Henry VIII: February 1524, 16-28

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: February 1524, 16-28', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp41-58 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: February 1524, 16-28', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp41-58.

"Henry VIII: February 1524, 16-28". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp41-58.


February 1524

16 Feb.
Baker MSS.
Arbitrament of card. Wolsey. 16 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII. (fn. 1)
2. [Wolsey to Norfolk ?]
Cott. Appx.
B. M.
"My lorde," the young countess of Oxford has lately returned to the King and Council, alleging that his lordship still keeps her out of possession, although it was supposed that she had entered by force of the King's writ. A new commandment is sent out to the justices for removing the said force, and restoring her to her former possession. Informs him of it, that he may suffer her to have her ... "ordinary course and way, whereby your title, possession, nor entry can not ... to abide the same to be done by an extraordinary way ... by reason whereof further trouble might ensue ... to the hindrance of your matter and you." * * *
Hol., p. 1, mutilated.
3. A. Countess of Oxford to [Wolsey].
Vesp. F. XIII.
B. M.
Since she wrote, the executors of the late earl of Oxford have, with much ado, delivered the stuff and plate bequeathed according to the letter directed to them by [Wolsey], but not the 100 marks. They declare they can do no more, and are displeased with Sir Rob. Drowre for being so ready to grant it to [Wolsey]. "They squared with him afore me, and now I find him better than the remnant in divers causes; and I desired them to have their advice in ordering my lord's house, and in other great causes concerning my lord's business, and they said they would not meddle," although they speak fair before [Wolsey]. Regrets to trouble him on this matter considering his great affairs, but has few powerful friends.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord's grace.
4. A. Countess of Oxford to Wolsey.
R. O. Received his letters on Saturday last, when she wrote to inform him of my lord of Oxford's coming hither. He entered this town about 11 o'clock with 50 horsemen, and Sir John Raynsforthe came the same day with 30 horse. My lord broke open the park, his men entered with their bows ready bent, and killed 17 of her deer. On Tuesday he entered the park with about 500 men, having sent to the neighbouring towns to cause the people to assemble, and they killed 100 deer. The justice of the peace bound him and her to keep the peace, but he has to-day broken open her house at Campys, accompanied with 300 persons, beaten her servants and taken her goods. Asks his and the King's aid. Lavenham, 11 Aug. Signed: A. Oxynfford.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.: Letters from the young countess of Oxford.
5. A. Countess of Oxford to Duke of Suffolk.
R. O. The writ she had from Wolsey for Cambridgeshire does not serve her, for the persons at the castle of Campys answered the justices that they would not depart till their master ordered them. The justices did not think they could remove them by their own power, or by raising the country, without greatly disturbing the King's peace. They have proceeded no further in executing the said writ. Cannot obtain her possessions without his help and her brother's (Norfolk). Wyttysforthe, 22 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
6. The Same to the Duke of Norfolk.
R. O. A similar letter. Same date. Signed: Youre loveyng sister, A. Oxynfford.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
7. The Earl of Oxford.
R. O. "An instruction for Master Cromwell, to know upon what point and for what cause the matter in variance between the earl of Oxenford on the one partie, and the heirs general of the old earl of Oxenford deceased on the other partie, doth stand undetermined concerning the inheritance of the said old Earl."
P. 1. Endd. by Wriothesley: "Item a paper of instructions of the earl of Oxford to my master."
17 Feb.
Add. MS.
24,965, f. 144.
B. M.
107. WM. HOLGILL, Priest, to LORD DACRE.
Has received his letter dated Morpeth, 31 Dec., concerning the tithe of Conyscliffe. My Lord's Grace granted it to Mylis Forrest, a groom of his chamber, at Christmas, so that it is past remedy. Has received from Dacre, by Frankeleyn, 200l. of the revenues of Heyham. Asks him to command his servant there to levy the arrears of last year, and the rest that should have been paid at Martinmas. On Ash Wednesday (fn. 2) an ambassador came from the Pope, but his charge is not publicly known yet. Savoy, 17 Feb.
The indenture was made in 1516, and is taken under the convent seal for 31 years, so that it is five years to the entry of our indenture.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
18 Feb.
Add. MS.
24,965, f. 175.
B. M.
Hearne's Otterburne, II.
Has received his letters and copies by John de Barbon, showing all that has passed between him and Albany since he received the safe-conduct sent by Wolsey. These matters have been debated by the Council. Wonders that Dacre, being so amply instructed how to answer Albany's overtures, should suddenly disclose to him by a servant the whole effect of his instructions. There were many important matters, as the longer safe-conduct and the hostages, which should have been "long stikked upon." Besides, considering that the overtures came from Albany, to whom right strange answer had been made by my Lord Treasurer and otherwise, the matter should have been handled so that the Duke might not have too much comfort given him, or think the King over ready to take an appointment, and therefore make difficult offers, as he has done. Is surprised that he allowed Barbon to bring such instructions, especially without giving any notice of it, so that he might have come into the council chamber in open presence, before any knowledge was had of him, or who he was. Wolsey, however, contrived to prevent his coming to the King's presence, received Albany's letters only under protest, as from an enemy, and gave no sign that the purpose of Albany's coming proceeded from any but Dacre. Barbon is licensed to go to France, with Albany's letters to the King and his mother, and has been answered that Wolsey dares not show the King the instructions lest he should be displeased, but that by good mediation he has brought him to hear of peace; that if in consequence of the Duke's letters, the French king or his mother will commission him to come to England as their ambassador with offers of peace, he shall be welcomed and honorably received, though not as governor of Scotland, and any other person sent from France shall also be favorably heard. If he has commission already from the French king to treat on his behalf, or if he is minded to come as ambassador from Scotland, he shall have as large a safe-conduct as he can reasonably desire, or may use either of those which Dacre has, and may trust them, for the King would not break a safe-conduct to win the realm of France or Scotland. Rather than fail, the King, thanking Dacre for his offer, is content that he should be his hostage. He may be sure that, whether he come from France or Scotland, such honor shall be shown him, by his conduct hither by the earl of Northumberland and other nobles, and by his entertainment here, that he will, perhaps, find that he receives more honor than he has done in any country. If he does not wish to come till he has answer from France, ambassadors, as before proposed, shall be favorably heard, and any proposals they make touching France further spoken of. The King will grant a cessation of hostility from the time they enter till the term of the safe-conduct, which needs not be "capitulate by you or any other," and will therefore not interfere with the treaties with France; which country cannot be comprehended by the King, and, if he could do it, it would not be convenient until ambassadors were sent either by the King or his mother. If the Duke delays to send ambassadors the King will establish his garrisons on the borders to annoy the Scots in their sowing. Barbon sends the effect of the above to Albany, and Dacre must give the bearer a safe passage, and send a similar letter to Albany by him, in such form that it may appear only an answer to his overtures, and not as proceeding from the King; for the King hears that Albany and others make the Scots think that the King is urging him to make peace. If there is any delay in sending the ambassadors, he must send word of the numbers, places, and other requisites for establishing garrisons, lest the time for annoying the Scots be lost. Westm., 18 Feb. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add.: To, &c., the lord Dacre, warden of the Marches foranempst Scotland.
19 Feb.
Galba, B. VIII.
B. M.
On the 29th Jan. 1523, the Archduchess, Regent, &c., at a sitting of the Council "au petit palle de l'Empereur," at Brussels,—present, Erard cardinal of Liege, Florys d'Egmont, count de Buyren, Antoine de Lalaing count de Hochstrate, Adolf de Bourgoigne, seigneur de Beures, Jehan seigneur de Berghes, Loys de Lignes, seigneur de Barbançon, Phillebert Naturel, dom prevost of Utrecht, Josse Lawerrens, president of the Great Council and others,—the said Cardinal, Buren, Bevres, Berghes and Brabançon requested Madame for a private audience, which she granted, and ordered the rest, except Hochstrate and the Audiencer, to retire. The Dom Prevost remained, and desired permission of Madame to say two words before leaving; which being granted, he said that eight days before he had been suffering from gout, and had been unable to reply to the reports spread against him of his being French. He spoke of the long time he had served the late Emperor and king Philip, and said that he was the Chancellor of the Emperor's order and first of the long robe; that he had discharged all duties honorably, and, if any one would accuse him, he wished Madame would tell him who, and he was ready to reply to it; and requested that those who accused him unjustly should be punished. Madame replied that his request was reasonable; and that he might be sure, if he were accused, he should be heard. On this the Provost left the Council. Then De Berghes said, in the name of the Cardinal, Buren, Bevres and Brabançon, that it was of the Provost they wished to speak,—that they bore him no ill will, but it was noised through all the country that he was French,—that they did not wish definitely to accuse him, but there was a presumption that there was something in it. The Emperor had once said to him, "I fear the Provost eats too many French crowns." He reminded Madame that she herself had often said that she did not dare speak about French affairs in presence of the Provost; and when the Provost was in France the late marquis of Arschot had told Berghes he was cheating them, and that he ate up too much money. The Provost had received many benefices from the king of France, and once a sum of 10,000 crowns. He had taken leave of the Emperor at Bruges, and given up his office and seals, intending to retire into France; for which purpose he had gone to Cambray, whence he had since returned. Berghes also reminded Madame that in August the Cardinal, himself and others spoke to her of the cordelier of Cambray, who came to Brussels with a writing making mention of certain revelations, copies of which have been sent to the Emperor, showing that his charge was to go to the Provost, and that other cordeliers had been at Brussels in disguise, with the same charge, and it might be presumed had intelligence with the Provost. A cordelier of Avesnes had told Brabançon that the cordelier of Cambray was to address himself to the Provost. When the cordelier of Cambray was examined by Madame's order, it was found that the Bonhomme, from whom, according to the saying of the cordelier, the Divine revelation proceeded, was the seigneur de la Hargerie. De Buren said that, when lately with the army beyond the Somme, he had spoken with La Hargerie, who affirmed that he knew nothing of the cordelier's revelation. Buren confirmed the statement of De Berghes, and added that the French knew all that they were doing, and that the presumption was it was through the Provost. He had heard that the Provost's official was much inclined to Gueldres, and informed the duke of Gueldres of what was done every day; and certainly it was not right that such a man should be in the secrets of the Emperor. He said, "See the state we are in from this country of Gueldres, and all through the Provost; for if it had not been for the appointment made by him, king Philip would have had the whole country in subjection." King Philip himself had said to the Provost, "You have gone beyond your instructions." The Cardinal said that in France he had heard from Robertet that the King often had news of what was done here, and that it was notorious the French had friends here. Berghes finally said they were resolved not to come to Council so long as the Provost was there, and that Madame might choose whether she would have him or them. The Cardinal then asked the others if it was so, and they all said, "Yes."
Madame then asked the Lords if they meant to accuse him of anything. They said, "No." Berghes said he had no quarrel with him, and that formerly he had procured his advancement at Rome, at the instance of king Philip. Madame then said it was not for her to remove the Provost from the Council without cause. Berghes said they had sent him back from Spain without cause, and that his ill repute was a sufficient reason to forbid him the Council. Madame said it was only the Emperor who could remove him, and that he was Chancellor of the order. Berghes said he was not, and that neither the Emperor nor the Knights could make a chancellor or other officer of a man of bad repute (homme noté). After a long discussion Madame said she would inform the Emperor, and Berghes said for himself and the others that they would do the same. The cause which moved the Lords to make this request to Madame was the arrival of the provincial of the Observants of France, which looked like a continuation of the practices of the cordeliers. The Provincial addressed himself to the cardinal of Liege, who informed Madame of everything.
On the 14th Feb., at Malines, the cardinal of Liege and De Berghes, on leaving the Council towards evening, came to Madame in the presence of the count Hochstrate, the president of the Great Council and the Audiencer, whom they called. The Cardinal told Madame that by what Berghes and the others had said to her at Brussels they did not mean to interfere with the Emperor's right to appoint whom he pleased, Turk or Frenchman, or even the procureur of France, on his Council; but desired Madame that the matter should be put in writing by the Audiencer, and they would sign it, and send it to the Emperor, and requested that Madame would sign it with them. The Audiencer suggested that the Lords ought to have put in writing themselves what they meant to have from Madame; but they insisted that he should do it, and Madame ordered him to do so. Underneath was a certificate by Laurence du Blioul, first secretary to the Emperor, that the cardinal of Liege and De Berghes had presented that writing to the Archduchess. Malines, 19 Feb. 1523.
Fr., pp. 7.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
Summary of what the Archduchess said to the King's ambassador in answer to what he told her on the part of the King and Wolsey touching the provost of Utrecht.
That as he was the King's ambassador to the Emperor, and in the Emperor's absence to her, he ought to address himself to her without paying attention to what was said by private individuals. The Provost was aware that Berghes and others had said he was affected to France. He had complained of it in the Council in presence of the cardinal of Liege, the counts of Buren and Hoochstrate, De Beures, the president of the Council, the sieur de Barbençon, the Audiencer and others, and stated that he was ready to reply to it, demanding that his accusers should be punished if they could not make good the charge; and none of the said Lords ventured to charge him with anything. (2.) That after the Provost left the Council, Berghes said to my Lady that the Cardinal, Buren, Beures, Barbençon and himself desired to speak to her about the Provost, and said that he had been many years in France, had received great gifts there, had been suspected by the Emperor, my Lady, the late lord Chievres, the marquis d'Arschot and others of being French; and had once taken leave of the Emperor to retire upon a bishopric that he expected to have in France. Berghes spoke of some French cordeliers who had been at Brussels in July to speak to my Lady, through the Provost's means, and of other French cordeliers who had been at Brussels at the same time in disguise, and spoken to the said Provost. He said there was a general murmur against the Provost—that it was not right such a man should be in the Emperor's council; and the Cardinal declared that he and the other Lords would not come to Council if the Provost was there. My Lady said common report was not trustworthy; told the Cardinal that for many years he had been French,—that his brother and kinsmen were so,—yet the Emperor trusted him; and that as to the Provost, she had found him faithful, and could not remove him without orders from the Emperor, or at least finding some well established charge. She then asked if they would accuse him. They all replied No, for they knew nothing but hearsay. Nevertheless, the Cardinal declared he and the Lords would not go to Council if the Provost was there. My Lady tried to appease them, but to no purpose. At last she proposed to inform the Emperor, which she has done, and which she supposes the Lords have done also. My Lady then related to the ambassadors that in July, when the cardinal of Liege and Berghes had suspicion of the Provost as to the coming of the cordeliers, she asked the Cardinal how the Provost had conducted himself when he was in France, and whether he was considered French by the Frenchmen; and the Cardinal answered in full council that he had always known the Provost as a respectable man, not in the confidence of the French. On the examination of the principal cordelier it did not appear that he knew the Provost, or that he had meant to communicate with him, but with Madame, which even the Cardinal acknowledges. My Lady believes the Cardinal to be quite faithful to the Emperor; but if she were to suspect anyone, she would have more suspicion of him, who has been for the most part of his life in the service of France, as his brother and nephews are still. She said that, before writing to Wolsey what private individuals might have said against the Provost, the ambassador ought to have spoken with herself; and Wolsey ought not to have bid her remove the Provost, and told her that otherwise she should be deprived of the communications between the Emperor and the King, without first informing himself of the truth, which he might have learnt sooner from her than from others. She further said that she thought none more faithful to the King and the Emperor than Wolsey. Yet it had been reported that he and other English lords had received great pensions from France and were good Frenchmen, and that the letters written by the Emperor to England were sent to France, but the Emperor had never advised the King to remove Wolsey; and that if the Emperor had dared write to the King or Wolsey such advice as Wolsey had given her, what to do with their own servants, it would not have been attended to. My Lady added, that when Hesdin was at Calais, on his last passage into England, Wolsey had sent to tell him that he need not come further to make Suffolk's excuse for the breaking up of the army, for the King knew what to do with his men. Wolsey should have considered that she is the Emperor's aunt, and might possibly succeed him. She is, therefore, much more interested in maintaining the alliance of the two princes than the persons to whom he has given credit; and she ought not for their sake to be deprived of intelligence of what passes between the two princes. The Provost was chancellor of the Emperor's order; and if he had done anything wrong, he ought not to be arrested, but the case should be referred to the chapter of the order. Although she had no grounds to remove the Provost, yet, to prevent any obstruction in the Emperor's affairs, she had requested him to absent himself for a time, that his enemies might themselves acknowledge their mistake; and he had consented to do so for the Emperor's honor. She has arranged that for some time, that she may have news from the King and Wolsey, the Provost shall absent himself on pretence of looking after his own business and preparing his conscience against Easter, in confidence that the King and Wolsey will think better of his conduct. She wishes to be like a mother to Wolsey, and desires the ambassador to promote a good understanding. Signed by Margaret.
Fr., pp. 9, mutilated.
20 Feb.
R. O.
Has commissioned Augustine Scarpinello to request a loan from Henry, to whom he is already so much indebted. This long war has pressed so heavily on him for six months, that he has exhausted two years' revenue in advance, and can hope for nothing from his subjects. The loan will be the preservation of Italy. Milan, 20 Feb. 1524. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. and endd.
21 Feb. 112. THOS. KNATCHBULL.
His will. Proved, 21 Feb. 1524. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 616.
22 Feb.
p. 98.
Since my last from Castle St. John and this city, I have heard of the surrender of the castle of Cremona. The governor here has rendered great services to Bourbon. Your affairs in Italy go on well, excepting the money. When I am at Rome I will let you know my proceedings. Piacenza, 22 Feb. 1524.
P.S.—If the king of France lose his army, he will lose his senses.
23 Feb.
R. O.
Has already written that the card. of Liege, Berghes, and others, suspecting the loyalty of the domprevôt of Utrecht, determined to take information on the causes of suspicion against him, "accumulate the same in writing," and inform the Emperor of all the conferences with my Lady for excluding him from the council. Hearing that it was to be sent this day, signed by my Lady, the Cardinal, Berghes, and others, to the Emperor, with a duplicate to La Roche, has obtained copies for Wolsey, who they all trust will lend a hand in the matter. Mechlin, 23 Feb.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.
24 Feb.
Add. MS.
15,387, f. 101.
B. M.
St. P. VI. 256.
Has received the bull of his legateship confirmed for life in the fullest manner, an immense addition to his obligations to Clement. Will devote every effort to fulfilling the Pope's commands, and omit no opportunity, in conducting his affairs with the King, to serve his interests. Will execute his office with as great care for the honor of the Holy See as for his own safety. London, 24 Feb. 1523.
Lat., copy, pp. 5.
24 Feb.
R. O.
Vit. B. VI. 8.
B. M.
St. P. VI. 254.
After sending their letters yesterday, returned to the Pope, and urged him to contribute money for sustaining the army in Italy, and to show himself favorable to the King. He promised never to forsake the King, even if the French had power to drive him out of Rome, and desired them not to suppose that in any practices he had with the French he had changed his mind. He said, when the King's army had left France, and the Spanish army coming towards Languedoc was dissolved, he thought the King was anxious for peace.
Understand by the archbishop of Capua, who has great influence with him, that the Pope is sincere in his intentions.
Rome, 24 Feb.
24 Feb.
Add. MS.
24,965, f. 168.
B. M.
This Sanct Mathow's eve (St. Matthias), the Scots burnt Furde, Branxton, and Cornell, as he told Dacre last time he was with him. Hears that they still keep together. They are growing in courage, but this country is failing. Would have proved them if he had had but 300 men. Has but 40, and could do nothing, for the country rises so evil. Asks him to provide some remedy, and will do as he orders. Norham.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., my lord Darkers, the King's warden generall of all the marchys forgaynst Scotland.
25 Feb.
Calig. B. II.
B. M.
Has received from Wolsey writings by John de Barbon's brother, and one from John de Barbon, who has been despatched to France. Ambassadors must be sent with diligence, or the safe-conduct will expire, and he will have to furnish the border with garrisons. The earl of Lennox with David Carr made an incursion into this realm. Had received two hogsheads of wine from the Duke, because, finding that a merchant of Edinburgh had applied for leave to dispose of half a tun to Dacre, the Duke refused and made a present of them. Morpeth, 25 Feb.
Headed: "Copy of a letter to the duke of Albany."
Add. MS.
24,965, f. 167 b.
B. M.
2. The same, from Dacre's letter book.
25 Feb.
Add. MS.
15,387, f. 104.
B. M.
No one can be more bound to the Pope than Wolsey is by the most elegant brief lately sent to him, and the letters written by the Pope's own hand, which shall be a perpetual treasure to him. His gratitude is due, both for old and new favors, beyond what he can write; and no servant of his Holiness can be more devoted. Is ready to devote his goods, or even his life if necessary, to his service. He may depend on the King as a firm ally, whom Wolsey will continually strengthen in his good purpose. Cannot but praise his Holiness's object in promoting peace among Christian princes, which is even more necessary now than ever. Has conversed on this subject with Melchior Langus, and written to the bishop of Bath, the King's ambassador, in cipher (secretioribus notis), for whom he desires credence. London, 25 Feb. 1523.
P.S.—Has been prevented from writing this with his own hand by a sudden attack of fever. Begs the Pope, therefore, to be satisfied with these few lines, written with a tremulous but most devoted hand.
Copy, Lat., pp. 9.
Wardship of Thomas s. and h. of Sir Edw. Stanley, lord Mountegall. Westm., 25 Feb.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19.
26 Feb.
Vesp. C. II.
B. M.
Letters came from the Duke at (fn. 3) Genoa on the 17th. The Pope in clines to the Emperor's cause, and has sent 20,000 ducats to succor Milan. Francis has offered to marry his daughter to a kinsman of the Pope. The Emperor's army is 30,000 foot, 1,400 men-at-arms, and a number of light horse; the French, 20,000 foot, 8,000 of which are Swiss, and the same number men-at-arms. Bourbon is lieutenant-general in Italy. The French have their bridges over the Ticino. Mismanagement of the Imperialists' attack on Fontarabia. The Emperor refused Jerningham's request for going to Fontarabia on the plea that his army was not ready. The Emperor is badly counselled, his army ill-served. Vittoria, 26 Feb.
Hol., pp. 3, apostyled by Tuke. Add.
27 Feb.
R. O.
122. The SUBSIDY.
Henry VIII. to Sir Edward Darrell and Sir Edward Baynton, commissioners for the subsidy in Wilts, sending them a memorial for their direction in levying the subsidy, in consequence of the misinterpretation and misapplication of the Act. They are by doulce and amiable means to make overture of the said defaults to as many as it shall concern, "showing unto them how that ye, not understanding the whole of the said Act, have in some things mistaken the same, so that, by your policies and circumspection, the oversights and things be (fn. 4) passed for lack of perfect understanding, omitted and committed," may be effectually reformed. They are to use such order in assessing the collection as is contained in the memorial, before Easter next ensuing, when their former certificate shall be effectually discharged. Given under our signet, at our manor of Greenwich, 27 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.
27 Feb.
Add. MS.
24,965, f. 169.
B. M.
Has received his letter, dated Norham, about the burning of Forde and other places. Is surprised that the country would not rise and attend him in their own defence, considering what the King has spent in defending them during the war. It is a pity to help those who will not help themselves. He must find out, and inform Dacre, who rose and who did not, and in whom the fault lay, for they must be punished, as the rode was in daylight. Thinks, from the Scotch making this warden's rode, after the desire they have expressed for peace, that they mean no goodness; and therefore the borders must be furnished with garrisons again, if horse meat and victual can be provided. Wishes him to take Chr. Lighe, the bearer, a kinsman of Dacre's, and ride through his father's office to see if a garrison of 400 men can be furnished, and to inquire in each place how much a man shall pay for his board, and how much for his horse, or whether he can keep his horse by going to fetch fodder. Though he mentions but 400 men, wishes him to inquire about as many as the country will grant and furnish, and to send a book thereof. Has written likewise to Sir Wm. Eure. Morpath, 27 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2. Headed: Copie, &c.
27 Feb.
Vit. B. VI. 9.
B. M.
The news here is that the French king has changed his purpose, and removed from Blaise towards Paris, 17 Feb., where he will hold a general council, for the people of Paris are not contented that affairs prosper no better, and lay a[ll] the fault in him. Afterwards he intends to go towards Lyons. However, he hunts as much as ever, and meddles little with the council, for all business goes through the hands of Madame and the Great Master, who put all their trust in the Swiss. The Swiss lay all the blame on the French for not assaulting Milan, which would have been easily taken, and the Admiral is much blamed for it in France. If it were not for the great favor the King and Madame have for him, he would be in great danger at his return. The King has sent one or two good personages to persuade Bourbon to return, promising to restore everything to him, and give him a county. They think if they had him they could resist all others, and they fear him much. His informant is a credible person and spoke with the King the day he left Blaise, where he was hunting the hart. He also heard the Great Master say that Fountraby was in great danger from want of victuals, for they only had sufficient for two months. The day this man left, the King sent a messenger to the duke of Vertembergue, who lives only 10 leagues from Besançon, and is in league with the Swiss.
Received to-day a letter from the ambassador of the duke of Milan with the duke of Savoy, saying that the French are withdrawn from the places they kept, and are at Beaugrace, surrounded by Bourbon and the imperial army, so that they can get no victuals, and must fight, which they intend to do on Feb. 21, and he expects Bourbon to be victorious. Besançon, 27 Feb. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
27 Feb.
Nero, B. III. 64.
B. M.
Rym. XIV. 12.
Commission for Henry [Standish] bishop of St. Asaph and Sir John Baker to visit Hamburgh with a view to the restitution of the king of Denmark. 27 Feb. A.D. 1523, 15 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 3.
28 Feb.
Harl. 283,
f. 28 b.
St. P. VI. 257.
126. WOLSEY to PACE.
Has written of the King's affairs to the bishop of Bath and Hannibal. In obtaining the bull of his legation, now granted, "I esteem somewhat more strangeness to be showed unto me than my merits require, in that there hath been difficulty made to amplify my faculties pro non familiaribus, and such other things as be contained in my instructions given to my lord of Bath." Wishes him to put the Pope in remembrance of Wolsey's faithfulness to him; how his predecessors had granted him the legateship with as large faculties as now, promising to prorogue it from five years to five years during his life; and that, with all its faculties, whatever people may report, it will not be worth 1,000 ducats a year.
Pace is to urge the Pope, as of himself, to amplify the said faculties according to Wolsey's desire.
Westminster, 28 Feb.
R. O. 2. Two modern copies.
28 Feb.
Add. MS.
24,965, f. 174.
B. M.
Hearne's Otterburne, II.
Sends the bearer to show him the great hardships they have endured during the war, so that they can scarcely sustain their monastery or brethren. Desires to live in peace, and beseeches Dacre to assure their monastery, town, and granges, and to be good lord to them, as before. Begs Dacre not to blame him for the variance between him and the laird of Farnyhirst, for which he is sorry. Asks him to send his mind in writing by the bearer, and they will behave like religious men. Kelso, the penult day of Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
28 Feb.
Add. MS.
24,965, f. 173.
B. M.
When last with him would have spoken about divers matters beneficial to him and his monastery, but for want of leisure, the Bishop being there, and the King's matters pressing. As the Prior is so occupied with "outward works" and building, that he has not time to attend to the service of God and the order of religion, Dacre, as their founder, wishes them to elect a sub-prior to have charge of the service of the church and the order of the brethren, and he trusts that those who are high-minded and wilful will alter their behavior. Recommends Sir Richard Halton, as he has repented of his former obstinacy. Morpath, the penult day of Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.
Pp.2. Headed: Copie, &c.
129. _ to [WOLSEY].
P.S.—After sealing his letters, received letters from Poland, that the Turk was collecting an immense army, with the intention, it is feared, of invading Hungary.
Lat., p.1. In an Italian hand.
Annual value, moieties, and fifths of all livings in the said archdeaconry above 8l., with the names of the incumbents, taken Feb. 1523. Sum total of the subsidy, 400l. 15s. 1d.
Add. MS.
24,965, f.170.
Sir John Bulmer's bill of the towns willing to take soldiers to board. Prices of beans, 2s. 4d.; oats, 2s.; men's board, 2s. 4d.
Lylborne, Lylborne, Myddylton Hall, Woller, 60.
Fenton, 40.
Furde, 60, and 9 Northern.
Etell, 100, and 40 Northern.
Brankston, 12 Southern, and 6 Northern.
Cornell, 20 Southern, and 20 Northern.
Tyllmoth, 20 Southern, and 20 Northern.
Twyssyll, 24 Southern, and 12 Northern.
Newbyggyng, 20 Southern, and 12 Northern.
Norham, 200 Southern, and 100 Northern.
Dudo, 30 Southern, and 10 Northern.
Gryndonryg, 16 Southern, and 11 Northern.
Shorswod, 30 Southern, and 10 Northern.
Thornton, 12 Southern, and 12 Northern.
P.1. In Sir John Bulmer's hand. At the foot, in the hand of Dacre's clerk: Sir John Bulmer's bill of the lieng of soldeors.
Ibid., f.171. Copy of the above by Dacre's clerk.
Add. MS.
24,965, f.172.
The names of those content to take soldiers within the Middle Marches.
Oats from Harbottell to Rothebere, 16d. a boll.
Hepell. John Byllton, Sande Shawdon, and Thos. Jhonson, 20 soldiers. Harbottel. Anis Lyzton, 24; Hue Grene, 24. Allenton. Will, Browne, 12. Borodon. John Wardhaghe, 12, at 2s. 8d. Bettelsdayn. Persevell Selbe, 20. Scranwod. Sander Leyng, 12; John Scrogs, 8; Robt. Howhe, 8; Geo. Howhe, 4. Hayllnam. Robt. Howhe, 12; Robt. Watson, 6; Wm. Gayr, 8; Thos. Mantyll. Between Hayllnam and Scranwod, 10. Yngram. Geo. Hogyll, 60. Whyttyngiam. Oats, 20d. a boll; Thos. Rowlle, 8; Thos. Tayller, 8; Cudbertt Decheburne, 8; Thos. Yonge, 12. They will furnish also 10 men. Unthanke. John Unthanke, 12. Board and bed, 2s. 8d. a week. Board only, 2s.4d. In the hand of and signed by John Eure, petty captain to Sir Wm. Eure, lieut. of the Middle Marches.
Ibid.f.171 b. Copy of the above by Dacre's clerk.
Calig. B. III.
"Copy of the letter to the lord Dacres."
Has received two letters from him, dated the 1st, from Morpeth, with copies of Albany's correspondence, and one in French, "presented by a purcevant and poticary" of the Duke; by which he perceives what Dacre has done for establishing garrisons, the punishment of offenders, mentioned in a bill, and the tergiversation of Albany. As he is warden general of the Marches he must compel Sir Will. Heron and Sir Rauf Fenwik to do their duty, and the King will not accept any excuses from him for neglect in that behalf. Any delays or remissness will be imputed to him. The examples he alleges of the duke of Gloucester, the earls of Warwick, Shrewsbury, and Northumberland won't assist him, for no such matter was laid to their charge. As they took effectual means to punish and repress offenders, hopes Dacre will obey his wholesome and friendly admonitions, and acquire as good a character as they did. Though it accords with nature and reason that Dacre should provide for his child's life, it might have been entrusted to somebody else, Dacre remaining on the border or at the least leaving the country in more substantial order, especially as the earl of Lennox had resolved to make a warden road. No justification can be urged for his departure. The King neither can nor will condescend to discharge Dacre of his office on the East and Middle Marches as he desires, until Dacre have reduced them by more diligent demeanor into as good an order as they were at the Lord Treasurer's departure. When that is done, and the Scots highly annoyed, the King may so proceed, "as ye shall mowe perceive that all the keys do not hang at one man's girdle." As Albany delays the time, and his apothecary and pursuivant are of no authority, Dacre is to send them back to their own master with such letters as Wolsey sends, enclosing a copy in English for Dacre to the effect that the King and Cardinal do not intend to be deceived by him, nor yield to a surcease of war under colour of sending "secretaries, pursuivants, long-robes, and others," which he has hitherto feigned, and is detected by his writings to France, "wherein I have somewhat touched him at this time, as by the copy of my said letters ye shall mowe perceive." Will advertise the Duke what he thinks expedient, if the answer brought on the return of John de Barbon prove unsatisfactory. Meantime Dacre is to continue his warlike proceedings. Hopes he will justify the good opinion Wolsey has always entertained of him. Will send the abbot of St. Mary's the money required.
Draft, headed by Tuke, and chiefly in his hand, pp.8.
Calig. B. III.
"Copy of the letter to the duke of Albany." (fn. 5)
Understands by a copy of his letter received from lord Dacre, and other his servants, Albany's good disposition for peace between the three realms, that as England cannot concede it without consent of the Emperor, nor Scotland without that of France, he will readily coöperate with Wolsey to bring matters to a conclusion. The first proceeding in these matters, both of the Queen with Surrey, as well as with Dacre and the Cardinal, came from Albany; to which Wolsey was inclined so far as was compatible with his allegiance. If Scotland is so bound to France as Albany alleges, he can understand what will come of it. As to the clause in Wolsey's own hand, he will perceive his mistrust of him was not without foundation by the enclosed copies of Albany's own instructions to his agents in France, and his ciphers (which are not unknown to Wolsey) to his wife and others. But as princes sometimes require two strings to their bow, if Albany will henceforth act according to his letters Wolsey will join with him, as there is no prelate living who desires peace, his duty only saved, so much as he does. Westminster, "le—(blank) jour."
Fr., pp.3. Endorsed.
Calig. B.I.
2. "Copy of the bill inclosed within the lettre to the duke of Albany." (fn. 6)
By means of which his correspondent is aware, the writer has procured a duplicate of other despatches sent from Scotland by Albany, (1) to the King and "Madame," (2) to his secretary Jaques Mareschal, and (3) to his wife; by which, with the key to his cipher formerly transmitted by the writer, the deceits practised by the Duke upon the King and mons. the Legate will be apparent. Hopes also to obtain the particulars of the charge given to his other secretary, Jehan de Barbon, who arrived yesterday at Paris. The King has since left Paris for Blois, where the Queen lies dangerously ill of the "maladie de Naples." Believes his correspondent is sufficiently apprised of the recovery of Fontarabia by the Catholic King. The castle of Cremona is also surrendered, and the French are obliged to withdraw on this side the Ticino. The French king had ordered a reinforcement of 400 men-of-arms under the young duke of Longueville, but the soldiers have been so badly paid that he has only been able to get 200, and these indifferent. On the eve of St. Martin last, the frost destroyed all the corn, and new seed had to be sown. The people say it is God's punishment for the outrages done by the King all through the realm. The King has pardoned mons. de St. Valyer, who, after being condemned to death, said the duke of Burbon was a great robber, having robbed the King of all the noble hearts in France. "Madame" is said not to be pleased with what Albany has done in Scotland, suspecting some understanding between him and Bourbon.
Fr., pp.2.
Calig. B. VI.
Heads of articles to be agreed upon in the treaty between England and Scotland. 1. For composing divisions. 2. The custody of the King's person. 3. Entertainment of queen Margaret. 4. Administration of justice during the minority. 5. Sending ambassadors for confirmation of these articles from Scotland; 6. to Scotland by the most Christian king. 7. Homage and reparation of injuries to be left to the arbitrament of Wolsey and the king's Mother of France.
Lat., p.1.
136. The SUBSIDY.
1. Estreats of the subsidy leviable on the King's household. Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.
The Counting-house. Sir Thos. Boleyn, treasurer, assessed at 1,100l. in lands, wages, and fees; Sir Henry Guldeford, comptroller, 300l.; John Shirley, cofferer, 500 mks.; and seven other gentlemen.
The Bakehouse. Valentine Harrison, 66l. 13s. 4d.; and seven others.
The Pantry. Wm. Busshe, 12l.; and 13 others.
The Cellar. Roger Mynors, 100l.; and 14 others.
The Buttery. Wm. Hogeson, 40l.; and nine others.
The Pitcher House. John à Parre, 4l. 11s. 3d.; and six others.
The Spicery. John Merry, 40l.; and three others.
The Confectionary. Cuthbert Blagden, 100l.; and three others.
The Wafery. Robt. à Lee, 20l.; and one other.
The Chaundry. John Ketilby, 100l.; and five others.
The Ewery. Massy Veillard, 56l. 10s. 6d.; and 10 others.
The Laundry. Thos. Morres, 4l. 11s. 3d.; and five others.
The Kitchen. John Waleston, 100l.; and 20 others.
The Larder. (Mutilated.)
The Pastry. John Fulmer, 20l.; and seven others.
The Hall. Wm. Chase, 18l. 8s. 1d.; and 11 others.
The Marshals. John Stephyns, 29l. 8s. 1d.; and three others.
Sewers of the Hall. John Parker, 11l. 8s. 1d.; and three others.
Surveyors of the Hall. Thos. Ryder, 150l.; and one other.
The Armourers. (Mutilated.) * * *
The Chapel. Wm. Crane, 66l. 13s. 4d.; and thirty-two others.
The Boiling House. Wm. Stephyns, 10l.; and two others.
The Accatry. Wm. Honnyng, 300l.; and 15 others.
The * * *
The Scalding House. Louis Cosen, 10l. 11s. 3d.; and four others.
The Squyllery. Wm. Rutter, 11l. 8s. 1d.; and three others.
* * * The Porters. Edm. Knevet, 40l.; and five others.
The Harbingers. Thos. Warde, 41l... and four others.
The Cartakers. (Mutilated.) * * *
Parchment roll. Some membranes very mutilated.
2. Certificate of John Skraggis, John Kyngysmyll, Will. Chamber, and John Horwood, commissioners, of the list of inhabitants of Southwark chargeable with the first year's payment, due at the Purification of Our Lady, 15 Hen.VIII.; viz.:—
Parish of St. Olaves, 62 names on the first membrane, probably continued on some other membrane, which is now lost.
Parish of St. Mary Magdalene Overy, [beginning lost,] 72 names visible, besides 11 Frenchmen and two Scots. Total for the parish, 92l. 1s. 2d.; of which John Gregory and Ric. Hasylhyrst are appointed sub-collectors, and John Taverner and Ric. Marvyll high collectors.
Parish of St. Thomas's Hospital, 69 names, besides 12 Frenchmen and one Scot. Total, 15l. 0s. 2d.
Parish of St. Margaret's. Upwards of 54 names (part of one membrane being lost by mutilation), besides the following:—four Scots; "the bawds of the Bank," 12; Paryshe Garden, 35. Total of the parish, 70l. 1s. 2d. Sub-collectors appointed: James Story, Ric. Rutland, and six others. High collector, Ric. Ryall.
Parish of St. George, 58 names. (fn. 7) Total, 27l. 10s. 8d.* John Davy, John Bradley, and Thos. Cawsy, sub-collectors. Andrew Johnson, high collector.
Total of the borough, 386l. 13s.
Feb./GRANTS. 137. GRANTS in FEBRUARY 1524.
1. Walter Devereux, lord Ferrers and Charteley. Grant of the manor of Newenton Blosmaville, and all lands, &c. in Newenton, Clyfton, Brayfeld, Chegeley or Chicheley, and Churton or C[h]eryngton (Bucks), which Henry earl of Wiltshire, deceased, held of his brother the late duke of Buckingham. Del. Westm., 1 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII..—S.B. Pat.p.2, m. 15.
1. Gaol Delivery.—Norfolk Circuit: Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, and Thos. Fitzhugh. Westm., 1 Feb.—Midland cir. cuit: Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Wm. Rudhale, and John Jenour. Westm., 1 Feb.—Home Circuit: Sir John Fyneux, Sir John More, and Simon Fitz. Westm., 1 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.2, m. 17d.
1. Gaol Delivery.—Western Circuit: Sir John Fitzjames, Rob. Norwich, and Thos. Elyot. Westm., 1 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.2, m. 17d.
4. Commission of the Peace.—Bucks: T. card. of York, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Andrew Wyndesore, Sir John Mordaunt, Sir Wm. Rede, Sir John Hampden, Sir Ralph Verney, jun., Wm. Bulstrode, John Baldewyn, Thos. Darell, Roger Gyfford, Ric. Hampden, Wm. Marshall, and John Asshewell. Westm., 4 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 10d.
5. Ric. Baker. Lease of the third part of the lordship of Milverton, Somerset, parcel of the "Coopercionerslondis," for 21 years; rent, 43s. 4d., and 20d. increase. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.1, m. 23.
5. Sir Ric. Tempest. Release as late sheriff of Yorkshire, and of his bail, Th. Tempest, of Bradford, and James Stanfeld, of Stanfeld, from their recognizance of 100 marks, entered into 10 Nov. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.1, m.23.
6. Robert Carnn, of Normandy. Protection. Windsor, 27 July, 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
6. John Dyngeley, sewer of the Chamber. To be bailiff and keeper, in reversion, of the manor of Chelismore, in the county of the city of Coventry; a former patent of 5 Hen. VIII. to him and Peter Warton having been annulled by the Act of Resumption. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.2, m. 23.
6. Sir Hen. Guldeford, comptroller of the Household, and George Guldeford, esquire of the Body. Licence to export yearly 1,000 woollen cloths, "without barbing, rowing, or shearing of the same." The Act 3 Hen. VIII. (cited) does not comprise cloths called "vesses, rayes," sailing, and other cloths, commonly sold at 40s. and under. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
7. Roger Bluet. Livery of lands as kinsman and heir of Nic. Bluet. North Pederton, Somerset, is among the possessions. Del. Westm., 7 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.2, m.7.
8. Thomas Salkeld. Livery of lands in cos. Cumb. and Westmor., as s. and h. of lady Katharine, widow of Sir Christopher Curwen, and one of the five daughters and heirs of Sir Ric. Salkeld, of which lands Elizabeth, widow of Sir Ric. Cholmeley, and Alex. Benet were seized. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.2, m. 2.
8. Ric. Dodyngton. Livery of lands as s. and h. of John Dodyngton and Eliz. his wife, and brother and h. of John Dodyngton, jun. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.2, m. 13.
8. Nich. Grafton, skinner, of London Reversal of outlawry; sued for debt by Nich. Duodo, merchant, of Venice, and having paid the same. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12.
8. Rob. Saxson, of London, tailor. Revocation of protection, having stopped in London on his own business instead of being in the suite of John Pyrton in the King'swars at sea. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 6d.
8. Roger Walwerk. To be keeper of Pylkyngton Park, Lanc., during the minority of Edw. Stanley, s. and h. of Thos. Stanley, earl of Derby; lately held by Ric. Walwerk, but now in the King's hands. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 12.
8. Commissions of the Peace.—Dorset: T. card. of York, John Bourghchier lord Fitzwaren, Wm. lord Stourton, Hen. lord Daubeney, Sir John Fitzjames, chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwiche, serjeant-at-law, Sir Ric. Wingfeld, Sir Thos. Lynde, Sir Wm. Fyloll, Sir Giles Strangwayes, Sir John Rogers, John Horsey, sen., Geo. Rogers, John Brytt, Geo. Twyneo, Ric. Philips, Jas. Frampton, John Moreton, Wm. Hody, Nich. Willoughby, Wm. Uvedale. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 10d.
Surrey: Thos. card. of York, W. abp. of Canterbury, R. bp. of Winchester, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Chas. duke of Suffolk, Thos. earl of Arundell, Chas. earl of Worcester, Geo. Nevell lord Burgavenney, John Bourghchier lord Bernes, Sir Edm. Howarde, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir John Fyneux, Sir John More, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Thos. Nevyll, Sir Hen. Wyatt, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, jun., Sir Ric. Jernyngan, Sir Nich. Carewe, Sir Matt. Broun, Sir John Gaynsford, Sir Rob. Johnson, Sir John Iwarby, Wm. Shelley, Ric. Page, Rob. Wyntershull, John Scott, Christ. More, John Skynner, Ralph Vyne, Rob. Castelton. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11d.
10. Commissions of the Peace:
Cambridgeshire: Thos. card. of York, N. bp. of Ely, Sir Ric. Wingfeld, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Rob. Peyton, John Hudleston, John More, Giles Alyngton, John Hynde, Thos. Hutton, Thos. Chicheley, Anth. Hasilden, Thos. Castell. Westm. 10 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 10d.
Westmoreland: Thos. card. of York, Thos. lord Dacre and Graystok, Hen. lord Clyfford, Anth. Fitzherbert, John Porte, Sir Chris. Dacre, Sir John Louther, Sir Edw. Musgrave, Geoff. Lancastre, Sir Walt. Strikland, Launcelot Salkeld, Jas. Laybour, John Lambert, sen., Ric. Dukett, Thos. Wharton, Gilb. Wharton. Westm., 10 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11d.
11. Roger Radclif, usher of the Chamber, and John Smyth, alias Harys, of Wythcoke, Leic. To be rangers, in survivorship, of Lighfeld forest, Rutland, with 2d. a day from the lordship of Uppingham, to receive a deer in summer and winter out of the bailiwicks of Beamount-Parke baillywik, and Branston-and-Broke; and to have the "lyvery-wood" and "fewel-wood;" as held by Robt. Fremyngham, deceased, on surrender by Radclif of patent 19 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
11. John Brown, captain of The Gabrell of Toperssame. Protection for Wm. Marchall, mercer, of Stortford, Herts, and to Andrew Coke, butcher, of co. Midd. Dated 11 Feb. (no year.)—P.S.
11. Matthew Forster. To be a gunner at Berwick, with 6d. a day, and 10 mks. a year for a watchman under him, in consideration of four years good service as a gunner at Berwick. Endorsed: "Apud Grenewiche, 11o die Feb., anno r. r. H. VIII. 15o—Per Tomson."—S.B.
11. Wm. Thynne, second clerk of the Kitchen. To be bailiff, in reversion, of Rye, Essex, now held by John Shurley, cofferer of Henry VII.'s household. Del. Westm., 11 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.2, m.23.
12. Ralph Treverion, of London. Pardon for having, in self-defence, killed Nich. Brice, in Whitecrosstrete, in St. Giles without Crepilgate, London, and in the lordship of Fynnesbery, Middx. Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.2, m. 18.
12. Justices of Assize.
Oxford Circuit.—Rob. Brudenell, jun., and John Weste, with Sir Lewis Pollard and Thos. Inglefeld. Westm., 12 Feb.
Western Circuit: Thos. Elyot, with John Fitzjames and Rob. Norwiche. Westm., 12 Feb.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 1 d.
Norfolk Circuit: Thos. Fitzhugh and Wm. Wyat, with Sir Rob. Brudenell and Sir [Ric.] Broke. Westm., 12 Feb.
Midland Circuit: John Jenour, with Sir Humph. Conyngesby and William Rudhale. Westm., 12 Feb.
Home Circuit: Simon Fitz, with Sir John Fyneux and Sir John More. Westm., 12 Feb.
Pat.15 Hen. VIII., p.1, m.7 d.
12. Commissions of the Peace.
Derbyshire: T. card. of York, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Wm. Blount lord Mountjoy, Sir Ric. Wingfeld, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Wm. Rudhale, John Porte, Hen. Sacheverell, Sir John Souche, Sir Thos. Cokayn, Sir Godfrey Fulyambe, Wm. Coffyn, Rog. Mynours, Anth. Babyngton, John Fitzherbert, German Pole, Thos. Curson, Arth. Eyr, Ric. Kingston. Westm., 12 Feb.
Herts: T. card. of York, Hen. earl of Essex, Thos. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, Wm. Blount lord Mountjoy, Sir Ric. Wingfield, Sir John Fyneux, Sir John More, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Sir Wm. Say, Hen. Frowyk, Thos. Clyfford, Hen. Barlee, Thos. Peryent, sen., Thos. Leventhorp, Geo. Dalyson, Rob. Turbervile, Humph. Fitzherbert, Ric. Druell, Thos. Knygton, Geo. Chaworth, Wm. Purdewe, Philip Butteler, John Bolles. Westm., 12 Feb.
Hunts: T. card. of York, N. bp. of Ely, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Wm. Gascoigne, Sir Wm. Tanfeld, Anth. Malori, Walt. Luke, John Castell, Thos. Hall, Thos. Lowth, Laurence Taillard, Rob. Ap Rice, Thos. Wanton, Rob. Rowley, Wm. Grace. Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 10 d.
Oxfordshire: Thos. card. of York, J. bp. of Lincoln, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Lewis Pollard, Thos. Inglefeld, Sir John Daunce, Wm. Rede, Sir Edw. Chamberleyne, Sir Walt. Stoner, Sir Wm. Barantyne, Thos. Stanley, Wm. Fermour, Thos. Elyott, Luke Langlond, Walt. Bulstrode, John Horne, Thos. Denton, John Busterd, John Brome, Wm. Counser, Geoff. Dormer. Westm., 12 Feb.
Warwickshire: Thos. card. of York, G. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, Thos. marquis of Dorset, Thos. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Wm. Rudhale, Sir Hen. Willoughby, Sir Wm. Compton, Sir Edw. Ferrers, Sir Edw. Grevyll, Sir Edw. Grey, Ralph Swyllyngton, John Smith, Wm. Boughton, Wm. Feldyng, Rog. Wygston, Thos. Spenser, Simon Digby, Rob. Fulwode, Thos. Slade, Ralph Verney. Westm., 12 Feb.
Worcestershire: T. card. of York, E. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bp. of Hereford, Thos. earl of Arundel, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Walter Devereux lord Ferrers, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Sir Lewis Pollard, Thos. Inglefeld, Sir Wm. Uvedale, Sir Gilb. Talbot, Sir Thos. Cornewall, Thos. Nevell, Peter Neuton, Geo. Bromley, Thos. Lynom, Wm. Rudhale, Wm. Nevell, John Ketilby, Giles Grevill, John Rudhale, Roland Morton, Peter Coleyn, John Croste, Thos. Lyttelton, and Roger Wynter. Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m.11 d.
13. Rob. Acton, groom of the Chamber, and Wm. Gower, page of the Chamber. To be bailiffs, in survivorship, of the manor and park of Walsall Foren, Staff., which came into the hands of Hen. VII. by fine levied against Anne late countess of Warwick, vice Rob. Riston, deceased, and the said William. Also, grant of the above manor on surrender by John Dyson. Westm., 13 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.2, m. 17.
13. Lionel Gray. To be doorward of Berwick-on-Tweed, with 20l. a year out of the revenues appointed for the payment of the garrison there. Del. Westm., 13 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S. B.
13. John Harreson, captain of The Marre James. Protection for Harry Haselhurste, of London, barber-surgeon. 13 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—P. S.
14. Commission of the Peace.
Beds: Thos. card. of York, Thos. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, in England, Sir Ric. Wingfeld, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir John Seynt John, Sir Hen. Grey, Sir John Mordaunt, Sir Wm. Gascoign, Sir Edm. Bray, Mich. Fyssher, Walt. Luke, Wm. Marshall, Nich. Hardyng, Simon Fitz, Geo. Akworth. Westm, 14 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 10d.
15. John Frevyle and John Curson. Livery of lands as sons and heirs of Rob. Frevyle and Rob. Curson. (Rose, widow of Rob. Frevyle, Wm. brother of the same Rob., and Anne Wythypoll, late wife of Wm., are mentioned.) Del. Westm., 15 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat.p.2, m.2.
15. David de la Roche, captain of The Mawdlen of Powle. Protection for John Fulwoode, of London, merchant-tailor. 15 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—P. S.
15. Jasper Pen, captain of The Mighell Flower, in the West country. Protection for John Yong, of Taunton, Somers., merchant, Del. Westm. 15 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—Marginal note: "This protection was made at the instance of Robert Ambros, dwelling at St. Kateryne's, and belonging to the master of the Ordnance of the Tower of London."—P. S.
16. Jasper Pen, captain of the "Mychel Folar, of the West contre. Protection for Edward Rydyng, of London, sherman, alias victualler. 16 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—P. S.
18. John Bourchier lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Protection for Th. Jenyn, of London, merchant-tailor. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
18. Hugh Chippe, of Elton, in the manor of Wigmore, Marches of Wales. Manumission. Westm., 18 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.2, m.18.
18. John Cleydon, the master and the fellows of the College of Holy Cross, Attylburgh. Mortmain licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 20l. from lord Fitzwauter and Egremond. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p.1, m. 12.
18. Sir Ralph Egerton. Grant of the water of Wever, and adjacent land in the possession of the Crown since the attainder of viscount Lovell. Egerton is to rebuild two water mills, called the Wyche Mills, which have fallen into decay. At the annual rent of 13s. 4d., payable from the feast of St. Mary, 1525. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S. B.
18. Rob. Radclyff, lord Fitzwater and Egremond. Licence to grant the advowson of the greater part of the church of St. Mary, Attilburgh, Norf., to the college of Holy Cross, Attilburgh. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII. Endorsed: "This must bear date before the appropriation."—S. B. Pat. p.1, m. 12.
18. Oliver Stommyll, of Collayn [? Cologne], native of Germany. Denization, Westm., 18 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m.12.
18. Commissions of the Peace.
Cornwall: T. card. of York, J. bp. of Exeter, Sir John Fitzjames, chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwich, serjeant-at-law, John Arundell lord De la Hern, Sir Peter Eggecombe, John Arundell of Talfern, Ric. Grenefyld, John Carmynowe, John Chamond, Rob. Vivian, Hugh Trevanyon, Ric. Penrose. Hen. Trecarell, Wm. Lowre, Wm. Goodoleham, Nich. Carmynowe, Chris. Tredennek, Wm. Carnesewe, Nich. Opy, Rob. Langdon. Westm., 18 Feb.
Devon: T. card. of York, J. bp. of Exeter, Hen. earl of Devon, John Bourchier lord Fitzwaren, Sir John Fitzjames, chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwich, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Lewis Pollard, Sir Wm. Courteney, Sir Thos. Denys, Sir Peter Eggecombe, Sir John Bassett, Sir Wm. Carewe, Sir Thos. Stukele, John Rowe, Ralph Pexsall, John Gilbert, John Chamound, Andrew Hillarsden, John Kailewey, John Coffyn, Rob. Yoo, Ric. Hals, Philip Fulford, Baldwin Malett, Rog. Yorke, Ric. Yerd. Westm., Feb. 18.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 10 d.
Somerset: Thos. card. of York, R. bp. of Winchester, Hen. earl of Devon, W. bp. of Megara, Ric. abbot of Glastonbury, John Bourghchier lord Fitzwaren, Wm. lord Stourton, Hen. lord Daubeney, Sir John Fitzjames, chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwhich, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Wm. Hody, Sir Wm. Compton, Sir Nich. Wadham, John Moyne, clk., Geo. Speke, John Horsey, John Brent, Geo. Rogers, John Bryt, Baldwin Mallett, Ric. Bluett, John Fitzjames, jun., Philip Fulford, Thos. Jubbes, Wm. Vowell, Rog. Yorke, John Cave, John Porter, Wm. Portman. Westm., 18 Feb.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m.11d.
19. Th. Haselbury, of Holbourne (Middx.), serjeant of the Guard. Pardon for his kinswoman Joan widow of Wm. Burleton, of Wotton, in the parish of Guatte (or Evatte ?) who has been indicted by certain malicious gentleman of Salop (in order to obtain her goods and tenures) for poisoning her husband, and found guilty on very light evidence. But the justices, considering her poverty and five children, respited the sentence of death. Also, release of all her goods. Del. Westm., 19 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p.2, m.20.
20. Reginald Whitteakers, yeoman of the Guard. Lease of a tenement with lands, lately in the tenure of Ralph Pykyn and John Vuette (or Unette ?), called Thomas Hille, in the lordship of Mawdeley (Staff.), parcel of Buckingham's lands, for 21 years; rent 56s. 4d., and 6s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 20 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
22. George Quarles, one of the King's auditors. Wardship of John, s. and h. of Edward Elyott, of Cutlonde, Devon, who held of the King as of Bernestaple Castle, parcel of the duchy of Exeter, by knight service. Del. Westm., 22 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
23. John Cleydon, master, and the fellows of the College of Holy Cross, Attilburgh. Mortmain licence to appropriate the greater part of the church of St. Mary, Attilburgh. Norf., Norwich dioc., which is of the advowson of the said master and fellows. Del. Westm., 23 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.1, m.12.
23. Wm. lord Sandes. To be keeper of Chute Forest, Hants and Wilts, with the appointment of a ranger and wood ward; and, among other perquisites, to have the entrails, called "the nombuls," of all deer slain in the forest. Also grant of all lodges in the forest, except the Woodehowse, Hants, and in every bailiwick, viz., in Fyncley [or Fymley ?] Dowles, Dyley, Chute-Wiltes, Chute Hamsc', and Hippyngescomme, a doe in summer, and a small doe in winter, &c. Del. Westm., 23 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.1, m. 25.
23. Commission of the Peace.
Norfolk: T. card. of York, N. bp. of Ely, R. bp. of Norwich, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Chas. duke of Suffolk, Thos. earl of Surrey, Rob. Radcliff lord Fitzwater, Wm. lord Willoughby, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Thos. Bulleyn, Sir Philip Tylney, Sir Rob. Clere, Sir Rob. Lovell, Sir John Heydon, Sir Wm. Paston, Sir John Shelton, Sir Jas. Bulleyn, Sir Roger Townesende, Wm. Elys, Wm. Wotton, John Spilman, Wm. Conyngesby, Francis Moundeford, Christ. Jenney, Edw. White. Westm., Feb. 23.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 10d.
24. Ric. Beverley. Lease of a messuage, with land, of Ulshawe, in the lordship of Middelham, York, parcel of the lands appointed for paying the garrison of Berwick; for 21 years; rent 6l. 13s. 4d., and 3s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 24 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.2, m.20.
25. Wm. Wyse, squire for the Body. To be constable of Limerick Castle, Ireland, with the island called "The King's Island," and the fisheries there, called "Leixis Waires," with 10l. a year, on the revocation of patent 15 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Sir Edward Ichyngham. Del. Westm., 25 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p.2, m.16.
26. Tintern Abbey. Inspeximus to Ric. Wyche, abbot, and the convent, of patent 30 Edw. I., being a licence to Roger le Bygod, earl of Norfolk, marshal of England, to alienate lands to the abbey. Also of charter, 35 Edw. I., inspecting two private charters, one of William, marshal of England, earl of Pembroke, 7 Hen. III., and the other of the said Roger. Westm., 26 Feb. Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p.2, m.8.


  • 1. See Vol. III. No. 2932, which has been inserted by mistake in 1523. Nos. 2–7 are of later date, but have been placed here for convenience.
  • 2. 10 Feb. in 1524.
  • 3. "of" in MS.
  • 4. Sic.
  • 5. In Tuke's hand.
  • 6. These words are in a different hand from what follows.
  • 7. A membrane appears to be lost, as the total of the sums actually visible is only 8l. 2s. 6d.