Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1930.
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'Lincoln wills: 1531 (January)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532, ed. C W Foster (London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 13 February 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1531 (January)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1930), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1531 (January)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1930), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025.
In this section
1531 (January)
The testament of Thomas Fowller [of Potter Hanworth].
[L.C.C., 1532–4, f. 79.]
3 January, 1530–1. I Thomas Fowller of Potterhanworthe makes my last will. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of st Andro of Potterhanworth. To the high alter of Potterhanworth for forgottyn tithys xijd. To the bellys of Potterhanworth iijs. iiijd. To the high altare of Lincoln iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln iiijd. To the iiij orders of frerys in Lincoln every house iiijd. To the prior of Nocton Parke a trentall, or ellys to hys brethern. To sir John Fowller, my sone, a fetherbed, a chyst, and a chamlet dooblet. To William Fowller, my sone, v yowes and lammys, a jaket, and a muke carte. To Agnes my doughter, the wyff of Robert Thomsone of Nocton, a gowne, and to every one of her chyldren a yowe with a lamme. To Johan Thomsone, the doughter of Robert Thomsone of Nocton, a brasse potte. To Thomas Carter, sun of William Carter of Potterhanworthe, a yow with a marked lamme. Also the resydue of my goodes unbequethyd I gyff to my wyff, whome I make my executrix for to dispose for the helthe of my soule, by the sight of my supervisor, William Red, whome I make, as they thynke best. Thes wytnes, sir John Holforthe; Richerd Borell; Thomas Stokes; Hugh Hell; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Wadyngton, 21 October, 1532.
The testament of John Hewton [of Elsham].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 326.]
4 January, 1530–1. I John Hewton of Ellesham makes my testament. My body to be buryd in the church yerde of All Halloys of Ellesham. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the high alter of Ellesham for tithys forgottyn iiijd. To st Peter gilde and our Lady gylde of Ellesham viijd. To the church warke of Wrawby iiijd. To John Hewton. To John Hewton junior. To Helene Hewton. To Richerd Hewton. To Margaret Hewton xxs. in money, [etc.]. To Helene Hewton xxs. in money, [etc.]. To the vicar of Ellesham viijs. To Elizabeth my wyff on house with the purtenances in Wrawby for the terme of her lyff. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to Elizabeth my wyff and Robert my sonne evenly to be devydyd betwyxt them, and I will that they be my executors. Thes men wytnes, sir John Whaplode, vicar; William Holme; John Bothby; and William Kenson; and other mo.
Proved before P., at Castor, 16 March, 1530–1, by the executors.
The testament of W. Brandon [of Sutterton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 235.]
7 January, 1530–1. I William Brandon the elder of Soterton makes my testament. My body to be buryed within the church yerde of our most blessyd Lady of Sotterton and my mortuary aftyr the new actes. To the high alter of our Lady of Soterton for tithys forgottyn xijd. To the anowermente of every altare in the sayd churche ijd., and to the church warke ther iijs. iiijd. To the high altare of the holy appostelles Peter and Paule in Algerkyrke for tithys forgottyn xijd. To the church warke of our mother churche in Lincoln iiijd. To the orpans of saynt Catheryns withowt the wallys ther ijd. I wyll that one cownter that standyth in my hall stande styll in my house, and one gret chyste in my chamber be had to my mansion at Algerkyrke, and ther to continew styll. To Henry Brandon, my sonne, my horse mylne, [etc.]. To John Brandon, my sonne, one stag of ij yeres olde, [etc.]. To Jahn Brandon, my doughter one beste callyd a qwye. I will that the resydue of all my housholde stuff be devydyd by evyn porcion betwyxte Catheryne my wyff and Jane Brandon, my doughter, sone aftyr my decease, and the porcion of Jane my doughter to be had in save kepyng to the sayd Jane cum unto the age of xv yeres; and yff she decease before that age I will that the sayd parte remane to Henry and John my sonnys. To Henry Brandon, my sonne, aftyr my decease, my mansion wher I wonne in Soterton with the appurtenances one acre and di' arable liyng in a certen felde callyd Qwehte crofte, iij rode arable liyng be Toller heges, halff one acre pastre lying at More gate in the parysh of Wygtofte, v rode pastre liyng at Bellande bryke, one acre and one halffe pastre lying in Algerkyrk that I purchesyd of Thomas Gebon, under thys condicion foloyng that the sayd Henry Brandon, my sone, or who shall have the aforesayd mansion, [etc.], shall yerly pay to Katheryne my wyff his mother the terme of her lyff at the day of st Michell tharchaungell xs. sterlyng; and for fawte of payment I will it shall be laufull to the sayd Catheryne aftyr viij days next foloyng [folio 235d.] the aforesayd date to streyn and the stresses to dryve and kepe away unto the tyme the sayd xs. be payd. To John Brandon, my sonne, aftyr my decese, one mansion with the appurtenances as it lyes in Algerkyrke conteyned [sic] vij acres, under thys condicion that the sayd John, or who shall have the premises, yerly pay to Catheryne my wyff, hys mother, the terme of her lyff at the day of the holly appostelles Phylip and Jamys, the wich is the fyrste day of May, xs. sterlyng, [etc.]. Also I will that Henry Brandon and John Brandon, my sonnys, and ther goodes and landes be at the gydyng and honeste fyndyng of Catheryne my wyff, ther mother, unto the tyme that the sayd Catheryne be maryd. And yff she be not marryed unto the tyme that the aforesayd Henry or John our chyldren be the age of xviij yeres, and yff she be maryed then I will that she have and be contente with her annuite of xxs., as it is afore rehersyd, the tyme upon her lyff naturall, and then Henry my sone to have the proffyt of hys landes afore rehersyd and John my sone have the proffyt of hys landes afore rehersyd. I will that vij rode arrable lande in Crabdane and in Algerkyrk remayn to Catheryne my wyff the terme of her lyff. Yff she decease or Jane Brandon our doughter cum unto the age of xviij yeres, then I will that the vij rode remane to the sayd Jane Brandon our doughter unto the sayd Jane be xviij yeres of age, at which age I will the vij rode remane to Henry Brandon, my sonne, and to hys heyres or assygnes. To Jane Brandon, my doughter, aftyr my decease, to her bryngyng up iij acres pastre lying in Algerkyrke in Crabdame [sic] end, callyd Sedyke tofte, to the aforesayd Jane cum to the age of xviij yeres, then I will that it remane to John Brandon, my sone, under thys condicion that he pay to the forsayd Jane hys syster iijl. vjs. viijd. sterlyng. And yff he [folio 236] decease then I will that Henry Brandon, my sone, pay to Jane, hys syster, iijl. vjs. viijd. when she is at the age of xviij yeres. I will that yff Herry decease before the age off xviij yeres or unmaryed then I will that hys mansion and landes remane to John Brandon, my sone, hys heyres, or assygnes, and if he decease afore he cum to xviij yeres or unmaryed, they shall remane to Henry Brandon, my sone, to hys heyres or assygnes, and if he deacease afore he cum to xviij yeres or unmaryed they shall remane to Jane Brandon my doughter to her heyres and assygnes. The resydue of all my goodes I gyff to Catheryne Brandon, my wyff, whome I make my executrix to bryng my body to holly moldes, and dispose for the helthe of my soule, etc. Thes beyng wytnes, sir John Wryght, parysh preste; William Bokke; and Wylliam Hobson; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 22 May, 1531, by the executrix.
The testament of John Robynson [of Fulstow].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 324.]
8 January, 1530–1. I John Robynson of Fulstowe settes my will, [etc.]. My body to be buryd in the church yerde in Fulstowe. To our Lady of Lincoln viijd. To st Laurence churche in Fulstow xxd. To the high alter in Fulstowe iiijd. To the church of Marchechapell vjd. The resydew of my goodes to be devydyd in thre partes, on to my wyff, the secunde to the chylder, the iij parte for my selffe, my rentes and dettes to be payd of the hole, and Mawde my wyff to be my executor and Xp'ofer Dawson and William Madyson to be my supervisors, and they to have xxd. for ther labor. Thes wytnes, sir Richerd Raynolde, vicar; William Swynne; Jamys Rede; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Louth, 14 March, 1530–1, by the executrix.
The testament of Alice Howden [of Darby.]
[Stow, 1530–52, ff. 5, 43d.]
10 January, 1530–1. I Alece Howden of Derby besides Burton, widow. My body to be buryed within the holy grownd in the parishe where yt shall please God I shall depart out of this transitori life. I will that Robert Howden and Thomas Howden, my sonnys, shall honestly cause me to be brought to the grownd with suche guddes as God hath indued me withall. And the residue of all my guddes I gyffe to the same Robert and Thomas my sonns, wyche I make my executores. Thies bering witnes, sir William Longshaw, vicar of Burton; George Wodmanpole, prest; Thomas Longstafe; Robert Timbere; and other.
Proved at Apulbe, 28 March, 1531.
Testamentum W. Wryght [de Woldnewton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 403.]
In Dei nomine Amen anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo tricesimo videlicet decimo tercio die mensis Januarii ego Willelmus Wryght de Woldnewton compos mentis 7 sane memorie condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis do 7 lego animam meam omnipotenti Deo beate Marie 7 omnibus sanctis [corpus] meum sepeliendum in cemiterio omnium Sanctorum de Woldnewton predicta. Item lego summo altari ibidem pro priuatis 7 oblitis decimis xs. Item lego ecclesie parochiali ibidem xxd. Item lego fraternitati resurrectionis Domini ibidem xijd. Item lego summo altari beate Marie Lincolniensis vjd. Item lego fabrice beate Marie ibidem vjd. Item lego singulis ecclesiis de Bynbroke Swynhope Thorganby Westrandall Est Randall Alesby Asby Hawarby et Besby iiijd. Item lego priorisse de Ormysbie [ . . . (fn. 1) ] monialium ibidem [ . . . (fn. 1) ]. Item lego vtensilia domus mee Waltero filio meo 7 [Margare]te vxori mee exceptis vno vase plumbeo 7 certis aliis rebus predicto Waltero res[ . . . (fn. 1) ] vt sequitur. Item lego Waltero predicto filio vnum morsellum auri 7 sex coclearia [ . . . (fn. 1) ] Item lego Margarete vxori mee unum singulum argenteum 7 vnum par precularum pro termino vite sue 7 post eius decessum ad Annam filiam meam. Item do 7 lego Waltero filio meo 7 heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis vnum croftum vocatum Chubsegarthe ac omnia alia terras 7 tenementa mea que michi pertinent iure hereditario vel titulo quocunque infra villam 7 territorium de Woldnewton predicta. Et si contingat predictum Walterum sine herede masculo de corpore suo legitime procreato obire tunc volo vt predictum toftum remaneat meis heredibus masculis cum omnibus aliis terris et tenementis meis in Woldnewton. Item lego Briano filio meo vij libras legalis monete Anglie. Item lego Waltero filio meo quadragenta oues par bouum de optimis iiijor equos omnes messes crescentes super terram exceptis et reseruatis Margarete vxori certis quarteriis vt sequetur. Item predicto Waltero omnia plaustra bigas et aratra cum omnibus suis pertinentiis. Item lego Margarete vxori mee duas vaccas duos porcos. Item volo si contingat me prefatum Willelmum Wryght mori antequam filii mei viz. Brianus 7 Walterus pervenerint ad etatem viginti iiij or annorum tune volo quod partes illorum remaneant in custodia Roberti Smythe de Waltam & Jacobi Otby vsque ad etatem antedictum. Item lego vnum lectum elymosine duo para linthiaminum vnum tegumentum vnum filtro vt remaneant in custodia vxoris mee ad opus et vsum pauperum et peregrinorum. Item lego Ricardo Steffnsun vnam vaccam ad terminum vite sue vt custodiat annuatim vnum obitum pro salute anime et det mollationem pro obsequiis 7 missa vd. et pulsantibus pro pane et potu ijd. et post decessum predicti Ricardi tune volo quod vacca predicta remaneat predicto Waltero filio meo heredibus et executoribus suis. [folio 403d.] Item lego Anne filie vnam iuuencam. Item lego Margarete vxori mee duo quarteria tritici vnum ordii duo brasii vnum pisarum duos porcos. Item lego Waltero filio meo tres vaccas. Item lego predicte Margarete decem oues. Item lego Waltero predicto cruces ferreas in aula mea stantes cum pertinentiis suis vnum lauacrum pendens 7 vnum lauacrum cum pelue vnum veru magnum cum duabus andenis vnnam ollam magnam vnam patellam optimam vnum contrum. (fn. 2) Item lego Ricardo Steffnsun omnes pannos meos quibus diurne vtor. Item lego vnicuique filiolorum meorum iiijd. Item lego vni sacerdoti legitime ordinato quinque libras pro stipendio vnius anni ad celebrandum pro salute anime mee et pro animabus parentum meorum. Residuum bonorum meorum non legatorum do et lego Roberto Smythe de Waltham Waltero filio meo et Jacobo Otbye quos ordino facio et constituo meos veros et legitimos executores vt ipsi disponant pro salute anime mee 7 parentum meorum prout ipsis videbitur melius Deo placere 7 anime mee proficere. Hiis testibus Antonio Hennege ibidem rectore; Thoma Lyson; Ricardo Wache; 7 aliis.
Proved before Pryn, at Grymesby, 14 November, 1531, by the executors.
The testament of Robert Stevenson [of Kirton in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 314d]
14 January, 1530–1. I Robert Stevenson off Kyrton in Holland makes my testament. My body to be buryed in the chyrchyerd of the holy appostellys Peter and Paule in Kyrton in Holland. To the high alter for tithys forgotten vjd. To every alter in the same churche ijd. To the reparacions of the sayd churche xxd. To the Trinite gylde in the sayd churche xijd. To our mother church of Lincoln ijd. To the orphans of st Catheryns at Lincoln ijd. To my wyff my hed mansyon with the purtenances to the tyme that my doughters cum to the age of xvj yerys, and to kepe it in suffycient reparacions, and iij stong lying in Wynsholme, and v stong lying at Warner mylle, and v stong in Horne hurne, in thys condicion, that she shall kepe my chyldren to they cum at the age of xvj yeres, and yff that she wylnot, than I wyll that my executors take them and thys forsayd landes to bryng them up to they cum at laufull age. I wyll that my executors have the proffet of on house namyd Cooke house with the appurtenance, and iij stong at Mylne hyll, and iij stong at Smythee marshe, to the use of my doughtters to they cum at the age of xvj yeres. I will that my wyffe have the forsayd Cooke house with the purtenance, and iij stong at Mylne hyll, and iij stong in Smythee marshe immediatly aftyr that my doughters cum to the age of xvj yeres for the terme of my wyffes lyff, kepyng it in sufficient repare, and aftyr the decease of my wyff, I will it remayn to my doughters in fe symple. To Margaret and Elizabeth my doughters at the age of xvj yeres my hed mansion with the purtenance, and iij stong in Wynsholme, and v stong at Warner mylne, and v stong in Horn hurne, in fe symple. I will that my mylne be as an hayr lumbe pertenyng to the hed mansion. I will that ether my doughters be others heyres yff ether of them dye before the age of xvj yeres; and yf it fortune so that bothe my doughters dye or they cum to xvj yeres, I will that my wyff have all my hole landes her lyff induryng. Yf bothe my doughters dye before they cum to xvj yeres, then I gyff to Robert Stevenson, the sonne of Thomas Stevynson, on house callyd Cooke house with the purtenance, and iij stong at Mylne hyll, and iij stong at Smyth marshe, in fe symple, after the decease of my wyff. Yff my doughtters dye or they cum at the age of xvj yeres, then I will that my executors sell my hed mansion with the purtenance aftyr the decease of my wyff by the advisement of the churche wardens of Kyrton, and the money therfore receyvyd to be bestoyd of on hole sewte of vestimentes, to be prayd for me and my good frendes in Kyrton church. I will that yff my doughters dye or they cum to the age of xvj yeres, then I give to Elizabeth Warner, the doughter of Thomas Warner, iij stong at Wynsholme in fe symple aftyr the decease of my wyff. I wyll yff my doughters dye or they cum at the age of xvj yeres, then I will gyff to Catheryne Heyland, the doughter of Alen Heyland, v stong lying at Warner mylne aftyr the decease of my wyff in fe symple. Yff my doughters dye or they cum to the age of xvj yeres, then I gyff to Jenet Warner, the doughter of Thomas Warner, v stong lande lying at Horne hurne in fe symple after the decease of my wyff. To Margaret and Elizabeth my doughters xj sponys of sylver and on sylver mazer at the day of maryadge of my wyff. To my doughters one gyrdyll of sylver, one pare of amber beades, after the decease of my wyff. I will that my executors sell halffe an acre anens William Mannys dore if they stand nede to pay my dettes with. I will have on dirige done for me and all my frendes for the space of xij yeres of ijs. by yere, xijd. therof to be takyn of my hed mansion to do it with, and other xijd. of Cooke house. Also the spruce chyst and the bed in the chamber to be as heyr lombys to my hed mansion. I will that Alen Heyland and John Coney have the custody of my chyldren goodes at the feste of Phylip and Jacob next insuyng. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to Alen Heyland and John Cony of Kyrton, whome I mak executors. Thes beryng wytnes, sir John Brewster of Kyrton; sir Robert Thomson of the same; Symon Greve; Roger Williamson; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 7 March 1530–1, by the executors.
[The testament of John Bentley of Torksey].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 4d. Collated with another copy at f. 42d.]
16 January, 1530–1. I John Bentley of Torksey, husbandman, makes and ordyns this my testament. My body to be beryd within the churche of sanct Peter of Torksay, and for my mortuary as the law dothe requier. To the hye alter of the same church of sanct Peter xijd. To the same church for my beryhall ther to be had iijs. iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To every on of the houses of the frears in Lincoln xijd. To every preste within the abbay of sanct Leonardes of Torksay viijd. To eyther of the novys (fn. 3) vjd. To every none of Fossey iiijd. To the hye alter of Saxilbe xijd. To John Charter and hys wyff. To Annes my wyffes syster. To Wylliam Bentley, my son, xxxiijs. iiijd. To Elyn my wyff. I wyl my ffeoffes wyche stand and be seasyd in my house in the paryche of sanct Maryes of Torksay, wyche I bought of sir Richard Robynson, vicar of sanct Maryes aforsayd, schal stand and be seasyd of and in the same to the vse of my sayd wyff to suche thyme as Annes my doughter cum to the age of xvj yeres, the sayd Elyn kepyng the reparacions necessary, and after my sayd doughter cum to the age of xvj yeres then the ffeoffes to be seasyd to the use of her and her heyers for ever. And yf she happyng to dye befor sche cum to the said age, then I wyll the sayd house be solde by my supervisor to the most profytte, and the money there off comyng equaly to be devyded and dystributed emonges my ij chyldren, that ys to sey, John Bentley and Thomas Bentley, my sonnes, by the discrestion of my supervisor. The resydew of my gudes and caytel I gyff to John Bentley, Thomas Bentley, and Agnes Bentley, my chyldren, whome I make my full executors, and Robert Lylye to be my supervisour, and I wyll that he have the supervision and guydyng off my sayd chyldren and ther partes to they cum to lawfull age; and yf on of them happyng to dye within age then I wyl hys parte be evenly devyded emong them, levyng ordinari expences deducted, and my supervisour to have the guydyng of my son William part and the supervision of hym to he cum to lawfull age, and I wyl my seyd supervisour have xiijs. iiijd. for hys labour. Wyttnyses, sir John Ranaldson; Thomas Rycroft; John Charter; Wylliam Robynson; and other moo.
Proved in the cathedral church of Lincoln before Henry Litherland, 24 March, 1530–1. Administration granted to John Bentley, reserving power to grant to Thomas and Agnes Bentley when they shall come to lawful age.
The testament of W. Gluffer [of Covenham St Bartholomew].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 323d.]
16 January, 1530–1. I William Gluffer of Conham Bartholomer, husbandman, makyth my wyll and testament. My body to be buryd in the churchyerde of Conham Bartholomew aforesayd, and that thyng to be my mortuary that the law will. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the high alter of Conham aforesayd viijd. To the church of Fulstowe iiijd. To Jenet my wyff. To Betteres my doughter a chawffer, iij pewter dooblers [etc.], that wer her moders. To John my servant. To Alice Fawcaner. The resydue of my goodes I will it be devydyd in iij partes, and on part to be disposyd for the helthe of my soule, a nother to my wyff, the thyrde parte to my doughter, by the syght of Thomas Lameman and John Yedayll, whome I make the supervisors, havyng other of them iijs. iiijd. Thes beyng wytnes, sir Thomas Fynnay, parysh prest of the sayd churche; Robert Carter the elder; and Robert Allan; with other mo.
Proved before P., at Louth, 14 March, 1530–1, by the executors.
The testament of John Hordyng [of Frampton].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 237.]
16 January, 1530–1. I John Ordyng the elder of Frampton makes my testament wt my last will. My body to be buryd in the church yerde of Frampton besyde the crosse. To the high altare of our Lady of Frampton for forgottyn tithys ijd. To the church warkes of Frampton ijd. To Thomas Ordyng my sonne ij marys, on skawyd and one other blak, [etc.]. To Isabell Croft. To Thomas my sone all my landes and pasturys within Frampton excepte my house and the grounde that lyes under it, the wich my wyff hath for her feoffement the terme of her lyff, and aftyr her decease the sayd house with the grounde under it to remayn to Thomas my sonne, to hym and hys heyres of hys body; remainder to the next of the blode. To Marion Fell on hog. I wyll that Catheryn Ordyng, my wyff, be my executrix and she to dispose the resydue of my goodes as she thynkes best for my soule helthe. I will that William Cony and Richerd Josson be supervisors, and they to have for ther labors iijs iiijd. Thes beyng wytnes, sir Xp'ofor Smyrke, vicar of Frampton; William Cony; Richerd Josson; John Ordyng; and John Browne; and many moy.
Proved before P., at Swyneshed, 22 May 1531, by the executrix.
The testament of John Goodalle [of Quadring].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 312d.]
17 January, 1530–1. I John Goodhale of Quadryng make thys my testament and last will. My body to be buryd in the churche yerde of st Margaryttes in Quadryng. To the high alter in the same churche for tithys forgottyn xxd. To the mayntenyng of the organs on calffe. The resydewe of my goodes I gyff to Richerd Bell, whom I orden executor that he may order and [sic] to the use and bryngyng forthe of Johanne, Johanne and Anne my thre doughtters. Thes wytnes, Simon Hulton, prest; and Richerd Wast Waysse [sic] with other mooy.
Proved before P., at Spaldyng, 6 March, 1530–1, by the executor.
[Lincoln Diocesan Registry, Inventories, 1508–50, No. 58.]
Thys ys the Inventorye of all the goodes som tyme belongyng to John Goodall' praseyd by Thomas Chenay, Thomas Byrdlay, Robert Eitwell' and Ryc' Ward the elder the xvj day of January anno Domini Mo ccccco xxxo.
The testament of John Taylyor [of Great Cotes].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 324d.]
17 January, 1530–1. I John Taylyour of Gret Cotys, taylour, makes my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of st Nicholes of Gret Cotes. To the hygh alter of the sayd Cotes for my forgottyn tithys ij wether hogges. To our Lady of Lincoln iiijd. To the churche my best cote to be solde and the money therof to be devydyd in thre, the fyrst parte to the church warkes, the secund parte to the roodelofte, the thyrde parte to the bellys. To Xp'ofer Whytyn, my cosyn, xxvjs. viijd. To my doughter Agnes xls., [etc.]. To Richerd Watson. To my cosyn, Robert Taylour. To my godchylder ychon of them ijd. To Thomas Watson. To ether of the orders of frerys of Grymesby a bochel barly. To the churche a cowe to be lettyn at the syght of the churchwardens to a pore man for ijs., xijd. of it to the churchwarkes, vjd. for dirige and messe, vjd. for bred and ale to the ryngers. I gyff xs. for a trentall to be done in the church of st Nicholes in Gret Cotys. The rest of my goodes I gyf to Agnes my wyff, whome I make my executrix that she may do as she thynkes best for the helthe of my soule. Thes beyng wytnes, Geffray Fortherby; Robert Lowe; Thomas Dennys.
Proved before P., at Grymesby, 15 March 1530–1, by the executrix.
The testament of Thomas Gayton [of Wragholme].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 190d.]
21 January, 1530–1. I Thomas Gayton of Wragholme. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of st Clement in Garnthorp; and the best thyng that I have to be my mortuary. To the high alter of st Clement of Garnthorp for tithys and oblacions forgotten xijd. To the anowrnyng of st Clement in Garnethorp iiijd. To our Lady of Pety in the church aforesayd iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln vjd. [folio 191] To the iiij orders of frerys of Lincoln every order severally by them selffe iiijd. I shyfte the land the wych I bought betwyxt my sonys Thomas and John in thys forme, I gyff my sone Thomas a place of ground the wich is callyd Raffe Garthe, and another place of ground the wich is callyd Webster Crofte. Also I will that ther be xiiijd. taken of the sayd lande for evermore yerly to on obbyt in thys forme foloyng, fyrst iiijd. to the prest for sayng the office of dethe, and aftyr messe in the morne aftyr to cum downe to the herse as custome is; also jd. to the clerke and another jd. to the messe peny in the morne aftyr; also ijd. to the well off the church for the claymyng of the same obbyt; also iijd. to the bellys, and ijd. to the rynghers. To John my sone a place of grounde the wich is callyd Yernest Crofte with ij selions of lande lying at the west ende of the same close, as in on dede more fully apperyth. Also I wyll that yff anythyng cum at other of them, then the on to be the other heyr. Yff it be so that they dy bothe with [sic] yssue, I will it remane to Isabell my doughter and hyr heyres. Also I will that Jenet my wyff have all my sone Thomas parte and halff of John duryng her lyff, yff it be so that she kepe her sole and unmaryed or ellys for Thomas parte iiijs. of money whether she wyll, or ellys she to manor it peaseably duryng her lyff. Also I will that Jenet my wyff have halff of John parte and pay halff of all maner of chargys duryng her lyff. And after her dethe, I gyff it hym and hys heyres for evermore. I will that Thomas my sone enter of all hys hare lande, pastur, etc., savyng that I will that Jenet my wyff have my manor wich I dwell in wyth all the proffyt of bothe the closys that it standes on; and he to enter of all other maner of porcions after my decease and to agre with the lorde, savyng that I will that Jenet my wyff have the too acr' land and the intake of Mr William Skypwyth, payng yerly to hym for the same ijs. viijd. [folio 191d.] Also yff anythyng cum at me, I will that Thomas my sone and hys barne have the iiij hogges wich I solde hym by a price, to pray for me. To Clement Symson. To Helene Prowys. To John Rumbalde and hys mother. The resydewe of all my goodes not wyt I gyff Jenet my wyff, savyng that I will that John have my chawffer, and Thomas my cobbart, and it to be on hare lome as long as it lastes. I make Jenet my wyff my executrix. Also I make Thomas and John my sonys supervisors. Thes wytnes, sir John Pormard, parysh prest; Thomas Woode of Northesomercotes; Alan Gayton; John Akthorpe; William Woode; with other moy.
Proved at Louth, 10 March, 1529–30. (fn. 4)
The testament of John Tyde [of Marston].
[L.C.C. 1520–31, f. 307.]
21 January, 1530–1. I John Tyde of Marston make my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the churcheyerde of our blessyd Lady off Marston. I will that my goodes be devydyd in thre partys, on parte to my selff, another to my wyff, and the thyrde to my chyldren. Also because I am nedy of money as now I will that on of my best ky be solde, on parte to cause halffe a trentall to be song at the Augustyn frerys at Lincoln, and the resydue to bryng me to the grounde. To the high alter a pounde waxe. To st Savyor on schepe. To the bellys of Marston on schepe. To the church of Marston on quye. To Agnes Marcham on red quye. To my father in lawe, Robert Wryght, my best gowne, my best bonnet, and my canvys dooblyt. To my gostly father ijs. To William Kyrke iiijd. The resydewe of my goodes I gyff to Cecile my wyff and Robert Wryght my father in lawe, who I make executors to order and dispose for the helth of my soule. Thes wytnes, sir Thomas Gravys prest; sir John Wymarke prest; Robert Ayston; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Ancastre, 27 February, 1530–1, by the executors.
The testament of John Ver [of Reepham].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 3. Collated with another copy at f. 41.]
22 January, 1530–1. I John Ver of Rypham makes my will. My body to be buryed in the church yarde of saynt Peter and Paull of Rypham, with my mortuarye after the vse as now is. To the cath' church of Lincoln iiijd. To saynt Hugh his hed iiijd. To the church warke of Rypham iij strike barley. To Barlynges for tithys forgotten half a quarter barley. The residew of my guddes I giffe to Robert Townhend (fn. 5) and William Pynchbeke, whom I make myn executors, that thei dispose it so as it be for the helth of my saull and the lovynge of God. Thies beyng wytnes, sir Robert Wilkynson, vicar of Repham; Robert Ver; and William Ver; with other moo.
Proved before L., in the cathedral church of Lincoln, 18 March, 1530–1, by the executors.
The testament of W. Bradlay [of Hallington].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 303d.]
23 January, 1530–1. I William Bradlay of Hallyngton, makes my testament. My body to be buryed in the church yerde of st Laurence in Hallyngton. To the high altare iiijd. To our mother churche of Lincoln iiijd. To our Lady warke iiijd. To st Laurence churche halff a quarter barly. To the church of Golceby iiijd. To the church of Asterby iiijd. To Jenet my wyff the thyrd parte of my goodes. To Jenet my doughter v marke. To John my sonne a grynston spyndyll. To Richerd my sone an hyren harrow. The resydue of my goodes I will that John and Richerd my sonnys dispose for the helth of my soule, whome I make executors, and they to have for ther labors other of them iijs. iiijd. Thes men beyng wytnes, sir Robert Browne, vicar; Thomas Mytchyll; George Rysby; Thomas Mytchyll yonger; John Gray; Robert Smyth; with other moy.
Proved before P., at Louth, 12 May, 1531, by the executors.
The testament of W. Holdyng [sic] [of Burgh on Bain].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 349d.]
23 January, 1530–1. I William Hodlyng, seke of body makes my last will. My body to be buryd in the churche yerde of st Helene of Burgh of Bayn. To our Lady warke of Lincoln iiijd. To Burgh high alter iiijd. I will my wyff be my full executrix and my chyder I will thay have of my goodes at my wyffes disposicion. Wytnes, mr John Rude; William Myssenden, vicar; John Spenythorne; Richerd Copper.
Proved before P., at Wragby, 27 March, 1531, by the executrix.
[The testament of Thomas Blacamr of Flixborough.]
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 7d. Collated with another copy at f. 45d.]
31 January, 1530–1. I Thomas Blacamr of Flyxbrugh doo ordayn and make thys my last wyll and testament. My body to be beryd within the churche of Flyxburgh. To my curatt sir Wylliam in restituc' of tythes forgoten yff any suche be one cow. To the churche warke of Flyxburgh iijs. (fn. 6) iiijd. Item ijs. to bye a clothe to the hye alter of the same churche. To ower Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To my cosyn Bartylmew. To Anne Hamertun my best harnest sylver gyrdyll. To Thomas Westybe, my lytyl boy, all my rament and hys fyndyng at the syght of Thomas Kelke and John Colinson. The resydew of all my goodes I gyff to Johan my wyff, wyche Johan I ordayn executrix, and the sayd Thomas Kelke and John Colinson supervisures. Thes beyng wyttnes, Thomas Cornwell; Aland Chawmerlane (fn. 7); Thomas Kelke; John Colinsun; and other moo.
Proved at Appulby, 28 March, 1531.
The testament of Alice Wolriche [of Spalding].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 238d.]
31 January, 1530–1. I Alice Wolriche of Spaldyng makes my testament and last will, [etc.]. My body to be buryed in the parysh church yerde of our Lady and st Nicholes in Spaldyng. To the high altare in Spaldyng a towyll. To the high altare in the abbay a towyll. To our Lady of Lincoln a sylver ryng and iiijd. To st Catheryns withowt the wallys of Lincoln ijd. To our Lady of Walssyngham iiijd. To our Lady of Eldermer iiijd. [folio 239]. I will have a trentall of messys done at Scala celi in Boston, and another trentall done at Cowbyt for the helth of my soule and all crysten soulys. The resydewe of my goodes I gyff to Nicholes Wolryche my brother, whome I make my executor. Wytnes herof, sir Robert Gee; William Lunglaye; Robert Scotte; with other.
Proved before P., at Spaldyng, 23 May, 1531, by the executor.