Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1930.
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'Lincoln wills: 1530 (April-May)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532, ed. C W Foster (London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Lincoln wills: 1530 (April-May)', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1930), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Lincoln wills: 1530 (April-May)". Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1930), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
1530 (April-May)
Testamentum Willelmi Fox de Bennyngton [Longa].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 152.]
10 April, 1530. Ego Willelmus Fox de Bennyngton, husbandman, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. Inprimis lego animam meam Deo Patri omnipotenti beate Marie ac omnibus sanctis curie celestis, corpusque meum sepeliendum in cimiterio sancti Swythuni de Bennyngton predicta. Item reparacionibus ecclesie de Lincoln'. Item summo altari de Bennyngton xijd. Item lego cawsy iiijd. Item lego Thome Atkynson vnam ouem ouiculam cum agno. Item Thome Pauson vnam ouem ouiculam cum agno. Item lego capelle de Stanton viijd. Item lego Alicie Fox pro mercede sua vnum vitulum. Item lego noue campane viijd. Residuum vero bonorum meorum non legatorum do et lego Elizabethe vxori mee. Emote matri mee vnam vaccam. Et vt Elizabetha vxor mea disponat et ordinet pro salute anime mee sicut ei melius videbitur expedire. Datum apud Bynnyngton predictam die et anno supradictis. Hiis testibus domino Roberto Barnesley capellano Johanne Hunt et Roberto Pauson cum aliis.
Proved before P., at Lincoln, 8 May, 1530.
[The testament of John Busshy of Scothern].
[Stow, 1530–52, f. 231d.]
In Dei nomine in the yer of our Lorde God a m (fn. 1) cccccxxx the xv daie of Aprill. I John Busshy of Scothorn of hoole mynde and goode remembraunce makith my last will and testament in fourme folowyng. First I bequeth my saule, etc. I will that ther be doon a trentall of masses for my saule. Item I bequeth to the hye aulter of Scorthorn iiijd. Item to our Lady werk of Lincoln iiijd. Item to sainct Hugh heed iiijd. Item to the graye and the freres at the Grise fette on stryke of barly. The residue of my goodes not bequeth I giff unto William Busshy to paye my dettes and to performe my will [etc.], whom I make myn executour. Thies beyng wittenesse Richard Pykryn and William Kyrk with other moo.
[No probate act.]
The testament of Richard Pollys [of Kirton in Holland].
[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 204d.]
5 May, 1530. I Richerde Pollys of Kyrton in Holand makes my testament and last wyll. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of the appostellys Peter and Paule in Kyrton, wt my mortuary as the lawe shall require. To the reparacions of our mother church of Lincoln' iiijd. To the orphanys in saynt Catheryns iiijd. To the reparacions of my parysh churche in Kyrton iijs. iiijd. To euery alter in the sayd churche iiijd. To the Trinite alter in Kyrton churche on vestment of xls. price. To Agnes my wyff vij mylke kye and vij calvys and ij amblyng merys wt ther folys, xxty yowys, and xxty lammys. To Phylip Lyster ij yong kye. To Nicholes Lyster ij yong kye, and to Grace Lyster iij yong kye and ij yowys wt ij lammys. To Richerd Clypson my god sun on ewe wt a lamme. To Richard Thomson my godsun on hogge wt a lamme. To Thomas Richerdson my seruaunt a gray meare, and [folio 205] on burlyng rede brandede. I will that John my sonne haue my furryd gowne, and Phylip Lyster my beste cote, and Robert my sonne my russyt gowne. And yff so be tht my wyff be wt chylde yff it be a man chylde I will that it haue iiij kye ij marys and vj yowys, and yff it be a woman chylde I will that Robert and John my sonnys gyff to her at the day of her mariage xxty nobyllys. I will that my wyff haue halffe of my rye tht is on the grounde, and Robert and John my sonnys the other halffe. I wyll that my wyff haue on acre of whete, on acre of barly, and on acre of benys. I will that Robert my sonne haue iiij acres pastre namyd Mantyllyng, the wich was hys mother joynter. All the rest of my landes I will that they remayn to my wyff towarde the fyndyng off John my sonne at schole to suche tyme as he comme to the age of xxjty yeres, and then I will that all my landes excepte the iiij acres before namyd be equally deuydyd betwyxt Robert and John my sonnys and the chylde tht my wyff is wt yff it be a man chylde, and so to remayn to them in fe simple; and I will that my house in Willyngton wt my horse mylne at the diuision of the sayd landes be in Robertes parte; and yff any of them fortune to dye wt in the age of xxjty yeres then I will tht hys parte tht is ded bothe landes and goodes remayn to them that survyvis, and so eche of them to be others heyres. To Robert my sonne on matteres on pare of schetys wt all other thynges necessary to the sayd bed. To John my sonne on fetherbed wt all other thynges necessary to the sayd bed, and to ich off them on brasse potte, on brasse panne, and on chyste. To Robert my sonne my shodde carte, my plough, wt all the gerys that pertenyth to them. I will that the reste of my croppe on the grounde vnbequethyd be solde be the discrescion of my executor to pay my rentes and my dettes and yff the sayd croppe vnbequethyd will not pay all my rentes and my dettes then I will tht it be takyn of xiiij of my [folio 205d.] fatte neytt so miche as shall be nede to pay the resydewe of my dettes. I will that the resydewe of my catellys not wytt be equally devydyd betwyxt Robert and John my sonnys, and I will that Thomas Poolys haue Robert my sonne in hys kepyng wt hys stoke, and the sayd Thomas to receyve the rente of the forsayd iiij acres yerly to the vse and profyt of Robert my sonne to suche tyme as he shall cum to the age of xxjty yeres, and then to delyuer to the sayd Robert hys stoke and hys goodes as it shalbe praysyd wt the forsayd lande and all the proffyttes therof renewyng. I will that Agnes my wyff haue in her kepyng John my sonne wt hys stok to suche tyme as the sayd John shall cum to the age of xxjty yeres, and then she to delyuer to the forsayd John hys stok as it shall be prasyd, and yff so be that Agnes my wyff do not kepe my sonne John at scole then I will that Thomas Poolys take him to hys kepyng wt hys landes and goodes, and he to fynde hym at scole wt the proffyttes renuyng therof duryng the yeres before namyd, and then to delyuer to him hys stok as it is before playnly expressyd. The resydewe of my goodes not wytt I putte them in the disposicion of Agnes my wyff, whome I make my executrix to dispose them to the most pleasure of God, to pay my dettes, [etc.], and I make Thomas Poolys supervisor, and I gyff hym a red dowyd cowe wt a fleckyd calffe. Thes beyng wytnes, Thomas Cheny prest; sir George Lincoln'; sir Thomas Est; William Walker; wyth other moy.
Proved before P., at Freyston, 11 August, 1530. Administration granted to the executrix.