Henry VIII: November 1528, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: November 1528, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2134-2150 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: November 1528, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2134-2150.

"Henry VIII: November 1528, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2134-2150.


November 1528

11 Nov.
Vit. B. X. 115.
B. M.
4918. ITALY.
Extract from the letters of Gregory [Casale] to Peter Vannes, dated Bologna, Oct. 23.
Will use all diligence in executing his last commissions, but, being too weak from his illness to go to Rome, has sent his brother the prothonotary, who had come to see him. Will follow him as soon as possible. Asks him to thank the King for the 200l. he has sent him, and for his other kindness to himself and his house. Fears that Andrea Dauria has offended the French too much to trust them, but Casale will do his best. Thadeus was obliged to come by a circuitous route to avoid the Spaniards, and brought testimonials to that effect from the count of St. Pôl and others. The prothonotary Gambara, the governor of Bologna, told him that Savona has surrendered to the Genoese, and that St. Pôl's army contains only 1,000 infantry, and the Venetians' 2,000; which Casale cannot believe. Does not think the expedition of Milan will succeed. Wishes Wolsey to tell George Ardizon not to exact any tax from his pension, as he is the King's servant.
The ambassador of the duke of Ferrara complains that he has not endeavored to obtain from the King and Wolsey a confirmation of the capitulation with the Duke in the time of Lautrec. Wishes to know what he is to say.
ii. From letters of Gregory Casale, dated Bologna, 11 Nov.
Has received letters from his brother the prothonotary that he is doing his best to procure what the King wishes from the Pope and the cardinal S. Quatuor. The general of the Franciscan Order, (fn. 1) who lately came from the kingdom of Naples, is created cardinal. The bailiff of Rouen will depart tomorrow; he had been sent to desire the Pope to keep neutral. It is said that the French king wishes to make war in Naples and Lombardy, and wants both Italian and German troops.
iii. From letters of Jacobo Salviati to Gregory [Casale].
Being desired by the prothonotary Casale, spoke to the Pope about the request of the King and Wolsey. His Holiness answered that he was ready to grant all they asked.
Lat., pp. 3. Endd.
11 Nov.
Add. 28577,
f. 306.
B. M.
A memorial by "Galfrigidus" or Percit (?), a messenger of the earl of Desmond in Ireland, that he has been sent to the Emperor by his master to desire an alliance, as friends of the Emperor's friends and enemy of his enemies; that he desires two or three pieces of artillery and ammunition sent him at the Earl's cost, and that the Emperor would send some one to conclude with him, &c. Toledo, 11 Nov. 1528.
"Dixo yo el dicho Pero, que en latyn me llamo Galfrigidus," that the earl of Desmond and Macart More are both of one conformity; that Macart More pays tribute to Desmond, and can bring into the field 19,000 foot and 200 horse, and Desmond 16,000 foot and 2,000 horse.
Spanish, pp. 5, modern copy.
di Principi,
II. 149 b.
I have received no letters from you since those of the ..., but I learn from my son, the cardinal, that you had arrived in England, although indisposed through the gout, and had been well received by the King (fn. 2) and the cardinal of York. The Pope is pleased to hear of your safe arrival, but does not condole with you on account of the gout, as it is a common complaint. We are anxiously expecting your letters.
Your Lordship is aware how positively the King and Cardinal have always promised the Pope that his territories should be restored; and, indeed, the King has done in this matter as much as could reasonably be expected. But as he will have understood from Dr. Stephen (Gardiner) that the Venetians are very obstinate, and disregard the intercession of so great a King, it will be necessary for his Majesty, in order to confirm the trust which the Pope reposes in him, to resent this affront in such a manner that the Venetians may perceive they have offended him, and not the Pope only. Unless the King and Cardinal take up this subject warmly, it will appear, after the King has used his good offices in vain, that the French king's authority is alone sufficient. I do not speak of the restitution of the lands of the duke of Ferrara, as the Pope is at present more aggrieved with the injury done him by the Venetians. I constantly inform my son of the occurrences here, with which he will make you acquainted.
Sir [Gregory] Casale, in order to recover from the illness which he took on returning from accompanying your Lordship, went to Loretto, and from thence has removed to Bologna, where he received letters from the King and the cardinal of York, with orders to obtain certain favors from the Pope. Not being in a fit state to ride, he has caused his brother, the elect of Bellun, to repair hither. You will have learned what the King and Cardinal desire, namely, the union of certain monasteries to the value of 8,000 [ducats?], for the two colleges established by the grandfathers (fn. 3) of his Majesty. As the Pope was able to grant this sine consilio fratrum, the bull will be expedited. They also desire the erection of certain monasteries into bishoprics; but as this is a difficult matter, and cannot be done except de consensu fratrum, the decision has been deferred until the form is obtained of the erection of a former monastery into a cathedral, which they say has been done several times in that island. The Pope will then be better able to satisfy the King and the cardinal of York, to whom this see is so much obliged that no favor, however great, provided it be honorable (honesta), can be denied them, especially as it is certain that the object of his Majesty and the Cardinal is the service of God only. The King also requests an indulgence, to which his Holiness is willing to consent, but only for a few days, because, in order to remedy the discredit (viltà) into which they have fallen, owing to their too liberal concessions in the past, it is necessary not to grant too many of them. The Cardinal further demands the union to his college of three monasteries, which are not mentioned in the other bulls. This, too, shall be granted, although his Holiness could have wished that it had not been requested of him; but as it is his most reverend Lordship who makes the demand, and for such a purpose, he cannot refuse him, as the elect of Bellun is to write to him at greater length,—the elect being here, and soliciting this "expedition" with much importunity. We have letters from the King and Cardinal to the Pope, to which an answer shall be sent when the "expeditions" shall have been made.
Your Lordship is aware that when the Pope was importuned by the French, during their occupation of the kingdom, to declare himself, he always remained firm in his purpose not to depart from his neutrality, which he hopes will be the means of concluding peace, especially as he finds that course is not displeasing to the King and the cardinal of York, who have no other object or end than the good of Christendom. The Pope is still of the same mind with regard to not taking up arms for the Emperor for any offers whatever which they (the Imperialists) might make him,—though, indeed, the Emperor has made no overture as yet, the matter being only hinted by his agents. But seeing that the Venetians and the duke of Ferrara are not only averse to restoring his territories, but seem to be designing further mischief, the Pope fears he shall be compelled to relinquish his purpose; and you know he would not lack allies. He also suspects the Florentines. It is asserted that the French favor the tactics of these parties. The Pope has therefore written to Salviati to remonstrate gently with the French king; but if Henry and Wolsey would write to France, it would have more weight.
The diet which was to have been held at Ratisbon has been deferred by order of the Emperor, but a meeting will take place this winter to discuss some very scandalous matters. They propose to call a council of the German nation. Only a good peace can remedy these evils. The General of the Franciscans, now cardinal Santa Croce, is on his way to Italy, and is bringing [the order for] the liberation of the Cardinals who are hostages, and the restoration of Ostia and Civita Vecchia.
Ital. Signature and date omitted.
12 Nov.
Rym. XIV. 273.
R. O.
Bull of pope Clement, empowering Wolsey to inquire as to the expediency of suppressing certain monasteries and erecting cathedrals. Rome, prid. id. Nov. 1528.
Lat., vellum.
Rym. XIV. 272.
R. O.
2. Bull of pope Clement for the suppression of monasteries having fewer than 12 monks or nuns, and uniting them to larger monasteries. Rome, prid. id. Nov. 1528.
Lat., vellum.
13 Nov.
R. O.
St. P. IV. 522.
The commissioners met at Berwick on the 8 Nov., and have appointed to meet there the 9th prox. for final conclusion of peace. Hopes the King will command them to make none "bot giff my matteris be dressit in the sammyn," otherwise he and his friends are utterly destroyed, and will never be able to serve the King, for the peace is desired by Scotland only for his destruction. Coldingham Abbey, 13 Nov. 1528. Signed.
Add. Endd.
[14 Nov.]
Cal. B. VII. 99.
B. M.
St. P. IV. 521.
Notwithstanding the King's letters James assembled his army on the 18 Oct., and besieged his house of Temtalloun with artillery of his own and of Dunbar castle, and ingenious men, both Scotch and French. Never was so much done in vain to win one house. On Wednesday, 4 Nov., the King removed to Edinburgh, leaving a band of foot and a company of horse to bring home the artillery. That night Angus issued out with a body of eightscore horse, attacked and defeated them a little after moonrise, before day, and slew David Falkconer, their principal captain of foot, their best man-of-war on sea, who was taken lately by the English. Took the master of the artillery; but not to dishonor his King, especially for Henry's sake, conducted the artillery out of danger, and let the master pass, praying him to show his Sovereign that Angus had been his true servant. Has written to the King that the commissioners be instructed to take no peace unless Angus and his friends be restored. Coldingham Abbey, this Saturday. Signed.
Add. Endd.
14 Nov.
Cal. B. II. 125.
B. M.
St. P. IV. 530.
Supposes Wolsey has been informed of the siege of Temptalon by the king of Scots, and of his return to Edinburgh, &c. During the siege, Arch. and Geo. Douglas, the uncle and brother of Angus, met at Cobornespath with Sir Jas. Hamilton and the sheriff of Ayr, and consulted about getting the Earl back into favor; but the terms did not please him and his friends. Geo. Douglas has received the 100l. assigned by Wolsey for Angus's use. Will do what he is commanded, but thinks it would be a pity to alienate the king of Scots for the sake of Angus. Orders were given to allow any of the English borderers to go over to the Earl, but very few would, unless specially commanded. Geo. Douglas says the Scots are obliged to send to France for gunpowder, of which they have none, unless it be at Dunbar. Upon his assurances sent to Angus by word of mouth, the Earl has just come to him with his uncle and brother. He seems to expect to be received again into favor since the king of Scots failed at Temptalon; but Magnus thinks this very unlikely, as the slaughter of Davy Fawconer is grievously taken. The Earl wishes us to rest still in calling for redress and negociate no further, which will compel the Scots to listen to our terms. Believes the contrary is true. We were asked by the Scots what redress we ever obtained from Angus these three years, and could make no good answer. The English borders do not praise his administration. Angus says the Scotch king has sent Will. Hamelton to the Emperor, desiring marriage and amity with him; and the Scotch commissioners have confessed as much, saying it was Angus's doing. Berwick, 14 Nov. Signed.
Add. Endd.
14 Nov.
Cal. B. II. 95.
B. M.
St. P. IV. 523.
4925. MAGNUS, &c. to WOLSEY.
Have endeavored to fulfil the commands of the King and Wolsey given in their letters of the 5 and 6 Oct., and a book of instructions signed by the King touching their meeting with the Scotch commissioners at Berwick. On their way to the Borders visited the earl of Northumberland at Alnwick, where they met the lieutenants of the East and Middle Marches. Except the great attemptate against Dacre's servants, and one or two high robberies by the Scots, there is as great redress to be made by England. On the 8th met at Berwick with the Scotch commissioners, the abbot of Kelso and Mr. Adam Otterburn. Expressed their surprise that the king of Scots' commission was only for a three-years' peace, and refused to negociate, but only call for redress; which put the Scots not a little in doubt what redress should be made for the attemptates of the Armstrongs and men of Liddersdaill, who were not in due subjection to their prince. They offered to conclude a peace for four or five years, and send for a new commission, as redress could not be made in brief time. Urged that, in case of redress being denied by the Armstrongs, an article should be included in the treaty, or a schedule annexed to it, allowing the King to molest them without breach of the peace. To this they could give no answer without consulting their prince. They admitted the reasonableness of our demand that prisoners taken on English ground by the Armstrongs should be put at liberty, but could not promise a remedy. Discussed the matter two or three days to no purpose. Asked what the king of Scots intended to do for Angus. The Scots said it was no part of their commission, and they were commanded, if the matter were put to them effectually, to take their leave; but they knew their master wondered the King would favor a person whom he regarded as a rebel. Replied that the King was induced to do so, seeing that James was ruled by thieves and murderers rather than by the noblemen of his realm. Mentioned Sir James Hamilton, who slew Lennox, the sheriff of Ayr, who slew Cassillis, the lord of Buccleugh, who caused the death of Dan Carre, warden of the East Marches, and the lord Maxwell, chief maintainer of offenders, by means of whom, and of Harry Steward, now married to the queen of Scots, Angus is attainted. Perplexed the commissioners with these answers, and made them desirous of peace. They said, if the King would regard a stranger more than his own blood, James must seek friends for himself. Replied that the King only intended to give his nephew his best advice, but that it was not "convenient" to enter into peace without redress being made. At last the Diet was prorogued till 9 Dec., the peace remaining in full effect till 15 Jan., and strict orders given for proclamations for its observance on both Borders.
Desire instructions whether to refuse peace unless order be taken for the earl of Angus. It is openly rumored by Geo. Douglas and Lyon Herald that Henry will not do so otherwise; which is much grudged at. Think that peace should not be delayed till the justice of all grievances be inquired into, and that the King should be empowered to pursue the Armstrongs if the Scots will not answer for them. If the King will have no peace without provision being made for Angus, garrisons must be ordained for the defence of the Borders. The men of Tynedale and Riddesdale were lately in Scotland, where many were taken prisoners, and they lost eightscore horses. Think peace should not be refused either on account of Angus or for want of redress. Magnus will remain here till next day of meeting, to note what goes on in Scotland; and if the commissioners do not make a good report to their Sovereign, will write to him and his Council. Meanwhile I and Sir Tho. Tempest, controller of the duke of Richmond's council, "intend to repair into those parts, and to look upon some part of my duty," and return. Adam Otterburne, one of the Scotch commissioners, asks Wolsey's favor in a cause before the Cardinal between one Mr. Miller and Saunder Keye, a Scotchman, about salmon. Berwick, 14 Nov. Signed: T. Magnus—A. Ughtred—T. Tempest.
Add. Endd.
R. O. 4926. MAGNUS, &c. to WOLSEY.
Since the arrival of the Scotch commissioners, have had several conferences with them of the trouble imposed on sundry merchants of Edinburgh, and on Adam Otterborne, for conveying salmon to England. This they had long done under the King's safe-conduct, but are now informed against by the poor merchants of Berwick under an old grant which was never put in use. The merchants of Berwick cannot buy much salmon, and the Scots would rather send it to France or Flanders on account of the danger of the harbour. This would enhance the price of salmon, and be "a let to the profit that cometh in by the same by their exchanges made for all their spiritual promotions that they send for to Rome."
P. 1. Headed: "Copy of an article lately written to my lord Legate's grace in favor of merchants of Edinburgh by T. Magnus and other the commissioners late at Barwik."
14 Nov.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
II. 151.
Informs him of the state of Master Pace, dean of Paul's, who is now with him by Wolsey's command, to his no little discomfort. Has got several physicians to see him, and paid them large sums to cure him, to very little purpose. Thinks he is incurable. In his rage he tears his clothes, and no man can rule him. He has wastefully consumed such poor stuff as the Bishop allows him. Desires that the keeper of his goods may make delivery of what is necessary. Requests that the bearer, a young man of the Inner Temple, a kinsman of the Bishop, may continue steward of the lands which Sir William Compton (fn. 4) had in Hampshire, whose children Wolsey has in rule. There is no little joy in Hampshire because it has pleased God and the King to call your Grace to Winchester, especially in the town of Hampton, whereof your Grace is Earl. (fn. 5) The townsmen in their great necessity hope to have succour of Wolsey, for there is now little resort of shipping, and the town custom is very heavy. "Leisureless," 14 Nov.
P.S.—Hopes Wolsey will not impute it to presumption in him if anything in the above do not give him satisfaction. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: To, &c., my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
14 Nov.
Cal. D. X. 362.
B. M.
4928. [TAYLER] to WOLSEY.
"Please it your Grace, lately I sent a post to Calais w ... which came out of Spain and Italy. I hear say for ... tempestuous weather they have been let of passage at ... and from Calais I received a letter of Mr. Tukes ... directed to Mr. Gregorius de Casalis, the which th ... November at 12 of the clock at midday, I sent by p ... delivered with good diligence in the hands of Mr. ... The same 13th day I received letters from Mr. Sylve[ster Darius], the which hath been sick at Bayonne. Those letters I s[ent] by post this day to Calais, for Mr. Sylvester did [send me] word they required haste, and within three or four [days he] trusteth to be at Paris, and so to make speed un[to your Grace]. Eight days past arrived here Episcopus Pistoriensis ow[t of Spain], and lieth here in a fever [qu]artane, the which hu[mbly] him commended to your G[race]. He remains still in ... abiding the King's coming, the which hath be coming [this whole] month from Fonten de Blewe, and yet is not come. [Ma]dame is at St. Germyns. I have divers times vysy[ted the] said Pistoriensis, and by familiar communication he hath [told] me many things of his affairs with the Emperor, [and how] he oft times joined with Mr. Sylvester in their besy[ness] and causes to the Emperor, as more plainly your Grace shall [hear] of Mr. Sylvester, for he telleth me that every time [he was] with the Emperor he advised him to much regard [the King] our master. Cæsar answered him that if he had [the Pope] surely joined with him, he cared little for the Fre[nch king] or for the king of England, or their adherents, adding [that] the truce betwixt England and Flanders was more [for gain] than for love, seeing that Englishmen could not lyv[e with]out Flanders, and also that Englishmen would ha[ve no war] with him. And in all his communications with the Emp[eror he] noted in him magna crudelitatis signa, et nihil ... pacisve. And the cause wherefore Cæsar so gretl[y desires to] have the favor of our Holy Father was b[ecause he] was sore moved with the crudelity that was done [unto the] Pope and the Cardinals; insomuch that if there [had been], on the Pope's part, excommunications and interdicts, [his subjects] had been in jeopardy to have forsake the Emperor; wh[erefore] now to recover the favour popular he hath sent unto [the] Pope the Cardinal S. Calixti, the which was a Grey f[riar], and giveth him authority to release and put in lyb[erty] the cardinals that were captivi, and also to restore to [the Pope] all such cities, towns, or castles that were taken f[rom him]. By these behaviors your Grace doth lightly perceive w ... mean ut invicem uniantur, and Cæsar maketh great [preparations] both by sea and land, and, as it is said, to come in [his own] person this next year in to Italy. Farthermore the C[olonnas] prepare great power against the Ursynes. Andrea [Dorea] hath Januam, the castle, and Savonam, and, as [it is] here reported, he hath caused the castle to be r[azed and] utterly to be destroyed. By these premises your Grace [may] evidently perceive how the affairs here go forwa[rd. At] the coming of Mr. Sylvester I shall know more, and [by] that time the King will be come to St. Germyne, where [I] shall speak with the Grand Master, and so farther to ce[rtify] your Grace." Paris, 14 Nov. 1528.
Mutilated. Add.
14 Nov.
Vit. B. x. 135. B. M.
Sends a copy of his letter of Oct. 30 in case it has not arrived. Sends all the expeditions by Tadeus. If the bull for the erection of the cathedrals pleases him, he can use it at once. Nothing more is needed, except its confirmation. If it does not please him, he must return it, and state what he desires. There will be no loss, except the writing of the bull. Does not send the bull of indulgence for the King, as Gardiner did not give him full instructions about it. Asked the cardinal S. Quatuor to draw up a minute according to the instructions he has; but he thought it better to wait for further instructions from Gardiner. Agreed to this, not wanting to be troublesome to the Cardinal, who has done much for him, and knowing that this matter did not require haste. If he has not done exactly as Wolsey wished, asks him to excuse him, as he has been fully occupied in making minutes and writing bulls, which are sent directly they are written and registered.
The lord of Villebon, bailiff of Rouen, has come from the French king, as it is said, in consequence of the coming of the General, newly created cardinal, (Quignones) with great offers from the Emperor. There is reason to fear the Pope's adhesion to the Emperor. The offers to the Pope are said to be the restitution of Ostia and Civita Vecchia; the liberation of the Cardinals; the gift of 150,000 gold pieces which he owes for his ransom; licence to import corn from Sicily and Naples without duty; tribute for the kingdom of Naples; whatever the Pope wishes to be done with the duchy of Milan; the recovery of Florence for his Holiness; the gift of Modena and Reggio; declaration of war against the Venetians for the recovery of Cervia and Ravenna; further, that the Emperor shall not come personally into Italy, and shall leave the Holy See in its former state; shall accept peace from the Pope's hands, and wage war against the Turks. Even if the Emperor do not observe all these conditions, the Pope will probably accept them, as he says that the Emperor's power is too great, and he wishes also to be revenged on the Venetians. These are the arguments the General will use, and it is easy to guess the threats he will employ. As the confederates have no strong army in Italy, his Holiness will be influenced by fear.
The French king has done wisely in sending an ambassador. Has said much to him on this subject, and has besought the Pope, in the name of the King and Wolsey, not to adhere to the other side, comparing the good deeds of the two Kings with the outrages of the Imperialists. Writes more at length to Vannes; and his cousin, whom Sir Gregory sends with this expedition, can tell him more. His Holiness dismissed the French ambassador quietly, telling him he knew the good intentions of his master and the ruin caused by the Emperor, but he must consider that he is abandoned by every one, and exposed to the armies which occupy the kingdom of Naples and the duchy of Milan; the King must therefore excuse him if he seeks to humour the Imperialists; the conduct of the Venetians is not to be endured; he has always said that he would rather recover the cities by the help of the confederates, but if they cannot assist him, he must seek assistance elsewhere. The bailiff of Rouen returned today with this answer. Asked him to persuade Francis to apply again to the Venetians for the restitution of the cities. Spoke to the Pope today; his Holiness replied as above, and asked for the help of the King and Wolsey. Begged him to do nothing to offend them. The French ambassadors and many others suspect him of an inclination to accept the Emperor's offers. Has received letters from the King and Wolsey about the see of Dublin, which he has presented to the Pope. Rome, 14 Nov. 1528. Signed.
Lat., pp. 9. Add. Endd.
14 Nov.
R. O.
Has received his letter. Will do Wolsey's pleasure. As to his wish that it might be this week, has never since he was in office been able to get a jury returned in less than three weeks. Will, however, make out his præcipe, and deliver it to the sheriff tomorrow, telling him to warn the jury to appear at Croydon, next Monday if possible. Will be glad to see him at his house that day. Croydon, 14 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Mr. Cromwell.
14 Nov.
R. O.
4931. RECORDS.
Receipt, dated 14 Nov. 20 Hen. VIII., for four writings under lead from the Treasury. Signed: T. Norfolk—Thomas More—Will'm Claiburgh.
P. 1.
15 Nov.
Vit. B. X. 140. B. M.
4932. ITALY.
Extract from letters of the prothonotary Casale to Peter [Vannes], dated Rome, 15 Nov.
Sends the bull for the erection of the cathedrals. The Pope bears great affection to the King and Wolsey, and will take care to do nothing to offend the King; he hopes they have the same feeling towards him, and consider his position. Said to him that his return to the city without the restitution of the citadels had caused suspicion. He tried to show Casali that it was done for a good purpose, for when he was at Viterbo he saw no one to take care of his cities, and therefore thought it better to return. He would always keep before his eyes the danger to be expected from the excessive power of the Emperor, and his regard for the King and Wolsey. Provision has been made for the towns of Apulia, so that it is thought the Imperialists can do them no harm. It is reported that they left Naples to invade Apulia, but mutinied on the road, and were at last appeased by promises of money. There have been disturbances in some towns in Apulia, the people having plundered the Imperial troops. There is no news from Lombardy.
Lat., Vannes' hand, pp. 2.
15 Nov.
R. O.
Thank him for his care of this poor land, as shown by Patrick Bremyngham. Owing to division and lack of captains, the Englishry were never weaker since the Conquest, nor were the Irish ever stronger in the days of any man living. They are so leagued together, that, unless Wolsey will devise some means of resistance, we fear that they will do the King's subjects some injury that will be left for many years to come. "This unfortunate rebel, the earl of Decymon," does what he can to excite the Irish against the English, "trusting that und[er that] way he may have some miserable living for th ... at length will be his final confusion, [and he will wish he] had never be borne. His apprehension w[oll be difficult], but it be by very crafty and secret train; for the Irishmen, whatsoever they p[retend] outward, they rejoice inward of this division," and try to increase it. "These two honorable men now being with the King's grace, confirmed in amity, should never do our sovereign Lord better service in this poor land than now." Hopes Wolsey will help their speedy return, or that some means may be provided for the defence of the King's subjects. If it be determined that Kildare return as the King's deputy, think he should find sureties for the accomplishment of the King's command. Dublin, 15 Nov. Signed: H. Dublin—G. Armachan—W. vic. of G. (Gormanstown)—Patrik Bermyngham, justice—Patrik Fynglas, baron.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: My lord cardinal of York, legate, &c. Endd.
15 Nov.
R. O.
Thanks him for the good cheer he had in his house. Asks him to speak to Wolsey in his behalf for the abbacy of St. Austin's of Bristowe, which is in the Cardinal's hand. Desires credence for the bearer, Mr. Jerome Grene. Would have written before, but he thought Cromwell was absent on Wolsey's business, and wrote to Mr. Clawsy and Sir Wm. Gascon, treasurer of my Lord's house. Brewton, 15 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add. To maister Cromwell.
16 Nov.
R. O.
A letter of compliments and professions of service. Rome, 16 Nov. 1528. Signed and sealed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
16 Nov.
R. O.
Wrote yesterday. At 9 received a packet of letters from the Master of the Rolls, directed to Tuke and Vannes. Writes for assistance. Their neighbors at Gravelines continue their fortifications. Guisnes is in ruins, though it has ordnance enough to be laid before a right strong town. Calais, 16 Nov. 1528.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
16 Nov.
R. O.
Knowing Wolsey's great zeal for the reform of the common law, which, however, he is too busy to attend to, begs to be called before him that he may declare the abuses that are daily used, and suggest remedies. Wishes to be heard in private before anything of this matter gets abroad. 16 Nov. "this present term."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Thomas lord Cardinal and Chancellor.
16 Nov.
R. O. St. P. VII. 115.
Received on the 10th his letters dated the 27th ult. My lady Margaret sends two jurists with Luis Vives; one named Gilles De la Blekerie, and the other Luis Van Scoere. Though they are young, they are great clerks. They will leave for Calais tomorrow. Mechlin, 16 Nov. 1528.
P.S.—Tuke understands his cipher.
Hol. Add. Endd.
16 Nov.
R. O.
To the same effect. Same date.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
16 Nov.
R. O.
On Tuesday, 3 Nov., Magnus and Sir Thos. Tempest, the King's commissioners, came to Alnwick, and declared to him their instructions. Sent a letter to the king of Scots to notify their coming. Encloses copy, with his answer. On Saturday after they went to Berwick, and were met by the abbot of Kelso and Adam Otterburn from the king of Scots. They have doubtless notified to Wolsey the conclusion they have taken. On Monday, the 9th, came to Norham to be near the commissioners, and show the Scots that he was ready; also to see the castle of which Wolsey has given him charge, and of which Thos. Wharton, who takes up a plot of the same, will report the state. Sends letters also received from Angus, who afterwards overtook him on his return from Norham, and told him that John Camell (Campbell), uncle to the earl of Argyle, was sent over sea to procure guns in case of war with England. Alnwick, 16 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
16 Nov.
Cal. B. II. 241. B. M. St. P. IV. 533.
Hears that the king of Scots some time ago sent one Will. Hamilton, who passed by Wolsey on his way to France, to conclude a firm peace with the Emperor, and a marriage with one of the Emperor's sisters. He has now received letters from Hamilton, and has summoned a parliament at Edinburgh on St. Andrew's Day, at which all the Lords are to be present on pain of death, only to send an ambassador to the Emperor and conclude the matter. Wishes to be allowed to come up and declare the state of the Borders. His servant, the bearer, will report how the king of Scots conducts himself by light counsel. 16 Nov.
Hol. Add. Endd.
17 Nov.
Le Grand, III. 209.
Received, on Thursday last, the King's letters and yours of the 1st, which I did not show to Wolsey, as I thought it unadvisable to spur him too much, for several reasons: (1) because I had already got assurance of the money; (2) because I had shown him your advertisement of the 28th ult., touching the mutinies which appeared to be brewing in France (par là), and an article in the King's letters came as if directly to prick him, saying that, thank God, his kingdom was quite united,—which might have been construed as a reproach, so soon after the other matter was announced to them. Communicated, however, the substance of the rest of the letter, and touched pretty sharply on the loss of Gueldres,—on which he made no comment; and I passed on, that I might not appear to seek a quarrel. I then justified Francis touching Ravenna and Cervia, and made overture to him to send some one to the Pope, if he desired it, with the despatch contained in the King's letter, showing that, although Francis might run some risk of losing the Venetians, and had lost one of his best friends by abandoning him in the truce, at the instance of the King and Wolsey, which he would not have done for all the world besides, he was nevertheless willing to run that risk, if the King's interests required it, provided arrangements were made that if so important an ally was lost another should be obtained, if not as great, at least somewhat to their advantage, viz., that the Pope should enter the league beforehand. To this Wolsey answered that he would consult with the King his master. I think the alternative set forth is not a bad one to present to them, to show them that the wrong is not on your side; and, if it is so offered to the Pope, no doubt he will accept it. "Si tiendray terriblement et verray qu'ils m'en respondront."
I told Wolsey that having been informed by me of the Spaniards who held all this sea, and destroyed all the Frenchmen they found, you had not thought proper to write to me anything of such weight, excepting in cipher, which was the reason I did not show him my letters. Wolsey thanks you in his own name and the King's for the good affection you show them. They have weighed much your advertisement, intending to use such diligence as the case requires, but they beg you to spare no expence to sift the thing to the bottom; and, if you can ascertain anything more, to send secret word of it through me, promising not to divulge from whom the information proceeds.
They will shortly send Dr. Allen to the Pope, with a commission to treat for peace with your men, if matters are favorable. He has lately been made chancellor and vice-legate of Ireland, with a good archbishopric in that country. I expect he will despatch the matter along with Wolsey's bishopric, and that he will have some charge about the matters which are in treaty, for he is a man who understands them. Wolsey does not easily find means to supply him with money there, and he has asked me to inquire of you truly, in what time and by what means you will remit to seigneur Rene. You will do him a great pleasure if you can convey to him there safely 15,000 or 16,000 crowns. The interest demanded by the banks is enormous, for they say there is no ready money at Rome. Here follow some private money matters.
As to this marriage, they are waiting for the counsel from Flanders, of whom I wrote to you, which consists partly of Spaniards. I have had a long talk with Campeggio about it, who shows himself obstinate, and I fancy few people know how matters stand (où l'on en est). We had a long discussion, he showing me the difficulties, and asking my opinion at every point. At last we came to this: he said that my opinion was invincible, but the other quite capable of being maintained; but to say that the Pope could not have dispensed, would be to subvert his power, which is infinite; as though he feared that they would take up the matter "par là" (upon that ground?) Wolsey, therefore, seeing this, desired that this should be put to him stiffly, so as to compel him to declare the dispensation ill grounded, rather than fall into the other awkwardness. Whatever I do in this matter I shall not put myself too forward.
On Sunday week (fn. 6) the King made a great representation of this affair to the lord mayor and council of London, who were all assembled, with those of his Privy Council, and a greater part of the lords of the land, and other personages having charge of his affairs in different places. He spoke of the good turns done him by the Emperor, both in the present and the past; and, on the other hand, of the great friendship shown him by Francis, declaring that the scruple of conscience he has long entertained has terribly increased upon him since a French bishop (De Tarbe), a learned man, who was then ambassador here, had spoken of it in his council in terms dreadfully plain,—so that he was anxious to secure the succession of his realm, and wished to learn from his good subjects and friends what was to be thought of it in law and reason; that he was determined to follow entirely what was reasonable, and that if meanwhile (cependant, qu. ce pendant?) any man should speak of it in other terms than he ought to speak of his prince, he would let him know that he is master. I think he used this expression, that there was not a head so dignified (si belle) that he would not make it fly.
A few days ago the Queen said to a familiar servant that they would leave Francis and the king of England alone, and at last the Emperor would come to terms, but in any case they might be sure that what he did would be only to attain his end more easily; which is very much the same language she held once before. Now, six days ago it was reported that Francis and the Emperor were making an agreement, and leaving England in the lurch; but I imagine this is not certain. Another rumor is that you have made truce in Italy and in Spain; also that Mons. de St. Pôl is in France, which people cannot understand, unless it is true about the truce. I believe that in consequence of the threats of the Flemings it is proposed to send to Calais my lord Fennastre (Fitzwalter?) (fn. 7) as lieutenant. As to matters here everyone is shaking. There is some war going on, on the borders of Scotland, for the earl of Angus, whom the King is helping to replace in his lands. A great meeting was to take place at Berwick between ambassadors of both sides at All Saints. Wolsey says be would neither encourage nor discourage Francis to make the overture about don Hercules, and that what he had said about it was only by way of warning (avis), and that the reasons alleged by Francis were very good. He thought you must already have given charge to lay the matter before the Pope.
Yesterday the King returned to Greenwich, (fn. 8) whither the Queen had gone six days before. She appears much more depressed than she was, but remains firmly determined to make no compromise, and consults much about her matters. I have not yet obtained a quittance from Wolsey for this year's pension, which he is bound to give me, as I do not wish to give him an opportunity for more discussions (pour ne luy bailler au pourchaz d'icelle àquoy s'attacher). London, 27 Nov. (fn. 9)
Fr. Add.
17 Nov.
R. O.
According to his desire has dispatched the provost of Tongres, vicar general of the cardinal of Liege, and Loys Schore, LL.D., with Loys Vives, for the purposes which he and the Queen, "vostre bonne compaigne," shall desire. Desires credence for them. Malines, 17 Nov. 1528. Signed and sealed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
17 Nov.
R. O.
To the same effect; begging him to use his services in this affair, and give the above the benefit of his aid. Malines, 17 Nov. 1528. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
17 Nov.
Galba, B. IX. 136. B. M.
Yesterday after dinner my Lady sent a post to the King with letters, and the minute of the safe-conduct desired by Luys Vives and the two doctors jurists whom she sends to the Queen, for which safe-conduct they will wait at Gravelines or Calais. Writes in answer to the King's letter of the 27th ult. Letters have lately come from France that St. Pôl has retreated from Italy, and is now at the French court, and that the French have lost this year in Naples and Italy above 4,000 gentlemen and 25,000 common men, but there is no mention of the losses of the Imperialists and Italians. "But how some ever the game goes, it is great pity to have so many Christian people slain, for the contrary opinions of twain; but one thing, that is this, that God suffers punition of sins, and yet for all that by nature we must die; he can strike invisibly. I pray God save your most noble Highness from his anger, and also from all worldly slander. Amen." "There be some humane ingenys in these parties that presumes to know somewhat from other parties," who think that before August there will be a peace made between the Emperor and Francis, and the Emperor trusts to come to a better appointment than in times past. However, Hacket thinks that "tel quyde que fault."
My Lady told him that a few days ago a gentleman came from France to her, saying he was sent from my lady Regent without letters of credence to desire her mediation, and if she would keep good hand at it, that the Regent doubted not that all would come to a good end.
My Lady answered that there were other mediators about beside herself, and, considering the odious writing of the Princes to each other, she thought the matter was not to be so soon pacified. He said that if she would write and send a man of credence to the Regent, she would show him at large of her mind. My Lady answered that she had no lawful cause to write or send to the Regent, except her hearty recommendations; and so the gentleman departed.
Does not write to Wolsey, as he supposes that he will see this letter. It is said that the French king is making great preparation for the wars, but they do not think he will do better than last year. Machlyng, 17 Nov. 1528.
Hol., pp. 3. Endd.
17 Nov.
R. O.
Louis Vywes, with the two jurists, is going to England with Ochoa de Salzedo, servant to the Queen. Has written to the King such advice as the lady Margaret showed of a gentleman lately come to her from France, sent by the Regent. Wonders he has had no answer to his former letters. Mechlyng, 17 Nov. 1528.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
18 Nov.
R. O.
4947. SPAIN.
Extract from the letters of the bishop of Worcester (Ghinucci) dated 18 Nov., Burgos.
The Venetian and other ambassadors suspect there is some secret intrigue between the Emperor and the king of France, because, whereas a few days since he had intercepted all the roads to prevent them from sending messages to Italy, he has since altered his determination. He has allowed also the French ambassadors to write into France, contrary to his former prohibition. Moreover, a French courier has come with great expedition to the Emperor, and the French ambassadors say he has brought them no letters; yet the Papal ambassador had letters from Salviati and others from France. The French ambassadors admit they have received letters from persons at Court, which they do not allow to be seen; and the intercourse with Tarbes, Alleman and Emanuel has been more frequent. Tarbes told us he wished to inform the French king of the departure of the Emperor to Valencia; and there is a rumor that Francis is going to Lyons. Alleman has sent to Tarbes a packet of letters for France, and affirmed it would be advisable for the three sovereigns to meet. The Emperor has expressed himself pleased, according to Alleman, with a proposition made by Tarbes for nominating a successor to the duke of Milan.
Lat., pp. 4. In Vannes' hand.
18 Nov.
Vesp. C. IV. 276. B. M.
Received on Nov. 10, letters from Thomas Badcocke concerning the arrival of Schercce, a cotrell of the earl of Desmond's, on Oct. 15. States the contents of his letter, which he showed to the Papal collector when he passed. Does not think so light a messenger can have so high a commission. Hear from the Court that two gentlemen from the king of Hungary, and a Portuguese, vassal of the French king, are there. Truce is taken on the frontier of Spain and Guyenne, allowing both parties to trade at the ports of the other, but not to go inland; and trading is also allowed at the water of Fontarabia. Motion is made also for Brittany. It is said that the Emperor will go to Italy in spring. Men are being levied secretly and sent away, some say to Italy. Valladolid, 18 Nov. 1528.
P. 1, cipher. Add. Endd.
Ibid. f. 276*. ii. Decipher of the above by Tuke. P. 1.
18 Nov.
Vesp. F. I. 47. B. M.
4949. JOHN A LASCO, Provost of Gneznaw, to ANTHONY RYNKON, Chamberlain of Francis I.
Has many things to write concerning his master the king of Hungary, but he has no cipher, and it is not safe to write without. The King has left Poland, and entered Hungary on 3 Nov., being received by 8,000 Hungarian horse, with lord Homonnaii. He is now at Seged, with a large army sent to his assistance by the Turk, and brought thus far by the help of à Lasco's brother the Palatine. The force can be raised to 60,000 horse in fourteen days, if needful. Ferdinand is said to be raising men at Vienna. All the Hungarian commonalty and nobility are gathering round king John, partly from fear of the Turks, and partly in consequence of his kindness. Andrew Batthori, brother of Naderspan, was taken in a battle, and is detained at the King's castle of Wyhel. The King has won six victories since his arrival. Simon Litteratus destroyed 3,000 infantry and 300 horse of Cassow, taking 20 guns (machinæ). The Turk has levied another army of 400,000 men, with which he will invade Austria next summer. He will reduce the whole of it unless the King and Ferdinand come to terms before he moves. The former will, however, accept no terms without consulting the Turk. The King's German army under Nicholas Mynckwycz has occupied Swydnycz, and it is hoped that the other cities in Silesia will surrender. The people of Breslaw have written to ask Ferdinand to confirm their evangelical faith (as they call it) by his royal oath, and to free them from the obligation of 400,000 in which they are bound to the Hungarian crown. The people of Cassow have sent to Ferdinand to say that unless he makes peace in two months they will take care of themselves, and not allow their property to be plundered. Peter Perenii, who gave the crown to Ferdinand, has sent secret messengers to ask pardon of the King, promising to bring it back to him. Ferdinand has summoned the assembly of Hungary to meet at Presburg, but no one from Hungary has gone thither, except Turzon and Naderspan. Lubnicz, 18 Nov. 1528. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
18 Nov.
R. O.
Confirmed the election of the abbess of Wilton on Friday last, 13 Nov. On the 15th she was installed. Defers the inclosure of the nuns, whom he finds very obstinate, till the coming of the King's attorney, in whom they put their trust. If he perform his promise made to your Grace, I trust the abbess and I shall accomplish your pleasure, otherwise we shall have great trouble. Sarum, 18 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
18 Nov.
Cal. B. II. 63. B. M.
4951. MAGNUS to JAMES V.
With other the King's commissioners, had assembled at Berwick for prorogation of the truce or a further peace, as mentioned in the instructions sent by James to England by Patrick Sinclair. Desirous of his welfare during his minority, his uncle has forborne hitherto to take the advantages he might, notwithstanding the provocations he has received, for the wrongs done upon the Borders. Complains that the Scotch commissioners had only power to conclude a peace for three years, and not determine all causes which tended to the tranquillity of those realms. Without this the English commissioners cannot agree to their demands for a further peace of three years. Hopes he will send home English prisoners, and redress the murders of the lord Dacre's servants, and the wrongs done in Northumberland by the thieves of Liddersdaill. If, as he says, he cannot send ambassadors to England, Henry is content that a diet should be held by commissioners on both sides to make arrangements for the present. His commissioners refuse to entertain their proposition for the restoration to favor of the earl of Angus, who is his true subject. Rebuts sundry reports of ill will between the two Princes. Berwick, 18 Nov.
Pp. 5. Headed by Magnus: "Copy of a letter sent to the king of Scots from T. Magnus."
18 Nov.
Cal. B. VII. 106. B. M. St. P. IV. 536.
Sends commendations from the duke of Richmond, on whom he has been attending since he left Scotland. Was authorised to meet the Scotch commissioners at the late diet at Berwick,—to the proceedings of which Margaret is doubtless privy, especially the correspondence between Henry and James touching Angus. Hopes Margaret will help that the King's letters be not wholly without effect. Cannot believe but she would be sorry to see Angus pursued to utter destruction. The things laid to his charge can be reformed more easily if she show him pity, especially for the King's sake. Berwick, 18 Nov.
Copy by Magnus.
18 Nov.
Cal. B. VII. 119. B. M.
Has written to the king of Scotland. Hopes that he will take some means for the redress of those who have been injured by the Scots, and will listen to the advice of his uncle, and his mediation for the earl of Angus. Berwick, 18 Nov.
P. 1. Copy, with heading by Magnus, and the following memorandum below: "The effect of this letter was written by T. Magnus to the bp. of Aberdeen, whereof answer followeth from the said Bishop."
20 Nov.
Le Grand, III. 222.
Is writing to the King of this treaty, about which Wolsey is more urgent every day. He trusts the assurance you have given him. I write more fully by Castillon, who is to leave tomorrow. Yesterday I wrote by another gentleman, who is returning to France. Pray do not forget my bargain for 100 muits, though, no doubt, you will have many other applications. London, 20 Nov.
Castillon will tell you how much your departure is regretted here.
Fr. Add.
Cal. E. I. II.?]
55. B. M.
Chatillon desire a charge to the following effect, viz.: 1. The King and "your Grace's" hearty recommendations to the French king. 2. A general report of the same towards the French king and my Lady, his mother. 3. Of the coming of the bishop of Bath with full instructions. 4. Of the preparation of lord Sandes to go over with a good number of men.
Added, in Clerk's hand: Chatillon would gladly depart. Signed.
P. 1.
20 Nov.
Vit. B. X. 141. B. M.
4956. ITALY.
Extract from letters of Gregory Casale to Peter Vannes, dated B[ologna], 20 Nov.
Has received letters from Wolsey and Vannes dated Oct. 30. As he is unable from his illness to travel post to Rome, sends on his cousin, Vincent Casale, who had received instructions when Gardiner was at the Papal court. Has told his brother, the prothonotary, and Vincent, that importunity is the only way to get anything from the Pope. Will follow them and do his best, but he fears for his success, as the Pope thinks he is completely in the power of the Spaniards, now that Genoa and Savona are taken, and the army of St. Pôl is scattered. The Spaniards and the Colonnas reign at Rome. Has instructed them to solicit certain cardinals for the expedition for Wolsey, and thinks they will be successful in this, as many cardinals are their friends and relations. Is sure the Pope will grant the commission to Wolsey and Campeggio to treat for peace. The cardinal general of the Franciscan order (Quignones) is expected. Jacopo Salviati writes that he brings a commission for a general peace, but Casale thinks only for a particular peace with the Pope. There is great scarcity at Rome. Hopes the King and Wolsey will assist him. Is expecting the 1,000 cr. promised by the King.
Expects at his house today the bailiff of Rouen, who is returning to France. Does not think this is according to his instructions. Thinks the Pope has dismissed him that he may act according to his own judgment, and that the bailiff may press upon the King the restitution of Ravenna and Cervia, and the preparation of an army for Italy.
St. Pôl's troops are daily deserting him, and all the men-at-arms have returned post to France.
Wishes Vannes to tell Wolsey that he thinks all Francis's expenditure this winter will be useless, for the army is neither strong nor disciplined enough to take Milan or Genoa.
Continued at
f. 144.
A strong army should be prepared in Lombardy, and Germans enrolled three months before, and then at the end of April Milan could be taken either by assault or starvation. A treaty of neutrality should be made with Genoa, for the French can never take it, as the Spaniards are masters of the sea and of Savona. The Pope will never do any good with Andrea Doria unless Ravenna and Cervia are restored or placed in the hands of the kings. If this was done, knows that the Pope would speak differently, and Doria would fulfil his [promises]. The French must compel the Venetians to make the restitution, or place the cities in the King's hands.
Lat., pp. 3.
20 Nov.
R. O.
The earl of Angus has desired him to request Arundel to be good to him in his affairs. Begs he will also show my Lord's grace, secretly, that he believes the King's bastard brother, the earl of Murray, and the bishop of Ross are to go in embassy to the Emperor immediately after Candlemas; and that the King has obtained an aid of the spirituality for the costs of the voyage. Will bring up furniture for his house if Arundel will tell him how much he requires. Alnwick Castle, 20 Nov.
P. 1. Add.: To my bedfellowe, Arrundell.
20 Nov.
Vesp. F. XIII. 104 b. B. M.
Has received his letter commanding him to deliver to John Woulf such stuff of his as remained here to be sold for the behoof of his creditors. It had been ordered by my lord of Norfolk, before Kildare left Dublin, that they should remain in the custody of certain Dublin merchants until the King's pleasure were known. Has written to Norfolk on the subject. Begs that the day of the said John's appearance before the Council, according to his recognizance, may be deferred. Novan, 20 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.


  • 1. Francis Quignones.
  • 2. 22 Oct.
  • 3. "dalli avi materno et paterno."
  • 4. There is no mention of Sir Will. Compton in the letter as Ellis has printed it, a line being there left out.
  • 5. "wherof your Grace is Ele" (Ellis). The word is written "Erle."
  • 6. 8 Nov. See Hall.
  • 7. This is a suggestion of Le Crmd.
  • 8. Henry appears to have been staying at Bridewell in the beginning of November, and if the dates of Privy Seals may be trusted he was still there on the 20th, and also on the 22nd and 29th.
  • 9. So here, but the date given by the Editor at the head of the document is 17 Nov., which seems to be correct, as the King's declaration to the mayor and council of London, which is said to have been made "on Sunday week," took place, according to Hall, on Sunday, 8 Nov.