &c. chief master of, — Account of his office, 92.
Bears , and dogs, seized for her Majesty's service, ib.
Beddington, account of the parish of, 49. Etymology, situation, boundaries, and extent, ib. Manors, ib. & 545. Manor-house, 53. Portraits there, 54. The church, 58. Monuments, ibid. and 546. The rectory, 61. The free portion, 64. The parish register, 65. State of population, ib.
Bedford , John Duke of, born at Streatham, 488.
Benchesham , manor of, 177. & 565.
Benese , Richard, portionist at Beddington, 64.
Benson , Auditor, anecdotes of, 539.
Bermondsey, account of the parish of, 546. Etymology, situation, &c. 547. Trades and manufactures, ibid. The abbey, ibid. The manor, 549. The church, 550. Tombs, ibid. The rectory and rectors, 551. The parish register, 552. State of population, 553. Ravages of the plague, ib. The free-school, and charity-school, 556. Benefactions, ibid. The Spa, 558.
Bernard , Edward, rector of Cheam, 149.
Berwell , or Barwell Court, manor of, 240.
Besborough , Earl of, account of his house at Roehampton, 433.
Blackwall , Anthony, rector of Clapham, 168.
Blague , Thomas, rector of Lambeth, account of, 291.
Bigging , and Tamworth, manor of, 352.
Boheme , Anthony, the tragedian, 107.
Bolingbroke , Lord, account of, 44.
Bolingbroke-house, account of, 46.
Bond , Sir Thomas, 119.
Bowyer , tombs of the family of, at Camberwell, 77.
Brady , Nicholas, rector of Clapham, account of, 167. curate of Richmond, 461.
Brandon , Charles, Duke of Suffolk, his house at Kew, 565.
Brereton , Sir William, at Croydon, 175.
Bridget , Queen of the Gypsies, 107.
Buckinghams Camberwell, descent of the manor of, 69.
Burbage , Richard, the actor, 110.
Burgh , Hubert de, takes sanctuary at Merton Abbey, 343.
, Anthony, his epitaph at Lambeth, 281.
-, —— Lord, his residence at Wimbledon, 521.
Burton , Hezekiah, rector of Barnes, 19. Of his death, 543.
Bushel , Thomas, his residence at Lambeth, 260.
Cæsar , Sir Julius, his residence at Mitcham, 354.
Camberwell, account of the parish of, 68. The name, boundaries, &c. 68. The several manors there, 69–72. 559. The church, 72. Monuments there, 74. State of population, 80. The plague there, 81. The vicarage, 84. Vicars, ibid. The Grammar-school, 85. Benefactions, 86.
Camp , circular at Wimbledon, 520.
Canonbury , or Canbury, manor of, 241.
Canterbury , Archbishops of, who have resided at their palace at Lambeth, 268. At Mortlake, 365.
Canute's trench at Lambeth, 315.
, account of the family of, 52. their pedigree,
-, —— Sir Francis, account of, 56. His tomb, 60.
-, —— Nicholas, and Isabella his wife, account of,
their tomb, 58. Sir Nicholas, account of, 54.
-, —— Sir Richard, account of the tomb of, 59.
Carru , Nicholas de, will of, 51.
Carshalton, account of the parish of, 122. The name, boundaries, and soil, ibid. Manufactures, 123. The several manors, ibid. & 562. The church, 126. Monuments there, 127. State of population, 131. The rectory, 135. Benefactions, 136.
Cartwrights , the actors, 111.
Catherine , Queen of Hen. V. her death, 548.
Chandler , Samuel, 119.
Chapel , old, at Wallington, 66.
Cheam, account of the parish of, 137. The name, boundaries, and soil, ibid. The several manors, ibid. The church, 139. Tombs there, 140. 564. The rectory and rectors, 146. State of population, 150. Plague there, ibid. Benefactions, ibid.
Childbearing , instance of, at the age of sixty-three, 83.
Child-Bishop , custom of electing on St. Nicholas's-day, 310. note.
Church , Doctor Thomas, account of, 39.
Church-armour, 234. note.
Clapham, account of the parish of, 159. The name, boundaries, &c. ibid. The common, ibid. The manor, 160. 564. Manor-house, 161. The church, 163. Tombs, ibid.–166. The rectory, 166. Rectors, 167. The chantry, 168. State of population, ibid. The plague there, 169. Benefactions, &c. ibid.
Clere , Thomas, epitaph of, 278.
Clewer , William, anecdote of, 190.
Colde Abbey, manor of, 72.
Collections , charitable, solicited by females, 310. note.
Colet , Dean, residence of, at West Sheen, 448.
Colston , Edward, residence of, at Mortlake, 376.
Combe , Neville, manor of, 236. 566.
Cooke , Thomas, translator of Hesiod, account of, 305.
Coppe , Abiezer, anecdotes of, 23.
Copt-hall , see Vauxhall,
Councils held in Putney church, 408.
Cowley , the poet, residence of, at Barnelms, 15.
Croham , manor of, 177. 565.
, tradition of his residence at Mortlake,
-, —— Thomas, Earl of Essex, born at Putney,
Crowe , William, account of, 200.
Croydon, account of the parish of, 170. The name, boundaries, soil, &c. ibid. Hamlets belonging to the parish, 171. Market and fairs, ibid. The manors, 172. 565. The park, 172. The manor-house, 173. Archbishops who have resided there, ibid. The church, 179. Monuments there, 180. The rectory and vicarage, 188. The vicars, 189. The chantries, 191. State of population, ibid. The plague there, 192. Davy's alms-houses, 197. Whitgift's hospital, 198. Benefactions, 201.
Crusader , figure of, on glass, 529.
Cucking-stool, 233. note.
Cudington , site of the hamlet, 150. The manor, 151.
Cuper's Gardens, account of, 319.
, Arthur, account of, 385.
-, —— Doctor John, account of his life, 377. Of his
house at Mortlake, 381. His character, 383.
De la Motte , Countess, account of the death of, 306.
Deptford Strond , manor of, 72.
Devonshire , Christian Countess of, account of, 430.
Diary of Edward Alleyn, 113.
Dinner at the foundation of Dulwich College, account of, 98.
Donne , Doctor, residence of, at Mitcham, 354.
Doughty , John, rector of Cheam, 149.
Dove of Camberwell, account of the family of, 79. note.
Dowdale's manor, account of, 71.
Downe , or Downe buys manor, account of, 505.
Draper , Elizabeth, wedding apparel of, described, 78.
Duck , Stephen, residence of, at Kew, 205.
Dudley , Sir Robert, account of, 449.
Dulwich, account of the hamlet of, 86. Mineral water there, ibid. The manor, 87. The college, ibid. Account of the founder, 87. Ceremony of the foundation, 97. Foundation dinner, 98. Endowment of the college, 100. Statutes, ibid. The members, ibid. Description of the college, 105. The register, 106. Tombs, 561. The charity-school, ibid. Benefaction of Lady Falkland, 562.
Dunsford , manor of, 504.
Earthquake at Croydon, 171. At Lambeth, 260.
East Cheam , manor of, 138. Manor-house, 139.
East Sheen , account of the hamlet of, 388. Manor of, 367.
Eggleton , John, the player, 107.
Elizabeth , Queen, her speech to Mrs. Parker, 298. Her imprisonment at Richmond Palace, 439. Her death there, 440. Tradition of her having a palace at Streatham, 480. Her visit to Sir Francis Walsingham, at Barnelms, 12. To Sir Francis Carew, at Beddington, 57. To Archbishop Parker, at Croydon, 173. At Lambeth, 270. To Sir John Puckering, at Kew, 203. To Mr. Evelyn, at Kingston, 242. To Archbishop Whitgift, 271. To Sir Julius Cæsar, at Mitcham, 354. To Doctor Dee, at Mortlake, 378. 38z. To Putney, 406. To Tooting, 501. To Wandsworth, 516. To Lord Burleigh, at Wimbledon, 521. Various journies of, 223. 244. 311–314.
Elton , Edward, rector of Bermondsey, 551.
Epitaphs , whimsical, 459. 563.
Estcourt , Sir William, murder of, 42.
Fauks , Guy, tradition of, at Vauxhall, 323.
Faukes-hall , manor of, 321.
Fearon , James, the actor, 465.
Featley , Daniel, Rector of Lambeth, account of, 292.
Fees of physicians in 1700, 115.
Field , Nathaniel, the actor, 110.
Fielding , Henry, of his residence at Barnes, 544.
Fig-trees , remarkable, at Lambeth, 268.
Fire at Croydon church, 179.
Fitzwilliam , Viscount, account of his house at Richmond, 453.
Flood at Kingston, 216. At Newington Butts, 398.
Foresters , manor of, 53.
Forman , Doctor Simon, anecdotes of, 301.
Frere's manor, 53.
Frobisher , Sir Martin, 108.
Frost , severe, in 1607, 195.
, how managed by Sir Francis Carew, 57.
-, —— At Wimbledon house, 528.
Gainsborough , Thomas, account of his tomb, 209.
, Market, account of, at Battersea, 27. At
Barnes, 541. At Camberwell, 68. At Lambeth, 258. At Mortlake, 365. At Newington Butts, 390. At Putney, 404. At Rotherhithe, 470. At Wandsworth, 502.
-, —— Physic, at Mitcham, 350.
Gardening , state of, in 1660, 28.
Garrett , account of the hamlet of, 518. Mock election there, ibid.
Gataker , Thomas, Rector of Rotherhithe, account of, 474.
Gauden , Bishop, 162.
Gaynesford , Nicholas, account of the tomb of, 128.
Gaynesford's Place , account of, 125.
Gifts , new year's, 113.
Gloves , embroidered, worn, 113.
Granville , Bernard, epitaph of, 287.
Greenhill , Thomas, epitaph of, 60.
Grindall , Archbishop, of the death of, 194. Account of his tomb, 180.
Gurgany , John, Rector of Clapham, 167.
Hacket , John, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, Rector of Cheam, 148.
Haling , manor of, 178.
Ham , manor of, 179.
Ham manor, in the parish of Kingston, account of, 237.
Ham-house, description of, 238.
Hardinge , Nicholas, Esq. account of, 253.
Hare , Francis, Bishop of Chichester, Rector of Barnes, 20.
Harlington , manor of, 241.
Harrington of Exton, Lord, residence of, at Kew, 566.
Hartley , David, account of his experiments on Putney Heath, 427.
Hatcham , manor of, 120. 560.
Hatteclyffe , John, account of his tomb in Addington church, 8.
Haversham , John Lord, account of, 463.
Henley , John, will of, 80.
Herring , Archbishop, funeral of, 197. His epitaph, 185.
Heron , Nicholas, tomb of, 186.
Heydegger , anecdote of, 14.
Hill , Hon. Richard, account of, 466.
Hoadly , Bishop, Rector of Streatham, 487.
Hobbes , Thomas, residence of, at Roehampton, 432.
Hock-tide , collections at, 229. 309, 310.
Holgate , Archbishop, how plundered when committed to the Tower, 31.
Holland , Earl of, account of his rash enterprise at Kingston, 219.
Hook , hamlet of, 240.
Hospital , Whitgist's, at Croydon, account of, 198.
Hume , Bishop of Salisbury, Rector of Barnes, 543.
Hurricane at Roehampton in 1780, account of, 434.
Huscarl Beddington, manor of, 50.
Hutton , Archbishop, epitaph of, in Lambeth church, 281.
Inbabitants , number of, at Mortlake, 370; at Putney, 417; at Wandsworth, 511.
Jones , Elizabeth, a remarkable instance of longevity, 83.
Kennington , manor of, 325. Of the palace there, 326.
Kenulph , King, where murdered, 338.
Kew, account of the parish of, 202. The name, boundaries, and soil, ibid. Ancient proprietors of lands and houses there, ibid. Kew-house, 206. The gardens, ibid. Exotic garden, 207. The chapel, 208. Tombs, ibid. & 209. The parish register, 210. State of population, ibid. Benefactions, ibid. The bridge, 211.
Kingham , an ancient game, account of, 226.
King's evil, of persons touched for, 81.
Kingston upon Thames , account of the parish of, 212. Of the name, boundaries, soil, &c. ibid. Charters granted to the town, 213. Corporation, 214. Market and fairs, ibid. Council held there by King Egbert, 215. Saxon kings crowned there, ibid. Events which have happened there, 216. During the civil wars, 217. Leland's description of the town, 220. Account of the town-hall, 221. Extracts from the church-wardens' and chamberlains' accounts, 223. Ancient games there, 226. Various customs, 229. Church duties and payments relating to the church, 230. The manor, 235. The church, 243. Tombs, 244. The rectory, 248. The vicarage, 249. The vicars, 250. Skern's Chantry, and Bardesey's Guild, ibid. The parish register, 251. State of population, ibid. The plague years, ibid. St. Mary Magdalen's chapel and school, 254. The alms-house, 255. Benefactions to the parish, ibid. Account of the bridge, ibid.
Kit-Kat Club , account of their room, 15. Portraits of them, 542.
Knyvett , Mary, whimsical epitaph of, 410.
Kymersley , account of the manor of, 125.
Labourers , wages of, temp. Hen. VII. & VIII. 232.
Lacy , James de, will of, 344, note.
Lambert , General, residence of, at Wimbledon House, 522.
Lambeth, account of the parish of, 257. The name, boundaries, extent, and soil, ibid. The market and fair, 258. Death of Hardicanute there, ibid. A parliament holden by Henry III. 259. Outrage in the church in 1643, 259. The manors, 260. The manor-house, or Lambeth palace, 261. The chapel, 262. The library, 265. The Lollards' tower, 267. Residence of the archbishops at Lambeth, 268. Of those who have died there, 269. Historical facts relating to the palace, ibid. The palace attacked by the apprentices in 1641, 271. Seized by the parliament, and made a prison, 272. Prisoners of note confined there, 273. The palace sold, ibid. Threatened by the rioters in 1780, ibid. An asylum of learned men, 274. Foundation of a collegiate church, ibid. The Bishop of Rochester's palace, 276. Carlisle house, ibid. The parish church, 277. Tombs, 278–289. The burial ground, 290. The rectory, ibid. The rectors, 291. Romayne's and Wynter's chantries, 295. The parish register, ibid. State of population, ibid. Ravages of the plague, 296. Miscellaneous extracts from the register, 297. Benefactions, 307. The alms-houses, ibid. The schools, 308. Extracts from the church-wardens' accounts, 309. The ferry, 315. Norfolk-house, 316. Oratory at the Checker Inn, 317. Manufactures, &c. ibid. Lambeth Wells, and Cuper's Gardens, 319. Astley's Amphitheatre, 320. Manor of Vauxhall, 321. Of Kennington, 325. Of Stockwell, 327. Of Levehurst, 329. 567. Of Knolls, 567.
Lambeth , South, account of, 330. Of the Tradescants' physic-garden there, ibid.
Lambeth-wick , manor of, 329.
Land-tax , at Addington, 541.; at Barnes, 11.; at Battersea, 27.; at Beddington, 49.; at Bermondsey, 547.; at Camberwell, 68, 69.; at Carshalton, 122.; at Cheam, 137.; at Clapham, 159.; at Croydon, 170.; at Kew, 202.; at Kingston upon Thames, 212.; at Lambeth, 258; at Malden, 332.; at Merton, 338.; at Mitcham, 350; at Mordon, 361.; at Mortlake, 365.; at Newington Butts, 390.; at Petersham, 399; at Putney, 405.; at Richmond, 436.; at Rotherhithe, 470.; at Streatham, 478.; at Sutton, 492.; at Tooting, 497.; at Wandsworth, 502.; at Wimbledon, 520.
Leake , Sir John, account of, 58. note.
Lee-Boo , Prince, epitaph of, 476.
, arms of the family of, 7. note.
-, —— John, account of the tomb of in Addington
church, 7.
-, —— Sir Oliph, account of the tomb of, ibid.
Leigham's Court , manor of, 481.
Lely , Sir Peter, house of, at Kew, 205.
Leng , John, Bishop of Norwich, account of, 64.
Letter , singular one from Edward Alleyn to his sister, 88. note.
Levehurst , account of the manor of, 329. 567.
Library at Dulwich college, 112.; at Lambeth palace, 265.; at Richmond palace, 441.
Licence to eat flesh in Lent, 194. 252. 396. To beg, 251.
Lion-baiting , under the direction of Edw. Alleyn, 561.
Lister , Doctor Martin, account of, 164. His epitaph, ibid.
Littleton , Sir Charles, account of, 462.
Longevity , instances of, at Battersea, 47.; at Beddington, 65.; at Camberwell, 83.; at Cheam, 150.; at Croydon, 192.; at Kingston, 253.; at Lambeth, 306, 307.; at Mitcham, 360.; at Mortlake, 375.; at Newington Butts, 396.; at Petersham, 403.; at Putney, 421, 422.; at Streatham, 489.; at Wandsworth, 512.; at Wimbledon, 538.; at Bermondsey, 555, 556.
Loughborough house, account of, 329.
, Lord, portrait of, 109.
-, —— Richard, the poet, anecdotes of, ibid.
, Elizabeth Lady, tomb of, 145.
-, —— Jane Lady, account of, 144.
-, —— Lord, tomb of, 141. Anecdotes of, 143.
Malden, account of the parish of, 332. Etymology, boundaries, soil, &c. ibid. The manor, ibid. Establishment of a religious house there, 333. Worcester park, 334. The church, 335. Tombs, ibid. The vicarage, 336. Vicars, ibid. State of population, ibid.
Mary , Lady, residence of, at Barnes, 21. Conjecture concerning, ibid. 542.
Manufactures at Beddington, 66.; Carshalton, 123.; Lambeth, 317.; Merton, 345.; Mitcham, 360.; Mortlake, 387.; Wandsworth, 502.; Wimbledon, 539; Bermondsey, 547.
May-game , 226.
Maynard , Sir John, account of, 500.
Mendez , Moses, residence of, at Mitcham, 356.
Merton, account of the parish of, 338. Etymology, boundaries, soil, &c. ibid. The manor, 339. 346. The abbey, 339. Account of its foundation, ibid. 341. Statutes of the convent, 342. Site of the abbey, and its present state, 344, 345. Manufactures there, ibid. Parish church, 346. Monuments, 347, 348. The rectory, ibid. State of population, ibid. Benefactions, 349. Surrender of the monastery, and account of the seal, 567.
Meyer , Jeremiah, account of, 209. Epitaph of, 208.
Milkwell , manor of, 70.
Mill , horizontal, at Battersea, description of, 46.
Mills , Henry, schoolmaster at Croydon, 200.
Mineral water at Bermondsey, 558. At Dulwich, 86. At Streatham, 491.
Mitcham, account of the parish of, 350. Etymology, boundaries, soil, &c. ibid. Physic-gardeners there, ibid. Manors, ibid. Manor of Mitcham or Canon, 352. Of Bigging and Tamworth, ibid. Of Ravensbury, 353. The church, 356. Monuments, 356–358. Rectory and vicarage, 358. Vicars, ibid. State of population, 359. Benefactions, 360. Mitcham Grove, ibid. Manufactures, ibid. Workhouse, ibid. Ancient house, 568.
Molineux , Samuel, account of, 206.
Mompesson , John, monument of, in Lambeth church, 280.
Monstrous birth at Croydon, 196.
Moore , Edward, residence of, at Lambeth, 305.
Mordon, account of the parish of, 361. Etymology, boundaries, soil, &c. ibid. The manor, ibid. The church, 362. Monuments, 362, 363. The rectory, ibid. State of population, ibid. Benefactions, ibid.
Morland , Sir Samuel, a great mechanic, 322.
Morley , Colonel, epitaph of, 286.
Mortlake, account of the parish of, 364. Etymology, boundaries, extent, &c. ibid. His Majesty's farm, 365. Soil, ibid. Cultivation of asparagus, ibid. Manor, ibid. Archbishops of Canterbury who have resided in their manorhouse there, ibid. The church, 367. Tombs, 368, 369. Comparative state of population, 370. Number of inhabitants in 1791, ibid. Ravages of the plague, 371. Extracts from the register, ibid. From the churchwardens' accounts, 375. Remarkable persons who have resided at Mortlake, 376. Manufacture of tapestry, 386. Of Dels, 387. Juxon's alms-houses, ibid. Benefactions, ibid. Charity-school, 388. Hamlet of East Sheen, ibid.
Mountain , George, Archbishop of York, rector of Cheam, account of, 147.
Muschamp , tombs of the family of, in Camberwell church, 74, 75.
Napier , Doctor, account of, 303.
Nazareth , Archbishop of, his manor at Beddington, 53.
Newington Butts, account of the parish of, 389. Etymology of, ibid. Boundaries, &c. 390. Manor of Walworth, ibid. The church, 391. Tombs, 392, 393. The rectory, 394. Rectors, 395. State of population, 396. The plague there, ibid. Benefactions, 397. The alms-houses, ibid. The hospital, 398. Number of houses in 1739, 569.
Nonsuch-palace, account of, 151. Parliamentary Survey of, 153. Proprietors of, 154. Hen. VIII. ibid. Henry, Earl of Arundel, ibid. Queen Elizabeth, 155. Anne of Denmark, 157. Queen Henrietta Maria, 158. Algernon Sydney, and the Duchess of Cleveland, ibid.
Norbiton hall , manor of, 242.
Norbury , manor of, 178.
, Elizabeth Duchess of, her epitaph, 285.
-, —— House at Lambeth, account of, 316.
Nottingham , Charles Earl of, account of, 195.
Observatory at Richmond, account of, 446.
Oldham the poet, anecdote of, 200.
Orange-trees planted at Beddington by Sir Francis Carew, 57.
Palace at Richmond, history of, 438.
-, —— of the Archbishops of Canterbury, at Lambeth, account of, 261.
-, —— of the Bishops of Rochester, at Lambeth,
-, —— of the Bishops of Hereford, at Lambeth,
-, —— at Croydon, account of, 175.
-, —— King John's, at Bermondsey, 548.
Palmer , or Tylecrost, manor of, 179.
Palmerston , Lord, house of, at East Sheen, 371.
Parliament holden at Lambeth, 259.
Parker , Archbishop, tomb of, 262.
Parr , Doctor, vicar of Camberwell, account of, 85.
Partridge , John, account of, 371.
Patrick , Bishop, vicar of Battersea, 38.
Peckham , hamlet of, 118. Manor of, ibid. & 560.
Pedlar , and his dog, in Lambeth church, account of, 277.
Perkins , Richard, the actor, 110.
Perne , Doctor, anecdotes of, 300.
Petersham, account of the parish of, 399. Boundaries, ibid. The manor of, ibid. Petersham Lodge, ibid. The church, 400. Tombs, ibid. 401. The vicarage, ibid. State of population, 402.
Petition , from P. Henslow and Edward Alleyn, masters of the bears, &c. to James I. 93.
Petition , curious one from the parishioners of Battersea to Lord Burleigh, 36.
Pettiward , account of the family of, 408. note.
Peyntwin , Hugh, tomb of, 279.
Philips , Rowland, vicar of Croydon, 189.
Picture gallery, at Dulwich College, account of, 108.
Piozzi , Grabriel, Esq. seat of, at Streatham, 482.
, at Addington, 10. Barnes, 22. At
Battersea, 40. At Camberwell, 81. At Dulwich, 107. At Carshalton, 132. At Cheam,
150. At Clapham, 169. At Croydon, 192.
At Lambeth, 296. At Mortlake, 371. At
Newington Butts, 396. At Putney, 417. At
Streatham, 488. At Wandsworth, 511. At
Wimbledon, 536. At Bermondsey, 553, 554.
-, —— Papers concerning, in the Library at Lambeth
Palace, 418.
Playfere , Thomas, rector of Cheam, 149.
Pole , Cardinal, residence of, at West Sheen, 449.
Population , comparative state of, at Addington, 10. At Barnes, 21. At Battersea, 39. At Beddington, 65. At Camberwell, 80. At Carshalton, 131. At Cheam, 150. At Clapham, 168. At Croydon, 191, 192. At Kew, 210. At Lambeth, 295, 296. At Malden, 336. At Merton, 348. At Mitcham, 359. At Mordon, 363. At Mortlake, 370. At Newington Butts, 396. At Petersham, 402. At Putney, 417. At Richmond, 462. At Rotherhithe, 475. At Streatham, 487. At Sutton, 496. At Tooting, 500. At Wandsworth, 510. At Wimbledon, 536. At Bermondsey, 553.
Portraits , in the picture gallery at Dulwich College, account of, 108. At Lambeth, 263, 264. At Streatham, 482. In the window of Camberwell church, 73. Of the Kit Kat Club, 542.
Portland , Richard Weston Earl of, anecdote of, 429.
Potter , Archbishop, account of, 197. Epitaph of, 185.
Provisions , price of, temp. Hen. VII. & Hen. VIII. 232.
Puckering , Sir John, residence of, at Kew, 203.
Putney, account of the parish of, 404. Etymology, boundaries, &c. ibid. Transactions there during the civil wars, 406. The church, 409. Tombs, 410. 413. The curacy, 414. Curates, 416. State of population, 417. Plague years and entries, in the parish accounts relating to the plague, ibid. Extracts from the register, 419. Charity school for sons of watermen, 422. The alms-house, 424. Benefactions, ibid. The ferry, ibid. The bridge, 425. The fishery, 426. The bowling-green, 427. Villas on Putney-heath, 428. Account of Roehampton, ibid. Putneypark, ibid.
, Duchess of, residence of, at Ham, 566.
-, —— Duke of, seat of, at Richmond, 444.
Quelch , William, tomb of, 129.
Radcliffe , Doctor, anecdotes of, 135.
Raleigh , Sir Walter, residence of, at Mitcham, 354.
Ravensbury , manor of, 353.
Richard II. met at Wandsworth, by the citizens of London, 503.
Richmond, account of the parish of, 436. Etymology, boundaries, and soil, ibid. The manor, ibid. Tenure of land, 437. History of the palace, 438. Description of it in 1649, 441. Account of houses on the site of it, 443. The convents, 445. The Old-park, ibid. The observatory, 446. The gardens, 447. The hill, 454. The New-park, ibid. Rangers thereof, 455. Its extent, 456. Projected improvements, ibid. The farm, 457. The church, ibid. Monuments, ibid. 460, 461. The curacy, ibid. State of population, 462. Extracts from the register, ibid. Bishop Duppa's alms-houses, 466. Other alms-houses, 467. The charity-school, ibid. Various benefactions, ibid. The ferry and the bridge, 468. Richmond Wells, 469. The theatre, ibid.
Richmond , Frances, Duchess of, anecdotes of, 134.
Ridley , Owen, vicar of Battersea, account of, 36.
Robinhood , game of, 226. 229.
Rochester , Bishop of, palace of, at Lambeth, 276.
Roehampton , account of the hamlet of, 428. The Earl of Portland's seat there, 429. The chapel, 430. The alienations of Roehampton house, 433. Villas at Roehampton, ibid. Hurricane there in 1780, 434.
Roman antiquities at Clapham, 163.
-, —— Station at Woodcote, 67.
Rose , Edward, singular benefactions of, to the parish of Barnes, 17.
Rotherhithe, account of the parish of, 470. Etymology and boundaries, ibid. The Dock-yards, ibid. Canute's Trench, ibid. The manor, 471. The church, 472. Monuments, ibid. 473. The rectory, ibid. State of population, 475. The free-school, 476.
Russel , Elizabeth, singular history of, 489.
Sadler , Anthony, vicar of Mitcham, account of, 358.
Saint John
, pedigree of, 30.
-, —— Henry, Lord Bolingbroke, account of, 44.
Epitaph of, 45.
-, —— Henry, Viscount, anecdotes of, 42.
-, —— Sir John, funeral of, 41.
-, —— Oliver, Viscount Grandison, account of, 40.
Epitaph of, 41.
-, —— Sir Walter, account of, 42.
Salusbury , Mrs. epitaph of, written by Doctor Johnson, 484.
Saxon Kings cowned at Kingston, 215.
Scawen , Sir William, monument of, 127.
Sclater , Edward, curate of Putney, account of, 416.
, John, Baron of the Exchequer, tomb of, at
Camberwell, 77.
-, —— John, the younger, account of, ibid.
-, —— Robert, monument of, at Lambeth, 280.
-, —— tombs of the family of, at Camberwell, 77.
Senhouse , Richard, Bishop of Carlisle, rector of Cheam, 148.
, East, manor of, 367.
-, —— West, monastery of, 447. Its foundation,
hermitage, 448. Suppression, 449. Parliamentary Survey, 450. The site, 449. Leases thereof from the crown, to Lord Lisle, Lord Brounker, and Sir William Temple, 451.
Sheldon , Archbishop, burial of, 196. Monument of, 183.
Skipwith , Henry, epitaph of, 282.
Skinner , tombs of the family of, 75.
Sly , William, the actor, 111.
Smith , Henry, charities of, 512. Epitaph of, 514,
Smith , Milo, account of, 304. Epitaph of, 282.
Smoke-money , 310.
, Charing-cross, account of, 324. note.
-, At Vauxhall, ibid
Stalls , Stone, in Camberwell church, 75.
Stebbing , Henry, account of, 465.
Stephens , William, rector of Sutton, account of, 495.
Stockwell , hamlet of, 327. Manor, ibid. Manorhouse, 328. Stockwell ghost, 329.
Stone Court, manor of, 125.
Streatham, account of the parish of, 478. Etymology, boundaries, soil, &c. ibid. Manors, ibid. Manor of Tooting Bec, 479. Of Leigham's Court, 481. Of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, ibid. Of Balham, ibid. Manorhouse, 480. Tradition of Queen Elizabeth, ibid. The church, 483. Tombs, 483—487. Rectory, ibid. Rectors, ibid. State of population, ibid. Extracts from the register, 488. Mrs. Howland's school, 491. Benefactions, ibid. Mineral water, ibid.
Sudbrook , hamlet of, 400.
Sutton, account of the parish of, 492. Etymology, boundaries, soil, &c. ibid. Manor, ibid. The church, 493. Tombs, 494. 495. The rectory, ibid. Rectors, ibid. State of population, 496. Benefactions, ibid.
Swift , Dean, residence of, at West Sheen, 452.
Talworth , manor of, 334.
Tapestry , manufacture of, at Mortlake, 386.
Taverner , Richard, Esquire, preaches at Oxford, 242.
, Doctor Thomas, vicar of Battersea, account
of, 38.
-, —— Sir William, resides at West Sheen, 451. King
William visits him there, 452.
Tenison , Archbishop, epitaph of, 282.
Tenure , singular, at Addington, 5.
Theatre , Fortune, 103.
Theatre at Newington Butts, 398. At Richmond, 469.
Thirlebye , Bishop, account of, 298.
Thomson , James, residence of, at Richmond, 463. Tomb of, 464.
Thrale , Henry, Esq. epitaph of, 484.
Throckmorton , Sir Nicholas, anecdotes of, 132.
Toland , John, account of, 419.
Tooting, account of the parish of, 497. Etymology, ibid. Manors, ibid. The church, 498. Tombs, ibid. 499. The rectory, ibid. Rectors, 500. State of population, ibid. Extracts from the register, ibid. Benefactions, 501. Priory of, 479.
Tooting Bec , manor of, 479. The manor-house, 480.
Tradescant , John, tomb of, 289. Physic garden of, 330.
Trumpeters , itinerant, 114.
Tumuli , at Addington, 1.
Tunstall , Bishop, account of, 297.
Tyrrell , Francis, benefactions of, to Croydon, 195.
Vauxhall , etymology of, 321. Manor, ibid. Copthall and Vauxhall houses, ibid. Tradition of Guy Faukes, 323. Spring Gardens, Vauxhall, ibid. The fort, 325. Vauxhall well, ibid.
Vestments at Lambeth church, sale of, 311, 312.
Villiers , Lord Francis, death of, 219.
Wake , Archbishop, account of, 196. His tomb, 184.
Waldingham , manor of, 6.
Wallington , manor of, 66.
, Sir Francis, residence of, at Barnelms, 12.
Death of, ibid.
-, —— Lady, 13.
Walworth , Manor of, 390.
Wandle , river, account of, 122. 172.
Wandsworth, account of the parish of, 502. Etymology, boundaries, &c. ibid. Manufactures, ibid. The manors, 504. Various estates, 506. The church, ibid. Tombs, 507, 508. The vicarage, 509. Vicars, 510. State of population, ibid. 511. The plague there, ib. Extracts from the register, 512. Churchwardens' accounts, 516. The charity-school, ibid. Benefactions, 517. Hamlet of Garrett, 518.
Warner , Ferdinando, account of, 543.
Way , Mrs. Sarah, house of, at Richmond, 444.
Wedding apparel of Mrs. Elizabeth Draper, 78.
West , Bishop, account of, 405.
Whitaker , Jeremiah, account of, 551.
Whitgift , Archbishop, funeral of, 195. Monument of, 181.
Whitehorse , manor of, 177.
Will of John Att Lee, 9. Of Nicholas Carew, 51. Of John Henley, 80.
Williams , Charles, the actor, 47.
Wilson , Christopher, Bishop of Bristol, character of, 543.
Wimbledon, account of the parish of, 519. Etymology, boundaries. &c. ibid. The manor, 520. Manor-house, 523. Parliamentary Survey of it, ibid. The gardens, 527. The park, 528. The church, 529. Tombs, 530. Lord Wimbledon's chapel and monument, 531. Tombs in the church-yard, 534. The rectory and curacy, 535. Parsonage house, 536. State of population, ibid. Extracts from the register, 537. Benefactions, 538. Manufactures, 539.
Wimbledon , Lord, epitaph of, 531.
Wolsey , Cardinal, residence of, at Richmond palace, 439. At the lodge in the Old-park, 445.
Wood , Robert, account of, 420. Epitaph of, 421.
Worcester park, account of, 334.
Wyat , Sir Thomas, at Kingston, 216.
Wynn , Sir Richard, epitaph of, 530.
Wynter , Sir Edward, monument of, 33.
, Sir Joseph, tomb of, 145.
-, —— Mrs. the actress, account of, 464.
York-house, at Battersea, 30.