Henry VIII: September 1531, 1-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 5, 1531-1532. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Henry VIII: September 1531, 1-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 5, 1531-1532, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol5/pp199-217 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: September 1531, 1-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 5, 1531-1532. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol5/pp199-217.

"Henry VIII: September 1531, 1-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 5, 1531-1532. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol5/pp199-217.


September 1531, 1-30

1 Sept.
Add. MS. 28,583, f. 375. B. M.
400. Mai to Los Covos.
"The Count del Borgo renders good services in England. Some time ago he was suspected, but he has already cleared himself of that suspicion. There (in Rome) it is said that he asked some offices in Sicily, but was told (by the Emperor) that he had not behaved well. Thinks that answer was ill considered. Begs him not to forget that the poor Queen is entirely in his power. If no favor is shown to him, it is to be feared that he will do nothing. Such men as he must not be exasperated.
"P.S. of a letter dated 1 Sept. 1531."
English abstract from original at Simancas.
4 Sept.
Vienna Archives.
401. Chapuys to Charles V.
Being lately with the King to ask a reply to your letter touching the chapter of the Toison, he ordered me to say that in ten days he would despatch to your Court a new Ambassador with the requisite instructions. Dr. Fox returned from Paris eight days ago, and, among other things, has worked as hard as possible that the university should determine that even if prince Arthur had no connection with the Queen, the Pope could not dispense with the second marriage, because verbal consent, and not carnal connection, makes the marriage. The King has undertaken this, knowing for certain that the Queen was a virgin when she came to his bed, and that this can be proved. The Queen, on account of some of her ladies [being taken sick], has retired to a little house near at hand, where she has been but poorly visited and consoled by the Court, though the case required otherwise. She has passed certain procurations for the revalidation of her cause; among which are two instruments, one of which is to be sent to your Ambassador at Rome, the other to the President of Castile. The wild Irish have taken the field in great number, and invaded the lands of the King's tenants, and have been aided by the wild Scotch.
My need increases daily, and I beg your Majesty to remember me. London, 4 Sept. 1531.
Hol., Fr., p. 1, From a modern copy.
5 Sept.
R. O.
402. Sir William Shelley.
Receipt by Thos. Bysshop, servant of Sir Wm. Shelley, one of the King's judges, of a collar of gold of Mr. Shelley's from the vicar and proctor of the Charterhouse. 5 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII. Signed.
5 Sept.
R. O.
403. Charter House Of Sheen.
Indenture, 5 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII., between the King and John Joburn, prior of the Carthusian House of Jesu of Bethlehem, of Sheen, for an exchange of the manors of Lewisham and Estgrenewiche, Kent, belonging to the priory, (except three tenements in Estgrenewiche, late [of] Master John Cole, sub-dean of the King's chapel,) for the site and precinct of the late priory of Bradwell, Bucks, with lands in Bradwell, Woolverton, Padbury, Lowghton, Shenley, Thorneborough, Stoke, Sulburie, and Stonystratforde, Bucks; and Bylling Magna, Northampton, and Wykyn, Northt.; as held by John Asshebie, the late prior, with advowsons of Bradwell, Wolverton, Padburie, and Ellesbridge or Ellisburgh, Bucks, Elmonden, Essex, Hellinglee, Sussex, and Marden, Kent; and also the Chantry lands of Bodington, and other lands, late belonging to Cardinal's College, Oxford. Seal attached.
R. O. 2. Corrected draft of the above indenture, with blank for date. Large paper, pp. 16.
5 Sept.
R. O.
404. Abbot Islyp.
Indenture between the King and John Islyp, abbot of St. Peter's, Westminster, relative to the exchange of a messuage called Petye Caleys, on the east side of the King's Street at Westminster, extending from the Lamb Alley, otherwise Lamb Lane, to the bars near the King's manor there, and of certain other messuages, &c. on the west side of the King's Street, leading from a messuage or brewhouse called the Axe, all the way to and beyond Charing Cross, for the site of the late monastery of Poghley, with the advowson of Chadelworth, Berks, &c. Dated 5 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII. Fragment of seal remaining.
R. O. 2. Charter of the same Abbot and the Prior and Convent, granting to the King the messuage of "Pety Cales" and other lands, as set forth in the patent of 23 Dec. following.
Corrected draft, large paper, pp. 4.
5 Sept.
R. O.
405. Monastery Of St. Alban's.
Indenture made 5 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII. between Henry VIII. and Robert abbot of St. Alban's, covenanting that the King shall have the abbey lands of More, Asshelesse Bacheworthe, Brytwell, and Estburie. In exchange for which the King will grant to the convent the site of the late monastery of Pray, Herts, and the manors of Pray, Playdell, and Beamonde, with the advowson of the church of Wyng, with all lands, rents, &c. belonging to the said late priory in St. Alban's, and in Pray, Playdell, Beamond, Hempsted, Berkehamsted, Westwyke, Whethamsted, Redborne, Saret, Watford, Childewyk, Leche[w]orth, Flaunden, Dagnale, Abbottes Walden, Hexton, and Codicote, which Alianore Barnard, late prioress, held in right of the said priory; also the manor of Chalkeford, Oxon, with lands belonging to the late priory of Wallingford.
Vellum. Seal lost.
5 Sept.
R. O.
406. Eton College.
Indenture made 5 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII. between the King and Roger Lupton, provost of Eton College, covenanting that the King shall have the site, &c. of their house of St. James' in the Field, with 185 acres, between Charing Cross and Aye Hill; of which there are 64 acres on the south side of the highway between these places, 96 acres in the Northfield upon the north side of the same highway, and 18 acres in two closes at Knightsbridge, 5 acres in a meadow called Temes Mede, half an acre in Chelsey Mede, and 2 acres at Fulham; with reservation of the lands called Chalcotes and Wyldes, in the parish of Hamsted, and all lands in London and Westminster not mentioned in a schedule annexed. In exchange for which the college shall have the manor of Baudewyns near Dertford, Kent, and lands called Brokes in Dertford, the advowson of Newington church, and a pasture ground in Luddenham Marsh, Kent, the manor of Chatesham, Suff., with the advowson of the church.
Seal attached, broken.
R. O. 2. Draft surrender to the King, by Roger Lupton, provost of St. Mary's College, Eton, of the site of the hospital of St. James in the Field, &c., as above. William Brabazon and Ralph Sadleyer, as attornies of the college, to deliver possession.
Large paper, pp. 3. In Wriothesley's hand.
R. O. 3. An earlier draft to the same effect, much corrected.
R. O. 4. Grant by the King to St. Mary's College, Eton, of the lands called Chalcotes and Wildes, in the parishes of Hendon, Fynchley, and Hampsted, being part of the possessions of their house of St. James in the Fields, which they had surrendered to the King in accordance with an indenture dated 5 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII.
Corrected draft, pp. 2, large paper.
5 Sept.
Harl. MS. 2,067, f. 194. B. M.
407. Jane Ley.
Will of Jane Ley, of Chester. 5 Sept. 1531.
P. 1. Not signed.

R. O.
408. Westminster.
Account of moneys paid to divers persons by John abbot of Westminster and Thomas Cromwell, of London, commissioners appointed by the King to satisfy the claims of farmers and tenants at Westminster and elsewhere; viz., to Wm. Russell, of Westminster, waxchandler, for a messuage called the Bell, in the King's Street next the Bars, according to indenture 18 May 23 Hen. VIII., 128l. To Guy Gascoyn and Joan his wife, part tenants of the same, 33l. 6s. 8d. To John Garlond, also part tenant of the same, 13l. 6s. 8d. To John Russell, of Westminster, carpenter, also part tenant of the same, 20l. To Thos. Bryghtman and Joan his wife, for their interest in the beerhouse at Endyff in Westminster, 106l. 10s. To Geoffrey Tull, of Westminster, tiler, for the "inn hostry" called the Rose, on the west side of King Street, 53l. 6s. 8d. To Edw. Yngham, for his interest in a messuage called the Rose, with one shop and two tenements annexed, in the King's Street, 15l. To Eliz. Palle, widow of Nich. Paule, of Westminster, carpenter, and Thos. Duffeld her son-in-law, for their interests in seven tenements adjoining, 80l. To John Henbury, of Westminster, brewer, for tenements in the King's Street and Charing Cross, 160l. To Wm. Salcote, of Westminster, carpenter, for cottages and grounds at Charing Cross. To Ric. Walker alias Hampstede, of Westminster, smith, for a tenement and garden in the King's Street, and another, with a chamber over it, in the same street next to Endyff Lane, 20l. Also to John Kellett, Ric. Hampkyn, buckler-maker, and Agnes his wife, for tenements in the King's Street; Thos. Rawlyns, for tenements in Gylfeld and Gymere by Westminster, &c., "lying against the White Cross against the green before the King's manor, lately called York Place;" John Rede, for tenements in the King's Street; Thos. Gladwyn, for Coppyd Hall and Swalloyse House, and others. Total, 1,062l. 10s.
Additional entry : part payment to the churchwardens of St. Margaret's, Westminster, for the sign of the Rose, and 22 tenements, 66l. 13s. 4d.
Large paper, pp. 4, with corrections in Cromwell's hand.

R. O.
409. Westminster.
Indenture dated 23 Hen. VIII., whereby Thos. Cornysshe and Robert Norton, wardens of the guild of St. Mary of Westminster, convey to Thomas Crumwell, of London, Gent., to the King's use, their great messuage called the Rose, with cottages and gardens in Rose Alley.
6 Sept.
Add. MS. 26,837, f. 21 b. B. M.
410. Duke Of Albany.
At the request of the duke of Albany, the Pope spoke to the Cardinals about granting letters, in form of a brief, promising to promote one of the Duke's brothers to the cardinalate at the next creation; to which the Cardinals consented. 6 Sept. 1531.
Lat. From a collection of "Decreta Consistorialia."
7 Sept.
Calig. B. VII. 164. B. M. St. P. IV. 573.

Calig. B. VII. 163. B. M.
411. The Scotch Borders.
"Decre of concorde by the Commissioners of bayth the Realmez."
At Carlisle, 7 Sept. 1531, it is agreed between the commissioners of England, viz., Sir Thomas Clifford, captain of Berwick, Sir Richard Tempest, Sir Ralph Ellerker, Sir Thomas Wharton, Cuthbert Ratclyff, and those of Scotland, viz., Sir William Scott of Balwerey, Sir John Campbell of Lundy, Robert Charteres of Empsfield, and Thomas Scott of Pitgorno, viz., that all bills by Scotchmen against Englishmen shall now be tried at Carlisle by one assize, as the use of the Borders is, and deliverance of the same shall be delayed till all bills given by Englishmen against Scotchmen dwelling in the West Borders shall likewise have been tried at the coming of the Scotch commissioners to Dumfries, and either made foul or clean; after which a day or days shall be appointed by the commissioners on both sides for the delivery of all bills, &c.
Endd. by Wriothesley.
ii. "Copy of the indenture of Canabe," made at Coldstream, 26 March 1494, between Ric. bp. of S. Asaph, Thos. lord Dacre, Sir Wm. Tilar, lieut. of Berwick, John Heron of the Ford, Sir John Musgrave, John Heron of Chipchace, John Cortu . . . ton, and Edw. Ratcliffe on the one side, and Geo. bp. of Dunkeld, Wm. lord Borthike, Thos. abbot of Jedworth, Alex. English archd. of S. Andrews, Walter Carr of Cessford, Patrick Home of Fastcastle, Geo. Home of Wedderburn, Sir Alex. Scot, parson of Wigton, and Richard Lawson, on the other, touching the complaints made by John Grame, bailiff to the prior of Canonby, against Geo. and Alex. Charlton, Hugh and Rich. Wilkynson, Wm. Robson, and Robt. Dods, and Archie his son, for burning, &c.
Signed : Wm. Scot of Balwe., kt., John Campbell of Lundy, Robt. Charters of Hempfield, Thos. Scot of Pitgorno.
Endd. by Wriothesley : "The copie of indenture of Canabe."

R. O.
412. Sir Thomas Wharton to Cromwell.
Cannot express his obligations for Cromwell's continual kindness, but let him judge that his acts are always to the satisfaction of the King and the honor of his master. His body shall always be at Cromwell's service. Hopes his next attendance on his mastership will be to his worship. Need not advertise him of occurrences here, "seeing the King's highness' letters for the same, and now these advertisements to be made by Sir Raufe Ellerker." Will send him reports hereafter according to his "debile witte." "Ande, Sir, the sayme haithe here not lackyt in gude wyll at all howres as the Kynge's cowncellors her in auctoritie to judge accordyngly; ande alle thoughe I writt more then becomythe me her in unto you, zet trough denyde wrongefully wolde be tryede. Your gudnes haithe inforcede me thus." Scribled in haste.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. : To the right worshipful master Cromwell. Endd. by Wriothesley : Thomas Wharton.
7 Sept. 413. Corn.
Writs to the sheriffs of various counties for proclamation forbidding the export of corn and other victuals, except what may be necessary for the victualling of ships. Chelsea, 7 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 23 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12d.
9 Sept.
R. O.
414. [Benet to Henry VIII.]
* "shall understond also yn our comen letter now sent, and a[s] I wrote yn my foresaid letter how that I tried out the certainty (?) whether the Pope had made a promise to the cardinal Gramont that no sentence should be given in the cause this twenty years, though the part adverse should call for it." In effect, his Holiness denied that he ever made such a promise, but acknowledged that he might have said to the Cardinal, "If your Highness did come ad causam, that then, the same (fn. 1) willing, there might be so many delays in the cause by reason of matters which your Grace may lie in, and remissoriales thither, that many years may pass before that a sentence be given." Otherwise his Holiness declares that he never said, and he taxed the Cardinal with misreporting what he had said on other occasions to the King his master. On the 12th Aug. the French king's ambassador was not come, but it was said he would arrive in eight days; and as the Duke said he understood that he brought with him a resolution to all causes, and therefore must have brought an answer to what Grammont had committed to him to say to the French king, we put off the despatch of this courier. He arrived on the 18th, and said that as to your Highness' cause he had brought nothing.
Has not spoken about the marriage between the Pope's niece and the duke of Orleans, as he had heard nothing from the ambassadors in France, and nothing was said about it to him. But the Pope told me plainly it shall never pass if the French king will bind him by capitulation to anything whereof business should follow in Italy or elsewhere. "Wherefore at that time my lord of Worcester was minded to have despatched this courier, but deferred till this time because of my sickness, which dured [from the 12th day of this month] (fn. 2) fifteen days (and yet am not perfectly whole)." Encloses a draft, "made like unto that which cardinal de Columna sent to the Pope, of the three suns which were seen in the realm of Naples, in a city called Troia, which is in Apulia." 30 Aug. 1531.
P.S.Today, since the closing of this letter, received letters (fn. 3) from Mr. Brian and Mr. Fox, the King's ambassadors in France, with a copy of the three articles to be obtained by the French king's ambassadors of the Pope by degrees. ["We did write unto the Pope desiring him to grant one of them" (fn. 4) ]; and what has been done concerning them you will learn from our common letter. You will also learn by that, and by Mr. Karne's letter, what we have done concerning the allegations made in the Queen's defence against the information given by Mr. Karne for the defence of matter excusatory; which allegations, and Mr. Secretary's answer to them, I received also at that time "for" (?from) your foresaid ambassadors. As Mr. Brian and Mr. Fox informed me that they had said nothing of the other degrees expressed in your Grace's letter, I made no overture thereof to the Duke, "lest he, understanding how that I sped, should be discouraged to sue effectuously for them." Albany lately showed me in great secrecy that he has been very urgent to bring about an arrangement for a meeting of the Pope and the French king, and that he had nearly persuaded the Pope; but as he had no perfect resolution from Francis before the arrival of this courier on the 30th ult., his Holiness now says it is too late, for the Emperor will be in Italy before they can meet. The Duke, for the time he has been here, has labored marvellously sore with the Pope, and still does more than ever. "What the matters be, I cannot yet penetrate them."
"By this I sent the three suns to the King, and a [b]oke made here in favor of the Queen's part." 9 Sept. 1531.
Draft, in Benet's hand, pp. 3.
9 Sept.
Simancas MS.
415. The Abbot Of Llor to Secretary Cobos.
Has had no letters from him for some time.
The agents of the king of England are working very hard. The day is not enough for them; they make use of the night also. As they see they have not right on their side, they try the worst methods of success. One of the Ambassadors, an official of this Court, does not bear me goodwill on account of this cause. The Imperial Ambassador said that he would communicate with Master John de Montedocca about what I have written, and today he asked me for it in the house of cardinal Egidio. Will share his secret with him. A new French ambassador, a bishop, has arrived. Rome, 9 Sept. 1531.
The cardinal Egidio desires to be recommended to Los Cobos. He is a constant servant of the Emperor, which is the reason why I serve him. He is, as it were, all in the English affair, in which he has shown his integrity.
Sp., pp. 3, modern copy.
10 Sept.
Vienna Archives.
416. Chapuys to Charles V.
The Queen, understanding that Agrippa had written to me that he had invincible arguments for the legality of her marriage, has requested that you will order him to write in this matter. She is exceedingly sorry that the King has refused her certain houses to which she wished to retire, and has commanded her to go to one of the worst in England. She will, however, obey him, with the intention, when she is there, of writing to the King that if this treatment continues she will be more happy to be kept a prisoner in the Tower of London; for, besides that she would not suffer more, her misfortune being notorious to all the world, every one would pray God to give her patience, and inspire the King to treat her better. She thinks that the coming here of the Auditor of the Rota from France will be to her disadvantage.
One of the chief servants of the young Marquis (fn. 5) has been sent to the Tower, charged with attempting to suborn various boon companions, who had influence with others, to take part with his master, saying that they saw well how things went, and that his master must be king. I told you how before the Marquis was forbidden the Court. Since then he has been put under arrest, as I understand. The ambassador to be sent to your Majesty is Master Vuylliot, a gentleman of 700 or 800 ducats of rent, formerly in the Cardinal's service, now in that of the lady, who has promoted him to this charge. When he starts, the Master of the Rolls, who is an old ecclesiastical doctor, goes with him to France as successor to Brian. London, 10 Sept. 1531.
Hol., Fr., p. 1, from a modern copy.
11 Sept.
R. O.
417. Sir William Weston to Cromwell.
I have received a letter from you, desiring me to be "jund pattend" (joint patentee) with my proctor in the Arches, named Percival Morgan, for a surety. Mr. Recorder of London wrote a letter on St. Austin's Day, desiring I should make one Dockery "jond pattentt" with my proctor, and I have consented. If Mr. Baker will consent, I shall be glad. Melcheborne, 11 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Worshipful.
12 Sept.
Add. MS. 25,387, f. 240. B. M. Theiner, 598. Pocock, II. 137.
418. Henry VIII. to Clement VII.
Asking for the promotion of Dr. Edw. Lee, his almoner, to the archbishopric of York, and that in the payment of annates, consideration may be had to the great expense of his bulls. Ampthill, 12 Sept. 1531.
Lat. Copy from the original in the Vatican.
R. O. St. P. VII. 319.
419. Henry VIII. to Ghinucci, Gregory Casale, and Benet.
Desires them to press his request to the Pope to promote Stephen Gardiner, his chief secretary, to the see of Winchester, and to urge his Holiness to consider, in the payment of the annate, the recent expenses of the see in procuring bulls. Hamptell, Sept. 1531. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
12 Sept.
Heine's Letts. to Charles V., 109.
420. Cardinal Of Osma to Charles V.
The five Christian cantons have demanded 2,000 arquebusiers from the Pope, who was afraid of their renouncing their Faith if he refused. The duke of Albany told the Cardinal that they had agreed with the Lutheran cantons, but this was false.
Yesterday the Pope sent to tell him he had heard it said that the duke of Ferrara had intercepted letters in cipher from him to the kings of England and France, asking them not to come to the Council. His Holiness denies this, and wishes the Emperor to ask the Duke for the original letters, and find out whose hand they are in, as he never writes but by Salviati or Sanga. Knows that he abhors the Council, but does not think he ordered such letters to be written, as he might obtain the same end through Tarbes or Albany.
The Pope has deferred the affair of the marriage [of his niece?] without being bound to any one. It seems that the French king has no good intentions about peace and the common good. Rome, 12 Sept.
12 Sept.
Add. MS. 28,583, f. 376, B. M.
421. Mai to Charles V.
Since writing last the English Ambassadors have visited (se ayuntaron) the new French Ambassador and the duke of Albany three or four times, and have together given the Pope a letter of the French king recommending this business.
What the English proposed is that accursed commission, that the case may be judged in England, or that the Pope should make a new decretal to decide it according to their wish. Told the Pope I always thought they had recourse to evasions and villanies, and I thanked God they did not know what to ask for, as they are now asking for what has been refused thirty times.
They went on to say that it was not reasonable that the case should be tried in Italy, now that Your Majesty was going thither, as the Pope's judgment would not be free; and that it was not free when you were at Bologna. Thinking they might try to frighten him, assured him of your devotion and of the advantage of making peace. As I had heard that Albany had said that such a sentence would not be obeyed, I said that his Holiness need only care about giving a sentence according to justice, and God would execute it; and that I was sure that the English would take it as valid, and the King would obey it. He then promised that he would order justice to be done, notwithstanding all this.
They threaten to produce the King's mandate to allege the exceptions against its coming to Rome, and for nothing else. We still maintain that he (the excusator) must not be heard unless he has power for the whole case. They say they will refuse all the auditors who are your vassals. We shall gain this article, but they will give us trouble by delay.
Asks the Emperor to send the original process in England, without which the case cannot be determined. The brief of dispensation is also necessary. Has written to the Cardinal president of Castile, to the viceroys of Catalonia and Valencia, and the governor of Arragon, for the remissorias for taking evidence. It is probably all done now, and some of the judges write that they have good hopes. Asks the Emperor to order them to be sent immediately. Speaks about the payment of the costs. Has little money of the Queen's.
The most important point is to prove that at the time of the second marriage there was war, or fear of war, between Spain and England, or Spain and France, or France and England. Asks the Emperor to procure information about this in Flanders (alla). Ortiz is well prepared in theological points. Rome, 12 Sept. 1531.
Sp., pp. 5, modern copy.
12 Sept.
Add. MS. 28,583, f. 379. B. M.
422. Mai to Los Covos.
The Pope told me that the duke of Ferrara had forged one or two letters in cipher (as from the Pope), caused them to be deciphered, and sent them to the Emperor. They were addressed to the Nuncio in France, saying that he (the Pope) wished him to tell the kings of France and England that he was their friend, and they might set aside the Council, and he would do all they asked; that he was talking with the French ambassador (el de Francia) about the marriage of his niece; and with the English ambassador (el de Inglaterra) about the matrimonial case. He told me that if they asked him to omit the Council, he would show his intentions (se abriera), and trust in the Emperor. * * *
Sp., pp. 6, modern copy.
12 Sept.
Add. MS. 28,583, f. 382. B. M.
423. Musetula to Charles V.
"The result of the embassy of the duke of Albany is, that no help against the Turks can be expected from the king of France.
"The Pope has been informed that the duke of Ferrara has assured him (the Emperor) that he has written letters in cipher to the king of France and the king of England, in which he has spoken about the convocation of the Council in a very different manner from what was expected from him. The Pope feels much offended, and declares that the whole is an invention. He never wrote nor thought of writing such letters.
The Pope sends instructions to Aleander archbishop of Brindisi, concerning the business of the German diet. He leaves entirely to him (the Emperor) to do what he thinks best. Rome, 12 Sept. 1531."
English abstract from original at Simancas.
12 Sept.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 420.
424. The Divorce.
Certificate by John bishop of London, of the production, on 12 Sept. 1531, in the choir of the parish church of All Saints, Chelsea, by John Olyver, LL.D., (1) of the King's commission to him to act as his proctor, dated York Place, 5 July 1530, 21 (sic) Hen. VIII.; and (2) of the unanimous opinion of the Faculty of Law at Paris, dated Saturday, 19 Aug. 1531, on the two questions,first, whether the King of England was bound to appear at Rome when cited; and, secondly, whether a subject of the King at Rome, not having a mandate, should be admitted on the day of citation to plead excusatory exceptions. Both of which they answer in the King's favor.
Vellum, Lat., mutilated. Seal attached; also mutilated. Endd. by Tunstal.
16 Sept.
Camusat, 152 b.
425. Dodieu to Albany.
Wrote on the 19th and 29th of the past month and sends this, although the Duke may have left the place to which it is addressed, as it may be of use to his successor. This Prince solicits his departure for Germany. Taverna, the ambassador of the duke of Milan, has been here ten days. His charge is to assure the Emperor that his master is in good health, and ready to marry according to his Majesty's pleasure. Hears, but does not believe it, that he boasts that Madame d'Urbin, (fn. 6) Albany's niece, has been offered to him. Some believe he is thinking of the eldest daughter of Denmark, who is here with queen Mary of Hungary. The King, her father, could not pass the river Albiz, which is on the border of his kingdom, and has come to Holland with 6,000 or 7,000 lanceknights. He is trying to get ships to go to Denmark by sea. Brussels, 16 Sept.
18 Sept.
R. O.
426. Ra. Sneyde, Priest, to Cromwell.
I desire your attention to my last request, made in your house in London, concerning the chancellorship of the late bishop of Chester, and also my advowson of the benefice of Astb ... of which Wm. Brereton, of the King's privy chamber, has a later advowson granted by the abbot of Chester, which he does not esteem, except to put me to suit; but he will desist at your pleasure. If you can obtain it for me I will give you a yearly pension of 20 marks during our lives. Lichfield, 18 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : Of the king's Council. Endd.
22 Sept.
Add. MS. 25,114, f. 90. B. M. Pocock, II. 139.
427. Brian and Foxe to Henry VIII.
Foxe arrived at Compiegne on the 18th, having experienced great difficulty in obtaining horses, in consequence of the King's pilgrimage. Advertised Brian, when at Paris, where he had been sent by the French king and the cardinal Grammont for expedition of "your Highness' payments," which I have now procured, with promise that the rest shall be paid in October next. More he could not obtain. De Vaux is not to be blamed. On the 22nd both addressed themselves to the French court. Yesterday Brian received a packet from Paget. Last night the bearer arrived with letters from Benet, showing that little favor is expected from the Pope. Brian has been advertised that there will come to the French king today a gentleman of the Emperor's privy chamber, to appoint an interview between the French queen and the queen of Hungary within eight days. Compiegne, 22 Sept. Signed by Brian and Foxe.
. 2. Endd. : "From Mr. Brian, the x. and xxii. of Sept. 1531." Add.
23 Sept.
R. O. St. P. VII. 320.
428. [Benet] to Henry VIII.
Gave the King's answer to the allegation made by the King's counsel against the matter excusatory. In his conversation with Albany the Pope said no resolution had yet been formed upon it. The Duke left for France on the 17th. He told me the Pope had promised him nothing should be done till after October. More he could not get from him. A Scot was cited by the Queen's proctor on the 20th. 23 Sept. 1531.
23 Sept.
R. O.
429. Sir Nicholas Carew to Cromwell.
I have received a writ of dedimus potestatem directed to you and me, giving us power to swear Commissioners of the Sewers. They have agreed to meet at Kingston on Tuesday next at the General Session. Bedyngton 23 Sept. Signed.
P.S. in his own hand
.I beg you to remember the bill for my servant for the oversight of the King's stud in Gloucestershire. I keep him here till then.
P. 1. Add. : To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell.
23 Sept.
Add. MS. 28,583, f. 388. B. M.
430. The Abbot Of Llor to Los Cobos.
The English ambassadors continue to manifest the goodness of their King by lavish gifts and promises. They have not omitted to try the Cardinal and the Abbot, but duty to conscience and the Emperor prevents their being listened to. If other important things succeed, the Emperor will see how well the Cardinal and Abbot have served him. By order of Mai, has communicated with Maestro Julian de Monte Occa about the cause, and they are of one opinion.
Sp., p. 1. Headed : Copia de parrafo de una carta autografa del Abad Llor al Srio Cobos, fecha en Roma, a 23 de Sept. 1531.
24 Sept.
R. O.
431. Duke Of Suffolk to Cromwell.
Thanks him for his faithful and continual kindness; for his pains in ordering George Cornewall; and for his advancement of the Duke's treasurer in Oxon and Berks. Desires credence for his treasurer. Westhrope, 24 Sept. Signed.
. 1. Add. : To my loving friend Master Cromwell.
26 Sept.
Vienna Archives.
432. Chapuys to Charles V.
As the King has given the archbishopric of York to Dr. Lee, and the bishopric of Winchester to Dr. Stephen, without waiting the whole year of vacation, the Queen has had some apprehension he has done it to get two prelates more in his favor at the Parliament. But she has still greater fear there is some new understanding between the Pope and the King to her disadvantage, seeing that, although the King has declared himself head of the clergy, and forbidden several times that any one should have recourse to Rome, he has allowed the sending to Rome for these benefices. Dr. Fox has been sent again to influence (practiquer) the university of Paris about the article of which I lately wrote; and to enable him to do it better, the lady has given him benefices and the office of almoner, which Lee held. Five days ago the seigneur Ris, brother-in-law of the duke of Norfolk, was again seized and put in the Tower, from which he had been liberated on surety in consequence of his indisposition. It is said he was trying to escape, either to your Majesty or to Scotland, and would find means of getting up some enterprise by his influence in Wales. London, 26 Sept. 1531.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. From a modern copy.
26 Sept.
Camusat, Mesl. Hist. Lettres de Fras. I. 63.
433. Francis I. to [Fras De Dinteville, Bishop of] Auxerre.
Hears that immediately after the vacation, which ends on the last day of this month, the Pope intends to proceed against the king of England as contumacious, and decide his cause in accordance with the desires of the opposite party. Cannot believe this, considering the goodness of the Pope, and the justice with which he is accustomed to treat every one, and that he will act directly against the rights and opinions of those who understand the case. The King and his allies, of whom he has a great number, will have good cause to resent this conduct, which should be displeasing to all princes. Now that the authority of the Church is so lessened, and in such danger of further diminution, cannot believe that the Pope would allow such an evident injury to be inflicted on the king of England, remembering the close friendship between him and Francis, and the good message which his Holiness sent to Francis by the card. of Grammont, that he would do for love of him all he could for the conservation of the rights of the king of England. D'Auxerre must represent this to the Pope, and beg him, in consideration of the evils which such a course may produce, to commit the cause in partibus, as canon law ordains, and as several universities and other learned persons have proposed. Will consider this as a personal obligation. Chantilly, 26 Sept. 1531.
26 Sept.
P. S.
434. Scotland.
Commission to Sir Thos. Clyfford, captain of Berwick, Sir Ric. Tempest, Sir Ralph Ellerker, jun., Sir Thos. Wharton, and Cuthbert Ratclyff, to treat with James V. for redress of injuries on the West Marches. Del. Chelsea, 26 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII.
27 Sept.
R. O.
435. H. Earl Of Northumberland to Cromwell.
Has received his letter, dated London, the 24th inst., showing how Cromwell has moved the King in his behalf for the payment of his debt due to Sir Edw. Semar at Michaelmas Day, and how arrangement has been made with Sir Edward that he shall take no advantage at this time. Is much bound to the King for this. As to the Earl's honor of Petworth, which his Highness wishes to have in sale, Cromwell may report that he will shortly give attendance on him for that and other things. Meanwhile begs Cromwell to be a mediator for him, and will be glad to follow his advice. Newcastle upon Tyne, 27 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : To, &c. Master Cromwell, of the King's most honorable Council.
27 Sept. Add. MS. 28,583, f. 383. B. M. 436. Mai to Charles V. and Los Covos.
"The English have for the third or fourth time repeated their demands, and it seems to be necessary to send the papers of the proceedings in the divorce case which were taken in England. Without them no sentence can be given. It would be good if the remissori were soon despatched in Spain, and sent back to Rome. It is not without importance to prove that at the time of the second marriage of the queen of England wars prevailed between Spain, France, England, &c.
(Written in the margin by Covos :)Letters are to be written to England. They (the ministers in Rome) are to wait till they receive what they ask for. As for the rest, they are to do what they can to accelerate the proceedings.
No delay. This is to be written very earnestly. His Majesty has spoken with the Legate, who has promised to write also to Rome.
Superscribed : Abstract from the letters of Micer Mai to his Majesty and to the Comendador Mayor, 12, 26, 27 Sept. Endd. : Answered on the 23rd Oct. 1531."
English abstract from the contemporary abstract at Simancas.
Ib. f. 384. 2. Copy of the contemporary abstract, with marginal notes.
Sp., pp. 5.
27 Sept.
Add. MS. 28,583, f. 389. B. M.
437. Mai to Los Covos.
* "The king of France wishes to have an interview with the Emperor. Death of the cardinal San Quatuor.
The Pope has written to all cardinals, ordering them to be on the 1st of October at Rome.
Has oftentimes begged that the primitive proceedings in the divorce cause which took place in England be sent to him. Repeats this demand in the most pressing manner, and begs him not to lose time, but to send the papers with a special courier. Hopes to open the proceedings within eight days. All is prepared. Hopes to gain the cause. The proceedings which have been taken in England, however, are absolutely necessary. This is not a simple evocatio, but it is an appellation on behalf of the Queen. But even if it were an evocatio, it would be necessary to have the proceedings which had been taken in England. The Relator has positively declared to him that he can do nothing without first seeing the proceedings which had been taken in England. Rome, 27 Sept. 1531."
English abstract from original at Simancas.
27 Sept.
Vit. B. XIII. 140.
438. Stephen Brod' (?) of Sirmisch, to Paul Cassali.
Touching the affairs of the king of the Romans and the Turks. "In oppido Cheresbagina," 27 Sept. 1531.
Hol., Ital., pp. 4. Add.
27 Sept.
R. O.
439. The Princess Mary.
Warrant to Sir Andrew lord Wyndesor, master of the Great Wardrobe, to deliver for the use of the Princess,1, "a gown of cloth of silver tissue, the same to be lined with plain cloth of silver"; 2, a gown of purple velvet, to be lined with the same; 3, a gown of black tinsel, to be lined with the same; 4, a gown of right crimson satin, to be lined with cloth of gold of tissue; 5, a gown of black velvet lukes, furred with ermines;every of the said gowns to contain eleven and a half yards; 6, a nightgown of black velvet of ten yards, furred with coney; 7, a kirtle of cloth of gold, with works and sleeves of the same; 8, a kirtle of cloth of silver tissue, and sleeves of the same; 9, a kirtle of black tinsel, and sleeves of the same;every of the said kirtles with sleeves to contain 7 yards; 10, as much right satin as will line the hood and sleeves thereof; 11, a cloak case of satin of Bruges; 12, two parteletts, one of black velvet and the other of black satin, lined with sarsanet; 13, one piece of fine Holland cloth, at 3s. 4d. the ell, for smocks; 14, twenty ells of fine cambric for railles; 15, six pieces of pointing riband and for garters; 16, eight ounces of lacing riband; 17, one piece of broad riband for girdles; 18, sixteen pair of velvet shoes; 19, sixteen pair of hose; 20, two dozen of Spanish gloves; 21, three French hoods; 22, a yard of white satin, a yard of crimson satin, and a yard of black velvet for billements for the same; 23, a night bonnet of ermines; 24, a dozen lawn parteletts; 25, ten thousand pins; 26, one pound of thread; 27, two hundred needles; 28, one pound of silk of divers colors; 29, four brushes and four rubbers; 30, twenty ells of linen cloth, at 10d. the ell, for certain necessaries; and to pay for the making and furring all the premises. Waltham Monastery, 27 Sept. 1531.
Signed and sealed.
28 Sept.
R. O.
440. Robert Studley to Cromwell.
I moved you for a letter to Mr. White and to one Kyrton, dwelling in Lime Street, London, for a farm in Kilburn, of which I gave you a memorandum at Stebunhithe. I now send you a draft of the letter to sign. London, 28 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : Right honorable.

R. O.
441. Robert Studley to Cromwell.
One Rob. Morley, dwelling with his wife in a little cottage by Stebunhithe church, belonging to Studley, to take care of the property, has stolen certain goods of the said Studley, of which a list is annexed. Desires he may be attached.
ii. Catalogue of the goods stolen, including herbs stolen from the garden contrary to an Act of 21 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Add. at the head : Right honorable.

R. O.
442. Robert Studley to Cromwell.
"A bill of remembrance unto Mr. Cromwell for Robert Studley."
I desire you to take pains to finish my annuity in Gloucestershire, and make such an end with Mr. Riddall as may stand with our profit. The arrears due for eight years 12 April last are 27l. 6s. 8d. If you can get 20l. I will give you 5l. Whatever you can get you shall have a good part. Remember Thos. Wolfford, my lord's Grace's armourer, for the debt of 20s., and 8s. delivered to him in beer. In another matter I desire your help, and will give you an ambling nag. Will. Peteley has a farm near Shoreham in Kent, 14 miles from London. I wished to have it, and on Mr. Fane and Mr. Asshe asking him, he granted it to me for seven years. He has since promised a chamber in the same house to a servant of the clerk of the kitchen with my lord of Canterbury. If you ask Edw. Asshe when he comes to Westminster Hall, I think I shall speed; and when you come that way you can have a bed, hay and litter for your horse. Asshe and Farre were displeased with Peteley because he would not grant me 21 years.
Hol., pp. 2.
29 Sept.
Calig. B. VII. 157. B. M.
443. Northumberland to Henry VIII.
Certain Scotchmen passing through your realm towards Scotland have been apprehended and searched by the Earl's servant at Alnwick. Sends certain letters found on one of them, Davy Pander, who confessed his credence to be that peace was certainly concluded between the Emperor and the Scotch king for 100 years; that the queen of Hungary would in no wise marry the Scotch king, but the Emperor and she both entreated for his marriage with the eldest daughter (Dorothy) of the king of Denmark; that the Emperor would shortly send ordnance and powder to the Scotch king for a present; and that the Emperor had gone to Almayn to put down the duke of Saxony, the landgrave of Hesse, and the margrave of "Husboith," who take part with the Lutherans. But for these insurrections the Emperor would have sent a secret servant to the king of Scots, instructed with his mind; which secrets, Pander said, to him were unknown, but Lindsay the Scotch earl was to convey them from the Emperor to James.
Has caused his officers to meet with the lieutenants of the Scotch borders touching the attemptates done at Lowlyn for release of the prisoners kept in Scotland contrary to the truce, &c. On the part of Scotland there came to Rydyngburn on the East Marches Dan Car of Fernyhirst, Wat Car of Sesford, George Car, Dan Car of Greynhed, Dan Car of Grayden, and Launce Car, who expressly refused to make redress. The Scots make nightly depredations. 29 Sept. Signature cut off.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd : From my lord of Northumberland, 29, 7 ...
29 Sept.
R. O.
444. The Mint.
Account of John Copynger, keeper of the Royal Mint and of the Mint in the Tower, from Mich. 18 Hen. VIII. to Mich. 23 Hen. VIII.
Received for coinage, of gold : Ao 19, 4,857 lb. 1 oz. 3 qr. 1 dwt. Ao 20, 1,231 lb. Ao 21, 533 lb. 2 oz. 1 dwt. Ao 22, 394 lb. 5 oz. 1 dwt. Ao 23, 320 lb. 3 oz. 1 dwt. Total 7,336 lb. 1 oz., at 2s. 6d. a lb., 917l. 0s. 5d. Silver : Ao 19, 26,678 lb. 5 oz. Ao 20, 40,480 lb. 5 oz. Ao 21, 28,237 lb. 2 oz. Ao 22, 20,292 lb. 3 oz. Ao 23, 15,765 lb. 2 oz. Total, 131,453 lb. 5 oz.; which, at 1s. a lb., gives 6,572l. 13s. 5d.
Received for repairs in the Mint, 40l.
Total, 7,529l. 13s. 10d. "de quibus"
P. 1, imperfect.
29 Sept.
R. O.
445. [Expences of the Chancery.]
* Wages of John Hillys, chaffwax, [2]d. a day, 3l. 16s. 0d. The keeper of the horse to carry the hanaper, wax, and parchment for the Chancery, 4d. a day. Wm. Johns, keeper of the seal of the Common Bench, 4l. a year. To the said keeper of the hanaper, for winter and summer gowns, 46s. 8d. To John Judde, under-clerk of the hanaper, for a winter gown, 13s. 4d. For the gowns of Thos. Alberd, Spigernel, and Wm. Skyte, Portjoy, 40s. For John Hyll's winter robe, 10s.; his shoes, 4s. For the horsekeeper's gown, 6s. 8d. Expences of horses attending [Wolsey] (fn. 7) Sir Thos. More, chancellor, from 30 Sept. 22 (fn. 8) Hen. VIII. to 29 Sept. 23 (fn. 9) Hen. VIII., 18d. a day. To the warden of the Fleet, for rushes in Westminster Hall, Mich. and Easter terms, 26s. 8d. Shoeing, &c. of the sumpter horses, mending the hanaper, &c., 22s. To Wm. Skyte, Portjoye, for a file, ink, &c., 13s. 4d. Six bags for writs, patents, and charters, 3s. Fuel to warm the wax at Westminster, Chelsehithe, and other places, 25s. 9d Mats, nails, &c., 3s. Sponges to damp the seal, 12d. For carriage of writs, &c. from Westminster to Chelsehith, and from Chelsehith to Windsor, Hampton Court, Greenwich, and other places, 25s. 8d. Velvet for a bag for the Great Seal, embroidered with the King's arms, 5l. 5s. 8d. Wages of Thos. Hall, clerk of the hanaper, from Mich. 22 (fn. 10) Hen. VIII. to Mich. 23 (fn. 10) Hen. VIII., 40l. To Ralph Pexall, clerk of the Crown, 20l. Annuity of the Master of St. Katharine's Hospital near the Tower, 10l. Annuities of Sir Brian Tuke and Edw. North, clerks of Parliament, 40l.; of Chas. duke of Suffolk, Earl Marshal, 20l.; of Wm. Throkmerton and Wm. Claybroke, prothonotaries of the Chancery, 50 mks.; of the Prior of the house of John of Bethlehem at Shene, 12l.; of Alice Raynsford, 10l.; and of John Croke, controller of the hanaper, 10l. To John Tailer, Master of the Rolls, 37l. 4s. 8d.
For green say, cushions, &c., stolen from the house of John Hills, 4l. 10s. 10d. (This entry is struck out.)
Wages of Thos. Alberd, Spigernell, and of Wm. Skyte, Portjoye, 6l. 16s. 10d. each.
Lat., pp. 4, mutilated.
29 Sept.
Add. MS. 25,107. B. M.
446. St. Martin's, Dover.
Account of Thos. Lenham, prior of the monastery of St. Martin's, Dover, from Mich. 22 Hen. VIII. to Mich. 23 Hen. VIII.
Tithes from the rectories of Guston, Hougham, St. Margaret, Bucland, Apoldur, Ebury, and Colred, and pensions from the churches of St. Mary's, St. Nicolas, St. Peter, St. James, Dover, and of Wotton, near Bereham, 65l. 7s. 8d.
Farms of manors and lands : Lefyth, Slarton, Farthynglowe, D manscombe, Westcourt, Reche, Heyclyff, lands in Soles, Worth, Adlyng, Bucland Dane, watermills at Dover, Charlton, and Bucland, &c., 100l. 19s. 8d.
Rents of houses in Westbere, Southbere, Guston, Deal, Brandred, Canterbury, Balverley, Lokeryng, Worthe Menesse, &c., 75l. 2s. 8d. Dues of the court of the monastery, 73s. 4d. Sale of wool and hides, 12l. 12s. 6d.
Stock : 700 sheep, 58l. 6s. 8d.; 80 horses, 66s. 8d.; 22 bullocks, 17l. 12s.; 12 cows, 4l. 16s.; 6 calves, 16s.; 22 hogs, 32s. 8d.; 2 horses in the Prior's stable, 53s. 4d.; 12 farm horses, 13l. 6s. 8d.; 6 farm oxen, 133s. 4d. 120 q. wheat, 40l. 120 q. barley, 20l. 40 q. oats, 4l. 400 "copps" pease and tares, 100s. A plough, 20s. 2 carts (bigarum), 113s. 4d. 2 dung carts (bigarum dungarum), 20s.=185l. 16s. 8d.
Total receipts and stock, 443l. 12s. 6d.
Payments : Proxies, Peter's pence, and pensions to the churches of Hougham, Guston, and Bucland, 11l. 18s. Rents to Christchurch, Cant., the Archbishop, the lords of the manors of Southcourte and Maxton, the abbot of St. Augustine's, the preceptor of Swinfeld, the Domus Dei at Dover, the warden of Dover, &c., 17l. 12s. 11d. Fees to John Hale, baron of the Exchequer, Chr. Hale, Thos. Wood, Robt. Weltden, steward of the court, Ric. Wyvell, collector, and to the keepers of Puclyngwood, Westcourt, and Romney Marsh, 8l. 7s. 4d. Wages of Ant. Norborne, sub-prior, 40s. Wm. Saltwood, cellarer, 33s. 4d. John Folkeston, precentor, 33s. 4d. Stephen Fulwell, "letest prior," 26s. 8d. Giles Springwell, Thos. Vertue, Wm. Grace, Alex. Dovor, and three novices, 26s. 8d. each, 16l. Wages of the servants, 19l. 6s. 8d. Wages of the husbandmen, 22l. 18s. 4d. Expences of the church : bread, 20d.; wine, 13s. 4d.; alum, madder, basyll, and glue for painting images, 2s. 11d.; frankincense, 8d.; 40 lbs. wax, 18s., &c., = 60s. Repairs at the church of St. Martin's, 15s. 2d. Expences of the church at Gaston, 3s. 4d. Repairs of the monastery, 15s. 6d. Repairs at the manor of Farthynglove, 56s. 4d. Repairs of the mansion of Gaston, 10s. 4d. At Westcourt, 37s. 7d. Alms and offerings, 16s. 4d. Clothes, 51s. 10d. Presents : 2 doz. quails, 400 whelks, and a porpoise presented to the archbishop of Canterbury, 13 capons to the lord warden, &c., 34s. 8d. Rewards to the servants and minstrels (joculatores) of the King, the prioress of Sheppey, the lord warden of the Cinque Ports, and Lord Bergavenny, the clerks of St. Nicholas, the waits at Canterbury, &c., 22s. 8d.
Divers necessaries : Canvas, pewter vessels, wicker bottles, spades, samphire, candles, &c., 112s. 0d. Farming implements, 10l. 4s. 10d. Travelling expences and surveying, 7l. 1s. 9d. Oxen and sheep, 34l. 3s. 10d. Horses, 4l. 16s. Grain, 117s. 2d. Carriage of timber, &c., 25s. Wine and beer, 32s. 2d. Salt fish, 19l. 6s. 8d. 700 hops, 73s. 4d. Pease, mustard, seed, &c., 50s. 6d. Spices, 40s. 3d. Rape oil, 9s. Liveries for the husbandmen, 20s. 6d. Expences of the kitchen, varying from 2s. 3d. a week to 27s. 6d. Expences of the brewer, 65l. 14s. Oxen, sheep, and fowls, 51l. 4s. Pensions to the churches of Wotton, St. James, St. Peter, and St. Nicolas, 31s. Rents of tenements and gardens, 10l. 7s. 8d. Cattle, 182l. 8s. 8d.
Total, 557l. 11s. 4d.
Surplus, 113l. 18s. 9d.
Lat., pp. 30.
29 Sept.
R. O.
447. Thomas Earl Of Wiltshire.
Account of the earl of Wiltshire as farmer of the lordship of Tonbridge, from Mich. 22 to Mich. 23 Hen. VIII.
Large paper, pp. 2.
29 Sept.
R. O.
448. Rice Ap Griffith.
Computus of William Brabazon of the issues of the castles and demesnes of Rice Ap Griffith, from Mich. 22 Hen. VIII., for one year ensuing.
Lat., pp. 6.
29 Sept.
R. O.
449. Carnarvon.
A "valor" of the King's lands in co. Caernarvan, from Mich. 22 to Mich. 23 Hen. VIII.
29 Sept.
R. O.
450. See Of Canterbury.
Account of the issues and expences, temporal and spiritual, of the archbishopric of Canterbury.
For the year ending Mich. 21 Hen. VIII.Issues, 2,615l. 5s. 3d. Household expences shown in steward's book, 908l. 13s. 10d.; in clerk of the kitchen's book, 2,200l. 10s. 3d. Expences exceed receipts by 493l. 18s. 9d. Receipts of the prerogative, 315l. 21d.
22 Hen. VIII.Issues, 2,570l. 15s. 3d. Household expences : in steward's book, 912l. 15s. 5d.; in clerk of the kitchen's book, 1,710l. 10s. 6d. Expences exceed receipts by 52l. 10s. 7d. Receipts of the prerogative, 76l. 15s. 8d.
23 Hen. VIII.Issues, 2,556l. 12s. 9d. Household expences : in steward's book, 940l. 6s. 9d.; in clerk of the kitchen's book, 1,848l. 19s. 11d. Expences exceed receipts by 232l. 13s. 11d.
P. 1. Endd.
29 Sept.
R. O.
451. Corn.
Corn exported from Yarmouth from Mich. 22 Hen. VIII. to Mich. 23 Hen. VIII., besides 3,300 qrs. wheat and 1,350 qrs. malt sent to London and other parts of England.
Wheat, 2,103 qrs., worth, at 6s. the qr. at the first buying, 630l. 18s. Malt and barley, 9,800 qrs., worth, at 2s. 8d. the qr. at the first buying, 1,200l.
Exported from Mich. 22 Hen. VIII. till the letters of restraint were delivered to the customer there, after Easter, ao 22. Wheat, 640 qrs., for which there is forfeited by obligations, besides the customs, 553l. 6s. 8d. Malt, 3,510 qrs., for which is forfeited 1,805l.
Exported from the delivery of the letters of restraint until Mich. next. Wheat, 1,463 qrs. Malt, 6,290 qrs., for which is forfeited 3,231l. 13s. 4d. P. 1. Endd.
29 Sept.
R. O.
452. Wales.
Value of the King's lands in Wales, late the property of Jasper duke of Bedford, for one year, ending at Mich. 23 Hen. VIII.
The lordship of Pembroke, 339l. 16s. 11d. Fees and wages, 72l. 5s. 6d. Gilgarran, 61l. 11s. 6d. Fees, 12l. 2s. 11d. Llanstephan, 43l. 0s. 3d. Fees, 5l. 10s. West Haverford, 139l. 19s. 0d. Fees, 49l. 12s. 1d. Glamorgan and Morgannok, 22 Hen. VIII., 774l. 1s. 9d. Fees, 278l. 1s. 4d. Clear total, 920l. 17s. 8d.
Anno 23 Hen. VIII.Value of the manors of Hunsdon and Estwyk, 41l. 3s. 8d. Fees, 13l. 2s. 8d. Stansted, purchased from the abbot of Waltham, 49l. 17s. 9d. Roydon, purchased from the Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, 43l. Filloll's Hall and Coggesall Hall, purchased from Ric. Southwell, 100l. Lands purchased from Philip Paris, in Hunesdon, 11l. 11s. 7d. Total, 232l. 10s. 3d.
Lat., pp. 20. Endd.
R. O. 2. Copy of the first portion of the above, with some differences in the amounts.
Lat., pp. 19. Endd.
R. O. 3. "Valors" of the lands of Jasper duke of Bedford, in Westhaverford, Glamorgan, and Morgannok, and Llan-Stephan, for the year ended Mich. 23 Hen. VIII.
Large paper, pp. 9.

R. O.
453. William Lyte to Thomas Arundel.
Thanks for his goodness at all times. Would have come up but for the business he has had gathering money for the King. Hopes to bring Arundel his money shortly. Begs him to speak to my lord of Norfolk, that he may have the office of escheator. Will give "my mistress" a gown of the best satin. Shyrburne Castle.
Hol., p. 1. Add : Mr. Thomas Arondell, high sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. (fn. 11) Mutilated.
30 Sept.
R. O. St. P. VII. 321.
454. Bryan and Foxe to Benet.
Received on the 22nd your letters of the 9th by Robin the Devil. As you cannot obtain any of the articles for the King from the Pope, you therefore desire the determination of the canonists of Paris with the books containing the reasons as well of Orleans as of the advocates of Parliament. The King has asked Francis to write to the Pope for the same purpose. Although he would not write himself, he wrote a letter of credence to the Pope, and other to his ambassador there, the bishop of Auxerre, which will be communicated to you. As you wrote that the letter from Francis did not contain the article for remitting the cause in partibus, we have had it enclosed, and send it to you. On the 20th inst., I, Bryan, sent my letters to you by John Davy, De Vaux's man, and with it the determination of the canonists of Paris. The book of Orleans is in the hands of the king of England. The book of Advocates, I, Edw. Foxe, brought with me into England at my last departure, leaving a servant in Paris to obtain a duplicate with the signature. I cannot send it, as I don't know whether it is finished, but, if any desire to see it, you may remonstrate with them on their unworthy suspicions. The lady Regent died on the 23rd. Senlys, 30 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd. : Received 16 Oct. 1531.
ii. Copy of the French king's letter to the bishop of Auxerre of 26th inst.
Cannot believe that the Pope is resolved to proceed against his good brother in pnam contumaci, and conclude his cause for his adversaries. This would be dangerous for princes. Will not consent that such an injuiry be done to the King, considering the promise brought by Grammont. Is to remonstrate with the Pope acccordingly. Chantilly, 26 Sept.
30 Sept.
R. O.
455. Duke Of Suffolk to Cromwell.
Desires credence for his servant the bearer. Ewelme, 30 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : To my loving friend Master Cromwell.
30 Sept.
R. O.
456. Mr. Withers.
"The last day of September. The inventory of Mr. Withers goods within the city of London. Ano 1531." (fn. 12)
In the over study ceiled with wainscot : A trussing chest with writings. A chest of bed and table linen. Doublets of fustian stocked with damask; of tawney satin of Bruges, sleeved with black say, and black satin stocked with velvet. 3 gray amices. A cambric surplice. 2 black and 1 white vestment. A gardewyaunce. Chests of spruce and cypres, and other articles.
In the wardrobe : 2 English cupboard carpets, coverlets of tapestry and camlet. A sperver of bawdkin. A scarlet gown furred with Marten's "poettes." A crimson gown furred with martens. Three other gowns of divers colours. A black choir cope. An old feather bed, and a bedstock.
In the bedchamber : A frock of saye, sleeveless, furred with gray coney. A joined table, stool, and form. An andiron and fire-irons. An old red mantle.
In the chamberlain's chamber : A bedstock and bedding. In the fish-house, 4 couple of ling. In the chamber over the hall, a bedstead and bedding, 2 forms, a styllatory, &c.
In the chapel chamber : A bedstock, sperver, and bedding. A leather chair and cushion. Old tapestry hangings.
In the chapel : A superaltare. The hangings of the altar, old white satin. 2 altar cloths. 2 crucifixes of wood and laten. 3 tables of imagery. A mass book. A bell and 2 cruets.
In the study thereby : The works of Chrysostom and Gregory. Polychronicon. Decreta. Textus sententiarum. The Decretals. Abbas, super primo, secundo, et tertio. Summa Angelica. First and second parts of Ambrose. Gregory's Moralia. Third part of Hugo. Wm. Beraldus. Magister sententiarum, constitutiones provinclales. The rule of St. Benedict. The breviary of Sixtus and Clementinus. Sextus decretalium. 8 old written books. A joined table, &c.
In the parlour : Bedding and carpets. A joined cupboard with a desk. Hanging, of green say. A wooden crucifix. A banker of verdure, &c.
In the study by the parlour : 33 books bound in boards and parchment. Vita Thom Cantuariensis. Nova cditio Novi Testamenti. A desk, a turned chair, a pax of St. George.
In the hall : Old red say hangings. Tables and forms. 2 cupboards, one with a halpace, 2 chairs and 2 joined stools. Firkins of barrel butter.
In the buttery : Tablecloths, &c.
In the cellar : 2 [bottles] claret and red wine; another of white of broche. 2 piles of wood.
In the parlour beneath the hall : Pot, postnetts, kettles, porringers, platters, and other utensils.
In the larder house : A cupboard, a brine pan, and other lumber. In the kitchen : round and square broaches, a chafer of brass, a mortar and pestle, a pewter saltcellar, baysalt. A little house with baven. Piles of billet in the yard and gate house.
In the servants' chambers : 2 bedstocks and bedding. In the priest's chamber : a feather bed, a pair of blankets, a bolster, a sparver of white cloth.
Pp. 9. Endd.
Sept./Grants. 457. Grants in September 1531.
1. John Pen. Grant in tail male of the manor or lordship of Wynge, Bucks, and lands in Swanburn and Great Brikehill, Bucks, lately in the possession of the prioress of Pray, near St. Albans, Herts. Westm., 8 March 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII.P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
2. Commissions of Gaol Delivery. Bedford castle : Sir Hen. Grey, Sir John Mordaunte, Sir Francis Bryan, Sir Will. Gascoygn, Sir Michael Fissher, Walter Luke, serjeant-at-law, Will. Marshall, Nic. Hardyng, and Geo. Acworth. Aylesbury gaol, Bucks : Andrew ld. Wyndesore, Sir John Daunce, Sir John Mordaunt, Sir Francis Brian, Sir Edw. Donn, Sir Rob. Lee, John Baldewyn, serjeant-at-law, John Cheyny, Paul Darell, and Roger Gifford. Chelsehith, 1 Sept.Pat. 23 Hen, VIII. p. 1, m. 12d.
3. Robert Hogen, chief master of the King's kitchen. Custody of the King's orchard in the lordship of Sherefhoton, York. Ampthill, 1 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
4. William Both, of Maidenhed, alias of Cokeham, alias of Bray (Berks). Pardon for having stolen a horse belonging to John Dibblyn. Hampton Court, 7 Oct. 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Chelsea, 8 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII.P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 4.
5. John Hausee, alias Hauce, of London, laborer, alias servingman. Pardon for the murder of Richard Ap Yevan Ap Jenken. Westm., 30 June 23 Hen. VIII. Del. Chelsea, 12 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
6. Thomas earl of Wiltshire and of Ormond. Licence to export one ambling horse and one ambling gelding. Ampthill, 12 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII. Del. Chelsea, 19 Sept.P.S.
7. William Peterson, clk. Presentation to the parish church of St. Peter, Bonynges, Terouenne dioc., vice Nicholas Rusticus, resigned. Ampthill, 18 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII. Del. Chelsea, 20 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
8. Edmond Lomnar. To be surveyor of the petty customs and of the subsidy of tonnage and poundage in London, in reversion on the death of Thos. Palmer, who holds the office by patent 22 Aug. 11 Hen. VIII. Del ... 21 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII.S.B.
9. Thomas Ward "herbroughgier." To be steward of the lands of the suppressed priory of Wallyngford, which office William Yonge, deceased, lately held, with fees of 4 marks a year. Ampthill, 9 Sept. 23 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Sept. P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.


  • 1. "you" corrected into "the same."
  • 2. Struck out.
  • 3. In a former draft of this passage, which is struck out, Benet says that Albany sent him a packet of letters from the ambassadors in France.
  • 4. Struck out.
  • 5. Of Dorset.
  • 6. Catherine de Medici.
  • 7. "R. in Christo patri Thom, &c." struck out.
  • 8. Altered from 21.
  • 9. Altered from 22.
  • 10. Altered from 21 and 22.
  • 11. He was sheriff from Mich. 1530 to Mich. 1531.
  • 12. Corrected from "1530."