Henry VIII: August 1534, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: August 1534, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp419-421 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1534, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp419-421.

"Henry VIII: August 1534, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp419-421.


August 1534, 16–20

21 Aug. 1079. Hugh Prior Of Durham to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his letters dated London, 8 Aug., by Mr. Warcop, now Carlisle herald. (fn. 1) Is glad the King is pleased with his late service in Scotland. Sends by Carlisle a grant of an annuity of 5l. to Cromwell under the conventual seal, and requests him to continue his kindness to St. Cuthbert's monastery. Has spoken with Carlisle about the farm of the parsonage of Gygleswike in Craven, which the King wished the prior to grant him. Will do what Cromwell thinks right on Carlisle's report. Duresme, 21 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Crumwell, secretary to the King's highness. Endd.
[22] Aug. 1080. Katharine [Duchess] Of Suffolk to Lady [Lisle].
Vesp. F. XIII. 80 5. B. M. Thanks her for the good wine and the dog she has sent her. Her husband desires to be recommended to her and her husband, and thanks them both for their kindness. Desires herself to be recommended to her correspondent's husband, as one who would be glad to be acquainted with him. At my lord of Shrewsbury's house in Yorkshire. Saturday after Our Lady's day “the Sumpsonen.”
Hol., p. 1.
22 Aug. 1081. Count of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Add. MS. 28,587, f. 21. B. M. The archbishop of Capua told him that the Pope, the night before his great paroxysm, said that the English were much afraid of the French, and that therefore the interview between the kings had not taken place. The chief cause was that Ana de Bolans feared that something might be done there to her detriment, and there was fear of the people rising in favor of the Queen during the King's absence. Rome, 22 Aug. 1534.
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy.
23 Aug. 1082. Ralph Earl of Westmoreland to Cromwell.
R. O. The bearer, John Hansart, is right heir male of the Hansarts' lands in Durham, Lincolnshire, &c., of which Thomas Hansart, who died since last Christmas, was found heir male by an office which the bearer will show. But of late John Bentley, who had great authority in co. Durham, procured by the labor of Sir William A . . . . an office to be found of the lands in said co. to the heirs general, so that they would descend to a woman he has married himself in case Eliz. Hansart had died, who is found the King's ward by “the said last office.” This not only debars his right, but is injurious to the Earl. Brauncepeth, 23 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To master Secretary. Endd.
23 Aug. 1083. E. Duchess of Norfolk to Cromwell.
Vesp. F. XIII. 79. B. M. Asks him to send her some venison, which is very scanty with her. Many of her friends who sent her venison last year dare send none now for fear of her lord's displeasure. Her husband has not sent her any since she came to Redbourne. Thanks for Cromwell's kindness, which she begs him to continue. Redbourne, 23 Aug. Signed.
P.S. in her own hand: Wishes to know whether to has received the book of articles and letter which she sent to intreat her husband “to half habat er leffeue” (to have a better living ?), and what answer he had. Hopes to be able to do him some pleasure to requite his kindness. Asks him to send the book of articles by the bearer.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
23 Aug. 1084. Sir J. Russell to Cromwell.
R. O. I send you a bill of the proceedings of certain lewd persons whom the justices of the peace found it impossible to bring into any order. One of the justices said that they were his neighbours, and he might not displease them ; and as they are the tenants of my lord of Essex, they will have the greater favor. I beg you will bring them before the Council. I believe there is an act “that where any riot is made above a certain number,” no justice of peace shall determine the matter or assess fines. Though the justices have appointed a day for their appearance, no indifferency can be expected. The parties are much my friends. Mrs. Fitzwilliams is my wife's near kinswoman. I send my chaplain, Mr. Manchester, to put you in remembrance hereof. Thornhaw, 23 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
24 Aug. 1085. John Pakyngton to Cromwell.
R. O. Whereas Sir John Hale, vicar of Istelworth, was attainted, of whom I bought certain lands in Worcestershire to the value of 3l. 13s. 4d., and paid him 100 marks for the same, yet, as the purchase was not finished before the lands escheated, I beg you will move the King in my behalf that I may have them. The King promised me to be gracious and referred me to you. I beg that you will obtain a bill assigning the land to me and my heirs. If they are given to one of the King's servants I am without remedy. I wish to have the bill assigned for the augmentation of my fee by such forfeitures as shall arise in the principality of North Wales, and I will give you 40 marks. I lose yearly there 200 marks in the King's service. Hampton Lovet, 24 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
25 Aug. 1086. Francis Halle to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Begs her to remember in her prayers the soul of his father, whom he found buried on coming hither, his mother and all the poor house desolate. Desires to be recommended to lord Lisle. Grantham, 25 Aug. 1534.
Hol., p. 1. Add.


  • 1. Noble gives Warcop as Carlisle herald only in 1544; but Hawley, his predecessor as Carlisle herald, was made Clarencieux 19 May 1536.