Henry VIII: November 1524, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: November 1524, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp356-372 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: November 1524, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp356-372.

"Henry VIII: November 1524, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp356-372.


November 1524

1 Nov.
Add. MS. 15,387, f. 140. B. M. Theiner, 545.
Requests him to promote cardinal Campeggio to the bishopric of Salisbury, vacant by the death of Edmund, the late bishop. Greenwich, 1 Nov. 1524.
Lat., pp. 5, copy.
1 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 371. B. M. St. P. IV. 217.
Has been with the King her brother, who has treated him so well that he is bound to obey him next to the King his sovereign. Has come to Scotland to do service to the King his master and to her. If his enemies have spread sinister reports of him in his absence, desires leave to speak with her. Is ready to reform anything wherein he may have offended her. Boncle, 1 Nov.
Headed: Copy of therle of Anguyshe lettre sente to the quene of [Scottis].
2 Nov.
Turner's L. of Fisher, ii. 326.
i. Transmitting the breve (dated Sept. 7, 1524) of Clement VII. against contracting marriages within the prohibited degrees without Papal dispensation. Westm., 2 Nov. 1524.
ii. Bull to the same effect. Rome, 16 kl. Sep. 1524.
2 Nov.
R. O.
Sends a letter from the captain of Boulogne, brought by a trumpet sent thither by Palmer, captain of certain horse here, for an archer of his who is prisoner there. Trusts the news contained in it is not true. Sent one Tonnyne, who, as the secretary and waterbailiff tell him, was used as a spy by Sandys, to talk with Bocanvelde. He has returned, and says he knows no news but that the French king has marched towards Bourbon, (who has retired,) and has crossed the mountains into Milan; that the French on these frontiers have returned to their garrisons, and will probably make no course for some time, and he has told Tonnyne to be with him again about Christmas, when he hopes to know more of the King's proceeding, and whether he is deliberately minded to the war, or will treat of peace or truce, of which there is some report in France. Guisnes, 2 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
2 Nov.
Vit. B. VI. 223. B. M.
795. PACE to [HENRY VIII.]
Since writing last, Francis has sent a herald demanding Pavia to surrender. The captains, Ant. de Leva and the count of Sorne, an Almain, took him into the market place, and showed him their forces, 4,000 or 5,000 foot, 100 men-at-arms, and 200 light horse, bidding him tell the King they were all determined to die rather than lose the city. Francis intends to besiege them, and is only four or five miles distant. If he take it, he will probably gain all the duchy of Milan; but it is well fortified and victualled, and cannot be captured without great loss. If he fail, he will lose as much reputation as he gained by his hasty passage over the mountains. There is great rain daily. Arrona, an unimportant town, has surrendered to him.
Bourbon continues in the Emperor's field, and will, as long as he can do any good, as his departure would much discourage them. He and the Viceroy have sent to ask the Pope for aid, open or secret, and are expecting an answer hourly. If the Emperor's army is supported, Francis will have plenty to do. The Venetians are raising more men than they are bound to and, if the Pope will do anything, they will do more still. Has written to Wolsey the cause of Beauren's visit. Beauren told Pace that Francis had asked the duke of Savoy to urge Bourbon, as of himself, to promote some reasonable appointment, for the good of Christendom; that the Duke sent a gentleman to Bourbon, who answered that he would be glad to do it if the Emperor and Henry were agreeable; that Savoy and the Viceroy have some practice for peace in hand, and the latter does not care about losing the duchy of Milan, if he obtain a peace such as he desires; that the duchy could not be defended more than two months; and that he thought the French king had made this proposition to cause dissension between Henry and the Emperor. Mantua, 2 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2.
2 Nov.
Vit. B. VI. 222. B. M.
796. THE SAME to [WOLSEY].
Lord Beauren, the bearer, not being able to pass by these seas into Spain, will go by England, and treat with the King about the matter contained in Bourbon's instructions, which Pace enclosed in the King's letter by a special courier on the 26th ult.
Has given the news in his letters to the King. Mantua, 2 Nov.
Hol., p. 1.
2 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 341. B. M. St. P. IV. 208.
Waited at Newcastle 16 days for their safe-conduct. On its receipt made all possible speed, and got to Edinburgh on Saturday, 29 Oct. Hoped to have had an interview with the King and Queen on Sunday, but were put off till Tuesday, All Hallows Day, purposely, as they suppose, that they might have a good number of nobles present. Went to court that day before mass, and delivered their first letters to the King and Queen, declaring their credence openly, according to their instructions, in presence of many nobles, among whom were the archbishop of St. Andrew's and bishop of Aberdeen, both now at liberty, as Wolsey knows. Arran was absent, it is said, because he would not be at the ambassadors' coming. The King's letters were well received, both by James and his mother, "and forthwith the trumpets and shamulles did sound and blew up most pleasantly." At mass in the abbey church the young King, with his master (Gawin Dunbar archbishop of Glasgow), seemed to be for some time occupied in looking over the King's letters, with which he appeared greatly pleased. As there were many lords assembled, delivered the King's letters to them in an oratory or chapel there, which they took most thankfully. Hearing that Angus had come to Scotland, thought it well to begin pleasantly, and presented to James the coat of cloth of gold and sword sent by Henry, which he wore all that afternoon. Afterwards, finding the Queen well disposed, spoke to her about the continuance of the guard and the sending of ambassadors, and told her, after swearing her to secrecy, the King's mind about the marriage of James and the lady Princess. With this she was highly pleased, "and thereupon did wholly put the young King her son and her Grace to be at the King our master's order."
After this, delivered the King's other letters, and said two letters had come from her and Arran, threatening that if Angus entered Scotland no ambassadors should go to England. She was somewhat "busied" to answer this, but regretted it, and said it was an oversight. Showed her the King had no object in his dealings with Scotland except the weal of her son; on which she promised to follow the King's counsel, though it were to her pain. Here some one came knocking at the chamber door, demanding immediate audience, which was given him. Perceived that it was about the news of Angus's entry into Scotland. Acknowledged that the King had not been able in honor to detain him, and justified what Henry had done, telling her of the covenants Angus had made, which if he were to break, the Queen had his life in her hands. The Queen began to come round, and said, though she could not be familiar with Angus she wished he and Arran could be reconciled, promising to send for Arran that he may see the ambassadors, who, on their part, will send for Angus to stay him on his own lands for the present. Advised the Queen to have a council about her to prevent feuds, and told her "it was grudged she should keep the offices and seals in her own hands." She said she would be glad to follow counsel, and would fain win the archbishop of St. Andrew's. Expressed their surprise that she had put him to prison, and after trying to get him and the bishop of Aberdeen deprived, set them at liberty again. She said there was no great matter against the bishop of Aberdeen, and St. Andrew's being a sickly man, it was represented that further confinement would cost him his life; moreover, that Arran made such suit for him that if she had not consented he would have been delivered in spite of her. Intend to try and bring the Archbishop to the devotion of the young King, notwithstanding the practice for getting him sent to Berwick. He has asked an interview with Magnus, and they expect to be with him at dinner within two days. The Queen advises that Henry should offer to get him made Cardinal to confirm his loyalty, but it would be well to ascertain if there be any evil matter in the letter not yet deciphered.
Have received a letter in French from Hob à Barton to the duke of Albany about sundry matters of Scotland, especially the victualling of Dunbar, and the want of wood and fuel. Will not show it till they hear more. Barton is such a firm friend of the Queen's that they believe Albany's return would put him in great danger. Believe, therefore, it is a thing feigned, and framed in the belief that Albany will attend to no hint from such a quarter. The Queen wishes Henry to write to the Pope to confer no benefices in Scotland at the suit of Albany. She thinks James's acceptance of the Garter should be after a good order and conclusion taken by the ambassadors. Edinburgh, 2 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 6. Add.
Has received from Magnus his letters, and heard his credence, for which he thanks Wolsey. Will always strive for the honor and welfare of his master, and to preserve friendship between him and his uncle. Reminds him of his former letters touching the revocation of the exemption granted by the Pope to the archbishop of Glasgow, contrary to the honor and liberty of St. Andrew's. * * *
P. 1, mutilated. Add.: To my lord ... of York, &c. Endd.: [From] the bishop of St. Andrew's [to my] Lord's grace.
3 Nov.
R. O.
* * * Caused the bailiffs of Caton and Sedbarre to distrain, but the tenants refused to pay till they knew my young Lord's pleasure, which they would send up to ask. Wm. Tomson will pay Husey on St. Martin's day 120l., part of the Lancashire money. Will send the rent he has received, with Husey's own, when the audit is over. Forwards a book of all arrears since lord Monteagle's death, of which nothing has been received except 4l. from Eleas Eansworth, 20l. from Rauff Conyes, and 4l. from Rauff Dalahay. Advises him to arrest Ric. Cawpland, bailiff of Hysam, who has gone to London without accounting for his receipts. He is one of those who makes himself so busy in occupying the park of Horneby and the demesnes of Tatham and Ferlton. Supposes Wm. Wynder, bailiff of Caton, will pay Husey what is due from him and Ant. Laurence, bailiff of Ellall. Advises him to arrest Richard Bank for the sums he owes for the demesnes of Hornby and Tatam, the parsonage of Melling, and the lordship of Brerley. * * * Master Edw[ard] has entered the ty[the] barns of the parsonage of Mellyng, and takes all the profits for my Lord's behoof, not allowing Culwen or any other to occupy for Husey. Lord Monteagle must be called before the Cardinal, and commanded to write letters contrary to his previous ones, and letters must be sent from the Cardinal to command Master Edward and others to allow Husey's deputies to occupy. Unless this is done, he will get no profit, not even enough to pay the King. Ordered Robt. Crofft, bailiff of Horneby, and John Hully, bailiff of Tatham, to distrain for the rents; but they answered they durst not, for Bank says they are reserved for my Lord's finding. Bank and four sureties are outlawed for the first obligation of my Lord's debts. He has made Robt. Motken, a man whom no one knows, porter of Horneby Castle. Sir John Nevell has taken away a house worth 40 mks. from Brerley, which, he says, lord Monteagle gave him for a horse, and carried it to his own house of Cheite. Would like to have a "capias utlagatum" taken out for Rauff Dalahey. * * * Mistress Barkley says Husey appointed lands in Grantham (?), Upton, Hellsingham, Thistillton, and others in Wymondham, to the value of 20l., for her dower, and that he wished her to be present at the audit. Wishes to know his pleasure. Slieford, 3 Nov.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To his right worshipful master, Sir John Huse, knight, one of the King's most honorable council.
3 Nov.
R. O. St. P. IV. 214.
Have deferred writing in consequence of the delay of their safe-conduct to Newcastle, and having to wait four days for an audience of the young King and his mother. Had written yesterday a letter, which they enclose, showing the Queen's conformity in everything to Henry's pleasure. Before it was despatched the King sent for the horses which Henry had sent him, with which he was greatly pleased. Afterwards the Queen took them into her chamber, "and in manner did clearly go from everything that her Grace did agree unto the day and night before," saying she would make friends for herself, and trusted her son would be able to protect her against Angus. She is more guided by her own will than by the counsel of any one, except it be Harry Stewarde, a young man about her, who keeps all the seals, and orders everything. He and Arran took the bishop of St. Andrew's out of ward, for which he got 40l. land Scottish. Are informed that after their audience with the Queen she disclosed to him all they had concluded the day before. Late that night he went to the archbishop of St. Andrew's and other lords, and made great suits. The Queen has sent letters to Angus not to ride with more than 40 horses on pain of treason, and has ordered Will. Douglas to leave Coldingham. The Archbishop, who intended to have conferred with the writers privately, has sent to say he dare not without the Queen's commands.
The Queen still says the ambassadors will go forward. Think, however, they will wait to be authorized by Parliament, which begins on the morrow of St. Martin. The Queen says she expects many of the lords will be absent. Believe most of them are glad of Angus's coming in. Edinburgh, 3 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
4 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 372. B. M. St. P. IV. 216.
Are glad to hear of his coming into Scotland:—hope he will remember by whose mediation, and act accordingly. Have seen a copy of his letter to the Queen, whom they expect to meet today. They will be glad to advance his request if she communicate with him on the subject. They hear that letters have been sent to him and his brother William, late entered into Coldingham, forbidding them, on pain of treason, to have more than 40 horse in their company. Urge upon him the peril of breaking the laws. Edinburgh, 4 Nov.
Contemporary copy, pp. 2. Headed: "Copy of a letter sent by Thomas Magnus and Roger Radclif to th'earl of Anguyshe."
4 Nov.
R. O.
Thanks him for accomplishing her petition for Jaks Darnell and her other suits. Begs he will continue his kindness, and "show the same in my Lord's return now out of the North parts," which she expected this side Hallowmas, but has heard nothing of it yet. Sends him a couple of does. Honnesdon, 4 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
5 Nov.
Calig. B. II. 7. B. M. St. P. IV. 218.
Has received his letters of the 26 Oct. and his others from Morpeth of the 30th. The first makes mention of the liberation of the bishops of St. Andrew's and Aberdeen, their hope of winning over the former, the unkind despatch of Appleby, the King's messenger, by the Queen of Scots, touching the letter she promised the bishop of Dunkeld should send to the King, and what was written to Norfolk by Sir George Douglas from Scotland about the sending in of the earl of Angus, which Norfolk forbore to do till he had an answer to former letters. The second shows how, on receipt of that answer, he allowed Angus to go, and what he wrote to Magnus about the pay of the 200 soldiers, and not giving money to the Queen or Arran unless they proceed otherwise than they do, with other news showing that there is still some hope of Angus being reconciled to the Queen.
The King commends his conduct with regard to Angus, and his letters to the Queen of Scots and Magnus in answer to her demand for the pay of the 200 soldiers. Never saw the King take anything more unkindly than his sister's ingratitude,—1st, in stopping the ambassadors, and threatening that they should not come if Angus entered Scotland; 2nd, in setting the late Chancellor at liberty, whom she always declared to be the greatest friend of Albany; and, 3rd, in threatening to detain information which the bishop of Dunkeld had to give, touching the surety of the King's person, till answer was made to her unreasonable desires. If she do not alter this wilfulness, Norfolk is to write and tell her how the King takes it, telling her that the King will refuse to continue the payment of the 200 men, and give assistance to others to repress her malice. Is to give his advice whether a guard chosen by Angus would not be useful.
Sends copy of a letter from the King for Magnus to deliver to the Lords who favor the young King's erection, showing the true causes of the suspension of negotiations, in case the Queen and Arran try to represent it otherwise. If the Queen do not continue obstinate, Norfolk may use his discretion about forwarding it.
The gunners and Candishe must not be discharged at present, as, if the truce be violated by non-sending of ambassadors, it will be expedient to renew the wars. Norfolk must be content to remain in the North for a season, as his withdrawal would embolden the Queen and Arran. Westminster, 5 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 8.
5 Nov.
Calig. B. II. 157. B. M. St. P. IV. 223.
Sends letters by Magnus and Ratclif, showing the great unsteadfastness of the queen of Scots, who is perverted by Henry Stuard. "God is so discontented with her, he will not suffer her to ensue the best way." As to her doubts of the coming of the Lords to Parliament, is assured that Lennox, Murray, Glencairn, Montrose and Morton will come, if Angus sends them word, and take the rule into their own hands, to the displeasure of the Queen and Arran. Argyle will do as the others. David Fawconer's servant came to him from the earl of Cassillis to know whether he would pay him at London money due for ships and fish bought of him by the men of Southwold and Dunwich, professing the Earl's willingness to go into England, if he can obtain consent of the Lords. Sends a letter just received from Magnus and Ratcliff. Advises to withhold all money from the Queen till she alters her mind, and that a commission be sent to Dacre to accept a new truce. The old expires in three weeks. No harm can be done except to such as take Angus's part. Arran is at his house, collecting his friends slowly, and every day wears the French king's Order. "Whosoever hath him best is no more sure of him than he that hath an eel by the tail." Newcastle, 5 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good grace."
5 Nov.
Calig. B. VII. 185. B. M. St. P. IV. 225.
Tonight, after midnight, received their letter delivered to the post at Edinburgh at 2 p.m. on the 3rd. Has reproved the posts for their dilatoriness. Is not surprised at the Queen's fickleness, her love to Henry Steward is so great. Thinks Magnus should be plain with her as a priest, and give her wholesome counsel as commanded in his first instructions. Cannot agree with them that the Queen should be conciliated with one month's more wages for 200 men, which she desires to have for 300. She will think they dare not refuse her anything; besides, it will enable her to coerce the Lords assembling at this Parliament, and fortify her against Angus, who, if he go to it, will rule all or be beaten. Nevertheless, remits it to their discretion, as they can judge better on the spot. If they do deliver it, they should exact a writing under the great seal, signed by the King, and another under her own seal, signed by herself, that the ambassadors shall come to Berwick by a certain day. Wonders they have not acknowledged his letters from Morpeth on Sunday last, with a copy of Wolsey's last to himself. Thinks they should try to gain the bishop of St. Andrew's by Adam Otterburn, and fall in familiarity with the abbot of Paisley, by whom they may learn secrets; but they must say nothing to the latter of the bishop of St. Andrew's. Newcastle, 5 Nov.
Pp. 3. Headed by Norfolk: Copy of my letter sent to Mr. Magnus and Mr. Ratcliff.
5 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 368. B. M. St. P. IV. 227.
Were with the Queen yesterday, and found her more compliant about the sending of ambassadors, and declaring her opinion of the Lords most inclined to France. She acknowledged she could not have established her son's authority without the fear of Henry; but she is quite unreasonable about Angus holding that England was bound by promise to have detained him till she consented to his return, or at least till he had been reconciled with Arran. She begs that Norfolk will come to Berwick, and send for Angus to meet him, that he may be detained during this next Parliament; in which case, she says, many more Lords will assemble than would come otherwise. Send copy of a letter written by Angus to the Queen, which she looked at, and returned, saying she would not receive it. Have written to the Earl their advice what to do. Send copy. Margaret is much displeased that the King has stipulated to help Angus against her and Arran. Expect to be sent for today by the bishop of St. Andrew's, and to learn his mind. Payment must in anywise be sent for the guard. The Queen wishes to have 300 men in wages during the Parliament, "which in manner shall be the shoote anker for the expedition of our purpose." Norfolk must consider what is to be done. Edinburgh, 5 Nov.
Headed by Norfolk: Copy of Mr. Magnus and Mr. Ratclyffe's letter to the duke of Norfolk.
Calig. B. I. 259. B. M. 807. QUEEN MARGARET to NORFOLK.
Is informed that Will. Douglas is come to Goldingam this Saturday, and has warned the earldom of March to meet Angus; of which she marvels, as the King and Wolsey had written to her that he should not come without her consent. Is greatly displeased. It has put all matters back. Begs Norfolk will not allow it. Is resolved she will not be "ourset" with the earl of Angus. And you mynde agayn, my Lord, vhat I sal trust to." "Written this Sunday." Signed.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: "To my lord of Norfolke."
7 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 373. B. M.
The queen of Scots desires that the Earl should remain with Norfolk at Berwick until the close of the next Parliament, in order that some agreement may be made between herself and the earls of Arran and Angus. Norfolk desires his compliance, and begs an answer. Newcastle, 7 Nov.
P. 1. Headed: "Copy of the duke of Norfolk's letter to the earl of Anguyshe."
7 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 370. B. M. St. P. IV. 229.
Has this morning received their letter dated at Edinburgh on Saturday at 4 p.m. Has written to Angus to come to him, provided the Queen and Arran bind themselves that after the Parliament Arran shall come, bringing such friends as he will name, to arbitrate between him and Angus, the latter doing the same, and agreeing to abide the umpirage of Norfolk in the last resort. If they decline this, it is evident they are trying to tract the time, and pluck Angus's friends from him. Doubts if Angus will come again to him without safe-conduct, which Norfolk will grant with good will both to him and to the others. As to the money for the 200 men, they have doubtless received Norfolk's letter of the 6th. Cannot agree to the third hundred. Wonders at their lodging outside the town, considering the disorders that prevail. Newcastle, 7 Nov.
Headed by the Duke: Copy of the duke of Norfolk's letter to Mr. Magnus, answering the other before, and this to be showed the Queen.
7 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 369. B. M. St. P. IV. 230.
Has written this other letter, to be shown to the Queen and Arran. Wrote after consultation with Dacre, Evers and Tempest, who agree also with what he wrote on Saturday. Wonders they are in favor of the Queen having the money for this month's wages, but remits it to their discretion. If Arran is not more compliant than he showed himself in his two last letters, thinks Angus should be strengthened against him. Desires them to lodge within the town, (fn. 1) and tell the Queen they are ordered so to do. Newcastle, 7 Nov.
P. 1. Headed by the Duke: Copy of the duke of Norfolk's letter, not to be showed the Queen.
7 Nov.
Calig. B. I. 228. B. M. Mrs. Green's Royal Letters, I. 353.
Understands his mind by Magnus and Radcliff, who have brought her a piece of rich cloth of gold. Thanks him for his remembrance of her, with the money to be paid monthly for the men about the King her son, which is very essential to him. Rejoices at the good prospects of peace, as Henry will understand by her ambassadors, the first she ever sent. Fears her interests are not attended to, nor credit given to her letters, since Angus has been sent to Scotland against her request and her son's. Thinks, apart from her wishes, Henry should not have given occasion to break the realm, or put her son in danger. Angus came in the night time. Forbears to complain, as her remonstrances are not listened to. If she cannot prevent her unfriends receiving assistance, she must provide for herself. She has not been unfaithful to Henry. If Henry really desire peace, hopes he will show it, by declaring what he will do, otherwise it will be thought he only wishes to put off time, and cause the King her son to "tyne hyz fryndyz." 7 Nov.
8 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 375. B. M.
Wonders he has had no letter from her since the coming of Magnus and Radclyff into Scotland. Apologizes for remonstrating with her for her ingratitude to her brother the King, who is highly dissatisfied at her refusal to receive Angus. 21 days have passed since the truce at Berwick, without ambassadors having been sent to England as promised. Dunkeld has informed Hals and Carlisle herald that traitors are about his Highness's person, and she has refused to let Appleby bring the letter. She has none to look up to after her son, except her brother, who is highly offended at such wilful and ungracious proceedings. Newcastle, 8 Nov.
Copy, pp. 8. Headed: "Copy of the Duke of Norfolk's letter to the queen of Scots, upon the receipt of my lord Cardinal's letter dated the 5th day."
8 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 364. B. M. St. P. IV. 231.
Received this day, the 7th, Norfolk's letter, dated Newcastle, the 5th. Cannot write as they would, as Arran only arrived last night, but mean to write to Wolsey the plain resolution of the Queen's mind, and the opinions of Arran, Cassillis, the bishops of St. Andrew's, Aberdeen, and Dunkeld. All others seem favorable. Norfolk will see by their next letter what they have done to win the bishop of St. Andrew's. The abbot of Paisley has not been here since they came. Adam Ottirbourne, Patrick Sinclair, and John Chesam are very favorable. Do not think that the wages for the 200 men should be discontinued without warning, seeing that the Queen is well minded now to follow the King's pleasure, though she will not yet receive Angus again into favor. As to paying the money themselves, after exacting a promise from the King and Queen under the Great Seal to send ambassadors, decline to take the responsibility of more payments than they were charged with by Wolsey. Few men of his degree would have gone further than Magnus in remonstrating with the Queen. Every one here, both nobles and commons, seem to be most favorable to them, "one for the time some deal except, which in conclusion we trust shall be the best." Edinburgh, 7 Nov.
Apologise for not having acknowledged Norfolk's letter, dated at Morpeth "on Sunday was sevenight," with the copy of his letter to the Queen. Were so put out by the Queen's intractability that they forgot to mention it. Did not omit, however, to show any part of his good and well penned letter to the Queen, and to exhort her accordingly, so that she would fain they were both in England again. Edinburgh, 8 Nov.
8 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 374. B. M.
This night received the Cardinal's letter, an answer to his from Morpeth. The King and Council are greatly displeased with Arran and the Queen for refusing an agreement with Angus, and for their threatening letter to Wolsey, wondering she should bring "to his knowledge the names of such false traitors as the bishop of Dunkeld doth say is about his noble person;" and also for her refusal to allow a letter to be brought by Appleby from Dunkeld to England, compelling Hals to leave him at Edinburgh until her letter to the King was answered. The King will grant them no money until the Queen is more compliant: if she persist, he shall deliver his letters the first day of Parliament, professing the King's anxiety to serve that realm, and require their answer. They are also to deliver to the Queen a letter, hereby sent, containing many sharp words. If she is moved by it, they are to assure her Norfolk would not have written in such a style unless he saw that her conduct would lead to the greatest confusion. They are to write from day to day, and to cause every post to have two horses. Cannot answer the Cardinal till he hears from them and from Dunkeld the names of the false traitors. Newcastle, 8 Nov.
Headed: "Copy of the duke of Norfolk's letter written to Mr. Magnus and Mr. Ratclyff upon the receit of my lord Cardinal's letter, dated the 5th day."
9 Nov.
Vit. B. VI. 224. B. M.
815. PACE to [WOLSEY].
On the 6th the Datary passed Bononye, on his way to the Imperial and French camps. Does not know what he had to treat. It is thought some abstinence of war, but Wolsey will know better from Clerk. Francis began to batter Pavia in three places on the same day. His success depends on taking it. When he took Milan, the exiles had made him hope to obtain money, but he has not had a penny, by reason of the death and absence of the people, and is consequently perplexed. Bourbon and the Viceroy have sent to the Pope to procure aid, but the answer has not returned. A messenger has just come from Bourbon with the enclosed letters. Mantua, 9 Nov. Signed.
P. 1.
10 Nov.
Vit. B. VI. 225. B. M.
816. PACE to [WOLSEY].
Wrote yesterday, enclosing letters from Bourbon. Has received today from him letters with bad news for the French king, which are enclosed in Pace's letters to the King. By them and others herewith, sent to the Marquis of this city, Wolsey will see the loss the French have had in their two assaults at Pavia. The Datary is now with him about a truce. Thinks he would be glad to be back in France, though he will not probably get there without harm. Mantua, 10 Nov. Signed.
P. 1.
10 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 329. B. M. St. P. IV. 234.
Not finding the Queen so favorable as she should have been, have, since they came, endeavored to learn the minds of the Lords. Have found the archbishop of St. Andrew's well inclined to them. Their first visit to him was by occasion of a letter which they got Dacre to write to him, when he explained to them in his privy chamber that he had been imprisoned because he refused to break his oath to Albany. He had signed with the other Lords the book for the taking forth of the young King, under protest that it should not take effect till St. Giles' day. Told him the King had never consented to his imprisonment, but was most anxious, considering his great wisdom, to have had him sent to England in embassy. Showed him, in proof of this, Wolsey's letter to him of the 15th Aug., which was not delivered on account of his imprisonment. On this he was marvellous well content, and said but for the illness brought on by his confinement he would be glad to come. He then told what part-takers he had, and said he hoped to do much to reconcile Arran and Angus. After the interview he sent for Adam Otterburn, and told him how much he was pleased with it. Have since dined with him, and met the bishop of Dunkeld and earl of Cassillis (both appointed to be ambassadors), Eglinton, the duke of Albany's brother (Alexander Stuart), who is devoted to England, and other abbots, Dan Carre of Cessford and Mark Carre. Think the Archbishop really inclined to England, but are informed he is fickle. The bishop of Aberdeen has sent them many presents. He is in favor of a perpetual peace, but is somewhat inclined to France. Trust he will not be extreme against England. Dunkeld and Cassillis bear no great favor to France. They are to start on the embassy in 10 days. The Queen will not listen to the suits made by Angus for her favor. Have urged her to take wise councillors about her, which they hope she will at the beginning of this Parliament, which meets on Monday.
Complaint has been made here by 10 or 12 wives of Edinburgh that the English had taken their husbands, notwithstanding the peace. They were taken by Flemings in the Bark of Sandwich, by the subtlety of Englishmen, as it is thought. The matter is set forward by Hob à Barton, who, fearing, as the writers believe, some report of his letter in French to Albany, has told the Queen and Lords plainly what he has done; so we should only make enemies by showing the special letter.
Have given the Queen 100l., and promised her payment for 200 of the guard; else they would not have been hasty in setting forward the ambassadors. Arran has not been here since their coming till Monday last. Sent to him on Tuesday to meet them in the Abbey Church, but by the Queen's orders met him at court. Found him and Hob à Barton with the Queen in her privy chamber. Got leave to deliver the King's letter to him in private; but before they could show much of their credence were sent for four times by the Queen, who would not allow them to confer without her privity.
Yesterday the Queen sent for them by Patrick Sinclair, and told them in great secrecy that all the Lords had been with her in council, and she perceived they were well content with our coming, but not that we should tarry; that the ambassadors would leave next week at furthest, and that the Lords were devising instructions for them against the first day of the Parliament; that the Lords had inquired particularly of the objects of our mission, and had said that, as these appeared now to be fulfilled, it was inexpedient they should tarry longer, as strangers were not accustomed to be continued in the realm during Parliament, to be privy to their affairs. Margaret said she had remonstrated that Frenchmen were allowed to stay, but the Lords insisted on our departure before the Parliament. Have got leave, however, to remain until they see the ambassadors leave for England.
Were with the bishop of Dunkeld last night. It does not seem to be determined whether he or St. Andrew's is to be sent on embassy. If he go, he trusts to disclose matters of great importance to the King, provided he may be in Scotland again before disclosing them; if another be sent, he promises to explain the matter to us.
Arran was to have met us today at St. Giles' Church, but has sent word he cannot keep his appointment. Cannot bring him to good purpose by reason of the Queen, though every one believes he would be glad to be reconciled with Angus. Edinburgh, 10 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 6. Add.
10 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 366. B. M.
Have written at large to Wolsey. Have no leisure to send copies, as they have continually to attend in court and upon the Lords; but Norfolk will doubtless open their letter. He will see they are near departing. Every one says they are sent to bring in Angus, and disturb the realm. The bruit in Edinburgh is that they have lost their ship, men, and goods, through the subtlety of the English. The ambassadors are on the point to set forward, but if they want wages for the guard here, it may stop the whole matter. We have money enough if we depart, but not for them if we remain, as we shall do if possible. If they were to show Norfolk's letter of the 7th to the Queen or Arran, it would make a stop to the coming of the ambassadors. Have copied the effect of his article about Arran coming to Berwick for an agreement with Angus, and have made no mention of the Queen's party. Can get no direct answer from Arran, though they were with him twice yesterday. The whole court is against Angus, and if he came at this Parliament it will stop the ambassadors. This day it is decreed that he shall keep within certain limits on pain of treason. Think he should be warned not to come hither during the Parliament. Know not how to conclude with Arran about his coming to Berwick.
Cannot mend matters about their lodgings if they remain. Were before "lodged in a house so strait that every lad and lass in manner saw what we did, and our servants far from us." Are now all together in a good strong house within the town wall, and have nightly visits from Patrick Synkler and John Chesam. All friends can resort hither more secretly than in the midst of the town.
Have just received a letter of the King to the Lords here, and two of Norfolk, one to the Queen and one to themselves, dated Newcastle the 8th. Must be cautious in delivering them, lest they stop the ambassadors. Edinburgh, 10 Nov., 5 p.m.
P.S.—Have bid the post not leave till break of day, as posts are often intercepted at night by robbers. Would like to know Norfolk's opinion before delivering these last letters. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.
10 Nov.
S. B.
Cumb.:—Sir Joseph Lother, Sir Joseph Lampleugh, *Sir Christopher Curwyn.
Northumb.:—* Sir William Ellerker, Sir William Hilton, Sir Edward Grey.
York:—* Sir John Constable of Holderness, Sir Henry Boynton, Sir Thos. Strayngways.
Notts and Derby:—* Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Sir Robt. Mynors, Anthony Babyngton.
Linc.:—Sir Gilbert Tailboys, * Sir Thomas Burgh, jun., Sir William Skipwith.
Warw. and Leic.:—Sir Edward Ferrers, * Sir Thomas Lucy, Sir Edw. Grevill.
Salop:—Thomas Newporte, * Thomas Cornewalle, John Corbet of Lee.
Staff.:—Richard Asteley, * Sir Edward Grey, William Basset.
Heref.:—John Skudmore, Thomas Bodenham, John Blount of Grendon.
Glouc.:—* Sir Edmund Tame, Robt. Whitney, Sir Wm. Kyngeston.
Oxon and Berks:—* Sir Wm. Essex, John Horne, Sir Edward Chamberleyn.
Northt.:—Sir Walter Mauncell, * Sir Thomas Tresham, Nicholas Odehull.
Camb. and Hunts:—* John Hudelston, Thomas Checheley, Thomas Pygot.
Beds and Bucks:—* Sir Ralph Verney, jun., Thomas Rotherham, John Hampden.
Norf. and Suff.:—Sir William Paston, Sir Roger Towensende, * Sir John Haydon.
Essex and Herts:—* Sir John Veer, Philip Butler, Sir Geoffry Gatys.
Kent:—* Sir Will. Hawte, Sir John Norton, Sir Henry Guldeford.
Surrey and Sussex:—John Dawtre, *Sir Thos. West, Ric. Shirley.
Hants:—* Will. Pounde, Peter Philpot, Thos. Bruen.
Wilts:—Will. Ludlowe, Sir Hen. Longe, * Sir John Seymour.
Somers and Dors:—Andrew Lutterell, * Sir Giles Strangways, John Horsey, sen.
Devon:—* Sir John Basset, Sir Will. Carewe, Philip Champernon.
Cornw.:—Rob. Langdon, John Chamond, * Will. Lowre.
Rutland:—[Sir Everard Digby, struck out], John Calcote, * Francis Broune, Will. Feldyng.
Del. Westm., 10 Nov. 16 Hen. VIII.
11 Nov.
Add. MS. 15,387, f. 143. B. M. Theiner, p. 545.
Has received his two letters recommending Cardinal Campeggio for the vacant see of Salisbury. The King has written to the Pope to request his promotion, although many objected to the appointment of a cardinal and a foreigner.
Desires credence for the bishop of Bath. London, 11 Nov. 1524.
Lat., pp. 7, copy.
11 Nov.
R. O.
Has had no answer to his requests on behalf of Ric. Caundish. He has asked Norfolk's leave to ride to Wolsey to plead his own cause, as Dacre has shown him no favor for a long time. At his departure last year, Norfolk left him in command of the ordnance, which was scattered in many places, with a clerk at 12d. a day, and five servants at 8d. to ride with him, and to go to collect the ordnance. Appointed him captain of 100 gunners in Berwick and elsewhere, with 4s. a day, like other captains. When he had collected the ordnance, gave him leave to come to London on his own business, and to be unchecked for himself and his servants for five weeks. When in London, Wolsey bid him remain to mount the King's new guns from Flanders, the master of the ordnance being there. He was in London long after Norfolk came hither, and has never received any wages for that time. After Norfolk's departure last year, Dacre discharged his servants, on no reasonable ground, and now will pay him no wages without Norfolk's warrant, which he will not give without Wolsey's order, as he has not meddled with any wages since he came. Wishes Wolsey to show Caundish favor, and send him back before he leaves the North. Newcastle, 11 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate.
12 Nov.
R. O. St. P. VI. 241.
Writes briefly, forwarding letters from Magnus and Radcliff to himself and Wolsey. Has not written to Wolsey this week, expecting hourly news from Scotland. Sends copies of his own letters to Magnus and the Queen, on receipt of Wolsey's of the 5th. That to the Queen was not delivered for fear of delaying the coming of the ambassadors. Hopes when the ambassadors come to Berwick he may be allowed to return before them. Would not like to come with them, having only 50 servants here "in old black mornyng cootes." Thinks Dacre should come with him and three or four of the complainants, that the matter may be settled by Wolsey. Cannot learn yet if Angus will be at the Parliament; if he should, he will rule or be beaten. Wishes instructions for Magnus and Radcliff on their coming out of Scotland. Newcastle, 12 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.: Scocia.
12 Nov.
R. O.
Received this day, at 11 o'clock, his letter dated Edinburgh the 10th, delayed by the post being taken in Scotland. Perceives by his own letter and my lord Cardinal's that they are strangely handled, and admonished to come away. As the Queen persists in her wilfulness towards her husband, Norfolk approves of their discretion in not delivering his last letter to her. If they find the money for the 200 men will help the King's purpose, they may deliver it to the Queen out of what they have in hand; and Dacre will tomorrow convey as much to Berwick to be kept for them, by Langton the treasurer; or she may get it from Langton herself, on sending an acquittance for it. Has written to Wolsey for instructions to them what to do on leaving Scotland. They should continue their efforts to win the bishop of St. Andrew's. Has caused Dacre to write to him advising him to come in the embassy, but does not expect he will. Newcastle, 12 Nov.
Pp. 2. Headed by Norfolk: Copy of the duke of Norfolk's letter sent to Mr. Magnus.
12 Nov.
R. O.
Desires credence for Ludovic Towart, his chief butler, who will declare to him matters which concern the Emperor and the King. Ambstetten, 12 Nov. 1524. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
12 Nov.
R. O.
To the same effect. Ambstetten, 12 Nov. 1524. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
13 Nov.
Vit. B. VI. 226. B. M.
Received on the 9th her letters of Oct. 23 and 27, with copies of letters from the lieutenant of Mons. de Lorraine.
Wrote on the 6th, enclosing copies of Anthoine de Lyeve's letters from Pavia, and sent also the abbé de Nagere's instructions to the Pope, copies of a brief from the Pope, a letter from the Emperor, and an account of the proposals of the Datary. The Datary left for Lodi on Monday the 7th. He thinks there are very few men there. On Tuesday they sent a trumpet thence to ask Francis for a safe-conduct for him, and a spy returned from Milse with news that Jeronimo Trevoulze and Jehan Ferme de Trevoulze were there with 400 men-at-arms and archers. Pescara sent off 3,000 Spaniards, 200 horse and 150 men-at-arms, with shirts over their armour, showing them before they left to the Datary, who thought there were many more than they were; and they captured all the French, and brought them to Lodi. The Datary left the town on Monday morning, and went to Francis. On Sunday the 6th the King battered the town, losing some men, Longueville among them. On Tuesday he assaulted in two or three places, with great loss. Some Spanish prisoners taken in Provence say that he assaulted again on Wednesday with greater loss. Yesterday two men came from Pavia, whom de Lyeve had put out of the town in a little boat; but they were obliged to throw their letters into the river, lest they should be taken. They say the garrison are behaving very well; and that Francis is trying to cross the Ticino behind the village which is before Pavia, or the Granelle; which seems impossible. Yesterday a man came, who said he had left the French camp on Thursday, and on Tuesday had been in the tent of the Grand Escuyer, when the French confessed they had lost at the assaults more than 2,500 men, including 100 men-at-arms, and that the King intends to take it by famine. Went on Thursday to see the fortifications at Lodi. Hopes that they will be shortly such as to prevent Francis taking it as easily as he thought when he entered Italy. Returned yesterday. This morning Jeronimo Mouron sent an account of what had been done since he left, which he encloses.
Visited the duke of Urbino the other day at Crema, as he was ill, to tell him to prepare for the coming of the Almains, and to succor Pavia. Heard yesterday from the ambassador at Venice that the Signory will not fail in their duty, and will be ready when the Almains come. Hears from Cornille out of Spain that they will be at the muster, four leagues from Trent, on St. Martin's day.
Wrote to Monsieur (the Archduke) about the archbishop of Capua and Francis's entering Italy, that he might come to Insbruck, and give aid if required. Encloses a copy of his letter. On All Saints' day sent the commandant Figorole to inform Monsieur about the state of affairs. Yesterday the abbot of Nagere returned from Rome, saying that at first the Pope was perplexed at the sudden arrival of Francis; but, hearing of the courage of the defenders of Pavia, he was comforted, and promised to remain friendly to the Emperor, and assist the army. Thinks, when he hears the last news Lanoy has sent him, he will do all he can. It is time the king of England did something on his side. Soussin, 13 Nov. '24.
Fr., pp. 3, copy. Endd. by Tuke: Copy of the viceroy of Naples' letters directed to the lady Margaret.
13 Nov.
R. O.
Has been compelled to borrow 600 ducats at 4s. 6d. a piece, by "cambeo and recambeo," from one Maliard, an Englishman, brother to the merchant who died at Seville three years ago, whose causes Sampson had furthered with the Emperor, so that he recovered 6,000 or 7,000 ducats. Believes the method is no less than cloaked usury, but it is the custom among merchants here, where clear usury is the chief merchandise, whereof the Emperor feeleth most. Asks Wolsey to have it repaid whoever asks for it on his part. If they claim it here they will have speedy justice with 15 per cent. Maliarde would never have recovered a penny, if it had not been for Sampson, who caused a decree against him to be revoked; but he has never thanked him, and has reported that he gave him large gifts. Has never had a penny from him, and would consider it dishonest to take anything for doing the King's pleasure. Cannot get any of Wolsey's pensions yet, though there will be a year owing from Palentia at Christmas. Thinks the pension on Toledo would be paid if he had the bulls. That on Palentia will be paid at Midsummer, till which time the Bishop says that he will receive nothing. Will do all he can, but he sees no hope of the arrears yet.
Wrote from Valladolid by the Emperor's post on 30 Oct. the Emperor has now left for Madrid, 32 leagues hence, and 12 from Toledo. The Chancellor is in great anxiety about the affairs of Italy, and was more sharp than necessary in the last answer, about which Sampson wrote in his last letter, "and now intendeth be al means to set forth the great expedicion, trusting be that if the French king now prosper in Italia, be this meane to recovre the sam, and so he hath expresely seyd to me." He is a little more sober than he was in imputing the hindrance of the affairs to the King, for Sampson reminded him of the King's gratuities, and his continued friendship, and showed him that the fault lay either in the Council's want of foresight, or in the Emperor's servants in Italy, for the King was ready to transport his army when the Emperor's army in Provence was furnished with men, money, &c., which it never was, although the King sent 100,000 cr. thither. This sum arrived when there was no money, and not a penny has come from the Emperor since it was spent, so that the army was forced to return. Told him also that, whatever the viceroy of Naples thought now, he had always been the French king's chief friend; that he is of such strange and proud demeanor that all Italy abhors him, that he daily increases enemies, and takes away the Emperor's friends, and that he acts in this way even to the Pope. The Chancellor would no longer dispute the hindrances of the army, and said the Viceroy should answer for himself at the right time. The Emperor's army that entered France by Catalonia, notwithstanding their boasts, have retreated, and the French have invaded Catalonia by Russillion.
It is thought here that the French king is in Milan or near; for the archbp. of Capua wrote from Leons, 17 Oct., on his way from Francis to the Pope, and he thought then that Francis was in Italy. Hears little to make him think the Emperor's army will make much resistance. Valladolid, 13 Nov. 1524.
Hol., pp. 4. One sentence in cipher undeciphered. Add. Endd.
13 Nov.
Vivis Opera, VII. 180.
They have made Erasmus a champion, whether he likes it or not, but the spectators see that he spares him whom he might overthrow. His book De Libero Arbitrio was yesterday given to the King, who read a few pages, seemed pleased, and said that he should read it through. He pointed out to Vives a passage where Erasmus deters men from immoderate curiosity as to Divine mysteries; which, he said, delighted him much. The Queen also is much pleased. She desired Vives to salute him for her, and says that she thanks him for having treated the subject with so much moderation. He will hear from Montjoy of the King's wish for him to annotate the Psalms. The King wishes also for a conversation with Erasmus. He can arrange this with More, who is much with the King. Linacre is dead (reliquit homines), to the great grief of all doctors.
His book De Emendata Constructione is being edited. Francis Byrchman had asked Vives to have his books printed by Froben. Will send them to him if Byrchman will have nothing to do with the business. London, 13 Nov. 1524.
Vivis Opera, VII. 207. 829. VIVES to LINACRE.
Has not heard from him for a long time, and fears that he has been ill. Begs him to write, or, if not, to send messages by those who come hither. Wishes to know what he is doing about his Grammatica.
15 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 333. B. M. St. P. IV. 243.
Things are going on more smoothly. The Queen has had them to solace with the King at Leith, and in the fields to see him stir his horses, and run with a spear among his lords at a glove. He sings, dances, and shows familiarity among the lords; than which nothing can be better in a young prince not thirteen till next Easter. In person, face and manner he resembles Henry VIII., and he likes the manners of England better than those of France. Are assured the ambassadors will set forward in eight days, but have some doubts, as the money is not yet levied for their charges. The abbot of Camskynnell is to go in the room of Sir Will. Scotte of Bawery, who is sick. Urged the Queen to have the abp. of St. Andrew's sent as the best guarantee against a French faction. She advises that the King should write loving letters, both to her and to the Abp., to solicit it; but care must be taken, in that case, to prevent the bishop of Dunkeld's jealousy. Have promised to endeavor to get Dunkeld made chancellor. Have found him most plain and straightforward. He is of great experience, and has many friends. Have been practising along with Norfolk to get Arran and Angus to meet at Berwick with their friends for concord, leaving the umpirage in the end to Norfolk. Arran declines, not, as they think, from ill will, but from evil counsel. When riding with us he said that if Angus and he were of one opinion they could keep out Albany. Little is said now about our going hence. Expect to be allowed to remain till the end of the Parliament. Received through Norfolk a letter from the King to the lords of Scotland, to be delivered to them openly at the beginning of the Parliament, with another from Norfolk to the Queen, "right roundly penned." Forbear to deliver them. Norfolk's would do mischief, now that the Queen inclines somewhat to our purpose; and the King's makes reference to his former letters delivered at the time of the last Parliament, complaining that no answer was returned. Are informed that answer was made and subscribed by the Lords present; of which we send copy, and think if the matter were opened it would create displeasure between the Queen and Lords. There are also passages which touch the bishops of Saint Andrew's and Aberdeen, "now good men, and most principal of the said Parliament." Have advised Angus not to come to the Parliament till the ambassadors set out. Yesterday the Parliament began. Edinburgh, 15 Nov. Signed.
15 Nov.
R. O.
Received yesterday morning his letter dated Newcastle, the 12th. Will let the Queen send to Berwick for the money. He will understand, from their letter to Wolsey, about the sending of the abp. of St. Andrew's in embassy. The bp. of Dunkeld wishes some one else to go in his place,—for want of money, as the writers think. His bulls are a heavy charge to him; and he protests, if he were sure of them, he would stand up openly in the Parliament to expose the craft of France. "If he be subtle, hard it is to trust many men." As he will be principal ambassador, Wolsey should remember his charges. Edinburgh, 15 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.


  • 1. Note by the Duke in the margin: "that they were appointed to be lodged" half a mile without Edinburgh.