Index: A

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Index: A', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: A". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



Aba, King of Hungary, 3068.

Abarrow, John. See Barrow.

"Abatements," 6122.

Abbes Warley, Essex, g. 5406 (22 bis).

Abbeville, 415, 631, 749, p. 355, 1275, 1320, 1365, 1464, 3171, 3173, 3247, 3279, 3306, 3328, 3337, 3366, 4390, 4493, 4750, 5163, 5215, 5597, 6375.
-, -, letters dated at, 3295, 3310–11, 3317, 3327, 4067.

Abbeys, erection of, into cathedrals, 5235.

Abbotley, Worc., g. 1049 (28), g. 3008 (12), g. 4445 (28).

Abbots Bere, p. 989.

Abbots Croft, p. 989.

Abbots Walden, Herts, 4318 (2).

Abbotsbury, John abbot of, p. 2700.

Abbot Tollar, Dors., 6683 ii.

Abdyke, Soms., 4536 ii.

Abcl or Abell:
-, -, Mrs., App. 134.
-, -, Hen., 2028.
-, -, Joan, 2028.
-, -, John, 2024, 2028, 5117 (1), 5330 ii.
-, -, Ric., 2028.

Abel, Thos., chaplain to Katharine of Arragon, 3748, 5154, 5283, 5423, 5425, 5470, 6342 (2).
-, -, -, letter from, 5154 ii.
-, -, Wm., 1965, 2028.

Aber Artro, N. Wales, 973.

Aberbrothock. See Abirbrothok and Arbroath.

Aberdaron, N. Wales, 973.

Aberdeen, 851, 1545, 4116, App. 77.
-, -, burgess of, 851.

Aberdeen, Gawin Dunbar, bishop of, 407, 600, 615, 656, 662, 670 ii., 754, 784, 797, 803, 813, 817, 830, 836, 854, 916, 932, 935, 1004, 1027 (2), 1030, 1033–4, 1035 ii., 1041, 1056, 1114 (2), 1170, 1191–2, 1221, 1224, 1273, 1372, 1396 (1), 1545, 1878 (1, 2), 1910–12, 1968 (2), 1984, 2004, 2539, 2885, 3021, 3370, 4531, 4728 (2), 4953, 4963, 4986, 5289.
-, -, -, letters from, 1033, 1191–2, 1984, 4972.
-, -, -, letter to, 1027.
-, -, -, his sig., 1878 (2).

Aberfoigh, N. Wales, 973.

Aberfrowe, N. Wales, 973.

Aberfurth, App. 8.

Abergavenny or Burgavenny, prior of, p. 2701.

Abergavenny, Geo. Neville lord, g. 137 (8), g. 297 (18), g. 464 (2), g. 961 (22), g. 1049 (16), 1319, 1431 (8), g. 2002 (11, Suss. Surr.), 2710, p. 1331, g. 3213 (18), 3503, 3734 (4), g. 3991 (12), g. 5083 (2, 11), g. 5243 (28), 5508 (1), 6044, 6085, g. 6248 (1), g. 6363 (1), 6513, App. 33.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.

Abergelle Place, Denbigh, Wales, g. 6490 (1).

Abergierch, N. Wales, 973.

Aber Kerrek Gwynyon in Cruthyn, N. Wales, 973.

Aber Meney, N. Wales, 973.

Abery, _, 5746. See Avery.
-, -, John, 1518.
-, -, Wm., 5020.

Aberystwith, Cardigan, g. 5510 (7).

Abiate, in Italy, 1099.

Abindorset, g. 6135 (26).

Abingdon (Abendon), Berks, 1913 (1), 4199, 5076, 6489, p. 3065, pp. 3067–8.
-, -, St. Mary's, 1913 (1).
-, -, deanery of, 971.
-, -, stewardship of, 4454.

Abingdon, abbot of, 4199, 4473, 6186 (2), 6516 (14), p. 3047.
-, -, Th. abbot of, p. 2700, 6513.
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.

Abingdon, Ric., g. 2599 (2), 6043 (2) ii., p. 2691.

Abirago, Jehan d', 203–5.

Abirbrothok, David de, sig. of, 1726.

Aborthnoo (?), Master Patrick, 668.

Abrahall or Abrall, John, p. 234, g. 895 (21).

Abraham, _, App. 268.
-, -, Th., 1794, g. 4594 (20).
-, -, -, letter from, 4595.

Abredce (Bercetto ?), 6375.

Abruzzo (Italy), (la Browce, la Brusse, l'Abrusse), 2782 ii, 2875–6, 2891, p. 1311, 3802, 3855, 3934, 3947, 3949, 3970, 3995, 4352, 4784, 4871, 4996, 5042, 5157, 5202, 5204–5, 5207, 5261, 5344, 5394, 5478–9, 5848.
-, -, the general of, 5222.

Abyngeworth, Surr., g. 5510 (2).

Abyrton (? Capbreton), 1938.

Acacius, 6192, 6229.

Acciaiolo. See under Carracciolo.

Accolte, Benedict d', card. of Ravenna. See Ravenna.

Accorde, Jehan d', 5000 (2).

Accounts, 58, 976, 1939, 5127, 5870.

Acheby, Rog., p. 234.

Acheverell (Sacheverell ?), Sir Ric., 2538 (7).

Achmet, Pasha, 296.

Achurche, Northt., p. 673 note.

Acquapendente (Italy), 3090.

Acres, Hen., g. 961 (23), g. 6072 (5).
-, -, Rob., g. 5243 (27).

Acton, Cheshire, g. 6490 (23).

Acton, Middx., 969 (4).

Acton, Griffin, g. 5624 (18).
-, -, John, g. 2673 (7), 6136.
-, -, Margery, g. 4313 (5).
-, -, Ric., 1577 (12).
-, -, Rob., g. 137 (13), 1939 (8), g. 2002 (12), g. 2218 (2), g. 4313 (5), g. 4801 (17), 6043 (2) ii., p. 2691.
-, -, Wm., g. 5624 (18).

Acworth or Akworth, Geo., g. 137 (14), p. 237, g. 1610 (11), g. 5510 (und.), 6043 (2) i., g. 6135 (16), g. 6490 (20 Bedf.), g. 6751 (24).

Adam, P. de Villiers Lyle. See Lisle Adam.

Adam, Wm., g. 2927 (8).
-, -, Dr., 6288.

Adams or Adames, Lady, p. 154.
-, -, Eliz., g. 2673 (27), 5508 (2).
-, -, Jas., g. 2673 (27), 5508 (2).
-, -, Jenett, g. 2673 (27), 5508 (2).
-, -, John, g. 4124 (23).
-, -, Ric., g. 2002 (16).
-, -, Th., g. 2002 (16).
-, -, Wm., 1939 (8).

Adda, the river, (in Italy,) 295, 1575, 1748, 1771, 2273 (2.), 2278, 2288, 2298, 2640, 2685, 5524, 5767.

Addington, Kent, g. 6363 (1).
-, -, Surr., g. 1533 (12).

Addington, Kath., 369.
-, -, Th., 369, 5330 ii.

Addlame or Adlam, Geo., 5508 (2), g. 6418 (6).

Adenbrough, Notts., g. 1136 (1).

Adington, Ralph, g. 4896 (28).

Adlam. See Addlame.

Adlard, Sir Edw., 1091.
-, -, Ric., 1091.

Adlingflete, York, g. 4313 (22).

Adlington, 6075.

Adlyngton, Hugh, 2130.

Admiral of England, &c., 1077, 1101, 1500, 1576, 4800.
-, -, Vice, 4800.
-, -, of Flanders, France, &c. See under respective countries.

Admiralty, Court of, 167, 3612.

Adorno, Antonioto, 2764 ii.
-, -, -, letter from, 566.

Adria (Atri), in Italy, 3947, 3949.
-, -, letters dated at, 3934–5.

Adrian VI., Pope, 8, 14, 49, 500, 654, 840, 1061 iii., p. 477, 1430, 2685, 3332, 4444 (1, 2), 4977, 6362, 6767, 6770.
-, -, sec. of, 5656, 6008.

Adrian, Bowen, 6793.
-, - (Adryan), Mons. Viscount, 2656.

Adrianople (Drianopol), 2021, 2190, 2566.

Adriatic, the, 680, 711, 5633, 6422.

Adryan Bosse, (a ship,) 85.

Adynbrowth. See Edinburgh.

Adyngson, Th., 1227.

Ægidius, card. See Viterbo.

Æmilia, 3023.

Æmilius, Don. See Cauriana.

Affalley, John, 1939 (9).

Africa, 2719, 2986.

Agabellet, Mount, 6633.

Agard, Arth., 6130.
-, -, Th., g. 3087 (und.)
-, - See Hagard.

Agasson, Pont, 6375.

Agbrige Morley, Yorks., 969 (2.)

Aggeus, Dr. Augustinus, 1746.

Agias, Bassa, 5544.

Aglionby or Aglyonby, Edw., 482, 6043 (2) ii. p. 2691.
-, -, Th., 6747 (14).

Agmondesham, Bucks, g. 2761 (15), 4235.

Agmondesham, Edm., g. 2065 (18).
-, -, John, g. 2065 (18).

Agramonte, card. of, 6700.

Agria, bishop of, 2795.

Aguilera, _, Portuguese ambassador at Rome, 2670.

Agyngworth, Ric., 5102 (2).

Ainsbye, Th., 1965.

Ainstey, deanery of, York dioc., 970.

Aire, in Artois, 4026.

Aire, Mons. de, 3880, 3882.

Aire, Arth., g. 6248 (25).

Aishby, Th., p. 150.

Aishfeld, Norf., 367.

Aishwell. See Ashwell.

Aix (Eese), in Provence, 503, 519, 552, 566, 568, 570, 606, 675, 780.

Aix-la-Chapelle, 747, 1861.

Akenham, Suff., 5076.

Akeris, Master, 1590.

Akerston or Akyrston, R., priest, 4511, 4650, 4714, 5078, 5192, 5461, 5493, 5555, 5691–2.

Akschewe, lands called, in Bowcastle Dale, 1855.

Akworth. See Ackworth.

Akyrman. See Bedell, Eliz.

Alain. See Alen.

Alam, Ric., p. 238.

Alamani, Luigi, letter from, 6774.

Alarcon, Ferdinand de, 319, 732, 774, 776, 1178, 1219, 1405, 1557, 1932, 2135, 2163, 2197, 2638, 2827, 2832 iv., 2863, 3473, 3476, 3573, 3638, 3832, 3855, 4743, 5042, 6477.
-, -, (Alacron), Peter Ruiz de, 4535.

Alasco (a correspondent of Erasmus), 2953.

Alayn. See Alen.

Alba Regalis (Stuhlweissenburg) in Hungary, 2795.
-, -, letter dated at, 2621.
-, -, provost of, 2464.

Albany, John Stuart, duke of, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12 (2), 21, 43, 47, 52–3, 55, 59 (2), 60, 65, 67–8, 71, 73–5, 86 a., 90–2 (1, 2), 95–6, 98, 104, 108, 118, 133–4 (2), 137 a (2), 139 (2), 142, 144, 159, 164, 178, 199, 200, 207, 215 (2), 216, 219–20, 223 (2), 225 (2), 226, 230–1 (2), 232, 240 (2, 3), 241 (2), 242, 247, 251 (2), 253–4 (2), 255, 257 (2), 258 (2), 259 (2), 260 (2), 267 (2), 275, 278–80, 288–92, 306–8, 315, 341–2, 346–7, 364, 370–1, 382, 396–7, 405–7, 448, 453, 467, 473–4, 482, 486, 489, 491–2, 498 (2), 499, 524–5, 528, 535, 539, 549, 551, 556–7, 560, 562–3, 567, 571, 582, 584, 600–1, 613, 630–1, 656, 662, 665–6, 668, 670 ii., 672–4, 680, 687, 701, 707–8, 715, 726, 733, 754, 762, 764, 766–8, 773–4, 783, 789, 797, 803, 817, 836, 853–4, 865, 875, 883, 899, 900, 910–12, 916–17, 919, 924, 935, 937, 939, 943, 945, 981, 983, 992, 1002, 1009–10, 1012, 1015, 1017, 1026, 1029, 1034–5 ii., 1040, 1045–6, 1051, 1053–4, 1056, 1064, 1072, 1074, 1083, pp. 476–8, 1086, 1094, 1098, 1102, 1105 ?, 1108, 1111, 1113, 1126, 1129, 1131, 1164, 1168–70, 1175–6, 1178, 1193, 1197, 1213, 1219, 1224–5, 1231–3, 1242, 1245, 1273, 1282, 1355, 1365, 1396 (1, 2), 1446–7, 1449–51, 1457, 1461, 1463–4, 1486, 1525, 1531, 1578, 1637–8 (2), 1663 (6), 1665, 1725, 1763, 1878 (2), 1980, 2004, 2020, 2031 i. ii., 2100 (6), 2103, 2142, 2164, 2292, 2392, 2491, 2592, 2651, 2678, 2777, 2873–6, 3070, 3088, p. 1412, g. 3213 (18), 3252, 3704–5, 3714, 3773–6, 3778, 3791, 3794, 3805, 3816 (1), 3924 (1–4), 4091, 4101, 4105, 4113, 4116, 4205, 4700, 4736, 4738–9, 4760, 4776, 4904, 4978, 5044, 5087, 5182, 5256–8, 5289, 5340, 5363, 5452, 5531, 5605, pp. 2558–9, 5789, 5865, 5885, 5955, 5982, 6002, 6073, 6175, 6375, 6593, 6606, 6633, 6675, 6712, 6715, 6724, 6729, 6741, 6758, 6765, 6769, 6777–8, App. 77, 127–8, 158, 239.
-, -, -, letters from, 3, 21, 52, 67, 90–2, 104, 137 a. (2), 138 (2), 139 (2), 159, 199, 200, 225 (2), 226, 230, 240 (2, 3), 241 (2), 247, 257 (2), 259 (2), 288, 300, 306, 347, 453, 467, 899, 900, 916, 1094, 1446–7, 1449–50, 1638 (2), 2491, 3714, 5256–7, 6777.
-, -, -, instructions from, 242, 258 (2), 2539, 5258.
-, -, -, letters to, 12 (2), 59 (2), 95, 118 (2), 134, 164, 178, 215 (2), 231 (2), 232 (2), 254 (2), 258 (2), 292, 307, 670 ii., 919, 1051, 1105 (?), 3070, 3088, 3778, 4091, 4113, 5531, 6175.
-, -, -, "purcevant and poticary of," 133.
-, -, -, his brother. See Stuart, Alex.
-, -, -, his factor at Rome, 939.
-, -, -, his clerk, hand of, 1447.
-, -, -, agreement between Margaret and, 260 (2).
-, -, -, his lacquay, 670 ii.
-, -, -, see. of, 407, 854, 1451, 1457, 1463, 4091. See Hay, George: Byon, Girard.
-, -, -, servants of, 935.
-, -, -, his kinswoman, 943.
-, -, -, his niece, 3088.
-, -, -, his relative, the niece of the duke of Urbino, 3714.
-, -, -, his man at Rome, 5546.
-, -, -, his duchess, 71, 134 (2), p. 478.
-, -, -, -, letter to, 67.

Albene, Ric., 4440.

Albert, Ric., p. 986.

Albert, Rob., g. 390 (11).

Albert, king of Hungary, 3068.

Albertus, M., 6251.

Albizi or Albici, Antonio Francesco, 3329, 3578.

Alborne, vicar of, 6325.
-, -, Wilts, g. 6418 (10).

Albret (Delabret), 1938 ii.

Albret, Hen. D., 1735 (2), 2834, 6020.

Albrough, Chr., g. 2132 (28), g. 6751 (11).

Alburbury, Salop, g. 6600 (8).

Alcala (Complutensis), 6548, 6596, 6629.
-, -, Egidius, rector of the university of, 6629.

Alcantara, comendador of, 2986.

Alcester. See Alencester.

Alceter, Rob., 248.

Alclyff, Lanc., 958 (2).

Alcok, Th., 6022 i.

Alcoke, Lyvyus, p. 238.

Aldburgh in Richmond, York, 6381.

Alde, Sir John, 1429.

Aldeburgh or Aldborough, Suff., 1833–4 (2), 2024, g. 2065 (17), g. 2132 (und.), 4677, 5076, 5101, g. 6803 (21), App. 17 (1, 2).
-, -, inhabitants of, letter from, App. 271.
-, -, vicar of, 4778.

Aldeforde, 3139, g. 3142 (30).

Aldekar, Wm., g. 2447 (21).

Aldeley. See Audley.

Aldenburgh (Altenberg, Saxony), letter dated at, 301.

Aldebury. See New Place.

Alder, Wm., 5085.

Alderburie, Berks, 1913 (1).

Alderbury, Wilts, p. 1700.

Alderley, Cheshire, 3139, g. 3142 (30).
-, -, Glouc., g. 5510 (7).

Alderton, Suff., 5076.

Alderton (Aldirton) ch., Norwich dioc., 5808–9.

Alderwyke, John, p. 1699.

Aldewarke, Yorks., 2474.

Aldewike, 2474.

Aldingbourne, Sussex, letters dated at, 1708, 5465, 5986 ii.

Aldridge, Rob., 1142, 4692.
-, -, -, letters to, 1840, 2984, 3377.

Aldryche, Th., p. 238.

Aldus, printer, 6192.

Aldwyncle, Northt., 4442 (5.)

Aleander, Jerome, abp. of Brindisi, 1102, 6145, 6149–50, 6156, 6159–60, 6165, 6173–4, 6193–4, 6229, 6235–6, 6238, 6310, 6445, 6581.
-, -, -, letters to, 1102, 6145, 6160.

Alec. See Lee.

Alemand (Almaine), Jehan L', sieur de Bouclans, 173, 262, 458, 578, 1132–3, p. 611, 1379, 1485, 1488, 1557, 1569, 1799, 1824, 1928, 1963, 1973, 2095–6–7, 2112–13, 2175, p. 1103, 2489, 2493, 2585, 2602, 2682, 2828 (2), 2864–5, 2883, 2943, 2948, p. 1320, 2950, 2987–8, 3026, 3028, 3040, 3047–8, 3051, 3055 ii., 3130, 3152 (1, 2), 3153, 3181, 3207, 3263, 3270–2, 3284, 3286–7, 3290, 3319, 3322, 3374, 3411, 3412 (2), 3413, p. 1550, 3454, 3513–14, 3518, 3522, 3531, 3585–6, 3597, 3690, 3800, 3826, 3940, 4110, 4391, 4515, 4564, 4637, 4787, 4802, 4825, 4849, 4852, 4909–10, 4947, 4977, 5039, 5041, 5062, 5208, 5277, 5279, 5307, 5374, 5469, 5473, 5863, App. 86, 124, 127, 129, 177.
-, -, -, instructions to, 4110.
-, -, -, letters from, 1133, 2489, 2693.
-, -, -, sig. of, 478l.

Alen, Aleyn, Alyn, Allen, &c., Mr., 5809, p. 3065.
-, -, Felix ab, 2823.
-, -, Hen., g. 3622 (28).
-, -, Jas., g. 390 (4).
-, -, John, p. 238, 4220.

Alen, Sir John, mayor of London, 294, 327, 366, 388 (2, 3, 9), p. 233, 969 (4), 1794, 1829, 1945 (6), 3536 (3), 3798 (2), 4354, 4997, g. 5083 (3, 11), 5542, 5901–2, 5904, g. 6072 (13), 6137, 6516 (1), 6598 (1), 6748 (15.)
-, -, -, his sig., 4997.

Alen, John, L.L.D., Wolsey's commissary, afterwards abp. of Dublin, p. 153, 964 (2), 1001, 1063, 1137, 1939 (10), 1962, 2217 (2) ii., 3140, 3216, 3277, 3305, 3307, 3340, 3360, 6748 (11), 4647, 4757–8, 4942, 5392, 5589, 5625–6, 5933, 6035 (2), 6097, 6748 (11.)
-, -, -, letters from, 5625–6.
-, -, -, his sig., 5392.

Alen, Ralph, g. 1610 (12), 3014, 4912.
-, -, Rob., g. 3622 (28).
-, -, Stephen, p. 989.
-, -, Th., g. 297 (und.), g. 1533 (26), 1939 (8), p. 988, g. 2599 (8, 26), g. 4313 (11, 14), 5330, g. 6751 (3).
-, -, -, of Bayleigh, 5330 ii.

Alen or Alain, Th., of the Court, 5330 ii.
-, -, Wm., 1227, g. 1610 (12), g. 3747 (6).

Alencester, Warw., g. 2132 (11).
-, -, abbot of, p. 2700.

Alençon, 57.

Alençon, chancellor of. See Brinon.

Alençon, duke d', 773, 1365, 1464, 1963.

Alençon, Margaret of Valois, duchess of, afterwards queen of Navarre, 1102, 1322, p. 589, 1341, 1378, p. 615, 1413, 1464, 1484–5, 1489, 1522, 1532, 1537, 1555, 1557–9, 1563, 1569, 1573, 1583–4, 1589, 1595, 1626–8, 1643, 1655, 1658, 1702, 1705, 1709, 1734–5, 1748, 1767, 1770, 1775, 1797, 1811, 1815, 1824, 1837, 1850, 1880, 1901, 1916, 1938, 2039, 2068, 2092, 2774, 3114, 3374. See also Navarre, queen of.
-, -, -, letters from, 1658, 1886.
-, -, -, letter to, 1797.

Alençon, president of, 1495.

Alessandria, or Alexandria, in Italy, 180, 319, 352, 357–8, 376, 410, 732, 760, 776, 786, 996, 1065, 1072, 1946, 1957, 2219, 2244, 2294, 2304, 2465, 3405, 3441–2, 3499, 3526, 3784, 4369, 5008, 5013, 5061, 5291, g. 5510 (und.), 6026, App. 232.
-, -, bishop of, 2352.

Alexander (English courier to Rome, &c.), 5481, 5519, 5530, 5576, 5595, 5606, 5707, 6355, 6393, 6522, 6526, 6539, 6637, p. 3021.
-, -, Mr., at Rome, 6319.
-, -, Nich., letter from, 5950.

Alexander, Sir, 2935.

Alexander, or Assa, a Turk, 1061 iii.

Alexander VI., Pope, p. 524, 3021, 5151–2, 5773 (3), 6250, 6362, 6655.

Alexandreston, S. Wales, g. 4313 (8).

Alexandria in Egypt, 263.

Aley (? à Ley), Rob., 6043 (2. ii.) App. 252 ii. See Lee.

Aleyn. See Alen.

Alferston, or Bigoodes, Essex, g. 5510 (20).

Alford or Alforde, Ric., 248.
-, -, Rob., g. 5815 (12).
-, -, Th., g. 2599 (1), 3649. See also Alverd.
-, -, Walt., g. 1136 (1).

Alger, Dr. Wm., App. 100.

Alington, Kent, g. 4313 (9).
-, -, Notts, 3819 (1).
-, -, Wilts, 3665 (3).

Alington, Giles, g. 137 (10), p. 155, p. 237, g. 1136 (11), g. 1377 (16), 2672, g. 3324 (3), 3581, 4194, g. 6490 (20 Cam. C.) 6598, 6721.
-, -, Sir Giles, 6043 (2) i.
-, -, John, g. 1377 (16).

Alisholte, Hants, g. 1676 (12).

Alkeborowe, 692.

Alkynes, castle of, in Artois, 475, 480.

Alkington, 4554.

Allanhaugh, 6274.

Allanson, Rob., p. 237.

Allaredo, 1296–7.

Allasterella, 1099.

Alle, Fransses, 6133.

Allen. See Alen.

Allendells, the, (Border family,) 4336 (3).

Allenton, 132.

Allerton, 2527.
-, -, (Ollerton ?) Notts, g. 464 (14), 3544.
-, -, (Allnerton,) Soms., g. 5510 (und.)

Allerton, Rob., p. 153.

Allesley, App. 1.

Alleyn. See Alen.

Alloa, 506.

Allott. See Alott.

Almain. See Germany.

Almaine, John. See Alemand.

Almain, John, g. 3747 (16), 5330 i.

Alman, Rob., p. 155.

Almains. See Germans.

Almar or Almer, John, 1939 (9), 2811.
-, -, Wm., 1939 (9), g. 5906 (2, 20).

Almazan, Miguel Perez de, secretary to Ferdinand of Arragon, 6655.

Almesbury. See Amesbury.

Almingham. See Alvingham.

Almoner, Dr. Taite, 5806 ii.
-, -, the King's. See Lee, Edw.
-, -, the Queen's, 5865–6–7.

Allnerton, Soms. See Allerton.

Alnethley. See Alvethley.

Alnwick, or Alnwick castle, 278, 281, 329, 903, 3777, 4020, 4336, 4603, 4698, 4913, 4925, 5055.
-, -, letters dated at, 3689, 3762, 3795–7, 3816, 3849–50, 3914, 3967, 4132–3, 4203, 4234, 4674, 4882, 4940, 4957, 5497.
-, -, constable of, 4116.

Alnyskotte, 3120.

Alott or Allott, Nich., g. 3213 (5, 22 bis).

Alow, John, 2751, 4800, App. p. 3109.

Aloyn, dominus de. See Chomyns, baron in.

Alpando, in Spain?, 2914.

Alps, the, 319, 392, 411, 416, 438–9, 2027, 2465, 2657, 3077 iii. 6106.

Alresford, deanery of, 971.

Alrethley. See Alvethley.

Alrington, Soms., g. 5510 (und.)

Alsace, 1383.

Alsau (?), in Germany, castle of, 3257.

Alsop, And., g. 3540 (18).

Alstretton, Salop, g. 1736 (20).

Altenberg, Saxony, 301.

Alternon.? See Alwerton.

Althevine, bishop of, 1326.

Alton, Hants, 2428, 4199, g. 5083.
-, - (Aweltone), deanery of, 971.

Alton Estbroke, g. 1676 (12).

Alton Priors, Wilts, 3665 (3).

Alton Westbroke, g. 1676 (12), g. 2218 (14).

Alva, Duke of, p. 1102, 3151, 4852, App. 158.

Alvard. See Alverd.

Alvarez, Hernan d', 6655.

Alveley. See Alvethley.

Alverd, Alward, Alvard, or Alford:
-, -, Thos., a servant of Wolsey, g. 297 (und.), 737, 1944, 2321 (2), 3539, 4229 (2, 3), 4461, 4778, 4793, 5024, 5516 (3), p. 2767, 6225, g. 6301 (20), 6447, g. 6709 (17 bis), 6748 (5, 7, 9, 11), g. 6803 (21). App. 238.
-, -, -, letters from, 4793, 5953.
-, -, -, his sig., 4229 (3).
-, -, -, his father, 4793.
-, - See Alford.

Alvethley, (Alnethley &c., now Aveley ?) Essex, 1913 (2), 1965, 2167 (3), 2217 (2. xii), 4473, 5115.

Alveton, Staff., deanery of, 971.

Alvingham (Almingham), prior of, p. 2698.

Alward. See Alverd.

Alwerton, Cornw., g. 4993 (17).

Alwey, John, 1217 (2).

Alworth ch., 686.

Alworthbury, Wilts, g. 2362 (21).

Alybone, John, p. 987.

Alysandre, Th., p. 150.

Alysaunder, Paul, 5378.

Amadas or Amades, John, p. 233, g. 2761 (15), g. 6187 (3).

Amadas, Rob., g. 464 (23), 643, 695, 955 (1), 966, 1662, 1907 (2), 2114, 2686, 3452, 3867 (2), 5114, 5341, 5378, 5847, 6204, 6447, g. 6600 (7, 18 bis), 6648–9, 6748 (5, 7, 9, 15), 6771. App. 245.
-, -, -, letter from, App. 245.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1907 (2).

Amasæus, Romulus, 1607, 4435, 4756, 5224.
-, -, letters to, 4405, 4756, 5224.

Amatrice (Matrys), in Abruzzo, 1165, 4996, 5042, 5157, 5205, 5295, 5315, 5344, 5348, 5380.

Amboise, 1938 ii., 1999, 2393, 2410, 5482, 5572, 5587, 5597.
-, -, letters dated at, 2350–1, 2369, 2410–1, 2416, 2461, 2481–2, 5513–14, 5536, 5658.

Ambra, lord, 5705.

Ambrahi, Bassa, 5544.

Ambresbury. See Amesbury.

Ambrose, _, usher to the D. of Richmond, 1954.
-, -, John, 2697.
-, -, Rob., g. 137 (15).
-, - or Ambrosius, father or friar, 1748, 6581 (3), 6644, 6659, 6669–70, 6689, 6702, 6728.

D'Ambrun. See Embrun.

Ambstetten, letters dated at, 824–5.

Ameas. See Amyas.

Amers, Hen., p. 988.

Amersham, Bucks, g. 2362 (4), 4218.

Amesbury (Ambresbury), g. 2362 (21).
-, -, deanery of, 971.
-, -, Wilts, 3665 (3).
-, -, abbess of, 3538 ii., 3665 (3).

Amfles, Rob., g. 464 (27).

Amfordshoo, Northt., 3587 (5).

Amicable Grant, 1200, 1318, 1567, App. 34.

Amiens (Amyas), 564, 1275, 1464, 1531, 1602 (3), 1740, 1783, 1818, 3215, 3225, 3244, 3247, 3268, 3279, 3309–10, 3317, 3337, 3339, 3352, 3366, 3451, 3557, 4642, 4750, 5515, 5597, 5742, 5894, 6018, App. 125, 182.
-, -, letters dated at, 3337 (1), 3340, 3343, 3350–1, 3353, 3356 (1, 8), 3357, 3365, 3368–9, 3381, p. 1535 note, 3450, 3554, App, 115–6.
-, -, bailly of, 5862, 6227.
-, -, bishop of, 3169 ?, 3171.

Amlogh, N. Wales, 973.

Amoundrenes, Lanc., 235.

Amphilochius, 6229, 6239, 6250.

Ampthill, Beds., g. 787 (18), 1309, p. 797, 1799, g. 2065 (20, 28), g. 2132 (28), g. 2218 (11), 2407 (2), g. 2540 (26, 29), 2592, g. 2599 (4), 4367, 4449, 4486, 4488, 4507, 4703, 4717, g. 6709 (10), 6777.
-, -, letters dated at, 722–3, 736, 1032, 2518–19, 2534, 2536, 2541, 2558, g. 3008 (20), 4508, 4538, 4546, 4556, 4604, 4606, (Amptonhyll) 6603.

Ampthill, bailiff of, 2534.
-, - ch., Linc. dioc., g. 4687 (8).

Amsterdam (Hamsterdam), 4147, g. 6248 (7).

Amyas, Ameas, or Amys, Alice, g. 6751 (22).
-, -, John, 1939 (8), 1941, p. 1332, g. 6751 (22).
-, -, Pet., g. 612 (12).
-, -, Raiph, priest, 5330 vi.
-, -, Rob., g. 6751 (22).
-, -, Th., g. 612 (12), 1577 (12), 1577 (12), 1941.
-, -, Wm., g. 612 (12), 2608.

Amyes, _, 3380 (10).

Anabaptists, 3983.

Anagui, 2733, 3947.

Ancerous, wine of, 2925.

Ancketill, Wm., p. 233.

Ancona, 2814 (5), 2999, 3266, 3476, 4352, 4905, 6021, 6408, 6595.
-, -, letters dated at, 3855, 4130.
-, -, march of, 2782.

Ancona, Peter card. of, 511, 568, 899, 916, p. 437, 1356, 1449–50–1, 2199, 3402, 3908, p. 1742, 4113, 4130, p. 1821, p. 1874, 4289–90, 5529, 5572, 5576, 5656–7, 5764, 5827, 5854, 5909, 6074, 6095, 6158, 6362, 6408, 6610, 6626–7, 6661, 6700, p. 3022, 6715, 6765.
-, -, -, letters to, 1356, 1451, 3908.

Ancrum, in Scotland, 6274.

Ancyer, Simon Gantyrt sire d', 786.

Ancyra (Aciram), council of, 6174, 6194.

Andalusia, 735, 3870, 4400, 4851, 5484, g. 6654 (1).
-, -, English merchants in, 6640.

Anderson, Hen., g. 3087 (und.), 6043 (2) ii., p. 2691, App. 17 (2).
-, -, John, 3380 (1).
-, -, Wm., 3248–9.

Andersons, the, Border family, 4336 (2).

Andover, Hants, 367, 2527, 5100.
-, -, deanery of, 971.

André, Don, App. 59.

André, Bernard, 626.

Andrea, _, sent by the Emperor as proctor to the Pope for Q. Katharine, 6661.

Andrea, Steph. de, 3432.

Andreacius, Geo., 6101.

Andrewes, land called, Shoreham, Kent, 4295.

Andrew, Androwe, or Andrews:
-, -, _, 462.
-, -, (servant of Ghinucci,) 5621, 5940, 6189, 6205, 6318.
-, -, (Androwes,) Humph., 1577 (12).
-, -, John, p. 82, g. 3991 (6), 4287, 4693–4.
-, -, Ralph, g. 1298 (und.)
-, -, Ric., p. 82, p. 235, g. 895 (12), g. 2002 (11), g. 2362 (6), g. 3213 (26), 4194, 5508 (2), g. 6038 (2), g. 6490 (20 Win.), 6516 (1), 6598 (2).
-, -, Th., p. 986, 3331.
-, -, Wm., 3005.

Androsone, Clement, App. 77.

Anel. See O'Neil.

Angela, Signora, 6769.

Angell, wine of, 5746.

Angell, general of the Cordeliers. See Quignones.

Angell, John, 1778.

Angelo, prophecy of a Pope to be so named, 4977, 5014, 5237.

Angelo, Dr. Antonius ab, 6745.

Angely, abbey of S. Jean d', 6244.

Angers, 1531, 6389.
-, -, instruments dated at, 6370 ii. iii.
-, -, University of, 6370–1, 6442, App. 260.

Anghiaro, 3071.

Anglesea, N. Wales, 973, g. 2673 (3), g. 4594 (14), 5288.
-, -, archdeacon and archdeaconry of, 211, 5533, p. 2701.
-, -, prior of, p. 989.
-, -, John prior of, p. 2699.
-, -, sheriff of, g. 2839 (12).

Angoulême, p. 860, 2309.
-, -, letters dated at, 2224, 2234, 2243, 2254,–7, 2265, 2267, 6358, 6370 i., 6389, 6393, 6526–7.

Angoulême, duchess of. See Louise of Savoy.

Angoulême, duke of, 3430, p. 1619, 5675, App. 130.

Anguien. See Enghien.

Anguillara, count of, 6483.

Angus, in Scotland, 4817.

Angus, Archibald Douglas earl of, 253, 260, 289, 315, 372, 469, 473–4, 485–6, 489–90, 491 (2), 492, 498 (2), 499, 506, 516–17, 523, 525, 528, 530,–2, 534–5, 549, 557, 562–3, 571, 573, 576, 578, 582, 597–8–9, 600, 615, 637, 651, 656–7, 662–3, 666, 668, 670 ii., 672,–4, 687, 701, 703–4, 707, 713,–15, 726,–9, 733, 739, 745–6, 750, 762–3, 766,–8, 783, 792, 797, 800–1, 803–4, 817–18, 822, 830, 835, 854, 865, 870 ii., 876, 878–9, 882, 889, 927–8, 935, 943, 945, 983, 1004, 1026, 1029–30, 1033,–5, 1040,–2, 1047, 1056–7, 1088, 1110,–11, 1113–14 (3), 1168, 1170, 1220,–22, 1224–5, 1259, 1273, 1289, 1342, 1372, 1394–5, 1427–8, 1438, 1445–6 ii. iv. (3), 1469, 1517, 1545, 1552, 1554, 1581, 1637, 1665, 1668, 1673, 1706, 1725–6, 1809–10, 1821, 1848–9, 1862 iii., 1870, 1873–4, 1878 (1, 2), 1893, 1908, 1910, 1912 ii., 1968 (2) iii., 1971, 1974, 1978–9, 1984, 2017, 2020, 2031 ii. (2), 2035, 2176, 2401, 2413–14, 2425, 2442, 2449, 2483, 2487, 2500, 2539, 2569, 2575, 2592–4, 2608, 2625, 2678, 2777, 2885, 2964–5, 2992–3, 3004, 3070, p. 1412, 3252, 3338, 3358, 3370, 3383, 3394, 3404 (2, 3), 3421, 3501, 3552, 3615, 3629 (3), 3653, 3685, 3704,–6, 3762, 3774, 3776–7, 3795,–7, 3849, 3914, 3924 (1, 4), 3967, 3972, 4014 i., 4020, 4102, 4105, 4113, 4115–16, 4130–1, 4133–4, 4151, 4186, 4298, 4323, 4349, 4411, 4457, 4505, 4531, 4541, 4546, 4622, 4674, 4701, 4709, 4716,–20, 4728 (1,2),–4731, 4747, 4764, 4781, 4812, 4817, 4830, 4851, 4859, 4882, 4892–3, 4922,–5, 4940, 4942, 4951,–3, 4957, 4963–4, 4969–70, 4973, 4986–7, 5044, 5070, 5086, 5253–4, 5289, 5565, p. 2558, 5844, 5886, 6071, 6077–8, 6305, 6779, App. 77, 97, 128, 204.
-, -, letters from, 315, 469, 531, 792, 878–9, 928, 983, 1033, 1040, 1168, 1394–5, 1554, 1581, 1848–9, 1874, 1912 ii., 2031 i., 2413, 2487, 2592, 2594, 2625, 2965, 3004, 3338, 3358, 3545–6, 3615, 3704,–6, 3774, 3776–7, 4105, 4115–16, 4298, 4717,–19, 4729,–31, 4812, 4922–3, 5565.
-, -, letters to, 801, 808, 927, 945, 1057, 1427, 2031 ii., 2401, 3762, 3797, 3924 (4), 3972, 4014 i.
-, -, sig. of, 707, 1726, 1878 (2).
-, -, -, as chancellor of Scotland, 3004.
-, -, commission to, 1668, 1870.
-, -, his divorce from Margaret, 4130–1.
-, -, his servant (in England), 4546.
-, -, his sec., 4701.
-, -, his brothers. See Douglas, Geo. and Wm.
-, -, his uncle. See Douglas, Archibald.
-, -, his daughter. See Douglas, Margt.

Angus, George master of, letter from, 1047.

Angy, Rob. d', 6526.

Anhalt, Wolfgang prince of, 6773.

Anjou, 1301 (1), 2988, 3041 (2).

Anjou, Lewis duke of, and his wife, 1735.

Anlaby, Edm., 2374.
-, -, John, g. 2291 (26), 5102 (2).

Anne [of Britanny] queen of France, 1963.

Anne, queen of Ferdinand I. of Hungary, 6142.

Annerdaill, 3404 (3).

Annesley or Ansley, _, App. 1.
-, -, Brian, g. 4231 (23).
-, -, Hen., 1939 (8, 10).
-, -, Hugh, 1939 (8).
-, -, Th., g. 6751 (3).

Annet, in Normandy, 5185, App. 159.
-, -, letter dated at, App. 161.

"Annibal, Gr.," LL.D., sig. of, App. 266 (3).

Annoyll, Madog ap Hewe Lloit ap D'd, g. 3540 (12).

Anscelm, Ric., 1757 (2), 1804, 1829.

Anselm, abp. of Canterbury, temp. Hen. I., 5773 (9).

Anshelmus, _, 6463.

Ansley. See Annesley.

Anslo, in Norway, 4166.

Anstye, Joan, 4029 (1).

Antell, John, 1939 (8).
-, -, Ric., 929.

Anthedon, in Palestine, bishopric of, p. 2311.

Anthony, Ant., g. 6654 (20).
-, -, Th., g. 4896 (6).

Antiboes in Provence, 466, 494–5, 552 ii.

Antivari (Antynary), 3432.

Antolio. See Brinon, John.

Antoninus, John, letter to, 5661.

Antony, _, p. 2863, 6502, 6786, g. 6803 (16).
-, -, Frank, 167.

Antwerp (Anvers), 17, 141, 158, 167, 243, 249–50, 268, 285, 287, 372, 433, 456, 590, 765, 923, 1122, 1186, 1320, 1415, 1455, 1549, 1647, 1654, 1721–2, 1737, 1789, 1794, 1861, g. 1945 (8), 1963, 1969, 1987, 2005, 2025, 2143, 2161, 2171, 2305, 2466, 2485, 2492, 2530, 2569, 2590, 2702, 2721, 2797–8, 2903–4, 3054, 3132, 3207, 3262, 3582, 3608, 3958, 4024, 4073, 4147, 4244, 4361, 4378, 4432, 4511, 4580, 4639, 4662 (4, 7), 4714, 4826–7, 5078, 5171, 5214, 5231, 5461–2, 5483, 5665, 5743 ii., g. 6187 (24), 6429, 6695, 6786, App. 177.
-, -, letters dated at, 243, 249–50, 268, 285, 287, 372, 433, 1186, 1721–2, 1963, 1987, 2005, 2485, 2492, 2547, 2652, 2677, 2778, 3433, 3885, 4478, 4613, 4638, 4693, 4694, 4826, 4884, 5459, 5826, 5860, 6010, 6036, 6744, 6754, App. 78.
-, -, deanery of, 6152.
-, -, the mint at, 1699.
-, -, mart at, 4638, 4662 (7), 5094.
-, -, news from, 6021.
-, -, Austin friar at, 1549.
-, -, burgomasters and pensionaries of, 141, 158, 1687, 4714.
-, -, governor of, 5078, 5860.
-, -, merchants of, 5599.
-, -, merchant adventurers at, 5632.
-, -, scowtet of, 5493, 5691–2.
-, -, lieut. of the governor of the English nation at, 5436.
-, -, lords of, 4746, 5461.

Antwerp, margrave or marquis of, 2903, 3132, 4569, 4650, 4693, 4694, 5461, 5493, 5555, 5691–2.

Anworth. See Hanworth.

Anzese, 6375 (2, 3).

Anzola, 6375.

Aparre. See Parre.

Anzetium, 6375.

Apee, Rob., p. 234.

Apelldore. See Appledore.

Apennines, the, 3077 i.

Aperdo, Camille, 5295.

Aperton (Middx.), 969 (4).

Apesthorpe, prebendary of, York dioc., 970.

Apeynon, W., g. 5624 (10). See also Eynon.

Ap Harry. See Harry and Parre.

Aphowell. See Apowell.

Aplyard. See Applyard.

"Apollinarius, 6192, 6229.

"Apologies to the Pope's Breves" &c., printed in Spain, 2986.

Apostolic Chamber, auditor of the, 5003. See Ghinucci.
-, -, -, dean of the, 4237, 5011.
-, -, -, notary of the, 4535.
-, - nuncio at the camp, 4222.
-, - Chancery, 6148.

Apowel, Powell, Appowel, Appoel or Aphowell:
-, -, Adam, p. 2692.
-, -, Chr., g. 4594.
-, -, Dav., 293, g. 3991 (15), 5109.
-, -, Hugh, 1939 (8.).
-, -, John, 2130, g. 2599 (5), 3154 (1, 2), g. 3471 (27), 5622–3.
-, -, Lewis, p. 794.
-, -, T., p. 342.
-, -, Th., 3759.

App Guilliam, Th., g. 6072 (11).

Appil, -, 540.

Appisley, Nich., g. 5336 (11).

Appleby, Westmor., 3552, g. 4445 (20), 5906 (4), p. 2691, g. 6490 (28).
-, -, Linc., g. 1676 (14).

Appleby, _, 803, 812, 814, 1568, 5886.
-, -, _, daughter of, 4442 (1).
-, -, Ant., 1942 (1), 5364.
-, -, -, letter from, 272.
-, -, Chr., g. 6600 (11).
-, -, Th., g. 2132 (20).
-, -, Vincent, 1942 (1).

Appledore, Apuldre, g. 1377 (27), 3926, 4501.

Applesthorpe, Notts., 35.
-, - See Apesthorpe.

Applyard, Aplyard, _, 3005.
-, -, Rob., 266, App. 247.
-, -, Rog., p. 236.

Appowel. See Apowell.

Appulby. See Appleby.

Appuldurcome, I. of Wight, 5293 (1, 2).

Appulrugge, Glouc., g. 1377 (17).

Appysham, Devon, 6652.

Apremont, _, 1021.
-, -, Baron de. See Chabot, Ph.

Aprice. See Rice, Ap.

Apuglia (La Poille, &c.), 64, 1165, 3898, 3970, 3995–6, 4086, 4107, 4177, 4352, 4836, 4905, 4932, 4996, 5139, 5261, 5325, 5380, 5386, 5479, 5524, 5592 ii., 5606, 5633, 5708, 5779, 5858, 6149, 6159, p. 2756.

Apulby. See Appleby.

Apylston, John, 1939 (8).

Aquila (Laquila), 2870, 2919, 3830, 3855, 3934, 3949, 4663, 4776, 5142, 5147, 5157, 5194, 5222, 5228, p. 2305, 5234, 5261, 5295, 5315, 5325, 5344, 5380, 5848, 6375 (3).

Aquila, bishop of, 5142.
-, -, count of, 5147, 5222, p. 2305.
-, -, viceroy of, 3947, 5142.
-, -, patriarch of, 6101.

Aquitaine, 1500, 1938 ii., 4049.

Aracœli, Chr., card., 478, 2510, 3114, 3465, 3802.
-, -, -, letters from, 478, 3465.

Aragona, Nicholaus de, auditor of the Pope's palace, 6284.

Aragusia. See Ragusa.

Aranea, duke of, 3605.

Aras, John, g. 6709 (15).

Arassa, Ochoa de, 3648.

Araviano, g. 6418 (28).

Arbresle, l', 6375.

Arbroath. See also Aberbrothok.

Arbroath, abbot of, 253, 665, 935, 947, 1545, 1665, 2678, 5289.

Arch, Luke de la, g. 1676 (und.)

Archangelus, a Carmelite, &c., 6251.

Archbold, Nich., 1939 (10).
-, -, Wm., his son, 4870.

Archdeaconries, 971.

Archepole or Archpol, _, a Scot, 6004.

Archer, Hen., g. 4687 (12).
-, -, John, jun. and sen., g. 4313 (8).
-, -, Ric., g. 4313 (8).

Arches, Court of, 6045.
-, -, -, proctor of the, g. 3213 (18), 4041.
-, -, -, dean of the, 5732, 5866–7.

Archier, Reynolde, p. 154.

Archwhedlok in Ughalet, lo. of Denbigh, g. 6490 (3).

Arcon, captain. See Alarcon.

Ardaghe, Pat., 558.

Ardara (Erdara, Dardare, &c.), Mich. de, 1454, 3240, 3823, 4382, 5287.
-, -, Peter de, 3240, 3823, 4382, 5287.

Ardarn. See Ardern.

Ardayne, 17.
-, -, abbey of St. Hubert in, 1465.

Arde or Ardres, in France, 271, 380, 442, 1093, 1160, 1525–6, 1932, 2675, pp. 1397–8, 3449, 3466 (2), p. 1605, 3894, 4026, 4384, 5215–16, 5453, 6720, App. 80.

Ardeley or Ardeleghe, Essex, 1833 (3), 4001 (2), 4175 (3).

Arden, 971.

Arderagium, 1064.

Ardern (Ardarn), Hen., groom of the Chamber, 1939 (8).
-, -, John, p. 83, 437, 451 ii., 461, p. 236, g. 2218 (15).
-, -, Rob., 461.

Arderne or Ardurne, Th., 1939 (8), g. 5243 (28), 6124, g. 6301 (10).

Ardeus or Arduus, Simon. See Simonetus.

Ardington, Berks, 4471.

Ardizon. See Ardyson.

Ardudwy, N. Wales, 973.

Ardurne. See Ardern.

Arduus, Fr. Sim. See Simonetus.

Ardyngton, _, 2330.

Ardyson or Ardizon, Geo., 1965, 4918.

Areley Kyngys, g. 3540 (18).

Arena, in Italy, 4196.

Arescole, John, g. 2291 (26).

Areti, Hormann de, g. 5815 (13).

Aretinus, Carolus Bacchius, 5003.

Aretio, Paulo de, 2651, 2705, 3113.

Arezzo, 5848.

Argall, Th., 5589, 5989.

Argentina. See Strasburg.

Argyle, Dav. Hamilton, bishop of, 499.
-, -, bishop of, 1056, 1273.

Argyle, Colin Campbell earl of, 43, 557, 613, 670 ii., 715, 762, 804, 836, 854, 1004, 1029–30, 1033–4, 1041, 1114 (2), 1170, 1174, 1224, 1259, 1359–60, 1372, 1446 ii. (3), 1545, 1862 iii., 1873–4, 1878 (2), 1908, 1910, 1912 ii., 1968 (2), 1977, 2031 ii., 2678, 4457, 4531–2, 4718–19, 4728 (1, 2), 5289, App. 77.
-, -, -, letters from, 1033, 1041, 1174, 1359–60, 1874, 1977.
-, -, -, his brother. See Campbell, Dougal.
-, -, -, his uncle. See Campbell, Sir John.

Argyle, master of, 4701.

Ariminum. See Rimini.

Arkes, 2626.

Arklow, Ireland, 1352 (2), p. 1078.

Arkylgarthdall, Yorks., g. 390 (6), note p. 673.

Arles, 543, 605, 615.
-, -, letter dated at, 3242.

Arley, Staff., g. 6363 (6).

Arlloid, Denbigh, g. 3747 (3).

Arlyngton, Suss., g. 546 (6).

Armagh, see of, 5625.

Armagh, George Cromer, abp. of, (1522–42), 2433, 4263, 4933, 6097 (here called "John" erroneously).
-, -, -, his sig., 4263, 4933.

Armagnac, seneschal of, 1193, 1573.

Armanagh (Scotland), 715.

Armario, Luigi, 2285.

Armaston, Clement, 6390.

Armellinus, card., 3405.
-, -, -, his hand, 3266.

Armenians, 2762.

Armewe, Zealand, 1832.

Armignart, mareschal d', 773.

Arms, carrying, 744.

Armstrong, (Armistrang, Harmstran):
-, -, Alex., als. Sande, 4134 (2).
-, -, Ant., 4421.
-, -, Dande, 4134 (2), 4531.
-, -, John, 3795, 4014 ii., 4310.
-, -, -, als. John the laird, 4134 (2).
-, -, Ninian, 4134 (2).
-, -, Rog., 3849–50.
-, -, Quyntyn, 5055.
-, -, Long Sym, 1517 ii.
-, -, Mikill Sym, 4134 (1).
-, -, Sym otherwise laird, 4134 (2), 5055.
-, -, Wm., 4134 (1), 4829.

Armstrongs, the, 1338, 1372, 1445, 1725, 2003 ii., 2176, 2299, 2374, 2964–5, 3230, 3370, 3383, 3404 (1, 2), 3407, 3421, 3501, 3521, 3795, 4020, 4134, 4151, 4420, 4925, 5055, 5289.

Army, 281, 1853.

Armyn, W., p. 237.

Arneshede or Herneshide, 712 (2, 3).

Arnewood, 4442 (5).

Arnhem, letter dated at, 1746.

Arnold, _, 4282.
-, -, the master, (of Calais), 5102 (5).
-, -, John, g. 390 (2), p. 238, g. 1298 (16, 30), g. 1610 (11), g. 5083 (6), g. 5406 (10), 5684, g. 6490 (20 Gl.), g. 6600 (8, 14), 6721.
-, -, Nich., 1939 (11).

Arnoldson, Jasper, g. 4993 (16).

Arnot, And., 1384.

Arona, 42.

Arondell, John. See Arundel.

Arquato, 5234.

Arragon, 1735, 2055, 2988, 3152 (2), 3585, 3597, 3898, p. 1992, 5489 (2), 5755, 6379, g. 6418 (28).
-, -, king of. See Ferdinand.
-, -, the Viceroy's brother, of, 27.
-, -, parliament of, 579.
-, -, kings of, 1378, p. 614, 1380.
-, -, queen of, Germaine, 1735 (2).
-, -, cardinal of, 3405.
-, -, Alfonso de (count Ribagorsa), 5003 (2).
-, -, Master Ferrando de, 5397.

Arragoser, 4441.

Arram, fishers of, 3380 (1).

Arran, Jas. Hamilton, first earl of, 43, 341, 499, 515, 529, 532, 539–40, 549, 557, 562–3, 571, 573, 576, 582, 600, 602, 615, 637, 651, 662, 668, 670 ii., 672,–4, 687, 699, 701,–4, 707, 713,–15, 727,–9, 733, 739, 745, 750, 762, 766,–8, 783, 797, 800, 803–4, 806, 808,–10, 813–14, 817–18, 830, 835–6, 889, 1008, 1023–4, 1027 (2), 1029, 1035, 1088, 1170, 1273, 1445, 1545, 1725–6, 1878 (1), 1908, 1910, 1912 ii., 2442, 2483, 2487, 2500, 2539, 2592–4, 2678, 4457, 4531, 4718–19, 4728 (2) ii., 5030, 5045, 5289, 6305, App. 77, 97.
-, -, -, letters from, 499, 515, 703 (2), 704 (2), 745, 2593.
-, -, -, letters to, 341, 557.
-, -, -, sig. of, 540, 561, 1726.
-, -, -, bastard sons of. See Hamilton, Sir Jas., and John.
-, -, his brothers. See Argyle, bishop of: Hamilton, Sir Pat.

Arras, 285, 330, 480, 979 (2), 1735 (2), 1891, 3430, 6748 (12, 15).
-, -, treaty of, 1701 iii., 1735 (2).

Arriere, _, 1837, 1902.

Arrona, in Italy, 795.

Arschot, marquis of, 109–10, 243, 250, 269, 286, 1415, 1987, 3594, 5473, 5723.

Arskyn. See Erskine, Lord.

Arthur, Prince of Wales, son of Henry VII., 626, g. 1230 (17), 3234, p. 1874, 4685, 4875, 4899, 5375, 5425, 5465, 5471, p. 2412, 5773–4, 5791, 5994, 6111, 6201 (5), 6528, 6538, 6581, 6758, App. 211.

Artificers, 4997, g. 6709 (25).

Artois, 334, 415, 1290, 1414, 1735, 1963, 1986, 2055, 2183, 2834, 3105, 3270–1, 3594, 4991, 4566, g. 4993 (15), 5053, 5328, 6312, App. 41.

Artor, J., 5082.

Artreth or Arthureth, 4323, 4420.

Arttenay, 2606.

Artylborough, letter dated at, 4628.

Arundel, Sussex, 1913 (2), g. 2599 (12), p. 2691.
-, -, letters dated at, 2377.

Arundel, Henry earl of, (1543,–79), App. 65.
-, -, Th. Fitzalan, earl of, (1487–1524), g. 137 (8, 12), g. 297 (18), 948, 961 (6), 969 (2), g. 1298 (und.), g. 1676 (12), g. 2002 (9).
-, -, Wm. lord Maltravers, earl of, (1524–1543), g. 297 (18), g. 961 (6, 22), 969, g. 1298 (und.), 1335, 1431 (8), 1673, g. 1676 (12), 1949, g. 2002 (9, 11, Suss. Sal.), 2180, 2334, 2368, 2407, 2517, 3810, 4040, 4199, 4234, 4618, g. 5243 (26, 28), 6043 (1), 6044, 6513.
-, -, -, letters from, 1335, 1949, 2180, 2334, 2517, 4234.
-, -, -, his sig., 6513.
-, -, -, his players, App. 89.

Arundel, _, 4606, 5373, 5746, 6164, 6586 (2).
-, -, _, the heir, 1032.
-, -, Sir Edm., g. 297 (28).
-, -, Humph., p. 235.

Arundel, John, p. 235, p. 236, 3119 (2), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, -, letter from, 1399.

Arundel, John, of Talfern, g. 137 (18), g. 1136 (12), g. 6490 (20 Launceston C.)
-, -, -, -, sen., g. 6751 (24).

Arundel, John, of Trerise, 2815, g. 3991 (12), g. 6751 (24).

Arundel, Sir John, g. 3991 (12).
-, -, Sir John de la Hern, g. 137 (18), g. 2002 (6), g. 6490 (20 Launc. C.), g. 6751 (24).
-, -, -, letter to, 6311.
-, -, Rog., p. 235.

Arundel, Thomas, (a gentleman of Wolsey's privy chamber,) 1201, 2201, g. 2673 (5), 3479, 4065, 4202, 4436–7, 4441, 4456, 4600, 4603, 4606, 4862, 4907, 4957, 5184, 5341, 5613 (1–3), 5791, 6001, 6204, 6630, 6688, 6721, 6748 (5), g. 6751 (11), App. 257.
-, -, -, letters to, 2201, 3479, 4202, 4437, 4441, 4603, 4907, 4957, 5184, 6001.
-, -, -, warrant to, 6630.

Arundel, Sir Thomas, 4442 (3).

Aryn in Ireland, g. 6654 (17).

Asby, Rob., g. 297 (1).
-, -, Th., g. 297 (1).

Aschaffemburg, letter dated at, 2776.

Ascoli (Aschulio), 4086, 5142.
-, -, letters dated at, 3890, 3892–3.

Ascom, Westmorland, 1310.

Ascot, 2138 (4).

Ascue, Askugh, Askewe:
-, -, Chr., p. 84, p. 238.
-, -, Sir Chr., g. 5083 (16).
-, -, Jas., 980, g. 2673 (12).
-, -, Rob., g. 4231 (und.)
-, -, Sir Wm., g. 390 (12,) 2002 (11 Li.), g. 4896 (28), g. 5083 (16), g. 5815 (13), p. 2691, g. 6363 (und.), 6516 (1), 6598.
-, -, Wm., p. 238, g. 6490 (20 Linc.)

Ash, (Asshe,) Kent, 2217 (2 xi. 2).
-, -, (Ayshe,) Hants, g. 546 (11), g. 2362 (6).

Ash, Edw., 3536, 5146.
-, -, Rog., g. 564 (4).
-, -, Th., 3379.

Assheborne, Derb., g. 1945 (26).

Assheborne, Th., g. 6418 (10).

Ashbournam, Th., App. 7.

Assheburnhamsmyll, Suss., g. 6751 (9).

Ashburton, Ashberton, Ayssheberton, Devon, g. 1377 (1), g. 2218 (14).

Ashby (Assheby) ch., Carlisle dioc., g. 1533 (19).
-, -, Northt., 4442 (5).

Ashby Canons, Ric. prior of, p. 2698.

Ashby Leger, Northt., 1930, 3331, g. 4687 (1), 5870.

Asheby Yerdeley, Northt., 1309.

Ashby, John, 5835.
-, -, Wm., p. 82, p. 237, 969 (4), 1939 (9), g. 2002 (11 Leic.), g. 2065 (1), g. 5083 (16), g. 6490 (20 Leic.)

Asshechurche, Glouc., g. 6542 (4).

Asshedown, 2710.

Asshenden, Sim., clk., p. 84.

Ashfield. See Aishfeld.

Ashford, (Assheforde,) 2527, 4822.
-, -, (Ascheford,) Derby, g. 297 (und.)
-, -, Midd., 969 (4).

Ashford, Nich., p. 233.

Ashfordby, (Aschefordeby,) 5808.

Assheforlonge, p. 985.

Ashill or Ashull, Norf., 1309, g. 1533 (7), g. 3087 (24).

Ashley, Asheley or Assheley, 4442 (5).

Ashley, _, 5746.
-, -, Hector, g. 3622 (27), g. 3991 (27).
-, -, Hen., g. 6803 (12).
-, -, Th., 1939 (11), 6402.
-, -, Wm., g. 961 (2)

Assherige, Bucks, Th., rector of the coll. of, p. 2698.

Asherygge, Wilts, g. 1860 (5).

Ashton, Derb., 1989 ii.

Ashton, Assheton, Aisheton, or Aysheton:
-, -, _, 1264.
-, -, Edw., p. 235.
-, -, Ellyn, 2130.
-, -, Hen., p. 986.
-, -, Hugh, letter to, App. 31.
-, -, -, sig. of, 1218.
-, -, John, g. 4445 (16), g. 6072 (9).
-, -, Nich., g. 6803 (21).
-, -, Ric., 3678.
-, -, Th., g. 6542 (14).
-, -, Wm., g. 6803 (21).

Ashwell (Aishwell), Herts, 367.

Ashwell (Asshewell):
-, -, John, g. 137 (4).
-, -, Th., 191.

Ashwellthorpe, (Aschvelthorpe,) letter dated at, 5456.

Asshewyk, Suff., 4473.

Askam, Bryan, 643, g. 1676 (28).

Aske, Sir Rob., g. 1610 (11), g. 5243 (28), 6515–16 (1), g. 6803 (12).

Askerton, 4421.
-, -, bailiff of, 1855.

Askugh. See Ascue.

Askytton, 3698.

Aslaby, John, 5756.

Aslaton, Notts, 3819.

Asola, in Italy, p. 2863, 6785.

Aspe, Mr., 4351.

Aspeley, Staff., g. 1533 (12).

Assarton, Wilts, p. 1699.

Assault, De l', secretary. See Sauch.

Asserdby or Assordby, And. g. 4313 (22), 5508 (2).
-, -, John, g. 4313 (22), 5508 (2).

Asshereyney, 6124.

Assize, justices of, g. 137 (12), g. 546 (11), g. 1136 (12, 13), g. 1533 (13), g. 2002 (3), g. 2927 (12).

Astell, Wm., p. 985.

Asteley, letter dated, 1568.

Asteley, Ric., p. 235, 819, 1795, g. 2002 (11 Staff.), g. 6072 (9), 6721.
-, -, Th., g. 6363 (6).

Asti (Ast), in Lombardy, 446, 775–6, 934, 1301, 1735 (2), 1946, 1963, 2481, 2834, 3191, 3285, 3329, 3430–1, 3443 (1, 2), 3444 (2), 3455, 3541 (1, 5), 3870, 4110, 4559, 6053, 6231 (4), 6375, 6661, App. 158, 162, 164, 170.
-, -, letters dated at, 505, 720, 3784–5, 3787–8.
-, -, governor of, 6633.
-, -, bishopric of, g. 4993 (12).

Astley, Ralph, g. 6542 (4).

Aston, Herts, 513.
-, -, parson of, 513.

Aston, Oxon, vicar of, 4471.

Aston, Warw., 1688.

Aston, Westmor., g. 5906 (4).

Aston Abbots, g. 2218 (12).

Aston Bremycham, Aston Bromwiche, or Birmingham, Warw., 1913 (1), 2167 (1), p. 986, p. 991, 5944.

Aston Roivant, ch. Oxon, 4471.

Aston Toralde, Berks, 4471.

Aston, Edw., g. 2002 (11 Staff.), 4914.
-, -, Sir Edw., 6516 (1).

Astrett, in Kymerch, co. Denbigh, g. 6490 (3).

Astrye, Hen., 393.

Asturias, in Spain, 1296.

Astwood, Bucks, 1913 (1), 2167 (1).
-, -, church of, p. 3066.

Asworth, g. 1377 (27).

Atcliff, Edw., 1941.
-, - (Atclyff), Wm., 281. And see Hatcliff.

Ateney, in Champagne, 1320.

Athboy, Ireland, 4264.

Athelney, abbot of, 2901, 3027, 3037.
-, -, Th. abbot of, p. 2697.

Athelstan, King, g. 6542 (4).

Atherley, _, 3049.

Athia, in Hungary, 2380 (2).

Atkyn, Hen., p. 233.

Atkins, John, g. 1377 (8).

Atkinson, John, 3793.

Atkyrke, Paul, g. 787 (16).
-, -, Wm., g. 787 (16).

Atri, in Italy. See Adria.

Attlebridge, Norf., 5667.

Attleburgh, Attilburgh, Norf., coll. of Holy Cross and master of, g. 137 (18 bis, 23).
-, -, ch. of St. Mary, g. 137 (18, 23).

Attorney General. See Swillington, Ralph, (1524–5): Lister, Ric., (1525–9): Hales, Chr.

Attye, Ric., 6343.

Atwele, Yorks., 2193.

Atwell, John, g. 390 (10).

Atwich, Geo., p. 83.

Atwick in Holderness, 5320 (2), 6129.

Atwood, John, 4571.
-, -, Rob., 403.

Atwull, Wm., 390 (7).

Aubigny, (Dalbaine, Dobingny,) Rob. Stuart, lord, 43, 76, 86a, 773–4, 1131, 1326, 2539, 3791, 5541.

Aubron, _, D', 1709.

Auckland, 3227, 5111 (2), 6586 (3).
-, -, letter dated at, 6687.
-, - (Awkland) ch., Durham dioc., prebend in, g. 5906 (16).

Auckland, Bishop's, canonry in coll. ch. of St. Andrew, g. 5815 (8).

Audebert, _, 6565.

Audeley, John Touchet, lord, p. 83, g. 895 (12), 969 (2), 1049 (12), g. 1298 (und.), g. 2002 (6, 11, Hants), p. 1332, g. 4445 (12), g. 5083 (12), p. 2252, 5190, g. 5243 (26 plur., 28), 5960, 6043 (1), 6044, 6216, 6513, g. 6803 (12 D.), App. 245 (1, 2).
-, -, -, sig. of, 6513.

Audley, Hants, App. 245 (2).

Audley, Awdeley, Awdley, Eliz., g. 4896 (6).
-, -, Geo., 266.
-, -, -, his sig., 266.
-, -, John, letter from, 3974. See 6246.
-, -, Sir John, p. 83, p. 154, p. 236, 4229 (11), g. 4896 (6).
-, -, Rob., p. 2699.
-, - Thomas, p. 236, 1082, g. 1136 (2), g. 2002 (11 Ess.), g. 2218 (12), 2375 (3), 2639, p. 1331, g. 3324 (12), 3460, 3740 (afterwards lord Audley of Walden), 4129, g. 5083 (12), g. 5336 (11), 5746, 6034, 6043 (1, 2, i.), 6110, g. 6490 (20 Col.), 6516 (1), 6598, g. 6803 (12.)

Audiencer, the, of Flanders. See Flanders.

Auditor, the Papal, 2629, 6468.
-, - of the Sacred Palace, 6734 ii.
-, - of the Rota, Silvester Darius, 5827.
-, -, -, John Clerici, 6127.

Auditors, dean of the, Capisucci, p. 2608.

Augesey, 17.

Augevyne, John, p. 238.

Augsburg (Auxbrough), Osboroughe, &c., 17, 1320, 1737, 1771, 1806, 1811, 1861, 1937, 2466, 2719, 2797, 2960, g. 3087 (22), 3595, 3898, 4018, 4662 (12), 5461, 6319.
-, -, letters dated at, 2798, 6477, 6480, 6507, 6511, 6519, 6535, 6560, 6634.
-, -, diet at, 6480, 6538.
-, -, armourer of, 4112.
-, -, Confession of, 6752.

Augustine (the Schoolman), 6179.

Augustines, general of the, 6514, 6534.

Augustinis, Augustine de, p. 1412, 6080, 6151, 6199, 6738, 6763. App. 255, 268.
-, -, -, letters from, 6151, 6374.
-, -, -, letter to, App. 268.
-, -, -, cousin of, 6199.

Aulcotts, 3544.

Auldham, in Scotland, 561, 629.

"Aungellus, Itallyon," 699.

Aunsham. See Awnsham.

Auranea. See Wrana.

Auria, See Doria.

Auriensis, Will. episc. (bp. of Oran ?) 5123.

Ausaroys. See Auxerroys.

Aussan, D _, 786.

Austen, John, p. 234.
-, -, Ric., g. 5978 (22).

Austin, Dr., 6652.
-, -, Th., 4029 (1).

Auston, York, g. 895 (5).

Austria, (Ostrich, &c.,) 2469, 2549–50, 2554, 2603, 2606, 2629, 2637, 2727, 2903, 2959, 2961, 3488, 4949, 5767, 6026, 6065, 6491.
-, -, villains of, 1444.
-, -, archduke of. See Ferdinand.
-, -, house of, 3899.
-, -, Margaret of. See Margaret of Savoy.

Austrians, 4863.

Autoyle, France, g. 4231 (1).

Autun, in Burgundy, 1946, 1957.
-, -, bishop of, 1925.

Auvergne, 71, 510, 1365, 1486, App. 163.
-, -, treasurer of, letter to, 71.

Aux, card., 276, 6362.

Auxerrois, Ausaroys, 1735 (2), 1891, 1963, 2834, p. 1410, 3443.

Auxonne, 1735 (2), 1963, p. 1410.

Auziolus, Blazius, sig. of, App. 266 (1) ii.

Avandale (Evandale), lord, 540, 561, 602 ii., 702, 943, 1035, 1912 ii., 2483, 2487, 2678, 4531, 4532.
-, -, -, his sig., 540, 561.
-, -, -, his brothers, 943, 1035, 4031. See also Stewart, Henry and Jas.

Avebury, deanery of, 971.

Avecote, prior of, p. 2700.

Aveley. See Alvethley.

Avell, 6124.

Ave Maria, a Franciscan friar, 3201, 3207, 3270, p. 1485, 3272–3, 3286, 3291, 3312, 3319–20, 3339, 3374, 3376, 3400, 3513.

Aven. See Avon.

Averell, Hen., 3738, g. 5406 (22 plur.)
-, -, Ric., App. 17 (1) ii.

Averey or Avery. See also Abery.
-, -, Hugh, p. 935.
-, -, John, g. 297 (3), 1941, g. 2673 (6), 5772.
-, -, Th., 3212 (10), 5772, 6429.

Aversa, in Italy, 4713, 4750.

Avesnes, a cordelier of, 109.

Avignon, 606, 652, 678, 720, 751, 841, 3352–3, 3363, 3400, 4379, 5050, 5133, 5211 ii., 5230, 5250, 5255, 5270, 5441 (1), 5449–50, 5452, 5482, 5529, 5572, p. 2463, 6008, 6015, App. 224.
-, -, letter dated at, 666.
-, -, college Ruere at, 6189.
-, -, legate of, 1901.

Avignon, Hippolito de Medici, abp. of, 5187.
-, -, Egidius Bellamera, abp. of, 6734 ii.

Avila, bp. of, 1520.
-, -, bpric. of, 5277.

Avon river, in Wilts and Hants, g. 895 (25).

Avon castle, Wales, constable of, 976.

Avranches, bp. of, Fr. amb. to Venice, 5525, 5538, 5552.

Awandale. See Avandale.

Awbrey, Wm., 4442 (5).

Awdersons, 3616.

Aweltone. See Alton.

Awnsham, Ric., g. 3540 (18), App. 93.
-, -, Th., 3867 (2), App. 93.

Awood or Awod, Joan, p. 989.
-, -, John, p. 989, 5738.

Awste, John, g. 1298 (13).

Axe, 27.

Axebrugge, deanery of, 971.

Axholm, letter dated, 5191.
-, -, prior of, 5191.

Axminster, p. 795, 6683, 6708, App. 252 iii.

Axwells, the, 5384 (2).

Aylesbury, g. 1136 (11), 3734 (1, 5, 6), g. 4445 (20), g. 5243 (28), g. 6490 (20, 28), 6664.

Aylesbury, Wm., 5520 (2).

Aylesford, Kent, 3475.

Ayleston, Th., 3587 (1).

Ayleworth, Ant., 955 (1).

Aylmer, Fran., g. 5510 (und.)
-, -, Gerald, servt. of Kildare, 4799.
-, -, Sir Laur., p. 233, g. 1298 (und.)
-, -, -, letter to, 4635.

Aylmouth, 236.

Aylove, Wm., son and h. of Wm., g. 3622 (26).

Aylwarton, Cornw., g. 2002 (28).

Aynesworth, Hen., 6043 (2) ii., p. 2691.

Ayr, in Scotland, sheriff of. See Campbell, Sir Hugh.
-, -, sheriffdom of, 43.

Ayr, Arthur, g. 1610 (11 Derb.), g. 6248 (25).

Ayray, Jas., p. 3047.

Ayton, Cheshire, 1309.

Aytton, Rog., 4732.

Azil, Steph., 2463.