Henry VIII: December 1534, 26-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: December 1534, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp585-599 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1534, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp585-599.

"Henry VIII: December 1534, 26-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp585-599.


December 1534, 26–31

26 Dec. 1570. Cranmer to Cromwell.
R. O. Letters, 297. I intend to prefer my servant John Brice to the King's service. But as you have reproved him very sore of late, I beg you will take him again into favor. Knoll, 26 Dec. Signed.
Add.: Secretary.
26 Dec. R. O. 1571. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
I have received your letters, and will see to their accomplishment. I have been at Presteyne in Wales, where I was heartily welcomed by Sir James Baskerville, without any spears, as hath been hitherto the fashion. I intend after Easter to stop a month at Presteyne among the thickest of the thieves, and shall do the King such service as the strongest of them shall be afraid to do; thence to Hereford, Monmouth and Chepstow. This will be costly, but if the King wishes to have this country reformed, he must not stick at 100l. or so. In going and returning to Ludlow, I have viewed Wigmore Castle.
The King must have it repaired, for it is utterly decayed in lodgings for want of timely repair. The walls are good, the lead will help, and plenty of timber is at hand. We of the Council could make proper provision for it if we had a warrant to bestow so much of the King's money upon it. Radnor Castle is not to be repaired, but only to be amended as a prison, which must needs be done. Eight thieves have escaped from it this year. What shall it be for us to take thieves and have no place to keep them? and all cannot be brought to Ludlow. 20l. or 40 marks would make it secure. The King has an armoury here, but no man knows how much harness has been delivered. There are in Sir Ric. Herbert's custody 200 harness lying rotten. I sent to him, as he was sick, to know the truth, and it is more meet they should be in the custody of the armourer than his. I am informed there is other harness at Thornbury. Here are 40 or 50 bows, but not a bill nor gun, except a great gun which lord Ferrers brought down. No gunpowder nor stones; “so that it appeareth a gun without powder or stones, shafts without bows, Almain rivet without gorgets or aprons of mail, if I should need do my master service, I must go seek it of other.”
Other things the bearer will tell you. Ludlow, 26 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
26 Dec. 1572. John Bishop of Bath and Wells to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends him a poor remembrance by Thomas Clerke for the New Year, the yearly payment of which he has assured to Cromwell for life on one of his best manors, and induced the chapters of Bath and Wells to confirm the same. Wishes him a lucky New Year, with many to follow. Wells, 26 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
26 Dec. 1573. John Alen to [Cromwell].
R. O. St. P. II. 219. Doubts not that Mr. Treasurer and others will write of the late journey to Waterford. Is grieved to see the expense of this army, and not such service done as might be. Journeyed with 300 horsemen, through Kildare and Cartlagh, and by MacMorgho and O'More. The traitor and O'More dared not set upon them, but meanwhile robbed and burned Trym and Dunboyne. The Deputy then made a truce with him, which Alen thinks not honorable. O'Nele on the other side burnt part of the baron of Slane's lands, all Betaghe's lands, and a great part of Uriell. This rebel cannot be destroyed if the King's army stay in Dublin. He expected to be banished a month ago, but now grows in pride and strength again. The King and Cromwell should write to the Deputy and captains to approach to the war, and leave Dublin and Drogheda. The traitor has not more than 100 horse and 300 foot, among whom there is not one archer nor 10 handguns, and he has no ordnance. He intends to burn Trym, the Nowan, Athboy, the Naas, Kildare and other towns, and will break his own garrisons and burn his own lands lest Englishmen should profit by them. Understands that he expects an army from Spain, and has lately sent the official of Meath, the dean of Kildare, parson Walshe, the bishop of Killallo and other papists to Spain, asking for aid against the King as an heretic.
Advises the King either to pardon him out of hand, or to send here a proclamation that he never intends to pardon him nor any who take part with him thereafter. If the army would go abroad it would not be long before he would be subdued. A marshal should be appointed who is not a Welshman, for they rob now both friend and foe. Sir Rice Mansfild orders his company well. Edward Fitzgerald is taken. Asks Cromwell to advertise the Deputy that he and Broode may be “justified"; and the earl of Shrewsbury, that Rookes, who was taken at Wexford, may be delivered to the Deputy.
The Deputy is old, and cannot take pains by reason of sickness. Suggests the advisability of having 200 more Northern horse.
Offers that he and the Chief Baron will go with the army, if they may have 24 spearmen and six archers or gunners on horseback. Objects to the appointing of captains as privy councillors. It were better they should be commanded than commanders. The Deputy, the lord Chancellor, the earl of Ossory, lord Butler and the baron of Delvon know how to subdue this traitor better than all the captains of England, except the duke of Norfolk. Desires credence for the bearer, Edw. Becke. Dublin, 26 Dec.
Trusts the Commons of England will grant the King 100,000l. for subduing this false traitor. Signed.
Pp. 4.
[26 Dec.] 1574. Ireland.
R. O. Instructions for Edward a Beck.
Our riding through the rebel's country; received of MacMorgho; parling with O'More.
How the traitor has given him the Bridge of Athie, Woodestoke and other of the Earl's lands for maintenance. He has given to O'Neile the Green castle and destroyed others. Of the destruction of Trym, the preying of the country and O'Neil's invasion. Of the assaulting of Dunboyne, and its destruction without help from Dublin. The letting of the intended hosting into Kildare. Taking of Kildare Castle, and the short return of the army. The refusal of sending relief to its rescue. The manner of the false giving up of it. Who is the let that the army sets no better forward. That the King shall trust none of the Geraldines in this war. Why the duke of Norfolk's letters were not delivered to James FitzGerald. How the rebel increases in strength, because he is not quickly set to. The gentlemen of the county of Kildare and elsewhere offer to forsake the rebel if the English will come and defend them. They offer their castles to be warded by Englishmen. Irishmen and others dare not forsake the traitor, unless the army tarries on the borders and does exploits. Men doubt to be against the traitor, lest he should be pardoned. A proclamation to be had that the King will persecute him and all his part-takers. He intends to destroy all the borough towns, that the army may not be lodged nor victualled there. His purpose about the burning of the corns, breaking his castles and burning his lands. He looked himself to be banished. Of the misorder of the army, which spoils friend and foe. For a marshal, not a Welshman. Of the suspicion of Welshmen, especially of North Wales, in this war and the kindred which some of the captains have here. The disadvantage of the army lying in Dublin. A provision to prohibit them from Dublin to Drogheda. The bruit of an army from Spain. That the traitor has sent the official of Meath to the Emperor and the bishop of Rome, and what treasure he has with him. What threats I and other have had of S. [Skeffington]. What danger the Treasurer, I and other have been in for speaking. Of taking Edward FitzGerald and putting him and others to execution, and for Rookes. That the earl of Ossory and the Deputy assemble in the county of Kildare. That Kildare Castle be re-edified, warded and victualled substantially. Of the Deputy's sickness and age, so that there must be a captain or governor to lead the army. That the prior of Kilmayne and others of the Council be commanded to assist the Treasurer to take musters monthly, “so as the gentill Treasurer, which doth the King high service, shall not run alone in the displeasure of this rude army.” Unless a marshal of full authority and a quick justiciary be appointed, the King will be at great charge, and his lands be destroyed by a peevish traitorous boy, who cannot match the third part of this array. A restraint for guns and powder, and a view to be had of what there is in every town, with the provisions mentioned in his other letters from Kilkenny. The constable of Kilka offers to deliver the castle to Mr. Treasurer, and not to the Deputy; and of the Eustaces. To have 200 Northern spears with a good captain, and 100 Welsh spears. Part of the Welsh foot to go home, if the King will be at no further charge. That the Chief Baron and I may have 24 spears, four archers and two gunners, and we will be with the army daily, and perhaps do other service than men would suppose could be done with such a number. Remember me for Mr. Secretary's letter to the Deputy for my lease of the benefice of Swordes. Mr. Baron and I had the promise of the lease of Dunboyne, from which my lord of Ossory digressed, and now it is burnt.
“R. What counsel S. gave his captains to refuse to go forth with him.”
Pp. 3.
26 Dec. 1575. William Pepwell to Henry VIII.
Vesp. C. XIII. 262. Ellis, 2 Ser. II. 63. Since coming to these parts has written two letters to Mr. Secretary. News has come from the Court that the Emperor will be at Seville shortly after Christmas, and the Empress also, and thence to Barcelona, and so to Italy. He has 100 new galleys making to be ready by April. Much ordnance has come out of Flanders, and much people commanded to be in readiness. Arquebuses are now used here, which give double the stroke of a handgun. Many of them, and of morrispikes, are come hither from Biscay.
All the country is in great fear of Barba Roxa, who has 100 galleys in readiness. He is now in Tunis, and is like to do some harm this summer. The Emperor has made an act that no man shall ride on mules or hackneys with saddles, that he may have in time coming many horsemen.
There are here two brethren who dwelt in Limerick, the Emperor's servants. Hears that they misuse themselves against the King. If he can, will make them a banquet on board a Bristol ship, and they shall land no more in Spain. Will come home by the Bristol ships. St. Lucas, on St. Stephen's Day.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
27 Dec. R. O. 1576. Roland Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to Cromwell.
I have sent you your treasure, (fn. 1) whom I pray God long to preserve to both your comforts. If you wish him to return he shall be welcome; for “although nature worketh not in bodily strength, yet it surmounteth in good gentle and virtuous conditions.” Give credence to my servant Robert Browne in such instructions as I have delivered him. In one of them, if I have not the King's help, I shall be in great danger. Ludlow, 27 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
27 Dec. 1577. Thomas Lord La Warre to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I commend me to you and my good lady, thanking you for the kindness you have always shown me. I desire your favor for the bearer, a servant of mine, who desires to serve you in Calais. Halffnakyd, 27 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
27 Dec. 1578. Guillaume Poyet to Lord Lisle.
R. O. The bearer has omitted nothing of the good affection with which he began, to serve those who are your good servants and friends. After coming as far as this, he determined to return and tell you of the favorable state of matters (la doulecur du temps) he found here. When you have heard from him my goodwill to do you service, I beg you not to forget to send me my little man, (fn. 2) as you promised, and I will take pains to do with him as you wish. St. Germain en Laye, 27 Dec.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: Debitis de Callais.
28 Dec. R. O. 1579. Palamedes, Treasurer of Brittany, to the Deputy of Calais.
Your servant who is returning will give you all the news of this quarter. The Admiral has charged him to give his commendations to you and madame. Offers his own services. St. Germain en Laye, Holy Innocents' Day.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
28 Dec. 1580. Nicolas de la Chesnaye to Lord Lisle.
R. O. The bearer, Lisle's servant, will report the prosperity of this Court. Will be happy to obey his commands at Rouen, and not vary from them. S. Germain en Laye, 28 Dec. Signed: Nicolas de Lachesnaye,Rr (receveur?) du Roy a Rouen.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons. de Lisle, debitis de Caillies, a Caillez.
29 Dec. 1581. John Husee to [Lord Lisle].
R. O. On Christmas Eve, early in the morning, delivered Lisle's letter to Mr. Secretary. Spoke more fully with him in your affairs on St. Stephen's Day. He said the commission of sewers should be despatched, and he would speak to the King for the toll of Marke and Oye. He will write to you respecting Highefeld and Whethill. Mr. Sadleyer, his servant, says you need not trouble yourself, as his master agrees with you. Popley holds the contrary, and Sir Francis Bryan will not meddle in it. Mr. Nores will do what he can, and I hope to obtain the Queen's letter in Gaynsford's favor. Sir Richard Whethill has many friends, and has perverted many of yours. If Highfield be in extremis let me know. As the bishop of Canterbury is at Knoll, I will ride over and deliver your letter to him before Twelfth Day. I spoke to Mr. Secretary of Hacket's funeral, and he said I should have an answer. I asked him if he would like to have your mule and French wine there against the King's coming. He said there was no appearance, and that it must be kept a secret, for most people believed the King will over this March. You had better send them. I mentioned to Mr. Bryan of your great expence when the Admiral was over, and that you would be glad to have some licence or recompence, but he would not meddle in it. Mr. Seymour's matter is not yet spoken of. John Goughe, who obtained by Mr. Norres the conveyance of the King's New Year's gift to your lordship, begs your pardon that he cannot deliver it, as he is very sick. I have therefore delivered the cup, which has an H and an A in the knop, to John Hercules. The King and the Queen keep a great house, and Newman is chief counsel with my lord of Misrule. London, 29 Dec. 1534.
Hol., pp. 2, Endd.
29 Dec. 1582. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. As soon as I arrived I went to your “broderer,” who had delivered your frontlet to Parot two days before, price 4l. 10s. I now send your “vellot,” for which I paid 8s.; 2 doz. gloves, 4s.; 1 gross round silken points, 3s.; and ½ gross riband points, 3s. I spoke with your gossip, Broke's wife, who showed me she could buy you no riband at Mr. Judd's at the price you named; so the gave me 8s., and I bought the same half lb. of riband, which is 14 pieces, and a remnant of white. It cost 8d. more, but is very good. I send it you by Hercules. Since I came I have received a letter from you, and shall act accordingly; but you must make a bill how much sugar and spice you will have. You wrote you had a letter of mine which you forwarded, but I have not received it. It came from my father. You will see by my letter to my lord what I have done in his lordship's business. Leonard Smythe sends the account of your audit. He will not deliver your book that Mr. Rolle had without your letter. Mr. Roll has been in the country these holidays, and I cannot speak with him. I have delivered Mr. Gaynsford's letter to Mr. Tayler. I trust in six days to have the Queen's letter in his favor. I have also delivered your token to Mrs. Margery, who sends you the enclosed ring. The man she sent is a gentleman, and his father may spend 30l. a year. Mr. Basset should be here before the term, and Mr. Lane will be here at the term. London, 29 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
29 Dec. 1583. Thomas Bishop of Ely to Cromwell.
R. O. I received two letters from you asking my favor for my chaplain, Peter Valens, to instruct your son. I am content you should have him. If I might be so bold as to have had with him my nephew, a child whom he has begun to instruct, so that he might accompany your son, I should have been very glad. The other letter was for master Megges to enjoy the fees he had under my predecessor; to which I consent. Whatever arrangement is made between his counsel and mine I will agree to, praying you, however, that the extortions and falsifying of records done by him and his deputy to the disinheritance of the poor tenants shall first be examined. I doubt not he will then appear another man than he is taken for. I send you a New Year's gift and your fee. Somersham, 29 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
29 Dec. 1584. John Goderic to Cromwell.
R. O. At the last gaol delivery at Lincoln an old felon was indicted, but for certain defects in the indictment, the justices arraigned him on two counts, of which he was found guilty. But because these words tunc et ibidem were omitted, they could not give judgment. Since then he makes labor either for his charter or else to remove him up. He is an arrant thief. He has always been bolstered up, and would have offered me all his goods. His name is Will. Goonysboro. Kyrkby, Lincolnshire, St. Thomas' Day in Christmas.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
29 Dec. 1585. James V. to Henry VIII.
Add. MS. 21,505, f. 15. B. M. Has apprehended and punished several persons guilty of robbery on the Borders, and intends to make inquisition upon all the Borders for the remainder of the malefactors. Requests him to forbid his wardens and officers to receive any of the said malefactors, and to allow his subjects to sell horses to James's servants. Thinks that there should be mutual communication and interchange, now that peace is established. Edinburgh, 29 Dec. 22 Jac. V. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
30 Dec. 1586. John [Carondelet] Archbishop of Palermo to [Cromwell].
Galba, B. X. 54. B. M. “Mons. le Secretaire,” I have received your letter by Vaughan, the bearer of this, stating that you are Hacket's executor in England. In accordance with the power you sent Vaughan, he and I have settled all his affairs here, and I have delivered to him all the papers and “kreages” (?) left in his house, with all the furniture except what has been sold. Vaughan has done his duty here well. He would have gone already, but was detained by the claim of Bernard de Pilly on Hacket's goods for 98 livres 14 s . . de gros monnoic dc Flandres. I recommend to you Jennin Sohier, Hacket's chief servant, who is going to England. He has discharged his duty honestly, both during his master's life and since his death. Brussels, penult. Dec. 1534. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2.
30 Dec. 1587. Thos. Broke to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Has not forgotten his kindness to him and his poor wife. Would gladly serve him. John Gough has your New Year's gift from the King. You might well be considered a man of high honor, seeing what importunate suit was made by divers to have the delivery of your cup. Gough was almost dead of the stone and the strangwyllyon, and is yet so sore pained that he cannot endure labor. He therefore sends it by one of your servants. He has been advised to make suit by Mr. Norris' help for 8d. extraordinary that Mr. Hyghfeld hath; and he said that Norris had written two or three times to your lordship already in his favor. I advised him in no wise to move Mr. Norris in such a matter; for it is “clearly from the King's coffers,” who lately signed a bill to John Hawte, and broke it two days after, because it was out of his coffers. Besides, I did not think it meet to call upon Norris for a suit, for he might think you had forgotten your promise. Did it for the best, and hopes that Lisle will not be offended. Thanks him for his letter to Norris in the writer's own case; but did not use it. Written 30 Dec.
Hol., pp. 2. Sealed. Add. and endd.
1588. [Cumberland?] to Henry VIII.
R. O. The affairs of the West Marches stand in good point. The king of Scots and his officers act in accordance with the last truce, as appeared at Lowghmabanstone, both on the — Nov. and since. All bills on either side have been found either foul or clean. I have appointed with lord Maxwell another meeting at the Bating Bush on 18 Jan. next, when I trust we shall conclude all the rest. On 16 Dec. I met with Patrick Hales, lieutenant of Liddesdale, and indented with him for mutual response to be had at Crossop fote, 26 Jan., for all attemptates since the last peace.
Sent lately Thos. Clyfford with the soldiers of Carlisle to apprehend Anthony Armestrong, an Englishman who is indicted of March treason in selling horses to Scotchmen and bringing Scots into Hexhamshire. He was that night abroad in the woods with one John Irwen, a Scotchman and having notice the two resorted to Thos. Wilson, an officer of lord Dacre in Gillisland, who assembled 60 of the tenants to withstand the soldiers. For this rebellion they are indicted before the writer at a warden court. Desired to know the King's pleasure therein.
Pp. 2.
31 Dec. 1589. Henry Earl of Cumberland to Cromwell.
R. O. Wrote lately of the discharge he had on Christmas Eve by the King letter of such offices as he had got by the King's favor of others. The bearer, Thos. Dawston, his under steward, will inform Cromwell of the riots done and prepensed on the morrow of Christmas and after by Dacre's servants entering and breaking the steward's chamber at Holme, &c. Cannot serve the King so well as he would if he have not the governance of his servants on the Borders. Skipton Castle, 31 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To master Secretary. Endd.
31 Dec. 1590. Edward Gruffyth to Cromwell.
R. O. William ap William troubles me before the King's commissioners in the marches of Wales without any reasonable cause. I beg to have your letters to my lord president of the Marches to remit the matters to your mastership and the King's Council. My tenants are also often vexed by the deputy chamberlain of Caernarvon by writs of the exchequer of Caernarvon touching title of lands. The Deputy is partial, and I desire your letters to him not to trouble my tenants who may be sued before the justices or the King's commissioners. Penryn, 31 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
[Dec. ?] 1591. The Wife and Children of Sir Thomas More.
Arundel MS. No. 152. 300 b. B. M. Arch. XXVII. 369. Petition for the pardon and release of the said Sir Thomas, who has remained more than eight months in the Tower of London, “in great continual sickness of body and heaviness of heart.” The King during that time has allowed his said wife to retain his moveable goods and the revenues of his lands, although forfeited for his refusal of the oath; but lately an act (or two) has been made in the last parliament, not only confirming the former forfeiture, but causing the inheritance of all the lands which the said Sir Thomas had from the King, amounting to the annual value of 60l., to be forfeited. All that his wife brought him is expended in the King's service, and she is likely to come to want, as also her son, who stands charged with the payment of certain great sums due by the said Sir Thomas to the King. But above all this, the said Sir Thomas is likely to die after his long and true service to the King. Beseeching the King to grant this their petition, considering that his offence is not of malice or obstinacy, “but of such a long-continued and deep-rooted scruple as passeth his power to avoid and put away.”
Dec. 1592. John Smyth to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Sends lord Lisle the bill of last year's accounts, with a letter, which he asks her to look at, and let him know their pleasure. London, — Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
[Dec.] 1593. France, England, and the Emperor.
Add. MS. 28,587, f. 160. B. M. Memoir written by Idiaquez, secretary to Charles V., concerning future negotiations with France, now that it appears by Hannart's letters that the French king persists in the answer he gave to the count of Nassau, which was a refusal to treat of a marriage between the princess of England and the duke of Angoulême, his third son. * * * Whether a despatch should be sent to Ireland in accordance with what was written to earl Desmond and the prince of Ireland, or whether it shall be deferred for a few days.
Sp., pp. 8. Modern copy.
Dec. 1594. The Royal Supremacy.
Rym. XIV. R. O. Acknowledgments of the royal supremacy continued. See Nos. 921, 1024, 1121, 1216, and 1347
1. Cathedral of Christchurch, Canterbury, 10 Dec. 1531. Signed by prior Thomas and 60 others. Rym. 497.
R. O. 2. Abbey of Faversham, 10 Dec. 1534. Signed by abbot John, by Rob. Faversham, prior, John Harte, sacrist, Thos. Sellyng, cellarer, John Lynstyd, precentor, Dunstan, sub-prior, and eight others. Rym. 505.
R. O. 3. Priory of Folkestone, 15 Dec. 1534. Signed by Thomas Barret [prior ?] and another. Rym. 516.
R. O. 4. Priory of Lyddis, Canterb. dioc., 22 Dec. 1534. Signed by Arthur Sentleger, prior, Thos. Egerton, subprior, and 11 others. Rym. 513.
R. O. 5. Priory of St. Mary Magdalene, Combwell, 23 Dec. 1534. Signed by Thomas Vyncent, prior, and five others. Rym. 506.
R. O. 6. Priory of St. Mary Bilsyngton, 26 Dec. 1534. Signed by prior John and six others. Rym. 501.
R. O. 7. Priory of St. Martin Novi Operis, Dovor, — Dec. 1534. Signed by prior John and 12 others. Rym. 510.
R. O. 8. Domus Dei, Dovor, — Dec. 1534. Signed by John Clerke, master, and five others. Rym. 525.
R. O. 9. College of St. Gregory, Wye, — Dec. 1534. Signed by Ric. Waltare, provost, and three others. Rym. 518.
1595. Town of Oxford.
R. O. A note of certain liberties granted to the mayor and burgesses by the King's progenitors, and confirmed by the present King, which have been infringed by the university.
1. That no one should sell merchandise in the town, except freemen of the town or of the guild merchant. The proctors and scholars procure foreigners to exercise merchandise.
2. To have felons' goods, as the city of London has. The officers of the university take felons' goods.
3. To have cognisance of pleas within the town. Mr. Commissary and proctors hold pleas of temporal matters, and will not let them be determined before the mayor.
4. To have return of writs, and that freemen be not impleaded out of the town. The freemen are arrested, suspended, banished and wrongfully imprisoned by the commissary and proctors, and a citation awarded against the mayor to examine him.
5. To have the appointment of the clerk of the market and jurisdiction over victuallers,—Rights usurped by the commissary.
6. To have view of frankpledge and inquiry of nuisances.
7. To have the like privileges with the city of London. The commissary and proctors make corporations, and take fines of poor men that have been prentices.
8. To have all fines and amerciaments in Oxford. They are levied by the commissary and proctors.
9. The bakers, at the instigation of the commissary and proctors, withdraw the toll from the town mills.
Pp. 2. Endd.
R. O. 2. Another set of complaints in six articles similar to the preceding.
Large paper, pp. 2, mutilated, Endd.
1596. Oxford University.
R. O. Complaints of the scholars and students of Oxford against the mayor and burgesses.
1. For stopping the collection of a fine called the “alewaightes,” paid by the brewers and tipplers, which produced about 5l. a year for the maintenance of a priest to pray for the King and to keep the university library and divinity school and celebrate divers masses for the King's progenitors. 2. The townsmen now wear weapons at pleasure, contrary to a grant of 29 Edw. III., which gave the chancellor power to punish them. 3. For interfering with victuallers and fishmongers resorting to the town in the sale of their goods. 4. For making corporations independent of the chancellor, and enacting ordinances by which the brewers sell ale at their own prices. They take 6d. a barrel too much, as the shoemakers, by their corporation, take 2d. more for each pair of shoes than is commonly paid in the country. 5. For resisting the chancellor's jurisdiction over weights and measures, so that the tipplers and innholders now sell the quarter of ale for 5s. which they bought for 20d. 6. Kine and swine now wander in the streets, and dunghills are made in divers places, as the chancellor has no longer power to amerce for nuisances. 7. The view of frankpledge, which the university ever since the 30 Edw. III. used to hold twice a year, is now interrupted; so that inquisition is not made of keeping clean the streets, conservation of the peace, &c. 8. The mayor often releases persons sent to prison by the chancellor; and the keeper of the King's castle, who is commonly a freeman of the town, will not take them except as the mayor pleases. 9. Since of late the university have been unable to call townsmen before the chancellor, they have been utterly destitute of justice. 10. The townsmen ignore the rights of privileged persons as householders, and exact great sums from them, especially for baking and brewing, which are not merchandise, but are under the chancellor's jurisdiction. 11. The students are troubled by malicious indictments, contrary to ordinances of the time of Hen.IV. 12. The town has given up the obit on St. Scholastica's Day for the souls of the scholars slain by the townsmen in the great conflict. They used to offer 5s. 3d. in St. Mary's Church, and are bound to forfeit 100 marks every time it is neglected. Moreover lands have been given them by Will. Ufforde and Edw. Attwode, sometime mayors of Oxford, towards their charges therein. The university desire the old usage to be renewed, but are content to remit the arrears of forfeiture, amounting to 800 marks, if the arrears of alms are paid. 13. The mayor and townsmen have discontinued coming to St. Mary's Church and taking oath to respect the privileges of the university, as they have done for more than 200 years. A sermon used to be preached on the occasion in favor of peace and unity. 11. The mayor and bailiffs have enclosed commons and appropriated them. 15. The jurisdiction of the university has been interrupted touching forestalling, regrating and the clerkship of the market, contrary to the grant of 32 Edw. III.
Pp. 5. Endd.
1597. Oxford University.
R. O. Complaints of the chancellor, scholars, and students against the town under 12 different heads, similar in general character to those in the preceding. The townsmen affirm that they have no liberties, because they have surrendered them.
Paper roll on two sheets.
1598. Oxford.
Turner's Records of City of Oxford, 122. Answers of the mayor and commonalty of the town of Oxford to the bill exhibited against them by the chancellor and scholars “of the said town” (university).
1. They do not affirm that the chancellor and scholars have no liberties, because they have surrendered them to the King, but they have from time to time endeavoured craftily to obtain grants of things long ago grante to the town, which privileges are now void in law. They, however, purchased bulls and censures in support of them, alleging them to be for the quietness and rest of the students, though it “reduceth” the scholars to temporal business; in dread of which the mayor and commonalty submitted to the usurpation. The chancellor and scholars now wish to wrest their liberties from the mayor and commonalty, urging that they should resign their rights. 2. The chancellor and scholars are not clerks of the market, and have never used it peaceably. 3. They have not the oversight of weights and measures. 4. The town does not take from the university any duty of 5l. a year, but the chancellor and scholars used to extort fines for licensing of them to misuse their occupations.” 5. The mayor and commonalty have always been accustomed to wear weapons, and there is no law against it. 6–11. Touching the keeping of lawdays, the power of imprisonment and oaths taken by the town officers to the university, &c. 12. Deny that they have indicted proctors out of malice. The proctors pulled open in the night the doors of Will. Grethedde when he was going to bed; on which he met them with a poker, but they struck him down, took his purse and carried him to prison; for which unlawful act the proctor was indicted before Mr. Secretary's late visit to Oxford. 13. About a year ago the commissary and scholars met at their congregation house only to discommon a number of the most substantial freemen.
1599. Oxford.
Turner's Records of Oxford, 127. “Clauses contained in the writings of Mr. Mayor and his brethren, which are thought very unreasonable, and are manifest signs that Mr. Mayor and his brethren doth not effectually purpose to take any amicable, equal or quiet end with the university.”
They require a diminution of customs sworn to by themselves: that freemen should not be troubled by the nightwatch (if students had the same liberty it would amount to no watch at all); that those who watch shall be sworn in the market place; that the chancellor be sworn to the mayor of the town to see the King's peace kept; and that he be deprived of the power to banish or excommunicate any one, &c.
1600. News from Genoa.
Vit. B. XIV. 167. B. M. “Quanto habbiamo di . . . . . e qua ne attende a . . . . . sara la piu superba, che di qu . . . . . . an . . . . . saranno al mancho galere novanta et nave cento . . . . . venti caravelle che it Sermo Re di Portogallo li ma . . . . . optimi vasselli da armata, saranno benissimo adordin . . . . . armata sara messa adordine da esso Principe Doria. S . . . . . che sara tale da non gli fare sette Afriche diffesa. Andr . . . . . armata homeni da mettero in terra venticinque millia al m . . . . . doppo esso principe e capitano el signor Marchese del Vas[to] . . . . . fantarie partite a questo modo, dodeci millia Alaman . . . . . Spagnuoli et sei millia Ittaliani gente fiorita et usa nell . . . . . Ittalia restera per levare dissegno a Franciosi et sociis eorum . . . . . di quali capitano Antonio di Leva, et piu qui in ge . . . . . hanno essi fanti sei millia online espresso da Cesare . . . . . minimo cenno si transferischino a Genova. Apresso a . . . . . . per anchora si trova lo Imbasciatore dil Barbaro[ssa] . . . . . ottenuto da esso Re di mandare do nave * * * vasselli nove grossi.”
Barbarossa is still at Tunis, but not trusted by the soldiers. Many of his men have died of pestilence, and many fled to the Alarbi, with whom the king of Tunis was in great reputation. The armies are to meet in Sardinia in February. The Emperor has sent 300,000 ducats hither. 1,500 Biscayans are going at their own expense. The French will arm 30 galleys, but little account is taken of them. The Pope has provided the sum he taxed himself in.
Ital., pp. 2, mutilated. Endd.: Copia d'uno capitclo di nove scritosi da Genova.
*** There is an abstract of the above in the margin, made before the mutilation.
1601. Grants in December 1534.
Dec. Grants. 1. Wm. Dacre lord Dacre of Gylleslond, Graystok and Weme, alias lord Dacre of Naward, &c. Pardon for the misprisions to which he confessed on being examined, 25 July last, before Sir Thos. Audeley, the chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, the treasurer, Hen. marquis of Exeter. Thos. Crumwell, the King's chief secretary, Sir Edw. Walsyngham, lieutenant of the Tower of London, and Ric. Riche, the solicitor general. Also special pardon to the said William with respect to his offices of warden of the West marches, captain of Carlisle, Castle, steward of the manors or lordships of Penrith Castle, Soureby, Gramlesby and Queeneshames, and the forest of Inglewood. Cumb. This pardon not in any manner to invalidate a recognizance of 10,000 marks to be paid at Christmas, made in Chancery, at Westminster, 17 Oct. 26 Hen. VIII., wherein he bound himself to Thos. Crumwell the King's chief secretary, Sir Wm. Paulet. controller of the King's household, and Sir Brian tuke, treasurer of the King's chamber. Del. Westm., 2 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, ms. 23–5.
2. Thos. Alvarde. Grant in fee of the lands and tenements called Brookys, in the parish of St. Matthew without the gate of Ipswich, Suff.; a water-mill called “le Newe Milne,” in the parish of St. Peter, Ipswich, a tenement in Nacton called Hamondes, and all other Crown lands in Ipswich, and in Westerfelde, Raydon, Groundesborough, Deluth, Clopton, Willesham, Capell. Arwarden, Branford, Spronghton, Chatesham, Trymley, and Stoneham. Suff., which belonged to the late priory of St. Peter, Ipswich. Del. Westm., 2 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2. m. 31.
3. Sir John Box, priest. Licence to hold two benefices and be non-resident. Greenwich, 5 Nov. 26 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
4. Commissions of sewers.
Suffolk: Thomas duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Thos. lord Wentworth, John abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, Geo. abbot of Leyston, Henry abbot of Sipton, John prior of Ixworth, Wm. prior of Eye, Wm. prior of Olave, Ric. Shelton master of Metyngham, Sir Robert Drury, Sir Arthur Hopton, Sir Anthony Wyngfeld, Sir John Henyngham, Sir Thomas Tyrell of Gippyng, Sir Humphrey Wyngfeld, Sir Thomas Tey, Sir Wm. Rowse, Sir John Cornewales, Sir William Walgrave, jun., Sir John Jernegan, Sir Thos. Barnardeston, Sir Thos. Rasshe, Sir Wm. Drury, Sir John Glemeham, John Spryng, John Saliard, Leonell Talmage, Thomas Alvarde, George Colte, Arthur Russhe, Robt. Downes, Robt. Crane. John Harvy of Oulton, Robert Rookewode, Edmund Lee, John Southwell, Robert Reynold, son of Robert Reynold the elder, Clement Higham, Harry Hubberd, Thomas Jermyn, John Tasborough, John Croftes, Edmund Poley, Ralph Everard, Christopher Playter, and John Drury of Rowham. Westm., 8 Dec.—Pat. 26 Hen.VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
5. Norfolk: Thomas duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Eligeus abbot of Wyndham, John prior of St. Faith's, Richard abbot of Westderham, Robert prior of Pentney, William prior of Westacre, Thomas prior of Castelacre, Richard prior of Walsyngham, Robert prior of Langley, William prior of Norwich, William abbot of St. Benet's, John prior of Coxford, William prior of Thetford, Sir John Spelman Sir James Boleyn, Sir Roger Townesende, Sir William Paston, Sir John Heydon, Sir John Shelton, Sir Edmund B[e]nyngfeld, Sir John Jermy, Sir Francis Lovell, Sir Walter Hubberd, Sir Edward Chamberlayn, Sir Francis Calthorpe, Sir John Tyndale, Christopher Jenney, serjeant-at-law, Robert Holdiche, Edmund Wyndeham, Richard Southwell, Henry Bedyngfeld, William Fermour, younger. John Robsart, Philip Calthropp, William Conyngeshy, Francis Moundeford, William Yelverton, sen., Robert Townesend, Nicholas Hare, Henry Hunsden, Humphrey Carwell, Robert Segrave, John Fyncham, Thomas Derham, Anthony Gurney, William Fermour, John Clere. As above.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 1, ms. 1d and 2d.
6. Chris. Hales, the attorney general, and Ric. Ryche, the solicitor general. Grant in fee, of the manor of Fyndon, Sussex, with courts leet, wards, marriages, &c. Del. Westm., 8 Dec. 26 Hen.VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 13.
7. Thos. Wall alias Wyndesore. To be chief herald and Garter king of arms, with 40l. a year out of the petty custom of the port of London. Westm., 8 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 9 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
8. Somerset.—Commission to Sir Edw. George, John Bariowe dean of Westbury, John Bartylmew of Bristol, and John Coldes of Bristol to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of James Kyng. Westm., 10 Dec.—Pat. 26 Hen.VIII. p. 1, m. 32d.
9. Leicestershire.—Similar commission to Edw. Mountague, serjeant-at-law, Sir Wm. Turvile, Edw. Catesby and John Beamond, on the lands and heir of Eliz. Temple. As above.—Ib.
Similar commission to Sir Wm. Turvile, Edw. Catesby and John Beamond on the lands and heir of Ralph Sherley. As above.—Ib.
10. Rutland.—Similar commission to Edw. Montagua, serjeant-at-law, and Thos. Brundenell on the lands and heir of John Caldeott. As above.—Ib.
11. Ralph Rowlet and Martin Bowes, gold-miths, London. Acquittance (in accordance with an agreement between the King and then, by indenture bearing date 6 April 24 Hen. VIII.) of all that relates to an assay of silver and gold made in the Star Chamber at Westminster before Sir Thos. Audeley. Thos. duke of Norfolk, lord Treasurer, Charles duke of Suffolk, Thos. earl of Wiltshire, John earl of Oxford, Robt. earl of Sussex, Stephen bp. of Winchester, Thos. Crumwell, the King's secretary, Sir Robt. Norwiche, C. J. of C. P., Sir Anth. FitzHerbert, justice of C. P., Edw. Fox, the King's almoner, Sir Wm. Kyngeston, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir John Danncy, and others of the King's Council, concerning the money minted in the Tower of London between 1 March 24 Hen.VIII. and 30 October last (both days included), viz., in the time of John Copynger, keeper of the change in the said Tower, and the said Ralph and Martin, masters and workers of the Mint there; at which assay it was found by Wm. Roche, Wm. Bowyer, Paul Withipoll, Robt. Trapps, Wm. Lok, John Gressham, Robt. Pakyngton, Ric. Osborne, John Rastell, John Faire, Thos. Marbury, John Freman, Roger Horton, Thomas Wastell, Robt. Couper, Nich. Bull, Robt. Rede, Thos. Sponer, Edm. Accombe, Fabian Wether, Edm. Ley, Wm. Peter, Wm. Gonson, Martin Pery, Thos. Calton, Henry Averell, Rog. Mondy, John Palterton, Robt. Spenley, Thos. Aunsom, Nich. Stathom, Mich. Dormer, Walt. Mershe, and Wm. Knyght, that the money was good and of sufficient purity according to the standard. Westm., 10 Dec.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16.
12. John Dymmok, sen., draper, and Thos. Palley, stock-fishmonger, both of London. Custody of a messuage with three acres of land and a dovecote, called Clement's Dodde, in Reynham, Essex; for the term of 20 years, at the annual rent of 4s. 6d. and 4s. increase. Thos. Pylson and Geo. Fulsehurst, both of London, are securities. Westm., 11 Dec.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8.
13. John Bagewyll, of Otehill, Somers., tanner. Pardon for the murder of Wm. Imberley at Charde Hethfeld. Westm., 7 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Dec.—P.S.
14. John Bellitour, elk. Grant of the canonry and prebend called Alveley, in the collegiate church or free chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Brignorth, Salop, vice Thomas Seintleger, resigned. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
ii. Mandate to the dean and chapter in pursuance of the above. 13 Dec. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
15. Jasper Arnolde, basketmaker, a native of Brabant, in the Emperor's dominions. Licence to keep in his service four journeymen or covenant servants, natives of parts beyond sea, notwithstanding the statute 14 & 15 Hen. VIII. (cap. 2). Westm., 12 Dec. Greenwich, 9 Nov. 20 Hen.VIII. Del., 12 Dec. 26 Hen.VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
16. Gerard Vion, esquire, of the “pryvey kychyn” of the French king. Passport through the kingdom to and from Scotland, with two servants, three horses, &c. Westm., 13 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
17. John Asshe. Licence to “use shooting in his crossbow at all manner of marks and games,” and keep the same in his house. Westm., 13 Nov. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Dec.—S.B.
18. John Brokden or Brogden, one of the yeomen of the Guard. Fee of the Crown of 6d. a day, in reversion, after Robt. Leghton or Wm. Dusshebourne. Greenwich, 30 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 21.
19. John Parker, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Robes. To be pavilioner, or serjeant of the King's pavilions and tents, with 12d. a day, and 4d. a day for a yeoman under him. Westm., 8 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. WEstm., 14 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
20. Thomas Peverell, of Brodeford, Dorset. Pardon for burglary, 25 Oct. 24 Hen. VIII., in the house of John Butt at Gillingham, Dorset. Westm., 9 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
21. Monastery of Aboddesbury, Salisbury dioc. Assent to the election of Roger Roddon, prior, as abbot, vice John Portesham, deceased. Addressed to Thomas Benett, vicar-general of the diocese of Salisbury. Westm., 15 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
ii. Petition for the above, naming John Tregunwell, LL.D., and John Rice (“Rheseus”), LL.B., registrar-general in ecclesiastical matters, as their deputies to the King. Dated 1 Dec. 1534.
22. Edward Rogers, esquire of the Royal Body. To be bailiff of Hampenes and Sandegate, marches of Calais, with 12d. a day, as enjoyed by John Cheyney or Roger Cheyney, who now holds the office. Westm., 11 Dec. 16 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Dec.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
23. Royston priory. Assent to the election of Ric. Britten as prior. Westm., 13 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Dec.—P.S.
24. Bishop of Ely. Licence to allow any of his servants to use his cross-bow or hand-gun within his lordship of Somersham and Derham, in the isle of Ely, notwithstanding the act of 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
25. Sir Arthur Darcy. To be steward of Galtres forest and the lawn in the said forest and master of the hunt of deer there, with herbage and pannage, wind-falls, &c., in the same forest, vice Sir Anth. Ughtred, deceased; with the usual fees are enjoyed in the said offices by the said Sir Anth., or Henry Marney, deceased. Del. Westm., 20 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 21.
26. Chris. Jenny. To be one of the King's serjeants-at-law. Del. Westm., 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
27. John Smyth, yeoman of the Guard. Fee of the Crown of 6d. a day, vice Piers Young, deceased.—S.B. (undated). Westm., 20 Dec. Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 31.
28. Edw. archbishop of York. Inspeximus and confirmation of charter, 3 Dec. 1 Edw. IV., granting to Wm., then archbishop of York, and his successors, return of writs by their bailiffs and other privileges. Westm., 21 Dec.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. Rgm. XIV. 544.
29. Sir Wm. Paulet, comptropller of the Household. Appointment as chief officer for the overseeing, rule, wardship and sale of all heirs, tenants of the Crown, and other heirs, and the marriage of the same, and keeper, overseer, governor and venditor of all possessions, &c. belonging to the King by right of such heirs. Also power to appoint feodaries and other officers in all the King's possessions in the different cos. in England, the cos. of Lanc., Chester, Wales and the marches thereof: with 100l. a year and for himself and 10l. for his clerk. This appointment is on the recall of a similar one granted by patent, 3 Nov. 18 Hen. VIII., to Thomas Englefeld, serjeant-at-law, and the said William. Del. Westm., 21 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
30. Thos. Kelham, of London, tailor, Pardon for having killed Geo. Fayerbroder, of London, tailor, in self-defence, as appears by the record of John Wylford, coroner in the city of London. Westm., 21 Dec.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 10.
31. Robt. Norton. To be clerk of the peace in the North Riding of co. York, Westm., 20 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
32. Ric. Snell, yeoman of the Crown. Grant of the corrody in the monastery of Glastonbury, Somers., void by the forfeiture of Sir Thos. More. Westm., 16 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Dec.—P.S.
33. Thomas Pope, elk., and William Smyth. To be clerks of the Star Chamber at Westminster, in survivorship; on surrender of patent, 25 Oct. 24 Hen. VIII., granting the office to the said Thomas alone. Westm., 23 Dec.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m.. 33.
34. Ric. Whith poll. Presentation to the parish church of Walcamstowe, London dioc., vice Thos. Hikman, dec.: the presentation belonging to the King by feoffment of Nich. Hancoke, last prior of Holy Trinity, commonly called Christchurch, London, and by the dissolution of the monastery.—S.B., dated at bottom 26 Dec. (fn. 3)
35. Sir Thos. Andeley, chancellor, (fn. 4) Grant to him and Sir Hen. Parker, Sir Thos. Barnardiston, John Cristemas, Thos. Pope, Arthur Clerke and Thos. Spilman, of the manor of Braughyng, or Braughyngbury, Herts; with the rectory and the lands, &c., lately held by Nich. Hancok, late prior of the suppressed monastery of Holy Trinity commonly called Christ Church, London, in Braughyng, Pokriche, Cournebury, Leyston, Wedyall, Buklond, Westmyll, Buntyngford, Stotalon, Aspeden, Milkeley and Bircheholt, Herts, except the manor of Berkeden. The grants made to Sir Thos. by patents 9 April 25 Hen. VIII., and 23 March 25 Hen.VIII., of the site of the monastery, &c., are confirmed. Del. Westm., 29 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 33.


  • 1. i.e., his son Gregory.
  • 2. James Basset
  • 3. According to Newcourt the date of the presentation was 29 Dec. 1534.
  • 4. There is a modern copy of this grant in Harl. MS. 7048, f. 147.