Henry VIII: May 1530, 3-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: May 1530, 3-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2858-2868 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: May 1530, 3-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2858-2868.

"Henry VIII: May 1530, 3-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2858-2868.


May 1530

3 May.
Add. MS. 25,114 f. 30. B. M.
"Pro Serenissima Regia Majestate Angliæ instructio Hermanni Rinckes, equitis aurati, consiliarii C. Mtis."
1. Recommends the King to strengthen himself by a matrimonial alliance with some prince of these parts in case of war with France, Spain, or Burgundy. 2. Urges especially an alliance with the duke of Cleves, who possesses three most powerful duchies and two earldoms, and many towns not only strong but populous. If England were in danger he could alone raise an army sufficient to defend it; and he is descended from the same stock as the kings of England, as will be shown by a genealogy. 3. The Duke has but one son, though he has three daughters. His son is fifteen years old, of middle height, brown complexion, sound in body and limbs, well learned, and speaks Latin and French. His name is William, undoubted heir of the duchies of Cleves, Juliers, and Berg (Montensis), the earldoms of March and Ravenspurg. By the death of Philip de Cleve, who died in Brabant without children, he came into possession of the lordship of Ravenstein, and lands to the value of 20,000 florins. The rest of the duchy, though partly mortgaged, produces ample rents. If freed from incumbrance, which could be easily done, it would yield 340,000 g.fl. 4. The eldest sister, Maria, is married to John Frederic, only son of John duke of Saxony, who, in wealth and power, has scarce an equal among the German princes. Allied with him are the principality of Hesse, the dukes of Pomeranin, Mecklenburg, Lunenburg, Prussia, and Holsatia, who is now elected king of Denmark, with the Hans Towns of the Northern Ocean. The second sister is affianced (desponsata) to a son of Anthony duke of Lorraine, Calabria and Bari. He will be heir of these duchies and of the marquisates of Pontis Mosoni (Pont-à-Mouson), of the earldom of Vaidemont, and of the province of Narbonne. There is said to be an article in the marriage treaty, that on the death of the duke of Gueldres that duchy should devolve upon the aforesaid son of Lorraine, notwithstanding the opposition of the house of Burgundy. A third sister is in her minority, and not yet affianced. A table follows showing how a son of the duke of Cleves is sprung of royal and imperial blood, on the father's side and on the mother's, with some remarks on their genealogies.
Signed: "Per me Hermanum Ringk manu propria scriptum anno 1530, tercio die Maij."
Lat., pp. 3.
3 May.
Vit. B. XIII. 75 b. B. M.
6365. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
Cannot write much, on account of his recent recovery from illness. Has received a catalogue of names which Ghinucci's nephew Andrew says his uncle received from Gregory de Cassalis. The names are partly those sent to Croke by Crucinus, and partly fictitious, which is probably a deceit either of Andrew or Cassalis. Received, the day after, from the Prothonotary, a list in his brother's hand, omitting many of the fictitious names. Asks him to send the names of those whom he has procured, and Croke will do the like by the first messenger, lest money should be wasted by engaging the same man twice. Wonders that he should have written to the Prothonotary to engage John Francis Marinus, whom Croke has already engaged, and wonders still more at his writing that Croke does not wish what he writes to him to be communicated to any one, especially as he desired Croke to communicate with the Cassalis. Has no orders to communicate with any one but Ghinucci. Thanks him for his servant Remigius. Has now found an Englishman who knows Italian well, and therefore sends back Remigius. Venice, 3 May.
Hol., draft, Lat., p. 1.
4 May.
R. O.
Has endeavored to bring over the most celebrated theologians to their views, to write in the King's behalf, and secured the following:—Mr. Chrysostom, inquisitor of St. Dominic, the minister of the Franciscan province of Bologna, Lorenzo, professor of theology in the same, and others of the Servites. The Emperor's confessor, lately created a cardinal, has given them great trouble, as the King will hear from Guron. Expects several lawyers will follow their example. Will stay at Bologna six days; thence to various places, to secure advocates for the King. Bologna, 4 May 1530. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd. by Wriothesley.
4 May.
Lamb's Cambridge Docts., 26. Cooper's Annals of Cambridge, I. 342.
Desires him to appoint twelve of the best learned men in divinity in the university of Cambridge to meet a like number from the university of Oxford, at London, on Tuesday next at night, to examine certain English books commonly read among the people, containing erroneous and pestiferous words, sentences and conclusions, which might pervert their judgments, and occasion division and contention in the chief points and articles of our faith and religion, whereon is like to ensue, unless it be repressed, the dissolution of our commonwealth. Enfield, 4 May 1530, Wednesday.
"The names of them which I did appoint:—Dr. Watson, Dr. Wygan, Dr. Crome, Dr. Downes, Mr. Shaxton, Mr. Latymer, Mr. Thyxtell, Mr. Hutton, Mr. Tylson, Mr. Skyppes, Mr. Hethe, Mr. Bayne."
Lamb's Cambridge Documents, p. 20. 2. "The forme of the grace which was axed and graunted in the accomplyshemente of the Kynges requeste."
The copy in Lamb is not verbally identical with that in Burnet, nor are all the names the same.
5 May.
R. O. St. P. I. 361.
According to his request for the treasurership of York, has solicited the King and Dr. Leighton. They are content to leave it in your hands, provided you follow the tenor of the King's letters soon to be directed to you, and your Chancellor do the same without any delay. St. James's, Westminster, 5 May.
Copy in Wriothesley's band
7 May.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 9. B. M.
6369. CHARLES V. to MAY.
Sends copies of letters from his ambassador in France touching the matter of the queen of England, and of letters written to him by a master in theology at Paris, called Garay. May will thus see what requires to be done for the Queen's rights. Has written to his ambassador to use all urgency with the French king to obtain the signatures which the said Garay writes that he had obtained in the Queen's favor; but you must remember that it will be a dangerous thing to agree with the opinion of the divines of the said faculty of Paris, considering the intrigues of the king of England, and the favor with which he is there regarded. You shall, therefore, tell his Holiness that we have heard from our ambassador that his nuncio in France is doing all he can in behalf of the Pope and the Emperor. So that his Holiness may write to the nuncio that he is informed thereof, and our ambassador will be able to act at more advantage. Innspruck, 7 May 1530.
P.S.—* * Since writing, the English ambassador has desired leave to return to Rome on the business of the divorce, saying that he has instructions to that effect. A gentleman who has come here to reside as his ambassador says that although his instructions are general to go to Rome on the said business, nevertheless he believes it will be to proceed in the cause, and that the bishop of London also returned from Lyons to Rome to see to it. You must consult with the Queen's council what is to be done about this, and not regard what the English ambassador tells you. No more time must be lost, for the month's respite which was lately taken is already past. The ambassador says he will go with his household to Trent, and there take post for Rome.
Sp., pp. 4, modern copy from Simancas.
7 May.
Le Grand, III. 507.
Desires their opinion, signed and sealed by their registrar, on a scruple of conscience of king Henry VIII. for having married one whom he fears he cannot keep as his lawful wife. Angoulême, 30 April 1530.
ii. Opinion of the university that marriage with a brother's widow is not repugnant to natural or divine law, and that the Pope was entitled to grant dispensation in such a case. Angers, 7 May 1530.
iii. Certificate attached to the copy of the preceding. Angers, 23 Sept. 1687.
7 May.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 391.
Determination of the university of Angers on the nullity of Papal dispensations. Angers, 7 May 1530.
Lat., vellum.
8 May.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 14. B. M.
"Frater Anselmus Vochterinus, de validitate matrimonii Henrici VIII., regis Angliæ, cum Catherina regina."
Recites the usual arguments against the validity of the marriage, which were shown him by friar Francis Zorsi (Georgius), in his own hand, at the house of a nobleman, not an Italian, whom he called "dominus Ricardus." (fn. 1) Only looked through the conclusions once, as they snatched the paper from his hands, suspecting him. Dominus Ricardus offered him 50 ducats to annotate the writings in his own hand; but he, having thrice written for the faith of Christ and the Church of Rome, refused. Saw many signatures, some quite fresh.
If the Church bids him, will disprove these conclusions by the authority of Scripture, not by that of learned men; as he did in writing against the Lutherans. Saw these writings on 4 May 1530. Wrote this on the 8th, at the desire of Jerome Scledeo, bishop of Vaison, nuncio with the Emperor. Signed: Frater Anselmus Vochturinus, Augustinianus, Vicentinus.
ii. Revocation by John Peter, of Vicenza, friar minor, S.T.P., addressed to the cardinal bishop of Vaison, of his subscription given in the King's favor at Vicenza on 7 April 1530, in the cause of the divorce. Vicenza, 8 May 1530.
Lat., pp. 11, modern copy from Simancas.
9 [May.] Vit. B. XIII. 76. B. M. 6373. [CROKE to GHINUCCI.]
Has endured much from Remigius, but has dissembled "ne ... indicare tibi."
An Englishman, well skilled in Italian, came to him, and he therefore dismissed Remigius, knowing that he had often betrayed secrets, and spoken against Croke. Hopes he has not told untruths to Ghinucci. Gave him as reward for his labor about 7 cr., which he refused, saying that giving him money was an insult to his master. Before going, he complained to Antony that Croke had scarcely given him enough to go to Rome, and had treated him like a dog. When Croke was absent or ill, the same table was prepared for him as for Croke. He called Croke comrade, and treated him more like a master. He persuaded Antony to write and tell him whatever Croke did, said or attempted, saying that it would please Ghinucci. He took letters for Ghinucci to the house of Horatio, and warned Antony not to write in Croke's house. For all this he showed Croke his master's letters, charging him to attend to him diligently. Did not wish to mention his conduct, for fear of injuring him. Now that he is neither faithful to Ghinucci nor Croke, though it best not to keep silence. He has boasted of his conduct to a man whom he considered true to him. He has treated Croke insultingly before others, and called him a fool. Doubts not that he has been the cause of Ghinucci's suspicion. Venice, 9 [May]. (fn. 2)
"Quæcumque commemorat dominus meus Crocus ... Remigium et coram me fecisse verissima su[nt] ... omnia ignoro.
"Per me ..."
Lat., hol., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
10 May.
R. O.
By your servant I learned that my letters patents have been perfected in the Chancery, which was very satisfactory to me. If I was obliged to you before on many accounts, I shall now be still more indebted to you, while I live, for this great benefit. I am persuaded that no man in the world except you would have conducted such an affair with success, so that I shall ever be at your service. For the present I pray you, as your health (forze) is feeble, to be of good cheer. As for the fees (spesa), although "Monsignor Reverendissimo" (fn. 3) expresses astonishment, and says that such great charges were never made in his time, nevertheless I am willing to conform to your pleasure and bill of costs (informatione). As I am now not so well provided with money as I could wish, I pray you cause them (the letters patent) to be kept in a safe place till I come thither, or send my servant for them with the money. Commend me to Antonio Bonvisi and our other common friends. Suthwell (?), 10 May 1530.
With regard to paying the third part of my goods, I protest my debts exceed my capital.
Hol., Ital., p. 1. Add.: Magco M. Thomæ Crumwell, majori meo plurimum observando. Sealed.
Vit. B. XIII. 2. B. M. 6375. [CROKE'S EXPENCES.]
Item, for passage ... At Calais for horse, at Boulogne, Montreuil, Veron, Abbeville, Flixecourt, Amiens, Flers, Breteuil, St. Just, Clermont, St. Clan, Luzarches, Sarcelles, Paris, "Essone," Corbeil, Milly, St. Mathurin, Pont Agasson, Montargis, and Chatillon.
Albany and Chandoyse had taken up all the horse, so t[hat] we could have had no horse in 3 days, only we had the hast ... At Ouzouer, "Neffwyll" (Villeneuve), Pouilly, la Charité, Germigny sur Loire, Nevers, St. Pierre le Moutier, Villeneuve, Moulins, Bessey, Varenne, la Palisse.
The bishop of St. Andrew's had taken up horse toward the French court, and Albert de Gathon, the other way, going to discharge the marquis of Saluzzo from his fealty to the French king, and also to make ... off the county of Ast to the Emperor. (The entries of money spent at each town have been lost by mutilation.)
At La Pacaudiere, Roanne, St. Symphorien, Tarare, l'Arbresle, and Lyons, 45 sons at each place. Total, 14l. 17s. 10d.
From Lyons to Rome are 85 posts, at 20 of which he must pay 3 fr. 4 sous for 4 horses. Total, 60 fr. 80s. = 7l. 2s. 3d. st.
For the other 65 posts he must pay 1 fr. for each horse, and 4 sous for the guide, 273 fr. = 30l. 6s. 8d. The loss in his 100 ducats is 8l. 6s. 8d. To the courier, 30 cr. = 6l. 16s. 8d. For his safe-conduct, 10 sous = 13d. st.
Sums paid for horses and guides from Lyons to Bologna. At Lyons, 84 sous. "Monloyr," 64s. Gardant, 64s. The ferry, 6s. Seriera, 64s. Pont Champagne, 64s. St. Jenyn, 64s. The ferry over the Rhone, 8s. Lupyne, 64s. Chambery, 64s. Montmelian, 64s ... we had horse that would not go, and tarried half a day ... could have the ... 64s. ... 64s. At La Chambre ... St. Zevyns, LX ... Ponte Sept, LXI ... St. Andrew's, LXII .. Anzetium 64[s.] "Here" (hire ?) for sleds to slide down the hills overfrozen with ice ... Lans le Bourg, 64s. For 3 men on foot to stay us and our horse up and down Mont Synay (Cenis), x ... At Tavernate, 64. Novalese, 64. St. George, 64. St. Ambrose, 64. Rivoli, LXXXIII ... Turin 64. Moncaglieri, LXXXII ... Lumbriasco, 84. The ferry, 6. Savigliano, 84. The ferry, 6. La Trinite, 84. The ferry, 5. Molasano, 84. Zeresa, 84. Calculi (Carchere), 84.
At Savona, would have paid a crown for each horse, but were obliged to hire a bark for 4 cr., bargaining with the patron that he should go by shore, and land them at Genoa, whatever weather happened; but he took them 9 miles, and refused to go further until the weather changed. Went the next post on foot, carrying their gear on their necks, and lost ... At Varazze, were again destitute of horse one day; and thence to Parma were obliged to pay a cr. for each horse.
... 4 cr. 4 sous. [Bro]ke my arm with a fall off my mare ... na were without horses two days, as Count Flisco went in post to [the Emper]owr from Genoa with 18 horses, 4 cr. 4s. ... [B]oliasco ... 4 cr. 4s. Recco, 4 cr. 4s. Rapallo, 4 cr. 4s. ... lestria, 4 cr. 4s. Hence to Varose, rode most of the night on the mountain, and by force of ... er and rising of the waters, were fain to ... upon the tops of the mountain an old chapel ... full of water, continuing therein 3 hours ... then passed over the river into a poor man's ... finding it full of landsknights and there ... s at ease therefore than upon the mountains. At Varose, 4 cr. 5s. Ford over the rivers, 5s. ... burg, (Borgotaro ?), 4 cr. 4s. Abredce (Bercetto ?), 4 cr. 4s. Tarens, 4 cr. 4s. Fornuovo, 4 cr. 4s. Parma, 84s. Destitute of horse one day. Mazana, 84s. Reggio, 84s. Destitute of horse half a day. Modena, 84s. Destitute of horse half a day. Castelfranco, 84s. Destitute of horses from 8 a.m. till 1 a.m. [Anz]ola, 84s. ... to the courier, 30 cr.
From Bologna to Corticella, Bentivola, Malehelberga, Turre de la Fossa, Ferrara, by carriage, Francolino, Caninovo, Capos, Corbula, Loredi, Turnova, Chiodi (Chioggia ?), Malemogcha (Malamocco), Venice, Padua. (The sums of money lost by mutilation.)
Venice, Jan. 10, to the keeper of St. John's and St. Paul's library ... At Padua to the keepers of St. Justine's and St. John's library ... To the keepers of St. Francis' library in Venice ... To two Jews, for coming home to you daily and writing ... For Greek books ... To the doctor of Servites, ij. ... To the Friars Observants ... To a Servite friar when he subscribed, 8 Feb. ... To a Jew when he subscribed ... To a man who carried letters from Bologna, 4 Feb ... To a man who brought letters from Bologna, 6 Feb ... For a bark to the Jews, ... For the book of the second volume, ... To three scribes ... "Carta pro nobis ..." Feb. 13, [to Ba]rtholomew, for writing the epistle,½ cr. The bookbinder, for father Francis' books, 1 cr. 4 "marcelli." Feb. 16, to the doctor Philippus de Cremis, 10 cr. To a Greek priest, for writing an epistle, 1 cr. To the prior of St. John and St. Paul, for writing for the cause, and for procuring others to do so, 15 cr. Feb. 18, to Bartholomew, for writing the canons, 1 cr. Feb. 20, to Bartholomew, for writing the epistle of St. Basil,½ cr. To the convent of SS. John and Paul, 4 cr. To Demetrius, for writing the Greek commentary on the Bible, 1 cr. 4 "marcelli." To Bartholomew, for writing the Greek councils, 2 cr. To friar Bernabo, the librarian of SS. John and Paul, 3 cr. For a concordance and another book from a Jew, 2 cr. To Helias the Jew, for 3 copies, 4 cr. To a messenger who went to the bishop of Worcester at Bologna on 2 March, 5 cr. For the carriage of letters from Bologna, 1 March, 1 "marcellus." March 3, to Constantine, a Greek scribe, for writing the Commentaries to the Old Testament, 3 cr. To Bartholomew, a Greek scribe,½ cr. March 12, to Constantine, the Greek scribe, 3 cr. To Demetrius, a Greek scribe, pro charta, 1 "marcellus." March 11, to notaries, for an instrument and for collation concerning the Greek canons, 2 cr. To Demetrius, for writing the Orations of Clement, 1 cr. 1 m. To Mark Raphael, a Hebrew, 5 ducats. To Demetrius, 1 cr. To John Maria, for the doctors of Milan and his costs, 30 cr. Carriage of letters from Milan, 4m. To Demetrius, the Greek scribe, 2 cr. For Greek books, 7 cr. To Bartholomew, for collating the Orations of Clement, 6 m. 7 April ... going from Venice, and returning from Padua, 2 cr. To John Marino, minister of the Order of the Minors, for the King's cause, 20 cr. ... o Nicolao Leonico, 5½ cr. ... it librum Crucini, 1 cr. ... poste, 2 cr. * * *
Richard Croke, by order of the bishop of Worcester, ... for Francis George, 50 cr. To friar Thomas, prior of SS. John and Paul, 15 cr. Among the convent, 4 cr. To D. Philip de Cremis, LL.D., 10 cr. Total, 79 cr. And crowns were given to friars Francis and Thomas to hire others. "Ita est Petrus de Ghinuciis." For a ship from Venice to Padua, ... For three horses from Padua to Vicenza and Verona and back ... For a ship from Padua to Venice ... To Bartholomew, for going to father Francis, ... To Demetrius, for writing canons, ... To Antony, for going to Padua, ... May 3, for a ship from Venice to Mergera (Malghera ?), ... A carriage thence to Treviso, and three horses to Asola, Vicenza, and Padua, and a ship back to Venice, ... 8 May, to Fr. Simon Arduus, master of theology, for the King's cause, ... To Philip, going to Redigo to father F. Marinus, and to the ambassador at Vicenza, for Stoxley's letters, ... A ship from Venice to Padua, ... For three horses thence to Vicenza to father Francis Gor ... Three horses to Assolo and back, and a ship back to Venice, ... To Philip, for going from Venice to * * *
Journey to Bologna from Venice, 10 May 1530.
To Padua, 1 cr. To Rovigo, four horses, 2 cr. To Ferrara, 2 cr. To Turre della Fossa, by ship, 1 cr. To Curticella, by ship, 4 cr. Godefrede, Malelberga, Bentivolio. For horses from Curticella to Bologna,½ cr.
Similar expences for the return to Venice.
To the master of the posts, 1 cr. To John Maria, going to the bishop of London at Bologna, 3 cr. To the messenger who went to Udina, 3 cr. To Antony, who went to Bologna, 3 cr. To father Thomas Omnibonus, 10 cr. To Leonicus for Simonetus, 10 cr. To the doctors, notaries, and scribes of Padua, 9 cr.
Part English and part Latin, pp. 8, mutilated.
Vit. B. XIV. 305 b. Records of the Reformation, II. 653. 2. (fn. 4) [From] Novalesia, over Monte Synay, for Maronys to lead my horse and make the ways, for deepness of the snow, 2 cr. From Laneburg to Termino,½ cr. From Termino to Anzese, [½] cr. From Anzese to St. Michaell,½ cr. From St. Michaell to St. John Maurinians,½ cr. Over Gabella, 1 cr.
5½ cr. = 25s. 8d.
Vit. B. XIV. f. 304. B. M. Records of the Reformation, II. 652. 3. "Hic inferius scribam, ego Antonius de Monte Sancti Sa ... et solutam a me pro equis et navibus et curribus, di ..."
To Porto Gruaro, Udine, S. Vidum, Aquileia, Venice, Padua, Leccefucina, Mestre, Francolina, Chioggia, &c. (The sums lost by mutilation.)
280 marcelli = 24 cr. = 5l. 12s.
Item, for guides Maronys over Mount Synay, to lead my horse and myself, 2 cr. From Laneburg to Termino, 5 marcelli. From Termino to Burght, 1 cr. From Termino to Anzeze, 1 cr. From Anzeze to St. Michael's, 1 cr.
Pp. 2. The former page in Latin, and in a hand different from the latter.
11 May.
R. O.
Bond of 600l. given by Ralph earl of Westmoreland to Thos. lord Darcy, to save him harmless for six several obligations in which he stands bound with the Earl to Sir Thos. Nevill, Sir Brian Tuke, and Rob. Norwich, serjeant-at-the-law. 11 May 22 Hen. VIII. Signed and sealed.
12 May.
R. O.
Desires God to prosper the Cardinal "to his high pleasure and your consolation." Delivered my book to the King at the More on 29 April. At the delivery I said I had a brief proposition in Latin, beseeching him to be gracious to the college; first, because it was begun by himself as chief benefactor; secondly, that the foundation was greatly to the honor of God and the good of the realm; thirdly, that the college was bound by oath to pray for him, with special dirges every week. I told him how you had ordered Mr. Champion, as soon as the matter came to your knowledge. He replied, "'Ee Mary! I warrant you, let my Lord alone with them; he will handle them well enough.' And when I said that your Grace had not utterly expelled the man, but that he should make special suit to his Highness, other else never to perceive any emolument of that college, and so by and by to be as a person expelled; very mercifully be answered, 'In case the man would reconcile himself effectuously, I would not have him utterly cast away.' Further, his Grace was very well pleased with the good letters the which your Grace sent to Oxford, touching the election of the proctors, rehearsing that ye sent him the copy of your letters; and was very glad of the amplitude of your freely granted power and authority upon the university." Fox was present.
Was sent up before my fellows, Mr. Sub-Dean and Mr. Leyghton, to speed a matter of Dr. Nicholas. He had begged of the King "whitze copies (copes) for the high days of Our Lady." The King said, "Alack! they are all disposed, and not one of them is left." On the King wishing me to wait till the coming of my fellows, Fox advised me not to make any more labour for the college unless I was sure of the King's pleasure; saying that the King's college of Cambridge lost a good part of their lands at the beginning, and yet is a very honorable college; and that, peradventure, in time to come, "the King would call your Grace near unto him." Mr. Sub-Dean and Mr. Leyghton arrived on the 5th. From want of friends we passed the time in attendance till the 11th, when Fox called in Leyghton only to exhibit his book to the King, adding that if we would make suit for the college, it would be best to get a proxy under the seal, and do everything by authority.
On delivering his book with letters supplicatory for the college, Mr. Leyghton besought the King to be gracious for Daventry and Caxby. He answered, that his Council showed him that none of our lands were assured to the college except by his suffrance; and when Leyghton alleged we were his faithful subjects, he said that divers of our house had opposed his matters at Oxford, only a few taking his part, and asked for Mr. Sub-Dean and myself. He then said we had better send for a proxy. What that means we cannot tell, unless that we should release some part of our college lands, which God forbid we should, except your Grace desire it. We shall send for no proxy till we hear from you.
There is a saying that the King will take in three lordships near Hunsdon, and recompense the owners partly with Ipswich and partly with our college lands. The Chancellor of the Duchy told us that the King intends to dispose of the spiritualties of Daventry in 14 days. We advise that a fee should be given to the Chancellor out of the revenues, to help us to conserve the same, or else that you should write to him. We three and nine others are appointed by the university to examine new heretical books, and decide whether it is necessary to have the Bible in English; so that we cannot so well attend to the college business. London, 12 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
12 May.
Add. MS.
28,580, f. 29.
B. M.
Will gladly comply with the Emperor's instructions about the affair of the queen of England. Henry could not have behaved worse toward the Emperor in his conduct toward the Signory. I am assured that no opinion will be given in the university of Padua by the authority of the Signory. Seeing that this was decided, the English ambassador here has gone to Padua to take the private opinions of the principal doctors. On being informed of this, I spoke to the Vice-Doge (Viso Duque) in presence of the college, reminding them of the relation made by the prothonotary (Caracciolo) and myself of the justice of the Queen's cause, and advising them as their servant, and not as the Emperor's ambassador (for I had no commission on the subject), to send to the professors of the university, forbidding them to give any opinion in the matter without orders from the Signory.
This advice was accepted thankfully, and I was assured it should be followed.
The Emperor thinks the bishop of Quieta (Chieti) will do well to leave his retirement and go to England to exhort the King to desist from his error. Has strongly urged this course upon him, pointing out the arguments he might use from the example of kings who have ruined themselves and their kingdoms by less occasion, especially in England, and that he was more bound than any man in Christendom to take upon him this task, as he knew the Queen personally, and knew how little she merited such treatment;—moreover the King had sought his counsel about the matter, and it would be more acceptable to God to do what he could in this cause, than to remain in religious seclusion. Venice, 12 May 1530.
Spanish, pp. 5, modern copy from Simancas.
12 May.
Add. MS.
28,580, f. 32.
B. M.
6379. MAI to CHARLES V.
* * *
Has learned that the English have used great efforts in Venice to procure opinions in their favor. Has written to Rodrigo Niño for information. A courier arrived from England yesterday. I have sent your Majesty the substance of what the Queen and the ambassador have written me. Will endeavor to procure this brief which they ask for, that no one shall give counsel or speak in this article, except only what he thinks to be truth and justice, under grave censures.
Now that we know the difficulties, "que de alli mueven," I will draw up the case so that your Majesty may send to have opinions from your own kingdoms, where there are hosts of lawyers, as good or better than the English. Excuses his not having done it at Bologna, because, as he told the Comendador Major and Granvelle, he was waiting to learn the difficulties that the opposite party would make in the case, so as to meet the doubts which they expressed. Copies of these doubts may be sent into Castile, Arragon, Sicily, and Majorca, where there are many lawyers, and to Naples. Rome, 12 May 1530.
Sp., pp. 7, modern copy from Simancas.
12 May.
Le Grand, III.
This King, seeing the great delay and difficulties made to you by the Emperor's officers in the liberation of the children, about the quality and weight of the gold, &c., suspects these excuses are only made to put off their delivery till a time when it may suit the Emperor's convenience. London, 12 May 1530.
Ital. The original is addressed: Al Ill. et Ex. mio S. Osserv. el S. gran M. de Francia à Bayona.
12 May.
R. O.
Receipt by Elinere Frankelyn, receiver general of the countess of Salisbury, of 20l. from Sir Geo. Lawson, in part payment for the revenues from Catrike and Aldburgh, in co. Richmond, 12 May 22 Hen. VIII.
12 May.
R. O.
Writ to the sheriff of Yorkshire, not to suffer the executors of Thomas Dalby, archdeacon of Richmond, and one of the justices of the peace in co. Northumb., to meddle with his lands and chattels until the King wills otherwise, and to bring them before the barons of the Exchequer at Westminster within the quindene after Trinity Sunday, there to deliver, together with Thomas duke of Norfolk, Henry earl of Northumberland, Rob. Ogle lord Ogle, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Th. Fayrfax, serjeant-at-law, Thomas prior of Durham cathedral, Brian Higden, dean of York, Sir Wm. Parre, Sir Wm. Bulmer, Sir Geoff. Fuljame, Sir Th. Tempest, Wm. Frankleyn, clk., Sir Wm. Hilton, Sir Wm. Eure, Sir Wm. Heron, Ric. Page, Wm. Tate, clk., Wm. Luke, Rob. Bowes, Th. Horsseley, Geo. Swynborn, Leonel Grey, Rob. Claveryng, Rob. Colynwood of Esselyngton, Chris. Metford, Th. Strangways, and John Bentley, others of the justices aforesaid, all the extracts of his sessions during his justiciarship, in order that an execution may speedily be made for levying the moneys contained in the said extracts for the King's benefit. Teste Ric. Lyster, at Westminster, 12 May 22 Hen. VIII., in accordance with the Originalia Roll of 17 Hen. VIII., and the return to the writ in Hilary 20 Hen. VIII. respecting the said Thomas Dalby.
Lat., p. 1.
13 May.
R. O.
After having sealed his other letters to the King, was informed by Langeais of the arrival of a post with such letters from the French king to the university "as Mr. Welsborne, your Grace's orator, had written to be sent by the last post" from the French court. His doubts about their non-appearance are thus satisfied. Langeais says they are as effectually writ as could be for the King's purpose. The only delay now is owing to the absence of some doctors "chief of your Grace's parte," who are expected to return in five days. After their arrival, will inform the King of the speed made in publishing his cause. Paris, 13 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. by Wriothesley.
13 May.
R. O.
Begs the loan of 6l. ster. till Mich. next. Sends a "gage" by Anthony Bramshott. 13 May 22 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my hearty beloved master Frynd, schoolmaster at Chichester.
14 May.
Cleop. E. v.
B. M.
Is encumbered with those who read and keep these erroneous books in English, and believe and teach them. Has done what he could to suppress them; but it passes his power, or that of any spiritual man. Many in his diocese say openly that the King favors such books. Asked the abbot of Hide to show this to the King, and to ask him for letters ordering some one in the diocese to publish that he does not wish such books to be read, and also to punish those that say he does. Hopes the Abbot will have done so before this letter comes to hand. The Abbot has the names of some who crack in the King's name that their false opinions should go forth, and would die in the quarrel that they are true; they trust that before Michaelmas day more people will believe their opinions than the contrary. Would have told the Abbot to speak to your Grace, if I had known you had been at London, but you can send for him when you please. He will show what the Bishop thinks about the suppression of these opinions, which, if they continue, "shall undo us all." The Abbot left him on Monday last. Has had much trouble since then. They say that, wherever they go, they hear that the King's pleasure is that the New Testament in English should go forth. Cannot induce them to give up this opinion, without greater power to punish them. Asks him to speak to the King.
The gentlemen and commonalty in his diocese are not greatly infected, but only the merchants and those who live near the sea.
The Abbot will tell him of a well-learned curate who exhorted his hearers to believe contrary to the Catholic faith. There is a college at Cambridge, called Gunwell Haule, founded by a bishop of Norwich. Hears of no clerk who has lately come out of it but savoureth of the frying pan, though he speak never so holily. Hoxne, 14 May 1530. Signed.
Pp. 2.
14 May.
S. B.
6386. The MONASTERY OF TRENTHAM, Cov. and Lich. dioc.
Restitution of the temporalties on the election of Thomas Bradwall as prior. York Place, 12 May 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 May.
Pat. 22 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14.
15 May.
R. O.
Has received his letter in the King's name about the brief, of which no mention had been made, either to the Emperor or the Pope, when the earl of Wiltshire arrived. Was, however, prepared to oppose the brief, if it had been produced. His duty seemed to be silence, until he was called upon to answer. Spoke about the brief to the Pope, who said he had never seen it, knew not where it was, and did not believe it could be with the Imperial ambassador. Is very thankful to the King for using his influence for his promotion to the cardinalate. Has hopes of success. The Emperor urges the Pope to promote a person named by him, and the bishop of Tarbes says that the French king has written in his favor.
Supposes, therefore, that the king of England will not be refused. Does not doubt of the favor of the Cardinals, except a few of the juniors, though these matters are done now by the Pope alone. Wishes the King would write to the bishop of London and Benett to speak to the Pope in behalf of him and the prothonotary Casale, with the preference for himself if only one can be elected.
Lat., pp. 2. Headed: "Ex literis D. Wigorniensis die Maii, Romæ datis."
15 May.
R. O.
Records of the
f. 311.
Has received his letters of 27 April. Asks what has been written to the King about him. Supposes he has received the money which Crucinus voluntarily remitted. Croke should not come here on Crucinus' account; Georgius is most intimately acquainted with his sentiments. If, however, he wishes to come on account of any others, he can do as he pleases. Has not seen and cannot find his letters of which Georgius wrote. Apologises for not sending the answer to certain clauses which Georgius wants. "Quamdiu ... uit in targlio, impius est contra me, obmutui, cessavi et tacui a verbis [bonis]." Has always advised him, if the truth is really sought for, to send ... and a list of reasons in writing, with the names changed. Hopes it will not be considered his fault if the nature of the cause becomes known to some by the coming of these men to Milan. Sir Gregory Casale is not to blame, for matters often come to knowledge without any fault of the agent, as is the case now. Will not spare writing, if of any use. Asks him to inform the legate Casale at Venice, and his brother Sir Gregory. Milan, 15 May 1530.
Lat., pp. 2. Endd. by Croke: Literæ ex quibus Crucinum constat per Franciscum nobis reconciliatum.


  • 1. Croke.
  • 2. Supplied from modern marginal note.
  • 3. Wolsey.
  • 4. Not in Croke's hand.