Index: D

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Index: D', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: D', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: D". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



D ..., Sir Henry, nominated sheriff for Cheshire, 4914.

D ..., Laurence, App. 235 (2).

Dabridgecourt, Mrs. Cecil, 1577 (13).

Dacorde, John, 5134, 5135.

Dacorum, Herts, 3734 (5).

Dacre, family of, 4014, 5106.

Dacre, Sir Chr., g. 137 (10), 278, g. 297 (und.), 328, 346, 383 ii., 615, 662, 726, 1047, 1057–8, 1113, 1223, 1517 ii., 1554, g. 1610 (11), 1763, 1795, 1910, 2004, 2052, 2110, 2292, 2401–2, 2413, 2435, 2442, 2449, 2483, 2500, 2625, 2678, 2801, 3022, 3404, 3610, 3629 (2), 3975, 4014 ii., 4134 (2), 4298, 4349, 4727, 4790, 4835, 4855, 5044–5, 6043 (2) i., g. 6072 (9), 6541, 6721, g. 6803 (6).
-, -, -, letters from, 1057–8, 2952, 2110, 2401, 2449, 2678, 3975, 4835.
-, -, -, letters to, 1047, 1554, 2413, 2625, 2965, 4298.
-, -, -, his sig., 4835 ii. iii. vii. viii.

Dacre or Dacres, Eliz., 1918.
-, -, -, letter from, 4323.
-, -, Hen., letter to, App. 133.
-, -, lord, App. p. 3108.
-, -, Sir Phil., 279, 482, g. 6072 (9).
-, -, -, letter from, 6305.
-, -, Ric., g. 3747 (4).
-, -, Rob., g. 3213 (28), 3527, 3591, g. 3991 (3), 4395, g. 5083 (4), App. 133.
-, -, -, letter to, App. 138.
-, -, Th., 2374, 4134 (2), 4835 ii.

Dacre, Tho. lord, called lord Dacre of Graystock, or of the North, (1485–1525), warden general of the Marches, 2, 3, 5, 9–12 (2), 19, 21, 25, 28, 47, 53, 55–6, 59 (2), 60, 65, 73–5, 90, 92 (1–2), 94–8, 107–8, 117–18 (2), 123, 127–8, 133–4, g. 137 (10), 151, 157, 161–5, 168, 178, 200–2, 212, 215 (2), 216–20, 225 (2), 226, 237 (2), 239, 240 (2, 3), 241 (2), 242, 247, 251, 253 (2), 254 (2), 255, 257 (2), 258, 259 (2), 267 (2), 274–5, 279 (2), 280, 289–92, g. 297 (und.), 300, 307–8, 313, 328, 329, 332, 341, 342, 346 (2), 370, 371, 381, 382 (2), 383 ii. iii. (2, 3), 396, 397, 405, 406 (2), 410, 427 ii., 432, 434, 448, 469, 473–4, 482, 485–6, 488 (2), 489–90, 497 ii., 498–9, 506, 514–17, 520, 523, 528–9, 530, 532–4, 535 (2), 539, 549–50, 556–7, 571, 573, 593, 599, 600, 615, 621, 672, 682, 685, 701, 704–5, 726–7, 750, 754, 762, 804, 810, 817, 821, 822, 823, 849, 892, 903, 906, 959, 968, 969 (2), 988, 1007, 1034, 1057, 1058, 1117, 1151, 1206, 1223, 1239, 1289, 1310, 1362, 1429, 1431 (8), 1460, 1517 ii., 1636, 1665, 1725, 1727, 1762–3, 1779, 1810, 1821, 1855, 1858, 1862 iii., 1878 (2), 1918, g. 2002 (13), 2216, 2292, pp. 1331–2, 3022, 3380 (3, 5, 6, 8), 4495, p. 2559, App. 3, 7.
-, -, -, letters from, 2, 9–12 (2), 19, 25, 28, 56, 59 (2), 60, 73, 75, 94–8, 118 (2), 123, 128, 142, 144 (2), 145, 157, 164, 168, 178, 189–90, 201–2, 215 (2), 218–20, 237, 239, 251 (2), 253 (2), 254 (2), 255, 267 (2), 279 (2), 289–92, 307, 329, 332, 341, 346 (2), 370–71, 382–3, 396–7, 406, 427, 434, 482, 485–6, 488, 489, 498 (2), 506, 515–16, 520, 530, 532–4, 535 (2), 539, 550, 556–7, 599, 682, 705, 762, 903, 1007, 1151, 1310, App. 3, 7.
-, -, -, correspondence of, 74.
-, -, -, letters to, 3, 5, 21, 47, 53, 55, 65, 90, 92 (1), 107–8, 117, 127, 133, 139 (2), 151, 162–3, 165, 212, 217, 225 (2), 226, 241, 247, 257 (2), 259 (2), 275, 300, 313, 342, 381, 405–6, 410, 432, 469, 474, 490, 499, 514, 523, 528–9, 1058, 1362.
-, -, -, his brother, 9, 406.
-, -, -, his kinsman, Chr. Lighe, 123.
-, -, -, his clerk, hand of, 131, 237, 279 (2), 514, 524–5, 530, 535 (2).
-, -, -, his son. 406, 1310.
-, -, -, servants of, 2052, 4925.

Dacre, Wm. lord, called lord D. of Graystock, or of the North, (1525–63,) warden of the West Marches, 1762–3, 1779, 1855, 1918, 2004, 2110, 2370, 2374, 2449, 2678, 3022, g. 3087 (und.), 3146, 3689, g. 3747 (6), 3914, 3971–2, 3975, 4014, 4020, 4115, 4132–3, 4134 (1, 2), 4151, 4234, 4298, 4323, 4349, 4419–21, 4495, 4531, 4727, 4790, 4828, 4835. ii. iii. iv. vi. vii., 4855, 4892–3, 5831, g. 5906 (6), 5920, 5949, 5952, 6044, 6071, 6076, 6305, 6513, 6541, g. 6803 (6), App. 67, 184.
-, -, -, letters from, 2374, 3972, 3975, 4020, 4134, (1), 4151, 4349, 4495, 4531, 4727, App. 184.
-, -, -, letters to, 2110, 2449, 2678, 4115, 4323, 6305.
-, -, -, hand of, 4014 i., 6513.
-, -, his servants, 2110, 4134, 4855, 4892, 4951, p. 3066.
-, -, See Daker: Dakre.

Dacre, Thos. Fynes lord, called lord Dacre of the South, p. 83, g. 297 (18), g. 961 (22), g. 2002 (11), p. 989, 2368, 4455, g. 5243 (28), g. 5624 (10), g. 6187 (12), 6513, 6647, g. 6751 (9).
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.
-, -, -, his wife Anne, 6647.
-, -, -, his sons. See Fenys.

Dagenall, Ric., g. 2362 (6).

Dagges, Oswald, 6133.

Dagnale, Herts, 4220, 4472.

Daker, parson, 6325.

Dakre, John, LL.B., 2360.

Dalaber, _, 3968.
-, -, Anth., 3962 ii., 3963.
-, -, See Delabere.

Dalacourt, John, 1985 (1).

Dalahay, Rauff, 799.

Dalaryver, Th., 1939 (8).

Dalazon, Mons., 1175.

Dalbaine or Dalbeny. See Aubigny.

Dalby, Derby, p. 673 note.

Dalby, Anne, 967.
-, -, Rob., 967.
-, -, Thos. archdeacon of Richmond and prebendary of Stillington, York., 881, 967, 970, 1025, 1134, 1540, 1596, g. 1610 (11), 1793, 1942, 2001, 2216, 2322, 2608, 2729, pp. 1331–2, 3043, 5749, 6075, 6382, 6748 (7, 11).
-, -, -, his hand, 1025 ii., 1540.
-, -, -, his signature, 1025 ii., 1134, 1540, 1596, 1793, 2608, 2729.
-, -, -, his property, 1942, 6382.
-, -, -, letter from, 1025.

Dalby, Thos., parson of Brentbroughton, Linc., 2757.

Daldrowynd als. Dalton, Daldron, or Dauton, Th., g. 6135 (3).

Dale, abbot of, g. 390 (2), g. 1533 (26).
-, -, John, abbot of, p. 2700, g. 6542 (3).

Dale, John, 2595, g. 4896 (19), p. 2691.
-, -, Wm., 1309, 2217 (1, 5), g. 3087 (und.), App. 1.

Dalegre, M., 773.

Dalerumpell, Eliz., p. 3047.

Dalewyn or Dyrck, Adrian, 2073 (1, 2).

Dalihill, Suff., 4424.

Dalkeith, 854, 1088, 1665.

Dalles, master, 670 ii.

Dalley (Dawley) Parva, Salop, g. 4896 (6).

Dalmatia, 1236, 1771, 2960, 3239.
-, -, king of, 3068, 4223.

Dalon, Alan, g. 5624 (1).

Dalston, Th., 4421.

Dalton, 1942 (3, 4), 2474.
-, -, John, 293, 4522.
-, -, See Daldrowynd.

Daltons, the, (Irish family,) 4688.

Daly, Ant., g. 6248 (23).

Dalyson, Dr., 970 (2).
-, -, Geo., g. 137 (12).
-, -, Th., g. 6709 (1).
-, -, Wm., p. 238, g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (16).

Dambrune. See Embrun.

Dammagh, 2610.

Damont, in Burgoigne, bailiff of, 570.

Dampere. See Naper, John.

Dammartin (Dommartyn), count of, 415, 509, 564, 734, 781.

Damps, Marck Sidich. See Sittich.

Danaster or Danestre, John, p. 234, g. 1049 (16), g. 2002 (11). See also Davestre.

Danby, Wm., g. 297 (28), 3119, g. 5083 (11), g. 6803 (12).

Dancaster, _, 3232.

Dancaster, Wm., M. A., g. 4687 (8).

Dane Elynsbery, 1309.

Danells, John, g. 2291 (26).

Danestre. See Danaster.

Danew (Danube ?), castle of, 6007.

Daniel or Danyell (receiver of the countess of Oxford), 4484.
-, -, Edm., sen., p. 238.
-, -, Jas., p. 237.
-, -, John, p. 236, g. 4896 (16).
-, -, Sir John, 1198.
-, -, Th., 1673, 1939 (9).
-, -, Wm., 967.

Danish war, 2958.

Danneregne, captain, p. 354.

Dannet or Danett, Mrs., 13.

Dannett, Anne, g. 1533 (12), 1577 (13), g. 5336 (7).
-, -, Gerard, g. 5336 (7).
-, -, Sir John, g. 1533 (12), g. 3540 (21).
-, -, Mary, 2739.

Danske rye, 83.

Dantiscus, Johannes, p. 1424 note.

Dantzic (Gedanum), 347, 3103.
-, -, letters dated at, 2168, 2169, 2170, 2179, 2241.

Danube (Duno), the river, 1957, 2021, 2050, 2056, 2160, 2301, 2380 (2), 2463, 2496, 2530, 2554, 2588, 2589, 2601, 2603, 3255, 4511, 5767, 6007. See Danewby.

Danycke, 167.

Darby, Edw., 970 (2).

Darby, Th. See Derby.

Darcy, _, 3688.

Darcy, Darsy, or Darcye, Ant., p. 82, p. 236, 1939 (8), p. 988, 3335, 3538 ii.
-, -, Arth., 1941, 4732.
-, -, Sir Arth., g. 1298 (und.), g. 2132 (und.), 2527.
-, -, Dorothy, g. 6072 (22).
-, -, Geo., 558.
-, -, Sir Geo., 541, 2527, 2722, 3370, g. 6072 (22), g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Tho., 1200, 2527.

Darcy, Tho. lord, 13, 103, 120, 168, 172, 202, 210, g. 213 (3), 221, 227, 235, 277, 278, 377–8, 541, 634, 689, 692, 880, 958 (4), 1082, 1166, 1270, 1281, 1285, 1309, 1596, 1608, g. 1610 (11), 1779, 1858, 2252, 2330, 2527, 2722, p. 1331, 2989–90, 3033, 3037, 4434 (1, 2), 4732, g. 5083 (10, 11), 5103 (1, 2, 3, 4), 5241, g. 5243 (28), 5749, 5774 (5, 10, 11), 6073, 6376, 6513, 6740, 6746, 6762?, g. 6803 (12), App. 109, 191.
-, -, -, letters from, 210, 278, 378, 541, 4732.
-, -, -, letters to, 103, 168, 172, 202, 227, 235, 277, 377, 880, 1281, 1285, 2252, 3033, 3037, App. 191.
-, -, -, hand of, 172, 221, 227 (2), 1166, 1270, 1858, 2330, 3033, 5241, 5749 (1, 2), 6073, 6513, 6746, App. 109.
-, -, -, possessions of, 2527, 4822.
-, -, -, offices of, 4434.
-, -, -, articles by him against Wolsey, 5749.
-, -, -, his son, Sir George, 541.
-, -, Sir Wm., 558 v., 4265.

Darcye. See Darcy.

Darcy's castle, Ireland, p. 1078, 4265.

Dardare, Mich. and Peter. See Ardara.

Dare, Wm., p. 233.

Darell. See Darrell.

Darezzo, Paulo, 2510.

Darius, Silvester, auditor of the Rota (1529), 500, 587, 654, 2477, 4251, 4269, 4270–1, 4292, 4359, 4361, 4400, 4446, 4451, 4515, 4589, 4626, 4637, 4642, 4649, 4744, 4777, 4785–7, 4791, 4802, 4849, 4851–2, 4857, 4865, p. 2104, 4897, 4908, 4909–11, 4928, 4961, 4977, 5008, 5014, 5028, 5041, 5073, 5133, 5383, 5423, 5472, 5572–3, 5575, 5628, 5722, 5725, p. 2535, 5766, 5780, 5827, App. 160, 164, 170, 177, 186, 196, 199, 212, 223, 226.
-, -, -, letters from, 4589, 4637, 4777, 4786, 4909–11, 5628, 5722, 5766.
-, -, -, letters to, 4269, 4271, 4802, 5383.
-, -, -, hand of, 5312.

Darkyn, John 4545

Darley, prior and convent of, 140.
-, -, abbot of, 140.

Darley, Brian, 3264.

Darley, Jax, 6004.
-, -, John, 5353 (5).

Darlington (Derncton or Darnston), 694, 5111 (4), 6489, App. 8.
-, -, bailiwick of, 5431.
-, -, letter dated at, 906.

Darlosel (?), Mons., 6455.

Darnell, Jaks, 802, 2375.

Darneton. See Darlington.
-, -, Oxon, 6311.

Darnley, lord, 529.

Darper, Wm., g. 5083 (2).

Darrell or Darell, _, p. 3068, App. p. 3105.
-, -, Anne, 1577 (13).
-, -, Edm., p. 2691.
-, -, Edw., g. 6542 (4).
-, -, Sir Edw., 122, p. 82, p. 233, g. 1049, (12), g. 2002 (6), p. 1332, g. 5243 (28), 6043 (2) i, g. 6248 (20), g. 6542 (4).
-, -, Harry, 1397.
-, -, Hen., g. 2002 (11), g. 5243 (28).
-, -, Jas., 462.
-, -, Sir Jas., p. 235, App. p. 3108.
-, -, John, 3307, 4029 (3).
-, -, Marmaduke, g. 2839 (29).
-, -, Paul, g. 6490 (20 Ayl.), g. 6751 (24 Bucks).
-, -, Tho., g. 137 (4), p. 235, g. 1136 (4), g. 1377 (16), 6516 (9).
-, -, -, letter from, 2365.
-, -, Wm., g. 2839 (29).

Darry, John, p. 233.

Dartford, Kent, 293, 842, p. 673 note, p. 796, 1913 (2), 2342, 2939, 3503, 3734 (4), 4795, 4820, 5115, 6221.
-, -, letter dated at, 4820.
-, -, St. Margaret Virgin, Ehz. prioress of, 2939.
-, -, -, subprioress of, 72.
-, -, Temple, Kent, 5772.

Dartmouth, g. 86 (23), 1255, 1296, 2006, g. 2132 (3), 2743, p. 2692.
-, -, ships of, 4853.
-, -, mayor of, p. 233.

Dartwith, Worc., p. 673 note.

Daryngton, Yorks., g. 1945 (29).

Daryngton, John, p. 235.

Daschatte, Camelo, 3582, 3608.

Datary, the, 3001, 3003 i. ii., 3039, 3062, 3065, p. 1411, 3585, 3788, 3898, 6166, 6319, App. 108.
-, -, See Ghiberti.

Dathell, Sir Henry Percy, daughters and heir of, g. 5336 (22).

Dature or Dotier, Martin, g. 2839 (2).

Daubeneys, lands called, 4442 (6).

Daubeney, _, p. 341, 965, 3734 (4), 5108.
-, -, Geo., p. 341.

Daubeney, Hen. lord, g. 137 (8, 18), p. 340, g. 895 (20), g. 2002 (11), 1309, p. 1332, 4600, g. 5083 (12), g. 5243 (26), 6044, 6124, 6513, 6683, g. 6803 (12 D.), App. p. 3108, 252 i. iii.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513, 6683, App. 252 iii.
-, -, John, p. 794.
-, -, Wm., p. 794.

D'Aubigni. See Aubigni.

Dauncc, _, 3216, 3734 (1), App. 36.

Daunce, young, (son-in-law of Sir Th. More), 6484.
-, -, Sir Edw., g. 1377 (16).
-, -, Dawncy, John, 3822.
-, -, Dauntescy or Dantsy, Sir John, 105, g. 137 (12), 167, pp. 84–5, 238, 266, 281, g. 297 (8), 366, 398, 414, p. 233, 614, g. 895 (26), 969 (4), g. 1049 (24), 1082, 1097, g. 1136 (18), 1309, 1501, 1550, 1577 (4, 11), 1578, 1759, 1854, 1952, g. 2002 (6, 11), 2377, 2424, 2595, 2710, 2751, p. 1331, 2995, 3125, 3304, 3656, 4282, g. 4313 (6), 4442 (1), 4516, 4632, 4887, 5016, g. 5083 (16), p. 2218 note, 5724, g. 5815 (6), 6043 (2) i., 6064, 6138 (1), g. 6490 (20 Ayl. Oxf.), 6516 (1), 6652, 6706, g. 6751 (24 Bucks, Berks), App. 16, 67.
-, -, -, letter from, 1501.
-, -, -, letters to, 1550, 1577 (4), 6706.
-, -, -, sig. of, 281, 691, 1577(11), 2424.
-, -, -, his clerk, p. 151.
-, -, Dawnsye or Dauntysey, Wm., g. 3142 (24), g. 3213 (26), 3588 (5), g. 4896 (7), 5402, 5508 (2), p. 2692.

Dauphiny, 421, 466, 607, 1175, 1378, p. 612, 3495, 4566, App. 212.

Dausons, the, Border family, 4336 (3).

Dauton. See Daldrowynd.

Davell, Harry, p. 1392.
-, -, Rob., D.D., g. 5243 (28).

Davenport or Davinport, Jo., g. 3991 (20).
-, -, Rob., g. 6072 (10).

Daventry, 650, 697, 2167 (1), p. 986, 3198, 4278, 4481, 4862, 6516, (15), p. 3064.
-, -, letters dated at, 4275, 4278.
-, -, mon. of, 1137 (5), 1913, 1194, 1964 (2), 3190, 3537 (1, 8), 3538 ii. iii., 4001 (2), 6217, 6263, 6377.
-, -, prior of, 1137 (5), p. 2698. See Colyns, Alex.
-, -, manor and parsonage of, 4275, 4278.

Daverichecourt, Th. See Dawbrigcourt.

Daverne, bailiff of, 569.

Davers, Th., 1939 (8).

Daves, John, g. 3991 (20), g. 5336 (20).

Davester or Davestre, John, g. 4594 (20), g. 5083 (11), g. 6490 (20 Guld.) See also Danaster.

David, Hen. ap, 1577 (12).
-, -, Hopkin ap, g. 4594 (1).
-, -, Hugh ap, g. 390 (20).
-, -, John, p. 869, 1577 (12), g. 1610 (15).

David ap Evan, John, g. 5336 (14).
-, -, Miles ap, g. 1945 (26).
-, -, Morgan, p. 3047.
-, -, Rice ap, p. 3047.
-, -, Th., g. 3471 (27).
-, -, Th. ap, g. 2673 (3).
-, -, Walt., g. 6072 (3).

Davington, p. 990.

Davis or Davys, Th., p. 3048.
-, -, Wm., p. 3048.
-, -, Sir Wm., 3886.
-, -, See Daves.

Davy, _, 6004.
-, -, Heavy, 266.
-, -, Hugh, g. 1676 (14), g. 6363 (20).
-, -, John, 136 (2), 1577, 4012 (2), g. 4313 (8).
-, -, Ric., 4354, 5948 (2), 6137.
-, -, Rob., 1939 (8).
-, -, Th., g. 3087 (und.), 4693–4, p. 3064 note.
-, -, Walt., g. 2839 (6).
-, -, Wm., g. 6751 (24).

Davys. See Davis.

Davyson, John, g. 3213 (5).
-, -, Rog., 6124.
-, -, Wm., 4870.

Dawbenay. See Daubeney.

Dawborne, Wm., g. 1298 (12), 1939 (8).

Dawbrigcourt or Daverichecourt, Th., g. 546 (11), g. 2362 (6).

Dawce, _, p. 796.

Dawe, Wm., g. 3991 (8), g. 5748 (22), g. 6072 (3).
-, -, (Dawes), Edw., 6100.
-, -, John, g. 390 (8), p. 236, g. 1860 (15).
-, -, Rog., p. 236.
-, -, See Dowse.

Dawgs, the, Northern family, 4336 (2).

Dawkyns, Rob., g. 546 (21).

Dawley. See Dalley.

Dawndy, _, 4778.

Dawney, John, g. 2839 (29), g. 4313 (11).

Dawson, Th., g. 6803 (6).
-, -, Wm., g. 6301 (10).

Dawsons (Dausons), the, Border family, 4336 (3).

Dawtrey, Edm., g. 3540 (21).

Dawtry, John, p. 82, g. 297 (18), 819, g. 961 (22), 1795, g. 2002 (11).
-, -, Sir John, 2672, g. 3540 (21), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20 Lew.)

Dax, hot baths of, 1938 ii.

Day or Days, Ric., 6124, p. 3048.

Daycots, Dr., 4546.

Dayma, J., sig. of, App. 266 (1) i.

Dayngny, Mons., (second president of Margaret's council,) 4369.

Deacon, John, p. 154.

Deacotes, Ph., p. 83.

Deal, p. 2691.

Dean Forest, Glouc., g. 546 (5), g. 3991 (10), 6709 (17).

Dean of the Chapel. See Sampson.

Dean, John, g. 6418 (24).

Dean, John à, p. 233, 3738.
-, -, Nich., g. 3213 (22).
-, -, Rob., g. 6418 (24).
-, -, Wm., g. 5748 (28).
-, -, See Dene.

Deancries, list of churches in different, 971.

Deardara, Michel and Pierre. See Ardara.

Debateable Ground, 1462, 1878 (2, 3), 2374, 3358, 3404 (1, 2), 3421, 3972, 4014 ii., 4020, 4134 (1, 2), 4323, 4420, 5030.

Debenham, Suff., 737.

Deborow, John, 293.

Debts to the King, 6792.

Debynham, John, his sig., 5158.

Decheburne, Cudbertt, 132.

Decio, Phil., of Sienna, 6453, 6557, 6610 ii., 6617, 6637, 6661, 6667, App. 261.

Decka, Edw., g. 546 (6).

Decon or Dekyn, Kath., 2970.

Decons, Ric., 1309, 6121.

Dedewater, g. 390 (7).

Dedford, Northt., 1913.

Dedham, Essex, g. 546 (2), 3625, 5101, g. 6709 (11).
-, -, guild of St. Nicholas in, 6121.

Dedicote, Humf., p. 82.

Dedyk, John, 366.

Dee, Hugh, p. 84, g. 1533 (6),p. 2692.

Deel, Rog., 966.

Deepden (Debden) ch., London dioc., g. 2839 (17), g. 3869 (17).

Deeping. See Depyng.

Deffrencloid, Wales, g. 1230 (28), g. 3087 (und.), g. 3213 (29), g. 6248 (26), g. 6418 (20).

Degennay, Martin, 5976.

Degilders, John, 167.

Deguignea, Martin, 4382.

Degyley, John, 167.

Dekeryng, 2001.

Delabere, Anne, g. 5624 (10).
-, -, Ant., 4004.
-, -, Eliz., g. 5624 (10).
-, -, Sir Ric., g. 5624 (10), App. 2.
-, -, Savacrus, g. 5624 (10.)
-, -, Th., g. 5624 (10).
-, -, See Dalaber.

Delabret (Albret), 1938 ii.

De la Fossa. See Fossa.

Delahide, Chr., 4302.
-, -, Gerot, 4688.
-, -, Sir Walt., 558, 4265, 4302, 4688, 5392.
-, -, -, his wife, 5392.
-, -, -, of Miclare, 558 i.

Delahide, Wm., 6125.

De la Lande, Th., p. 237, g. 895 (3), 1857.

Delalynde, Geo., g. 5336 (6).
-, -, Mary, g. 5336 (6).

Delanson, Madam, 1563. See Alençon.

Delapole. See Pole, De la.

Delaval, Sir John, 145, 278, 2672, 3581, 5085.
-, -, -, letter to, 145.

De la Warre, Th. West, lord, g. 297 (18), g. 895 (12), g. 961 (22), 969 (2), g. 1298 (und.), 1431, 1993, g. 2002 (11), 2368, 2377, 2407, g. 2839 (26), g. 3540 (18), 4462–3, g. 4993 (28), g. 5243 (28), App. 3108.
-, -, -, letter from, 4462.
-, -, -, his wife Eliz., g. 3540 (18).
-, -, -, his sister Kath., 4462.

Delborgo, Nich. See Nicholas.

Delf, g. 6248 (7).

Dellyng, Th., 1939 (9).
-, -, Deloffoly, Wilts, 3665 (3).

Delvin or Delwyn, baron of, 558 v., 4094, 4263–5, 4283–4, 4353.

Demanyanns, John. See Maiano.

Demechurch. See Dymchurch.

Demercheon, Ruthelan, Flint, g. 3540 (12).

Demetrius, a Greek scribe, p. 2863.

Demyans, John. See Maiano.

Demyrando, earl of. See Miranda.

Denarston, 2167 (3), pp. 989, 991

Denbigh, Wales, g. 297 (3), g. 1136 (6), g. 1230 (28), g. 1736 (10), 1941, g. 2761 (18), g. 3008 (18), g. 3747 (3), g. 4124 (18), g. 4313 (1, 12), g. 4687 (27), 5288, g. 5406 (5), g. 6490 (1, 3, 10), g. 6709 (25).
-, -, steward of, g. 6410 (10).
-, -, castle, constable of, g. 6490 (10).

Denby, mother or widow, 4175 (2), 4545 ii.

Dene, vicar of, 3733.
-, -, Wilts, p. 1700.

Dene, Joan, g. 4231 (7), g. 5510 (15).
-, -, Th., g. 4231 (7).
-, -, Wm. à, jun., p. 235.
-, -, -, sen., p. 235.
-, -, See Dyne and Dean.

Denewood, Edw., 459.

Dengemarshe, 403.

Dengin, Ireland, 558.

Denham or Dennam (Dynamis), Fran., 4326–8, 4338, 4359, 4374, 4390, 4394–6, 4407, 4493, 5094.
-, -, -, letters from, 4396, 5094.
-, -, John, p. 233, p. 3047. See also Dunham.
-, -, Wm., sig. of, 3569. See also Doinham.
-, -, See Dynham.

Denice. See Denys.

Denley, Wm., p. 233.

Denmark, 7, 8, 42, 68, 613, 631, 670 ii., 747–8, 897, 898, 1017, 2241, 4404, App. 77, 190.
-, -, king of, g. 5243 (20). See Christiern II.: Frederick.
-, -, queen of. See Isabella.
-, -, elect of. See Holstein, Fred. I. duke of.
-, -, chancellor of, 7, 8, 42.
-, -, amb. of, letter from, 898.
-, -, prince of, 2025.
-, -, daughters of. See Christiern II., his children.

Denmark, king at arms, 896, 897, 908.

Dennam, 969 (3).

Dennes, Reynold, 1577.

Dennington (Dynnyngton), Suff., letter dated at, 3349.

Denny, Camb., 293.
-, -, abbess of, 4282.
-, -, mon. of, 4442.
-, -, See Deny.

Dennys. See Denys.

Densfenby, Laur., 3380.

Densell, John, 969 (4), 2341 iii., g. 6751 (24).

Denston, Suff., g. 1466 (27).

Denteville. See Dinteville.

Denton, 5076.

Denton, _, 1143, 4573, 4614.
-, -, Dr., 1641, 2331 (2).
-, -, Jas., 537, 558 v., g. 1610 (11 Glouc.), 1691, g. 2002 (6 Worc., 11 Salop), 2366 (2), 2926, 3842, 3874, 4096, g. 5083 (4, 6), g. 5243 (26).
-, -, -, his sig., 558 vi., 2926, 3842, 3874, 4096.
-, -, Jas., dean of Lichfield, g. 2002 (11) (see Errata), p. 2700.
-, -, John, 1940 (2, ii.), see Errata.
-, -, Marg., 4835 iii.
-, -, Nich., 1151, 4495, 4835 iii. v. viii.
-, -, Tho., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 234, p. 235, p. 237, g. 1049 (24), 1795, g. 2002 (11 Oxf.), 2672, g. 6490 (20 Oxf.), 6721, g. 6751 (24 Bucks).
-, -, Wm., 4134 (2).

Denton Basset. See Dunton Basset.

Denvare, Norf., 367.

Denygin, John, 5464.

Denyn, John, g. 3869 (29).

Denyngton, Jas., his sig., 5158.

Deny or Denny, John, g. 3991 (10), 5508 (1).
-, -, Th., 3275, g. 3991 (10), 5508 (1), g. 6248 (28).

Denyas, John, g. 4993 (4).

Denys, Denice, Dennys, or Deonyse, _, 3216, 6747 (5).
-, -, _, of Hoston, 5096.
-, -, Hen., p. 233.
-, -, Hugh, 4632, 6264.
-, -, John, g. 1533 (12).
-, -, Maurice, p. 3047.
-, -, Nich., g. 1533 (12).
-, -, Ph., 1939 (8), g. 5906 (20).
-, -, Ric., 4199.
-, -, Rog., p. 233.
-, -, Sir Th., g. 137 (18), p. 233, g. 1533 (11), g. 2002 (6), 2331 (2), 2672, p. 1331, 3216, 3475, 3506, 3581, 3733 (2), g. 4445 (23), 4449, 4544, g. 5510 (und.), 6043 (2) i., 6185, g. 6418 (14), g. 6490 (20 Exet.), g. 6803 (4).
-, -, -, letter from, 4544.
-, -, Wm., g. 1533 (12), g. 2291 (26).
-, -, -, of Orlegh, p. 233.
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 84, g. 390 (2), g. 464 (17), p. 238, g. 1610 (11), 1795, 2672, 3581, 4199, g. 5083 (6), g. 6490 (20 Gl.), 6516 (1).

Denyulle, g. 2673 (6).

Deovaunter, Perpoynt, 2106 (1, 2), 5330 i. ii.

Depden, John, p. 238.

Deptford, 581, g. 693 (25), 1714 (3), p. 869, 2167 (4), p. 989, g. 2362 (11), g. 3087 (und.), g. 5624, g. 6803 (2).
-, -, letter dated at, 4417.
-, -, Sayes Court in, 4229 (7), 4577, 5076, 5186, 6186 (2), 6330.

Depyng, Linc., g. 1466 (21).
-, -, prior of, 2698.
-, -, East and West, Linc., p. 673 note.

Depyng, Ric., g. 3747 (6).

Derant, John, 6138 (3).

Derby, g. 297 (28), p. 234, 2526, g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), 5993, g. 6490 (20, 28), g. 6654 (27).
-, -, bailiffs of, p. 234.
-, -, burgesses for, 6043 (2) ii.
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, 971, p. 2700.
-, -, deanery of, 971.

Derby, Anne countess of, g. 2065 (19), p. 1331, 3119.

Derby, Edw. Stanley earl of, g. 1377 (17), g. 1860 (14), g. 1945 (24), g. 2065 (19, 28), 3083, g. 3213 (22), 3216, 3337 (1), g. 3540 (14), 4522, g. 5510 (und.), 5778, g. 5978 (15), 6044 g. 6072 (24), g. 6248 (21), 6513, 6740, App. 61.
-, -, -, his sig., 6513.
-, -, -, his wife Katharine, g. 6248 (21).
-, -, -, his brother, 4440.
-, -, Marg. countess of Richmond and. See Richmond.
-, -, Th. Stanley earl of, g. 137 (8), g. 297 (21), g. 961 (23), 1718, g. 1860 (14), g. 1945 (24), g. 2065 (19, 28), 2130, 3119, g. 3213 (22), g. 3540 (14), g. 5510 (und.), 6216, g. 6248 (21), 6792.

Derby, Evrard, g. 2291 (27).
-, -, Th., clerk of the signet, and of the council, g. 3747 (16), 4042, 4358, 4518, 5018, 5575, g. 5624 (21).
-, -, -, letters to, 4358, 4518, 4581.
-, -, -, his hand, 3179, 4978, 5470, 5575, 6073.

Derbyshire, g. 137 (12), pp. 83–5, g. 390 (2), p. 234, 819, g. 1533 (26), g. 1610 (11), 1795, 2067, 2527, 2672, 3506, 3866, 4914, 5124, 5508 (1), 5774 (15), 6043 (2) i., g. 6803 (8).
-, -, Peak of, 2538 (7).
-, -, escheator of, 4876.
-, -, sheriff of, g. 3213 (5), 3581, 4914, g. 6072 (9), 6721.

Dere, Pembroke, p. 673 note.

Dere, Hoskyn, g. 6072 (30).
-, -, John, g. 6072 (30).

Dereham prison, Norf., g. 1736 (12).
-, -, East, g. 1945 (11).
-, -, West, Ric. abbot of, p. 2699.

Derehurst, prior of, p. 2700.

Derham, abbot of, p. 2698.

Derham, Tho., p. 236.
-, -, -, jun., g. 5510 (20).

Derhans, Dr. John, 5056.

Dering, Hen., 1577 (12).
-, -, Ric., p. 235.

Derley, mon. of, abbot of, 181, g. 390 (2).
-, -, Th. abbot of, p. 2700.
-, -, a canon of, 6313.

Derley, Edw., p. 2698.

Dermount, Flanders, g. 1230 (16).

Derneton. See Darlington.

Deruta, 3116.

Dertmouth. See Dartmouth.

Dertyngton, Devon, 1432.

Derver, Ireland, 558.

Derwentwater, 3380 (1).

Derycson, Wm., 85.

Deryng. See Dering.

Desben, baron, 3899.

Desborough (Dysborowe), 3734 (5).

Desgueing, Mons., 670.

Desmond. See Fitzgerald.
-, -, Gerot of, 3699.

Desmond, James earl of, 558 iii., 1352, 2405, 3698–9, 3817–18, 3922, 3952–3, 3973, 4302, 4353, 4459, 4485, 4688, 4799, 4846, 4878, 4911, 4919, 4933, 4948, 5002, 5062, 5084, 5277, 5322 (1–5, 23), 5349, 5500–1, 5619–20, 5756, 5903, 5938 (1, 2), g. 6490 (28).
-, -, -, personal description of, 5501 ii.
-, -, -, letters from, 5500, 5938 (1).
-, -, -, letter to, 5938 (2).
-, -, -, a cotrell or servant of, 4948, 5002, 5062, 5277, 5619–20, g. 6248 (23).
-, -, -, his sister, 4302.
-, -, -, his uncles and kinsmen, p. 1078.
-, -, -, his chaplain. See Aslaby, John.

Desmond, Sir Th., 3699, 3817.
-, -, -, letter from, 3822.

Destayne, Martin, 4677.

Dethick, Sir Gilb., 3841.

Detlyng, Kent, 1913 (2).

Deusexgutte, Suss., g. 6751 (9).

Deva, province of Guipuscoa, pinnace of, 3556.

Deventer (Daventre), in the bpric. of Utrecht, g. 5510 (14).

Devenyssh, Ric., g. 297 (18), p. 233, g. 961 (22), g. 2002 (11), p. 989, g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20 Lew.), g. 6751 (9).

Devereux, John, 952.
-, -, -, (temp. Hen. VI.,) g. 5336 (21).
-, -, Walt., his sig., 2926.
-, -, -, See Ferrers, lord.

Devizes (The Vises), Wilts, g. 2599 (12), 4199 ii., 5100, p. 2692.
-, -, mayor of, 4191.

Devonshire, g. 137 (18), pp. 83–5, g. 297 (und.) p. 233, 548 ii., g. 693 (19), 819, g. 895 (26), 969 (2), 972, g. 1136 (1), g. 1298 (und.), 1327, g. 1377 (27), g. 1533 (11), p. 794, 1795, 1828 ii., 1939 (8), g. 2002 (6), 2525, 2527, 2672, 2743, 3380 (4, 7), g. 3398 (16), g. 3622 (8), 3866, g. 3991 (12), 4914, 4967, 5124, 5508 (1), g. 5510 (und.), 6043 (2) i., g. 6135 (6), g. 6418 (14), g. 6490 (1, 5), g. 6654 (27), g. 6803 (4).
-, -, clerk of the peace and crown, &c., in, g. 1610 (8), g. 3622 (17).
-, -, sheriff of, g. 3581, 6072 (9), g. 6418 (14), 6598 (2), 6721.
-, -, coinage in, g. 4445 (23).
-, -, King's feodary in, g. 4687 (16).
-, -, escheator of, 5316.

Devon, Edw. Courtney, first earl of, (1485–1511,) g. 3991 (16), g. 5336 (11).
-, -, Hen. Courtenay, third earl of, g. 137 (18), 331, p. 151, g. 546 (8), p. 341, g. 895 (20), g. 1136 (12), g. 1298 (und.), g. 1377 (28),p. 1332.
-, -, -, created marquis of Exeter, 1431 (8), 1432, 6083. See also Exeter, marquis of.
-, -, Kath. countess of, 771, g. 895 (11), 969 (2), g. 1610 (5), g. 3991 (16), p. 2252.
-, -, -, household book of, 771.
-, -, -, lands of, 2525.
-, -, Th. Courteney, earl of, (temp. Hen. VI.,) g. 3991 (16).
-, -, -, Courteney, son of Th. earl of, (temp. Hen. VI.,) g. 3991 (16).
-, -, Wm. Courteney, second earl of, (1511,) g. 3991 (16), g. 5336 (11).

Devye, N. Wales, 973.

Devyse, Walt., g. 2927 (28).

Dewysbury, in duchy of Cleve, Germany, g. 5815 (20).

Dewysbury, John, g. 5815 (20).

Dey, _, 6247 ii.
-, -, Nich., p. 235, p. 2692.
-, -, Ric.; g. 6072 (5).

Deyne, Geo., his wife, 692.
-, -, Sir John, App. p. 3108.

Deynse, John, p. 1699.

Deyr, _, 3313.

Deystayn, Mons. See Buren.

Diach, Simon, 5767.

Diacus, Paulus, 2795.

Dibden, Hants, 2808.

Dichard, Geo., g. 5510 (20).

Dicheborne, Wm., g. 1610 (15).

Dickinson, Dykenson, or Dyckynson, Chr., g. 4687 (27).
-, -, Wm., 3707, 5109.
-, -, Sir. Wm., p. 150.

Dickland, Pet., 5439.

Dicton, 4497.

Dieppe, 83, 89, 293, 1387, 1435, 2455, 2544, 3556, 3887, 4330, 5811, 6003.
-, -, governors of, 4441.
-, -, viconte of, 6003.

Diesshoffen, letter dated at, 3927.

Diets, 1771, 1806, 1811, 2668, 2796–7, 2873, 2932–3, 3873, p. 1743, 4024, 4892, 5490, 5583, App. 10.

Diet or Dyott, Sir, of Corpus Christi, Camb., 3963, 4004.

Dieulacres, abbot of, 2130.
-, -, Th. abbot of, p. 2700.

Digby (Dyghby), Benj., 366, 952, 5069.
-, -, Sir Everard, 819, g. 961 (12, 26), 1939 (8), g. 2002 (11), 4914, 6043 (2) i., g. 6490 (20 Leic.), App. 3108.
-, -, Hen., 952, 5262.
-, -, John, g. 5510 (27).
-, -, Sir John, p. 82, p. 237, g. 961 (12, 26), g. 2002 (11), g. 4445 (12), g. 5510 (26), g. 6490 (20 Leic. Oke.), App. p. 3108.
-, -, Libens, p. 150.
-, -, Reg., 366, p. 237, g. 961 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20 War.)
-, -, Sim., g. 137 (12), g. 4231 (und.), g. 5510 (26), 6707.
-, -, Th., p. 155.
-, -, Wm., p. 237, g. 961 (12), g. 2002 (11), g. 5510 (27).

Diggs (Dyggs), Jas., g. 3622 (24).
-, -, (Diggis), Wm., g. 1945 (2).

Digneley, Fran., p. 2692.

Dijon (Dogyon), 1946, 1957, 2552, 4065, 4109, 6147.
-, -, bailiff of, 1623.
-, -, documents dated at, 6177 (1–4).

Dikes. See Dykes.

Dikman, Wm., g. 1610 (21).

Dillon, Sir Barth., 558 v., 2076, 4094, 5349.
-, -, Nich., g. 390 (10), 2076.
-, -, Rob., g. 6135 (6), g. 6490 (1).

Dillons, the, Irish family, 4688.

Dingle (Dingwell), in Ireland, 5501, 5620.

Dingley or Dyngeley, John, g. 137 (6), g. 1736 (10), 1939 (8), 1941, 4442 (6), g. 6363 (20).
-, -, Rog., S.T.P., 4476, g. 4594 (13), g. 4896 (15).
-, -, Wm., 327, p. 234, 4442 (6), g. 6363 (20).

Dingwell. See Dingle.

Dingwel, Scotch pursuivant, 6051.

Dinteville (Denteville), _, commander, (of the Order of St. John's,) 2810, 3242.

Diocles, 6250.

Diodorus, of Tarsus, 6220, 6280.

Dionysius, procurator of the Servites of Verona, 6156, 6173, 6463, 6499, 6559, 6567, 6670, 6694, 6696, 6702, 6713, App. 261.

Diriche, Rob., p. 85.
-, -, See Dyrike.

Disart. See Dysart.

Disney. See Dysney.

Dison, Jehan de, 670 ii.

Dissher, John, g. 3869 (19).

Ditton, 1577 (11).
-, -, Bucks, g. 5510 (6).

Dive or Dyve, Sir John, p. 237, 2672, g. 5510 (und.), g. 6072 (9), 6721.

Divorce, case of, 6127.

Divorce, the, 3140, 3217, 3686, 3694, 3715, 3802, 4166, 4379–80, 4535, 4550, 4685, 4841–2, 4851, 4857–8, 4915, 4978, 5014, 5155–6, 5376–7, 5426, 5440, 5544, 5612–13, 5615, 5635, 5695, 5701, 5704, 5715, 5716, 5728–34, 5751, 5768, 5773–4, 5777–8, 5783, 5791, 5814, 5854, 5878, 5907–9, 5969, 5989, 6026, 6095, 6201 (1–5), 6285, 6303, 6320, 6342, 6370–2, 6396–7, 6400, 6416, 6448 (1, 2), 6497 (1–3), 6513, 6548–9, 6570, 6590, 6602, 6614, 6618, 6625, 6628–9, 6631–3, 6636, 6655, 6657, 6676, 6689, 6717, 6780–1, 6801, App. 236, 253, 265–7.

Dixon (or Dixson), Edw., 5102 (2).
-, -, Ric., p. 236.
-, -, Sim., g. 5243.
-, -, (Dykson), Wm., 366.

Dobbes, Rob., g. 2002 (17), App. 17 (2).

Dobbyns, Hen., g. 1377 (5).

Dobingny. See Aubigny.

Dobson, _, 1285.
-, -, John, g. 1533 (6), 2450.

Doche, Ric., 6683.

Docking (Dokkyng), Norf., p. 154.

Dockwra, _, 4562.

Docowra, Martin, 6075.

Docwra or Dokwra, John, g. 3324 (6), g. 6187 (28), 6516 (I), 6598.

Docwra, Sir Thomas, prior of the Knights of St. John, g. 137 (12, 14), p. 82, 363, 365, p. 153, 765, p. 341, g. 895 (26), 923–4, g. 961 (20), 1082, pp. 477–8, 1086, 1131, g. 1136 (2, 26), 1245, g. 1610 (11), 1633, 1684, 1934, g. 2002 (11), p. 968 (misprinted "the lady" instead of "lord" of St. John's), 2909, 2915, 3035–6, 3208, g. 3213 (18), 3380 (8, 12), 4322, pp. 2765–7, App. pp. 3104, 3107–8.

Dod or Dodde, Archibald, 3849–50.
-, -, als. Loushorn, Hob. See Rob.
-, -, Matt., 2176.
-, -, Percival, 3631.
-, -, Ric., g. 1736 (20).
-, -, Rob., als. Lowshorne, 3631, 3967.
-, -, Rowley, 4186.
-, -, Th., p. 234, App. 1.
-, -, Wm., g. 390 (22), 2176, g. 3622 (9), 5330 i., g. 6418 (10).

Doddes, Edde, 3975.

Dodds, the, 3383, 3421.

Dode als. Dalyan, Wm., 293.
-, -, or Dede, Wm., 385.

Doddington (Dodyngton), Kent, 72, pp. 989–90.
-, -, Linc., p. 673 note.
-, -, (Dodynton), letter dated at, 4783.

Dodford, p. 987.

Dodieu, Claude, sieur de Velly, 3105.
-, -, -, letter from, 5157.

Dodmer or Dodmar, Ralph, p. 233, g. 1298 (1), 3086 (1, 2), 5126.
-, -, Sir Ralph, mayor of London, 6516 (1), 6598 (1).

Dodneshe in Colnes, 650, 697, 2024 ii., 4044, 4229 (1,4,6), 4307 (3,4, 12).
-, -, mon. of St. Mary, 1833, 3190, 3537 (1), 3538 ii. iii., 4441, 4576 (1, 2), 4598, 4623 (2), 5052, 5076, 5594, 6330, 6516 (15), App. 172.
-, -, Th. prior of, 1137 (6).

Dodnessh Charlez, or Dodnasshe Charles, 1834 (2), 2024.

Dodo or Duodo, _, 6696.
-, -, Ant., 979, 1152, 3209, 5330 i., 6786.
-, -, Nich., g. 137 (8), 1251, 1383, 1419.

Dodsburi, Mr., App. 1.

Dodthorn, John, p. 238.

Dodyng, Rob., 692.

Dodyngton or Dodynton. See Doddington.

Dodyngton, Eliz., g. 137 (8), g. 2002 (8).
-, -, John, g. 137 (8), g. 2002 (8).
-, -, Ric., g. 137 (8), g. 2002 (8).
-, -, Th., g. 1377 (12), p. 990.

Dog, Jas., 528, 532, 535, 656, 657, 1056, 1358. See also Dawg.

Dogan, Adryan, App. p. 3107.

Doget, Anth., g. 2927 (26).

Dogget, _, 1939 (10).

Dogmersfield (Dokmersfelde), 5865.

Dogs, Isle of, 1714 (3).

Dogyon. See Dijon.

Doinham, Wm., g. 297 (14).

Doke or Ducke, Rich., 5613 (1–3). See also Duke.

Doke, Th., 965. See also Duke.

Dokett, Wm., 2595. See also Dukett.

Dokwra. See Docwra.

Doland, Th., g. 3087 (18).

Dolben or Dolbyn, Rob., sen. and jun., g. 4313 (12), g. 6490 (3).
-, -, Wm., g. 4313 (12).

Dolman, Dr., 67.

Dolowe, 4220, 4472.

Dolphine, Ric., letter from, 6343.

Dolphington, 561, 2413.

Dolphinston, 278, 6274.

Dolseld, Wilts, p. 1699.

Dolwethlan, N. Wales, g. 6187 (30).

Dolyng, Tho., g. 4896 (10).

Domesday Book, App. 17 (2, ii.)

Dominicus Trevisanus, of Padua, 6165, 6491 (4), 6671, 6696, 6727.

Domlenerik. See Drumlanrig.

Dommartyn, count. See Dampmartin.

Domyngo, _, a painter and gilder, p. 1395.

Don. See Donne.

Donboyn, baron of, 4284.

Doncaster, 694, 4732, g. 5510 (15), 6489, App. 8.
-, -, deanery of, 970.

Done, Dr. Hugh, 3380 (8).

Dongarvan. See Dungarvan.

Donham. See Dunham.

Donkerton, Soms., g. 6248 (24).

Doniland, East, Essex, 4029 (2), 4175.

Donyngton, letters dated at, 5285, App. 11.

Donyngton, Berks, 4471, App. 103.
-, -, prior and convent of, 4471, p. 2700.

Donyngton or Dunnington, Thos., (Wolsey's chaplain,) 970, 1942, 2001, 3043, 3227, 3998, 4291, 4525, 5320, 5353 (5), 5364–5, 5400, 5445, 6164, 6447, 6556, 6682.
-, -, -, letters from, 3043, 3998, 4291, 4525, 5320, 5364, 5445, 6556.

Donlowe, Wilts, g. 6038 (2).

Donne, Sir Edw., g. 1136 (4), 3581, g. 6490 (20 Ayl.), g. 6751 (24 Bucks,) App. p. 3108. See also Dune.
-, -, Sir Griffin or Griffith, 1939 (8), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (4), g. 6490 (20 Hert.)
-, -, Sir John, g. 6490 (23). See also Doone.
-, -, Ric., p. 237.

Donquel. See Dunkeld.

Dons, the, Northern family, 4336 (2).

Donslake, pasture called, Pembroke, Wales, g. 6418 (6).

Donton, Beds, 4471.

Donton Basset. See Dunton Basset.

Donton, Leic., p. 985.
-, -, vicar of, p. 985.

Donwich. See Dunwich.

Donyvan, Cornelius, 6138 (3).

Dooke. See Duke.

Doone, John, g. 6072 (9). See also Donne.

Doonnings, p. 989.

Doore or Dore, abbot of, 4096 iii.
-, -, John abbot of, p. 2701.

Doran, Maurice, 2404 (3).

Dorchester, g. 4445 (20), 5100, g. 5243 (28), p. 2692, g. 6490 (20, 28), App. 252 iv..
-, -, steward of, p. 233.
-, -, ch. of Holy Trinity and St. Peter, g. 390 (24).
-, -, free chapel of, g. 6654 (20).
-, -, deanery, of, 971.
-, -, abbot of, p. 2698.

Dordogne, river, 1938 ii.

Dordrecht, 5216.

Dorell, Pet., App. p. 3109.

Dorhame, Essex, g. 4993 (15).

Doria, Andrea, 2058, 2098, 2172, 2244, 2260 2273 (2),p. 1104, 2471, 2606, 2633, 2637, 2671, 2698, 2719, 2875, 2907, 3001, 3028, 3089, 3152 (2), 3310, 3329, 3336, 3365, 3381, 3400, 3405, 3497, 3561, 3855, 4379, 4380, 4401, 4451, 4533, 4612, 4626, 4637, 4644, 4656 (2), 4666, 4679, 4723, 4724, 4750, 4775, 4777, 4784, 4792, 4813, 4845, 4851, 4886, 4900, 4918, 4928, 4956, 5016, 5053, 5061, 5073, 5133, 5182, 5185, 5197, 5207, 5213, 5352, 5394, 5421, 5470, 5478, 5484, 5517, 5633, 5649, 5676, 5678, 5690, 5735, 5756, 5779–80, 5802, 5963 (2) iii., 6021, 6142, 6245, 6496, App. 196, 198–9, 203, 206, 225, 232.
-, -, -, letter from, 3336.
-, -, -, letter to, 4533.
-, -, -, galleys of, p. 2305.
-, -, -, Erasmus, a servant of, 4792.
-, -, -, nephew of, p. 2306, 5234.
-, -, -, his servant, (the abbot of Negri,) 5779.

Doria, Ant., 4401.
-, -, Erasmus, 2719.

Doria (de Auria), Jeronimo, 4076; made cardinal, 5187, 5213, 6362.
-, -, Count Philippino, 2633, 2847, 4224, 4401.
-, -, -, letter to, 2847.
-, -, See Filippino.

Dorigini, Nich., letter to, 6394.
-, -, See Vrigny.

Dorking, 5108, g. 5510 (2).

Dorlans, 3366.

Dormer, Geoff., g. 137 (12), p. 83, g. 1049 (24), g. 2002 (11).
-, -, Ralph, g. 1230 (1).
-, -, Rob., p. 235, p. 2621, g. 6751 (28), App. p. 3108.

Dormerson, _, 4456.

Dornam, 4026.

Dornams, 479.

Dorneford. See Durnford.

Dornyxe, 3197.

Dorrington (Dorington), Wilts, 3665 (3).

Dorsbrygge, John, p. 233.

Dorset, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, 971, p. 2699.
-, -, Cornwall, g. 3008 (23).

Dorset, marchioness of, 6792.
-, -, Cecilia marchioness dowager of, mother of Thomas second marquis of, 1228, p. 1331, 6216.
-, -, -, will of, 6718.
-, -, -, letter to, 3053 ii.
-, -, Lord Leonard marquis of, 5096.
-, -, Thomas, second marquis of, g. 137 (12), 278, p. 340, g. 961 (12), 969 (6), 1082, g. 1136 (2), 1228, g. 1377 (28), 1431 (8), 1568, 1611, g. 1676 (20), g. 1860 (10), p. 864, 1939 (4, 6), g. 2002 (11), 2152 (2), g. 2218 (17), 2331 (2), 2349, 2608, 2641, 2740, 3119 (2), 3150, g. 3213 (16 28), 3619, 3719, 4422, 4429, 4440, 4866, g. 4993 (27), g. 5083 (4, 11, 12, 28), 5330, 5772–3 (2), 5774 (2, 5, 9, 11), 5849, 6012, 6025, 6043 (1), 6044, 6075, 6085, g. 6301 (16), 6513, App. 80, p. 3108, 109, 158.
-, -, -, letters from, 1228, 1611, 2641, App. 80.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6075, 6513, App. 109.
-, -, -, servant of, 5772, 5849.
-, -, -, his brother, 965.
-, -, -, his son, 1530.
-, -, -, his wife, 1939 (4), 4422, 4429, 4440.

Dorsetshire, 66, g. 137 (8), pp. 82–5, p. 233, g. 693 (19), 819, 969 (2, 8), 972, 1011 ii., 1083, 1097, 1327, g. 1377 (27), 1795, 1828, 1939 (8), g. 2002 (11), 2125, 2180, 2525, g. 2540 (27), 2672, 3380 (1, 2, 5, 7, 8), 3381, 3866, 4536, 4547, 4914, 4967, g. 5083 (12), 5124, 5432 ii., 5508 (1), 6043 (2) i., g. 6654 (27), g. 6751 (11), g. 6803 (12), App. 252.
-, -, escheator of, 66, 559, 5316.
-, -, sheriff of, g. 6072 (9), 6721.
-, -, See Soms. and Dors.

Dorston, App. 3.

Dortembourg. See Ortembourg.

Dosyn, Jo., 5102 (2).

Dotier. See Dature.

Dotryche in Ryddesdale, g. 2002 (16).

Douai or Dowaye, 1806, 1963, 3430–1.

Douarty. See Warty, Perot de.

Doughte, Ric., g. 5336.

Douglas, castle and dale, 4728 (1).
-, -, provost of, 2019.

Douglas, Mr., 4893.

Douglas, Alex., (natural son of Arch.,) 4205, 4305, 4892.

Douglas, Archibald, of Kilspindie, uncle of Angus, treasurer of Scotland and provost of Edinburgh, 672, 727, 768, 2678, 2788, 3685, 4531, 4674, 4701, 4709, 4924, 4986, 5044, 6077, App. 97.
-, -, -, his wife, 4709.

Douglas, Archibald. See Angus, earl of.

Douglas, Geo., brother of Angus, 253, 489, 727, 750, 766, 768, 945, 1058, 1145, 1968 (2 iii.), 2449, 2575, 2678, 2788, 4531, 4674, 4701, 4709, 4720, 4851, 4859, 4882, 4924, 4986, 6077, 6305, App. 206.
-, -, -, letter from, 768.

Douglas, Geo., master of Angus. See Angus.

Douglas, Sir Geo., 701, 707, 803.
-, -, -, sig. of, 707.
-, -, Hugh, 288.
-, -, John, 2787.

Douglas, Margaret, daughter of Angus, 4830, 5794, 6586 (1).

Douglas, Wm., brother of Angus, prior of Coldingham (1525–28), and abbot of Holyrood House (1526–28), 315, 372, 473–4, 573, 656–7, 670 ii., 672–4, 727, 800–1, 807, 861, 1145, 1170, 1395, 2449, 2788, 4531, 4830, App. 77.
-, -, -, letter from, 1145.

Douglas, the family of, 3714, 4457, 4701, 4882.

Doulx, Pere le, 1673.

Dover, 30, 259, 281, 310, 398, 457, 459, 544, p. 235, 614, 615, 853, 1128, 1160, 1269, 1387, 1357, 1578, 1724, 1854, 2057, 2062, 2163, 2342, 2552, 2751, 2997, p. 1397, 3247, 3519, 3554, 3580, 3734 (1), p. 1714, 3932, 3938, 3931, 4017, 4040, 4193, 4344, 4767, 4788, 4795, 4800, 4803, 4861, 5101, 5195, 5231, 5325, 6003, 6022, p. 2691, 6050, 6119, 6134, 6675, App. 87–92.
-, -, letters dated at, 310, 1269, 2062, 2656, 3251, 3494, 3527, 3925, 4660, 4782, 5541.
-, -, accounts for town of, App. 87–92.
-, -, the Wyke of, 4800, 5968, 6022, App. 92.
-, -, -, collectors for, 4800, 5968.
-, -, mayor and others of, p. 235, 1119, 4800, 5968, 6022, g. 6542 (16), App. 87–92.
-, -, castle, g. 5748 (3), g. 5815 (16). See Errata.
-, -, -, constable of, 403, 957, 1820, 2250, 4334.
-, -, -, free chapel or prebend of, g. 895 (5).
-, -, burgesses of Parliament for, App. 88–9.
-, -, Bore End, App. 89.
-, -, Bredon stone, App. 91.
-, -, East Broke, App. 89, 91.
-, -, South Broke, App. 89, 91.
-, -, West Broke, App. 89.
-, -, Maison Dieu, master of the, 4800, App. 89, 91.
-, -, Bochery Bridge, App. 89.
-, -, St. James, parson of, App. 89.
-, -, St. Martin's, 4800, App. 89, 91.
-, -, -, Wm. prior of, p. 2696.
-, -, -, prior of, App. 91.
-, -, St. Mary's, curate of, 4800.
-, -, St. Martin's fair, App. 89.
-, -, Snorgate, App. 89.
-, -, Turnpike lane, App. 89.
-, -, Wallgate, almshouse beside, App. 89.
-, -, the town mill, App. 89.
-, -, players of the town of, App. 89.

Dowarte. See Warty, Perot de.

Dowaye. See Douai.

Dowdall, Edm., 558.
-, -, John, 558.

Dowe, Rob., 4545 ii.

Dowelle, Wm., p. 152.

Dowene, John, 2370.

Dowfeld, or Duffild, Jo., g. 4313.

Dowland, Devon, g. 6751 (10).

Dowles, g. 137 (23).

Dowman, John, LL.D., 1244, 1962 (3, 4), 2694, 3583, 4088.
-, -, T., 4029 (3).
-, -, Th., 4242.

Downe, Jas., p. 1699.
-, -, Pet., p. 989.
-, -, Rob., g. 297 (und.)
-, -, See Downes.

Downeley, letters dated at, 1335, 1949, 2180, 2334, 2517.

Downeold or Dunholt, Th., p. 234, g. 1610 (11), g. 5083 (6).

Downere, John, g. 390 (7).

Downes, Dr., 6247 ii., 6367.
-, -, or Downs, Nich., 1939 (8), g. 5978 (10).
-, -, Rob., 736, 6516 (7).
-, -, -, his wife (dame Marg. Mortimer), 736.

Downeshed (? Downside), p. 2692.

Downham, g. 546 (4), 969 (1), 5076.
-, -, letter dated at, 5776.

Downhamford, Kent, App. 273.

Downmogan, 2610.

Downs, the, 998, 1269, 6119, App. p. 3109.

Downs. See Downes.

Downton (Dounton), Wilts, 367, p. 2692.

Downton, Th., (temp. Hen. VI.,) 5336 (21).

Dowse als. Dawes, John, 293.
-, -, Mark, g. 6490 (1).
-, -, Pet., g. 6490 (1).

Dowttre, _, Mons. de, 5473.

Doyle, _, of Hadley, 4229 (11).
-, -, Hen., 1857.

Doylee, Alice, 3486.
-, -, Th., 3486.

Draffe, D., 2464.

Dragfii, _, 2589.

Draguignau, Provence, 494, 542, 552 ii.

Drake, Geo., 558.
-, -, John, g. 2540 (18), g. 4801 (19).

Drakeath, Ireland, 558.

Dralante or Dralande, Jas., 1779, 2729.

Draper, Hen., 3544.
-, -, John, 4442 (1).
-, -, Margery, 4545 ii.
-, -, Rob., p. 85, g. 1610 (21), 2216, 2322, 2595, g. 3087 (24), 3738, 3969, App. 247.
-, -, Th., 1965, 2322, 3537 (11).
-, -, Wm., g. 464 (2), p. 235, 1965, g. 2002 (11), 2758, 5115, g. 6248 (28), 6747 (9, 11). See Darper.
-, -, -, letter to, 2759.
-, -, the Nicholas, (ship,) 691, App. 247.

Drauer, John, 1939 (11).

Drave, the river, 2056, 2306, 2380 (2), 2464.

Draycote, rector of, pp. 3047–8.

Draycote, Dr. Ant., pp. 3047–8.
-, -, or Draycotes, Geo., g. 5510 (14).
-, -, John, g. 5510 (14).
-, -, Ph., p. 235, g. 2002 (11), g. 5510 (14).
-, -, Wm., g. 5510 (14).

Draycote Foliat, Wilts, g. 5336 (14).

Drayton, p. 3047.
-, -, Middx., 969 (4).
-, -, Northt., 1913, 2024, pp. 985–6.
-, -, Staff., 6124.

Drayton Basset, 6124.
-, -, Dry, Camb., g. 1377 (16).

Drayton, Dr., 3678.

Dresden, letters dated at, 2968, 3697, 6272.

Drewe, John, g. 1945 (8), g. 2540 (27), g. 3471 (27). See also Drews.
-, -, Rog., M.A., g. 390 (10).

Drewell. See Druell.

Drews, John, g. 3747 (23). See also Drewe.

Dreydeneborne, on the Scotch Borders. See Ridenburn.

Drianopol. See Adrianople.

Drincfort, Ad., card., 6362.

Dringhouses, Yorks., g. 1676 (28).

Drogheda, Ireland, 558, 1352 (2), p. 1077, 4302, 4459, 4759.
-, -, letter dated at, 4846.

Droitwich, 737, g. 1533 (12), g. 2927 (18), g. 5510 (28).

Droket, Edw., 6751 (28).

Drommany, Ireland, letters dated at, 3817, 3953.

Drommeller, laird of, 762.

Droxford (Drokenesforde), deanery of, (Hants,) 971.

Druell or Dreweli, Joan, g. 2673 (20).
-, -, Ric., g. 137 (12), p. 83, p. 237, 2146, g. 2673 (20).
-, -, Rob., p. 234.

Drues, Mons. de, 3549.

Drumlanrig (Domlenerik), lord of, 1029, 2678.

Drummond, Alex., 4701.

Drury, _, g. 961 (20), 2678.
-, -, Sir And., 2292.
-, -, See Dury.
-, -, Geo., g. 297 (28).
-, -, Rob., 1309.
-, -, or Drowre, Sir Rob., 106 (3), p. 82, g. 390 (6), p. 238, g. 961 (20), g. 1533 (12), g. 2002 (11), 3703, 4012 (1, 2), 4045, 4309, g. 5243 (26), g. 5624 (10), g. 6187 (12), g. 6490 (20 Ips.), App. 67.
-, -, -, letter from, 4013.
-, -, Wm., g. 5243 (26), g. 5624 (10), g. 6187 (12).
-, -, Sir Wm., 4417.

Drybeck, Westmoreland, 4421.

Dryburgh, abbey of, 43, 86a.
-, -, abbot of. See Steward, James.

Dryden, Th., 4336.

Dryedrayton. See Drayton.

Dryland, Ric., g. 6248 (11).

Drynker, Th., 403.

Drypool, Yorksh., 6129.

Dublin, 80, 558 v., pp. 1075–7, 4264, 4647, 4759, 4958, 5501 (1, 2).
-, -, letters dated at, 2090, 2610, 3952, 4263, 4265, 4302, 4847, 4933, 5349, 5625, 5795.
-, -, castle, 5392.
-, -, St. Thomas' Abbey, Th. abbot of, his sig., 558 vi.
-, -, abp. of, (Hugh Inge,) 4229 (7).
-, -, -, letters from, 3952, 4265, 4302.
-, -, -, letter to, 4264.
-, -, -, his sig., 4263, 4933.
-, -, -, John Alen. See Alen.
-, -, dean of, his sig., 558 vi.
-, -, See of, 4929.

Ducheborne, Wm., 366, g. 6072 (11).

Duck or Ducke. See Duke.

Ducket. See Dukett.

Ducroc, Mons., 3855.

Dudall, Jas., 6125.

Dudeney, Rob., p. 84.

Dudley, letter dated at, 3838.
-, -, Staff, 1913 (1).
-, -, prior of, p. 2700.
-, -, Worc., p. 988.

Dudley, _, 6748 (5).
-, -, Edm., 2130, 3727, 6787.
-, -, Sir Edw., 367.

Dudley, Edw. Sutton, lord, g. 187 (12), p, 84, g. 961 (20), 1577 (2) ii. iii. (4), g. 1610 (11), 1691, 1940 (2), g. 2002 (6, 11), 2831 (2), p. 1331, 3588 ii., 3838, g. 4313 (28), g. 5083 (4, 6), p. 2252, g. 5243 (26, 28), 6216, 6792, App. p. 3108.
-, -, -, letter from, 3838.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1577 (4).
-, -, Eliz., 2076.
-, -, Jerome, 6787.
-, -, John, 1941, App. 1.
-, -, Sir John, 3119 (2), g. 3142 (1), 3216, 3727.
-, -, or Dudeley, Rob., p. 235, p. 2692.
-, -, lord Rob., earl of Leicester (not "Northumberland"), temp. Eliz., sig. of, p. 877 note.
-, -, Th., 2076.

Dudlington, 5076.

Duddo, on the Borders, 131.

Duenias, Diego, 6686.

Dues or Duwes, Giles, 1673, g. 3213 (17), 3748.

Duff, Hen., 1352 (2).

Duffkyn, Ralph, App. 91.

Duffild. See Dowfeld.

Duke, Duck, Ducke, or Dooke, John, g. 5815 (12).
-, -, Dr. Ric., dean of Wolsey's chapel, p. 233, 1962 (4, 5), 2073 (1, 2), 3216, 6402, p. 2699, 6402, p. 3066.
-, -, Th., 5108.

Dukett, Ric., g. 137 (10), g. 1610 (11). See also Dokett.

Dulas, Anglesea, 973.

Dulverton, Soms., g. 5336 (12).

Dumbarton, 43, 73–4, 376, 382, 662, 670 ii., 673, 1725.
-, -, letters dated, 52, 67, 71.
-, -, capt. of, 43, 76.

Dumfries, letter dated at, 6051.

Dumlangrig. See Drumlanrig.

Dunbar, 448, 651, 656, 662, 673, 754, 764, 797, 917, 919, 935, 943–4–5, 1004, 1029, 1170, 1637, 2539, 4812, 4830.
-, -, letters dated at, 630, 670 ii.
-, -, castle, 74, 674, 1129, 2292, 3252, 3773, 3805, 3924, (4), 4700, 4923, 5044.
-, -, captain of, (Gonsolles,) 662, 668, 733.

Dunbar, dean of, 4091.

Dunbar, Gawin, bp. of Aberdeen. See Aberdeen, bishop of.

Dunbar, Gawin, abp. of Glasgow (1524–47), nephew of the bishop of Aberdeen, chanc. of Scotland (1528–43), 540, 797–8, 1012, 1034, 1103–4, 1113, 1170, p. 525, 1205, 1224, 1245, 1545, 1637, 1665, 1668, 1725–6, 1862, 1870, 1878, 1912, 2031, 2110, 2487, 4531, 4728 (2), 4953, 4965, 4973, 4986, 5086, 5289, 6078.
-, -, -, letters from, 1104, 4973.
-, -, -, letter to, 4953.
-, -, -, his sig., 540, 561, 1726, 1878 (2), 6078.

Dunblane, 1224.
-, -, bp. of, 670, 1170, 1224, 1273, 1545, 2487, 3021, 4728 (2).
-, -, Jas., sig. of, 1726.

Dunboyn. See Donboyn.

Dunbrosch, Sarchani, 2550 ii.

Duncan, John, 78, 1012, 4113.
-, -, letter from, 4113.

Dunchurche, Warw., g. 6135 (26).

Dundee, 1259.
-, -, pilgrimage of, 6274.

Dundonald, vicarage of, 43.

Dundrenane, abbot of, 852, 861, 901, 907, 1616, App. 77.

Dune, Edw., p. 235. See also Donne.

Dunfermline, 498, 506, 534, 1034, 1056, 1224, 1259, 1593, 1639, 1665, 1725.
-, -, letters dated at, 1639, 2414–15, 2430.
-, -, abbot of, 2483.
-, -, commendator of, 534.

Dungarvan (Dongarvan), Ireland, 1352 (2), p. 1078, 3699, 3817, 3922, 3953, 3973.

Dungennynde, in Ireland, letter dated at, 4094.

Dunham (Donham), Sir John, p. 235, 3819 (2), 6473.
-, -, -, his sig., p. 1699.

Dunholt. See Downeold.

Dunkeld, _, bp. of. See Cockburn.
-, -, Gavin (Douglas), bp. of, 785, 1110.
-, -, Geo. Crichton, bp. of, 3617, 4531, 4728 (2).
-, -, -, letter from, 4970.
-, -, dean of, 631, 670 ii.
-, -, See or bishopric of, p. 477, 1644, App. 77.

Dunkirk, 85 (2), 167, 281, 631, 870 ii., 1508, 3958, 4112, 4988, p. 2609, 6256.
-, -, burgomaster of, 3958.

Dunkyn, port in Ireland, 5938 (1).

Dunley, Worc., g. 3540 (18).

Dunmow, Geoff., prior of, p. 2697.

Dunmow Chepyng, Essex, g. 5510 (20).
-, -, Magna, Essex, g. 5510 (20).

Dunois, count of, 3443 (1).

Dunsany, Rob. Plunket, lord, 558.

Dunse, Berw., 1460.

Dunstable, Beds, g. 1676 (10), p. 796, 2558–9, 4315.
-, -, letter dated at, 717.
-, -, Jervase Markham, prior of, 2046 (2), 2067, 5835, pp. 2698–9.

Dunstall, 692.

Dunstanburgh, 103, 278, 346, 405, 1460.
-, -, steward, &c. of, 103, 2527.
-, -, castle, 4907.

Dunsterre, deanery of, 971.

Dunston, Anth., 3963.

Duntishe, Dors., g. 6490 (29).

Dunton Bassett (Denton or Donton Bassett), Leic., 1913, 2167 (1), 4275, 2024.

Dunwich, Saff., 804, 4044, 5101, p. 2691.
-, -, bailiffs of, 4044.

Duodo. See Dodo.

Duplege, Reg., g. 2291 (29).

Dupraet. See Praet.

Duprat, Anth. du, 6668.
-, -, Jas. See Prat.

Duram, Jehan, 5208.

Durance river, p. 263.

Durbin, Jean, 305.

Dureford, Hen. abbot of, p. 2701.

Durer, Albert, 2358.

Durham, 157, 191, 694, 1207, 1289, 3610, 5773 (9), 6233 (1–4), 6489, 6516 (1, 5), App. 8.
-, -, letters dated at, 151, 163, 171, 893, 1223, 1239, 3836, 4201, 4862, 5431.
-, -, liberties of St. Cuthbert, 171.
-, -, bp. of, (temp. Hen. VII.,) 5774 (3).
-, -, -, See Ruthall, Thos. (1509–23): Wolsey (1523–29): Tunstal (1530–59).
-, -, bpric. of, 1289, 1482, g. 2132 (20), 2435, 3230, 3850, 4229 (7), 4824, 4851, 4897–8, 5063, 5111 (1, 3), 5228, 5313, 5519, p. 2557, 6088, 6164, 6198, 6315, g. 6363 (29).
-, -, archdeacon and chancellor of. See Frankleyn, Wm.
-, -, bulls for the see of, 1901, 5429, 6747 (13).
-, -, registrar of, 4877.
-, -, surveyor of. See Strangwais, Dr.
-, -, mint at, 2686, 4201, g. 6490 (14).
-, -, refiners of, 4697.
-, -, mon. of, 3478.
-, -, prior of, 1239, 1527.
-, -, Th. prior of, g. 1610 (11), 4892, 6382.
-, -, Wolsey's officers in, 5816.

Durnbe, Th., p. 987.

Durnford (Dorneford), Wilts, 3665 (3).

Durrant, John, p. 233.

Dursell, deanery of, 971.

Dursley, Glouc., g. 3324 (17).

Dury, And., 907, App. 77.

Dusk (Ireland), abbot of, his son, 2404 (3).

Dusseldorf, 2932–3.

Dussheborne. See Ducheborne.

Dutchman, Theodoryke, 4030, 4073

Dutch books, 4038, 6032, 6487.
-, -, gunners, 83 (3).
-, -, men, 2590, 3313, 4030, 4399, 5043.
-, -, merchants, 742.
-, -, ships, 4193.

Dutton, deanery of, 971.

Dutton, Jas., g. 2065 (20).
-, -, Sir Piers, 5330 ii., App. 207.

Duwes, Giles. See Dues.

Duye, Dav., p. 3047.

Dwerbytt, John, 5042.

Dyar, Rob., App. 89, 91.

Dycar, Agnes, 952.

Dycheborne, Wm., p. 869.

Dye, Hugh, g. 1610 (15), p. 869, g. 6363 (20).

Dyer, _, 4850.
-, -, Joan, 4850.
-, -, John, g. 2002 (12).

Dygby. See Digby.

Dygton, near Northallerton, 1939 (9).

Dykes or Dikes, Christiana, g. 2991 (5).
-, -, Th., g. 2991 (5), 4134 (2), 4835.
-, -, Wm., g. 2991 (5).

Dykson. See Dixon.

Dykyns, Th., p. 3047.

Dyley, g. 137 (23).

Dyllyngham, Martin, 293.

Dymarshe. See Putnam.

Dymchurch (Demechurch), Kent, g. 2447 (30), g. 4687 (8).

Dymmok, Dymoke, or Dymock, _,(brother to lady Eliz. Tailbois,) 5408.
-, -, John, letter from, 3433.
-, -, R., p. 1332.
-, -, Rob., g. 5083 (16).
-, -, Sir Rob., g. 390 (12), g. 2002 (11), p. 1332, 4914.
-, -, Th., g. 5083 (16), 5293.

Dynamus. See Denham, Francis.

Dynas, Wales, g. 5336 (14).
-, -, steward of, 1941.

Dynaspower, Glam., S. Wales, g. 464 (16).

Dyne, Ric., pp. 989–90.

Dynesdale, near Winchelsea, 5031.

Dyngle, Dr. See Dingley, Roger, S.T.P.

Dynham, _, 1143.
-, -, Jas., p. 2692.
-, -, Rob. de, g. 3087 (und.)
-, -, See Denham.

Dynlley, N. Wales, 973.

Dynnyngton. See Dennington.

Dyott, Sir. See Diet.

Dyphams, g. 6363 (29).

Dyrck. See Dalewyn.

Dyrike, Wm., 512.

Dysart, 2127, 6120.

Dysborowe. See Desborough.

Dyske, in Italy, p. 354.

Dysney, or Disney, John, p. 237.
-, -, Wm., p. 235, g. 895 (12), g. 1298 (und.), g. 2002 (11), g. 5083 (2), g. 5243 (26), 6473, 6721, 6748 (12, 15).

Dyson, John, g. 137 (13).
-, -, Wm., 5082.

Dytton, Rob., 6124.

Dyvart, Jehan, 4224.

Dyve. See Dive.