Henry VIII: April 1525, 17-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: April 1525, 17-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp556-569 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1525, 17-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp556-569.

"Henry VIII: April 1525, 17-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp556-569.


April 1525

17 April.
R. O.
Arrived here the day after he left Wolsey. Found none of the ships for his passage, for by reason of the weather two had put into the Cambre, and the other two were in the Downs. One has been driven to the North Foreland. Has not been able to take passage till today, which is a great loss of time in the affairs he has to do at Guisnes. Will, however, leave his own business, and only tarry one night at home, before going on his journey. Reminds him of the copy of the bishop of London's letter, or the breviate of the articles, which he must show in secret to lady Margaret. Dover, Monday, 17 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
18 April.
R. O.
Receipt by Sir Albane Pole, "bailey of thegle and commander of Newland," for 20s. from lord Darcy for the whole year's farm of the tithe of Rowndehaye Grange due at Candlemas 1524. 18 April 1525. Signed.
Endd. by Darcy.
19 April.
R. O.
Took a hoy yesterday to meet their ships at the Cow under the Isle of Wight, as they had appointed with Master Gotston (Gonston) and the captain, but they were not there. Could not tarry for them, "because a torment rose," and were obliged to put in at Hamyl, between Portsmouth and Hampton. Went aboard them this morning, and are waiting for a wind. Last night's rain has changed it from N.E. to S.W., which is opposite to what they want. From the Mary and James lying in the Cow, 19 April. Signed.
P.1. In Tunstal's hand. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
19 April.
Titus, B. I. 271.
B. M.
Has received the King's letters, with instructions for himself and the other commissioners for the lay grant in Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Has divided the shire among them, taking Ely for himself, the inhabitants of which made much difficulty at first, alleging losses by fire and murrain, and many said they had over-assessed themselves at the first loan to advance their names and credence, so that they would not confess to be of the same value as then. Said there was no authority to admit such allegations, or to make a fresh assessment for lack of time; and so by fair words, and the rough handling of one or two, induced them to grant it, though they make much dolour and lamentation, saying that they have no money, and that though they would gladly sell their cattle and stuff for half their cost, no man in the country has money to buy or to lend; however, they thought the time so expedient, the matter so honorable, and the considerations laid before them so weighty, that they will do what they can, and they ask the King, if they cannot get money, to take their goods at a convenient price.
It would have made a man sorrowful, though he had a right hard heart, to hear their lamentation,—not only of the poor, but also of those who were thought rich. Those who before were valued at 100l. or 200l. now cannot make 20 nobles in ready money, some scarcely 40s. Some who at the first loan were well off, now are not worth a groat when their debts are paid. There was most trouble in the portion allotted to Mr. Payton and Mr. Hansard, who brought 50 persons, whom they had found very obstinate, to him, but he at last persuaded them to grant as their neighbours had done. There is a report that Kent has refused to pay, which will increase the difficulty here. Asks what the collectors are to do if the people have no money, but offer them stuff, how they can best compel them to pay, and how those who are "utterly decayed" shall be treated. Fears trouble unless the matter be soberly and politicly handled. Desires an answer by the bearer. Will carry out the King's instructions about the clerical grant as soon as possible. Intended to have come to see Wolsey about May 10, and will do so still, unless Wolsey wishes the contrary. Ely, 19 April.
On looking at the King's instructions as to the clerical grant, perceives that they concern Wolsey for his diocese of York, though they are directed to him. There is no mention of the University, which makes him hope that Wolsey reserves that for himself. If not, wishes for instructions,—whether he shall deal with colleges and all other persons, or with persons only and not colleges, "for they will not admytt me for thies generall tearmys, exempt and not exempt;" there is no instruction how to deal with those who refuse, the clause concerning which in the commission for the laity furthered the matter right much. Asks credence for the bearer, his registrar. Signed.
Pp. 4.
19 April.
Calig. B. VII.
B. M.
St. P. IV. 360.
The ambassadors not having yet come home, can get no answer to the causes mentioned in Wolsey's letters of the 29th March and the 7th inst. The news of the French king's overthrow is confirmed. The Scots expect Henry will gain possession of Paris, and are mostly desirous of peace. Reports had been spread and joyfully received that Francis had been rescued by Albany; but it appears the Duke is past all dangers, and has the control of Scotch affairs in Rome. A chaplain of the archbishop of St. Andrew's arrived from Rome on Easter eve, showing that his master had obtained the abbacy of Melrose in spite of letters from England. It is said Albany has obtained the bishopric of Murray for his secretary, Mr. Thomas Hayes. Is informed that if the Duke came here, even though admitted to no authority, he would be second person in the realm.
The Archbishop has heard from the abbot of Camskynnell, that if no better peace be made the King will repute him, the bishops of Aberdeen and Argyle, as enemies. He told the Queen that Henry was dissatisfied, and that the truce had only been prolonged to the 15th May, saying, that if they had war they would league together for defence. He also asked if she would do the same. Magnus, accordingly, on meeting him, took pains to impress upon him how much he was bound to Henry, and to maintain peace. The Archbishop says he is but one man in the council, but will see what can be done.
Aberdeen and Dunblane are absent. Arran withdrew himself after they were joined in council. Angus is constant to England, and Argyle and Lennox seem favorable. The King's sharp letter to the Queen has brought her into better order. She would be glad of a peace, but is determined on a divorce from Angus, as will be seen by her letter which he sends, with a copy for Wolsey. They are as good friends as can be, but she will not accept him as her husband; and the young King, at her instigation, continually urges the Earl for the divorce. Many of the Earl's friends are against it, but some think it would be good to have him at liberty, and that he might marry Argyle's daughter.
Has delivered Henry's letters to the young King, who is much comforted by them. Hopes he and the Queen will do their part in calling the Council. Has some difficulty in getting audience, as Magnus and the young King are suspected when they meet. Thinks the Queen would not dislike war before Whitsunday, as Angus is bound till then not to intromit with her.
The young King says he and his mother would sooner be in England than here. He follows her counsel in everything. Scotland is ill provided for war. If the peace be but for a small time, it will be an advantage only against France.
Great robberies are committed daily on the East Borders for want of a warden. The ambassadors will be here tonight. Edinburgh, 19 April. Signed.
Partly in cipher, deciphered by Tuke. Add.
20 April.
Le Glay,
II. 599.
Lanz, I. 160.
Mons. de Rœux is returning to the Emperor, fully informed of Italian affairs. Sends the balance of what is due to the troops. The debt is very great. After receiving an answer from the French king and his mother, if Charles cannot obtain his rights by means of peace, he must assure himself of the king of England, make provision of money, and come and conduct the war in person. According to the Emperor's directions, both in his own hand and in that of his secretary, Lanoy will carefully guard the person of the French king. Milan, 20 April 1525.
20 April.
R. O.
Arrived at Calais on Monday. Proceeded on his journey with Sir Robt. Wingfield on Thursday. At Guisnes his spies came to him with news that Vandosme is chosen chief governor of France, with a council of twenty-four; that Le Fayet is to be governor of Picardy, as Pont de Remye was; that they have assembled a band of Normans, with the horsemen who were left in the realm, and were saved at the battle, and are mustering at Amyes and Abbeville, to revictual Terouenne, into which they took a small quantity of victuals lately; and they think they are sure of it, if they can revictual it before the King comes over. Has sent a herald to Mustruell to inquire for a prisoner who was taken when Suffolk was here, with orders to notice what men he sees, and what news he hears. In Passion week the horsemen of Boulogne came and "made a laram" at Guisnes, and two of them were taken by the garrison. They say that Boulogne is well fortified and victualled, and that men are appointed to garrison it if the King come over. Four or five thousand Almains, who were in the service of the duke of Gueldres, and in Cleves, have passed through the country of Liege and Nameroyes, where they slew 300 or 400 of the country, and thence into Champagne and France. Does not vouch for the truth of these news. Gravelines, 20 April.
Asks if he still wishes him to take up horsemen for him, and how many. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
20 April.
R. O.
1276. SIR EDWARD BELKNAP, deceased.
Warrant to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, &c. to pay to Sir Edw. Ferrers, Will. Shelley, recorder of London, and Sir Will. Clerk, priest, executors of Sir Edw. Belknapp, the half-year's instalments due at Easter 12 Hen. VIII. of the annuities of 50 marks, 100 marks, and 100l. granted to him by patents of 9 and 11 Hen. VIII., which the surveyors of Crown lands had refused to pay, as he died before the day it was due. This warrant is issued in consideration that Sir Edward discharged the office of chief butler to the time of his death, that he lived till Tuesday next before Easter 12 Hen. VIII. (26 March 1521), and "never took profit ne benefit" from the office of master of the King's wards granted to him and Sir Ric. Weston by patent 10 Dec. 12 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 20 April 16 Hen. VIII. Signed by the King.
21 April.
Theiner, p. 548.
Begs of him, considering the perils of the times, and the writer's anxiety to serve the Holy See, to listen to what the bishop of Bath has to say to him; to whom Wolsey has written his innermost counsels. (fn. 1) Is ready to shed his blood in the Pope's cause. London, 21 April 1525.
Pardon to John, late, and Thos. Highfeld, present abbot, for infringing the statute of provisors, by publication of a bull from Leo X. confirming the exemption of the monastery. Also licence to the said Thomas and others to put the same in execution. (No date.)
Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3.
22 April.
Lamb. MS.
602, f. 30 b.
St. P. II. 118.
Has lately heard that some of the Council, by the Deputy's means, have written to ask for the King's letters prohibiting him from taking any Irishman's part. He must have diligent espial lest letters be so obtained. It is all out of malice to him, as, when he was in authority, they never certified Kildare's "apparent" transgressions. He is to show the King and Wolsey of the Deputy's sudden invasion of Okeroll, long after the date of the King's letters now directed, as he has already told him by a friar of Mowskerry. The indentures are infringed by the Deputy. Has observed them himself, to his great loss and the destruction of his servants. Before Easter the Deputy set such coyn and livery that two of Ormond's towns, Castell Warning and Oghterarde, had to bear 220 gallowglasses for four miles. His poor tenants cannot pay their rents. He has now sent a writ to Waterford that all mayors and bailiffs since the first year of the King's reign shall appear in Easter term to account for the King's revenues, poundage, &c. This is done to put Ormond to expence, for Waterford has a sufficient discharge, except for his half of the prizes, and the 10l. annuity, and 20 marks to the Church; "and as for the prize and 10l. annuity, I must see them discharged." Lord James must get an especial patent of all prizes in this land, according to the grant made to his ancestors, and the 10l. annuity, with this clause, "absque aliquo compoto," or it will be a great loss in time to come. He is to send for James White and Robert Couly to aid him, and is to make all haste hither with the King's licence, for if James do not give more attention to the Earl's business, Ormond will be well advised before sending him more. Kilkenny, 22 April.
Add.: "To my son James Butler, with the King's grace in England."
Headed: "The copy of the earl of Ormond's letter sent to his son, which Thos. Horth hath."
Copy, pp. 2.
24 April.
Vit. B. VII. III.
B. M.
Believes the Emperor has informed the King of the reasons for sending Beaurain hither, but as he charged Beaurain himself to do so, has told them at length to Russell, for whom he desires credence. Offers his services. Milan, 24 April.
Hol., Fr., p. 1, mutilated.
25 April.
R. O.
Asks Darcy to assist him, as he has suffered much harm for his true service to his late lord. Writes to Darcy, as his late lord looked to him to execute his testament, and see to the interests of his son and his servants. Horneby, St. Mark's Day, the Evangelist.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
25 April.
Vit. B. VII. 112.
B. M.
1282. CLERK to WOLSEY.
Mons. de Bew[rayn] despatched by the Emperor, arrived at [Milan] about the 16th inst. The resolution he brought from the Emperor is, as the Pope says, that the captains should first attend to the pacification of Italy, notwithstanding any past quarrels, and then should march into France, unless convenient conditions of peace are offered by those who now have rule there; they have orders from the Emperor to make very large demands both for the Emperor and the King. It seems that before Bewrayn left, the Emperor heard from England of the victory, with the King's mind thereupon, and that he is accordingly preparing to invade France. The Pope says he thinks the conditions proposed by Bewrayn will not be accepted, and the war will continue. He said nothing more about Bewrayn but that, if a resolution was had with the French king, he would return to Spain. His Holiness recommends himself and the Holy See to Wolsey, and excused himself for letting Albany pass; but Clerk will say nothing more about it, as he has arrived safely in France.
As to the King's money, has taken up all that was in merchants strangers' hands; viz., 6,000 crowns, the exchange of which was made by Michael [Hiero]nimus Sanches, to have been paid by Ant. Vivalde; 10,000 crowns by Angelus de Gaddis, to have been paid by John [Caval]cantis, Petre Francisco de Bardis and Misott de Barn ... de Bardis. There remain but 4,000 crowns made by the bank de Tholomeis, to have been paid [by] Ant. Bonvise, which he has not yet received, but expects in there or four days. Has had much trouble, and has been obliged to bind himself that it will not be demanded in England, and that quittances from one of the King's treasurers, or their letters of exchange, shall be delivered in four months. Asks that they may be sent as soon as possible. Has paid to the duke of Sessa the above 10,000 crowns, with 2,000 crowns of what he had taken for himself. Asks again that one other thousand may be counted as his diets.
Has received quittances from the Imperialists for the whole sum paid, and expects the same for the other 4,000 crowns also, when they will have received 22,000 in all. There remains still 3,000 crowns in the bank de Picolohominibus, not recoverable here. Could get them back, but will not do so, because this sum to be paid in England by master Silvester will counterpoise the expence of the 20,000 crowns taken at Venice by Pace. They will receive but 42,000 crowns instead of 45,000 crowns, which the Emperor's ambassador here thinks reasonable, although the Viceroy is scant content, because he is still upon his high hobby. Wrote to him that he should not now demand this money, as it was promised in their necessity, but now money comes in on every hand. He has sent back word that the King and Wolsey will be displeased with Clerk's slow payment; that money comes in but slowly, and the army is unpaid for many months. Does not think there will be much in advance when all is paid. The Viceroy and captains have much trouble to keep themselves out of danger from the soldiers, and are obliged to tolerate their spoiling villages and towns. They have spoiled many of the Pope's, and are spreading towards Bononye; at which the Pope is evil content, but there is no remedy. The soldiers, by this spoiling, live plenteously, and pay nothing, but yet they will have all their wages as if they had been living at their own cost. Rome, 25 Apr[il]. Signed.
Pp. 7, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.
25 April.
Vit. B. VII. 116.
B. M.
"Pleasith your highness to [understand, Mons. de Beauraine arrived here] upon Easter day at night, and came through Fraunce, [where he was] with the Frenche king's mother, and shewed her suche [letters and] instructions as he had of themperor to the Frenche king with ... declared unto me and sayeth that your highness hath a copy [sent] you by themperor:" 1st, that the Emperor offers the French king a marriage between his niece, daughter of dame Eleanor, and the Dolph[yn]; 2nd, the French king shall re[nder] to the Emperor Bourgoigne and all the possessions of duke Charles at his death; 3rd, that he shall render to Henry all he claims in France, with Normandy, Gascoigne and Guyenne; 4th, that he shall render to Bourbon all his possessions, and also Provence. The French king's mother said he would never give up Bourgoigne; that the King's demand was too great, for he demanded all; as to Bourbon, she made little or no difficulty. Bourbon, the Viceroy and Beauraine have been [with] the French king to offer him this treaty. He answered that he would not condescend to deliver anything, for he was a prisoner, and his deed wa[snull], but they must see what his mother and the Council will do. He asked Beauraine to treat of peace between the Emperor, Bourbon and himself, omitting Henry, and that then he would give a reasonable answer. To this they would not agree.
Beauraine goes tomorrow to the Emperor, and will pass by Lyons, to learn the mind of the King's mother. Morett came with him from her, and is returned to her. It is thought "that the sending that the Frenche king sendith to his mother is for * * * the cyttis, so that nothing ... whereby they may have laisor to make provision [a]gainst the next yere." If they have that liberty they will be able to defend themselves very well. The Viceroy and Beauraine say that the Emperor cannot maintain this army, which Bourbon is to conduct into France, unless the King pays half. It is thought that this army will be more useful than either the Emperor's or the King's, and will have to fight first. The duke of Milan has his investiture, and will pay the Emperor 1,200,000 ducats. The Emperor wants 200,000 ducats now, and the same sum yearly, and the Duke offers to pay 100,000 ducats yearly.
Supposes he has heard of the league between the Pope, the Emperor and the Florentines, which was published on the 18th inst. The Venetians and the duke of Ferrara can come in during this month. The Pope and Florentines give the Emperor 125,000 ducats. The league is offensive and defensive for Italy. If the Emperor is attacked in Italy, the Pope is bound to aid him with 2,000 foot and 500 horse. The Pope offered the Emperor 200,000 ducats for Rege, and another little town which the duke of Ferrara holds. The said Duke has given the Emperor 50,000 ducats, and offers him 200,000 more for Modena, which the Pope holds, and his investiture. They demand 120,000 ducats of the Venetians to enter. They are levying large sums besides, so that when the army is paid its arrears there will be 50,000 crowns to spare. Beauraine says the Imperialists have taken three or four fortresses in Languedoc, "as th ... fortyfyeth them dayly as muche as they can and s ... that themperor hath assembled his estates in Spaigne, and [will] levy monney in all places there as muche as he can poss[ibly, for]" he is determined personally to come to France, if the King will do likewise. Beauraine has been practising with the King of Navarre, and hopes to draw him to their side. The said King is now sending a gentleman with Mons ... to the Emperor. He will be of great use in the recovery of Guyenne, especially if Henry will send him a little aid. Many gentlemen in France told Beauraine that if Bourbon came with a good force, they would help him, but that if he did not they would not run the risk.
The prince of Orange and the countie St. Pol are both liberated on parole, to return at the end of the month. It is said that the French are practising in England for a peace, which is much doubted here. Has told Beauraine and others that they need not fear, for the wars have as yet been only for the Emperor, and that the French king would have given Henry much money to have remained neutral; that if he had done so, princes would have been glad to have sued to him, and that he need not have spent so much goods; that the French daily seek means to put diseord between him [and the Emperor; to which] they should give no credence. The French k[ing's mother] sends Bryon to the Emperor; he is in company with Beauraine. The Viceroy leaves tomorrow, and will take the French king from Pisshickynto to Genua, where are 16 gallies ready to take him to Naples, and he will be kept prisoner in the castle there. Milan, 25 April. Signature cut off, and pasted on again.
Pp. 4, mutilated. Endd.
25 April.
R. O.
1284. HENRY VIII. to _.
Appointing him to levy the amicable contribution granted by the King's subjects of the county of N., and pay it to the treasurer of the Chamber. Westminster, 25 April 17 Hen. VIII.
26 April.
R. O.
Sir Wm. Gascoign, Sir Ric. Tempest, Sir Robt. Nobyll and Master Chaloner will meet at Rothwell tomorrow, but he has not yet heard whether Master Fayrfax will come or no, "but yet resteth among those of Rothwell their old rancour." More, Burton and Dobson will stand to the Chancellor's order according to the decree. They had delivered William by the decree, but they do not know whether he has showed it to his neighbours. Advised the commissioners above-named to call the tenants together, and read the decree to them, that they may not hereafter plead ignorance. They can then proceed with their commission. Wm. Lee is in London. Parker hears that 30 of the tenants "will up straight, and I know of truth divers have gone in sundry churches for money towards their costs, with open voices that they are likely to be undone by the law and outlawed shortly." 26 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
26 April.
Vit. B. VII.
B. M.
Is still detained here by Bohemian affairs, "quæ tamen in [eo ar]ticulo constituteæ sunt ut intra proximum mensem omnino absolvendæ sint." The ambassadors of that kingdom will be here in ten days to transact matters. When they are finished, will send a full account, and a copy of the bull, to Wolsey. Various movements are reported amongst the Turks, which would not be feared unless they knew the treachery of the tyrant. Some think the affair will be [begun] by the prefect of the East, "ac propterea de lacessendis Christianis rationem aliquam hoc anno n ... rum;" and for this cause he has made treaties with the Vayvode and the Moldavian, and has sent to and received ambassadors from Po[land] to treat of friendship. Not long ago it was seen that he was acting deceitfully with that King, and so here they fear him none [the less], because they have received a severer blow from him, while peace or truce was treated for, than during open war. Will therefore do all he can to prevent harm.
The king of Poland has made a perpetual peace with the Great Master of Prussia with marvellous terms. The Great Master, deserting his religion, took the oath of fidelity for Prussia, which is given to him in fee. Does not know how the Germans will take this, but it cannot be without great indignation and odium, especially in times in which the goods of the Church are in most places exposed to plunder. In Germany the common people are openly rising against the magistrates and princes. They have already a regular army of infantry, with which they have stormed some towns and sacked some monasteries; and although the princes, according to the Suabian league, oppose them, and have defeated them more than once, they rise again like the hydra. It is thought that they may be destroyed by their own violence and want of plans; and the news from Rome of the perpetual treaty just made between the Pope, Emperor and king of England, gives more hope of the restoration of peace. Will not write about French and Italian matters, as the hinge thereof seems to be in Wolsey's own hands.
Is troubled by private as well as public cares. Many who have hitherto assisted him with money are pressing for repayment, thinking that he is rich through the liberality of the King here. Asks Wolsey to assist him. Buda, 26 April 1525. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated.
26 April.
Le Glay,
Négociations, II. 600.
Has, according to Du Blioul's letter, caused the king of France to write to Madame (Margaret), requesting her to send some one to the Emperor, and to procure his release. Has written twice to Madame, and sent her a copy of the instructions brought by M. de Reulx. Believes Madame the Regent will send some one to Madame (Margaret). Desires peace, provided the Emperor can obtain his reasonable demands. Du Blioul will learn the King's answer by Bregilles; he remits the whole matter to Madame the Regent and his council, and with De Reulx he sends M. de Brion, who will bring a reply to the articles. De Reulx is sending to his Majesty (the Emperor) the comendador Figurolle, to inform him of the enormous arrears which are due to the troops, and which will amaze Du Blioul. Before the departure of De Reulx [from Spain] the ambassador of the king of England arrived at the Emperor's court.
Hopes soon to hear from the Emperor what will be concluded with the ambassador. No conclusion can be taken until we know what will be done in France. If the war continue, it will be necessary to make sure of the English, in order that they may help this army to enter into France, for war cannot be waged without money.
Has been commanded by the Emperor to hold himself in readiness to enter France with Bourbon. The Emperor intends to enter it in person, and we are to meet him at a place which will be notified. Is ordered to keep strict guard over the King's person, and either to remove him to the new castle in Naples, or to request the duke of Milan to lend the castle of Milan for that purpose. As to the castle of Milan, the Duke would not like to deliver it, because all Italy would think he had been deprived of it. Will propose to keep the King in certain places, where he can be kept in safety. Money is wanted for their entry into France. Milan, 26 April 1525.
26 April.
R. O.
Begs him to be good master to his son the bearer, which he hopes partly to recompense. Sends a box for "my father Fyncham," at his coming to Cambridge, of which Mr. Crome will let him know. "The matter toucheth me above the value of 400l. I pray you that ye will take such diligence in it with my son Frevyle, if he come to you, as my said father shall require you to do." His clerk, Edmond Waren, will buy for his son books or whatever else he needs. London, Wednesday after St. George.
Has written to Mr. Metcalf as Gould advised.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
27 April.
Calig. B. I. 41.
B. M.
Received two letters concerning the King's rebels, and preparing the people to attend your Grace in the King's intended voyage to France. Met at Segefeld on Good Friday, the Monday after at Durham, the 24th at Newcastle. The gentlemen of Northumberland came not, though warned by Sir Will. Ellercar, the sheriff. Cannot well fulfil his wishes for retaining able men in Cumberland and Westmoreland, as they are not acquainted with the counties. Lord Clifford retains a large body in Westmoreland, lord Dacre in Cumberland, for his son's retinue. Will have no difficulty in raising 500 demi-lances from Durham and Northumberland if Wolsey wishes. Begs him to commission Sir John Lowther and Sir Walter Strickland for services in Westmoreland and Cumberland. They are much occupied.
On Saturday next all the gentlemen in the bishopric will meet them at Durham. The gentlemen of Northumberland will serve readily, with the exception of Sir Will. Heron, who refused to appear till two in the afternoon, and said openly, "The lieutenant undoes the country." Beg that he may be compelled to prove his words. Think it mere jealousy, as they are strangers in the county, and his ancestors had been lieutenants there. Some noblemen of great authority must be sent down to compel obedience. Have interdicted all the churches of Tynedale. Notwithstanding, the thieves there compelled a Scotch friar to administer the communion after his fashion; and one Ector Cherlton, one of their captains, "resaved the parsonnez dewties and served them all of wyne." Redesdale is better ruled. Think the device of Dacres for repressing the rebels useful. The rebels have received the memorial from Sir Will. Ellercar and Sir John Heron, and are content to make amends on security of their lives and of their pledges. Hector and Gerard Charlton refuse submission. Enclose a bill. Scotland is their great refuge when pressed; in their forays they are helped by the Scots. Think Angus should be written to to expel them entirely from Scotland. If this be done, and William Ridley their chief captain taken, they will be subdued. Think that lord Dacre should have the whole rule in Bewcastelldale. On their return from the expedition against Tynedale, propose to plant garrisons, and press the thieves hard, who commit much damage. A garrison of 200 archers on horseback on the borders of Tynedale, making incursions every fortnight, will do much to put down the evil.
The deputies have written to Angus and Magnus of the complaints made against the Scots. Divers sanctuary men in your bishopric of Durham, of "tall personage" and good demeanor, would be glad to serve your Grace. Newcastle, 27 April. Signed.
Pp. 7. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal's good grace."
28 April.
R. MS.
111–272 b. f. 1.
B. M.
p. 174.
1290. FRANCIS I.
Instructions to Mons. d'Embrun, sent to the Emperor by the Regent of France.
He is to give the Emperor to understand that the principal object of his mission is to render thanks to him on Madame's behalf for his kind and honorable treatment of the French king, and to request that she may frequently receive news of her son's health. He is then to inform Charles that Madame always desired the peace of Christendom, even before the battle [of Pavia], and especially a union between Charles and Francis, which she will now conclude, if honorable conditions be conceded to the satisfaction of the realm, the entire administration of which now rests in her hands. The demands made by Beaurain were too exacting. Should the Emperor appoint some great personage to treat with him, D'Ambrun is at once to destroy any hope which the Emperor may entertain of gaining towns or territories by means of the proposed peace; and he is then to negotiate the marriage of the duke of Orleans, second son of Francis, to Eleanor, daughter of the queen of Portugal, with a view to the same Duke's being nominated duke of Milan. He is also to treat respecting the kingdom of Naples, the towns of Hédin and Tournay, and the King's rights in Flanders and Artois. But, above all, D'Ambrun is to endeavor to obtain Francis' release. Lyons, 28 April 1525, après Pasques.
Modern copy. French.
28 April.
R. O.
Today, April 28, Dompne John Bradley, sacristan of Myddelton, is, according to Wolsey's letters, elected abbot there. Will do all he can in practising the amicable grant of the clergy of the diocese of Sarum. Myddelton.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal and Legate.
28 April.
R. O.
Has perused the accompanying books, and likes the names in the roll sealed alone, but if the King or he wish to take some out, or put in some others, he will be content.
Thinks many will make excuse that they cannot find so many, and therefore 1,000 or 1,500 more than Norfolk wants should be put down. Reminds him to send for lords Westmoreland and Clifford. Hunsdon, 28 April.
P.S. in his own hand:—Hears that last night, at 7 o'clock, lord Marney was "drawyng the draghts of deth, and Mr. Butts determynde he shuld not lyve after 5 owrys." Asks whether the King will permit him and lord Fitzwalter to seize his two daughters to the King's use, and bring them to their houses. Thinks they will be better kept so than elsewhere. Desires credence for the bearer. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate.
28 April.
S. B.
1293. For JOHANNES LODOVICUS VYVES, the King's servant.
Licence to import 300 tuns of Gascon wine and Toulouse woad into any part of the King's dominions, except Calais, paying customs; and protection for the ships importing, and their captains, artillery, &c., for three years. Del. Hampton Court, 28 April 17 Hen. VIII.
29 April.
S. B.
1294. For JOHN RAWSON, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in Ireland.
Protection; and licence for three years to absent himself from Ireland, and to take with him horses and hawks, enjoying his benefices and revenues, notwithstanding any statute. Del. Hampton Court, 29 April 17 Hen. VIII.
30 April.
R. O.
Came to Norwich last night with difficulty, having a great pain in his right thigh and knee, which will prevent his riding to all parts of the shire; but has taken order with the Commissioners, so that he expects the King will be content with the grant of this shire. Has near done with half the inhabitants of the city. Hopes to make an end tomorrow, and set forth as easily as he may into midst of the shire. Many have been put in hope to pay nothing by rumors that neither those of London nor the other shires will consent to the first rates. News also came yesterday that Wolsey had spoken on Wednesday (fn. 2) with the mayor of London and 40 others, and promised that they should pay no more than they themselves would grant. On this the mayor and aldermen of Norwich hoped Norfolk would treat them the same way; "which I began to assay, and saw by the proof thereof that and I had not taken another way their grant should scant have extended to the 6th part that the other was when I was here last; but now I trust this grant at the least shall be largely the one half of the other; and with as much diligence as I can I shall despatch this shire, to the intent that others may take ensample at them."
Delivered the commissions to those gentlemen who were to be collectors, but they objected to be commissioners for the whole shire, and declined to act unless their commissions were limited to the hundreds allotted to them. Requests, therefore, that new commissions be made according to schedules enclosed. Wolsey must not expect Leonard Spencer up at the beginning of the term on the matter between the city and the priory, (fn. 3) as he must supply the place of Elys, the baron of the Exchequer, in the hundreds allotted to them. Norwich, 30 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate.
30 April.
Vesp. C. III.
B. M.
Embarked on the 18th inst., as soon as the King's ships were ready. Next day "availed with the tide" to the Cowe, in the Isle of Wight, where they remained a day "at rode," waiting for wind, which changing next morning to the east, they passed the Needles and along the coast. Before night they had passed the Race of Portland and drew near Dartmouth, when they waited for a bark they had left behind "more than a kennyng." Next day they were off Plymouth, when the wind drawing to S.E., and being but scant, they hardly got as far as the head of Uschant in the next two days. The wind was then S., and they were advised to put back into Plymouth; but the writers refused, and insisted that they should try up and down the sea waiting a better wind. Accordingly, ran west a whole day, and east nearly the whole of next day, when, the wind drawing more to the east, they began to make slowly for Spain. Were then nearly becalmed for two days, after which they made some progress for one day with a W. wind, but were becalmed again on the morrow "in the gulf of the Spanish sea," which alarmed them, as calms in summer there are often of long duration. But next day the wind came to the E. "right strenably," and they went forward as near the wind as possible, as their course lay S.E. That wind continued the next day and night, so that next morning they were near land. A mist concealed their view until the sun was far risen, when they saw overhead the high mountains of Asturias covered with snow, so that they were about 12 leagues west of Biscay, all their ships being about half a "kennyng" further west still. As the wind was still "very strenably in the east, and blowing a good coal," which made it impossible to reach Biscay, while it was dangerous to lie at anchor off the shore for fear of being bayed in if the wind changed to N., it was determined to run W. to the next haven, which was this, above 40 leagues distant. This course they followed that day and the night following; and yesterday, when "the wind sore scased upon us," after waiting for a pilot, whom they obtained with difficulty, they at last arrived here, 110 leagues from Toledo. All the pilot boats at first fled at their approach, thinking they were French,—a mistake which had been already evinced by beacons made on the coast, and which has been confessed since they landed. Have got the horses out of the ships, and will set forwards after a day's rest if they can find mules for the carriages, of which there are none here, except such as come sometimes out of Castile to fetch fish inland. The captain of the town is endeavoring to provide them with carriages.
As the Emperor is 15 days' journey hence, and post horses are not to be had in this country, "which is all mountains," have despatched a courier on foot over the mountains, who promises to go to the Emperor's court in seven days. Have given him a letter to Sampson, to inform his Majesty of their arrival, and of their great desire to speak with him. Have desired Sampson to stay all practices till they come, and to meet them three days' journey before they come to the Emperor's court, that they may be "the more riper" in all things.
Have ordered the King's ships to Alleredo by the first wind, "that if either the first or second article of our instructions may be attained, we may repair thither unto them;" or if not, to despatch them home "within time of their victualling." Ribadir, 30 April. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.
30 April.
R. O.
Have written to the King an account of their voyage, and how they were forced to take this haven. Failed of their right course through calms and mists. Will make all possible diligence, but have eight or nine days' journey in the mountains before reaching Castile. Fear they will be delayed by want of carriages and horse-meat, as neither horses nor mules are much used here, which is the hardest and barest country in Spain. Cannot find out what the Emperor will do till they draw near the court. Have caused the King's ships to go to Allaredo till they know whether the first or second point of their instructions be attained. If neither can be brought about, will send home the ships. Rybadeo in Galyce, 30 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good grace." Endd.
April./GRANTS. 1298. GRANTS in APRIL 1525.
1. Sir Anth. Browne. To be steward of the honor and keeper of the park of Raileigh, master of the hunt of Raileigh and Thundersley, and bailiff of the hundred of Rocheford, Essex, with various fees, to commence from 6 June 15 Hen. VIII., from which day he has been in office. Westm., 1 April.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24.
1. Nich. Rogers, of York. Pardon for killing in self-defence Tho. Foster, of London, as testified by John Wilford, coroner, and Ralph Dodmer and Wm. Roche, sheriffs of London. Westm., 1 April.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
7. Agnes duchess of Norfolk, widow, and Sir Thomas Blenerhay. Release, as executors of Thomas late duke of Norfolk. Del. Westm., 7 April 16 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
8. Thomas Englefeld, King's councillor, Henry Nores, Roger Ratclyf, Christopher Handisshe, and Richard Harryson. Grant of the advowson of the hospital of Newton Garth, York dioc., on the next vacancy. Del. Westm., 8 April 16 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 28.
11. Lord Berners. Protection to Philip Conner, alias Conwey, of London, brewer; going to the wars. Del. Westm., 11 April 16 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
12. William Dawborne, groom of the Bows. Custody of the wood called Brokwood, and a pasture called Brodemedow, in the manor of Oking, Surrey, with 1d. a day; vice Rob. Rawlynson. Del. Westm., 12 (?) April 16 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
12. Sir Henry Guldeford, comptroller of the household, and Mary his wife. Grant, in tail male, of the manor of Hampton in Arderne, Warw., part of Sir Simon Mountforth's lands; the manor of Diker, Linc., late of William viscount Beaumont and lord Bardolf, in the King's hands by attainder of Francis Lovell; and lands in Hadlow, Northfrith, Shiborn and Tunbregge, Kent; also of fisheries lately in the tenure of Henry Fanc and Thomas Raynold, of Hadlow, with views of frankpledge, waifs, strays, &c.:—on surrender of patents 6 June 4 Hen. VIII., 24 April 14 Hen. VIII., and 15 July 16 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 April 16 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 2, m. 29.
13. Lord Berners. Protection for Anthony Burgh, of London, draper; going to the wars. Del. Westm., 13 April 16 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
13. John Betfild, alias Bidfyld, of Bytton, Glouc., husbandman. Pardon for the murder of John Awste, of Salford, Soms., laborer. Westm., 13 April.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27.
16. Lord Berners. Protection for John Arnold, of Hornechurch in Havering, Essex, alias of Romford, draper; going to the wars. "Teste" Westm., 16 April 16 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Also a S.B. to the same effect, dated 30 April 17 Hen. VIII.
20. John Benolt, clk., the King's chaplain. Presentation to the rectory of Moremonkton, York dioc., vice Wm. Burgh. Westm., 20 April.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28.
20. Symond Salvage. Licence to export 200 quarters of wheat. Greenwich, 20 April 16 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
Ashby de la Zouche. Inspeximus of patent 12 Jan. 11 Edw. IV., inspecting and exemplifying the tenor of a plea in Chancery at Westminster, 18 Feb. 6 Edw. IV. The proceedings were a memorandum of assent to the claim of Sir Ric. Byngham and Marg. his wife and others, relative to the above manor, citing a fine 32 Edw. I., a commission 6 Edw. IV., an inquisition 7 Edw. IV., a writ to Wm. Hastyngs, and Letters Close 7 Edw. IV. to Hen. Sotehill, attorney general.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, ms. 9–14.
Sir Th. Boleyn, treasurer of the Household. To be steward of the lordship of Swaffeham, Norf., and of the crown lands, parcel of the honor of Richemond, in co. Norf.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1.
Sir Ric. Broke, justice of the Common Pleas, Sir William Paston, Francis Lovell and John Carleton. Pardon as executors of Sir Thos. Lovell, executor of Hen. VII., farmer of the lands of lord Roos, deceased, constable of the Tower of London, lieutenant of Calais, justice of the peace in cos. Midd., Norf. and Suff., commissioner of sewers, justice of forests this side Trent, warden and chief justice Shirwode forest, Notts, treasurer of wars to Henry VII., treasurer of the Household, treasurer of the Chamber, chancellor of the Exchequer at Westminster, master of the King's wards, constable of Nottingham Castle, farmer of the manor of Rysyng, Norf., receiver and paymaster of the King's revenue, receiver of the lands of Wm. de la Pole in right of his wife Katharine, formerly wife of the said William, and constable of Walyngford Castle.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p.2, m. 1. (The S.B. is dated 19th August.)
Edward Byngham. Licence to export 100 tuns of beer.—S.B.
Sir Arthur Darcy. Annuity of 20l. issuing from the manor of Bryerley, York, during the minority of Thomas Stanley, s. and h. of Edward Stanley lord Monteagle, King's ward. Del. West.,_16 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
Henry earl of Devon. To be constable of Wyndesore Castle, with the custody of all parks, warrens, &c. attached to the office; vice Henry earl of Essex and Sir Tho. Burchier.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 32.
Ric. Fitzlewys lord Thorndon. Exemption from serving on juries or being made a collector of taxes, &c., sheriff or escheator.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8.
Sir John Mundy, alderman of London. To be justice for the German merchants who have the house called "Guyhalda Thetonicorum" (Teutonicorum); it being represented by the merchants that Sir Lawrence Aylmer, alderman of London, who was their justice, has not performed that office for a year past, and is now in the prison of the said city for divers causes. Westm., _.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15.
Gilbert Tailboys. To be bailiff of the manor of Tatteshall and keeper of the castle, &c., vice Sir Wm. Compton.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
Peter de Tonaglia, Florentine merchant at Bordeaux, and John Cavalcant, Florentine merchant. Licence to export 200 tons of Toulouse woad and bay salt.—Fr., 16 Hen. VIII. m. 5.
Thomas Tyler, constable of Berwike Castle. To be a gunner in the ordinary retinue of Berwike, with 6d. a day. Note in the margin: Granted at the petition of Anthony Ughtredd, captain of Berwik.—S.B.
Lewis de Vives. Licence to export 100 quarters of corn.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14.
John Walgrave, Robert Hussey and Anne his wife, Wm. Clopton and Elizabeth his wife, and Anne Elys, heirs of John Hyll, deceased. Inspeximus of a petition to the Chancellor, showing that Hyll was seized at his death of numerous lands and possessions in Somers., Berks, Devon, and Cornw., which descended to Sir Wm. Saye through his wife Jenovefe, in default of issue, and were recovered against the said heirs. Power of inquiry was granted to Will. Burbanke, clk., who took a deposition by Sir Wm. Saye, showing his title to the premises to be for life only, &c.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
Henry Webbe, sewer of the Chamber. Licence to export 80 tuns of beer. Westm., _. Fr., 16 Hen. VIII. m. 4.
Commission of the peace.
Hants: Tho. abp. of York, W. abp. of Canterbury, R. bp. of Winchester, T. bp. of Bangor, Tho. earl of Arundel, Arthur visc. Lysle, Wm. lord Mautravers, John Tuchet lord Audeley, Th. West lord De la Warre, Wm. lord Sandys, Sir John Fitzjames, chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwich, serjeant-at-law, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Wm. Uvedale, Sir George Puttenham, Ric. Lyster, Jas. Worseley, Wm. Panlett, jun., Anth. Willoughby, Wm. Frost, Ralph Pexsall, Jas. Dettis, Stephen Coope, John Kailwey, Wm. Pounde, Wm. Dysney, Nich. Tychebourn, Ralph Andrews, Peter Filpott.—Pat. 16 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
Seven privy seals, being protections granted at the instance of lord Berners to Thos. Stretton, of Stowe, Glouc., chapman; of Rob. Kyrke, capt. of the Mary Guylford, to Thos. Neleson, of Leeds, clothier; of Rich. Wythall, to Ralph Curson, of London, sherman; of Ric. Wethyrs, capt. of the Bark de Morlese, to Thos. Marshall, of London, merchant tailor, Ric. Cole, of Cryke, Northt., and Nich. Weste, of London, grocer; and of George Whitwham, capt. of the George of London, to Oswald Grice, of Walkefeld, York, clothier.
26. Sir Henry Guldeford, comptroller of the Household. To be one of the chamberlains of the receipt of the Exchequer from the death of Sir Ric. Jernegan. Del. Westm., 26 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
26. Henry Norreys. Annuity of 50 marks. Del. Westm., 26 April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
27. Sir Wm. Tyler and Sir Wm. Compton. Grant of the advowson of the rectory of Corymallet, Somers., Bath and Wells dioc.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 28.
30. John Arnold, of Hornechurch, in Havering de Bower, Essex, draper, alias of Romford Market, alias of Waltham St. Cross. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Westm., 30 April ao 17.—P.S.
—. Vincent Eymer, of Piedmont, Claude ... Thomas Barnaby, of London, Peter Bardara, of Navarre, Peter Vanstraden, of Brabant, and John Basagnyer, of Paris, merchants. Licence to import 1,000 tons of merchandise, viz., wine, Toulouse woad, bay salt, canvas, French bonnets or caps, and other goods of France, Normandy and Britanny, paying 6s. 8d. per ton as custom; and to sell them in England and Flanders. Also to export woollen cloths (or broadcloths) called "chariseis," tin, lead, sea coal, hides and any other English merchandise, [except] wools, fleeces, and grain, but not excepting wools bought in Calais. Also protection for three years. Del. Westm.,—April 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.


  • 1. What this secret was does not appear. The terms of the letter are unusually urgent.
  • 2. i.e. 26 April. See Hall's Chronicle.
  • 3. Viz., of Norwich. See Vol. III. Nos. 1113, and App. 12.