Henry VIII: March 1528, 6-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: March 1528, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1784-1798 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: March 1528, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1784-1798.

"Henry VIII: March 1528, 6-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1784-1798.


March 1528

6 March.
Cal. D. X. 143.
B. M.
4019. FRANCIS I.
* * * "singulare nostrum ... um tranquillitatemque nos ad has literas in præsenti ... ndos ponamus, quot mala, quot scelera passim in ... gravissima Dei Optimi Maximi offensione. Ex quo fac[to] ... Turcis ita creverit audacia ut præter alias multas ... Rhodum, Belgradum, oppida munitissima vi inte ... nisi ipsorum locorum possessoribus resistente, dum ... inter se crudelissime gerendo intenti sunt. Etenim Imp[erator qui] omnium, potissimum vero Sedis Apostolicæ patrocinium ... abest, ut tot calamitatibus pro viribus obviam ire conetur ... foveat, nec ullis licet amplissimis conditionibus ad pacificationem ... vero satis constat qui ejus signis militabant eosdem non modo ... stupris, cædibus, incendiis nullo jure pœnæ delevisse, sed quod im ... ipse manus injecisse violenter, quem velut in locum Petri suffectum [Christi in] terris vicarium veneramur; eidemque per aliquot menses detento, s ... interim sua fungendi facultate, libertatem iniquissimo vendidisse ... pœnas jure constitutas incurrendo, quibus tamen facinoribus nequ ... idem Imperator, obdurato animo pacem etiam aspernatus est, univers ... quidem nos imprimis, Serenissimus item rex Angliæ, frater et per ... conjunctissimus, cæteræ pariter Italiæ confœderatæ civitates modis e ... etiam nostro dispendio eum ipsum dudum invitabamus, ut et summi pot ... vindicaremus bellorumque declinaremus incommoda; quod vobis, pote[ntissimi] amici et consanguinei carissimi, significare operæ pretium esse d[uximus], oratores nostros contra jus gentium nuper detinendos jusserit per[niciosissimo] exemplo. Nunc vero confectos quosdam per universam His[paniam pro]curat rumores, non stetisse per se, quin pax fieret, sc ... pecuniam ad bellum acrius quam antea gerend[um] * * * ... fecto ... se pen ... conatibus obsistere cogimur in sævissimos ... convertissemus, neque enim ulla latius dominan ... mis tantum abhorreamus quantum debemus a Christiana ... da, quippe pro cujus tranquillitate atque adversum t ... [pat]rimonii partem ut videre est impendere obtulerimu[s] ... imi principes, amici, consanguinei carissimi et e vobis uni ... em venerationemque Illius, qui pro genere humano redimendo p[assus est] ... m quam maximo possimus studio rogamus, obtestamurque ut pro Chr[istianæ relig]ionis et reipublicæ incolumitate, commemoratarum rerum om[nium], quam par est, rationem habere velitis, nec ullo modo committere, ut ... unius inexplebili imperii ampliandi libidine tam nefariorum sceler[um] ... et religioni et Christi vicario impune insultaverint, Christianaque re[spublica] gravioribus amplius conflictetur procellis. Cui quidem non minus in s[uo] necessario operi exequendo nos et personam et opes nostras omnes pro[fundere] constituimus; quod idem facturum se profitetur potentissimus pr[inceps], frater charissimus, æternoque fœdere conjunctissimus, rex Angliæ, Fidei Def[ensor], egregiorum quorumque operum auctor simul et fautor acerrimus.
"Potentissimi principes, consanguinei, amici, et confœderati carissimi [Deum] Optimum Maximum consilia vestra perpetuo secundare precamur." St. Germain en Laye, 6 March 1527, 14 [Fras. I.]
Mutilated and slightly defaced.
6 March.
Cal. B. VII.
B. M.
Has received his letter, and a copy of one from Angus. Has written to the Earl. Sends a copy. Maxwell had desired a meeting for redress. Gave Angus notice thereof. At the meeting on Tuesday, demanded redress for the burning of Netherby by Maxwell, which the latter disputed. Gave Angus notice thereof. Wishes to know his resolution with regard to Cannonby, the inhabitants of which claim to belong to Scotland. They refer in proof to a bill made in Henry VII.'s time. Believes it to be in the Debateable Ground. Thinks it should be wasted, because, if the Scots demanded redress, it must then come to trial. Has burned and wasted that part of the Debateable Ground "which stode in holles, where as a grete hooste couth not com." Will not leave a house or hold standing in it. On Shrove Tuesday, (fn. 1) when he was with the earls of Northumberland and Cumberland at Alnwick, the Armstrongs burned a mill at Gillesland. Has agreed with Cumberland. Naward, 6 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "To my lord Legate." Endd.: "From my lord Dacre, the 6th of March 1527."
6 March. 4021. SIR WM. WALDEGRAVE.
His will, 26 Jan. 1525. Proved, 6 March 1528. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 626.
6 March.
R. O.
Gave letters to Hampton to show Wolsey the condition we are in. Writes at present only what he feels to be his duty touching Walter, who is so dear to us all, especially to Master Dean, that he can hardly speak in high enough terms of him. He is not only a most useful and agreeable companion to the Dean, but is so indispensable to him that he could hardly get on in this city without him. Fears that he will return to England cum rem uxoream conetur; but he will never try to escape from Wolsey's authority. Begs Wolsey to consider how injurious it would be to us to lose a man so much attached, so well known in France, and so adroit in business. Moreover, what is perhaps most important, no one understands the Dean's health better. Paris, pridie non. Martii.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
7 March.
R. O.
Writes as Geo. Hampton says he is going to his Grace after giving the letters to Walter. Praises him for his good service and his diligence in buying furniture. He will hear from Hampton how they live, and in what manner they are received by and receive the noblemen of the country. Are sometimes obliged to spend a little more, for the sake of their office and honor; which he hopes will do honor to the Cardinal, and no harm to their purpose. Paris, Nonis Martii.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Rmo, &c. Card. Ebor. Angliæ primati, a latere legato, &c. Endd.: Decanus Wellen., mens. Marcii 1527.
7 March.
R. O.
Has not been able to write to him in pursuance of his commands touching the search for metals. Would have taken an opportunity on returning to his own country a short while ago, but will explain everything when he has the power. Will write now what he has been able to ascertain of the affairs of the Germans and Turks. Eric duke of Brunswick is going to Italy with 800 horse for the Emperor. Mark Sittich of Ems is enrolling foot soldiers to the number of 10,000, of whom the most part are obtained, to go along with him; but nothing is yet known of the plan of the expedition, or when it is to be. Wrote to Wolsey from Antwerp that the Turk was making great preparations. This is confirmed. He has taken a strong castle in Crabatis, which was like the gate of Hungary, and conquered the lands which lately came under the sway of king Ferdinand. The name of the castle is Castell Geetz (?). The Hungarians, however, have repelled the Turks. The Waywode, who has possession of seven castles, does not cease to make war upon Ferdinand, but has done little harm. Ferdinand has an army of 1,700 light horse and 500 foot from the kingdom of Bohemia and Moravia. The Diet, which was to meet on 1 March, is proceeding, although doing little. The Princes do not attend; if Ferdinand were to appear there it would have great influence. Requests that letters for him may be addressed to the English house at Antwerp. Nuremberg, non. Martii. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
7 March.
R. O.
Requesting discharge of the sureties given for the goods of some Spaniards, which were taken during the war as French merchandise by lord Sands, who was then at Calais. It was proved by the Emperor's council that the owners were the Emperor's subjects, and he wrote to Sands upon the subject, but he still delays their release. Lady Margaret now writes to Wolsey in their behalf. 7 March. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: R. D. Cardinali Eboracensi.
Calig. E. III.
B. M.
* * * "into Flaunders, whiche is that ... into the contrey next to theym, and have taken ... thear, and have caried theym into Gaunt with ... is mewtenyng amonge theym selffs thear, as ... at Guysnez the 27th daie of Februar. And the ... they have take up and billed 500 men of werre ... and promisse theym wages. Mouncer de Recourt ... cam the 20th day of Februar to Seint Omers to have ... men of werre, which the towne wold not suffer. A[nd] ... they were not concluded whoo shuld be their capitaine ... horsemen in Seint Omers, which on Tuysdaie the xxiiij ... departed thens, all saving 40 light horsez, which as it ... commaundement of my lady Margarete, whoo did send a post ... before and demanded the maire and burgeges to take hede ... and not to care for losyng of the cuntrey, and that th ... men of werre thear was that the first course they wold ma[ke] ... the marchez of Guysnez, and the garnyson of Turway[n doth] ronne daily before the gates of Seint Omers and Ayry and h ... whete and catell for vitailyng of their own towne of Turw[ayn]; which newes be conteyned in the seid lettre dated the 27th daie. Also an other lettre dated the 23rd daie of Febr. that the 22nd daie [of] the same moneth there came herbyngers into Seint Omers and to[ok] logyng for 300 horsemen and 1,000 fotemen, and that the[y] sh[ould] remayn thear oon or twayn nights and soo departe to Dornam and ... lye in garnyson and kepe the frontiers of Flaunders, and that sayings was in Seint Omers that another garnyson shuld com [to] Gravelyn and that Fernando shuld come into Flaunders ... * * * [a]way all the catell ... thear be certein garnisons com into every t[own] ... soo that they may make a thousand men in iij ..."
[Heard by an]other letter, dated the said last day of February, that upon Fri[day last] there came to St. Omers 300 foot and ... horsemen of Dissilstains, and the same day 300 foot [came] to Ayre, and that they look daily for [the comin]g of Dissilstain and a band with him. It is reported at St. Omers that there will be peace between England and ..., and that the Burgundians intend to lay siege to the castle of Ottyngs beside Arde.
Heard by another letter, dated Guisnes, 2 March, that Ravenstein had mustered 1,000 foot at St. Omers on Sunday, but only retained 500 of the most able men, and that it is said at St. Omers that there will be peace before Midlent; but they are strengthening themselves, and increasing their garrisons.
Asks him to send the news to the King and Cardinal. The King gave him respite on account of his sickness, but he wishes to know if he shall make more haste by reason [of the] news, and whether he shall bring with him the 60 men hor[sed], whom he has ready.
* * * "eny ayde that he shuld ... to com over with a band of men with ... I wold be glad to assist theym to my ... I have this said present daie received a ... send unto hym by Mounsieur de Byez, which [I send] you herein closed to thentent ye may a[dvertise the King] of the same.
"Sir, I here say that Satillion (Chatillon) is come over, wh ... know parte of his newez by this berer, such as m ... be knowen, and that ye will make my h ... to my lord marquess of Excetor, Sir John Russell, [the master] of the horsez, and other my frinds." At the [Vyne], Saturday, 10 at night. Signed.
Pp.3, mutilated. Add.
7 March.
R. O.
Was so delighted by his letter that he almost died of joy, like the Roman woman mentioned by Valerius Maximus. Will take his advice, and that of the munificent Brian Tuke, though he thinks the position too great for his powers. Asks him to write fuller particulars of his wishes, and whether he is to bring little Robert into England, or leave him here with some English person. Genyns is expecting Hews, the Queen's chaplain, daily from Italy, and will go to England with him. Asks him to tell this to Mr. Carter. The courier is hurrying him, and he finishes this two hours after receiving Edward's letter. Non. Mart.
Hol., Lat., pp. 3. Add.: To the right worshipful [and my mo]ste singular good master, Master William Edwards, [servant to m]y lord Car[dinal's gr]ace, be this delivered ... ith the most ... le at Westmon. besides London.
7 March.
Wilkins, III.
Licence granted to Sir Thomas More, by Cuthbert bishop of London, to read and keep certain books of Luther, and certain heretical publications in English, in order that he may write an answer to them in the vernacular tongue. 7 March 1527.
7 March.
Harl. MS. 421,
f. 11.
B. M.
4029. HERESY.
John Pykas, in the parish of St. Nicholas, Colchester, baker; Thomas Matthew, fishmonger, in the parish of St. James; William brother of John Pykas, servant of Thomas Matthew.
Christopher Ravyn. (Mem., that he formerly abjured his heresy before bishop Fitzjames.) "Item, he (Hakkar) said" that Chr. Ravynes, tailor of Witham, communicated with him about a quarter of a year past, at his house at Witham. That once or twice a year, for the last four years, he has gone to his house, and taught him the commandments; that the sacrament of the altar is not the body of God, but a remembrance of God, who is in heaven; that worshipping of images, offering and going on pilgrimages, was nought; "and that the one taught the other [in] such [l]earnings." Also that one Thomas Hills, Ravyn's servant, is of the same sect, can read well, and has a printed book of the New Testament in English, which he bought in London. John and Richard Chapman, born in Colchester, Ravyn's servants, followed their "reading and doctrine;" and Hilles is a great reader amongst them.
27. Jan. Hacker.—He says that John Gator, Stere and _ Knight, founders (the last of whom married Dr. Beele's mother) of St. Margaret's, Lothbury, were of his sect, and that their teaching and reading was at one Russell's house, at the gate of Birdes Alley, against St. Stephen's Church, Coleman Street. These three continued in his company for six years.
That one Cony, clerk of St. Antony's besides the Frere Augustine's Gate, and his wife, were of his sect about six years past. He had a book called "the bayly" from the respondent. That Thomas Vincent, father-in-law of him who was burnt for heresy about 14 years past, taught the respondent all his heresies. He continued with Vincent two or three years, and received from him the Gospel of Matthew in English. Thomas Austyne, Vincent's son-in-law, also followed his opinions. Vincent gave the respondent a book of the Ten Commandments, which he gave to one Gune of Witney. That John Pykas, of Colchester, has a book, partly English, partly Latin, beginning "The most excellent and glorious Lord, &c.," and another called "Disputatio inter fratrem et clericum," and a book of the respondent's called "The Pricke of Conscience." That John Stacy, bricklayer, of Coleman Street, kept in his house a man named John to write the Apocalypse in English, the expences being borne by John Sercot, grocer, of Coleman Street. Sercot had a copy of "The Bayly." Elizabeth Newman, of St. Thomas Apostle, caused the respondent to change his name to Richardson. Thomas Rawlyn, tallow- chandler, Aldermanbury, is of the same sect, and was taught by Hacker. (Note in margin: "Vide in abjuratione Johannæ Anstye, quoad eum in responsionibus suis, ubi concordat cum isto.") John Tewkesbury, haberdasher, near St. Martin's Gate, Dorothy Long, of St. Giles', Colchester, and Marion Westden, wife of Thomas Matthew, of Colchester, are also his disciples. (Note in margin: "Nota quoad istas duas in abjuratione Christopheri Ravyn, in depositione Dionisiæ Ravyn.")
London.—Thomas Philip, pointmaker, dwelling against the Little Conduit in Chepe, is a chief reader and teacher of Hacker's opinions. (fn. 2) Hacker met him often in William Russell's house for five or six years, and once a quarter at his own house, where he communicated to them his opinions. Philip sometimes read a book of Paul, sometimes a book of the Epistles. Philip, Russell, and Laurence Maxwell, bricklayer, of St. Olave's, Silver Street, were often at the house of Lawrence Swarffer, tailor, then living at Shoreditch, now at St. John of Jerusalem in England.
Names of others taught by Hacket within the last six years. Thomas Geffray, tailor, of Coleman Street; the wife of Bulley, sadler, at the sign of the Red Cross and the Bullhead, Cheapside; Mrs. Etyes, at the sign of the Ball, in Friday Street; Thomas Tyllesworth, tailor, of Bugge Row; Alice _, now married, then living at the White Hart, against the Savoy; and Robert Tyllesworth, tailor, of Abchurch Lane.
Hacker, 20 Jan.—Mother Bristow, dwelling at the Castle in Wood Street, had the Gospel of Luke in English from him, which he had from Thomas Blissed, of Swan Alley, Coleman Street. She was well learned in these opinions before he read or taught here.
He says also that the following belonged to his sect: Stevyn Carde, weaver, of Ware; Henry Tuck; William Mason, tailor, formerly of Bishopsgate Street, now of the Bell, in New Fish Street; John Houshold, of Allhallows the Less, but not since he abjured; William Raylond, of the parish of the Holy Trinity, Colchester, who is a reader and teacher, and has the Apocalypse in English; John Best, of St. Botolph's, Colchester, a reader and teacher; William and Antony Becwyth, of Branktree, husbandmen, who had learned these opinions before he knew them; Robert Wyth and Mother Becwyth. He went to Branktree twice or thrice a year to communicate with them of his learning.
Pp. 8. The folios are numbered, in a contemporary hand, exxix.-cxxxii.
Harl. MS. 421,
f. 17.
B. M.
2. Replies of John Pykas to articles administered to him, 7 March 1527, before Cuthbert bishop of London, in a chapel within his palace at London, in the presence of Matthew Grefton, writer of the proceedings, Thomas Forman, S.T.P., Richard Sparchford, John Tunstal, Thomas Chambre, chaplains, and others.
To the first and second articles he confesses. To the rest, from the third to the eleventh, he replies that about five years ago his mother, at Bury, told him not to believe in the sacraments of the Church, gave him Paul's Epistles in English, and bade him live according to the Epistles and Gospels, and not after the way that the Church teaches. About two years ago he bought an English New Testament in Colchester, from a Lombard of London, for 4s., which "he kept for the space of four years." Hearing that these books were forbidden, he gave it and the Epistles to his mother. Fell into his errors by reading these books. Has often taught that the sacrament of the altar after consecration is only bread and wine, in the house of Thomas Mathew, in presence of his wife, Marion Westden, her daughter, and William Pykas; in the houses and presence of John Thompson, fletcher, Dorothy Long, Robert Best, Mrs. Swayn, John Gyrlyng, John Bradley, blacksmith, and his wife, Thomas Parker, weaver, Margaret, wife of Thomas Bowgas, Mrs. Cowbrigde, widow, of Colchester, John Hubbert, of Est Domylond, Robert Bate, Richard Collyns alias Jonson, weaver of Boxstede, and John Wyley, of Horkesley, weaver. All these persons believed the said articles. Has also asserted that there is no baptism but of the Holy Ghost, which he learned in the English New Testament, from the saying of John the Baptist. Thought that when Christ came, the baptism in water should cease, and no other be used but baptism in the Holy Ghost. Has also said that privy confession of sins to God was sufficient; but has yearly been confessed and "housled," that people should not wonder upon him. Has heard Mr. Bylney and other preachers at Ipswich say that it was but folly to go on pilgrimages, for saints are but stocks and stones, and cannot speak to a man nor do him any good, and that it is no good to pray to saints, for they are but servants and can hear no man's prayer. Spread these opinions after hearing them preached.
Mr. Bylney's sermon was "most ghostly." Has often said that God never made fasting, and that the Church has no authority to make it, and none should be kept. Fasted only on "the Imbren dayes." Has said that God made no holy days but Sunday, and no man can make other; that the Pope or other men of the Church have no authority to grant pardons. All these persons have gladly heard these things taught and disputed, and, though not as learned as he, have affirmed them. Has now in his custody The Prick of Conscience, The Seven Wise Masters of Rome, which he had from a friar at Colchester,—a book beginning O thou most glorious and excellent Lord, which he had from old father Hacker alias Ebb,—and Communicatio inter fratrem et clericum, which he had from his brother William, and lost about a year ago.
Gave no answer to the twelfth. Confesses the thirteenth. Signed: Be me,—John Pekes, of Collchester.
Pp. 4. Contemporary foliation, clxxx.–i.
Harl. MS. 421,
f. 15.
B. M.
3. 24 Feb. 1527. In the Long Chapel, near the north gate of St. Paul's, London, before Dr. Geffrey Wharton, vicar of Cuthbert, bishop of London, Sebastian Herris, curate of Kensington, whom Wharton absolved from the sentence of excommunication, confessed that he had the New Testament translated into English by William Hochyn, priest, and friar _ Roy, and Unio Dissidentium, containing Luther's heresy. Wharton then charged him not to keep or dispose of any such books, nor to hold intercourse with persons suspected of heresy, nor to visit London for more than a day and night, but to live at a distance of four miles for two years. In presence of Matthew Grefton, notary, John Darell, B.D., official of the archdeacon of London, Henry Bousfel, notary, proctor-general of the court of Canterbury, and Richard Nele.
2 March 1527. In the Consistory of London, before Dr. Wharton, Thomas Mathew, John Pykas, and Henry Raylond, of Colchester, appeared, and were summoned to attend on the bishop of London, at his palace, at 1 p.m. the same day. He pronounced William Raylond contumacious for his non-appearance, summoned him to appear on the next day, and as he did not, excommunicated him in writing. On March 12 he absolved him from the sentence, and enjoined him to say daily for three days five Paternosters and five Ave Marias.
3 March 1527. The bishop of London, in a chapel in his palace, administered to John Pykas, of Colchester, the articles which had been administered to John Hacker, adding that he had had a Testament translated by Hochyn and Roye, in spite of its condemnation, and other books containing heresy, and summoned as witnesses John Bowghton, of Colchester, and John Hacker.
4 March. The Bishop, in a chamber in his palace, questioned Henry Raylond whether the true body of Christ was in the sacrament of the altar,—to which he replied that it was; whether pilgrimages were profitable,—to which he assented; and whether he had formerly said that the Virgin Mary of Ipswich was an idol,—which he denied. The Bishop then dismissed him, charging him to appear when summoned. Present: Geoffrey Wharton, Robert Rydley, S.T.P., Richard Sparchford, M.A., and Matthew Grefton, notary.
5 March. In the chapel within his palace, the Bishop received the testimony of Thomas Mathew, of Colchester, to the articles ministered to John Pykas. Mathew abjured, submitted himself to correction, and was absolved by the Bishop. Present: Robert Rydley, John Royston, S.T.P., Richard Sparchford, M.A., John Tunstall, chaplain, Nicholas Tunstall, T. Dowman, Thomas Pylkenton, and James Multon. The Bishop ordered him to give in alms 6s. 8d. during five weeks in Lent; viz., 16d. to the prisoners in Colchester Castle, 8d. to prisoners elsewhere in the town, and the remainder to the poor of the town, in bread and herrings; and that he must break the loaves before distributing them to the prisoners. Also that he must appear the week after Whitsunday to receive the rest of his penance.
Lat., pp. 2. Contemporary foliatio, clxx.–i.
Strype's Mem.
I. part ii. 63.
That he had bought at various times many of the New Testaments in English from Mr. Fyshe, dwelling by the Whitefriars in London, who had them of one Harmond, an Englishman, beyond sea. That a year and a half ago he fell in acquaintance with vicar Constantyne, in London, who got him to buy the Testaments of Mr. Fyshe. That he had sold five of them to Sir William Furboshore, singing man in Stowmarket, Suff., for seven or eight groats a-piece, and two in Bury St. Edmund's to Raynold Wodelesse and Thos. Horfan. At Christmas he sold a New Testament to a priest at Pycknam Wade, and two Latin books, Œconomica Christiana and Unio Dissidentium; also a Testament to Will. Gibson, merchant, of St. Margaret Patens; also two Testaments to Sir Ric. Bayfell. He has sold five or six New Testaments to persons in London. Since Easter he has bought of Geoffrey Usher, of St. Antonyes, with whom he became acquainted a year ago (because he was servant to Mr. Forman, the parson of Honey Lane, to whose sermons this respondent much resorted), eighteen New Testaments of the small size, and twenty-six books, all of one sort, called Œconomica Christiana; and two others, called Unio Dissidentium. Of the former, vicar Constantyne had thirteen copies at one time. Since Easter he had carried several Testaments, &c., to Lynne, and left them with a young man named William ... who refused to purchase them, as they were prohibited. He has also sold a small Testament to young Elderton, merchantman of St. Mary Hill parish. He says, however, he knew not that any of these books were of Luther's sect.
To the 18th [article], he says he has been a receptor, and has been twice or thrice in Thos. Mathew's house, of Colchester, where he read the New Testament in English; that he there heard old father Hacker speak of prophecies.
To the 19th, he says that about Christmas last a Dutchman, now in the Fleet, offered to sell him 200 or 300 English Testaments, at 9d. each; but he did not buy, only sending him to Mr. Fyshe, and promising to do whatever Mr. Fyshe did. To the 20th: Since Easter, when at Norwich, he was complained of to my lord of Norwich because he had a New Testament. His brother advised him to send or deliver it, and he sent it to London by carrier. 21. He acknowledges having kept it a year or more after he knew of its condemnation, and to have read it thoroughly many times, both to himself and others. 22. He denies that he had "Wyclief's Wycket" or the Apocalypse at any time. "Per me, Robert Necton."
8 March.
R. O.
Thanks him for his letters, dated Greenwich, 13 Feb., in answer to hers sent by Leonard Musgrave. Will use his advice in all weighty matters henceforth. Intends to send Jas. Steward, brother of lord Avyndale, for whom she desires a safe-conduct, to show her mind in all matters touching Henry's honor and the weal of both kingdoms. Was made very ill lately, and in danger of her life, by a report of Henry's death. Striviling, 8 March. Signed.
P. 1, broadsheet. Add. Endd.
R. O. 4032. THE SAME to WOLSEY.
To the same effect. Striviling, 8 March. Signed.
P. 1, broadsheet. Add. Endd.
On the same subject. Received the King's letters by Florence Forestar, the bearer, the Earl's servant. Striviling, 8 March. Signed.
P. 1, broadsheet. Add.: To my lord and cousing, Erle of Northummerland, lieutenant-general in the North partis of Ingland. Endd.
8 March.
Cal. D. X. 383.
B. M.
4034. [TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
* * *
"... [Gam]bara the King ... showed unto us the matter of there ... he would do nothing without the counsel [and consent of] the King's highness and your Grace, for he said [that if the said] Bishop should pass through his realm to m[ake overture of] peace, the Emperor would think that both he an[d the king] of England sued unto the Pope to be mediator [for him], which were not for their honour after that they h[ad declared] war unto him. The Bishop replied unto the K[ing] ... soberly, discreetly, with assured boldness, that he des[ired not in] the Pope's name anything of the King, but that h[e might] safely pass through his realm to the Emperor, [to whom] he would, by the Pope's commandment, persuade peace [with such] conditions as hath been offered by the French king ... if he refused he would, upon the Pope's behalf, int[imate] war both spiritual and temporal, inasmuch as his po[wer was].
"The Venacions be sore against this Bishop's going [to the] Emperor, thinking that there is some secret intellige[nce be]twixt the Pope and the Emperor, wherefore it was [thought] good to send unto the King's highness and your Grace to [have] your counsel in this matter, as Master Wallop, the w[hich] was present, can show your Grace. Mons. Lautrec ha[s taken?] the city of Aquilla, the which is the principal city [in] Brucia, and speedily proceedeth towards Naples. The count de Guast saith he will give him a breakfast, and leave [the] rest to the prince of Orange. At this time I send [unto] your Grace the copy of the letters written by the Kyn[g and] Madame to the Pope and Mons. Lautrec in the K[ing's] causes." Poissy, 8 March.
Mutilated, p. 1.
8 March.
R. O.
Is obliged, both for health and for the business of which he lately spoke, to leave, and see the Emperor as soon as possible. Requests Wolsey to write by the present messenger to the English ambassador in France to get safe-conducts for himself and for Mendoza; and also to write to the bishop (Ghinucci) residing at Valladolid, to come to the frontier, where the exchange may be made between him and Mendoza. Wishes only eight servants and horses to accompany him, intending to send the rest of his household by sea. 8 March. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: R. D. Cardinali Eboracensi atque Angliæ legato. Endd.
8 March.
Galba, B. IX.
B. M.
Has received his letters by the bearer. Is grieved and astonished that he intends to enter into war against the Emperor. Does not think the Emperor can have given any occasion for it. Thinks that he must have heard that the Emperor would not listen to peace, and had chosen war, from those who most desire the ruin of both Princes; for in his letters to my Lady, he agrees to all the articles of peace, except the time of fulfilling them, the French ambassadors insisting on the previous delivery of the children. Does not think any one can blame the Emperor, considering his experience of French faith, and the danger to his affairs in Italy by the stay of the French army there. He has given up the duchy of Burgundy and other places, to purchase peace. Begs him to consider the reasons for preserving peace with them, to whom he is united by blood, by ancient friendship, mercantile intercourse, and the natural inclination of the people. Desires credence for the bearer. Malines, 8 March. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2.
Ib. f. 50*.
B. M.
Urging the evil consequences of war, now that the Turk is making such progress, and heresy is spreading. Malines, 8 March 1527. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
Inc. "Abjuratio Joannis Hig, alias Noke, alias Jonson. In the name of God, Amen. I, John Hig, otherwise called John Noke or John Jonson, of the parish of Cheshunt, of the diocese and jurisdiction of London, before you, M. Geffery Wharton, doctor of law, and vicar-generall to the reverent father in God, lord Cuthbert, bishop of London, mine ordinary and diocesan, and before this company and audience, openly confess and knowledge that I have erroneously and damnably said, affirmed, believed, and taught these damnable and erroneous opinions:"—1. That all men, whether temporal or spiritual, might preach the Gospel. 2. That Martin Luther was more learned than all the doctors in England. 3. That a man should pay nothing to the Church, except his four offering days. 4. That the Church is blind, and teaches the people the wrong way. 5. That he had "a boke of the Gospels in the Doche tonge," by the which he expounded in alehouses to people there the Sunday Gospels. 6. That he had in derision those that went on pilgrimages, and called them fools. 7. That, when in parts beyond the sea, he had preached against Purgatory, although he believed the same; and that prayers and alms deeds were of no value when a man was dead. 8. That he had not done reverence at the elevation of the Host, but kept reading his Dutch book of the Gospels. All which he now utterly abjures and renounces, desiring to suffer penance for the same, and promising never to return to them. Signed: "Per me, Joannem Hige, alyas Noke, alias Jonson. + Sic subscripsit manu propria."
2. Injunctio dicti Johannis;—being the commissary's account of the appearance of the said John Hig, of his absolution, and the penance enjoined;—sc. that on Palm Sunday he should head the procession to St. Paul's Cathedral, bare-headed, bare-legged, shoeless, and carrying a faggot on his left shoulder; that he should remain in the custody of the apparitor until Good Friday (d. Parasceues), and should then stand at Paul's cross bare-headed, with his faggot as before, all the time of the preaching of the sermon. That on Easter Sunday he should head the procession in the parish church of Cheshunt, bare-headed and with the faggot, as before; that he should hear mass on bended knees, but not receive until Monday following. That for the rest of his life he shall wear a silken faggot embroidered in his sleeve, except he have dispensation. That he shall never leave the diocese of London without presenting himself to his ordinary, and informing him where he intends to go. Present: Robert Rydley and William Mydelton.
3. The dispensation of the silken faggot by the Vicar General, on the representation of the same John Hig, that if he was compelled to wear it no one would employ him, and he would be compelled to beg.
4. His petition for forgiveness. "Jesus Maria. The mercy of the Father, the meekness of the Son, the goodness of the Holy Ghost, be with us, &c. Honorable Master Doctor, I desire you to be good master to me, for I do knowledge myself to your mastership that I have offended in the articles the which you laid upon me yesterday; as in learning the Gospels; that wo worth ill tongues; for if my master that I dwelled withal had not been, I had not uttered the hundredth word that I have done, for he would ask me to bring my book with me to many places, and with many words behind my back," &c.
"Billa confessionis Johannis Hig, &c., scripta manu ejus propria in turri vocata Lollards Towre."
Pp. 4.
1. A paper, addressed to Wolsey (?) ("Sanctitas tua"), containing a recantation of certain theological opinions. The writer appears from these extracts to have been an Englishman:—
"Item scripsi contra illud tributum quod exactum fuit per papam Innocencium 3m a domino Johanne, quondam Rege hujus regni Angliæ, propter absolucionem interdiccionis regni."
"Item scripsi contra hoc quod tuæ Sanctitati per Papam conceditur comites palatinos militesque creare et testamenta confirmare vel improbare; a domino Rege et non a Papa illam autoritatem procedere debuisse dixi."
Inc.: "Hos subsequentes articulos dixi et eorum aliquos eciam scripsi."
Ends: Inmensas gracias ago Sanctitati tuæ quod tam clementer et misericorditer mecum egisti et ab hiis ceterisque Lutheri erroribus revocasti et benigne absolvisti; quid enim retribuam Sanctitati tuæ pro hiis beneficiis quæ retribuisti mihi? Nihil habeo, sed toto meo obsequio post Deum tuæ Sanctitati semper adero.
"Omnipotens Dominus tuam Sanctitatem conservet semper summo cum honore et salute."
Pp. 3.
R. O. 2. A paper corresponding in some passages with the preceding.
I abjure and detest Luther and all Lutherans, and their writings and opinions condemned by the Church. I embrace the Christian faith, as held by holy Church, and as taught by the apostles, fathers, and doctors. In my arguments and disputations I have not adhered to my own sense, and desire my sayings and writings to be judged according to the Divine Word, submitting them and myself to your Holiness.
Explains his opinions relative to faith and works, free will, human traditions, popes, the subjection of the clergy to kings, the unjust interdict in the reign of John, tribute to the Roman court, indulgences, the veneration of saints, and vows.
Notary's signature in four places: "R. T." (Robert Toneys?)
Lat., pp. 2.
Master Jerome, "doctor of phisike," has informed my lord Cardinal, and other of the King's counsel, against one Cooke, in the King's retinue at Tournay, "who used the habit of a White Friar as a spy, and was conveyed in the same habit from Tournaye to Ipres by one Gammage, dwelling in Walden in Essex. He had heard Cooke preach, in a secular priest's habit, in Walden, "that the King, my lord Cardinal, and the duke of Norfolk his master, were the strongest thieves in England, and by craft and subtlety robbed the poor commons of this realm; that if a sheep would take upon him to be a king within this realm, all the commons would arise in his favor for to have thereby more quietness and peace;" and "that the poor innocents of England lying in their cradles should cry vengeance upon the King, my lord Cardinal, and the said Duke, for the wretchedness and poverty they were in." Jerome further states, that, having intended to come to the King and declare the premises, he was imprisoned by the procurement of one West, at the command of six aldermen of London, in order to prevent a disclosure which would have implicated not only Cooke and Gammage, but also another parish priest, named Master Basse, M.A. Gammage and Basse had also conspired to hang him at his own place, called "Jeromys Castell," and report that he had hanged himself. Cooke, Gammage, and the priest had "had letters lying afore them," from Richard Delapole, as he supposed. Cooke had been chaplain to the duke of Buckingham, and afterwards to the duke of Norfolk; and when this informant followed Cook to Dovor in order to arrest him, he entered the service of Sir Nicholas Vaux, and crossed the sea, and is now, as the writer is informed, servant to the earl of Arundel. Cooke in his sermon recited the following verses, declaring that they related to the Church and my lord Cardinal:—
"Constantine, cades, et equæ de marmore factæ
Et lapis erectus et magna palacia Romæ.
Hæc sua sunt signa. Ruet urbs cum præsule digna.
Funere detectus Petri successor abibit
Et lapis erectus ad terram funditus ibit."
Not signed, sealed, or directed.
Pp. 2. Endd.: "Agayn Cooke that hath had sedicious words agayn the King and my Lord."
8 March.
Wilkins, III.
Ordinance of the Archbishop, confirming a statute of Rob. de Winchelsey, former archbishop of Canterbury, limiting the number of proctors in the Court of Arches to ten. Otteford, 6 March 1527.
Ratification of the above by the Archbishop, dated in the chapter house of Canterbury, 8 March 19 Hen. VIII.
9 March.
Calig. B. III.
B. M.
On receipt of his letters by Sir John Uvedale, secretary to the duke of Richmond, dated Richmond, 31 Jan., they committed to York castle John Bretton, where he has lain, in great jeopardy of his life, for 16 days, as the sickness there is so sore and contagious that 14 prisoners and others are dead. As the matter between him and John Uvedale is of small moment, they have released him on his recognisance. Bretton supplied the place of Uvedale in his absence, and accounted to him truly for all the profits, holding it no longer than till Thos. Derby had by common report obtained it of the King and Wolsey,—when Bretton would have discharged himself, but was prevailed on by the Council to stay, with promise of the profits of the office till the King's pleasure were known. Think it unjust that Uvedale should have the profits, which Bretton has earned by his pen. They had not presumed to appoint any one to the place, except under the circumstances mentioned. York, 9 March. Signed: Brian Higdon—T. Tempest—William Taite—Robert Bowis.
Endd.: "The duke of Richmondes council, 9th March." Endd. by Cecil: "Scotland, H. 8. All of one year."
Pp. 2.
9 March.
R. O.
This Monday, about seven in the morning, received the King's letters, saying that he has heard that the clothiers about Westbury, who are thrown out of work, have assembled, and intend to repair to his Highness, which he is surprised not to have heard of from Sandys and his other servants in those parts. Never heard of it till he received the King's letter; for Westbury, as he is told, is near Bristol, 60 miles from here. Will go today, with a few persons, as if hunting, towards Sir John Seymour and Sir Wm. Essex, and, if there is any such insurrection, will do his best to pacify it. If he cannot, will follow the King's instructions. Though he has sent all his harness to Guisnes, will not spare his poor body amongst them. The Vyne, 9 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace. Endd.: My lord Sands, 9 March.
9 March.
R. O.
Some ill-disposed persons who had stolen a crayer from Englishmen have been intercepted by certain men of Dunwich, coming home from London, and have been put in prison by Norfolk's orders, till the King's pleasure be known. As their punishment belongs to lord Lisle's office, thinks he should send officers to receive them from the bailiffs of Dunwich, who are at great charge in keeping them. Yesterday, called before him 40 of the most substantial clothiers of these parts, of some towns tow, and of some one, and exhorted them to continue their men in work, assuring them that the reports were false about the detention of English merchants in Spain and Flanders, and using other arguments, which he will explain to Wolsey on coming to him before Sunday next. Was assisted by Sir Ric. Wentworth and Sir Philip Tylney, and finally persuaded them to resume work, and take back their servants whom they had put away. If he had not "quenched the bruit" of the arrests in Flanders, he should have had 200 or 300 women sueing to him to make the clothiers set their husbands and children on work. Wolsey might cause the London merchants not to suffer so many cloths to remain in Blackwell Hall unbought. Has been at Ipswich, and got a "platt" made of the whole house of St. Peter's, which he will show Wolsey. Can advise him so as to save large money in building there. Has spoken with my lord of Norwich. "Tomorrow I intend to see part of your Grace's marches belonging to Dodenashe in Colnes, and part of mine own; and so from thence towards your Grace." Stoke, 9 March.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
R. O. 4045. NORFOLK to [WOLSEY].
Since writing has received a letter from Wolsey, with one to Sir Rob. Dreury, which he shall have tomorrow. The King desires him to remain here till Easter, and send for his wife and servants now at London. Will not leave till he hears again, but begs that he may come up, if only for six days' absence, including going and coming. Would not leave if he saw any danger. If he were to do what he is desired, would have to make provision of many things from London, including money. Wishes also to have some conference with Wolsey on other subjects of his letter. Will be but one day on the road either way.
Hol., p. 1.
9 March.
Cal. D. X. 155.
B. M.
4046. [FRANCIS I.] to WOLSEY.
Asks him to see justice done to the bearer, and to treat him as he would wish subjects of his King to be treated in France. S[t. Germain]-en-Laye, 9 March.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: A, &c., le Cardinal legat et chancelier d'Angleterre.
9 March.
R. O.
Received this evening Wolsey's letters, which he would he had had yesterday; for the Abbot resigned this morning, on Benet's declaring to him Wolsey's pleasure by mouth; and Benet declared the house to be void, intimating to the convent that Wolsey had sent by him the King's licence to proceed to an election on Wednesday next. The whole convent, except four or five, are "full appointed upon Franses." Wolsey will see the awkwardness if he should now detain the congé from them, and cause two of the brethren to come up to pursue the King's licence. Will, however, prorogue the election on Wednesday next till some other day, and defer showing the licence till he hear from Wolsey, unless he can induce the convent to compromitt the election to Wolsey, without promising them that either Boston or Franses shall be chosen. Will obey Wolsey's commands about the entertainment of Borrow. Peterborough, 9 March. Signed.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.: "Doctor Benet, nono Marcii 1527.
9 March.
P. S. b.
Petition for a congé d'élire on the resignation of Rob. Kyrkton, abbot. Chapter-house, 9 March 1527.
Cal. D. X. 173.
B. M.
4049. _ to WOLSEY.
* * * "... Deo motus, maneo tamen in specula ... e quid tum fieri poterit, ut spero posse, cens ... [jac]turam Flandrenses (fn. 3) adhuc accepere, ea minima f ... [ci]ves isti Londinii tantas turbas ciere debuissent ... erit non dubito quin ad mandatum Regis mei qu ... sarciatur. Interim dedi operam ut quicquid est pr ... illatum non distrahatur, sed integra res maneat ... confirmavit præfectus præsidio oppidi facturum se, ut ... Flandrensibus aut aliis quibusvis opprimendis. R ... diligenter misi ad regem meum excusorem expeditissimum ... quem quidem regem non dubito quin sit ad R D. T. ... oculis gerit voluntatem omnino se accommodaturus, sed e ... quantas injurias nostrates patiuntur. In mari Aqui[tanico] naves Hispanicæ portum Rochellæ obsederunt, et Gall[icas] in ipso statim appulsu interceperunt. Elapsa est una vin ... quæ hac in Scotiam transiens nuntia fuit cladis istius ... magno aliquando Cæsari constabit, nam apparatus fuit ... terrestris et maritimi majores quam dici possit: quem[admodum ex] hoc nostro Baltasare poterit intelligere Ill. D. T. ... non poterat Rex meus rerum Italicarum et maxime pon[tificis] ... maxime quod recens inde sit reversus, mittere. Et h ... præter fidem quam illi merito habet, quare ... alium quemvis duxerit huc destinandum ... [pro]positum mihi negocium confecero, conte ..." * * *
Mutilated. Add.: Ill., &c., Card. Ebor. de latere Legato ac Britanniæ Cancellario, &c. Londini.
10 March.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 235.
4050. FRANCIS I.
Commission to John du Bellay, bishop of Bayonne, and Charles Morette, to conclude an arrangement for mutual intercourse with the subjects of the Emperor. S. Germain-en-Laye, 10 March 1527.
Lat., sealed.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 236.
2. Commission to the same, to arrange with England for a war against the Emperor. S. Germain-en-Laye, 10 March 1527.
Lat., sealed.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 236.
3. Commission to the same, for English merchants to trade with France. S. Germain-en-Laye, 10 March 1527.
Lat., sealed.
10 March.
R. O.
Complains of the long time he has been kept in London, waiting for a safe-conduct. Begs that the bearer be hastily despatched with it, "considerant that the King's grace my maister giffis zour Grace credance in all his affaris, and forthirring of his servandes." London, 10 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.


  • 1. 25 Feb.
  • 2. In margin, "xix. Februarii."
  • 3. Corrected from "vestrates."
  • 00. Note in margin:—"Concordat cum Johanna Ansti, in abjuratione sua."