Henry VIII: August 1535, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Henry VIII: August 1535, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1886), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp40-57 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1535, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1886), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp40-57.

"Henry VIII: August 1535, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1886), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp40-57.


August 1535, 21-25

21 Aug.
Add. MS. 28, 588, f. 6.
B. M.
143. Dr. Ortiz to the Empress.
Thanks God for the taking of Tunis and the liberation of 20,000 captives,—who may well represent those who were in Limbo and Purgatory when Our Lord visited them. Wrote last of the disagreement of the kings of England and France.
Chapuis wrote on 24 July that the Queen and Princess were well, and that the archbishop of Canterbury had sent for the most learned Carthusian in London to pervert him, and that nine other Carthusians and six "de los barbados" were in London determined to die; that the marriage of the clergy had been introduced; that the dean of the Chapel Royal (Sampson), who was considered a learned and good man, and had previously left the Court to get out of these affairs, had composed a book against the authority of the Pope, in which he says that the Councils supporting it are invalid, and so there is no rule left in the Church to correct the follies of England.
The queens of France and Hungary were to meet at Cambray on Aug. 10. Hopes that the queen and princess of England will be benefited by their intercession.
Complains of the nonpayment of his salary. Rome, 21 Aug. 1535.
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy.
21 Aug.
R. O.
144. Lancashire.
A list of thieves and coiners, with their offences, in the county of Lancashire, signed by Sir Thomas Boteler, Thomas Hurleton, and Thomas Birkhaved.
"Delivered to me, Sir John Porte," at Preston, Saturday next after the Assumption of Our Lady, 27 Hen. VIII., by David Aphowell, servant of Sir Thomas Boteler, sheriff of Lancashire.
Confession of John Raynforth, after his conviction for felony, before Sir Marroaduke Tunstall, Sir Ric. Assheton, Thomas Holt, squire, and others, 20 Aug. 27 Hen. VIII.
Accusing a great many persons, amongst whom are almost all those of the previous list, of robbing churches, &c. Signed by Sir Thomas Boteler, Thomas H[urleton]. * *
Pp. 2, large paper. 1st page endd.: "Thomas Talbot, Ric. Bradell."
21 Aug.
R. O.
145. James Hawkyssworth to Lord Lisle.
Had written to him that his ship "should have been langged (launched) apon Tewssday after Saynt Lawrans Day." It cannot be done before St. Bartholomew's Day. Wants a barrel of pitch for her. In your castle of Porchester, 21 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord deputy of Calais.
21 Aug.
R. O.
146. James Hawkyssworth to Lady Lisle.
Mr. Windsor and my lady have sent me a letter to send on to you, about a buck accidentally killed by one of Mr. Nortton's sons, who is in great fear you and my Lord will take displeasure at it. Hopes she will write to reassure them. "And qwher as I wrotte yt yow shepe (ship) should have beyn langged apon Tewssday after Saint Laurans, yt well be Saint Barttylmewys Day or she be langged." Porchester Castle, 21 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my Ryght onarbyll and speyall gud lady Vyconttes Leysley thys be delyveryd in Callys.
21 Aug.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 263.
147. Aylmer and Alen to Cromwell.
Landed here on the 1st inst., and lord Leonard two or three days earlier. Were surprised at the destruction of the country. If Mr. Treasurer had not been in the Naas with Thos. Ewstace and his men, the country would have been destroyed to the gates of Dublin. While he was there the Tholes destroyed Powerscourt; and four or five days before Aylmer and Alen's arrival the traitor and OChonor won Rathangan castle by the treason of Felom Boy OChonor, to whom the Deputy had given the oversight of the said garrison. The next day the Treasurer nearly caught the traitor Thomas there; and as no Englishman would keep it, he has granted Sir Jas. Fitzgerald wages to do so. Gives an account of an expedition into Allon by Mr. Treasurer, Wm. Sentlow, whose brother, Sir John, is sick, Brereton's company, Dacres, Musgrave, &c., with the help of OMore, when Thomas Fitzgerald was nearly taken, and many of his men killed and taken. Went with lord Leonard Gray to the Treasurer at the Hill of Lyons, all the towns being infected with pestilence. The Deputy had imposed the holding of 1,000 kerne beside horse and galloglas upon the country for a quarter of a year,—which would have produced either insurrection or desolation, for the people could never have paid the charges. Have persuaded the people to find 1,000 kerne for the journey into OChonor's country.
Have delivered Wm. Keting, lately taken prisoner, on his promise to drive Thos. Fitzgerald out of the fastnesses of Kildare. On Saturday last, with lord Leonard and Mr. Treasurer, met OMore at Kildare, and have bound my Lord and him together. Chaier OChonor is also bound to take the King's part against his brother and Thomas. On Tuesday burnt a house of Thomas's near Rathangan. The Deputy is worse in health. If he rise before 10 or 11 o'clock he is almost dead before noon. Last Monday was appointed to go into OChonor's county, but today, Saturday, he is not gone; and the rest of the army are in the field spending their victuals. Advises the King, at the return of Mr. Agard, to send for Skeffington home, and send a patent for lord Leonard.
The journey southwards and the breaking of OBreene's bridge will probably not take effect this year. The army cries out for money. Agard is a wise honest man.
The 100 Welsh horsemen are discharged. Suggest that the bearer should bring in their stead 100 horse for Mr. Treasurer. The Chancellor has delivered "me" (Alen) the great seal. The Naas, 21 Aug. Signed.
Add.: The King's principal secretary. Endd.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 269.
2. "Remembrances from Gerald Ailmer, chief justice, and John Alen, master of the Rolls, to their only good master under God and the King, the King's principal secretary."
Agard, the bearer, can give information about the musters, &c., and about "hurtes" done, which would not have been attempted if Mr. Treasurer had had men at his own leading. Alen has received the seal. Speaks of the increase of fees, and expedition used in the court, while he acted as Chancellor during the sickness of the archbishop of Armagh.
Thos. Finglas is going to complain to the duke of Norfolk of the loss of the room of Chief Justice, which his father had, and which has been given to Ailmer by Cromwell's means. Agard can show how the late Chief Justice left Dublin Castle without Sir John Whyght's knowledge, compounding with Thos. Fitzgerald. If lord Leonard is appointed Deputy it should be kept secret, as the Irish are accustomed to do great hurts between the change of two Deputies. Skeffington should not be allowed to take back more than 20 or 30 men, and he should deliver up Irish hostages, the King's letters, and instructions and treaties with Irishmen. Lord Leonard should be ordered to follow the advertisements of the Privy Council. Alen offers to seal his patent. Skeffington should account for revenues and felons' goods which he has received.
21 Aug.
Add. MS. 8,715, f. 109.
B. M.
148. Bishop of Faenza to Mons. Ambrogio.
Presented the brief to the King, adding all he could to inflame him against this wicked king of England. Francis showed him, both in manner and words, that he acknowledged that his Holiness was acting like a good Pope, and that he recognised the King's impiety, but could give no definite answer then; adding, as he had previously said, that he was ready to defend the Pope and Holy See against any machinations of the Emperor * * * In speaking about the king of England and his acts against the Church, he said he could not command him in his kingdom; that he would weary himself trying to make him see his error, and bring him back to the right road if possible, but he did not think fit to be the first to declare against him and ruin himself alone; for the Emperor, who has received the offence, ought to be the first, and stop the trade between Flanders and England. He advised the Pope to begin by making peace between Christians. If the Emperor declares first against him, he will not fail in his duty to the Pope and Holy See. The bailly of Rouen is going to England, to show the brief, and tell the King what the Pope intends in this case, and explain to him the gravity of the Pope's proceeding against him, as he will proceed against all princes who favor him.
Has spoken to the King, urgently as the Pope desired, for poor Beda's liberation. He says the Pope has been ill-informed, and that he might take the man's head, for a hundred causes, as a mischievous fool. The King will leave Burgundy tomorrow. Ambassadors are expected in two days from the king of Scots, who are now in France to conclude the marriage with a daughter of Vendome. Will give them the brief for that King. Sends the process of the first who were martyred in England, though the matter is now old. Bar le Due, 21 Aug. 1535.
Refers to the death of the Card. de Medici in a P.S. dated the 22d.
Ital., pp. 8. Copy.
R. O. 2. Extracts from the preceding among Vatican Transcripts. Modern copy, pp. 2.
22 Aug.
R. O.
149. Ireland.
Warrant under the sign manual to the earl of Wiltshire, to send to the Chancellor, Sir Thos. Audeley, certain Acts which have been ordered to be passed in the next Parliament of Ireland as certified by the Deputy and Council; among which is included an Act repealing the Act by which certain bastard brethren of the earl of Ossory were made legitimate. The Chancellor will see that the King's and the Earl's interests are not affected. Thornbury, 22 Aug. 27 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Sealed. Add.
22 Aug.
R. O.
150. Henry Earl of Cumberland to Cromwell.
The misdemeaned and riotous persons committed by Sir Ric. Tempest and others in these parts still remain in ward till the King's pleasure be known. Has inquired who their captains were, and sends their names. They are but very poor men. Advises they should be released, and a few bound to appear before the Council. Appleby, 22 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To Master Secretary. Endd.
ii. On a slip of paper enclosed:—"Lawnslot Neffeld, and one Peston, the queche remanys in ward, and j. (one) Braune (?) on sartane of kyrstyn name."
22 Aug.
R. O.
151. John Gostwyk to Cromwell.
Sends the two royal assents and two significavits for the bishops of Worcester and Rochester. Has not yet received the commission of oyer determiner for the prior of Worcester, but wrote to the Lord Chancellor to send it with all speed. Has received the safe-conduct for the Scotch ambassadors, and prepared the plate for them:—2 pots, 3 bowls, 2 flagons, and a basin and ewer, all gilt, valued at 119l. 10s. 11d. Gostwyk will deliver the plate to the ambassadors on their coming tomorrow. Mr. Vaughan will certify to the fashion of the plate. John Freman is very angry because he did not get the making of it; but he would have been too dear. Will give 20l. to Lion King of Arms, according to Cromwell's order by Mr. Vaughan, and 80 crowns to Rothesey. Sends the certificate of the Lord Mayor as he did last week. London, Sunday, 22 Aug., at 10 p.m. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
22 Aug.
R. O.
St. P. I. 442.
152. Sir John Aleyn to Cromwell.
Bartlemew fair is now to be holden in Smithfield. The death is not so great as has been bruited in the country. The Seland fleet is come home laden with as dear wares as ever were bought in the country. The sellers of cloths will have very slack sale, and must discharge their workmen for lack of money if some remedy be not provided. The citizens have no money to despatch the cloths and other commodities in the fair as in time past. If the King would make a prest to the city, he would do a great deal of charity, and cause many men, women, and children to be set to work, who will beg or steal if remedy be not found. Reminds him of the dearth of all victual and the advancement of all manner of grain. About 20,000l. worth of goods will come to the fair, and if Cromwell would move the King for 10,000l. for a prest he would do a gracious deed. Would be bound to the King for it. London, 22 Aug. 27 Hen. VIII. Signed.
The fair will continue till Saturday next. Knows none in London of whom he might borrow 100l. for this purpose.
Pp. 3. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
22 Aug.
Vit. B. XXI. 116.*
B. M.
153. Robert Barnes to Cromwell.
"You shall understand ...... me comen to Hamborough in good health, where after my ...... x. days was delivered me by Dr. Adam a letter from [your] mastership and certain instructions." I have offered myself to the Council to dispute in the King's cause with their preachers and learned men, so that they shall both feel and see that he has a just cause. At my first coming I sent to Philip Melancthon, exhorting him not to leave Dutchland without speaking to me. I hear that he is still here, but with the whole University has left Wyttenberge for fear of the pestilence, so that I can do no good yet, for no one is there but Martyn. I will do the best service I can till I get them together, and will ride thitherward on Friday next.
The old Merkegrave of Brandenburgh, which was against the Gospel, is dead. His son, who favors the Gospel, reigns in his stead, and has married the daughter of the king of Poland. All the cities of the Hanse are still at Lubec, handling for peace, but none is made.
The Emperor has ordered the dismissal of all the senators at Lubec chosen since this business began, and the election of others to their place. All those are accordingly dismissed, except George Wolwefer, who was not at home. The duke of Holsto[n], who writes himself king of Denmark, has daily victories against the people of Lubec.
Let Mr. Amner (Fox) make no haste, for we can do no good till the University be come home again.
"And I desire your honourable goodness that you will not forget ............ have a commission to duke George, that we may dispute with Cocle[us on his] own duggel (dunghill ?); it be greatly for our prince's honour to have by ............ his own kingdom, all Dutch land shall speak honourably of it, he y ...... "
Asks for money, and to know whether he shall write to the King. Hamborowgh, 22 Aug.
Hol., pp. 2. Mutilated. Add.
[22 Aug.]
R. O.
154. S. Vaughan to Cromwell.
I have seen the parcel of plate provided by Gostwick for the ambassador of Scotland. He has two pots, two flagons, three bowls with a cover, one basin, and one ewer, to the amount of 109 lb. He has bought it good cheap, at 2d. under 5s. per ounce. I gave your commandment to Polsted for the Lord Elect (Fox, bp. of Hereford). Williamson has sent you such garments as you wrote for. London, Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
22 Aug.
R. O.
155. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
I thank you for the coming of Mr. Butts, by whom I trust to be preserved to do the King service. At his return I pray you to give him credence. Beaudeley, 22 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
22 Aug.
R. O.
156. John Smythe to Cromwell.
On Friday last, I and Mr. Minne came to Abingdon, where we found Mr. Note and Fuller, the auditors. They have taken Mr. Awdelett's oath according to the King's commission, and in all matters at variance between the abbot of Abingdon and Mr. Audelett I trust we shall use our diligence to make the truth appear to you. I think that Audelett is more ready to answer the Abbot's demands than the Abbot is ready to charge him; and instead of refusing the oath, as was supposed, I think there will be more difficulty to get the Abbot sworn. Divers of his friends, Mr. Welborne, of the Court, young Umpton, and Ashfield, Mr. Norris's servant, will consider it great extremity in us to have the Abbot sworn. I shall advertise you of our proceedings. Abingdon, 22 Aug.
Hol, p. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
23 Aug.
R. O.
Strype's Mem. I. ii. 247.
Burnet, VI. 116.
157. Cromwell to [Wallop].
On the 17th inst. Cromwell received his packet of letters, and laid them before the King. From them they learn the unlikelihood of Philip Melancthon's repairing to France. The King thanks him for his conduct of the demand for the pensions from the French king, and sends instructions as follows:—
Since the French king and the Great Master have promised that the pensions shall be despatched, he is to continue to call till they be sent.
Concerning the French king's assurance that he has always answered for the King, especially at Marseilles with Pope Clement, and also concerning the late executions in England:—In the first, he is to tell the French king, or at least the Great Master, that since the King's rule is based on God's law, and requires no defence, Francis has merely acted the part of a brother "in justifying and verifying the truth." In the second, Mr. More and the bishop of Rochester, and the others who were executed, were lawfully convicted and deservedly punished for high treason.
He is to procure the copy promised him by the Great Master, of the French king's information as to the sayings of Mr. More to his daughter and to the people at his execution "(assuring you that there was no such thing)." The King cannot but take it unkindly that Francis should so lightly give credence to "vayne bruts and fleeng tales." The laws the King has made in England have been maturely deliberated. They are not new, but only renovated and renewed. Since Francis has confessed his intention to recall such as he has banished for speaking against the Pope, it is not the office of a friend or brother to advise Henry to banish his traitors into foreign lands, where they may have opportunity to work their feats of treason.
The King has ordered Chr. Mont to oppose Mons. de Langei, so that Melancthon's journey may be diverted from France into England. The King wishes Mr. Heynes to go to Paris, and get the opinion of the learned men in the King's action with the bishop of Rome. The King has written these instructions both to Heynes and Mont. Thornbury, 23 Aug. Not signed. In Wriothesley's hand, pp. 16.
Harl. 288,
f. 39.
B. M.
2. Draft of the preceding in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections by Cromwell. The concluding paragraphs, beginning at the foot of p. 118, in Burnet, "And whereas," &c., are not in this draft.
Pp. 16.
*** Rymer's copy, from which Burnet printed, is in Add. MS. 4622, f. 133. B. M. See also Hist. MSS. Com. III. 195.
23 Aug.
R. O.
158. Will. Abbot of York to Cromwell.
My lord Archbishop took your letters very grievously, saying he would keep his visitation and answer your letters; and so he did, giving us very strange and strict injunctions, which I send. I have appealed to the King in Chancery. But, as touching the woman, as it pleased the Archbishop to say that I, in this mine old age, am suspect with her, I intend she shall not come in my company nor in my house henceforth, otherwise than all the world would she should do. She never entered my house this half year, except once or twice to dinner with other notable strangers. Whether this injunction was given out of zeal, or at the suggestion of mine enemies, I intend to obey it, that the Archbishop shall have no cause for blame. As for his other injunction, that I should go in my vesture, like one of my cloister brethren, keep to my monastery, and not lie at any of our manors, I am content, and must be, unless the remedy come from you, although I do only as my predecessors have done time out of mind. As to the injunctions of my brethren that they shall wear no worsted, you know it is generally used to the contrary amongst the elder brethren. I desire the Archbishop should not know of my appeal, as I have no trust in him; for when I resorted to him, he so handled me that I had liever come to London than make such another journey. St. Mary's, York, 23 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
R. O. 2. The injunctions given by the Archbishop, forbidding the Abbot's acquaintance with Isabella Robinson, conjugata, of Overton; insisting upon residence, except when he is hindered by just reasons; forbidding dissimilarity of habit, as some use worsted and others precious vests, to the great scandal of their religion; and others again ordinary vests. All are to dress alike. The Abbot shall take once a year a general consultation with the convent on the state of his house. He shall not allow wine to be sold within the precincts. He shall not wear in his hood or his sleeve, internally or externally, silk of velvet or any other silk, nor gilt spurs; nor, in the saddle or trappings of his horses, silk or gold. At our manor of Thorpe, near York, 11 Aug. 1535, t. n. 4.
Copy, pp. 2.
23 Aug.
R. O.
159. Visitation of Bruton.
Proceedings in the chapter-house of Bruton monastery, 23 Sept. (fn. 1) 1535, on the arrival of Thomas Legh, commissary. The Abbot appeared, and pleaded that the house had already been visited lately by Master Ric. Layton, LL.D., by royal authority; on which the commissary commanded him to exhibit the comperta of the visitation, and show cause why the monastery should not be visited by him before 3 Sept. next. He also asked the Abbot if he had been outside the enclosure of his house since that visitation; who answered, "Yes, by consent of Master Layton, who left the observance of the injunctions to his discretion till the King's pleasure was known." The commissary then warned him not to leave his house without special licence from the King or Mr. Cromwell.
Lat., p. 1.
23 Aug.
R. O.
160. John Ap Rice to Cromwell.
By my other letters directed in my packet to Mr. Ralph Sadler, which I delivered to the abbot of Malmesbury to be conveyed to you, I certified you of our "comperts" at Malmesbury, Bradstock, and Stanley. We found nothing at Lacock. The house is well ordered. The ladies there have their rules written in the French tongue, which they understand well, and are very perfect in the same. It varies from the French now used, and is more like the French of the common law. At Keyngton, where there were only three ladies, two were convicted of incontinency, and one under the age of 24, who did not desire to remain, has been discharged. Dame Mary Denys, a fair young woman of Lacok, is chosen prioress at Ky[ngton]. At Edington we found the rector a man of good name, but not so his brethren. The youngest, who has confessed an unnatural crime, partly for lack of age and want of good will to continue, has been discharged of his coat. Edington, 23 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
23 Aug.
R. O.
161. Sir Will. Morgan to Cromwell.
I received your and the Chancellor's letters of the 20th July on the 21st Aug., commanding the bishop of Llandaff and myself to call together the commission, and send to you to London all the books taken by us of the spiritual possessions. I have done all I could without the help of the said Bishop, or of any other. I have had the yearly value of the spiritual possessions of this diocese put in writing, which will exceed the old taxation, but is not yet engrossed. Will you have the books sent to you as they are ? 23 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
23 Aug.
R. O.
162. Roger Coke, Mayor of Bristol, to Cromwell.
Sends depositions of Henry Roche and others, who came before himself and others, late mayors. Also touching Hugh Lathbury, the hermit, whom he has sent to the gaol of Newgate at Bristol. Bristol, 3 June.
As the above did not come to Cromwell's hand, sends him a copy. Bristol, 23 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Chief Secretary and of the Council. Endd.
23 Aug.
R. O.
163. Roger Coke to Cromwell.
We thank you for your zeal towards our town, and especially for your kindness to our brethren, Mr. White, Mr. Thorn, and the chamberlain of Bristol, at their last being at the King's manor of Thornebury. This day we received your gentle letters, but the office of town clerk is not void, or likely to be, and we beg that future appointments may be left to us according to the ancient rule. Bristowe, 23 Aug. Signed: Roger Coke, mayer.
P. 1. Add.: Chief Secretary, &c. Endd.
23 Aug.
Titus, B. XI. 408.
B. M.
St. P. II. 271.
164. P[iers Earl of] Ossory to Walter Cowley.
Has received his letter dated 19 July, when his son James was waiting for the Deputy, who had appointed him to be at the Naas on Aug. 14. Complains of his delay on this and former occasions. This is the fourth hosting Ossory has answered, but the Deputy has never written to the King of his service.
If he had followed Ossory's advice, Thos. of Kildare had been kept still with OBrene and OConour's pledges in keeping, so that Thos. would have had no succour in his country. The Pale would then have been safe, and Ossory all this season occupied in breaking OBrene's bridge, taking Dungarvan and reforming the OBrenes and Munster Geraldines. Complains of the liberation of Jas. Penrise by the Deputy, after Ossory had obtained a decree against him. Asks Cowley to obtain a letter from the King that he may be again committed to the castle, and commanding them to favor him in his suits against Sir Chr. and Peter Barnewell, for Katherine Barnewell's matter.
Sends hawks for Mr. Secretary and the Lord Chancellor, and does not wish the earl of Wiltshire to know thereof.
Asks him to obtain a letter from Mr. Secretary to the under-treasurer and captains to restrain the army from plundering. Portlester, 23 Aug. Signed: P. Oss.
Add. Endd.
24 Aug.
R. O.
165. John Gostwyk to Cromwell.
Delivered the plate yesterday to Mr. Eskyn (Erskine), the king of Scots' ambassador, as his present from the King, also 20l. to Lion king-of-arms, and 80 crowns to Rothesey. They were most heartily accepted. The Lord Chancellor writes that he sent the commission of oyer determiner for the prior of Worcester to Cromwell by one Cowley, of Ireland. London, Tuesday, the feast of St. Bartholomew. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
24 Aug.
R. O.
166. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
I have recovered from my sickness, and trust by the advice of Master Butts to have my health better hereafter. I thank the King upon my knees for allowing his physician to visit me, the sight of whom revived me. Touching the pulling down of weirs no time shall be lost. At this time the Severn is so great that nothing more can be done. Beaudeley, 24 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
24 Aug.
R. O.
167. Dr. Thomas Legh to Cromwell.
Whereas, according to your injunction, on visiting certain monasteries I gave orders that neither the convent nor its head should go out of the precincts of their house without your and the King's special licence; Dr. Layton has not done the same, but left that liberty at the discretion of the heads. Those, therefore, that I have visited think that I am too rigorous, and bind them harder than others do. I did nothing but follow the King's pleasure, considering that as they have professed one religion, heads and members should be treated alike,—also because they might the more know the King's supreme ecclesiastical power in seeking to him or you for relief. Send, therefore, to Dr. Layton to enforce the same injunction, or release mine. As it is very necessary that all things be done substantially, let no man act as a commissioner without a special commission in writing; for Mr. Layton visited here at Bruton and showed no commission, and speedily finished his business, as you may perceive when he comes to you if you call for his comperts. Whereas I have Bruton in my commission, at my coming there the Abbot, little regarding my authority, made a sharp and quick answer that if I would of new visit them it should be a very undoing of all abbots and monasteries, and showed himself very "haulte" and obstinate. I desire, therefore, that you will either look yourself, or suffer me to execute my commission towards him, as I may answer upon my peril. Bruton, 24 Aug.
Dr. Layton has not disvested such as be under 24 years of age. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
24 Aug.
Cleop. E. iv. 249.
B. M.
Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 58.
168. Richard Layton to [Cromwell].
Yesternight we came from Glassynburie to Bristowe to St. Austins, intending this day to dispatch this house, 14 canons, and the Gawntes, four or five.
I send you relics, two flowers wrapped in white and black sarcenet, which on Christmas Even "will spring and burgen (bud), and bear blossoms, quod expertum este (sic), saith the prior of Maden Bradeley"; also a bag of relics, strange things, as God's coat, Our Lady's smock, part of God's supper, pars petre super qua natus erat Jesus in Bethelem. All these of Maden Bradeley, where is a holy father prior, with but six children, and but one daughter married yet. His sons be tall men waiting on him; and he thanks God he never meddled with married women, but all with maidens, and always married them right well. The Pope gave him licence sub plumbo to keep a whore and to choose Mr. Underhyll to be his ghostly father.
I send also Our Lady's girdle of Bruton, red silk, and Mary Magdalen's girdle, covered with white, sent to women "travailing;" which last the empress Matilda, founder of Ferley, gave them, "as saith the holy father of Ferley." I have crosses of silver and gold, and more shall be delivered to me this night by the prior of Maden Bradeley. Tomorrow morning I will bring you the rest. In case you depart this day, please say by this bringer my servant, where to repair after you. "Within the Charter House, hath professed and done all things" as I shall declare you tomorrow. At Bruton and Glasenburie the brethen be so strait kept that they cannot offend, but fain they would. St. Austin's without Bristol, St. Bartholomew's Day, 4 a.m.
Hol., pp. 2.
24 Aug.
R. O.
169. William, Abbot of St. Austin's [Bristol], to Cromwell.
Received on the 23rd Aug. the King's letters, dated Beawdley the 20th, commanding him to pluck up the weirs in the Syverne that the King may be advertised of it before his departure from Thornbury. Sent two servants to see it done, although he had ordered it to be done a month before. St. Austin's, 24 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
24 Aug.
R. O.
170. Ric. Tracy to Cromwell.
On the 21 Aug. Will. Tracy and others killed a buck in Sudeley park. I am very sorry any of my kinsmen should be so disobedient to the King's laws. I beg that they may suffer some bodily punishment, as they think so lightly of their offence. Stanwey, 24 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
24 Aug.
R. O.
171. John Pakyngton to Cromwell.
Whereas Sir John Hale, vicar of Istelworth, was attainted, of whom I bought certain lands in Worcestershire to the value of 3l. 13s. 4d., and paid him 100 marks for the same; yet, as the purchase was not finished before the lands escheated, I beg you will move the King in my behalf that I may have them. The King promised me to be gracious, and referred me to you. I beg that you will obtain a bill assigning the land to me and my heirs. If they are given to one of the King's servants I am without remedy. I wish to have the bill assigned for the augmentation of my fee by such forfeitures as shall arise in the principality of North Wales, and I will give you 40 marks. I lose yearly there 200 marks in the King's service. Hampton Lovet, 24 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
24 Aug.
R. O.
172. Thomas Broke to Cromwell.
I was at the Rolls, as you desired, on Bartholomew Even, at the payment of Geo. Robynson concerning the matter of Mr. Dudley. After paying the money to him, and delivering his acquittance to Henry Polsted, I reminded him how small in value of his goods he assessed himself to the King; "which to him was nothing pleasant." As to your building at Austin Friars, the frame which was set up last year will be fully finished within these 14 days. The main frame on the street side is fully set up. They are now laying the gutters, and in three weeks they trust it shall be covered with tile. I have viewed your house at Hackney. The kitchen is finished, except the paving. The wet and dry larders, and the filling of the pool in the garden, are well forward. I have seen Master Richard's house at Stepney. He and his folks are well and anxious for your return, "and, according to Mr. Richard's commandment, I sweetly kissed Mastres Beatrice his maid four or five times for failing." Your household at the Rolls are in good health, and will be glad of your return if the plague and sickness cease. By report there was much more death in London before my coming home than since. I thank the King for his goodness when I was last with him. I desire remembrances to my friends of the Privy Chamber, especially to Norris, Henneage, Russell, Long, my fellow Mewtas, Mr. Controller, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, Baynton, Coffyn, and Uvedale. London, St. Bartholomew's Day. "By your true and faithful friend and fellow, Thomas Broke."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
24 Aug.
Lamb. M.S. 601, f. 20.
St. P. ii. 273.
173. Skeffyngton to Henry VIII.
Wrote that he was intending to march on 18 Aug. against OChonor and Thos. FitzGerald. On his approach, both OChonor and FitzGerald yielded. The latter desires to be conducted to the King by lord Leonard Gray. Intends to subdue Manus ODonell, son of lord ODonell. The latter has always given good advice and aid and assisted this hosting with the Lord McSwyer (McGwyer). The Camp at Castle Iredayne, 24 Aug.
Copy, pp. 2.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 273.
174. T. FytzGeralde to Lord Leonard Gray.
Everything he has done against the King came from the counsel of those in his Lordship's company, as Thos. Eustas and Gerald Gerott, Shane's son. Begs him to intercede with the King.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
24 Aug.
Galba, B. x. 59.
B. M.
175. Antony de Vivaldi to [Cromwell].
Excuses himself for not having taken leave of him. Thought he would not have stayed so long at the Court, but would have returned to London before his departure. Desires his favor for Harrigo Salvago, the bearer, in his dispute with George Ardissone about some accounts he has with Vivaldi. Reminds Cromwell of Wolsey's debt to him, and asks him to see that he does not come off worse than the other creditors, as appears by the obligation and indemnity given to Cromwell, "che ho pregato a Richiardo Grassano a quella ...... lo riccordi."
Supposes Cromwell has heard of the capture of Goletta by the Emperor's army. Letters from Lyons state that they ravaged the land of Tunis on the 21st ult.
The Queens met on Monday at Cambray. The Admiral and other Lords accompanied the French queen. The Emperor has written to forbid any matters being proceeded with, except showing her good cheer. They ought to separate today, "et quando alla giornata n'inte ....... " Anvers, 24 Aug. 1535. Signed.
Ital., pp. 2. Slightly mutilated.
R. O. 176. Arrigho Salvagho to ——
Four years ago Antonio Vivaldi, having long desired to return to his country, gave notice of his intention that all claims on him might be settled. Every creditor was satisfied, except Geo. Ardisone, who really owed a large sum to Vivaldi, and refused at first to submit the matter to arbitration. But by the advice of friends he was at last induced to refer it to two, of whom he named his nephew Pier Antonio Ardisone, and Vivaldi the writer. Pier Antonio proposed a quittance on both sides; to which the writer would not consent; and Ardisone, taking advantage of Vivaldi's absence, filed two bills in Chancery against him last term, sending in his claim to the writer, who made answer as was due. When term was over he tried other means, and sequestered some of the writer's debtors (fn. 2) in London. Begs his correspondent's interference in case he should pursue the matter further. Signed.
Ital., p. 1. Not add. Begins: "Sor mio osservandissimo." Endd,
24 Aug.
Vit. B. XXI. 116.
B. M.
177. Robert Barnes to Cromwell.
Left Hamburgh for Wittemberg, … Aug. I desire you to remember a commission [to Duke] George to dispute with Cocleus. The cities are separating, but there is no mention of peace between the duke of Holston and [Lubeck]. George Wolwever is put out of his office with a great tum[ult], and some of his friends nearly slain. It stands very evil to Lubeck at this day. The Hartycke (Herzog) of H[olston] has besieged Copynhagen, and would not allow a messenger sent by the cities to treat of peace to enter. Within the city are the Hartycke of Meckelyngburg and his lady, the Grave of Oldenburgh, and all the chief doers of this war.
The duke of Holston slew in the last bickering the Grave Van der Hoy. There are many soldiers in the land of Hodyl. No one knows to whom they belong, but the saying goes that the house of Burgundy pays them, though some say that the Grave Van der Hoy has taken them to revenge his brother's death. It is reported that the duke of Holston has taken six English ships in the Sunt. Sends also a letter dated 22 inst. with more news.
Asks Cromwell to excuse his not writing to the King, for he dares not do so till he knows his pleasure, and he could write nothing but what he writes to Cromwell. Hamburgh, 24 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
25 Aug.
Vienna Archives.
178. Chapuys to Charles V.
On the 14th I was informed by letters of Likkerke of the glorious and most important storming of the Goulette of Tunis; whereupon, and also to solicit the matters touching the Queen and Princess of which I lately wrote; I despatched a man to the Court. The King was very glad of the news, as you will see by the enclosed copy of the letters written to me by Cromwell; and although he had got the news two days before by letters from his ambassador resident with you, he gave 10 angels to my man in evidence of the great pleasure it gave him, and also one of two bucks he had that day taken in the hunt. Cromwell also sent to me to say that as soon as he comes here he will cause the Queen's arrears to be paid, and give me answer touching the license to visit the Princess, who within the last fortnight has been troubled with a bad rheum, but much more because I could not obtain the said license for which she presses continually. The French ambassador, who, as I wrote on the 10th, was going to Court to inform the King of the interview of the two Queens, has not gone nearer than six miles to the Court, because a French merchant who followed him died upon the road, as it is feared, of the plague. The King, I am told, wished the said ambassador to declare his charge; and he replied that his commission was to tell it to him, and that the matter was not so urgent that he could not wait some days. At last it was arranged that he should be in the fields where the duke of Norfolk and Suffolk and Cromwell went to hunt; and Cromwell deferred despatching my man till he had heard what the said ambassador wished to say; with whom, as he professed, he did not return well pleased. Suddenly afterwards he spoke more graciously [to my man?] than before, and replied to him two or three times that the King his master was highly pleased with the good office I did in informing him of news; and that I had acted very honorably in informing him of the said interview which this Frenchman had hidden from him until this moment, at which he was very angry.
The Venetian secretary, who is very familiar with the ambassador of France, has given me to understand that the said ambassador did not go to Court only to notify the said interview, but also to give news of the return of the Turk to Constantinople; which news the French have long ago fabricated to make their profit of it because they wished it true.
Yesterday several Knights of the Garter were present at Windsor with the Scotch ambassadors for the installation of the king of Scotland in that Order. After which the said ambassadors went to France to accompany, along with the others who are there already, the bride of the King their master, who will go to Scotland by sea, although it was reported that the said ambassadors were commissioned to demand passage by land. The chief of the said ambassadors is named M. de Eschin (Erskine), and the whole band is about 30 horses.
It is reported that the earl of Kildare does daily much injury to the English. The King again sent supplies of munitions a short time ago. London, 25 Aug. 1535.
French, from a modern copy, pp. 2.
25 Aug.
R. O.
179. Thomas Earl of Rutland to Cromwell.
I have received your letter touching the demeanor of the friars of Grantham, and have examined them, as will appear by their depositions, which I send. I have also examined the alderman of the town and his brethren. I took with me Sir John Markham, John Constable, Will Dysney, and others. I have committed friar John Colsell to prison till I know the King's pleasure. Belver, 25 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Sealed. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
R. O. 2. Deposition of friar John Colsell. On St. James's eve Father Warden asked him to go to Lincoln with him; which he declined, saying he had writing to do. The warden did not ask for whom, but repeated his request in the evening, and on a second refusal said Colsell should not remain in the convent a day longer. In the morning he asked him for his key, which Colsell presented him; on which, apparently, he remembered other things that were done before, and said, "Nay, I have done now." For one thing, he may have remembered making such business before against the King; and when he expected Colsell would write his words, took away his key, and searched the house and found two scrolls, which he took to Mr. Alderman on Thursday after St. Anne's Day. In one was contained, "This two year; nay, it is but a year," &c., but no man's name was written in it. The other contained these words: "Freer Shylynton, a sort a folles holdyth with the Pope," &c. In the evening the Warden came into the austry, and gave him the key again, saying, as an excuse, "I laid my father's will I cannot tell where," and asked if Colsell had not seen it. All this while he had the two scrolls. Next morning after mass he examined Colsell about them and for whom the first was. Colsell said he should know in time. He then said, "Verily well"; and so he stood still awhile, and at the last he said, "I am sure it is for me." Colsell said he would not say so. The warden replied, he could not tell for whom it should be else; so he proved himself that letter was for him. He added, "Ye have written another for Shylyngton. He shall be sent up with the convent seal, and the men of the town and of the country shall testify him for a drunken fellow, so that he shall scape well enough." He added that he should be believed as soon as Colsell. Colsell offered to go to the King with him, but he refused till he came home on Tuesday after St. Anne's Day. Next day he held a chapter, denounced Colsell as disobedient, and commanded him to prison, all because he would not go to Lincoln. On going out of the chapterhouse, Colsell said before them all, that he was writing to the King. "Go hence; let him and me reason this matter after." He then remembered the warden had threatened he should not go, if chains or iron would hold him, and said to the vicewarden, "I will appeal to the King's grace for his avantage."
Hol., large paper, p. 1.
R. O. 3. "The examynacion of freer John Colsell of the order of Saynt Frances, beyng of thage of eighteyn yeres, taken at Grantham in the countie of Lincoln the xxiiiti. day Augt in the xxvijti. year of the reign of our sovereign lord king Henry VIII., before Thomas therle of Rutland," containing accusations (1) against Richard Hopkyns, warden of the Grey Friars at Grantham, for saying "This too yere, nay, it is but a yere, in fayth it hath doon a thousand pounds worth of hurt to our religion; in fayth all is noght; well, the old facion will come again." (2) Also against "freer John Shelyngton" and others for speaking in favour of the Pope and against the King's Acts, and for preventing the erasure of the Pope's name from the service books. Five articles each signed by Colsell.
ii. "The examinacion of William Nobull, a young novesse, being of thage of thirteyn yeres, called to witness by freer Colsell," but who charges Colsell, being his schoolmaster, with having tutored him to bear false witness. Signed by deponent.
iii. "The examynacion of freer Gabriell Kyrke, called to witness by the said freer Colsell," who says that "the Thursday after Relyk Sonday last past the warden, Sir Thomas Pytts, oon freer Hussher, and he, was at soper together ...... and as they were talking, the said warden sayed that there was mony Acts made which he trowed would soon be broken; and then sayd Sir Thomas Pytts, there haithe been mony made of wearing of sylks and velvets which be now broken; and then said freer Hussher, Godd forbydd ells, there is so mony made but some shuld be broken; and these were all the words that he herd spoken there, uppon his othe." Signed.
iv. "The answer of Richard Hopkins, warden of the Grey Friars in Grantham, to the first article against him, surmised by John Colsell his friar." Also his answer to the 4th and to the 5th, stating that he had rebuked Friars Gabriel and Nicholas for misconduct, who threatened to complain to the General Visitor, Dr. Brown; after which he said in Colsell's presence, "Well, this fashion will not last always. I trust we shall have the correction in our own religion again, for it hath done a hundred pounds worth of hurt since it was otherwise; for now, if they be checked for their misorder, they will threat a man to complain of him; and yet in the end, after he know the truth, I trust the same visitor will take them as they be." Each article signed.
v. The answer of John Shelyngton denying the charge against himself. Signed.
vi. The answer of Sir Thomas Pytts, chaplain, to Colsell's accusation of maligning the Statute of Array. Referring to the erasure of the Pope's name, he said, "If every Act were as well executed as this, we should have a merry world." Then said friar Gabriel, "Be they not so?" "No," said Sir Thomas Pytts; "for there was an Act made concerning the Statute of Array, that no man should wear satin, velvet, nor damask, unless he were a man of lands or a burgess," &c. Signed.
vii. The deposition of freer [John] Husher in reply to the same charge. Signed: Frater Joh'es Wssher.
viii. The report of William Patynson, alderman of Grantham, John Blak, Thomas Alen, Thomas Lees, William Skynner, in behalf of the warden and the accused. Signed.
ix. The sayings of William Williams, receiver to the Queen's grace of Stamford and Grantham, also in favor of the warden. Signed.
x. Also of Jerves Tyndale, schoolmaster of the free school there. Signed, Pp. 9. Endd.
R. O. 4. A breviate of the above depositions of Colsell (in a different hand).
25 Aug.
Calig. E. I. 35.
B. M.
180. Simon Heyn[es] to [Henry VIII.]
" Whereas Mr. [Wallop]pe and we heard say soon after our last letters sent [to your] Grace that Mons. Langei did ride from Pari[s] .... howss by post, and there tarrying three days, should immediately repair into the parts of Germany;" we thought it expedient to wait at Reynes for a week, so that we might find out from him what the French king intends to practise with the German princes, When that time had expired, and he heard no word of Langei's coming, Wallop sent one of his servants to the abbot Gervasi[us], who accompanies Langei, desiring him to ask Langei to speak with him before their departure. The Abbot promised to do so, as your Grace will see by Wallop's letter to Cromwell, but hitherto we have heard of neither. On the 20th such important news came to Wallop from the Court that the next morning he went thither, 'and before hi[s] departure he counsailed with us .................. concerning Mr. Langei and Gervas[ius] ................ this way best, that Christopher b ................. with Mr. Langei and the Abbot should still re ....... abiding their coming. And that I ........ to the Court with Mr. Wallope, leaving C[hristopher] .... instructed to learn so much as I might ............
" Moreover, may it please your Grace to co .......... for so much as it is here openly know[n that Mons.] Langei, Gervasius, and Melancton undoubt[edly will] meet together in the dukedom of Wirtem[berg about] the end of September, and upon that communic[ation it may] fortune Melancton to come hither immediately, [which all] men looketh for; we thought it not our de[wty to depart] from hence, although we had spoken with Mr. [Langei, till] we be further advertised of your gracious [pleasure] herein. And this day Mr. Wallope [writes] that he spake with a gentleman in the Court, w[ho] ascertained him that Mr. Langei rid fro[m] ....... howss 15 days past, and said he [thought that] he had taken his journey towards Germa[ny, unless] he had contrary commandment ........... Ligier." 25 Aug.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
25 Aug.
R. O.
181. Robert Barnes to Cromwell.
Is on his way to Wittemberg. The news of Geo. Wolwefer is true. Some say he resigned, some that he was driven from his office. In the land "to Hodel" and Westfalia and the bishopric of Bremen are 8,000 soiers (soldiers). No one can tell to whom they belong. The duke of Holstein has laid strict siege to Copenhagen, where is the duke of Mecklenburgh, his wife, and others. Has written to him by Dederyc. Lunenburg, 25 Aug. Signed: Rober Barn.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
25 Aug.
Galba, B. x. 60.
B. M.
Demaus' Life of Tyndale, 435.
Anderson's Annals of the English Bible, i. 426.
182. Thomas Poyns to John Poyns.
Antwerp, 25 Aug. 1535. I write to you for a great matter concerning the King. Though I am here ynnaby[ting], yet my natural love to the country I was born in, and the oath and obedience which every true subject is bound by the law of God to have to his Prince, compel me to write what I perceive may be prejudicial to the King, which may come through counsel of those who seek to bring their own "appyttes" (appetites) to pass under pretence of the King's honor, and yet be as s[harp] thorns under a goodly rose. I might say they are very traitors in their hearts. Who they be, I name no man, but it is good to perceive it [may be] the Papists, who have always deceived the world by their crafty juggling. It was said here that the King had granted letters in favor of one Wm. Tyndall, who is in prison, and like to suffer death unless the King help him. It is thought now that the letters have been stopped. He lodged with me three quarters of a year, and was taken out of my house by a sergeant-of-arms, otherwise [called] a door-warder, and the procurer-general of Brabant. This was done [by] procurement out of England, and, as I suppose, unknown to the King. I know if the King had sent him a commandment to come to England, he would not have disobeyed it to have put his life in jeopardy. But these privy lurkers perceived that his Grace would have sent for him, and feared that if he charitably heard him, it would be the "frowardes fete" for their purp[ose]; and it is to be supposed, therefore, that they have represented to the King or his Council that the putting to death of this man might be to the King's high honor, "making greatly for his purpose in [time] to come, when a matter shall be disputed if it come thereto." They know, however, it can have no such effect, but might be greatly against his Grace in that and other things. Whether this be their device or not I cannot tell. However it be, if a poor man might and durst boldly reason with them, I think [if] they had either fear of God, their Prince, or shame of the world, they should be [shamed] or ever they did go about to procure such a thing. They wish th[e King] to favor them, because they can prevent such things for his Grace, by which means they may come to high promotions and stand fast in the[m]. So as they bring that to pass they care not, " and the effect of their .... nothing else; nor is not possible it should be of them that seek the[ir gain] in worldly pomp, what soever their outward pronouncing be. And ..... to play with his Grace as some men do that be put in trust and with .......... conffetres (confederates?) with other deceive them that put hem in trust, and handle it so that a shall make the party think a has done more for him than his reward is worth, and so play schoggyn (Scogan?) behind his back." When these crafty fellows meet they jest at him whom they have deceived, and if it be known they care not, for it is reckoned among them great wisdom. They be past shame, and the party past remedy. But a poor man who has no promotion, nor looks for none, and has no quality whereby he might obtain one, except natural zeal and fear to God and his prince, had rather live a beggar all his life and put himself in jeopardy to die, rather than see those "leryng coers" have their purpose; for some men perceive more than they can express in words, and sorrow inwardly till they see remedy.
As Tyndale has lived in my house three quarters of a year, I know that the King has no truer-hearted subject living, for he knows he is bound by the law of God to obey his Prince. He would not do contrary to be lord of the world, however the King is informed. What care these Papists for that? Their pomp and authority has always been holden up by murder and shedding the blood of innocents, causing princes by one mean or other to consent with them to the same. About 18 or 20 years ago, they at Rome, to magnify the King, gave him the title of Defender of the Faith; which may be likened to the prophecy of Cayphas, when he said, " It is expedient for us that one man die for the people, that all do not perish;" which was true, but contrary to his meaning. So they thought he should be a great maintainer of their abominations; but God, who sees all things, has entered His grace into the right battle, according to that style, as never prince has done so nobly since Christ died; in which I beseech God give him victory, and that he may not be persuaded to let be undone what might greatly prevail thereto. The death of this man would be a great hindrance to the Gospel, and one of the highest pleasures to the enemies of it. If the King would send for this man, so that he might dispute with them at large the articles which they lay to him, it might be so opened to the Court and the Council that they would be at another point with the bishop of Rome in a short space. I think he will shortly be condemned, for there are two Englishmen at Loven who have applied it sore, and have taken great pains to translate into Latin what may make against him, so that the clergy may understand and condemn him; as they have all others for keeping opinions contrary to their business, which they call the order of Holy Church.
The knowledge that I have of this man causes me to write as my conscience binds me. The King would have of him as high a treasure as of any man living, that has been of no greater reputation. I therefore desire you to have this matter solicited to his Grace, for in my conscience there be not many perffet[er me]n this day living.
If Walter Marsche, now governor, had done his duty, there would have been a remedy found for this man. There be many men care not for a matter, so as they may do aught to make their a ..... seem fair in avoiding themselves that they be not spied.
Hol., pp. 3. Slightly mutilated. Add.: To his well-beloved brother John Poynys, gentleman, dwelling in Northe Okondon, in Essex. Endd.


  • 1. Certainly an error for August. Legh could not have been near Bruton on the 23rd Sept., as he was at Wintney in Hampshire on the 24th.
  • 2. So in the Italian; but I presume, the writer means that he sequestered their goods.