Henry VIII: April 1534, 16-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: April 1534, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp199-210 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1534, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp199-210.

"Henry VIII: April 1534, 16-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp199-210.


April 1534, 16–20

16 April. 490. Chapuys to Charles V.
Vienna Archives. Since my last of the 12th nothing imporant has occurred; so I shall not make this long, especially as I do not know if it can go securely. On Sunday last the deputy of Calais opened the budgets of two couriers coming from Flanders, let one of them go, as his letters were only mercantile, but sent the other on in company with a gentleman, to whom his packet was consigned addressed to him in a new cover. This gentleman with the courier arrived two days ago, and as nothing has yet been said to me about it. I have this morning sent to speak to Cromwell, who replied to my man that what the Deputy had done was owing to some strange words used by the said courier, and that as to the said packet, on his honer and conscience it had not been touched, but would be sent to me tonight, with such apologies that I should be satisfied. Nevertheless I think they will have some work to excuse it. The pretext they have put forward is not probable, because if the courier had been taken for words that he had spoken, there would have been no occasion to examine his budget.
The Scotch ambassadors have much communication with those here, and besides being frequently at Court. Cromwell and the Chancellor often go to visit them at their lodgings, where they will dine today. It is said that one of them will go shortly to the King their master to settle matters (pour estraindre les affaires), and some say that there is talk of a meeting of the king of Scotland beyond sea with the French king and the King line, which I do not believe unless there be first an agreement between the said king of Scotland and this King, who is very suspicious of the French in this matter. One of the said aid *** has of late twice sent to tell me that he had done nothing yet and that he would come to see me, but the said communications have prevented him, and I suspect there is some commencement of a treaty. I am told this morning that the bishop of Rochester, the late Chancellor and several other good men have been sent to the Tower because they have refused to swear to the statutes lately made, and in this fear the mayor and governors of this city have today been compelled to sweer. London, 16 April 1534.
Fr., pp. 2. From a modern copy.
16 April. 491. John Graynfyld to Lord Lisle.
R. O. In reference to your letter sent by Hussy my lord my master will move the King in your behalf. He thanks you for two pieces of wine. You must keep the other matter secret; for unless ye speed he would not have it known that you made any suit. As you are much troubled in your matter concerning master Semer, Mr. Cromwell doth promise he will make such an end as will content you; but Semer told me last Sunday he would rather have it determined by four judges than by Cromwell. I see he will be glad to redeem it with money, but does not care what he pays. Your last covenants will not affect your rights. “And I showed him, if his covetous mind did expound it to the contrary, he was greatly deceived.” Sends him cramp rings of gold and silver. Wishes to know where Lisle's patent is for Porchester Castle. Commendations to Thos. Fowler. Has staid the commission exhibited against him by Lady Whetell., Thursday, 16 April. Signed.
P. 1. Sealed. Add. Endd.
16 April. 492. John Ruge, Priest, to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Her old goodness compels him to write when he has a messenger, by whom he hopes to hear of the prosperous estate of her and her husband. Perceives by John Bery that she has him in remembrance. Begs her to continue, as he never had more need. St. Thomas the Martyr beside Exeter, 16 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: In Calais.
16 April. 493. Pomponio Trivulzio to the Bishop of Auxerre.
Camusat, 177. Supposes he has heard of the definitive sentence against the king of England. The bishop of Paris passed the day before yesterday on his way to the King. He says the sentence has been precipitated, and the Pope would have waited six days for the King to submit, but the pressure of the Imperialists and the Consistory was too great. The day after the resolution came from England, and they were all sorry for not having waited.
The bishop of Paris says the writer's brother behaved very well, and was reproached with being a Frenchman, which he acknowledged, saying that he was servant to a King who had never done anything but good to himself and his predecessors and the Holy See. The bishop of Paris met the Emperor's niece at Chambery, on her way to her marriage at Milan. Sends news from Venice. Lyons, 16 April.
17 April. 494. Henry VIII. to the Earl of Sussex.
Cleop. E. VI. 213. B. M. Strype, Ecel. Mem. I. pt. ii. 208. Warrant to cause to be arrested and committed to ward, without bail or mainprise, seditious persons who spread, teach, preach or otherwise set forth pernicious opinions and doctrines, to the exaltation of the power of the bp. of Rome. Greenwich, 17th April. Signed with a stamp.
17 April. 495. Friar John Hoigekyn to Henry VIII.
R. O. Your orator, friar John Hoggekyn, D.D., provincial of the Friars Preachers, showeth that whereas you did demand the seal of the office of provincial, and books pertaining to it, and that the writer should not pass the town of Sudbury in Suffolk,—which he has obeyed in all things,—he therefore desires to come to your Grace and open his heart. Also to have the execution of his poor office, and not to be cast away in displeasure. Sudbury, 17 April, 25 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
17 April. 496. Christopher Hales to Cromwell.
R. O. I received your letters this day, and will apply to the execution of them; and though they are of little substance, the effectual execution of them will require time. Therefore, if I should not come till the beginning of term, have me excused; “and for God's sake be ye mean to the King's highness to be merciful to them all.” Canterbury, Friday 17 April.
Hot., p. 1. Add.: Councillor and master of the Jewels.
17 April. 497. Sir Walter Stonore to Cromwell.
R. O. This Friday 17 April, came one Hetre Kebyll to my house. He dwells in Henley, and said that one John Snappe of Horsingdune said openly that if he had 2.000l. he would bestow his life and all he had upon my lady Mary's title against the issue that shall come of the Queen, saying further that if I could make all England, she should have them. Three persons sitting by said to Snappe, “Fie, Snappe, fie. no more of these words.” I have sent Kebyll to Sir John Dawnse, who lives 12 miles from Henley.
These words were spoken at the time the vicar of Tame was attached.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Cromwell, one of the King's privy Council. Endd.
498. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to [Cromwell].
Cleop. E. VI. I 165. B. M. I have been with the bp. of Rochester, who is ready to take oath for the succession, and to swear never more to meddle in the validity of the marriage of the lady Dowager. As to the Levitical prohibition, his conscience is fixed; but he professes his allegiance to the King. Truly the man is nigh gone, and cannot continue long unless the King and the Council are merciful to him, for the body cannot bear the clothes on the back.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his entire friend, Mr. Secretary. Endd.: The bishop of Chester.
17 April. 499. Cranmer to Cromwell.
Cleop. E. VI. 118. B. M. Strype's Cranmer, 693. Does not know why my lord of Rochester and Mr. More were contented to swear to the Act of the King's Succession, but not to the preamble.
They would not give a reason for their refusal: but it must either be the diminution of the authority of the bp. of Rome or the reprobation of the King's first pretensed matrimony. Does not think their oath to the Act itself should be refused if they will be sworn to maintain it against all powers and potentates, for this will be a great occasion to satisfy the Princess Dowager and lady Mary, who think they would damn their souls if they relinquished their estates. It would stop also the mouths of the Emperor and their other friends, if they gave as much credence to my lord of Rochester and Mr. More speaking and doing against them as they wished others to do when they spake and did for them. It would be a good “quietacion” to others in the realm it such men should say that the succession is according to God's laws. No one, I think, would then reclaim against it. As there are some persons who either from wilfulness will not or from indurate and invertible conscience cannot alter their opinions of the King's first marriage (thinking, perhaps, that a change of mind will injure their reputation), or of the bp. of Rome's authority, yet if all the kingdom will, with one accord apprehend the succession, it is a thing to be amplected and embraced.
The consent of these two and their confederates will not a little avail for this end. If the King pleased their oaths might be suppressed, except when and where he would derive advantage from publishing them. Croydon, 17 April.
Hol., pp. 2.
500. [Cromwell to Cranmer.]
R. O. I have shown your letters to the King, who does not agree with you that the bp. of Rochester and Mr. More should be sworn to the Act of Succession and not to the preamble, as it would give occasion to all men to refuse the whole, for if they were sworn to the succession and not to the preamble, it might be taken as a confirmation of the bp. of Rome's authority, and a reprobation of the King's second marriage. He thinks, therefore, that they should be sworn to both the Act and the preamble [and trusts to your wisdom to bring it to effect]. (fn. 1)
Corrected draft, pp. 2. Partly in Cromwell's hand.
17 April. 501. John of Mark (John Bunolt) to Lord Lisle.
R. O. From Monday till yesterday morning “I have been upon the sea, lying in the same with great pain, and I thank God I am so well discharged of the rudeness of the same grey mare, the which shall never bear me again so long way.” I was the said day at Greenwich at dinner with Mr. Cofferer of the Green cloth and Mr. Clerk of the King's kitchen, and many other gentlemen, who asked after you, with many kind words. The same day I came to London again, and presented your letter to Mr. Cromwell at his place. I presented my lady's token to him and asked his favor in her matter against Mr. Semer, in which he promised to satisfy her. Other news I defer till I have more leisure. Cromwell asked if your retinue was paid their wages for 6 April. I said no, and he was much surprised, and promised that henceforth payment shall not be slacked. I think all will be well. London, 17 April.
My poor brother is still weak.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
17 April. 502. John Husee “the Younger” to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Wrote last by Philip Cray. Till Lisle's letter come, will make no further suit about lord Barnes's plate, as the whole depends upon Mr. Cromwell. No use to make further suit about the matter in dispute between you and Mr. Seymour; for if you wrote to Mr. Cromwell about it, he would think you had small confidence in him. Mr. Norres says no mention has yet been made of Porchester and the forest of East Bere. He has asked the King for your harness. The King said he would choose it himself. I hope to get it before he leaves Greenwich. Sends such letters as Cheryton delivered. I understand you received high thanks for the post and letters which Pickering brought to the King. The bishop of Rochester is in the custody of my lord of Canterbury, and Sir Thos. More in the keeping of the abbot of Westminster; Dr. Wilson in the Tower. The saying is that Swift, Buck and Geo. Shaa are at liberty in Hampton. Some think the King will go over to Calais. London, 17 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
17 April. 503. John Husee “the Younger” to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I wrote to my lord and you by Philip Craye. I was this day at the bishop of Exeter's place, and the keeper told me he was with Kerne on Passion Sunday, who said your ladyship's kerseys were ready, and he would shortly bring them to Calais. It is inexpedient to make further suit about Mr. Semeur's matter till Mr. Cromwell takes it in hand; for I cannot desire better comfort than he has given me about it. I wait also for my lord's letter to Mr. Cromwell touching the plate and stuff of the late lord Barnes. As for the castle of Porchester and forest of Est Beare, Mr. Nores says he hears nothing of it. I send by Mr. Degory Graynefeld nine silver cramp rings that Chr. Morys gives you, and one of gold. London, 17 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
17 April. 504. Lord Lisle.
R. O. Certificate that Lord Edm. Haward, Sir Chr. Garnishe and Robt. Rolfe in accordance with a writ of dedimus potestatem, have examined Arthur Plantagenet viscount Lisle, concerning the complaint and articles mentioned in the said writ. 17 April 25 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Imperfect draft.
[17 April?] 505. Geo. Lord Rochford and Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Yesterday we took our passage at Dover with a very scant wind and made for Calais, but when somewhat off the shore. “the wind uttered at north-east so as we co[uld not] fetch Calais,” but were forced to land at the village of Uttersclles, 5 . . . from this town; and as our journey demands haste we could not [see your] lordship at this time, but will at our return. Boulogne, this Friday. Signed.
P. 1. mutilated. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
18 April. 506. Magnus to Cromwell.
Calig. B. VII. 181. B. M. Has received his letter, dated London, this day 18 April, requiring the treaty made with Scotland in 1528 and the indenture for the Douglases to remain in England. They were delivered into the King's treasury at Westminster, as will appear by an indenture. By a letter from the King, dated Westm., 19 Dec., “was twelve months,” then being in Yorkshire, he was commanded to send up all copies and writings which he had touching the negotiations between the two realms, which he did by the bearer, the post of Burghbrig, in a great box. As the Convocation at York is to be held on May, he has ordered horses for tomorrow that he may be with Cromwell on Monday or Tuesday. Windsor, Saturday, 18 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the Right Hon., &c. Mr. Cromwell.
18 April. 507. W. Tresham to Henry VIII.
R. O. Four masters of arts were standing for the proctorship, but Tresham and other discreet seniors and heads persuaded two only to stand, viz., Dunstan Lacy, a special assister in the King's cause, and John Howell of the King's exhibition. The youth have now set up two other masters not so fit as the meanest of the four. Sends to the King those whom he recommends for the office, as obsequious and faithful. Needs such persons to search out and punish malicious persons who disperse libels against him for his late sermons at London and Oxford on Easter day de primatu Romani pontificis. Advises the King to elect them. Your Grace's college in Oxford, 18 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
18 April. 508. Richard Phelypps to Cromwell.
R. O. I cannot reward you for your goodness shown to my son Thomas in all his troubles, without which he had been utterly destroyed. For further knowledge of the charges surmised against him. I beg that a commission may be sent into Somersethire and Dorsetshire to examine the whole circumstance and the doings of Sir Thomas More respecting the breach of Ilchester gaol and the extortions practised on the King's subjects; when the lives of both shall be apparent to you, and some not very pleasant or just. It was long before I could get the indictment against my son. And whereas all the prisoners brake in one day, they devised four indictments; and though various reasons are assigned for this, one would have been enough had they meant justly. I beseech your pity for a poor Frenchman who was examined before you last summer, and will appear in the King's Bench by habeas corpus on Wednesday next. If you will read a book he has caused to be written, you will see how tyrannously he has been handled, having been put in irons, whereby he is decrepited, contrary to all justice, and forced to accuse the abbot of Cerne, my son Thomas and me of assenting to the breach. It will also be seen how the poor wretch who was before you last summer and banged for the same was deceived by the promise of Sir Thos. More. I would be glad if you will take my son into your service after the determination of this cause, and I will allow him at least 40l. a year. I will give you for your pains 20l., to be paid at Midsummer. Charborowe, 18 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Of the Council.
18 April. 509. Sir Wm. Kyngston to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I commend me to you and my good lady, who binds me to her service by her good remembrance. I cannot recompense you all your favors. I never drank better French wine than your lordship sent me. To day the King and Queen were at Eltham, and saw my lady Princess, as goodly a child as hath been seen, “and her grace is much in the King's favour as goodly child should be, God save her.” I thank you for being good lord to Richard Blunt, and if it will please you to let him keep his office of Newnham bridge for this year, “to help him to set him on horseback,” it were a great advancement to him. I trust shortly to send for some horse and therein to have your favor. You see I call upon you both for myself and friends. Greenwich. 18 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
18 April. 510. Sir Thos. Palmer to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have not had the King at leisure to show him your letter, but I doubt not to find a time this week. I have had a grutching of ague since Easter that I came not to Court but Easter Monday and Low Sunday. Mr. Cromwell says he will be at Calais this summer, how or under what fashion I cannot tell. I spoke for a licence to your lordship that Robert Ray . . . might have had 200 qrs. of wheat out of your Pale, and on my speaking on Shear Thursday the King was half contented and sent me word by Mr. Norris that it might not . . . Has no news but what the bearer can tell him. Has spoken to my lord of Canterbury for your friar. He made me a full gentle answer, saying that he would be glad to gratify you in that or any other thing he may lawfully do. I have granted my cousin Blunt the keeping of my constable's room at the bridge till he may buy him horse and harness, because the King will in no wise [aba]te the annuity of 20 mks., which moves me somewhat to help him, though it be not greatly mine ease. Commend me to your lady. London, 18 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
18 April. 511. John Smyth, Auditor, to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Has received her letter dated “Tenabull Wedunsday.” Marvels at the contents, as lord Lisle had not made him privy thereto. Will give her nephew Mr. Stayings and his wife the best counsel he can. Fears that the merchant to whom he is bound must needs be agreed with. Will see to it on Monday and write again. Would gladly have an answer about his brother who should wait upon her and lord Lisle at Calais. Is sure he will be both to their honor and profit. Blakemor in Essex, 18 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
18 April. 512. Walter Stayn[yng] to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Thanks her for her kindness to him and his wife. Asks if he may wait on her at her coming to London and show her the adversity and trouble which his adversaries have wrongfully caused him. Thinks the Queen will be good to him at her request, and see the laws indifferently executed between him and his adversaries who keep him in prison. Without her coming is like to pay what they ask, or remain in prison. Mr. Southwell and his brokers have so spread his name and disabled him in London that no man is willing to help him with money or wares. Will not proffer master Dodmore for his son till her coming. Thinks he would make but a light answer. London, 18 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
19 April. 513. Richard [Pexall] late Abbot of Leicester to Cromwell.
R. O. In accomplishing the King's desire and your advice I resigned upon a pension of 100l., in trust that it should be free of all charges. The ordinary has taxed my pension 13l. in payment of the King's subsidy, and because it is taxed by itself and not by the house my successor refuses to pay it. If you will write to him in my behalf I doubt not he will exonerate me. My servant Geo. Dawkyn certifies me that you ever said it should be free from any payment. Leicester monastery, 19 April.
Hol., but not in his own hand, p. 1. Add.: Right hon.
[19 April.] 514. Dr. Roland Lee.
R. O. Burnet, VI. 290. Oath taken by Roland [Lee], bishop elect of Coventry and Lichfield. Signed.
Vellum. Headed: “This is the oath that every person elected or presented to any archbishopric or bishopric within this realm, or within any other the King's dominions, shall swear to the King's majesty.”
Add. MS. 4,622. f. 307. B. M. 2. Modern copy of the same.
19 April. 515. Edward Thwaytes.
R. O. “The inventory of the goods and catalles of Edward Thwaytes, Esq., being in the manor of Esture and in Ledys the 19th day of April in the 25th year of the reign of our sovereign lord king Henry VIII.”
i. Plate, now in the custody of Anthony Sentleger, for payment of 40l. borrowed by Thwaytes of Ric. Parkehurst, master of the college of Alsshetisford, ii. Bed furniture, hangings, &c. iii. “Napre.” iv. Kitchen stuff. v. In the “bakhous.” vi. In the larder. vii. Corn. viii. Cattle. ix. Store. x. Poultry. xi. Wearing apparel. xii. Apparel for his wife, containing jewelry. xiii. Beds, &c. at Ledys.
2. Debts due to the King, Ant. Sentleger, Will. Buttre for silk, Nich. Statham, mercer, Sir Thos. Ponynges, Chr. Hales the King's attorney. To his priest for wages, 66s. 8d. To Mrs. Hatche, of Feversham, for fish. To Moses Hardyman, of Chilham. To the vicar there, for 3 years' tithe, 3l. 13s. 4d.
3. Value of his lands. Manor of Esture in the parish of Chilham, of Estoure lying at Stormouthe; annuity from the m. of Otterple: a tenement in the p. of Lymne: annuity to dame Anne Warham his wife; lands in Calais, in Wingham, Staple and Goodneston, &c.
Pp. 9.
20 April. 516. John Lord Husey to Cromwell.
R. O. Begs him to remember the abbot of Wavedey (Vallis Dei?) who is troubled by the abbot of Woolborne. Isascertained from the abbot of Fountains “that he hath no good cause for to vex and trouble your said orator.” Begs some one will write to the abbot of Wolborne to desist. Knoll, 20 April.
P. 1. Add.: Right worshipful. Endd.
20 April. 517. John Earl of Oxford to Cromwell.
R. O. I am informed that one Breten, canon of Royston, of my foundation and now without a head, has labored by divers gentlemen and yeomen of the shires of Cambridge and Hertford to have a free election, but really to have it for himself, for which he is wholly unfit. As he cannot gain my assent, he labors to have your support against me. Pray refuse, or he will undo that poor house. I have obtained one that is sufficient. 20 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Of the Council.
20 April. 518. The Act of Succession.
Harl. MS. 7,571. f. 25. B. M. Commission to Thos. West lord De la Warr, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, jun., and others, to receive the oaths of persons in Sussex, according to the statute of the present Parliament concerning the succession. 20 April 25 Hen. VIII.
Copy. With copy of the oath, f. 25 b.
20 April. 519. Henry VIII. to the Bishop —.
Vit. B. XIII. 173. B. M. Pocock, (fn. 2) II. 469. Has received his letters of . . . and 7 April. Thanks him for his dexterity and [offers] of perpetual [service]; “praying you that whereas your dili[gence and all] the solicitation that might be done could not turn [the bishoip] of Rome nor the See (that calleth himself) Aposto[lic, nor move] them that they in our great cause and matter should not [presume to] usurp judgment and to give sentence incivil, inique . . . . . against the justice of our present matrimony; wh[ich thing was] done against God's law, thinking thereby only to conty[nue, preserve and] entertain always their usurped jurisdiction [and to raise up] as much as was in their power, displeasure and [offence] not only to us and to you that have taken so m[uch pains] and labor to put them and reduce in the good way . . . . . [showing] unto them the pit wherein they were about to o . . . . . themselves, but also to the contempt and mesp[rision of our ally] and best beloved brother the King your master, that . . . . . hath prayed and advised them.” Notwithstanding [although], as you write, they are ashamed and repentant, [yet] because their deeds are but dissimulation and hypocrisy, and th[ey cannot now] “redoube” what they have marred, and [we do] not perceive in them any puissance, strength, fidelity . . . . . wherein any trust might be had, but they have rather given cause to all the world [to suspect] them, especially to us and our good brother w[ho is also] highly touched in this case: “ye our . . . . . * * * * and diligence upon the reception of these presents (as we think shall have already begun) inculcate to the King our good brother the manner and fashion whereof they have abused against us” not only in proceeding where they had no jurisdiction, but in giving sentence “unadvisately and against God.” Urge him for his honor and yours, who by his sending have taken so much labor, and for the union between us, to resent the injury done us by the bishop and see of Rome, and to forsake his alliance with the said Bishop. “whose paissance is so weak that they cannot redress the same that they have misdone, and who will now say that he hath been constrained against his will to give sentence against us, contrary to the law of God, as he himself can and knoweth well.” Leaves other arguments to his discretion. Hopes he will [not be] slack therein, and do the like to the Great Master and the Admiral. Greenwich, 20 Ap[ril].
Draft, mutilated, pp. 3.
20 April. 520. Abbot and Convent of Furness to Henry VIII.
R. O. We have received your letters, dated Westm., 27 March. by your servant William Marton, for the presentation of the benefice of Hawkeshed in Lancashire. It was never a benefice, but only a chapel of ease to Dalton in Furness, 12 miles from the parish churches, which has always been appropriate to your monastery of Furness. We beg therefore that we may continue to take the profits and tithes. Furness, 20 April.
Hol., p. 1. Endd.: To the King's highness from Furnes.
20 April. 521. Richard Master, Parson of Alyngton (Aldington).
R. O. Inventory of the goods and chattels at his parsonage, 20 April 25 Hen. VIII.
Plate: 12 silver spoons.
In the hall: 2 tables and 2 forms, A painted cloth, a green “banker,” a laton cover, In the parlour: A hanging of old red and green say. A banker of woven carpet, 2 cushions, A table, 2 forms, a cupboard, a chair, 3 painted pictures. A paper of the names of the kings of England pinned on the hanging. In the chamber ca the north side of the parlour: A painted hanging, a “bedstedyll” with a feather bed. A bolster, 2 pillows, a blanket, a coverlet of coarse tapestry, a tester of red and green say 2 forms, a jack to set a bason on. In the chamber over the parlor: 2 bedsteads. an old tester of painted cloth, a painted cloth, 3 forms. At the stair head beside the person's lodging chamber A table, 2 trestles, 4 bechives. In the parson's lodging chamber: A bedstead, with a feather bed, 2 blankets, a pair of sheets, a coverlet of tapestry lined with canvas, a bolster, a pillow with a “pillocote,” a violet cloth gown lined with red say. A black cloth gown furred with lamb. 3 violet cloth hoods. one being fined with green sarsnet. A jerkin of tawny chamlett. a jerkin of cloth furred with white. A jacket of cloth furred. A sheet to put clothes in a press, a leather male. A table, 2 forms, 3 chairs, 2 trestles A tester of painted cloth. A piece of green say hanging with 2 pictures thereupon. A cupboard, 2 chests. A little flock bed with a bolster and coverlet. A cushion, a mantle. a towel, 1 lb. of wax candles. 42 greatbooks covered with boards. 33 small book covered with boards. 38 books covered with leather and parchment. In the ship chest in the said chamber: 2 pieces of red and green say. 1 tick for a bolster, 2 ticks for pillows. A cloth tippet. 4 diaper napkins. 2 diaper towels. 9 sheets, 2 table cloths. In the other chest: A sarcenet tippet. 2 coats belonging to the cross of Rudhill, whereupon hang 33 pieces of money, rings and other things, and 3 crystal stones closed in silver. In the study: 2 old boxes, a wicker hamper full of papers. In the chamber beyond the chimney: 1½ seme of oat malt, a rat trap and a board. In the next chamber westward: A bedstead and bedding, a table, a net called a stalker, 2 augers, &c. In the buttery: 3 pewter basons, 5 candlesticks, 3 podyngers, 3 “kelers,”, a glass bottle, &c. In the priest's chamber: A bedstead and feather bed, two forms, and a press. In the woman's keeping: 2 table cloths, 2 pair of sheets. In the sevant's chamber A painted hanging bedstead, &c. In the kitchen: 8 bacon fitches, a brewing lead, a posnett, a mustard quern, a beehive and other articles. In the milkhouse: 6 bowls, 2 cheeses, 3 podyngers, &c. In the bulting house: A brass pan, a quern, a bulting hutch, a tolvett, a tonnell, &c. In the larder: A sieve, a cheese press, a graper for a well, &c. Wood: 10 loads of tallwood, 10 1/2 of rise wood. Poultry: 9 hens, 8 capons, 1 cock, 16 young chickens, 3 old geese, 17 goslings, 4 ducks. Cattle: 5 young hogs called shettes. 2 red kine. A red heifer, 2 years old. A bay gelding lame of spavins. An old grey mare with a mare colt. In the entry: 2 tubs. A chest to keep conies, &c. In the lime house: 5 seams of lime. In the woman's chamber: A bedstead and 20 lbs. of hempen yarn. Without the house: 1,500 tile, 500 bricks, planks, &c. In the gatehouse: A fan, a leathersack, 3 bush. of wheat. In the stable beside the gate: 2 old road saddles. A bridle. A “horselock” (horseblock ?). In the barn next the gate: 30 qts. unthreshed wheat; 5 qrs. unthreshed barley. In the curtlage: “One weene with two whyles.” A dung cart without wheels. 2 shod wheels. 2 yokes. One sled. In the barn next the church: 1 qr. unthreshed oats. In the “gardener,” 3 seams 4 bush. oats. In the court: 2 racks, one ladder.
All the tithes of this Easter are in the hands of the parishioners.
Pp. 6. Endd.
20 April. 522. John Husee the Younger to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Late coming from Greenwich found his letter, with notice of one for Mr. Cromwell, which the bearer Whetlye has failed to deliver. Cannot speak to Mr. Cromwell of the plate and stuff of lord Berners till he obtains it. The treasurer has promised to pay Sadleyr 10l. I am also promised your harness, but yesternight John Smythe had not come with the horse to Mr. Norres. Can tell him no further of Mr. Seymour's suit. This day the nun of Kent, with two Friars Observant, two monks and one secular priest, were drawn from the Tower to Tyburn, and there hanged and beheaded. This day most part of the city was sworn to the King and his legitimate issue by the Queen's grace now had and hereafter to come. The bishops of Durham, Winchester and York have been sent for. Some think they will be committed to the Tower. London, 20 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
523. Henry Gold. (fn. 3)
R. O. Comments by the inhabitants of Hese (fn. 4) upon the articles preferred against them by Gold their parson.
1. He alleges that they do not [pa] their tithing, and if there be any odd lambs, he is discontent with their old customs, viz., that when there were seven odd lambs the parson should take one and give the owner 1 1/2d., and if there were less the owner should give him 1/2d. for each lamb, whereas Gold would have them to drive the odd lamb to the next year; on which ground he cited one for 1 1/2d., and another for one odd lamb at 1/2d. They would not lay out their tithe corn at the binding of the said corn, because he carried it away and tore their sheaves with his horse. 2. He says they use unlawful games, as bowls, football, dice and cards, and that they have committed riots, but no blows were given nor weapons drawn, and as little games used as in any parish in Middlesex. Gold slandered the house of Wm. Rouse for suffering the said games, yet no stripe was given to any of the parishioners, but that the said Gold smote the said Wm. Rouse upon the breast, then being constable. He also says the inhabitants conspired his death, and that he knew it by a maid who was servant with Henry King; which maid came into the Star Chamber, and denied before the lords that she ever gave such information, but says that Golde once spoke to her in the house of Mr. Dower and promised he would give her a year's wages if she would testify against them, and that she should come and be with him. 3. He also informed the lords that the inhabitants did not love their old vicar, but treated him so that he should be glad to be quit of them. The truth is that Robt. King, a witness against these parties now in ward, was one of his adversaries, and John Osborne, who occupied the parsonage of Hese, which Gold now occupies, [was another]. And these who are now in ward went to help the said vicar against King and Osborne at their own cost. The inhabitants therefore desire to be heard, for the witnesses against these men will depose anything for malice. Yet the said Gold and his said witnesses were more at variance than any other in the parish until he heard that they were at variance with the parishioners, when he called them to bear witness against them. Their names are Sir Peter a Lye, priest, Edmund Cope, tailor, Thos. Trough . . . Wapole and Gregory Faxton, both servants with the said Gold, and Roger Hopwod, who keeps ill rule in his house, both dicing and carding with resort of vagabonds; Robt. King, that never was in favor with his neighbours; Ric. King his son, and Walter Hunt of Northall, a suspect person as ye know in the country. Could inform your mastership of many other matters touching the offences we have exhibited against him in the Star Chamber. Would gladly have come and informed your mastership more plainly, but could not obtain licence of the warden, except we should put in surety to be true prisoners, in which case we should each have to pay 6s. 8d. more.
Large paper, p. 1. Endd.: Certeine articles mynistered by one Gold ayenst his parisshons for ther tithes.
R. O. 2. Sermon notes by Gold, on these and other texts: Gaudete in Domino semper (Ph. iv.); Qui mœchatus fuerit cum uxore alterius, morte moriantur ambo; on the Paternoster, &c.
Five different papers, Lat., pp. 4, pp. 10, pp. 2, pp. 7, and pp. 2.
R. O. 3. Copy, in a different hand, of the last of the preceding papers, being notes on the text, “Tunc videbunt Filium Hominis venientem in nube,” &c. (Luke, xxi. 27), and other passages.
Lat., pp. 4.
R. O. 4. A sermon or homily on the text, Luke, xxi. 27 (Tunc videbunt Filium Hominis, &c.), in the form of a dialogue between a vicar and a parishioner, who asks him why he does not preach. He vindicates his not preaching by the text against throwing pearls before swine (Matth. vii. 6), saying his Master forbad him to preach to the “people that be now of days,” and declares that some would come to church and ask whether there would be any sermon, and on being told there would be, would go out of church again, saying they would rather omit their matins and mass upon Sunday than they would hear the word of God.
In Gold's hand, pp. 3.
R. O. 5. A sermon on the Paternoster.
Inc.: Dilectissimi in Deo, charissimi fratres, hactenus prædixi vobis modum orandi.
Lat. Draft in Gold's hand, much corrected, pp. 6.
R. O. 6. Sermon in Latin by Henry Gold on the text. Sanctificetur nomen tuum, in which he denounces certain persons who lately burned a crucifix and hanged the image of the Virgin. He warns them against despising images set up in churches, and states that this heresy came not from Luther, but Carlostadius, imaginum deletor, who was driven from Saxony by the Reformer for favoring the heresy of Felix.
Inc.: “Christus primus docet quid petendum.”
In Gold's hand, pp. 3.
R. O. 7. Two sermons on the Paternoster in English.
Inc.: “Forasmuch as all Christian people ought daily to honor the Holy Trinity with their Paternoster, Ave and Creed.”
Corrected drafts in Gold's hand, pp. 20.
R. O. 8. Sermon notes by Henry Gold on Matt. xviii. 1.
Lat., pp. 3.
ii. A sermon delivered at the visitation of some religious house on the words, “Ascendit in cor ejus ut visitaret fratres suos filios Israel.” Acts, vii. [23].
The preacher applies the phrase “children of Israel” to the religious; who are now greatly oppressed. Some are compelled to sell their plate, and some their lands. Many of the fair monasteries be utterly destroyed and plucked down, and “They have made Jerusalem a heap of stones” is verified of them. He fears that, as Pharaoh was jealous of the children of Israel for their increase, so religious men have increased, not in number but in vice. He examines the causes alleged for their destruction, and how far they were justified; and reproaches prior and rectors for coveting to be called “My lord;” and cellarers, kitcheners, etc., for their pomp in travelling. He says, “we see now-a-days that many religious men do so diligently apply themselves to worldly faculties and crafts that divers of them be accounted the chief devisers that be in England of new and strange fashions in building; insomuch that some of them, for this their policy and worldly wisdom, be in great favor with earthly princes and with other noble temporal men.” They must be redeemed from bondage, like the children of Israel, by another Moses, “that is, by this honorable and devout father. This is he that may well be called Moyses, for Moyses in th'Egypte tongue is as much as to say aqua, water;” and “this honorable prelate of the church of God your visitor may well, I say, be called Moyses, water, quia aqua sapientiœ salutaris potavit illum dominus Deus noster (Ecclus. xv.),” &c.
Pp. 6.
iii. A visitation sermon of the same purpose and in the same hand, upon the words, Lucas medicus charissimus salutat vos. (Coloss. iv. 14.)
The preacher runs a parallel between a physician and their visitor, “a devout prelate of the church of God, and who may be well called Luke.” The preacher commends him for having taken in hand “this great and laborious journey, thus to go from town to town, from place to place, in this cold and foul time of winter, notwithstanding his old, and in manner impotent, age;” and all, like a loving physician, that he may “bring the souls of all you that be religious persons within his diocese in salutem.” The dropsy he has to cure is avarice. He states that poor people, tempted by the splendor of the monasteries, compelled their children to take the vow. “My child, or kinsman, if thou wilt be a monk or chanon, then thou shalt have plenty of delicate meats, &c. Yea, thou mayest fortune to be a friar or an abbot, and then thou shalt be to help me and all thy kindred. And contrary, if thou wilt not be a religious man, I am not able to find thee to thy learning, and therefore thou shalt go to plough; thou shalt fare hardly.”
Pp. 3. Endd.
R. O. 9. Note of the different texts of Scripture cited in the preceding sermon.
Lat., p. 1.
R. O. 10. Sermon on the text, In illo tempore, &c. (John, vi.), with notes on other subjects.
Lat., in Gold's hand, pp. 4.
R. O. 11. Grant by Christian Golde, widow of John Golde, to John Hynkley of Welton, of her life-interest in her husband's lands in cos. Northt. and Warw. 18 Nov. 24 Hen. VIII. Sealed.
P. 1. Endd.


  • 1. This part is struck out.
  • 2. Mr. Pocock supplies the mutilated words in various places differently from what it strikes me that the sense requires.
  • 3. These papers, except perhaps the first, were evidently seized at the time of Gold's arrest. They are here inserted at the date of his execution, 20 April 1534.
  • 4. Hayes in Middlesex. The living, as it appears by Newcourt, was a peculiar belonging to the archbishop of Canterbury.