Henry VIII: December 1525, 2-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: December 1525, 2-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp799-811 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1525, 2-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp799-811.

"Henry VIII: December 1525, 2-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp799-811.


December 1525

Chasteauvieux was very welcome for the beginning she sees of the "reprinse" of the King's affairs; also the man of M. d'Ambrun, who has full confidence things will take the right turn. This day the peace was sworn, on the part of Francis, between him and the king of England, in the very place where the English defiance was made. Understands the good things Bourbon says of her. Pities his soul, for he has faults enough, without charging him with worse things. The day of God's justice against the impenitent is at hand. Awaits her first news with great anxiety, that she may see things more clearly. You cannot imagine how necessary is your stay there. I could not have endured what I have done but for knowing you were with him (Francis). Desires to hear frequently of them both. Has not been ill herself since the Duchess left, except two days ago, when she had some vomiting, but has taken medicine, and is better. Remains lodged "en ma Montaigne de foy," awaiting news of [her son's] deliverance, in compensation for what they have both suffered.
Camb. MS.
1044. f. 5.
Instructions to Edward Lee, the King's almoner, "whom his Grace at this time sendeth on ambassiate to his good brother, son and nephew, the Emperor."
He is to take with him the King's letters of address, both in his own hand and written by the secretary, with copies of the two last letters sent to the King's ambassadors. He is to pass through France, without visiting the lady Regent; and on his repair to the Emperor he shall first communicate to the bishop of London and Sampson, if he be present, the contents of his charge, and then repair with them to the Emperor's presence. After delivering the King's letters he shall say that the King had recalled Sampson before hearing of Sir Richard Wingfield's death, and supposed that he was on his journey homewards, leaving only the bishop of London, who cannot remain without danger, as his health has been affected by the climate. Lee is therefore to remain as resident.
As it is uncertain in what state the negociations for peace and the French king's redemption may be at his arrival, Lee is to consult with the bishop of London beforehand about disclosing the rest of his charge; viz., either to proceed no further at the first audience, or, at their next repair to the Emperor, to bring forward the subject above alluded to, which he must do in any case if the thing be not concluded before his arrival. The former letters to the King's ambassadors mention the reasons by which the King is induced to come to peace with France, and for which he thinks the Emperor ought to be moderate in his demands. Considering the present calamity of Christendom, he should incline to a universal peace in order that its princes might turn their attention to the suppression of Lutheranism and resistance of the Turks. Lee is to ground his arguments accordingly, first, upon the weal of Christendom; and, secondly, to justify the King's doings as the most expedient policy in the Emperor's interest. Touching the French king's redemption, the arguments used in the former letters are to be extended by degrees as the ambassadors together shall think expedient, and every opportunity must be used to induce the Emperor to accept reasonable conditions. He shall assure the Emperor of the King's desire to remain in perfect amity with him, as two princes between whose houses there has always been a firm rooted friendship; and as a proof he may refer to the King's late discharge of the marriage with his daughter, the Princess, purely out of consideration for the Emperor's convenience. Lastly, he is to inform the King or Wolsey from time to time of the progress of affairs. Signed at top and bottom.
Pp. 6.
2 Dec.
Vesp. C. III. 107. B. M. St. P. VI. 490.
On 15 Oct. received the King's letters, dated Ampthill, 21 Sept., a commission for arranging his debts with the Emperor and the marriage, a duplicate of the letters of 8 Sept., copies of the treaties with France, of the indemnity, of the Emperor's bond for 150,000 cr., and a memorial of his debts. We perceive that you did not receive till 11 Sept. the letters sent by Curson, although Curson left on 10 July. Thank the King for the way in which he accepted their opinions expressed in their last. Defend what they did with regard to the truce, and point out that lady Margaret's truce justifies the peace; and, as they have passed it, the Scots are not comprehended. By the same abstinence they have obtained free passage for ambassadors and couriers; with other arguments in their own defence.
Explain their reasons for acting as they have done in their negotiations touching the Emperor's marriage and his treaty with England. Declare that there is no mention made of any commission for agreement with the Emperor touching his debts in the letters of 3 July sent by Wodall; and they prove from the King's letters that they have strictly followed their instructions, showing that his resolution was to have the peace passed first before be would set the Emperor at liberty. Explain the reasons why they could not arrange the dates of payment of the King's debts.
Before the King's letters of 8 Sept. the French said openly that the peace was concluded; and on 11 Oct. Madame d'Alençon left for Madrid, to visit the French king, who was said to be ill. Explain the state of affairs, and report the answer of the Chancellor, that the Emperor had refused to give his sister to Francis for the cession of Burgundy, without Bourbon's consent.
Had an audience of the Emperor on 9 Oct., and stated the substance of their letters, explaining the cause of the delay in their commission. He promised to depute certain of his Council to settle his debts, objecting to the indemnity, which the French affirm they have taken on themselves. Give the substance of their reply. Urged Charles to peace with France, saying they were sorry to hear that it had been delayed by the departure of Madame d'Alençon. He excused himself; said the fault did not lie with him;—that he asked for no more than his rights;—that he would not sell man's flesh for money, nor demand any lands of the French king for his redemption;—that he only wanted his own to be restored; and that it was better for him to continue at war than make a peace which would lead to a worse result.
After various delays, again visited the Chancellor, asking for some persons to be appointed to treat with them for the discharge of the Emperor's debts. He made us no answer, but, in a more displeasant manner than we have ever seen in him, told us that letters had come out of Italy, stating that an ambassador had been sent from England, to demand the restitution of the French king by fair means, and, if that failed, in a rougher manner. We showed him that could not be, by the dates of the letters, and begged him not to credit sinister reports, requesting him to come to some settlement of the Emperor's debts before the departure of the latter. He told us the Emperor had as yet made no appointment, and then made some objections to the abolishing of the treaties of London and Windsor.
Finding he had repaired to the Emperor, we again called our matters to his remembrance, hearing that the Emperor was going to Seville, and would marry on the way. Got a day appointed for that purpose. Urged the grounds on which the King consented to the marriage; explained the delay in the coming of the commission, showed him we had ample power to agree about the debts, and enter into communication about them. The Chancellor received the commission, and then we entered into specialties, desiring payment in ready money, or at least for the most part of it. They objected to the indemnity, and refused to enter into any communication. We urged in reply that the obligation rested on the Emperor; that the days of payment were long since passed; and that they had no right to remit you to the French, whose payments were for other causes. But for all we could say, they refused to enter upon that subject. We then discussed the loan of 150,000 cr., which they admitted. Next, the 100,000 florins lent to the Emperor for his transporting into Spain, and 35,000 fl. lent for Fenlowe.
Much altercation ensued, Almayn declaring that nothing could be done, as the books of that debt were in Flanders, and they refused to be bound by our papers. Give a long detail of the discussions on these points, and on the treaties between the two crowns. The Chancellor exclaimed that they began at the tail, seeing that all their communication was of the debts, and nothing of the amity betwixt the two princes. State the communications which passed on these points; the English ambassadors urging the Chancellor, in conclusion, to solicit the Emperor to show no less good will in repaying his debts, now that he might pay them, than he had found benevolence in the King in advancing him the money in time of need.
Two days after, sent to the Chancellor to know if he had done as desired; who answered that he had had no leisure. Two days later received the same answer. After that we visited him ourselves. He told us the Emperor had that morning gone out hunting, but at his return, in four or five days, he would not fail us. Before his return the Chancellor was attacked by gout and fever, and all business was at a standstill. After various delays, we went to the Chancellor's house, who told us that a report of our meeting had been sent to the Emperor, who had resolved that, seeing we had no commission to entertain any new league, he would send an ambassador to England to treat for that purpose, and make arrangement for his debts. Expecting to see the Emperor himself for a better answer, and saying we expected a resolution far other than this, we departed.
Meanwhile these French matters followed. From 11 Oct. to 13 Nov. no French ambassador was here, the French king being ill; during which time the Emperor's chief physician came to the Emperor, advising him to make some appointment with the French king, who would not live long, as he was fallen to an "etyk." On 9 Nov. application was made by the bishop of Tarbes to the Emperor to reopen the negotiations for the French king's release. Since then there have been many meetings, but they know none of the specialties. At my Lady's being here a French secretary came to us from Madame d'Alençon, offering us all furtherance at our departure. We told him we had no intention to depart, offering our services in return to advance her suit; and asking him how matters stood. "He said that the French king was no man like to continue, he was so malancolius. To whom we answered, that the comfort of my Lady's being here, and her good dexterity in practising for his deliverance, should much alleviate that pensiveness." Till then we had received no word from any Frenchman. Afterwards learned from the same secretary, that the King's second sickness was much more dangerous than the first, and had left him very weak. He further said that three millions of crowns had been offered for his redemption; and we told him that you would do what you could for his delivery. State their further communication with the secretary touching the Emperor's departure, and Bourbon's marriage with the queen of Portugal.
Bourbon entered this city on the 15th Nov. with a great train, and was magnificently received by the Emperor. The queen of Portugal, to the great disappointment of Madame d'Alençon, has retired to Guardelope, 25 leagues hence. The French are very anxious for the marriage, and have offered three millions of money. Think that if the duke of Bourbon can be satisfied the marriage will take place. Madame d'Alençon has left. After various proposals, they have arranged to restore Burgundy, and give hostages for the French king's liberation. The dispute is about the delivery of the Dauphin.
Received the King's letters of 30 Oct. Went to the Emperor, and told him of the league reported to be concluded at Rome between the Pope, England, France, and Italy, explaining that Henry had never given his consent to it. Stated also that the answer received from his Council touching the debts was far from satisfactory. Report the Emperor's answer, and his resolution to send an ambassador for that purpose;—that as to his marriage with the Princess, his Council considered that he was discharged both by law and conscience. Further we could not get, nor yet any money. We then pressed him for an agreement with the French king. He said he was about it, but would show us no specialties. We have used all the diligence we could in these matters, but without success.
Explain a passage in their letters which the King had mistaken. Describe their interview with the Legate, offering attendance and service for the French king's delivery. He had already moved it to the Emperor, but he did not know at what point the negotiations now were; and till then he thought it better not to interfere. He said also that the duke of Milan was very sick and feeble. Think they are not so well and fairly treated by the Emperor as before. Although he pretends to be satisfied with the peace made by the King, no arguments they can use will induce him to accept it as any gratuity to himself. Before closing their letter, had another interview with the French secretary, who thanked them for their services, and told them three millions had been offered to the Emperor for the redemption of his master. The French will not part with the Dauphin, but offer two younger sons. Madame has departed. He affirmed that the Emperor had abandoned his claim on Burgundy, and seemed likely to accept the money. Explain the reason why they have not written before. Nothing is yet determined touching the crown imperial. Toledo, 2 Dec. Signed.
2 Dec.
Vesp. C. III.
B. M.
Is sorry the King is displeased with what he wrote to Tuke about "redubbing of your peace there taken." Begs Henry not to think he would be dissatisfied with the determinations of the King and Council; but as Henry has admitted "me, being of your own making, to be of your most honorable Council," thought it right to show his opinion, encouraged by the declarations often made by Henry in Council "that, whatsoever our opinions be, we may have liberty to show them without displeasure." What he meant was this. In our letters of the 5th Oct. we said the Emperor and Chancellor, with whom alone we had then spoken, were satisfied "with the taking of your peace there;" but when it was blown abroad in all men's ears "to be of another sort than it was," as if the King had quite abandoned the Emperor, it occasioned great dissatisfaction, which we endeavored to remove in conversation with those who resorted to us. Since he wrote to Tuke the commonalty have been better pleased with it. Has explained to Wolsey his reasons for omitting mention of the King's indemnity in the abstinence. Toledo, 2 Dec. Not signed.
Pp. 3.
2 Dec.
Vesp. C. III.
B. M.
1801. TUNSTAL to [WOLSEY].
Asks him to mitigate the King's displeasure expressed in his letters of 30 Oct., for certain words in Tunstal's letter to Tuke, which he misunderstands. If they cannot write freely to the King and Council, it may hinder affairs. What he wrote was to tell Tuke that the news of the peace concluded in England was taken here very displeasantly, as they did not know the firm mind the King still bears to the Emperor; but when this was notified to them they were content. Would not cumber the King with an answer to his complaint that they had not made mention of the indemnity in the truce, but wishes Wolsey to explain it to his Highness. The reason was that the truce is no contract between the King and Emperor, but only between them and France; and, for the same reason, no clause was inserted for the continuance of other treaties.
As to the King's conjectures that the French could not have said that the peace was taken in England in despite of the Emperor, Memorancy reported so on Aug. 24 to the Emperor and many of his Council, of which the Emperor told them, but they satisfied him, and he said it was not the first lie he had taken Montmorency with. Assures Wolsey that the Emperor believes him as little as any Frenchman. Will send word of any evil he hears of the King or Wolsey from either party, that they may know who of their friends act sincerely, and who feignedly,—trusting they will be content therewith; for it were pity they should not find fast friends who are so loth to hear tell of their slackness.
News has come of the league of Italy, and the King is named to be in it. The Council probably know more than they say, for they say they know everything. Fears that those who wish the King to enter are double-faced, "and wryt t[o] som off them here that they have ben desyryd by odyr, and not desyryd odyr." The Chancellor hath those matters not a little to heart. Have declared to the Emperor as the King commanded touching that matter. Wolsey will see by his answer that many reports had been brought to him, but that he had no doubt of the King. Have been three times with the Legate, but he knows no more than they do. He seemed rather to fear their too close union than their not agreeing. He offered his services to Wolsey.
The Emperor has seized the fortresses in the duchy of Milan, on account of the detection of a practice of Moron the chancellor. If the Duke has not consented to it, which it is thought he has not, the Council says he shall take no harm. The Legate has told them news of an attempt to prevent the seizure of the castle of Milan, but it is not certain. Refers him to the King's letters. Perceives by the answer of the letters sent by Coke that Wolsey was away from the King at their arrival, for divers points were taken otherwise than they would have been if the King and he had been together. Have done all they could for resolution of the King's debts, but can get no other answer than is in the King's letter.
The commission for the King's consent to the marriage with Portugal, without waiting for the peace, but only appointment for the debt, arrived on 13 Sept.; 15 days before which, the peace there was not only made, but blown about by the French in this court, and generally believed. Did not know the specialties of the debts till a schedule arrived on 15 Oct., and since then have used all diligence, and called about the matter opportunely and importunely. About some of them had inextricable altercations; for the memorial speaks of an obligation of 100,000 fl., made for 20,000 mks.;—which cannot stand; for if the florins are gold, it should be only 80,000 fl., if petty florins, 120,000 fl. Said more money was lent to make up the 100,000 fl.; which they deny, and say Fenlow's money was put to it, making one obligation. Asked for Fenlow's money 35,000 fl., saying they had a separate obligation for it; but they say it was included in the 100,000 fl. The condition offered and refused will be seen in the King's letter. Remembers that when in Selond he had orders to speak to the Council about an obligation for the money of Fenlow lent before, as well as an obligation for the 20,000 mks. lent at the Emperor's first transporting; but he does not know what was done, as the money was received, and the obligations, which he never saw, delivered in England. Wyat's memorial speaks of two obligations, one for 100,000 fl., the other 35,000 fl., which they think ought to be believed, if he has two such obligations. They make a difficulty about abolishing the treaty of London, saying that there is an article, "quod stet inter duos, viz., Regem et Cæsarem, etiamsi cæteri eum non servaverint," which the English ambassadors denied. Such an article was put in between France and England in contemplation of the affinity then contracted, but he remembers none such with the Emperor. Has not the copy of the Emperor's part, but only ours with France. Showed them reasons why it could not be still observed. They would like a new straiter league. If the Emperor and Francis agree, as it is thought, will try to obtain a clause for corroboration of the King's amity,—which will be the easier, as at all the conferences about the indemnity they would come to no agreement for it, but said the French would discharge them totally of that matter,—which the French say they have already done, but untruly.
Has taken up by exchange 2,000 ducats, for his expences have been very heavy, and all his own money, as well as that for his diets, has been spent. The person who answers his bill of credence dwells at Medina del Campo, six days' journey hence. Will remove hence to Cyvyl, about 300 English miles from Medina. Would have been there by this time, but the French king's agreement with the Emperor has delayed them. Took so much money because the travelling is so bad in the depth of winter. Money is excessively dear on account of the war. Encloses a copy of the publication of the amity between England and France, printed, and sent hither by some of the Emperor's agents in France. It contains an article more than his copy, and some words more largely expressed, which they have declared to the Chancellor.
After the King's letter was closed, the Venetian ambassador told him that Bourbon himself had said the Emperor put him in full trust of marrying his sister; but on talking with him, Tunstal found that all his knowledge came from the Emperor's side. He said, as they had heard "by the secret way," that all the sticking is for hostages for the restoration of Burgundy. He had not heard of the French account, that it is for hostages for payment of money.
Cannot get a better answer from them than he has written. They remit everything to ambassadors to be sent to England. Will return as the King orders, after the almoner's coming, which cannot be before Christmas, and if they go on to Seville, not before the middle of the next month.
If the agreement between the Emperor and the French king does not ensue, will urge the speedy delivery of the latter. Toledo, 2 Dec.
Hol., pp. 8.
2 Dec.
Vesp. C. III.
B. M.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
II. 72.
1802. LEE to HENRY VIII.
Has not spared his diligence. At Boulogne, Bloys, Bourdeaux, and elsewhere, was received with honor. The people are joyful for the peace, and asked in many places Come sa porte Madame Dolphines. They thought I went for two causes,—one to demand money due from the Emperor, the other to denounce war against him. Many wish their King should never come to France again. At Blois I excused myself, for not visiting the Dauphin, to one Theocrenus, his schoolmaster. Urges the prohibition of English Bibles, and the danger of Lutheran infection, which is founded, as the King has shown, on Scripture not well understood. Trusts his Majesty will keep out the sect of Luther, as he has done hitherto. Various doctors of Paris are suspected of Lutheranism, amongst others the bishop of Meux and Faber, and the Parliament of Paris have much ado to keep it out. Bourdeaux, 2 Dec. The Emperor has left Toledo for Hispalis.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
2 Dec.
Vesp. C. III.
B. M.
1803. LEE to [WOLSEY].
Arrived at Bourdeaux today. Wolsey may think he might have made better speed; but since he left Calais on Nov. 2 he has never rested, except on Sundays, and one day for the provision of necessaries. Many days he has travelled 18 and 20 miles, and at the least 12 or 14, as lodgings lay; some days 28 and 20 (30?). Could do no more, to save his health, which he has scantly done, to have his carriages with him, and to keep his horses fit for work. Has been detained here three days to provide carriages, but intends to start tomorrow. Hears from Englishmen who have come from Spain that the Emperor has gone to Hispalis in Civil, the furthest angle in Spain, to meet the daughter of Portugal. This will lengthen his journey 300 miles. Will do his best, but fears for his health. Has written to the King on a matter touching Wolsey's legatine authority.
Hears that an Englishman (fn. 2) at Luther's instigation has translated the New Testament into English, and will bring printed copies into England in a few days. Wolsey can foresee the harm that may come thereof, better than he can. Has written to the King not to allow them to enter the realm, and doubts not Wolsey will assist. Luther's sect has made some stir in Paris, and in the see of Meulx,—the bishop of which, with his chaplain Jacobus Faber, is called in judicium. Some doctors of Paris are in prison, and some are fled. Hears that it has touched a higher head than any of these. We have cause to thank God for sending such a Christian spirit to the King that the realm is hitherto preserved in integrity. 2 Dec., Bourdeaux.
Hol., pp. 2.
Assent to the election of Ric. Anscelm, as abbot. The More, 2 Dec. Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
3 Dec.
R. O.
Thanks for his letters by the commander Ambroise Layton, and for those he has written to the Emperor in favor of their religion. Has not yet obtained his despatch (expedition) from the Emperor, on account of the treaty for the French king's deliverance, which has not yet been settled. Was glad the English ambassadors made use of the services of the commander of Beverley, the bearer. Toledo, 3 Dec. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
4 Dec.
Galba, B. VIII.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 28th ult., in which he mentioned the demand made upon the Emperor's subjects of Brabant for 8,000 crowns of 24 stivers apiece, to be paid in four years. It is said the States have now agreed to it, but whether the towns and commonalities will is not known. William de Barre has not yet gone. Does not know why he has remained. Probably it is owing to the arrival of other news from the Emperor by a post sent by him to his brother, or that my Lady is waiting the coming of M. de Humières, captain of Peronne, who is now at Cambray. Some think he is coming to prolong the abstinence or treat for a truce, but that, if my Lady have not more full authority from the Emperor than she had to grant the present abstinence, she will be in no haste to do it.
It is uncertain whether my Lady, who, as Wingfield mentioned, was to have left at the end of last week, will leave [next] week; for Berghes and others of the Privy Council are sent for to be here at De Humières' coming, who has been stayed at Cambray, either that they may have news from the Emperor, or because Howstrate had appointed [to be] this week at Douai, where a solemn service is to be kept for the count De Lalain's elder brother, who died half a year ago. He intended to have left this morning, but has been so attacked with the gout in both his feet that he is like to ride in his bed.
There is divers news, as likely to be false as true; 1st, that the French king is dead, and the parliaments of France mean to ask the King to be protector of the realm during the minority; 2nd, that none of the German princes, except one of the dukes of Brunswick, have yet come to the diet that was to have been held at Augsburg on St. Martin's day, and that there is as great a commotion in Germany as ever, 10,000 men of war being assembled, who are paid two Rhenish florins a month, besides meat and drink; that, whether to resist them or take their part, the duke Hans of Saxony, the elector, is assembling 6,000 horse, and that the princes spiritual and temporal are determined the Pope shall no longer have the collation of any benefice or annate of any bishopric in the empire.
The news of the duke of Milan's death is not confirmed, but it is said the marquis of Pescara is either dead or not likely to escape. There is much more lack of intelligence now than there used to be, by reason of suspicion. Brussels, 4 Dec. 1525.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
4 Dec. 1807. RICH. TOWNLEY.
His will. Proved, 4 Dec. 1525. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 616.
4 Dec.
R. O.
1808. SIR W. BULMER jun. to MAGNUS.
Was at Rydon Burn on 4 Dec., the day appointed by the lords of the Secret Council of Scotland to my lord Warden of England, along with Sir Roger Graye, the master porter of Berwick, and Cuthbert Muschans, and the whole country with them. Waited from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., but none appeared on the part of the Scots. The country is in evil order. Karram, the day abovesaid.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
5 Dec.
R. O.
St. P. IV. 421.
As several "days of true" appointed by Angus on the Borders have not been kept, the council of Scotland wrote to the warden of the English Marches for "a day of true," to be kept yesterday, the 4th, at Ridonbourne. This also has not been observed, as Wolsey will see by a letter from young Sir Will. Boolmer, captain of Norham, which he encloses, with one written by himself to lord Westmoreland. Intends to be at Berwick on Saturday, there to wait the knowledge of the King's pleasure. Will meanwhile complain to the council of Scotland of the heinous attempts committed by the Scots. Morpeth, 5 Dec. Signed.
7 Dec.
Cal. B. I. 261.
B. M.
Is advertised by Magnus that his Grace has written for her to the Lords of her realm, desiring that Angus shall observe the band late made by Dacre. Complains of her treatment in the matter. Desires he will write to the Lords that she may be "principal" with her son, and have the keeping of his person and realm, and be restored to her living. Begs him to remember her sufferings, and how patient she has been,—that Angus may be compelled to keep the contract. Elgin, (fn. 3) 7 Dec. Signed: Your humbyl systar, Margaret R.
Pp. 3, in the hand of Albany's clerk. Add.
8 Dec.
Galba, B. VIII.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 4th, with such news as was current, some of which has not been verified, and some is likely to be found untrue. Howstrate, instead of "riding patiently on his bed" for eight days, left next day on horseback, provided with a wagon for his person, in case of need. The report of a new assembly of Almains appears to have been unfounded. Was informed before yesterday, by letters from Sir Harman Rynge, of Cologne, of the death of duke Lewis of Bavaria, count palatine and elector, who, having no children, would be succeeded by his brother the duke Frederick; but this has not been confirmed. Sir Harman also mentioned a dispute between the temporalty and the spiritualty of Cologne about the payment of the maltolt. The spiritualty agreed to pay it for six years, but it is found that they have asked the Pope for a dispensation from their promise, and have sent to the Emperor to obtain letters patent of franchise. The temporalty are not disposed to allow either the Pope's dispensation or the Emperor's act. He also said the diet at Augsburg would be deferred in consequence of the death of the Duke, who was vicar of the empire; and that if it had continued it could not have done anything of consequence, as few of the electors intended to be present.
Yesterday a courier came from the Emperor, who was at Toledo on the 22nd ult. Has only been able to learn that on Hallowmas day La Chawe made a contract of marriage between the Emperor and the daughter of Portugal, and on the 23rd the Emperor would set forward to meet her and be married at Seville. The duchess of Alençon has not left Spain, but remains with Francis, who has recovered from his sickness. Bourbon did not arrive at Toledo until the 15th ult., so that it was not known whether the match between him and the queen of Portugal would go on. Cannot hear if the courier brought any authority to my Lady to prolong the abstinence, or that there is any likelihood either of peace or truce, for the Emperor insists on the restoration of the duchy of Burgundy, which the French will not agree to. Brussels, 8 Dec. 1525.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
8 Dec.
R. O.
"Illustrissime et reverendissime, etc. Scripsi ad D. v. R. ultimas literas die xxv. mensis præteriti. Hodie autem, cum audissem cursorem hunc discedere, fui cum S.D.N. ut intelligerem aliquid quod possem scribere ad D. v. R.; et Sanctitas sua dixit mihi nihil habere nisi quod venit quidam nuncius Cæsareæ Majestatis, qui Sanctitatem suam heri vesperi salutavit, deditque ei literas Cæsaris quibus significabatur Sti suæ bona mens suæ Mtis erga Stem suam et Sedem Apostolicam, ac etiam erga Italiam, et quod Majestas sua nil cogitabat nisi de extirpatione hæresum et expugnatione Infidelium. Bene verum est quod dictus nuncius Sanctitati suæ dixit se hoc vesperi ad eum reversurum cum oratore Cæsareo, expositurumque aliqua specialia quæ habebat in commissis. Conabor hæc intelligere et ea significare D. v. R.
"Sanctitas sua dixit mihi se superioribus diebus quasi in totum resolvisse super unione principum Italiæ, et aliis faciendis quæ Rex noster ei suaserat, et, dum pararet se ad executionem hujus resolutionis, per plures literas diversis temporibus et a pluribus personis, præsertim a Card. de Salviatis factas, fuisse avisatam quod Cæsar in omnibus suis sermonibus præsupponebat unionem et intelligenti[a]m cum Rege nostro, prout in præteritum, et idem etiam ostendebant oratores Regis ibidem existentes, quo factum est ut S. D. N. tepidius processerit et procedat; voluitque propterea ut scriberem ad D. v. R. super hoc, eique supplicarem ut dignaretur aperte mentem Regis ei declarare, cum non videretur hoc posse stare, quod ex Hispania audit, cum eo quod hic nomine Regis ei persuadetur. Comes Carpensis (fn. 4) etiam in conformitatem istius rei dixit mihi Dom. Datarium (fn. 5) ei dixisse quod istic Rex Angliæ et D. v. R. non sunt illius mentis quæ hic præsupponitur; nam, ut asserebat, ei constabat quod Dom. Rex et D. v. R. aperte ostendunt mentis eorum esse quod Rex Gallorum debeat restituere Cæsari Burgundiam et quædam alia, &c. Dixit etiam mihi Papa, quod Card. Salviatus ad suam Sanctitatem scribit, quod Cæsar est optime dispositus erga Sanctitatem suam, et quod Gattinara (?) (fn. 6) inter alia ei dixerat expresse Cæsarem contentari de quodam articulo de quo alias fuit tractatum, quo cavetur quod exercitus Cæsaris debeat dimittere Lombardiam vacuam, et quod equites debeant redire Neapolin; pedites vero Alemanni (fn. 7) in Alemanniam§et pedites Hispaniæ in Hispaniam, et quod solum petebatur a Cæsare ut Italia aliquid contribueret ipsis peditibus Hispaniæ, ut facilius inducerentur ad discedendum. Dixit etiam quod agebatur de resolutione Mediolani hoc modo, viz., quod dux Mediolani modernus dimitteretur pacificus, et si moreretur esset dux Borboniæ; quod si cum effectu Cæsarei vellent, Papa ostendit quod contentaretur.
"Obliviscebar dicere quod in sermone de quo supra in principio ciferæ, Papa dixit mihi se cognoscere quod Galli non multum amant Sanctitatem suam, nec multum confidunt de illa, et propterea, hoc considerans, omne fundamentum facit in Rege nostro, confidens quod Galli, qui multum magnifaciunt regem Angliæ, si videant ex non observatione promissorum lædere Regem nostrum, accuratissime sunt processuri et nullo modo Regem irritaturi, quo[d] si Rex maneat in unione cum Cæsare et ex consequenti non curet de hac unio[ne] principum Italiæ et Gallorum, tenet, pro certo quod Galli, liberi a timore Regis Angliæ cui soli deferunt, nullam rationem sint habituri Papæ.
"De morte marchionis Piscariæ credo D. v. R. fuisse avisatam. Dubitabatur ex ea aliquam innovationem nasci, tamen hactenus nihil auditur, immo exercitus Cæsaris videtur acquiescere gubernio marchionis del Guasto et domini Antonii de Leva juxta ordinationem, ut asserunt, factam per ipsum olim marchionem Piscariæ.
"Alia non occurrunt dicenda. Commendo me semper humillime D. v. R.," &c. Rome, 8 Dec. 1525.
Hol., Lat., chiefly cipher undeciphered. Add. Endd.
8 Dec.
R. O.
Orders him to pay to Magnus, for the gunners' wages at Berwick, as much money as he shall demand. Richmond, 8 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
12 Dec.
R. O.
"Illustrissime et reverendissime, &c. Post ultimas scriptas ad D. v. R., quæ fuerunt datæ viij. die hujus mensis, nihil novi ad meam notitiam devenit; unde non habeo quod scribam, nisi quod ex eo quod nuncius qui de novo venit una cum [ ] (fn. 8) Romam, quotidie est cum Papa et per longissimum spatium. Communiter creditur quod sint in tractatu concordiæ. Reputant quod Papa bonis verbis decipitur, ex quo tota curia, et præsertim illi qui habent interesse, ut orator Gallus et orator Venetus et similes, ostendunt se esse multum male contentos.
"Alia non habeo dicenda. Commendo me semper," &c. Rome, 12 Dec. 1525.
Hol., mostly cipher undeciphered. Add. Endd.
12 Dec.
Le Glay,
II. 650.
Arrival of Bourbon. Complaints of Madame the Regent. The duchess of Alençon is returning to France. The King will rather remain in prison than surrender Burgundy. Madame despairs of peace. She places great hope in the revolt of Italy, and in the English. The arrival of the English ambassadors, this fresh event in Italy, and the death of the marquis of Pescara, have caused the French to grow cool. Is expecting to be recalled by the Emperor. Apparent understanding between the Regent and the duke of Ferrara. The duke of Milan is besieged in the castle by the Emperor's troops. The English ambassadors are, the captain of Guisnes, and doctor Taylor, servant of the cardinal of York. Their arrival was welcomed with festivities. They have purposed to visit De Praet, but have not yet done so. Lyons, 12 Dec. 1525.
12 Dec. 1816. For ST. AUSTIN'S, BRISTOL.
Congé d'élire on death of the last abbot. [No date.]
Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
2. Assent to the election of Wm. Burton as abbot. Richmond, 12 Dec. Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
13 Dec.
Add. MS.
15,387, f. 163.
B. M.
St. P. VI. 488.
Theiner, 551.
Is glad to know that he approves of the peace concluded with France. Will omit nothing likely to produce universal peace. "Ex regia nostra apud Reyum" (Greenwich?), 13 Dec. (fn. 9) 1525.
Lat., pp. 6. Copy.
13 Dec.
R. T. 137.
R. O.
In fulfilment of the conditions agreed to by them in the treaty with England, sends the obligations of the towns of Amiens and Rheims to be delivered with the others lately sent. St. Just sur Lyon, 13 Dec.
Fr., copy, p. 1. Add.
13 Dec.
Galba, B. VIII.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 8th. Took occasion to speak to my Lady before yesterday on my lord of Norfolk's matter, depending before the great council of Malines. Asked her for a letter to the president of Malines, ordering him to proceed without delay to judgment, the case having been long ready. She granted it, and entered into familiar conversation, blaming the King and Wolsey for the breaking off of the marriage between the Emperor and my lady Princess. Answered her roundly, knowing the truth of the whole from the beginning. She said she would show Wingfield, by two letters from La Chawe, with what difficulty the Emperor had consented to marry the daughter of Portugal, which he would not do till the King had refused to send my lady Princess to Spain. Answered that the King had not refused anything he was bound to do.
When she had laughed the matter off, Wingfield asked when she expected Humiêres. She said she did not know when he would come, and thought not till he knew more certainly the state of matters between the Emperor and the French king. Asked in covert manner what conclusion she expected to be taken. She said the Emperor's chancellor was too knowing to let Francis have his liberty without actual delivery of that which the Emperor claims; and though she could well suppose the French had bound themselves to pay large sums to the King, she thought they would break their promises; that my lady, the French king's [mother] had told De Praate (De Praet), if her son were once at a good point with the Emperor, it would soon be seen to whom the French bore most affection.
De Praet has written to my Lady how honorably the King's ambassadors were received at their entry into Lyons by the duke of Vendôme, and how poorly they were treated in all other parts of France. The Lords of this country, who were sent for to return to Brussels, are all here, except De Bure, who is gone to muster and pay the men-at-arms, and Berghes, who has sent his son, lord Wallain, to excuse him. Whether this meeting is on account of the French ambassador's coming, or to make triumph on the arrival of the news of the Emperor's marriage, with the hope to hear of peace being made, is not yet known. Has been so long without money that he fears there is none left in England. Brussels, 13 Dec. 1525.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
Inquisition taken at Sandwich, 14 Dec. 17 Hen. VIII., before Sir Edw. Guldeford, constable of Dover Castle and admiral of the Cinque Ports, touching the escape of four French prisoners from the custody of Thos. Horne at Sandwich, on 6 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII., who then sailed to Picardy in a boat of Ric. Skynner:—also touching the finding of certain anchors and fish by various persons._At the beginning, the bounds of the jurisdiction of the admiral of the Cinque Ports are set forth.
Lat., vellum.
15 Dec.
Calig. B. II.
B. M.
St. P. IV. 422.
Received on the 13th letters from the King and Wolsey, dated Windsor and Richmond, the 6th and 8th inst. It is impossible to perform all his charges before the truce expires, which will be in three days. Wrote on Sunday last to the Chancellor to get it prorogued for 28 days, but, not having an answer, wrote again yesterday. Sends copies. Intends being at Edinburgh on Saturday. Was desired by Angus yesterday, through the prior of Coldingham, not to make hasty report of the non-observance of the day of truce at Rydonbourne, as the Council could not get the inhabitants of Tevidaill to make redress. The earl of Westmorland had sent for the gentlemen of the Borders to meet him at Raby about the better ordering of the country; but, at the suggestion of Magnus, in order that the gentlemen might more easily repair to him, he has been at Morpeth, Hexham, and other places in Northumberland.
Thinks the gunners Wolsey wishes him to discharge might be divided between Norham and Wark. Has only about 80l. of the King's money in his hands, having had to pay 500 marks out of 460l. that he left in the late lord Dacre's custody when he went to Scotland. Has sent Wolsey's letter to the abbot of St. Mary's Abbey, with one of his own for delivery of 450l. to Geo. Lawson. Berwick, 15 Dec. Signed.
15 Dec.
R. O.
1822. MAGNUS to the ABBOT of ST. MARY'S, YORK.
Asks him to deliver 450l. to Mr. Lawson for the wages of the 80 gunners at Berwick, according to Wolsey's letter. Has several times been coming home, and been ordered to remain. Trusts that he will now be soon in England, when he hopes to see the Abbot. Berwick, 15 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.


  • 1. Printed in "Notes and Queries," Fourth Ser. II. 345.
  • 2. Tyndale.
  • 3. According to Lesley, the Queen went to the North to Murray, in the latter part of the year 1525.
  • 4. h4.
  • 5. h8.
  • 6. e4.
  • 7. γ1.
  • 8. A symbol appears to have been omitted here.
  • 9. Placed under September by the editors of "State Papers," who have taken it from the Vatican transcripts, B.M.