Henry VIII: May 1525, 21-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: May 1525, 21-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp595-610 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: May 1525, 21-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp595-610.

"Henry VIII: May 1525, 21-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp595-610.


May 1525

21 May.
R. O.
Depositions on behalf of John Warnes against Will. Burwell.
1. Of Will. Stubberd, of Swaffeld, No[rf.], butcher, sworn 21 May 17 Hen. VIII., that on the second Thursday after Lammas, "John Warnes drank at [the house of this] deponent, because the wife of this deponent that day was purifi[ed after child] birth." After Warnes' departure, Will. Burwell with a pitchfork, and others with swords, came to the house asking where Warnes was, and searched the house for him. Burwell with his pitchfork "foyned" divers times in the straw under an unused bed, and broke some eggs laid by a hen, when, seeing the pitchfork imbrued with the yolk, he said Warnes was there, "See, here is of his blood!" but could not find him. They afterwards searched other houses, carted away from Warnes' ground some corn crops that Burwell had sown in the land now in travers, and certain measures of apples and "wardeyns," took two mares and a gelding out of his yard, &c.
2. Of John Pye, cooper, to the same effect.
Pp. 6, large paper.
22 May.
Galba, B. VIII. 168. B. M.
On the 20th, Fitzwilliam and he wrote last. Fitzwilliam left about 10 the same night. It was well for him Wolsey wished him to leave so soon, considering the great charges he has been at. Is anxious to be recalled himself for the same reason. Wrote from Calais that he had received from Fitzwilliam 30l. for 30 days' diet, which expired some days ago. Received other 30l. from him on the 15th, which, as the world goes, will last but a few days. Cannot meet the expences required for the King's honor, "though my poor honesty might suffer to be exiled to Calicut." Though he has entered on this charge in obedience to the King's commission, yet, as he wrote from Calais, he had no knowledge of the King's intention previously. News came today that the duke of Lorraine, with the French horse or foot, had defeated 20,000 Lutherans in the field, and 5,000 that were in the towns they had won from the Duke. Malines, 22 May 1525. Signed.
Pp. 2.
23 May.
Vit. B. VII. 135. B. M.
1351. CLERK to WOLSEY.
Wrote on the 14th, in answer to his of the 22nd. Sends a copy, lest the letter should have been intercepted through the insurrections in Almayne. The Pope yesterday received a letter from his legate in Lombardy, saying he had spoken to the French king, but more to console him in his captivity than about any treaty; that the late communication between the Imperialists and the said King was clearly quenched, and that the bruit of the said Pr[ince's] peace was made to draw in the Venetians, who, as the Pope says, are now at a point with the Imperialists.
The Imperialists are resolutely determined to take Francis to Naples, which dismays him as much as the rest of his captivity. It is not known whether they will take him by sea or land. If the latter, they will require a large force, and must employ the flower of the army, which could not be re-united for the invasion of France until the middle of July.
Letters have come from the Emperor's court in Spain, dated 19 April, saying that he intends the army to proceed into France, and has sent by exchange 100,000 ducats; but there is no mention of his going in person. Ceases not to exhort the Pope to despatch his legate to treat for peace, telling him that it is no time to use ceremony with the French king, but rather to be round with him, and show him plainly that all these evils come from his obstinacy in refusing reasonable conditions of peace, and that he must not expect such terms as he could have had before the victory,—advising him to make terms before they commence the invasion, on which they have determined. He answered that, as to the details of the peace, there must be a delay before the Legate can come at them, for the Imperialists think they can make their own bargain with the King, and do not make his Holiness privy to their treatings;—that he does not know the King's or Emperor's mind, and therefore fears that he will not be able to bring matters to a good end, either by his legate or otherwise; that the Legate should, however, set to work as soon as possible, and as much to the benefit of the King and Emperor as could be.
The Emperor's troops will now remove from the lands of the Church into the duchy of Milan, but it is not known whether it is because of the French king's removal, or for the invasion of France. The French king has been in the castle of Pisigaton, whence he removed with the Viceroy towards Naples, on the 18th. Whether he will go by sea or land is unknown, the way that he yet kep[eth is agreeable] to both; he is brought through no walled towns, and has therefore avoided Parma and Pleasance. It is said that the Imperialists have delivered St. Paule. Rome, 23 May. Signed.
Pp. 5, mutilated. Add. at ƒ. 141 b.
23 May.
Lamb. MS. 602, f. 30b. St. P. II. 121.
1352. IRELAND.
Deposition of Ferganaymne, eldest son of Okeroll, in presence of the Deputy, Chancellor, Lord Gormanson and the Chief Justice, 23 May 17 Hen. VIII.
That Piers Clynton, Donyll Wony, Nic. Anel's son, and another black fellow, the earl of Ormond's servants, came to Okeroll after last Easter to defend it and his castle of Lemebanan against the Deputy. That the earl of Ormond promised to defend Okeroll for all injuries done to the King's subjects while the Earl was deputy, and to assist him with all his men against the Deputy, or any other that would invade him.
P. 1.
R. O. 2. "Articles alleged by the earl of Ormond against the earl of Kildare."
1st. When the earl of Ormond, as deputy of Ireland, being informed of a conspiracy by the earl of Desmond, in league with the French king, to admit Richard de la Pole, with an army, into the said earl of Desmond's country, that he might subdue all Ireland, made, at his own expence, an expedition into Desmond's country, and with great rewards and other persuasions severed Desmond's uncles, cousins, and adherents from taking part with him, and bound all the cities and port towns to their allegiance that they should not allow Desmond to enter them, Desmond then invaded and laid waste Ormond's country, and when Ormond advanced against him took refuge in the castle of Cayhir Donaeske, in an island in the river Showre, having a bridge on either side of the castle. Ormond then besieged him on the one side of the river, and he escaped by the other. Meanwhile Kildare caused Desmond's uncles and kinsmen, whom the earl of Ormond had separated from him, to strengthen and assist the earl of Desmond, and, he continuing in his rebellion, "the earl of Kildare daily hath and doth send his messengers and secret credence to the said earl of Desmond."
2. The Brenys, being the strongest Irishmen in Ireland, were at good peace with Ormond, but Kildare sent to their captains divers gifts in the name of wages, as horses, cloth, silks, fustians for jacks, with secret credence by one called the Abbot O'Nelan, on receipt of which the Brenys immediately joined Desmond against the earl of Ormond. A meeting, called an imparlance, was to be appointed between the Brenys and Ormond, as if to promote a peace, when it was arranged that Desmond and his power should suddenly come down upon them and attack Ormond in concert with the Brenys. On this one of the O'Brenys sons came to Ormond to arrange a meeting at a place called the Camys, to which Ormond repaired with a slender company. Suddenly the Brenys, with a great company of horse and foot, issued out of a wood, but were nevertheless put to flight, and one of O'Brenys sons slain,—the most valiant Tege O'Brene. On their retreat the Brenys met with Desmond, who, seeing that they had been compelled to fly, and that Ormond was gathering men on every side, refused to proceed further.
3. When Ormond related to the King's council in Ireland what he had done for the King's service in taking from Desmond the pile Cayhir Namona, and binding his kinsmen and allies to the King, Kildare openly defended Desmond for invading Ormond's country in revenge for taking his castle and separating his kinsmen from him.
4. When Ormond saw that he could get no aid from Kildare against Desmond and the Brenys, he, with his own retinue, made a road upon the earl of Desmond and burned Dungarvan, at which Kildare was displeased, saying that otherwise Ormond might have had truce with Desmond.
5. Desmond and the Brenys being at open war with Ormond, Kildare gave to Connor O'Bryne a strong castle, called Castellcurre, in the frontiers of Ormond's country, to be a fortalice and a refuge to them.
6. He also appointed a day for the Desmonds and the Brenys to meet him in the heart of Ormond's country to destroy it.
7. He takes maintenance with all Ormond's enemies.
8. His kinsmen have laid waste a whole lordship of Ormond's, called the Fasagh of Tullagh, which was worth 300 marks a year.
9. Kildare and his brother have kept in duresse these two years five of Ormond's horsemen, without reasonable cause, when Ormond has had "all the war of the whole land by certain mystery cast upon him without any aid of Deputy or other of the King's council."
10. Kildare has disobeyed the King's letters missive ordering him to assist Ormond against the rebels. He even favors them; for in times past he would, in his own behalf, make hostings on the Earl of Desmond, but has never done so since his practising with the King's enemies, either for the King's command, or for the robbing of Patrick and James Walshe of Youghall, Henry Duff of Drogheda, or of divers the King's subjects of Limerick with gallies entering the haven.
11. Kildare has threatened some of Ormond's allies for aiding him against the Brenys, saying that the rebels were his especial friends.
12. Kildare withholds from the earl of Ormond half the King's subsidy of ploughlands, and the arrears of the King's farms which the King's Commissioners awarded to him.
13. The award of the Commissioners that all quarrels should cease, Kildare takes advantage of as a bar against the earl of Ormond, but takes great fines, at his pleasure, of Ormond and his friends, for actions long before the said award.
14. As soon as the Commissioners departed, McMorgho, whom Kildare openly maintains, accompanied by the Earl's galloglas and some of his gunners, besieged Ormond's castle of Arcloo, where one of Kildare's gunners, named O'Molryan, shot a gun at the earl of Ormond, rescuing his ward, and wounded his horse in the neck.
15. Ormond at the same time sent a picard, laden with victuals, gunpowder, harness, &c., to fortify the castle of Arcloo, which was seized by Peter Waffer, Kildare's servant, and delived to McMorgho.
16. Another time, before Ormond lodged in Arcloo castle, some of Kildare's servants and gunners were privily in a tower within the castle, and in the night set fire to a "thaught house" there, by which the chamber wherein Ormond lay was burned, and the Earl escaped with difficulty in his shirt.
17 and 18. During Ormond's abode in England with the King, the Brenys made a strong bridge over the Shannon, "being the main river of the land, as large as Thames," for the purpose of invading the King's subjects, and did him many injuries; which acts Kildare allows.
19. Kildare takes the earl of Ormond's rents within the English pale.
20. He endeavors to make mean captains his thralls, that no man may be of any power in Ireland, except himself; and intrigues for the destruction of Ormond, who is left to sustain the whole burden of the war, so that it would be better for Ormond if the King's authority were in an indifferent man, that Kildare should openly take part against him, than that, by color of his authority, he should strengthen the rebels, and enfeeble Ormond, whose servants dare not take part with him for fear of Kildare.
21. Kildare, before Christmas, assembled a great company, both of Irishmen and of his own retinue, and made a journey through Ormond's country, without making the Chancellor, Treasurer, or others of the Council privy to his enterprize. The only result was the invasion of an old English subject of the King's, called Theodore Burke, who most signally resisted the Brenys. At this time Kildare was within seven miles of the Brenys' new bridge, which he could easily have destroyed with the aid of Ormond, an enterprize in which the latter would have helped, notwithstanding all past grudges.
22. Kildare sent at the same time to the earl of Desmond his privy councillors, Sir Gerald Johnson, Moryse Keting and William Walshe, with a secret credence; and soon after Desmond and his kinsmen came to Dungarvan, where he never ventured to come till by means of Kildare his kinsmen were agreed with him; and he lay there ready to invade Ormond's country as long as his victuals lasted, Ormond being all the time compelled to lie in the Marches to protect his country, but unable to attack Desmond for the great floods.
23. The King's subjects are made disloyal by seeing the deputyship so long continued in the earl of Kildare's blood. When any deputy of English blood comes among them, "they murmur and gronte at the King's pleasure, saying that it is but a chere fare, and their natural lord shall have his will at length," which induces them to practise with Irishmen to make insurrections to trouble and weary out the English deputies. Thus the King cannot be truly certified of the real state of the land, or of the controversies between the Earls. No man in Ireland dare complain of Kildare, except Ormond; therefore, if the King make a sad discreet gentleman his deputy of Ireland, he should be instructed to enquire impartially into the demeanor of both Earls.
Pp. 9.
At the bottom of this paper Wolsey was about to have put his signature by mistake, the words "T. Carllis" being still visible.
23 May. 1353. SIR JOHN ST. JOHN.
His will, 22 March 1524. Proved, 23 May 1525. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 612.
24 May.
Calig. B. II. 52. B. M.
i. Magnus to Queen Margaret.
Has received a letter from the Cardinal. The King has agreed to the prorogation for 40 days, trusting the Lords will make effectual provision for the peace. Edinburgh, 24 May.
P 1. Headed by Magnus: Copy of a letter from T. Magnus to the queen of Scots.
Ib. 53. ii. Queen Margaret to Magnus.
Begs him to remember what she told him, and give credence to the bearer.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Master Mangnuz.
25 May.
Vit. B. VII. 139. B. M.
On the death of Wm. Trumble, late abbot of Cupar, Albany wrote in the King's name for the promotion of [Donald] Campbell, brother of the earl of Argyle (Ergadiæ); but some of the monks have gone to Rome to procure the promotion of a monk of their own house. Asks him to refuse their bequest, and to bestow it as above, reserving two pensions of 100 marks each to Alex. Scott and John Scott, son of Sir Wm. Scott. Edinburgh, 25 May 1525.
Lat., copy, mutilated. Add. Endd.: "Copy."
25 May.
R. O.
To the same effect. Edinburgh, 25 May 1525.
P. 1., Lat. Add.: R. &c. Petro Card. Anconitano, negotiorum regni nostri Protectori, &c.
26 May.
Vit. B. VII. 141. B. M.
1357. RUSSELL to [WOLSEY].
The French king arrived at Genoa on the ... inst., and it was determined that he should take ship today. Bourbon says the [Emperor has] sent him word to come in[to Spain], and he will fulfil his promises, and pass the time till the King and he are ready to enter France; and if he could not return in time to lead the army, the V[iceroy] should do so till Bourbon's coming; if he would not come by land, he sh[ould have] all his gallies to convey him into Spain. Bourbon was not minded to go thither, but nevertheless asked the French king to lend him his gallies to take him to Spain, as it might be the occasion of making peace. He answered that he would write to his mother, and if she consented would lend them, if Bourbon would leave four of his gentlemen as hostages for their safety. No answer has yet come from his mother. Bourbon answered that he was ready to do all he commanded him, but he waited for an answer from the King, [and] he would leave all his own pleasure and profit to do them service; that if he knew that no invasion would be made this year, he would go [to Spain] this summer, but that if this [summer] is lost, it will be impossible to have such another time. He is surprised at not hearing from the King or Wolsey. Told him that this enterprise is so great that it cannot be concluded but by the assen[t] of the Emperor and the K[ing] ..."twene them that it co ... [pa]ssaige of the see is greate, and that the winde servith not ... to passe." Advises Wolsey, if affairs cannot be shortly concluded, to send him some letter to comfort him. Never saw any one more willing to follow out the enterprise.
The bishop of Dambrewn and the premier president of Paris have gone as ambassadors to the Emperor. They travel only ten or twelve miles a day. Bryon went before them, making three posts a day, and carrying his bed with him. This slowness is only for delay, and to abuse the Emperor till this summer be lost. The duke of Milan has often desired to be recommended to the King and Wolsey, and offers his services. Some of the Lutherans have sent to the Archduke, bidding him put away Salamankar, who rules more than any other with him, or they would kill him before his face. This request the Archduke has granted, and they say they are content to be subject to him, but to no one else. Repeats his request for a letter to Bourbon that he may have a troop of horse. Milan, 26 May. Signature pasted on.
Pp. 2, mutilated. Add.: [To the King's] highness. Endd.
The signature of Card. Rangoni is pasted on near that of Russell.
27 May.
Calig. B. II. 54. B. M.
Has received her letter by Jamy Dog, this bearer, and heard his credence to the effect mentioned in her letter. Has told him what he wrote to the king of England touching Margaret's declaration, on parting hence, of her resolution to support the peace. Has sent to England the copy of her letter to the Lords. Edinburgh, 27 May.
P. 1. Headed by Magnus: "Copy of a letter sent from T. Magnus to the queen of Scots."
27 May.
Calig. B. III. 279. B. M. St. P. IV. 367.
Has received his letter by Magnus, and heard his credence, saying that the King has heard of his faithful service to his master, and his good will for amity between the realms. Will not fail to be a true servant to his master, and would apply himself more thereto if possible, for the love that ought to be between the two Kings, and which he hopes Henry will show to his nephew, now in his tender age. Will do all he can for the furthering of peace, as he has shown to Magnus, for whom he desires credence. Edinburgh, 27 May. Signed.
R. O. 2. Copy of the same.
27 May.
Calig. B. I. 103. B. M.
Begs him to favor the promotion of his brother to the abbacy of Coupre, for which the king of Scots has written to the Pope and the king of England, and "to freitht (liberate) ane puir servand of myne, callit Dougall Campbell." Has shown his mind more fully to Magnus. Edinburgh, 27 May. Signed.
Orig., p. 1. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal's grace of England."
28 May.
Vesp. F. III. 36 b. B. M. Ellis, I Ser. I. 251.
1361. JAMES V. to [HENRY VIII.]
Has received his letter by Magnus. Begs he will not write to the Pope against the abp. of Glasgow, who was his preceptor, and daily remains about his person, although the abp. of St. Andrew's has written to Henry against his exemption. Edinburgh, 28 May. Signed: Zour nepho James R. (fn. 1)
Hol., p. 1.
28 May.
Calig. B. VII. 56. B. M.
Has received his letter from London, 17 May, expressing Wolsey's surprise that the Lords suffered the peace to expire, that the King hearkens to his ways and not to those of the Queen. Has used every effort to establish his master's authority and the peace of the realm. Edinburgh, 28 May 1525.
Pp. 2. Add.: "To my lord Dacre, warden general."
28 May.
R. O.
Encloses news received from Hector, who came hither out of France this 28th May. At the end is the copy of a letter sent, as he says, by the Emperor to the lady Regent, and a rhyme made in France against the chancellor of France. Has written several times to know if he shall keep Hector. Has paid him above 100 crowns, and the charge is too much for himself. If he is to be retained, what articles is he to inquire of? Calais, 28 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal.
R. O. 1364. FRANCIS I.
The mother of Francis continues as regent in France, and the duke of Vendosme is lieutenant general. The estates at Lyons have agreed to furnish 2,000 men-of-arms, with an equal number of foot over and above those which are there, and "le residu de la deffaicte de dela les montz," for the defence of the kingdom, who shall be well paid, and not live upon the people (qu'ilz ne foullent plus le peuple de mengeryes). Proclamation is made through the kingdom that any men-of-arms living sur les champs shall be killed as enemies of the kingdom; but that is no safeguard, for they say if they are treated with such rigor they will join the enemy. The Regent has proposed to the Estates to get a safe-conduct of the Emperor to cross the mountains and see her son, but the Estates have not agreed to it. After receiving the Emperor's letters, the Estates having finished, the Regent sent to the Emperor the sieur De Salva, first president of Paris, and others, to treat for peace; and if they cannot gain him altogether, they will at least contrive to gain two months to reinforce their army, and fortify the frontiers. If they cannot bring the Emperor to their mind they will leave the King to him, as they are determined not to yield him a foot of land. They will give money and promises enough, for they only wish to tide over the summer.
The Regent has published all over France that the English have mutinied against each other, and would have too much to do to invade France. She told the Estates at Lyons she was well assured those who governed the king of England would do nothing, and if they dared invade France the Scots would attack them. Nevertheless, all through France their only fear is of England.
The Regent has men everywhere to procure the deliverance of her son. It is said she has gained some Spaniards. If the Germans have possession of him she does not care to use bribery. The Estates have petitioned for better administration of justice. The kingdom has gone to ruin, and the King been made prisoner by having allowed men of low estate to govern, such as the Chancellor, who is now "fort pencyf." The Regent had made him abp. of Sens, and he had sent some of the Council and a number of gentlemen to take possession, but the Parliament has interfered, and summoned him and his adherents to appear before it. The Regent supports the Chancellor for the sake of Lautrec, whom they intended to make lieutenant-general, much to Vendôme's dissatisfaction, who has fallen ill in consequence. There are many private grudges among the lords about this matter. They have certainly lost their best warriors in Italy, and have very few horses or men of much experience left.
If they cannot procure the King's deliverance they will certainly give the Dauphin authority to do everything.
The count St. Pol is incapacitated by the wounds he has received; and Lescut, the brother of Lautrec, is dead,—also Florenge, they say, and all the captains of the lanzknechts and Swiss.
Fr., pp. 3.
ii. Copy of the Emperor's letter to the Regent.
Has received her plaintive (piteuses) letter about the misfortune which has happened to the King her son. Regrets that Francis did not timely treat for peace, which she knows Charles has always sought to the best of his power. God has now given him the victory, but he does not mean to take extreme advantage of it. Sends the sieur Du Reux, his second chamberlain, to declare to her his intentions as regards peace. In order that she may have frequent news from her son, as she requests, has written to Bourbon and the viceroy of Naples.
Fr., p. 1.
p. 373.
iii. "Chanson faicte a Lyon contre le Chancellier," beginning—
"Ort Chancellier, Dieu te maudye,
Desloyal, traitre conseiller,
Par toy le roy est prisonnier,
Dont tu perdras en brief la vye,
Ort Chancellier."
Fr., pp. 2. Endd.
Calig. D. IX.
126. B. M.
1365. FRANCE.
* * "et sont tirez vers elle les principau[x gens] de bien, des cours de parlement de France, a[vec] les seigneurs et principaulx cappitaines du royaulme." The president of Rouen is there, much dissatisfied that he was not able to negotiate better in England. My Lady will not have the Estates held as was arranged, lest she should be deposed. She sends for those only whom she expects to help her, and to prevent opposition tells them that she will soon have the King her son; for which matter she has sent Brion and another to the Emperor. The duke d'Alençon died at Lyons in Passion week (la sepmaine saincte) "apres son retour de la piteuse journée. Madame vouldroit voullentiers donner s[a fille], veufve du feu duc, a Mons. de Bourb[on si] elle le povoit gaigner, mais il n ... abatre ny avoir en façon que ... ladite Dame a envoyé gens ... taster et sentir si ... [m]ais il est pl[us] * * * du royaulme qu'ilz prennent couraige ... mete sus gens en armes a puissance, e ... esperance de avoir le Roy son filz en bre[f temps]." She has also sent word that the King her son is at ... in Lombardy; to whom she has lately sent fine and rich habiliments and 24,000 [cr.] of gold. She is much perplexed by a dispute between Vendôme and Lautrec. She and the Chancellor are on the side of the latter; Robertet and others hold with the former. Vendôme, however, is to remain governor of Picardy, with Brienne conte de Roussy for his lieutenant, who is now at Abbeville mustering horse and foot to victual Therouenne and Montreuil "et y ... cinq ou six cens Albanoys a cheval." Lautrec is governor in Guienne and Provence. The sieur Rance has returned from Naples, "et a recueilly par ... duc d'Albanye, et sont de present à Lyon a[vec ladite Dam]e, laquelle a mand é par tout le roy[aume] ... seigneurs n'ont pas perdu ung homme ... es qu'ilz avoient."
... f[r]ere du duc de Lorrayne c ... * * * " (fn. 2) de Normandye de puis la mort du du[c] ... On n'y a point encoires pourveu d'aultre qu ... senneschal de Normandye, lequel a este par to[ute] la duch é," and has visited the seaports and fortified Rouen. All the francs archiers and adventurers are ordered to be ready to move when commanded, and ban and arrière ban has been cried through the kingdom, that all the gentlemen be mounted and armed and ready to march. All the captains and garrisons of Picardy hope shortly to victual these towns.
The bailly of Rouen is gone in post to Madame "affin de faire ouvrir l[es] garnyers des bledz qui sont aux prouchaines villes de la Picardye," to convey them to Therouenne, Monstereul, and Abbeville, which have only 15 days' supply, though Boulogne is well provided with everything.
"Ils font a Paris mille hommes de p[ied] ... hacqueboutiers qui sont desja ... garder la ville. Et a R ... aux aultres villes. * * * esté de peur qu'il a eu que le ... qu'il avoit eu des biens de son chast[eau] ... en Auvergne."
The Spaniards have pillaged Plaisance. News has come to Madame that the Turks will certainly attack Naples shortly. The lords of France have great respect for the Spaniards, because they have treated them well. The Regent hopes to gain some of them to win over the Emperor. There are men enough in France, but not men-of-war or horses, and there are very few captains left. "Tout cest perdu dela les m[onts]." There is plenty of corn, but shut up in garners to make it dearer, and the poor people are dying of hunger. All people, great and small, are much "esbahiz et estonnez," and if they saw 10,000 men marching in their country they would fly on every side; for the whole country was in dread when the Burgundians pillaged it, till they knew they had retired.
"[Le Chancellier] de France se faict presbitre et e ... Sens; toutes foiz il ne ... de sa personne." * * *
Fr., pp. 4, mutilated.
28 May.
Add. MSS. 5,949. B. M.
Letters patent settling the disputes between Robert Catton, prior, and the convent of the Holy Trinity, Norwich, and the mayor and commonalty of the city, arising from the ambiguity of letters patent of previous kings. In consequence of the consent of the parties, through Wolsey's mediation, by their writings dated 10 Oct. 16 Hen. VIII., the King separates the monastery, the land within the outer walls, and the land between the walls of the Bishop's palace and the monastery towards St. Giles' hospital from the county of the city of Norwich, and unites it to the hundred of Blofelde in the county of Norfolk, and grants to the prior and convent the same rights therein previously held by the mayor and corporation. The prior and convent are exempted from all tolls within the city of Norwich. Confirmation of a charter, dated Westm., 8 Feb. 22 Hen VI., concerning the jurisdiction of the bishop and prior. Grant to the prior and convent of the return of writs within the priory and its lands, through their steward, and the right of judging cases not exceeding 40s. Westm., 28 May 17 Hen. VIII.
Allowance of the right of the prior and convent to appoint coroners at Martham and Catton, in accordance with the above charter. Westm., Easter term 21 Hen. VII.
Lat., pp. 27.
Calig. D. IX.
120. B. M.
1367. FRANCE.
A discussion of the three following questions:—1. Whether the mother of a king, being a woman, is qualified to act as regent?—in which the writer justified the fitness of women to rule by the instance of the dame De Beaujeu, sister of Charles VIII., and Elizabeth (Isabella) of Spain, mother of our queen Katharine. 2. Whether a captive is the servant (servus) of his captor?—which is denied. And, 3, ("circa sextum et ultimum,") that free parents or kinsmen are bound to redeem a captive, and the latter bound by the conditions they make. Signed: Hanybal.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 7.
29 May.
Theiner, p. 549.
Regrets to hear of the recall of the prothonotary Casale. Begs credence for him. London, 29 May 1525.
31 May.
R. O. St. P. VI. 441.
The Emperor, supposing that De Praet was still in England, had sent him instructions, together with Penalosa, to communicate with the King. Begs credence for the latter. Brussels, 31 May 1525. Signed.
Fr. Add.
31 May.
R. O.
Has written twice to Tuke of late, but not to Wolsey since the 22nd, for lack of matter. Mentioned in his last letter to Tuke, on the 28th, the arrival of the commander Pyneloosy at Malines the day before. My Lady removed to Brussels the same day, and next day was honorably accompanied to the town hall, "where she saw the procession of the town," with so many pageants that it was past one before she went to dinner there with the governor of the town. There sat at her board the cardinal of Liege, the lady of Howstrate, the count de Bwre, the abp. of Palermo, Ravenstein, Berghes, and Howstrate. Wingfield sat next my Lady. After dinner she explained to him that Pyneloose had been sent through France by the Emperor and Viceroy of Naples with letters in cipher which required time to be made out, and that she had not been able to see him before leaving Malines. She and the Council were then closeted with Pyneloose for two hours. Heard meanwhile from a secret friend that the French king had been secretly conveyed to "the castell de Love stondynge in the see within twayne myles of the cyte of Napyls," and that Pyneloose is to go to England. Wrote shortly of this to Tuke, hearing that there was a packet for him from Rome. It was seven o'clock before my Lady returned to the palace. She informed him that the Commander had declared much matter, which the Council were to discuss next day. Does not expect to hear anything of his charge till they have written to the ambassadors in England.
My Lady has had letters from the Archduke, with news of a rising in Tyrol by the villains, who have robbed all the abbeys, even one beside Insbroke where the Archduke was staying, and a house of the religion of Prwce. They have robbed the colleges of priests at Bryxeno and Trent, and besieged the castle of Trent. The bishops of Trent, Bryxeno, and Salamanca, who were the Archduke's chief councillors, have fled. Hears also of the death of the elector, duke Frederick of Saxony, on the 5th, who is succeeded by his brother John,—a greater Lutheran, it is said, than his brother. Sends copy of a Latin letter to the card. of Liege, by which it seems that the duke of Lorraine had not overthrown the band of Lutherans as Wingfield wrote. Wants money for his diets, as the 60l. he received "at twain times" of Fitzwilliam is "at a point," and his own money too, so that he cannot meet his charges, either here or at Calais, without borrowing. Brussels, 31 May 1525. (fn. 3)
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
R. O.
St. P. I. 159.
Lord Bevers, the Chancellor and De la Sauch have determined to remain ten or twelve days longer, in consequence of letters they have received, directed to Dupraet, who has gone into Flanders, and taken the key of the ciphers with him, "as they do allege, to my no little marvel." Another reason is, that a sad gentleman, called Spinnolus, has been sent by the Emperor through Lyons, thence to the lady Margaret, for England; to whom the Emperor has communicated his plans for the war in France this year. Consequently they can do nothing. I doubt not but your Highness, "of your profound and great wisdom," will easily conjecture "what this manner of proceeding doth imply," and will be further guided in your judgment in it by Sampson's letter. The war which the Emperor intends will be little or nothing to the King's benefit. As to the Emperor's promises, to be moderate in his demands of the French king, "to the intent that your bargain might be the better, I can perceive little or none appearance that he is minded so to do, as it evidently doth appear as well by the demands made by Mons. De Buren for the duchy of Burgon, and divers other great pieces in France, as also of the poor duke of Milan; which implieth covertly that entirely and wholly the said duchy shall be at the Emperor's commandment." Sends the King arms devised by Page for his "entirely beloved son the lord Henry Fitzroy." Begs the King to sign two books of agreement between the prior and city of Norwich. Westminster, this Saturday. Signed.
Add. In Wriothesley's hand (?).
2. Map of Norwich, agreement, &c.
31 May.
Calig. B. II. 43. B. M. St. P. IV. 367.
Has received two letters from him, one dated Westminster the 10th inst., the other the 17th, with letters to the King, the Queen, the archbishop of St. Andrew's, and others. Notes his instructions for seeing that the ambassadors, if despatched to England, have a sufficient commission to conclude a peace. Delivered the King's letters to James, who received them most thankfully. As yet the young King cannot read an English letter, or "devise" without assistance, especially now his mother is away, and the Council have ordered that no one shall speak with him in private. This he finds troublesome, and there are many points on which he and Magnus know not each other's minds. He expressed himself very grateful when Magnus told him of the King's intention to send him some "pleasures for his hunting" this summer. He wishes much to have a buckler, and admires the London bucklers worn by Magnus's servants. It should be made, not as if for a child, "for that his Grace loveth not, but to have everything like unto a man; insomuch that the swords he daily useth are a yard afore the hilts, which his Grace woll as roundly and quickly draw forth and put up again as any man in his court. His Grace hath heard that the King's highness, his said uncle, at some times weareth and useth a buckler, and that mooveth his said Grace to be the more desirous thereof."
Being instructed to deal gently with the Queen, sent to her at Stirling the King's letters and Wolsey's, with one from himself, of which he sends a copy with the answer, a copy of two other letters of his, and a letter lately sent him by the Queen. The last is a short letter in her own hand, desiring to know by bearer what she shall trust to. Supposes she wished to know what the King will do to maintain her authority against Angus and the archbishop of St. Andrew's. Wolsey will see his answer.
Has told Angus how the King regards his loyalty, who had ordered Magnus to give him 100l., but he had not so much money then in Scotland. He thanked the King for this, and for recommending the cause of Coldingham to the Pope. Spoke to him also of the King's wish to have justice administered on the Borders; on which the Earl secretly departed, and in four days fell upon the Armstrongs, the greatest maintainers of thieves in Tynedale, and took 12 of them prisoners, including their chief captains, Sym the lord, and Davy the lady. He has also taken 30 score noote, 3,000 sheep, 500 goats, and many good horses. Has got the archbishop of Glasgow to send monition of cursing against the thieves of Tynedale. Has delivered the King's letters to the archbishop of St. Andrew's, Angus, Argyle, and the late ambassadors in England, who have all received them thankfully. Has been more familiar with the Archbishop in consequence. Told him it was doubtful if the prorogation for 40 days would be granted, and he sent with diligence for the bishop of Aberdeen and abbot of Camskynnell.
Six Scots are said to be good Englishmen:—the abbots of Holyrood and Paisley, the lord of St. John's, the dean of Glasgow, Patrick Sinclair, and John Cheseholm. The last two, old servants of the late King, have resorted much to Magnus. A Privy Council has arranged for Parliament to meet on the 6 July, and it was rumored that peace was to be made with England for at least three years, of which most people were glad; but it was not so clearly determined. On this arrived Wolsey's letter of the 17th, stating that the King was content with the prorogation of peace for 40 days, which greatly pleased the Lords. Magnus announced it to them on Monday the 22nd, and proclamation of the coming Parliament was made the same day. Agreed, at the Lords' request, that the 40 days should begin on Monday the 29th, when the present peace expires, instead of at the receipt of the King's letters. Has got the Archbishop to express his good will to the King and Wolsey in writing. He is anxious for an answer about the revocation of the exemption of Glasgow, while the archbishop of Glasgow sues to the King that it may be preserved, and has got the young King to write in his favor both to Henry and to Wolsey.
Argyle writes to the King and Wolsey. He has received the King's money, but does not wish his uncle or brother to know it. He wishes an abbacy for his brother, and James has written in his favor. He requests the King to release a servant of his, named Cambell, a prisoner in London. Is glad the King has remembered Lennox, who has done more for England than any but Angus. Will give him his reward next Sunday, when he is expected here.
The Council have prolonged his safe-conduct to the 20 July, but do not wish any Englishman to remain so long among them. His lodging has been given up by the Queen, who had it to farm, and he is not allowed to stay in it, though he offers 20 marks a year rent. Scotland has been at no expence for him, and things are kept closer by the Council as he is here; but his old friend Sir Will. Scotte, of Bawery, says that peace will be concluded, either without France or after the comprehension in Latin. Will endeavor to recover the ship of salt taken off Berwick. It is a French ship under French safe-conduct, manned by Englishmen. Recommends Synkeler, Cheseholme, and Otterburn for pensions. Patrick Wemys, and archer of the French king's corps, is sent to France; some say, to discharge Scotland from France; others, to show them how Scotland stands with England. Edinburgh, 31 May. Signed.
Add. Endd.
31 May.
Calig. B. I. 92. B. M. St. P. IV. 377.
Has received his writings, dated "in May instant," by Magnus. Thanks him for his good affection to the King her son. Wrote long ago to Henry from St. Johnstoun, desiring his advice as to the King her son, but, having had no answer, has written again. If Henry do not advise her, his honor will be hurt, and he will have the fewer friends. Will send no long letters now; little regard having been paid to them heretofore, and copies of her letters having been sent from England to the Lords of the other party. Stirling, 31 May. Signed.
Add.: "To my lord Cardinale of Inglande."
R. O. 1374. JAMES V. to HENRY VIII.
Has received his letter, dated at the cast[ell] ... which was presented by Magnus. Thanks him for his goodwill. Will choose men of wisdom and honor for counsellors, and if he perceives the contrary in them, they shall be removed ... Maii. Signed.
P. 1, mutilated. Add.
Calig. D. IX.
111. B. M.
1375. FRANCIS I.
i. Francis I. to Madame [Margaret of Savoy]. (fn. 4)
Thanks her for sending him her grand escuier. Begs her of her accustomed pity to request his deliverance from the Emperor, and she may be assured, on the faith of a gentleman, that he will remain her eternally obliged good son and nephew.
Add.: A Madame ma tante.
ii. Second letter of Francis to Madame.
Her grand escuier not having left, ventures to importune her with another letter, feeling assured that she has as much power as any one to procure his deliverance. Begs her to send a man express to the Emperor. Add. as before.
iii. Louise of Savoy to Margaret of Savoy.
Requests a safe-conduct for a gentleman whom she means to send to her. Urges the deliverance of her son.
Add.: A Madame ma seur, Madame la ducesse de Savoye.
iv. Margaret of Savoy to [Louise].
Has received her letter by her [écuyer] Bregilles, and despatched the safe-conduct to the gentleman. Wishes she had the power to act as she desires. Would procure her son's deliverance by a perpetual peace. Her son desires her to send a man express to the Emperor. Desires a safe-conduct for him according to a form enclosed.
Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
R. O.
"Conditions proposed in the name of the Emperor to the duke of Milan, if he wishes to obtain the investiture of his dukedom."
1. The Duke shall pay for the expences of the Emperor in recovering the duchy 1,200,000 ducats, by yearly instalments of 200,000, on pain of forfeiting his territory on any default. 2. He shall not marry without the express consent of the Emperor. 3. All conservators of forts and captains to take an oath to hold them for the Emperor, in the event of the Duke dying without issue, or contravening the premises. 4. To accept the marquis of Pescara as his duke and captain; and the Marquis not to take his oath to the duke of Milan, except for his captainship; in all other respects to remain the Emperor's subject. 5. The king of France is to be kept in the strongest fort of the duchy, under an Imperial guard. 6. To furnish pay for 100 lances, formerly granted by the Emperor to the marquis de Guasto.
The duke of Milan has in all things remitted himself to the clemency of the Emperor, assenting to nothing till he shall first have thorough intelligence from the ambassador whom he has now sent to the Emperor; and accordingly he requests the King and Wolsey to use their intercession with the Emperor on all the above points.
Lat., pp. 2, in Vannes' hand. Endd. by Wriothesley.
May./GRANTS. 1377. GRANTS in MAY 1525.
1. John de Caponis, native of Italy. Denization. Del. Hampton Court, 1 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
1. John Ford, of Ayssheberton. Wardship of George, s. and h. of Patrick Pollard. 29 April 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
1. Ric. Stopes, abbot, and the convent of Meaux (Melsa). Inspeximus of various grants to the monastery in various reigns. The earliest cited is one of Stephen. Westm., 1 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
5. John Forde, draper, late of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Westm., 5 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
5. Wm. Graunger, clk., Hen. Dobbyns, capper, John Butler, mercer, and John Hyll, draper, all of Coventry. Pardon. Del. Westm., 5 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
6. Rob. Roper, girdler, alias leather-seller, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. 5 May 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
6. Ralph Johnson and Dorothy his wife. Livery of the lands of the said Dorothy, one of the sisters and heirs of William, s. and h. of Sir Rob. Morton. Del. Westm., 6 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 13.
6. George Lynde and Mary his wife. Livery of the lands of the said Mary, d. of Hen., s. of Sir John Lye. Del. Westm., 6 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 18.
8. John Cooke, of Hedyngton, Oxon. Pardon for having killed John Atkins, constable of Hedyngton, with a "forest bill of the value of 10d." Del. Westm., 8 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
8. Ralph Johnson. To be keeper of Bridewell, with 4d. a day from the issues of the duchy of Cornwall, vice John Copynger. Del. Westm., 8 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
8. Francisco Lumbard, of Bruges, painter, alias gunner. Pardon for having murdered Margaret, wife of Stephen Millener, at East Smithfield, Middx. Del. Westm., 8 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
9. Rob. Blacknall, merchant, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Greenwich, 20 April 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 May.—P.S.
10. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam. Lease of the demesne lands of Castle Bernard, the coney-burrows, the herbage of Bradepark and the Colteparke, various closes forming part of the park of Marwood, and the lead mines in the new forest of Teasdale, Yorksh.; reserving all woods, quarries, &c.; for 21 years, at various rents. (Leased according to the King's warrant, dated 26 Mar. 16 Hen. VIII.) Del. Westm., 10 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
10. Tho. Miller, alias Mylner, sherman, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Anthony Ughtred. Del. Westm., 10 May 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
11. Tho. Warren, surgeon, of Calais. Pardon for having murdered Humphrey Lucke, late of Calais. Windsor, 11 May 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
12. Henry Norreys. To be steward of the manor of Berton-on-Humbre, vice Wm. viscount Beaumont, deceased, with five marks a year, and all other profits, as enjoyed by sir Wm. Tirwhitt, from 6 April 13 Henry VIII., since which day he has performed the office. Westm., 12 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 15.
12. John Packyngton. Lease of the site of the manor of Fakenappultre, in the lp. of Wick, parcel of Warwick's lands; for 21 years; rent 4l., and 10s. of increase. Del. Westm., 12 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
13. John Byknall, of Eston, Hants, smith. Pardon for forging four groats on 7 Sept. 16 Hen. VIII. Westm., 13 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.
16. Commissions of the Peace.
Bucks: Tho. card. of York, J. bishop of Lincoln, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Andrew Wyndesore, Sir Wm. Gascoign, Sir Fras. Bryan, Sir John Mordaunt, Sir Wm. Rede, Sir Edw. Daunce, Sir John Hampden, Geo. Throckmerton, John Cheyny, John Baldewyn, Tho. Hampden, Tho. Darrell, Roger Gyfford, Ric. Hampden, Wm. Lane, Wm. Marshall, Edw. Pekham. Westm., 16 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
Cambridgeshire: Tho. card. of York, Nich. bp. of Ely, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Tho. Lucas, Rob. Peyton, John Hudleston, John More, Philip Parys, Anth. Hansard, Giles Alyngton, John Alyngton, John Hynde, Tho. Hutton, Tho. Checheley, Anth. Hasilden, Tho. Castell. Westm., 16 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
16. Wm. Rudhale, serjeant-at-law, John Salter, Tho. Bodenham and Ralph Hakeluyt. Commission to make an inquisition p.m. on the lands and heir of Tho. Appary, in co. Hereford. Westm., 16 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 29d.
12. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
Northampton town: John Pervyn, the mayor, Sir Wm. Compton, Sir Wm. Gascoign, John Saxby, Tho. Dodyngton, Edward Mountegewe, Rob. Chauntrell. Westm., 12 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23d.
16. Wm. Stokes, of Cambridge, tallow-chandler. Pardon for having robbed Wm. Gyfford, of Dryedrayton, Camb. Del. Westm., 16 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
17. Tho. Combes, one of the King's auditors. Lease of the manor of Appulrugge, in the lordship of Hamme, Glouc., parcel of Barkeley's lands; for 21 years; rent 60s., and 4s. of increase. Del. Westm., 17 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
17. Wm. Holgill, chaplain. Wardship of Margaret and Elizabeth, ds. and hs. of Francis Belwode, who held of Edward earl of Derby, the King's ward. Del. Westm., 17 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 27.
18. Sir John Brugge. Livery of lands in England and Wales, as s. and h. of Sir Giles Brugge and Isabella his wife. Westm., 18 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
18. Martin Cornelis. Denization, being a native of Zealand. Westm., 18 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 28.
18. John Petyte, merchant-tailor, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Del. Westm., 18 May 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
18. Ric. Robynson, clk. Presentation to the church of Olderkirke, marches of Calais, (Cant. dioc.,) vice Tho. Baschurche, resigned. Westm., 18 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27.
20. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
Hereford city: Ric. Phelips, the mayor, Wm. Rudhale, serjeant-at-law, Rowland Morton, Ric. Browne, Wm. Walle, Wm. Synaght, Ric. Warmecombe. Westm., 20 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23d.
20. Edward, s. and h. of John Grey lord Powes, and heir to Sir John Grey. Livery of lands in England, Wales and Calais; and reversion of all the possessions held for life by his mother Margaret Powes, late wife of Rob. Sutton. Windsor, 11 May 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 May.—P.S. Pat. p.2, m. 16.
22. Edmund Ledd, salter, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Windsor, 20 May 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 May.—P.S.
23. Tho. Colvyle. Licence to perform the office of comptroller of Yarmouth by deputy, to have ships of his own, and to buy and sell merchandize, notwithstanding the Acts of 4 Hen. IV. and 20 Hen. VI. Del. Westm., 23 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
27. John Bell, merchant, of Apelldore, alias of Asworth. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Windsor, 24 May 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 May.—P.S.
27. Anth. Harvy, of London, and Eleanor his wife. Pardon for having married with- out the King's licence, and licence to enjoy the issues of the possessions of the said Eleanor's former husband, John Speke, deceased, in Devon, Somerset, Dorset and Cornwall. Windsor, 24 May 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 29.
27. Thomas Parker, LL.B., rector of Bekynsfyld church, Linc. dioc. Presentation to the deanery of Tomworth, Cov. and Lich. dioc., vice Ric. Rawson, LL.D., late dean, who exchanges. Westm., 27 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (torn in half, and only the first half remains). Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
27. Edw. Vaux. To be bailiff of the lp. of Swaffeham, Norf., with 3l. 8d. a year Westm., 27 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.
28. Henry earl of Devon. Reversion of the constableship of the castle and park of Restormell, Cornw., parcel of the duchy of Cornwall; and of the herbage and pannage of the park, with woodfall-wood, browsing-wood and underwood, and the fishery from Paunchardes Cross to Draynys Bridge; at a yearly rent of 26s. 8d.; now held by Tho. Carmynowe by patent 18 Dec. 9 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. Tho. marquis of Dorset. Grant, in fee, of the park called Beamount Lease, alias Beamount Wood, Leic., adjoining the King's park of Leicestre Fryth, and of Barden park, Leic.; in exchange for the Marquis's manor of Cley-Coton, Northt. Del. Westm., 28 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. Sir Edw. Gorge, the King's servant. To be bailiff of the lordship of Portbury, Somst., with the herbage and pannage of the Higher park and Nether park, custody of the mansion house there and of gardens called the Great and Little Conynger, and with the King's fishery in the river Severn called "the Lord's tide;" on surrender by Henry Keymes. Windsor Castle, 24 May 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
28. The burgesses of Maudon (Maldon). Inspeximus and confirmation of a grant of Hen. II. Westm. 28 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 29.
28. Sir John Rodney. Wardship of William, s. and h. of John Brent. Windsor, 8 May 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 May.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
29. John Elys, of London, goldfiner. Revocation of protection. Westm., 29 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.
29. Charles Wryotesley. To be Rougecrosse pursuivant-at-arms, with 10l. a year. Westm., 29 May.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.


  • 1. Printed by mistake in vol. III. in 1519.
  • 2. f. 127.
  • 3. See St. P. VI. 442 n.
  • 4. Her answer is in Capt. du Roi François I., p. 179.