Henry VIII: August 1534, 11-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: August 1534, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp412-416 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1534, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp412-416.

"Henry VIII: August 1534, 11-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp412-416.


August 1534, 11–15

11 Aug. 1057. Chapuys to Charles
Vienna Archives. The day after the date of my last the Scotch ambassador came to dine with me, and besides confirming what he had sent to tell me by my man, said many things tending to show the singular affection and confidence his king and realm had in your majesty. He gave me to understand that neither his master nor the kingdom was much disappointed at not having the daughter of France, hoping to make alliance with your majesty, which is the thing they always have desired most, although they have not been able to declare it hitherto on account of their treaty with France, and that the king of France had hitherto excused himself by the age of his daughter, but that now, when that excuse no longer availed, the King his master had shown to the French ambassador the treaties and made the requisite protestations, “quilz remeunent (?), car soubdainement il en vouloit envoyer a vostre majeste.” I held favorable language to him generally, and coming to the matter of the marriage pointed out the great good it would be if his master tried to obtain the Princess; which he acknowledged, if there were any hope of success. He said also, that at his departure from the King his master's court, there was no news of the person sent by your majesty, nor of the movements in Ireland, which might open the eyes of their men, especially one of their earls, who is one of the nearest to Ireland, and one of the most warlike lords in Scotland, having under him at all times Wild Scots who are friends of the said Irish. He could not tell me if the King his master had any intelligence with the said Irish, although he thought he had. He also said that when peace was last treated of, the commissioners of this king had proposed that his master should renounce the right he claimed in Ireland, but it was not listened to. Among other news brought by the bishop (fn. 1) who last came from Ireland, it is mentioned that the archbishop of Dublin, chancellor of Ireland, was going to cross the Channel, when, the wind being contrary, he was driven back to some port where, as there was a fortress, he expected to be in security, but he and all his company fell into the hands of Kildare's son and his adherents, and to avoid trouble and expense he was put to death, with all his company, except two persons, who are thought to be the wealthiest of that country, and who paid a ransom. An Irishman has also told me that the said Kildare had taken four or five towns. The King, as I know from good authority, has not for a long time been so much troubled as by the news brought by the said bishop, to whom Cromwell utters a thousand reproaches, charging him with treason for leaving Ireland at a time when the Irish ought to be maintained in loyalty and obedience to the King, and moreover, when his departure might give rise to many surmises and scandals. I am told he keeps the said bishop under arrest, I know not whether to punish him or to prevent the news being made public. Three days after the said bishop's arrival, Skeffington, the deputy of Ireland, left with his train to go thither, and next day the vessel with the artillery set sail. Many think the said Deputy and ship will not escape the hands of the enemies. It seems as if the King wishes to destroy Ireland, as he does not make provision of men, and sends such a governor who is the most incompetent for such a charge that could be chosen. It is said that the same Kildare has a following of 20,000 men, and that more come to him every day, and that even from Wales and Scotland there have come some; which would be a great thing if it were so, but he ought to help your majesty and his Holiness, of which I have twice written to Cifuentes, in order that he may show his Holiness that all this is done in behalf of the faith and of the Holy See.
Eight days ago there was sent thither a copy of a letter written from Rome on 26th ult., addressed to the French king, stating that the Pope had, 12 days previously, been so ill that he had declined all business except touching the preparation of his soul, and after the King's council and the ambassador of France had discussed the matter two days, the said ambassador and Cromwell despatched a courier in all haste to Rome, although they have spread a report that he was not going beyond Lyons, and today Gregory de Casal is to leave to follow the said courier in post and from Rome to go to Venice. Nothing is known of their charge. I cannot find out that those of Lubeck have treated anything here except matters relating to the faith, unless perhaps they have asked money to restore king Christiern to Denmark. The Venetian ambassador came to me yesterday and asked what order had been taken that Venetian merchants might obtain wool from Spain, since those here make a difficulty about it, besides illtreating the merchants. He told me besides that he had written to Venice, advising strongly that they should pass such an edict as was lately made in France, as I wrote to your majesty in my last. I spoke to him encouragingly, and he left well pleased.
Of seven houses of Observants, five have been already emptied of friars, because they have refused to swear to the statutes made against the Pope. Those in the two others expect also to be expelled. London, 11 Aug. 1534.
Fr., pp. 4. From a modern copy.
11 Aug. 1058. William Edwardes to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his continual goodness. Deferred the delivery of Cromwell's letters in his behalf to lord Ferrers till his lordship's coming to these parts, but caused them to be delivered yesterday by his servant the bearer, to whom my lord said he would write to Cromwell his mind touching the writer's suit for the glebe. Desires to know how he shall be ordered. Hereford, 11 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Primar secretary. Sealed. Endd.
12 Aug. 1059. Anthony Coope to Cromwell.
R. O. According to your commandment I have sent my servant to know on what day you propose to be at Oxford, that I may direct the commissioners of sewers to attend upon you. I pray you before your before your departure to expedite my bill with the King. Hardwyk, 12 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
12 Aug. 1060. Charles V.
Granvelle Papers, II. 136. Instructions to Henry count of Nassau, ambassador extraordinary in France.
* * * * * *
As Francis insists continually upon the affair of Milan, and on giving some pension to duke Francis Sforza, you shall say that we entered into treaty with the said duke, not out of regard for him but for the peace of Christendom, at the request of the Pope and the Italian princes backed by Francis himself and England.
* * * * * *
The ambassador may take occasion to speak about England, showing what the grand master of France said to Noircarmes, that something effectual might be done to relieve the queen of England and her daughter from their cruel treatment, the Princess having been declared illegitimate; and he may express his astonishment that, under the circumstances, France makes so much of the English alliance. He may also take occasion to speak of the marriage of Mons. d'Angoulême and the princess Mary, who has been unanimously declared the lawful heir by the Pope and the College of Cardinals; and that by the said marriage not only Francis and his children will be “deschargez de faire partaige” with the said duke of Angoulême, but will be also be quit of the pensions hitherto paid to England, justifying the project of the said marriage by the manifest advantage it will confer on Henry and his kingdom; moreover, that there is no prince nor other person who can conscientiously support Henry in his obstinacy, and that the Pope ought to make whatever declaration of the said obstinacy may be necessary, and it is not only a thing due (convenable) to the said king of England to withdraw him by this means from his error and blindness by judicious management, but it will also be a satisfaction to his kingdom and a thing of merit as regards God. These things must be put forward in such a way that if Francis does not relish them he may understand that they only came of the ambassador, and great caution must be used that nothing is said which will give the French king an advantage against the Emperor with the king of England. If Francis find the said marriage agreeable, and speak of the means of bringing it about, you may say that it will not be difficult if we both act together; and it might be attempted whether the king of England will or no, considering that a great part of the nobles, the clergy and the people is dissatisfied with the King's second marriage and rupture with the Holy Sec. But you must forbear from entering into particulars, that you may not appear to have given thought to it beforehand, and also that you may rather draw out their intention and what conditions we might put forward on our part, either by the retention of Calais or for satisfaction of the expenses we should be put to. Moreover, particulars must be avoided, lest the treaty fail and the king of France should inform Henry. You must, however, suggest that a more favorable conjuncture is not likely to recur for the aggrandisement of the said sieur de Vendôme (fn. 2) if either the Princess should be compelled to marry elsewhere or if any evil befel her.
* * * * * * The ambassador must also beware, in speaking about the affairs of the faith, not to hint any suspicion against the Pope which Francis could use to set him against the Emperor, for it is only by his cordial co-operation and by the fulmination of censures and declaration of the nullity of treaties that the affairs of England can succeed. * * * * * *
Palencia, 12 Aug. 1534.
13 Aug. 1061. Tunstall to Cromwell.
R. O. On receipt of the King's letters about the Scotch ship wrecked upon the coast of the bishopric and spoiled by the men of the country, of which king James had made complaint, gave a commission to inquire about it to Sir Will. Evers, Sir Thos. Tempest, Dr. Marshall, Rob. Bowis and Ric. Bellyses, the wisest men of the country. Sends their certificate made upon going to the place and calling before them the parties blamed by the Scots. The latter, finding the matter far otherwise than has been surmised, treated of composition for goods that could not be traced, and when met by a reasonable offer, sent for instructions to Scotland. On receiving their answer they were more unreasonable than ever. Had made proclamations before the King's letters came, and offered full reparation against all who could be proved to have offended; but the Scots demanded full value, as if the goods had arrived undamaged, and even greater value than what the ship contained. Foreigners, too, have carried off much plunder at every full tide. Is sure the Scots would have made no such offers to Englishmen in like case. Thinks the presence of their ambassadors makes them more stiff. Stokton, 13 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Master Cromwell, the King's secretary. Endd.
13 Aug. 1062. John Russell to Cromwell.
R. O. Richard Fulke of Crowle, co. Worcester, wheelwright, and Joan wife of John Danyell, husbandman, deposed before me concerning certain words spoken against the King by Edmund Brocke of Crowle, husbandman, whom I have committed to prison until the King's pleasure be known. St. John's beside Worcester, 13 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
[13 Aug.] 1063. Sir William Fitzwilliam to Cromwell.
R. O. This day the King's highness took me this bill presented to him by the Friars Observants, desiring it to be sent to you. At my coming this night to the great park my keepers of the forest met me and put me in comfort that the King should have great sport. When you come to Charsay, Oking or Guildford, bring your greyhounds with you, “and I trust ye shall have sport after your abetyd (appetite).” Such flesh as I killed this morning I send you. I thank you for your half buck. The Great Park, this Thursday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
13 Aug. 1064. T. Warley to Lady Lisle.
R. O. His long absence has been sore against his will. If he had known he would have been so long, would not have passed the sea, and would have saved 20l., which he has spent in following Mr. Secretary. The lord Chancellor and others have spoken to him, and he has always promised to be good and despatch him, but he has come in an evil time. At first nothing could be done because of the Parliament, and then for devising and writing the Queen's dowry and matters of my lady Princess, lady Katharine Dowager, lady Mary, &c., and after that for taking oaths of the lords, judges, sergeants and other the King's subjects, about which the lord Chancellor, Mr. Secretary and Dr. Fox, the almoner, were daily occupied. Then the Scotch ambassadors came to London, and the ambassadors of Lubeck. Besides this, there has been much business about the setting forth of Mr. Skevyngton into Ireland, whence news has come that lord Garrad has killed the archbishop of Dublin, his chaplains and servants, and spares neither man, woman nor child who were born in England. Daily his power and the Galentynes (Geraldines') increase. On 2 Aug. peace was proclaimed between England and Scotland. Dr. Barnes and others daily dispute with the bishops and doctors, but what they have concluded is kept secret. The Spanish ambassador has been with the lady Katharine, where they had good cheer. Lypingkot is sore handled with the yellow jaundice. He lies at the sign of the Rose in Fleet Street, between Ludgate and Fleet Bridge. Sends by Hugh Cotton the bearer a small venison pasty, the first that has come to his hands this year. Has been promised four bucks, and she shall have part when he gets them. That the pasty should not be changed, has written his name with a marking stone in the bottom. Recommends a priest, a very honest man, who would gladly serve them. “He writers a very fair secretary hand and text hand and Roman, and singeth surely, and playeth very cunningly on the organs, and he is very cunning in drawing of knots in gardens, and well seen in grafting and keeping of cocomers and other herbs.” Hopes to be in Calais in 14 days, whether despatched or not. Intends this week to ride to the lord Chancellor at Colehester. which is 45 miles from London, and take leave of him. London, at the house of Robt. Spicer in Lomberd Street, 13 Aug.
Hol., Pp. 2. Add.: At Calais.
13 Aug. 1065. Heresy in Scotland.
“Pro Scotiæ Regno Apologia Johannis Cochlei adversus personatum Alexandrum Alesium Scotum, ad Serenissimum Scotorum Regem. Mdxxxiiij.”
Cochlæus answered the letter (fn. 3) which was published at Wittenberg last year in the name of Alexander Alesius, impugning the decree of the Scotch bishops forbidding the laity to read the New Testament in the vernacular. This book is an answer to a reply published under the same name. Insinuates that Melanchthon is the true author, and doubts the truth of Alesius' account of his imprisonment by the Scotch bishops and release by the King's order. His whole letter was said to be a faleshood by a Scot of great authority in England. Defends the execution of Patrick [Hamilton].
Argues against Luther's doctrines. Refers to the burning of Melchior Rincius at Cologne, on Aug. 13 the year before.
Ex Dresda Misniæ, Idibus Augusti 1534.
Lat., printed by Michael Blum at Leipzig.
15 Aug. 1066. John, (fn. 4) Prior, and Dan Will Wendlok, Subprior of Wenlock, to Cromwell.
R. O. Dan Rowland, late prior of Wenlock, held that office for five years and brought the house into debt 1,000 marks and more; for which and his execrable living he was deposed. Since then he has continually troubled this present prior, inventing matters against him, and though he has a pension of 40 marks, he is continually troubling the King to be restored to his former office. We beg, through your interference, that he may be compelled to surcease from his suit. Wenlock, 15 Aug. Signed.


  • 1. “Bishop” is probably an error. The news must have been brought by Rie. Rawson, archdeacon of Essex. See No. 1045.
  • 2. Evidently a clerical error for Angoulême.
  • 3. There is no copy of this letter in the British Museum, nor of the subsequent reply put forth in the name of Alesius. But Cochlæs' answer will be found noticed under date 8 June 1533.
  • 4. John Bayly or Baylis alias Cressage.