Henry VIII: April 1526, 16-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: April 1526, 16-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp944-956 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1526, 16-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp944-956.

"Henry VIII: April 1526, 16-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp944-956.


April 1526

16 April.
R. O.
2101. JOHN CONSTABLE, Dean of Lincoln, to WOLSEY.
Wishes him to institute the bearer, a good virtuous priest, as chantry priest at Lincoln, in place of Sir John Alencon, who has resigned. It is worth but 10 marks, and the incumbent is bound to reside and be daily in the habit of the Church. Thanks him for his goodness when he was last with him. Lincoln, 16 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace. Endd.
16 April.
Cal. D. IX. 183. B. M.
Are surprised they have heard nothing of Joachim's coming. His suspicions are the more awakened by the following circumstance. One Gregory, who used to write the King's French letters under Brian Tuke, was lately, at the suggestion of the latter, committed to prison, as being guilty of some intrigue to marry his daughter, supposed to have been carried on in the house of Ant. Bonvice. "Whereupon, to the intent to deprehend the truth of the said practices under color of some forged letters touching the King's secrets, I for a fear and terror examined a clerk in the said Bonvice's house accustomed to resort unto the said Gregory, what letters he had conveyed or known to be conveyed from the same Gregory to any person; which clerk, as I afterwards perceived, is belonging to the same Master John [Joachim]." Am afraid that the knowledge of this may come to Joachim's ears, and he might consider it as a reflection on himself. If they find it is so, they are to deliver the letters herewith sent, and assure Joachim that there is no one who shall be more welcome in England than he. Richmond, 16 April. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add. Endd. by Tayler: Recept' ultimo Aprilis, Cognak.
Titus, B. I.
214 a. B. M.
"I also knew nothing, and that it had been better for him to go back again, as also he did."
Afterward another, named Bernard Marchant, dwelling in Ant. Bonvise's house, came and gave him money from Sir John Joachim. Informed him sometimes of the news, but very seldom, and long after they came, for it was difficult to see the letters, as his master kept them so secret. Never knew anything to tell him that could be greatly prejudicial to the King's matters, but only that "your Grace" was dealing sincerely with him; and sometimes the news out of Scotland, as the imprisonment of the bishop of St. Andrew's. Does not know whether Bernard knew anything of it, for the letters were closed. Bernard afterwards went into France, and he then had the money from Mathew, and gave him only closed letters. Told him at one time that Wolsey had written to the ambassadors in Rome, and had sent Messire Gregory to procure the league to be made in Italy. Since the treaty of peace, often told him that he knew nothing worth telling, as Wolsey was so plain with them that he (Joachim) knew more than the writer. As to Mons. Polot, sometimes "my said Mr. Mewtys" sent the writer to him with information from Wolsey. Polot would tell him that he had forsaken his country, and would ask him if there would be war between the kingdoms. At that time knew nothing but what he heard from his master, and always said nay to him. Had been with him so little time that he knew not what matters meant. Had no more perfect intelligence with Pollot. The news in the letters sent by the Geldroys and the merchant was about the preparation of the armies against France and against Albany in Scotland, and also by the Emperor; the Emperor's poverty; the departure of Albany from the field; the difficulty made by the commons of England about paying money to the King; the King's contribution for the armies in Italy; the Pope's refusal, and other such news. If he ever wrote anything prejudicial to the King or Wolsey, any seditious words, or anything of great importance, prays that his soul may never enter Heaven. What he did write was always too late to be of any use, as it never came to them till a month after the date. The intelligence about Bourbon never came to his knowledge till two or three days before it was publicly said in London here that the French king knew of it. Told this to the Gueldroys when he was here the second time. Since then never saw him till within this half-year, when he came out of St. James; ever since which time he has been with the writer. Robertet, the Chancellor, and the Admiral knew him, but never gave him a penny. Thinks, therefore, they did not believe him. In the first letters there was mention of the taking of Mons. Villars and the intercepting of the Scotch letters. Begs Wolsey to believe what he says, for it is the truth, and to pardon him his life, if he perceives by the other that it is true.
Pp. 3.
16 April.
R. T. 137. R. O.
Has received his last letters relating to conversations Wolsey has had with him on hearing of Francis's deliverance, and the congratulations of Henry and the queen of England. Is daily more conscious of his obligations to the King and Wolsey, which he has charged De Vaulx to express to them. Has determined also to dispatch De Morette to England, to report to him the prosperity of the King and Queen. Sends two packets of letters, given him by the English ambassadors, for different persons in England. Bordeaux, 16 April.
Fr. Copy; p. 1. Add.
16 April.
Add. MSS. 15,387, f. 176. B. M. St. P. VI. 532.
The grief he has felt for the danger of Hungary from the Turks has been increased by the calamities of the Pope, notified by his breves of 8 Feb. Regrets he can give no aid to Hungary on account of the distance, and the present incertitude existing in Christendom. Would be glad to help if he saw it was to any purpose. Richmond, 16 April 1526.
Lat. Modern copy.
1. Petition for a safe-conduct for himself and his "complices," merchants of the Hanse, to enable him to pay for a safe-conduct which they obtained of Francis I., in the King's interest, for reasons which the petitioner had shown the Council. This French safe-conduct enabled him to export from France all sorts of merchandize, except wheat, "olrons," and habiliments of war; and it is to cost him 1,000 cr. of gold, of which he has paid in hand 300 cr.
Draft, in Cromwell's hand; pp. 2. Memorandum below, in the same hand: "Md. to go to Mr. Wythipoll, and shewe him I have his writ of allegiance, and did hyt to Gyles Claybroke, and have paid for the allowance and all, and bid him ply him in execution thereof." Endd.
R. O 2. Licence granted by Wolsey, on behalf of the King, to Perpoynt Deovaunter and Anthony Van Reyn, merchants of the Hanse, in consideration of the cost they have incurred in France in recovering certain ships and goods belonging to merchants of the Hanse in London, pursuant to a safe-conduct granted under the King's signet, dated Greenwich, 12 Jan. 14 Hen. VIII. (fn. 1) which extends only to their persons and baggages, to pass and repass in their ship the Fox, with the master, named Court Gusloff, and eleven mariners (provided they be of a nation in amity with England), and convey in the same 1,000 of peltry, called "grayes," and wax to the value of _ l., paying customs' duties.
Draft, pp. 3. Partly in Cromwell's hand.
R. O. 3. Another draft.
Pp. 2.
16 April.
P. S. b.
Petition for congé d'élire upon the death of William Rolfe; presented by John Sturton and Philip Hyllary, monks. 7 April 1526. Teste Richmond, 16 April.
16 April.
Theiner, p. 554.
The bishop of Bath, on his return, has declared your kindness to me, and given into my hands the most valuable bull of indulgence with which your Holiness has condescended to honor the church of St. Mary's, Ipwich, renowned for its sacra miracula, and my native place. As the bull is somewhat faulty in the exordium, I beg it may be reformed according to the copy which I send, and that the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin may be included in the times of remission. It is upon these points that the Lutheran is most inimical. London, 16 April 1526.
[16 April.] R. O. 2109. REYNOLDS and LEDER.
Specification, drawn up by Oliver Leder, of "the clauses of the last indenture made between Richard Reynolds and Oliver Leder, wherein the said Richard have made forfeiture." He had broken covenant by not having "wonly estopped" a consignment of pepper from Leder's factor in Spain, and prevented Leder's receipt of some moneys, according to indenture, having kept money in his hands which was due to Leder, refused to show his accounts to the arbitrators, and in detaining the goods of "the said late Francis" from Leder and his wife. Reference is made in support of these charges to depositions of Thorowgood, Brykked, Huse, Roche, Wythypoll, and Howell. Moreover, since this declaration, he has done Leder two great wrongs: 1, he has caused him to lose 45l. in an action in the Guildhall, taken in Reynold's name as executor to Mr. Francis; and 2, though he refuses to give a full account, he has procured an action of 10,000 marks to be taken against Leder and his wife on the bonds sealed by himself in Spain in the name of Francis Bawdewyn.
ii. Note of claims made by Leder against Reynolds.
Pp. 3.
R. O. 2. Paul Wythypoll, being again examined, 24 Nov., states that Reynolds never made account to Leder of the goods of the "said" Francis, as he was bound to do by indenture of 16 April 17 Hen. VIII., &c.
Pp. 3.
R. O 3. Statement of "the acts of Oliver Leder from the tyme that he made sewet to mary (marry) Bawdwyns doughter after hys dyssease," bearing on the dispute between Leder and Ric. Reynold, who was appointed one of the executors in conjunction with Lambert and alderman Robert Palmer. Among other charges against Leder, one is, that he had "maliciously, without truth or reason, misbehaved himself against the said Reynolds, as openly in Lombard Street, when all the recourse of merchants hath been assembled, with a high voice hath named him false."
Pp. 4. Endd.
R. O. 4. Indenture, dated 16 April 17 Hen. VIII., between Ric. Reynold, of London, mercer, executor of Francis Bawdwyn, draper, of London, and Oliver Leder, fishmonger, of London, who married Frances, daughter and heir of Baldwin.
Pp. 10. Endd.
17 April.
R. O.
Received his letter by Will. Gibson on Saturday night. Needs not answer every article, as lord Dacre's servant, John More, is going up to him, and Sir Chr. himself is to repair to him on Tuesday the 24th inst. Would have been with him sooner but for "staying of the country." Hopes Dacre will put in suspense till he comes the matters between himself and my lord of Cumberland. The quest is pannelled on the commission he delivered to the mayor of Carlisle, but they are not yet agreed on their verdict. Was last week at Norham, where he left Thos. Musgrave, of Brachanthuayte, his deputy, with twelve horsemen and four watchmen. Has ordered Humph. Farlem to remain at Hexham till his return.
Had letters last week from my lord of Richmond, to take up the corpse of Will. Ridley, buried in Casteldon kirk, within Liddisdale; for which also the Duke sent letters to the archbishop of Glasgow, which Sir Chr. forwarded yesterday by lord Dacre's servant, Gayres. Carlisle, 17 April. Signed.
Pp. 1. Add.
18 April.
R. O.
"Die 18 Aprilis." Since their last of the 10th, send a copy of letters of 24 and 28 ult., received from their secretary with the French king, who, as will be seen, is intent on concluding a treaty with the Italian powers, for the conservation of his liberty, and desires the king of England to enter it, and be the conservator thereof. This is agreeable to Venice. Suppose the King and Wolsey know of this from the king of France. Desire him, however, to communicate to them the above letters. Since receiving them, have written to their ambassador in Rome to tell him what was said by the King and Wolsey. Are waiting for his answer, that they may know what instructions to send to [Orio] for concluding the treaty, as Francis told our secretary was to be done. He must first thank the King and Cardinal for using their influence with the French king, which has confirmed him in his intention of concluding a treaty with the Italian powers, for the preservation of his liberty and the protection of his kingdom. Are sure that nothing will have so much weight with the French king as knowing that the king of England wishes to join them. Are aware what authority Henry and Wolsey have, not only with Francis, but with the Pope and other Italian lords.
The camps at Milan and Cremona are pressed for victuals, and the Duke will not be able to remain much longer, unless he is quickly assisted. The King and Wolsey must, therefore, be begged to aid them, and he must express the obligation which all Italy owes them.
ii. [Report sent to the Signory on the 24th and 28th ult. from Andrea Rosso, their ambassador in France. (fn. 2) ]
* * *"omissis hinc inde verbis generalibus Chr. Majestas dixit se plurimum debere Illmo Do. pro officiis præstitis pro ejus liberatione sed præcipue quod nunquam voluerit strictiori fœdere se adherere Cæsari, ex quo audierat, a Dominio se nunquam præter verba et dilationes potuisse consequi: subjunxit postea quod quæ ejus Majestas pollicita fuerat Cæsari, ut in libertatem se assereret, datis duobus filiis obsidibus, essent toti orbi argumenta, non ideo fuisse, ut ejus Majestas voluerit videre Italiam ab aliquo tyrannice opprimi, quando summus Pontifex venerandaque (?) Do. velint opere et non verbis se demonstrare injuriam repellere, ac promittere non deserturos ejus Majestatem, et si a Cæsare conditiones meliores afferrentur, quia sperabat facillime filios recuperaturum: et cum perspexisset Majestas (sic) suæ animum inclinari unioni Italiæ," I showed him how much our Signory also and the other lords of Italy desired to be allied with him, saying that the Signory had been chiefly induced to it by the king of England and Wolsey. This he expressed himself glad to hear, and said he desired much that it should be done promptly, and he wished that the ambassador should address his mother on the subject. He asked the secretary on what terms the Signory stood with the Pope, and how much they could trust him, how the duke of Bari was conducting himself, for what time the castles of Milan and Cremona could hold out, what infantry Venice had, and to what point they had come with the Emperor's ambassadors.
I answered, first, that the Signory was on the most friendly terms with the Pope, who had intimated to them plainly his wish to enter the league with France, for which purpose he had sent them a nuncio. The King was glad to hear it, and said special pains must be taken that the Pope should be sincerely united with him, and that the king of England should enter the treaty immediately. Concerning the duke of Milan, he (Rosso) said that his camp was in want of victuals, and must be immediately succoured, or it would fall into the enemies' hands; which the King warmly agreed to. Concerning the Venetian forces, said they had ready 8,000 foot, 1,000 lances, and 600 light horse, and that shortly they would have a pretty sufficient fleet. As to the Imperial ambassadors, said that the Signory gave them good words, without coming to any terms. The King said that the Emperor's purpose was to rule Italy, as he knew from conversation with him, for he had told him he would at all hazards pass to Italy in August, and stay at Rome two years, call a council, and make preparations for an expedition against the Turks. The Emperor asked Francis whether, in case any one in Italy opposed his expedition, he would render aid to punish him; to which Francis made no answer, except that he could not believe that any difference of sentiment could arise about such a project; and when Francis asked the Emperor what provision of money he had made for his coming into Italy, he said he would not take more than 4,000 German foot from Spain with him, who, along with the infantry now in Italy, would amount to 12,000, and 6,000 more, which the French king was to keep in his pay, so that he did not see that any one in Italy could oppose them, besides those soldiers which his brother the Archduke was to bring with him, whom he had a mind to create king of Tuscany (Regem Etruscorum), and that he had no fear of being in want of money in Italy, as he would exact from the Italians what he liked.
Francis affirmed that the Emperor would not have, either by way of dowry or by loan from the Spaniards, more than 100,000 ducats. Francis says he has 20 galleys ready, and will have 30 others, as soon as they can come from Brittany and Normandy to Marseilles, so that the Signory could easily hinder the Emperor's crossing into Italy. As to money, he said that the Signory during Francis's captivity had collected so many crowns in their treasury that there was no fear. In conclusion, Francis declared he was quite ready to enter the league with Italy, and therefore he should send immediately for powers that everything might be concluded, and that the Signory and the Pope might send powers to their ambassadors in England, because he trusted Henry would enter the league, which was of the utmost importance both to the liberty of Italy and to that of his own sons.
Lat., pp. 3.
20 April.
Vesp. C. III. 241. B. M.
2112. LEE to [WOLSEY].
There is much talk here that the Emperor should be in shrewd case if he should pay his debts and the King turn against him. Since his last of the 15th, was visited by the ambassadors of Florence and Mantua, who told him the King could not get his money but with great difficulty. Told them "I had better comfort than so," as I had received a promise for the payment of 150,000 cr., and good order for the residue. They insist that the French king shall discharge the indemnity, and Charles has sent to Francis for that purpose. Doubtless you will take proper measures with the ambassador who is coming to England. Had word from John Almain this day that the instructions are ready. Civil, 20 April.
Hol., cipher, p. 1.
Ib. f. 241*b. ii. Decipher of the above in Tuke's hand.
20 April.
R. O.
2113. LEE to WOLSEY.
After delivering his letters of the 15th to Alamoyne, the post was stopped for a while. Sent to the bp. of Palence about Wolsey's pension, but he excused himself on account of sickness. Does not know how long he will pretend the same excuse. Was obliged to take his diets that will be paid in May, by exchange. Tells Wolsey of this, because his request in his last letter cannot follow at this time, for Ant. Vivaldi must have the said diet. Will do all he can to recover this and the pensions, when Wolsey sends sufficient authority and the bull for the pension of Toledo. Civil, 20 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
20 April. 2114. For ROB. AMADAS.
To be master of the Jewels, with usual fee of 50l. Del. Westm., 20 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14.
21 April.
Calig. D. IX. 185. B. M.
2115. CHEYNE and TAYLOR to [WOLSEY].
On Sunday last supped with the Admiral. Tuesday, dined with the Grand Master and Robertet, who told them that the Emperor had sent a man in all speed to stop the French king at Fowntraby, who arrived in less than three hours after the King had passed the water. On visiting the King, found with him a gentleman from Burgundy, who had remonstrated with the King against delivering Burgundy into the Emperor's hands without their own consent, and rather than they would be so delivered they will refuse obedience either to the King or the Emperor. Francis told us he had spoken with the Papal and Venetian ambassadors, who, being asked if they had authority to treat for their parts, said, No. He thinks they mean craftily to feel his mind, and take their own course; but as the King and he are in good amity, they will be glad to seek them. He said he had sent four or five into Spain, but had no answer from them as yet; at which he was astonished. Think Morette's going is deferred till he hear further. He said an embassy had come from the duke of Ferrara; of which he appeared glad.
Declared the effect of their instructions to my Lady this day, who expressed her confidence in Wolsey, and hoped Joachin would give him satisfaction. As to the meeting of the King and her son she was sure Francis would do in that and everything as the King and Wolsey should devise. "Whereupon we moved her for taking of the oath and the ceremony thereof; which she said the King her son would be ready at all times to execute. Can see, however, by the Chancellor, that they will not be over hasty till they hear from their ambassadors in England. So far as we can see, you can order everything as you like here.
Tomorrow Francis removes to Cognac, and begins his journey by water, to remain there three weeks or a month. Will take the shortest road thither themselves, as there is scant lodging on the way. Bordeaux, 21 April. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
21 April.
Vit. B. VIII. 26. B. M.
"Ill. ac R. &c. Post ultimas licteras ad D. v. R. scriptas quæ datæ fuerunt quinta præsentis mensis nil novi ad mei notitiam pervenit nisi quod per licteras datas xxj. Martii S.D.N. nunciatum est Regem Gallorum adhuc illa die capitula non confirmasse. Et per alias licteras datas quarta præsentis mensis Sti suæ significatur hominem per eandem Sanctitatem suam ad dictum Regem Gallorum missum illa die illuc pervenisse, et optimo vultu ab ipso Rege, a quo qualibet hora licteræ aliæ expectantur super mente ipsius Regis Gallorum super observatione vel non observatione articulorum, cum per eas quæ receptæ sunt ex eo quod tunc appulerat, et adhuc ab ipso Rege Gallorum ad partem auditus non fuerat, nihil super his ad Stem suam scriptum fuerit. Quem exitum tandem res habituræ sint nescitur. Et cum diversi diversa judicent, nec aliquid certi fundamenti afferant, visum est mihi aures D. v. R. non obtundere, præsertim cum me non lateat omnia D. v. R. esse notissima. Mirum videtur (si verum sit) quod nullæ a Rege Gallorum ad Papam nec ad suum [nuncium] licteræ post ejus in Galliam adventum emanaverint, variique varia hic argumentantur." A messenger has come today from Spain, but with no news from France, and from Spain only of the beheading of the bp. of Zamora, who had killed his gaoler after being in prison several years on account of the rebellion. Rome, 21 April 1526. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Part cipher, with modern decipher interlined. Mutilated.
* Above the commencement of the letter the date "xiij. Aprilis" is written in the same hand.
21 April.
Vit. B. VIII. 25. B. M.
"Ill. ac R., &c. Post ultimas scrip[tas ad] D. v. Rmam, venerunt licteræ ad Pontificem ex curia Regis Gallorum, ab illo homine que[m] Pontifex illuc miserat; quæ, ut Pontifex mihi hodie dixit, continent quod Rex Galliæ ei declaravit mentem suam esse omnia facere quæ ei possibilia essent, pro tuenda libertate Italiæ, si modo Italiæ principes velint sibi ipsis non deesse; et quod cum petiisset an ille mandatu[m] a Pontifice haberet ad conditiones, et ille respondisset quod non, ipse Rex Gallorum. injunxit sibi ut statim scriberet pro ipso mandato, et quod ipse Rex Gallorum scripserat jam a[d] Regem Angliæ, quem cupiebat esse caput fœderis, et sperabat quod promitteret ipsum Regem Gallorum promissa observaturum. Idem exposuit Papæ orator Venetus (Venetos) habuisse ab eorum secretario quem ad Regem Gallorum misera[n]t. Ex alio latere ostendebatur Pontifici fuisse sibi inmissam suspitionem quod Rex Galliæ haberet etiam [cu]m Cæsare aliquem tractatum, ut conventiones reduceret ad honestiorem formam, et quod tractaret nunc cum Pontifice et Venetis ad effectum facili[us] inducendi Cæsarem ad vota sua, quasi habeus Principes [Italiæ;] in ejus favore posset melius se adversus eum tueri, et ostendebat Pontifex hæc non omnino pa[rvi] pendenda, cum posset Cæsar, videns Regem Gallorum nutare, ei libertatem filiorum et [li]berationem ab aliis gravibus promissionibus offerre, et sic e [um] a rebus Italiæ deviare; tamen resolutio potius videbatur tendere contra Cæsarem quam ... as præsupponendo præsertim Regem Angliæ cum Rege Gallorum unionem factur[um], prout ipse Rex Gallorum innuerat.
"Ego quantum potui pluribus rationibus ipsum Pontificem ad eam viam dirigere conatus sum, quæ mihi istinc injuncta est, urgendo inter alia ipsum ad celerem resolutionem et expeditionem, quæ in hoc negoitio videtur necessaria, et præsertim admittendum statim in Franciam mandatum, quod Stas? sua visa est omnino et statim velle facere. Alia non occurrunt," &c. Rome, 21 April 1526. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 2. Part cipher, with modern decipher interlined.
23 April.
Vit. B.VIII. 28. B. M.
Hastens the despatch of these letters, that, if the King is inclined to send assistance to Hungary, he may do so in time; but already he almost despairs. Has ordered the letters from Hungary to be forwarded, that he may see the truth. The Turk has already commenced the invasion. Is sending 50,000 ducats to Hungary.
Urges the dangers with which Christendom is threatened. Desires credence for Uberto de Gambara. Rome, 23 April 1526, 3 pont.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
23 April.
Vit. B. VIII. 27. B. M.
2119. CLEMENT VII. To _
" * * * regno Ungariæ ab inimicis (?) ... * * * ... cura quam idci[roc] * * * ... [n]otarium et nuntium nostrum de his ... mandaverimus nost ... ulla in re ... studiose su[mush]ortati ... ti in hac non solum eandem adh[ort]emur ... * * * ... um necessitatem (?) [ip]sam periculaque ... poterit perspicere qua ... imus. Quare (?) et s ... o et Christianissimo isti Principi ... tamen ea auctoritate et gratia qua maxima ... tolles Ser ... impelles, ut aliquod omnino pecuniarum præsidium vel per- ... proximis mensibus ad eam scripsimus, vel alio aliquo modo in Ungariam ma ... incepimus et reliquos Principes facturos quam primum expectamus. Neque ... us hortabimur; notissima enim est nobis tua in Deum relligio et pu ... uationem set etiam exaltationem et augmentum prona et prop ... Ungariæ, et apud nobillissimas illas nationes, sicuti est apud ceteras ... prude[nti] æ et diligentiæ tuæ hoc pio et sanctissimo officio et merito procurare. Quæ nobis et [Deo Omni]potenti certe quam acceptissimum est futurum, sicut idem noster nuntius tecum no ... fidem habebit. Datum Romæ apud Sanctum Petrum sub annulo Piscatoris, die 23 Apr[ilis], ..., pontificatûs nostri anno ..."
Badly mutilated. Vellum.
24 April.
R. O.
2120. HUNGARY.
Copy of letters from the Pope to his Nuncio in England, 24 April.
He will see from the enclosed copies of letters from the Nuncio in Hungary, and others, the danger of that kingdom. Is certain that the Turk is on the point of attacking Hungary on several sides, knowing that it is unprepared and in a disturbed state. Has besought the princes of Christendom to assist them. Is sending 50,000 ducats for that object, though he is very poor. The danger is common to all, and he writes to all princes; but his chief hope is in Henry, that he may show himself Defender of the Faith. There is no time for delay. Henry should send a prudent person, with money. He must immediately give the enclosed letters to the King and Wolsey, and use every endeavor to obtain aid, as, if there is any delay, Hungary will be lost.
Lat., pp. 2.
25 April.
Er. Ep. p. 930.
The Cardinal's loving letters have very much cheered Erasmus in the midst of his troubles. Had written that there was nothing so indomitable that could not be tamed by a wife; but is much deceived; for Luther has written in the very midst of his marriage a merciless book against Erasmus, in which he thinks he has shown so much moderation and restraint that he has written almost to ask Erasmus to thank him that, out of regard to their friendship, he has frequently spared him. That is the way in which marriage has tamed the spirit of Luther.
Speaks of his enemies, and their various assaults upon him. Defends his Colloquies, which have been attacked for being too flippant for an old man to compose. A Dominican has lately carried into England books put out against Erasmus under fictitious names. Would be glad to return to England, as Wolsey offers, but his body is so shaken he cannot endure the least draught. Basle, 25 April 1526.
25 April.
Vit. B. VIII. 29. B. M.
Since his last letters of the 21st, a copy of which he encloses, nothing has happened of importance, except that the Pope has carried out what Ghinucci wrote at the foot of the said letters. Sends copies of letters from Hungary. The Pope has determined to send 50,000 or 60,000 ducats, part of which he will provide, and the rest the cardinals; and he has laid a tax of a fifth of the revenues on the benefices in the States of the Church. Rome, 25 April 15[26]. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
25 April.
R. O.
"A view taken at Portsmouth by Cornelys Johnson, the King's master smith for his ordnance, of all such ordnance as doth remain at the town of Portsmouth aforesaid, both of iron and of brass, as well stocked as unstocked," 25 April 18 Hen. VIII.
1. Iron guns; viz., 142 portpieces, with 249 chambers—35 chambers wanting. 23 portpieces upon the walls, with 35 chambers—11 chambers wanting. 35 whole and 8 half slangs of iron, with 74 chambers—3 chambers wanting. 69 fowlers and pot-guns, with 112 chambers—26 chambers wanting. 300 double and 48 single serpentines, with 547 chambers—149 chambers wanting. 28 double serpentines upon the walls, with 56 chambers. 5 single serpentines upon the walls, with 10 chambers. I broken serpentine, with 1 chamber—1 chamber wanting. 147 iron forelocks for the said pieces—303 forelocks wanting. 169 great and small iron "mytchys" for serpentines—213 mytches wanting. 69 mytche bolts of iron—312 bolts wanting. 318 hagbusshes—the most part wanting tails, and out of repair. 38 crowes. 40 pike-hammers. 44 sledges of iron.
2. Brass guns; viz., 2 bombards, with 4 chambers. 4 double courtowes. 13 courtowes. 1 demy courtowe. 12 "susters." 6 portpieces, with 11 chambers. 4 culveraynes. 1 demy culverayne. 2 vice-pieces of Houndesdyche. 2 vice-pieces, called paycevalaunce. 11 sakres. 15 serpentines. 18 fawcons. 1 lusarde. 8 hagbusshes. "Memorandum that the King's grace do send one to look and take a view of the town at Portsmouth, which is in sore ruin and decay."
Pp. 2. Endd.
26 April.
R. O.
Sends copies of letters from Hungary, which will show the state of affairs there. The Pope has determined to send 50,000 or 60,000 ducats, which will be partly subscribed by the Cardinals. He has also imposed a tax of one-fifth upon all benefices in the lands of the Church to meet the occasion.
Headed: "Ex litteris a domino Wigorn, die xxvj. Aprilis, Rome datis."
Lat., in Vannes' hand, pp. 2. Endd.: Nova ab Urbe.
28 April. 2125. For BRADNESTOCKE PRIORY.
Writ to the escheator of Wilts for restitution of its temporalties on the election of Wm. Snowe as prior. Westm., 28 April.
Similar writs for Somt., Dorset, Oxon, Berks, Yorksh., Northton., and Glouc.
Pat. 18 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1.
30 April.
R. O.
Asks for a safe-conduct for one year for Marg. Hepburn Lady Sincler to send one ship of 100 tons or less, laden with salt, to England, and to buy grain or other merchandise. Edinburgh, 30 April 1526. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
30 April.
R. O.
A Similar letter on behalf of David Gibson, burgess of Dysart. Edinburgh, 30 April 1526. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
30 April.
Er. Ep. XXI. 42.
Has received from him, by More, ten angels, and ten angels the year before. Possibly some part of their correspondence may have been lost. Has not yet found a trusty messenger by whom to send the St. Jerome. There are in England some learned friends who think highly of his Colloquies; others are of so vinegar a disposition as to dislike everything playful. If the Bishop will read the book, he will find there is much in it serviceable for the education of the young. Basle, 30 April 1526.
30 April.
Er. Ep. p. 934.
Is sorry that Polydore is not satisfied with the printing of his works by Frobenius. Praises his liberality. Basle, 30 April 1526.
P.S.—Hears many rumors of peace.
30 April.
R. O.
1. Debts owing to lord Mountegle's executors, 30 April 18 Hen. VIII. The abbot of Delieucrase (Dieulacres), 6l. 13s. 4d. Abbot of Valeriall, 30l. John Powell, 20l. Rauf Bradshaw, 12l. Rauf Leche, 12l. Ellyn Assheton, 4l. Edw. Parker, 100s. Abbot of Fournes, 83l. 6s. 8d. The executors of Edm. Dudley, 48l. 18s. 0¾d. The executors of the earl of Derby, 96l. Sir Ric. Tempest, 430l. Greenwax, 80l. John Standish, 80l. The executors of Hugh Adlyngton, 41l. From divers others, 100l. and odd.
P. 1. Endd.: The book of debts of my lord Mountegle's and others.
R. O. 2. Account of "my lord Hussy" of such goods as have come into his hands as one of lord Monteagle's executors, and of his expences. Among other items:—the King and my lord Cardinal's bequest, 120l.; the reward to my lord Cardinal, 100l.; my young lord Monteagle's boarding at Sleaford, with a chaplain and three servants, for 15 weeks, 15l.; for his finding in the lord Cardinal's service, two years and a half, over and besides 30l. yearly allowed by the King, 103l. 10s.; a black horse for the same, 9l.
In form of a roll.
Notifying that the King "at our contemplation" has granted by letters patent the office of auditor of the lordships of Middelham, Richemond, and Shireffoton to "our old and trusty servant" John Gostwyk; (fn. 4) and to Geo. Lawson, that of the receipts of the same. "Given at our," &c.
Draft, p. 1. Add.: To our right wellbeloved Maister Magnus, and to all other counsaillors with the duke of Richemound and Somersett, and to every of them. Endd.
April./GRANTS. 2132. GRANTS in APRIL 1526.
3. Tho. Jermyn, yeoman of the Guard and Crown. To be keeper or clerk of the navy, and keeper of the dock at Portsmouth, with 12d. a day, and 6d. a day for a clerk, out of the issues of the ports of Exeter and Dartmouth. Del. Westm., 3 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
6. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam. Grant, reciting patent 16 May 15 Hen. VIII., [which appointed him governor of Guisnes,] and giving him (apparently) further privileges. Del. Hampton Court (?), 6 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (Almost entirely defaced.)
8. John Robertson, of Froyton, in Guisnes. Pardon for having murdered Hayn Forhay. Westm., 8 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
9. Arthur Gyllys, clerk. Presentation to the perpetual chantry within the lp. of Wakefyld, York dioc., vice Tho. Spynke. Greenwich, 17 March 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 40.
11. Fulk Grevyll and Eliz. his wife, d. and h. of Edw. Willoughby, s. and h. of Rob. Willoughby lord Broke, and Eliz. his wife, d. and h. of Ric. Beauchamp. Livery of lands, viz., the third part of the manors of Powyk, Farnburgh, Alencester and Clutton, in Somst., Warw. and Worc. Del. Richmond, 11 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 36.
16. Sir Wm. Bulstrode. Annuity of 20l. out of the tonnage and poundage in the port of London; in consideration of his services to Henry VII. and his consort queen Elizabeth, and to Katharine the queen consort. Del. Richmond, 16 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 35.
18. Roger Basyng, steward of the Chamber. Licence to import 500 tuns of Gascon wine and Toulouse woad. Del. Westm., 18 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 14.
20. Joachim Cokke. Pardon for having stolen cattle from the close of John Hendy at Boskere, Cornw. Del. Westm., 20 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 14.
20. Tho. Hall. Grant of the hermitage or free chapel of St. Mary Magdalene called Barmore, in the lp. of Berney-castell in the bishopric of Durham, vice Tho. Appulby deceased. Del. Westm., 20 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 14.
20. Tho. Westcote, clk. Presentation to Crowhton church, Linc. dioc., at the King's disposal owing to the minority of Eliz. d. and h. of Tho. Ramesey. Del. Westm., 20 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
21. Wm. Weldon, B.A. Presentation to the chapelry of the Virgin Mary, Jesmunde, without the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, vice John Sympson. Reading, 21 November 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 April,—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 4 (undated).
John Benett, merchant, of Ternton, Devon. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners.—P.S.
David Burton, gent. of the Chapel Royal. Lease of lands in Lewisham and Lee, Kent, for 60 years; rent, 50s.—S.B. Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
Nich. Carewe and Ric. Page. Next presentation to Grefford church, St. Asaph's dioc. Del. Westm., ... (defaced.)—S.B.
John Clerc, chaplain. Grant of the free chapel of St. George in Southampton Castle, and the chaplainship of the same, with 10l. a year out of the customs of the port of Southampton.—S.B.
Ric. Coke, of London, alias of Romford, Essex. Protection: going in the retinue of lord Berners.—S.B.
Sir Arthur Darcy. Wardship of Francis s. and h. of Sir John Hothome, of co. York. Del. Westm., ... 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (defaced.)
Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam and Sir Anthony Browne, knight for the Body. To be bailiffs of Surrey, or "Bagshotes Baylies" in Windsor Forest, with 6d. a day out of the revenues of the manor of Ookynge or Wokyng; on surrender by Fitzwilliam and John Bygge of patent 5 March 7 Hen. VIII. Also grant to Fitzwilliam and Bygge of the same wages from Mich. 13 Hen. VIII. till the present time.—S.B.
Chris. Gibson and Leonard Skevington. Grant of the office of one of the King's gunners with 12d. a day; on surrender of patent 20 Dec. 6 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Gibson alone.—S.B.
Wm. Gittyns. Lease of the site of the manor of Burford, parcel of Warwick's lands, for 21 years, at the annual rent of 11l., and 3s. 4d. of newly approved [rent].—S.B.
Rob. Grave, of Bregebury, Kent. Pardon of all felonies before 21 April 10 Hen. VIII. Westm.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24.
Randolph Grene, of Uppingham, Rutland. Pardon for the murder of John Michell. Westm.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23.
Wm. Grey, chaplain. Presentation to Melbroke church, Linc. dioc., in the King's gift as part of the possessions of Richard formerly earl of Kent.—S.B.
Ric. Heyton, of Exeter, Bristol, and Oxford, mercer and vinter, prisoner in Newgate. Pardon, having been falsely accused of killing a man unknown, on 10 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII., at Blaktoft, Lanc., in which county there is no such place. Heyton took sanctuary in the parish church of Our Lady of Somerset, London, through fear of imprisonment, and confessed the crime before John Wilforde, coroner. S.B.—
Adam Holand. To be keeper in reversion of the New Park under Nottingham castle, with 4d. a day. Westm., _.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
Geo. Joynour, Licence to export 8,000,000 billett[s], to be bought in Sussex, within four years, paying customs. Del. Westm., ... 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (mutilated).
Ric. Kirkeby, laborer, of Fekenham, Worc. Pardon of a felony in August 16 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
John Knight, the King's servant. To be woodward of Wedgenok park and Fernehill, Warw., vice Sir Edw. Belknap; having performed the office from 16 March 12 Hen. VIII. the day of Sir Edward's death.—S.B.
Geo. Lawson, treasurer of Berwick. To be keeper of Cottescouth park, in the lp. of Middelham, and forester of the moiety of Coverdale forest, York; on surrender of patent 3 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII., by Sir John Nevell.—S.B. Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10.
Wm. Lelegrawe. Grant of lands, &c., of the annual value of 10 marks, in Sutton-on-Darvent (York), formerly granted to Tho. Lynam; on surrender by Ric. Pole, yeoman usher of the Chamber, of patent 20 July 17 Hen. VIII., granting him the reversion of the same upon the death of Lynam.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9.
Sir John Nevyle, of Chete. To be keeper of the old park of Wakefield, vice Ralph Whally, deceased.—Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
Fra. Pawne. To be comptroller in the port of Berwick-upon-Tweed.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
Wm. Pratt, worsted weaver, of Norwich. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners.—P.S.
Wm. Stoner, of Blonnescourte, Oxon. Pardon for having stolen certain property belonging to John Kynersley, perpetual vicar of Bedon, Berks.—S.B.
Walter Stonys, the King's native of the manor of Thornebury. Manumission.—S.B. Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
John Stunton of Aldborough, Suff., brewer. Pardon for the murder of Stephen Preston.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 35.
Sir Wm. Tyler, Tho. Baghe, and Philip Wogan. Next presentation to the deanery of the collegiate church of St. Burian, Cornw.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
Baldwin Willoughby, sewer of the Chamber. To be keeper, in reversion, of Oveston park, North., with an annual rent of 5l. therefrom. Westm.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23.
John Wyar, salter, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners.—P.S.
26. Nich. Purfote, fishmonger, innholder and singingman, of London, Lydde, and Faversham, Kent. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. 26 April 18o—P.S.
27. Geo. Rolle, of Stevynston. Wardship of Hugh, son of John, son of Hugh Culme of Chempton, who held of the King the manor of Molland Champeaux, in the parish of Molland Bortreaux, Devon, which is held of the King as of the castle of Barnstable, parcel of the duchy of Exeter. Del. Westm., 27 April 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 12.
27. Tho. Warde, the King's harbinger. Reversion of the office of comptroller of the works in Windsor Castle, granted during pleasure to Henry Smyth by patent 13 April 15 Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 27 April 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
28. Chris. Albrough, yeoman of the Guard. To be walker in the forest of Wabridge, Hunts, with 2d. a day, vice Oliver Holand, deceased. Ampthill, 23 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 April 18 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 14.
29. Wm. Hasyng, alias Rugedragon, King's pursuivant. To be Nottingham pursuivant with Henry duke of Richmond and Somerset, and earl of Nottingham, vice Ric. de la Toure. Greenwich, 23 April 18 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
30. James Boston of Courtray, Fland. Denization. _, 30 April.—Pat. 18 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11.
30. John Castilman, bailiff of Chichester, and "capper." Pardon for the homicide, in self-defence, of David Millis, gent., who had made an assault with arms on James Turver and his wife; with an account of the circumstances. Monastery of Waltham, 17 April [17] Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 April 18 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
30. Ric. Fraunceys, of Hatley-Cokeyn, Camb. Pardon. Del. Westm., 30 April 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
30. John Rycard, clk. Wardship of John s. and h. of Ralph Rokeby. Del. Westm., 30 April 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.


  • 1. See Vol. III., No. 2753.
  • 2. One or two leaves are here wanting. See Mr. Brown's Calendar, vol. III. Nos. 1249, 1251, and 1256. The clause touching the Pope is not in the R.O. copy.
  • 3. The first part of this letter is a verbatim copy of Ghinucci's first letter of the 21st inst.
  • 4. See Grant of 18 July 1523.