Henry VIII: July 1534, 1-5

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: July 1534, 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp357-363 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: July 1534, 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp357-363.

"Henry VIII: July 1534, 1-5". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp357-363.


July 1534, 1–5

July. 929. Sir Antony Wyndesore To Lord Lisle.
R. O. On Tuesday after the term broke up, Mr. Smith and I were summoned before my lord Chancellor and Mr. Secretary for your lordship's matter. We showed Mr. Secretary that all your counsel had left the city, on which he was very angry, and said it was but a delay. On this I said if Mr. Seymour would relinquish his counsel, we were content your lordship should have none, and would refer the matter wholly to my lord Chancellor and his mastership. With this he was very well pleased, and desired us to be with my lord Chancellor after dinner, where your matter was very substantially handled by Mr. Secretary, who left all the rigor of the law and took the meaning of both parties according to the book. Mr. Secretary laid to Mr. Seymour's charge that he had handled you very craftily in requiring 60l. a year, to which you have no title by law, inasmuch as it was out of the recovery. Notwithstanding which he bargained with your lordship for the whole 140l. Mr. Seymour pretends, to fortify his title, that when he bargained with Sir John Dudley for the reversion, Sir John showed him of the feoffment, so that he knew you had no right to the 60l.; and Mr. Secretary answered, “If Sir John Dudley be a true gentleman, that is untrue, for he did examine him thereof, and he denied it utterly.”
I shall love Mr. Secretary the better while I live for his even justice to your lordship. Although you know the law is against you for the 60l., your remedy is against Sir John Dudley. You had better write letters of thanks to my lord Chancellor and especially to Mr. Secretary for their pains, desiring them if you must part from your possessions, as you trust not, that they may award you some recompense, for you may say you have lost 100l. by his bargain and by the money he lent your lordship. Commend me to my lady. Desires to purchase a gelding of Lisle's that is with Lane of Bristol.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.: Without date, 1534, July.
1 July. 930. Sir Will Fitzwilliam to Cromwell.
R. O. I send to you a certain Scotchman by the King's command. His pleasure is that you should not only see the bulls he has brought from Rome, with other writings, but examine him personally. If I may speak my opinion, I think he is or would be of the same fashion as the Maid of Kent was, or else he is a glorious and a subtle false knave. Hampton Court, 1 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.: Mr. Treasurer.
1 July. 931. John Poletensis, Abbot of Pershore, to Cromwell.
R. O. Duplicate of his letter of the 7 June. Pershore, 1 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
1. July. 932. Sir Jas. Strangways, WM. Danby and WM. Rokesby to Cromwell.
R. O. According to the King's commission, we have taken the oaths of his subjects in the parts allotted to us, except of two monks at Mountgrace, dan Thos. Leighton and dan Jeffrey Hodeshon, who refused to swear. We have charged the prior to keep them in safeguard till we hear further. 1 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell.
1 July. 933. Royal Chaplain.
Harl. Charter, 43 F. 34. B. M. Appointment by Henry VIII. of John Wylbore, M. A., clerk, of the parish church of Chesylhurst, Kent, as his chaplain, with licence of non-residence on his benefices, notwithstanding the act passed in 21 Hen. VIII. (cap. 13). Westm., 1 July 26 Hen. VIII.
Vellum. Endd.: Dispensation of Mr. Wilbore. 17s. 8d.
1 July. 934. James V. to Erasmus.
Royal MS. 18 B. VI. f. 27 b. B. M. Will grant his request, which could not be neglected without loss to Christianity. Is pleased at his commendation for repelling Lutheranism. His mention of his former connection with James's father and brother, and his expressions of grief for their death, proceed from the goodness of his heart. Will show himself a friend in greater matters than this. Holyrood, 1 July 1534.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
1 July. 935. James V. to John Cochlæus.
Royal MS. 18 B. VI. f. 27 b. B. M. Has received his book written against the assertions of Alesius, (fn. 1) a Scot, with commendatory letters from Ferdinand and Erasmus. Accepts the dedication, and has ordered the bearer to be rewarded. Holyrood, kal. Julii, anno supra.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
1 July. 936. James V. to Ferdinand King of the Romans.
Royal MS. 18 B. VI. f. 27 b. B. M. Was much pleased by his letters in favor of Cochlæus to see that he, with the Lutherans on one side and the Turks on the other, acted like a true Christian king. Will do what he can for Cochlæus. Holyrood, kal. Julii 1534.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Ib. 190 b. ii. Another copy.
2 July. 937. Sir Edward Ryngeley to Lord Lisle and the Council of Calais.
R. O. I have received your letter concerning the coming of wood to Calais. You say you marvel that I was not privy to your suit concerning it; but my letter shows that it was not so. I did not know the contents of the letters to the Council, of which you promised me a copy. Before your last letter came I had spoken with the duke of Norfolk, who had ordered me to send to London for the customers of Kent and Sussex to come to Hampton Court, and he was determined that the obligations should not go to the lord Chancellor any more, saying that he had nothing to do with them. He was minded, if any ships went to Flanders, that you should have brought them to Calais if they had been laden with wood. He believes Sir Edw. Nevyll has no licence, and that no wood goes to Flanders. The cause of the matter taking no effect was that the customers were not in London when they were sent for. Then I showed your letter to Cromwell, and he said it was not true, for he was sure no man had a licence, and no wood went to Flanders. Then I went to London, and was told by the searcher of Rye that Sir Edw. Nevyll had a licence for 1,200 thousand, and has shipped them into Flanders ever since Easter. When I told Cromwell of this, he immediately wrote to Nevyll to take the licence from the customers and ship no more wood. This is all the good I have done yet, which is much writing and little good, for Cromwell will not have you fetch any ships into the haven that are passing, nor will he have the customers cancel the obligations when they bring certificates from Calais. On Sunday next Norfolk and Cromwell will be with the King at More, and I trust to be a better point with them. Shortly after you shall know the certainty both of this suit and the King's coming to Calais. London, 2 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
2 July. 938. Denys Harrys to William Castelyn.
Vesp. C. VII. 45. B. M. Wrote by Antonio de Maryn of our safe coming. Procured more lading than he was able to take in; but a great Bisken ship bound for Mycena has taken it from him, because of the prematicha that no foreign ship may load for any place if a ship of that realm is present. A cry was made by the justice that neither Harrys nor any strange ship should load anything on pain of 1,000 ducats. Wishes the King and his Council were informed of this, that Castelyn and others might have such prematicha granted, to have the pre-eminence of lading in England. It would cause 50 ships more to be made by English merchants within short time, which would be ready not only for merchandise but to serve the King in time of need. Has seen Castelyn's lading taken away in Hampton, so that he sent his ship half void, and now that he found by friendship lading enough here, he could not be suffered to lade. Advises Castelyn to make money of the ship and use it in other ways. Will do the best in every place to get the most profitable lading.
Has been served of the 200 ducats by one Thos. Tyson, to whom we delivered the bills of credence, which were to be paid in Cyvel. Intends to use this money at Malyga, Alicant or Mayorke, where he expects to touch, in the company of the galleasses, the captain and patrones of which have promised to make him good company, and he will not leave them till he comes to Mycena. Is just in order to make said with the galleasses and other three ships. Cales (Cadiz), 2 July 1534.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: In London. Endd.
3 July. 939. FR. John Hylsey to Cromwell.
R. O. At the writing this letter I was in Cardiff searching for two Observant Friars “flying over sea.” The day before my coming to Bristol, the 9th June, these friars were there, and for their “roylyng” were examined before Mr. Mayor, and by their answers were supposed to be holy men. I pursued them throngh Somersetshire, Devon and Cornwall, fulfilling the trust you committed to me. I made the sheriff of Devonshire search for them, and they were so closely pursued that they cast off their clothes for secular raiment, as they are now brought to you. They were taken in Cardiff by the baylys. On my coming there on the 2nd July the bayly had taken them towards London. Wherever they come they persuade the people to hold of the bishop of Rome, calling him Pope, and saying they will die in his cause. They rail at the books set forth cum privilegio, and call those heretics that write or read them. If communication be of the Queen's grace, the Princess or the King's marriage, they report the worst. When it was asked of them whether they were at the christening of the Princess, and whether she was christened in cold water or hot, “they answered that she was christened in hot water, but it was not hot enough.” They say that Latimer and his favorers are heretics. As to the matter of our commission, Dr. Yngworthe, the bearer, can inform you perfectly. Cardiff, 3 July 1534.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Of the Council.
3 July. 940. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
R. O. Your son and all here are in good health, as I have written to master Bedell. No bishop is so entertained. I will follow your mind concerning your son. You shall not need to care for him. He shall want nothing that may be necessary, so long as I have a penny. The Welshmen above Shrewsbury are very busy, and burn divers houses. It cannot be done without the consent of some heads.
I Pray you be good to this miserable gentlewoman, Mrs. Brymyngam, concerning the lease to be made to Sir Edw. Littilton. Beaudesert, 3 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
3 July. 941. John Abbot of Oseney to Cromwell.
R. O. We have complied with your desire for the reversion of the parsonage of Steplecledon and Yver. As I am informed, there will be letters procured from you and the King for a farm of ours called Water Eton. My lord of Suffolk hath it for life, and I granted the reversion two years ago to one of my friends. I beg you therefore to stay your hand, and excuse us to the King. I send you a token. Oseney, 3 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
942. Duke of Suffolk to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his letter asking for the farm of Wattar Yeton for a friend, which the Duke holds by grant of the abbot of Osnay. The abbot promised him a lease for 40 years, but has handled him in such a manner that he hopes Cromwell will help him to acquit him. Granted the farm more than half a year ago to lord Powes and his wife, the Duke's daughter. They intend to be there shortly, and lie there, so that he cannot comply with Cromwell's request.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
3 July. 943. Nich. [Austen], Abbot of Rewley, to Cromwell.
R. O. Whereas I am informed that the abbey of Merivale in Warwickshire, a house of White Monks, is now void, I desire your favor therein for one of my brethren for whom Mr. Androse labored to be abbot of Byttlesden. For your favor, whatever Androse promised you shall be performed. Rewley, 3 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
3 July. 944. Houses in London.
R. O. Bargain and sale to Cromwell, secretary, by Antony Vivald, merchant, of eight messuages and four gardens in the parish of St. Peter the Pore, in the ward of Bradstrete, London, according to a plat indented, annexed to these presents, for the sum of 220l. Dated 3 July 26 Hen. VIII.
Corrected draft. Large paper, p. 1.
R. O. 2. Another draft, much corrected.
Large paper, pp. 5.
R. O. 3. Sale by Wm. Wilford, junior, citizen [and merchant] tailor of London, to Thos. Cromwell the King's secretary, of his estate in a messuage in the parish of St. Peter the Pore, in the ward of Bradstrete, London, which he holds by lease of Antony Vyvalde.
Draft. Large paper, p. 1. Endd.
3 July. 945. John Mason to Starkey.
Vesp. C. XIII. 327. B. M. Ellis, 2 Ser. II. 54. Since my last letter I wrote to you of he fashion of this country, taking specially note of such places as are mentioned by Roman authorities. The cities are neither great nor populous, the people tractable enough if you have nothing to do with them: domi parci, foris voraces. Friars and monks are in great reverence; victuals of a competent price; cloth, leather, books, &c. unreasonably dear. Toledo, the metropolis of Castile, is the best peopled, but is up and down hill. Here the ambassador lost his steward, &c. The Emperor left on the 25 May, in consequence of the heat, and is come to Valladolid, where the Empress was delivered of a dead male child. The Emperor was magnificently entertained, especially by the duke d'Alva, who entertained him and his Court, consisting of 4,000 persons, for four days. There was sent to me for the ambassador of England two sheep, with other things, enough for 40 men, though I told them the ambassador was not in the town. The Emperor left for Salamanca, a great university, containing 7,000 or 8,000 students studying law. All other learning they despise. Here the Emperor heard a dissertation, Utrum liceat Christiano principi per bellum vindicare injuriam illatam amico; “and was defended quod sit.
Little news comes from England. We have thrown off the Pope. Every man swears now in verba Regis et Reginæ. Such as refuse are committed to the Tower, among whom are More and Fisher and many others. You have heard of the execution of the Holy Maid of Kent and Dr. Bocking. What will be end of this tragedy God knows. This may well be called a tragedy which began with a marriage. As Gallina has been the cause of all, so for the defence thereof, uni Gallo fidimus, qui si avolaverit, ut est avis satis inconstans, vae solis. Diu differri bellum non potest. Dr. Roper is dead, and his prebend in Fredeswide’s given to Mr. Butler. Dr. Sydrac is also gone, and I would fain have his prebend. Omnia jam licent Anglis quæ libent. They have acted like the ignorant priest of my country, who would not suffer the name of Satanas in the Massbook, but put God in the place of it, and so made Abrenuncio Deo et omnibus operibus ejus. Great provision is made for war. Three ambassadors were sent from the Emperor, 8 June, no one can tell where. It is supposed one to England, another to Ireland, and a third to Denmark. Two merchants brought hither a foolish book against the Pope, and were like to be burned for it. Valladolid, 3 July.
Hol. Add.: To my sure friend Mr. Thomas Starquey, in the house of Mr. Pole in Padua.
4 July 946. Richard Cromwell.
R. O. Agreement between Henry Clyfford, son and heir of Wm. Clyfford, late of Boscome, Wilts, and Ric. Wyllyams otherwise called Cromewell, and Edward North, concerning the purchase of the manor of Kyngstanton, Devonshire.
Pp. 3. Endd.
ii. Memorandum about a messuage in Fulston All Saints', in the parish of Newton, near Wilton.
P. 1.
2. Indenture of sale in pursuance of the above agreement, dated 4 July 26 Hen. VIII.
Draft. Large paper, pp. 4.
4 July. 947. William Bremelcum to Lady Lisle.
R. O. My master (fn. 2) thanks you for the crown you sent him by master Kyrtyn, who had my master's best velvet cap for Mr. George in your ladyship's name. My master has need of so much crimson satin to stock him a doublet and so much black satin for another. I thank you for my good coat cloth sent by Sir Robert, and three skins. Tystyd, 4 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
5 July. 948. Lord Lisle and the Commissioners of Sewers at Calais to [Cromwell].
R. O. I and the other commissioners of sewers here have had much trouble to find the best way of defending the country here from the sea, which breaks in at Dickelond. If we were to follow the old way for keeping away the sea ordained by bishop Fox of Winchester and his fellow commissioners, the cost would amount to 500l. or 600l. stg. But we have found a natural bank by which the sea can be kept out and the haven mended at an expense of 100l. By that means, however, the King will lose some rent and the owners their profit; but we think it necessary for eschewing of cost. The work will be of three sorts in divers places, and we have made three new banks for an example, each a rood long. We have also caused the whole work to be measured ; it amounts to 212 roods altogether, and will cost on an average one angel noble per rood. The bearer of these letters, Wm. Lilgrave, surveyor of the King's works here, ought to bring back with him a warrant to the vice-treasurer for 100l. to be employed on them. In accordance with the letters directed to me and the other commissioners to cess the King's tenants having lands under the level, we have empanelled juries, and find the whole country refuses to bear any charge, as the expense of sea banks has always been borne by the King. Those under the level also allege that within this 12 years they have had their houses burned by the Frenchmen, and always fear that danger may recur, in which case it would be better for them to have no land there. Calais, 5 July.
Signed: Arthur Lyssle, k.—Sir Ric. Whettehyll—Edmund Howard—Wyngfeld, Ro. Sir—John Massyngberd—Crystofer Garneys, Sir—Robert Fouler—John Rokewood.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 2. Draft of the preceding.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 3. Account of measurements of work at [Calais] and Sandgate. Mentions master Whethill's house.
Total in whole work, 242 roods.
P. 1.
5 July. 949. Henry VIII. to the Mayor of Waterford.
Lamb. MS. 616, f. 26. B. M. Forbids the regrating and forestalling of merchandise, by which the market, which should be twice a week, is not kept. The More, 5 July.
Signed with a stamp.
5 July. 950. Sir E. Cropt to Cromwell.
R. O. The King's commissioners, of whom he is one, have proclaimed in the marches of Wales that no one should carry weapons in fairs or markets ; in spite of which, on Friday last, 3 July, a great affray took place in the market of Bishop's Castle, and many were maimed. By this the town has forfeited 40l., which the writer wishes to have. Ludlow, 5 July. Signed.
Encloses a list of seven of the principal culprits.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful and my singular good friend, Thomas Cromwell. Endd.: Letters that were in the gallery window.
5 July. 951. John Scudamore to Ralph Warene.
R. O. I recommend me to you and your wife. I have heard of a fray between a lewd boy of mine in Leyuns Yn (Lyon's Inn) and one of Mr. Secretary's servants. I shall be glad if the matter can be heard and pacified, and will do whatever is reasonable. If that unhappy boy come where I am, I shall set him there as he shall see no sun nor moon for one year. The knave could do me no greater displeasure than to use himself after this manner, especially with the servants of a good master of mine. If there be return of my good master's letters from Flanders, send it to me. 5 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Raffe Warene, one of the aldermen of the city of London. Endd.


  • 1. This book was written against the order of the bishops of Scotland forbidding the Bible to be read by the laity, and Cochlæus asserts that it was written by Melanchthon under this name.
  • 2. John Basset.