Henry VIII: September 1534, 11-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: September 1534, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp450-453 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: September 1534, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp450-453.

"Henry VIII: September 1534, 11-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp450-453.


September 1534, 11–15

11 Sept. 1144. [Henry VIII. to Sexten.]
Add. MS. 19,865, f. 1 b.
Thanks him for his resistance to the malicious enterprises of Thos. FitzGerald, that false traitor. As the feefarm of [Limerick] has been unpaid for several years since Ric. Fox was mayor, has appointed Edmund Sexten, sewer of the Chamber, to receive the arrears and the future payment of 10l. a year. The next time that Sexten comes to the King will grant permission for a sword to be carried before the mayor. Langley, 11 Sept. 26 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2. Modern copy.
11 Sept. 1145. Henry VIII. to Sir John O'Desmond. (fn. 1)
Add. MS. 19,865 f. 7.
Thanks him for his goodwill, zeal and benevolence in setting forward the King's affairs in Ireland. Desires credence for Edmond Sexten, who is fully instructed of his mind. Langley, 11 Sept.
Modern copy, Pp. 2.
13 Sept. 1146. Thomas Pope to Cromwell.
R. O. Sir John Dudley has not yet paid me a penny of my money, but has delayed me from time to time as no one would have treated the lewdest fellow in a country. I beg you will interfere. Old Ford, Stratford, 13 Sept.
Hol., p.1. Add.: Secretary.
13 Sept. 1147. Melanchthon to Joachim Camerarius.
Corpus Reform. II. 785. Would rather talk than write about English and French affairs. Has sent to France at the request of the brother of the bishop of Paris some moderate advice (quandam επιεικειαν) about the principal controversies. Has been twice invited by the English and expects a third letter. Is vexed at his own slowness. The Chancellor and Sneppius have written from Stutgard in the prince's name to find out his wishes, and they recall him to his country by kind letters. Replied courteously and doubts not they will write again, but English affairs affect him strongly. Will do nothing without Joachim's advice. Our αρχων, “Macedo,” (fn. 2) and ο κερασφορος (duke of Wurtemberg) will shortly meet at Fulda. Expects letters from England this Sept. The duke of Holstein has surrendered. The exiled king Christiern has not been restored. Id. Sept.
Münster is still besieged.
14 Sept. 1148. University of Oxford to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P. I. 425.
The King has sent two excellent persons to visit the colleges and halls by his authority, and has provided that great part of the colleges should support Greek and Latin professors. Cannot express their obligations for this. The visitors have signified to them the King's order that they should renounce the papal authority under their common seal, and swear fealty to him and his successors. Though they have done this already, they do it afresh. Ask him to grant them their accustomed privileges and immunities. Oxford, 18 cal. Oct.
P. 1. Lat. Mutilated. Add.
R. O. 2. Modern copy of the above. Pp. 2.
14 Sept. 1149. University of Oxford to Cromwell.
Titus, B. I. 356. B. M. Their commissary and proctor had informed them of Cromwell's good intentions on their behalf, and that he would promote their business with the King. Beg the restoration of their privileges and exemption from the heavy tax imposed upon them by the Parliament (“ex Senatusconsulto”). Oxoniæ, 18 cal. Oct.
Lat., p. 1. Addressed: “Clarissimo viro Do Thomæ Crumwello, primario regis Secretario.”
14 Sept. 1150. Sir Francis Lovell to Lord Lisle.
R. O. My wife and I send regards to you and my lady. I thank you for the kindness shown by your letter and gift, and in the words reported by your chaplain Sir Oliver Brown. If your lordship be pleased, my son and heir, Thomas Lovell, will marry your second daughter lady Eliz. Plantagenet, your lordship paying me 700 marks at such days as your said chaplain and mine, Ralph Sparke, will inform you, for whom I desire credence: and I will make her 100l. a year jointure out of my land. Estharlyng, 14 Sept. Signed.
P. Add. Endd.: The 14th of September 1534.
R. O. 2. Draft of articles for the marriage of Thomas, son and heir apparent of Sir Francis Lovell, and —, daughter of Lord Lisle.
Sir Francis requires that lord Lisle shall apparel both parties on the day of marriage and bear all charges of the dinner. He requires lord Lisle to pay 700 marks, 100 marks at the marriage and the rest by 100 marks a year. If one Of Lovell's daughters is married, the whole remainder to be paid at once. He desires merchants or gentlemen to be bound for the money.
P. 1. Endd.: For communication of Mr. Francis Lovell's son and Mrs. Frances, my lord's daughter.
15 Sept. 1151. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
R. O. Your son is in good health. I hope you understand the good order begun in Wales, so that thieves are afraid. On Michaelmas eve we intend to be at Shrewsbury again, and to abide there till All Hallowtide till we return to Ludlow, where there is great need of repairs, as I wrote to you by Mr. Rastall. I thank you for your letter to Englefield. Be good to this bearer. I have no news but concerning Ireland. This day at 5 a.m. was a sudden earthquake, in so much that the castle of Chester, standing upon a main rock, rocked like a cradle, to the great fear of us all therein. It was the same at Ludlow, Shrewsbury and other places. Chester, 15 Sept. Signed.
Added, in his own hand: Robert ap Riez is departed. Your kinsman, parson Willifed, shall not be forgotten to the bishop of St. Asaph's for a prebend.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary.
15 Sept. 1152. Roger Wygston and Thos. Trye to Cromwell.
R. O. We have received your letter concerning the matter at variance between the prioress of Nuneaton and the town of Cotton, and we have charged the latter not to enter on the ground that they claim common in parcel of the dominical lands belonging to the monastery until it be decided in Chancery. On the day we received your letter we held a sessions at Nuneaton to inquire into the riots, when three bills were exhibited by the prioress, and three in answer by the townspeople, which we think of small effect. The verdict of the jury we cannot attend to, as they have asked respite till the Tuesday after Twelfth day. Nuneaton, the morrow of Holy Rood day. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
15 Sept. 1153. Wm. Noxton, Prior of Southwick, to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Thanks for her letters. The visitation of God is very sore and extreme in our marine parts. Many of her loving friends have died. Is living peacefully at his hermitage of St. Leonard's John Noxtun's father is here, and desires to be commended to lord and lady Lisle. “Scribbled with a comfortless heart, in æde heremitica divi Leonardi,” 15 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
15 Sept. 1154. Henricke Johnson.
Galba, B.X. 47.
B. M.
“The copy of the sentence given at Barowe against Henricke Johnson, otherwise Trappe of Armewe,” 15 Sept. 1534.
The Scowte declared that Johnson ought to be sentenced to revoke his injurious words against the king of England, and to ask forgiveness of God and the judges; to stand upon a pillory three days for three hours each day, with a title of his offence attached to him; to have a hot iron thrust through his tongue; and to be banished the margraveship of Barowe and the lordship of Borflete, on pain of his right hand; and as the witnesses were on the other side of the sea, he should remain in prison unless he would confess and submit himself to the grace of the boromasters and skepyns. Johnson answered that certain Englishmen came from Zealand in his ship and would not pay their passage, when he being drunk, spake evil words, but not so large as the Scowte had declared; he asked them to pardon him for his simpleness and poverty. The borowmasters and skepyns, considering the evil consequences that may arise from injurious words between the subjects of the King and the Emperor, have ordained, without taking the extreme rigor of the law, that Johnson shall come from the prison to the town house barefoot and bareheaded in his shirt, holding a torch of 2lbs. of wax, and kneeling down beseech the forgiveness of God and the judges, and acknowledge that he is sorry for the words he spoke; to carry the torch thence and offer it before the Holy Sacrament in the church here; to pay 50 carolus guldens for the repairs of the new work in the Council chamber, and the law costs; and for a second offence to be banished out of the margraveship of Barowe and the lordship of Borthfliet for ever. 15 Sept. 1534.
Pp. 2.
15 Sept. 1155. The Archbishop of Lunden to Charles V.
Lanz, Corr. des K. Karl V., 116. * * * * These saucy Lubeckers have begun the war to bring Denmark under their control and infect it with Lutheranism, whether at the instigation of Christopher or of the king of England they care not. They have now again, I hear, sent ambassadors to the king of England, from whom they expect large support in money. Lyntii, 15 Sept. 1534.


  • 1. Died June 1536.
  • 2. Philip landgrave of Hesse?