Henry VIII: April 1534, 6-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: April 1534, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp183-188 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1534, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp183-188.

"Henry VIII: April 1534, 6-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp183-188.


April 1534, 6-10

6 April. 441. John Rokewood to Lord Lisle.
R. O. On Easter eve, (fn. 1) about 18 persons were brought out of Lincolnshire, who had committed robbery on the sea, and it is said that Swyft and Buck should pretend to be doing in those things. I hope it is not true. They have many foes here. No news of the ambassadors of Scotland, “howbeit it is supposed that their matters be of so great importynacy that they will rather take none effect than otherwise.” My lord Chamberlain is very sore sick, and I desired your servant Hussey to write you my mind therein. If anything happened to him, I wish your lordship had the castle of Guisnes. I hope I shall be able to go to the Court in five or six days. On Sunday fortnight all these newly elected bishops are to be consecrated at Croydon by my lord of Canterbury. The King has licensed the vicar of Croydon to dispute with Latimer. My lord of Winchester is gone to his diocese, and is not to return till the King sends for him. Remember me to lord Edmund Howard and my masters of the Council. 6 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
7 April. 442. Chatillon and Pommeraye, the French Ambassadors.
See Grants in April, Nos. 7 and 8.
7 April. 443. Wm. Waytte to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Desires to be recommended to lord Lisle. Thanks her for her continual loving remembrance of him to master Cromwell. Has put in adventure the staying of the payment. Does not know what will come of it, but had rather pay it than any inconvenience should ensue. Cannot perceive that Water Chaundeler is willing to pay any of the 10l. to John Waytte, but has not spoken to him since receiving her letter. Did not send her the saffron for the sake of having money for it. Asks lady Lisle to remember his cousin Waytte's sister to the abbot of Welbyke. Otherwise she may beg for any part of her money she is like to recover of Wm. Waytte. Master Coxe is dead. The park is given, but he has not heard to whom. Ambrose Hartly desires to be recommended. Mr. Basset was lately in good health. Trusts that Mrs. Frances and all her daughters are in like case. Wymeryng, 7 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
7 April. 444. Karne and Revett to [Henry VIII.]
R. O. St. P. VII. 552. On our arrival here on the 6th, went to the bishop of Paris, who is on his journey homeward, and heard from him that the King's cause was finished and sentence given against him 15 days ago. On asking him the cause, as he had written that the bishop of Rome would be glad to do for the King not only in the cause principal, but also in the matters excusatory, he said that the Imperialists had strengthened themselves so that they “coacted” the said Bishop to give sentence. Think he could have found means to do otherwise if he had wished. He said also that the Imperialists were suing for the execution of the sentence, which he would warrant not to pass, but they fear it will be obtained in his absence, as they could obtain sentence while he was present.
He did not advise them to meddle in hindering the sentence, and said if the King wrote to him he would cause the bishop of Rome to stay it, whenever it was called upon. Ask whether they shall go on to Rome or come back. If the bishop of Rome is as well willing as the bishop of Paris reports, he may admit any of them to prove the nullity of the sentence. The bishop of Paris told them that the princess Dowager in March last sent letters to the bishop of Rome and to her proctor, by which the bishop of Rome was much moved. In her letters to her proctor she spoke of many letters she had received from him both from Rome and Marseilles. Bologna, 7 April 1534.
The bishop of Paris showed them that the Imperialists promised in the Emperor's behalf that he would execute the sentence. Signed.
In Revett's hand. Mutilated.
7 April. 445. Edw. Karne and Wm. Revett to the Duke of Norfolk.
R. O. On our arrival here on the 6th we spoke with the bishop of Paris. What news we had of him touching the King's cause you will see by the King's letters sent herewith, which, will show why we tarry the King's further pleasure. The bishop of Paris is very honorably visited here in the palace. Bononye, 7 April 1534. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
7 April. 446. Henry [Marquis of Exeter] to Cromwell.
Vesp. F. XIII. 97. B. M. Thanks him for his kindness in the election of the prioress of Wyntney. Hears that the election is compromitted to Cromwell, and asks him to give it to his wife's kinswoman. Mr. Tregonwell will show him that she is able to execute the office, and will fully content the King of all the duties pertaining to him. Desires credence for the bearer. Horsleye, 7 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
7 April. 447. Ferdinand King of the Romans to Antonio Leyva, Captain General of the League.
Add. MS. 28,586, f. 219. B. M. “It has been long ago known that the enemies and competitors of the Emperor and of his person intended to restore the former duke of Wirtemberg in his dukedom by force of arms, and that done, to undertake other more dangerous enterprizes. Proofs, however, were wanting; but now not the least doubt is any longer possible. A great number of important personages and experienced captains are assembling an army, apparently in order to subject the Anabaptists in Munster, but in fact in order to carry out their plans respecting Wirtemberg. The king of France and the king of England are assisting them, the latter by sending them money. The king of England does all in his power to create disturbances in Germany. 7 April 1534.”
English abstract from contemporary decipher at Simancas.
[8 April.] 448. John Perchard, Mayor of Southampton, to Cromwell.
R. O. I received your letters Tuesday night in Easter week by a King's messenger, and went this morning to the Friars Observants, to have taken friar Pecok. He was forth preaching. This morning I have sent to make search in the country for him, and as soon as he can be taken he shall be sent to you as you desire. For the matter of Edw. Burlas I shall do as you command. Wednesday morning in Easter week.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Of the King's Council. Endd.
449. Friar Pecock.
R. O. The sayings of the Friar Observant that preached at Winchester.
On Passion Sunday last, the warden of the Friars Observants in Hampton preached in St. Swithun's church at Winchester, where Robt. Cooke of Rye, who had abjured certain heresies concerning the sacrament of the Altar, was doing his penance. The preacher took his presence as an occasion for speaking of the sacrament of the Altar, reciting the heresy abjured by Cooke and other “olde and dampned heresies,” exhorting the people to live and die in their faith. He referred to the story of St. Maurice, who refused to execute his prince's commandment which was contrary to God's law, but preferred to suffer martyrdom rather than resist his prince. He exhorted the people to live and die thus, and not stubbornly to resist. He said also these words: “Here be many hearers, and they be not all of one capacity. Some there be that understand me, and some peradventure that understand me not, but otherwise do take me and shall report me than I do speak or mind.” He exhorted the people to stand in their faith constantly and humbly, and obediently to use themselves towards their prince. Touching the Pope and his authority, he lamented the diversity of preachings nowadays and the contradictions of clerks and learned men, saying that he was credibly informed that some persons preach that St. Peter had never more power nor authority given unto him by God than any other of the Apostles, that the Pope should have no more authority, power or jurisdiction out of Rome than a bishop out of his diocese, nor a bishop no more than a simple priest, “and so consequently the Pope no more than a simple curate.” Those sayings he said were grievous errors, and yet he was informed that they brought their books into the pulpit with them for the proof of it, but he could show his book to the contrary. Then he took up his book which lay beside him on the pulpit, and read five or six places approving primatum Petri, and Englished them. He then proceeded to other matters, reprehending vice, as the common fashion of preachers is. I do not remember that he said more concerning the King, the Pope or their laws.
Pp. 2. Endd.
[8 April.] 450. Henry Huttoft to Cromwell.
R. O. I received your letter this day for the taking of friar Pecok. We have visited the convent this morning; of which Pecok being now warden is abroad preaching. Wednesday in Easter week.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Of the Council. Endd.
8 April. 451. David Cecyll to Cromwell.
Vesp. F. XIII. 159. B. M. One Merynge has him in suit on an obligation in the town of Nottingham, where the King's laws are but smally regarded, except where they of the town bear favor.
The obligation is fictitious. The sum is but 20 marks, and my defence has cost me 20l. I desire you somewhat to ponder my truth and poor honesty, for it was never distained in the King's father's days, when I was some time put in trust, nor yet in this King's time till now; and to remember me before my lord Chancellor, who has the matter before him. Stanforde, 8 April.
Hol., (fn. 2) p. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. (fn. 3) Endd.
8 April. 452. John Cooke (fn. 4) to Cromwell.
R. O. Since my last letters to the duke of Norfolk and yourself, I have been as far as Exmouth in search of Swift, but he lacking his boat, Bucke and other of his company came to Southampton on Good Friday last. I had informed the Chief Baron of their lewd purpose, and Swift, with Bucke and George, are now in prison. Since my return I have received your letter, but not directions what is to be done with the prisoners. Hearing that the pirates intended to steal a piece of brass ordnance, and iron gunstones taken from the Frenchmen by Porter, bailly of Newport, I have secured it, and it is now in the custody of Harry Whittoft (Huttoft). Southampton, 8 April.
P.S.—The bearer will bring your answer, and whether you wish to have up Michael James.
Hol. Pp. 2. Add.: One of the King's Council. Endd.
8 April. 453. Suffolk to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Begs his favor for John Raynesford to have a place of 8d. a day. Southwark, 8 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lieutenant of Calais.
8 April. 454. Slander against the King.
R. O. “The confession of dompne Thomas Essex, upon a certain letter sent by him to my lord of Norfolk, accusing dompne John Fraunces of divers seditious and slanderous words against the King's highness and his most honorable Council, taken, examined and sworn by the reverend father in God Thos. abbot of the monastery of St. John Baptist beside Colchester, Sir John Sentclere, knt., Sir Wm. Pyrton, knt., John Cristmes, esq., and dompne John Milford, prior of the said monastery,” 8 April 25 Hen.VIII.
Dan Thos. Essex “decane” of the monastery, 25 years old, says that on 21 Jan. dan John Fraunces spoke of a new book containing nine articles put forth by the King and his Council, saying that the putters forth of it are heretics, though before he said they were but schismatics, which he would prove on pain of losing his tongue. He said also in derision, when the King was beyond the sea last, that the Queen followed him like a dog its master.
Dan John Flingant says the occasion of the said words being spoken was that Thos. Clare wished he had a dispensation of his religion. Flyngant remarked that dispensations were hung up for sale in the apothecaries' shops in Rome, with a blank for the buyer's name. To this Fraunces answered that he had rather go to Walsingham on his bare feet than that Clare should go about any such business.
Dan Wm. Westmynster, dan John Pepper, dan Wm. Page, dan Thos. Clare and dan John Islipp give evidence as to the above words, and that on 4 Feb. 25 Hen.VIII. Fraunces said that he could prove those who consented to the King's last marriage to be heretics.
Each deposition is in the witness's hand and signed by him.
Signed by the Abbot, Pyrton, Sentclere, Crystmas and Melford.
ii. Answer of Fraunces, explaining the former part of the accusation, and denying the words about the Queen imputed to him.
Large poper, pp. 3. Endd.
10 April. 455. James V. to Albany.
R. O. St. P. IV. 668. Has ordered Canyver to write to him in cipher what has occurred since the departure of James's ambassador. Begs him to be diligent both where he is and at the court at Rome, as great evil is intended against both him and James. The matter has come but lately to his knowledge, but it has come in time. Stirling, 10 April 21 James V. Signed.
Add. Endd.
456. James V. to the Abbot of Arbroath.
R. O. Begs him to be diligent to get hasty answer. The time requires it more than he knew at his departure; as Jas. Scrimgeour will show him. The bearer will explain what has happened “anent your eme” (uncle), of which we have caused Canyvet to write in cipher to Albany, to whom you will give your best counsel. Wishes him to solicit Lorge Mongowmery to come to Scotland and give counsel about the wars. Knows he has not the goodwill of his master, and would not like him to suffer from it; but if he can do it safely, would like him to come at once. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To, &c. the abbot of Arbroth, being our embassatour instantly in France.
10 April. 457. Gherart Sterck to [Chapuys].
R. O. The enclosed packet was sent him by the Queen. (fn. 5) Asks for an acknowledgment of its receipt. Had given a letter to an English merchant, but taken it from him again as he was assured the courier would be in London before him. Another courier left yesterday, but Sterck has not entrusted letters to him in consequence of his previous faults. The bearer will bring back an answer.
Received his packet today at dinner by Martylyn the courier, and sent it on to Brussels. 5 April.
Will do as he writes, and appear in court for him not later than Monday. Asks what his correspondent's debt is. Antwerp, 10 April, 4 p.m. 1534.
ii. Gherart Sterck to [Chapuys].
Has given the enclosed letter to the merchant, the bearer, because an Antwerp courier named Frans atout la Barbe, who leaves tomorrow, played him a trick last month. Gave him a packet, which he promised to deliver, and paid him six cr., but he waited at Bruges and gave the packet to another courier. For this reason would not give the letter to Frans mittin Bard. Asks him to acknowledge the receipt by the merchant. Went to the court before Easter to solicit payment for him. Was told to come again after Easter, and means would be found to pay him. Hoghstrate has gone to Holland to chastise the heretics (les malfaicteurs de la foy). Great justice is daily done. The bishop of Bremen with a great force is before a town of his called —. (fn. 6) It is hoped that “les maluseurs de la foy,” will be punished here also. A courier has come from Spain. Has had letters from the master of the Chamber, dated March last. Antwerp, 10 April 1534.
There is news of a truce between the Lubeckers and the Emperor.
Fr. Copy, pp. 2. Headed: A lambassadeur, &c. Endd.


  • 1. 4 April in 1534.
  • 2. The handwriting is not the same as the letter of 28 June 1532, in which the surname is spelt “Cyssyll” in the signature.
  • 3. This word is written over “Cromwell,” which is erased.
  • 4. The bishop of Winchester's registrar. See 30 June [1534].
  • 5. Mary of Hungary.
  • 6. Blank in MS.