Lincoln Wills: 1516

Lincoln Wills: Volume 1, 1271-1526. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1914.

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'Lincoln Wills: 1516', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 1, 1271-1526, ed. C W Foster (London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Lincoln Wills: 1516', in Lincoln Wills: Volume 1, 1271-1526. Edited by C W Foster (London, 1914), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,

"Lincoln Wills: 1516". Lincoln Wills: Volume 1, 1271-1526. Ed. C W Foster (London, 1914), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.

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[William Mosse of Friskney, a.d. 1516.]

[1520–31, 56.]


15 April, 1516. I William Mosse off fryskney, seke in body, makyth my testament, etc. To Thomas my sone vj kye, iiij sterys, and iiij burlynges, ij marys, and ij staggys. I wyll that Beterys my wyff have my house and my landes affter the dethe off John mosse my father duryng hyr lyff. And affter hyr lyff I will that the sayd house and landes retorne to Thomas my sone or to the ryght heyres off me William Mosse for ever. The Residue off my goodes not bequethyd I will that beteres my wyff have the disposicyon theroff, whome I make my sole executrix, she to pay my dettes and disposse for the helth off my soule. Wytnes heroff, sir Thomas ryder and margaret Weste.

Proved before P., in the parish church of Spillesby, 4 Oct., 1527. Adm. granted to the executrix.

[John Longe of Croft, a.d. 1516.]

[1506 &c., 48.]


Thys is the last wyll of me John long of Crofte, made 9 January, 1516, after the manner and custom of the lordshyppe of Crofte. I have gyffyn up all landes and tenementes in crofte before Thomas dorpe, Baly, and iiij tenandes of the same, that is to say, Thomas larke, Rychard kelsey, William redder' and Edward Hamlett. Also I wyll after the manner of the lordshype they have all the profits of the saide landes the space of ij yeres next folowyng after my descesse to the performance of my testament and my last will. Also I wyll that a meisse and xxviij acers and iij rodes latly purchased of Thomas marley, and vij acres purchased of Walter Waterlad, and iiij acres and iij rodes purchased of Thomas balysun, and vj acres callyd northe croftes, be in the handes of my feffys and ther yeres for ever with all oder landes that I wyll myn executors shall purchase to the valor of viij markes clere or better and all charges borne, for the intent that the sayde feffys shall with the lycence of the lorde and hys consell make a donatyffe to contynew for ever, makyng fyne with the lordes and ther eyres at the end of every iiij score and xix yere, and so to contynewe for xxiiij [sic] and xix yeres, and from xxiiij [sic] and xix yeres for ever. And this ys for ij speciall causys, one ys for prayer, the secund ys for the mayntenynge of the servyce of god of the haleday; ffyrst I will that Sir William gybson imediately after my discesse shall say and syng dyvyne servys in the chyrche of Croft, and messe in the chapel of sent nycolas, duryng hys lyffe natural, and after hys decesse other preistes hys successors for ever, yf he or they be nott lettyd be seyknes or some oder lawfull causes, for the good estate of Syr gorge Taylboys kynght and Dame Elyzabethe hys wytte, master gylberd taylboys and maister William and all theyer chyldern, and all them that be of the counsell of the sayde Sir Gorge Taylboys and his eyeres, and all the benefactors and maynteners of the deuyne servys in the saide chyrche of Crofte, and for the soles of Syr Roberd Taylboys knyght and Dame Elizabethe hys wyffe, Sir William gascone knyght and Dame Margarytt hys wyffe, and for the sole of maister Water taylboys esquier, and also for the sole of me John long and Helene my wyffe, Thomas long and rose hys wyffe my fader and moder, Syr John Cutteler clarke, John Halldyng, Walter Turtyll, and all crystyn sowells; In espesiall for all them that be a lyve or dede of wom I have had hany helpe or succure of, be any condiscione, and for all them beyng on lyffe or dede to wome I have mayd any defautte to, be any condicion, and for all my feffeis, etc.; and that the sayde Sir William Gybsun and hys successors say ons in every monythe in the yere yerely for every [sic] a messe callyd salus populy for the preservation of all them before namyd, and ons in every monythe yerly for ever to say placebo and dirige and messe of Requiem for all the soles a fore saide and all crysten soles. Also I wyll the saide Sir William and hys successors shall yerely for ever kepe an obiit or an anniversary in the chyrche of Crofte the xxiij day of the monyghe of Januarij with placebo and dirge and messe of Requiem for the sowles of me John long and Helene my wyfe, Thomas long and Rose hys wyffe my fader and moder, and John Haldyn, and all crystyn sowles, praying [sic] yerely to the curate of the same day viijd. Also paying yerely for puttyng the sayde John long and Helen, Thomas, Rose and John Haldyng in the sunday beedrowlle viijd., to the clarke ijd., to xiij poore men and women xiijd., to Ryngers of the bellys xvjd., and A taper of wax to be sett upon the herce ijd., and also for seerge to burne before the sacrament in the [folio 48d.] qwere, and ij Ryndylles of wax in the chyrche, one be for sente sayuewr and an oder before sent Xp'opher ijs., also to the sepulcar lyght iiijd., to the peryssheng' of Crofte one day in Rogacione weike in brede and ale xijd., to ayther of the kyrkmasteres for seyng that the good order be kept of my obiit ijd., and the sayde expensis of myn obiit shall be takyn yerly of vj acr' land northe croftes, and the resydew of the sayd vj acr', all costes and charges borne, shall go to the reparacions of the altar of sent Nycolas ever when nede requyryth. Also I wyll that Sir William and hys successors shall ever when nede is kepte [sic] the altar of sent Nycolas in honorment with messe boke, chalyce, vestyment, alterclothes, towylles, with oder thynges necessary to the sayde alter, and indefeccion of any of these things be fore wryttyn to be amended at the syght of my feffeis. Also the saide Sir William gybson for the terme of lyffe natural shall receive all the profettes of the sayde xlvi acres and a half that I have purchased, with all oder landes that I wyll myn executors shall purches to the said donatyfe, to hys awne use, and after hym all hys successors in like manner, etc. Yf it fortune the sayde landes to dekey with these or any oder charges as is sayde before that may fortune to the sayde donatyfe be any condition so that the prest wages cannot be yerely of the valore of viij markes all charges borne, then be the syght of my feffis it shall be lefull to the saide Sir William and his successors to take any spirytuall servyce in the towne of Crofte to the complement and fullfilling of this sayde viij markes and no more excepte it be fore the reparations and honorworment of the alter of sent nycholas, and that to be downe be the shyght of my feffis. Also I wyll that the sayde Sir William and hys successors shall have libertie to go pilgramege to Rome, to seynt James or any oder pilgramayge when he or they be disposyd, so that he or they be vertuowse and goo in good intent. Also I wyll that the sayde Sir William and hys successors one monethe in every yere to go to his frendes and make merie with them inhoneste. Also I wyll that the sayde Sir William and hys successors beyng ons promotyd unto thys service shall never be putte owte frome thys servyce, neyther for seikness nor for none oder debilite of hys body except for shuche causys if they may be fun' in them and evydently provyd before theyr ordinary where by they may or awght to be putt frome theyr servyce by the lawe and good concience. Allso I wyll when it shall fortune the sayde Sir Wylliam and hys successors to dissesse or go away for any causis provyd before the ordinary, that then after suche discesse or movyng away it shall be lawfull for Sir gorge Taylboys, knyght, and Dame Elizabeth his wyffe and theyr eyres here after, with the concent and assent of my feffeis beyng at that tyme, to promote and putt in an able preiste, and in especiall a syngyng man yf he may be goten, for the mayntenyng of the servyce of god on the olyday [folio 49] within the space one monethe nex folowyng, and so oftyn as it shall happyn the saide preste after shuche discesse or amovyng not to be promotyd by the space of one monythe to the sayde servyce, that then it shall be lawfull to the vicar of Crofte beyng at that tyme a lawfull preiste to promote within the space of xiiij days then next folowyng. And if that so oftyn as it shall happyn the saide prest within the saide xiiij days not to be promotyd by the vicar, that then and so oftyn it shall be lawfull to the bysshope of Lincoln de diocisen' of that place to promote an abble prest within the space of one monythe next after. And if that so oftyn the saide prest by the bysshoppe be not promotyd to the servyce as is afore saide within the space of one monethe next after, then it shall be lawfull to the chyrche wardyns of Crofte that tyme beyng to promote all [sic] able prest to syng and say dyvyne servyce in the chyrche of Crofte for all the lyffe and soles aforesaide. Also I wyll that when it shall fortune any of my feffes to discesse or go away to the number of ij persons, Then thos ij persons remaynyng shall infeffe agayn beforelsdars makyndg' [sic] in the Corwte other xij persons wonnyng in Crofte In fee symple withoute any fien makyng for the space of iiij score xix yeres, licence had of the lorde, and so to contynew for ever so oftyn as the saide feffis discesse or go away to the number of ij persons, and to continew in every articole as is before wrytting. Also I wyll that the sayde Sir William and hys successors shall cause thys my last wyll concernyng the preiste charges to be wryttyng and kepte in the chapyll of sent Nycolas in the chyrche of Crofte, and there to be rede every yere ons or tweysse before ij or iij of my feffis at the leste for ever; and when the saide wryttyng impayrethe so that it cannot be rede, then I wyll that the sayde Sir William and hys successors shall cause it to be well and sufficiently wryttyng, under the payne for makyng any of these deffects before say, to pay to the repraysons of the chyrche of Crofte iiis. iiijd. Also I wyll that Agnes long my wyffe have my principall messe and xxxiiij acres land and a rode there to belongyng in the name of hyr dowrye for the terme of hyr lyffe naturall. And after the discesse of the saide Agnes I wyll that Thomas Holland have the saide meisse with xxxiiij acre land and a rode to hym his eyers and assyners. Also I wyll that the saide Thomas have a meisse and xj acre and di', late William Hobsons, with ij acre iij rode callyd Robcrofte, to hym to hys eres and assines. I wyll that yf it so fortune the said Thomas Holland to discesse withoute eyres that it remayne to Helene hys syster. And yf it so be that they bowthe discesse withoute eyres, then I wyll the foresaide landes be sellyd and disposyd for the elthe of sowlle and all crystyn soles, and the thyrd peny to be gyffyn to my kynderryd. Also I wyll that John Ryder the yoner have a meisse and ix acre land and a rode callyd Kerk howsse to hym to hys eyres and assines, payyng yerly therfore to my prest duryng the space of xx yeres xiijs. iiijd. And to the sepulcar lyght [folio 49d.] during the same yeres iiijd. And fore lake of payment of the saide rentis I wyll myn executors enter the said landes and streyne, And the stresse so takyng to withhold to the said renttes with all oder offences be fully content and payde. I wyll that John Bawdre have a meisse and iij acre landes and a rode, late purchasyd of Thomas Balyson, to hym to hys eyres and assynes.

[No probate act.]

[Robert Benn of Frieston, a.d. 1516.]

[1545–6, ii, 127.]


19 February, 1516. I Robert Benn of Freston make and ordey my testament concludinge therein my last will, etc. My body to be buried in the church yarde of St. James in Freston the holy appostle; also my best beast for my mortuarie; alsoe to our mother church of Lincoln iiijd.; alsoe to the high aulture in Freston for tyth forgotten iiijd.; also to the blessed sacrament theire ijd.; alsoe to the Image of Sainct James ijd.; alsoe to the trinitie altare ijd.; alsoe to the light of our ladye in the parishe quier ijd.; alsoe to St. Syth a wax candle of one pounde; alsoe to St. Thomas a candle of halfe a pounde wax; alsoe to our lady of walsingham iiijd.; alsoe to our lady of Doncaster iiijd.; alsoe I will that myne exequutors cause thre dirgies be songe in the parishe church of Freston for the helth of my soule with in the yeare after my decease; also I will that Mr. Prior of Freston and his brethren theireof of their charitie doe mete my body at the church dore after my decease, and theire to geve me absolucion, and so bringe me into the kirke with praier and devocion, and to have for their labor iijs. iiijd. To the iiij orders of ffreers in Bostonne iiijs., that is to saie to everie ordre xijd. To George and Richard my sonnes my carte and my plough with all the tirementes and harnes that belongeth to theim, etc. I give xijl. to be devided to iiij of my children, to George Benne iijl., to Richard Benn iijl., to Jennet Simpson iijl., and too Isabell Ben iijl. Also I give to Agnes Crosley my eldest daughter a gray fillie of two years old, or els viijs. of lawfull monney. To John Crosley. To Robert Crosley. To Isabell Crosley. To the children of John Gilbert of Butterwicke. To iij children of John Benn of Kindam. To William Haggas my servaunte iiij sheipe and a cowe burlinge. To Thomas Lawis my servaunte the stuffe of householde that was his mothers. To William Benne my servaunte a greater of my boyte, half the takill, hemp, etc. To Christen my wyfe two acre of lande with the buildinge thereof called Mawde greene, iij stong lande called greene gate, and iij stong land in pollour, to have them the terme of hyr present lyfe, and after hyr decease I will that the said lands, with other v stong lande called fforsey dale, remaine to George Benn my sonn and to the heires of his body evermore; and yf it fortune the sayde George to dye with out heires, then I will the sayde lande remaine to Richard Benn my sonn in like manner. To the saide Richarde a howse in kindham builded of one acre grounde, one acre and one roode lande in West fielde, iij stonge lande in long greiff fielde, di' acre in long furlonges, and a rood and half a rode in mikilham, to him and his heirs of his body evermore, remainder to George Benn my sonne and to his heires of his body; and yf it fortune bothe to dye with out heires of theire bodyes then to remaine to my iij daughters afore rehersed and to theire heires of theire bodyes evermore; yf soe be all my children dye with out heires, then I will that all the foresayde land be solde by the churchwardens of Frestonn that shalbe at that tyme, and monny therefore taken spent in the church of Freston as they shall thinke best for the helth of my soule, the helth of my father and mother soules, and all the soules that I ame bounden to pray for. The residue of all my goodes I will that Cristen my wyfe and Richard Ronister, whome I make exequutors, dispose soe that it be to the pleasure of god and helth of my soule. Allsoe I give xxs. to the sayde Rychard Ronister for his labour. Also I will that Mr. Geffrey Pannell be supervisor, and he to have xiijs. iiijd. for his labour. Theise witnesses, Sir John Simson of Freston prest, Richard Pyshe and Richard Benn of the same, and other moe.

Proved before H., at Boston, 16 Dec., 1518. Adm. granted to the executors.