Henry VIII: January 1529, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: January 1529, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2269-2283 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: January 1529, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2269-2283.

"Henry VIII: January 1529, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2269-2283.


January 1529

11 Jan.
R. O.
On the 8th I wrote to you that the Pope was unwell. Since then his illness has increased so greatly that fears arose of his death; which God forbid, in these turbulent times. Last night he took some medicine, which has produced little effect. This evening we have received some hope of his recovery, as the fever has not returned at its usual term; but he is not yet out of danger. Yester even the Pope held a consistory, and created the magnifico Hippolito a cardinal. [Rome,] 11 Jan.
Copy, Ital., p. 1. Endd.
12 Jan.
R. O.
Last night the Pope had a return of the fever. Cause the mandate or proxy [to be sent] with all the clauses, especially that for extinguishing and compounding the pension. Rome, 12 Jan. 1529.
ii. Paul Casale to _.
Hears that the Pope has been ill of a fever. Towards evening he was slightly relieved, and took supper, which he could not retain on his stomach. This, however, augurs well for his recovery; but some regard it as a bad sign. Rome, 12 Jan. 1529.
Copies, Ital., p. 1. Endd.
12 Jan.
Le Grand, III. 277.
Has sent all the news he can gather to Francis. Has not been able to learn those brought from Rome by the brother of the knight De Casalis, whose coming they would have altogether denied, and at last pretended that it was only for his own private affairs. A messenger from the Pope has come to Campeggio, but only arrived yesterday, and I have not heard his news either. I know they want to keep things from you a little, under color that you do the like. They know or think they know that you have sent secretly a servant of Ferdinand to the Emperor; but they have not hinted this to me, so I fancy they are not sure of it. A man of weight about the court told me that William des Barres lately passed through France in disguise to go to the Emperor; also that a captain, Gabriel Lorraine, sent by Mons. Distein (D'Isselstein), has been here to offer his service to the King, with 6,000 lanceknights, and that the King had refused him, saying that he had some dispute with the Emperor, although not at open war, and that he had enough of good men in his own kingdom. All these things they have kept perfectly secret. The Spaniard (fn. 1) whom the Queen sent to the Emperor fell at Abbeville and broke an arm; six days afterwards they sent another, and had asked letters from me for his access to the court, which they have not yet come for, I know not why.
Wolsey told me some days ago that Mons. Bryant had in his letters expressed much satisfaction at some camp-beds which Francis had got made to send hither, and that the King also was very glad, and wished them sent forward. He desired me to write to you about it, without indicating that it came from him. The ambassador of Hungary has spoken with the Legate, who at first found his overtures rather hard, fearing that if the duke of Saxony or the landgrave of Hesse were elected emperor, trouble might arise in Christendom, they being Lutherans. The ambassador, however, has satisfied both him and Campeggio; but Wolsey assures me that though they have given their approval to his scheme they will not give him a single crown piece. I replied that I took this refusal as friendly (pour accord), since he delivered it to me himself and beforehand, and I went no further till I should hear from you. London, 12 Jan.
P.S.—Begs him to write more frequently for the satisfaction of the English, and to take care not to spoil anything, or let any one deceive them.
12 Jan.
Galba, B. IX. 142. B. M.
Wrote last on the 2nd inst., enclosing a copy of a supplication by the nation of Spain for the recovery of damage done by Frenchmen in the port of the Chamber in England. In his former letter, repeated the news he sent on the 24th ult., that the secretary, le Eleu Bayard, was here with the lady Margaret and the Mons. de Hoghstrat secretly for 10 days. By deliberation of some secret counsel my Lady sends Rosimboz and Des Barres to the French king and the Regent to have the confirmation of them of all such articles as Bayard concluded here by virtue of his letters of credence; they have charge to pass thence to the Emperor in Spain, thinking by that means to make peace, unknown to the King or Wolsey.
Has written several times about his own business and Harman's. Machlyng, 12 Jan. 1528.
Some lords here say they have news from England that Wolsey has preached openly in public many great, scandalous and injurious words of the Emperor. Answered that they were no evangelists who brought such reports. There are many here more inclined to speak ill than well.
Hol., pp. 2. The former passage in cipher, deciphered.
Cal. E. II. 192.
B. M.
5165. [_ to WOLSEY.]
"Quod decedens R D. V. receperam ut q[uis sit] status rerum et quam vestrum de tota re consilium Chrmo Regi meo satisfa[ciat promp]tissime perscriberem, hoc majore a me præstitum est intervallo, quod per hos ... nihil certi constitutum esse videbam expectatione Rosselli vestri, in quem unum ... vestrorum omnium consiliorum summam ac rationem et Rex vester Sermus et Illma D.[V.] conjeceritis." Both the King [Francis] and his mother intend to use Wolsey's advice. Thought it the better course to wait for Russell's arrival; but, this being deferred, the King desired him to anticipate it by writing to salute Henry and Wolsey. "Igitur sic habeat Rma D. V. post adventum me[um] ... bus rebus quas vel literis significandas regi meo vel decedenti istinc a v ... illi exponendas man- daverat, quum relatum quidem haud semel fuerit, multa ... in præsentem necessitudinem præparata, habitus militum delectus, et nostratium ... rum et auxiliarium Germanorum, tum successor mihi ad vos designatus, a ... fratris ad Pontificem profectio, tum omnia in adventum Rosselli esse rejecta, e ... hos fines verti ut ita demum executioni demandentur, si consilium vobis n ... cuerit, utque nisi vos Chrmus Rex et Serma mater, ubi rationem suam explicu[erint et] in sententiam adduxerint suam, parendum omnino statuerint fidelissimis [et] amantissimis consiliis vestris, quorum in authoritate sua omnia consilia, cu[ram], cogitationem, mentem denique omnem fixerint atque locaverint, seque t[ibi] commendarint atque tradiderint." Wrote to the King from England that Wolsey was suspicious in consequence of the journey of William des Barres to Spain. On arriving here learnt from his brother that the King and [his mother] were troubled by such reports, which had increased his illness. Proved to them that they should not suspect a king to whom they professed that they owed everything, next to God, and in whom their whole hope lay; that Wolsey also had pledged himself to a perpetual and sincere friendship. This reassured them, and they are ready for an occasion to testify their goodwill. Henry may persuade himself that these rumors are [the devices] of enemies to overturn their friendship. The herald who carried Francis's letters to the princes at Spires reports that Ferdinand, "frendentem et frementem," had suffered a repulse. He had almost [all] the votes on his side, and would have carried his point, if the princes had not seen from the herald's letters that he wished to follow the example of his brother the Emperor, and make a gain from another's crime and envy. Francis's ambassadors and letters have rendered everything there hostile to the Emperor and Ferdinand. An ambassador will be sent to Wolsey about this, as it is not safe to write. Is not certain how the Emperor's journey to Italy will turn out. He is busied about the preparations, but the time is not thought to be fixed. The German infantry whom [Francis] has raised have arrived here safe, to the number of 12,000. When they have joined the army in Italy with the men-at-arms, the Pope and Italy will have no cause to fear [the Emperor] (" C[æsare] "), chiefly because he will have no further hope of bringing Germans thither. Hopes to send him, either by the English or the French ambassadors, news which will please him, and cause him to approve the diligence of the King.
A letter has just come from St. Pôl, saying that he has crossed the Po with a good army.
Lat., copy by Vannes, pp. 4, mutilated.
Has just sent him letters received from Hercules, and now a servant of the Master of the Rolls has arrived with letters for Wolsey, and one to Tuke from Mr. Hacket, which he also sends, containing a further confirmation of the practices to be made between the French king and the Emperor for peace. Is occupied with such as bring money of the revenues. When I receive the minutes and writings "that your Grace commanded me," and have given some order about the receipt of the money, I will repair to you. London, Wednesday.
P.S.—Hears from Calais that this bearer was fain to tarry long by reason of the storms.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : "To my lord Legate's good grace." Endd. : "A letter of Master Tuke's." Endd. in a modern hand : "Letters to the Cardinal from Charles duke of Suffolk.—And from the Scottish Borders touching preparations in Scotland against England, &c."—"Item, some Irish advertisements.—Quere.—Scr. 10 April 1613."
12 Jan.
R. O.
Wrote last, on the eve of Epiphany, of their meeting with the duke of Vendosme at Margysyn. Have lost no time in taking musters, and considering the houses necessary to be repaired and fortified at Calais and Guisnes, searching for provisions, &c. Have been assisted by Sir Wm. Skevyngton, master of the ordnance. Think that the best way to fortify them is with men and victual, as the timber, which must come from England, and other things from Flanders, are not ready. The time of year is unseasonable for working with stone, and the places must be first "disgarnished," to their great danger. If the King is sure of a truce or peace the places are well enough provided with the men resident, and with victuals for four or five months. Guisnes Castle, 12 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
13 Jan.
Vesp. F. XIII. 135. B. M.
5168. WILLIAM LORD SANDYS and others to WOLSEY.
Although they have reported their proceedings from time to time, by letter, have desired Sir William Skevyngton, master of the ordnance, to report what he himself has seen, in viewing and determining the fortifications to be made in these parts. Guisnes, 13 Jan. Signed : Wyllm. Sandys—Wyngffeld R. Sr. (Sir Robt. Wingfield)—Richard Weston—Sir Nichollas Heussey—Christopher Hales.
P. 1. To my lord Legate's grace. Sealed. Endd. : "Letters from my lord Sandis and others the King's commrs."
13 Jan.
R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. I. 332.
5169. EDW. BAXTER, Merchant Venturer, to CROMWELL.
Has two sons beyond sea at school, and wishes to provide for one of them some good spiritual living, "to be God's servant and a man of Church." Understands that Cromwell is in great favor with Wolsey, and asks him to obtain from his Grace some substantial promotion for one of his said sons. Will bear all the charges, and do to Wolsey and Cromwell such pleasure as they shall devise, according to the value of the promotion. Wishes for an answer by the bearer. Newcastle, St. Hilary's Day. "Your assured own unacquaynted, Edward Baxter, merchant venturer."
Hol., p. 1. Add. : To, &c., Master Thos. Cromewell, servant to my lord Cardinal's grace. At London. Endd.
13 Jan. 5170. For the PRIOR and CONVENT OF SS. PETER AND PAUL, SHREWSBURY, Cov. and Lich. dioc.
Congé d'élire upon the resignation of Richard, the last abbot. Richmond, 13 Jan.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12.
P. S. 2. Petition for the above, presented by Thos. Butler, prior, and Thos. Leche, monk, of the said convent. On 14 December the late abbot's resignation was read by the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. 18 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.
14 Jan.
Cal. E. II. 111. B. M.
Received today his letter, dated London, 12th inst., with the adjoined packet directed to Master H[acket], to whom he immediately wrote, and sent on the packet by post. Doubts not Tuke will have an answer shortly. Thanks him, in the name of the commissioners his colleagues, for sending word that the letters from him, the Lord Chamberlain, and others, have been received. If what Tuke writes about Vendosme's interview with the Lord Chamberlain and [Wingfield] at Margysyn is true, fears "there is some pad in the straw," for he has seen a letter from Paris, of the v ... inst., written by one who seems not to be ignorant, which states that the French king will either recover his children by force, or do otherwise for their recovery, as he and the Emperor will agree. The bruit is in Flanders that a truce with France has been agreed on for 18 [months], and that a marriage will be had between Mons. de Rewys and Mo[ns.] de Vendosme's daughter; wherefore [the reports] "so much discrepants causeth me to doubt that tr[uth] shall be found in some corner, which and shall prove ... displeasure or damage to the King and his realm ... take place more patiently." Returned ... before yesterday from Guysnes and Hampnes, which places, [as well as] this town, if they could speak, would cry ou[t upon] the King and his council, specially if war sh[ould take] place, because the fortifying and repairing has [been] delayed till this time of year. Will not say more about this, as Tuke has seen their last letter to the King. Has just [received] out of Brabant news that the Emperor will have [war] with France, and that Mons. de Rewx and Sir George Schenke ... of Fryse have raised 5,000 lanceknights, howbeit th[ere is no] speech at Antwerp or in Zealand of breach between the king of England and the Emperor.
English merchants there are marvellously well treated, and [have] sold their cloths better at this mart than they did. They have liberty to buy all manner of [merchan]dysys at their pleasure. Though all these tokens are to good purpose, the world is so unsteadfast nowadays, that he does not know who is best to be trusted ; "wherefore it is [fit] w[e] turn us to the Prince of Steadfast[ness, praying Him to] stablish the hearts of princes in perfect pays [and amity among] themselves, or else I fear that or this year be e[nded there] shall be so many and so great storms of war in Criste[ndom], that by the mean it shall take more harm and ... than shall may be repaired in many years after." Calais, 14 Jan. 1528.
Hol., pp. 3. The latter part at ƒ. 117. Add.
15 Jan.
R. O.
Wrote last yesterday. Has received from him a packet of letters from Hacket, written at Malines, 24th ult.; also, another letter from Sir John Stile, master of the Fellowship, written at Barow, 30 Dec.; and another from a third person, dated the 4th. Hacket complains he has had no answer from you or Wolsey since 6 Aug.; and that Thomas Lyeghis, factor, cannot have had the money. Begs Tuke will see to this. Calais, 15 Jan. 1528.
Hol. Add. and sealed. Endd.
15 Jan.
R. O.
Writes to the bishop of Burgos, the Emperor's ambassador, to speak to Wolsey about certain proceedings of Sir Wm. Sandys against the pledges of Michael Lumbier and his company, merchants, subjects of the Emperor. Malines, 15 Jan. 1528. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
15 Jan.
R. O.
To the same effect. Malines, 15 Jan. 1528. Signed and countersigned.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
15 Jan.
R. O.
5175. LEE to WOLSEY.
I beg you will remember your words when I took my leave of you at Hampton Court, and that the things now committed to our charge may be concluded one way or other. As the voice runs that the Emperor will go into Italy, I beg I may not have to follow him. Valladolid, 15 Jan. 1529.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
15 Jan.
Vit. B. XXI. 48. B. M.
Credence for Charles of Burgundy lord [of Bredam and Lou]rgham, whom he sends as ambassador to the King. Inspruck, 15 Jan. 1529. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
16 Jan.
Add. MS. 28,578, f. 6. B. M.
The King and his Council attach so much importance to the brief that the Emperor has, that they are trying by every means to get it into their hands. The King has made the Queen swear that she will do all she can to procure it, for which purpose she has been made to write a letter and protestation addressed to the Emperor, quite against her own will. However, she has sent a messenger named Montoia, instructed by word of mouth, to inform his Majesty of the whole affair. It was dangerous to give him a cipher, lest it should awake suspicion in France. Suggests that a copy of the brief be made in the presence of the English ambassadors and some bishops, for the confusion of those who take Henry's part. Hears from Rome of the supplication and protestation made by the ambassador to the Pope about this matter.
Three days ago there arrived a messenger from the Pope, and another from the king of England's ambassador there, and, so far as I can understand, the Pope does not mean to give a mandate for settling the cause here.
The King has told me that he has begun to lay the blame upon his Cardinal, who, he says, has not fulfilled his promises in the matter. All that he has done about it hitherto has been to desire the Pope and the King to frighten the Queen, so that she should of her own accord enter religion; nevertheless he has secretly intimated to this Legate (Campeggio) that if she refuse, no further use shall be made of the commission which he publicly bears, without a new mandate. The ambassador, moreover, writes from Rome, that if the Queen had sent power to make the same demand on her own account that he has done on behalf of the Emperor, the cause would already have been revoked to Rome.
Has done his best to solicit the Queen to this effect. But she neither can nor dare do it. Nevertheless, I think she will write in her own hand to the Pope, by which her wish may appear.
Touching the continuation of the truce with France, &c.
Wolsey is very ill pleased that the English ambassadors are away from the court, but the less he likes it the more reason there is for keeping them at a distance. Perhaps it would even be better if they were out of the kingdom.
The collector who came from there (Spain ?) has reported that he had been told by persons of authority, that, if this war goes on, your Majesty might make a new king of England (hechar este rey deste reyno); and such was the fear they showed that the Cardinal told them in public, that, in order to irritate the English against the Emperor, he had conceded to them one thing that they had long asked for, that foreigners should not be allowed to keep any household except with English workmen, and that a number of Flemings had already been compelled to depart.
Nothing is more necessary than that the Queen should get the cause revoked to Rome, as neither she nor the judges are free.
Modern copy of a decipher from the archives of Simancas. Spanish, pp. 5. Headed: De don Ynigo, a 16 de Henero 1529.
17 Jan.
Vit. B. XI. 18. B. M.
After the departure of Brian and Vannes, Francis Campanus, the Pope's chamberlain, and Vincent Casale arrived here. Received from the latter their letters, with which the King is well pleased; but he marvels at their small diligence in going towards R[ome]. The said personages, though they were not sent in such haste, and were delayed in France, have made more diligence than they. They ought to have made some progress in their cause before the arrival of the card. Angell, general of the [Franciscans]. (fn. 2)
In order that they may proceed the more earnestly, sends a copy of his letter to Mr. Secretary and Benet. Urges them to proceed with the matter. Franciscus Campanus will shortly return, and will tell Casale how pleased the King is with his conduct, and how well his kinsman is liked here. Richmond, 15 Jan.
P.S.—The King has determined to send Dr. Stephyns to Rome, instead of Mr. Secretary and Benet, who will wait for him at Lyons. Mr. Secretary will then return to reside in France, and Mr. Benet will go home. He will ride in post the whole way. They must make all possible progress, and conclude the "presydye" if they can. Richmond, 17 Jan. Signed.
P. 4.
Vit. B. XI. 20. B. M.
"Master Secretary and Mr. Benet." Has [received] by their chaplain, Sir Peter, the bearer, their letters of the 6th and 8th of this instant month of Ja[nuary], [one] subscribed by them and the Master of the Rolls, and the other by them alone, narrating their conferences with the French king and his mother, and with Vincent, kinsman of Sir Gregory de Casalis, concerning the Pope.
Is not a little perplexed at their letter, for they understand Vincent's sayings in a contrary sense. Their last instructions were based upon the Pope's fear of the Emperor, which was to be removed by the "presydye" and the truce. Repaired to the King, fearing he would be much displeased that they had fallen into such despair,—especially at their having sent to Brian and his colleagues for suspension of their instructions, and detained Thaddeus courier so long with the letters directing them to introduce the matter of the "presydye" to the Pope. Appeased the King as well as he could, but he marvelled as much as he had done at anything for many days. Both their instructions and Brian's provided a remedy for the Pope's fear, which Vincent affirmed to be the chief and only impediment to the King's purpose; and they could not, therefore, have had a better occasion for hope and courage, nor more confidence to accelerate their journey. Their instructions also distinctly set forth that the presydye would remove the Pope's fear, and, by showing the determination of these two princes, would have put the Emperor in no little dread, which was all that Vincent said was necessary to attain the King's desire from the Pope. In proof of the Pope's affection he has sent Francesco Campana to declare that he is ready to do not only all that of law, justice, and equity can be required of him, but also as much as he can do ex plenitudine potestatis; and although he specially regards the indiction of a General Council, the Emperor's descent into Italy, and the restitution of his towns, which he is offered through the Emperor, still no perils will prevent his doing all he can for the King, "but would if he might know that [the resigning] of the papality might confer to the conducing of the K[ing's purpose], be contented for the sincere love that he beareth unto h[is Highness,] rather than fail, to do the same. As for the prince ... his Holiness not only tendereth specially and entirely ... becometh the common Father to do to all such noble ... of Christendom," but also for his virtues and his merits towards the Church and himself; he was also desirous to know of the progress of the cause, thinking that Wolsey and Campeggio had proceeded right far in the examination and decision thereof, with many other loving and kind demonstrations.
Although they did not know of this despatch of the Pope's chamberlain, still there was matter enough for them to have continued their journey, knowing the importance of the business, which admits of no negative, and the confidence with which they were selected. Assures them that whereas the King before their departure was in firm hope to have his desire liberally and speedily granted, "now [he finds] that at the coming of the said Vincent from ... Rome there was none other matter there proposed on the [King's part] by Sir Gregory de Cassalys, but only the marvel th[at his] highness, at the first coming of my lord legate Campegius conceived, that he so much dissuaded the divorce and showed himself strange from the King's purpose, and that the Pope's holiness upon that only knowledge hath made so lov[ing] a depeche unto the King's highness, his Grace in manner as ... himself, as there is good cause that Sir Francis Bri[an and] his colleagues before and you soon after coming with this ... a matter unto the Pope's holiness whereof never hithert[o] ... hath there been made, and whereby the fear that his [Holiness] is or might be in shall be removed, and all othe[r] ... to follow, which may make to the Pope's purpo[se] ... there is in manner a perfect surety that he shall w[ithout] difficulty, the matters being substantially handled ... of the best of the degrees by you to be desired, se[eing that the] Pope's holiness, who, the three respects of General Co[uncil, the] descent of the Emperor into Italy, and the facile recovery [of the] pieces aforesaid remaining, hath showed himself s[o stead]fast and friendly by his own offer unto the furtherance of the [King's] cause, shall not fail, the same by declaration of your instruc[tions] and letters aforesaid removed, not only without further difficulty to embrace the same, but also most highly to give lauds and thanks to Almighty God, and to the kings, for the inventing of so perfect and assured a remedy and expedient far above his hope or expectation."
On their arrival with the Pope, which they must hasten as much as possible, they must begin by thanking his Holiness for the message sent by his chamberlain, and assuring him of the King's intention to stick to him in prosperity and adversity, and his zeal for the defence and honor of the Pope and of the Holy See. They must then speak of the three respects before mentioned, showing the King's devices for the Pope's weal, which will be a good introduction to the matter of the presydye; and having opened to him the taking upon him to manage the negotiations for peace, his repair to Nice, the assembly of the princes there to treat, and the perpetual establishment of the common army on the Emperor's refusal, they shall say that hereby all his doubts as to the Emperor's coming into Italy will be removed; for the Emperor, seeing his Holiness so assured, will rather accept the truce, and repair to the place of convention, or else, refusing the sai[d truce], will be compelled to remain for the defence of Spain. As to the Genera[l Council], when these things are thus set forth, there will be no colour for such a thing, and it cannot be [held] if the Pope, the King and [the French] king do not consent.
They must show him also what has been done by the two Kings for the recovery of the Pope's pieces, by which means his Holiness cannot fail to recover them surely and for a continuance; whereas nothing that can be had by the Emperor can be sure, for it is evident that all his acts tend to the injury of the Pope and the Holy See; and his Holiness may be sure that the Emperor, when he saw his time, would take from him in one day as much as he could give him in a year. The doubts respecting the three things spoken of by the Chamberlain are hereby entirely removed. They must thus attempt to remove his fears, and draw him from the Emperor unto these two Princes, which is the way for them to conduce the remainder of their charge. Desires them to cast away any doubt they may conceive of the French king's untowardness to the truce or to the contribution; for Mr. Secretary, who well knows the strangeness of princes to new overtures, may well think that such difficulty was only shown for some other purpose, especially to induce the King to contribute to his war towards Spain, to which the King is not bound unless both truce and peace [fail] by the Emperor's fault, but if the King accepts the truce, the French king will of necessity do so. They need make no mention to the Pope of any difficulty made by the French king.
As to the Pope's coming to Nice, both Campeggio and the Chamberlain affirmed that he would not refuse a much greater thing, so that they must not so easily give place to the [French] king's sayings and doings, nor to other contrar[y reports] that may arise. If the King thought that they, after proposing their charge, would wade no further, but take any answer, it were in vain for him to send such special and elect persons, whom he hath tried purposely to persist viis et modis, opportune et importune, and in any way to attain their object; but Sir Gregory, or any other person [pre]sent, might have been instructed by letters to do that or much more.
The King and he both trust that they will substantially look to their charge, and not abandon it for one or two refusals, for they know how cold and dull the Pope is. They must stick long upon the obtaining of the decretal, and, if that fails, proceed to the other degrees of their instructions, leaning always to the best that may be attained. Although the Pope will perhaps easily incline to grant a dispensation that the King may convolare ad secundas nuptias cum legitimatione prolis ex secunda uxore suscipiendæ, if the Queen will enter religion or vow chastity, as it seems by what Campeggio says, they must be well ware of conforming thereto, and abandoning the better degrees. The Pope might consent to it to stop their suits, for it must needs take a long time to find out what the Queen will [do], but the King thinks that she will never consent thereto. They must not, therefore, consent to this, unless they can attain nothing else, for it is to be feared it would be little better than nothing. Nevertheless, if, failing all [other] ways, they perceived that any [doubt] that the Pope "might be in of the Qu[een's consent] to enter religion might encourage him the ... the decretal with promise that first the utt[ermost means] be experimented that conveniently might be to [cause the Queen] to enter into religion, and that failing ... the decretal to be put in execution. It were ... hurt, though, if ye could do no better, ye after that ... having the decretal withal to be used as afore shu[ld] the sooner admit that degree; but surely unless it were ... sooner to obtain the decretal, or that ye could by no [other] means possible attain any better degree, it shall be [to] little purpose, or none, as it is verily thought, to take this." They must consider the difficulty or even impossibility of bringing the Queen to such religion or vow of chastity, and order their doings accordingly. Does not doubt their having good expedition, especially if his Holiness accept the presidy, which was devised not only to please the Pope and the French king, but also for furtherance of the King's causes. They need not, therefore, be so scrupulous as to fear that either the French ambassadors or others perceiving their overtures would think that the device proceeded not totally for their cause, for it is right that when a prince does a kindness to another he should expect some benefit for himself. "And as ye know and was declared to you in counsel, one of the things noted to be much to the avancement of the King's cause was that the Pope's Holiness, taking this presidy, should thereby be brought to have as much fear and respect towards the King's highness as he now hath towards the Emperor, and consequently be the gladder to grant and condescend unto the King's desire, though ye were ordered to show the French king it was devised chiefly for his sake, and to tee ... the Pope that it was invented principally for his surety, and yet it forseth not though they both think [that it were] don partly for the benefit of the King's cause ..."
Sends to them letters to John Joachim, with a copy, as the French king is sending him to Rome to further the King's cause.
Casale's search for the bull in the [register] of pope Julius has been unsuccessful. There is, therefore, little likeness that any such brief was passed. It is to be feared, however, that those who forged the brief may falsify the record. They have now full instructions, and he urges them to acquit themselves according to the expectation had of them. If they fail it is evident that the Pope does not proceed sincerely or justly with the King, or as a good father of the Church. In this case they are instructed "wh[at] ... by protestation and otherwise for declaration of the ... determination and intent whereunto the King's highness [would] be as loth to proceed as ever was prince christened," if the urgent necessity and the weal of his person and realm did not force him thereto.
They may assure the Pope that if he assists the King his Highness will never forget his obligation, in prosperity or adversity. Writes also to Brian, Vannes, and Casale, enclosing a copy of these, lest, upon Knight and Benet's letters, they should forbear to conclude the presidy, which should not be retarded, considering the arrival of the general of the Observants, and other Imperial agents in Italy, who are urging the Pope not to grant anything that may tend to the divorce.
"A post scripta is put hereunto to command Mr. Secretary and Mr. Benet, the premises notwithstanding, to tarry at Lyons till Mr. Stephens come."
Copy by Tuke, pp. 18, mutilated. There is a mutilated decipher of the passage in cipher in the margin.
Vit. B. XII. 157.
B. M. Pocock, I. 187.
* * * They are making great efforts to have a sight of the original brief in order to pronounce some decision upon it. For that purpose the Queen has been induced to send to the Emperor to ask for it in her own name. He is to entreat the Pope to write to the Emperor, and demand the production of the original within a given time, as delays are prejudicial, and great suspicions exist. They are anxious to have their own opinion of the matter justified, and if your Lordship can do anything towards augmenting those suspicions, and make the truth appear, the King will be most grateful to you. You may be supplied with any sum of money necessary for prosecuting the inquiry, and discovering how this brief was procured. To delay sentence on a vain and suspicious brief is unjust and perilous to this kingdom.
Lat., draft, mutilated.
Vit. B. XII. 164.
B. M. Pocock, I. 184.
Whereas it has come to the Pope's knowledge that the whole controversy of the divorce has turned upon the insufficiency of the dispensation found in the English State Paper office, and that the Queen has exhibited the copy of a brief, of which the original is in Spain, but not found in England, respecting the genuineness of which great doubts are entertained; we authorise you to reject whatever evidence is tendered in behalf of this brief as an evident forgery, and to proceed according to the tenor of our previous letters.
Lat. Endd. in same hand at ƒ. 177 b: Minuta commissionis decretalis. The order of the folios is interrupted by a blank leaf at ƒ. 167, and again after ƒ. 168, from which the text will be found continued at ƒ . 176.
Vit. B. XII. 150.
B. M.
2. Another draft of the same, with the conclusion somewhat altered. The conclusion is printed in Pocock, I. 186.
17 Jan.
Cal. D. X. 379. B. M.
5182. [TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
"[Please] it your Grace to understand [that ... Mr. Secre]tarie and Mr. Benet in all things acc[ording to what was reso]lved in the French court, took their via[ge] ... Thadeum the post before them in good dilig[ence] ... And because Mr. Secretary had moved un[to] ... to send into Scotland to let their ambassadors ... should go into Spain. The King and M[adame] ... the said matter called unto them the du[ke of Albany, and] communicated substantially with the said Du[ke because he] knew the nature of the Scots. So at that [time it was] thought, both by the King, Madame his mother, ... that it was, for the shortness of the time, best ... should send a gentleman of his into Scotland, th ... to your Grace, through England, with letters from th ... declaring to your Grace the mind and intent of the Fr[ench king in that] cause; so that likewise the King's highness and your Gr[ace should be] instruct of the said French king's will and mind, [that then your] Grace might add or diminish as it should seem [meet], and according to the purpose, to the King's h[ighness] and your gracious contentation and intent, and if the ... with safe-conduct passing into Scotland be not accep[table] in Scotland, according to his instructions, nor speed in [the matter] wherefore he is sent, and that the Scots, not regardy[ng the proposals] to them made, but obstinately follow their sensual ... ryng to acquire new amities and feigned promise ... the faithful admonitions and fruitful counsel o[f their allies] and confederates; than (then) the Duke in his own p[erson, with the] authority of the Parliament of all Scotland ... and the realm of Scotland, shall come by ... master, and of the French king, and your ... in all his doings, and nothing d ... go into Scotland, and if * * * ... [r]enounce his protection and all such ... of the Parliament; and further to ... [as your Gr]ace shall advise him to do. Thus said ... the 14th of Jan., and further showed [me of his intent to send] to England Mons. Doartie, and bring pres[ents to the King's highnes]s and your Grace, the which I trust shall the shor[tlier be despatched. On the] 14th day came tidings that one Tibaldus, of the ... slain Andreas Doria, the which, if it be true, ... shall be informed. Furthermore I saw letters th ... [from the a]mbassador of Florence confirming the death of Andr[eas Doria, a]nd that the 27th of December the card. S. Crucis ... per agrum Senensium dissimulato habitu, with two servants, and is at Rome, as more largelier, I doubt no[t, your Grace] is informed from our ambassadors there.
The prince of Orange is declared vice le roy of Naples ... and general governor of Italy for him. I hear nothing ... Philip nor John Curson that should go into Spain ..."
17 Jan. 1528.
18 Jan.
R. O. St. P. VII. 145.
Commission for arranging a peace, in conjunction with Francis I., with the Pope, for the tranquillity of Italy, and the contingents of soldiers, pay, &c., for defence of the Pope's person. Richmond, 18 Jan. 1528. Signed.
Lat., parchment.
R. O. 2. Three modern copies of the above.
"Gentle Master Arundel, by these letters I shall take you by the hand, and bid you most heartily farewell, supplying that which I could not yesterday do, as well for that ye waiting upon my Lord's grace, and I hasted to repair hither, were suddenly sundered, as also that in very deed my stomach would not suffer me so to do; but though I depart from you in body, I depart not in mind and soul, which, considering it may be where I list, ye may be well assured it shall be ever where you be during my life, wheresoever this body shall fortune to wander. As knoweth God, who send you most heartily well to fare. At Westm., this morning. Entirely your own, Steven Gardyner."
Hol., p. 1.
18 Jan.
R. O.
Arrived at Mons. St. Pôl's camp the day before Pavia was assaulted, when nothing was done that Wolsey has not heard of already. The famine is continued, and no man is so strong but he is brought in danger of death by extreme sickness. Thought he should never have been able to do his duty. Came to the court on Christmas eve. There is no news but of the marriage between count Genever, brother to the duke of Savoy, and Madame de Longeville, sister to the Duke. Letters arrived on the 12th, saying that Andro Dore and Antone de Levar were both dead. On the 15th, "the littell Katillion" died, for whom the King and la Regente made great moan. Yesterday the King departed to Normandy, to a house of the Grand Seneschal's, called Anneyt, and it is said he will go thence to Bleis. Asks Wolsey to pardon his rude writing. Would not have presumed to write unless ordered. Begs Wolsey to obtain something for him from the King, for he had nothing for the long time he served his Grace. St. Germains, 18 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
18 Jan.
R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 113.
Asks him to tell Wolsey that he does not come now, because he has to finish certain deeds relating to the college at Ipswich; viz., Wolsey's grant of the monasteries of Felixstowe, Rumburgh and Bromehill; the King's patents assenting to their suppression, and to the Pope's exemption of the college; his licence for the impropriation of the benefices belonging to them; Norfolk's deed of gift to Wolsey of the monastery of Felixstowe; releases by the convent of Rochester of their title therein; by the convent of St. Mary's, York, of their title in Rumburgh; by the earl of Oxford of his title in Bromehill; and by the French queen and duke of Suffolk of their titles in Sayes Court, Byckeling, and the priory of Snape. Will finish them, and come up tomorrow night or Wednesday at noon, to ask Wolsey about sealing them. Since Wolsey was at Richmond, has been to Lyesnes. The Thames has overflowed the marshes there, and the last tide has made a new breach, destroying what will cost 300l. to repair. If he had not been there to encourage the workmen, all the previous expenditure would have been cast away, and the workmen would have left. Has set the work going again. A new assessment has been made to pay for it, and the college is assessed at 220l., which must be paid at once, and he must ask Wolsey for it. Encloses a letter from one of the masters of the works. Is going thither immediately. London, 18 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Dr. Gardiner. Endd.
19 Jan.
R. O.
5187. PAUL CASALE to his Brother the PROTHONOTARY.
After you left we were all thrown into confusion, from fright of the death of the Pope. His Holiness was in such extremity that one night, about 8, the physicians, finding no pulse, gave him over for dead. Next morning he recovered. The disease is so diminished that the fever has now left him, and tonight his physicians will give him a purge. In the tumult Hippolito de Medici was created cardinal, much against the wish of the Pope, and has the archbishopric of Avignon. Doria was created cardinal by some intrigue. Bryan and Vannes, the English ambassadors, have arrived. Two others are expected. The famine is bad here. Rome, 19 Jan. 1529.
Copy, Lat., p. 1.
R. O. 2. Another copy. Ital., p. 1. Endd.
Vit. B. XI. 29.
B. M.
3. A third copy. Ital., p. 1.
20 Jan.
R. O.
Has heard from his ambassadors and others of Salviati's zeal for his service. Means to write to him frequently. Is sending Steph. Gardiner, LL.D., to the Pope, and has commissioned him to confer with Salviati on matters which concern the King's health of soul and body, the security of his kingdom, and the honor of the Papal See. Hamptoncorte, 20 Jan. 1528. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. In Vannes' hand. Add. Endd.
20 Jan.
R. O.
The Cistercian abbot of Thame died the 18th. There is no one fit to succeed him, and the house is greatly in debt. Wishes Wolsey to direct his letters to the abbot of Waverley, the visitor of the Cistercians, in favor of Dompne Kinge, abbot of Bruarne, D.D.; otherwise the house is undone. I am founder of the same monastery, and anxious to promote religion there. Woburn, 20 Jan.
P.S.—Has received from the visitor of Oxford notice of your intention to visit the university this Lent. They have deferred their act and commencement till your arrival.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
20 Jan.
R. O.
Has taken one John Sant, that slew a servant of Brereton's, of the privy chamber, and escaped into Carmarthenshire. At that time it was rumored in the Marches, near where the Prince's council lay about 12 months ago, that the King was dead. Sir Will. Thomas inquired into the matter, and found that the rumor had been first spread by Sant; on which writs for his arrest were sent to Thomas as sheriff. He was taken in a lordship of lord Audeley's, and committed to a neighbouring castle, from which he escaped; but the writer, knowing him to be "resetted," laid watch for him, and at length took him, at great cost to himself. Cayrewe, 20 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
20 Jan.
R. O.
Condoles with him on the great mortality they have sustained by the pestilence, in which they have lost four priests and two lay brethren. Hopes they died devoutly, as he has known divers since he entered the Order, "which hath specially caused me to make this great labor to come to London again." Wrote to the Prior at Michaelmas, by the prior of Shene, to have leave to come to London, or else to Shene, to be professed, or else to be bound by the general chapter. Offered them two years' probation. Thinks the prior of Shene would have taken him, but was prevented by the priors of Hinton and Axholme. If these wishes are not complied with, desires to go to Witham, where several cells are vacant. Would prefer this to being made officer of any house in the North country, as he cannot stand cold, "and aparty Northern men's conditions." Begs the prior and father vicar to make no more labor to make him an officer in a strange house, for they make all the monks envy him, "and when the charter cometh, then I am put in ad ordinis voluntatem, which is a sentence rather of tyranny than of charity." Complains that Spencer wrote untruly. If they will not call him home, begs that he be sent to Shene or else to Witham, or, as a last resource, to Bevall. "I love to be southwards, and I hate bondage." Axholme, 20 Jan. 1528.
Hol., p. 1. Add. With a heading, stating that the letter was written before the prior of Hinton's servant came to Axholme.
20 Jan.
Galba, B. IX. 143. B. M.
Received yesterday his letter, dated 11th inst. As to the complaints of the Spaniards, has told my Lady of the trouble taken by Sir Edw. Gulforth to save them from their enemies, and the order taken by the King to discover who were the aggressors, and to do justice. My Lady answered that she did not doubt it, but thought the King might, if he pleased, set order that such violence should not be permitted within his jurisdiction, and the Spaniards thought to be as free there as here, during the truce, which is not yet expired; she will not allow the Low Countries to break first, and says that what is reported to the contrary of Beaureyn and others is wind and vanity. Sir John Steyl (Stile), governor of the Merchants Adventurers, to whom he sent his letters of Dec. 24, writes that he forwarded them to Mr. Wingfield at Calais; supposes Tuke has received them by this time. Has written lately by Occhoa de Salzedo, the Queen's servant. Has been separately informed by two men of credence that the French king and the Regent have a secret "conwoyans" with my Lady and Hoghestrat to make peace with the Emperor unknown to the King or Wolsey. It is necessary to tell the King and Wolsey of this in time. Would gladly come over and show Wolsey more at large. They want to exclude their friends from knowledge of their secret business, but if he is not commanded to come over he hopes to send more news in a few days. Has delivered Tuke's letter to Hesdyng, who was right glad thereof. Will do his best for the recovery of Tuke's chain. Does not wish to trouble Wolsey, but asks Tuke to tell him that he has eaten all his corn green, and it would be convenient to him if Wolsey would advance him the half year from time to time, or else he must set more water in his wine, and take patience. Will send by his next letter the wid ... of his patent.
My Lady said last night that Madame de Pynnoy, who came lately from France, was told by the French king to show verbally to my Lady that the French king is willing to come to an agreement with the Emperor, and that if the Emperor and he were at agreement they would cause the King to leave some fantasy that he has afore him. To[ld] my Lady that it was indiscreetly spoken for a noble prince. She answered, "Mons. lembassateur, [vous] pues fer touts les plessyrs que vouldres aux Franschoys, mes alla fyn vous ne trouveres jam[ais] bon fondement." Asks Tuke to send Friar West here with good instruction, and to send money to pay for Sir Ric. Akerston's costs of prison. As to his extraordinary expences about Harman's process, will send the sum total when it is finished.
Wishes the money due to him to last Michaelmas to be paid to Thos. Legh's factor. Hesdyng desires to be recommended to Wolsey, and is about to send him two cross bows. Machlyng, 20 Jan. 1528.
The Emperor has here already 50 pieces of ordnance and 400 hagbushes to be sent to Spain. Thinks Mons. de Reux will conduct them.
Hol., pp. 4. Add. Endd.: Letters, &c., xii. Jan. The passages in cipher deciphered by Tuke.


  • 1. Montoia.
  • 2. Francis Quiñones, who was called de Angelis, cardinal S. Crucis.