Index: K

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Index: K', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: K', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: K". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



Kailway, Kayleway, or Keylewey, John, g. 137 (8), p. 233, g. 895 (12), g. 1298 (und.), g. 2002 (6, 11), 5510 (und.), g. 6803 (4).

Kakyn, Thos., g. 5243 (26).

Kalatzk, D. Petrus, 2464 ii.

Kalayuzz, 2021.

Kallby, John, p. 1392.

Kallystok. See Calstock.

Kamucius, Dr., 5831.

Kandish (Candish), Ric., 2958.

Karbott, Dr., 6699.

Karey. See Carey.

Karkett, young, scrivener, 965.

Karnarbe, Thos. See Carnaby.

Karne. See Carne.

Karram. See Carham.

Karre. See Carew: Kerr: Carr.

Karrek, Yllan, Caernarvonshire, 973.

Karroks, the, 4336 (3).

Kars, sieur des, p. 355.

Kary, deanery of, p. 424.

Katcham, _, 4399.

Katharine of Arragon, queen of England, 30, 57, g. 86 (26), 194, 233, 344, g. 546 (2), p. 232, 678, g. 693 (14), 722, 828, 853, 862, 882, 910, 941, 993, 995, 1032, 1240, p. 611, 1379, p. 662, 1519, 1547, 1595, 1673, 1690, 1704, 1750, 1760, 1785, p. 796, 1939, 1994, 2104, g. 2132 (16), 2159, 2319, 2354, 2428, 2475, 2589, 2639, 2878 iii., 2914, 2951, p. 1331, 2974, 2986, 3041, 3067, p. 1402 et seq., 3130, 3140, 3217, 3231, 3234, 3265, 3271, 3278, 3302, 3311–13, 3327, 3374, 3376, g. 3540 (16), 3641, 3643 (3), 3686, 3693–4, 3802, p. 1715, 3889, 3913, g. 3991 (23), 4000, 4120, 4155, p. 1838, p. 1841, 4169, g. 4231 (und.), 4251, 4315, g. 4445 (10), 4486, 4535, 4542, 4564, 4604, 4685, 4721, 4737, 4751, 4841–2, 4849, 4851–2, 4857–8, 4875, 4879–80–81, 4897–8–9, 4915, 4942–3, 4945–6, pp. 2157–61, 4979–81, 4990, g. 4993 (6), 5038, 5058, 5063, 5065, 5072, 5081, 5154–5–6, 5163, 5177, 5179–80–81, 5192, 5211, 5222, 5255, 5266–7, 5283–4, 5301–2, 5338, 5344, 5346, 5355–6, 5370, 5375–6, 5379, 5423, 5425, 5440, 5447, 5452, 5465, 5468, 5470–1, 5518, 5529, 5537, 5562, 5599, 5611, 5613, 5635–6, 5641, 5679, 5681, 5685, 5687, 5694–5, 5700, 5702–3, 5707, 5728, 5732–4, 5741, p. 2560, 5761–3, 5766, 5768 (2), 5769, 5773–4, 5778, 5780, 5783, 5791, 5802–3, 5808, 5814, 5821, 5846, 5854, 5856, 5863–3, 5909, 5923, 5928–9, 5936, 5943, 5969, 5980, 5991–2, 5994–5, 6026, 6068–9, 6095, 6108, 6111, 6121, 6142, 6199, 6201 (5), p. 2784, 6218, 6244, 6256, 6259, 6279–80, 6307, 6321, 6337–8, 6359, 6369, 6378–9, 6392–3, 6399, 6405, 6408, 6422, 6437, 6441, p. 2896, 6452–4, 6477, 6478, 6498, 6501, 6503, 6507, 6514, 6521, 6528, 6533, 6535, 6538, 6548 ii., 6557, 6560, 6562, 6573, 6591–2, 6610, 6618, 6629, 6635, 6641–2, 6644, 6655, 6660–1, 6667–8, 6670, 6672, 6675–6, 6689–90–1–2, 6694, 6696, 6700, 6705, g. 6709 (18), 6715, 6738–9, 6742, 6745, 6757–9, 6761, 6766, 6769–70, 6780, 6789, 6795, App. 146, 206, 211, 253, 261, 263, 267, 269.
-, -, -, letters from, 1032, 1519, 5154, 5211, 5980, 6337, 6660.
-, -, -, letters to, 344, 862, 993, 1994, 2319, 2354, 4000.
-, -, -, her physician, 30, 1483.
-, -, -, her household and servants, g. 86 (26), p. 1331, g. 4313 (5), g. 4896 (19), p. 2251, 5311, g. 5336 (21), 5403, g. 5406 (27).
-, -, -, her almoner, 2395, 4429.
-, -, -, her advocate at Rome, 6765.
-, -, -, See also Divorce.

Katharine, Madame, sister of Charles V., 356, 579, 580, 632, 780.

Katharine, [Parr ?], Queen, 5773.

Kaus, 2527.

Kawston. See Cawston.

Kay, Alex., 2714, 3685.
-, -, Eliz., g. 4445 (28).

Kayach, Wales, g. 1676 (19).

Kayleway. See Kailway.

Kayston, 5808.

Keall, John, 3742.

Kebell or Kebyll, John, 1518, g. 2065 (1), 2808, 3480.
-, -, Thos., p. 237.

Keby, Wm., p. 867, p. 869, 3739.

Kecchewik, Mr., 3149.

Kechyn, John, p. 3048.
-, -, Wm., g. 3991 (26).

Kechinham, p. 988 (2).

Kedbroke. See Kidbrook.

Kedwen (or Kydowen), Wales, p. 873, g. 3869 (10).

Keir, laird of. See Stirling, Sir John.

Keldon, Essex, 1833, 5076, 5304.

Kele, Wm., g. 4594 (20).

Keles, Hen., 5102.

Kelke, Christopher, 967.
-, -, -, his widow and his heir, 967.
-, -, Thos., 5920.

Kellett, Walter, 2811 note.
-, -, Dr., p. 3049.

Kellom, manor, 2474.

Kellowe, vicarage, 3043.

Kelly, John, g. 3008 (23).

Kellyngthorp, Yorks., 437, 451, 461.

Kellum, Yorksh., g. 6072 (22).

Kellys. See Kenlys.

Kelso, 127, 482, 529, 903, 1862 ii.
-, -, letter dated at, 127.
-, -, abbot of, 56, 127, 142, 2019–20, 2031 ii. 2035, 4817, 4925, 4940.
-, -, -, letter from, 127.
-, -, -, letters to, 56, 142.

Kelvedon, 5076.

Kelwey, Robt., p. 233.

Kemell, Jo., p. 2228.

Kemerdisshers, Wales, lands called, g. 1676 (4).

Kemyran Crick, Anglesea, 973.

Kemys, Harry, p. 2423.
-, -, John, p. 2433.

Kemyse, Pembroke, g. 390 (7).

Kemmys crick, Anglesea, 973.

Kemp, Barth., g. 5624 (4).
-, -, Chr., g. 5083 (20).
-, -, Edm., 387.
-, -, John, g. 464 (1).
-, -, Ralph, p. 3047.
-, -, Thos., bp. of London, 545.
-, -, Wm., p. 235, g. 2002 (11), 3581, 4914.

Kempeley, Glouc., g. 5336 (20).

Ken, John, p. 236.

Kenbroke, 4424, 5076.

Kencham, John, 459.

Kendal, Westmor., 191, g. 464 (22), 1500, note, 5872, g. 6248 (20), g. 6751 (26).

Kendal. See Quindal.

Kendal, dean of, 235.

Kendall, Herts, 1500 note.

Kendall, John, p. 870, g. 3142 (18).
-, -, Thos., 2811.
-, -, Walter, p. 237, g. 1136 (12), g. 2002 (6), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, William, p. 237.

Kene, John, g. 3869 (19).
-, -, Robt., 4229 (10).

Kenerton, 4501.

Kenyngton, Oxon., 1913.

Kenilworth (Killingworth), Warw., 4562, 4604.
-, -, -, constable of, 3057.
-, -, -, abbot of, g. 961 (20), 3487, g. 5243 (28).
-, -, -, Will. abbot of, 2700.

Kenyston, Thos., p. 868.

Kenllegh Ryngyld, als. Kellengh Owen, Wales, g. 1049 (12).

Kenlys, archdeaconry of, 5131.

Kenmarton, Worc. dioc., g. 6248 (5).

Kenne, Wm., p. 84.

Kennedy, lord. See Cassillis, earl of.

Kennele, in Scotland, 499, 515.
-, -, letter dated at, 499.

Kennewyk park, Salop, 3540 (14).

Kenninghall, Norf., 4162, 4398.
-, -, letters dated at, 1235, 1241, 1265. 4320, 4459, 5048, 5415.

Kennyngs or Kenyngs, Wm., 244, 512.

Kensege castle, 976.

Kensington, S. Herris, curate of, 4029 (3).

Kent, p. 83, p. 84, g. 464 (2), p. 235, 819, 969, 972, 1263, 1266, 1272, 1305, 1326, 1332, 1470, g. 2002(5, 11), 2636, 2672, 3119, 3506, 3572, 3581, 3655, 3691, 3866, 3926, 4192, g. 4231 (und.), 4276, 4295, 4300, 4310, g. 4313 (10), 4331, 4391, 4542, 4914, g. 5083 (2), 5124, 5420, 5774 (5), 6043 (2 i.), g. 6072, (9), g. 6248 (28), 6516 (1, 2), 6647, g. 6654 (27), 6721, App. 39.
-, -, churches in, 72.
-, -, ulnage of cloths in, 3398 (20).
-, -, governor (sheriff of), 5016.
-, -, sheriff of, 4174, 5297, 5873, App. 39.
-, -, escheator of, 4707, 5117 (1 iii.)
-, -, commissioners of, 4417.

Kent, Richard earl of, 977, 1309, 1310, g. 2132 (und.), g. 3213 (4), g. 5336 (8).
-, -, -, his wife Lady Elizabeth, 1309.
-, -, -, countess of, p. 2253.

Kent, John of, 5108.

Kent, Thos., 1195, 2217 (2), g. 3991 (4).
-, -, Wm., g. 3213 (18), g. 5748 (2).
-, -, Mr., p. 3066.

Kenton, g. 2218 (5), g. 6600 (19).

Kentston, Wm., p. 3048.

Kentysley, Wm., p. 989 (iii.)

Kenworth, Hen., p. 3047.

Kenyngs, Wm. See Kennyngs.

Kenyngton, Berks, 4473.

Kere. See Keir.

Kere, deanery of, p. 424.

Kerlion, Kererlion. See Caerlion.

Kermerden. See Carmarthen.

Kerne. See Carne.

Kerr (or Carr), _, abbot of Kelso, brother of Fernyhirst, 56, 332, 2035.
-, -, Andrew or Dand, 43, 482, 4925.
-, -, -, laird of Cessford, 43, 231, 651, 656–8, 665, 670 ii., 817, 1004, 1878, 1910, App. 97.
-, -, -, of Fernyhirst, 56, 127, 332, 1862 iii., 1878, 1908, 1910, 1912 ii., 2035, 2176, 3421, 4817, 4965, 4972, 4987, 5026, 5030, 5045, 5233, 6274, App. 77.
-, -, -, his signature, 5030.
-, -, -, of Primesideloch, 6274.
-, -, -, of Graden, 6305.
-, -, -, of Grenehed, 6305.
-, -, David (qu. a misreading of Dand or Andrew ?), 118, 2176, 2449.
-, -, George, 2019, 2176, 3421, 5233 (3), 6274.
-, -, Mark, 43, 142, 332, 482, 817, 1004, 1029, 1170, 1469, 1968, 2004, 2035, 2176, 4728 (2 ii.), 4830, 6274.
-, -, -, of Liteldane, his sig., 540.
-, -, -, of Dolphington, his sig., 561.
-, -, Walter, of Cessford, 6274.
-, -, Will., 56, 142, 332.
-, -, -, letter to, 332.

Kerrs (or Carrs), the, Border family, 25, 651, 1968, 2004, 2035, 2678, 4134, 6305.

Kerrewer, Cornw., g. 3991 (8).

Kerry, Ireland, p. 1077, 5501 (2).

Kerry, Wales, pp. 872–3, g. 3869 (10).

Kerswell, Berks, 4471.

Kerver, John, 5096.

Kes, governor of, 2485.

Kesgrave, Suff., 4424.

Kessinglond, Suff., 5076.

Kesteven, Linc., g. 132 (2), p. 237, 969 (2), 970, 3964, g. 5083 (2).

Ketilburgh, 5076.

Ketilby, John, 136, 137 (12), p. 84, p. 234, g. 1049 (28), g. 1676 (14), g. 2002 (6), p. 1332, g. 3008 (12).

Ketilwell, Yorksh., 1500 note.

Keting, Moryse, p. 598.

Ketteley, Salop, g. 4896 (6).

Kettylysby, Linc., g. 213 (8).

Kevall, Giles, 4988.

Kevet (Knevet ?), Thos., App. 1.

Kevill, the, near Rye, 5031.

Kew, Surrey, 5096.

Kexby, Yorksh., p. 120, 388, p. 165, 955, 2193, 3536 (3), 3537 (2), 3961, 4229 (4), 5320, 5364, 6516 (15), 6749, 6788.

Key, Humph., p. 3047.

Keyborn Marsh, p. 990.

Keyingham, Yorksh., 386.

Keyle, Thos., g. 787 (18), g. 3008 (9), 4594 (20).

Keylewey. See Kailway.

Keyll, Ric., g. 5978 (16).

Keymerght, Wales, g. 4313 (12).

Keymes, Henry, g. 1377 (28).

Keynsham, monastery of, 2107, 2184.
-, -, Rob. abbot of, p. 2697.

Keyser, Wm., p. 990.

Keyt, Master, 6788.

Kibworth, 1854.

Kichingfelde, Kent, 4310.

Kychyngham, Sussex, 1913 (2), p. 989.

Kidbrook (Kedbroke), Kent, 72, g. 3087 (und.), g. 5624 (1).

Kiddall, Thos., g. 4313 (22), 5508 (2).
-, -, Wm., g. 4313 (22), 5508 (2).

Kidderminster, g. 2648 (1).
-, -, deanery of, p. 424.

Kiddermyster, Ric., 1757.

Kydowen. See Kedwen.

Kidsone, T., 3380 (7).

Kidwelly, 5399.
-, -, priory, 265.

Kidwelly, Joan, g. 546 (11), g. 2362 (6).
-, -, Sir Morgan, g. 2362 (6).

Kiffin, Ric., App. 11.

Kilby (Kylbie), Hen., App. 1.

Kilcaa, letter dated at, 2076.

Kildare, bpric. of, 4277, 4799.
-, -, county of, 4688, 5795.
-, -, Geraldines of, 81 (2).

Kildare, Gerald earl of, deputy of Ireland (1524–8), 81 (2), g. 390 (2), 414, 537, 558 iv. vi., 1279, p. 597, 2076, 2090, 2404–5, 2424, 2433, 2610, 3698–9, 3952, 4094, 4248, 4264–5, 4283–4, 4302, 4352, 4398, 4459, 4541, 4562, 4609, 4688, 4799, 4846–7, 4958, 5084, 5349, 5392, 5501 ii., 5795, g. 6135 (26), g. 6363 (8), 6513.
-, -, -, letters from, 2076, 2090, 2404 (2).
-, -, -, letter to, 2404 (1).
-, -, -, his sig., 6513.
-, -, -, his brothers, 558 iv. See also Fitzgerald, Jas. and Thos.
-, -, -, Elizabeth St. John, wife of, g. 6135 (26).
-, -, -, his servant, p. 796.

Kilham, Thos., p. 237.

Killingale, Francis, s. of Wm., 2321 (2).

Kilkenny, 80, 81, 558, 1279, 2404 (3), p. 1077, 3937.
-, -, letter dated at, 1279.

Killaloe, bp. of (Jas. Glas), 4302.

Kyllbey, John, 3819 (2).

Kyllen, John Plunket, lord, 558.

Killincoull, Ireland, 558.

Kyllyngreve, hospital of, p. 3048.

Killingworth. See Kenilworth.

Kilmainham, the prior of. See Rawson, John: Babington, Sir John.

Kylmanagh, Ireland, 2610.

Kilmawrus, master of, 699, 727, 762, 854, 2449.
-, -, letter dated at, 928.

Kilmington, 4442 (5).

Kilmore, 2404 (3).

Kylneweke, Yorks., p. 165.

Kilspindy (Scotland), 4701.

Kilwinning (Scotland), 1008.
-, -, abbey, 2678.

Kimbell Magna, Berks, 4471.

Kimbolton, letter dated at, App. 14.

Kimpton, Yorks., 1500 note.

Kynalton, Notts, 3819.

Kynard, Robt., g. 2540 (10).

Kincaid, Edward, 561, 845.
-, -, -, his signature, 561.

Kincarne, earl of, and the master his son, 1446.

Kynersley, John, g. 2132 (und.)
-, -, Thos., p. 235.

King, Agnes, 3117, 3182.
-, -, Alyn, 966, 975, 2746, 2925, 4193, 5082.
-, -, Henry, p. 2228, 5439.
-, -, James, 1590, g. 4313 (15).
-, -, John, 1673, p. 988 ii.
-, -, Ric., p. 988 (2), p. 989 iii.
-, -, Dr., abbot of Bruarne, 5189.
-, -, Wm., p. 987, g. 3213 (5), App. 134.
-, -, -, letter from, App. 134.

Kingdon, Thos., 3119 (2).

Kingorn, Alex., App. 77.

Kingsbury, p. 422, 1500 note.

Kingsbury Regis, Soms., 4536 ii.

King's lands, 103.

Kingsclere, Hants, g. 4313 (20).

Kyngisdowne, Kent, 72, 6221, App. 89, 91.
-, -, Dorset, g. 4313 (6).

Kyngesholme, Glouc., g. 5406 (10).

Kyngismill, Morpheta, prioress of Wherwell, 5840 note.

Kingeswell, Wm., p. 83.

Kingskerswell (Kyngeskarswell), Devon, g. 2839 (26).

Kingsford, g. 6135 (26).

Kingshunt, Warw., g. 2362 (16).

Kingslond, John, 459.

Kyngesman, John, p. 234.

Kyngsman, Wm., 3587 (2).

Kyngysmyll, John, 136 (2), 1778, 2811, 5772 (2).

Kingson, Ric., 1640.

Kingston-upon-Hull, g. 86 (26), g. 546 (15), p. 237, 969 (2), p. 870 (9), p. 2251, p. 2253.

Kingston, Dorset, g. 4313 (8).
-, -, Surrey, g. 1533 (12), 5810, 6390, 6447, 6666.
-, -, -, the Crane at, 2397.

Kyngeston, Berks, 1913, 2167.

Kingston-upon-Hull. See Hull.

Kingston, _, a saddler, 3379.
-, -, Anth., g. 787 (18), g. 3991 (6), g. 4687 (6).
-, -, Christopher, 6669, 6696.
-, -, Dorothy, g. 787 (18).
-, -, John, p. 3047.
-, -, Ric., g. 137 (12), 2367.

Kingston, Sir William, g. 390 (28), p. 237, 819, g. 1610 (11), 1673, 1939 (4, 6, 14), 2448, 2534, 2972, 3079, 3936, g. 3991 (6, 10), 4085, 4422, 4456, g. 4687 (6), g. 4993 (4), g. 5083 (6), 6043 (2i.), g. 6490 (20), 6513, 6757, App. 87.
-, -, -, letter from, 3936.
-, -, -, his signature, 6513.

Kingston, William, g. 6751 (2).
-, -, lady, 1906.

Kingswood, Kent, 2217 (2 iii.)

Kingswood forest, Glouc., 1431, g. 1466 (8), g. 5624 (1).

Kingswood, Glouc., abbot of, 4096 iii.
-, -, Thos. abbot of, p. 2700.

Kington, Warw., 4583, 4687 (6), g. 5906 (29), g. 6135 (26).
-, -, deanery of, p. 424.

Kington, West, Wilts, g. 3540 (29), g. 5906 (20).

Kington Magna, 4442 (5).

Kington, Master, App. 254.

Kynlleth, Wales, g. 1610 (23), g. 3622 (15).

Kinloch (?) (secretary de Quienloques), 670.

Kynnerly, in Scotland, letter dated at, 704.

Kinsale, in Ireland, 80, p. 1077.

Kyntire. See Cantire.

Kynvere, Staff., g. 4313 (28).

Kipping, Rob., 2217 (2 i. iii.)
-, -, Thos., 2217 (2 i. iii.)
-, -, Walter, 2217 (2 i. iii.)

Kirk (Kyrke), John, g. 4801 (12).
-, -, Rob., 293, g. 390 (8), g. 1298 (und.), g. 6301 (26).

Kirkby, or Kirkby Beller, Leic., p. 2698.

Kirkby in Kendal, Westmor., 1500 note, g. 6248 (20), g. 6751 (26).

Kirkby Morshed, 2527.

Kirkby Stephen, App. 228.

Kirkby, Geo., p. 149, p. 151.
-, -, John, p. 3047.
-, -, Ric., g. 2132 (und.)
-, -, Rob., g. 6135 (5).
-, -, Wm., 366, p. 153, p. 234.

Kirkbyshire, 716, 980, 3119.

Kyrkbithure, 4114.

Kirkeheton, Northumb., 1239.

Kyrkener, Azmus (or Erasmus), p. 869.

Kirkham, priory of, 2001 iii.

Kirkham, Geo., p. 239, g. 961 (12), 1540, p. 868, g. 2002 (11), 3587 (5), g. 4993 (4).
-, -, Sir John, p. 83, p. 233, g. 2002 (6), g. 3008 (23).
-, -, Nicholas, 955, g. 5748 (3).
-, -, Robert, g. 4993 (4).
-, -, Sibilla, g. 4993 (4).

Kirkhouse, the, 3975.

Kirkland, 4421.

Kirkoswald, 4421, 4495.

Kirkstead, Linc., Ric. abbot of, p. 2698.

Kyrkkestoun, Ireland, 558.

Kirklistoun ch., Scotland, 306.

Kirkoswald, 1855.

Kirkstall (Cristall), Yorks., 1500 note, 2527.
-, -, abbot of, 4570.

Kyrry, Henry, 4331.

Kirsop Mouth, 5030.

Kirsopp, 2374. The Kyrsops, 4336 (3)

Kirtlington, 6023, p. 3042.

Kirton, 692, 5076.

Kirton in Lyndesey, Linc., g. 213 (15), g. 6803 (19).

Kirton, John, p. 149, p. 233, g. 895 (26), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (16), g. 5336 (11).
-, -, Rob., abbot of Peterborough, 4056, 4097.
-, -, -, letter from, 4056.

Kirton, Thos., 5508, g. 5510 (23), 6043 (2 ii.)
-, -, Will., 332.

Kitbond, _, 2935.

Kitchen, Anne, 2970.
-, -, Thos., 2970, 2975.

Kitchin, Ant., bp. of Llandaff (1545–56), 3963 note.

Kite, John. See Carlisle, bp. of. See also Kytt.

Kitson, Thos., 5275, g. 6187 (2).

Kittley, Eustace, 5508.

Knaith, 2527.
-, -, park, 692.

Knapdene, 715.

Knaptoft, Leic., g. 6248 (3).

Knapton, 5076.

Knaresborough, 4434, g. 5510 (17).

Knaresdale, 313.

Knatchbull, Tho., 112.

Knaxton, Ric., g. 6418 (10).

Knebworth, Heref., g. 1600 (22).
-, -, letter dated at, 5120.

Knesall, Wm., g. 297 (28).

Kneton-super-Montem, Notts, 3819.

Knettyshale, Norf., 367.

Knevet, Antony, p. 863, g. 267 (20), 4799, g. 5243 (27), g. 6135 (21).
-, -, Mrs. Anne, 1577 (13).
-, -, Chas., 1082, 1661, 5330.
-, -, Edm., 136, g. 464 (22), g. 1136 (6), 1309.
-, -, Edw., g. 2761 (6), 5985, 6163 (2).
-, -, Sir Edw., p. 236, p. 1350, g. 3213 (29), 5022.
-, -, John, p. 3048.
-, -, Mrs., 6473.
-, -, Rob., 6163 (2).
-, -, Sir Thos., g. 693 (13), g. 4896 (2).
-, -, Wm., 293, g. 390 (4).
-, -, _, 1661, p. 865, 2431, 5227.

Knevet. See also Kevet.

Kneveton, Ric., p. 234.

Knight, _, 4029, p. 2690.
-, -, Hen., 2253, App. 1.
-, -, John, g. 2132 (und.), g. 4896 (28), g. 6634 (27).
-, -, Ralph, g. 6751 (22).
-, -, Ric., g. 5624 (18), g. 6751 (22).
-, -, Robt., g. 297 (und.)
-, -, Roger, g. 6751 (22).
-, -, Thomas, g. 390 (10), p. 237, p. 868.

Knight, Wm., LL.D., archdeacon of Chester (1522–41), and of Huntingdon (1523–41), the King's secretary (1526–9), 7, 24, 42, 141, 158, 167, 179, 249–50, 268–9, 285, 287, 343, 372, 433, 463, 645–6, 653, 751, 764, 853, 871, 882, 985, 1092, 1154–5, 1158, 1216, 1301, 1307–8, 1312, 1408, 1864, 2388, 2397, 2406, 2420, 2428, 2452, 2536, 2541, 2558–9, 2712, 3205, g. 3213 (22), 3246, 3252, 3265, 3278, 3283, 3335, 3339, 3360–4, 3381, 3400, 3420, 3422–7, 3497, 3553, 3600, 3662, 3677, 3686–7, 3691, 3693, 3716, 3749–51, 3756, 3784–5, 3787–8, 3802, 3810, 3825, 3851, 3913, g. 3991 (28 bis), 4120, 4185, 4196, 4977, 5016, 5023, 5028, 5065–6, 5148–9–50, 5179, 5222, 5237, 5291, 5385, 5441, 5448–52, 5482, 5536, 5578, 5584–7, 5646–7, 5675, 5704, 5742, 5744, 5771, 6043, p. 2700, 6074 (2), App. 87, 146, 222, 226.
-, -, -, letters from, 7, 24, 42, 114, 158, 179, 249–50, 285, 287, 372, 433, 463, 653, 751, 764, 871, 1092, 1154, 1216, 1307, 2397, 2406, 2420, 2536, 2541, 2558–9, 2712, 3205, 3246, 3252, 3265, 3278, 3335, 3339, 3360–4, 3420, 3422, 3553, 3638, 3716, 3749–51, 3784–5, 3787–8, 4185, 4196, 5066, 5148–9, 5150, 5291, 5385, 5443–52, 5482, 5536, 5771.
-, -, -, letters to, 8, 141, 343, 1158, 5179.
-, -, -, his handwriting, 3686, 5646, 5675.
-, -, William, 611, p. 987.

Knightington, Berks, 1468.

Knightley, _, 6043 (2 i.)
-, -, Edm., p. 238, g. 961 (12), 2000, g. 2002 (11), 3587 (2, 5 iii.), 4588, g. 5083 (11), 6012, 6043 (2 ii.), g. 6490 (20), 6579, pp. 3065–6, p. 3068.
-, -, Edw., p. 2732.
-, -, Sir Ric., p. 82, p. 238, p. 987.
-, -, Ric., g. 961 (12), 1795, p. 868, g. 2002 (11), 3587 (2), g. 5083 (11), g. 6490 (20).
-, -, Ursula, wife of Edmund, 4588.
-, -, Walter, 545.

Knightsbridge, p. 422.

Knight's Hill, 5104.

Knyghton, Wilts, 1913.

Knighton, Wales, p. 873.

Knighton, Thos., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 237, g. 1136 (26), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (4).
-, -, Mrs., p. 795.

Knyston, Matt., g. 6803 (8).
-, -, Ric., p. 84.

Knock, Ireland, 558.
-, -, Wilts, g. 3991 (15).

Knoll, 4173, 4188.
-, -, letters dated at, 193, 1044, 1662, 2577, 2619, 2622, 2627, 2636, 2686, 2697, 2854, 3029, 3589, 4152, 6108, App. 254 ii.

Knolles, Francis, p. 871.
-, -, John, 4321.
-, -, -, letter from, App. 176.
-, -, Lætitia, g. 546 (9).
-, -, Robt., g. 546 (9), p. 867, g. 3008 (23).
-, -, Thos., p. 3048.
-, -, Wm., p. 237.

Knot, Thos., letter to, 5950.

Knottell, Geo., p. 3047.

Knotton, Ric., 2748.

Knoyle, West, 4442 (5).

Knowesley, John, g. 4313 (12).

Knyvet. See Knevet.

Koell. See Coll.

Koenigsberg, letter dated at, 2303.

Koklawe. See Cocklawe.

Komaron, 2589.

Kors, Harman, g. 5510 (14).

Kozka, of Bohemia, 5767.

Kracero, Nich., g. 3540 (28).

Kydbroke. See Kidbrook.

Kychenham, 6516 (15).

Kyddall. See Kiddall.

Kylgaron, g. 86 (29).

Kyme, Linc., lordship of, 4357.

Kyme, Ralph prior of, p. 2698.

Kyme, _, alderman, 6064.

Kyme, John, p. 233, 2595.

Kyme, Thos. à, p. 238.

Kymer, Alice, g. 6072 (13.)

Kymerch, Denbigh, g. 6490 (3).

Kymmer, Lewis abbot of, p. 2701.

Kynaston, Roger, 4140.

Kyney, Ric., 386, p. 239.

Kynseman, Wm., p. 239, 3587 (5 ii.)

Kyrdford, Sussex, g. 5336 (16).

Kyrechyschwysenburg. See Gricchisch-Weissenburg.

Kyrwyn, Rob., g. 3869 (19).

Kyston, John, 1299.

Kytt (Kite ?), my lord, 5341.

Kytwyn, _, App. 1.