Henry VIII: November 1529, 17-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: November 1529, 17-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2704-2710 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: November 1529, 17-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2704-2710.

"Henry VIII: November 1529, 17-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2704-2710.


November 1529

17 Nov.
R. O.
Is informed by John Roberde, of Brenchysley, that there was an Act made in King Edward's days, that no man should sue for promotion at Rome or elsewhere without the King's licence. It is proved that my lord Cardinal obtained both his legacy and cardinalship without the King's licence, and for this he is cast in a præmunire. As this affects all who have received benefices from my Lord by virtue of his legateship, the writer is threatened by John Roberde in respect of his benefice of Brenchysley, of which Roberde had the advowson before the suppression of the house of Tonbrege. Was presented by the college of Fryswyt's (St. Frideswide's) and instituted by my lord Cardinal. Is advised by Sir Thos. Nevell to seek counsel of Cromwell, what he shall do. Horsmonden, 17 Nov.
"Sir, he never sued Quare impedit against me for this benefice."
P. 1. Add.
18 Nov.
S. B. Rym. XIV. 351.
Protection during pleasure. By a judgment in the Court of King's Bench, the Cardinal was placed out of the King's protection, on Saturday after a month of Mich. last, for various offences against the Crown and the statute of provisors 16 Ric. II. Del. Westm., 18 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16.
21 Nov. 6060. BRYAN to HENRY VIII.
The letter of this date, printed in State Papers VII. 211, belongs to the year 1530.
22 Nov.
R. O. Ellis, 2 Ser. II. 231.
On the 12th inst. the bishop of Norwich has sequestered the obligations of Our Lady's Chapel, and has sealed the boxes of offerings. Has the key, however, but has promised to take nothing from them till he knows my lord's Grace's pleasure. Sends to Dr. Marshall, to be shown to Wolsey, a copy of a letter he has received from the Bishop's chaplain. On the 13th, Mr. John Wellysburn, esquire for the Body, and Mr. Thomas Halle, of Gippiswiche, came as commissioners from the King, with six yeomen of the Guard and their servants, eighteen persons in all. They have taken an inventory of all the plate and stuff, and of the building materials, and have taken away with them 24 copes, 4 vestments, a doce and redoce of cloth of gold, a canopy of white silver and gold needlework, the greater and smaller crosses, images of St. Katharine and Our Lady, a large monstrance, three silver gilt chalices, a pair of silver gilt cruets, a silver gilt pax, a pair of covered silver gilt basons, two silver gilt censers, two silver parcel gilt censers, a silver gilt ship, a silver gilt standing cup with a cover, two silver gilt bowls with one cover, two silver gilt salts with one cover, and three large parcel gilt bowls with one cover. Has made an indenture with them about the said stuff. They say the King only wants to see it, and, they suppose, will return them again to the college.
Has relinquished no title therein. They insisted for a time that he had 10,000l. of my Lord's treasure, which he denied. They stayed five days. Entertained them as well as he could, at the cost of 20 marks.
Lady Caston denies having received any money from Cromwell for the lease of Panyngton, and will not show him Cromwell's letter.
On Sunday the 21st, Sir Ph. Tylney, Lyonell Talmage, and Mr. Everarde, of my lord of Norfolk's council, brought a deed to be sealed, which he did, and then entertained them at supper. On the morrow he rode with them to Felyxstow, Faltynham, and the Marsh, to give them possession. Hopes to be in London next Saturday night. Gippiswiche, 22 Nov. Asks to be commended to Mr. Rushe. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To the right worshipful, &c. Mr. Thos. Cromwell.
23 Nov.
6062. ST. MARY'S, STODELEY, Linc. dioc.
Congé d'élire to Alice Wightill, the sub-prioress, and the nuns of the said monastery, upon the death of Katharine Copcote, last prioress. Windsor, 20 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Nov.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m.2.
ii. Petition for the above, in which it is stated that Katharine Copcote died on 2 Oct. inst. Dated 16 Oct. 1529.
25 Nov.
R. O.
St. P. IV. 570.
On Friday the 19th inst. upwards of 100 men of Liddersdaill invaded England at Byrkshawes, and seized all the neighbouring cattle. His servant Nich. Rydley, and 18 others, followed their own goods like true men, but were taken and carried into Scotland, and four of them slain. Desires immediate redress, that it may not lead to a rupture, which would be much to the Earl's discomfort, considering his proximity of blood to James. Topclif, 25 Nov. Signed.
Endd.: My lord of Northumberland to the king of Scots.
27 Nov.
R. O.
Hears that Sir Brian Tewke is sending to my Lord to know what conclusion his Grace is at with Master Medley, Palmer, Leder, and Reynold, for the 10,000 marks in which they stand bound to the King, with Master Kyme, alderman, deceased. My Lord one day sent by Sir John Dauncy for George Medley, Rob. Palmer, and Reynold to his place in Mark Lane, where he told them, as Tuke was commissioned by my lord Cardinal to show them that Palmer should pay 100l. a year on his 2,000 marks till it were paid, Reynold and Leder 100 marks a year each on their 4,000 marks, and Medley and Kyme 50l. a year each on their 4,000 marks; each to be bound by himself, with two new sureties. Medley would not agree to this. Reynold has sustained losses in the Jesus, of London, wrecked on the Irish coast, and has already given the King above 2,000l. for custom and subsidy. Has no other friend to intercede for him with the King but my Lord and Cromwell. Palmer obtained the King's grace through his brother Sir Thomas. London, 27 Nov. 1529.
"When God sends any pleasures out of Spain, I shall present my lord's Grace, as accustomed."
Hol., p. 1. Add.
28 Nov.
R. O. St. P. VII. 216.
Wrote from Paris, and afterwards from Lyons, by Vannes, then from Genoa, announcing the capture of captain Fortundi by the Moors. Writes by a messenger going into France. At the suggestion of Francis it was proposed that himself and the Emperor should meet at Turin to discuss concerning the Turks. If the Emperor would take 60,000 cr. for the redemption of the children, Francis said he was willing to go into Austria with an army of 50,000 men. The duke of Milan has been here, and is reconciled to the Emperor by the Pope. The Emperor wishes to have from him a sum of money, which the Duke says is impossible. I hear nothing of the duke of Ferrara. There is no hope of reconciliation with the Florentines. The Pope is very well. The Emperor's hospice is next to the Pope's, and they are only separated by a wall, and a door through which they can communicate with each other.
The Turk has left for Hungary, and, as some say, is going to Belgrade. It is thought the Emperor, after being crowned at Rome and visiting Naples, will go to Austria in the spring. Encloses a paper containing further news. Bologna, 28 Nov. 1529. Sealed.
Hol. Add. Endd.
28 Nov.
Rym. XIV. 352.
6066. FRANCIS I.
Bull of Clement VII., absolving Francis I. from his oath not to alienate the goods and rights of the crown of France. Bologna, 3 kal. Dec. 1529.
28 Nov.
Galba, B. IX. 230. B. M.
Oath of Henry VIII. to the treaty of Cambray, at Greenwich, Sunday, 28 Nov. 1529.
Draft, Lat., pp. 7.
28 Nov.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 272. B. M.
"Relacion de las cartas de Micer May para responder."
* * * As to the queen of England, the Pope has promised to proceed without talking of further suspension, although he is informed the king of England is much dissatisfied, and threatens him. (In margin:—"Syga.") Hears that the Parliament there is prorogued, which must be to keep the matter in suspense, and to frighten the Queen. (In margin:—Mention this to Granvele.) Among those who have given counsel for the King there is one Mark Gabriel, who was a Jew, for whom he has sent everything that he could desire that he may come to him. Thinking it desirable to stop him, May has written by Escalenga and Antonio de Leyva, and to Venice. (In margin:—He has done well.)
Modern copy, Spanish, pp. 6.
30 Nov.
Arch. XVI. 181.
Henry VIII. to Sir Nich. Carew, master of the King's horses, Dr. Sampson, dean of the Royal chapel, and Dr. Benet, ambassadors with the Emperor.
Is advertised by Paulus de Cassalis, lately sent to him as nuncio from the Pope, that on his journey to England he encountered cardinal Farnesius, who made overture to him to further the King's great matter at the meeting of the Emperor and the Pope at Bonony. The King (considering that the said overture is likely to advance his affairs, and that the Emperor, having need of his amity in consequence of the state of affairs in Italy and Turkey, "will not make difficulty to persuade the Queen," as the King's mind is fixed, a great number of the clerks of England, France, and Italy having "condescended in to our opinion,") has thought good to dispatch instructions to his ambassador [ambassadors ?] with the Pope, commanding them to act with the said Cardinal, "dissembling any knowledge to be had from us," so that the Emperor may not conjecture "that we, diffiding in the justness of our matters, should now have recourse to him [the Cardinal] as shote anker, to attain by his means our mind and purpose." Advertises them of these things, in order that they may be prepared on any motion of the Emperor or his council to introduce good reasons and persuasions. They are to advertise the Emperor that yesterday the King swore to and confirmed the peace between them. Under the signet at Greenwich, 30 Nov. Signed.
"An impression of the King's privy seal is affixed."
Orig. in the possession of Richard Carew, Esq., of Beddington.
In 19 Hen. VIII. he informed my lord Cardinal of the costs he had incurred when resident for a twelvemonth in lady Margaret's court, and that he could not support his office honorably on 100l. a year. Wolsey then encouraged him to persevere, and his charges would be considered. Five days afterwards, Wolsey, being at Calais, 20 July 19 Hen. VIII., delivered to him the King's patent of another 100l. a year for life. Nevertheless, as will appear by the reckonings of Wyatt and Tuke, he received nothing from Easter 18 to Mich. 21 Hen. VIII., except at the rate of 100l. a year, so that there is 250l. due to him. Moreover, the 50l. which he received by Wyatt at his first despatch to the lady Margaret in April 17 Hen. VIII. have been deducted from his reckoning. Meantime he has grown more white hairs in his head than nobles in his purse. Signed: John Hackett.
P. 1. Endd.
Cal. B. II. 3. B. M. 6071. NORFOLK to CARLISLE HERALD.
Sends him Henry's letter to the king of Scots, which he shall deliver with diligence, and, when he can obtain licence, desire him on the King's behalf to show himself more gracious to Angus, and state that Northumberland and Dacre, who are appointed wardens of the Marches, on going to the North (which will be after Parliament breaks up), will send to him to arrange a day for the meeting of commissioners for redress of Border offences. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "To my well-beloved Carlisle heral at arms, reseant with the king of Scots."
Nov./GRANTS. 6072. GRANTS in NOVEMBER 1529.
3. Wm. Dawe, yeoman of the Guard. To have the fee of the Crown of 6d. a day, vice Walter David. Grafton, 22 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Nov.—P.S.
4. Nicholas Goode. Lease of the manor of Shawe, in Windsor, Berks, for 21 years, at 20l. for the first year, and 23l. 6s. 8d. thereafter. Windsor Castle, 11 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
5. John Worth, gentleman, of Compton Pole, Devon. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Windsor Castle, 11 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov.—P.S.
5. Ric. Dey, groom of the Chamber. Reversion of the corrody in the monastery of Malmesbury, Wilts, now held by John à Guillams. Greenwich, 24 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov.—P.S.
5. Wm. Woode and Hen. Acres, sewer of the Hall. Grant, in survivorship, of the corrody in the monastery of Trentham; upon the surrender of Wm. Woode. Greenwich, 2 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Nov.—P.S.
6. Robt. How. Pardon for having killed Ranulph Bawne in self-defence. Westm., 6 Nov.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7.
9. Sheriff Roll.
Cumb.. Sir Christ. Dacre, (fn. 1) Thos. Wharton, John Lamplewe.
Northumb.: Ingelram Percy, Thos. Eryngton, *Sir Philip Dacre.
York: Thos. Strangwys, John Norton, *Sir Ralph Ellerker, jun.
Notts and Derb.: Sir Hen. Sacheverell, *Sir Thos. Cokkayn, John Hercy.
Lincoln: Sir John Thymbylby, *Sir And. Bylesby, Wm. Husse.
Warw. and Leic.: John Haryngton, Sir John Villers, *Ric. Verney.
Salop: Ric. Maynwaryng, Thos. Lakyn, *Roger Corbet.
Staff.: George Gresseley, Ric. Asteley, *Thos. Gifford.
Heref.: Wm. Clynton, *Sir Edward Croft, Thos. Waldwyn.
Glouc.: *Wm. Throkmorton, Robt. Wytney, Sir Edmund Tame.
Oxon and Berks: John Brome, *Wm. Stafford, Hen. Bruges.
Northampt.: Sir Thos. Tresham, *Sir John Clerke, Ric. Cave.
Camb. and Hunts: Thos. Hutton, Thos. Checheley, *Anth. Hansard.
Beds and Bucks: *Sir John Seynt John, Sir John Dyve, Sir Robt. Legh.
Norf. and Suff.: Thos. Jermyn, *Sir Edmund Bedyngfeld, Thos. Straunge.
Essex and Herts: *John Bolles, John Broket, Robt. Forster.
Kent: *Sir Edw. Wotton, Wm. Waller, Ric. Fane.
Surrey and Suss.: *Sir Roger Copley, John Palmer, Sir Wm. Pelham.
Hants: Robt. Bukley, *Leonard Norres, Ralph Pexsall.
Wilts: Wm. Ludlowe, *Ant. Erneley, *John Horsey of Marton. (Teste 16 Jan.)
Somers. and Dors.: *Sir Edward Gorges, Sir Thos. More, Wm. Uvedale.
Devon: *John Chamond, And. Hillarsdon, Sir John Shelston.
Cornw.: Thos. Seyntabyn, *Wm. Goddolfhan, John Carmynowe.
Rutland: *Edw. Catesby, Geo. Makeworth, Ant. Colly.
Worc.: (blank).
Westmor.: (blank).
Berks: *John Doone, Sir John Talbott, Robt. Nedeham.
Lanc.: (blank).
Del. ... 9 [Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.]
Signed by Hen. VIII. at the beginning and end.
9. John Asshton, one of the King's auditors. Lease of lands called Redes, in Wrytell, Essex, part of the late duke of Buckingham's lands, at various stated annual rents. Del. Westm., 9 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
9. Wm. Glover, of Monmouth, Wales. Pardon for felony. York Place, 4 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 Nov.—P.S.
10. Robt. Davinport, yeoman of the Guard. To be bailiff of the lordship of Wolford, Warw., in the King's hands by the minority of Peter, s. and h. of Sir Wm. Compton. York Place, 6 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 6.
10. Wm. Buttes, M. D. Wardship of Joanna, Bridget, Anne, and Mary, ds. and hs. of Hen. Bures; also an annuity of 40 marks out of the estate, during their minority. Greenwich, 31 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
10. Otho Craswall, yeoman, of Marston, Hereford. Pardon for the murder of Ric. Farington alias Tyler. Greenwich, 2 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
10. Rauf Vaux, yeoman of the Guard. To be bailiff of the lordship of Cheping Norton, Oxon; in the King's hands by the minority of Peter, s. and h. of Sir Wm. Compton. York Place, 6 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
11. Ingell Takylson, shoemaker, of Ipswich. Pardon for coining counterfeit pence and halfpence of tin, to the value of 12d., at Ipswich, in Dec. 19 Hen. VIII., of which he was found guilty in the same year; his wife Margaret having uttered the same. Greenwich, 26 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov.—P.S.
11. John Legh. Inspeximus and confirmation of charter, 22 July 53 Hen. III., inspecting and confirming a charter of Thos. s. of Thos. de Multon, granting in tail to Edm., his son, his land in the town of Isall and Blencrayke. Westm., 11 Nov.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 31.
11. John Broking, yeoman of the Guard. To be bailiff of the lordship of Tyso, Warw., in the gift of the King, by the minority of Peter, s. and h. of Sir Wm. Compton. York Place, 8 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Nov.—P.S.
11. Gilbert Gresse. Grant, in reversion, of 6d. a day, on the death or forfeiture of Wm. Dussheborne, Robt. Leyghton, Wm. Alee, John Davyd, Thos. App Guilliam, Adam Holand, John Thomas, John Sandford, John Flammok, John Rolt, John Southall, Wm. Gysnam, John God, or John Parker. Westm., 10 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 11 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 2.
12. Robt. White, clk. Pardon for having killed Roger Glosse while shooting at "le Buttys," at Westcontokeshed (W. Quantockshead), Somers. Westm., 12 Nov.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5.
12. John Bowyer, armourer, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Windsor Castle, 14 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Nov.—P.S.
12. Laur. Browne, locksmith, of St. Clement's Danes, London, native of the duchy of Gulek, in Germany. Denization. Greenwich, 27 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
13. John Brewyn, of Farnam, Surrey, and Agnes his wife, executrix of Hen. Guenby, clothier, of Farnam, Surrey. Reversal of outlawry and waive; having been incarcerated in the Fleet prison for debt, at the suit of John Aleyn, alderman of London. Westm., 13 Nov.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
13. Thos. Cheselet, late of Myre, als. Were, Wilts, tailor. Pardon for having on 21 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. stolen certain silver plate from Alice Kymer, at Fisherton Anger, Wilts. Cheselet sought sanctuary in the church of St. Mary and St. Peter de Millon, of the order of Friars Preachers, of Fisherton Anger, on 21 July 11 Hen. VIII., when and where he confessed the theft to Wm. Chawsey, coroner. Windsor Castle, 14 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Nov.—S.B.
15. Leonard Chamberlain, of Wodstoke, Oxon. Pardon. Woodstock, 2 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Nov.—P.S.
16. John Forest alias Watys, servingman, of Scotland. Denization. Del. Westm., 16 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
17. Ric. Throwgoode, grocer, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clifford, deputy of Berwick. Greenwich, 12 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Nov.—P.S.
18. Walt. Grymston. Wardships of John, s. and h. of Wm. Hutton; John, s. and h. of John Newton of Skekkelyng; Geo. s. and h. of Thos. Gower; and Chas. s. and h. of John Rede. Endd.: 18 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 1. (Undated.)
18. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Household, and Ric. Page, gentleman of the Privy Chamber. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of solicitor for the subsidies on kerseys, in the ports of London and Southampton; with an annuity of 100l. out of the said subsidies, on surrender of patent, 17 Mar. 19 Hen. VIII., granting the same, and the receiver generalship of the said subsidies, to Sir John Wallop and the said Richard. Greenwich, 17 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 20.
18. Robt. Markham. Grant, in reversion, of the office of serjeant-at-arms, now held by James Conyers. York Place, 9 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
19. Anth. Chute. To be gunner in the Tower of London, with 12d. a day, vice Anth. de Mounfrey als. Mamon. York Place, 14 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Nov.—P.S.
19. John Cleget, of the King's Exchequer at Calais. To have the duties for drying nets upon the King's ground in the marches of Calais. York Place, 14 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Nov.—P.S.
20. Robt. Leyghton, door-ward of the Tower of London, and Thos. Leyghton. Next presentation to the hospital or priory of Holy Trinity, St. Mary, and St. John the Baptist near Ludlowe, Heref. dioc. Greenwich, 28 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
20. Thos. Moth, salter, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. York Place, 20 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
21. Agnes duchess of Norfolk. Wardship of Katharine, one of the ds. and hs. of John Broughton. York Place, 20 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
21. Wm. Rooyt, serjeant-at-arms. To be serjeant of the King's staghounds, with 7½d. a day, vice Thos. Carmynowe. Greenwich, 31 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 (fn. 2) Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
22. The mayor and burgesses of the town of Marlebergh. Inspeximus and confirmation of patent 26 May 3 Hen. VI., inspecting and confirming the following:—patent 20 May 2 Hen. V.; inspecting and confirming patent 5 July 1 [Hen. IV.]; inspecting patent 18 May 1 Ric. II., confirming charter 13 March 10 Edw. III., confirming charter 15 April 5 Edw. II., confirming charter 13 Feb. 13 Hen. III., confirming charter 20 June 6 John, granting the borough of Marlebergh certain privileges in relation to fairs, &c.; charter 28 May 9 Hen. IV., granting the burgesses exemption from murage and other dues; charter 13 Feb. 13 Hen. III., and charter 11 March 30 Hen. III., being grants of fairs. Westm., 22 Nov.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27.
22. Sir Geo. Darsey, and Dorothy his wife. Inspeximus and confirmation of charter 19 Sept. 8 Edw. IV., granting to Wm. de Melton, archbp. of York, and his heirs, a market and two fairs at his manor of Kellum, York. Westm., 22 Nov.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 32.
22. Wm. Newdegate. Grant of the manor of Willyngall Rokell, and certain other lands in Essex, which belonged to Ric. Bedell, who abjured the realm on account of the murder of John Vavasor; the said William to hold the same during the life of the said Richard. Greenwich, 17 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 25.
22. John Hyckeman, husbandman, of Westlegh, Devon. Pardon for having committed a felony upon the premises of John Lake, of South Molton, Devon. Greenwich, 2 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov.—P.S. Pat. (2 Nov.) p. 2, m. 25.
22. Walt. ap Howell. To be searcher of the lordship of Mark and Oye, in the marches of Calais; with 4d. a day. York Place, 14 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov.—P.S.
23. John Wellysburne. Grant of two messuages and certain land in Naburne, York, lately belonging to Francis viscount Lovell, temp. Hen. VII. Greenwich, 24 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 27.
23. Thos. Harreys, fishmonger, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfeld. Greenwich, 14 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Nov.—P.S.
23. Elizabeth, widow of Sir Wm. Compton. Licence to marry Walt. Walshe, page of the Privy Chamber. York Place, 22 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
24. Thos. Portyngton, s. and h. of John Portyngton, kinsman and heir of Ric. de Barneby. Inspeximus and confirmation of patent 20 Mar. 19 Hen. VII., inspecting and confirming patent 7 July 7 Hen. V., inspecting and confirming charter 25 July 27 Hen. III., granting the said Ric. de Barneby free warren in all his demesne lands in Yorkshire. Westm., 24 Nov.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
24. John Bowdon, of Nymett Episcopi, Devon. Reversal of outlawry. Westm., 24 Nov.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5.
24. Henry Norres, squire of the Body. To be keeper of the manor and park of Langley, with 6d. a day, vice Sir Wm. Compton. Also to be steward and receiver of the manor of Mynsterlovell, Oxon, with 3l. 6s. 8d. a year as steward, and 26s. 8d. a year as receiver, vice Sir Wm. Compton; to be steward of the manors of Boreford, Shipton, Langley, and Spillysbury, with 8l. 12s. 4d. a year, vice Sir Wm. Compton; to be bailiff of the hundred of Chadlyngton, with 2d. a day; to have the offices of four bailiffs in the forest of Wichewoode alias Gight Walkes in Wychewoode, with 4d. a day in each office; to be ranger of Wychewood forest, with 6d., as enjoyed by the said Sir William or Robt. Whithill; also the office of "laundership" of Wychewode forest, with 6d. a day, vice Sir Wm. Compton; to be keeper of Chadworth woods, Glouc., vice Sir Wm. Compton; and to be keeper of Cornebury park, with 3d. a day, vice Sir Wm. Compton. The fees attached to the above offices commence from 1 July 20 Hen. VIII., since which time the said Henry has performed the duties at his own expence. Greenwich, 18 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
24. Henry Norres, squire of the Body. To be keeper of the manor of Pleasaunce, in East Greenwich, Kent, and keeper of the great and little garden, and the orchard there, and keeper of East Greenwich park with the tower there, with certain daily fees in each office, vice Sir Wm. Compton or Wm. Cary. Greenwich, 18 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.—Copy.—R. O.
24. John Bryket, yeoman of the kitchen for the mouth. Annuity of 10 marks. York Place, 14 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 5.
24. Wm. Boleyn, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Wynwike, Cov. and Lich. dioc., at the King's disposal by the minority of Edw. earl of Derby, vice Thos. Wynter, resigned. York Place, 20 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Nov.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
24. Leonard Grey. Grant of the manors of Sporteley, York, and Barowe, Linc. Greenwich, 18 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Nov.—P.S.
25. Thomas Boyland, tanner, late of Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Greenwich, 18 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Nov.—P.S.
30. Sir Res Mansell. Lease of 24 acres of land, and 96 acres of pasture, in the tenure of John Dere, Hoskyn Dere, and John Stephyns; 12 acres of land, and 227 acres of pasture, and a close called "le Parke," in the tenure of John Mathew and Agnes Cradock, and a cow-house, called a sheep-house, and "unam shopam subtus Guyhald de Llanwite," &c., all situated in the lordship of Boviarton, Glamorgan, parcel of the lands of the late duke of Bedford, at certain stated rents. Del. Westm., 30 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
30. Richard Lute, draper, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfeld. Greenwich, 30 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S.


  • 1. Those names marked with an asterisk are pricked by the King.
  • 2. 21 on Pat.