Henry VIII: November 1534, 6-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: November 1534, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp529-535 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: November 1534, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp529-535.

"Henry VIII: November 1534, 6-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp529-535.


November 1534, 6–10

6 Nov. 1393. Roland Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to Henry VIII.
R. O. By the aid of Sir Thos. Englefyld I have brought the parties about Shrewsbury to a reasonable stay touching robbery, intending to remain in your town of Ludlow, of which we have partly repaired the castle, during the winter. I beseech you that Sir Thomas may have your thanks when he attends you. I am right desirous of his return. Since he left the Marches 12 days since, the business has been great, and he will be loth to return except at your command. For reformation here we have devised a new book of instructions which, with the old, I have sent to Mr. Secretary. Ludlow, 6 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
6 Nov. 1394. Dr. John London to Cromwell.
R. O. The subwarden of the College has delivered to Sir Man and Holmes in writing what you desired. Both will now appear before you, and, your pleasure known, we shall see it duly observed. We beg your favor for maintaining by your authority such good ancient customs and orders among us as have hitherto kept our youth in obedience. Oxford, 6 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
6 Nov. 1395. Thomas Leygh to —.
Galba, B. x. 48. B. M. I wrote lately by John Co[ke], secretary to the Merchant Adventurers. On Saturday night I went to Doway, where good Mr. Hackett died. His corpse had been removed to Calais on Wednesday.
All the stuff he left is in two chests and a male, which are locked and sealed with the town seal. Mr. Cromwell and my lord of Palarom (archbishop of Palermo), are his exec[utors]. I need not tell you of the perfect remembrance of mind he had till the hour of his death, as his servant Jennyn, I think, has shown you. Went thence to Brussels, where I found the rest of Hackett's servants together in his lodging, where they remain, and [do not] come abroad except at night. My lord of Palarom has ordered them to keep themselves secret until he hears from Cromwell. I think he maketh his reckoning that they shall all have black coats. All Hackett's chambers both at Brussels and Machlyn are sealed with the town seal. There is nothing that any man can come by except his horses in his stable at Brussels. A Florentine named Bar[nardo] de Pile has arrested his goods at Brussels for a bill of his hand for 14 s. g. ff., dated 16 Jan. 1521. I am surprised he owed money, for Flegge sent him 30 li ff. three days before my coming, which I must repay, as before I left England I asked Flegge to send it if Hacket wanted money. Inform Cromwell of anything in this letter that he should know. Help me to get my 30l. again, for I sent to Cromwell a copy of a letter of Hackett's, dated 22 Oct. last, saying that he did not wish me to be a loser. If I had been at Antwerp myself I would have sent him 100l. st. if he had desired it, as soon as 30l. ff.
I owe Hackett 10 cr., but have paid for him to Hawte, Tuke's clerk, 2d. of every pound; 16s. 8d. for 100l., and for a piece of wine to Mr. Fouler, 4 cr., and other small trifles, 2 cr. Andwerpe, 6 Nov. 1534.
Hol., pp.2.
6 Nov. 1396. Geo. Lord Rochford to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have sent the bearer, the King's servant, only to bring me sure word in what sort the Admiral will cross the sea, and whether he will send his train before him or come first himself. I beg you to inquire and send word by the bearer, and that he may have the first passage after the Admiral has arrived at Calais. Vaghan, the bailly of Dover, whom you have required to come to Calais as one of the retinue there, cannot be spared, as the Admiral is lodged in his house. Commend me to my lady. Dover, 6 Nov. Signed.
P 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
7 Nov. 1397. Count of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Add. MS. 28,587, f. 125. B. M. * * * * *
(f. 129 b.) In order to know what the knight Casale was doing with the Pope, told his Holiness how the agents of the king of England delayed the determination of the Queen's case, and raised hopes of some honorable settlement, in order to delay the sentence and gain time to delude the English people into disobedience to the Holy See. They (fn. 1) (he?) besought the Pope to consider the importance of the case; both to the Holy See and to the Emperor. Told him to believe what Casale said about the King's dissatisfaction with Anne Boleyn and his desire to treat the Queen well, for this was said with an object. The Imperial ambassador's letters from England were more recent than Casale's news, and they state that the Queen and Princess are as badly treated as ever, and that heresy (los errores) is increasing. Did not wish his Holiness to refuse to receive the King into the Church again if he restored the Queen and Princess, but his obedience must be more than words, of which the Pope has had experience enough. The Pope replied that it was true the English agents had given him to understand that the King would return to his obedience, and had told him the contrary of what the Count had heard from the ambassador; but he assured the Count that he would execute justice, and if the King would not effectually obey the Holy See, he would not be deceived by any manner of dealing. He showed, however, a desire of doing something to bring back the King to his duty. His Holiness spoke with great earnestness, which he has always shown in this matter.
Asks for orders about obtaining the executoriales. * * Rome, 7 Nov. 1534.
Sp., pp. 17. Modern Copy.
Ib., f. 133. 2. Contemporary abstract, with marginal notes.
Sp. pp. 12. Modern Copy.
7 Nov. 1398. Charles V. to His Ambassador in France.
Granvelle Papers, II. 227. Besides what we have written in our other letters, which may be shown in confidence to the Queen, the Grand Master, and, if desirable, to Francis himself, provided he receive it in the strictest confidence, especially as to the affair of the marriage of England, we wish to inform you that we find the answer of Francis touching Milan, &c. very absolute, and think he makes more of the recovery of these possessions than of the alliances with our children. We should particularly wish that he found the said marriage of England acceptable, by which he would provide greatly for his third son, and assure his kingdom for the future, &c. Madrid, 7 Nov. 1534.
7 Nov. 1399. Sale of Wines.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 126. B. M. Soc. Ant. 73. Proclamation notifying that Sir Thos. Audley, lord Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, president of the Council, Thos. earl of Wilts, keeper of the Privy Seal, Sir John Fitzjames, chief justice of the King's Bench, and Sir Robt. Norwich, chief justice of the Common Pleas, in accordance with the Act concerning the sale of wines (24 Hen. VIII. c. 6), have fixed the following prices: Gascon or French wines 4l. a tun, and small and thin as the buyers and sellers may agree. With writ to the mayor and sheriffs of London and Middlesex, dated Westm., 7 Nov. 26 Hen. VIII.
Later copy, pp. 2.
7 Nov. 1400. The French Embassy.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 125. B. M. Soc. Ant. 74. Proclamation forbidding any quarrel, displeasure or unkindness to be shown to the great admiral of France, who is coming to England on an embassy, or to his suite. With writ to the mayor, aldermen and sheriffs of London and Middlesex. Westm., 7 Nov. 26 Hen. VIII.
Later copy, pp. 2.
8 Nov. 1401. Leonard Smyth to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Has received a letter by Mr. Lasy. Tuke looks daily for her money, and his clerk made Smyth believe that the obligations were in suit. Trusts she will hear from Mr. Secretary shortly to her comfort. Thinks those that sought to do her displeasure by their untrue and malicious reports shall do her pleasure and honor, as in the trial her goodness will be known to those who would not have known it otherwise. Hereafter it is good to trust Calais men as far as you may see them. Doubts not that the displeasures used to lord and lady Lisle will cause them to spare their purses. London, 8 Nov.
His brother, her auditor, was told three days ago by Mr. Secretary that he would write shortly to her contentation.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: In Calais. Endd.: Md. to speak to Mr. Rolf for to make search amongst the records for the copy of these letters patents by the which all the tenements in Bucket Street were first granted to the Butlers' ancestors. And to Mr. Wate to write.
8 Nov. 1402. Mary Bassett to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Is glad to hear her good news. The bearer has brought me a gold ornament. He wanted five crowns, but madame would only give him three, and I had to promise that you would give him one. Madame de Bours sends you some goshawks (outours). Bours, 8 Nov.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
8 Nov. 1403. John Abbot of Chester to Cromwell.
R. O. Has heretofore received his letters in favor of John Denwall with his bill of complaint enclose therein. Explains the circumstances (see No. 854), and asserts that Denwall is perjured and has forfeited his farm. Chester, 8 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
8 Nov. 1404. H. Halgrave to Thos. Alen of Rayleigh.
R. O. My lord your brother was slain here by the earl of Kildare's eldest son on 27 July. Your old host master Transfilde told me you were sore sick from the fall of a horse. I was taken prisoner a fortnight before my lord was slain, and continued in captivity till Oct. 18, when I was ransomed for 50 marks. The rebels took away all of my master's goods that they could, and what was saved by his naughty steward Mr. Wm. Brambycon (Brabacon), the King's treasurer of the army, has seized for his debt of 200l. to the King. It would be well for you to tell Mr. Cromwell that the King was rather in debt to him for money he laid out here with sufficient warrant. There was not 5l. spent on his burial nor his month's mind, and he lies after the most manner; his debts not paid, and nothing given for him to the poor, not to his kinsfolk or servants. He owed me 9l. for my costs when last in England. The Deputy has retained me in his service. Ask Cromwell to write to him for an office in the King's courts for me.
I am afraid I shall not retain without friendship the office my lord gave me, because I lack part of the performance thereof, as the seal of one of the chapters. If you cannot labor for me yourself, let Mr. George Alen do so. I have not a penny of my lord's goods, and what his steward has I know not. Dublin, 8 Nov
Recommend me to your wife. I intend to see you at Easter.
Hol., pp. 2. Ada.
8 Nov. 1405. Sir Gregory Casale to Cromwell.
R. O. St. P. VII. 579. Since writing on the 24th the French cardinals have had an answer from the French king, and the affair of the king of England has been intrusted solely to the card. of Lorraine, especially to procure his absolution from censures. The Pope appears to be satisfied with this, and the French have confidence that he will act as he says. Has spoken to the Cardinals about the probable ruin of the Holy See if the injury done to the King is not remedied.
As Lorraine is going away the day after tomorrow, the Pope will give him an answer alone tomorrow, but Castle will not show any anxiety to know what they are going to do. Lorraine hopes great things, but the Pope is not likely to do anything of great importance soon on account of his constitutional slowness. As his Holiness might be influenced by fear of offending the Emperor, suggested that he might reply to the Imperialists that he had promised his predecessor to invade England four months after the sentence, but now, instead, he values the King's friendship; that the King's subjects are most obedient, and the German enemies of the Holy See are ready to help him; that the King is rich in treasure and friends; that the papal dominions are exposed to the Turks, but the Imperialists take no measures to defend even their own countries; if, therefore, they will take up arms and fulfil the promises made to his predecessor, he will help them with censures and whatever they wish.
If the Imperialists wish to play the Pope a trick, he will be able to detect it, and if they confess that the Emperor can do nothing at present, he can say without blame, “Then we must consult our own interests, and since we must suffer the grossest indignity, let us rather make a show as if the king of England had acted rightly, and not expose our own disgrace.” Told the cardinal of Lorraine also what the king of England had said, that the Emperor wished his ambassador to exhort him to desert old friendships. Said this to show if the King was willing that the Emperor should enter into friendship with him without any mention of his aunt, as if she was dead, as I never heard that anything was said about her by the Emperor till the writer was in England last year.
Lorraine has asked him to stay in Rome till he went to England and France. Said he had orders to go to Venice, but would write to the King on the subject.
The Pope shows himself serious and careful in public matters. He has not appointed any nuncios. Thinks he will make few mistakes, but do little. Rome, 7 Nov. 1534.
The Pope has put off answering Lorraine till tomorrow. Will write if the Cardinal says anything about it, but Casale does not think he will. 8 Nov. signed.
Lat. Add. Endd.
9 Nov. 1406. Sir Gregory Casale to Cromwell.
R. O. St. P. VII. 581. His brother, the prothonotary, wrote lately to Vannes about Hungarian affairs. The news has now been confirmed, and the Doge has performed the exequies of his son Lewis at St. Mark's. The tumults there are of great importance. King John will be in a better state than ever now that Jerome Laschy and Lewis Gritti are removed. Both of them were hated by the Hungarians as being the cause of the devastation of the country by the Turks. As many people were concerned in the murder, they will all be forced to obey king John and flee from Ferdinand. It is said that the tyrant of the Turks will desire king John's friendship, if he will send to clear himself from the deed. The Turk is now busy with a campaign against the Persians.
The prothonotary has written and sent to Hungary to get information. The French king should write letters of credence for the prothonotary to king John, that he may the better assist that prince, lest the kingdom should fall into Ferdinand's hands through these disturbances. The prothonotary would have gone some days ago, but the cardinal of Lorraine asked him to wait for him. He has only left Rome to day. Rome, 9 Nov. 1534. Signed.
Lat. Add. Endd.
9 Nov. 1407. G. Earl of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for your mediation in my suit to the King for the money I had for my wood at Hoddesmere. I have accordingly sent my son and my chaplain, Sir John Morton, to account with Mr. Tuke for my debt to the King on the indentures made between the late Cardinal, Sir Hen. Wyatt and me. Sheffield Park, 9 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
9 Nov. 1408. Henry VIII. to the City of Waterford.
Lamb. MS. 632, f. 261b. Thanks them for their endeavors to resist the enterprises of those false traitors Thomas FitzGerrott and his accomplices. Westminster, 9 Nov. 26 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Copy.
9 Nov. 1409. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
R. O. Thank you for your gentleness to my surveyor. When I was last at Court you were pleased to move the King for a warrant of 100l. for the repairs of Ludlow Castle, which you sent to Sir Edw. Croft, receiver of the Marches; on which I bought 8 fother of lead and bestowed it on the castle, and repaired it as it has not been repaired this 100 years. I would have continued to do so if I might have had my money, which is near 60l. I am told by Crofte and Turner, the auditor, that the whole receipts are assigned to the King's household and the lady Dowager, so that I am compelled to borrow the money, and if I have not your help I am at no little afterdeal. Please direct your letter to Crofte to pay me the 100l. My lord of Norfolk will report our diligence here. I told him what I wrote to you concerning the thieves in these parts, at which time Geffrey Harley put up his supplication, and his Grace called Mr. Englefield and me, and said if he were a thief he should be hanged, which is not unlike, if grace come not from you. Commend Mr. Englefield, and encourage him to repair here after Christmas, as Mr. Vernon must be absent. Ludlow, 9 Nov. Signed.
Paragraph added in his own hand, stating that the repairs would have cost the King 500l.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
9 Nov. 1410. William Parys to Cromwell.
R. O. At this present day there is in the Isle of Wight an Englishman, “perrot of the sea,” who has taken an Englishman coming from Guernsey. Two days since he took a Norman coming from Portsmouth, laden with herrings, at Bordeaux. Mr. Huttoft at Hampton has a ship coming to Portsmouth, which will shortly be ready to defeat him, if I had your warrant to procure him fresh victuals and to buy a portion of his wares. As I suffer from the gout, I cannot come to do my duty. Portsmouth, 9 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
9 Nov. 1411. Thomas Rogers to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for your goodness to me, as manifested to my poor wife in her suit. Calais, 9 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
10 Nov. 1412. Thomas Lord Lawarr to Cromwell.
R. O. I send you 5l. for a poor remembrance that I give you yearly. I am sorry it is not more. At my poor lodge, 10 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
10 Nov. 1413. Ghinucci to Cromwell.
R. O. Wrote a few months ago about the pension of 1,400 ducats with which the King, at Cromwell's intercession, deigned to relieve his poverty, and that it might be consigned to Fras. Gabrieli, merchant of Lucca. Has since heard that Cromwell has promised to relieve his necessity, by which he is the more bound to him. Nevertheless, ventures to put him in mind once more. Rome, 10 Nov. 1534. Signed: Hie. Auditor Camere (corrected from Hie. Wigornien.)
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
10 Nov. 1414. Sir Wm. Weston to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letter, and have spoken with the gentleman who is commander of Swynfeld, and likewise with his brother-in-law Guthlac Overton, my auditor, who show me that the commander must dwell upon i himself, and therefore will not let it, though if he would have done so your lordship should have had the preference. St. John's nigh London, 10 Nov. 1534. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.


  • 1. Supplicavan. In the abstract it is suplicaba.