Henry VIII: March 1526, 16-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: March 1526, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp912-929 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: March 1526, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp912-929.

"Henry VIII: March 1526, 16-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp912-929.


March 1526

16 March.
R. O.
Has already informed him of the state of the affairs of the waywodes of Moldavia and Transalpinen, who have arranged their differences. The Turk has prepared a bridge in Oblosmeza, which he can carry where he will by ship. Is informed he will certainly attack Transylvania, but first means to besiege Brasonia and Cibirus. Entreats him to send men and guns, especially men-at-arms (armigeri) and pedites pixidarii. There are no pixidarii here, except Saxons, who will not remain in the field, and will hardly even stay in cities. The cities also are in want of engines. Expects within a month (ad unum usque mensem) the enemy will endeavour to occupy the Alps. The nobles of Hungary have sent messengers to his Majesty to ask for aid. Zoazsebes, Friday before Judica Sunday.
Lat., pp. 2. Endd.
R. O. 2. Another copy.
P. 1. Endd.
16 March.
R. O.
Will of Will. Abell the elder, of Erith, yeoman, made 21 Jan. 1525, 17 Hen. VIII., including a number of local benefactions, bequests to his wife Joan, to his sons John, William, and Henry, and an unborn infant (who is mentioned before them); also for a chapel in the churchyard at Erith, over the place where his brother Ric. Abell, priest, is buried.
Pp. 28, as numbered, the first two being blank. Annotated in the margin.
R. O. 2. "The sayings of the Testes," an alteration of the bequest for building the chapel, for which his eldest son John is to pay 6l. 13s. 4d., and residuary legacies to his children.
P. 1. Endd.
R. O. 3. Another copy of § 2.
P. 1. Endd.: "These be the words of Abell's witnesses."
R. O. 4. Copy of a proviso in the will in case of the decease of any of his sons before attaining the age of 20, and the provision for the chapel.
P. 1.
R. O. 5. Protest by Sir Ric. Blagge, vicar of Erith, and John Sympson, of London, haberdasher, executors of Will. Abell, against the conduct of their co-executors Will. atte Mere, of Sutton atte Hone, Kent, and John Pemsey, of Erith, for detaining 255l. 5s. in their hands, against the will of the testator. Dated 15 March 17 Hen. VIII.
P. 1 (large paper). Endd.
R. O. 6. Deed by which John Sympson, with the concurrence of Sir Ric. Blagge, authorises John Abell, son and heir of William Abell, to receive all goods belonging to him as executors. 16 March 17 Hen. VIII. Signed by Blagge, Sympson, and others.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 7. Bonds of William at Mere and John Pemsey to John Sympson, and vice versâ, upon the renunciation of his executorship by the latter.
Pp. 3.
R. O. 8. "Articles touching the breaking of William Abell's will by his executors William at Mere and John Pemsey."
P. 1.
R. O. 9. Another copy, § 2; to which is subjoined "The Requests of John Sympson" for a proviso in the arbitrament of his dispute with his co-executors.
P. 1.
R. O. 10. Another copy of § 8 and 9. The former signed "Per me John Sympson."
17 March.
Rym. XIV. 129.
2029. TREATY of the MOORE.
Obligation of Francis I., king of France, for the payment of 2,000,000 gold crowns to England. Bayonne, 17 March 1525. Signed.
17 March.
Calig. D. IX. 67. B. M.
2030. TREATY of the MOORE.
Copies of the confirmations by Louise and Francis I. of the treaties at the More; viz., the confirmations by Louise, dated 25 Sept. 1525, of the treaties of peace and of obligation (see No. 1663, § 1, 2), and by Francis of the latter, dated 27 Dec. 1525 (No. 1842); the obligations of Louise, dated 25 Sept. 1525, to obtain Francis's confirmation of both treaties (No. 1663, § 7, 8); and the engagement of Francis, dated 17 March 1525[–6], for payment of 2,000,000 crowns. (No. 2029.)
Mutilated. These copies all follow in the above order, and Wolsey's signature is at the end, ƒ. 78.
18 March.
Calig. B. I. 105. B. M. St. P. IV. 447.
i. Angus to [Magnus] the English ambassador.
Received his letters of the 14th March, stating the lords of the Council had written to him that the ambassador should have advertised the earl of Westmoreland of the day appointed for the meeting. Had been prevented (1.) by news from Albany in France, by which his adherents had grown more bold. (2.) Certain borderers that should have entered pledges to make redress, hearing this news, departed without licence. (3.) Will not leave the King for danger;—all my lords have left, except Glasgow and Levynnox. Thinks they would not desire it. Begs, therefore, he may be excused to the earl of Westmoreland. Edinburgh, 15 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "To my lord Ambassator to the kingis grace of Ingland."
Calig. B. I. 106. B. M. ii. "Copy of a letter sent from T. Magnus to the earl of Anguisshe."
Has received his letter dated Edinburgh the 15th inst., excusing himself for not keeping the day of truce appointed by the Council to be held on the 20th, and confirmed by their letters and one of his own. Considering how many days of truce have been appointed and not kept, he might have ordained the deputies to observe the same. As things are, it will be impossible to preserve the peace of the two countries unless he or his deputies personally assist once a fortnight. The abbot of Kelso has been here to exchange confirmations, and has pledged Angus's credit to answer for any injuries done in Tevidaill. Hopes Angus will apply himself to the matter better than he has done. Is shortly going southwards, when the King and the Legate will expect a good account of these things. They will look to Angus, Argyle and Lennox to secure the King if Albany arrive in Scotland. Berwick, 18 March.
Pp. 2. Copy by Magnus's clerk.
Calig. B. III. 295. B. M. 2. "Copy of a letter from T. Magnus to the Council of Scotland."
The abbot of Kelso and himself met on Friday, and made collation of their books for ratifications of peace; exchanged confirmations on Saturday. Angus has appointed the 20th as a day of truce, which has been disappointed like former ones, though it was so substantially mentioned by their Lordships to him and Westmoreland. These days must be kept at least every 14 days, or it will be impossible to keep good rule on the Borders. Will report everything as they desire, on going South, to the King and Wolsey. Berwick, 18 March.
P. 1.
18 March.
Calig. D. IX. 171. B. M. Ellis, 2 Ser. I. 331.
2032. [TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
Late in the evening of the 15th, my lady Regent came by torchlight to Bayonne, and was received with great triumph of gunshot. Tayler spoke with her on Monday after dinner, when she desired him to have patience two or three days. "She was in such great anxiety for the sending forth of the Dolphyn and his brother, and for great desire to see the King her son, that she could attend to no other thing;" but as soon as the King was come Joachyn should be despatched to England. On the 17th, the Dauphin and his brother were delivered to the Spaniards upon a bridge on the river Handay, between Fontarabia and St. John de Luce, and between 2 and 3 the same day the King was received into Bayonne with much shot of ordnance. By my Lady's command, Tayler, with the Chancellor and others, were stationed a quarter of a mile outside the town. Was presented by the Chancellor to the King, who took him in his arms, and, after receiving his congratulations, promised to speak with him more at large, and said he would never forget the King's kindness. He told Joachyn he would honor Wolsey as his father. Joachyn is to be despatched in all haste with all things concerning the treaty, and the ratifications by the King's own hand, and the secret of the peace with the Emperor. Baiona, 18 March 1526.
Hol., mutilated, p. 1.
19 March.
Calig. D. IX. 172. B. M. Ellis, 2 Ser. I. 333.
After he had closed his letters the King ordered M. Vaulx to send forth no man till he had spoken with Tayler, whom Joachyn was to bring to Wolsey at 3 p.m. on Passion Sunday. (fn. 1) The King, however, was so long in Council, it was past 5 before he had audience. "His mule was brought forth to ride on solace;" but he sent for Tayler, embraced him, apologized for keeping him waiting, "and took me by the hand, and led me to a window." Tayler briefly declared to him the King's message of congratulation, and said he was to remind him to confirm the amity and the deeds done by Madame in his absence. "His Grace would suffer me to speak no more, but said `Monsieur Ambassadour, I know well the good mind of my kind brother of England, whom, after God, I thank of my liberty. He hath done at this time in my captivity such an act by the which he hath got etern[al] memory or glory, and bounden me ever and all mine to do him service. And I assure you that after I had seen him and spoke with him, if he had been no gentleman nor I nother, I was so affectionate that I would have done him service. And howbeit that there was war moved betwixt us, I know right well it was but ceremoniously done; for if he would have warred in deed I should have felt it grievouslier and much sorer. And it would never sink in my heart but that he loved me.'
"Then said Mons. Joachin, `Sir, I do know right well that oftentimes when in his Council it was communed and disputed to make war, his Grace ever defended your part; and I assure your Grace that if his Highness had been born of the same mother that ye were, he could not more studiously nor more affectionately study for your liberty and honorable deliverance than he hath done. I am a necessary witness, for I have heard his Grace oftentimes speak more than I could either think or desire.'" The King said he knew all this, and trusted if God gave them both life "they should have a great saying with all princes Christian;"—that he trusted the King would be a greater aid to redeem his sons than ever his sons would have been to redeem himself; and that he would not only ratify all things done by Madame, but maintain them with his blood, and if Henry could find means to make them stronger he would perform it. On making Wolsey's congratulations to him, he said he knew all this goodness came of him, and that while he lived he would honor him as a father, and do nothing without the advice of the King and Wolsey. He said he would despatch Joachin in two days "with all things, both secrets, and also concerning this amity between the Emperor and him." He told Tayler and Joachin some secrets the Emperor had spoken to him at his departure, which the latter will report to Wolsey. Desires to know what he is to do. It is said Francis will keep Easter at Bordeaux. Bayonne, 19 March.
This morning Joachin showed him two letters of the King's own hand, addressed to Henry VIII. and Wolsey, which he forwards with this post, who will arrive before Joachin. 19 March 1526. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add. Endd.
Cal. D.IX.174. B. M. 2034. FRANCIS I. to [WOLSEY].
Desires evidence for the sieur De Vaulx, the bearer, who will report the circumstances of his deliverance, and what has been [concluded] between the Emperor and him. Thanks Wolsey for what he has done in his behalf during his absence, which has been the principal cause of his deliverance. Esteems [the King's] friendship more sure than any other.
Hol., Fr., mutilated, pp. 2.
20 March.
Calig. B. II. 112. B. M. St. P. IV. 445.
Received on the 3rd his letter of the 26 Feb., with the confirmation of the peace by England, and the commission to himself to deliver it and receive the counterpart. Sent immediately to inform the Scotch Council. Would not agree to any place but Berwick for the exchange of ratifications. The Scotch confirmation was brought here by the abbot of Kelso, the headsman of the Carres of Tevidaill, with a company of 40 persons. The confirmations were exchanged on Saturday, being market day here, in sight of much people, who were greatly pleased. Was told by the abbot, who is brother to Danne Carre of Farnehirste, that the requests which had been made to him to meet at Coldstream, Cornhill, or Norham, instead of Berwick, were in order that his brother Dan Carre and Mark Carre might have spoken with him. They have made divers efforts to see him, but he has been so ill for 40 days past, and still continues, as Tuke can report, that he caused Lyell Gray, porter of Berwick, to meet them in the East Marches, and Rob. Colingwode at the fells of the Middle Marches. Sends their reports, showing that the Carres are well inclined to the peace, and willing to make redress. The Abbot, too, offers himself as a pledge for all the Carres. The only obstacle to redress is the quarrel of the Homes of the March and the Carres of Tevidaill with Angus, for they will all obey the Council, but not him.
Angus promised to the Council and also to Magnus that he would keep a "day of true," on the 20th inst., to see redress made for the six bills of Liddersdaill and other causes; but it is overshot, for feigned reasons, as Magnus suspects. Sends Angus's letter on the subject, with a copy of his own answer, and of a letter that he wrote yesterday to the Chancellor and Council of Scotland, who are now preparing every man to go to his own country for Easter. Must communicate with the borderers that good rule be kept till the officers on both sides can meet. Sends a letter from the earl of Cumberland with his answer, showing there is good rule on the West Marches.
Means to come southwards, if possible, in three days, as he is likely to be in peril by a humor in his right leg, leaving Westmoreland and Sir Will. Eures to attend to the redress. Wolsey will see that the Scotch Council have put an order for Liddersdaill. Has distributed to his acquaintance at Edinburgh certain cramp-rings brought by Mr. Wiat; among others, to Mr. Adam Otterbourne, "who with one of them relieved a man lying in the falling sickness, in the sight of much people." Advises that more be sent, as they are now in great request. Berwick, 20 March. Signed.
Add.: Unto my lord Legate's good grace.
The King and the whole country are pleased to hear of her son's deliverance, and return into France, and of the recovery of his health, which has been certainly due to her prudence. Doubts not that she will take care that the dishonorable and unreasonable treaty violently extorted from him will not be observed in any part, as he is not bound by it either in honor or conscience. Thinks God will move all Christian princes to concur in resisting the tyranny and ambition of those who have no regard to the honor of God and the advice of their friends. Has communicated with the chan- cellor of Alençon, who has behaved with wisdom and policy, to the honor of his master and the content of the king and nobles of England.
If it had pleased her, would have kept him till the matters between the two princes were brought to a perfect conclusion.
Fr., pp. 2. Endd.: The copy of my Lord's letters to the lady Regent.
R. O. 2037. WOLSEY to FRANCIS I.
The King is rejoiced at Francis's return to his realm. Sends Sir Thos. Cheyney to reside as ambassador with Dr. Tailleur. Desires credence for him.
Fr., copy, p. 1. Endd.
20 March.
R. T. 137. R. O.
The King is sending to Francis a gentleman of his privy chamber to congratulate him on his deliverance, and to remain for a time as ambassador along with Dr. Taylor. Adds his own congratulations on Francis's return. Westminster, 20 March.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
Calig. D. IX. 164. B. M. 2039. FRANCIS I.
Instructions to Sir Tho. Cheyne, one of the six gentlemen of the Privy Chamber, now sent to Francis I. to act along with Dr. Taillour already resident.
1. He is to go with Taillour to the French king's presence, deliver the King's letter of credence and his address, and say that though the King had already given hasty instructions to Taillour to congratulate him on his deliverance, and express Henry's satisfaction at the peace made between him and the Emperor, he could not forbear sending "one of his most secret familiars" to show that the great love he had felt towards Francis since their interview, and which could not be quenched by any storms or clouds engendered since that time, is now renewed and augmented. He is to deliver the King's congratulations, "well couched in the French tongue, not as an oration, but as a familiar, fre[ndly], and kind message," adding any appropriate words in conference with the lady Regent and others. This is all the first part of his charge.
2. The second part must be handled with great dexterity. They are to find out whether the conditions of the peace made with the Emperor accord with those published and sent to Dr. Taillour; how far they are acceptable to the French king himself, the Regent, the Lords and the Commons; whether any difficulties will be raised about its fulfilment, or whether it will be observed in good faith. If they find an opportunity, allowing the matter rather to proceed of the French king and others than of themselves, they may in secret conference, "as of themselves soberly and in manner [of] stupefaction and marvel," say of the terms which affect the rights of the French crown in Burgundy, Naples, &c., "These be great and high conditions, the like whereof have not been heard, and such as wise men here thought were either never agreed un[to], or, being agreed, should never be performed." If they find Francis and his ministers disposed to be frank they may enlarge on the advantages the Emperor will gain, and the danger to France from the increase of his power, being "environed on three parts, and situated, as it were, in the midst of the Emperor's countries," and having the sea on the fourth side, where "their course is also involved and wrapped both on the [East] partie and on the West. In the Mediterranean, too, they have Spain on the one side. and Italy on the other. They may say that [in] their opinion a realm thus situate shall seem rathe[r to] be in servitude and perpetual captivity, and the prince th[ereof] with his heirs continual prisoners." These words will "show a vehemence of th[eir] opinion, and nevertheless nothing in the same can sound either to the derogation of the Emperor (but rather to his p[rofit]), or to the miscontentment of the French party."
If the French say nothing in answer to this, but appear uncertain, the ambassadors may ask them if they consider themselves bound in conscience to fulfil the said conditions; "whereunto they shall su[ffer] them to make answer." Cheyne may ask Taylor what he thinks "by such learning as he hath in the law;" who, "ensuing the truth," may tell them of what small effect in conscience or law is a bond or treaty made in captivity;—which will encourage the others to give their opinions. Any overtures, however, must be allowed to proceed from the French; and the ambassadors, "using a temperate moderation, as though they would rather counsel procure," may say, if convenient, that there is no doubt the Pope, the Venetians, Florentines and Swiss, whom Francis would otherwise lose entirely, would beware how they let the Emperor have further hold on Italy or Burgundy, if they saw Francis, or at least his mother, "go about to seek meaner and reasonable conditions of his peace." And though Francis himself might be willing to fulfil the conditions bonâ fide, the states of France might reasonably refuse, and my Lady, showing the difficulty of complying with the terms, might demand some composition for the redemption of the hostages; which the ambassadors may say they are sure the King will mediate to promote. In all this the ambassadors must use great caution not to say anything "that may sound against the Emperor" until assured of the disposition of the French.
3. After Francis has entered his realm, and "made a convenient pause" in it, they may ask him for the ratification of his treaty lately concluded with England, and to make his oath for its performance, which was to be done within a certain time after his re-entry. A commission is given to Cheyne and Taylor for the purpose. They shall also require, if it be not passed already, the obligations and ratifications of the cities, towns, &c., saying that the King is ready to make the like ratifications and oath on his part; and they shall see everything done according to a minute given to Cheyne.
They shall make often mention of the King's great cordiality, and the great concordance of qualities in the two princes, and may say, if they find Francis disposed to perform the conditions of the peace with the Emperor, that if he might speak perso[nally] with the King's highness, without great ceremony or pom[p]," such things might be devised as would make the Emperor less exacting. This, however, must appear as their own suggestion.
Lastly, they are to work all these matters "by the addr[ess] and assistance of my lady of Angoulême, delivering to her the King's letters, and showing how much the King esteems her wisdom, ascribing mostly to her the thanks of her [son's] deliverance, and hoping she will conduct the rest of his affairs to perfection. They shall also commend her zeal for the promotion of amity with England, and take her advice in everything. They shall also deliver the King's letters to the duchess of Alençon, congratulating her on her brother's deliverance; and those to the Chancellor and the Treasurer Robertet; "not omitting in a[ny wise], upon the arrival of the French queen, if she come, to m[ake] unto her the King's most hearty recommendations, with congra[tula]tions" both on her marriage and on her having been the means of peace with the Emperor, and requesting that if there be anything the King can procure for her in England he may be informed of it. Signed at top and bottom by the King.
Pp. 13, mutilated.
21 March.
Vesp. C. III. 227. B. M.
2040. LEE to [WOLSEY].
Spoke with the Chancellor on the 14th March, the day after the despatch of his letters of the 12th. Wished to know what he meant by saying, in reply to my lord of London and Mr. Dean, when they asked for answer about the Emperor's debts to the King, "You begin at the foot," &c.; also to arrange about seeing the Emperor on the matters in Wolsey's letters dated Richmond, 24 Dec. Unless the Chancellor be present, the Emperor will not give audience; for, "although he well understand, yet he will not gladly make answer in Latin."
The Chancellor did not remember why he spoke the words, and acknowledged that the Emperor was bound to discharge the debts, unless the old league should be dissolved, which God forbid, "and avowed the words which I spake, that debt was debt between enemies,"—saying that, whatever should come of this amity, the Emperor will pay his debts. He promised to ascertain the Emperor's pleasure next Saturday the 17 March, and next Sunday we both came to his presence. Told the Emperor that the King, having been informed of his answer by my lord of London and Mr. Dean, viz., that he would send an ambassador to England to arrange about his debts to Henry, trusted that his Majesty, considering "the great manifold gratitudes" shown both to his father and to himself in lending them great sums of money when it was much wanted, would not be grieved to make ready payment now, when he was receiving such great sums for the marriage with Portugal; adding that if he did not do so now, when he was able, it would look as if he did not intend it. Reminded him how solemnly he swore to make repayment at the days prefixed in the obligations, which are now passed by more than four years, though he promised to sell his patrimony sooner than delay payment; how the King, nevertheless, had forborne to press his claim till now, when the Emperor "floweth in money," so that he is never likely to be better able to afford it. Added, further, that Wolsey had stood surety for the Emperor to the King, and trusted his Majesty would save him harmless.
The Emperor took the Chancellor apart, and, without any consultation, made him answer that, as his Majesty was sending an ambassador on the subject to the King, he could make no immediate reply, but would take deliberation. Lee said this reply had been so often made, and no ambassador yet sent, that the King might think either that he had not got a good solicitor here, or that the Emperor only wished to procrastinate. His Majesty said that, upon deliberation taken, he would make me answer. Begged him not to delay, as he was now writing to the King, and to appoint a time when he should come to him. He replied in French that he would make me answer the morrow after, or, at the furthest, next day, adding si vous plera.
This answer he gave on Passion Sunday. On Monday forbore to visit him, but on Tuesday went to court, "and at the time of his coming towards the closet stood within the privy chamber door, where he must needs pass (for he then came out of a garden), to show myself to him, and to perceive whether he would, of himself, remember his promise. He, coming towards the door where I stood, gave me some countenance, but without any further, intended to pass, as I well perceived; wherefore I offered myself to his Majesty, demanding whether he had yet delivered to make the King's highness answer." He answered in French, "Not yet." Begged him again to consider that if the King received no answer he must impute it either to Lee's negligence or the Emperor's ingratitude, adding that, if he meant to make answer, he needed no great time for deliberation. Suggested, as of his own mind, that, if the Emperor would pay the greater part of his debt in ready money, especially the sum for which his honor is so charged, and send his ambassador to take order for the rest, the King would probably be satisfied.
Could get no answer except that the Emperor would make answer to the King with all possible speed. "Here I said again, `Sir, I must now needs write to the King's highness, and, if I have none other answer, I must needs write this. Your Majesty will consider that I must do, for my discharge, as in like case your orator should do.'" He said he would give me answer by his Chancellor, and so went to the closet.
Lee then went to the Chancellor, told him the Emperor had promised to answer by him, and urged him, for the sake of the King's friendship and the Emperor's honor, to mediate in the matter; which he promised to do. Has always found him willing to go to court upon the King's affairs, and sometimes he has "taken great pain in long and late tarrying; for he is aged, and not meet nother for long standing ne for long attendance," though he never grudges it. Thinks he should have the King's thanks conveyed to him. Thinks the Spanish nobles are jealous of him, though he has always found him upright and inclined to do the King service. He owns this procrastination is not to the Emperor's honor, and wonders at his treating the King so. He says, "Some that be about the Emperor might do better than they do." Learns from him that the archbishop of Barry has made his excuse, and as yet no one is named in his place. Told the Chancellor he understood that the Emperor, in answer to the request that he would marry the sister of Portugal, said that he was bound to marry the daughter of the king of England, to whom he was so much in debt that he could not deliver himself from the marriage unless he were delivered from the debt;—that on this they granted him, besides the accustomed service of 400,000 ducats, other 400,000 on condition of his marrying the daughter of Portugal. Said if this money were got on this pretence, what excuse had the Emperor for not discharging his debt ? The Chancellor said it was all true, and shook his head, "declaring himself not to hold with such handling of this matter." Thinks the Emperor might be quickened by a letter from the King, "couched with such sentences as ye could devise," a copy of which might be sent to him that he might deliver it or not, as he saw fit. If they offer payment before the commission arrive here, has devised with the merchants here two or three ways by which to offer them indemnity. Civil, 21 March.
Hol., pp. 9. Part cipher, deciphered by Tuke.
Capt. de François I. 523. 2041. HENRY VIII. to FRANCIS I.
Rejoices at his deliverance, and arrival in France with entire recovery of his health. Anything Henry may have done to the advancement of this has been to him a pleasure, from the esteem in which he has always held him, as the bearer, the chancellor of Alençon, will explain to him more at large. Compliments the Chancellor highly on the manner in which he has conducted himself in England.
Fr. Add.
The original is holograph, and a fac-simile of it is given in the work.
22 March.
R. T. 137. R. O.
Has heard, to his great satisfaction, of the conclusion lately taken upon the return of Francis to his kingdom. Sends Sir Thos. Cheyny to visit him, and reside there for a time, along with Dr. Taylor; with instructions to do the same to Louise, and congratulate her upon the success of her maternal efforts. Richmond, 22 March.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
22 March.
Capt. de François I. 525.
On the same subject. Richmond, 22 March.
22 March.
R. T. 137. R. O.
The King is sending Sir Thos. Cheyny, a gentleman of his privy chamber, to congratulate Francis on his return to his kingdom, and to remain with Dr. Taylor. Congratulates her as having been the chief conductor in bringing the matter to so laudable an end. Westminster, 22 March.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
22 March.
R. O.
Sent lately Peter Houstoun to Rome with instructions to see Wolsey on his way, and solicit letters from the King and Wolsey in the Abp's. favor; which, however, Houstoun could not obtain, as Wolsey was occupied with greater matters. Desires credence for the bearer, his familiar clerk, whom he now sends on a like mission. Refers to Magnus for further particulars. Edinburgh, 22 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal.
22 March. 2046. ST. PETER'S, DUNSTABLE.
Congé d'élire on the death of John Wastell, prior. Westm.,_(blank).
2. Assent to the election of Gervase Markham as prior. Westm., 22 March.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 29.
25 March.
Calig. D. IX. 316. B. M.
2047. [BERNERS] to WOLSEY.
In the present month of March, Hector the French [spy] came hither, and said that, though he was discharged, he has so strong a liking for the King, he will not fail to inform him of whatever is prejudicial to England. Sends a written pledge to that effect. What he writes of Nic. de St. Martin, who is now in England, he affirms to be true; "for he cam this way, and wen he was he[re] he inquiryde wer as he shuld fynd in Inglon[d my] lord of Suffolke." He was secretary to queen Mary in France; probably the Duke's servants know where he is. "[If] your Grace woll speak with him it seemeth by his ... [tha]t he is a false shrew and a spy." * * * If he should fortune to return, wishes to know whether he should be stopped. Has given Hector a reward. Wishes to know whether he shall retain him. Has already disbursed nearly 40l. stg. Calais, 25 March.
A messenger is come from France "[with] letters into England." He says the French king is come into France. It was reported by Hector that he was dead.
Hol., badly mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
24 March.
R. O.
Thanks his Holiness for his care for the safety of his kingdoms, and for sending his nuncio, Lo. Antonio, baron de Burgo, to him. Hopes while peace is being secured in Christendom, the Pope will procure aid for Hungary against the enemy, who is sure to come. Writes with this letters to all Christian princes, which he requests the Pope to forward. Cannot urge his need of assistance too strongly, and trusts the Pope will hasten the sending of it as much as possible. Sends through the Nuncio a copy of letters received by the abp. of Colotz concerning the coming of the enemy. Buda, 24 March 1526, 10 Lewis II.
Lat., copy, pp. 2. Endd.
25 March.
Vesp. F. I. 75. B. M.
Requesting aid against the Turks, or at least a supply of money to raise troops. Buda, Palm Sunday, 1526.
P. 1. Add.
25 March.
R. O.
2050. HUNGARY.
i. Lewis II. of Hungary to the Archduke of Austria.
Received yesterday letters from the waywode of Transylvania, showing that the Turk is preparing to invade that country, and has made bridges over the Danube. Has no doubt he will attack them in all quarters. Trusts the Archduke will do all in his power to meet the common danger, and exhort the Emperor and others to aid them. Needs money for the Bohemian foot. Buda, Palm Sunday, 1526.
Lat., p. 1. Headed: Copia literarum S. Regis Ungariæ ad S. Archiducem Austriæ.
ii. Ladislaus Nagh and Gregory Palos, Castellans of Titul, to Nicholas Werthessy, Provost of the Church of Titul.
Titul is in great danger. The Turks are mustering forces at Nandoralba (Belgrade), and preparing also for naval war. There are very few here in the castle. Desires him to beg the King for at least 100 foot, as he knows for certain that they will be besieged. "Datum in Titulio," Monday (fn. 2) after Judica Sunday, 1526.
Copy, Lat., p. 1. Endd.
R. O. 2. Another copy of § i. P. 1. Endd.
R. O. 3. Another copy of § ii. P. 1. Endd.
25 March.
Bradford, 238.
Advises him to be as conciliatory in dealing with his subjects as possible. Wishes he could have suggested some plan for dealing with such towns of the empire as are practising with princes unfavorable to our interests. I have sent you a clause touching instructions to the Diet at Spires. I am determined not to meddle nor change anything in our Faith, or suffer it to receive any injury from the German nation. Before I take my leave on St. John's Day in the month of June, I must ascertain how the Italians and French are disposed to act. I have had a letter from the Pope, touching the invasion of Hungary by the Turks. Such reports are so often spread, I know not what to believe. Henry duke of Brunswick has been here to treat of proceedings against Luther. I am sorry to hear of the death of the queen of Denmark. Her children are with my aunt in Flanders. Francis was restored on the 17th. The princes have been sent to Burgos. Seville, 25 March 1526.
26 March.
R. O.
As commanded by Wolsey when he saw him, met the Chancellor of Durham at Norham on Tuesday, 13th March, but could learn nothing further from him of Wolsey's mind how he was to receive Norham Castle. Received it accordingly by indentures made with Wolsey's Chancellor, copies of which he sends. Begs Wolsey to have the castle repaired and furnished immediately, for there is not a house in it that keeps out rain. The timberwork and main walls are rotten, and no part of the outer ward is finished as it should be, except one gatehouse; nor is there half enough ordnance, even if it were all serviceable. The guns are undecked,—not six guns in all the house ready to shoot; the gunpowder useless for the present, from lying in a vault; bows, arrows, and strings rotten from the moisty house they lay in.
It will be hard for him to occupy the office of sheriff of Cumberland, to which he has been this year admitted by the King, unless he is protected against my lord of Cumberland, who has entered on a great part of the lands belonging to it, and let them to divers tenants. If allowed to have the lands will make such account thereof as no sheriff has done this 20 years. Offered my lord of Cumberland, and "my cousin his brother," Sir Thos. Clifford, his deputy in Carlisle Castle, as much land as they pleased for themselves, but they said they only wanted the meadows for their own use, and would maintain their farmers. Recommends that Sir Jo. Louther, Sir John Radclif, and Thos. Beverley, be put upon the commission of the peace, as there is no other justice in the shire but himself and Geoff. Lancastre. The late bishop of Durham let Wolsey's fishings in the Tweed belonging to Norham, for a term now expired, to some inhabitants of Berwick, who are no good friends to your shires of Norham and Eland. Requests a lease of them.
Has put good order in Hexham. The gaol is a great charge, some prisoners having remained this twelvemonth, viz., three servants of the late lord Dacres, and the gaoler himself, for the escape of the prisoners. Desires letters to Wolsey's chancellor of Hexham to put in the commission Sir Thos. Tempest, Jo. Bentley, or others, to keep sessions and gaol delivery. Carlisle, 26 March. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
26 March.
Galba, B. IX. 12**. B. M.
Has just received a letter from Sir Gregory Casall, with a packet directed to Mr. Pietir Vanii, which he sends to Wolsey as Casall desired. Wrote the news yesterday to Tuke. Has since heard that it is not true that Bourbon and the Emperor's chancellor have been dispatched to Italy, for they both went with the Emperor to Civyll; that the Chancellor has not framed the article of peace in as ample a form as he might have done; "but the Viceroy, as an imp of the lord Scheevyrs, has brewed the drink. I pray God it may prove savoury and wholesome for the weal of Christendom." Hears that the league of Swave has levied 800 horses, who go from village to village to find Lutherans; the laymen they behead, and as for priests, "they fair hanged them up to dry," to the number of 800 or 900 already. Malines, 26 March 1526.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
26 March.
Fiddes' Coll. p. 227.
Grant of arms by Thomas Wryothesley, Garter, Thomas Benoult, Clarencieux, and Thomas Tonge, Norroy, to Thomas Wynter, dean of Wells, prebendary of Lutton, archdeacon of York and Richmond, prebendary of Strensall, chancellor of Sarum, prebendary of Bedwin, provost of Beverley, prebendary of St. Peter's there, prebendary of Milton, Lincoln, prebendary of Norivell in Southwell, rector of Rugby, and rector of St. Matthew's, Ipswich. London, 26 March 1526, 17 Hen. VIII.
27 March.
Galba, B. IX. 15. B. M.
Wrote last on the 25th from this town. Mons. de Re[ux] is come hither. Met him today at mass. Asked after the Emperor's health, and expressed his satisfaction at the peace. He said that if all England had been of the same mind, the Emperor would have made a peace much more honorable and profitable both for himself and the King. Said he wondered he should think that the King, or any belonging to him, at all desired to derogate from the Emperor's honor or weal, or that of Christendom, for no man could say that the King had not done more than any prince had ever done for another; and as to the weal of Christendom, if the King had not regarded that more than his own profit, there would be no likelihood of a peace. He answered that the King will not fail to have the Emperor's love and favor, though the latter cannot forget that he has been unfriendly dealt with, as well concerning his own authority as that of his servants, without the King's knowledge or consent, as he esteems, bringing forth things which Wingfield did not know. Said he was ignorant of them, and had small fantasy to believe them. "Left none of his sayings uncut off or answered," and though they parted in good amity, he evidently would have liked Wingfield to have consented more to his purpose. He said he left the Emperor at Toledo when he took his journey toward Seville; that Bourbon was sent to Milan, and the Chancellor had gone with the Emperor; he thought the Emperor had been married about mid Lent; that he intended to go to Garnad, and thence to Arragon, to assemble the Estates, and go to Italy in September. He is made governor of Artoys and the castle of Hesdynge, and will remain here till Sept., when he will set out to join the Emperor. He did not know certainly whether the French king had been delivered, but said that by Easter the truth should be known; that my lord of London and Mr. Dean were at Loochis in Gyen when he passed, and he thinks they are at Calais by this time, for it is eight weeks since he left the Emperor at Toledo. He is going to M ... to keep his Easter in a cloister near Brussels, but will be back by the holidays, for the Estates are summoned hither for the 4th "of this month." It is not yet certain whether the king of Denmark has gone to the Emperor or to Almain. An embassy from the duke of Hoolste and the city of Lubeck is here to treat for an appointment, for the ban imperial has been published against those concerned in his expulsion. Malines, 27 March 1526.
Hol., pp. 4. Add.
27 March.
R. O.
2056. HUNGARY.
Copy of the letters of the Nuncio in Hungary to the Pope, dated Buda, die Martis Sancti 1526.
After his last, a letter came from [the bishop] of Colotz that the Turk had arrived with 13 camels from Belgrade, loaded with chains for bridges, now being made with all speed; that sailors had been sent to Nicopolis opposite Transalpina on this side of the Danube, to bring back many ships that had been built there; that proclamation had been made that none of the country people should sell victuals. A man has come to John Thaiz, Ban of Croatia, sent by a relative of his, who had turned Turk, and serves the Bassa of Bossina, to tell him to provide for his safety because it was certain the Turk would enter Hungary by Selanovia this year; that he had himself seen 100 camels loaded with chains for the bridges over the Drave and Save, and that the army would enter by Buda; and finally he commended his sons to the Ban, in case the Hungarians were victorious, and promised to take care of the Ban's sons if the Turk was. The Ban had always found this man truthful; had the first news from him of the attack on Belgrade, and had often obtained corn and victuals from him when he was Ban of Jaijeza. The inhabitants of Titul say that it is certain the Turk will attack them, and they ask for a garrison of 100 foot. Yesterday an ambassador came from the Waywode of Transalpina, reporting that the Turk had had three portable bridges built at Nicopolis; that he will certainly invade Transylvania this year, and that he had issued an edict that no one should take victuals out of the country for three years; that the Waywode and his barons were good subjects to the King, and would join the Waywode of Transylvania against the Turk; he wished the King to promise him a place in Hungary if his province were lost, otherwise he asked pardon if he should assist the Turks under compulsion. Same day letters came from the Waywode of Transylvania begging for forces and guns, stating that a man had seen the bridge already built above Nicopolis; and that he had information that the Turk would invade Transylvania, and besiege Baxonia and Sibinium.
From these news and the accounts of the bridges, thinks they will invade Hungary in three places; by Transylvania, Peter Varadin and Selanovia. The princes have appointed the assembly on St. George's Day outside Buda, or at Seghedin or Quinque Ecclesiæ, about 20 Hungarian miles from Buda. Half the people will be immediately sent to the frontier; the other half will come to the Diet armed, with provisions. Each person with 10 vassals must provide one foot soldier when required by the King. It is thought that the King's presence in the camp would do much good, because he would have the armed nobility with him, encourage his men, keep the Croats in subjection, and frighten the enemy by his promptness. Thinks this a wise arrangement, but neither the princes nor the Nuncio can persuade him to call a diet outside Buda. He said he would go if they would arrange for him to go out with proper dignity,—that is, at an expence of 20,000 ducats, which cannot be found in such short time. The King is in the greatest necessity, borrowing pence from day to day. Matters have come to such a pass now that no one will lend more. Has advanced 1,000 fl. of this bad coin from the Pope's money, which are already spent. Has done this lest necessity should compel the King to appoint a treasurer, as the princes advise. Wishes this to be put off till the Diet, or perhaps the bishop of Colotz might be appointed.
There are only 28 days from now to St. George's Day, and the letters are not sent out for convening the Diet, nor is the place fixed, either because some one has made the King fear the tumults of the princes, or because he is ill prepared for going thither. He told the Nuncio that he was more afraid of the Turks of Hungary than of the Turks of Turkey. Told him he ought most to fear negligence; if he went out to the Diet he would probably satisfy every one, and shut their mouths. Has not yet been able to persuade him, as the Queen opposes it. And if the King consent, there is another difficulty, as the Queen herself wishes to be present at the Diet. The Waywode of Transylvania asks for aid in money and infantry, but the King does not hope for money except from Transylvania, and has entrusted this matter to the Secretary. For 11 months none has been paid to the bishop of Colotz for the wages of his men, and he has supported them by his friends' money and the revenues of his church, which have now failed. Has been at Buda for some weeks to ask for money. While here, his men made a sally, and lost 100 of the best light-armed horse. He has at last returned without leave, as he could get neither what was owed nor any further sums. He intends to fortify Peter Waradin, and keep it till the Diet.
The counts of Theinesval have resigned their post, and the King has taken it, promising to send a force to keep it within four days after Easter. The time is near, and he has as yet found no one to undertake it. The bans of Croatia have no authority; the King has promised to change them, but has not done so yet. The bans of Jaijeza have also resigned their office. Every one despairs of obtaining money, and gives up such duties. The princes spend the whole time in deliberation and mutual accusations. They accuse the King of not taking their advice. He asserts that he has acted according to their opinions, and has spent all he has. Private persons pay little or no obedience to the princes, who all envy each other. The King is disliked by all. There is no preparation, no order, and, what is worse, many have no wish to defend themselves. Has given the bishop of Colotz 1,000 florins of this coinage and 600 gold pieces, for he was not sure whether the soldiers would take the other. He will levy another 100 horse in the Pope's name. Sends his receipt, with letters from the King. He charged the Nuncio to levy 200 foot for him, but he can find no one to take this money, and there is none better. Has told the Bishop to bring back, at the Pope's expence, the 50 ships which were built at Selanovia last year, where they are rotting for want of 300 florins. There are some guns, called petiæ, lying neglected on the ground, but he can find neither carpenters nor smiths to work. Fears it is of no use; but he will do what he can. So little money is not enough for so many places, and there is no more.
Lat., pp. 7. Endd.
28 March.
R. O.
Arrived safely at Dover. For their greater safety persuaded the companion Wolsey had given them to cross the sea with them, and they arrived at Calais with a most favorable wind. Ask for the liberation of six Boulognese at Dover, taken prisoners by the English fleet, who, by the laws of Rhodes, which are observed throughout the world, ought to have been freed when their ransom was paid. They have, however, been kept eight months longer in chains on three pretexts, and have thereby incurred debts for food, which they will scarcely be able to pay. The first reason is, that the captains demand for their passport a gold piece each, instead of one for all, as is usual. Next, they demand payment for their food before they were landed, although there was food in the ship when taken, and some of the men worked. The third pretext is, "quod illic erant mesonautæ quos pagios appellant," for whom a new ransom, besides the sailor's amount, is demanded. This is a new exaction contrary to maritime law. Philip, a servant to Joachim, was taken by Flemings, on his way to London. Ask Wolsey to insist on his restoration and that of the ship, which was English.
For fear of the threats of the Burgundians, were sent on to Boulogne with a trumpet. Boulogne, 5 cal. Apr. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Ill., &c., D. Thomæ cardinali archipræsuli Eboracensi et totius Angliæ legato et cancellario.
28 March.
Vit. B. VIII. 22. B. M.
Extracts from [Gregory Casale's] letters, dated 28 March.
Letters came on the 26th from the Duke and some merchants of Genoa, stating that Andrew Doria and another captain of galleys named Baron had taken five Spanish and Genoese ships, one of which was named Lumellina. The last was taken about ten days ago. No one understands this, as Doria has hitherto spared the Genoese. Many think it was done at the Viceroy's instigation, to prevent Bourbon's journey to Italy, for the galleys which were ready to bring him have not dared to leave Genoa to go to Spain, though the wind has been favorable. This opinion is the more probable, as the Viceroy had secretly told the Legate to warn the Pope to arrange that the duke of Milan should hold the duchy against Bourbon. The Venetian and French ambassadors do not approve of the Pope's having sent no one to the French king, except D. Capino, for the affair is so important and secret that it is not thought likely that Francis will trust him, as he is not a servant of the Pope, nor very well affected to the King. D. Theodorus wrote to encourage the Venetians in the name of the lady Regent, assuring them that the King would soon be liberated, and would never desert them, and desired them to encourage the allies.
From letters of the prothonotary Casale, dated Venice, 23 March.
On hearing of the Emperor's intended journey to Italy, went to the Senate, showed the Lords the great danger, and urged them to provide against it. Told them they must not expect much exhortation from the King, who had sufficiently declared his intentions concerning the Signory, public quiet, and the preservation of Italy; he would never fail them unless they failed themselves. For these expressions they thanked him. The French king has written kind letters to several princes of Italy, showing his intention of making changes there. He writes in other letters about a person who has come from Spain to the duke of Milan, and about the dispute between the Viceroy and the Chancellor. In the Imperial Court there are many parties at variance with each other.
Lat., pp. 3.
28 March.
P. S.
Ratification of a bull, dated 15 March 1525, appropriating to the college various parish churches, formerly belonging to monasteries now suppressed, in the dioceses of Linc., Cov. and Lich., Salisb., London, Norw., Rochester, Winch. and Chichester. Greenwich, 22 March 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 March.
Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 38 and 39.
30 March.
R. O.
Has shown the King what came to Wolsey's knowledge yesterday morning. His Majesty approves the order Wolsey has taken. Reminds him that the King wished him to speak to Massey, serjeant of the Ewery, about vacating his office. As Wolsey has not done so, Fitzwilliam and the Comptroller cannot discharge him, and the King expects a new serjeant this Easter. Advises him to attend to it. If not, will excuse him as well as possible, if the King mention it. Greenwich, Good Friday. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
31 March.
R. O.
Informs him of the treaty he concluded with Francis on the 14th of Jan. last. Henry is comprehended, and, if he wishes to be included, must send letters patent to both parties within six months. Seville, 31 March 1526, regni Romani ao vii. aliorum xi. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
31 March.
R. O.
2062. THOMAS WINTER to WOLSEY. (fn. 3)
It will be a great loss to them when the Bishop (præsul), who has been their companion on the journey, leaves them. He has been extremely kind, has asked them to dine at his expence, and takes as much trouble in getting the ship ready for them as for himself. Asks Wolsey to repay his kindness in some measure. Dover, 31 March.
Hol. Lat., p. 1. Add.: Ampliss' meo patrono D. Card. Eboracen. Sealed.
31 March.
R. O.
Expences of the household of Henry duke of Richmond and Somerset and earl of Nottingham, from 12 June 17 Hen. VIII. to 31 March next; 9 months, 19 days.
Bakehouse and Pantry:—Bread, 290 doz., from 3½d. to 12d. the doz. Wheat, 343 qrs., 123l. 10s. 3¾d. Carriage, 40s. Total, 140l. 0s. 7¼d.
Buttery and Cellar:—Gascon wine, 24 tuns 1 p. 1 hhd. 1 barrel 1 p., 155l. 17s. 0½d. Ale, 162 tuns 1 p. 1 barrel, 176l. 4s. 8d. Beer, 251 qts., 39l. Hops, 5½ cwt. 12 lb., 53s. 8½d. Empty barrels, &c. Total, 400l. 0s. 8½d.
Wardrobe and Spicery:—Wax, 801 qr. 28 lb., 20l. 14s. 8d. 46 doz. torch staves, 69s. Honey, 76s. 6d. Salad oil, 26s. 9d. Washing napery, 8l. 5s. 10½d. &c., 313l. 17s. 0½d.
Kitchen and Emptory:—178 oxen, 160l. 12s. 3d. 916 sheep, 110l. 7s. 1½d. 251 calves, 29l. 19s. 3d. Hogs, 26l. 14s. 8d. 194 porkers, 4l. 10s. 7½d. 82 eels, 4l. 18s. 2d. Fish, 123l. 14s. 6¼d. Cod, stockfish, salmon and herring, 123l. 17s. Salt, &c. Total, 1,010l. 17s. 9¼d. Poultry, 281l. 7s. 9d. Scullery:—Coal and wood, 89l. 14s. 11d. Pots, &c. Total, 119l. 11s. 10d. Saucery and Pastry, 11l. 1s. 10d. Hall and Chamber:—Underwood for the fires, 16l. 9s. 4d. Rushes, 13l. 4s. 5½d. Total, 34l. 8s. 1½d. Stable:—Hay, &c., 36l. 13s. 7d. Shoeing, 12s. 2½d. Total, 37l. 5s. 9½d.
Wages, 672l. 13s. 8¾d. Necessaries and boathire, 52l. 2s. 4¼d.
Total, 3,073l. 7s. 0½d.
Daily expence, 10l. 9s. 1d. Monthly expence, 290l. 15s. 2½d.
Pp. 4. Endd.
R. O. 2. "Charges of the Garde of Robes and Beds" and of the Stable of Henry duke of Richmond and Somerset and earl of Nottingham, from 12 June 17 Hen. VIII. to 31 March next, with payments for repairs at Sherefhooton.
Garde of Robes:—Apparel for the Duke, 88l. 1s. 2d. Garde of Beds:—7 scutcheons of the Duke's arms, 7l. 1s. 8d. Hangings, &c., 63l. 2s. 7½d. Stable:—Horses and harness, 68l. 2s. 10d.
Repairs at Sherefhooton, 321l. 19s. 10¾d. Expences of the Duke's council determining certain causes at Duresme Place, and sitting to administer justice at York and elsewhere, 47l. 2s. 3d. For "rowlling" his patent, with fees at his installation at Windsor, 37l. 10s. 4d. New year's gifts, 6l. 9s. 5d. Rewards to persons for new year's gifts, 9l. 6s. 8d. Expences of greyhounds and other hounds, 4l. 10s. To players and minstrels, 3l. 18s. 8d. To lord Ogle, by way of preste for keeping Tyndalle, 20l. To the Almoner, for poor people, 11l. 17s. 10d. Total, 682l. 1s. 8¼d.
Cal. E. I. 132.
B. M.
Has received his letter, written at London the 12th Feb. The Chancellor has written from Lyons for the accounts of the Queen's treasurer, to determine the "allowances of the first quarter in the entering of the Queen's dowry." Can do nothing till we are with the Court. The King stays in no place two days together. He has sent an usher with letters of evocation to the parliament of Bordeaux, "and to adjourn the parties here the vj. day of April." "The fellow hath [left] Paris." Fears he may do Wolsey a "high displeasure, for he h[ath in his] hands the obligation of Martin du Pin."—Suit against Madame Bondet.
Pp. 2, mutilated. A leaf wanting.
March./GRANTS. 2065. GRANTS in MARCH 1526.
1. Wm. Assheby. Wardship of John, s. and h. of Tho. Kebell. Del. Westm., 1 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
1. Chris. More. Wardship of Mary, d. and h. of John Moreton. Del. Westm., 1 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
8. Edw. Vaux, yeoman of the Cellar, and Thomas his son. To be bailiffs, in survivorship, of the fee of Richmond, and warreners of Swaffeham, Norf., with 40s. a year and 2d. a day; on surrender of patent 3 Hen. VIII. by Edward. Also lease to Edward and Eliz. his wife, of the demesne lands of Swaffeham; rent 5l. 6s. 8d. Del Westm., 8 March 17 Hen. VIII:—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 35.
9. Lawrence Bonvixi, merchant of Lucca. Licence to export 300 sacks of wool, paying 5 marks for each sack, as customs. Del. Westm., 9 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
12. Sir John Byron. Lease of the manor of Bollesover, Derby, late of the duke of Bedford, the herbage of the park, the site where the castle was lately situated, demesne lands called Calsehowange, eight pits or coal mines in the waste, a clay pit, and the pannage of hogs; with reservations; for 21 years; rent 11l. 4s., and 22s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 12 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 35.
12. Simon Mountfort. Commission to the prior of Makstok, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Sir Edw. Ferres, Tho. Combford, Rog. Wigston, and Tho. Holt to make inquisition on his possessions. Westm. 12 Mar.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12d.
12. Ric. Story. To be priest or chaplain of the chapel within the manor of Eltham; with 10 marks a year; on surrender by Henry Rowte. London, 12 March 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
16. Ric. Eytton. Wardship of Edward s. and h. of Thomas Thurland. Del. Westm., 16 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
17. Philip Connor, brewer, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Westm., 17 March 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
17. Jeremy Molyne, of London, alias of Venice, merchant. Pardon for the murder of John, son of Alex. Palmer. Del. Westm., 17 Mar. 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 35.
17. John Staunton, beer-brewer, of Aldborough, Suff. Pardon for having murdered Stephen Preston. Del. Westm., 17 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
18. Chris. More. Wardship of Edmund, s. and h. of John Agmondesham, and custody in reversion of all lands in Surrey and Bucks now held by Emma wife of Sir Wm. Herbart, formerly wife of John A., grandfather of Edmund. Del. Westm., 18 March 17 (?) Hen. VIII.—S.B.
20. Wm. Cartwryk. To be bailiff of the manor or town of Amphill, Beds, with 4l. a year, vice James Dutton. Hampton Court, 20 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
19. Anne countess of Derby, widow of Thomas the late Earl. Lease of the manor of Colham, Middx., in the King's hands by the deaths of the late earl of Derby and Tho. Stanley, and by the minority of Edw. Stanley, s. and h. of the late Earl, for that Ric. bp. of Winchester, Cha. earl of Worcester, Tho. Lovell and Hen. Wiatt, were seized of the same, to the use of the said Tho. Stanley, and after his death to the use of the said Earl and his heirs, as appears from an inquisition taken at Westminster before John Cheyney, late escheator of Middx.; reserving to the King all woods, mines, quarries, &c.; to hold from the death of the said Tho. Stanley during the minority of the said Edward, at the yearly rent of 40l. payable to the general receiver of the late Earl's lands, or to the Treasurer of the Chamber. Del. Westm., 19 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 36.
28. Rice ap Gli. To be receiver of the Ip. of Ewell (Elvell ?), marches of Wales, Westm., 28 March.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 28.
28. Nich. Clerke, salter, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Richmond, 12 March 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 March.—P.S.
28. To Tho. Hanyball, master of the Rolls. To cancel a recognizance in 2,500l. by Henry earl of Essex, Rob. Bolte and Wm. Botery of London, mercers, Hen. Brewster, merchant tailor, and Lawr. Bonvix, merchant of Luke (Lucca), 29 Oct. 23 Hen. VII., for payment to the King of 2,333l. 6s. 8d. within two months after demand; the money having been paid. Greenwich, 28 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. Rob. Holt. Lease of the manor of Wicheford, Warw., during the minority of Edw. Stanley, s. and h. of Tho. earl of Derby; rent 31l. 15s., and 5s. of increase. Del. Westm., 28 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 35.
28. Tho. Lowe, groom of the Chamber, To be paler of the great park, with 2d. a day, and of the little park, with 1d. a day, within the manor of Amphill. Del. Westm., 28 March 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. John Thomas, yeoman of the Chamber. To have the fee of the Crown of 6d. a day, vice John Jakson, deceased. Waltham, 17 April 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 March 17 Hen. VIII. (sic).—P.S.


  • 1. 18th March in 1526.
  • 2. 19 March.
  • 3. The year of this letter is uncertain, but it can hardly be later than 1526.