Henry VIII: February 1528, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: February 1528, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1736-1754 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: February 1528, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1736-1754.

"Henry VIII: February 1528, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1736-1754.


February 1528

11 Feb.
Vesp. C. IV. 229. B. M.
3897. CHARLES V.
News from the Emperor's court, which arrived at Bayonne, 11 Feb. The Emperor is at Burgos, and has summoned to his presence all the great lords, spiritual and temporal. No one is yet in arms, except the constable of Castille and the duke of Nageres, for the greater part are very unwilling. It is said that the Emperor, since the declaration of war, has twice sent to his ambassador in England to make arrangements with that King. Meanwhile, for greater security, they have deliberated to place the French princes in the castle of Segovia or Sismancques (Simancas), and they will abridge their attendants. De Tarbes and the others are at the castle of Posa, and great complaint is made of their imprisonment, and that they know not how he will excuse it. The Emperor is in a great rage. They will not be permitted to leave until the reply of the king of England has arrived. The ambassador of the king of England is at Burgos, and is still visited. The Emperor is displeased, and but few people speak with him. The Castillians are dissatisfied with the Burgundians and the Flemings for obstructing the alliance with England, and a great hatred is sprung up between them, especially considering the poverty of the Emperor's household. Not much news from Italy. The fleet intended for Italy has been dispersed, part at Majorca and the rest at Carthagena. They are in great apprehension about Navarre, and are negotiating with count de Levin by means of François de Beaumont, who is at present at court with Levin's children. They would like to send a person to govern Navarre, who would be agreeable to the people.
The Spaniards do not think the king of Hungary will render much assistance in Italy, and are much dismayed at seeing such a formidable alliance arrayed against them. Chancho Martinez de Leyves has orders to pass through Fontarabia and Guipuscoa, and will be provided with money and troops. The Emperor has sent a gentleman of his chamber, and a Portuguese into Portugal. There is nothing of importance said of it.
Fr., pp. 3. Endd. in English.
11 Feb.
Vit. B. XXI. 41. B. M.
Has received the following news from his friends. Both the Emperor and the French king are preparing for war. The latter exacts from the clergy a third of their goods,—some say, of their revenues. The Emperor demands from each church two marks of silver, that is, twelve ducats. Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia will send him 600,000 ducats and a large army. Portugal has offered 800,000 ducats for licence to execute their contracts for spices, but it is not known whether the Emperor will accept them.
The Venetian fleet has been much injured by a storm, and two ships driven on to the coast of Apulia were taken by the Imperialists. The Emperor has forty ships at sea, and is sending 10,000 Spaniards to Italy. He will never make peace until the French king fulfils his promises. The Pope is liberated, having given certain cardinals as hostages for the performance of his treaty with the Emperor. The Pope has gone to Corneto (civitas Cornensis). Few persons are with him beside the Datary. He has surrendered to the Emperor Ostia and Civita Vecchia. The new viceroy of Naples is Hugo de Moncada. The army is now approaching Burgundy and France. The leader is Marcus Sittich of Embs. The people of Constance have for twelve years conspired with the people of Turgau. Does not know whether they will any longer ally themselves with the Swiss. No persons have come as bishops for the disputation to be held at Verona (Berne ?), except from Ulm, Augsburg, Memmingen and Lyndau. Constance, Turgau, St. Gall, Basle and Argentina (Strasburg) have also sent preachers (concionatores) thither.
The electors and other nobles have been ordered to forbid their subjects leaving their dominions, and to have them instructed in arms. The marriage between the duke of Lorraine and the princess of Cleves is broken off. It is thought that she will marry a Danish prince, and cede the duchy of Gueldres to the Emperor. Cologne, 3 id. Feb. 1528. Signed.
Lat., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
Vit. B. XXI. 40.
B. M.
3899. GERMANY.
"Advertissement des baron Desben et chevalier de [Richac qui] sont venuz en ceste ville de Lucerne pour n ... les choses ainsi qu'il s'ensuyt."
They have news from Germany that Ferdinand intends to make himself king of the Romans, and is practising with the Electors, with other princes, and with the Swabian league. A diet is appointed at Reginsbourg (Ratisbon) in Mid Lent. He will use force if necessary. He is collecting much money, and the men being enlisted in the Tyrol are for the same purpose.
Bohemia is in a state of revolt, as he will not keep his oaths. The duke of Sternemberg has retired to the Weyde (Waywode). The dukes of Bavaria and Saxony will not consent to the election of Ferdinand as king of the Romans. They say that the King might procure the election of a king of the Romans in his own interest, and thus bridle the house of Austria.
They offer to conduct the practices themselves; that is, baron Desben will go to the duke of Bavaria, and the chevalier de Richac to the count Desche (Hesse) and duke of Saxony, where his master, the duke of Wirtemberg, is at present. The Weyder is in his own country, and is expecting money and men from the Turk to drive out Ferdinand.
They are ready to serve the King, and desire an answer. The baron Desben also wishes for an answer concerning "son beau ... nommé _" (fn. 1) of whom we have written to the King. We hear that he would be of much service, and has great credit with the duke of Bavaria and others.
Fr., pp. 2. Endd.
11 Feb.
Le Grand, III. 78.
The King is sending my secretary, Stephen Gardiner, and Master Edward Fox, to the Pope, on matters of great importance both to the common affairs and to his own. They are instructed about the affair of Ferrara, which is of great importance, to withdraw the Pope from any intelligence he may have with the Emperor; for, as it does not appear likely that he will hold to the promises he made to the duke of Ferrara during his captivity (as his Holiness has openly declared to the King and me by the bishop of Tortonne, his ambassador), those promises having been only made to win over the Duke to the League, it will be well to find some means to satisfy both parties, and keep them both on the side of France and England. Henry has accordingly passed certain articles of promise to the Pope, which it is recommended that Francis should also pass with certain additions, framed for the purpose, as he has more interest in it than the King. They are couched in such form that there may be, if necessary, plenty of subterfuges "pour satisfere le tout." Hopes Montmorenci will urge that Francis make no difficulty about it. Westm., 11 Feb. 1527.
French. Add.: A Mons. de Montmorency, Grant Maistre de France.
Vit. B. X. 74.
B. M.
His fidelity to the See Apostolic is too well known to need expression by letters or ambassadors. Trusting in the Pope's goodness, asks for a favour which ought to be granted to any Christian, and on which depends the continuation of his line, the peace of the kingdom or its ruin, and the safety of his own soul. Desires credence for Wolsey's letters, and for Gardiner and Edward Fox.
Draft by Vannes. Lat., p. 1.
Vit. B. X. 79.
B. M.
Draft of a letter very similar to the preceding.
In Vannes' hand. Lat., pp. 2.
Vit. B. X. 58.
B. M. Pocock, I. 62.
Hopes that he will resume his former offices, which he discharged with so much ability. The King has no one on whom he can so fully rely, and therefore hopes that, for his sake also, Ghiberti will not refuse. Refers him to the elect of Tortona, and to Gardiner and Fox, who are now sent on this mission to Rome. Hopes he will interpose his good services with the Pope.
Thus far the King. From the latter part of the letter it is difficult to discover whether the writer was continuing the draft in his own name, or in that of the King. He urges the Bishop, "jure amicitiæ," to return to the Pope, and reside with him till the affairs of Christendom are in better condition.
Lat., corrected, draft, pp. 4. In Vannes' hand.
B. X. 51. B. M.
"Ponatur primo tenor proemii literarum ad Veronensem; demum ubi dicit 'R. D. V. rogamus,' addatur:"
The ship of the Church, though overwhelmed by the tempest, is rising again, and the sea begins to be more calm. Reminds him that it should be assisted, not deserted. His care for his church at Verona should not deprive Christendom of his services, but he should appoint a proper suffragan. If desire for the public good, the necessity of the Pope, the prayers of the kings of England and France, do not persuade him to resume his public duties, what else can be thought but that a desire for private life and ease has influenced him ? When affairs are settled, those will applaud him for his retirement who now say that he has retired from the court, not from zeal for serving God, or love of virtue, but from despair and weakness. How much his return would please the kings of England and France, &c.
"Hic se extendat D. Petrus, addatque eas preces quæ vehementes videbuntur."
Draft, Lat., pp. 2.
Vit. B. X. 54.
B. M. Pocock, I. 65.
Considers the Bishop's misfortunes as common to himself, but, as spring succeeds winter, and light darkness, he must take courage. Begs him to go to the Pope and assist him by his counsel, as his absence is very prejudicial to the common weal. The King earnestly desires him to do so, both for public affairs, and for the benefit of his own cause. He will place not only the King and Wolsey, but the whole kingdom, under a perpetual obligation, if he will give his assistance in this matter. The bp. of Tortona will tell him more.
This matter, which the King most ardently desires, involves the quiet of the whole realm, or its complete destruction, the preservation of the King's succession, and the safety of his soul.
Draft, Lat., pp. 2. In Vannes' hand. Headed: Literæ R.D. Legati ad D. Veronensem.
B. X. 55. B. M.
Urges him to return to the Pope. Neither Henry nor Francis approve of his deserting the care of the universal Church for the church at Verona, and think that no troubles can happen greater than those which have been already overcome. Cannot help thinking that he is affected by untimely eagerness for a quiet life, or by weariness. If he return he will be praised by those who now blame him. Cannot express the pleasure it would give to the two Kings and himself.
Draft, Lat., pp. 2. In Vannes' hand.
B. X. 53. B. M.
3907. [WOLSEY to _.]
"Ill. Domine et tanquam frater amantissime."
Remembers, with the greatest pleasure, his society in France. While engaged in public affairs, never omits anything which he thinks may benefit him. Staphyleus' commendation of his affairs was quite unnecessary. Professes his entire willingness to serve him.
Draft, Lat., pp. 2. In Vannes' hand.
VitB. X. 62.
B. M. Pocock, I. 67.
Asks his assistance in the King's cause, which will be explained to him by the bp. of Tortona, Gardiner and Fox.
Draft, Lat., pp. 2. In Vannes' hand.
Vit. B. X. 73.
B. M. Pocock, I. 59.
Perceives his affection from his letters to himself and Wolsey, and from the declaration of the bp. of Tortona. Considers his request as granted, and thanks him accordingly. Wishes it to be according to the form which the bp. of Tortona, Gardiner and Foxe will show him. The King, his kingdom and his friends, will be eternally bound to him.
Draft by Vannes. Lat., p. 1.
B. X. 75. B. M.
Uses his assistance with the greater confidence, as he daily sees his good faith, and his desire to serve him, by the reports of the bp. of Tortona. Enlarges on the importance and the justice of his demand. Knows Campeggio's influence with the Pope and his prudence, and begs him to use them in his favor. Desires credence for the bp. of Tortona, Gardiner and Fox.
Draft by Vannes. Lat., pp. 2.
Vit. B. X. 80.
B. M.
Desires his assistance in his cause. Credence for the bp. of Tortona, Gardiner and Foxe.
In Vannes' hand. Lat., p. 1. Endd.
R. O.
Urges upon him the importance of the King's cause, which he has already pressed with so much solicitude by letters and messengers. It concerns the safety of the King, the preservation of the kingdom, the public peace, the apostolic authority, and Wolsey's very life. Implores the Pope, upon his knees, to assent promptly to the King's request; if it be not just, Wolsey will undergo any punishment. Fears that otherwise the King will be driven by divine and human law to seek his rights from the whole of Christendom, seeing that, by the Emperor's influence, justice is delayed to him. Warns the Pope, as a Christian, not to allow his authority to be thus injured. Sends his secretary, Stephen Gardiner, "mei dimidium," to his Holiness to explain more fully his mind. Begs credence for him and Edw. Fox.
Lat., pp. 3. In Vannes' hand.
Vit.B. X. 78.
B. M.
2. Another draft in Vannes' hand, with important variations. Not corrected by Wolsey, as stated in Burnet.
Pp. 2. The heading in Burnet, "Rome, Feb. 10, 1528," is taken from a heading, written in a modern hand, on the top margin of the MS.
Hatfield MSS. 3913. WOLSEY to GARDINER and FOX.
Are to visit France on their way to the Pope, and, taking with them Dr. Taillor, master of the Rolls, ambassador there, shall present the King and Wolsey's letters, and then proceed to follow the instructions herewith sent, taking order to accelerate their audience, speaking with my Lady at least if they can, or the Great Master, and making excuse for the shortness of their visit. At Rome they shall consult with the bishop elect of Tortone and Gregory de Cassalys. They shall say that though the King's principal secretary, Dr. [Knight], and others, have expressed the Pope's good mind for granting what is required touching the King's marriage, and the Pope has passed a dispensation and commission devised by cardinal St. Quatuor, thinking the same to be sufficient, and promised to do what was necessary for the validity of the same by breves or bulls, yet the King would be glad to learn from the report, by word of mouth, of the said Elect the Pope's good intentions, and what the Pope desires of him for the recovery of the places detained from him. With a view to the greater effect of the same, and arranging peace between Francis and the Emperor, and for the substantial effect of the dispensation and commission necessary to the peace of this realm, which, in their present form, are as good as none at all, Gardiner and Fox are sent to the Pope, and they are to declare to the Pope everything that is necessary for his causes and the King's just petition. For the former the King will always stand with the Pope, and will interfere in his behalf. Here they shall enlarge upon the King's good intentions to him as if the cause were his own, and say that he expects to find a correspondent friendship on the part of the Pope.
Secondly, Wolsey finds by conversation with the said Elect that the Pope has been laboring under some misapprehension, as if the King had set on foot this cause, not from fear of his succession, but out of a vain affection or undue love to a gentlewoman of not so excellent qualities as she is here esteemed. They are to assure the Pope that Wolsey would not, for any earthly affection to his prince, or desire of reward, transgress the truth or swerve from the right path, nor would he have consented in any way to have reported to his Holiness otherwise than his conviction, which was of the insufficiency of the marriage, nor have used any dissimulation. If God has given any light of true doctrine to the greatest divines and lawyers of this realm, and if in this angle of the world there be any hope of God's favor, Wolsey is well assured and "dare put his soul" that the King's desire is grounded upon justice, and not from any grudge or displeasure to the Queen, whom the King honors and loves, and minds to love and to treat as his sister, with all manner of kindness. Also as she is the relict of his dearest brother he will entertain her with all joy and felicity. But as this matrimony is contrary to God's law, the King's conscience is grievously offended. "On the other side the approved, excellent virtuous [qualities] of the said gentlewoman [Anne], the purity of her life, her constant virginity, her maidenly and womanly pudicity, her soberness, chasteness, meekness, humility, wisdom, descent of right noble and high through regal blood, education in all good and laudable [qualities] and manners, apparent aptness to procreation of children, with her other infinite good qualities, more to be regarded and esteemed than the only progeny," be the grounds on which the King's desire is founded, which Wolsey regards as honest and necessary.
Considering these things, the dangers which would ensue from a disputed succession, and the likelihood in that event of England declining from obedience to the Holy See, he is glad that the Holy Father sees the danger and is willing to provide a remedy; and, as he has shown his affection by granting the commission and dispensation, hopes he will supply all the defects in the same, and see that they be effectual, in such a form as may serve in this realm where they are to be executed. The style here is more to be regarded than that of the court of Rome, as they shall fully explain to his Holiness. They shall therefore study these points, and discuss them with his Holiness, begging him that the dispensation and commission may be passed without alteration, according to the form here devised, and a legate be sent. The commission is to be directed to him and to Wolsey, in which event Fox shall immediately return with it, and Gardiner come after with the legate proposed. Rewards are to be offered, and they are to attempt to procure that Campegius be sent in preference to all others, promising that his charge shall be furnished from England. If Campegius is not sent they are to procure the cardinal Anconytane, or such other as shall be fit for their purpose. If the Pope decline to send the dispensation and commission in the form here devised, as unusual, they shall say that it has been frequently done by many Popes in matters of great and little moment; and though it may seem unusual, yet, considering that this is a cause of great moment, and that the legatine authority of Wolsey might have been sufficient without any reference to the Pope, to avoid all evils that may befal the realm, it is indispensable that the commission be couched in the form here devised, as otherwise it will not be possible to avoid many inconveniences. If they cannot obtain this, or find that the Pope is too much swayed by the Emperor, they shall beg of the Pope to consider the letters of the King and Wolsey here sent, the justice of the King's cause, his services to the Pope, and the danger if he should abandon him, and other arguments of the same tenor;—that the King, in his efforts to serve the Pope, has never considered the Emperor, and therefore cannot expect that he should be defrauded of his expectation through any such fear on the part of the Pope; but if he apprehends danger they are to show him that the King will by no means abandon him, and will use his blood and treasure in the Pope's defence. They are also to insist on the dishonor done to the Holy See if the Pope, through fear of any earthly person, refuse to exercise the justice that is in him, and abandon his friends. If the King cannot obtain justice in this way he will be compelled to seek it elsewhere, and live out of the laws of Holy Church; and, however reluctant, he will be driven to this for the quiet of his conscience.
They are to consider carefully what answer the Pope makes; and if they think that he intends to delay, are to give notice immediately of the same. So much they shall communicate with the Bishop Elect; but they shall of themselves tell the Pope that he cannot well refuse, for the King is resolved to proceed to execution, whether the Pope accedes to his wishes or not; and they shall urge what danger will necessarily accrue to Wolsey if the Pope put this threat into execution. They shall say that Wolsey knows so well the King's mind that as he never can show too much benevolence to those who proceed with him frankly and kindly, so he cannot abhor too much those who are ungrateful. This then is the time for the Pope to bind the heart of the King for ever. If, however, the Pope will not comply, but will offer them a method of procedure according to his own pleasure and authority, they shall say that they are so confounded with his refusal that they know not whether it were not better to return without anything, by which detriment might occur to the Holy See; but knowing Wolsey's devotion to the Holy See, rather than return empty-handed, they will accept the passing such a commission to a legate to be sent for that purpose, who is to be joined in commission with Wolsey, taking care that the writings be sufficient for the purpose required.
But if, through fear of the Emperor, the Pope will grant neither one nor the other, they must do the best to take the second or the third course, which according to their wisdom shall appear the best. For this third course, Gardiner shall remain and the other return. First, a legate is to be joined with Wolsey; if that cannot be, a legate to be sent only; if that cannot be, the commission to be directed to Wolsey and the archbishop of Canterbury, or some other bishop to be joined with him. To advance these purposes they shall insist on the importance of peace between the French king and the Emperor, and the efforts that the King has made in that behalf;—how he has striven to bring the Emperor to reason, and endeavored to do the Pope honor and pleasure, always considering the interests of the latter. The schedule signed by the King's hand, promising to advance the restitution of the towns to the Pope now withheld from him, is not to be shown until they be sure beforehand of the bulls and dispensation in the King's matter. If the bull is not to be used they shall obtain from the Pope a promise in writing of what is to be done for the King's cause. They shall desire that, till peace be had between the Emperor and France, he shall make no show of requiring the restitution of the towns which might disturb the peace. For this purpose it is important that Lautrek should perform some exploit; and if the Emperor continues refractory he must be excommunicated,—in which act the Pope shall be sure to be supported by the King. Gives them further information of what they shall do in France in consequence of letters sent here to the bishop of Bayonne. They shall thank the French king for what he has done in the affairs of the Emperor, and express their master's surprise that his almoner in the Imperial Court, knowing well the Emperor's devices, would use any delay in the intimation of war, and they think that his meaning has been misunderstood. If it be true, he shall be punished. Letters have been sent to him and the bishop of Worcester, informing them that they are to proceed to the said intimation at once. Possibly this delay on the part of the Emperor is only that the Pope may be the mediator of peace, to which the King is willing to consent in the interest of France, and possibly the Pope's mediation might prove beneficial. Further information on this point. They shall also intimate to the King and my Lady how the King, after a long process, being persuaded of the insufficiency of his marriage, and to quiet his conscience, and the scruples raised by many, as probably they have already heard by Staphileus and De Broos, and for other purposes, has sent them on embassy to the Pope, giving such information as they may think requisite. And further, to prevent the Pope falling into the hands of the Emperor, the King has devised certain articles chiefly to further the French king's interests. Instructions touching Modena and Reggio, and their restoration, and what the French king is to do in this matter, whom they shall induce to assent to the articles; requesting him also to write to the Venetians for the delivery of the towns, and to the duke of Ferrara, as the King does.
They shall also obtain from the French king letters to the Pope, desiring him to further the King's matter, with as many clauses as will make to their purpose, and similarly to Lautrec, which they shall deliver as will best suit their purpose. They shall also say that the King and Wolsey will be glad to know what is Francis's and my Lady's opinion concerning the Diet to be held in Almain, the election of Don Ferdinand, and the aid to be given to the Wayvoda. Further they shall show the Pope a book of the insufficiency of the King's marriage, also of certain indulgences for the King ... and the translation and canonization of king Henry ..., using all diligence possible in these matters.
Here follows a passage, somewhat broken, apparently desiring that the Pope should write to queen Katharine, requesting her to conform herself to the King's wishes to forbear all trouble and delay, as, if sentence be not passed against her, the King will have greater reason to deal with her liberally and treat her as princess of Wales, and that the Cardinals should also write to her to similar effect. Signed.
Pp. 65; slightly mutilated. In Tuke's hand.
D. X. 107.
B. M.
2. Modern copy of the latter portion of the preceding document.
Pp. 6, mutilated.
11 Feb.
R. O.
Nich. Lysle, one of the most heinous rebels in this country, was taken on Thursday the 6th inst., and executed at a warden court held by Northumberland the next Saturday. In going to the place of execution met Sir Geo. Hamilton, a Scotch gentleman, who was going to the King with letters from the king of Scots which would show his steadfastness to England and deter- mination towards justice. He staid with the Earl that night at Alnwick, and was a witness of the execution. He has fourteen persons in his company. The country has suffered no spoliations since the Earl's first administration of justice, except from the Scots, who invaded it within this se'nnight, to the number of sixty persons, and carried off 160 sheep of Sir Jo. Heron of Chipches, though several of them were slain before they departed. Can get no redress on these Borders; and how the Scots have served Dacre in the West, he has doubtless written. Has a letter from him today, stating that Sir Will. Lisle and his adherents were obliged to submit to the King, having been turned out of Scotland. But this is a mistake. Nich. Lysle confessed at his death that they were supported by Angus, Bothwell and Maxwell, who were against their coming, and that the other twelve in Scotland were aided by them. Perceiving from Dacre's letter the conflict he has had with the Scots, has sent him six pieces of small artillery, and has offered, if the King approve, to meet him in Scotland at any place he may appoint. Alnwick Castle, 11 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.
11 Feb.
R. O.
Will do the King true service in the office of sheriff, to which he has been admitted. Has seized certain cloths made against the laws, to the undoing of his poor subjects. Most part of West Yorkshire would have agreed with him, but he declared his business was only to execute the laws. Wish to know Wolsey's pleasure, as they have submitted wholly to the King and his Grace. They say if their cloths are taken they are undone, and many will be thrown idle. Advises that they be allowed to utter the cloth they now have till Midsummer day. Supposes they will be at a fine with the King for it. The Cheyt, 11 Feb. Signed: John Neveyll, knyght, scheryff of Zorkeschyer.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.. Sir John Nevile, sheriff of Yorkshire, xj. Februarii 1527.
11 Feb.
Vesp. C. IV. 226. B. M.
Justifying himself for his own proceedings, and accusing the king of France of refusing to offer such conditions as the Emperor could accept. The Emperor has often expressed his willingness to restore the French princes on the restitution of certain fortresses, &c.
Complained that the French ambassadors had refused to notify their master of the proposals he had made, or of the justification of his conduct. On the 21st Jan. the said ambassadors took their leave. On the 22nd, received a defiance from the French herald,—a proceeding altogether novel. Complains that, as the King was his prisoner, he had no right to defy him, or accept a challenge from any one else. Has given an explicit answer to the herald, of which he sends a copy. He is to demand an audience, and take leave of the king of France, starting for Bayonne. The bishop of Tarbes and others are in a fortress named Posa, eight leagues hence, and will not move until your return. Is to send notice of the sort of treatment he receives, as by this the Emperor will measure his treatment of the French ambassadors. He will take reparation for the injury he receives. Sends him 500 ducats, to assist him in his journey. Is not to forget to send the courier Guillaume Couste, and despatch the packet, which is for Mendoza in England, with a copy of this. Burgos, 11 Feb. 1528. Signed.
Fr., pp. 6.
12 Feb.
R. O.
Inspeximus of grants touching St. Frideswide's. Westm., 12 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.
Lat., vellum, several sheets. Seal attached.
12 Feb.
R. O. St. P. VII. 50.
Compliments him on his ability, and is rejoiced to hear of the good disposition of the Pope and St. Quatuor, as expressed in his letters of the 6 Jan. from Bologna. Although the dispensation and commission already granted by the Pope are of no effect, yet, from your constant assertions and those of the bishop of Tortona, the King promises himself success in his suit; otherwise he would be inclined to think that in the dispensation and commission he had been deceived by the Pope. That his Holiness and St. Quatuor may understand that the King's petition has been duly weighed beforehand, my secretary, Dr. Stephen Gardiner, and Edw. Foxe, the King's confidant, are despatched to Rome,—who will show that the King's cause is founded on human and divine law. The bishop of Tortona can add his testimony. London, 12 Feb. 1527. Signed.
Lat. Add. Endd.
Vit. B. X. 56.
B. M. Pocock, I. 60.
3919. [HENRY VIII.] to the CARD. ST. QUATUOR.
Has received his letters from the castle of S. Angelo, and has heard from the bp. of Tortona and from Gregory Casale what he has done in the King's cause. Expresses his thanks. Finds that the commission and dispensation lately sent are of no force; and, knowing the wish of the Pope to satisfy him, again writes to request him to grant what will be sufficient. Refers him to the marginal notes appended to the documents, and to Gardiner and Foxe. Urges the reasons for granting his request, and desires the Cardinal to assist him in obtaining it. Desires credence for Gardiner and Foxe.
Draft by Vannes. Lat., pp. 3.
B. X. 44. B. M.
3920. [WOLSEY] to the CARD. ST. QUATUOR.
By the dispensation and commission granted by the Pope, the King recognises his paternal affection. Hears from the bishop of Tortona and the Secretary, of the Cardinal's zeal. The King, on examining the commission and dispensation, finds them to be of no effect or authority, but is sure that the Pope granted them, thinking they were sufficient. Fears that the King, unless his request is granted, will despair of obtaining grace from the Vicar of Christ, and seek those remedies which divine and human law suggest, and which will perchance diminish the authority of the Holy See. Begs the Cardinal to give his assistance. The King sends Gardiner and Foxe to obtain a more valid commission and dispensation. Desires credence for them. Promises that no harm shall come from granting the petition.
Draft, Lat., pp. 3. In Vannes' hand.
B. X. 43. B. M. Burnet, IV. 59.
Compliments him on his services to the King. The matter admits of no delay, is so plain as not to admit of discussion, and too righteous to be brought into controversy. You must let the Pope know that the King fully expects not to be disappointed. Refers him for further information to the bishop of Tortona, (fn. 2) Gardiner, (fn. 3) and Foxe.
Draft in Vannes' hand.
12 Feb.
Vesp. F. XIII. 141. B. M.
Has received his letter by Master James of Ormonde, whom the King wishes him to maintain and fortify, "and to ware in his corell" (war in his quarrel ?); which he has done. By reason thereof, Sir Thomas's cousin, the earl of Desmond, came with a host, and took away his servants' goods and cattle to the castle of Dongarvan. Besieged him there; but he fled by night to Joughull (Youghal), and, with the assistance of the people of the town, has ravaged Sir Thomas's land. Asks in recompence for all the lordships "that the seid Erll hawest in the seid towne," during the King's pleasure. Desires also a confirmation of his grants by the King's father, that he may be the better able to do him service. At my manor Crossayne, 12 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: Sir Thomas Dessemont, 12 Feb. 1527.
12 Feb.
R. O.
Receipt given, 12 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII., by Thos. prior of Our Lady and St. Nicholas, Leeds, Kent, to William, prior of the Charterhouse, London, for 5l. 2s. 10d., in payment of the debts of Will. Hoope, now a brother professed at Leeds. Sealed.
13 Feb.
Add. MS. 19,401, f. 26. B. M.
1. Henry VIII. to James V.
Has received his two letters by Leonard Musgrave and Marchmont Herald, containing his toward answer concerning the apprehension of Sir Wm. Lisle and his accomplices, who are now taken by Henry's officers, and asking Henry to assist in preventing Albany from entering the realm. Commends him for acting thus, and trusts he will not give cause of seeking any other way of administering justice. Trusts that he and his council know how Henry maintained and defended him in his minority. Looks more and more upon their proceedings daily, and will right soon perceive if they do not use the most direct and prudent way. If James will show correspondence of love, Henry, being so firmly knit in perpetual knot with the house of France, will take care that Albany neither enters the realm nor detains any place from him. Wolsey writes more fully to him and to Angus, his chancellor. Greenwich, 13 Feb. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.
R. O. 2. Copy of the above.
R. O. 3. Wolsey to James V.
Has received his letters dated Edinburgh, 7 Jan., expressing his desire for the impeachment of Albany's coming. Has not failed to solicit the matter with the King, who has ordered writings to be despatched accordingly. Hopes James will see justice administered on the Borders, and not allow rebels to be received, as has lately been the case. Westminster, _ day of _.
R. O. 4. Henry VIII. to the Earl of Angus.
Has received his letters of the 29th Dec. by Leonard Musgrave, and those of the 7th inst. by Marchemont Herald, about Sir Wm. Lisle, Albany, and the delivery of Dunbar Castle by the French.
Commends his good determination, but has seen no fruit as yet, and the King has been fain to take other ways for repressing the rebels. The sincerity of the Scots will appear by what they do to redress injuries. Will comply with their requests; but if he is treated as heretofore, shall be compelled to take other ways for the surety of his affairs, "for we be not minded in lieu of our kindness to be led by abuses." Trusts that when the King is once at an age to know the importance of his affairs, he will not think himself well served by those who would wilfully cast from him his best friends. Wolsey writes more fully. Greenwich.
Pp. 2. Headed: Copy of the King's letters to the earl of Angwishe.
13 Feb.
R. O. Pocock, I. 73.
Arrived at Dover on Tuesday night. (fn. 4) Embarked next day, but were compelled, after getting half seas over, to return, the wind being contrary. Hope to obtain passage this afternoon, and will use all possible diligence. This morning received from Tuke part of the letters contained in our memorial. Expect the rest by Thadeus. Urge that he be sent soon, as we have not received the letters to Worcester and Master Almoner.
Have received the French king's promise to Wolsey touching the Pope, and have with us the King's promise, sealed with the signet, as Wolsey commanded. Send the Emperor's last answer to the ambassadors in Spain, of which we retain a copy. As to Wolsey's suggestion that Fox, being the King's councillor and first named in the King's letters, should have the former place, and Gardiner the speech and utterance, they have agreed between them that Gardiner should have pre-eminence, both in place and speech. Dover, 13 Feb.
Hol., (fn. 5) pp. 2. Add. Endd.: Mr. Stevyns and Mr. Fox, the 13th of February 1527.
13 Feb.
R. O.
26 Jan.—John Goldyng, of Glemeforth, entered into a recognizance of 100l. to aid the King's constables when required, to bear himself well towards the King and his subjects, and to appear before the Council on the octaves of Hilary next.
Today appeared the jury of Kent, who refused to find a bill of murder and a bill of rescues against Wm. Hoorne, in spite of "pregnant and manifest evidence" produced by the King's solicitor and others. Ric. Clerk, Nic. Pix, Nic. Culter and Wm. Strangborne, whose "frowardness" prevented the bill being found, were committed to the Fleet, 28 Jan. The jury confessed that they would have indicted Hoorne, if it had not been for the four abovenamed jurors. Another bill is ordered to be made against Hoorne, and a new jury charged. The men of Apuldore must be present at the next assizes to give evidence against Hoorne.
7 Feb.—The case between lord Rochefort and Sir Henry Wyat, touching title of land, is committed to the two chief justices and the chief baron. They have promised the Legate to abide by their decision. The matter between Walter Whiting and another, and Ric. Edwards and another, is committed to Mr. Fitzherberd, justice, Sir John Gifford, and the abbot of Burton.
13 Feb.—The Legate declared openly in the Star Chamber what order was taken touching "minite" (?) causes in this and other courts, to be heard by the justices of assize; "and, in case any of these parties be obstinate, to certify to my [lord] Legate; and such matters as cannot be determined in their circuit, the said justices and other to determine it, if they can, at their own houses." Constance Young was today committed to the Fleet, for "making exclamation" that her husband was slain by Thos. Young, but he is found to be alive, as she confesses. The matter between _ Colt and Ric. Higham is committed to the Lord Chief Baron, Sir Thos. More, Mr. Browne, serjeant, and Mr. Makwilliam. If they cannot agree, my Lord will decide it. They are bound, Higham in 1,000 marks, and Colt 500l., to bring to the Hospital of the Savoy, to be valued, all goods in their possession by the will of John Colte, except household stuff, cattle and corn, which will be viewed at their houses.
Rede for his penance shall ride about the Palace with papers on his head, after the old manner. Wasshners, and the others in ward for hunting, shall make fine, according to their offence.
Pp. 4.
14 Feb.
Vit. B. XXI. 3. B. M.
Since baron De Horre, Guillaume de Bar[res], and I despatched our man, an Imperial gentleman has come hither, who says that Ferdinand has been obliged by the count of Weyder (the Waiwode) to retreat from Hungary to Vienna. If the Bohemians do not aid him he is likely to be defeated. Mercefidic Damps (Mark Sittich of Ems) will not stir without payment for three months. They have not yet all the men they desire, for the princes of the empire are afraid of trusting each other. They had determined to raise 8,000 men in Wirtemberg, and then dared not give them arms, for fear of the Lutherans. Ferdinand, hearing that the Lutheran peasants wished to rise against him, wrote to Marck Sidich Damps to exterminate them; at which count William de Fustemberg, who is a Lutheran, was angry, and left the service of the King. Will write from day to day. Diesshoffen, 14 Feb.
"V ... Eberhart von Rischach der elter
" ... Morelet."
Fr., p. 1.
14 Feb.
Galba, B. IX. 111. B. M.
Since writing last by Tuke, has received none of his. In remembrance of Wolsey's promise at Calais to increase his diets, has taken 100l. by exchange from Thos. Leigh, merchant of the Staple, upon the increase of his diets from 19 Oct. last. Leigh writes that he cannot receive any of the money. Has spoken with one of the Emperor's secretaries, who came out of Spain. He says that for two months there has been some secret person with credence from the French king and his mother, who offers to the Emperor that if he would make peace with Francis without the King or Wolsey, Francis would condescend much more to the Emperor in some articles than he can if the King or Wolsey meddle. He did not know what answer the Emperor gave. Some here say we have broken the intercourse with the Emperor's subjects, and the Emperor ought to exact as much custom from Englishmen as the merchants of the Low Countries pay in England, or else the latter ought to pay as little custom as the English do here; that in England one-fifth of their goods is exacted, while here Englishmen pay scarcely 2d. in a pound.
We are little beholden to the treasurer-general and some others of the finances, and have lost nothing by Rawystayn's death. "God have his soul; his body was ill disposed, and died with popple ... (fn. 6)." They also complain that it was at our request, that the lords here, by the Emperor's advice, lowered the price of their gold and syl[ver]; but we, on the contrary, have kept ours at a high inord[inate] price to draw the Emperor's coins and other gold and silver out of these countries. For all this, very reason confounds them in their own arguments.
Except at Calais, our merchants come to and fro as usual, and our gold and silver also, but not so much. Fault is found with our new groats, that some are worth about 1d. more than others, which in great quantity might turn to rebuke and damage to the realm. Encloses two groats as an example. This morning, a gentleman of my Lady's household, a friend of his, told him for a certainty that she had received letters from France of the French king's death. It has been often reported untruly, but now Hacket doubts somewhat. If true, fears this people will wax somewhat too "prydy;" but my Lady is always good, loving and hearty. 14 Feb. 1527.
Received a while ago a letter from gentle Mr. Bryan Tuke, with instructions and informations to know secret matters, like as Sir Thos. Spinelly was wont to do. If there was any man that would answer his letters to Wolsey, or that would inform him what points of secretness Wolsey wishes to know, would do his best to please his Grace. For a general secret has his "wech men," whom he can trust to tell him of any conspiracy or secret conclusion against the King or Wolsey, or anything that might turn to the dishonor of England.
Encloses a letter from Sir Lawrence Stawber, of Noremberghe, who lately came from England. He gives great laud and thanks to the King and Wolsey. Asks that the money due for his diets may be paid to the bearer, Thos. Leigh. Asks Wolsey to write him a word or two.
Hol., pp. 6.
14 Feb.
R. O.
3929. WM. BOTRYE.
Particulars of a claim made by Wm. Botrye, of London, mercer, against the earl of Essex, for 329l. 9s. 2d., besides 40l. costs of a suit of six years, &c. Dated 14 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2.
16 Feb.
Le Grand, III. 81.
Wolsey is doing all he can to find this war good, but cannot make it so. The merchants had conspired to come no more into the streets, in order that the peasants, returning without having sold their wools, might raise an insurrection. Wolsey immediately signified to some of the principal of them that it was enough he knew them, and that they knew where the Tower was. They came and cried for mercy, and have promised that at next Wednesday's market there shall not remain a crown's worth of merchandize that they will not buy, whatever price be demanded. But you may be sure he is playing a terrible game, for I believe he is the only Englishman who wishes a war with Flanders. You will see his proposals by the King's letters. Does not know if he has answered well, but thought it unadvisable to oppose him. Did not discuss with him, either, the matter of the ships which he proposed to send back (though I warned him to beware that he did not repent afterwards), for I saw that the affair was quite determined on. I proposed that they should be free, as far as we were concerned, within the jurisdiction of England, that the bons compagnons might live; but he was not satisfied.
Wallop leaves tomorrow. He will visit Francis, and there await his instructions from Germany. They are surprised you have not sent yours hither; and, to say the truth, it is a long delay, considering the cause for which you want them. Wallop must wait there till you have sent them, and they have drawn up others here. He had promised me to send his horses, but they are still here. The reason for his being sent first is to see how Francis is. Be assured that Wolsey and the King his master are in great doubt, and it would be very awkward if Wallop was obliged to make a pretence of seeing him (dissimuler de le veoir), which might tend to cool matters (refroidir les affaires).
Since Gardiner's departure Brian Tuetz (Tuke), the King's secretary, has written the despatches for Wolsey, which he had begun to do before. There is a Scotch king-of-arms here, who has brought letters from his master, and was to go to France; but they have put him off till now; they say he must await the return of another, whom they have sent to Scotland. Dare not enquire into the subject, for fear of giving suspicion. London, 16 Feb.
P.S.—Does not write to Madame until he has an answer to his letters. Sends the minute, made in haste, of the "oblations" which he has delivered to Wolsey. Hopes he has not made a mistake, for Wolsey clearly divined the most part of it, at least "à l'avoir de lieu incertain," for the final oblations and part of the others which were sent hither "vous estant, se remectoient à ce qui estoyt déja accordé."
16 Feb.
Vesp. C. IV. 39*. B. M.
Sends him a copy of letters he has received from my lady Margaret, expressive of her desire for peace. Wishes to know if he has any reply to make. "Ex hac domo suburbana," 16 Feb. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.: "Literæ oratoris Cæsaris de xvj. Februarii 1528."
17 Feb.
R. O. Pocock, I. 75.
Arrived at Calais, at 8 p.m. on Sunday, after a very troublesome passage. Have already written how they embarked at Dover on the 13th, and were compelled, after passing half seas, to return and remain till Saturday at two in the morning, when the baily of Dover said the passage, though tedious, would "of al lightlywode" be sure, and that they would arrive at Calais that night. "Travayled" the seas all that day and night following, for want of wind. Found ourselves within four miles of the town on Sunday at daybreak. But such a tempest arose, the greatest the mariners ever saw, that we first tried to anchor, then were nearly driven on the coast of Flanders, where, from the advertisements we had at Dover of the Pope's ambassador, we doubted how we should be received; and at last, by a great effort, managed to land in the ship's boat, with only two of our servants, within a quarter of a mile of Gravelines, having been two days and nights without food, and seasick. Hear that our ship has arrived today at Dunkirk, much injured in entering the haven. Our horses too are useless. The Pope's ambassador remains at Dover waiting for passage. Are troubled at not hearing of Thadeus, or of the letters we should have had to be sent to the ambassadors in Spain, as we mean to go on to Paris with all speed. Calais, 17 Feb.
Hol., (fn. 7) pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.: "Doctor Stephyns and Mr. Fox, concerning their dangerous passage over the sea, of the 17th of February 1527."
R. O.
St. P. VII. 52.
To the same effect. Calais, 17 Feb.
Hol.† Add. Endd.
17 Feb.
R. O. St. P. VII. 53.
On our arrival on this side the Tront, which separates Naples from the Pope's territory, Lautrec sent count Pier de Naver with the Frenchmen, Gascons, and Italians against Laquyla, the chief town of La Browce (Abruzzo); who, after passing great mountains and straits, took by force a strong castle, within 12 miles of the said town. On this the Viceroy and one signor Sare Colowne, who were then in Laquyla, abandoned it. Thus we have gained possession of the whole Abruzzo. Adrya, 17 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd.
17 Feb.
R. O.
To the same effect.
The Spaniards and lanceknights remain in Rome. Lautrec wishes him to say that he wrote to the King and Wolsey on the 11th, as Jerningham himself did. Adrya, 17 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
17 Feb.
R. O.
The King yesterday delivered to us a bill that had been presented to him, and desired us to report on it. We examined those who presented it, and made relation accordingly. The King was much displeased that such reports of him should have been circulated, and has ordered us to send it to you, as we do now, desiring the immediate apprehension of all concerned. Windsor, Monday, 17 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: The 17th of February 1527.
R. O. 3937. The BUTLERS.
Indenture tripartite between Henry VIII. on the one part; dame Ann Seyntleger, widow, and dame Marg. Boleyn, widow, daughters and heirs of Sir Thos. Butler, earl of Ormond, and Thos. Viscount Rochford, son and heir apparent of dame Margaret, and Sir Geo. Seyntleger, son and heir apparent of dame Anne, on the second part; and Sir Pierce Butler, cousin and heir male of the said Earl, and Jas. Butler, his son and heir apparent, on the third part; witnessing an agreement between the parties through the mediation of Wolsey ;—that the title of the earl of Ormond, with the annuity of 10l. out of the fee farm of Waterford, shall be henceforth at the King's disposal; that Sir Pierce shall be allowed peaceable possession of the manors of Cloncurry and Turvy in Ireland, and the said dame Ann and dame Margaret of the castles and manors of Carrykmakgryffen, Roskre, Kilkenny, and a number of others; that dame Ann and dame Margaret grant to farm, to the said Sir Pierce and James his son, the castle of Kilkenny, and other lands on the west side of the river Barowe, in the counties of Kilkenny, Tipperary, and Ormond, for the term of 30 years, at a rent of 40l.; that if Sir Pierce Butler, and James, or any of their heirs, do within that time recover possession from the wild Irish of other lands west of the Barowe which should belong to dame Ann and dame Margaret, the said Viscount and Sir George, they shall enjoy them to the end of that term without paying any more rent; that dame Anne, dame Margaret, the said Viscount and Sir George, and their heirs for ever, shall enjoy the castle of Carrykmakgryffen, and other lands east of the Barowe, without let or hindrance, except the manors of Cloncurry and Turvy, but that they will grant Sir Pierce and James reasonable leases, a year after the feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady next, &c. Dated 18 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 9.
18 Feb.
R. O. Pocock, I. 78.
Since his coming to Calais, Mr. Deputy has represented to him the poor state of the town. He is much perplexed what to do if war should break out as expected, especially considering what the captain of Boulogne has written to him, unless Wolsey make provision in time. The Pope's ambassador arrived tonight after a fair passage. Heard from his servants that Thadeus was at Dover. Tomorrow morning Fox and Gardiner start for Paris. Calais, 18 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: Doctor Stevyns, the 18th of February 1527. Sealed.
18 Feb.
[Calig. E. I. ?] Iv. 150. B. M.
* * * "[tran] sgresseur des traictes faictes a Londres vous entendez ces ... ire myeulx que tout autre que l'avez longuement en disput[e] ... ant vous et croy fermement par le bon sens et entendement [que] vous avez, que vous savez et congnoissez entierement que notre dit [seign]eur et filz qui est prince de foy et honneur na este aucunement [vio]lateur dicelluy traicte, et qu'il eust este bien contant que leslu [e]n Empereur eust voullu vivre avec luy, sans fiction. selon les [tr]aictez entre eulx faictz, ce que na voullu toutesfoiz faire, donnant a congnoistre apres qu'est venu audessous de ce que ... voulloit faire, soubz la faveur de mondit seigneur et filz, que ... les traictez par luy faictz estoient deceptifs et fainctz, et si ne ... jamais cesse cri ... le Roy votre maistre et vous savez de conspirer secretement contre mondit seigneur et filz," and finally has challenged him, which has been the cause of wars between them. There has been no transgression on her son's part, but only on the Emperor's. For this reason letters patent were given to the Chancellor when he went to Calais to ask assistance according to the treaty of London; but he did not use them, as Wolsey said to the whole assembly that his master would not give any assistance on account of the reasons alleged on both sides. Her son has, however, sent them to his ambassadors to be presented to the King and Cardinal, feeling sure that they will assist him, who has always kept the treaties, against the violator of them. As to the peace he writes of, "mon dit seigneur et filz ayme trop myeulx que le f ... du Roy votre maistre et de vous que de tous a[utres] ... luy garderez son honneur et bon droict et la ... que a ces fins a tenu lespace de troys moys ... a Callays qui se sont tousjours mis en devoir ... a toutes bonnes choses, combien savez que les amb[assadeurs] de lempereur ne layent jamais voullu faire n ... encores mon dit seigneur et filz a envoye procura[tion] ... qui sont devers le Roy vostre maistre pour capituller ... et ce pour luy complaire et gratiffier et de ma ... autant qu'il m'est possible quelle feust bien faicte e ... bonne seurete a lhonneur de Dieu et tranquillite de t[out le monde]." Wolsey advises a truce, during which a peace might be made; but if so, the duke of Bari would establish himself in Milan, and the castles held by her son in the duchy would become short of victuals, and his troops be forced to retire, so that it would not be even in the Emperor's power to restore him when peace was concluded. Her son's army is now ready on both sides of the mountains, by sea and land, and it would be too expensive to disband it, and levy another. The truce would merely allow the Emperor time to strengthen himself to continue the war. Will send one of her servants to him in a few days. St. Germain en Laye, 18 Feb. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: Mons. le Legat d'Angleterre.
18 Feb.
Vesp. C. IV. 231. B. M.
On 22 Jan. Guyenne and I made declaration of war against the Emperor, as he was sitting in a great hall, "in the siege royal, accompanied with all the nobles and gentlemen of his court." That done, he desired a copy of the declaration, stating that he would make answer in writing, which Lallemand in his lodging read openly before many. He also delivered to each of us a chain of gold worth 500 ducats. I replied that I was astonished that the Emperor put in his answers to articles more than was declared by us, "and that it was shamefully couched, in the great reproach of the King" and of your Grace, from whom he had received so much kindness, at his great need. I told the Chancellor, if it was to be printed, that these faults ought to be amended. (fn. 8) Lallemand showed me that it was not his fault, and let me see the minutes in the Chancellor's own hand, "and said to me also, where he recited matters of the papality, that the same villain Chancellor had made the greatest suits and means that the Emperor should have gone into Italy with a great army, to the intent that he should have been made Pope by force, and that it may fortune the great mischief which has been done in Rome hath been by his procurement, and went into Italy in hope to be Pope."† The Emperor has sent a gentleman to England, named Du Montfort, the greatest minion of the Chancellor, to state that I had no cause for declaring war. The King's ambassadors would have sent letters by him, but the Chancellor insisted they should be written according to his pleasure. Beaurain is sent with the fleet to Flanders, to cruise, it is said, between Ireland and Scotland. I have sent notice into France, to have them met by the navy of Bretagne. Great offers have been made to the German League to render assistance. Du Montfort is instructed, on his arrival in London, to practise with the merchants of the Steelyard, and turn them to the Emperor's side. Sends certain instructions he has received from the Almoner.
I have also brought with me letters in cipher, which I have carried in clews of silk, "wherefore they be evil to read." Sends the Emperor's answer to the kings of France and England, a copy of which he has transmitted to the Master of the Rolls, and also a copy of the Almoner's instructions. Bayonne, 18 Feb.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
"My Lady made much of the report of the prince of Orange's man made of the Pope's holiness in delaying the King's matter, greatly charging the Pope therewith. They be also right sore discontented with the Pope, and have him in no small jealousy here, upon what ground we cannot tell. As for Monford's reports here of such favors as the Emperor, and specially they of Flanders, should have of the King's highness and of your Grace, my Lady saith she knoweth well enough that the said Monfort hath made those reports only to make suspicion, and to bring men into some jealousy, which neither he nor ten such as he is shall be able to do, with many words of the great and assured hope and trust they have of the continuance of this steadfast and unfeigned friendship and amity that is between the King's highness and the King her son."
In Clerk's hand, pp. 2.
18 Feb.
Vit. B. IX. 77*. B. M.
Informs him of his promotion to the cardinalate, and assures him of his devotion to himself and the King. Venice, 18 Feb. 1528. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Address pasted on.
20 Feb.
Vesp. F. XIII. 150. B. M.
3943. J. RUSSELL to [WOLSEY].
Has told the King of [Wolsey's] having examined Francis Phylyppes and Vyves in the gentlest manner he could without force, thinking that this mode was best for the King's honor. The King is satisfied with the course [Wolsey] intends to adopt to prevent their going out of London or visiting the court. "He has read Vyves pystelle where yn he wryttes of jusgensyum (jus gentium); yn that hys mageste welle wrytt hys mynde under the sayde pystelle ande sende hytt to your Grase." Windsor, 20 Feb.
Hol., p. 1.
20 Feb.
Er. Ep. p. 1060.
3944. ERASMUS to PACE.
Is delighted to hear that Pace has been rescued from the troublesome waves of diplomacy, and restored to his country and the cultivation of the Muses. Is glad to find that he has added the study of Hebrew to his former acquirements. Is sending at this time his friend Quirinus into England,—first, to put an end to the robbery of a most wicked impostor; secondly, to ascertain whether he can commodiously accept the invitation of the Archbishop and the King to visit England. Basle, 20 Feb. 1528.
Vit. B. XIV.5.
B. M.
"In ...
Suspensio armorum e ... unum annum, et per ...
Et quia non adest hic ... Christianissimo regi termin ...
Fiat restitutio locorum hinc inde ...
De Senensibus, et in aliis articulis ...
A die stipulationis restituantur res innovatæ p ...
Generalis venia ab utraque parte, iis tamen exceptis [qui] ... in Roma arma sumpserunt.
Resarciantur offensæ et damna, si quod fieret hinc inde, d ...
Non recipiantur navigia offensiva.
Mutua statuum defensio, intelligendo statum Imperatoris esse ... et Siciliam. Senæ et Florentia intelligantur conjunctæ Sedi [Apostolicæ].
Dentur transitus et commeatus in casu defensionis et non offen[sionis].
Si in Anglia fuisset conclusa pax aut induciæ, præferantu[r] ... Serenissimus Angliæ Rex sit fidejussor, conservator et interpres ...
Nomina confœderatorum et nominandorum pro parte cujuscunque ... "
Mutilated. Modern marginal note: 20 Feb. Roma.


  • 1. Blank in MS.
  • 2. "Terdonensis;"—not "Jerdonensis," as in Burnet.
  • 3. "intimo meo secretario;"—not "servo," as printed by Burnet.
  • 4. 11 Feb.
  • 5. Gardiner signs both for himself and Fox.
  • 6. Apoplexy ?
  • 7. Gardiner signs both for himself and Foxe.
  • 8. Apostyled in the margin by Wolsey